HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-09-03, Page 2• • - • 2 5 THE HURON • EXPOSriOR. • • - SEPTEMBER 3, 1880. MR. TOLNLAN. Mr. Tolman was a gentleman whose apparent age was of a varying charac- ter. At times, when deep in thought on business matters or other affairs, one might have thought him 55 or 57, or even 60. Ordinarily, however, when things eeere Funning along in a satia- factory,and commonplace way, he ap- peared to be -about 50 years old, while upon e -aorelmazy Occasions, when the world alssumed an unusually attractive aspect, his ago seerecl to run down to 46 or 1 He es the head of iL business firm ; in feet, he was the only member of it. The ft was known as Pusey c Co.: but Pu ey had long been dead; and the "Co.,” f which Mr. Tolman had been a menti en was dissolved. Our elderly hero h ving bought out the business, firm n e and all, for many years had. carried it on with success and profit. His co nting-house was a small and quiet p ace, but a great- deal of money had be n made in it. Mr. Tolman was rich—v ry rich indeed. .And et as he sat in his counting - room o e winter evening he looked his oldeet, He had, on his hat and his over- coat„ s gloves and his fur collar. Every ne else in the establishment had go e home, and he, with the 'keys in his hand, was ready to lock up and lea.te also. He often staid later than .cally one else, and left the keys with ff. Canterfield, the head clerk, as he passed his house on his way home. Mr. Tolman seemed in .no hurry to go. HO simply sat *and thought, and increased his apparent age. The truth • was he dia not want to igo home. He was tired of going home. i This was not because his home was not a pleasant one. N`o single gentleman in the city had a handsomer or more comfortable suite of ooms. It was not because he felt lon ly, or regretted that a• wife and c -h dren did not ' brighten and enliven his home. He was perfect- ly satis 'ed to be a bachelor. The conditio s suited hi-th exactly. But, in spite of all this, he was tired of going home. 1 "I wi h," said Mr. Tolmau to hlm- aelf, "t at I could feel some interest in going h ane- ;" and then he rose and took a rn or two up and. down the room ; ut as that did not seem to give -him an more interest in the matter, he sat down again-. "I wish it were necessary for me to go horde," said he ; "but it ien't ;" and then he fell again to thinking!. "What I need," he said, after a while, "is to depend more upon myself—to feel that I am necessary to myself. Just now I'm not. I'll stop going herne—at least in this way. Where's, the sense in envying other men, when I can have all that they have, jut as well as not ? And I'll have it, oo," said Mr. Tolnaan, as he went ou1 and locked the doors. Once in the st eeta, and walking rapidly, his ideas shaped. themselves easily and readily into a plan which, by the time he reached the house of his head clerk, was qui e matured. Mr. Canterfield Was just oing down to dinner as his employe4 rang the bell, so he openede the door =self. "I will detain yOur but a minute or two," said. Mr. Tolman, handing the keys to tMr. Canterfield. "Shall we step into the parlor ?" When ais employer had gone, and Mr. Cant rfield had joined his family at the 4inner table, his wife imme- diately a lied him what Mr. Tolman wanted. "Only to say that he is going away to- morrow, and that I am to attend to the business, and send his personal letters to —,". naming a city not a hundred miles away. "How ong is he going to stay"' "He di n't say," answered Mr. Can- terfield. te 1 you what he ought to do," said the 1 dy. "He ought to make you a partne in the firm, and then he Could: go 4way and stay as long as he pleased," `.`He ca, do .that now," returned her husband. "He has -made a good maty trips sinoi I have been with him, and things ha e gone on very much in the same way as when he was aere. He knows th t." "But st 11 you'd like to be a, partner ?" "Oh, ye.," said. Mr. Canterfield. "And onamort gratitude o tight to prompt hi to make you one," said his wife. Mr. Tol an went home and wrote a will. He left all his property,. with the .exceptioa Of a few legacies, to the rich- est and most powerful charitable orga,n- ization in the country. People will think ren crazy," said he to him elf, "and if I should die -while I a .carrying out my plan, I'll leave the qask: of defending my sanity to people hoi are able to make a. good. fight for e." And bef re he went to bed he had. his will signe • 11 1 111 and witnessed. The ne t day he packed a truuk and cft for Mt, neighboring city. His apart- ments weife to be kept in readiuess for his return lat any time. If you had seen him walki g over to the railroad depot, you world have taken hire for a man of 45. When he arrived at his destination, Mr. Tolman established himself tem- porarily at a hotel, and- spent the next three or fotir days in walkiug about the' city looking for what he wanted. What he Wanted was rather difficult the matte to himself was suniething to define, ut the way 'in which he put like this: "I'd like to find a sung little place where I cep live and carry on. some business wPaich I can etteud to inyself, and which, will bring me into contact with people of all sorts --people who will inter* me. It must be a smell business, because I don't want to have to work ve y herd, and it must be snug and corefottable, because I want to en- joy it. Isa aid like a shop of soine sort, because th t brings a man face to face with his ie low-ereatures." The city in which he was walking about was ne of the best places in. the country in which to find the place of business h desired. It was full of in- dependent little shops. But Mr. Tol- man could not readily find one which resembled his ideal. A small dry goods establishin nt seemed, to presuppose a female pr. prietor. A grocery store would give him many interesting cus- tomers : b4it he did. not know much about groceries, and the business did not appearite him to possess any ;esthe- tic feature. He was much pleased by a small eh p belonging to a taxider- mist. It ias exceedingly cozy, and the business w e probably not so great an to overwork any one4 the birds and beasts w to be stuffed to some and have him put the dition for the 01180111 But no ; it would be v to engage in a busine knew absolutely not mist ought not to bill when asked some sim •a little dead bird or And so he tore hinesel dow of this fascinat he fancied, had his differently rna,naged, have shown the w. ole of a cheerful ell Venus. The shop which at, suit him best was one passed and looked at fore it struck him fay a small brick house in a si not far from one of avenues of the city. devoted to articles o st small notions of vario s Id to be classified. He had look at three penknive fee card, which vas pro pad little show window, s ppoxl side by a eshess-board with Asia" in gilt letters on the back, a the other by a small v'olie labell dollar;" and as he- g zed past articles into the interi r of the which was now lighte dawned upon him tha thing like his ideal of interesting business pl he would go in and loo not care for a violin e en price marked on the o e in but a new pocket knif mi ful ; so he walked in nd at pocket knives. The shop was in eh pleasant old lady of sewing behind the she went to the windo fully reached over the ed therein to geb t knives, Mr. Tolman lo The shop was quite seemed to be a good de were shelves behind t .,there were shelves wall, and they a,lt see with something or oth r. ner near the old lady a c little coal stove with a brio and at the back of t top of two steps, w a partly open, through w ich small room, with a• re floor, and a little tab for a, meal. Mr. Tolman looked when the old lady sho and after a good deal he selected one which be a good knife to giv he looked over som way of paper -cutter, and such small mat in a glass case on t while he looked at the the old lady. She eves a friend! and very glad to have to, and so it was not -Mr. Tolman, by some to draw from her a ge about herself and her widow, with a son W marks, must have be He was connected wi establishment; and th for a long time. While salesman, and came ho ing, this was very ple he became a cornmerei was away from the cili tetime, she did not lik very lonely for her. Mr. Tolman's hart but he did not interrupt "If I could do it," sai give up this place, and my sister in the country better for both of us, come there just as well gets back from his tripll "Why, don't you seo Tolman, a little fearful to think that all this ing to be entirely safe. "That would not be e with a smilo. "It in: time before we could Would want to take have a fair trade in t isn't what it used to be better, and the library Most of the books are g and it don't pay to spe for new ones now." "The library !" sai "Have you alibrary?" "Oh, yes," replied th had a circulating librar 15 years. There it is per shelves behind you. Mr. Tolman turned, long rows of - books, i covers, with a short st ing near the door of by which these shelves ed. ' This pleased hi had had no idea that t brary here. "I declare !" said he. very pleasant to unman library—a small one mean. I shouldn't mi buainess of the kind m The old lady looke Did he wish to go into had not supposed that, iug at him. Mr. Tolman explaiue her. He did not tell w doiug in the way of b Mr. Canterfield was doi He merely stated his and acknowledged to b. the attractiveness of h that had led him to co "Theu yon do hot knife ?" she said, quickl "Oh, yes, 'I do'," s9 really believe, if we can that I would like the two together with the rest trade." The old lady laughed 'ly. She hoped very m they could come to ter a chair from the back r Tolman sat down with to talk it over. Few cu in to interrupt them, and the matter over very thorh both came to the conct would. be no difficulty ale nor about Mr. Tolman's on the business after a lit from the present proprie Mr. Tolman left, it was standing that he was to couple of days, when th would be at home, and m definitely arranged. When the three met, H 'c ac rs migh were b Wel op - prope He m nsatisf f whi' A ta ith ign nestion defunct na. the ng .place, education e .ould in Id the s u hlighte _Met 1 appea which h everkl tim rabl . It e stre e nain bu he shop a tionery ids no stopp ened up ed o "Hist • send soon strnol reght 4irous of m altor, interposed. in fa vor of the establi lean and nd every an w ce and a at • art off n h. , he ant ed and set • not much boxes, an rniture of 3, for Mr. T ry • • 1 •• 11 Som hm ust rtic s in th 0 • /'• • • • it n a e. at 1 11 rge bon co ; arti c ke mal 1 i • • it gra was so tractiv At an it. t the he wi ht be sked t t • a a 11 • v 0 0 ything in 4. Thew hesai1d t e of hi ac horsel T a an accenin took s ver ,in wIiich to finc out, us art pies tags tech icularl hest ent of tI med h o s, and, atter him 'out a n brough ve th ndioat their id be r qui they ad er ben fits lo was itstoni r. Tolhaan really nxi Wi ed. f the r met he go and , than him. nally, faction bargai ght of ike to a car 01 fkt le eh an W COUrtd 'dor or vhen ed his 11 b t ess and aey• 11 I. :111 • I. 9 a, rli El 1 • e 1 1 • of a 60, w nter. d very les dis d of about , but it. ounter, f 1 h it h b 1. ti he orn di t nate the is rqu m df the he f r a th reg. •lact 10 h ook • in, el d am e to hd hing n t# e op .-ed ; well n- the air w t fire op, at t glass dc he s w ea St on 1th e aarent y! 8e . 1 at the kniveE; d t em to him, el f o nsideralioh e th tight w uld o a poy.- T eii .thi gs in the wh st-mar r4, rs, hich -ere e a meter, tend le talk a to soc able ody, y 0 e to alk all ; difficu t for ene al _rem ks, at any p nts, op., She s a , fro her re - 4 years Id. h a merca ile ha lived 1# ere he son w s a 1 e very e len.- anti ; but 'ter ti veller, 1 nd fozj mont !. at t at all. It Las 11 I. :16 • I6 se I ithiu her, she, "I wo and live - tt woul d eury ce s h' re whe t ?" asked for he be s too easy s By " said ht be a I d any one O place. s ore, but hen times fa, ling off ting pretty xijiuch mo • lil 110 1 ith be Id he r. an il- he, ng ho it ere 00. id, ey Tolman. 've rly here for las those two; d beheld blown pe, -ladder sta e inner ro ight be rea wo ex. rn, greatly. He be ng a d. he to enen at w. es, as nt e was a 11 "It' must a i!eirculat like this going int • surpris nein ess ? stl from la hi a views' t he had b mess, or w fdr him n, eseint wis that it establishm in nt the p hp ; "and oree to ter. other kniv ydur stock • iittle nervo s - h indeed t at She brouht m, and 0 r. ✓ by the st•ve tOmers ca • • e • they talk:d u hly. Th iy 1.11 that th re u. the te 168 lity to ea 1. instructi • n r:ss. Whn ite the uncl;r- al again al a son He, t ors could • : argain 1 do 66 ••• 0.1 t 11 - • 11 0; 414 ro 0 611 • II • 11 41 1 A • • 11: • I ; 1 here is no e said ,o h that 11 thi fiord ti h in it, "by ere wa no again !t th is halide ose to al onder wh r. the e 0 rs boy o•nec ohne. has receiee 114 o anted twe h a env lore, ny -par 'melte an. e boy dn't ariety ping ame kie d d he looked an, e dentl leestiinon he Eill 1 1 • • It : • • • :, i 1 a 11 411 1 al • ou are said oxes o from b I kbi jut ds° iOn ill do eets of • : tch. • iece o 'ie bo Mr. hen h he call ug the ent. ou hay fl ; a 11 11 11 • I• 1 a 0 I I ac 14 ala sO vp • 111 O boy t an, an ujeckhpr • lYa r To sales is Mr. the ca e ort 6 cou dark began an vet' a goo I 1 • g, but n y quest- prietors tting stions of the ed r es air Ewer on 11 ad g s ::o plea OA eu n1 f boo ill rs app y tech t n !who w s long t el at las n ito be e regu Mr. P:503 ti ss h pa,pe y bu'ne. and he he 4 st, hes e he huiti1ro , wle0 h oln in g to tae. °or ixid 111 11 • ot O 'e O a r bus eal ae ons s LS t , ria lar dy ee ne aut an lk an i • • cu th ple Ve. 11 to out th he led in ha] d. s( ay, b an ter , that onl ared to t hear 4, 43 tno s he r tered. low oice that h be ne objection t r n for a Oii tike first of tit s it, and theu ie h to paly cash when er 1)00k, ' • ( To be C. nth pread. th Go As'a family me. eine is no remedy at rese u iv peil satisfa Von, man astonishing cu Bitte s. Our dru ists dem:.d for them, t ti to, au ply thecina y call Atta s, Stomach. Liv Com laints, Diabe s a ily- yp1d to their en Sold y Hickson* lea per b ttle. 662-26 n• ts lect ugh he op etti ttle pa t w so de- ad" ffi, udl eas were,was in h tr nsfer of he wpul like to 0.1 and corner ill) place; ut Mr. to akn posses- enry wo d have rip in • short see s mother O ,ie lefb There but tru, ka and ntiq at;pieces slue o , he old s te o buying e, ju 6 as it di .*t cost 'a •• ch as o d pay dim so'Henry k a d r. Tol- El f in the old 1 in °d 1° him ice of the rill on the n; taidealil shea n - ir 1 bre y. She aeac er ' of the p ssble of the a roe- .- She gh t ust to a ing for the id 't apptme the e , and C CM- : oppo- 80.8 who ca:h clwn for r neeiving e • t inter - 11 this. He some ot the Id la y dis- rem mber a e to him ad enin, kreJnt f her not forget lof w11:t she se tie to the al pa, ties to he 014 _lady g • would e f ost, after - re aid bag - lady nd her lace, ailed Mr. behind the a,nagr and • g libeery and He laugh - t, nut he ve y 11 sat - re; about f her is a Id lik , and I he 's no 6 t• s y any- Tolm n rub- or the fire, p hi shop, las fit:t cus- .1 ty mi utes an c e in. inc th coma- s. Tb, little f ot -paper Mr. say p rticu- e t ought s got, Would ar e Mr. ri.g t the r, ut sking r, sup - p nin sv e had taken SV jtast d n't know ve b: -in s ppose t ouple a eu elope Ed y tied up e , an gave ina three e , ilea, ap d c Ionia, - h w s just im back Much," he oo Iced at Mr. of thet store Ts ,After Tr kin o sup frie an dea ear mai seceb FOR THE NSTE AILY STOCK IVING AT IDD'S MPORIUM. Another de, I offer eledgments orti1 have de land cus dol assure orsifor the estly than tain the ed. ALA ecesful Season's my grateful ac• or j the liberal -eceved froni ;y )11,6718 in the past, hem that my en- titre(will be more C1;0 directed o nfidenee alrea RGE. Antiei sting a much than he •etofere, 011 harvest, ba"e taken sp selection ATTR X.CTIVE A And hay' lig every facia and For ign Market*, a in busin ss being thorii the want of iny cuetonl STR NG IND To all oee who may Patronage TRADE. rger trade this omen unt of the botuatin1 ial pains to render My D bESIRABLE or e loring the Hoi4e fro long experien e ghly acquainted wi h s, I can offer UOEMENTS ! favor me with theg onally visited' Markets, known to the public consider better, the- . hav not per the nrope But I am pl titled to mak that I ha e toured what services of A FIRST-CLASS MAN, One having both an A erican and Europe erperiEnel who will be p lmanent in the 014 0 To forwar Goode, pure Red Direct from tIle ous," Manufactur rs, as I requir hem. e the ue tly found er came in te noo , and o too out ese k e t Mr. t onl had in au Can- er a great chan, e in robabil ty of bookee with ty and char - a fetv dis- ard 4 the that the old Mr. T ohs to p a a their 111 ethoef the • ili lwrraesaare )eg la booli tl to M him there lais ac 1 h he to be b rought 4. 14 • • 11 c) New Eli tonic, giving effecti e. potst aEl sbeing • and d. Gravel, atiee qualities. at 50 Outs lman ease, selec- sub auge (mug He , and Tol- in a ould omit nger. °aid able in a I HAV JUST litECEIVE6 THE 1OLLDWIG LINES, Immense St Alantle; Choice Stook Extra Value All Shades i Ladies' Hyde Park a Hats and Ca molt co Much the La. Shirte an Full Lines Winceys. In Cotton Warps, a All of which ek of Ladies' Fall and Winter f Wool Goos. Black Volvete(ns. Tineel and C endle Ribbons, ter ies. d all the NoVegies in Ruffling% s—I direct your ettention to my 'pet° stock. , gesitavirs. lSteock e Towof Men's Wool Drawers. f Prints, weeds, Flannels and arns I hav verything, Carpet 1 colors. are firsteela ealue. 111 11; • LOOK A MY G RAIN BAGS. I Werra 1 them the Bel and Cheapest. ' 1 . A, ' 1 here such Besides these Ind cenents, 1 am g so . (Jeri g the balance of my etric i ively . I able lions SU-NIA/I R CLOTHING! dney 6l .1+e ead- TE4 ERRY.—The ne w1it41.ing the tee h, breat , and. stint • lati t 11 the,b ghtest, cos° ext4. Ask Your, berry ." price 35 OeI ts. 1' s 1 1 ; I owder for purifying the . he na uth, toilet gem •1 for "Tea - 6 -52. 4 • At CIS T PRIC for [CASH. THOS. KDD, SEAFORTH, Corner of Main and Market Streets. HICKSON 84 BLEASDEHL, Chemists, Druggists, Take gat pleasure in informing the people country that they have secured And fi91 Of Over classes Cylinde R. WR GHT, LATE ily of TORON 0 who is a first-class mechanic a e enteen ea) i the city and country. He ba br etch and Cloc Work, from the finest Chrono r. We have confidence in our man, and are, coneeg PREPARED TO GUARANTEE In any- are where satiefaCtion is not given, bring it back a f S he s d wo , tber eter ntly, ALLI d wo money. We can do any work in owl line, ORTH, ti IMPQ TANT TO THE sicIti eint ers, orth a swrro unding vices of TRA HROY, -- kmaln, having had an experience el ore, become familiar with all Stop Watchee to the Common - , Gold living on TVa a Cases, Chains, &c. Silver lating on W. itch Cases, Knites, Forks, Fancy and Retie?, -g7 graving on Silver or Silver e, Brass, C pper, de. All K 1s of Jewelt? Repairs done in the best p A U L L TOCK OP In A mer' and Fan an, Englis h and S ies. Ladie' Gold and Silver Wedeln Rings in peat va iety. Aleo Gold and Plated Chi -ns a a WORK DONE. I make it right or refund the ha 1 poons, &c. Plate Gold or Gold 8ible Manner. ATCHES Specialty. Wedding, Keeper ail kinds of Iewelry. HICKSON & BLEASD LL, Seaforth. TO Would whi SA HE MLO P PTAI\TT It\T BUILD RS, FARMER8 GoTrnTiba all the attention of the public to the folloning. lee is engaged t Winthrop, four and. a h If mil MILLS. SAW MILL J K—Lumber cub fro green logs. Bills for Building Feironig and Ditching filled on short notic , ELM -4 hirge quantity of d yl inch and 2 inch on hand ;alma a c nsiderakle quantity in Iog. SOFT 1M 'LE—Dry, cut to t e following sizes: Ile li and 2 =heti: HARD ALE—Dry, cut to• he following sizes: 1, WI, an 4x5 in BlitCH Dy, cut to the folio ing sizes :1 and 2 inches. BA SSW* 0—Pry. cut to the following sizes: 1 inch. PATEN MOVABLE FENC —Lately improved. Set up straight, ith ed f grook in the old i :teed. CEDAR . OSTS—Split and R und. TAN B K—Frcm one h 13 red to one hundred and fifty co in_ BLACK SO RAILS—A n er for sale. tenches of business in s nortle Seaforth • . SAW MILLS. • MCCU LT-eQC}Iy lezibtrraienadndEt, uoirrof aptianne zsonizidpel4r4H7d.feetiterre, tephyreti °Tar:cis:tit G amen , the -United-States of Anierica, endue Dominion 1{°`_Irf Ileanpard0a1ESWIOillail 1114eYtr"anlidaliIlllitte ovvenirjuteed detarth, eolDepointernebrecriail 4%1;71, :4! all who a e suffering feonrChrorild Ili 121:tare:ine. eases, 8 ' h as CONSUMPTION, 1 110Neappis, ASTHM , CATARRH, And all Alai:Mons el the i day, -S plentber 71h, to 10e <sleek CChlheolirtois:a an:0' Cancer 's iNnetrirhltui:etrsTot; haNatiag.rYee'eake,:awiplostlityt... long sten ing, Dropsy, Diseasea di the Kidneys, Liam, Ski Diseases of all kinds, no matter how la, Scrofu ous Ulcers, Liver CoMP ailasueikipelalir3p:o_ Sickness,out. ththe i z, i irdyspoassoili ie,tmephNi taleoeiscknife. on r,dFaEloaptigipi and 8Epileptic coo: Apra 1 3set:rieitoosn. 8:TE:silo ti 1 tihA b ee e et u : n T, r id pepsia, rfillVt it iinsill:Ditan ilf6" e, eca u;rpeFaartevcreofs mors, dre., Lumbago, Hemorrhage nil the Lungs. itillyD.isea s of the Eye and Ear teated Batease. Dt: eases of childrEn from fency tealaele age treat successfully. 4. gar Fei. ale Complaints of all Inds and!eage„, criptione whatever, whether A or Chrbie, W11.1 be ted antic- ssfally. on are suffering beim yof the above diseases not delay, but visit le" Doctor se once so at you may have the beet of his tate and treat'ent, and be restored to health the sooner. esee TEA TEAS TEAS. THE N W CROP JUST ARRIVED. Grp .ery and rrorn8w Store TS THE SPOT where you es* get the beet value r your money ever offe aim Sego Just try is New Teas—they are; good ind cheap. :01. well selected Steal t Fresh. FRESH' ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,' . And a rip stock of all kinds of: irttIJITS, :au as Clang s, Lemons, Appls, Dats, Cranbe Jam by the pound, Black Currant Curra-ntJ lly, Pine Apple Jelly} Figs, Raisins Prunes, Dr 'ed Apples. HONE IN FLB. B TTLES. he best Tea Dust in market, Try my -IpewouJnadPan Tea at 40 04,450 eents per pound. pounirTryrdy.: leek Congau Tea at SO ed ee 6it5 es e rnetas;ye Try ray hes. , Some Oe 85 cents pe s saving the amount requir , AND FLOUR' G d a errptly Attrn ed to, and gooevoili warrant Flou I:1 BlgirSenTaind Middlings, Rhea. s on hand. [ T E GENERAL S ORE. omprising the latest patterns 1 Teiree s, Duce, Oottonades, Shirt - all the leading lines constant 34 on hand and eel eta with care. assorted Iitnek, from Men's 11 avy Cew Ride to ;atlies' Finest Kid. weed Snits for $7 and up. ope and Youth s at corresponding w. Sizoe well assorted. ut Naile, Bolte, Lccks, Hiles, Screws, &c. A very fine lot of is, Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Cribs, Lounge, &e. 1 I , ' 4 and light exipenees d at 1:, w price. DRY GO ZS—A large stock, inge, Sees Goods, Prints, GROCE ES—A large etock o BOOTS ND SHOES—A Wel READY E CLOTHING - figure. HATS- A D CAPS—Men's an HARDW RE—Pressed and Harv t Tools. FUI NI 11E—Bureaus, Mirr his busi he undersigned, ba offers his CII840 ILL Coarse an d Fine Shorts, enth's in Felt, Cloth and Str ng ehe best facilities for bnyin ers the articles above mention in carrying on A good s Cured Bacon, Flo Pet Barlry oung Epson Tea at45i pound. unpowder Tea at Ne‘ ood value. CrVaSICIO pply of those superior s, Smoked Bacon, Pi r, Shorts, Bran, Corn Graham Flour, Oats a, FRUIT JARS. FRUI A very la ge stock of Mass Geni all sizes, w ich, being bought be price, aoldvery eheap. . AULT, Main Str 0,55, 60 en As per pound, oked Sega Hams and, al, Oatmeal,1 Potatoes. I JARf3. Fruit Jars, oll 4 the rise in Seaforth . or INSURA . A. GOVENLOCK 'Winthrop. I 1 ALO SMITH JONES furniture, pricee. 0 county." • o the M. ROB Kidd, as a at remark examine to order feathers, ADDR TO THE ElrEOTORS. - I ` Ciood mornin J nee, where are you going to 2" ' I are going down to M. ROBERTSO'S Furni on see mine is gett ng played out and I want to g dishy wants a new radle, and they say that he ha tee and Indep liTSON begs to stat ardware store, end ly low prices. Lite stock beforo parch very short notice. d end lumber tile HIS UND i, Is, as 10 rly, under his own s tion. His , tck,of Caskets, Co rate. Fur* en attended in the HE SEAFORT CE ANDLAN[ ZO ST AGENCY. N G TS AGEN for Several First-Cbit 01 Soc, Fire - and Idle Insurance Companies hid is neper - ed to take eke on the most lava le terms. it Loan So. Also Age sieties. ure arrooms, to get BOD10 new Also Age t som fir:t rate Wafture at very low and Villar the Very best and eheapest hi the DDIEJS. 1 ndent People of Huron: that he has removed to the prlemisee hit ly occupied by Mr. John hat he is now prepared to furnish every hing in the Furniture line ding purchasers will find it Oeatly to t eir advantage to call and sing elsewhere. Repairing promptly at nded to. Fa-rniture made icture framing a speeialty. Ali work aranteed, Farm produce, in exchange. RTAKING DIEfARTWIENT' pervision, and will be condn ted wfth t e greatest care end atten- ns, Shrouds, &a., will b e found,complete, and se: the very lowest ountry. A Hearse for hire. 1eniezn1ber the place. AI. RODER SON, SE40RTH. OLD TO CET Y UR HORSES PROPERLY SHOD 'TIS BETTER THAN BLAC M1THING TN HIS NItW ard enlarged -2- do thi Fie also dceiles patro nage. With erlaiped tion than (eer. Horse hoeing, Genera and MEIJI ill 11 Ell TUE Goderich treet. 649-13 AND YOUR NEATLY AND SUISTANT1ALLY DONE 1\1- DOR, remises, opposite the queen's Hotel, Goder infonn his customers of his removal, and niiees and improved facilities hti is prepare Blacksmithiny and Pepairi n the itost Reasonabl Tert P LA CE : Grassie's Old Stland, Opp° eh Stret, is prepared to to tam* them for past to give better satisfac. done. as formerly ite the Quetns Hotel, JOHN DOR,E Seaforth. I ONCE POST 0 FICE STORE, WALTON. ORE respectfully b g leave to return thanks to my numeroue tinstomere for their kind retro ago during the lalet 1 years that I have been doing 6usiness anitongst them, and kind/y- solicit a C Dtinuance of their fa ors for the future. I' have just receiVed a Large end Well Seleeted GROCERIES—TEAS a Specialty—which, for guality and price, are the best in theCounty. DRY GOODS BOOTS 1 all descriptions. 41ao alwais on, hand a lull assortment of AStercAikrogfe St Stock of and -S H0ES-111oPherson's make, Crockexy, Glseware Lamps and Coal Oa, Eardware, Paints:nd 01.1s, Drugs, Patent Medmin thing required in a general stor Ask for what you want if yo taken in ex hang°. I would als intimate to all parti a indebte rther notice will be g,iTen. MONEY TO L to come aI: d eettle by cash or ote before the end f this m nth; or the other hand 11or collection. No 1 —I am also viluator for the Do inion Sating and Investment Society, one in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on i gond farm security fo twenty years, ten the most faVora ile conditions. LIFE INSURANCE. --If 34 give me a cellilas I ani agent Ior he Sun Mutual Life Assurance Comany, eurance Companies in the Domi get to give me a call. I am 1w nection. C over, Timothy, Turn s, Bacon a d Hama, in fact every - don't see 1 Cask er farm produce to me for ' st and brevicua years, ccounts will be put into AN ON EASY TERMS. the bestloan societies a terre of from three to u want your life insured ne of the best Life In- ion, and conducted on the most economical princiles. Don't for - ye attentive to busiateee. Post Office and TelegrePh Office in con - p and other Reeds on hand. R. ATTISON WALTON NOTICE,. 01.4, .A.R.1T J4_ • ?laving purchased the s •ek of the Goderich Foundry & Manufacturing Com- pany, consisting of one 40- • orse Engine, one 20-hore do., two five-borse do., new and secondhand Boiles, lot of Flour Mill Machinery, Savir Mill Machinery, Plows, Gang Plows, Lan Rollers, Straw Cutters,: Hore-PoWers, brass fittings for Engine, Gas Pipe and Gas Pipe Fittings, Cooking Stove ,-and a large as- sortment of castings in g eral use. The above stock will be sold cheap, to make room for the manuf ture of other 'articles Orders taken for Engines, Boilers, and all kinds of m 11 work. Repairs attended to on the shortest notice. Address -4- D. RUNCMAN & CO.. GODERICH. t for several of the b t, for the Sale and Pam se of Fatra roperty. A Niti zber of Fi Imp °red Farms fori $50,600 Ito Loan at Sere Interest. Agent for the sale of Ocean Stett OFFICE Over M. Monism:ea Street, Sesta th. t -Class ale. _per vent. `pTicket tore, Main 645 NEW BAKERY AND OONFEC ONER. FORE S BROTH RS, TT AVE no -2-2- Old Ste for th, -where in every b.ra'n Weddig Pr Delivering always keep Confectionery e fully ho and liberal p and vicinity. we intend to 653 started business ir illianisoles d, next to Cannichaere Hotel,See- hey intend to give full atisfactien h of their business. akei and 4 Ordt78 mptly Attended lt,. one promptly. We else intend to n hand a new an11 f stock of 1 and Fruits. e to gain tho good . tronege of the eitize Nothing like good b ave always. FOR13ES BROTHE $ Bakers. and kind Seaforth , and that SEAFOR J Ts STILL 2- Mills on business inan er]y ht41Ji8S dId ing eB order 8;70 which be ill H FLAX. ILLS. B E A I E esirous of dispoeirni ' f his Flax • eseonable terms to a od. active 'who is likely to marag it prop- etifIleient Flax sownda in splen- eep the Mill rwroings dily dur- , the benefits in ceraieletion with 'ye the purchaser. EY TO LOA • Any amount of money to Loan Iuttasonable ra tes of intere , on good farm secui1ty, OFFICE—Ca adieu Bank of Coecimerce ' ings, Seaferth. JOHN BEATTIE. EGG EMPORIUM THE Subseriber hereby thanks ha 4urneroue -2- custorners (merchants and otetj for their liberal parons, e during the past 7 Years, sad hopes by Strict integrity and close attention to business to meijt their confidence and trade in the future. H ving greed/ enlarged his prem - 1888 during the inter, he is now prelpared mossy THE HI EST CASH PRICE For any quantit of Good Fresh Eg,a, &livered at the Egg Enip MAINI ST1' EET, SRAFOTH. Wanted by tb4 subscriber, 25 toneof good dry clean wheat etre D. D. Mrt,SION SEE1D WHEAr. ELIAE. THE rr leh 1Jm4erel Wheat for ta nds the win this section. Pi 561-4 ed has a quantity .of thei above le. This is s new 'vitt/city, Ana er 'wefl. Ordy oncie grown in ce, $1.50 per bushe W. PAYNE, t11Road, • _ . , SEPTkMA A little boy to him. and, ow -can peel i3./31 busy; "Well, you you have a pie?1 funny for you" —An Irish wal talented a turkey tner "Faith, it'S that turkey was estate with his never dreaming. J10' d have to ,A dinner" .1 —A bargain —Tourist There's a chick lady; In a few weeks crown for that fe for tvro penee," ;satisfied. e—Ati DatTu prime Cout, 133 eighboxing-viTh are you work; trying to was the reply. said. the Judge nompettion. -L-A young, col passing their he illage. "Tell in "that you are ne times that you lifee" "On the c replied, "I reget; were to die I wet away ' —A_ 'Yankee pl lately on the ige their own eompl young ladyonee lecture would be the "circulation 'that she would el had been trouble for a. long time. —The followinj offered as an irrel a fair young maiel she to her suitor, home. I am a. no husband en in kindness." ", the wooer; .44blit Win all live togef beat your naother —A good deal -• simplicity of a rei is t met a, young kirk, and, as was cs,rryin.3. Iterili trudging along ba said, "is it eustoe in theee parts to ly, they do," said they mind their —"Is your BeetIecrush.er ?" a. Western &nese gled out of the ref dieappointmeiat of dnees -M her full'?" said the da Sun, "Waal, I gri! nothing but a pie cream, an' that filliug my pregrae; Detroit 0eTh Ladies of good wealth at their most desperate SIE with the hardest 40 not deserve sympathy fte the I invested her little titute if stringentl whom the good. In great teirttation. *Wok Canadians smuggle to Canaell mestie and dreee purchaser steso ever to Winer f< velvets and eashi being eonsidered Letter, whether tie are hundreds of D, velvet and silk di them over folded 3 Ole waists or dise ones, while they house officer, the teetives, the latedij serene countenaTh their epofis. amoniat of goods a eingie trk. Ti has taken such pei she has sentiggledl ly to keep -up the acquired Buell a ke goods about her bolt of cotton doei least uneasiues, s one -trip half a do the lady herself is significant balk. that thin women eessfui snauggleree tional fulness In Plump divinity cal her tournure and WiSer.—Dtheit .P*3 Sctch- art, rehdeca:nret: bisigsmiPeert:tenat6tnheelell geaarlideartei;o11;te,' fArotml that local Manner deal better. 1 Thie there is still. : rxtuel 4;itat4rIllohrI::itInkfPIyon,"etdahs eei :a rill 't1 il Aberdeenshite, ho "Thank you" and lyYeLzisao, wlae tegawiitlhIle' equivalent for "11 when the speakerwhat be tholIght 33reealll teluWrliedoubtshness north -country ru says that oiviIity the mistaken mot attentions—acts o sideration for the are set down as a onlifsrYt::la, iBatnundtsea:shietocaiat 4r counties so un aible to get a eiv` porters on the aa'anleapolirtrateonl°:nk eral commission t. tlightalatbeheI 837orfurml acliudiainyogut,7lgohr Lin rge1aei.21111Bubit3gthieorpci) 1 !11