HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-09-10, Page 710, 1880, o SEPTEMBER 10, Los° -, issessaassass! •IES. Loan and Real Estate and 001111ittsaion er- ial estate in town or Lpie intert3st. Charges zht and sold. Matured ata to snit borrowers. ty for sale. - Office-, i-rnsitels, Ont. 615 RTICLES. -This is to certify that of chronieshentaathun r a receipt I have left LleaNuell. Far fur. CHARLES WOODS, 608 pGr Hide a 4wo 'Wheel new ; eost $6•„; ; will he fit 8 inches in pare axle and in Adttlecs tor price to .RT, Itensall, Ont. 663 _ iSALE. sane a good bay Colt, Wilt hr4 ke to harness. ton McKillop. JA.S. 665 Sale, a heavy draught crr, of chestnut color, r Pore. Ile is sound on Lot 81, Concession gERCILLE. 665x4 _ - — .,E—For Sale, a Good to the Imported Fel- r u color, weighs over Did. She is Hound and r...ot 12, Concession 4, RDIE. 664K2 EERS. 1 Auctioneer for the Sales attended in all orders left at the Ex. xxiptiy attended to., AUCTIONEER AND eial attention given to srming and thorough - d -for the English mar - owns, Acheson', new ns moderate 615 Licensed Auction - ;t1 attention given to y. Farm Stock and eft with eithei of the 0., or Lot 14, eon- - P. 0., or Lot 29, c 1; attended te. Sale llrnishe1 if required. on - GEO. BARROWS, 639 TOCK. ie into the pterceses of Concession L. R. S., aiddle of July, a two -5r can have the same a,liug charges. ilOHN 664%4 into the premises el 11, Concession tf July, a Red Mealy The owner can have property and paying sRA." 663 4ayed from Lot 19, qt. on Saturday night, Dark Bay Mare, rising U,s. Any person giving lead to her recovery PAT LICK KENNAL- 663n4 ED. anted, for the Waltoa re:Leiria- belling a Sc- te.. Applications, with, y, wil. ba received by teraber 18th. Daties IHS1 ROBERT PAT- ' ▪ Watten P. 0. 664x4 — — — -tra! ed from the farm, , concession 11 off O f July, a white year 7. He had a etag head. :1 lead to the recovery euitably rewarded by on P. 0. 662x4 T•nders will be re- igned until MONDAY, the erection af a brick ▪ ideations can be seen 'I be brick and stone undersigned; the con. - r material building. Tenders In -le or for the mason Ili:FE-1y. The lowest or trily accepted. D, D. 663x4 NOTICES, .t..vestell in Wall -St., .teelts makes fortunes It free VIirtaining every- & Co., Bankers, 17 587.-52 11;1.W, late of Scot- to the inhabitants of lg muntry that he has nen.' House Painter, ter, ;NJ% All work en - in first- class style. Rose's Grocery, Sea - 632 reby given that after - tht-lot from the that THE iro!; application will be urrugate Court of the , t. Carnochan„ of the h, in the County of Milted Guardian of the el James, Carnochan, u Carnochan, late of th, in the County of who departed tbi 4 life ay of 1 ecember, 1S711. Solicitors for 665-3 nney to lend on good ItE 7 per eent. inter - flinch.; charges mod - 631 Riga or small stuns t:c at 8 percent. yearly ;or on the installment :ieaforth. 628 n huge or email sums t Paivat e funds ; interest payable at Clinton. 66tr4 • Improved Farm Prop- torest. Interest pe -Y- s desired, with a por- - preferred. Expenses D. RYAN, Seafortb, 625 t't1 ba s a, large sum at e investment hest ;te. Seven and a hair ptineipal as- may be Solicitor, Sea. 633 t LET. table brick stare, with -I, Street, Reaftartla, at Watson. Possession .t.tal3. Apply to Me - D. 631 enty-lire acres of land tr sale idEgmandville. t( d for either farm or •dirtutable. Appiy to - 6 -1,1 Brett class Planing running order, Town. of Seaforth, caq. Enquire of Gtelerich, Ont. Y FOR SALE For thi Lot 8-4, corner of with two comfortable 1-reonh be sold tiE04GE W. •SPAR 06/ • 1 1-1 a e oeneral News Items. 000 —Violent gales, thunder storms and ,0 0 waterspouts have done much damage , 0 0 in Spain and Switzerland. 0 0 —On Thursday last twenty-seven 000 young women, paupers, left the Dublin, Ireland, workhouse for Canadas accem- panied by their matron. —A temperance convention was held ja Woodstock, Sat urday week, to con- sider the propriety of bringing the Scott , Act before the people of Oxford at an early date. _Spurgeon's vast congregation, gens orally numbering between six and seven thousand people, join in singina• the byrans without any in strumental ac- ' • compartment. —Wm. Donnelly was engaged for some days in serving subpoenas on the witnesses for the Crown, to attend the trial at the Middlesex Assizes, which opens on September 28. —The Highlanders of Elgin are mak- ing- arrangements for presenting the marquis of Lorne with a genuine High- land address, on the 'occasion of his visit to St. Thomas, on the 29th of September. terson, of St. Catharines, has a peach which grew on one of his trees in close proximity to a russet apple tree. One side of the fruit is peach, and the other russet. Who can explain ; this departure? —While marking at the rifle range at Guelph, 'Etat week, a young than named Williams received a bullet Splinter in , his eye. It has since been found necessary to remove the injured eye, which operation; has been successfully , performed.—he TFrench Government as soon as the Chambers resume, will introduce a bill far the sale of Crown jewels not considered of artistic value, esti- mated at about 750,000 francs, the pro- ceede to be devoted to the purchase of works of art. WALLY A AA A TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. A.; K A KK AAA K 4 . —The deaf mutes of America are holding their first conveution at Cincinnati. There is a fair attendance of leading deaf mutes from all parts of the United States and. Canada. The proceedings are all carried on by signs. --On Saturday Pere Hya,ncithe, of pis, solemnized the marriage of Abbe , IMPORTANT Leine, until recently a priest of the diocese of Maus, with Madame Wo, chez. Hyacinthe warned them that , they must be prepared to encounter , persecution. —Chicago has a new industry, a hos- pital for diseased and orphan birds. Mrs. A. F. Moir is the chief physician and matron of the institution, and is also a head nurse and instructor -in - chief to- young birds. There are medi- sal, surgical and ohsteric wards, an asylum for the blind, and an orphan department. E PC611'0111 L L L -L L L ' L L LLLLL LLLLL 0 I! ' • • 3111:611 "•jt r".1 • • # -AN'E —'The oyster season at New York has this year begun fully a week earlier Th i the crop exceeds any thins, in the his - than usual. e s ze aud excellence of In c Wry of the oyster trade for twenty years.• The demand is unprecedente and the shipments to Western citi are i0 to 100 per centin excess -of last year's. —A great meeting was held by the Irishmen of Glasgow, on the night of the 26-th nit., at -which resolutionh were passed condemning in strong terms the heavy pmaislaro.ent of six months' ire- prism:pent, administered by the courts upon the participators in the recent Horne Rule riots iu Glasgow. —The- first party of delegates from Sctelancl to the General Presbyterian Council, to be held shortly in Philadel- phia., has arrived. Among the dele- gates already arrived are Prof. Flint, University of Edinburgh ; Rev. Dr. Rainey, leader of the Free -Churc party in Scotland, and the Rev. D Goold, au eminent theologian of th Free Church. onseque7 c of 02# .15Ytore easing rade, to Larg :Pre a great expense,r 10 St . George Dent, n tidoo2 egraplt Office, w ere la sortmeut of Sco Twee s ever Im rted and 2)1 Remove es h r. e. —Queen Christina of Spain has1 give much pleasure to the Catholics, b visiting in succession the nine populti chapels and churches in Madrid, d.ed cated to the Virgin, and leaving $20 for ihe poo -2 at each shrine. At ever chapel she knelt for more than an hou in prayer. The Queen and her mothe constantly visit the churches, wher Mass is offered for the happy deliver of Her Majesty. —A cable despatch announces th death of Ole Bull, the famous violinist, at Bergen, Norway. Ole Borneman Ball was born at Bergen, February 5th 1810, aud was, therefore, 70 years an six mouths old at the time of hi death. He developed a genius for th violin in his early youth, and visite Paris to perfect himself in its study Ile subsequently performed in Italy an England with great success. He accu roulated a ennsiderable fortune from the proceeds of his concerts, and, coin rug to the United States iu 1845, h purchased a great tract of land in. Penn r r e 11 y r Our Store is daily throng i- day. _Popular Satisfaction ey n 0 Handsome and NoLby Stock d Y Goods. - OAK HALL- . ing t eh. ises. forvi otteh l be f -AN . ; ith en ed at laths, , n 6 e d . a WHY ! B - and plenty of r. represented and e avIvania., and attempted to found a N'orwegian colony upon it, which he called Oleana. The Utopian. project STRICTLY ON BE yVISE cause we have' oat to show it. as cheap as an erceed a failure, and left Bull a poo Mu. He returned with euthusiasm t his art, gave coucerts throughou Europe and America, and quickly re trieved his fortunes. He has sine mostly resided in the United States but tock his final departure for his na tiveland about a; year ago, after :eorainetsry.af farewell concerts in thi —Slime Dr. Loaner has completed hisfast, the questioe as to 'whether he lost his teeth from long abstinence from food has been disputed, and made the oeimsieri for the spread of silly rumors. Dr• Titunee says I: "They're floating TdJ kinds o- gags about my fast. Seme say I've shortened my life ten years by say that fasting rejuvenates a tail; he; gets id of the rusty material liana System, and when he resumes batter after my first long fast, and. I Nbetter uow. I've prolonged my life. ne to 155 pounds now, aud never telt better. my teeth 'were loose and rqgures were sore, and I determined tr,i? have the teeth pulled: that's all." 1;he dentist who extracted Dr. Tanner's teoth, Says: "The doe -tor did uot take chloroforna, and, of course, I did Z.tt advise it. It was hard pulling at the two canines from the lower jaw, rd. after they had been extracted, the l'ctor lay down, on a rounge and rested while; then he got up in this 'etir and had the others extracted. ng abstinence from food had drawn "_:egnnas down from the teeth, and. some nhein Welt very loose, and I daresay "ilte and troublesome, especially after e,Prodigious eating the doctor did on 1;111rclay aft,ern0013. and Sunday after ,!.6terreination of -the fast. The doe - WS a Irian of remarkable nerve." r 0 t • Plain Figur re P S, RADYIV! We have ad Stock of Readyni Men's, Youth'san do well to call a an impression th e a to our Mar Clothing,. Boys' Ovr nspect. E CR-EA1 • to buy C1t • 1 d i OAK HALL,T Is the PI HA ac Y omers. $ he Large ats and e e rly f tl e nd liSh Ma? 0 co m rn 0 I AFORTH EMOVAL. "at ( 11 for or large. compelld to ve fitted up, at &Tied 'by ,Mr. Montreal Tel- e Largest As- rpid 'Canadian les i and' WEEK. 'easing a from day to rant Display of our dGents' Furnishing v rythin e sell her ai CE ni Po c Ian o ds far 0 w t> 0 z TTTTriTTTT TT TT TP TT ; TT TT • TT TTTT vionmeemeammaaatassaaamasaasasasi.., TTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT - TTTT TTTTTTTTTT, TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 1 TTTT-. 31 GROCEr;*Y STORE NEXT THE POST OFFICE. '! Our Tea 11 at 4(1 and 50 cents Can't. be lieat. The Best 60. cent Tea in the Dominion. 60 CENT BLACK, 60 CENT GREEN, Epq C NTS. 3. th:35cEl\ S. tld - 0 1±161 Ili tj oP1 JOHN SEF 0 These land Strengi 60 CENT JAPAN, 60 CENT MIXED. BEST VALUE IN COFFELS. 40 CENTS- ( 45 CENTS. Goods are all of the Best Quality, and recommended for Flavor D . D. ROSE, SEAFORTH. LOA N - R T RAS JUST RETURNED LR'OM *lr, TRADE 1 SAL1 OF ES -SRS. BROWN RUTH here he has p ROCERIE rchased very che tock of Fresh AND SUBSTITUTES The public are cautioned g.Lraint a custotn which is growins.,T quite common of Ile -among a certain class of medicine dealers. anti whiCh, is this; When asked for a bottle of Paiii-ifiller,, the lt suddenly discover that they are "sold out." "but 1 v ha.ve another article just as good, if not better." whech they' will supply at the same •z -ice. The object of this dece , tion is transparent. These the Pain Pain-liiiler ; and ern g compounded of the vilest and cheapest drugs, are bought by the 'dealer at about, :half what he pays for tlie genuine Pain -Killer, which enables him therefore tcl realizeialfew cents more profit per bottle upon the imitiation artiOe than he can on the genuine. Fog CHOLERA.t.i4INDIOARLS41jS, CRAMPS, SUMMER OR WAVEt COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER IS 111,1EQUALLED. • T is teat House Medicine ranks 03:1 t the 'eat:1.1111g neceseartes °rime Tlese famous phis riiiiiirtbe BLOOD, and act most pa erfully, yet soophinglyon the _ Liver, Storateett, Xidneys, I ; and BO VELS_ , eivirp 100, energy, and vigor to :hese gr et MAIN SPI4N•08 OF LIFE. They are coniently recommended as a never fitilimg remedy all cases wheite fe constitution from wha.teve cause, as beerrn.E4.mpanvo or 1r eaket- e . Thriv wondelIttly (It caelou.l. 1.1 all ail - mets incidental to fl tett -(1T. of 404 and as a 'ENE AL FAMILY EDICINE are- =stir - Ita Searcti g and Re) --Properties are known throughOsit; the World. i ; i 1 For the cure -431 BAD :I, $8, bad breats, i t i Old Wounds Sot 0.nd Meets, . itn infe1ibleremedv.-1 1 effeetnalIY rubbed on the neck and chest, sit sell into meat, it Cures S ORE T i ROA J., Bronhitis, Couhs, ColOs, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellig, . Absceste File, Fist u1,.. - f Gout, Rhea/sattern, And every kind of SKIN inSEASE, it has lever bec.n k,nown, to fail. he Pil Fi and 0-i-trient are Manufactured only at 083, O. FORD STRRT, LONDON, and are ' .. sold by al V( ndors of Mediciaes throughout the Civilized Wor1d ; vrtk directions for nee in al- most every language. ; The Trade marks of these Medicines are regie- tered in Ortawn. Rene. tiny one throughout the British P sision, 'she may keep the Ameri- . can Coon t 7 feits for sule, will be poectited. Po chasms t-houl loOli to the Label on Pots and axes. If the addret,s is not 53, O- I ford Si re t, London, they areparions. t DRUC.STORE, EXETERS. tr IT CURES ALMOST INSTANTLY. C.) The PAIN-IC1L1.ER is Rut u-- in oz. and 5 o. bottles. retailing at cc 25 and 50 cents respectively, --large bottles are therefore cheapest. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS. i s4 Quality and lt oderate Prices. CnemIcalli con st ant lir ()Abend and warranted of e Be . cOmr, ETE and Full iStock of DruEs and CHANGE OF BUSSS. bes qualilty. A e omplet el Stock of Trnssts, edital }Vines an d Lieuors can be relied cit INEas Shoulder races, Chi sti Pi1c4etors, &., always on hand, leo S ta tionery. Sehool Book, Fanny OtriTIDIZY- , • T Ve Cep Tel Dreg Stre, (Winn' old stand,) SEAFORH, Ont, April 3rd 1880. Havina urhased the Seaforth Foundry from john Nopper, we wilj continue to keep on'hand: at the old stand, Main Street, Seaforths a full assortment. of lows, Gang Plows, &alders, Land Rollers and all other Ireplenaents in our line I FRED R. NOPPER. NOPPER BROTHERS. OIDT W. NOPPER. SEAFORTII, Opt., April 3rd 180. olumn Grestiugs, and School, Church Garden and LaWn Chairs a specialty-, epairing promptly and. neatly done and eatisfactionlguaranteed. Give us a trial. directly -op esite the Cenfral ote. 662 C4 11.11....V -Z, JENttier* TRADE ARic,C. TRADmARPG luuam. ca. tt Ci) ar, Having disposed of my Internees, I must Call 11 all those indebted to me, i either by note or book account, to call and settle the same before the First of • pourt to collecton. JOHN NOPPER. May, as after that date I will place everythm in the hands of th Cl k f h as fine a _L; GLASSWAttE As was evir shown in Seaforth. I • s Custorno s, and the Pu rally would find it to thoi To Call and Examina these Goods sari as6r- Wit prices. esse-a-A; •;1, sec or—. s - Before TIking c= , After TEE GE AT ENG LINE REMED1', An un --1-- failing (ire for Semi i al Wrakness, Sperms - 5 torihea , In potency, ur.dll dbeases that follow as a scqueihee 01 se11-ahtise, a 8 loss of memory, universal lost.itud, pain in the bak, .-!,,inmssof visitfin. premature old arc, and many other die - ease that pad to insanity r?) consumption and a i,re ature alliT#0. Fail pa 1 t e uls rs in onr 1. am phit t, wi.ich •ct e thrive th stnd free hy mail to eve y 03e. The Sr cibc Nedicine is poi d by all aro gists at ''-i y ei patk6ge, Or six packages for a P1 1 e sei t Dee tvc wail on receipt of the rooupy by addressing 'I.ItIE GRAY MEDICINE Co., No I # Mthanict,' Bloc, Detrit, Mith. 647 A ..- ... . *.--... ----_____ • AINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. HOUSE kND SIGN PAINTING. • J. GRAVES is Prepared to do ttl kinds of House and Sign Peinting, Paper Hang- ing and Whitewa'shing. Satisfa ttion Guaranteed or no charge made. Orders left at Wilson & Youngs, Lumsdeu & Wilson's, or Wm. Robertson ar. Co.'e, will lic ge _ receive prompt attention. profit 1,, , 11 uf line ot busi ess, tar!. Nothing mis- t • in 0 1.71 Mot JOHN KIDD'S -Et tA-1:--0/1-P-1_&.,S7 JOHN L0AN, leforth.' HARDWARE, STOVE, BANKIN HOUSE. .• ..Ia on Oa t Tai sisting s. P es Good cri of rti a 11 g e en's, s wishi e ajlI n t n ,a Boys' pit, and 1 _ nyt I la* in this line will .111._ pid alinot fair to ake : W ; 1 Xil l'3 O -..ii_..., THEWEST t....-. .: 1, rii 11 HEA:i MON ,i. 1 11 , rnishing. : $ 1 0, , 0 0 .C', TO L. 0 0 0 11 ei ON 1'4M PROPERTY, even Per Cent. Intrfist, abt e Yea ly. ROWERS in wed to ay prin time • interest charged onlY on on. Apply to A. G. McD UG -An D* Goods ei Pay-. al at Le un orth. • louse -i'ltrilishtys MAIN STRET, SEAFORTH. anners, when 1 in Town, drop in • and seei; iy Stock of HARVEST IMPIEMENTS; cythes, Snaths,; Hay Forks. 3(4744-y _Forks'Win(isor #.5"teel Turnip Hoes, Cradles Hay Rake, (Lc. SELL Ar OLD PRICES. 9 P. A:Y"hi BANKER, SEAFORTHi - ONTARIO. Office in the prenases 'under David - son's 11tel, forinerly occupied by the Bank of Comerce. 1. „Ij 411 i 11 4 • itillittUiliiii111111111111,111111111i1111; 'Fo ;PLEASURE, tombd and health. -.Slino oniv the eer,u- 'n6 QUI FLAKE, Pro minced, by all trho have tried it, the n tpurestand best m kihg Tobacco in thie verld. Ask your 1 r -for it. And if ouicannot get it ele- her, write to the d tsigned for cir- ar and 'price -est ose -genuine with- u1$r Trade 411ark d sinature. . E SAXTON" K:;0 roba-c.coW . 41b, rDSOR, NOTES AND BI LS DISCOUNTED, BRQ. DFOOT & BOX, English afrid F-eign Exchange ISB A F 0R T H , Thar based. ; FARMERSSAL NOTES BOUCHT. Cell and see me whether you buy or not, is seI cheap, Draf JOILN KIDD, SeaArth. UGGIES, BUGGIES. Parties desiring Oo purchase Neat and Subrtantial tRuggeff, Carrioges or Pernocratt, Cra find them at WM. GRASS1ES nr the market. He has also a number of splendid LUMBE WAGONS ly itt Which He 1i1 Sell Cheap. Repairiag_and lqorse Shoeing Prompt - Attended to. Remember the old aker at the new stand. WM. GRASSIE. Mone Issu of th d, paa a le at all Branches Bank os Commerce. • tercel Allol eft on Deposita. to Los# on hfrtgge, at from Seven to Nine Pelf Cent. LUMB It FOR SALE. HEM OCH, Btlrst Qualiy, $6 per M. PINZ froM B114 CUT TO ORDER,: Le from 10 to 50 Feet, at the - ILL, IN MoKILLOP •The Subscribe- bas also a LUIBER YARD I N SEAFORTH Wher4 all kinds of Ltuntirr can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY PO 'V= I - U ND E03TAKEFiS., &C. PUNERAS ATTESDAD ON DM SJrORTEST NOMA COFF1148 AND SHROUDS ALWAYS ON.HAislix HEARSE FOR EMPLO 66 :574E11: your main to Tenni and o fit free. Addrass Hi HA.LDETT Vo.,Portla , Maine. ; ti26-52 A X11-412 * 01! home essiy: made, -Costly ontatalsoe Address TRUE 626-n It Co., Angus a, Mai ; 1 !r • • • - .91 34 • - • 11 45