HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-09-10, Page 441
Bull for Sale—Hugh Love, Sr.
Teacher Wanted—Robert MeMichAel.
New Qoods—Williarn Campbell.
The Western Fair William M
Foancing Wire—Wm.. Robertson & Co.
Fall Goods—Hoffman Brotl
'R. Jamieson.
ortations, to H&nZL—
i _4 Noticei. to Faximers—W. S. Robertson.
Auclaoik Sale—D. W. ok A. J. Yuill-
Notice to Exh-ibitors—G. McAdam.
For Sale—McCaugghey & Holmeated.
Important Notice—Hickson ok Co.
Opening Up Goods,Thomas Kidd.
Scotch Tweeds—Hally ok Anderson.
Pianos Tnnol)d—Scott Brothers.
I A ts Wanted—Scott Brothers.
gen I
New Goods—Hill Brothers.
11 T 0 U X" 1.1 J0 0 -0 r
SEAFORTI]�, FRIDAY, SEP. -10, 1880
The Parifte RadlwaY N
tions Completed.
in the Globe from
London correspondent, under date of
September 8,states that Vie negotia-'
tions, far the formation of a Pacific
Railway Syndicate are glosed, and it is
reported that, a provisional 'agreement.
has been concluded. An early special
session of the Dominion Parliament to
colusider the ffoiberne is probable. The
contract is'taken jointly by a banking
firm, in , onclon, &French financialaEtz
-a 13
sociatioi�, and Irm. of finaaciers in
Ndw Yorl. The terms ar not yet
known. Ministers. have Sailed for
The Member for Centre Huron.
We an derstan�d that it is the intention
of Sir Riahaxd Cartwriabt to visit his
at the middle of Octo-
constilbaents, abo
_h -will addresa
bar, on whi6 -- occasion be
ding. It is
several me tings. in the ri
expected he will speak at GodeiI
Seaforth, Londesbaro- and -Walton. We
need scarcely say that his many_ friends
in this county will beglad to see and
hear him once more, and he may safely
rely,apon receiving a warw, hearty wel-
come, and, being greeted by large audi-
encea at his mmetia-s. Further and
faller pa;rticulars.will be given in due
The Result.
The Toronto Warld puts the whole
question in. a uIt Isbell wb en it Says
nt tariff must build up manu-
The prese
factures in Canada; a�fter a time home
competition will be severe; the m4nu-
facturers will then demand a wider
market; they can only get, it and re-
tain protective duties against cheap
a, goods by gaining admission to
R rigI i al
the mar ets of the continent ; they can
only gain thax privilege, by cop2merpial
union; and commercial union involves
political unioti after 9, Short period. Or$.
again, suppose a period of depression
occurs, with -he existing taxiff in force,
it will then be seen to be -no preventive
againat hard times; the membry of the
depression under the late revenue taxiff
will not have passed away; a revenue
tariff will not, therefore, offlir sttrac-
tioxis; commercial union will seerato
be the only alternative, and the reauib
is, once more, Annexation. Or, suppose
the present tariff to be swept away—
e prosperity has already
its failure to giv
been ascertained—a, revenue tariff then
once more established, depression again
occurs ; there would be no second re-
sort to protection, and the only alterria-
tive'to relieve distress -v.dll seem a oe
Commercial,, followed by political.,
union. We do not say that annexation
will be thus brought about (we hope
better things for our country), but! there
are many who think that the present
tariff tends to annexation.
TiiF, Hamilton Times reinarks: ',The
Toronto, World pointe; to the facts that
both! the High School teachers and the
friends of the University are one in de-
-anding tha, Upper C
m anada Coll, e, be
abolished. That is true, but they have
differenbobjects in view.; The former
hold, and one of them has writt an a
brochure to prove that the funds which
sustain the College should revert tD the
schools of the Province, from which
they were taken fifty years ago to,
establish � this., institution whicb. has
autlived its naefulness. On the other
hand, the latter wish. them to be do-
nated to the purpose of 'improving aind
stirengtbelaing- the University. So that
if the College is pulled down there _ivill
be a lively set-to between the teachers,
and the� University men. Upper Can -
ad a,. College must do one of two thin
—either be reconstructed throughout or
7. t
condition is not satis-
go. Her presen,
factory to those who foot the Provincial
bills." The Times further favors the
proposlitiont to give the funds now going
to Upper Canada College to Toronto'
In thiA we doo ubt agree
with it. The High Schools of the
countryare just as important and as
useful as the University,, and if- there
are any funds to distribute, they shQulid-
gettheirshaire. Theendowmentwhich
suppcirta.Upper Canada Collol right-
fully belongs to the High Schools and
has been diverted from its proper pur-
Pose long Enough, and to withdraw the
funas from the College and apply them
tO the University would be perpetuat-
ing the gross injustice under which the'
-High Schools have so long suffered.
Besides, the -University is now very
THEI HURON .); l6si�
'hel's of whok,
id'after the a'0110110's were clone the fid- 13,91V Boo was
liberally k uffolrd,:Iod Li nd 31 an additlohal h9 r �eaa to th win 1. T le gale in- i In n be was elebte I ag� member for tible 4OOr L -tee J?ethlek
endowel, i7hile I! e High mencedf,-, Own a, good time was has 80 apre of kne,
pir -)uted anottier 4100 creased to a hu rricani i. T e fl' a were' any's har4 i can- olle, com -who
Boro will y1eli all
iI idnome a �, mi aly a, all enjoying t5,600 I u�ahels, and L sn g bis bereavea i
Schools, in m uny i0stances ; ave a f)r tbe same c)bie b.* -This fine prize I)' by tie wuves,-% a t a ip t he went tb ugh, but for 18! �Fears had for an hour
P N, returned andi few themselves to tilicit healI Content. bushel a �Jper acre Ira wastier by MiSS, airi wil v VL
Two loys natitied George an!stone is a SO
severe strugglefor an� existen Cath 7 ne Billan- bi n the'n ercy a': th d ry he was CoDtiuu Lowerey Mr. ok masu an
con- a liag —Another'
00 gf
tyine, teacher i I t1ai StratfooraL Separate Sq1 m �e in two eel an I sal k embers earned the esteem of e flued 3 g* as nd rne194O`%L It I e was singularly and John Vittie, 61 Gorrie, wer in blue piing at
8 th it I umbere o: bun an it.peney as h steers,
aining talk $6.50, respectively, grazes�
Clinton New 'ra that 80hool, whose ic ess inf obt g down v; e did. H,
THF �elfish his SIC le Lim was to represent t week I �10 an d. steemrs, many The uUtortu'r
from 100 candidates Et:rio� their' friends 4�shouia ceirtificate we merP'1"yJ1onea week ' a. bo�, n a who wet ch aging to the wroe 3k. ni[ow, -
Ag Belm ore In istrate., for sliand 0 h bau, nly 1�
a t N. CHILD II1.11,LBI), BY A RAT, --Fra ik- el constituencM, a id that he aid with by a
OiI unday 3
ly abi Ion canvass Jag. B plum's at rincon
plams It aon,lb y to Steal
lix Kautnet, a WaS; oloviating fai fuluess. His friends last, some B
foll f Readi g, ]Pa., horses la� perty of Mr. J_Oh
the evils NowE �he W fast Passing ay, but we are th at rate. III _pro —Whil, A�'
V0111111%rii ek . aw
they w not, a A it all
them to. Th lot at rob edy fa aN a ionea 1�rc day moruilug !by the I �ere are -,hild ged ro'ur plonths.j sure the ti ill be re- —The growing- 6f sorghum, tried as Manuel, Winghalm,� wore beat u sory STUMF,�—Lancobire weavers- are still, .86 8 LMS of his i dings of his 'death IN. bridge, whOn one of his Logs
-of Canvassing woil,Tabe chap at expET11 3 ieight- Rock
these who are stil liv- i by several in the x: ey 0 afat steer DA
On, appears Leili home aind. ixi hi'The
c no preven d liinddatin' oth
voting. It wou 1, Q110 SO- 0 a Nge*rat g1rappling,:ceivedbyallof
a ike,� ers� will-! H liscovere w, bc rhooa a cun t to have U.Uderoo t a
v�tl theba�e, biting it in the. throo5at.�: iliqj'amongst us With a:pang of Barra
liclitation of votas, but it -won I &event i4g to work. i ceI judging by the standing ordeir toi
start e 0 thrI
0 0
Qotst P13 0
:FLYINd FOR ]REulucm.—Ayoub klian e1rat, heari g approacbi ig f a it* is seldom t e t � f man to enjoy , be en a, uc but Iffr- JOU01
thepullingand hauling ano� t�aming Th a aeow 1. has fortunately been chuuk hard At hem —A umbe
which are the --ch-ef buisances of elec. i lias fied f -o)m (I andghar, and ismaking j raped from ie era Ile Lid esca ed,'' t he friendship a c: ne so pure -minded or in Ile 0 en
a favorable one f# it. h tt he left forI trom the star
tion day.-80a�fbrd rlerald.- his Vi ay t) He rat.- Ii The;ebild waE horri)ly irang) , nd au4 so sterliugl bue., His wio6i,pre
low the knie
da, last Wm. Penhale just N e,' b vrel
1 re
leaves 1 9 it in llanch
OBBI. im I y t No jears-he --On S%tU1
Our Toky frieni I' 6aa is le" Fell on the 500 Is manter that tbla One protrIlcka oxes, MA
I 1HII,&vy 7AILURE Hannay Dickson, di Bloll from com lulsion a an' 1 ad. ectessed In
1 1 lei
1 4 1, 1 1 �amily Ughters, �11 in tb �reshed , vith hil steam thresher
ri of iNF a
1thesteri, have failed. t th *cal vieces -of!
bilew9ro, I Bar Mi ters bushels a � wheati,400 bushels of oats 'tb rouf h, e skin. .
g uestion. t1he Ex. As 0 'Surgi
compulsory �vo Air :1 � ailw ly to'Binic, 61d. J 1.11stralia, and a married qis
A R d 150 bus els 1 o' f barley for Chaxles could )4 rendered t' I POSITOR and SeN ei a c ther Ref Jour MR. GLADE TO) REcdTE- hED.- Mr. I ere, to mourr lia somewha
Vit. EDITO11, -Sik: III t 0 1 a is sue, I . I Wephen :p nd to its uJ by u"
2nd eance ion of St from ,
Sliell, an oe
n als have advoI -,a e I this q, aiii6 tan: 3 fi, h ml ll LI! is tl�oroughl dealth,"
n fox Glade, Y Ke- of ,W L axf i1ta its brain. tbe.E�i?oSllr m, I read a D'me racticall a. In. to 7.30 P. m. that the youl
covered, ha ljubhe again.
years, and t e' I a Foe been m4a, otrenu. d he i 6ut'in rb xri�rks in ref pect , -,a a lail ay from, i at -Mr. (hrl eaLGranger of inburn, -A, I .� recent sitlti.ng A -the Divi somble att tb
11plod in twrigh� Urt Alle. ir E Ullett,
IThe idea is' Richard JCar i a1�umi 1 -The, steamer Seaforth to �rucefield. b as sold his house and lot in C( hutd 11, case of p numbers
MoRp it L - �v a
ously oppos d by a oat of the 14 306serva- 1 Emerson. I
naia his Badhoollfrom 'Hamb �g for
good, but if it I not too lat a Nvot lod Dot tj at villag -1r; it5f tipular interest to d4alers was d- Annoy vartiei
art got z rs.
d th �ooaxI4 &i better for t e inte rests a � tL t en- tl Is townline, foo the sum of y had go tive ilress are glad, t h: wobver, tc qewlYori with t% . hun re �ir R. . C right'had a na e to lgr. William Hugi
e pe Mani- 4410. Mi. 'of am( e III
note that at least one raper On, that )ourLaa i.a gow� of Bayfield to :a hard in ha 1 a lith hdFiastic welccm(: at Emerson, G 7anger inten Is itemoving to Algoma, !in 0 a 3 ore, urch*efaia It
llpox� JP lobs, the other ( ay. e was suque
SXALL� 0 X.- Fi �t: V caseos�! of 13 d liouc or IN, iere be has isk ep up land. leligeS any
side of thet an. ei i lightened lilagilaptlymentanoW )v
Loan ce t lies Brucefield ain Seaf rth, hich he knew
tol by the-prI n
Y.:, ridayll, t 1, )minent rea e and f -A a t -ti ne, ago Mr
po ted & i toy, p the Gra Tru k there, �nd even A a A. Dempsey ito be N rit rthless, bdt, i which he T -I of better tp
view of the question. We dope the kkk 0 let It a have alrea .06-1 nado a speech n reply to an a dress I E n.ted J a being Jordan.
light. `1 tend it t6 russe E, and Wroxeter, was eng a io b 4dig a Straw stack 8 u finding that �of 01
Herald will -10i tin I e of the E ime mind w rred, � a (I ano 51 r Pat ent is idying.1 resented. In the course of his e ly
id'ultimatel, to So e, poc in ion 0 o good, the of ellge, SIX
or, the I r of Mr.. Samuel Essery, in e nob was proprietors, r Binesq i felt Georgian Bkl:. Bi �foioe , M w9l Bill, r aip of St.ephen, when he had ti e Star entered a" ac when this . EfOl m - is, taken It) aud ad- Wuch U6B L e paid: "No with you gainst
IF y,ars t
I the shortly.
if OF e re- ion, I would h4e to make a, bri Ea- it towns
TEtE B DDUCTlY : & L or
vacated by the R Arpi leade in Par. largo, quantities of lu nber"i e want. kr into his nee. From the party Plasing the n6te, to recover the
Salt nk ect)r for he I d regulation at
ort'of tie "ta ;alt UeI to t a of the : _Xr. W
ts of his injury he has since e ( f the goods,
ed in this co, ity, and in 1c il"I e -ects of been the suit, I farm on the I
nly will 1, befor _ I eff
lia-ment, as it ce t1il sii, b
11 wa th4 iro4uc of the'ffichi� resent Goverr mIl! nt -brief, Nole
LUgust - Is . bqingheldthat as tI note was ear sw<
ti cobtigu us, an4 it japoa laid lip, B=ept-
an Vel for #be month to be 3)1,300 lieve i he subject to be
very long. I 'EI
tc' lne that is the oEI likelyl a be -Ayot-ina lad,namea EvauSI was by, it Em., nothindi Cola: Id bereca -to Conra 11
ter' and applausb.) I
arrIl aelargoe'll vorpmolucedinon i ne. (Laug i to
pl ace - to gu )ply our wants. Wiel Ulf this
SAYS THB Globe-: The lea 9:1 of- thE i . . : most surpri ;ed in the course 6f my lbb town from 16 Wagon last week in Ex- i 3 law it is nt t i notice.
lont C!o ulI get coall at Bayfield, and lumer'i aii eter and 1�ad his collar bone broken. night las week, during
OnnoB IL t L Magnificent Coun-
present sesdo cf t e Englilk P�q.lia- BO IiON to cl."RAICNu Rs. -A R 1 Progress through t alsence of Air. Hu
i&shingles at) the Geor *all 1B 1 6 was working at Afr.. Carling's new a eb
y- H MOOre frol*
e west of. thia to find esp �Cfiili ind Peru do builocting, and the bors IlHer( Ili 3 of Star ley; t Is he was'driving 'to Mrs. Moore ha ocicasion to ment bears i n 1 r be eve that tb e ratep!a e ry' which lies ta tl
Q, ai&n affa
Pngland, France' 11 vay, out
at Como to 11 uld give a Arger b nil t a rai 16 tiemendous as ter t of. the most blea a - i
were a body of ad al tobl, Ei, backec ran away, whichmas the cause of the Zotiwn at!airs, and when 'near the bottom twenty
to' trilkling her
I nd Ital� ititead to �Lct in concert Ir ningalmos; tbrough Jibe 4entr) of tiftil prairie land lyingL unoccupied, I �0 face -on
ac cident. in a faint, -at the reelen
and propeity ngle hc use or a single set -
by a strong p' y attempt to ob e t: o township, ihan taro alt of &table ��vhil6h rend�rea her ugh hills And! WitOut a Si Rodgerville, has 311P while
.1 ! i t distance I -Mr. IE,. Murr Y, of t struct legiall 4tioia N rhich the, asoerteoo� 3 south a shor
e Pr
MOWS the Cl inton way. bE en enga ogpd as eacher in th eplara
Tackle= ithl Qer, while to th, In thi' condition iabe roa A. tanki .0 line
to be revoln Yet the; -bad onl A Bx(i COAL6i' �XPLOEiION.- rosia the-interipat nal boundary
ry form in- Con ection IN -he Galt inhine I until foun-11 by j her dabbters bu Thm
)Uld no do�l t give t handsome bol4us ith t
_yl f kerose 3 ex plo L Rus- I I to
eepecially thoE e resi4ing nearhe xI in the Unite 5a �,E; were the �houses I Valk -A st, the frien
nerve enou& to bl row out c I) impor4, I I . ; t Salary of $600. Mr. NY 0 Well* awakn- by One of the -
da, don 'inin,& 1',) loneI 111 homes of h-, indredo whi 'have
> fluid 'Ltd, and we i 41 altliougb in J 1 ch 11 Murray is a good Iteacher and. a clever childro 34 Crying. Fla'.11Wrtola, w4
a Brucefiel Theyat once: I
taut measur 3 of tei ciporary, lication 8 4c in retil- lady deal
i rbe'wolknae! afltered the reE ervoir ood reasod for I oeli eving are the homes ,
former times i I little too k i I -nil will yet make his her to bed and procured young man, a
vith a n ed Ighfit (10 Canadians -o ir )wn people *b It is sa;id t -at: 111 Canadif 2 Seuat� is ieved thirty a bad i _y
matters,, voul& in tb case our i when it' was folaii4that a
y 91 Mark. couple -of
?ersons bebia driven acro: as the line, air,: by an
should be In aa taii ed for tb e irpose of receive !
cluty Manfully; We on Ir , e 2nd cancels- f durilag the U,
f� to -M . J on Ross, of th teeth I idd been kno ked out by lb
CANAL 11OAT -Al'iteam canal f injurious, and, May say, a suicidal
) bushels wheat for I -age.
d' at least 150,00' Sion of Stephen, has rented both of his an2- side of er,! !ace severely eat.
obstructi MsRed by, in the' E ]he
g d gai aus Bills
Ca all on Tues -I I ani'd policy, wbi 1h
)oat a i a so short sighted an
term;Df y
export, excluAdve of Q, grains. farms for ears. The home- -Mri Alex-. Tho of _21m. W
the popula ou ie. If tl Britis I (Ap-
lay Iligl: C Be(L y her s"ms open-, , a wtu Ily criminaL -her golA Wab
Without.gioillg into the =18i of he k,( it a(ta sStead to Janab$ Willis,of Hay, and 'near -G fortuno to have
Fee ingby-it I a ng M �a 6-8 he tA voic
reall _�rrie, had.tba mi�
vera I a brok I
Is dar, � -�O D mantaii a, fron 01 8 OP gat' I* S scheme, keep be ball in lug Yours e other, know en 1c
e -IT 80.1) 1 -
th m! as Spring Creek farna )n :SatnrdAy
NEW II iti 8, 00 bu hels of, corn. truly, UC, FIEL am( re libly inform4 and irning -she
against,the Omm(UB, how h no, woul L I ;'to Waltei Hi!l. Ae re last. had been ing at A I
�,Wir%!Bon 1 a believe, that NI;,ithin ceives $700 a year neigh -
6 of C fOr N ew,' � Drk. us to ledge of the
an daI'main 'ALI T M. Henr tho� last six man ia� 904
epi- for both. b re's e ad wa
the deer S11 A 0 s XALI 1W ths at Poemb b w
a s, Irtion that the Sen. Will iginatO6 of. Punch,l The Wayto I It'. I , their _C. To it Scott and E. Nicol, EsI h me way of the,rail ay track when
tadn one. he I Leads of familie i lal 3,ve renouncec
0 1 of t e 0
tremit I d irknes
ingh&m -, T. F rrow, M. P.z, and Wm, 1 throg h the ex a 0i thib them.
ate would Obstruc 5 dangerci a legisla. nd::: ter a, �ME ci4teI with DEDITOR L -Sir. AN? seacre a:, all�giancoe to this countr] and aeo'laxed
1_01 Sinith,Eiq., BliIevale, returned from ni ghtho missed big boting and fell into -The Nes;
exas in t I Men - df po 16 Ce 0 Ow I (I a of le .. I est#blis' t k House -t is a Mat th �ir intention (f becoming, citize'n. to Manitoba, -on Saturday. a catt e guaxI his a tion is in fact an &I gument fo: its abo. 0 lIr tb eir trip
Nords , 0; whi 1 a I the workin I w1lat the ne1v ariff is gain' yield in thoi United StLte -praoticall,v :-1,500 4;
T aey pleased 9, c1I a beam, frale iur ng two or M
lition. The respol sibility siould not editor iod in bi� Is ye r. been lost to Canada be- exp ess thelmselves well
the way of I ri venue, If t 4ppe edi persons have
d I I w th the ountry,i;and tOck up 10,000 iribs. 'Kr. Thompsn'11 has beeM. unfort- afeeding;
be. removed � �rom tl to represe: it aives ol GRAIN rnvHoUF grairi: tiat it wou.14 I at vield endugh to meet datise the Cana dian GoVeram(i# ex- URNED.-
f acres of larld between them. this respect this year,a head,il
at''livatal 144ton Carriers, AlA-, t atin on ELI tl ere IV be no I pe tect settlers t
arelious ua Oul go one hundl-ell and
.the people, and :'it i i mere,foll 0 main 3ndirliet, auZ
I � : I I -Build ing-s&rxis to be pretty brisk -at istaia a similar ju-st at
eda Cotint3i; I slifDrIlia, obiltining, r6oaree but tc remo lel be t riff and twenty miles 16MV from mark, 4 and
tain an ex'pEnBiv:e House fo I no. othe in the townshi of West Wawanosh. Comm exacement of t �illelillzryyi
50,000 E, ekia0f �eat an I barley, hai� In of railway facilitiEg and JPWRT11
in crease the duties on, F Comm Cation, I i1na-esbore -T
n a SE'A"I
rpose than to thi ow out Maiq of the farmers are -T 3� members of
PU States tho6eI set- �s seaso 1. the
Is which,
een bu D ed, W' it[ a loss -of probably! gc ads as the Finance M: Diste, mi lit Wbereas in the I Jilited the Stra%
I p4tting up resideAes and barns, and M etho: dt Church I( r -assea, bled
the Commons wau. d never p lag unles ne-qu. fer of'La indlion. It is believe think would yi eld a larg r re enue by 'rs found land within easy diat&nCe Of
tle ling
Is alw49-goemi pretty busy. the Pi x �enage on T r dday ev the Grand I
en a be: i or aia�y. I levying heavie - dubie3 on em," Now, i
just finis isia
they were sure thai the- S woul t
1,G1 t1b masol inanth �of 5
h. I say, a is state of aff4irs is ;
I mir. S. X IT& Ed 9, fine I last w of k. icas.
scarcity Sir, on trial a' the tariff 'jiter i : . i mploy-�
GR Tl ROUG r-Feais' of dur4ng this 'little less than criminal. lbavermsonlL
be safe in-rdusinj 1 a assent' em.. Fait "'me resi ence Mr. Haines of St. IN ell, da ag le �stor, tev,
If not far ne'arB nertaied over a.fliancial-year they find ha it does I to 'believe that nearly all, if not all
t elens. Caswell, with a hands - Bib'e, a bid shops as well
I arge, par- On f I a( III& n account of thel not yield the required ai oun and in thise people w uld have preferrI to
It ,28.50,
IT is singt lar t:) observe t lat while JrI, son of Mr. aira c go and a�p makle, Strad<
dr(,Tlg'lt,- the B( bay, I face of the strong reactioli tba has sdt I reiaain on this 3id of the line icould I
recemly &E I a t I on of thoi CIS an pprem.
doxiti.nueO t :Strat
Ca,nadian I efarraf rs are a b Lting in P MCP1 illip�B, 'f Exeter., r -A-t
Governial i it a re r dy to �take TeQ ib &at beng t y have b en accommodated 4thin;
X he
and the 4U �And (ry jig IN favor of e aigra)i@u to K8 issEI and esed a yery er�ditable examination aiion u111a yard the vl
ary. ans haVe' n9t h"eir course by those v ho ea aow
ineaBures if bec ei raised agai realson, and thal they are not to be P �f the faitlif
other -- west era and soul I. western 3libioea 'eallancel pricea for what! b(fore thE Law ci�iety at Toronto, and nIor in 7hich she filled tb� poEition
however,ri I )ie, anxiety iiii the have to pa T11ch blamed fo. ielding to the tempta fi arg
I I y Wn ua Is
States, ind pende t Amex PRI11113 arl y w arg he Past two ye This
it licen, led to P 4atise as a hamster. ofl arg for t or fo= mn
the consume, a large par n o� wh,ch iop which sorey I tied them. I say,
Northweat y t T, ie youn gentif the eve of ma,nifesting: ritier, G i in Carlahan-pro- 11 r niIIan is Said to be very wilas o shrt
a for Saugeeii, Mr
BARONIIS 3 I�IUUDII TT COUTTS a �188 ot that this co adi tion of -affairs is a eoll
1 11 SICK� elibancemen ,c a ell e Sir,( place
gress and d(Vel L affl: ient.-Torvnio.AlfaiO Co tts, wb cr cl ever, and is lik6l to form a partner- p rtuLe whi
B u r(I a bog c�ffexsi of the Governmen ,but,into he ime against tl e state.11
be aroness ett inent Toronto law she left on Saturola to take C arge
The 4tater lent 1c ritained ilil 11 le firad ng Mr, Ash -I p with a Of
E ether I I e ixt or. ry (00 8 0 e &vote I ev are- ib hol
e I ri, illeage, -a kni
th t tb st
steried up by SlImp Miss
part of the a)bve totation A I iead Ba tlett is il in ci nsequelice of! till ie N. P. I ey sv& at fi Pn R4
Thursdav noon. of last week , I
For the Northwest.�
n re yt
exi rtir left Mr. C. Pi irdy, -of Aelleall, shipped a the Canabi, 3g U%
prospect! 5f a run (in Cot tts, Ba k in fu 4 50 to, out thei
say that the Mail cnows A I b e SO. ribber, an wip r lic don for Mar ito 3a on Taesday'even- c load I f urn Wre South over the n last week LLO tirriday gob
ly false, and we ight very c CtI her Irancei._; There is al!
the daring to on . and readjast ill The Gre way-'I'atterson pa
Church nar-
Not one sin consequeAceolI t1ldleipebwolwitlidraw' deficit, woul ba e to borrow, or i inolast. There w3re seven.P&Ssenger 13 H and Bruce. On rowly �e icsed re. The,
gele Rdorm pa 6r R- El of the roneet3:1toln tho'concern. aE urchins woi Id say whOwerel ng
play i co4c4es in the tr a, containing � over ing Clent alit was found to be the la -pap toti
form spea has F1 (P .-Advices froml o't daughters ent to tim brch
kei ver advi:54I emi- DISASTliCU8:1 atmarbles 'Iffibblelt front last year3s ing caught fire from aboUtL f
2) re a. I Tbis shows tha'50 the 31 fire, e car 0 b %If -past 7 [ock in thE evening are to
at oi mer, (,bilirep4ir'�tb'attl�e,i'uly��floods xithe, revenue 61,30(,000, And then dlaini, in I a song
graltion to Kane e I" U histead �f dying out, is gainincr
suppose, I in question and ed the la -11 Lps, then
Province I f bo(lu im bo canBed. gxI the I a spark from the gine, it is the fire
1�nguage, a thia,Fisedc e, 'the r ew
9 ex- Tie car and contdiits were rendered at;. bA&y bumei
e, and Nv( lefy the X. il or any c Myna he !revebue Ir ng m*cb larger 'went away -again. During their ab.
c'an Sta rif& is goingA 'fl 8
e. �he! ru 31 a] water during the' ta 10 yield all person else 30ted next month, The 0 10 itg is& I most an entire V s6uce, squd. before lbh'� t) name one that h is. On tight of t bf I 1�lh J aly ga�ion aa
I red," a :very ingeni aily
Vas so great reqn' III truly, Can o assembld tb
the contrary Refl have, continu a nd Sadder that ie tirly soevi-ent Is e lamps mu-oun- I -Mr. David �llar, of the Thames b 10 of those who ent from this*
)r ers y P OUR of counting their 0 lick'as. Now,' by t IF W. Cowan Hallett- Geo. P Ater- Rioad, Usborne, I.; sold 50 acres of brave young OA - ravines ar6 w f 3 eXplo, I'setting .0 One ]of the
igr arg ve
c a aion I am Can- Hallett; a. Fowler, lai'nd, the south half of lot 23, 5th con- le fl t1l ree feet
a or an( Al�,out
b t #f y lead bodies bav 'y B fobple fir L ally deplore' the I Iving on� the ea' )f the am 3xit, grant f: d they li�_ Gt
missing. QU a all dow of Cairn tc thu In'
11 �X. McIntos Ullett Mrs' E. J. cession, for the sl� im of $3,200. Mr. __on Afar -
.ad& to the United States Ird have 13%�Laro )f the car The. fire was
eon f ob. e ast to lb�d ) th - ov thIS year, P 119-
e a J?Ieter Melvill
most strenuc usly but ineffectu ily urged - Hazlewood, Se farth; Charles Moore, Millar ba 3 also roe ited his horriest a. Itic, bv -some aT
rsAMF L "T 114 E1111 IN T.
how-labout th3 next financia� year?
of Ribbert,
E e dorth Donild 'McLaughlin, Brus- k own w t 'F:I ead to
.. or, h6 rushi lin ana by their
I11613t the &'a rability I L fearf u drought I Ove. VW Tae4 there wi The IlD PBE;� tg �obble 0- g
r. Peter XcD PI oral)t an L effiCI
8 �l T. tAiugsI MorrI Miss Slater, for $350 per an- -wagon loade,
man h6ireri have been 6t wtion cbecked of changing tb6r' Norbh�E Mont, a fmmi�, but we I resumi, that in; view of
it policy,
Big NiiMir proposes retiring what in ight have b ping -.on the I
compelleA to P *ork fo the i the ossibility of - the pre3ent broler of I :(p Ball -,dMiss Ne ell, Herisall; Mrs. 11 _Mr. Mil serous ean.
whiehis in a great peasure )onsible -1 1 ioo�hard Mills id two children, C oder- f
TB�l r na armin , an I Vill follow �1 Lgra ilon.
antof 661 ci ntl v'a er. 9 and things being rever�aed, aa i1japorter
9ry Surgeon' front of -the
a. fession as a voter maxrulact�i e Of but on,the
forthat qmiaratid.. Which I 7o ask, me, il Mrs. Spafing, Holmesville; Mr
trea i( lo, ex lbiian everi known be- refra. front bring ng i to the coin
Irocip is, I �Cluff -and five children, Seal orth -Mr. lex. Y n-, of Kintail, town- ex aameTyprinciple I ,&is �ielde, a much Beent dartid
po ato Is
acts the part of a p4triot, be wbo Point f:)re., TI Is sufferiug 8 1.1irylarge*quallfities of go) da, %e
t ire. patch ed in . IEBE Uti4 IS x1s. McLeod and two children, ship of Af bfieid, as just returned from I.S -gerl d i-vidend thi4.; 1 erel'y Eat e an I thel, eI 'Peetation of bav a to �ay S 30 as ; on t
out the griev nee bich is t Scotlaad, bringiL with him dc ne f1bit - some yearsi hus� hiehes a;bom
f )rest iol� aE -is C a g. ng �81 if to lched in the followir 1 year, the Govornm at two verY w but so
untry a a urges its remov 0n Monday fj Ile train containil Lg the e thoro ghbr 0 desdale stallions- 1ac vanlaea -as to and hz�
ight to aiscOunt ille he ght belongill 7 to the party wa; sent D4,r. Youn is on of the most enter- lao reriour, -it
ing the co al . I y frost., bb t er aute �for te I days WOula Claim ti `o r 1�y its pro- spraining t
orhewhohas th6power torfmlove the 1 ai ctic n a monetar3. be fw-
I revious, S( t Ty bE r 6bh' 'has be bers defer led
ea, fuureI by 0a ing impo rsemlen in that Section to. -y Lt 13 e I Beta than
" 9 loff The freigb t consisted of a,f. ricul- isirig hc -of the ordwich, a -A farm�
grievance and in. Some measure repair Equal tot b(tuBt days in�,July.' )E Being good's til ti i�e y I wi Jig, i - -
I f
en an, tM 0 yBX_a a-60 by t
tar f6 lo * on :
t1ital implern tE, wagons, attle, le UntryL, and. we p Drigr SII ]b
FAILUR OI1F r,, L631B�KIN Exilimi, W, licia they Bh uld bi e assed dur.11 1 .9 )-oo done, b at Stub 91 dy-m all
ar ages, tj
'theinjury born �y ref usea ade doors and Sahes, c Joe Success of his recent trip to the old th j oilli
'Ok Of
MIENT.-A ffie XoB3T, the little girl on rinc�iple, has reath-
h( current that the'amolint!
to do so ? This ici the relati I n d:)inestic Uterisi 8, y goods, glas f ur- informed that. they
position fL country, as we a ed a 11ccessful. filk- c al ba4is. The
hom it i B jatt3 Pled to gra , thel thus witheld 'and , hicht of! Coarse,
ture, horses, c., -okc. A largle uan- are the fittest horse of their kind, -ever f The tongue I'
pa b tc c Oi. r t le.ma th' r bratight 2%
'Tox , ,
which the Reforn, f) to Do' a in of a I !r a'sore lef ;by a tb By could apI 1 1 1 te n(aretiouglAo rty an ti by came from! C entralia at er brought tothat pair J of the country. ening the hol
a verb bt: r the Chicago oun4 r ex eats shbuld 0 a'
minion; Governirent occup d�ed at V1 Ce litii�r �rds In aet their. l?quir e Poll U", August butter
to at ations to the orlb, while a IX_ WIT
t os �q �1 I -OuFflolayefting, while the m6m- br)ug, 1i 25 ceuts,i W xI wben
9 b ir, dayr night. Shoe rft consid i ed as part of the jilist
pitebing th
each other i this matter. at a t or seven ca ey's fe
, in"p, 0 IN
lad 1301 at la's door fo. �Current year, and t1ill hors of M ewial Lmily of co: n
two, re -,ei ts of the as I the
h �ded, came am Paris, to' whic 0 n. W�L I .. I
3 eara, an id!nO )a EI sufficient viJ, in!an!equaI lo�gical way, again squ,.re C i ton, V -ere BI at their front door, 1 shows a bal Id me �41ance it
Saw@ of th orga�s'of the Oo million rantford, Wo dEtock, Illpersoll and bruises. Tt
I tility or Eubh::a wgi &I tiIrocesg. An! tb E) �ircle,' -or in c thei ords, p ive a!strong c dor ofL, ]b ing coal oil at- i fa or Of the former.:
'a them Wafl
ber places e4Bt largely contributed. tirlacted their att on going to The Blyth Roe, rd, says We ara
ound le thy the remcIval erstan th Mr. Jas. _rk,
Government have been attrit i ig mt. cther ��� as B i b�in ri d with larabskin xi�y a good dinner b: a4ing I im I I i0lat carloads *ere made up at ea usei�ees, --a
I Lon- t, I
�Vheeler's inereased m'a rit, n Nort t) coy r a Of roe ea a part (f his bre ast! and e kite it wa �found that a lamp le tolutud. Cla
.1 .jo the oil Oft Y, a' d)h, one of wbieh contained something le I- burni g had 3x laded, and I villiaige, h nored � action
Ontario to the fact that a cander. 11 1 9.181 ::
the eJ rmers' like thefollowitia %seartment: Boilers he U61
Ho Ii �U!IR lIla ge 'share of I Lis supper us6l. u a on, j;T-. W-.
G I IRE! L: qD. - '%I burni ig in a threatening manner. ag in4t Messirs. C.
ONS1431E I
cl pboard, harrows, beddiDg, table, U it heavy c )at was instantly thrown over so , W. H. Watson, ] n Wat-
Of West TO into placed Mr I yan, a I ia B : :On the night I Mrs- 1T.
0 A D Iult, The V
era I cha. ria, plow, carp nter's tools, 7agoll, 1 t 3, hich,were subdued,, but so , for alleged de, a tion !of char -
Roman Catholic, ill a tbeii, 0f Se r iSt ty !'Of men, wit14 e flame
:the hel
I lach R- e I Iff C4 aAd Dt' exI disg i lbeoth of; a! Butem ji Abroa4' S(i of harness, *,%,vo boxes poultry,1 nine The of the
candidate. The not before Mrs. Te�vsley had her hand en o�t
So orgaus rk 11 Itainea hOrses, and othoir articles too numerous
Ouse he subje6't' f thel fol Owing ske ch, ac iontaken by thlt that Mr. Wheeler's i�acre sI it �w I : I urned. 1 sEI Watson
E nter 0. 1 t � I )ar C)Unt tion. InI addition to these , there severely b a large un"i
erri t slaiv of &unator, whica ha k� rom. be 3 itellian, P Ib- tc men I -A case whi - qreated considerable an Ila Milt in 'h:; mng
ajorityl nr n wl ich is ta A ch on inquest
was obtained in ti to a �: Mara we eral c ' loads of apple 4 fea- he
township en'�JOII I by� ;86y, and cut a lisaed1ntheIaandcf lute,Scotlaid, re SON, at a, r at wa:s h1ear I he ; to investigate tll utt e
11 ! i . 1 101 the fire
Wtr. us ocal inte d at the last sit -
t ire well worl i remembering.', The WiM
a,nd Rama, which tow�nshipsl ia itain a, t ae iLre, wo, meir ho liad, bee a le WO 8 neI of N'r. J Lines Orr, I %te tiog of th 3 Div Sian Court 'at Wing- which partially coi
: . I ��, dhebui 8
is in a co, in- VEL ue of the frei ght Shipped from Lon- 611 -livered in C
verI Roma 0. atholic, �of e,'and, Ch4go. the �'r m8eo. As ye itmaster dlb orr" ban ham. It was action brought by Of
t n la Ila amount W�Mr. T.
t. -ace of; L e �j ato�o -has be2 tpyo, and WaB �lso a ne d alone wo to about d alay Claw
Y, of Mrs. 0 as. i the Bevale Cheese et ble r Air. 0.11arl ice Mr. Ryall phei asernore &gainsi that the Selection 61 vi as the and i be whole train when
fOun otil.3 waph to pevexal 1131air, of Mobrr Isbank -Be waEl known $10,000 and Butte: Fact The amount sued gi thing t irl h th'
any q suf or
lel, Of ed:: 80) Such t4tioli to ggregate in on not e e at pro
cause of this incnaf� I - ly -occup 0 1 t d woli Id a anyb ia pe�c 'it yi th: �eit aell, personal I y or by r pu tle for was resisted, by the defendants on 'not as nabl! Say.
a Cant 13 i'tb B t n Inyl of our -r Elders, following WE erstand. th( ention was ilctl I Ch v ng Bea evi ted a and he nAighborhood Io',i $3�,066. _. i the meetini
-very co 01 ment] IOUs ME the grourd that Mrs. Casemate kept a C ima is
-An tx
a aort, 'it e a g isketclIwill be read witli interest byr back the strippings. She adduceaevi- �),)o each, amom iti: g4..an axy to the intelli 6t: ters� thesell
vo of
11th4 �m.! The B a tem ai I ia Notes.
THP, 14 A D SavE
townships, but tb( or,, �UCE.In the a nee that she d not, whilst the only
I;ans ae at overly r 11jearI horeI Sarepta post office, in the he f 3xidants i b( 3e�l 0 "We regret toc ann)unook thedeath Of'! bown- ound foxI t lefusina to
9 It) Perth'
scrupuldus in b3stowing lekt-ILELIlded a ad th rei 1 Ilt lanors: (in - foot, for thirty IJ61in Orr, E sl I., ex MJ L. A4., wh'ch a ip of Stephen, has been Closed by p the 0 was her toems. the flew r
aunt g� ed upon I camplime tock �lace at ais' 0 Tuillel �ell X -all h v.i on September He isalme
ntE;,. if by so doing! they can I lileslio A lio! agot Saturday' night, residence, New el- a der of the POE tmaster-General. rL allege I a I a Lou 0 udg-
27 na N.
c n a� ( )U� I rf ven f Or the plaintiff.
1 Governi 1p ck,ttliq orr won, mak., bourne, AuBtrala, oil 511 May. � Ir. Mr. Matthe Armstrong, son of
spore a point for be' entwasm
in i Ig t4E dis a neo 1 1 no Is, Qr was a nati v of Eilbur: iie, but ca ms [0 Ith Perth It at 8tratford, a -go -
In nute W. Wm. Arm trcng, of Brass ar- -The Clinton �4,ew Era of 1 week
this installe I,,1101VIEVIer, they iaire 'S ten ber 04 and. able to be i
not a ad �6 ec, I d 31 hile the mn ran 271 �o Rothesay iw. -1 n a oy, a ad was af er- ri V�ecl home last week after an a0sence
Par -
71 - saitys On ISatur ty, man h Hipbert E,
ow will be held at h:ve yiexs
only insulted the id of nearl thre ears. 0 i town4 r liles' MciI e 0 tl..e Scotch runner, wa.-da emplolye( as a 01 r k ix� BrI i y `33 1 metter ofTOOa well known as a Du�. n n made I i�e I I hoiir, 9 mJ nuteS Croft Mills. I hen c Uitc 14 youbg In, Ln, A. mare belorigi ohiq Sal- i purchaseir of hi es, butter, an shipsin amed but I ave comC w Ide 01 d such BlIri. gll and
cOr d Rut 8 hK le be ent of very fre-
the mark, a 208 h E a e, the cele. be took on act, i E, par b in the pfornot ion 'FEast Wavallosh, was killed last like stuff., xas -a ng to Mr. J 9
nd te rested at London, at 11 1 eDu
an, ".hale failed to 1i4a e I an. th
. I rat 11 i� iles in bftot I ce-then n u4popu la rrence in S
ce tb 1 1.1 n Ina e In y a e -
L d a
I I I - - i urs ay, 1 1 uppose t4e instance of dinstable Di
point. The publi a ion of tfi )fficial I and derided ca'se. Ae wasapron: C*1ionian Society Ing a tour
1 hour, ' 1 miriubes'!R11d. 19 Seconds,. In- i loiigiriog 'a Mr. 1ro harged with obtamin Lstowl I
c g goods to the
returns of the North Ontari'l le ecM n Price th I rripiorI a � Zagland, mad� ent member of -the Ithei L Youag M(nV: -A young lad, Son o"' Mr. Gibsoh, of has decided to i IaN e this 10 1 no gimes,
26 fropoin Mr. Hugh Meare,
value of �t, he b beei
be bub'Le which I Oar, in, ary Assoc i tion,�in which he cam
II It ap_ year -
has completely. burs, �t' biB i 26 Liter 6 Leadbury, MEK.11op,-was throwli from te"riner, un( er fa ge pretence I
'the BrAlla
w a �orse he was r, Kerr, of -I ifil
136conds. e'l to the fro I . He wa� essentially ding, and alightijig on lbajak, is going to
90 r
they blew ii The Ora that several oaths since he ob-
P!SO I I ght ma a and his education as hio Shoulder, a, 'I eI a bought hin
kaSt ele�� AY9 1: 13; ATE'D BY GiEi-RAL fractured. 1preseating:
aSt el 13r large briiek' 1119
tained. the goods fro him, r
show that at -tl�e Ilia 3, Mrl ROBB111 S esta.4611 Roberts ha i de acq aired in - be ev nly a, when � he �-Mrs. Wm. *LN'CI,auchlin, of thd 11th fore his '21
t4at he wa' in busi e t Toronto and;� la o.
OaVs toil wa; over. he ctnalitiej The above
inc spirsilid Ayoub Ehan concession of Howick,I, had a Ailge pqrfectly rdspoie* :_3 Stratford, ism
Gibbs 29 vot' BfiltiWlo was shght;, i� Tile I bad's bay st�fflion, ai eon ha)�ds- high,
Wheeler polled 3' voi --iffy Frarlk'Roea�t ic
Bbuat it turned out,1
whichellabledhinitoovei Ome bad1v Smashed orb 46 assisting hei hur.- imself,
Ina? Mara �har they a �my,
bs !e in Mara tl:Jtathewa�snotin uBinessforh forth, now;
am g 6 c6rs and Seven. a aril 1i g from n was W
oae r ;t�'11 tbrO dN antages he lack of 5, balad to re-ibove 1, large Btorie, oil$ day alued At �1,200, 6 J 'Outf his pas -
u. !t pan
ture Ys
-a*t week. I I polled in 1878 w4 e for- i orthlLe�s 'subsequent efforte,
r ien ii lEd nd h'ree officers and 1 goal education U volith, is ood 1im in, I d lbtely.
mer polled 3 b g Inad, for f ettlement, resulted is bo
otea III re and belatter exe allent stoeao� tl�roi!igh life. ju W
Mr. N. Ca ek has on his his wel is 8, W4 live and pro- eg
It me, u The cava1r y are h fal in fruitleasI ben arrest. The
2 votes less ban 1878. ;ill U'Suilig e! a,_ I YOUDgMens S60clatiol 1 e wai snake -star:
a other! a eil my. Eleveii n al-;: H lasunfloweloverli feet high and 1 gressivie Spirit. A, company has been
C)aief of IVolice 0 London accepted
Tabro! is a 17t inches across. He has also in his formed. and are In k�ing rap
11. ves i to gE ineraI[. wa-S listened to with respect, as . a r nce here. in round of tl
' t� r I P A
words, while r. Vheeler re �vel pre-'J,l bail for hi�.4 ap ar Yester- Pre -
1 er and lis i po3session a
2iigl'i d over the rbwaand prikinal th in 'the to�wn
NO fI *11n rEl i all t - is for with do not; Von
ews e It f i�n I I citr)n about 311 inebes in day Constable Paisle�y took him to God- Pam 101
cisely the Sable U ber of tes i n
the V'CtOIY� Thirty-two guns fluency is a $ mkoer 6, him a le- =cumfere'nee. i snake was
ericb, wheie mined before gas, rt A
1880 that ie' III I - _1 �L. ontract
in lq7,8 from mere ;ea Ituire Inbi ng -two that had baiter of a high der. 'Re EI P t of .-Mr. WILL. ash, Sr., of McRillop, Mayor,'and committed for tri for the;coxistruetion back P&
the al. German
towhahl ps been op� his ea;. Part 10
these two Cath,:)I:.C, a Aurel]ftom 1 General Burrows' r1ylifEI ewor y, of imitati n.1 motwitharath I enous accident some the drain in the
Mr., -The Index, paper Published in he tt as were 0 thet H *as ladver in! robust eal 281 da a ago. Hi -sea ran away frorn )aa was
Gibbs receive� 27: VC toes more h4a t were,' Pp iohnExa; jia4y� a ho Saline Coulaty, �Vcliigan, speaks of a 1 of the wnshipof Log le b 9, short
g 11113 �.l Ub I i . . h; 61fttle over $1W 4DUt intO
4111 Ah yea: 7s ago he Pv.ent to ustralia, a nd, I hi , and he waEl tl town from the wag- ti. for 48, 1AW0
cast for hi two y BE Is -ago. former resi4ent -of t his county as, fol- In oer thiE i i.1 her terrible -a is no 4U b� but, by' this Step, he cting
2 t ac� the. on He is reco en ag. per I al
STV I lows: nofhoer of these driving budlass
it would be more is,,reet for t'' a den &PP Bbled �o prolong ;his life. Onej I
-1 14 ew days ago,11 waE en -he date f r 101cling the annual i that to
.0 Organe, t sea It e ii d a -43t. Marys peoplia arie boasting
ne the ffi -ial 13 ' efore I Ithe re, fal. sho npri of Malta. Bond is Mr. J. S. Van- A . bout
to exami he a z, I of , the Nev� of t le first Bitt 4tions he, fillec IV in con. be tion. with the, East stone, the iownet a ' the Halt& Bend Usborn farmers by Exeter -M,
heir &tand
I van as lost in EL waE under tho la M'E w 3n,, Wawanosh BrarIch Agricultural Society to log which
r G( quipple I W$_
i d a Lai IS wh ire t bLey secure Ib r prices. through to
e t4ei uses fo ivrxi� Wls, whi0h etl oroughly 6 'N ork 13 te Dr. VVm
they fram r e I d their
ment reve f;w I I %y Imornin last un e of Bail�e M'E wen. e was an I has been Chan �_ed from Wednesday, with four run of bi III and the best, -was about
xI 0: ing �ql 64 an4, a began btsi- 1, October 6
t e'' o a a. he live losi' 'enterpnied 0:) th, to Thursday, September talk soi riew-here.
modern flour Ittiaki ig appliances, are
-nat., DowlUe
19 mbi �ov-ler, -e
ould I nei Lr$ me hundre on nesE ;as a comr upsion alil forward ng 30th. -4)n Wedn.esday. .1
-some t driven by sfieam,! have v. valuable Y-1
I ag( hop Lynch, SatnrdE.3- 04' .-A. party of a ng folks w
IlLrelabis rxxloon�- the: stea6me- en- agent, in whibl he was i lerabl stic- Of
y lost .4 In of its the death
of Toronto th- E're "a- patronage � He Las'a handsome brick Mr. ... homas I e Ck. ece was a
residence, owns, ol. qoad share of the:. I
aJr a, I on gig Ie, Which indreaa. ce the " 8 luatters Quos- vited to the resi eE ce of Mr. Alexander
to stimu. sting Coun
in on was before 1he 1peopI 0 ofornwall, �E#glaxi , who et -
the Roman .&I teacbei' (f the 6,1 u %ra Cruz;la)orea ti f VictOI Porter, townialaii of Turriberry, an the town, impal more Ilife to it than any . tra Province, offe 19 1 nat!Ii
first person 0 )red �Fo give $104) t) the; heavily far 6 me ho rs. It was found and Mr.'Orr aal induceol to off -or him- of Thu a of last week to 113, ttford som, sized stiek
y � I ti ei thirty years s9o).
xilng other doze men a is the owner of to
w �i eve
th t 13 )ne 0 OlDek on St nday self �s A� can4ida%e for t� j He equently
take a 1st A cert faith who a Legislative'! take part in *n apple paritio, bee.. three fine I Leigh ring farms aggregat- moyea to ownle,
ae. Bev;. F atbex! it orning to tl r6w,! olo''l a drag to keep Council (the F a.m. en t of Victori a), About 25 coup14 put in an appearance, I ing 700 acro Is" inciie resided. S -gine his 1;
as grown 'wh r e has �i
6 h this year
�r U
ak outrive
th ml
alp wood.