HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-09-10, Page 604, • • trc t:••,•••••;;,417•73.., --h 6 • AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. ducted by farmers, and the hoz Bt 11.1aXANDER HYDE. The season he Edon) at hand when agricultural societies will hold their an- nual fairs. From -this time till the -middle of October every week will wit- ness fairs, and every farmer shontri im- prove the opportanity not only to ex- hibit his own stoat 'and products, and pocket the premiums, but moreespecial ly to study the stack and. products which may he exhibited. by others. 'These, gatherings of -farmers have ren- dered a great service to the cause of agrielalture, but the •advantage to the farmer has not been in the $10 or $tto .which he has received he premiums, lent in the stimulus to excellence and the opportunities for education which they have 'furnished. A man living on a retired farm, and with an observa- tion bounded by a narrow horizon, is very apt to think that his big pumpkins "can't be beat ;" that his yoke of steers -have a little more "haw •and gee' in them than can be found its any others ; :that his old brindle is the greatest reilleerin the land, and as for Tom and Jerry, there never was such a span of horses before, and never will be again. Let such a one attend a. fair, and he will 'eerie that other folks have some pumpkins as well as himself, and if he has; the grit of a man in him he Will not be discouraged, but will go home determined to put forth renewed effort, and not to rest till he stands in the first rank. As a spirited woman once put it, "I thought I made as good but- ter as the beet, but. here I have been trying for years: to get the first premium and have not Succeeded, but I am de- termined to try till I do succeed.' As might be expected, she did succeed, and her batter has ever since been ranked as letter A in the gilt-edged class. The fair as a farraer's holiday is a good thing. It brings him in contact with his fellow -farmers, and. the con- tacehas much the same effect upon his judgment of himself as the comparison of his stock and products with those of others has -upon his opinion of their re- speotive merits. He finds that he is not "the biggeat toad, in the puddle ;" that others know some things of which he is ignorant, and, if he is wise, he will get a higher idea of manhood, and will endeavor t� improve himself as well as his stockHerein, we think, consists one of the great advantages of the fair, for the proper study of man is not soil, nor, the products of the soil, nor even horseflesh, but man himself, made in theirnage of his Creator. The cuItire of manhood is - more important than the culture of land. "With all thy gettings get understanding," said the wisest of men. A knowledge of agriculture, including the care of stock, is essential to the success of a [farmer, 1 bat unless he knows. men, and can con s.' dact himself as a man among Men, he will pass for a half-wit, though he may count his acres by the hundred and they may be well stocked with flocks and herds. Now this quality of man- hood by which we mean such a culture of mind, motels and manners as enables is. us to aot our part well, not only on the farm, but in the world at large, can only be acquired by mingling with men. We hear it :said of some large and thrifty farmers, when they are com- mended for their wealth, "Yes, they kilo* how to make money and keep it ; bat what boors they are 1 They can't preside at their own table decently, and when yon meet them in company they are as awkward* as though they had never Been men and women together before." Now, the fair is the place to see men and women, as well as big calves and pumpkins, and this should be one object in attending. The isolat- ed life which the farmer leads tends o make him a man of • one idea, and it will do himood if, after he has given one day to th exhibition of stock and crops, hegi ( s another to the exhibit which the ru and women make of themselves. For thiel purpose he should make the acquaintance of the most in- telligent, and, in conversation with them; endeavor to draw them out on points on which they 'are supposed to be best iuformed. rather than to make an exhibit of his own knowledge. In this way he will best please them and most benefit himself. if he can meet with persons outside of the circle of, fanners all the better, for on this holi- day it does one good. , to think and talk out of the common current of thought. Farming is a good business, and the farmer must be posted about it in all its branches, but he is a narrow man unless he is also posted in other matters. The fair is also a good place for the farmer to cultivate his social nature, and to widen, and strengthen his sym- pathies withhumauity. When man was created the Creator said,. "It is not good for man, to be alone." Most far- _niers are inclined to lee too much alone. ' Solitude ha.s some a,dVa.ntages. It gives • opportunity fbr quiet thought and in- trospection, but too much of it tends to selfishness arid morbid melancholy. As • mind can beolished only by contact r with mind, s(our social and sympa- . thetic nature can be quickened only by contact with 'humanity. There is no way by .which we can so well forget our- selves and the little botherations inci- cideut to life as by Mingling with oth- ers and seeing and 'tearing their trials. As our, own pumpkiiis seem the largest till we see some larger, so our cares and vexations ate wont to loom up in an unnaturally imagnifi-ed form till we . learn how ranch larger afflictions others are suffering. Ope's own petty cares are lost to sight when caring- for the comfort of friends. The most miser- able woman ! we lenow lived alone. Everythiug Went wrong with her. Whether the weather was cold or hot, wet or dry, her exclaraatiou, when .we met her, was : What weather t" She , cared not for society, and society cared little for her. All the company she craved was that of a cat. Of course, she dwiudled mentally and morally, and her light went out in darkness: Whoever undertakes to lead a hermit's life must expect neglect, if not con- tempt. . Society treats individuals v ery • much as individuals treat society. Man is naturally a social being, and if, by force of circumstances, or in a fit of inillenuess, he shuts himself away from ' society, he loses one grand means of de- velopment. , We hear farmers sometimes complain- iug of our agricultural fairs, and refus- iug to attend them because they are managed by horse -jockeys, and have degenerated into agricultural horse - trots There ate some societies of which this complaint is too true, but there are ethers whe faire aro con - ,,••• is , given. a just proportion of premi am on his merits as a horse and not sole' on his trotting powers. We dislike lhe . betting, drinking and other- c '- tants of the race course as nine • ny one,.itm but if this evil has Icrept 1 , ny farers o at- gs and Doti it out in f rce at rii find th m - d can egulate the ex ri nee dri by w c we a pure rasing be su ai ed. Oa Ina Ce fl them o - d farme ' f irs, n one t ft ur- I know a in ust gr the al fair, a to s a circ at - It is ir the society is the duty o tend the annuallmeeti out. If they will turn these meetings, they selves in, the majorit things to their mind. of the past is sun cri eau judge the fut association cannot We have known courses started, soni sition to cattle show but we have never k ish Jong. The fast order to succeed the racing on an agricul give it charactet, jus tached to a menage e. farmers themselves their fairs shall be r n L and pool -selling. ilaj there can be no gine ti farmers are united an nual elections of the do to the political' find themselves ra dinates. In any e e while to succumb wt up an institution td perlstbelongs to fake. We know of one fa4r grounds are on a hilFt4 setts, and they are eo course is impractic pleasure to see it farmers attend its ff wives and children it a holiday of it, witl4-. a the hall, and speech s and a farmers' itistb t This is the way that a should be condacte a quired to accomplis the farmers in each matter in hand, pu the wheel, and. i pleasure to them e v result. Watering H 4 • • • • o, say down b irides r in that e *rally to s • cieties, 1 ctions, t ers, not titiit is no ut • kies w • hoseei p in Ma ocky tha le,but- i at inte s, brings, • them, social di after the (1,, inthe ricultur 4 all th i : s result trict to t eir sho rise 'pro a will " 1 t e 1 er rraiug e, had *f the he an - hey 'viI, •or - w h d • ro- Bu eh ibi ion • hu - a ace a t the v tapir ira itig n :t in II ner, eliug. airs re - is for e the e • to t said le the sen in ;t Wea er, ,There is always mething s: id this subject when 10 weather c around, and we see horses reee pi and covered with foe. ; and esto c when we see thew b i g watered, t mouths sponged, andi their pa ta .freely of cold water. 1 ny thi. it is the one thing Jae d til, the • vi horse all he can driT4, when th t mometer ranges. at 1 r in 120 ci• degrees in the sun, aI by it stand anything. No , as to ou e we have never been t a advo t: frequent or plentiful atering of es ly driven horses in . ot weath animals will suffer fr m thirst if prived of water for a unusual le of time, horses es ecially, ,it weather, when they erspire free y ; but it is not to be inferno from this hat they need very fre tient and 111 eral supplies of water. 1 n the co tr ry they should be ware ed just e o gh, and if frequently, in a very m • e ate Chis will n ; nly s Of the 4.inai, a i•nore v :o ems ealth, an' ill to ii same if the tient and 1 ge• fast driviu will and water t re Ur, , in •roper a hos: in him t l' •er- iiit, Wn• hat ses irae on,4 es e• nag lly eir ing at g a er- 130 Will Yes, of ereL de- gth hot • VI • Is quantity at a time. meet all the necessiti but will keep him in condition and better not render him liable diseases whieh fre doses of water- ,and' often produce. Feed times in the 24 h quantities, will pres bet -ter health, and eni form all the labor than oftener. Besides whether applied to m liberal or excessive profuse perspiration, 1 requires continuous d the routine. Thefactisthat1ot take into their eto about twice the quant the system requiresj; ed by the other fac can be habituated to extent referred to. I set be some degree c, only be for a little SsrIlile be discovered, not en y h to adapt ourselves to the how greatly it adds tc proves to he a, �ovenie our surprise and va t tion. There is not the sl our mind but that i horse in ' the slime Telegraph. . - - Can Manure Tale Dr a; n • • • 11, in vs verve menu rs. Being • irld ake t le I: =Is e1w ld OW the e 'a rob for ste for : 4 ew y ,;34 1 onlye8.1 , is; ell,' 011ie. AS t porati ct Water, Eveh f i11 we ra v7itaij 0no ose lien an il 6 , p business Much nurb e reit hat a man in Mc er 111 erd ins uld be ilIout anical con Won 11 all) orb g d. OD la1ua t1lat low, ill cf en for tide no. ? Oent rat -st ev. Ia r at Ja m 1li wi �hi nh t dh* fu that he •ore la in l• 1 111 1 • I • 11 1 I '4 11 12 4 • 'he past ted fr ted her, a gation other orted In leei the 001 oily d, er em ken dated land ine Thr amer ew da ring it v elessl .taine d the truct It i us di imme COM AO iladel ph da undfir h fesso t Is beli ved nada. "M y A tory rk, or huthnoe ss. s to bur ds wi h no • fighter of r • pped e it al t y raiss ona Joh. Mc e, is • :seri e rs of age, has stio Sty bl ck !s wn OtIO c tacle ; 1116- o face ; a nervo s lo . H s wife. ; San is priu i cludin z is t ata 0 IS I • • • stir auk wn and e fear len 8 a • , • 1 10 nd f d, 1 nt a st ted a • od , t ge ler mi 1, • I :1 • • 1 THE permanent im- t, and probably n eded for many e s of thia heavy y pass away after i ed land, where 1 a ei is • by evapora- df manure. - The goes off in the I d is entiiely wast- 1 tly treitioable to re - e ravagant use of ff nd it for that drdrain Will do ter. Still I will be use of clover s fertility, much il be needed than epn. If the ' me - f 1 the soil is right, I deal of water, ee not lige in a e ede th neces- Con Of govit- 1' AD It g Items. i B sc e ri u RO' • neat W Trains' at Brassie as leaden W6111 11(Q! tali; Mixed ••• • A. Amon'. P. ...9:28P. XP ltrellwtit s atIon, aeth oorara COM 1 xed . OYS 11E ERS OYS E CE1 SEASON 1S NOW OP N AT M. J.RIGG S, ilman, an °rain - n, Michigan, has out he has di- d half hip salary Carry Brothers' old s and tisfied his con- Robertson & Co.'s. ht. There was case, as has been a Lead West Prue - n districts are lost, railtvay and pt away, bridges ooded, farms in - a° s of wheat grow - at lakes. A great re brought by the f aim Rio )-aneiro, w Yorki• which, e e turtibled about e cheese, They Phe a°mffietersfrorme- 1 us. Buchanan, the o got an expert e int and Pretend he. Delavare, at p Detroit a tech diguised, f Dr. Fairchild, etroit College. nce then fled to of th a f I ta •0 am a ars 0 0 Lr ne. ;• • • • 1 gl rv blei xp cted o it I s well u r ',bees w tering nd this . i in ing to h an and else, as ity! f liqui an this is ha the r action mil,y at th t al; but ouwohomenfo. . w easy chang iil- treet very t our s gh est do op rates ay i Ger 11 • : An intelligent far ance elaineed to 1 that he had made covery. We need ourselves to trade rich enough, and t will not hurt the cr increased fertility w some extent. The crops take up .3ja ois dry weather, aid it leaves wheneve' th the surface. 1' s eva-porates fro4n g plow through x fie after inidsumnler. as dry as dust at a after the harvest ra and it will divainis one-half in forty-eig weather. The evap ing clover is corral from that which h shriveled appeananc nature's effort te m ing the pores throu esspes. In wilted planting, the evepor ed until' the roots st when the leaves exp farmer above spoke one of his fields ti square which was a Nothing save coarse there. A year ago to sow the field in he would try an exp ed from the barnya finely rottedmanure this place, literally with it. In the spring kvhe seed the wheat loo aded ankle deep in was so rank that it an entire failure; b shows that there w The manuring was The objection I mak is that the manure this small place wou more good eleewhere a Up lnast ale, s hat ol ow - y tem to the will will is but and • to fac- it t' 1 1 in the Olefi t• PI of• p' I 1 r ott my ac u int - t e othe day portant dis- np limger ble d ain land. bit el su plus m4 is I dr the ithout d oot of g; • 1.4e ery rap • s exl aled fa, IS 1attr are • v e hojvniuchlw 411 • 8 eon crops, d ofj rank 15 in- be fo nd y tin4e three das.s n. Qut this lover n eight s e rly t boars of r ing • n from it na- e abily more 1 t ax s been cut. he f the leans is i train life be c os h which mo s ure rite after ro las- t on is thus- h ck- t into the -a ton, •d as before. his fhdaplc in e r four ds 1 • 3. Ure ttlat to ing in the on ter to ver • aye waters eked. na le ever g ew as prepa ing and thbu ht meet. Hel ul- d several loads of eied dumped it on oteriag the Wand . , sowed tl ear ed. nely, holt 1 lie erat re The what fell own, and as t the stubble still •,:t sl s raw enou h. vlide tly overd ne. Ito this proced re earl* wasted ou hate doneuch tha A god • • 1 00 a 1, • 11 ft t ti , • re, ed the e la reit tuoal in t uncdred o y keep ces to Sc ture out ighted. A di 1310] • tha ii es, sold of s • al tinder adds h •ne d ani is ot er t mar et, eked or fe itiou val The Co hea wit "fri •eIS uen t very e bee t Her on t . : 8 s a mysiterious i 1 at Winthrop, tljiiek veil while at ✓ m the mill, and 1 rl, but shakes ey say she is the 1ton parents, who o ey becanse she ✓ and labored as a t. it ug it gr nn hi .4 : • 1 co te thin st St the Nevada million- ing about fifty and not stout. alders, wears a clothes, a small nd gold -bowed EAFoRTIIII ext door to, Williara 664 MEDI G. SCOTT, MD. t" • Acconehenr, Sea 'den e South side of east fPreebyterianC -WM. HANOVER, Universi Acconchetir, Seaferth first door south of th ort od 1120 ysician, S argeon and nt. Offi& Ind real- • • TRUTH 1_, _A. I 1:;) 1•T.11'1=?0A_I_J Cs91?;Y". TRANGER THAN FICTION." L EF ROOERs nc Dealers 111 CROCKERY, GLASSWA.RE„ FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, SEE11) S FRUiTs, 84e. We ha,Ve one of tihe 'LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and BEST SELECTED SOCI:8 West Of TORONTO. (i,00dli and Prices Must een to be appreoiated. GIVE US A CA1L4 aniwe 'Guaantee to on'rincb the Most Skeptical that the above is TRUE IN EVERY . h Street, first door 1.Pm 843 • • 374ntf: Oa lic Church 49 C. M., Gradelate of 'Man, Ein gimp a d "' Office and residence, BBL NK°'S . 11' L. V RCOE, M. 8-1• geon, etc., Coro °Moe an Residenc direttly o posite Seat MeN liGHT, Veteri ate f Ontario Veiter Ont. OM e and Rest one Rya 's. alis prom tly d y. A e milt of vete ina Cha gee re turnable, 8 mare nese and errtificates g ten D., erfo , on rth IB=R, TIE J'CEL LAIDLAW & FAI LU, Seaforth. 1 . M, Phye c an, Sur. the County f uron. FIE sT-CLA GS OODS AT MODE Jarvis str e north, ablic School y Surge° n ry College n rear of tended to, medieines s xamined a i required. H. ail a ea of th Surge hour- from 8 A. M Mrs. Whitaey's new Seaforth. ur ne to ric , Gratin eforth, thermal & li n9)11atara7 ' •• tic) Bound - 07' YSIIIRE. L. -D. ., eon Dentist, Grant yal College el Denal. , of Ontario. Oft' e P. M. Eleome n block, MainI Stre t, C AB • Mem of Eental Office In Stratford, Ont., has flaw o Seafi!rth, at the ()ace 's II prepared to perforii 11 ease and skill. 08 ee day. VRIGHT,. rergf ethonesoRoy 1 °iege I- 1 ' u ° 1 n Block, k:tug! ; ; G ned out a4 can n el, where h *ill e e tal operatio11 with i.•'.-' 66 -52 .- Flour, Feed and Provsons pen ever Tue - .i a ', —AT— ATE PRICES • RRISONIS, SE14FORTH. ALWAYS ON HAD, A FULL .ST COF 1... I ' OCERIES, CROCKERY AND 0,SSWARE, ii Mill Feed, &c. TAMES T. GARBO ,B ...!-' Solicitor, Godorie CAMERON, HODT dr 9. glicitor in h M. C &tmero3_1, Q „ 1:. , Phil 02011 -- A isten Attokney,an d • TRA GOOD VALUE IN TEAS AND SUGARS. ^ - • , ERON, Baristes,, • , deo.. Goderic 0 t. Holt, M.I 'Ca 506; *I 1 anent expression , 'WILLIAM SMALL talker, and has :ioner in B. R , Appr iser. Accounts Ild a ' OfereWOrn , reaannable terms. a to Paris to join sts of newapa- g o eig,n languages, The Vez. Porta- : 1rsition, and there gg of of nat yes of to • ex of 11 pr d in ea er r Jc wo getigle Map e e toyal "de in • severe cli.s ea rs age. Wh disfavor It th s to hich 1 ivate ggy a, SOO c • Danlel o mg the t higan, a.nd fbr b firraqi ban 010 stn welm the ea alt e :mpl, o Th one hing f r spa t- m e1 ch a jotne. d ilr td 1)1 Oly,1 g .d the ido th f r . She a dta it at t et shw• tlju uni e th a fr Inn or to him, lluv 01, and eare 1un ty to car r ade the eg • 4 1 tIb read it. . Sever - coast nhalers. ea ou elevated ea horinen, and te when a whale of Chidago as - so -called soli - ones, are made crerly put togeth- pe they separate. n statement that iso.ld in this coun- fuse of the Lon - 1 are off Colored, ud are sold at a ti-Isays: :Ladies d alarrn that f rehead, now so i countenaoced in rs. Thefringes fng -and shaggy derstood to de- 6se who attend 'tns" a return to e of 10 or 12 ought. the fringe ravagant propor- PBID. ROGERS, A- aw, Solieitor in Offic Menai° Block, to lo n. Careful atte Vit .. O. MEYER, Law, Solicitor i king aftidavits in Solic tor for the Ban Private lands to loan H. for to Co iv rote an yancer anc. er. Aueti notes col OMMi8 neer and opted on ' 866 arri t r and A4rhy-at,I- han ry,Coaveylanor, &d Wig am. Trust Runde tion t colleatione. .652 : . 4- arri t r and Atterlaey a. Ch n ery. Com i siona the ovince of I enitoba. of 8 amilton, X i trharu. trli t 8 per oen . 633 eters and *orn y • eery nd' Oolvency ep-Sea. Erinds to TH nt. Iere t playable 1 63 H.*. O. W1E12EN, 3, boteJn di sOlved by ate d e the ern to n who will pay lliabil- r jAINIES H. B pON' . H. W. C. klE 1. paE.NSON & MEYER, B 11-' at Law, Solicitors in C Conveyaneers,Notarie Pu lie, ate. 0 forth and Brussels. $ 8,olo of Pr vate Investatonce,at Eigh pero yearl. JA • H. Benesorf. Th abeee firm has this d mutual consent. All ace4u be paid to Mr. Bens ities. Nov: 27, 1876. MCO LAW, C Scott's SO in Se and Mc curit m?Scli best the 1 alICIna fort m aro old. ey ( ea, a. rate. ey i ortg nder. ; cases it haabeen 8' G. Mc° eats ladies as 7- 14 was oted f ✓ A Or in iu Eaton county, 1 g a miser and a e wore en old u d, and that was i •penurionsness. h he would have the Rosier farm, but the l owner on aneterms. . Carpenter beg- price fen the s e would not sell d marry hia, and - Matrimohy wag 'bas n years ti the last, oppor- is lifelong project, . • 7. powder for , : purifyinn the t ng the Mouth, ittle toilet gem u (list for "Tea- s. ;41 IS 6 , TEABE BY. ck7 1 enin the btjeoth, nd t thle brigh est, e t nt. sk le iv ;" ric on on INer No to• don, Ex ter.. He aa 11 ‚pen. 113 ceftel 01' ton.. • I th... fol Go Go • et e gha arm Sou i glia. , dep 1 th li ton 0 p. .2 .8 09 .4 10 .8 r4 .4 00 .4 25 .4 52 .525 A. M. t,.. 700 • 73.5 .801 .818 .8184 .8i 49 -tnd (MT 0 • 11 626-52. .nd Brtice. a. - Mixed. Express. M. A. M. P.M. 20 555 625 849 740 9 15, 7 53 .925 759 945 808 10 80 825 11 15 852 12 00 925 Mixed. Express. A.. AI P.M. 10 55 620 12 10 655 115 724 148 743 ' 200 759 210 806 300 825 •--- Railway. Olititon Stations as o cefiel ... pen...... . • ter, 0 • 1111. . • Grnd r ins le ve Sae qrt 8: WE T - r008. • • • •{3: ess. 8 5 ed T ain.8. ed T ain, 1.05 E AS g F leas. , hress Train.1: 5 ed ed -1: 5 :p. • CLINTON. 3:30 P. M. 9:15 la M. 845 A. M. . M. 1:45 P. M. T . CLITO. .1t1. 7:36 &.M. lo. 12:40 P. M. 3:30 P. M. • (i:5 P. M. -RR TIS -A-• Oat. the Quiete ducted Ha comrpodie supplied. THE GR, -A. Perks nnfailing dangerous tion is sub movee all relied on. It will, in riod With taker by UqHEY & HOLM tED A.NCERY, AN OFFI lock, Main RS for e and the C nad Town an Vi ol rivate fun s) lo xeasonable rat Remember the Place. A Call olcited. M. mORRISO EAFORTH. OTS AND SHOES EXT UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL FROM 1 • 15TH OF AUGUST L S C0NVEYA2ING E, , 1 t tree, S i4ortli. nsoli ated Da Lnk (1, These GoodsMust be Sold to Make Roo Ban of oaiMeree e Pr pert' hougtlt --• ed 07 mor age so - f int rest. Charges I I i vested for pri a e per ons upon the 1 me ge secnriti n wt rout ny e. enee te • IIGHEY, 4.;11. F. H01 STE . , . • _ . _ . MISCELLAINEOUS. • a • MER GOOD EXCHANGE 8 OTEL, 0 eric , M. COX, Prot. ri tor. This i 4ue f t, Most Crfort ble and lest Con - els in the rovin e, The R orris are a and the Tabl and Bar liberally Good stabling in onnectio . 6:35-511 AT FEMA mil Pills - n tho • cur hi of diseases to whi eco. It meder buractions, an o ma. rio d la die short time, br egularitra iTh enrolee daring of Program' y, as they' fare carriage, b it at any �-t4ter all Oases of Nerrots pains in t se back and lim ertionf mi pitatiou 011 th whites, Ell se pillswilljoffc meane here failed; nd remedy, d not conta' or anythi directions which sb.o New York for pastag rontoa On will ;near return m Bleasdell, READ CAREFULLY. Sophraebarg, nye : Dyspepsia for nearly fear comieg a 41 ected towards t ed to try bottle of 3 he Afterusin1 three or f ar better an gained, etre •gt improved teadily and ra taken thr e or•four bo tle restored to health and st perieticed etter heal before. I had been n number 04 physicians ed any m terial aid a A. Mediay Trnro, N. 8., s with Live Complaint, bu Remedy, nd in a mon h ever been 'n my life. al wish yen 0 send me t A. WOod, onsecon, aa Remedy f r Liver Com great sot etie. I also and find t at they arf3asi Henra Ki • g, Geneva, N. intensely filleted with time., We consulted p ye schooia, bit received • o three bot Ies of the p• a and ie no hearty and w says: Mr adoKenzieB tt attack of heumatism a without ; but at, r t the Show enees, was a le Price of ti e Remedy i 23 ceote a box. Sold b Li 0MEDV.- oh Most i • valuablera dibine s . ' all thorte po rdril and h the female coristittl- 1 tea all oxce stand re- • a speedy eu enray be t is peculia la an i red. u on the in rathly pe- , I se' A CHEAP; OW UNTIL THE AT COST. Is Is NO ADVERTISING f.(r. Fall Stock. HUMBUG. • ; • 1)0\1"T MISS THE OPPORTUNTY1 OFFORD, Jr., Main Stret, Seafortli. THE SEAFORD' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM. pille shou d hot be th first thre months sn e to brin Oa I I e they are Mia - e. safIn ' 0' C. WI ...ETOR. n Spinal ffeCItionS, Lsp N, PROP!M s, , atiguc on tight I I a earcurs who alli other • I i t, hyst ricP• aDd • on, tiMhel=orn7 A FULL 5TOCK OF PLOWS ON HAND • 3 g hurtful t t e constitnti , Full n the parnprA let ar und each pakage, ld be carefally 6 reserved. J4ih Moore Sole Propr eto . $1 00 andi , cents enclosed to N rthrop & L la, To- , general age ts for the Do ition, a bottle con aiding over 50 ills by il. Sold in Se fo th by Hc On It . S. Robert, a d .Lumadea 197 amuel 01 ho rne, as affecte with ye rs, my 430 bea el st. I wee iradc-I Sh• shonees illetnedyi bottles I felt Mach a pidly, my health` idla , and when had m re, I was qnite th, and neve ex• for forty yeare treatme : of a t had nes. xi rceiv- ed your iRtxiedy. I was very bad d the Sh elionees as well a I had w in busi eta and zen by teemen t he has t id the nd Dyspe sa, with Shoshora e$ Pills as any I e 'cried ife was A long ifferent s taken medy, , Seott, rOrn an I 1 - Consisting of the Following Kinds: MASSEY'S NO. 13 THISTLE CUTTER FLOW, OLIVER'S NO. 40 CHILLED PLOW ° HILL'S PATENT PLOW, NO. 2 en h the er th ef Fe,b tihi 11 27R 126 as s : Th la nt se the ood s ys : My d3spepsie for chat: of three ene t. She h Sir • shoneg ev. Joh ng suffered s unable ok'0 a few b to w lk as wel ut b ttles, $ all m dicine dee I 0. move tiles of as ever. a Pills era. MASSEY'S NO. 10 SOD PLOW, . PORT PERRY AND TEESWATER AN PLOWS.. PLOWS. 11 A Full Stock, of Straw Cutters, Horse Aakes, Grain Crv she s , Root Cutters, and all Implements belonging to the ..13usi7uss. Ma Se war Oi SEWING MACHINES, AS USUAL. e Florence, Wanzer F, Raymond, Royal Singer, and other hines. wing Machines Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and work anted. Ls, Needles and Attachments always on hand,. • 0« C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. . f -SEP,EM11it • I ' it) . ! t tr • 1880 --s ,,.....,..,!,.........„..,, • AG -t' wet.-----' : J0,6,, L OuBaGenersti Lon and RealEeiata : Agent Gaaln, Produce an Ooranifesion chant: M neY loaned on real "tate in country, a4 8 per cent. sina1eantl3rest; mew I moderate. Mortgages bought ead sold. Matured i mortgages p414a off. ' Terras ti4 Snit I:enrol/era, ( Ferrate and ijiiloge property r sale. Leckie's new riek black, Brale le, Ont. 51,5 --; I ja, 1...-----a----. -OLE'S • - e §PCIFIC .- AR WONT .. of four in the the r Seaforth. nitarin Ctinn-tiOW x ,tiri perfectly cured oa yeas' etendieg by a haludeof Ridf.0/1 A , paitietaare apply to I ' 1 1Fr n OsteLE. Ii4 /1 45. ' are to treatitathai romethennianna eeipt I lasagna apthell... Foi far. - RLEs w00% 638 -- rile a two Wheel 1$60; yg-labe feet 8 inettea ie tare 'Weald la ter pried to r ensallathat. fa TIltYCH -i- timb sold ' dierneter complete MoGRE Q ix - v--"- , R A. .- o r 0 log ttnelt---haeihj!eog.t at a b4 gain_ Wheel* -34 cla thee, 2 ineh w , king m --der. ifdiaIteft• OR -.k URQUHART , S - -I 0 g th o • I E. OCR FOR SAI E -For F • e years old. W ot 84, Conoeesiorl --1,, ----_-_, a good bayraaa breketo herneea. McEillop jaa . e . . -81.Z a heavy draught -chestnut rotor, Ile is sown 31 Coacessio .66%4 — COtg.." ‘-, risil Aptly DOREAN COLT ' OR three year sired by I •• and good o 4, McKillop. SALE -For Slide, old Gelding, of sated 'Simon 11'4,4. rk. Apply on Lot JAMES SOlii ItILLE. el OOD N-37 BreedngMare, kirk ChIdI. 1,400 lbs., to 'wo,rk4 Inca:aloe. IA a i 'E FOR SALE--Viar sle, a Good in real teta Imported Fel- coor, is of brown i co er -weighs over 1 is 9 -years old. heist sottnd ma Apply on Lot 111. concession a CHAEL MURDnp. 661x2 . . T l't BAIis • County -parte of the posaron eft' UCTIONEE E, Licenced Anetioneet of Huron. Sabili Comity. All waders ,e will be promptlattended S. forth. attended in ill 'Unlit tlits•Ea• toa FIth R 'CI: LAN sale of Ian' bred stock. ket. 011lee Block, Gode 8 • : : 4RATI A.M. ATIVTIONEEE AND dENT.-Specitii . ttenteen given to Iproperty, 'fam** g ,and thorough- Otle seleetellflo the English mar- told Auction Roo, Acheson's new ;'4h, Ont. Terme ••Oderate in TIELGETT -A-• (sera, sales of ImpIernen undersign cession 14; cessioh 12 bills, note ALEX. DELI Leadhry. - •-- - Me Leaded s. d • w • 't & BARROWS • Hop. Speciala Property, fAlt orders left at Walton P•Q.,j r at Leatibury L. I be promptly d -stamps tarn TrY, Walton,; ho STRAY SIPILOK. tention 1 :aim A 9., a sbed GEO.BLI1ROW8, teeneed Auction- givem to Stock and All eithe rof the or Loa 14, tea - or Lot 294 ra tended te. Sale if reqUired. 689 v sTBA . 2" the subs Tackeramith, year ald heif by provin LAWREN Tin 111A the K.illop, a Ste er, ab the same charges. .'t : :S. CALF. de • oith uijctne i.lp.n R: IFER—Cenre i te r ber, Lot 27, Ctln about the raid& The owner elan roperty and psylitig , 1 i the -premiaes of ession 4,1.R, 8„ e of July, a two , have the .same charges. tones , 664.ti ---C: sale lti) signed, Lot 11, the first or year old. ! proving pao NCIS O'HARA. tonceesion Jnly, e the premises of 8, Ma a Red Attfoly owner can have rty and paying 663 qTRAYED , °once the 14th o four 011ie a such infor will be ant LY, Sestfor ei A• ole; a a h 1 ABE -Stnare •n2, 1.1clillopao 1ust. a largeDatx black pOiE ' i tie will h4e4 li rewarded.. kt..X.'. . 0. I • I from 'Lot 18, Saturday night, Bay Mar•e, rising y person givmg to her recovery LICK liENNAL- 683x4 • at I WANT rrfAC.11.611 -A-. Public Sc ond or Thitd- thstimOnias, the undersi: se to connneuce TISO, Seer Vio NTED-W4 • tai, a Male Telleher ass Certificat. a ating salary, until Septe6ber , unary srd.,18. t:ay-Treasure, • Applications, 44; 1 Walton d, for the Walten holding a Sec- with be receivedba 18th. Duties ROBERT PAT- P. 0. 6804 p-STIts1VE -1:-' of, Mtg. M eh:Mop, a ling steer, wt Any inform:a' of this rani. Mrs. L. Me t SITER.F trhaTed se gblin McMir out tbe 8th of out marks._ en tha-t will lead I will be suitably T.LAN., Waite. from the farm ai aconceesion 14 of Ally., a white year. He hail a etag head. to the recovery rewataed! by la. 0, 6624 rrENDERS '- ceived b the Sath of building. PI at the eubsci will be trap tractor to p f or the cam will bn reeei and carpeat• any tender WILSON. 'ANTED.- he undersigt.d : GUST, fort31oeorectiono1 .130 1713d Spec:ill er'e effice. : 1 ed by the nir 1, 0 • ide 'all otha • etiou of Ihni :.• for the whele vork etspantela.. mot uecersarlay . i tudeas ations be lersigned; ageL3884131 building. or will be Ire- entil MONDAY, a brick can be saen bricit and ataxic the .con- material Tenelers for the taxation The lowester abeepted. D. , D. 663a4 IIVI:P - - ` . IA') to AN cry mouth. thing. Add*. Wa1i-street,N RTANP 4. III 7 000 In' yeeta. l''' Ste7CICA Beaks sent fice s BAXTER lk, • w York. , • D WM. R. RLE1V, to intimate /o turroundieg leoluatry b alnees as -Genieral S. Write*, iban finished in e at D. D. Roses 13, FREW. . 0 Co„ 4. the &c. TICE S.. ' - In wen-st., , intakes fortunes eiplaining 'every- Bankers,17 e87-52 pAINr1No --a- land, bog See.forth -nn1 commenced Paper Hit gOT trusted to Office, meant fort13. . WM. NOTICE -11 the expi publication I TOIL (Sept made to the .• County of Etr Townehip 01 Huron,Ear me persoat and el4t infant son o the Tawnithi. H mon, Tel int -stat -e, e4 MeCAJIGHEy James Cern , -.; late of Soot- inhabitants -of that be 13110 House Painter,. Ali work en- first-ines style. Grocery, Sea- ; 832 We is hereby tion of twentt f his notice in ,T,1* er Srd, 1880) a ge -of the Su#oarate i as, by Jame e Tuckersmith,1 , to be appointed te of Satnuell Samuel Johnl I Tuekersmitla' r, deeeseed, vaboaiepaxted he Eighth day & 110LMET an. days application Oarnocbau, ia Janice Csanochan, c1 given that after from the hrst Hunow Exwps- 'will be Court of the of the the County of Guardian .of the Car.noctona, late of n the County of this life 1.ecember, 1879. , Solleitore for 6658 _ -m- ONI_Y `"-a- est, prat -era te. TC i30143 040 e altia SOHN. • - - Tb On lin al la . Apply fin/ i " " " easy; qharges Apply 1 Y TO erty, at the Pr Apply! ' ; MORE, • ' • f I •; LEND—MOleyi 140n08 0331Y; 413 r4 teaks- ; private gnat I S. i' 0 RTER.1 ' --.- LA -In liir es class Feeurat a i Ift, i a te fun d e, o er t W. HILL, 8 eseeth. • - , . t 0 I.1.•ND in Ilerge to snit aorrowierer, light; ' antererst to II Hale, Olio ...._ ILOAN-On Irirpeoved 8 per cent. natee0.t or yearly, as i dered, Pripet, if sorerrea. to TH03.4.A.S ,D. , 1 • 4 1 ,to letld on good per cent. inter- a ; chaages Mod- • 631 MONEY -A- int er est. pi -an. 1 fi le a- " terma Clinton. -- M• ONE able half-aeaaia tion of light. Ont. or email sums 8 per ent. yearly the installment 628 H. _ -------- er email sums [ Paleatelands; payable at tiara. Calla; Farm Prop- Interest pay with a por- Expenses 1YAN, Seaforth• . 1 625 1\m4-0101:ges0:hrtierxnunvdzimgrtnyeill, httresvaenla:ig3de sautahsolff -A- money f•or immediate inieettnent on first r cent. interett yearly; prineipal as may he forth. •i aa upoa. J. 11. DENSON; Solicitor, Sea : FOR ALE SALE OR TOLET. • 1 - - To RENT—That comfortebleliriek store, with rooms aibbN e, on Natin i Street Seaforth, at present occuied by W. N. Waton. Possession cgiAyentanoraBythael TilosrtmoEfsFrEbtraara.. Apply to ge e t 631 1-.1 RA.RE CHANCE.-TwenthafiveAcres of land with htttlie and barn fox aaloingmondville. This property is well situated foa either farm or garden purpoies. Title indlepotable. Apply to R011EllT BRETT. , 8L5 f0R SALE, -For Sale a first class Planing Mill, nearly new and in gooa-running order, situated iar the flourishing pawn of Seaforth, Will be sold: itheap. Term: tett. Enquire of SEGUED, COSSENS & CO., Goderich, Ont, TAIAABLE PROPERTY tsou SALE - For Sale ho the -Town of Seafortaa Lot 38, corner of' William and James Streets, with two eomfortabie dwelling homiest erected theiaon. Will be Reid cheap for cash. Apply to GEORGE W.'SPAR- LIN G , un the premises. 061 • ; • General --Violent gales' - waterspouts have in Spain and Swit -On Thursday young womeae.pa, Ixeland,workhou panted by their --A. temperattee tei Woodstock,- 1Ba, alder the propriety Act before the peo early slate. -Spurgeouti va rally numbering I thoasand people, hymns withont eompaninaents -Wm. Donuell emus days in servie -witnesses for the trial at the Middl opens on Septethebe --The Highland istg arrangements Marquis of Lorne land address, on visit to St. ThOrti81, Spteraber. n -Mr. Ptterson, b48 5 peach which treelin.close proxisi tree: One side of aadithe other russ0 this departute ? • -While Marking, Guelphs hest week, Williams received .1 his nye. It has necessary to rennin which operation ha performed. Freneh. Gr as the Chambers re a bill for the sale:, net considered -of mated at about 750; coeds to be devoted._ works of art. -The deaf mut bolding their fire Ciiacinnati. There of 1 leading deaf tx ' the United. St• The proceedings are signs. -On Saturday I Paris, solemnized. th. Laine, until recentis diocese of Meals, thez. Hyacinthe they must be prep perseoution. ea -Chicago has pital for diseased Mt. A. F. Moir is t. and matron of the also a head nurse chief to young birds cal, surgical and asylum for the blin department. -The oyster seaso this year begun full than usual. The siz the etop enceeds any tory of the oyster years. The donee and the shipments are ii0 to 100 per -cen yea's. -A. great meetinel IriShmen of Glasg, the:2th ult, at whi passed condemning heany punishment of: prisenment, adminia upon. the patticipato Horne Ririe riots -he first party Scotland to the Ge Council, to be held ats haairseaayrr .arriavediw University of Etlitil Rainey, leader of panty in Scotland, a Goold, an -eminent Free Church,. • -Qneen. Christiaa much pleasure to' 'Visiting in suecession chapels and. churehe elated to the Virgin, for ihe pooe at each chapel she hill for in payer. The Qu Ms offered tie f coonne:arnmtlyaiesytisyi.t the asis for 4ilt-o1eatle B ieaenslir death sth at Bergen, Norway, Bull was horn at Ber 1810, and was., theref eix months thd at death. He developed Violin in his early y Paris to perfect "rims Ee snbsequerstly perf England Aritla great st rhuel;rteoaceead:OThiae isnl e Ing to the United S - piarchased a great tin ecly eyizeil;,firdiaotnteia clti. called °leaflet. The ed rid is us 31 1P: 1:• bt r ae eoi- °e:rvsusluall 'oteeitt j:14:etit .1:aesri1 aiacstatInnert eekiliraettoteeel befal irtaf• l:fv.1 carr‘ tiAloTr:• i ill 3 21;1 :61and1;wesni: oefooedatame fubreettadsipsrp:at 1--)r- Tanner says: :a V 0 Ssystem,bOrenafatjr end liay kinds <Ages% abon :t;halsea4t.'hetliteeat man ; he gets rid of ; food be is regenerate a;zakeelytettt egobacrneehr att:Iht eaostt:rireo wsra:eoomyowrrx:w3wen Iyhn os,fioto:eir3 ar, xieT:vtattier: the two canines from I'm lip to 15 pounds qj 11 lir lore titul np: %I not eniddi r:siwgedteti :ot ne- sehlatyf from loo 10r tvhile ; then he lt 4hair and had the 1:re'urete:r4aai lanaf tt -frQ31 no°os eatingfi raarttl cale: el