HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-08-20, Page 1ne" 4 !! t. 4 ••• 1.",44.4 ,NITARIO 'alasthat ea_ eir 0 Ciftdi PENED 'c.ent Lot of RPETS., aarliest iu the.ffdar- 1d Prices, and wilt ktiYLIOUSE ADE, :*e. tor Itouie.keetwrsg Cupets at Old iir Choice. .PORTION "4 'a' ;UPI A't iti an,1 Mii;oose, Vis3,1 HE -100 4: RepPeted SOLICITElt..1w11 ALL & 00. id Fancy Dry Goettf Shawls, 3, and appointing rvise the work; :be Iet by public 20th inst, and tise the letting e—Carried. On tenanted tili the ier at 11 o'clock ag. aged 74 years, at his residence Colborae. A. g friends attend - relay. He was it the rites of r which he was, orable mem- :u for over 45 he township of demeanor and uing him the it _could truly -Le had no ene- id of the late Bruseels Funn- ed' of that vile negotiating for eeornotives and ges of succeeding .4:4)utract for four acity and more, :uceessful in in - 'successfully run expectations. : think it win be ako to sell out av be better able hope, or if your utdertake to get - take my place, .0 up all to them that they will e value of all the I that 1 bronght hem full-posses- uf the Direc- aranee 00111pany, . McFarlane for •:- lightning wen The claim of whose barn, 1 on the 2ard t. and ordered to :;:loo; on the The claim of es. for $1n, for I. was ordered t.f Jeliu Flem- truck by light - „net the damage .ch was passed paid The re- . u Insurance for as received and the effect that tile on the own - tared inured at tie at the time of with the above Howick, Waa •achine, part .of hie loss °onside ng. - F rISIRTEENTEC WTIOLE NUMBER, 663. ArOliTH, MAY, AU U • ST 20, 1889. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. H ILL BROTHERS Cw it any gentleman that wants A GOOD TWEED SUIT AT A LOW PRICE. The can twat and p rson. Eve $15 S 0 H MAi WE 011 a Suit that will snit the eye • Suit Guaranteed a Perfect Fit. See their etch Suitings. • EARING SALE OF pry - AT LL BROTHERS. A' STREET, SEAFORTH, ARE NOW OFFERING Al! 11 EAT 1110)tialONI-1 R LARGE STOCK • Trinwir.igs o,nd Silk, Ribbon 8,Laces, Flowers, Feathers, 1RIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS. CALL ANT) GET A BARGAIN. f.:"*"•111einember the Place--Opposito the Com- raercleil Hotel. HILL BROTHERS, Main Street, Seaforth — — N W. F'ALL GOODS 1TH & WEST —ARE— OPE INC OUT NEW FALL GOODS For t THE AG IC LTI.. SION RS AT RAL SEAFO M IS4 1, Et. • openi g e, [proceeding at ,thei sitting in S afo tli last week, Mr.Dy mond, Sec eta, y of the Co nission explained t at she 4griculb rzkl Com mission ha 110 uing to do w h the sal industry pe se, but t had '01.110 ink prominence/ rec ntly as a f ttlizer a well as being c nnect wit ndu trie cognate With ac ricult re, su s dairy ing, pork -r isi e, -a• catt ding The commissio , th efegre, t ought right to asc rta n th value af 13 lt t the agrieul uri t, an. to el the sal men °Vans dis rit n opp tuni y t reply to the et te iients hich ha been made by revio js witn - -ses derog atory to th me its oillCauad n salt. Levi Rig tm yer, Am icae gen tleman, whu h s bee engag as a sal ,manufacturer t in ardine nine 1871 t. was then exalinedIlHe ated tha I his raarke w c efly in Chicago Milwaukee, an th:.r weste n places and his sal wa used, mainly f r pork packing. r110 Cana Ian m rket wa pretty well oc upied by En Lsh salt which was TO ght cross t e At as ballast sind adniiu ed fr Of Ile made a ou 10,1 0 tons alma ally all of whi h h sol in t o. -Unite States ex .ept • ab ut 2 Onton which wass d Cana . i western cu4toa:r5 p eferred Clanadia salt to English -alt f pork a dti g, it was proved y auaysis to b -urea. He had receive no cmp1ai. s lof it a all.. Farmers n G nada ere no using salt is a oath er wit « ex -cellon results, esp cially on wheat. b nad the straw stringer and e kerne brighter tLud p uMp r. For t 18 I pur pima it WAR Hold at fr $.2.5 t 1pe ton, „ I 1/1l, 0014101ANg of thlo firm of On Golitnick k1 t eforith, H11,11-1 t (1110041 WM 70,0 ti MOO() 11111114 per year, 1 iii! Mark the -Unita-al RI to§ tid 'Call tally Will plalthal 1.1114 0 WON !petekortt, who al UUUdI that it a kind o Alny, fitll on This, he.thiught,1 wt 8 owing t packers not thialin fairly w salt producers in i ot orderin enough to enable the to get salt in properly d ed con was the water it th salt wh the slime 011 th0 p0 t. The great deal Of unite so able p Canada against 'an dia.n s had nu eomplant fro..Ame had used their e lt. the sale of their s , that the t; rand. Tru $22 for caerying a ea • Seaforth to Toronto, carloads of Englis / treat to Toronto foi °rated the testielon+ nests as to the value 1 izer. Everybodeewn I land testified to its ening the straw and all kinds less liab thought its effect ayes a ch on the Properties of he soil a direct one on tke g ain. 1‘1111..SCOTT.ROBURTSON stat 1876 he had been en aged in th • packing business at Seaforth ; used Ca.nedian sal exclusive found it t be en rely satisf there was no slime ou the/ re, had used it previo sly in the • facture of neeese wit equally g sults; hews n engaged in buying for lie En mark' t ; c ery biatter rough cents a p while private 1118. utter br ug •'from 12 to 16 ce ts this was the creamery bu te was nit quality,,evnile th ote er was no Me. nnve.ne C nave te La, a, far smith, tat fertili „er enefici 1 nip aro, la barl lad the e but bet er salt ma e he had tr year, b t t ed the Cr ent ; h h made th; in the str N e ery yeair te FALL TRADE, to which they invite the attention a their friends. • PRINTS—Dark Pompadour in very Choice Patteins. Also New Designs in Mourn - g Prints. 'Ess GooDs—Axe very hand - see, consisting- of the Finest All Wool :ouch Pattern .Cassimeres, Russel Cord, lacy Stuff Goods, and Black and Colored stres in all the Latest Shades. Speeial tention is called to our Tiaratrung Silks and V tveteens—ilducla admired by the Ladies. FA CY GOODS—This Depart' etit.offers Special Attractions. Kid Gloves, ces, Ribbons, Ties, Silk ilandkerchiefri , ft id Itiisbingfgiu endleSs variety. ST PLE GOODS—We show the 'ast brands in Cottons,Ducks, De.nims an d ieetings, and marked. at the closest possibl e ivatice on cost,. anti uty WI RI IM0 IH '0 t W § 11 Tin )or k Lo um; neat ) pork tl th4 i 'earl 01. th it i. c cause( e was tej aice It. 'The, 10 :11 wh( One obs•s, le t t in C n d wa charged $ 1 o • load of sa t fren • hile th y g ugh salt frol. Mon n11. He c nob of th 1:swit f salt a ertil • had tsec it o ood effe t hard enderin O to rus . mi el on at er tha ar 110 0 c op ad f rin rs + S 11 at disc a so exaM nt iued att r, pr pentl c nt. H s h a rai .1st he the the neral o ha 7EL red s ed. I ienly E nd hliug o bla a ia b for s ffic en M. E IN 9 It , st : a a erti i e on ut fi y, ed se of th id heatsa s ° for. 41t ,n eliv sequence t ist Ids of spr ng although t at this 3Itear wth salt: Goderich, ho s district, as Canadian alt nt. of fore gn t contained 2 n salt 4 per It makers were he complaiets not drying it mg it. newee , of Tucker- av een rasing salt rl y, but more par - n mtuagolds ; I 400 p unds, to the fiv y ars ; Bowed ath r maiked bne- tr et and oq a an e grain Was er here was not e d; I think the t e stiffeting of t e plea more a es and against t n turnips is pi ity of gro th More hea thy e; wbere the it was not the app ar- about 30 •ead f el as a, fee for fo b tter ; whrt f e bad reputation t at many pac era O frozen , tiff, the/neat t be - a et On they salt i. f frozen eat hien doe. not Halt ; another give ,heir doh (loos not twat, )?ut fill. oi'1/111%0 60101 ) WI) Olt) 111Otlit lr tential Cod 0 (11.A0 010 111116 fi ) that any d when it i the falalt ; I heave y ars With 1 uron la e uover 1 ad a ade stry, Eng- atef3. rent Li a it dian r to king t de - been d be of a OUT ti ul ely u ed rom ' 0 t a re Very four it on barl wit fi ; t e St or goldcol i ter pit ucl in ea e ii p in ipa ect t e ra nd r p aga; t in ✓ st th ect o t at t inc pase a d mpg a d vigdr s lt as it( c ulc be d 13ting a ce of th cro o sca tle • u e ti e as ell tl in is th i eau; loylthei hog • o C adi sal a d the do 011110their in.r,li it wl ile 11 re i i t (36 tire of 11 OR IJ H rt t the co us I§ th tit Itio e albon p tot th a el, whet tl on', ugh y o w troll) pert la tuti t cam the alt CUVO 'Wits salt hamp fo salt xclusivel) , b iece of in M Hp:es a Hp:dial 6 tidy havi vi ed land ud an 1 -le ate at pro° ses fror ypsuln .stilt ev r s Eng nth t Mee, , but for p rive ads tibta bett d ied. easi y ove , littl mor ea reanufactbrer : ersi the rl o can M lw u • 'an dia s that th y her nor su ity laud th alt than th 00 ,0O bi.s yea O. 1111B 0 t 10.,t 110 r fo r ea e mplaln s h urea, w th ever ad ced a lin g, whion, ec i not at 11 tly ess f th c • east]. e s ore lowl OW (11)11 RGE inea o rg eale i h ye has'} p ss i th a t a ner be ough r naar e s ; o h he en r 1 u Lre leen re a e 1 tte 11S the f 11 dE d por hh ha • tory t ;, anti - d re utte • eana- und, onl eaus& P i ,e 13 1. y t 4 11 t he had salt ind tortes in nited 5 the (11 t aed free es. Cala s entieri and pa 'nglisgh ea ts haniu feet cou exercise p t o gest lpork_ pack- ton&Ara our, e nd Kansa , had Ill sn e 1873,, a d de- li ed t- better -than It 11 le ar t 1 " o, sti It 11 0,:, 11 tirnony. Mn. S township of Tueke he bad used, salt as farm with highly he sowed it on a tu -lowed theitfirnipe w sowing more salt, both Grope was good barley, in Which the ence of three to one on spring sebeat hi sian fly had des ro spoiled the expo salt for tea years lighter and stron gave a better b think it inerease from 400 -to 500 he thought it c the roots of tur ip plant forward repi ,better to withstalid tained Sixty bushelS T EEDs—tfulon and All Wool in ley to the acre; 111 er rr ou a ay line and Medium Goods. - . tinguish from the graienwhere the sa NTLE CLOTHS —We show where it Was not. s Sarereenai GRAY, 0 Luutrul‘s.'teeriFt.Nine Goods for Ladies' Mantle Youno ,-K-,' Sperling Blythr:letated that salt had been ex . Philadelphia, Sndu 're Purnitaming Y"! Fail SaePlY ,taken the lead otth D f ry Goods look around and°, nations. He prodgeed, me al ,ea. :0- la. 71tere yogi can get the th ai places. An amity is sin) ed / make a bushel of s It it r q f Shranse brine 35 gal ons, of 3ai I gallons, of West V rginia 7 ' and of Gariadian on 21 gell ' read letters from Cauadia makers and. Canadi' n farni fereut counties in ,a proval o salt. He had neve known a Plaints to be made a aiust it. mated that 10,000 tsns would in Canada this year for fert li• poses. The demand hadveity creased during: the past twn 114 • • 0 ,but ije •i O yield h so[we ds of sa t e scr; d moistur abot ; it bnou t ly, an(14 e a ned hefly;heh dal of salt so be could ea. :1 di ppearae De f t p t was s.) and f th th t a hi sults ; • d fo the t 1 -t e a d iffe, b 1 sat h Ile. - ia an v use h he t li mill a nit • 11 ea a 0'U • di • a e the fir If co. ,, of Seafu t1t an hereven Caiaidia ibited, h tiler t r, or P , b salt cf 11 pth r 0 e hie bo e )131 it as s: 1 1 a a n 1 11er SO r e d t au 0 • • a 13 h a Ve should be pleased to have oar customers eonii are Gigot's purchased from us with those „l'oligtit Racy, li"re. We Mark Goods iu Plain eg. tha teou 1hro bah% fair jc.rw. fr. - 'Jelling for eagli enables Us • to Se41 Cheaper any Credit business can afford to. Cour- attention paid to all who wish • to Took 'kb- We do our best to discourage bantering, 'jug that the ona price system is tho only We thank (Air friends for the liberal patron- 4ge ..-towed upon as in the past. MI H & WEST, STREET SEAFORTH. 61 ir er years. u, •an u tt ir cli t.di con - es L us a h hr 4 1. MR. THOS. " G.OVE 01 t 0138,11t8' Salt Works, of Seat a re with the evidence o previous wi n es ; he had heard n cornplaiiu s of s t t [ used for packing pork ; he as lainas f r using salt on his arm fo f g 9 purposes with gratifying uceese ; e • I applied 400 or 500 pounds tb lie ae e c r 0 V is r. 0 11 ly r 31 like • . c t an es 10 11 t ie Fon a it • ar ea bee nen ttiug red ee fr au din $90 t s fr ho ise t an to Wo vo y dia se km eau du !so hi ern Ior es 1 er Or at rt es e I ) 11 nt a di 5.1 rn tie sa ar use it p 11 • the • tire g tti• • akrdatidha 10 19 . T a iil ted a • 1 10 0 111 • eL 0 a 3 5. 5. a tly 4.11 pi es de x- (31 uring, ow ng to pdiy of its action gh jits price, was ti pf Amerioani salt. auglitered in: Chi- a finna shwa tered afor h, pork - bad sed Oa s with good' r 4: ever been m Th onlyeai 'Wis th t it sem y ppe ranee o •tatke re-salti njure , he mea was, owing alt defect which -itjove by aryl g the nd ffectivel than acker, adieu sults. as a f rtirzer o harley, spring ind fall whea an • root:, which was t e same as tnat of previeus witnesses in i respect of the effe straw, in prenentin produced loaray soi he first of 'Salt to 500 ppun he genera tili e4 wi th thos 1.1 TH as chee 18 0-7 m with Pan the r sult Engl'sh s Arne d ch es sa the inb card 1 't conae o t they Stapl to He had perly ma brought else, Jo rr samp tyne, com Asso he h was egg frona price pod t ed 750, erea t of s fling t rue ; ore b , than alt in stiffening the 16 kernel of grain and he thought he salt nefit on good,' str he acre, but he faun 40 had so n about 30 pot n light, gratly. n to reduce better res ly fc nd that root ell h sa aipened a wee ng; oil; nds or lts ; ps fer- earlier wh eh were dot. 1 XAS 4.LLINTYNE, 1\1. P. P., eroas n, stated that he had in de a real many exp riments diet. nd English s lt, and avor of rof ssor ned. at ery oth - ich ith est. ro- salt was decidedly in it. But last year nd himself. had exam: ted With different salts rn factory, and after a xam'nation they had, e oor_clusiou thatcheese w er inf rined. was salted (Oa adianysalt was the o do t Canadian salt if e, w as good as eny, from England or any* ere , _, , . 11 URR4Y, who 11311.0.0 the es f chose Wenn] by Mr. Batten - an aft rwaras examined by a Litt:e of he Western Datrymens' iaton a onaon, explained how d arkei thein and how the test , i on ucte Vies N of .Seaforth, the largest i er ant 'n Caeada,said li bonght ountry t rekeepers at a , average of 0 oe ts per dozen, aid nhip- N w Y • 4t. This year he expect- shi tat Other 60,000 dozen or eggs. He r bought within -0,11 f 0 Mill s abeut Seater h. 'The 0 'k DIA Cit VITRO practically , trn• mid t ite was no duty en OW, illtilO t r) on three shipments to but 1 Ili 411,(10 Wen pinearilone, e requi 'ell olassilleatkni and * (1(1 ti Of a 4 iii shipttionW 0 i h at It N Nit 1 ot possiblei to ti condi Ilpo. bq England 1111 I ' , Now , 1400, 1to t,(1 gogli ti .og great to th oggt1 1 tuer,' JOS N BEAT1 gave expe die* al in p ally er suoc perk( o:,1 the paok rs with some in orma of 1a., whi seveil 1 ears Its c lt vatic) The rket f and1s; year 12 or a oen Pay ;: lash, �u s age ye Flax ccostsj a timet s grow °Ilan of the. raw clay bion; ax is an excellent manure • s whe spread over it in the process ; gooa .flax can also be I n lan to 1 aye els of d, bout $7.20 per bulhel. Tupper land Hcn. J. H. Pope have be- ably recoil 1 McLEAN BROS,, Publishers. Year, It Ad-vanee. bones were drilven out through the skin and the f ot turned completely k of the leg. e well-known Eiaglish Woodstock on Fri- ght no less than fifteen e, of which he, won eight. • —A barn and icontents belonging to Mr. Stienuel DaWes, on the lake hore, near Whitby, was burned down on Sun- day afternoon. Loss, 3,000;ninsured. for $1,000, • —A fire occurred at Brantford, on Sunday !afternoon, burning down a barn and its :content, owned. by Nr i Wna. Goodchild. Leas about i,500;$insur- ed for n250. round to the ba —Joe Goss, t pugilist, was a day. He has fo battles in his ti t —At a champagne lunch at thelGrigg House, Lendon,am Saturday, Kr1 John McDougall, ex- Igt.P.P. for Northl Mid- dlesex, Was prtsented with a purse - forfietd1r. 0 as a I estimmlial frQr4 his ; , —Mr. Thomas Henning, brother -in- —A galla law of the late Senator Brown, ,atid for been showin i a number of years treasurer of the Globe Printin Company, bas resigned his po- sition. Mr. C. W. Taylor., at a' i,-ecent meeting of the pirectors, was chopen to fill the acancy.1 —On Monday, the 9th inst., Win. Durnbr Mr. Ier in the c of Ontario, uebec, New Brunswick and Nova $4 tia. He will remain. three mouths in t country. Prof. Sheldon has achieve a grea reputation in this country as t writerof a valuable work on dairy far ing. —An ext esive ' fruit grower from, Niagara pai• a visi to the London mar- ketea few d s ag and examined the fruit offered or sal, , especially peaches. In almost very instance he fauna this fruit do paratively ta.steles . The peaches hav the disease known; as the "yellows,” a a if e.ten of freely are in- jurious. --A long bi dge on the Hungerford gravel roe.d about eight miles from Belleville, b eke ini the centre last Mon- tle twenty-eight head of i being driven across it. he au mals fell inte the re rescued, but two of ;bad') hurt that they had red. t Queen's Counsel, who had g sorne. American ladies over Osgood° Hall,at Toronto, the other day, was entirely ' vercome when one of them hafornied ;'him, in pity for his ignorance, teat Qu en Victoria was dead and buried Iiet Victoria Square, Mon- treal; she bad seen her monument as sure of it. eets of men for the North - a Police were made at the e Hall, Montreal, on Tues - 1 inst.; at the Queen's Ho- on Thursday, the 19th, aud umseh House, Londena, on 0 21st inst. Those accept- °, will eave Sarnia for the n the 24t1i bast. the Inew school system , at Galt, the estimates for year have been reduce' by I now $opo as against and t le harveht ng of grain has oom• $7,000 last erli4V. The operation of tibia menoedi A great, quantity, of barley system will be watched very closely, and oatS is Mready out, Wheat is It is a stop in tberight direction, and, ripentu beautifully, s,m1 will be it found sii etWifullu Colt, other 114141-11 ready tor tlio reaper on Monday next, ,olpalibies lyi ll not lb° slow to follow tho A limo ylold ils predicted overyWhoro, oxamplo, 1 • - ' • 10 411 day night 7 cattle were, Fourteen of I water and them were s to be slaugh , till tl els, a young man hired. with el Snyder, near German !Mills, unty of Waterloo, bound 1840 large -in ed oat sheaves inside of 8a hours.. The oats were heavy anal were a little gin the geeen side. ' —The Allan steamships Which have arrived at [the ports of Liverpool and Glasgow u to the 3rd inst:, thie season ' , took o t 5,314 oxen 18 horses and 3,770 sheepi which were all lauded alive sal in goo4 order', with the excep- tion of 15 oxen nd one sheep, —I, ing anitoba, Is completed, there, and —Engage west Mount St. Lawren day, the 17t tel, Toronto at the Te edf Saturdayore s r ty•it Northwest inaugurate the current #700, bein 1411 m---to,OuiloSboa doaditiat ,efoocit'uootimiri,darsttxMar,n ,waer! of ago, was fou driving 1W 11 111 11, MaY" c'f 8eal 'tilt intoxicated °rendition. Ile wits taken ran MY aY 'a , i ieuce pt the use Of C us, , rInpaCking. It Wt4.8 in by the police, but, in view of his buggY, iniU SU" extreme youth i and at the intorces- lier had tify seful, though he had 0.X- 1 sion of his parents, he was released ' otherwise same difficulty as other go . not expect on becoming solier and allowed to reeu salt. He also gave ido as to the production , home, —A number tf British delegates are Collier. Wa hoped latt t b• he cultivates. For now in the Donainion spying °et the , =If the .fir, was much depressed. r the fibre is in Bostbn, he price paid there was s, at which figure it would 00Q pounds per acre is age yield of god fibre; ineeed is about the iver- Liana. -t is their intention to remain ' ad—about s a whole is profitable. in Ontario some three months. This a world's f will affbrd them an opportunity of made to bIj visiting the fall:exhibitions, where they exhibitibrt will eollect the haost valuable informs- exhibits tion. Three ofthe delegates have gone Australial, on to Manitobai the direct —Sir John -111acdonala- Sir Charles Tuesday 6 ltiVat mins very expensive. It 'spoken 'passag in the out corning find the ria iout $ 9 per acre to grow. Some- steamer' sailing from Liverpool on the —The 1 ed. is iven to the farmer, Who 2nd of September. It is probable that Liverpool 1 and elle the fibre to the mer several of the , negotiating capitalists Great Isl et $12 for the Canada Pacitic Railway of St. Joh will take paesa,ge for Canada at the same tie. i —Toronto is just now infestea with pickpockets. .A few days ago as 'a gen- , , tleman was boarding a train at Union , et: ton ;' about two aterial is 'produced soil it, preferable for tons per flax 11 acre. cultind for gee. rottieg raise grow TIi take jour 8 de of .times• ty estTat :e.h.Aeledrei the Gove g meat, sday. per- —Iv iS8 Ka o the PrOT51 ne of St. F antis beyong her The g tidy ea wards. —A metal introd icin t of Beta e, wil Wedn sday, isterS t Kin for th meeti —A very d its ap the vi iss vaebtoy destro it rnee cond. lere, a sine where wheat evill not station, he held a very valuable+ gold del the evidence to be d the Commis ion ad- te, g, but WedP N, Of se as res; clIthro 0 yea in ag n e* Yo . ,buy vat dra •re•Shheeieflh stre Ilior a • F:th ing an3 th aned ork este to,n I ha d f •roil hers they ialf 1 0 01 a 9, fe at 0 Cli bp lib 11 • 1. • ' Seafort , was gallows :, Tama out 200!horses h my ; hands s ; 1 ge' erally tit; my aaket stems; I have li. tend P nnsyl- all CfaS es of ght hors s and rses - the for - in th city, in, for light t cars; buy Out 25 imiles deme, 'd for but, there taken from t the upply n hoes s are d _ Boston to States, and ) a head more; vj been paying ✓ good 1Clyde 00; I cOnsider ,I, able for f num as thy are re twb years d ; the reason e przf rred to Wes - es is t at they are nd -i1 wear better ; fa tened oral corn nd i injures them ; I will i thrive -while ha kward. n all me a should use 'on, 3.1113. as good et ;_ in this istrict he eet class f stal- rme s , are learning est; the horses that se 11 ve years old, uxi Us' to get I them at We years; all this part of the ed. 1 oases; all the dee are crosses ; I a •omand for all ses ofir farmers can 1 1 YES, *eye df MC - den of Hurbn, re- nce f the use; of salt —.T very p of the ton,W ing but as no aa few d grewi pullin ing fr full gr rowed --A a fire Roc e ytraarl 11 (ne., d ia spout ing gd t7Cx ings a a, salcx of Qu eral, p One y knowr SeTiOU, ly inj e --i-S nclay i D. 5o imger, h drinin throu he Me with a have he effect life, even if t e from . W speed!the a thr ng h' tu n has ank the fo ce of h watch seatche from his pocket. It was jerked front the chain. He felt the • operation, but hefore he reCovered, him- self the thief had disappeared in the nin this ten weeks preeeding f Angnst, there were delivered Ontarm i at the eeswa er creamery 1,250,000 ned on • pounds jof mi k, and at the Wallaerton creamery 1,270000 pounds, that out of as manufactured 965 ands e fat - The time crowa ' danada. , —Wi r Female ReferMatory, the 1st I Toronto by th wias formally op I i e Lindsay, of Rt, hmend, ' this quantity. Quebec, while liethilig in . packagen of I utter and 60,000 p River, on Friday, went . of cheese ; aridtthat 300 hogs we epth and was "drowned. tened on the wney, and exported.! as recovered soon. after- amount paid out for milk in the, g of all parties ie favor of —The Ontario statutes of 1880 fix the e Scott Act in te county season within which game may be kill - be held at P ,Thley en • ed as, follows : : Deer, lst Octoner to eptember lst. ' he u1in- '.15th December; partridge, lst Se/item- ardine have madte the call ber to 1St Jan4ry ; wild turkeys and g• ; , l quail, lst October to lst January, structive insect bas made i earance 'among the potatoes ie ' snipe, 15th A woodcodk, 1st ugust to lst January ; , gust to lst January; inity o . lEganville. Tnle insect , awes—Mailer , grey, black and wood like a omrnon white WI rua, 8114 or summer due s, geese and swans, 15th t t an i ch and a half' ong. It ,s moa every kind of rots that _ August to 1st ay. A, very sev re. accident took , place s. . , on Thursday a ternoon, by which a lady iling- very . It was $12000. le “Rag Baby is evi Liatly not 'named Alia. Day, a resident of W pular in Peterboro. M Griffin, ton street, HaMilaon, received a omii4ora Watchman of Hamill-, 13 an oenced to addre, a meet-. - . painful and poasibly serious injur appears that lilrs. Day has a white the °elicit chamber I t week, , swelling in one;of her knees, neceSsitat- there as no audience ere was • ing the nse of crutches. On the day in ress. . Jam s Gordon, of 001)ourg, ei street when one of the crutclaes slipped question she *11.S passing along the vs ago found a root barley After. causing the u fortunate lady to fall, a in is potato pate . and. caueing her to break one of ner legs up th root he foiled grow- and her arra. l m it 6 s ems. on which were 92 s. It was of the six- • wn. he variety. out 3 ' —A correspolident who lately paid. a visit to Orange ille, the county t wn of the new coun of Dufferin, infor s us lock Saturday afternooe teat nee county buildings are pr greas- es disco ered in the 'yard o' nag very, fa,vorably. The most Of the . ter's il, , near the Can, da Cen : brick werk is pompleted. The struc- ilway Ottawa. The b d of the ture is a very higendsonae one, and. there earn os d of sawdus4 edging -4, will be ample laccuranaodation for all d it is s pposed to ha e heatel. the offipials. usiness appears to be eousl nd. taken fire. very good in rangeville. There are ere se Ens to be a very and feel not at present haore than -half a dozen sting etween the 0 ngeme houses in the place vacant, and some of tholics o Toronto. A f w even- these are onlyl waiting a change of ,t o a pa t of Orangemen, attacke , tenants. The harvest in that locality n kep y Collins, on the corne is first-class, and every one seems hope - n and sther streets, arid sev- fill of a prospenous future for the new rams ere wounded wi la stones. , county. fronft this place,the horeee threw them out of the leg th badly. Mrs. Col - of her ribs broken, and 0 -baal injured that she 113 d to,r Over. Although Mr. also very much hurt, it is W8 injuries are not fatal. eces ary funds can be rais- 00,1 0—Toronto will laave =ilex year. A proposal was O directors of the mdustrial te remove to Toronto the t present in Melbourne, and a a joint meeting of reran the city council, Ott exiing, the project was favor- ed. t now only remains to oney. rot st iamship Flaviau, from to l Bal inaore, ran ashore on nd, t enty "inlet, southwest , ane a on the night of the nee fog. The Flavian Mouth sinoe, and was ge, and hardly eight of 1,400 tons register, ard 3,000 tons gen- Baltimore. She will 'a total wreck. All 12th dtirn:g .4 a was lamie' *a a on her fit voy days out. 1 She and hatii b eral car gb for probably &tame lives save- -An h'storie landmark, known as the Govet *gnat 'Ouse, in Montreal, is being- pa re a ,oved by the march of city • alge erov Monts. The build- ing was e, ected: IV Claude Delleansay, Governor i of Mo • treal, in the sixteenth century, nd f.11:the Norman style of arehitecti reL ilith its history is as- sociated t eine ,Ors.ble fact that the conferene Whic resulted in the -cession of Ceuta to th British. crown was held in it :inn.76 tilay last, Mrs. Fuller, of et, with a serious -sod- a& wen down town with go:fori her. husband, who is f the. Imperial Bank. The etia. was not checked, and dixg 033 the side street next reached.11(lown fee a, bite of :siotne means the. horse's foot the br le, and drew , it off. tene ne animal arta it bo- wie; Ole, and ,staxted off up • —On Woodstoo dent. S the carri ; manager' horse's while sta the Bank grass. B caught in. This frig came un the street at a tetrible speed. Turning a corner he ca eiage was upset, and ; Mrs. Thin r was thrown. out with great force, inj • rite ht,r, seriously. a TI • —Mr. saac.Y ungs, of the 4th con- cession of Ameli sburg, died of fever on Sunday iglet, fter about ten days' illness. n M nday his father, Mr. , Daniel Y ungs, sed, having kept his bed abo t thr e days. Mrs. Youngs, ' wife of t e latte is down also, and not I. Three years ago a he same house lost a one young person, the same disease. The to be the cause. Drs. ay subjected some of 'c examination, and tity of fungus matter, Ix. It is said that ring in. the well, but e cleaned out more uxface water excluded. eeds more 'thorough 1 expected. to liv family lia , father, mg , in three g in ther aye, b - water elieve and ctosc a qu • ; Thornton / it to mi I found in 1 but no a iirnale there is a good is . that it net ds to frequentr„ , and. The cella also drainagee ' • —The week sae many of having tr place pre quarters ta • • • "near ine Standard. of last : A Miss Tomlinson, whom ur citizens will remember as yelled about from place to ching, used to make her head - ere, w ere some of her rela- ung man whose mon is me- . —Professor heldon, one of the staff tives still reside. We learn that leav- , was da 'ad off by hi 0 friend t of the Royal Agricultural College at ing here t . , Corencester, Eegland, and an enainent pressed h , , ht of last wee, as M . ' agricultural author, is now on his way Holy La tel keeper, of alt, w to Canada. The object of the mission capital the village of Presto, of Professor Sheldon to Canada is to if any i;, accident w ich will , make a nano* inspection. of the capar posed th of crippling him for bilitnea of the: country, especiallyas s, purpose. re are no worae resulte field for dairy farming, and to report ii!I to her fri ile going at agoged rate cif. a work, to be &Wished on his return, Dominic' e of his bugbroke, 1 upon the advantages of the Dominion as The last (Jut on the road nd frac- a field her the Anmigration of English from Ne badly. So reat was farnaers,. He frfill visit Manitoba and i come for ,concussion hat the the Northwest ifirst, then the Prowintes mer wor 4; o or b.ree years ago, she ex - ✓ in zntion of visiting ,the d at the ancient Jewish erusal:ra. As she had little eans, however, nobody sup - t she • mild ever carryout her She tarted out, and wrote nds fr na various cities in the and 'n the United States. etter s ona America was dated York Then they ceased to some g• onths, until last sgm- was r geived from her, stab- ing that lie had retched Jerusalem In th le tier was enclesed some vege- table seeds, which -I were afterlw rds i plant d, t a l grew. .' The feet rof the woma ;,. ravelling ,i sa far entirely alone, without friends or money, is story. bAa a'lythe:nao , st wonderful part of the , lag robbery was perpetrated. at Ro t's}Iotel in Waterloo on Thurs- day orrii g of last Week. While, the fanaiI we e at brealkfast some scoun- drel p oce ded upstairs • to Inas. Roat's bedro'in, nd after ransacking through the b ea and dressing case, -carried off a ahi ble gold Watch belonging to Mrs. oat several articles of jewelry, and ver 200 in money,. Before the theft Iscoveredethe thief had time to na -e 0 od his escape. -÷ fe days ago tWo young men of the d stra t of Lake St. John, Province of Qii eo 'who had been married Only three wee s previously to two sisters, went bathing in a tributary to the lake. One of th na, who could not .swim got out of his,'depth and :sank. The ether, who as n excellent lawignmer, dived to his rele ed e, when xii is presumthe drowinMau clutched hifriend and both were drowned, Silmost in sight of their yo ng wives. -The poor widows g s were in tate of great .exeitenaent and ai SS. —Alfred Forward, of Matilda, corm y of iDiiiidas, had a, narrow escape from a si�cking death On Thursday of last . He was 4 gaged in mowing, who the horses atta hod to the mower, a lar:e 3uckeye, toek ifright s,nd ran aw . ra attempting tta stop them he was hro vii under thd front ef the =- chin ana _dragged twice around the field. T unfortunate man is badly 1311113 'ledtwo of his .rlibis being broken ha rel 4 am 13ntagiellreS(110t1bsi. lituiteirlarit jut() 101,W011. i 1 -i g -f-• u Thursday las 1Robt. Mamba% of il 0 a 4 ooncession it Scott, ocunty of (,) Aar o, while wail )111 with a stump man iine On tbe ftl.:'J 11 14 -it #1:groos Leatk# of l at VI nslilp, got nne of hie hatidn fag 11 09 011itillt filld i While trying to ext' ctitc It with the I alter band, both haw s b c me (ratan lel 'The result WUM thiLt the thumb Ord three first fing TS of his right h nia were nut off ab b haif way below i the knuckles, wh e all tibe fingers of the left hand we taken off, except the forefinger an thuni. ; ! A. ft* er resident in the township of hurls w near Belleville, states that a di ase is affecting the potato vine of tha loda.Iity to au latent:Ling extent. The stalks wither away and rot; an(1 fro', thein is einitteel an odor of a dis- agr' eabli) kind. Many. fields present thi appearance, and as the potato is only partially developed, it is feared the crop will he affected: With rot. He eb- aer ed thq same thing n parts of Sidney and Maur y townshipl.- Instances of a similar nature are aisd- ommon in Sey- : I radin to ship. , I! - -1,-Rev -Thoinas Ili !Brown, of the Methodisti Episcopal Church, Thal:MSS- fora., an wife, celebratted their fiftieth well:ding ay in a, pleasaut manner on Mbpday th. inst. There were present abdut twC hundred r1atives, friends and invit .d guests. Among the relit- tis were ten childreik and about fifty grandchildren. Mr. Brown is now 76 yeurs o]d, and has re4ided in Nissouri touAh1V 58 years. He is therefore one of the piopeers of the ;County, and well acquaiuliekl with the; difficulties and striigglcs Of pioneer life. Th ther evening the Warden of tlid count of Wentworth was making ins way inewards frOn Oland -as, Seat- ed 'n his uggy and cleietlrenjoying a sm ke, en he was Suddenly dismay- ed to Mei the cushion ise. which he was seated al in a. blaze.' It did not take him long o jump out, and after consid- er ble e rtion in the way of throwing dir at t e conflagraou, he succeeded ha utti out the fir, which at one tigg e thre tened the total destruction of his prow ty. A new cnshion and a new pai of p its will cover the entire loss. IT, No insu a n ce. l•.1 A Ieg_ v residing i le Mutual street, To onkel gs et with a peculiar accident on Setting ay afternoon. She WaS 'about lea nig h wh n a 1 rrgiir Nseewtie' ud'e°(17a= -sdho(1,PeabaLgt' of its 11.1. tress, seeing her taking her det artute jumped from an open two - etc) ey eni idow, aliOttog full on I the un °Auk te holy. Tfie shock caused by the he ivy body Was very severe, and re g dere:- he lady unennscious for some he g rs. edical aid 'Was promptly STITH- 111ened., t.id at last acqounts the sufferer wa repo ea to be progressing as favor - 5.1) y as p )ssible. 1 ! Rev. Principal Onatnt has just been m de the happy recipient of a letter fro Mr. George Steplaente President of _r th Ba of Montreal, containi g a cheque cf $5,000 for rQueens College. What iijokes the gift all : the more pleitsiugi13 that not a word of it corn- ing was kown till the, letter reached the Pri# ipal. Witl4n te last two years he las received -five subscriptions of $5,0 each, and four of $1,500 eaela fee s that ane ! indicative clif a MOW on tihe part of cur wealthier •eiti- zens to fe ow the good exaMple of their fellows ac stests° tthheleineituittig itnii0iagns a0 fghn taigehr o ..- er leu, el uptd mma malske en entered the house of Wm. , -,-,A. 'clock Suri‘y morning, three Boyd, air er of Cher* and Mill streets, Toronto., Mrs. Boyd,' her mother, little danghte nd servant girl Were the only occnpan of the place,. Ifni Boyd being absent in he countrY;buyik up horses. OttIlet thhoeefa ro 412 i It onftehieves Ttresented s pistol at yMthr8a.tBvilsd'innathdeemtbudseea# following up his demand by threatening to Shoot, cer if she gage an slarm. e.They:i secured S„ig gut 150, and thinun s not a, pe ng It satisfy tlaiebi, thy thor ly rausaked the hot*: an fin' ' 'g 110 more mbney they left, , , ey re 'sed jeWellerin -saying they, wanted money. - 01 • • ad • ,s4 -