HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-08-27, Page 71 ST 27 r' 1 880 a OF THANKS,. CAMPBELL, IPBELL, a'F of aevon years in a his grateful thanks to t e .cinutile Public during for the fat he h't g that t Ill kinds of now art beau t. AND GDCEIIIES1 to out to theta realer -rabic a price as Day entity taf PORE (Siete, &e.) miry description, Glee; '• k1 . anti a general ABU/rt r� Specialty, from the � ii Co., London, ` ary fora country BtOra eau In all the lints. irk; Produce taken, cash er JAMES CAMPBELL. NITOBA. 1880 N W AY'S. ler Train for i : nitros. s Ort from II TUESDAY in each month. e day Previous to RI/ the above wilt lr given of all future kwest, and tiregreatestpalea; ,.ements most complete said these parties are released .r,ing baggage, freight, live of Baggage l a•ee.. ' through with each; party.. -t�, IiNOX, G. R. Agent, - Centralia FERCEAL LIVE1 1( 0RTH. FORBEES the Stuck and Trade of the. vers, Seaforth., front Or. .fs to state that he inteadi eitK in the old stand, and halt hosts and vetiioles to the e)ne but :r table relz roles anti Good t:,F,s Will be Kept. I.uzp:ieFr and Carriages, and 'agora; always ready for use., u'n# fade With Com. S'tE>l .'ltt n. --:tables or any of the hotels" NGMENI I07 AL .Areae at thia aea:t:rn of the ve tone to hie system and `A.INE. senna * all unpuritie4 front ALINE in all Affections of by all Druggists. Price, $i ll•1EDICINE Co., Toroiata fry II'icksrn &: B:IeiaedeIl;. awl J. S. Roberta. tii`r.`r� 4 R SEAFORTH0 i i to Etienne' Out m Fr �Fir_r;ritare regard - it will pay theta to asaer- purehaainc; elsewhere. r - to those paying cash, es- tied couples. opposite M. R. Courtter'a e, Min Street, Seaforth,; JOHN S. PORTER. M O N EY. T L. 0 A 1 PROPERTY, EEt. irett'rest, Pati eftrt'. to liay principal at any gt ti only on the unpaid - Fcl)O!`GALL,. osis Merchant. Seaforth. H O R- 'ND CHEESE. S:ore in Stark's Block, i'.:M1, arey's Bakery, f Ili ti•ti' s ready to parehsse D CHEESE. in C. silt will be paid ,t.d At tide. OBE/II/SOY, Seaforch. DER MILL NDV ELLE. k tti-ill be in tanning order uguat 1f th,: when patties er will receive every 8 — - r ; ailertt. Er. tic fI..tt dlt• kl i. AUGUST 27 , 1880. THE H- Sw a pair of Dead Beats 000 Couched All Hearts on the 0 0 Tr, 0,.- 0 �}n .the Michiganassenergtral wlain the 0 0 ho had. 000 ether clay was a passenger lost his right. arm. Soon after the train haled out of Detroit he began talking with those around him in regard to the political candidates, claiming to have $ei ved under both.• This led some one t4 sk him how he had lost his arm, and he repli tit was clowned: in the Wilderness. We vire charging the enemy's line. A bullet struck my arm, crushed. the bone, and 1 fell unconscious. - When I was restored to consciousness, I. was in tho hands of the Confederates. In - dead, a soldier was going through my en was alive heht was about to bayonet he discoVereda me, but a corporal sprang, forward, knocked the wretch down, and saved my life." While he was telling this, a man a vi•tb his left arm gone had risen from hi seat and came nearer, and as the ot, er finished he bent forward and said : el am that very corporal. 1 remem- ber the incident as if it happened only yesterday. I had you conveyed to an of[barn over on the right." 'Yes--yes—let us shake hands,—let u embrace l Thank Heaven that I . II ve found you out. How came you Ix 'I have been to Degroit to be treated fo cancer, but there is no longerany hpe. I am goiug home .to go to the p orhouse and there end my days. I haven't a shilling or a friend." "And I am going to the poorhouse as Well," replied the other. "I have con- sn,mption, and as I ani penniless L mast go and die among paupers." Then they embraced some more and seamed to weep. One passenger fished - ui half a dollar and passed his hat, and • five minutes a collection. amounting ALLY t $3.50 was divided between them. . E ervbody said it was a shame ; an of man -seemed willing to adopt them tlr if they would go to Illino-s. But t ey did not - they got off at Dear - b rn, and it was a quarter of an hour a ter before a comrinercial drummer d red to make the statement that both - - G: aps lived in Detroit, both lost their a ms by accident, and that they had IMPORTANT' ayed the Flame game over and over o» every railroad in the State.—Detroit Free Press. A A- A AAAA A O z ac L •L. L L L L L L LL L LLLLL HARDWI1 HARDWARE. THE '. GO ENT LION, M A IN - S .INlllll�' ,-1 �` ILII lt.m6 -.--� ....-_-.. 7. 's••-' IDb.dG;_ inti 11:� atU �+iG4rdOl1 i il;d 5un..0 rl :aa. •'_.,,__., 11 _ • +LAY( SI ��i1� r,. P € Child -like and Bland. - His name was Moses Sparrow. He was very green. That was the idea which always comae into Miss 'Page's Mind when she looked at her country ltndlady's son. Such a rustic youth, ith such fair hair, worn long ; such , big blue eyes ; such sloping shoulders ; such a lamb -like expression. And be - 1 g there, at that farm -house, where s e had been sent to spend the summer oaths, the city: belle resolved that she would try her dowers of fascination • r neon the boy who struck her as so good • a subject for a flirtation, in which all the fun was to be on her side and all " the sentiment on his. And at it she went, beginning with a smile, a look, a word, and rejoicing to see the ffsh bite so readily. : She enjoyed herself very much until sae grew tired of it, and then she 'de- eded on breaking the heart she had lon and enjoying the crash. So she1 red hire out into the garden, and aIle him sit beside her on the bench under the wistarias, and said, sadly : " 'm going home next week. I, shall • nd you wedding cards when i1 am arried. I am to be married to a very rich old gentleman next winter." Then she whited to see him drop at h r feet, but he didn't drop. He only s id : "I want to know ? Wal, I'm ✓ al glad. I kinder felt afraid I'd bee in' too far with you. I'm a sort o g, butterfly, flittin' from flower to flower, you know. And I hev flirted with y u, 1 I do allow.. I was afraid you'd go c Our. St into a decline, or suthin, you seemed t seat so much on me, if you heerd sudden ' day. Popu e that mo and Ann Maria was keep- a Handsome steady company. But, law ! sence i Goods. y u're gain' to be married, thar ain't no arm done. I shouldn't hev liked you ' it drown yourself like t'other summer oarder did. in the mill pond. She had y photograph in her pocket when she as fished out." Then he smiled at Miss Page, and a e arose and sailed away from him ith great dignity.. But Moses sat . ithiu the arbor a while longer, and neighed so loudly that his mother heard inn in the kitchen, where she was prinkling down clothes, and thought at the old owl in the woods ivas hoot- ing louder than ever that night. - WHY t . 7a i consequt and i Remo' a grecs Georg egra pd sot't'fll( Twee 0 Englishmen.. E r If young �'nglishmen could be sent , ouple of years to take part in Ameri- an business, they would come back ueh unproved.- An eminent English rofessor, whore I 1 ately asked whether t would not do this country good if we ould get our peers , to emigrate, nswered : "No doubt, if you could marten them up a bit first." Every - here in America you hear the injunc- ion, "Hold on !" In every vessel and ar there are means provided for doing t ; for unless a man,efalls upon his feet -- 1 he does fall—he finds people too busy to stop and pick him up. The nation is in ' commotion. Life in America is a bat- tle and a march. Freedom has set the race on fire,. (freedom with the prospect of property.) Americans are a nation of men who have their own way, and do very well with it. It is the only coup- -' try where men are men in tlrie sense, and the unusualness of the liberty be - wilders many, who do wrong things in order to be surd they are made by new comers, to whom freedom is a novelty, and it is may by trying eccentricity that they can test the unwonted sense of their power of self disposal. But as liberty grows into a habit, one by one the experimenters become conscious of the duty of'uot,betraying the precious Possession by making it repulsive. Per- haps self assertion seems a little in excess of international requirements. Many citizens give a stranger the impression that they think themselves equal to their superiors and superior to their equals, yet all of them are manlier than they would be through the ambitions of each to be equals of anybody else. • and ple rty epreselited STRICrJ P Weh Stock of Men's, Yo do well to an impres OAK H Faith. Faith is taking Christ at his word, it is resting on his word, it is acting on his word.It is not some awful passion- ate, inexplicable experience of soul: It is believing what Christ says to us, ac- counting that saying true, and with it meeting the mists, and difficulties and sins of life. ??zee ofa etc-recasin 3e to La? t etxpens e Dent, Office, lad of S 'serer1 re is daily thr a Satisfactio n Nbby Sto rf 1 ve c io tl WIS • tit ecpause we room to sho d AS cheap YI ins ON Figu UL ci.' Std e bei' g tso i ra e, w' Zee er P s. I I I th e ' ;` tore for? ter xt c e r South of he will e sun telt, [;eine , ngl t »artic int tints added to o r ynitade do 's stud Boys aid insp slit L,tHE G AO : is it'.i custolhers. ce.,at th ,La 1 qhs, Baa s a ND ve ever it. W. tiny of thing sellG er and P ICE— Ind Pos once ods far me s, t Tail ria ng, a n..isting •f e vt -c MS. Pa ties es a Good. ar LO H 2 Sac, ge au d Oa ted. or wh peric Depart '.8, Yo', ishing 1l new 9 ell fn en 077 are r'tt� ccu RTH I 0 a t �T VAL. 0 4 —1 SICK OF 0 co m —1 Ro 0) " 1 ztr large ;pelted . to d up, at ip by Mr_ real Tel alrgest As- danadian n WE F h p . our t. they a 11{ 1=' 1 U K. from day to, isplay of our, s' Furnishing lin.•: of business, e. Nothing mis- ood,' - Marked in De\ iatioil.. ent a h's an lythin e, ad ca G. La4re and Select Bbys' Suits, and in this line will •not fail to make CIRCULAR SAW. yrs, Ct- C▪ D :rn CD 1. se ee CD CI) •cD CD. En O (I) 0 0 CD CSD Jo CIOIulaossy p crq p CD crq 0 0 w v 0 m (�1n) Vo z M -i 0 -<1 z 0 0 Lz gtm 'louse Furnishings Establishment MA 14 STREET, $EAFORTR. . 'a1 -mens, when in .Town, drop in ILL -OFFER AT THE GOLDEN LION and Pe my Sf MNANTS IN DRESS 000 REMNANTS IN CASHMERE. R MNANTS IN FLANNELS. Ft MNANTS IN T'INTEED : rtiNANTS IN PRINTS, &C. o V'Iake flo tan for the New ootis now be lig Purchas- ed 'b) . Mr. Jamiesbn i the ole C untry. EARLY INSPECTION COREI LLY INVITED. JAI\IIES ON, SEAF"• RT TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TTS TT TT TT TT TTTT- T G.R1OCER ``m^^ l CD i Z 0 0 0 VJ �FOIRd H USICAL INSTRI. ENT EMPORIUM SCO :.ave plea are now company lecturer tl EXC ur an it ec ROTI ERS in • skating to the pubic that they facturin4 on their okra account, in Dani 1 pe11, the original mann- lebrat d , SI R ORGAN I And can co mane sly give theirclustomere th b enefit o an . ule.e tilers' prices. The Excelsio Organ is d.t tted y the best judges to bo t' best Orgn , anuf, ettu ed in Canada, both as t. tone and slur bility as well as be my of work manship nd ' •'eh.cttb.. d., 11 t. �i� !11 i r , a iY r �% 'FDac1.4�s E'9:�ia''3, pY'S.-) a°et' r,;� :`,.sv:. �. rile;. The TI ade and o hers in search of Organs o most des rah e styl s, modern combinations ant popular •ricewill find us keeping pace with al improve , ent and discoveries in our line, an rices as !ow 1 • s higibelass goods cap be produced We use only the best and thoroughly seasone woods for o r caryas,genuine ebony and Ivor - keys, and be timpbrted reeds and boards. Thee aterials, a,anipulated only . by ;skilled labo nst ensure[ eatisf}eotion to ourselves and ou atrons. Our actions, stops, and combin Irons are sae a s will commend them to every • iscriminatin tierfor erf _I f W . ,TRiR Ai N T A Warrant, whielii we will livei up to, will be Riven with every ipItrument, and bn part of t o ipurchaser at. ask, tinly a reasonable and hong, t care—which anything made of wood requires ;rot to be su jetted to extremes 9f heat or co suddenly; or expoeld to dttmpness when it can e avoided. • The Fact�p Epianade nryd under the lerso Bell, a mem er of THE As former F rir erson P Organs. - Pianos an Benumb meet, live or ess moa AGE Addres F tHE WEST [ forth; or I' CENTR Ct CI y, w Ano, Ideated on the corner ohne Streets, Toronto, and s Rel t•upervision' of Mr. 'Dani I the firm. Our Tea at 60 OEN 60 OEN '30 dENTS. 35 GET S. RSON PIAN So the Domi These Go and ':,,Strengi TT4TTTTITTT TT TT j TT TT TT TT TT TTT STORE NEX THE POST and 50 cents an't be Be< 60 cent Tea in tie Ijomil ion BLACK, GREEN, 60 60 • HARVEST IMPLEMENTS, i. Scythe , Snaths,Iay Forks, Barley Forks, Windsor' ;steel Turnzp- Hoe4, Cradles, Hc4 y ,Rakes, Vic, I SE L A T E 1. D 'RICES. Cali std see are v,tothen yoli buy or not, * I • sell cheap. ' JOHN Ki Z , Seaforth,. BA TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT SE TT TT TT TT TTTT (1ce son the NOTE _A..RR' KING HOUSE. 'BANKIER, FORTII, = ignsITARiO. n. the premises under David - Hotel, fore l.erly occupi d by Bunk of ComJmieree. I, AND BILLO ilillSCOONTEO. l English and: Poteign Exchange OFFICE. .Purchased, FAR :ERS' SALE t0° ES BOUyT. Drafts Issued, pays Ie at all Branchee of the Bank o j xn nerce. its 'rest Allowejd E n Deposits. Mone! o Loan on Mort aatts, at from Seven to ine Pe (4nt. BU GIES,: OU°GES. Parties desiring. to ;per chase Neat and Subst.n- al The Bes ENT JAPAN, ENT' MIXED. T c0F. EST VALUE IN .. -.COP E ds are all of the: Best Quality, E .' D. I 40 CENTS. He h s also a wpm er of splendid Rep ing and Horse. Shoeing Prompt- SE,I SEAFORTIi. ly A ended to. Re ember the old make at the new stan ion and other I Org ns cf any other make tipplield• D. rift], as we can ve better vale an any other he tile in the tra e. TT BR0,3ERS, S - B LL Co., Toronto.1 4-L- Chemi of the Bes Medical best quail Shoulder on hand: , Goods, Ate The Cen als Qua in AC leo on it SUISTII,TrEtTES - ow The public are cautioned assainst a custoin which isgrowing quite common or late alnong a certam class of medicine dealers. and wl ich is his ; When asked for al bottle of P.M -Killer!, }they suddenly diseover that they " sold out." "but have another article just as geed. if not better." winch they wdlsuoply at the same price. The abiect of this deeeptien s transparent. These substitutes are, made up to on t le great reputation of er ; and bei g cern iounded of the vilest PAINTING. the Pan- Kil and cheapest drugs, are bought bi the dealer at about half what he pays for the genuine Pail -Miler, which enable him therefore to realize a few cents more profit per bottle upon the imitatian artidle than he can on the Voa CHOLERA SUMMER' OR 13 IT CURES .AL'AtOST, I The PAIN -KILLER iS pot Ili. (.). d 5 E.:7. bottles retailing at 25 and so cents respectively,—,argellmttles are therefore cheapest. SOLD BY ALL MEDTIMEDEALERS. The tORRUS, CRAMPS, 1W GRABSTE. BUTTER McDOt HIG Re ) WEL COMPLAINTS UTTER 1 ALL & Co. ARE NOW P,A.v NG VTR EST PRiO IN OASH r the Finest Quaiity; 1 Butter in Tuba. mber theseTafortr .,Sevens Store, UNDERTA[kgRS, &O. BRAM MENDED OAT TIM SHORTEST NOTICE. FINS ANI..!1 SHROUDS ALWAYS gOls1 11.01D. EARSE HIRE. DISINFECTAN NO VER I Venni etqlecially PAINTING. FAINTING. nu, "HOUSE kND SIGN PAINTING. j. ORAVES is prepared to do fa U.,kinds of House am:, Sigp Painting, Paper Hang - in and Whitewashing. Salida:4°n Guaranteed os' 'no` char;ge made. Orders lef at Wilson & Young's, Lumsdeu ct Wilson's, or 'Wm. .4bertson Co.'53, will reeeive prompt attention. tautly on head and warren ed and at Moderate Prices. complete st ck of Trutt es, LOGAN S FORT IL, HAS JUST I Vi'hera ha heel ROCER S.IsLE OF BROWN, RUTH St CO., puichssed very cheap, as fine a Stock of Fresh ES AND 61, lASSWARE As W4 er shown in. Seaforth. ,erally wful find it to their profit reasons : It retains lite *trength nnuch longer To be had in two ound , boxer. Price fifty cents at S. BOBE4TS' J. B. 13310 BEY, Box 5, Montreal. 688.52 Drug Stofg, Sole Agent for fiteaforth. HE LOCK, First .Q ality, $6 Per PINE BILLS .0 irty, ORDER, All Length; froni 1431 to: 17,0 Feet, •Atilto NY MILLI AticICILLOP The .Subseiribef has also a LUMBER YARD -SEAITORTH :WATEROURY.WATCH P OPEN 479 KEYLESS,.! FOR SEAF THOMAS DOWNEY TR ADE MARY - TRADE R After -11- failing curs for tierrido al WeraneSs# Sperms-. LE .EIY M R COUNTER o rhea, Impotency. analiall diseases that follow id. vi. ion, premature golgi a0e,:and many ther Ant- e es that lead tor insanilyortonseunpt on ands, ernst-are grave. Flan ;Partieulars in our pain- , exy one. The Spe tchm ker and „Jeweler, ONTARIO e 10 4 uggists at $1 per nay by addresain 01 Bala free bp, -rnsil ifi Medisive is sold by alb gever six pattaes fox wail on r rpt .the.