HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-08-27, Page 5IT19T was ved Mrs, James at qM Renfrew w days afterwards. 9, 614, )U -who, felt iia.ter gert. la�,- iu the I ested, ill city on , - - tId vmit, call at above ad, ,ow the child WU getti�. enquiry, how..... ,e was no such lailra, 'treet that the hi �ered and that no ,,c,,9he4t known ia that lO0&4t ehquiry it was 'Dan as, d for the fleuderso anxiety for intense, 9rG a few da ya agc� b3 klothiug whatever �,bolit -the wonia or n. Th a subject of 'eOu v4 aid - I Ile v'c'n'ty Of FZetet g of rot affecting their. nstart. in FOrdvvich ill his Xurray, of ROd,erV4 0btalzilng: a fizit -at the recent t Young, of the BaYfleld returlied, looks bwle reports fs�,vorahle crou& hotel -keeper, of LrchaseLl from. Birrell of ry fine grain atGreho re erky (if John, .61ou has rented one il�rxlis,'Oli the base Iiije term Of five ire 0 acres in the farm. or $18(f a year. ne 17 mills an the-dollar� rhis will raise the sum. of .terest oij the deb6nture the town amounts to Uabbert, who has beea hoemakWa business" ,verai years, has di iwrt.v, Iiud purposes re- in about two ince, w1til the ate am ;W. Leithwite was at rm of r. AV. Jenkins, roderich townsh.ip, 130 were threshed in an, mutes, Stanley, of Crediton, and three youn 9 bound and shocked -rain ii eight hours.. lone (in the 2nd con- Of ]aSt week a son of Of Goderich township, the feace with & Iwhen lie fell, cut- iiy. Ile is recovering, largle amount of blood.. a former pupil of the if the St. Catharines I :ute, has been engaged �al Master in Clinton the place of Mr. H&m� ,It a salarY of' per ou Thimiday after- R, Hugh who Iliorse-power, slipped Lery and was so badly never rllied, an died, hinter has resined his ,ivllsllip of Grey, led o creditably for a. Win. Spence, post- Wa.j rp-tinted to fill better seJection could y evening, a week ao, ,-in(' to Mr. Thowas sets, while in the pas - It was valued -the cause of his Of the I 0s. rode a hurse tlkt disposed of it, to- addle and rubber 41 tim of 55), and then for Manitul.;,a. it is Stolen, else it erty ww, sz)ld so cheaply. of the� ays that if Sir w0uld take a drive .auv of t' ', es e days he.; olast him The "hual- of the. -hum," Miller,, formerly of op, has rf_�tarued from, aSmall fama of Bervie, County not speak verY -i lie would �rvseatfitrrn than 500 hy of I,Lt week, while of the Bayfield was reaping 'euill of horses, they spite of stop them - ally demolished, but wa illjure�l- of Morris, ,lull( v(>u.no men whic dnce at his resi- d to tie up a certain f,,ry they could "tl7iP Five put ill the kvIlich pole.q used as -;Yarn mow, and fell t the floor. a -Vith few cuts I terrioan of last vveek, .i,, had been conimit- Aarge of perjury bya te, made a, desperate with another frurn our county nealls the -yr had P-rO- .9, wilich jhey drove etween the janes� of g Made a so;t of lad - which they both it (if the wall * Jahn - the grouad outside d l.ii% ankle, but not IIIIIIIIAIIIA u 880. GUST 27, 1 XP0$1rr0RW THg HURON t it a a, n 0 ASO seriously as to have prevented his ing his A ie bead ol top f ce 0 iw (6 �n a h. t. A spark could be was ith him, and -A-IT-D -N;711Tr_r 1880 escape, had it not been foi tbe.vigila-n bb worl'Jag ne t I - . 1880 IF_&1=_J 4 3 ar I en"br ughtz stick forced a 'a D1 the sm6ke ext ayAltmoul tb;.�re was -a- high wind Was dead, that she g�ve vent to,, her i hn ag, P pipe. N great on discovering 1hat, her of Mr. Dickson, the gaoler, and M r. and it w, killed. I Barret dese d 11,enderison, the turnkey. Johnson was e snake e W 0 TO THE SIC, tb hen inf1ated wit] which 'I) the ol e right This frigliten! the over the y in screams '4e - wi D. iamEter S �i aw s not a sp rk escaped while b)rs s captured before he bad gone any con d s s nches i an AVI 4 Mild they ran &�vay, brpakibq the - feet long After it a6 k1l it wai thr h Dg:: Was one much more wagon, to fragme �ts. DR I M� OCH Bidera,ble distance, and the other pris LL -Mr. Young Oner had not even & chance to I ara 0 I Iv : V I. . P about thi e feet in le ngth aw I two an( s oe 1 : I aa wl, aveIa arge family - AM orses, owing o t e a C�lelfrat&,A Eur� _ erje&n f en itllft A frapa- the wall, and was quietly taken a half iD(I ieB in diax, �iet I k i&terl B�,s itb which the Tjineaantofi the oprd JAL of the chid 9" 132C ba& -to bis cell. tIts 4 Angl w ion $ em-anT, the tni red �t_,tte8 of Aineriea-, $1.ud tho n Acbi DU RTH1 T nd, Scotland, J —La ia rui. st Sunday evening the barn of -+-. - __ __ The dav's,% was Auct ales. e lormo s,i fir a bead of anything Iola NCAN DUNCP'N' SEAFO Thos. J. DtvidBon, concession 7, West Perth iherns, I Saturday, A ti the OmiDi f uaust ", 1880, a 1; on 0 141) FUR t grII r i �erth 4) Wawau,osb, was burnt, with its con- a here 3 'a deart (I Ord i r Huron -300 bushels EA -O i o! E &N )mraercial Hotel, SE%fO.-th, Hou"'bold *1 aby, irad )n,%y bb 0 6,i id till ) pro�duct of 26 acres of HW )arl tents. Insured in,the Ha n Mu-, in Mitebell. I 0116111ted St the Are to-[, from f wh( bain� pas, U)'� CPT "I"beir I-st. toll Icuts- milto Farniture,&c. Sale -jocommenc�012 gh the sed tbrou,,, 1, tual, for $1,200. The fire is supposed to Insp( tor Buclion r)perts 'avorabl llocl�, noon. Ch&rleo' Moore, pio rio- A lay, fil4epteu4b tr Ulat, to 10 oclock A* 344by I arsti 1We: 5bodk who -witnessed t III who are hu liaxy. bell Hig School. g I-bm Chronic�Lingci=gDls- `N%flLe d alitiod, -%nd satisfied sC 813P]PTION, BROXCHITtS, have been caused by an incenc Of te.ffillit t c test I,) t r; F,Brine, auct*�neer. —The Huron deputation from the --A far ler* in-EIM& S'W ve acreE Weineaday, Sept. 1' 1880, on L:� 8 RH� And all Afffttiomr, �of 1ho thk �t th( Ubivers &U� of stesn sepalra- TsT MA, CAT1 edical Association to the Do- of f ill w1u at on — -P,%. r -an hect Tb olit H FLI 'ervone Debility., Sciraft- ]E[uxon PNI th( 7 11 Of August, 3 Ely a qu keRoacl,East,St ley,FbrmSliu r t I Wr is o tiol of time. i minion Medical Association, which Thi 3 is v8i y early 80 in I PI(ments and Ho4ehold Furiii ure. NEW No5� NO- MARKED 01 CPOD OPE Ius 8 cd all )dlad5, n meets at Ottawa on the Ist and 2nd of --Of the 26 wh:) v ole at tbE e i o commence at 1 o'clock M.� PUP IPng stanajug, Propsy., DUCasesof the Md-ja elp e ral Ms. of, Dr. Sloan, i nte rme& a to ex,19in ic u f tl e 3trat. C 47e s Ite -0-blorosis azJ Oh!3krrs in their worst stage., With- 13eptember, consists sl- arp, Robert English, p'ropri tor j 7 13-lyth; Dr. Campbell, Seaforth, and ford Higb -at -the mst of the knif 3. Mm. RarrisGD, auctioueer. 3chool, 11 e-eEucc3ss' in he 0a,hadian inisters, with Sit: r,� And all Vo ad Diseaf Divr. t. 8'.1880, on I 1 emesday, Dr. Stewart, Brucefield. tug. Sep �t 8i 1X9It, ill 3ail for C -ada -Srssip la" Bits -or i�alii;g pas, Aldxan� or' an 013. I epria, fleptic —The wife of Mr. John Pelton East* —A mar named n. 81 McKillop, Fat�a Farm S bek, ", ickness, Apole ti Fil a, �oy lops Of �selise -or r4o- & �tel bex. Wawauo3h, was seriously inj�red on Tavistock, was fi6ed: ajew lays ago $10 I plements and Houslo�old Furzi-hire. PaalYsii,, St. I ral A &Wru tivb firE occurred in Que- in and costs! ommence. at �1 o'clock Vtu8 Dance I iIIV -a _AgueS I Saturday Ust. Mr. Pej4oi� bad a tea' $13.10 in a or sending s4le t) c M. per- Tu, sda morning, in which tly c Thick- N*46k, P401y- on Tu, Van eie uve4 Gouxe or of colts h4ched to a - bu gcry, and was watered m:Ik to the 64 Ilse ael orl. I _t LM 'Nash, propr,-etoi P. D-OC7& tI e _X a, i118 8x eDqive tI%nnery was coin- THE 1I.A CEST STOCK, THE BIGGEST AS QUMENTo THE N:IC.EST' 12jusus in All Psi Of the wpstem, U- es -1 ri e 'li t D iely &'C ctio ueer. of thp- 61 about leaviu'g his residi�,Rce, when they 0 the 5 Htchell vp rE r. I 880 p1di yea. o. B emorbage laesse.131 t. e d E tTeated suno suddenly jumped to one gide, nearly up- ther, 3 ae i N persons I etwe on i hol ages COODS EVER. SHOWN IN T1 1S: TOWN. - r. S. A. 11&t -M ,of Varna, agent of 21 an d (3 setting the buggy. Mrs. . Peltou was Years; 2o7er6O 7e r6 Of f&Zan S;1 S n (3: Company, intends re- Births.. DiSeMeS t� f. rcufrom in Clinton, on the 22nd 'Ian t and received some serious I age; �8 ated. tw: ie and 3 three thrown 0 inst. the ile of lig 0 1 ii1to w ere he will abid � I 4e irested nes Fair of a son-� 4. wounds on her head. I timeF3. Female pla sot allkina;s a-nd Is- per M ane 4 t Mr. I f 7 1 )�: 1)(0) 11 inzt., the wife o iPtiomil et. er Acute er r 10, A .DO -on te 20t Dion, C. Sullivan, L. L. B.7 - ---- Dr. i roy, of S -Mf Drd,� h8 s Of 'EdiDb' A)v t, Dadour, of the Maitland concessio i of a select +ThIi �D I urgh has been -will be treated shftr-q .11D an- t=i' If T-ou -11� Ale ng from Of thIe MN)Ive J:ditor of the Times, has opened ed a site i a Listom for a Roman aInasiDg h�im3alf padd g a Cauadi �wife oil t1lo' 18th inst., the! t an academy in Winbrham for the pur. Ca� lie 0I urch. TR building of the moe, ae'at SCOI,Ez�)--Th Sesforth, -irectfru the, d ,Orsolldly Selected-, con-sez- a seases Ao no but Nsit the DocEer At ty bilift bw w)od c about the I lm)�or'ed D of � 111% Chas, sooles Of a claughter. O 3,ce So that you sy is cift e the benefit a hi pose of instructing pupils in the bigher edifi4 wil I be procee ed wit h, as soon as B a &inal ta �n of -Morri, OI L� the I m. P"at e. S(�OTT O�i the 6th emeessib qqently ire can sell these Good8 Cheap �Aan any non-importi7W and trestmlat,jla e- res.tored to Ilealth he bmaches of education. Mr. Sullivan is possible. r ---A d�w- belu�� ginj to Mr. James 3rd insti-, the wife of �Af Adam Scott, .1', of a oner. 66 -The I li ge numb 11toll, s 01, those, whoplirchme through n4s. 1,800 1107, eminently qualified to successfully con- en 'I rer, h cilceiisiorrofYarmodthwas duct such an institution, and we hope e -e f i e Ineu tly ta kell in du itig one ROGERS-At the Vlmthodi4b Parsonage, Ir lilotly, on th. 998 �i L:_. ;S REO e,.l,oked dav igrit in consequence e Yoth iust,, the wife of YSTEi -EJVIED- his venture will be d Lily appreciated. by�' wee at :1 establi6immt of 11. A. 6f;a, I e, d. 41 - i ap '3t*cki ig ia' its throat. 1) Ogers of a son. in the Little T_ tle people of Wiugbam ad vicinity. Car , Gros vil BARR -In Morris, on the l5th inst., the NY of age of -A f iti01 Luni I g fi�m in Toronto are 'WAI. Barrie of a 8011.1 Sha espe r Y�, iffig iW I611( bmineso very extensively -A single scull skiff race took place 9 E 0Y, ASSO n _tb e [arm 'of At Dob o, tow ship, t1- i� at GoderiGh on Friday evening for. a sea, ni Fri: � is; cheap and plenti- i Aa d Hol- of E." in a, Messrs. Me I zie , , atonal pa ou_ 1:01 I ov� AT t pu t- u c n I silver cup and the championship of fu and lfh� exp 6t p about lo�Aryrj y St., Godericah. There were three entries, ma tbresh �d 427 bu B fa'l wbeiit.; 3C 00 kND GRADES. aq(yCrdolLitoivii, Dakota, on the i in: th� 3 sho t�t space -o-- Aou, -s bbis W INC i __YS I N ALL S YL S, I.. J. R1, AFORITHv G. B. Cox and 8 by I �ev. � S. H. Barteivu, M4. Lendrick A SE t -W. Gooding, Xr iFM r Sh�ld)n, who comes 5J bits els in on to *iss usan Long, botq late of Clinton; Matheson. Gooding won by a quarter I was 1hour rI _f'r m. ED. I a) c. to rrite. up Canada as a the 25thlbst., POSTE .1 -SMITH -At Varuki, on C rry Brothers' 0A I l3tiawl, next door to 'Willilm 0 of & length, Cox second, Matheson. ver. of fi ld for Mt ic ult al immigrants-, has by I �ev. M. Danby, in. ester, sc O'� It bert,zon,&-C .4. -Mrs. 13( nnaw if) (I 't Mr. Joseph Foster, of is to Marg third. Time 10 minutes distan, eis, V"'i e I ar i ved 6t Otta a, accompanied by. J�Aov 1, ias re--. Henry Beni aweis, of Sini 1, daugiiter of Mrs. of Blake two and a quarter miles. se eral 11elegites D) cKsMN-F, oirruNE-In �el,ozi & 7th OR SALE. pecia,U.. I e sure amake it Irday of last week r ceive from the high cou.-t tb j Cana- -A TI ro: named I�aniel Tait inst TheT( culars-are a S 3tom, at, tale Roy, I sq., -On Satu Hr. Jas. M. Wool Cir (.00D ITAEE ��$R tiAIX-For Sale, 4041 A Foresbats t i bioiller-ln-law of the 13 'do, by W. the Coulter, of Morris, had a' valuable sheep-' dian Ordei i 1 uM Ot WI 6 cad es 0 a 1, hoe store has 'been -worried by dogs. On M onday of this $L001) the a nolit Of 1 S P, , I Bell M. A. � Mr. Robert D ekson, station was- BreedingUaIr ;Oitl to +.be Imported TIA-1. ra ic )aid by a [I) on a. ch arl I Chich Sh )rown zolor, weighs over ar,ested'i n:BLiff ge of det ter.,'Greaf 'Weatern Ra lwa Rent m to dina! -fee t6r elegance, i ars old. She is sound oma weekMr- lboulter, accompanied by his fif pt I Sks. fiing & Brown of Tor- be' I 166onae All Wool Dress, Fabric is, P land. the best ly 00 11bF., and- i y, Niaxion, third dalaghter 0, thi In gc )d tm work. A ly on Lot 12, ontession 4. farm hand, watched for the destroying -The for na1 operl g o 3 n ew- a.�'4; r. G. Slater of ontreali NN e&.r res�si i'm g material P�Iodueed. tun Esq.; 61 Ebria. IL -RU ICHEr e IRA �EL M-URDIE. 664x2 Sc466 at Listo"'), ted; ]R� I a rK. B ,T - 'I' bO'l 1, canines, aud catching two of them in f The E a ka m,a'uufactory at ft- Hotel,Exeter, on the I-Itil i3 kst ril edwatio the act, witho-ut, further ceremony, nal Tht 1111 Fusp, dedoperations for xt 01 Iday. R�. G undy, Mr. H� nry IticRbeil, to e e SPEGIVIC ARTICLES. -in, One of the (logs belonged the purpose of making 11�ic�ert,'both of Hay. celebrities a, xpect6, 1resent, few s shot the weekL A oi to r. James Crag, of Morris, aud the amon:,, whoi 3. are Mi 6ters of Educii-� I furtheritip.-gvements in the factory, IR UCK FO ALN.-Fo sale a two wheel limbtr or 10 cost t& ; -will be Other is unknown. tio, 'Dr. Ry �rson Dr MaLEllan, G, W.I A very dti*d bus.Dess is anticipritild in Deaths. 1 3 1 1. & G AN-1ii Clinton On the 1901 i t� Qiu, Trim 11gs -A.,Iaster James McCarbery was k. Mai ling. . � i - ; - I Mi Ross, J. Ill, Buc�arl 111.1 the 9utu1VD Old %T Ad Ties, Old Gold I o 3 -ad Old a, Id f -t- A Ikbee)s 5 'Ieot 8 inches in II -Tug i Mamughail, aed 53 vaii- di a meter, 8 inch t. i es, 2 inch r- jusre aryl una lu -It, [r, Tob a Kincad of illbIalk, had' alir ecr I this is the favoT caugh 9th h-enille— C( Mplefe Wof), oi,oer� AZdiess for 1)rioe ' t in the fannerg of Me�isrs. Per- -The �,�co r tion. of the Presby- IJACDO: �ALD :-At Wbitecliqrch, i on the Go ite s1iade, very A lish. j > t3 y c t out of 8, V1 shina -machine last Saturday, the t(uguc duable h inst , the infant ehlld,o Mr' deorgo spic- 11 c G RE r4_0 R QVRART, Henmall, Ont. M3 due's thre iir(b in i L lexandria, Glengarry, while at work iu- Goderich township, the tE� il out off his bull, a ad 4is garden! b&!v9.iutiWuced in organ into their dons d. slett, at th� rel�,idt;uce of her ECI t -In Rul es d held aud the f6i of his oith Lrd Mrs. Spen(k, of IXPOIMI�T -OT10ES. and had he not bean caugW an royed eb rch fo first time. The marcb1 r th 3 k of laivili, es man)l pro-! Brud, Mibes, Rged 85 One 11 �,h la: t wee 0 3 nd 9 months r. Thos. Cole until the machine adoa ellingulsh it by d OTICE-Tho a �%ho- left a AING­Ontha t inst. 11. 11orrig towui! 1* No ni mej Is ;oO oppjob 'ous f r y per-. Ll pq -,was stopped, lie 6uld have beeil seri- jju J, ces 4nd in,49tes various innoval B ra r -s Het tl�. C ontai ring P. =nibef -ear# of 1 ot ld Aicked frr,,in thj3 premisci of Mir. 1. WT. soil Mrs Ellen L u at. 2% i. st 'Washin It ously injured. Ile 'escaped, bowever, 0 be guil y of I; acts. 1 tiop 3. L Sok-11101'ea o, at 2()4 We 'a C EV I OT TW E E D, TH E CaPO L.P'O-RA R 0 C LOTH I is S i,il I tha I THE Be rry, in See foA4, mai have both the kettle and with slight injury, but baaly soared. b onik S -1 th in the': V a Is on. A MI �re t] i DID din dy clever and Areql. 0 st inst, leilly D. N r ari on corn, also a pair b*,,, scisers ne. some matoUeo sprin of I St 9, the I&h e, r. H Chris- form� y Of r -andersigned and s 0 pro A ef -, near by, on &PI lyniz to the Ay Utte- 0-1,' Damed Iffinnie -A. few (lay aa , Mr. ohn Lowe, of topherson eitered oh,"Ms ain isterial proving oiv Usborne, lost -his way w-laile out in the I116 ack, fell in to a cistern at.._the J�'%V- BERRY. C61 work in the Hethodist'cl ur,11b. in Mit- ba�l. of J'iihe - fat 3VIs house on Wool- Fall Shbws. 1 -woods. When darkness had fairly set -ab chell, wbpre ae preacho -a Monday. When Prandi, Sealotili, Sept.'. 'ear C ined. Ihis I fli t ser- "crolif), o 16 Appearance, 'Warmth and N ( B$TFLAY STOCK- in, several men started in selirch of in le stree 3teplientmd sboriie,at E ter, 1 a iRabb th 21' 10 souti, auroll , c on, Lndi ex 6ctly on t;r. S -)t� 20 and 21. hof 1 him. After a diligent search, he was i'- d by e- f ather on his return home. u I Inron, years atei in the sanp humli, he sh6 was a dea I.o at Goderiall, Si� pt.28'andM. E 4 Y,� R. the vnbqcribP_ Lot%, ConcessiorL -found in a wood about a mile from in In, preg-c led I ds last ser �Johiv A, Elliott. 15 years of age,, Hay Bx inch, c b Zurich, sept. 121 and 24, Ttwkersnilfth, bviu� the miadle ot July, -a t*o 11r. Lowe has attained the age home. �,asf Huron, i t Wroxeter, 0 t. 5 and 6. -A . St,' Marys c Arrespond nt A 4olden Grove, yef old Inifer. qwnf-raa have the same in wbil e pla �'In a bas, a ty. of 1,43 and is still quite active. His �Rst IN awano ih Bel;Trave, Oct. 6 CA,ni& and Grass FriVes (t zdrge mund- Topiee � - yig &7 pyopie nd pa that tI wn Of i'll forris Bran6. i, at Blytb, speak na of the ; T6v Br'llicNsick, e obber' day, was, 0 1'2, and 13. by pi�ovinz LA WREN -CE. powers of visio, however, have been Miss 11'e"I'lielson. the st4eet ah,&s friend, ..struok byi blid ball on the , neck under, 12tidust -ial, at Toronto, Septv.ji-) to 18. Co�,qed Wool Cheni -j" atch Drms Goods. 11e Frb' es & very dim for the last few years. * - - - J,roVilliai, at Hamilton, ept. 20 to Oct. 92. STRA CAILF CI me into ihe premjees�Aof says IINc oubt she *A ell Mge, ! the lef t at, proc acing concussion of! I Vestei n, at London, Oct. 4 to 8. the uderm O'Lot ll,Concess!ou 81, *4- On Thurslaynight of last week a- noble worl. i many reiq��p et i b it our "th,6 3pinE almost to disloca- allq)un- g Xorth Perth, itS!ratford,Sqt. �3 and 24. aIii A f rtf. at 1i ly, it Red. xbjaly team of horses belonging to Mr. Peter hunib_e-op,Ln� n is that h I,ve bpough Dllck, nd causing death ini ­hna, dN1euiy,Scpt. 28. 1 1 Iboult one %,�ar;old. The oivner zanhae tion of t] e Ji th,, rame nii rocrty slid r McPhillips, of E,xeter, were standing at 14)r -not "ink youn stars ii, � aftada I litche 1i at Mitchell, Sept, 27 and 28. goo( ard, at KirktOD, OC'i i4 and 15. ch ages. FRA.141t 0111ARA. Pickard's storehouse, when t1-i6y took it alreac y, aiid ould b I I,! e - aE b a 3'we.: I with- i I -Mr. 1 f Manuen, of S Catb annes, .ima. f ndW ' lace at Listolvel, Sept. 100. cordingly. started off, but' thev were LES. MANTLES. TIRAYRD 'E -Stray(a fimn Lot 10, 1 t t: lira: into their heads to have a run, aind ac-. out any cz)nir butions fi -o tl. 3 old -ioir I raerly dontrattor on the Canada ic outh � lcr�b,c S rys, Oat 12 Iind 11 taule3 By 11r, , at Bayfleld, PC 2 an I MA MANTLES. Count. -y.11 i , t, I �o has! 23. Co nee. -Sion: 2, MkRillop; on Saturday nig�bt, Soul hern. R �i wa-, has a son. wb striking a wood al 1 . 4 urnberry Br ch, atWingh in $01)b. 22 i d Etapped by the wagon -A burgl I was 3cminittJ tht 141h of Aum a. large Dark Bsy. X -Are, rising one 'beer studv!id- ari in England for thei G rey Bi anch, t Brussels, Oct. 7'6ad 8. pile in the station y, ht as the 1 tee �f M r. 0 ard before they ha uig as 1 1 �orthe m Fab -ton: four Sears old; ftel-points- Any October 5 t isai h information &s ill lead to b(r recovtry two I ani although only 18i A, at wa4kei far. - The wagoil however, John F wbi liv -'s the eavE, gone yery I lullett, -at Cli utoll, September 22 and 2-3. PA I THEN' -AT- of' &;1e, he has sbowa suelLskill' TRICI N z ye is was Widly sinashed. Tham 0-s t6u,.;a d isbo t ve SOME PARTICULARL-`� Q#H0IJ_)E LINES. LI, Scaforth 1-1. I V .0 in ti g i's to 0 COMM i 7 — in in ti issioned by. _z�, pigeou shooting match will take miles froi� t. Ibi lo 3 r. and: &TRAY trayed from the preW. place at London -;owo slept, P bi: rgla! ran- �Her Ma espy- tte Queen, to paint, i I, V6�61 N 0 t time about the Mrs. homps 12 t FRWT JAIls. the the jport�i iitg of $Dme of the ladieI;; at! I.Filur J-kils, end of this inouth, beEweeh Mr. John 1, sacked the hou�% atvakening Mrs. Ge n.1 Fyd t Jar Ptrawberries and Sugar, try VXL� Sm I h, a If cifer iii0i ag t)aree yeara ol& She is of Ly b I Eva,us, of-Mlingliam and Mr. John Thompson, Nvbo attribu �od the noise 8911 & 0�2NG l re the cheapest' 654 The4 Goodb-are also Imported n. are so much cheaper than usual, red,wlor, wit i mall spot of white on IoO. Caudi0cementistobe used ini Direct.� a f owlD r, n: rning 1 Wool, Fici ING'. i I hes d, an Pike, of Chatham, for $100 a side. It inade 'u -o rats, Th HIDE� A 1) SKIN ositively astonishing. d white �O� the breast between the front 1 will pa: Oie h1igb(-,,t earb pridee for any- qua ttiby th&titis 11 leg! gNllag such ii3formation,*s of In& h iii Portland cement in' is to be hoped that Mr. Evans will keep they n 0 ')?'L'ce d a good Sul ol - bl i�k ( othes, , sheep �nd catf Skin 1 de- wil lead to her M T, ill be on-Rably re 041. g dock and other harbor. q,t -wool Bides, -up his good record. He intends being c-, 3 i. n r [a, 06 ; 'y , 110 a silvor wmah lelong- is iind Quebec. Thei liw-red al my furniture Store. 'INo truck or tpude, ca. G,: -qc, 61 70. IiE vi 4 I 26th at Hamilton. on the 25th anc lu to urm hOmpson; s A; ca; zh for every ing. JOHN S. poRXER. 6 cer 3 ut !an a, .'acti red by & Levis firm 131 R A17ED frt,,T4 ille 11rfmises oll the u %er� i no ra: -siin t oting tournam e for SEEM WH _-�T.-Tbe Best WbeMJfOr I�4, when a graad sho ent is i ___�Bkcijhng sig ij Lotj Center has beco 'as :t od f ikct b(tter, than the best. tota,ke plce, in which he will take Btbod$ of ';r for all Sowing hi Bhi about t4 nU of April, Five Yea partie se",ek-irgillovelm avel - ormers i�lla�he, 11 )1e." E D 1sh �r I -e. Thorold cement is' c. een at La 110y's v Tb ee ssef-rs, $wd Two Heifera� Two P-1 he CF Ilaniplcs can part UO day t1id!Mth JA'st., at 5 S 1-1 -A- SHAWLS. ser t ever'y -,v �ek to 'Rapid -N-1 S(-[LfOTth. TUis vlicat yi ld I as are of rc Grand Central GTOCCI SHAWLS. Stem !�O. � oloy" the otb � r gray with v de Mr� A. D. "Wiluse, of. the LOULD ii�g- tei: 7� o'clock., 2) I r. I'Le Reuy en �a stands the iDt(.--r better and milint flo)(I as the S ho0s; one I&Iftr Ppoted. YeAd a�nd -higa barel, isusedinhydraulic, 9 Road, Tuckersmith, short distance left Lc nuo u foi M i bchql I Q 1-ciele Mi j W is hot liable to rul For furt�e, particullai i ap- wh I e, lbe othf!r-'r eldimh gray. Any pereon giv- I I rimiry. 6( solith Of Clinton, li-as purchased of -.L)fr. ad airiNml. ELt the idks Vouse at ly i I o LA11fLNY .4p ing inf orl�batio x f tbor u outq, will. �bo ovner IADO ildi i;breeder* of fiDe cattle has %U-. ably m.will, e by the ROBERT �B. Geoge Wheatley the 50 acre farm ad-. haVIDg made t�.e i d staij de, 36 'd i3 the list in the person of, LA, DLAW, B1 t Ip. 0. 655-4x; joining his own - the property is nearly miles, in I hours and 055 -minutes, Mr. �!.be6ill addi'd TI�E MARK-ETS. Every descripti= of Shawls in New and B ut Iful Designsi Paisley Shawl's mi. lose' h tl. B I -sey, of Geo 'h to be Lt 8,11 ng A to $4-0. It is a treat to see and hai.dlet se Gooc all cleared, and there is there6n a good Le Rety' id:aot appeai ranging U.. 11tANTED. P S AFORT Aug. 26, 1 0. wb has',p rdbasZ from Mr.Joseph frame house and barn; the price of the fabigu d, nd shortly after dinii-,r e I ! I f 1 c I Whet) t.. ........... 94 to 95 ine, )) the well-known F� FRL WANI,,!6) -Wanted llvamediately,!;4 orth� ird Jou -i;ley, which 05 land is high� but the place is w starte l omewl buBhel...:1 00 to G Oyrsbir&, iiherd, of that SpAngwReat,l'ife,per Goo,dseryintGirl. Highestvages. Apoly ed in about the snuie 9pr.ngNVIleat,];cdChaff,peibuEib. 0 98 to 00 morp to Mr. Wiltse than any one else,. i he ace6mplisl� celabrate b: - d, onsisting of a year- 0 33 to 35 to ff RS. J. DTJN� Se6orth. .66. as it rtives him a f arm oi 200 acres Oati perbaBbeh. he di the journey,to: chell.' time a� u& fouil heifers. The price Pesaperbnehel ........ . 0 52 be 68 I I I lin 1 bull I that is haxdly surpassed on the Loudon 1P - I I ushpl ...... .......... 0 50 to I 51i WANa. E )-Wanted to Rent a handred outtwolyea: F, I Y"' rs ala D si b�ittl ( boy, pa!d wa( �1;,000. Mr. Bessey intends i3ampleypo b a cie fmm,,w 11 cleai�ed avdiih �6od b Road. o rand Ilo�v 1, era t6t e coming exhibition But ter, N( 1, L6ose .............. 015to i17 L I N rE N TABLI NG SE Ll 19 E N TAB Ll N GS. .to son of 1. Ja)1ies Wei, of I 0 09 to 09 ocailityandnot too far f th e ........... i ................... in 07d 4 Ioron 15 D. -The Winaliard Times says 0 Lyl 1r, per A'11)pl! t WILLIAM SHOW -Trunk Railwi Mratfora, el; deavor,Od in 100 $s .... ........ 3 00 to late I to 00 .v�Irs. W&ItIer Scott, She depated to P orip tha. Oldfasliiohe4 trok fof t - Thol s Dou erty, a preSS1119611,, Elay, new ....... .',.,�600 to .this life after a lingering illness Of Si 06 to 1 07 -puttinfra'Feaiii is Oman -who has oel in tie emi)lovment of tho Eli d cs,;,p ...... ... ::. � ... �( . t I I " lithe, wbichwas.tirst engendered by I � . A kh 6 eaG14 ...... :... ."...:O 50 to I 60 ACHER WJ�N% r the Walwn -le was success 1, -w 13 - s awel iso i T put Of Iii. St. Thoi Ias Jou) iial Go. for the past 0 t 9. �, 1) P i3 skrrel,. . . 76 eb c -'l aUnbleacbed, good.qualities at �ridbs Special attention has Publij Sehe6l,j; W41P Tes9cher holding a I i3c a cold cauaht from getting ber feet wet Blea i a ird- , � . e plioation, wtth fa as ge -t-. Dg t e pea itt b] 3� el Lr Was s cleverly caught i 60 or. or Th, Clog Certill ate. Ap ei b or i 'u( ar % -%va 3 ijwuo coale p been pail to te selection of these Goods. Also Forfw.rii, Haxes, Hessians, &e. I Ig ala)� fl, be received �y out Nvakilly. The d6deased t0imouials, Stu, i, wi concerne , but did not SuCCE A in bring- in ;lie &_c, iof 11ouse-breaking last Friday P(tttoes, e I hei,new ....... 0 45 o P, 50 p r 11' the edj til 'September 16th. Duties was a Iluiversa.l. favorite with all r Ls�eri ................ �O 60 to f 65 1 ing -it out. T e pea mai],Z Ln bis aing. B-�,ery inorning,;for , week All) 111s, P( IT- mcr 75 to 1' 00 to coin ence ajin" ry 3rd, 1881. ROBERT PA N 0 enjoyed. the pleasure of her ac- head unt.1 thebtberdav,whe�u Me pain Mlg$lna OataiealV1br1-4 ...... .. .... eret rea -or, IVIl PrE ,V ious monp-M had been 0 Tal r lb . .............. 0 05 to j! ofs TI! O�V, So quaintauce.' A ndI fise bhathl we u( c -,ss 05 to I I:i 27 s alry fro a'. the 11 oo s ore on the We)], per 1b... 0 became i0 3 TR � TED T 'Ell,--trayea fromthe faim -wife and =.)ther, her abenco fro -in the to call'in the �s&rvices of D��. '3 iaver, pv'(misesk j� wat, was set and Don faraily circle will bean uutirina source g- CLINTO*, Aug. 26, ILE �0. who dter tlad- liberal appl6a,l)n �of cE p obt in the very act. It is Ile about t e8th of ulya white y"r- hert y wa FallWheat,pe .0 90,(q )92 -tr & A hibaged. t ; of grief to her husbam Grey Flanne'ls, Scarlet F1 nn61s, and W__ hite I aud children. a %fki. R4had-,&stag &�J. chlor0orn-1 e pea, on a in steel., with U-11 I . �1 th9ught tha i lie his been carrying gpTingWlLeat, 1 00 (O 05 An- in-formatiou 4 at will lead- to the recoV07 -Mr. Daiel - 'McDouald, whicJ1 I was showincr si is of egetation ;O 82 (d syAt 3m. O I f rinf for -years. oats, perbush ....... ...... 0. 183 Oftuty I n of 'this unlinal! 'III J�e stLitably'revT,ded �by 60 Flan els, in all thh. b st make& a, very ew- N� eks longer Barley,pq bus el ............. I 10 50 Court Clerit, recently purchase( d hqd t remainetd a Auo- bervret-bed and fatal sbor-; I Mrs. L. Ilc=14 Walton P. 0. 0 02 65 a- and eronds "in ai urn peas,per )ush ........... handsome residenc serious r sult� would ll� :,jbio a case dt t d up in Cbicao- The, �18 �j Bnt tnr..;. .............. A D a ;O 40 Cd 140 DS S W will be M, Goderich,paying therefor'tlielsum, of vict.al bi i' C g' pot Li -6 st ne are do' - in, :E. YO 01 %tO8LzI 3 IeW ............... T er 3. �'. & J' .. 0� 9na woma belongin , : _. �eive, by t e!,unAeisigned until MOND 7 3,750, It is situate on Glocest saleflaxbu in SE tbis sea- �'toCttp,wlt, .�qae 'Mary AunFaulkner, BRE 13 ..... ....... ... 10 @ 11 all It 0 e ix)g a hol, , I 4 H i ............. 7 00 @ 3 00 teral in Ils tulted at 110cpect%ble parentage. Dr. biL'laing. FIB Terrace and cominandsa good view of soil atitbai oif,p)orb:& 8 00 @ 10 4n op Clover 19(ed ........... Jre -a Canadia ..13 25 ST at the bubsci il ri oftice. Ebe bnek and st4no eu 0 moth Seed 10 @ W RE IS THE NIGE harbor and riVer. To say the istoWel _'d Millbank, Tlic T THE BF ILLIA draliped,; the con- i � L LIU' o inas D. physi- N_� BRILLIANTINE of, it, this looks suspicious, !iO 125 q4 27 Wi I be snrpli6ft 'by tbe- u -m t very least Blillvejrtc'n a�_�dt BruSSE S. he � have ci�r, but :!10, soq e time Ii, resident o� c oi..'. t �! 't or to provi 6 all. Other 'necessary matmiwl r ct ;Ewd we mayhave another important picion by., at the, r sent time at thei I i 3towel ChicagoJ itbo astleenundersus f o. -the er,ijjpl�t n of the building- % Ten6" ke in this onuec- E r gaged. �he polic p a 'hie F O&I" Aug. 25. Spring w Je&t w i'm I be xecelvO f� r the wbole. or for tbemaoon et to in& Mills over'. b; hands d�il Ias beina a prof6s. L go house 01 ed �Ti 'O d -ed Winter, 9s white :� 9s alld earrenter *eraxstcly. The Irywestor tion before -very long- Thewagesr �from2( cent �t:) 51 a sio l at rt,p it I and a young c or d(r npt� rjeceasarily D. :D, -Lxc I tb th much without some person be (1, ao(O it Os Od oats 6s! 2d; bafiey, the Market. We con t I ma e. rom C. i# tclij ial a he mount I 10 �E d atti M cKay, wi-ere ar ain't Ivor to(o di to aae�, 7d; cl ib,, Lustres, in ng way d. ieas, ,s2d; po 65s Od; b�ef, nice to live in it. pa-ld.Oit [LI this b dpb, Lbout 580 r sted oi #1 ird ir mdrniW, andill-be, 5s 3 eese, 62s Od. er- Messrs. Li ried for I 1 aE criml�. 62 3 Od ; ch - f the Quart" ving"10113 Bros. t I . I ,kt the last in eeti ng 0 per day. FOR OR TO LET. rORONTA -F 11 wheat, 11.02 of Walton Circuit, an addr an d On 1! I# lay )Veuing �ast, Thoma o, Aug. 25. e5s have in the, I S Of . i TY F40% SASM ly Board f Oats s t oal spring, $1.09 to LIP 5c V ALUABLE RItG]PER 00 aer s 0 and for �yan ock o uTmased gatst -Ing, at old prices, scafbi ted to ATr. Isaac Humerston, Wallace ver tied, at Dorsey's Cornersh to S1.0.); -7 i to A f COTTION BAGS� p n of. 4h, Lot:t -neit of was pesen Ia ale iU Pro& �e ix ile a c baF ey 0 ", - Ii it) thi th V. I nd owho is about leaving for the Far West. s c O.- they*pay 12 VeT f west of Dublin, brok� to 40C s, 58c to 62 T91 Q U an IBED PREADS. am a �ii town. j1o6c� 6 an( rah tovards the �3uffalo t.'L, ;67-, ; per ton, $8 Q0 Ito 14, ply andjull weiqht- V, 1110 00 th, -, 4,43ling houso; :j,rveted tbr-reon. WW b -f, ]a The Oddress was as follow�: Ill view of ton deliv red t their Mill, o, 26c ; potitops per b ag thilp fox- eash. �pply to 6BORG Ni sai� f Auguitie a X1 i 3 being T,Iike Hi �,'OIL Rai] May crossing, alon butter,! 18c Brother Humerstou's remQv&1 from Since tb fit -WA0) on the proilitw$4 Af a1b)( t 5@0 tons h a.4 ww rapidIv. The - 35a td 40c; pa S, per doz-,:, 12c to 13c _4 I I _. passing. 1.9 Iamong us to seelc home in the Far broug�it ill at C FOR sale ti -4a orth of Lot 30, Cu4 rown aly again Uest, we, the Official Board .Of the per d n w bi6h repres I ts.'a dai 1 �r bores d I ih d - wi st the tra�0, F!" as wn. and LivIi Stock IV arkets. Walton Circuit, a mem- lay of,146A ci:1153,6600 Lit in circulation i and one Ifilm. 90:0d of which he is Go! acres 4o of ul, ith Ai chared "d in a ug. 4. -The offerin t of ,ppreciatiOU e v, e b fartherilof the instautl- ki III �d he other escj�ped uja- -,te of c11tiva,t tot.. (;t;odbw--1d1ngs, good fenices her, do hereby express our a ryAWEel: a Ongst t f4;ir d ileigh�orhooc Thov hui t. 9 e 81 ers l� were torn 9ff the bag- cabtle were ostly of quality, �,ud a -Christian. geutl-60aa-u an ( pec to realize: T -WE UNPACKED TO -DAY,,- H watereil., It is tbeee-qua.rt-ers of a Vild of him as the su�ply b 6 pi -ices A FUL. LINI OF SCOTCH DS an 11 wf. -th% half a in mall! better m the n V W�ntbroplWl va Master's vine- 600, cres, bleen and cai apc co.Leh. Some children an earnet worker ift the I f rom ntirrowly. were paid. t�an for two weeks P�pt; of as choul- Te IthE crossing pzoprj tress, Hippe P. O�, or tc id vard, assuring him that he takes our. 1,5100C 118 4 flax, � Ivilich, iwcrld �re It9fd1n. at 1431 to at her d well wishes . tlay for . . . . . . . . s I c bai t ity, � of I escaped, I from 0 to '2 per head li2ore being L. Tuck- warm.e, an D OIL ljut�% st sympathie, present a hlirect his ,;180 (0o i f �t a.id --ThE roph'inL e counties surrol1l)(1- fO: ers' cattle than the pi es "bese Goods are well worthy of Inspi �ctiola Prices Moderate. w i wherever God. Mtl.Y x li�sive o he'amou a �G p id on las Thursday. Mr. Chut�i)' of mat( the big Que: I c ai e re orteLl to be, of -very pa A1111 FOP. Fouth tut half footsteps., Our uuited prayer is that in for tb 3 1 and iog of tb� load 6f good 0 61 tle -P is Il ])lend I goo I qu, I �t, r,. H�y inmost cases is a Compton,' had i F Of L', 6, C0013a, ssion 18, XcHillop, cOntab4ng the future of his history he may, be mills, ­ 1 Ix this yeal ic 50 aeres, about 491acres tleatd, the ballanoee1l s,� ort in the straw a�i which he,sold to butche�,s at from Igr�a,tly blessed and hollored of God, &nd erop-, jin, I e hope ME srs. �iv6igst()ne good cr( 1,,( �s th iberd. --h-ith hal w4o6a; tlxrY is a god framo r dus�ry to $45 eadhJ or from 314 to 31c per a be ma'de a benediction to tho-se with -welrewardedlorth6i we] I as tb6 graill by drought S, Sold b n aild log hells alsoa young bearingrchord will b a Car ol',., a Oar- ORDER nnever-fuiliv; 1.1hiti !8, is, however, on the I M. L of Smith's F�11 TAILORING DEFAR�IMENT SOLIqlTED. -Sigiaed soin 1� FOR ,eij'- it;s within 4 miles of the 1i it, whom he may associate. On* and enterpri 13e. fair from $28 tc �36 Nortbarn Gr load, nd, n milesirom Sea- n i of Mr.: wb ro c' crop. Wheat aives good. cattle at ole, i � il, few d tys. ago Or O d forth ; pohS1 the �r 0 1 1 1 time, and the bah&lf of the board, A,_NI)Ri�w Olt h 4 has been more �exteusively I each, o 3c to 3ic per lb�' Messrs.$te assio giv.-n SLt any f test pl�c mise ill I111MCe willl bs I,01 as the jvoprU-tor has % ThordaE S ki auer, of ullart6n, L whife potatoes VE us Lid tavanagli, Phillipwille, pply to ihc P--OKe frmerly, pi, r -.ha Red land IA Dalts.. was riaA le -whi?,- h a Ablusively proves, av n the pteMi"_ or vo ess from the bug than in I On't., -sold aI carload of ca.ttle at an tor cj Uadbary P. �0. at a, s,e thresbil: 1mad1,in)cau.bo h esdi"r*111 resiling in -th, NIRXUY-1 66LxAl Charles Barettl r or f $21 each, or a little over 3dAper IL uy OR D at h the vicini was 'walking run. N 7it ic ut the slig b est r fron� Mae pr riou g YE D. S. -chased all the above Goods Cheap cvj?,d Tman to ell them ty of Strathroy, IbN(l Dunlop, of Perth, so ave )m I : ozna� * Lot 18, Conoeot Colquhoun. M�,Iler Dow'I ; '_-OU cacay �fternoola, .16th inst., AM FOR LZI,�-For F.RJ Yo iligs 0 t r_m5 to Pet House ny with his fire. Messr put: 1�mz /Or l�beirql the Ch�ea aerw, Alb through his field in. comps, ho haver-yGent] chased 111 - Ma aew of Burf rd, -near carload of.niiixed cattle :a I 0 2 eheW and sustain our Re 71 bala=e of Hibbi lrt 7p c per lb. �&r -7Z are clearea 1 agarood haardw wife, when Mrs. Barrett felt EL blow on Wady and h, or from 3c to 3i for, ry - Goods. T ere 81 houzo, two 1--03* WE t I 11 Empire I D91121 Er tbei N c rthfi I E, s bt now 1111 ich she a r a 1 astings, sold a Carlo d drimg)jouft, nd �othergoo4 the leg, just below the knee, wh t f in drawing ih S Of 11 stand d iy: achine t )� k it - 0 11 17. Skinl I Ar mer, v enj agec ya bi rus Suit a here is oundance of isoft =cl t desGribes as :,imilar to a blow from& He 'Was on the of com� nonicattle at about �295 per ead. i I 01 Itbuildings. lr1r �he nigbb prewous Tha� p.6 LS fr( i ihard of bearing U*es, looking do.�Wii she nel's W Ia in lots a $2.75 to .50 And good o3 'wet stookinla. On c -i, 1ad attained- considerable Good I tmbq. so einc, natdralI3 someIvIlat I lie farmis Wf feneeit. imd in first-cU" oiler. gentlIilmait ce f _�T T, I ..'Inatea I good gre vel read, and iH vith- saw a monstrous blowing adder at her 13 suddenly start- p r hoid, but the gener pri e' -ht, i� h. the horse move the afraid o t h risk fro a, steatrier, 'in, ner he d; poor ITC astance Irom feet. Before she hac r( tth fortunate man, ;to IC tJ3 Wi er he I bs ID IT C 'Easy terml)JOf I time to 6 un $2M p miles of S�a and un cqual e it ;hould le run! that nigh 61, th .1 -le from school. reptile made a second blow7 Gatchi-Dg sist tIo 2.25 ead i. Fat ho tare Ith e rietor on the th�t hi �pe a:)uld sati3 . hinf$�elf ther i, 3 grol �t d. He tru a,d Iw ere 2 itehell I balf i prop A 11 to She made a jump and -emises� - her 9irts. shook so and], were sold t )-day at 6 r I t IThis rec lest eaail anI shc i Id or;, al.d. the shook. was so seare pp e 6J P: the reptile off but fainted before she Lo t his ieck whA r, vz as a ked for a B 4er- ST.9 SEAF was broken, aba p:)und, D� I RE.0- :AfN 0 or SEverYTours �th f, 8 oftTK P'Imc had one ten accec t nd f IMIPOIRTERS f�et. B� this time Mr aitb vq ins itintly. His daughter i(r 10'. e WE s un at full 3peed, during: al arrett had secured the snake by-plac- eDgil IIt, t OV 03U a rr a At VI te Win. i For- Comin cial III 'T I IIIIIIIIAIIIA u 880. GUST 27, 1 XP0$1rr0RW THg HURON t it a a, n 0 ASO seriously as to have prevented his ing his A ie bead ol top f ce 0 iw (6 �n a h. t. A spark could be was ith him, and -A-IT-D -N;711Tr_r 1880 escape, had it not been foi tbe.vigila-n bb worl'Jag ne t I - . 1880 IF_&1=_J 4 3 ar I en"br ughtz stick forced a 'a D1 the sm6ke ext ayAltmoul tb;.�re was -a- high wind Was dead, that she g�ve vent to,, her i hn ag, P pipe. N great on discovering 1hat, her of Mr. Dickson, the gaoler, and M r. and it w, killed. I Barret dese d 11,enderison, the turnkey. Johnson was e snake e W 0 TO THE SIC, tb hen inf1ated wit] which 'I) the ol e right This frigliten! the over the y in screams '4e - wi D. iamEter S �i aw s not a sp rk escaped while b)rs s captured before he bad gone any con d s s nches i an AVI 4 Mild they ran &�vay, brpakibq the - feet long After it a6 k1l it wai thr h Dg:: Was one much more wagon, to fragme �ts. DR I M� OCH Bidera,ble distance, and the other pris LL -Mr. Young Oner had not even & chance to I ara 0 I Iv : V I. . P about thi e feet in le ngth aw I two an( s oe 1 : I aa wl, aveIa arge family - AM orses, owing o t e a C�lelfrat&,A Eur� _ erje&n f en itllft A frapa- the wall, and was quietly taken a half iD(I ieB in diax, �iet I k i&terl B�,s itb which the Tjineaantofi the oprd JAL of the chid 9" 132C ba& -to bis cell. tIts 4 Angl w ion $ em-anT, the tni red �t_,tte8 of Aineriea-, $1.ud tho n Acbi DU RTH1 T nd, Scotland, J —La ia rui. st Sunday evening the barn of -+-. - __ __ The dav's,% was Auct ales. e lormo s,i fir a bead of anything Iola NCAN DUNCP'N' SEAFO Thos. J. DtvidBon, concession 7, West Perth iherns, I Saturday, A ti the OmiDi f uaust ", 1880, a 1; on 0 141) FUR t grII r i �erth 4) Wawau,osb, was burnt, with its con- a here 3 'a deart (I Ord i r Huron -300 bushels EA -O i o! E &N )mraercial Hotel, SE%fO.-th, Hou"'bold *1 aby, irad )n,%y bb 0 6,i id till ) pro�duct of 26 acres of HW )arl tents. Insured in,the Ha n Mu-, in Mitebell. I 0116111ted St the Are to-[, from f wh( bain� pas, U)'� CPT "I"beir I-st. toll Icuts- milto Farniture,&c. Sale -jocommenc�012 gh the sed tbrou,,, 1, tual, for $1,200. The fire is supposed to Insp( tor Buclion r)perts 'avorabl llocl�, noon. Ch&rleo' Moore, pio rio- A lay, fil4epteu4b tr Ulat, to 10 oclock A* 344by I arsti 1We: 5bodk who -witnessed t III who are hu liaxy. bell Hig School. g I-bm Chronic�Lingci=gDls- `N%flLe d alitiod, -%nd satisfied sC 813P]PTION, BROXCHITtS, have been caused by an incenc Of te.ffillit t c test I,) t r; F,Brine, auct*�neer. —The Huron deputation from the --A far ler* in-EIM& S'W ve acreE Weineaday, Sept. 1' 1880, on L:� 8 RH� And all Afffttiomr, �of 1ho thk �t th( Ubivers &U� of stesn sepalra- TsT MA, CAT1 edical Association to the Do- of f ill w1u at on — -P,%. r -an hect Tb olit H FLI 'ervone Debility., Sciraft- ]E[uxon PNI th( 7 11 Of August, 3 Ely a qu keRoacl,East,St ley,FbrmSliu r t I Wr is o tiol of time. i minion Medical Association, which Thi 3 is v8i y early 80 in I PI(ments and Ho4ehold Furiii ure. NEW No5� NO- MARKED 01 CPOD OPE Ius 8 cd all )dlad5, n meets at Ottawa on the Ist and 2nd of --Of the 26 wh:) v ole at tbE e i o commence at 1 o'clock M.� PUP IPng stanajug, Propsy., DUCasesof the Md-ja elp e ral Ms. of, Dr. Sloan, i nte rme& a to ex,19in ic u f tl e 3trat. C 47e s Ite -0-blorosis azJ Oh!3krrs in their worst stage., With- 13eptember, consists sl- arp, Robert English, p'ropri tor j 7 13-lyth; Dr. Campbell, Seaforth, and ford Higb -at -the mst of the knif 3. Mm. RarrisGD, auctioueer. 3chool, 11 e-eEucc3ss' in he 0a,hadian inisters, with Sit: r,� And all Vo ad Diseaf Divr. t. 8'.1880, on I 1 emesday, Dr. Stewart, Brucefield. tug. Sep �t 8i 1X9It, ill 3ail for C -ada -Srssip la" Bits -or i�alii;g pas, Aldxan� or' an 013. I epria, fleptic —The wife of Mr. John Pelton East* —A mar named n. 81 McKillop, Fat�a Farm S bek, ", ickness, Apole ti Fil a, �oy lops Of �selise -or r4o- & �tel bex. Wawauo3h, was seriously inj�red on Tavistock, was fi6ed: ajew lays ago $10 I plements and Houslo�old Furzi-hire. PaalYsii,, St. I ral A &Wru tivb firE occurred in Que- in and costs! ommence. at �1 o'clock Vtu8 Dance I iIIV -a _AgueS I Saturday Ust. Mr. Pej4oi� bad a tea' $13.10 in a or sending s4le t) c M. per- Tu, sda morning, in which tly c Thick- N*46k, P401y- on Tu, Van eie uve4 Gouxe or of colts h4ched to a - bu gcry, and was watered m:Ik to the 64 Ilse ael orl. I _t LM 'Nash, propr,-etoi P. D-OC7& tI e _X a, i118 8x eDqive tI%nnery was coin- THE 1I.A CEST STOCK, THE BIGGEST AS QUMENTo THE N:IC.EST' 12jusus in All Psi Of the wpstem, U- es -1 ri e 'li t D iely &'C ctio ueer. of thp- 61 about leaviu'g his residi�,Rce, when they 0 the 5 Htchell vp rE r. I 880 p1di yea. o. B emorbage laesse.131 t. e d E tTeated suno suddenly jumped to one gide, nearly up- ther, 3 ae i N persons I etwe on i hol ages COODS EVER. SHOWN IN T1 1S: TOWN. - r. S. A. 11&t -M ,of Varna, agent of 21 an d (3 setting the buggy. Mrs. . Peltou was Years; 2o7er6O 7e r6 Of f&Zan S;1 S n (3: Company, intends re- Births.. DiSeMeS t� f. rcufrom in Clinton, on the 22nd 'Ian t and received some serious I age; �8 ated. tw: ie and 3 three thrown 0 inst. the ile of lig 0 1 ii1to w ere he will abid � I 4e irested nes Fair of a son-� 4. wounds on her head. I timeF3. Female pla sot allkina;s a-nd Is- per M ane 4 t Mr. I f 7 1 )�: 1)(0) 11 inzt., the wife o iPtiomil et. er Acute er r 10, A .DO -on te 20t Dion, C. Sullivan, L. L. B.7 - ---- Dr. i roy, of S -Mf Drd,� h8 s Of 'EdiDb' A)v t, Dadour, of the Maitland concessio i of a select +ThIi �D I urgh has been -will be treated shftr-q .11D an- t=i' If T-ou -11� Ale ng from Of thIe MN)Ive J:ditor of the Times, has opened ed a site i a Listom for a Roman aInasiDg h�im3alf padd g a Cauadi �wife oil t1lo' 18th inst., the! t an academy in Winbrham for the pur. Ca� lie 0I urch. TR building of the moe, ae'at SCOI,Ez�)--Th Sesforth, -irectfru the, d ,Orsolldly Selected-, con-sez- a seases Ao no but Nsit the DocEer At ty bilift bw w)od c about the I lm)�or'ed D of � 111% Chas, sooles Of a claughter. O 3,ce So that you sy is cift e the benefit a hi pose of instructing pupils in the bigher edifi4 wil I be procee ed wit h, as soon as B a &inal ta �n of -Morri, OI L� the I m. P"at e. S(�OTT O�i the 6th emeessib qqently ire can sell these Good8 Cheap �Aan any non-importi7W and trestmlat,jla e- res.tored to Ilealth he bmaches of education. Mr. Sullivan is possible. r ---A d�w- belu�� ginj to Mr. James 3rd insti-, the wife of �Af Adam Scott, .1', of a oner. 66 -The I li ge numb 11toll, s 01, those, whoplirchme through n4s. 1,800 1107, eminently qualified to successfully con- en 'I rer, h cilceiisiorrofYarmodthwas duct such an institution, and we hope e -e f i e Ineu tly ta kell in du itig one ROGERS-At the Vlmthodi4b Parsonage, Ir lilotly, on th. 998 �i L:_. ;S REO e,.l,oked dav igrit in consequence e Yoth iust,, the wife of YSTEi -EJVIED- his venture will be d Lily appreciated. by�' wee at :1 establi6immt of 11. A. 6f;a, I e, d. 41 - i ap '3t*cki ig ia' its throat. 1) Ogers of a son. in the Little T_ tle people of Wiugbam ad vicinity. Car , Gros vil BARR -In Morris, on the l5th inst., the NY of age of -A f iti01 Luni I g fi�m in Toronto are 'WAI. Barrie of a 8011.1 Sha espe r Y�, iffig iW I611( bmineso very extensively -A single scull skiff race took place 9 E 0Y, ASSO n _tb e [arm 'of At Dob o, tow ship, t1- i� at GoderiGh on Friday evening for. a sea, ni Fri: � is; cheap and plenti- i Aa d Hol- of E." in a, Messrs. Me I zie , , atonal pa ou_ 1:01 I ov� AT t pu t- u c n I silver cup and the championship of fu and lfh� exp 6t p about lo�Aryrj y St., Godericah. There were three entries, ma tbresh �d 427 bu B fa'l wbeiit.; 3C 00 kND GRADES. aq(yCrdolLitoivii, Dakota, on the i in: th� 3 sho t�t space -o-- Aou, -s bbis W INC i __YS I N ALL S YL S, I.. J. R1, AFORITHv G. B. Cox and 8 by I �ev. � S. H. Barteivu, M4. Lendrick A SE t -W. Gooding, Xr iFM r Sh�ld)n, who comes 5J bits els in on to *iss usan Long, botq late of Clinton; Matheson. Gooding won by a quarter I was 1hour rI _f'r m. ED. I a) c. to rrite. up Canada as a the 25thlbst., POSTE .1 -SMITH -At Varuki, on C rry Brothers' 0A I l3tiawl, next door to 'Willilm 0 of & length, Cox second, Matheson. ver. of fi ld for Mt ic ult al immigrants-, has by I �ev. M. Danby, in. ester, sc O'� It bert,zon,&-C .4. -Mrs. 13( nnaw if) (I 't Mr. Joseph Foster, of is to Marg third. Time 10 minutes distan, eis, V"'i e I ar i ved 6t Otta a, accompanied by. J�Aov 1, ias re--. Henry Beni aweis, of Sini 1, daugiiter of Mrs. of Blake two and a quarter miles. se eral 11elegites D) cKsMN-F, oirruNE-In �el,ozi & 7th OR SALE. pecia,U.. I e sure amake it Irday of last week r ceive from the high cou.-t tb j Cana- -A TI ro: named I�aniel Tait inst TheT( culars-are a S 3tom, at, tale Roy, I sq., -On Satu Hr. Jas. M. Wool Cir (.00D ITAEE ��$R tiAIX-For Sale, 4041 A Foresbats t i bioiller-ln-law of the 13 'do, by W. the Coulter, of Morris, had a' valuable sheep-' dian Ordei i 1 uM Ot WI 6 cad es 0 a 1, hoe store has 'been -worried by dogs. On M onday of this $L001) the a nolit Of 1 S P, , I Bell M. A. � Mr. Robert D ekson, station was- BreedingUaIr ;Oitl to +.be Imported TIA-1. ra ic )aid by a [I) on a. ch arl I Chich Sh )rown zolor, weighs over ar,ested'i n:BLiff ge of det ter.,'Greaf 'Weatern Ra lwa Rent m to dina! -fee t6r elegance, i ars old. She is sound oma weekMr- lboulter, accompanied by his fif pt I Sks. fiing & Brown of Tor- be' I 166onae All Wool Dress, Fabric is, P land. the best ly 00 11bF., and- i y, Niaxion, third dalaghter 0, thi In gc )d tm work. A ly on Lot 12, ontession 4. farm hand, watched for the destroying -The for na1 operl g o 3 n ew- a.�'4; r. G. Slater of ontreali NN e&.r res�si i'm g material P�Iodueed. tun Esq.; 61 Ebria. IL -RU ICHEr e IRA �EL M-URDIE. 664x2 Sc466 at Listo"'), ted; ]R� I a rK. B ,T - 'I' bO'l 1, canines, aud catching two of them in f The E a ka m,a'uufactory at ft- Hotel,Exeter, on the I-Itil i3 kst ril edwatio the act, witho-ut, further ceremony, nal Tht 1111 Fusp, dedoperations for xt 01 Iday. R�. G undy, Mr. H� nry IticRbeil, to e e SPEGIVIC ARTICLES. -in, One of the (logs belonged the purpose of making 11�ic�ert,'both of Hay. celebrities a, xpect6, 1resent, few s shot the weekL A oi to r. James Crag, of Morris, aud the amon:,, whoi 3. are Mi 6ters of Educii-� I furtheritip.-gvements in the factory, IR UCK FO ALN.-Fo sale a two wheel limbtr or 10 cost t& ; -will be Other is unknown. tio, 'Dr. Ry �rson Dr MaLEllan, G, W.I A very dti*d bus.Dess is anticipritild in Deaths. 1 3 1 1. & G AN-1ii Clinton On the 1901 i t� Qiu, Trim 11gs -A.,Iaster James McCarbery was k. Mai ling. . � i - ; - I Mi Ross, J. Ill, Buc�arl 111.1 the 9utu1VD Old %T Ad Ties, Old Gold I o 3 -ad Old a, Id f -t- A Ikbee)s 5 'Ieot 8 inches in II -Tug i Mamughail, aed 53 vaii- di a meter, 8 inch t. i es, 2 inch r- jusre aryl una lu -It, [r, Tob a Kincad of illbIalk, had' alir ecr I this is the favoT caugh 9th h-enille— C( Mplefe Wof), oi,oer� AZdiess for 1)rioe ' t in the fannerg of Me�isrs. Per- -The �,�co r tion. of the Presby- IJACDO: �ALD :-At Wbitecliqrch, i on the Go ite s1iade, very A lish. j > t3 y c t out of 8, V1 shina -machine last Saturday, the t(uguc duable h inst , the infant ehlld,o Mr' deorgo spic- 11 c G RE r4_0 R QVRART, Henmall, Ont. M3 due's thre iir(b in i L lexandria, Glengarry, while at work iu- Goderich township, the tE� il out off his bull, a ad 4is garden! b&!v9.iutiWuced in organ into their dons d. slett, at th� rel�,idt;uce of her ECI t -In Rul es d held aud the f6i of his oith Lrd Mrs. Spen(k, of IXPOIMI�T -OT10ES. and had he not bean caugW an royed eb rch fo first time. The marcb1 r th 3 k of laivili, es man)l pro-! Brud, Mibes, Rged 85 One 11 �,h la: t wee 0 3 nd 9 months r. Thos. Cole until the machine adoa ellingulsh it by d OTICE-Tho a �%ho- left a AING­Ontha t inst. 11. 11orrig towui! 1* No ni mej Is ;oO oppjob 'ous f r y per-. Ll pq -,was stopped, lie 6uld have beeil seri- jju J, ces 4nd in,49tes various innoval B ra r -s Het tl�. C ontai ring P. =nibef -ear# of 1 ot ld Aicked frr,,in thj3 premisci of Mir. 1. WT. soil Mrs Ellen L u at. 2% i. st 'Washin It ously injured. Ile 'escaped, bowever, 0 be guil y of I; acts. 1 tiop 3. L Sok-11101'ea o, at 2()4 We 'a C EV I OT TW E E D, TH E CaPO L.P'O-RA R 0 C LOTH I is S i,il I tha I THE Be rry, in See foA4, mai have both the kettle and with slight injury, but baaly soared. b onik S -1 th in the': V a Is on. A MI �re t] i DID din dy clever and Areql. 0 st inst, leilly D. N r ari on corn, also a pair b*,,, scisers ne. some matoUeo sprin of I St 9, the I&h e, r. H Chris- form� y Of r -andersigned and s 0 pro A ef -, near by, on &PI lyniz to the Ay Utte- 0-1,' Damed Iffinnie -A. few (lay aa , Mr. ohn Lowe, of topherson eitered oh,"Ms ain isterial proving oiv Usborne, lost -his way w-laile out in the I116 ack, fell in to a cistern at.._the J�'%V- BERRY. C61 work in the Hethodist'cl ur,11b. in Mit- ba�l. of J'iihe - fat 3VIs house on Wool- Fall Shbws. 1 -woods. When darkness had fairly set -ab chell, wbpre ae preacho -a Monday. When Prandi, Sealotili, Sept.'. 'ear C ined. Ihis I fli t ser- "crolif), o 16 Appearance, 'Warmth and N ( B$TFLAY STOCK- in, several men started in selirch of in le stree 3teplientmd sboriie,at E ter, 1 a iRabb th 21' 10 souti, auroll , c on, Lndi ex 6ctly on t;r. S -)t� 20 and 21. hof 1 him. After a diligent search, he was i'- d by e- f ather on his return home. u I Inron, years atei in the sanp humli, he sh6 was a dea I.o at Goderiall, Si� pt.28'andM. E 4 Y,� R. the vnbqcribP_ Lot%, ConcessiorL -found in a wood about a mile from in In, preg-c led I ds last ser �Johiv A, Elliott. 15 years of age,, Hay Bx inch, c b Zurich, sept. 121 and 24, Ttwkersnilfth, bviu� the miadle ot July, -a t*o 11r. Lowe has attained the age home. �,asf Huron, i t Wroxeter, 0 t. 5 and 6. -A . St,' Marys c Arrespond nt A 4olden Grove, yef old Inifer. qwnf-raa have the same in wbil e pla �'In a bas, a ty. of 1,43 and is still quite active. His �Rst IN awano ih Bel;Trave, Oct. 6 CA,ni& and Grass FriVes (t zdrge mund- Topiee � - yig &7 pyopie nd pa that tI wn Of i'll forris Bran6. i, at Blytb, speak na of the ; T6v Br'llicNsick, e obber' day, was, 0 1'2, and 13. by pi�ovinz LA WREN -CE. powers of visio, however, have been Miss 11'e"I'lielson. the st4eet ah,&s friend, ..struok byi blid ball on the , neck under, 12tidust -ial, at Toronto, Septv.ji-) to 18. Co�,qed Wool Cheni -j" atch Drms Goods. 11e Frb' es & very dim for the last few years. * - - - J,roVilliai, at Hamilton, ept. 20 to Oct. 92. STRA CAILF CI me into ihe premjees�Aof says IINc oubt she *A ell Mge, ! the lef t at, proc acing concussion of! I Vestei n, at London, Oct. 4 to 8. the uderm O'Lot ll,Concess!ou 81, *4- On Thurslaynight of last week a- noble worl. i many reiq��p et i b it our "th,6 3pinE almost to disloca- allq)un- g Xorth Perth, itS!ratford,Sqt. �3 and 24. aIii A f rtf. at 1i ly, it Red. xbjaly team of horses belonging to Mr. Peter hunib_e-op,Ln� n is that h I,ve bpough Dllck, nd causing death ini ­hna, dN1euiy,Scpt. 28. 1 1 Iboult one %,�ar;old. The oivner zanhae tion of t] e Ji th,, rame nii rocrty slid r McPhillips, of E,xeter, were standing at 14)r -not "ink youn stars ii, � aftada I litche 1i at Mitchell, Sept, 27 and 28. goo( ard, at KirktOD, OC'i i4 and 15. ch ages. FRA.141t 0111ARA. Pickard's storehouse, when t1-i6y took it alreac y, aiid ould b I I,! e - aE b a 3'we.: I with- i I -Mr. 1 f Manuen, of S Catb annes, .ima. f ndW ' lace at Listolvel, Sept. 100. cordingly. started off, but' thev were LES. MANTLES. TIRAYRD 'E -Stray(a fimn Lot 10, 1 t t: lira: into their heads to have a run, aind ac-. out any cz)nir butions fi -o tl. 3 old -ioir I raerly dontrattor on the Canada ic outh � lcr�b,c S rys, Oat 12 Iind 11 taule3 By 11r, , at Bayfleld, PC 2 an I MA MANTLES. Count. -y.11 i , t, I �o has! 23. Co nee. -Sion: 2, MkRillop; on Saturday nig�bt, Soul hern. R �i wa-, has a son. wb striking a wood al 1 . 4 urnberry Br ch, atWingh in $01)b. 22 i d Etapped by the wagon -A burgl I was 3cminittJ tht 141h of Aum a. large Dark Bsy. X -Are, rising one 'beer studv!id- ari in England for thei G rey Bi anch, t Brussels, Oct. 7'6ad 8. pile in the station y, ht as the 1 tee �f M r. 0 ard before they ha uig as 1 1 �orthe m Fab -ton: four Sears old; ftel-points- Any October 5 t isai h information &s ill lead to b(r recovtry two I ani although only 18i A, at wa4kei far. - The wagoil however, John F wbi liv -'s the eavE, gone yery I lullett, -at Cli utoll, September 22 and 2-3. PA I THEN' -AT- of' &;1e, he has sbowa suelLskill' TRICI N z ye is was Widly sinashed. Tham 0-s t6u,.;a d isbo t ve SOME PARTICULARL-`� Q#H0IJ_)E LINES. LI, Scaforth 1-1. I V .0 in ti g i's to 0 COMM i 7 — in in ti issioned by. _z�, pigeou shooting match will take miles froi� t. Ibi lo 3 r. and: &TRAY trayed from the preW. place at London -;owo slept, P bi: rgla! ran- �Her Ma espy- tte Queen, to paint, i I, V6�61 N 0 t time about the Mrs. homps 12 t FRWT JAIls. the the jport�i iitg of $Dme of the ladieI;; at! I.Filur J-kils, end of this inouth, beEweeh Mr. John 1, sacked the hou�% atvakening Mrs. Ge n.1 Fyd t Jar Ptrawberries and Sugar, try VXL� Sm I h, a If cifer iii0i ag t)aree yeara ol& She is of Ly b I Eva,us, of-Mlingliam and Mr. John Thompson, Nvbo attribu �od the noise 8911 & 0�2NG l re the cheapest' 654 The4 Goodb-are also Imported n. are so much cheaper than usual, red,wlor, wit i mall spot of white on IoO. Caudi0cementistobe used ini Direct.� a f owlD r, n: rning 1 Wool, Fici ING'. i I hes d, an Pike, of Chatham, for $100 a side. It inade 'u -o rats, Th HIDE� A 1) SKIN ositively astonishing. d white �O� the breast between the front 1 will pa: Oie h1igb(-,,t earb pridee for any- qua ttiby th&titis 11 leg! gNllag such ii3formation,*s of In& h iii Portland cement in' is to be hoped that Mr. Evans will keep they n 0 ')?'L'ce d a good Sul ol - bl i�k ( othes, , sheep �nd catf Skin 1 de- wil lead to her M T, ill be on-Rably re 041. g dock and other harbor. q,t -wool Bides, -up his good record. He intends being c-, 3 i. n r [a, 06 ; 'y , 110 a silvor wmah lelong- is iind Quebec. Thei liw-red al my furniture Store. 'INo truck or tpude, ca. G,: -qc, 61 70. IiE vi 4 I 26th at Hamilton. on the 25th anc lu to urm hOmpson; s A; ca; zh for every ing. JOHN S. poRXER. 6 cer 3 ut !an a, .'acti red by & Levis firm 131 R A17ED frt,,T4 ille 11rfmises oll the u %er� i no ra: -siin t oting tournam e for SEEM WH _-�T.-Tbe Best WbeMJfOr I�4, when a graad sho ent is i ___�Bkcijhng sig ij Lotj Center has beco 'as :t od f ikct b(tter, than the best. tota,ke plce, in which he will take Btbod$ of ';r for all Sowing hi Bhi about t4 nU of April, Five Yea partie se",ek-irgillovelm avel - ormers i�lla�he, 11 )1e." E D 1sh �r I -e. Thorold cement is' c. een at La 110y's v Tb ee ssef-rs, $wd Two Heifera� Two P-1 he CF Ilaniplcs can part UO day t1id!Mth JA'st., at 5 S 1-1 -A- SHAWLS. ser t ever'y -,v �ek to 'Rapid -N-1 S(-[LfOTth. TUis vlicat yi ld I as are of rc Grand Central GTOCCI SHAWLS. Stem !�O. � oloy" the otb � r gray with v de Mr� A. D. "Wiluse, of. the LOULD ii�g- tei: 7� o'clock., 2) I r. I'Le Reuy en �a stands the iDt(.--r better and milint flo)(I as the S ho0s; one I&Iftr Ppoted. YeAd a�nd -higa barel, isusedinhydraulic, 9 Road, Tuckersmith, short distance left Lc nuo u foi M i bchql I Q 1-ciele Mi j W is hot liable to rul For furt�e, particullai i ap- wh I e, lbe othf!r-'r eldimh gray. Any pereon giv- I I rimiry. 6( solith Of Clinton, li-as purchased of -.L)fr. ad airiNml. ELt the idks Vouse at ly i I o LA11fLNY .4p ing inf orl�batio x f tbor u outq, will. �bo ovner IADO ildi i;breeder* of fiDe cattle has %U-. ably m.will, e by the ROBERT �B. Geoge Wheatley the 50 acre farm ad-. haVIDg made t�.e i d staij de, 36 'd i3 the list in the person of, LA, DLAW, B1 t Ip. 0. 655-4x; joining his own - the property is nearly miles, in I hours and 055 -minutes, Mr. �!.be6ill addi'd TI�E MARK-ETS. Every descripti= of Shawls in New and B ut Iful Designsi Paisley Shawl's mi. lose' h tl. B I -sey, of Geo 'h to be Lt 8,11 ng A to $4-0. It is a treat to see and hai.dlet se Gooc all cleared, and there is there6n a good Le Rety' id:aot appeai ranging U.. 11tANTED. P S AFORT Aug. 26, 1 0. wb has',p rdbasZ from Mr.Joseph frame house and barn; the price of the fabigu d, nd shortly after dinii-,r e I ! I f 1 c I Whet) t.. ........... 94 to 95 ine, )) the well-known F� FRL WANI,,!6) -Wanted llvamediately,!;4 orth� ird Jou -i;ley, which 05 land is high� but the place is w starte l omewl buBhel...:1 00 to G Oyrsbir&, iiherd, of that SpAngwReat,l'ife,per Goo,dseryintGirl. Highestvages. Apoly ed in about the snuie 9pr.ngNVIleat,];cdChaff,peibuEib. 0 98 to 00 morp to Mr. Wiltse than any one else,. i he ace6mplisl� celabrate b: - d, onsisting of a year- 0 33 to 35 to ff RS. J. DTJN� Se6orth. .66. as it rtives him a f arm oi 200 acres Oati perbaBbeh. he di the journey,to: chell.' time a� u& fouil heifers. The price Pesaperbnehel ........ . 0 52 be 68 I I I lin 1 bull I that is haxdly surpassed on the Loudon 1P - I I ushpl ...... .......... 0 50 to I 51i WANa. E )-Wanted to Rent a handred outtwolyea: F, I Y"' rs ala D si b�ittl ( boy, pa!d wa( �1;,000. Mr. Bessey intends i3ampleypo b a cie fmm,,w 11 cleai�ed avdiih �6od b Road. o rand Ilo�v 1, era t6t e coming exhibition But ter, N( 1, L6ose .............. 015to i17 L I N rE N TABLI NG SE Ll 19 E N TAB Ll N GS. .to son of 1. Ja)1ies Wei, of I 0 09 to 09 ocailityandnot too far f th e ........... i ................... in 07d 4 Ioron 15 D. -The Winaliard Times says 0 Lyl 1r, per A'11)pl! t WILLIAM SHOW -Trunk Railwi Mratfora, el; deavor,Od in 100 $s .... ........ 3 00 to late I to 00 .v�Irs. W&ItIer Scott, She depated to P orip tha. Oldfasliiohe4 trok fof t - Thol s Dou erty, a preSS1119611,, Elay, new ....... .',.,�600 to .this life after a lingering illness Of Si 06 to 1 07 -puttinfra'Feaiii is Oman -who has oel in tie emi)lovment of tho Eli d cs,;,p ...... ... ::. � ... �( . t I I " lithe, wbichwas.tirst engendered by I � . A kh 6 eaG14 ...... :... ."...:O 50 to I 60 ACHER WJ�N% r the Walwn -le was success 1, -w 13 - s awel iso i T put Of Iii. St. Thoi Ias Jou) iial Go. for the past 0 t 9. �, 1) P i3 skrrel,. . . 76 eb c -'l aUnbleacbed, good.qualities at �ridbs Special attention has Publij Sehe6l,j; W41P Tes9cher holding a I i3c a cold cauaht from getting ber feet wet Blea i a ird- , � . e plioation, wtth fa as ge -t-. Dg t e pea itt b] 3� el Lr Was s cleverly caught i 60 or. or Th, Clog Certill ate. Ap ei b or i 'u( ar % -%va 3 ijwuo coale p been pail to te selection of these Goods. Also Forfw.rii, Haxes, Hessians, &e. I Ig ala)� fl, be received �y out Nvakilly. The d6deased t0imouials, Stu, i, wi concerne , but did not SuCCE A in bring- in ;lie &_c, iof 11ouse-breaking last Friday P(tttoes, e I hei,new ....... 0 45 o P, 50 p r 11' the edj til 'September 16th. Duties was a Iluiversa.l. favorite with all r Ls�eri ................ �O 60 to f 65 1 ing -it out. T e pea mai],Z Ln bis aing. B-�,ery inorning,;for , week All) 111s, P( IT- mcr 75 to 1' 00 to coin ence ajin" ry 3rd, 1881. ROBERT PA N 0 enjoyed. the pleasure of her ac- head unt.1 thebtberdav,whe�u Me pain Mlg$lna OataiealV1br1-4 ...... .. .... eret rea -or, IVIl PrE ,V ious monp-M had been 0 Tal r lb . .............. 0 05 to j! ofs TI! O�V, So quaintauce.' A ndI fise bhathl we u( c -,ss 05 to I I:i 27 s alry fro a'. the 11 oo s ore on the We)], per 1b... 0 became i0 3 TR � TED T 'Ell,--trayea fromthe faim -wife and =.)ther, her abenco fro -in the to call'in the �s&rvices of D��. '3 iaver, pv'(misesk j� wat, was set and Don faraily circle will bean uutirina source g- CLINTO*, Aug. 26, ILE �0. who dter tlad- liberal appl6a,l)n �of cE p obt in the very act. It is Ile about t e8th of ulya white y"r- hert y wa FallWheat,pe .0 90,(q )92 -tr & A hibaged. t ; of grief to her husbam Grey Flanne'ls, Scarlet F1 nn61s, and W__ hite I aud children. a %fki. R4had-,&stag &�J. chlor0orn-1 e pea, on a in steel., with U-11 I . �1 th9ught tha i lie his been carrying gpTingWlLeat, 1 00 (O 05 An- in-formatiou 4 at will lead- to the recoV07 -Mr. Daiel - 'McDouald, whicJ1 I was showincr si is of egetation ;O 82 (d syAt 3m. O I f rinf for -years. oats, perbush ....... ...... 0. 183 Oftuty I n of 'this unlinal! 'III J�e stLitably'revT,ded �by 60 Flan els, in all thh. b st make& a, very ew- N� eks longer Barley,pq bus el ............. I 10 50 Court Clerit, recently purchase( d hqd t remainetd a Auo- bervret-bed and fatal sbor-; I Mrs. L. Ilc=14 Walton P. 0. 0 02 65 a- and eronds "in ai urn peas,per )ush ........... handsome residenc serious r sult� would ll� :,jbio a case dt t d up in Cbicao- The, �18 �j Bnt tnr..;. .............. A D a ;O 40 Cd 140 DS S W will be M, Goderich,paying therefor'tlielsum, of vict.al bi i' C g' pot Li -6 st ne are do' - in, :E. YO 01 %tO8LzI 3 IeW ............... T er 3. �'. & J' .. 0� 9na woma belongin , : _. �eive, by t e!,unAeisigned until MOND 7 3,750, It is situate on Glocest saleflaxbu in SE tbis sea- �'toCttp,wlt, .�qae 'Mary AunFaulkner, BRE 13 ..... ....... ... 10 @ 11 all It 0 e ix)g a hol, , I 4 H i ............. 7 00 @ 3 00 teral in Ils tulted at 110cpect%ble parentage. Dr. biL'laing. FIB Terrace and cominandsa good view of soil atitbai oif,p)orb:& 8 00 @ 10 4n op Clover 19(ed ........... Jre -a Canadia ..13 25 ST at the bubsci il ri oftice. Ebe bnek and st4no eu 0 moth Seed 10 @ W RE IS THE NIGE harbor and riVer. To say the istoWel _'d Millbank, Tlic T THE BF ILLIA draliped,; the con- i � L LIU' o inas D. physi- N_� BRILLIANTINE of, it, this looks suspicious, !iO 125 q4 27 Wi I be snrpli6ft 'by tbe- u -m t very least Blillvejrtc'n a�_�dt BruSSE S. he � have ci�r, but :!10, soq e time Ii, resident o� c oi..'. t �! 't or to provi 6 all. Other 'necessary matmiwl r ct ;Ewd we mayhave another important picion by., at the, r sent time at thei I i 3towel ChicagoJ itbo astleenundersus f o. -the er,ijjpl�t n of the building- % Ten6" ke in this onuec- E r gaged. �he polic p a 'hie F O&I" Aug. 25. Spring w Je&t w i'm I be xecelvO f� r the wbole. or for tbemaoon et to in& Mills over'. b; hands d�il Ias beina a prof6s. L go house 01 ed �Ti 'O d -ed Winter, 9s white :� 9s alld earrenter *eraxstcly. The Irywestor tion before -very long- Thewagesr �from2( cent �t:) 51 a sio l at rt,p it I and a young c or d(r npt� rjeceasarily D. :D, -Lxc I tb th much without some person be (1, ao(O it Os Od oats 6s! 2d; bafiey, the Market. We con t I ma e. rom C. i# tclij ial a he mount I 10 �E d atti M cKay, wi-ere ar ain't Ivor to(o di to aae�, 7d; cl ib,, Lustres, in ng way d. ieas, ,s2d; po 65s Od; b�ef, nice to live in it. pa-ld.Oit [LI this b dpb, Lbout 580 r sted oi #1 ird ir mdrniW, andill-be, 5s 3 eese, 62s Od. er- Messrs. Li ried for I 1 aE criml�. 62 3 Od ; ch - f the Quart" ving"10113 Bros. t I . I ,kt the last in eeti ng 0 per day. FOR OR TO LET. rORONTA -F 11 wheat, 11.02 of Walton Circuit, an addr an d On 1! I# lay )Veuing �ast, Thoma o, Aug. 25. e5s have in the, I S Of . i TY F40% SASM ly Board f Oats s t oal spring, $1.09 to LIP 5c V ALUABLE RItG]PER 00 aer s 0 and for �yan ock o uTmased gatst -Ing, at old prices, scafbi ted to ATr. Isaac Humerston, Wallace ver tied, at Dorsey's Cornersh to S1.0.); -7 i to A f COTTION BAGS� p n of. 4h, Lot:t -neit of was pesen Ia ale iU Pro& �e ix ile a c baF ey 0 ", - Ii it) thi th V. I nd owho is about leaving for the Far West. s c O.- they*pay 12 VeT f west of Dublin, brok� to 40C s, 58c to 62 T91 Q U an IBED PREADS. am a �ii town. j1o6c� 6 an( rah tovards the �3uffalo t.'L, ;67-, ; per ton, $8 Q0 Ito 14, ply andjull weiqht- V, 1110 00 th, -, 4,43ling houso; :j,rveted tbr-reon. WW b -f, ]a The Oddress was as follow�: Ill view of ton deliv red t their Mill, o, 26c ; potitops per b ag thilp fox- eash. �pply to 6BORG Ni sai� f Auguitie a X1 i 3 being T,Iike Hi �,'OIL Rai] May crossing, alon butter,! 18c Brother Humerstou's remQv&1 from Since tb fit -WA0) on the proilitw$4 Af a1b)( t 5@0 tons h a.4 ww rapidIv. The - 35a td 40c; pa S, per doz-,:, 12c to 13c _4 I I _. passing. 1.9 Iamong us to seelc home in the Far broug�it ill at C FOR sale ti -4a orth of Lot 30, Cu4 rown aly again Uest, we, the Official Board .Of the per d n w bi6h repres I ts.'a dai 1 �r bores d I ih d - wi st the tra�0, F!" as wn. and LivIi Stock IV arkets. Walton Circuit, a mem- lay of,146A ci:1153,6600 Lit in circulation i and one Ifilm. 90:0d of which he is Go! acres 4o of ul, ith Ai chared "d in a ug. 4. -The offerin t of ,ppreciatiOU e v, e b fartherilof the instautl- ki III �d he other escj�ped uja- -,te of c11tiva,t tot.. (;t;odbw--1d1ngs, good fenices her, do hereby express our a ryAWEel: a Ongst t f4;ir d ileigh�orhooc Thov hui t. 9 e 81 ers l� were torn 9ff the bag- cabtle were ostly of quality, �,ud a -Christian. geutl-60aa-u an ( pec to realize: T -WE UNPACKED TO -DAY,,- H watereil., It is tbeee-qua.rt-ers of a Vild of him as the su�ply b 6 pi -ices A FUL. LINI OF SCOTCH DS an 11 wf. -th% half a in mall! better m the n V W�ntbroplWl va Master's vine- 600, cres, bleen and cai apc co.Leh. Some children an earnet worker ift the I f rom ntirrowly. were paid. t�an for two weeks P�pt; of as choul- Te IthE crossing pzoprj tress, Hippe P. O�, or tc id vard, assuring him that he takes our. 1,5100C 118 4 flax, � Ivilich, iwcrld �re It9fd1n. at 1431 to at her d well wishes . tlay for . . . . . . . . s I c bai t ity, � of I escaped, I from 0 to '2 per head li2ore being L. Tuck- warm.e, an D OIL ljut�% st sympathie, present a hlirect his ,;180 (0o i f �t a.id --ThE roph'inL e counties surrol1l)(1- fO: ers' cattle than the pi es "bese Goods are well worthy of Inspi �ctiola Prices Moderate. w i wherever God. Mtl.Y x li�sive o he'amou a �G p id on las Thursday. Mr. Chut�i)' of mat( the big Que: I c ai e re orteLl to be, of -very pa A1111 FOP. Fouth tut half footsteps., Our uuited prayer is that in for tb 3 1 and iog of tb� load 6f good 0 61 tle -P is Il ])lend I goo I qu, I �t, r,. H�y inmost cases is a Compton,' had i F Of L', 6, C0013a, ssion 18, XcHillop, cOntab4ng the future of his history he may, be mills, ­ 1 Ix this yeal ic 50 aeres, about 491acres tleatd, the ballanoee1l s,� ort in the straw a�i which he,sold to butche�,s at from Igr�a,tly blessed and hollored of God, &nd erop-, jin, I e hope ME srs. �iv6igst()ne good cr( 1,,( �s th iberd. --h-ith hal w4o6a; tlxrY is a god framo r dus�ry to $45 eadhJ or from 314 to 31c per a be ma'de a benediction to tho-se with -welrewardedlorth6i we] I as tb6 graill by drought S, Sold b n aild log hells alsoa young bearingrchord will b a Car ol',., a Oar- ORDER nnever-fuiliv; 1.1hiti !8, is, however, on the I M. L of Smith's F�11 TAILORING DEFAR�IMENT SOLIqlTED. -Sigiaed soin 1� FOR ,eij'- it;s within 4 miles of the 1i it, whom he may associate. On* and enterpri 13e. fair from $28 tc �36 Nortbarn Gr load, nd, n milesirom Sea- n i of Mr.: wb ro c' crop. Wheat aives good. cattle at ole, i � il, few d tys. ago Or O d forth ; pohS1 the �r 0 1 1 1 time, and the bah&lf of the board, A,_NI)Ri�w Olt h 4 has been more �exteusively I each, o 3c to 3ic per lb�' Messrs.$te assio giv.-n SLt any f test pl�c mise ill I111MCe willl bs I,01 as the jvoprU-tor has % ThordaE S ki auer, of ullart6n, L whife potatoes VE us Lid tavanagli, Phillipwille, pply to ihc P--OKe frmerly, pi, r -.ha Red land IA Dalts.. was riaA le -whi?,- h a Ablusively proves, av n the pteMi"_ or vo ess from the bug than in I On't., -sold aI carload of ca.ttle at an tor cj Uadbary P. �0. at a, s,e thresbil: 1mad1,in)cau.bo h esdi"r*111 resiling in -th, NIRXUY-1 66LxAl Charles Barettl r or f $21 each, or a little over 3dAper IL uy OR D at h the vicini was 'walking run. N 7it ic ut the slig b est r fron� Mae pr riou g YE D. S. -chased all the above Goods Cheap cvj?,d Tman to ell them ty of Strathroy, IbN(l Dunlop, of Perth, so ave )m I : ozna� * Lot 18, Conoeot Colquhoun. M�,Iler Dow'I ; '_-OU cacay �fternoola, .16th inst., AM FOR LZI,�-For F.RJ Yo iligs 0 t r_m5 to Pet House ny with his fire. Messr put: 1�mz /Or l�beirql the Ch�ea aerw, Alb through his field in. comps, ho haver-yGent] chased 111 - Ma aew of Burf rd, -near carload of.niiixed cattle :a I 0 2 eheW and sustain our Re 71 bala=e of Hibbi lrt 7p c per lb. �&r -7Z are clearea 1 agarood haardw wife, when Mrs. Barrett felt EL blow on Wady and h, or from 3c to 3i for, ry - Goods. T ere 81 houzo, two 1--03* WE t I 11 Empire I D91121 Er tbei N c rthfi I E, s bt now 1111 ich she a r a 1 astings, sold a Carlo d drimg)jouft, nd �othergoo4 the leg, just below the knee, wh t f in drawing ih S Of 11 stand d iy: achine t )� k it - 0 11 17. Skinl I Ar mer, v enj agec ya bi rus Suit a here is oundance of isoft =cl t desGribes as :,imilar to a blow from& He 'Was on the of com� nonicattle at about �295 per ead. i I 01 Itbuildings. lr1r �he nigbb prewous Tha� p.6 LS fr( i ihard of bearing U*es, looking do.�Wii she nel's W Ia in lots a $2.75 to .50 And good o3 'wet stookinla. On c -i, 1ad attained- considerable Good I tmbq. so einc, natdralI3 someIvIlat I lie farmis Wf feneeit. imd in first-cU" oiler. gentlIilmait ce f _�T T, I ..'Inatea I good gre vel read, and iH vith- saw a monstrous blowing adder at her 13 suddenly start- p r hoid, but the gener pri e' -ht, i� h. the horse move the afraid o t h risk fro a, steatrier, 'in, ner he d; poor ITC astance Irom feet. Before she hac r( tth fortunate man, ;to IC tJ3 Wi er he I bs ID IT C 'Easy terml)JOf I time to 6 un $2M p miles of S�a and un cqual e it ;hould le run! that nigh 61, th .1 -le from school. reptile made a second blow7 Gatchi-Dg sist tIo 2.25 ead i. Fat ho tare Ith e rietor on the th�t hi �pe a:)uld sati3 . hinf$�elf ther i, 3 grol �t d. He tru a,d Iw ere 2 itehell I balf i prop A 11 to She made a jump and -emises� - her 9irts. shook so and], were sold t )-day at 6 r I t IThis rec lest eaail anI shc i Id or;, al.d. the shook. was so seare pp e 6J P: the reptile off but fainted before she Lo t his ieck whA r, vz as a ked for a B 4er- ST.9 SEAF was broken, aba p:)und, D� I RE.0- :AfN 0 or SEverYTours �th f, 8 oftTK P'Imc had one ten accec t nd f IMIPOIRTERS f�et. B� this time Mr aitb vq ins itintly. His daughter i(r 10'. e WE s un at full 3peed, during: al arrett had secured the snake by-plac- eDgil IIt, t OV 03U a rr a At VI te Win. i For- Comin cial III