The Huron Expositor, 1880-09-10, Page 510, 1880. eat from 300 acre; rn that will yield in 11175 grew loo em 13G acres of corn, stook man and has Grass and meadow Ede as many more, to 500 hogs... !ternoon last, some y of Mr. John see_ an were grazing near hen one of his lads them home, and in n off threw a. Serge 1 at them, unluckily E on the left foreleg, , breaking it in such he bone protrudes As no surgical aid to it, Mr. bac-Manua afferings by burying' ting of the Division, Rosi a case of pay_ 'eaters was disposed _A party had gone ased an article, giv ote which he knew t which he repre- d. On finding that d, the proprietors of action against the ote,to recover the but Iost the suit, it he note was accept - g could be recovered.. of justice. s week, during the h Moore from Clin- fd occasion to come hen near the bottom. k: triking her face on which rendered her s condition she re- I by her 'daughters, sed by one of the `hey at once carried. erocured assistance, 4 that a couple of Icked out by the fall, face severely cut. ompson. of Howick, ,e misfortune to have en Saturday night L visiting at a neigh- s returning to his. e railway track,when ie darkness of the s footing and fell into 'chest striking against .cturing two or more neon has been unfor- t this year, having r injury -lust at the the haying season. of the Londesboro' choir assembled at ' hursday evening of rented Miss M. Cas - Ale pastor, Rev. Jas. :ridsome Bible, a, bird 'se containing 928.50,. esteem and appreci- l and efficient man- es filled the position past two years. This Miss Caswell's de= en for which place IT to take charge of on School at that night the Canatla in Win gham nar- ruction by fire. The went to the church clock in the evening fhted the lamps, then . During their ab- :he congregation had. e, one of the lamps fire to one of the d about three feet eting. The fire was parties living next d in and by their lent action checked been a serious con - sure of butter on 'the s. has yielded a much is season than it has 7s, while butter has so More mare its pro - benefit. The fee - b, started less than :the Howick farmers principle, has reach- inancial basis. The is year brought 201. and the August bitter which price, when at was realized in the :aiidsome balance in lecord says : We are that Mr. Jas. Clark, ss entered an action Hamilton, T. Wat- o and Mrs. T. Wat- defamation of char - 'as arisen oat of the the Messrs. Watson having an inquest the cause of the fire Insumed the buildings on in April last.. k has any chance of through the suit or lent unable to say. e amount claimed is nting in all to $8,000. e Items. 'Show on September ri Show at . Stratford, 1 25. Meow will be held at ser the been of very fre- :u Strati( rd lately. Caledonian Society have no games this Millbank. is going to k store and dwelling =storick, of Stratford, sixteen hands high, ,e<>len salt ed his pas- .Owing a live and pro- corripeny has been making rapid pre -- Elting the town with r the construction Of, the northwest part Logan. was let a short O—a little over $1,000 pin are boasting that para by E eter with 'ring it to t. Marys, better prices. Mis- sy, lst inst., Downie seem by the death of tick. Deceased was a 1, England, who set- c.rae thirty years ago.. removed to Downie, siuce resided. Mr. SEPTglUBER 10, 1880.' ;44 u Toy. pethiok was very highly respected br all who knew him, and bequeaths to his bereaved friends a spotless repute tiara• Another life was sacrificed to oar- aonpling at Stratford last Thursday. The unfortunate young man was a new hand, only 18 years of age. His name was James Barlow. —While Mr. Jones, cattle buyer, 'of Logan, was in Stratford the'other day, a tat steer made a ferocious attack on him. The ;animal was shot at once, but Mr. Jones had a narrow escape. —A number of articles recently stolen from the store of Mr. Williamson, in are bu Stratford, were found concealed under w) eat Bar. Orr's mill ; they consisted of sea- acres eral pieces of velvet,articles of clothing, order &o. • ahead —Complaints are made by travellers SHs that the young people of. Mitchell as- paid a senible at the station nightly in such hour numbers as to seriously incommode and bore, annoy parties going on or getting off the co trains• to won —Josiah Murphy, of Logan, chat- stroyi lenges any farmer to produce an acre think of better turnips than his. Samuel make Jordan, of Fullerton, has accepted the trick ohallenge, and the case is to be decided YyoT shortly. . and H 5 his hands: lit snake A he ex hat in no slo shoot: LE,I of ,this ly fo favori pop. AG over t lamp his ra r rie I. . —Mr. W. G. Hay sold last week a S cotta farm on the 2nd concession of Wallace, ed near Molesworth, containing 100 acres, aprat fyii to Conrad Heimbecker, of the same of graiw e. township, for the sum of $2,800. That's men a e d the way the money goes. men e _Somebody wants to .know why St. theyc. n Marys Collegiate Institute passed only twenty out of about seventy candidates at the recent ,intermediate examina- tions, while most other places passed fifty per cent of their candidates. —On Thursday morning, 26th Aug- ust, the friends of Mrs. Win. Cole, of Fullerton, were startled to find the old lady dead in her bed, she having passed peacefully away from natural causes during the night. She was 74 years of age. —Mrs. Walkinshaw, of Mitchell, had her gold watch and chain 'stolen on a recent Sunday night. On Saturday morning she found them lying on the ledge of thle window frame, where the conscience stricken thief had placed. them. —The Messrs. Climie, of Listowel, ' .purchased last week, in the vicinity of Wiarton, a fine herd of young cattle for stall feeding. The firm has now over 90 head, which they are feeding for the market, and expect to increase the number. —Upwards of $30,000 were paid out at the Stratford station for wages to the Grand Trunk employees forthe month of July. This embraced the men employed in the Company's work- , shops as well as those train men who make Stratford their headquarters. —At Stratford, in the Grand Trunk yard, the other! day, a vicious steer knocked down and trampled some three or four men, and would have made short work of some of them bad he not himself been knocked down, receiving a stunning blow on the head with a sledge, a knife finishing the work. e on fa •d of BY Nis 0 he to c he ny rad •rto �d, he 7 -As a Mrs. Sizeland, of Stratford, was going up stairs on. Thursday evening last Week with a lighted lamp in her hand, she tripped and fell. The oil in the larnp took fire and exploded,• setting fire to Mrs. 'Sizeland's clothing. Before the fire coned be extinguished she was badly burned, and had it not been for the exertions of .her two boys the acci- dent must have resulted fatally. The brave young fellows also had their hands b rued. —On Monday of last week, as Mr. P ter Melville, of the 12Th concession o Hibbert, attempted getting on a W on loaded with manure, by step p: ng on the hub and top of the hind wheel, his feet slipped and he fell in fr nt of the wheel. His abrupt de- sc�ent started the horses, the wheel passing over his two legs about two inches above the knees, bruising and spraining them considerably, but doing no serious injury. —A farmer named Conrad Heim- bekerr, and his son, from the township of Wallace, had a purely •accidental runaway in Listowel the other day. Tne tongue of the buggy broke, fright- ening the horses. They ran against a telegraph post, tearing off a wheel and pitching the occupants on the ground, and inflicting some severe cuts and bruises. The horses ran on until one of them was disabled, probably render- ed. useless, and the buggy smashed to pieces. —The new High School at Listowel was formally opened on Monday, 30th ult. The Minister of Education, Hon. Mr. Crooks, with a number of the prominent gentlemen of the town and a large number of citizens, were present at the opening. A public dinner in the evening was followed by addresses, de- livered in Osborne's Hall to a crowded audience. Hon Mr. Crooks, A. M. Buchan, High School Inspector, D. D. Hay, M.P. P., and others addressed the meeting at length. —An exchange says : Mr. Robert More, who resides with his daughter, Mrs. W. M. Climier, Listowel, is one of the few remaining Waterloo veterans. He is almost .a centenarian, having en- tered upon his hundredth year a few days ago. The old gentleman is still ableto be about, and may be spared to live years yet. Mr. Moore accompanied Wellington in most of his campaigns-, and in 1862, when n the Prince of . Wales and the Duke of Newcastle were mak- ing a tour of Canada, Mr. More Was in- troduced tothem, and ever since then he has been drawing a pension from the British Government, he having bought himself out of the army just be- fore his 21 years of service had expired. The above named gentleman is father of Mr. James More, formerly of Sea - forth, now of Gurney, Russell & Com- few hou'• paPny's office in Dundas. ; to have' —We give our readers the following l vessel i snake story which has been going the was caul round cif the Perth papers, although we , never p do not vouch for its accuracy A large ! followe snake was said to have been seen in the back part of Logan. It is said that a German lost some cattle during the summer. A few days ago he started outinto the bush to look fol; them.' Not expecting to find them in a hurry, he took some eatables in his pocket.. DIE I. T. a pain morni Thurs MAR quoted 90c ; s to 55c 20c ; e PER Presby a tela Blyth, morni FOR • e a e t being t e took a 1 ' `py tam d and st He pu ay. Fa Luml —The are beo sweet p rage of MER.— Is ers in t aring the oho Bo mgr fall n. Joh ork. number e other f our r ter help f a cid use th cabbage', ung da motion actical j YET.— ave not which July la heir am appears mined th time re first -c 1 tail en st glance, ' and tob ered foci ho hased a si. t! of a t it, his e at teen g .gLnL.i men g passo ' ate - es, iarrdIthe fain , e is est b i g now neig b rood and f r fall man a 20 in x e lent lwa s eeps oun p beans' t a late ctabbe neigh themes v s to rrel, t e set • Ives ,y de ons,.& We have f Fled to. gen a sb4tbby US. j 1 wen etur e" rom e thy{ s art - r the i pose n in t�h orse t the$e ntle- I email, a the more , until- anim: el. h IIhC uliln g a d ay. (ET as fo grin ba •le gs, 13 ONA' erien eve 0 W s g 1st M NI took h's d pa toba, ues a bu in se f goes o the la wish Hoer Leona pean both 1 ance. the cr bounti el ou{c o oke They ps in ul h count y. Oen S annua $forri: will b. When; have broug the sh previo RE the pa store, will e buildi busine Leod. carry doubt town. Hol taken cently prope haven and v one of on th good a good share public Oso week W. C of Mr. long a Chrys 1852, : no death !we, age. . h tion -years years. this p in a cone positi her in pils, the sc of he 'to al side Were ried t remo wher death maki her e depri wife, favor' the 24th cellent 1 mained evening. step out the babe band and after he f the pre. assist= house, b minutes Medical, monad, h Ioy y nn B a he d wit o eel 't t ti w • s. OV D. t e ga gi s i. n ro.N T v y preve U .z jC posse ocdup y bel the h ry u the TO d. an a ho itse .fthe .1 ver o c] rys: Jo • re er u sit an ne n; er ad of rt rg e er for Mr ed sh: re alts gy lif ed Y. iro er, 131yt infant mb aft ss, died. as bur Priees lows : heat, 90 , 50 to :Rev. inister Mr. J in tow OBA.—i 'tare for morni ss, retur month y a plea Mr. d home Satur uch i peak in codas' rvest .—The er :the] h Agr n Octob' t any e large er in t self .wil ay. Mr. D. kept d to G the sa hich h w oceu eswater arge std quite race Al GE. ion of t ed by gs to use re - h impr st co Mr. Co d we ar and wi atrona It is isle th of Anc iggins, id+:nt of t w: born. at j the ti o co.-segnen: bean to t: 13 Howls . here s g the on she disc er highly er kin er; system st i• the p ✓ a unit' rs, while h nd minden cir le of s where ., ed.. In, A. .Chrys o . er hom ided,u where wer frig here; Chrysl rge cir a eery, a : ghtet h: vine c arry Wed d the to Mr. ered sday wiug he we are 1l whea 8 to t $1 ; eris, 52 but e> 19, to R. i law, amilt , and La'dof Wd sday 'atrigk elly ilnnipeg ani- ]last, w re he i • g proba after six sig week # We nt trip n41 Atria Mc- oin thei uro- y even . ti : last, o ed iii : a pear - 1 wing t: '.8 of and bee .:: alk a roughou 3 the a_1: Sho ' held u spices; f the ltural .' ciety, 12th on 13th, t'i, B will theri g ever .lace, : iia also a • I surp ' s. any reow • 1 o, for b. of a? • ' shoe e ich w re he usines- The rried 6 the lya i .Me - d pro o. ses to hich • ill, no n -ficial . the d, r.'i•oteH. l C l Ston I ook, a t :d1, re -f v • , 'and i ale s1 a nr re he 1 'rit a he tr .0 sad Oa of ,the f :ruce soun t Brue:1 e .f he 1 ust 2 in heft mai she red h t sfactor d ami n) t e 'soh gess of 8• 1, fav any b: red h' aintan ✓ dal 1; ' 4 she a ofAnr: is that t• the h i : succ . d: tha. h • stro f hi: f rola adden i1y.ler w: ri.rning. hou g oc time, g -to few on he :ible. move c ption E.' wards spee t wb 'unix,, e' criu. e of other wn. d at 31st 't nets. ere of ereaw has e re - The he is ished s now Oelries ill keep iberal elling About dinner time he sat down, 011. a log which mea,sured about ten inches through to eat his dinner. When he was about half done, the log turned ove.r. He at once jumped round 'and spied the head of a large Snake. He dropped his dinner and ran s short die- thpg to defend himself with, but im- agine his feelings when it slipped out of alt thei de ler a sh rt she- was holdi left him mid het 13i walk, in e , she was t with the as never a ssistance t it was u she died. een the r the brain, bably be o the grave large con ()wee of sympat in their s A nu their p nabst on been des which t damage sold hi George Cann net N ber of B s and oats e recent pletely de orange cr royed by t s estimate as Evans ky far lyin Iweeth in Fl fierce was t $1,5 f Blans is• ' for t ghter , and Mrs. ld ars of I Sec- y 18 for 5 upied duties to all le dis- room, ✓ pi- ' with alities o less s out- taska nship during e which lbeloved yes of Ou and on to e gave mute ace o ecurin nsibl sum er thi se wil n Hill e ten heart ent. rs hay' in t has a da h TM 1 2,0 will abl he On es al t heb copi Test the aim i 4114 M XJoti mp are Shar Lo nit Orie Or • Tu kers SO h Id Ha Bra EEaas WE( Monia r, , a ehell nab sa th P nlely Aber lielelt er farmers of Blansher loss by losing such a val vett serva t girls fro Min Unio arrived a y go to Ha Mon, whet en'provide for them. ' e4ago, Ber Royal High in e pet ent named hoMas Ban e esight had. been destroy pro is to forward o th suffere t an hors in ra sed type fo 11.1 fevi days ag the books n , arrived at the hospital give toBanfiel ., he work In No • •ptember '2 , Stanley, Househ Rdad Wes David D s. Farm StoOk, , proprietors ;, 8th, 1880, o ousehold Fn at 12 o'cloo charme pr auction pr. 0. to 3 bring 3 sheep a, eicept ten 14 othere bring fr hog ma are loW pound. , TIJO quantity eery, Sea FRUi Gem Frui SON & Weed, be the best Jars T LEY'S forth. 16 APAR nished fro gen tlema st ore. Atictione Private rates of i FARm ing Mill the follo 811 per t Seaforth. Woo ven fesi were old at o er r best animals. ood she :p si !vitt is oy rstooked nd pri es r, ranging from 5ic. to 6c. er Oron lephen and II borne, at Ere top, Wi xeter, Oct 5 and 6. warms Branch, at Bolgrave, Oct. 6. anch at Myth, Oet. 12 and 13. ii 'NO , 8St. 28. ,_ W ace. at Listow , Sept. 29 'HI, St.Olarys, Oe 12 and 13. As Ity N— tO of , of a daughter Du gannon, rompson Stapleton, on ohniRansford he Iivife of M forth, on the Scobie of a, so and3 ult., the wife n the 28 Thos. Hags ar r. th inst., the w'te NIOR—At th residence of t k, ftangthesrriFer.clyn , to Miss gag ie ND SON—At th residence of t e Wm. Flack of Hay, to nde Sod, riisq., of Stanley P— 110L D—At the Me hodist Parson h Susi Ho se, Hensall, on the lst ins ns Ho se, Hensa 1, on the 6th ins aide. Todc, of Starkey. to' Miss Oli 11 arc In e, rig age Or. pgr ye Spri OW Sol eV Oa per b Po per blieh She p ail 8 41 a e4 per barrel. o toe er usher, new rirpalinviig lig ag ,pe t CI er S Ti oth eaths q 6 months and 22 days. lett, at the residence of 1 .. he 5 li hist!, Jane, daughter of s. 9 of L ea TO a jar, ra E PE rg st is TO ILET.--1Tw Noti9es lover Se rries and Su e cheapest. and iLo igare in tow found et ery, Car 5 - NT kID d- oorns suitable for 2 nd witei. Apply over '3', Id rill Lif Ins S' OTLB 656-t TIC of wool Veking , Hi livered a my fri it cash for verything. Law MOWERS supply of the "Phi eluding a the differ cheap.' ratios wia should c 1 and ex without onbt one o not les d in Central Por 4.1try ere of FA unnv las F ere - he he sell Kel gen leme Lo Trance A rty at lo • a I now ell - Or ty- est HIDES AND SKIN cash prieee for an e , sheep nd calf store. No t a:00111NRhia8. nt sizes, Inc ng a first. no, th the best t, Seaforth. OR ER. ec iv La a fact 65 q tity skin de - or t 654 wet,4 in - bo sold Moweif et -NEW COOD JUST CAMPBEL 'S at SEAFORTH, Sept. 9, 1E8 ,erit iledC.haff,Perb oh:: 00 9285 too 10 0 0 9 5 heat rbus thin, t sum bus parbashel el hel • Or.myros, Sept. 9,188 0 80 ,0 0 16 0 80 13 0 winter, 8s 2d ; white, 4060 to. 65c barley, 56c •leggs per do . 12c to 14c. S pt. 7. Fiver factor es '240. Nine hundred bo es npwards of 50,000 boxes et la the bulletin board h ve 12-224 to 131c for Septern er Ste c.). the season. Mar et Iactories baying sold Aug. st hle last Tuesday omitted in Cable to -day, 03s. he e the offerings hi the c r- 1879,1p,o4i boxes, gales at 877, 5,215 boxes, Wee at 11 Palance of season, Cable, 62s. ftahrnsti: e e Stock Markets. shipping cattle contin derman McShane ha b 'ut 500 head ef this kin a e y bought 60 or 70 more. he pai for shippers were from 4c.' ',lee • pound, chiefly at 41c. to 50. ig est price paid for hutch rs' to day did not exceed 4e, 82 60 65 5 0 et 98 05 6c to THE S -11- OTIS Magnifie cLOTHIN 011. ODDS OUSE, en er tie a to inform his numerous er thnt he has just Opened up a dr Of AND FRENCH WORST DS, s, to whic he! ea wilily will be fo nd, ,ou pea- ous in the Tra a. Parti ular ed tie hie selecti n of SC Tat hich ale of the L teet and ost C TWEEDS ENGLISH Of the L invitee t fear but tion, to seen in at ten tio SIJITIN Charmin t Desi h se Goods as es Have ion enj yed reputation of uperiority billty en Du bilit of Texture bl abole all out of s ape. Afte such a bo ul harvest, a Large tma d fo MER HA T TAILOR ' OODS • HATS J!N The St ek i Though I do House " i To do say Souse i Snitabl or can IT] on ill n in his lino of huE mos, et, I CU Ill give as go d value a any . In V. few dap will have a of oVERcOATIN 8 in Faahionahle leaden, Fall and Wider. AO cue mere bavi g their ea ents made by chan cir and at tea onable prices. OrTIO FARI\ARS. OAS T F HY SEED A FOR Seo S, Dzied R AND OUR OLDEN LION, MAIN eges ALL IMPORTAIll / Much, Pleasure in Annoz CLOVER, Apples, WE A Than eve GLASGQ Styles EESE,, ROBE oltsows EXTE SIY( AUCTI N SALE A,4-R%J. RINF1 has beep hist ucted to pi ell 'LILL With at reser* on Lot No. 6, Con asion 8, Stanle n MONDAY, SEPT MBE 27th, oia, 1 ma e years! old, 1 Oily 2 years old, 1 cow, 1 w y ar old heifer i calf, steer years bedstea e 2 saga, 1. cupboard, 7 cane atom 11 sums of $5 and tinder cash, over o n 18 months' credit w' be given on 111 es ng 1 of T9 EXHIII3ITORS. NO ghoul midis for lb 6634 Intening to ishibi Stoe Show„ rid desiring the use o Stalls, the Secretary! as, aeon ae e number of Italie they d kept ce of Atalls, 60 cents each. 44 ION 110ADAM, Setnetary,, :Eglliontlyille IP. a. at the 11 V SEAFORT1I. I 51°1 qi- ' {g}i za — 1 ,1 Ns TO HArlD. ne.21,0 that the Bulk 0 to Hand. E SHOWING A MUCH. L:ARGER STOCK ill be foiund Right, mid Prices will compaire Favorably with any Previmip Season. ESS GOODS WE RINOES RGES, DEBEIGES IN ALL THE NEW 1E SHOW NG P liSI AN CLOT LA.OGTRY CLO4 Sy EVOLYN CLOTHS, ELANGES, TEENS in Beautiful ha es of Black, Brown,i BRO ADED OLVTS anc A LARCL STOCK OF ..ADIES'I,JACKETS AN Also New Ulster Twee s Victoria Twills, TV Cocttings. &c. Splendig Value in, Wilndeys, Fian? els &e. Also a Full Stock of !Lace CUrtains Corp ts and all kinds of D ilEADYMADE UtStERS. A CALL RESPECTFUltLY OLICITEDu. R. JAA,...0E8,_,ON, SEAFORII. HE - TERN FAIR. $ '2,000 O JREI IN PRIZE1S.. 14II)1, BE ITIJD I THE' CITY OF i3ON'D N ONTOSE TBE 4 5 n, 6ru4, ?rn AND OC1 4. on applic tin t the Secretary. All entries tember. Rail** riangements have been made to One Fare tO Lohd n and return. 1, team 'e w furnished. Size of t ra ute, COO. hi ors to provide their pu eys. NICBRIDE, Secretary W stern Fair -Pt noon, 1 • • to ti 1 EACHER a second oil th' BE• RT 61elli1C Itettaler holding llett. Statei salary. Dirties 11 Septerriber 25. Apply Ito EL, Sento-Ali 0. 666m2 STOCfi FOR IS ALE. OR SALE. --4 pirre bred !Ayrshire Bull tall, 4e 9 months old, Pam, fr m imported stook - Si -e, a bull red bY the .' esers. Jardino near 31 mailton, On .. Who!have th best harlot pure br d Ayrshire catt .e in Ontario. ,The above bull an will be Rol& ex. reasonable tenni- ApplY to of Stanley, Hi Is ' ear I'. 01, County of Enron REAL EST TE FOR SALE. ac st T. OR SALE 4th cone LEACH, LMESTE ast half, of Lot 21, in Me . Apply on the premisea ALUAB the east elf ac es, 8i miles fro co venient to sell° be t quality. For I MES PIC FO Sale, tyi of If= ra, consisting of 60 1. The hunt is of the Very urther particulars applY to D, pposite the prernises,or 10 EGMONDVILLE BALE. ROPEItT is,a frame, th lot cPutains half AU acre and iv one of the best inkling sltes in Egmoradvillta There is a go d ell and all other necessary ion- vearien ces,an will be sold. cheap. For particulais apply to JAS. H. ENSON, teaforth, 521 Lots 1 Ord 4,i tbe B. R. North Coneesaima, g 177 acres, 1../ame house and barn; a la e entity of cedar oir this prioptrty. Also Lot 1 Valve A, Bo Bei#1,9 acres# Also 86 acres on tbe ort to JOHN ES8ON, Land gent, Bayfield. 665-8 -s-' or to Rent, if Jo 1 Coneession 7, Tom:whip o.: Monis, e apart 80 acres of laza, sti cf. ' 'which nye Chilled, ell fened ana in a good State , oF cultivatio ; a Igo d frame dwelling, also frame ' barn, stables an shedB; good orchard; On a g •avel road; S mile from bill aria 9 miles from V' ingham. or p dollar cad-ress (it iler DA the 1 j MES AND IR Belgrave. Application may f. also be made to C l' ILTON,Blyth. 636 -pLANING AN slim -elm FACTORY FOR -a- SALE IN T VILLAGE OF WROXETER 4The aubse Thief having made up his nand to business offer. for sale .ou terms to suit par- ir aser the ab ye lin ntioned property. The prop - e ty consists or (11 ) ge frarne planing rind Shingle ill and dw Ithig I ooze, and has half an acre of . 1 DA attache to It. The Min is fitted up with all ' ti -st-class In ities Satisfactory reasons .en ✓ selling. Foil' ticulaiis *ply to 0-E0 E LEN, Prowl r, Wroxeter. ' 460 ABM FO SAIL .—For Sale Lot No. '24,00h. 3,11. R. ., The -ersnrithi, containing 100 acres more or less, S5 df hi& are cleared and free ton stumps ; the alanc is well tireheml -with haul - wood. Ther is -a rick house, frame barn and , si x of Clintoi , w t R gray 1 road running past t e faira; is cony inent t church .and school; pessession will hi. given at a ost any thne. For fi Adler partidalais apply to the proprietor on the V of MLoti86 0 S —For .Sale, the north half -Co4le salon 5, Township of Hibbert, Cpunty of P rthi c Mohair. 50 acres of excellent ha bush and is,t,t e. There is on the preroisee a . bowed log _Ionise log stables and granary ; ii8 Within two and i a -quarter miles of the elatbo- o n goo" roald. IT .8 farnsavill be Bola st once; M• IAH RYAN, on the premisea, or it by letter to HOICE F Et OR SAI.E—For Side, Lot 2, ir g 100 acres ; c eared audit). a first, elass:state of cultivatio h balance is hardwood bush ; leg house, wi h -,t ne cellar, and -well finished ; b nk barn 6x1•30, stone foundation, and good t# ap• ply to the ropri tor on the premises, or if by letter to Chis lhrirs P.O. JOHN O. ISTEELE.654 .—For Bale Lot IS, COntes- A"Ision F7°, Iiiii%e , containing 100 acres, about ush. The) new brick house, two frame arns and a nine driving house, and ,other good uthuildingsl. ,T ere is abundance of soft and aid water and ; a good orchard of hearing trees. ' he farm isi W*11 'fenced and in first-class order. t is situate 1 04 4 good gravel road, Alla is, With - n 9 -miles of Seeferth and =equal distance from remises or to 5ICHAVal HURLEY, Staffs P. 663 1880 HAODWARE. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. GOODS - HE NOTED HOF MAN BROTHPLS Are ree FALL : Fall Ste course of Just t of Mae doubt th. Our GO ODS see :Aye Full kinds o iiing Large Consignmelats of RY GOODS weekly. The k will be complete i the a week or two.; SIC 73 0 03 0 0 hand this week, a Larr Lot ° best value we ever showed. 0 ck of Plain and Fancy D E SS XI is Larger a,nd More Ccdra ever before. For part ulars tisement next week. ssortment in Frillings, s, Buttons, F-ringes, a Fancy Goods always in on Rib- > d all — co 0 A CA4 CORDIALLY SOLICITED. NO TN HO WILE TO SHOW 70DS. FMAN BROTH HARD%4ARE OF' THE CIRCULAR 0 0 • 0 0 111 1-4 • tt 1-3 S,SafI HHS P'IV 0 ci tn 0 131 Lei lae 's'"'3CI$a a'IVSa'IoHIsi 111 0 tsi ed rn 1-3 ft - 0 tsf 41 tse 1-3 111 tsi rn 0 rn 3-3 Pe tei 1-4 tzl WHICH WILL MART THE CHEAPEST SAW • ARM FOR E. ---For Sale, Lot 2, conecesion , 13, Eullait, ontabaing 76 acres of exeellent lay loam land, bout 6C acres of Ng/slob are leered /Ma oad 13tate of cultivation, tbe rembus ar Ismail log honed, sided up., with r nine kit& n, b good Welt and pump, and ood spring, trir =ming through the land - rid 10/ =les 1 13eaforth, and -about the came • rota Brussebt n. a good gravel road. Ftirther articul ars Canb obtained on application te the r oprietor on,tbe premises or to Hai -lock P. O. 110MAS 0.11d)11s1, proprietor. 1629 of the -toWnsblp of Stanley, containing 100 cres, 83 screa Cleared and in a. good state ot tul- .rct:s all now Ilea -lig. The farm is well watered, ' a never failing ler ek runs through, also twn good veils, large bah barn 86 x SO feet with good rhe tam is sitna . d within two and a half; =ilea of the village Of syfield. For further particulars apply to S.. -4 Alst, proprietor, on the premises r to JOHN NS N, Bayfield P. 0, 667-12 ne hunch- er of land, about 75 of 'whieh re -attired, freelf ora stimps, and in a state of ood cult ivaf ion the balance is well tinabered with hardwood ; there is a frame house and frame be same 4.s/twice from Eippen, and 7 iriles Tom Seaforth4 *II _good markets - gravel road running past tgte farm and a. sehoof withirrthree- pia iters of ai Mile. Tide is one of the beati farms premises, or to Brucefteld P. O. 3,11 -LS Atro, VAT= FOR $_A TE—For Sale, the North all 01 84 acres, 60 of wit 'eh are cleared, well fenced, end to nn der good colti tion; the balance is well -tim- bered with bairdw od; there is -6 good fram barn Va▪ nn h3 on tbe Own line between Grey and Me- Iliillop and le -within two miles and a half, of the !village of Wail n, wbere are stores, ncoherchee, finid-way bets* Brussels and Seaforth, two -of [the best marke;ts in the Coon% with good' gravel i0 $20 , -worth 4161ree. A.ddrese STI14,- !apply to the! proprietor, Seaforth. JORX DUN- - PER DAT at home. Samphe withias toile t fann. Forfarther particulars ;road leading to! eiteh place; there is a geKs% school • I It