HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-09-03, Page 7PTEIsIBER N 8 )WARE, Z5Trea urnishings Establish STREET, SEAFORD!. when in Town, drop zd see my Stock of ST IMPLEMENTS, ?laths Hay Forks. Bar isor Steel Turnip radles, -Hay Rakes-, &c. A r OLD PRICE% e wbotber yam buy or uot, aft' ?IiiV KIDD, geafortb, 1.iiiR,S7 ING HOUSE BANKER,- 1RTIL - ONTARIO. 'Fie premises under David - del, formerly occupied by of Commerce. D BILLS DISCOUNTED. lad Foreign Exchange Purchased. SALE NOTES BOUGHT. d, payable at all Branches Bank of Commerce. !Allowed on Depoette. on Mortgagee, at from Seven to Nine Per Cent: )FOOT & BON EAFORTH, TAKERS, &O. S ATTENDED UN THg RTEST NOTICE. S AND SHROUDS gtVAYS ON HAND. SE FOR HIRE. BU GG I ES. 'mg to purchase Neat and Substantial arrlages or Democrats, let at WiL GRASSIE'S et. a number of splendid. DER WAGONS Will Sell Oheap. nd Horse Shoeing Prompt - to. Remember the &a new stand.. -WM. GRASSIE. 1\41-IrrT.11.• TER SEAFORTII. ;tied to C1ear Oct my qt. Furniture regard t. NT, it will pay them to awn; &lure purchasing elsewhere. I nut to those paying cash, es - arid eauplesz ctly opposite M. R. Counter's Stole, Main Street, Seaforth, JOHN S. PORTER- - -- BUTTER I OUGALL& Co. 0.)W PAYING THE PRICE IN Cik:F1 t Quality of Butter in TubS. .e Three Sevens Store, Seo,tOrth. DOTTGALL Lt. Co. GE LICENSES IV I El e A T 10- • new ssued at the OFFICE, SEAFORTL SEPTEMBER 3, .1880, • • Grey. Senor, OPENING.—The public school •sadism N. 2 I °opened on the 18th inst., and had for three days, Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday, an aver- age attendance of 65. • CON= MEETING.—At the last Meet- ing of Grey Township Council, the Clerk, Mr. A. Hunter, handed in his resignation ot the office of Township Clerk, on account of his official duties as Clerk of the Division Court being so presaing that he is unable to devote sufficient time to municipal duties. Communication from Wm. Lochead, Deputy Reeve of Elma, re contract on teem line opposite let concession, Communication from the Township Clerk of Howick, re by-law for drains affecting Grey. A. number of accounts were passed and ordered to be paid. . The Clerk was instructed to write to William Young that he is charged with baying obtained money from this Coun- cil by false pretences, and to ask for an explanation, or failing which, action will be taken against him. Moved by eabn Hielop, seconded by Edward Bryan, that James Mitchell be appoint- ed inspector of stone -work at the new bridge, concession 12—Carried. Moved by W. Oliver, seconded by John His- lop, that the Reeve and Mr. Bryan ex- amine the drain contract of Tuck & Robertson, with power to have the en- gineer also, if they consider it neces- eary—Carried. Moved. by W. Oliver, seconded. by John Hislop, that provided Tack & Robertson's contract be found satisfactory, the Reeve be empowered to issue a debenture for balance of pay - n& in full of said. contract—Carried. Thomas Newsome was granted the sum cif twenty dollars on account of con- tract not yet completed.; also Charles McDougall, on account of contract, 520. Moved by John Hislop, seconded by W. Oliver, that Wm. Spence be Township Clerk at the same salary as held by the late Clerk, including all except births, deaths and 'marriages -- Carried. Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Edward Bryan, that Mr. A. Hunter be paid the sum of $89 in fall of salary and extras ou voters' lists and registration of births, deaths and marriages—Carried. Moved by W. Oliver. seconded by Edward Bryan, that this Council now adjourn to meet at Tuck's Hotel, Cranbrook, on the last Friday in ,September—Carried. Swindled. Emigrants. New York, Aug. 15. Sixty-seven Russian emigrants arrived here on Fri- day from Brazil, beineball that remain- ed of 330 souls who left Russia early in 1877 to find homes in Brazil. • They are mostly natives of the colony of Graf, Samarisch, Russia, where they were engaged, in farming. They were induced to emigrate by agents who pic- tured Brazil to them as . a paradise, where, with,little labor, they might ac- cumulate wealth. A. free choice of the best land was promised them, and it was also declared. that the Brazilian Government would "Pay all the expenses of the long and costly journey. On January 28, 1878, they landed in An- toine Province, at the port of Baranna, two aged people and thirty-two chil- dren having died on the passage from the heat of the climate, so different from their own. They had to pay all their expenses, which made serious in- roads on the means of some of them. After several days they were sent to the village of Palmire. Here land was al - Jotted to them in sufficient quantity, and the colonists endeavored to -make new homes in this strange, wild. coun- • try. The Government gave them seed and. they planted wheat, corn and beans. They bought horses and agri- cultural implements with their own money, and. built houses. The heat was, however, enervating and blasting. Their seeds sprouted, but were scorched • before they grew more than two •or • three inches through the parched earth, and all their crops failed. Sickness ap- peared among them, and women and children died. Another attempt to raise food was made, and another fail- ure was the result. By this time the money of the -majority of them had been exhausted., but a few who had some means started back to the coast and managed to return to Europe, be- ing unable to grow anything for food. The Brazilian Government was appeal- ed to, and. the immigrants were assist- • ed, but many suffered. greatly, the ra- tions not being sufficient for the larger families. The colonists remained at Palmera for a year, then the Govern- ment selected another spot in the for- est less exposed. to the heat, where' they were once more provided .with seeds with which to begin over again, but the jungle did not take kindly to cultiva- tion, and the crops again failed. After six months here, the poor colonists, whose numbers were fast melting away under the deadly influence of malaria and heat, removed to the city of Bar- ra.nqua. Here the men were employed by the Government repairing the streets, but they were paid only one • and a half milreis per day, which was not sufficient for the support of afam- ily. After weeks of suffering, the *Gov- ernment, against their wishes, caused their removal to. the village of Para du Bahis." For five months and eighteen days they struggled, along in a last ef- fort to make the earth yield. them a living, but with the same ill success. At their urgent request the Brazilian offi- • cials then allowed them to go back to Rio, where, after remaining six days longer, they learned. with great joy that • they were to be sent home. They em- barked from Rio on July 25th, on the Syrtis, and landed in New York oil the thirteenth • day of August. As the unfortunate party huddled to- gethei in the rotunda at Castle Garden they presented a woe -begone as- Pect, and the story of their suffering Ives written in their features. Five families were entirely destitute, having uot one cent to purchase food. The reraaindeaby putting their little hoards together, can subsist ten days or two weeks. They have thrown themselves on the generosity of the Emigration cm:omission, and their immediate 'Nits have all been. provided for. Ef- torts will be made to procure them ern- feyreent after they have recovered !,F,91:11 the effects of their hardships. tYitli a few exceptions they desire to ril„roain in this country, believing that their prospects will be brighter here '12,8e1 if they return to Russia without i.Homes in the Northwest will fu. sought for them. The men are nrally hardy and vigorous, and after et y recover their health will be able to on farms, for which they are all Well trained. • 000 0 0 HA A. O 0 A A O 0 AAA 000 A A HAL IMPO In cons an Rem a a?. Geo egrai; sort)? Twee q LR 1 t A44A. ti - j4 .re• , r-4); irm/111 .211111111111/1:01„. sI i r%. matuo1101102, .... .1...g... . ' 1111M:. , .p,,,I iij t. .''...• 4. < r . ,.., ;, : ',, 1 „,...!!!!•444, 110111111.111111-111-- .1:2!•.!.r.,... toiliz ' „..,, 11 he ' 11 . ,a. 1, ;lepa'a glit - ----A 11 t•-!. • t L , ,.-.• - ', 1 , ,,, ..•1, , r, _ _ . ...., .1.: l.r, ..1 , , .? .. f '. ” •/,',.f '' ',CY? .11 ' i (‘" - C '-- 01 • •tikti. ./1‘,-,v! • .. ,:.......:„.1. <1 1,111E1 eiseemeemaa--- I \ Y& TAN R nce of zereas to L t expe Dent,, Oftic nt of s erer N ur AS'tQre b Tra trger 1171em se, the nor vett db • where • cotch, mliortec OAK HA Our Stor Is 'daily the day. Populair Satisfactip Hands° e a d. Nobby Ste Goods. B WHY I and plenty of ir represented at STRICT ID • We have Stock of Rea Men's, Youth do well to ca an impression WIS M • 0 th vil b lot renerh into !Utis n nged. With cust refire. S 1 eviiieJ. at t e Large k of elalis, ats: and cause we l4ave ever om to shst it. WE as cheap as any, °tine L L L LLLLL THE fitIR(.1)N giPpSi OR, , t•-• HARDWARE. OARDWARi, THE GOLDEN LION, ,MAIN -ST., LLLLL . SICN tIF THE CIRCULAR SAW. c te * : , gcfq ci- CD 17,f :-ii M , ' P i--, a) P cct ,___, H. CO fo0 frt : ,..7:4 0) 0 — 0 0 (ic2 z ,...._., ,...t... r., P 1 -1 0 . Z R° ce , . --1 (.:'• 0 tn at - CCI f P., I • C4- 1:1., 1 1 •,• C7:' ce PI CD 1 1-1- • t"4 CD Ili 01."1" CICI i CD I I :8 ;)1 • CD I 0 i gl" 1 CD I te:4-1 bi . 1 P5, 1=11 at3 ! P i , 01 P6! q 1 Taal 51 cm 1 I Ot--1 re , ' 1 EAFORTH 0 WILL rn 0 ' 1 m. EMOVL. 0 z 2 all/or our large eenl,'compelled to )1ave fitted .up, at .ioccupied .by Mr. he Montreal Tel - the Largest As - I and Canadian WEEK. Ncreasina from day to 4 Eleont °Display of our s and 'Gents' Furnishing thing, cony; eted ell Goodgefor w anI far !Ouper ON Figur an I • PRIC EAD a awl:to op y ade.C1 ti s nd Boy ' Ld insp dL t OAK HALL H lace to bu L MA Merolla ns, cons vercoat These 0 1 tile = y AT Clothi epar 6, Y !Nr• shin are 1411 new, • I HO Oat+ and h our line of bus_Less, they are. Nothing . -lood Marked in Deviation. 1 !NIG. nt aLarge and Se 's and Boys' Suits, ttin0 in this line d cannot fail to m 1 (*THE ect nd ke WET ts' Furnishings. Seafort Ont. • 0 • re nI : To INTa,ke ed SEAFORTH. FFER AT THE GOLDEN LION TIIIS MOINTrE11 REMNANTS IN DRESS.GOODS. REMNANTS IN CASHMERES. REMNANTS IN FLANNELS. EMNANTS IN TWEEDS. EMNANTS IN PRINTS/ &C. AN EA4/.. oom for the y Mr. Jami New eson now Goods being Purcbas- in the ow Country. COICHALLY INVITED. INSPECTION TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT • TT TT • TT • TT TTTT TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT . TT •TT TT TTTT • STORE NEXT TE -It POST OFFICE 40 and 50 cents Can't 60 cent Tea in the D C) ENT JAPAN, (00 GENT MIXED. . 0 0 HY Hs E 3 • 40 CENTS. 1 60 CIE T BLACK, 60 E T GREEN, so M R. J If AS Goo OHN LOGA SEAFQRTII, JUST RETUIANLEEIOLPROMTH.1; TR BROWN RUTH & MESSRS Where he h GROCE s purchased Steck of very cheap, as fine Fresh a IES jA.ND GL:AsswA4 • As w8 ever His Cust w shoWn in Saforh. merso and the Pubic gen findit to theiri2r0 To Call and gxanaiaa these Goods and ascot-- tain prices. • I 1 • i l'OHN LOGAN, Seaforth. CHEAP MONEY.i loloop TO A N • FARM PROPERTY, Seven Per Ceni. -Int4rest Pay- able Ytictriy, ORROWE time; i rtion. Ap 6 7-12 lJ RS enoveet tn. pay p ci at *my terest chargd, only on the unpaid iy to. 1: . 1. • G. OUGALL Dry 400ds - , ! erchant, S - forth. 35 CE b S. t- These G and Streng1 be Beat. The Best BEST VALUE IN COFFEES. 45 CENTS. ods are all of the Best Quality, and recommended for Flavor, 11 D. R04,E, SEAFORTH. SUBST11-TITTES itair The puhlic are cautioned against a custoiwhich is growing quite conunon of late among a certain class of medicine dealers, a.od which, is this: When asked for a bottle of Pain-Kilier„ they suddenly discover that they are "sold out." "but ha'e another article just as ood. if not better." which thev will suppiy at the same price. The object of th s deceptionis , transparent. These on the great reputationof oubstitutes s are made up to sell the Pain -Killer ; and being eomnounded of the vilest and cheapest drugs, are bought by the dealer at about half what he pays for he genuine Pain -Killer, which enables him therefore to realize a iew cents more ro per bottle upon the im4ation article than he can on the genuine. FOR CHOLERA MORBUS, CRAMPS, •' AND 4. SUMMER OR BOWEL COMPLAINTS PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER rs totoodi.Leen. IT CURES ALMOST. INSTANTLY. The PA -KILLER is put ue e. and 5 OZ. bottles. retailing at as and 5o cents respectvely,—lrgc bottles are therefore cheapest. SOLD BY AL, MEDICINE DEALERS. ! 1 THE Gem Fruit Ja Crocks an Japan' at R. ilaxb FLOUR, (I)A Dyes, MaddeT, The above !are the Varna Gxioce VARNA GROCERYISTORE. s at R. liaxby's; Preserve C7 ocks (ItR. 1.1a.rhy's ; Butter Milk Pans at R. Haxby's ; Teas ii•z _Mack, Green ana Haxbils; All kinds -of Fresh )-oeries, as usual, at 's—Cheap for Cash. MEAL, AM:5 CORNMAT ' T R. HAXBY's ustic, Cudbear, Axtract Logwoo4, Ind go and Package Dyes. • Pure Paris Green. all for sale on the' Small Profit incl. Qr_ick Return System" at 37. ROBERT HAkBY, Varna. -CHANGE OF BU INESS. rIT-3=18A.VOIRarri-1 OT.TI\IDIR;Y• SEAFOR Ont., April 3rd, 1880. . • Having purchased the Seaforth Foundry from • obn Nopper, we will continue to keep on hnd, at the old stand, Main Street, S &forth. a full assortment of Plows, Gang !Plows, Scuffiers, Land Rollers and all other Implements in our line t Column Cretings, and School, Church, Garden ad Lawn Chairs a specialty - Repairing pr9mptly and neatly done and satisfaction gnanoteed. Give US atrial. ALFRED R. NO 'IDPR. NOPPER pROTHERS. SE ;kFORTH, Ont, April rd, 180. 4e. J • ! I This Great Etoneehold ine ranks amenfst the leading necess es of life, These famoue pills purify the BLOOD, and ad sliest powerfully, yet eoothing13- on he Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, e dMWELS, ;living tone, enerey and vigor to hese gt eat MAIN SPRINGS OF !LIFE. They re tontdently teem -ahem -led as a never failing r emedylin all cases where the eonfititution from hat ever cause, has betomeirepairod or weaken- I dd. ! ey are wondefully eflicieiehe aR ail- 1 1)3 ents incidental to tfirnales of all ages and ei 1 GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINEare unrm. p ss d. ! i 1 Its e thing and *eating Pr own thronikhont the Fozthe cure of BD DEG'S, ba • I Old Wounds,e:ores and i is aninellibleremedy. If effectually rubbed the neck and chesti. as pat into meat, it Cures ORE (I'BROA T, Brochitis, Cough, Cols and e en ASTHMA.. Fell Glandular Swellings, bsees4 es, Pike, Fistilas. Gut, It eutnatism a every kind of SHIN DISEASE, it has never eerg kn wn Whirl. - i - The ills and OintrOnt are Mannfaeturedonly t 693, XFORD STRET, LONDON, and are old< by all Venors ofiMedusages throughout the leilized World ; withidirebtions foe use in al. ost every language. .i The rade Marks ofi these Medicines are res. *red i Otawa. Henee. any one t nghout the libitsh Possession, Who May kee the Amen- an !Conterfeits for tale, will be pr secreted. I 1 1.'.' Purchasers atonic' look to he Label on Pot a and Boxes. If the adraress is . ot 533, Ox- 7 . ford Sted, London„ they are spuri us. CENT RAI. •DRII STOREglinfER, i r i=1 = it) C3 = Cc GI ertiee :are orld.. breasts, !co, e •"' •L ' ...:...." __•,--' ICOMPLETE an od.: Full Stock of Drugs and Cnomicals ton st an tly on hand and warranted of the Best Quality end at Moderato Prices, Medieal Wines an 0 Lignora can be relied on as b at! finality. A coMplete stock of Tine,: S onlder Braces, Chrst Prteetote,-&c. always; o g ban . Mee Sta t ionert, School ook, Fancy oods, c. The entral Drug Stor, (Winanie old stand,) d redly opposite the Central Hotel. 6 i2 ' •C. VILPTIE Exe-teir. .S.4•1 TRADE 1412 a.c C.2 5.0 uJ ›'e eforeTalcing cacc • Astor Taking, HE GEEAT ENGLISH REMEDY, An un- failing cure for Simiral Wakness, Sperma- t rrhea , Intl g t eney, gird alldise &see that follow a a ecqueeec seefilas, aa lose( of memory, universal inef.itnde, air) in the baek, e.i13331e1313 a visio, premetnre od. ag, and raairty other dig- eases that itmd to insanity orceneninption and a p eroattre are. rattiula.raim our pam- p Which we flt sire to send free by man to e-ery oe. The Specific Xedicine fa sold by all d uggiata at. $1 pr pckage, or six packages for $.). rt. ,Ivi31 1 e FeLt tree hy wail on receipt of the money 'by adressing, THE, GRA', MEDICINE Co.,No, 10, Mechanic' Block, Detroit, Mich. 647 11 41 •7777,7"--17171 — rij iwww- ll Fon PLF.7 P comfort 5iniTGket.)(311 li''.1t..: i'..1., Prenouncg;t, w.finh(nsih.7•1;:r1;71.:„.: 1.t ;--i . tlinec-tejTigl: : .1.: s • . :I. ydeot.117:efrg Jit:,. t: g..1'. : ': - • \-41-ge.f.. -., : • •, •!<, ,.- evi 2:7.1 d. ..!SE1;::. ?: :1 I. ::: : 041- ow 7:1,g. • ,. ' .. 3.,ctigol..y"..T........d1.1.:...7 ..-Iii...1,1,.. . 1. . . PROF. BURI!!! OR BROOK'S ISNFECTANIT AND VERMIN EXTEPM.aTATOR, ' only artiele krOwn. that will drive away Vernailni, especially RATS. t i not -po)sonotte,a64 is selatowledgedbyehom ts and Physicians of -the! highert standing t,42 e tbe• hf et known larti4e for the following ea ens : It retains; its stlrength ninch longer ha any other, end it has no disagreeable odor. o be had in two loonnd boxe. Price fifty en at I T 4.. 8, ILCIBBRTIV Drug Stem, Sole Agent for Setforth. B S OBE, Box W, Montreal. •6813-62 JOHN w. NOPIDR. Having 4isposed of my business, I must eall on ail those indebted to me, LUMBER !:F9R SALE. either by notp or book account, to Call and settle the sanee before the First of ' May, as often that date I will place everything in the ha,tds of the Clerk of the . a • . ' 1 Court fo coacction1 JOHN NOPPER PAINTING. PAINTING. HOUSE k.ND AIGN P J. GRATES is prepared to do ell iinds of House en ing and Whiewashing. Satisf& ,tityn Guaranteed o left at Wilson & Youngs, Lurnade & Wilsons, or receive prom t attention. IC, First Q#111.1ty, 16 per M. PINE GM To OR ER, rAIiTIkIf !&ntbgtb,froiSOFe4,ktthe PON . ; Sign PaintingaPaper Hang- LU nu °barge made. Orders gi.g Whe Itobertson 4fc Co.s, will 479 - Tee, eife.--a • 41 - •I Lit breiriLLOF The Subsolber has *150 1* • ER YA S ArbRifil likindi of ' her pan be ham& • THOVAIS DOWNEY