HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-09-03, Page 1t`ung that u -..elr `a 0 re,etie. tt,e Mar - and will Y HOUSE 1 I{" zf4t'keepta 1,11rts at. OM ' Choice. RTION ,ta•I 3lis.r ,F and 1tui,1 311,.,es,' Pet g & 00". •F~7 1)rr (Flea, vide High tl;12L2 tuwa. _ tngregatit)n. a'ir o12 Suu tho pastor, the funeral Ft xited :Visa • tlil . ()f north has been iE)il, passed reward, 012 .in: t. His 1i s relatives sorrowing iug to their t ..Iessrs. :erg rrive ..la. • (;'f last aekee,t how.. 1 011 more e t utertaiu- r see land extrai: Fur eat week.— ,r -€e lookie 'ut a couple ( t rhes and tindance.-- :tants e°ttl- ;Ilt last Mr. -ie got up, ". ee act of aim st!'ien day uight purchased. ion 011 Fri - 1411 the ail- . i 011 the 4 promptly - 1 Eiilpluv'eti. ;ti`ied, pr, a_ rt Carliug 11st Drew- regia- he Tuesday laLw fixing -t•r all ex - !.f 14 ceuts 'lee i11 the ,ai11 street G('; iry hlav is Willi - 1.::, S1111da1 ;' 'Jays uext- 'eeel1es by km A.Teitha- f-'r of the iie:ai tS' the character ad iu Ceti - 4(1,11e awl 1Li11 of that ..'ut.. gentle - but as h• a .r thein, k- lteree t+,.' cure the €t'.itt;(I, tui.1 ley to 1,-r- , secure a . when 11(: ''Kau IloSv1`, tain:1 the , village is I . a ILt,e1':it; :xeter for his de- '_ a fanner l: eat. autt 1t (den freru .•i hber ie t,. briue Ta vi ' r _\iulliiaE' '! tere(1 hi3 1iiti CiS4t:i- alts, & N eat ty'. 'farina- , Y s family, 1a the 1,r.,» L:t; S11i.LlL en tilt! 11 fag ti 't U-1:10 tity'id v parties. L:artacter s .:_ie ('11 a. it )iit lw.trik.: fastened 1. )ugh the `ed off the :LL' k ruce- Mr. Mc- t'etltraiia `t}(.ues(faE lust their i frighten- atrive to laded aU( ' rescued •1<,t, how. Iemolish- 'Cut about 4 TSIR EENTE YEAR. WHOL NUMBER, 665. EPTEMEER 3, 188 • Me BAN BROS., P $ .50aYear, in Ct,OTHING DEPARTMENT. HILL BROTHEAS can ma any gentleman that wants A GOOD TWEED SUIT AT A LOW PRICE. vele can make a Suit that will snit the eye and person. Biala Snit Guaranteed a Perfect Fit. See their $16 Scotch Snitings. CLEARING SiN,LE lira OF. AT ILL BROTHERS'. MAIN STREET, SEAFOI?TH. AT ARE NOW OFFERING AT GREAT REDUCTIONS OUR LARGE STOCIt OF .Trfrivinings and Silk Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Feathers, litiMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS. LL AND GET A BARGAIN. Remember -the Place—Opposite the Com - HILL BROTHERS, NEW FALL GOODS MITH & WEST 0 ENING OUT NEVIALL GOODS eelWe should be pleased to have onr customers repare Goods purchased from us with those ught elsewhere. We Mark Goods in Plain 11 Pres_ &Wag ft.g. Cash enables us to Sell Cheaper ' la Prairie, unt t a any Credit business can afford to. Cour- i ' • the FALL TRADE, to vrhich they invite • the attention of their friends. INTS—Dark Pompadour in very Choice Patterns. Also New Designs in Mourn- ing Print s. • ESS gooDS—Are very hapa- some, consisting of the Finest All Wool French Pattern Cassimeres, Russel Cord, Wanderings in, Mani people - are looking to at present, sOme withe tation of settling there a who have relations and frien any information about that c usually read with iriterest, have made a trip through and given the mattei some at your columne, wiach will pre]) me from going over it to ek vidual. We started rom Gad July 19th by the : zanier I along with 200 excur iOnietS and aathe Beattie ompany beataties of the north shore o perior, we stopped at wil the interest along tha s ore, and time was given fo si ht seein other places visite as the Hotel, of which s m ch has lb ten. However m ch it may b and however bad 00 ing it been at one time, t ertainly fortable and res sec able bu, present, and is su ro aded by thriving village. ,suppose other things, the River to Red ock,la H post. The scene on Ithits ri, finest I have ever seeni. He* with them two la ge birch be., and four half-br ed guides. left in high. spirit , each one by a cloud of mos uitoes that to enjoy the than e ofi gettie the thin-skinned Americans the crowd of Indi ns ache co landing to squat nd Smoke We arrived at Du uth due put our horses o boerd the started. at once fo Fargo, wh condition and hor es At for s I then started est bu the _four miles west of Fargo, claimed to be the great whea through the Dale maple Farm smaller ones aro nd there ; b look so well as had? expect do -not strike a rso from we were accustp ed Ito see not more. in m y places, 18 inches to 2i ::t ini lengt in late, it has rip s "oled o looks thin on t e groa d, and are short. Of our e, wheat—at one 1 ce 8, miles Wheat—there e some gt Among the good nes, are late of McKillo,p, w 'b has acres of splendid whe t, but whole country, do net thin average over 15 ushels per a say the crop vv badly da hail about six eke before broke all the 0 dow! glass manfhad not t the glass nailed up boa s instead, been destroyed b a Braila'. oba. t man anitob s here, rY as of i oug BON tob $ th Metechaijoi hav g at ite a, mong redit eau us t no s are ite a le th eac an s, an goo ent eh t frie so as o on lo fro ng put ao hea me spo Rae t 1 Th ed as 6f t pear - IS 1 a 111 We went fro Paul and then over the nipeg. Very li of the laud th passes from G1 of it was sever some of it, frO present. This Manitoba a pco Minnesota and of the Red Riv wrong, as .the takes the keve and the edent di SO 1 Fancy Staff Goods, and Black and Colored road is well se Lustros in all the Latest Shades. Special and all along e t of attention is called to our Trimining Silks and Velveteens—Much admiredby the Ladies'. good as any pax of ter in hand an the flat land have one drain of constructio to drain the la passed a party taking levels f . marsh west of a'e very short tim will thus be dr - EEDS—Uttion and All Wool in and the small Very Fine and Medium Goods. hand by the enterprise. T ANTLE:_CLOTHS-- We show the roads in M Boas very Nice Goods for Ladies' Mantles they are, with t and niters. travel there is o places wheret more than a f °Mel to biaa bran ugh which don., With , and last s feet I under late; rains, op nion 0 six ;Miles the iv alota ve tak are !ping t bilk, Emer marsh we BUrveyers draiping th ake Mani es Will V icipalities surprise to itoba are er them. deep, an than 50 yards in wid h the I too deep; and W en we co 1 one crossing where he t isafest place, we ay well t the roads are p ssable 'at ; done in the Pro -ince, even a uumber • s. 5, 11 d. a fon drivin sewin .k bef rick a orup 13 ne build aeYkiniligaa et wide st visit ridvaiTruist,?. ipeg his' the 016 the se sticks n wish pull 1 reat de re nin tenet, al d reigrier how ard ft r1 ere tij, ter vlaaet: :at • 1 19 1 ff to ui bu ne da T gr wa is w ry,. ce SS 1 that r ch It I 911 08 • pl tl Or BO it he wi -five ile hie our of neaily 1- ood land. To re so m gvneetay ee wet ake eing to The Gov vItierrapord rown thi ty. The 141eSiau of e Po ause as ad is th he /at Vinn peg, ei and. ng th ome nto t iffic arta rops and his ee it how eopl tand eare aps pen t bertaa only 1 peopl they buys have costi part day imna and acre been of W mile es an • er vet in rt ini al utt of .NCY GOODS —This Depart- raeat offers Special Attractions. Kid Gloves, Le•Ceft,• Ribbons, Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs , and Rattan in endleSs variety. APLE GOoDs—We show the Best Brands ia Cottons, Ducks, Denims and Shootings, and marked at the closest possibl e advance on cost. efore Purchasing your Fall Supply of Dry ibloods look around and Learn where you can get the best vain e. CO 1 1 • a ar pr e is doo 1111 Were: attention paid to all who wish to look we passed quit t laugh. We do our best to discourage bantering, ; putting culve ir wring that the one price system is the only 1 places, whe dry and become a' first-class road. patron- passa_ble one in The city of ° very much sine three years age. the buildings ' Nearly all the built of brick, ft We thauk oar friends for the liberal s be:towed upon as in the past. SMITH & WEST, MAIN STREET SEAFORTH. ts qu in re oo hi and gra; is is do te hard, a dry et seasa ipeg h y last is muc buildi h costs acuity raC to t use ee der 11. te Po er. hey nep sit, ree et 1 per g. The wint land crop woul tario the s took som and Mou fron acro • hors whe wine win new Big ther settl aecto seas land all 1 to e the .iver the iver, with stro are plenty o the banke build'atll the hia is k piles, On me a 11 10 t. lia he 0 rcome by 20 feet long, blo of ton to two no •th ips ab he pee, 80.1 a ar art e, if a eela the sa The th the rid oes ys 11 ld 134 pi rein +re In for t. per ac 01316 p gli Thlk.:, 1 y be in nearly itil,gvetryt re juet• n dim ballast far: the e II Siti II W hen th rt got ttl ea h vie e an rol in ite on h ie d es le ass miles ie nort r the ee Wens lver Eteit true ise an aking iene et rear spn e Gov n bon w the t ti ows it se yo r !house in a stakes, and you plartnipg out a town, • railway, whiab. has two 'ears now west co to an OU he 1 an 0 tr ha str 11 th lacing an beam the dson Bay k of very ort, which They are five or six feat above nd west, of et at my ge sewers over with le of Win- ound the ant about. long with so rich it place, and e vehicles the poor ing vainly it were ets, which w mostly ter runs off ing to a t dry and ne day, if t in the ✓ the first le, -the Bayi th ough very 11:1 ents. The 11. east there being so succession. 1 ich is the into Lake al through h the bay which Mr. over the round the e and the tell us the ortage, but n will not think they -e this. The a most at a ,11 not come es and per - at country 11 is un- ent would o st, and an t uncertainty and which -obody who hat he will is in belt B, e surveying 1 a a a to th it dri spot lai is nt n. it 11 1 at the eight t the main iron laid on few ditch- ies on the inter, when el it after. Portage by . McKenzie eek. Their ey say they time in On - ave been in here. We ssed through is settled,' f sand and the left in oose Head oine, and in out 12 miles compoeed of h takes the places, and emlock with moved, the r e. hill ort a eia ered on the relchof land as meet. It is all en done this , some good stones which n deposited ciers. Then laud leading ewan River, wnHertoe able stream, ttom. There tittered along this. river to ill be want - vel near the rom the size ud, but sand 1. The land a and full of re surround- s are nearly h land. They ained. Back ts more level ous, although less ponds all y. The sub - a few small ater is good, he banks into -est of Rapid props. The a long that in arcely draw ,as as hard t Witter in thos at Amherstburg. many instances 1 per bushel. we saw the fir t rg Echo says: The country, althong by the boys along are plenty of t nd is very sinaple City is quite consists of a wad railroad runs rough it, it will be a of . city ; if not, it ill alweys be a good Went through the town, 'as it is bla ked.by a, good oountry Ca ailway barb :wire and has good aid wealthy settlers ell fe around it, with grist mill, saw mill, in arb for five rods as, the other Oven - and all in full !swing. We travelled tn ft hanging. around the country on both aides of the exist among the distance, looking kr threshers in Tilb ry West. Horse twice at Odanahc a po ere are put asid and steam powers n lauded in the papers, ar doing a rushing usiness. R. Whit - houses and one tent, ,, na n has at this ear y date realized over miles north of Rapid 1*. Mathewso , treasurer of the e aide of the river. fu d far the inonni e of the best saw and to he' memory of Northwest, a lot of G- nn 'by the deaf olesale grocery with 75 vi ce, hes receive covered with a; tent. pr ject. where else. This is: a stantlY. The electr.c Iluid also struck after its b for stock as well 'as 'St. 'Thomas, but vetches and grass tlire injary. l'aces the horse conld --The other day through. In fact: it flew frem London t Strathroy iu ex- from Toro o through as a field lof ac ly 4,0 minutes. Reaper an Mower pbrapany. Litt p Saskatchewan. : can alweys find pod Peachee are likely to become a —Two drunken aoldiers in Halifax The Galt Reporter:I-complains of ponds, which are in dr g in the market destroyed 01,000 worth of plate glass in rot plums inthat seetion. In -130 fed by springs. Here T ey are eelling at 0 running springs in the The Amherstlau river fits well, inexpensive. I ottbn in each ee. A,Ilock of shoe ads. Southern co, near St. Tho ts df wool were 1 Bed feelings neh I Evidently that .child., the did not do mach has commrced i s ceeeer as a travel- thei 11 carrier pigeons ---Over).00 reapers, have been sent to to Ireland by the Toronto bee ireumstances of the e,aste, and :usual energetie style, at onee t to help the tinforaituate. Miss Leslie, late of I Toronto, less installed as distiict teaeher 'at , I :understand, there m further west. Rapid large village. If the ba th an 1111 river for Some, land, and were place eve had See It contains I two but it is only 4 village eighteen City, on the aa grist mills in th ,stores, one a W tons of groceries They :are puttin lives Oepended spruce lumber a cleae at $35, gre rather expensiv :confident land h in the village ex cite Railroad o sure wdn't go City anyhow, office hero, and to see, this place This Will also b ed t rive of a is to aro 31118. ed b alw can fro and ove soil lim spn the ive Cit Mr myself, land. I miles ea -from a Ell °Jan to b for has soil 00 awn 1.1 be a up ol hi SC ea th he tha s a to 111 lo ric he ur te 11 er ds cti ly inc es with me,an-d on of railway section, three taining wood, o go back to e entry appears le is ug or a badger m ch ranker and theY get road does and evill turtle fo whic co e rail cross abso hame tains 11 SO up houses as if, their . A' private cab $25 per thousenO feet; ja es Allan, of n from the saw.1 It is Si Hugh and Ah work, but they re all ria mber of the gre peful, and eve Mall al t name. his : lot, at least he is er n section No. 12e They have the land ae re then sold by 11 land hunters have a d he has departe befote they can oeete. e. His creditmis a good town, w ether to, $760. oadllor not, and if the Several years b gliallah, Wei then was placed in on I the north trail, aserer. No me a g eat deal s been held sine We called at information. Six young obl, ed at the Ot Emote. They w e time, pursuit' d accustoming nutty before en —Within the te unds of milk, eaanery 1,270,0 re made 965 p ,000 pounds of nki: to keep tho ciliation, thusl the Canadian P hotel keep° sliest dog ever ara and three ed,i and only wet netts. It is a p d was bred by C n, London. --The annual ou rat, held on El rge crowd of vi e Students. Th dent Johnst he funeral of Mrs. J`ohn. Payne, ple prese ba died at Gelato, Essex county, on —A ge attirday, took p ace on Monday, at a friend orth Ridge. The corpse had swollen various II Much that oirthe way to North Ridge of land i e eoffin broke Gwen, and it was with Already reatest diffidulty that the funeral the origi rv ces could be conducted. fused to -aA man who goes by the name of such mo °trick Kelly, was arrested at Flesher- interest, aud brought to Mount Forest to ap- desire t land, especially white mad river stone an4 894W some of the b been My lot t put in late. Of them to th I arrivedrit fied, and ea Before con ln WordS regard' management powers that. the infer the Nort ernment the coun ati WeB ins ry, to prevent pe p and if it over iS rst pay the ge money of ountry, e finds eld by e goes hrough he ravels for w /listed and akes poor la (Joked at wh ota, which laces by p ruce. The United State they' have n get any lot tl roads genera whereas in t ents preced 00 miles, an ry, however le Mountai riots, which inee, is one eat, and a aye been lo hey eorild. emoved the nd they ha lse as yet. auks are ret 'n disguet, imo and mo opea. Som will be open reti4n from and. cart be whatever pi c are aot prep order from conepicuous will not recoe any shape. and my stat by thousan from sad ex tr fo 1 • f Wet f the Glad - seems appy. He shoWed us ri vegetables it hale ever F ee, igthough they were so is gOing to send some a xhilAion at Winnipeg. e for ome. ing,rI must say la few 1 the Universal dissatis- t f the public lands by the C that I could gather in 6 hat the Dominion Gov - d of trying to settle up e& doing all in thei* power a a go d country, it will c their bungling. They f olte oe part of th pass- .0 e emigrant from he old i on to the west where P ors, or taken up unless y o hundred. mil -West d fit of roads. Tiler ' he o pigis pec bou 11 y weeks until he ne opt, then he d that he would n n he first started t a and goes over is half settled i o le from Hur t difference bet arid grants and ours is, e is vacant, and the rail - precede the settlements, Northwest the settle - the railway by nearly this over bad roads. and Souris RiVer dis- a isidis- either t have 0 a- s me n and g a 11 the shop wendows on Hollis street, the other night. —The shipments Of live stock -from Montreal last week were 1,219 cattle and 4,124 abeep, against 1,842 cattle and 2,628 sheep in the previous week. —A factory, for the purpose of reduc- ing tallow to a state At to be shipped to Europe, for the Manufacture cf stearine and oleomargarine, is about to be estab- lished in Montreal. ; — The Manito insect about five house pest—has where one of the —The DepartMent of Railways so- licits tenders fo the supply ' of six ent to be erected snow ploighs, six wing ploughsaand the late J. B. Mc- six flangeris for u e on the Pacific Rail - 11 utes of the Pro- way in Manitob (bring the coming 0122 towards ; that winter. —Mr. a horse -fly ---a black lines the size of our ppeared in London, was found gnawing egram, received in the death of Mr. lasgow, brother of rew Allan, and a. t steamship firm of chard E. Cranfield, an Old It resident o Hamilton, ana for 17 years a teacher ienthe C ntrel School, died at his residence in ittleton, Colorado, on the 17th inst. M . Cranfield taught the Littleton Public oho' for the past 3 years. wford, school teach- —The Steam City of Winnipeg, ruce, bought goods, which left Owen Sound for Duluth on them. The goods Friday last, had on : board 150 cabin =for ready money, passengerse coneisting mostly of a for tbe land of the large partiy from England, in charge hold notes amount - o a Board of Trade alkerton, and , some have been emplo ees, in the large Agri - the hands of the cultural Implement Manufactory of ting of the Board John Wateon, are Making arrangements , and the people are for the puachasel of the Arkona Foun- the money and ask- dry. It isa said. tb be a good section for the foundry business. priests have ar- —Mr. Chas. Fairbairn, Reeve a of awa College from "Verulam, ta township in the northern remain there for part of Victoria comity, will have 1,500 theological studies, bushels of bright barley to sell this sea - themselves to the son also 1 000 bushels of oats, 500 ing upon their work buthels of wheat and 150 tons of hay, to say nothing ofi thirty head of fat cat - weeks ending the tle, and three teams of horses. re were delivered at —On Thesday last week, while the reamery 1,250,000 wife of Robert Stewud, 5th concession at the Walkerton of Peel, was driving' the reaper, the pounds. Out Of this_ horses ran away, throwing her on the ages of butter and table andebreakieg her ankle ; one of the thi ' ease the market eeee. guards ran through her arms, her donble benefit. It d e firm of Buchanan clothes arid hair were torn off, and she woMan qualities sho s patented a eimple was otherwise badly and probably fatal- possessed, and it rewa he top of railway ly injured. - by turning it into mon water • in. constant —Grave rumors are in eircalation ustice Gowan, of preventing it ' from respecting the treatinent of children at a long retrospective, of them will be used the Reforinatory School at Penetangui- that of thirty-eight 3 • of Capt. "yatt, in search of horaes —Three gent emen from Ayr, who inst fac ord the este day Dee Dea Boomer, of Loud Over 18 exeursio pl over the Credit V main line and bran° month, all reported as beipg it is to be hoped the naPloyees, not have to sttike work again for b lazes half the crop iSi. lost. Mr. Turnbull, of the :Galt knitt' r of 84 pairs of knit drawers Jaunted Police 3 g4e. Miss Davidson, for Many years to in the 80th e- of her lley, 'nein ' I inside of The inew iron brit summer. Was last week by passing ov ton tea wa not 11 ng er or et en ng at- nd ,erected this everely tested it a load of ht of the enema -es! veight of 7 - s of horses and 4 :very he vy on. There was sonale vibration, nt g of any importa ee perceive le. it of t eir spring wheat, saleiy to get rid. of heir straw, whiclii -they thou ht wo ld not pay for the lObor of cut 'iag and drawing off, the blight having en- dered it so rotten that lit is not likely thei cattle would eat it, 41.141 the grain in it 1 ould not pay for the labor' ot The following 113 ani example of wh t may be done by industry and eco ortay in the shape Of accurctula ing fon dry at Elora,, died i Bratnpto the 13th ult. of intermit nt fever. in the space of tle' teen years iii e and saved $8,0001: y the hammer.. he time of hls dea S. he was w4rth - The Paris Transc in hat town, the own foerth of an aero of ga ow unaided labor 1 en 'ugh fruit and vege he at the market jn eea au Ma At ars on e- t tells of ea lady r of about ne- se, who, by her eeaeon re. -_ea blies off it to net $62 in ard eall thrift. In. 'veloped in his ,Ilidn't know she fled her industry parrie, in taking eers of judicial 'dem of the vee more el life in Windsor has on Morgan. Was so inhumanly treated by d specimen of the one of the anarda that he died from the nown. It was two effects. At'inost searching enquiry into ontlas old when it the working of this institution should lied two and a half be at once set on foot by the Govern - Parish, of Keesing- —A grand Retorm demonstration was held last Ftiday at Ancaster, in South ernes and. harvest Wentwor SI a 1 The cars exhibit for Winnipeg o spent an acttv ministrY 1111 a§ Peterboroka :advanced ag I was twice of eight son tive during the county sheds of Mr were struck together wi of about 5 bushels of about 30 to Addison Tu had. a. hois the corner alongside o singularly e and, after s off, struck t 11 • 0 4 south of the lAs orth of the AM he best countrieS i at many are holdin n, d thousands w ed t ere this stein ut the Government d office from Eine on, o ads of people of all nnig from that ce, have spent y, only to find en the office will be ho seem to knoW say it soot as the Miniaters gland, and the only way d now is by squatting on you went, whit is is the true f others, who c ienee. Yours, 86 er ini- can the t off uld er if has section alu able at no - le many ce of an sted in at they ghts in borated n speak anada. oroeto Exhibit on, le Sanderson, site* having and useful lif+ in the Methodist Chuech, died h a, lew days age at the of 85 years. Deceased ' ried and leaves family all, that will b --A few days Lego an unknown man cleave to the Eiger... House of Industry in hIuggy, and stated to the keeper that e had in the v:01 ele a child but a few oars old and father vouchsafed the in - e owned a farm some had come into the vious night, the unhap- e name he, said was ft res day at the Model every pa, ere attended by for the p ors, who enjoyed the opportun well contested by sion of t prizes were present- Blake, le lls, waisted by ex- Oppositi ment. ea* before the Magistrates, on a charge f havieg stolen cattle from different 'es, afterwards disposipg of them at .He plead d guilty and was eom- ed for trial. at next aesizes. .In his Society a azt named My es, who was also ar- 24th ult, nce Kelly II implicated saother flying col law in al heading also took School i of which John, N. to sal: lin lag a fou duly ai gaemen he got t ag ri of ro piece or chair r al sista trodu ar 11 lr it successf h, which was successful in ular. The pic-nic was held ose of giving the electors an ty of listening to an expres- e views of the Hon. Edward. der of I Her Majesty's Loyal n in the Dominion Parlia- here were four thousand peo- tleman in Montreal informed few days ago that he held in • efts ab pr an fo tio ,act that habitual :drinakenness m at invariably keds to the eo Three of the ham tes of the W lo County Poor Ho Se passed la ely. John Sippel lid Harvey on Monday night. pel was 72 of any, and a ti rsburg. Ho ,eats of age bo V Quebec. H for a short ime, the - ton. es which came befo e to the 11136 of int 'vided under the sh he every day pore at he has Obeli b or another, the ettlenate eon ee- between drunken '6•11, and critae-- al- mis- ace- ly one age, a 'native of Ge 0 resided in Pet' a young man 25 a in the Province 40 ter - way ow - eat one Davi and Wag mes -to- less than 25,000 acres° ' an y in the - institutio' i e had been offered - six Mines ..ptar house. He hail° d. from Kin al price of the loztaa, but re- II steadit was in his- Vat year a ell. He freely -admitted that -fo, in'er resident of Re ';ea. -Opolie were not in the public, . , Last Friday nig it Hamilton d st ted that he would not 'vieinity were visitedw thoneof the most see -Iany other person so te rifle ;storms seen fo.:. Years. Fl Ales in grabbing these lanas as.. of ightning lit up the isle in ever Ai - and arry t Hell, of Luca'', has o e in Saltfleet and t e other in 'East passed h's exa illation before the Law .1' amboro, were struc : by lightnin and Osgo de Hall, Toronto, with b rued to the ground with their hole rs, and was admitted on the co tents. Som.e half; dozen dwbiling to praetise as an Attorney -at- }lenses were struck fii4di clataageO, al - the cones of this Province. thpugh not consunied i some of the in - has been very fortunate in his na tes being stunned, but no lives are ving passed four out of five re ortea lost. The etorm in its fury mations without an oral-, la te&about four hoe*. 1 he list on two occasions. He Mr. James 8. Madk, of GUelph, special. honors at the Law w ile driving through!' MOunt Fo Ieet a 1877 and. 78, in consequence fe days ago, accidentally ran o ,er a he had his time shortened e la. He very promptly return for t e purpose of ascertOning what injury 11-kno street broker in St. if ny, was inflicted, an I found. th t the oe unhurt On BA had n ither d deal of personal property, le one aoleoinl.a osputcehd relatives in the country h ceased. gentleman's brother h manity on the part, of Mr. Ma. k, is fumbling in the pockets ale the more praise orlthy, fro the which came to him in this f •t that he has alre dei a family of his t a piece of paper between the o n. It is to be hop al that his little vl 11 -4Toronto is rapidly beComing the en re for the assorting of cattle and he p for exportibg to the Old Country. he cattle are firs§ shipped from vari- us ports to Totato, and those' beasts which. are stro g and healthy, and Mph fiat a ready sale in. the English a*kets, are picked out and seat on to oetreal and Quebec for shipment. he others are eold to local buyers, o. who is known all over the w,orld as he "Bee King," has now the finest and oat extensive a eiary in the world. ie apiaries, or bee farms, are managed n the improved and most scientific riaciples—the fruit of many years azeful study. They contain Italians, nd of Cypres , the first ever import - and Holy b e$ from all parts of a estine and yria,, selected by Mr. ones himself, ad. brought safely to hits Oountry at la enormous expense. r, Jones inten s ma,kieg an exhibit at he Toronto In ustrial Exhibition this a credit to Canada. nd daughters. was unusually destrue- eek in rns and burned, storms of last Elgr 'The b bushels of wheat, 600 s, a quantity of barley, of hey, reaping Machine, ws, cultivators, harrows, Wilson, being itt that tmforttmate con - 000., No insuraeoe. Mr. ditima, a mother Jut not a wife. The ll, of South Yermouth, keeper, on inspection, discovered lying illed. Lightniag ,struck in the bottom of he vehicle a buffalo `the barn, passed down 01118 wheat straw, which ugh escaped taking fire, horse and kill d it in - Ormation that wle miles bey arid on the pr y mother, who • robe evidently enelOsing some object, but ha.ving no authority he neturally tefueed to reeeiye the fatherless found - and his viai or drove away. Six- teen miles with n twenty-four hours 011 11,4 tle fellow was ul rning that the poo but no ill. His heir' sent his clothes fa her nor mother, h na and brought 06 ed by the late owner of the —On the 24th of igust ol men, He came to town and Edward MoKa.y, r eident of Ding - resented the cheque at the W'1 od township, brae. Led his la,s hav- t was es good "as wheat," and g absolutely starve h'enself te eath. e money. . McKay, who wa ;a old Mall of 73 ost pitiable case of destitution y ars, for some time ihes been la ring light min Lendon, a few days : u der an apprehenei n that hi wife . A English emigrant family ar- a d three children wbuld sta ve to ed irl the city about the middle of . a ath from want, ail ender this delu- ly, their vvhele wealth being $4. Half sion he commenced this as paid in rent for a wretched o der to provide for t m ha AS r wo ung thei vere Be laded an old tumble down house, the g $2 was all the family had to r n, as the man failed to get It hey heel not a single article to the house. Not a bedstead or piece of bedding, not a table , t me of his death he Itoad Daft and slept. on the bare floor. veiled upon to taste inY kind of ouple of Weeks had passed the confined, and without the of any one a fine baby was ed upon the scene. N. neigh - an happened to hear one of the ra Bey; they had "a new baby" house,:antl went in and dis- how things stood. A midwife for, and the little stranger at - o. The ladies of the Women's Asseciation were informed of tarving himself ha eir future wants. wenty-seven days fore his death he fused food entirely -kir four dam at e end of which. tine- he was i dur,ed eat a small piece o bread a, ut an eh square. Since then. up the g the whole of hi aelf-impo d fast a pf er 43w: e drank water ince gently up Mutes before his ath. 'Mr. clizey as an old and highl respected ttler, ho was straightfo mid and rupul- usly honest in all transactions. He as in easy cirou tancee, be• the one any incumbran land he 'd not we !may men a cent. i 47