The Huron Expositor, 1880-09-03, Page 31880. ---.-11.1....4 rHE SICK. LOCR ;timer/eau Phy- :pitais of the chief Scotland, Franee, America, and the personally viBit dly, and may be :it Hotel, from lat. an ()o'clock A. M., by ale Lingering Dig. BRONCHIpIS, Affeetioate of the Debility, Ser•ofti uplaix ,. Rheums, :i , ilo matter hew •e of the Kb: IIeys1 worst stage, with: Salt Rheum, l)ga- Fits or Failing a of sewe ox mo- rvy, Chorea or St- s of all kinds per-. t Feick Neck, Pc.ly, `Prig, Abeewx, , q' =• o1 the Lungs. e treated succeed. irriaue;y to adult It kinds and des- ate or Chronic,. &ny Of the above it the Doctor at heneilt of his care fled to health the 661-2 TEAS. r ARRIVED. cion Store r au get the best ffered in Seaforth.. t 3 really good and ek of Freeeh PREP/MONS. 4 FRUITS, such Dates, Cranberry errert del y, Red ly, Figs, itaisins, the market,; at and cents per 50 and 60 cents °45, 50, 55, be and •cents per pound, DSS_ €or'Srooked Sugar -Plaid Hama and rnmeal, Oatmeal, i and Potatoes. 1.11T JARS,. fin Fruit Jars, of +fere the rise in r,reet, Seafartl .TH 2 AGENCY €R O N Giese stock, Fire cs, and is prepar- 'trraltle terms.. best Loan So- archase of Farm rid st—C l 4' ,r sale. S°€ per cent. tramship Tickets. On'a Store, Main 616 I ERS,. : in Williamson's: ,t'ael's Hotel, Sea? r full satisfactien (J Tier Orders. '(1 to. e also intend to red full stock of +d will and kind /.0110 of Seaforth bread, and that Fite, Bakers.' MILLS. TTI E- ing`of his Flax a good active nage it prop- , and in splen - mg steadily dui -- connection with °AN. a on reasonable .curity. trniueree Bnilei:. E ATTTE. - IUM.. hia numerous others) for their 7 years, and se attention to ce and trade in rged his prem - prepared to,pay 4 PRICE Eggs, delivered FORTH. is of good dry WI LSON AT L E... ty of the above ew variety,and once grown; in het. E, Mill Road, SEPTEMBER 3 1880. Gaieties. } A little boy asked his mother to talkto him and say something funny. 1 eegow can I?" she asked ; "don't you see I 'am busy baking these pies ?" ,,Well, you might say, 'Charley, won't you have a. pie ?' That would be very funny for you." --An Irish waiter at a hotel compli- mented a turkey in the following man- ner: an-ner: "Faith„ it's not six hours ago since that turkey was walking round his rale estate with his hands in his pocket, never dreaming what a pretty invitation to place your effects in tip . e '‘It is for Peebies,t and itm Peebles." A determine daunt his adversaries by force, but the weakly ha and often truckled in wider asp welmast s so easing rai way po for n being ie abse ►y goo s with brate used t be me discussing the ness at large, economy had ferocity of the ceased at Berwie give a man lid for tinent, while in t Borderer saw ai nge ert Cr ow he'd have to jiae you gintlemen at treating pass dinner." due to all A. bargain : (Scene, a country inn) I politeness ha —Tourist : "Confound it, woman ! civility may There's a chick in this egg !" Land- In sir, you are tz� luck one. In a few weeks I could have had half a crown for that fowl, and 'ere you get it for two pence." { And still he was not astiefied. —An cid Judge of the New York Su- preme Court, meeting a friend in a neighboring village, exclaimed, "Why, what are you doing here ?" "I'm at work, trying to make an honest living," as the 'reply. "Then you'll succeed," 'd the Judge, "for you'll have no competition. e -A young couple just married are passing their honeymoon in a, -pretty illage. "Tell me, my love," said she, 'that you are not tired; I fear some - Ones that - you regret your bachelor !fee" "On the contrary, my angel." he plied, "I regret it so little that if you ere to dial would marry again right way." - —A. Yankee physician was lecturing ately on the ignorance of people of heir own complaints, and said that a 1111 oung ladyonce asked him what his next ectnre would be upon, and being told he "circulation of the blood," replied hat she would certainly attend, for she lady y • He The Baron I fled to receive who has rec the races. She was in • er announced, e ten and attired in of lace, which figure evonde Assuming. a melancholy c him to be a "forint," a woman in "Dear, dear "I am pros Louis, that I incur." "Poor soul 1 "My furnit In this sitnati anything." "Baroness gentleman.' A. ray of eyes, but th and hat and s ,. ", sw inn, , s !'nn gang to is fan mi t c a; displ: of • tru a ie, as • . B : ere acts of r de - that So+itch o do with the ..j "T ps" ne w+ d os ly ire ' er- ce pf h no asQn for 0011rlesy ale.+ is nt Draper, : nd ith eve + at elv His ss erthe i:I a visit fr tly won 1 oudoir ed in a an legant set,ff her' ullywell. be itchin un enance, itt d, sad s 'a, sadl d:spa; r" What is t nte by a ad the i ad been troubled with the complaint "I leave y' or a long time. Paper. —The following naive promise was ffered as au irresistible temptation. to A tame fo re i n k about have ow m pe lewme un took id ' ith gre to your g chl g1: ti- e nt' sulms On 0 ,.as sy jc ir, sing, g wn r pian; ed se n soh: od ou be atter den e o be sei r(� heat duty in Be p his t gravlt ef." •e A fair young maid : "I thank you; said he to her suitor, -`but I can't leave ome. I am a widow's only darling ; no husband can ever equal my' parent in kindness." "She is kind," replied the wooer ; "but be my wife, and we Will all live together, and see if I don't beat your mother !" —A good deal of humor is just in the Simplicity of a reply. A London tour - t met a young woman going to the kirk, and, as was not unusual, she was tarrying her boots in her hand, rudging along barefoot. "My girl;" he p„id, "is it customary for all the people these parts to go barefoot ?" "Pairt iy, they do," said the girl, "and pairtly • tlhey mind their own business." --"Is your programme full, Miss eetlecrnsher ?" • asked a young man of Western damsel, who had just strug- led out a the refreshment room with isappointment in her eye and an order f dances in her hand. "Programme one of the all ?" said the- daughter of the Setting came so tai and struck dogs, but co proach him. smell, they would not e upon which The crafty would not knowledge breakfast. poured out t the fox wou d around the -a the rightful Day after d:y until the trick milk placed could not re c stopped fro > his cunning p was, bringin. As she was up to her, a on, "Waal, I guess not ! I hain't had othiug but a piece of cake and an ice Cream,' an' that don't go far towards !:Wing my programme, I can tell you." Detroit Belles. as Smugglers. Ladies of good families who have Wealth at their command make the �.est desperate smugglers, and are dealt jvith the hardest by the officers, as they fox that the 'the house, a into a pan an. crafty anim4l eral times, b, spoiled milk stead of liim tempts. The Owing ox. as'i. ;pt in stable a "riends p with no, ° er get te cats t ei ; g very sensiti ld of hes his odo • alk upon an e fo had kl Nen sts ii mal, seeing hat the e '9ear h • , use' c•:at the•. of sr' on as the a ca :' allow nce of un to the ot.an ce , well nowin would • of tout ats lo their wa found', out, an a pot weer the it., After Ihe1ha obbing the ate, h • th dairy a• aid • t•e ails f oral :sin along, he fo brei Led hi +• self ag lkp ils T" e mi.k d w th thee' smell of aid ared ki rt take cli th nghtles:ly'po r gaffe it t • him rep ated t. is tric w n he fund tla es .'ven to ' he pigs elf, u e gave up Lis ne the tr.uole of el '; angs, ing in his o not deserve as much leniency cr While Col ympathy as the poor woman who has Argus, -was s tweeted her little all and would be des- a man whoa elute if stringently dealt with, and to: thunder en Thom the good bargain, duty free, is a chair, he ala hurled his u sat down. "Are you ''Yes," reat temptation. The class of goods hick Canadians buy in Detroit and smuggle to Canada is cotton cloth, do- mestic and dress goods. The Detroit urchaser steps on the ferry and goes ` "I called t ver to Windsor for gloves, laces, silks, mine you pri velvets and cashmeres, • these articles Surcease bf m } being considered. much cheaper and "1 don't re tetter, whether they are or not. There onel. re hundreds. of Detroit ladies wearing elvet and silk dresses who smuggled hem over folded neatly about their an= clic waists or disposed of in their bos- c ms, while they passed the custom oust officer, the lynx -eyed female de- tectives, the landing waiters, and with see you abou serene countenances walked off with poem was m their spoils. One lady boasts ' of the dalous. I h It exposed think I am a "Go ahead. "The first in this way : 'Lying by a wecl slope: That is b Now, how did to the public Made it read t 'Lying to a weepin Weeping widow ! Qh,' This is too min a man crazy!" "I'm sorry,' "But look the poet. " said was— 'Cast thy pearls b the dirt.' .I wrote tha ly, in a plain, does your c catch the sen ment ? Does i sir. He sets Listen— 'Cart thy-pilIs belo they hurt.' "Now, isn't rage 0:11 a mai you if it isn't. "It's hard, t F C t ro ed. e• rel was Fiero: his ha, a on t d. T e's ne telt rd he t n,d of ata his eir ut lk, lk at it. .ik, he foe n ied he ng. nt st be - he to it he eV - he in- at- Poet. ditot of he ce one ay, lothed kith y si ing a on he tle, e flor, and heditor ?" h asp ed see about ' • at pee ted he othe • day on rro " ember it," :ala the 1 "Of tours you don't pecans went into t : paper u e der :• the famous title '.Snearcase To nliorr "A stupid under of th • coni osit I suppcse." "Yes, sir, r d t' at's w t I ant T e way • which t pat .d was simply sc : v:n' ;slept a night si e o deri: ou. Pee ass Let e show yo sal the Coy onel. i • e, when 11' rote it, r emonnt of goods she can carry over at al single trip. The smuggling mania has taken such possession of her that she has smuggled for her friends, mere- ly to keep up the excitement. She has acquired such a knack of arranging the goods about her person that a whole kolt of cotton does not give her the least uneasiness, and she can carry at clue trip half a dozen silk dresses ; yet the lady herself is by no . means of in- s guificavt bulk. It is a great mistake that thin woiuen make the most suc- cessful smugglers. The slightest addi- tional fulness betrays them. But a illamp divinity can add fifty pounds to 1vtier tournure and no one will be the iser.—Detroit Pott:t. • Scotch Politeness. According to the report of Mr. Stew - rt, an inspector of schools in the orth, the manners of the natives of berdeenshiro are being improved by e ucatiou. 'At the same time Kr Le- g rd reports, from the Leeds district: t et local manners might be a :good deal better. Things, are advancing, but t fere is still much to be desired. In Abe-deenshire, however, progress is the order of the day. The expressions "Thank you," "I beg your pardon," and Tf coo please" are coming more and ore into daily use. The expressions "Thank you" and "If you please" hard - II, existed with Lowland Scotch some Yesis. ago, while "That's a lee" was the equivalent for "I beg your pardon," when the speaker wished to correct hat he thought an inaccurate state- , eat. We doubt whether there is any al churlishness at the bottom of this, orth couutry rudeness. -Mr. Stewart a ys that "civility is servility" t has been t e mistaken motto, and all the little Tea tentions—acts of politeness and eon- s deration for the feelings of others - 4 e set down as a vain show of hypoc- r sy. But why are the people of the rth, and especially those of the bor- er counties, so uncommonly disconrte- o a? It used to be absolutely im.pos able to get a civil answer from the jprters on the northern lines. They ppeared to look on themselves rather1policemen unattached, with a gen- e al commission to arrest passengers, t an as the servants of the public. You .ight label your luggage (the porter de- i ring to do so) for Hawick, let us say, end you might fondly watch the bag- e, and beg for its considerate treat - tent. But the porters would decline t, • t 1• g illov , and utiul, poen ou • vile sh There it ! • is fvay wi ow to ind id nei• hutider an h !I It's en • dams`! ,ch d �nstit cmpo t ou'He el ; 'I w' come The' h s nit s airs; Hoti'v Maier C nn., lbor• aetol • sininj choice I the enoh asp came C, t irdd': p aced. h yha to wi o er t owl :1 lbor' h:yan t •! than t !!. mbli d•wna b as with t • ch s:+d h,e a;,ain ", II THE • me hike carryi ig the thing an two toll) far. I think I have" a tional right tP murder that tor, h +len't I ?' nk yo wave." :re is bet?" s out jnow,' said the Col - •me in to-morro' 11,". saic the po t, "and I will mad he putt on his hat, shouldered brella • and d ifted off down G:u years an e , abo'a to t summ rasa, t fterno d ." cad itou:ts p and y the Ont been drows e wee e thud was look: • Louse, ng wi. fire- ed no _bla off "I'1 1 • h r n e: • Ahe ,c of P.rovi- encea o there lived in Salem, Intik . reamed Amass bom ni rnberlesa stories day. One one ocoa e hada five acre lot of t land spread out to dry. a shower carne up and he next day the hay dry. Another shower drenched it. On the me programme was re - fourth day, after the pperly dried and raked cloud Pillar moved up horizon; and a distant echoed. from the hills. d; He, looked at the at the cloud. "Run up ," he said, in a voice esentnxent, "and bring quick, now. The tion. He came back torch and Bilborn windrow. "There," if this hay will git wet Th Pr his is tol C + ica : A an for C + icao : the visited the u . Ar • our, c. utrol :of th ci izen :aid "I u +ders C icag ! in a ••:n g.•s ar s•.outi• •,'Al tl':d wi plea se o�•ce.'' Mr. '. rmoi r t at's out t. "An som fr end, 'the y ` u do 't se other a,i vane • I Is • on Business in icago. :ant the pork corner in : eman well known' on ve of anecdote was in day, and, of course, of Trade. Meeting is credited with the k market, our fellow 11• e• •• e • 11 • e.Z • • a a fu B I I For erva ld wa ply, b e wit.' ailed ' y he lien o A any t at ted o t he on 'rea as e of itch; tan was 11 say, Pr W entS d nts," Case a d en su ff erin n ' 9i to y co Sa k an oh a eir r •11 w11sur a use d 11, pr' F of s he a e o1- 2t CRL it in- to at le th fr ad e fi vi to B The st Sale uises So es, ver ores, Te in E teed 0 g cents Per leas ell. they do business in way, One of your ringing a bell and sons who haven't set- qep up to the captariu's uuglied and -said: "Yes, ea," added our facetious with the bell says, "If wick, 'there'll be an - rates,' h ck Reply. s, Moses, a negro, Was 1lnivereity of Alaba a, he students very fath- er notorious hypoc ite. t account comm my among the boys. ne ng a crowd of stude ts, 'm called to him : "I at. are vote going to do you ?j' "Wait on tn- ready reply. De of. able fro .lai Bike pro liab :itch• ly fo Fo a on 1 te omen. ale weakness, deli (institutions, and t tomach, Liver and y and tra ed lo wh 0 ce find Electric ertain core. hould rejoice y is .placed wit and happi re Electric Bit Hickson & B1 ts. 622-26d. At a time oded. ith es an. co find ne t cons i us y off all w of I are ss litie coy for ate ose id- it - he bat in ess erS as - Ar "ca Salve. in tie world for °tits, Ulce s, Salt Itheum, tter, !Chapped Hands, ones, alnd Jell kinds of -Fo sale by Hic son • t to hen t tion s be cove of t ) deem This hem re nsu lds, ungs. e thi lling sts, cost, ly c, affecting. b et present H arse pie ed I lit uld al to it i of to giv said the Col ne1,1"but the fourth verso," s at's worse yet. W ha re he swine, d loSe th out clearly nct disti p sitor ay Does of that beautiful se si k into his ? feelings ? ,I leave it 19 "And then ke the original ni nu as daylight— area over th what he did ? 'Take away thy jeti By George, I with a fire sho up in my life.' "It was natn "There, for '1 am weary of t ray horror and be anguis when I. ope ed your pa 'Fm wearing,out trOusers till oript it es only ewer n1; one eyi t ere do He made i feel 'like al, too." a adra. t did y yen ke. freade— L Ill tlpr 'vents is on a pe anoe as hey cu onie si ata On ., p hs tenc fr th I art w now e 1 then par af at s so Of No ine SS II I Proof. Unworthy de- , it is refres ing eficial and p re. eir remedy, that e trial bottle certainly would 'd not the rem- arkable curative r. King's New ptiou will posi- ronchitis, Stub- hthisic, Quinsy, ny affection of As you value wonderful rem - on Hickson & or a regular size • 00D ARTICLE. — We uld a vise all in want a We refer to Derley's b ng ex ensively used by st h ,rse dealers in e me have discover - es the condition of the g the blood, and re- -lugs ud liver all that in the improved ap- nimal, which is one horse dealers use it, nabled to get better same time give their and healthy horses. me and see that the op & Lynaau, Toronto, or C nada. Sold by )1tr For Grate I and comfort - eh go ern the opera- ;dr .and ntrition, and by Sion of the fine proper- brea ast tables with lored beverage, ;_which ly heaty doctors' bills. , lioususe of such articles 1-1 stitution may be grad-- Geo til strong enough to re- cart e ley to disease. Hun- IfIdd orm e Imalades are floating oint. 'We may escape by keeping ourselves c oe th pure blood, and a ) Dou fra,rne.1--Civit Ser - 4 only in packets label ; Spe Threadneedle Street, Or tio .8 of est ties of e ha provi ed may save us sis eve ten dr d.s of Subt v a f ttl s 3318) 4 we fortified pro erly • ou 170 icc sm.A.F9Rai riAlOSICAL ‘INSTRI.1141 NT EMPORIUM. SCOT BROT-IERS Have pleasnr in s sting to the publics that they are now man fact ring on their oWn acconnt, co pimp with Dan'el Bell, the original minu- Ara can con benefit of ma Organ is admi bee Organ m ton and dare m '13 and T mo pop im lar prices ovements s as low a We nse only woods for on k eys, and best materials, fp& must ensure eque ufao ted nnf ility nish d o styl and big ritc. give their c stome a the niers prices. The Ex elsior Y the best judges to the Oared in Caned, bot as to as well as bea ty of work. hhrs in search ot Org ns of d us keeping ace th all ecoveries in ur line, and lass goods caul be pr duced. the eat and thoroug ly se cases, genuine ebony fill mpo ted reeds and boards. 'pal ted only by sired as 11 commerad th pe miner. A Warrant, giv n -with eve purchaser we eerl—which a not to be subj Es 0.0 Bel A Em Ore • ivory Theee d our m to every di crimi sting hie we will tive te• d extremes of pose to dampness le p to, part and d re heat en it e Factory is located on th4 co lanade and Lo e Streets, Tor nto, er the personal npeivision of Mr. formerly, we mon als • R tinem,ber afar you purchase sok be of the honest iree— or cold ea n be er Of nd an iel titian° to keep the Dominic) and tithe n s oak th au Instrcn better value, In the tr 1 GErsiiTt WA T E D ddress, SCOTT BROT ERS, Sea - or h ; or, If*. BELL & Co., Toronto. ;1k CA D OF THANKS. AM TER a re bees to ing and iden etu eroa d begs to st te assortment of 11613.0 0 Y GOOD alwa El be articles t as e Trade. Ete has a la te Lead, ( e t of Color CAMPI3E L, of seven years in alton, his grateful iianks to the 'le Public gen rally for the n kim durinvit that time, t he has no on hand a 111 kinds of AND GROCERIES eady to mete Out to thena reasonable a price as any ge q entity of POR1K (Side, ,Ste.) of e artiee B ate and hoes a Specialty, fr m -t ny article heceshary for a country store can &o.) and a general Assort- well - P tent Medicine IA 1 kinds of Farm a all the lines. rig Produce taken, clish JAMES CAMP ELL.. 8 0 .MANITOBA. i880 N WAY'S Sp cial- Pa sen er Train for Mangoes, start from date part take anti fro stoc 8 eight leav .s the es. tee alway the to have rran sons jo ng all care bo 50 Po nds articular appl J HN day previoctstoall the above 511 be given Of all fature owest, and the greatest PainS ements most Complete and h."ese parties *re released ding baggage,! freight, live of Baggage; Free. through with 1 each party. to COMNI1ERCIAL LIVERY TING ptnichas d the Stock and Trade, of the ge Whitel y, be ing on the bu d several value s to state ono he hitetide ess in the old stand, Ind ha e le horses and vehicleti to the None but t-actas mfor4able Vehicles, and Good ed and pen inliggiel and Oarriagos, and le and Si gle &gone always ready for use. liter I Men. I ere left a ptly atten the ebles or any o$ the hotel, ed t DUNCA &. DUNQANI SEAFORTH. NEW GOOD :THE LARCU Anported Dire • quentlyw houses, 9or WINCEY ARE HE4E, OFrED, MARKED OFF. IllGOODS EVE SHOWN IN THIS TOWN. can, sell theise Goods , Cheaper hani (my non -importing those who pu chase through Agen IN STYLES AND GRADES. , The Ice Wo 1 Circulars ar The Lacond All Wool Dr Old Gold I Gold Che a Specialty. De snr and make it a point to see LIVE STOOK ASSOCIATION ! PARTIES deairing enter Stock for the -a- Fourth Annual Sale, tinder the auspices of the Huron Live I.- lock Asseciation, to be heId in THE TOWN Or GODERICH, In ale Month of Oetoberi,next, shonld make that ries with the Secrete?, orbefore the FIRST DM CIF SEPTEMBER NEXT. Only ouch stook es is then entered can roeeive 11, place in the Association*s -Catalogue, a large number of which will belptibliehed and cirettlati ed amcng intending buyere.. ENTRANCE' FEES. For each Stallion, Mate, Oow or Bull, $2: for each pair of Sheep, 50 bents ; for each Pig, 25 cents. The entrance mtney, in all cases, to 4:c- purtioter information,* diesized, will be cheer- fully furnished by the Seeretarv. M. Y. MoLEXN.i Seaforth, Secretary. AXING MILL, SASH, DOOR AN.Ip;Bil.,1 THE ubscriberbegs leiree to cast omers for the lib etalvat him since comnaenoing Teti -sine tmsts hat he may be faviered. Part es intending to b lid we a eall,ae he will con lime t arge stock of allkinds 4,4 DryiliatitnPhd:sneeeacn. 1.:11.171 Hefeelsconfident of g 'stings swho may favour hint wit their Part ictilar attention ail t 20E JOHN B D FACTORY hank hiernimarou in Sea,forth,and ith a continuance Id do well to _eve 'keep on hand- a tisfection to thou Custoria Planing ss Fabric ie pe ec for elegance, and the best And e e man, requireeist this season of the year so ething to give;t0ne to his -system and prepare him for work. 1 VITAPN E Will do this iby aleantgl all impurities from the Kidneys. Sold by;BIDruggists. rise, $1 GRAY MR)101N,,E URICH d. les, Old Gold PompadoUr Tt'immings, Old ille—this is the favorite shade,1 very stylish. Appearance Warmth and Wear 4mbined. Chenille and Gr ss Fringes, a we variety. Colored Wool Che Fringes to frnatc Dress Goods. MANTLES. MANTLES. These GOod are also Imported Direct, and are sci ratt0h cheaper than usual, th$t it is poeitiv ly astonishing, SHAWLS. SHAWLS. Every descr ption of Shaw in New and Beautiful De4gnse Paisley Shawls ranging up to $4 . It is a treat to see and. handle these eloods. LINE N Bleached and U been paid to the Grey Fla Fl • Lnnisde THE HA w gnel: triBalePa to qua Mr. been i 638 662 4 always. on honid, an. 'make Order, :utters, and eve ot er articdein Asir perecnially en Or te their o 10031- d can gutiran ,go a article both ue d by the large pi es blislame ng promptly attend to. Crve int a be convinced hat we can Retie y yens" and price. BU ER A HAT G Rented tho door north of BLI The 11 659 tore TER AN0 _test Market Price . 8. HE SE. In Stark' eady toll) mime HE SE. sh will lie WEL Se Pict CAL day at brilliant as can experien bleached, go d qualities at low priees. .,• Special attention has Opposi election o f th se Goods. Also Porftirs, Raeces, Hessians, &c. nnels, in all the best makes. THE iRILk_l NT BRIL IANTINE LUSTRE IS THE NICEST Make of L6st es in the Mar e . We control this make. From 12&c. to $L i three ply tf COT TO.N BAGS, purchaeed last 6'pring, at old prices, nd full weight. QUILTS and )3ED SPREADS. IA FULL E OF SC TCH TWEEDS UNPAFLKED TO -DAY. These oods are well worthy of Inspection. Prices Moderate. ORDERS Flj:IR TAILORING DEPARTIOEIrsirr SOLICITED. DIRECT I sea all the al5ore Goods Chedp, 'awl Mean to sell demi sustain ou Reputgtion ./or being 'the Cheapest House _A_ Iv az "d'INT RTERS • OT '111 h eigned Wrote day die to Eze attires nereld Bate 1880. Sign HEAD PHOT 'GALLERY. colors, and sni dthand clean face , such made only. b years practi e and ANDREW C DER, Preetical Artist. the Commerci&hillnel. 150 is hereby giv6 th the Partnership tire to h oda , and all-rhaima against the said Part. zeta be preseri d to the said oda b whom the earn : e settled. I AND. EW EVANIS. in presence of ;Wm U. 660 GLAS Direct. TIC now, a any ot Pre wishin The Steam 03 Bills 653-52 • D STATES e first-class lino. rre ealtee to bring out the 'rale ✓ are nnsurpainied for PlY S. DICKSON; TELMER EW YOR and LO ndonderry, Fares irs And DOINT issued to prirsone de. n of Anal Line leganee an COM-. t Ofilte,S4forth Whole SH None modera or othe N WILL 3. minted. Drafti JOHN SE AFO FINDINGS Of tEve nt the Very Befit St ire promptly 6,114944. ed. Mope Lent t Estee. LlAMB Co. T Ts LEATHER And Descriptio . k kept. eras 11 orders b malt f LAX. FLA)c. FL 1.37 the •3 y or by the acie.) Lib raI wages id. t ply to of Flax be 13 AMPBElelh Pro Land by maitp 13 LL, Matcliall•