HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-08-06, Page 7ST , 1880.. F THANKS. kMPBELL, seven year is Waltota,, grateful thanks to the Public goaer.tly for the him durin; that time, e ix' noes on hand a t.1e or RD GROCERIES, tc me`e out to then IiFaahie a price aa any icy of PORK (Side, &a.). eseriptior- (Gass, viii, ! and a general assort. ecialty, from the welt- 'C•. London. countrysiore cou the I .n .a. ,,roduce'taken, oaah or ;AXES CAMPBELL. rOBA. 18.80 Ass [`rain for Maixitooa - rt from. I A. 1±:SDAI in each th. revious to all the above ibe given of all future t, and the greatestpains uts moat complete and parties are released baggage, freight, live Baggage Ei'ee.. ugh with each, party. }X, G. W. R. Agent, Centralia BUGGIES. purchase Neat and ittial ., 04' Democrat*, W 1. GR SSE' miber of splendid WAGONS 11 Sell Cheap.. ie Shoeing Prompt- • -ber the old suds WM. GRASSIE. FOR - CHEZ SE. ie Stark's Block, `x••;+arec's Bakery, I lea react} topur,.chase CHEESE. 'lin ('. alt Will • be Paid Lrt iele %4<Yt i i A OX, seafort maws It VERMIN' that will drive; away 'eti:rlly S e nowledged bychem- ZM:best standing to 1 for the following ugth much longer rr r t, ai :greeablo odor. boxes. ' Price fifty . S. ROBERTS' Agent far Seaforth. ,t real. 633-52 LOAN RTY zit •Test Pay- 'YI.riut-ipal at any tsl on the unl,.tid 1ALL, YY LL Yt , !chant. Seafe?rth. LINE. l STEAMERS Sail NEW YORE and rrrl- and LONDON L"nJonderry, G1as- Fares' as low as , i -rued to persona' tic*t, of Anchor Line r elegance and corn" Ofiiee, se/tell-tit S 8't 0O o... ONTA RIO two!. Money Lent eget Bates. :4•LLLIA, STS d Co. AtiGursr 6, 1880. About Staying Too Long on Friendly Visits. One class of persons will need au especial amount of grace this summer We mean those women who., having worked hard in their homes all winter are visited by their city friends all sum- mer. Perhaps they have married the sons who by fate of Fortune have kept the old homes. All the brothers and sisters, withtheir- troops of children, must come back to tie shade trees and meadows for a qu et rest. Perhaps they have no special love for the wo- man who presides c ver the old-time house, but it is such a convenient thing to have a place to visit where there are no board bills to pay. Ten to one, the wife in the country is more worn than her city relatives, midis in no wise able to bear the extra care or manage the additional cooking. For by force of circumstances, she has been dress- maker, milliner Band servant, may be, her large family the whole year through. he has turned dresses wrong side out and upside down. She hasmade every dime go its farthest. And now the visitors have come to use • up all her self-sacrifice has save . It might have; been pleasant to ha 'e received them for three days, batt wen they remain three months, the ase is different.. -We once heard a g ntleman remark that he "could say alit the new things he had to say to visi ors in one da-'," and, as a rule, we qui e agree with him. The cheapest way to isit is to go to a hotel or boarding -ho se, and pay an equivalent for what lie receives. Of coarse, one has conger ial friends whoni it is a pleasure to see uch and often ; but too many so-calle ' friends are per- sons who are serving their °own con- venience --persons wh never offer to help in, kitchen - or ` parlor, and who seem oblivious to the fact that any- thing is being done f r them. Don't make your summer tri at the expense of anybody's comfort. Let your reli- gion, if you profess it, permeate- all your plans,especially those for summer visitiirg. L eadville. About a year has elapsed since Mr. White wrote his admirable le series of let- ters from this clamp. I It has been a very busy year. Th ' population is said to have doubled. Estimates of; the present number of in abitants 'range from 25,000 to 30,000 The business area of the city has iso doubled. A year ago Chestnut stre�t was the prin- cipal thoroughfare. It is still an im- portant street, but has een eclipsed by Harrison avenue. A y ar ago, the hill- sides bore a wilderness of cabins, each set down where to the owner seemed good- To -day the city is laid but as regularly as Phitadel bias Harrison avenue and Chestnut street cross at right angles. The sure is leading from Harrison avenue are, re.;.pectively, East or West Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, etc. Streets leading rom Chestnut are Pine, Spruce, Ileml ck, etc. Some of the streets re conspicuous mainly by their names but every new cabin does something t.ward wheeling the street it is on uto line. ' The streets are not only amed, but the cabins are numbered - The rudest shanty has its bit of numbered tin over the door. The numberrun well into the hundreds, and som of the cabins boast , numbers in for r figures. Be- yond the regular streets lie what are called, the suburbs, the cabins on the ills. Comparatively l ,w of the cabins : re painted. A. painted cabin is a sure sign that the owner 1 a brought his amity to Leadvitle. 1 here seems to e a passion for lace curtains in Lead- ille. Shanties built o logs with the lark on, and having on y . one window, ill have that windoi draped with ace. It is not unconi on to see a ;rand piano in a cabin that - cost less han one-fifth as much s the piano. The character of 'the buildings has mproved materially wi hing the year. fire limit has been es ablished, with - 1.1 which only buildinc s of brick or tone can be erected. there has been I cine deviation fromthe rule during Ibe past winter, on acc milt of the in- dequate supply of brk, but practi- ally Harrison avenue is becoming an venue of brick and stone. Very many r lore contracts for building have been Ft during the past six weeks than were 1 t during the correspon:ling six ' weeks 1• st year. The city government was organizec1 pril 14, 1879. In addition to th ork already mentioned, the city ha acadainized Harrison avenue, Second rid Chestnut streets, has established- a re department, introducing a fire lama telegraphs and . created a good olice force. A system of graded B hools has been adopted, affording in- struction for about 1,500 pupils, and a ew school house, -to oost $30,000, is eon to be built: A plentiful supply of lure -water has been segiired., having a I ead of 165 feet at Harrison avenue. here are thirty-two street lamps light - el by gas, and the principal public and ►any private edifices .have the luxury df gas light. The city, in its work, has one on the pay-as-you-go principle. he rate (At taxation ;:las been two cents on a dollar. The city has no fended debt, and the floating debt aries from10,000 to 515,000. City arraxits are worth about 90 cents on e dollar. The government is administered by a . ayor and combined blhard of alder - us t en and common coiinci t else members, seven epublicaus, and five De: c the Republican aldermen are Irish - en. Let me call attention here to a c rious fact. In Leadville, Irishmen. i cline to be Republicans. Men who I ok as if they might have just stepped cat of the "Bloody Sixth," assure you the richest brogue that they are lie-. iublicans, and when, if it is election tie, you look your astth ishment, and entally say : "Can the Ethiopian hange his skin, or the. leopard his ` ots " the subject of 3 -our thoughts otes the Republican ticket. The arise of this nnomally las Mystified e exceedingly. I have, however, dis- vered the cause, and h sten to lay it efore the Tribune as a ci .estion pf po- 'tical importance. The priest of the 0mau Catholic Church i this place is p•eputlican. He is a st ong Republi- c,.n; moreover, a woman' fights man, is said; a friend of cdu atibn, and, it ill readily be seen,a fa tor of error= 'ons power for the good f the city. I lelieve that the orderly condact and t. e apparently peaceabl termination e f the strike is due very I ' rgely to his i' fluence• In my . eulogit mn of Father obluson, I am in danger f overlooking 'Y political point, which is this : con - el , consisting of of whom are aocrats. Two 1. c I+ vert to Republicanis the Roman Church, South and Ta.inmany selves in the r puted c Jew's Pope an Pagan. Churches sem to Nearly all de : orninat sented, and 1 r e congr rule. The! Me ho ist enlarged two o three ti hers of theon regatio, ary birds bang them t cages are h ng upon th birds sirgt ea h other service. PI nts are als the pulpit, nd the nov flowers ' region w neither bi ds I nor of doo s is,erha of grace. 7' h, re is inducement$ to piety in snowed hard 'rem mor on the 31st lot j May.— the N. Y. 'r'b Inc. A I1 other's While M adstone . an were recent addressin a bly at the q ers, House, in wife was obsp ved to occ ipy the stage nOsr the sp:ak the son was s eaking, rs• lookedpleaeed'a d 'materna but withal a li,tie uncer din ous. When the young mai good hit, she bri htened an batt whenlife in ved al n slowly and laboriously down, pulle at her glo not quite at ease Evide that the boy was making and she watch, d him trifle uncert 'n y and an Mr. Gladstone, the 'vete face assume different gether. Thee was the st look of per-fe t • o fidence ail affection and sati faction.l thpriests of No and he Solid ord4 il_ fi d them -'I' clai free; 'its rish here. you are repro- tle Bleu A• Eng' !I2t'ht who, the Em war udit on of Bun- flo ons gati are the burl h has been es.: The mem- whow can - c urpl}. The w: Js a d the all t u ,. the pl: ce : -ound lty .f ir• s and ere ter: - are eg- at on out 5, a 1eans', neeof extra a,ciywh:re it ing. ntil night Torr sTeoncl ,'nt of APq re Tr Sitting on a I. azza ov zard's Bay, th.- other, landlord told us he foil Yankee cutenes. ?'Wla country store," ',a -d mine farmer came iu e day t ter trade. le ald a lot o and I asked i.. how mut a - pound. •Fou teen cent ed. 'Well, 111 t• ke it jus was my reply, wild he put it lar without furt e comment. ordered a lot of o. ds—flo —that he walte to take him, asked me ho rout • come to. I figu : d tip, a they amounte. to about the pricer of the butter. after h al,, he sin tha hat we trifle then,' :ries int to call t to annoy him, and hawing a good d now, Ctip'en,'supp 16;cents a pound, up ?' I old him owed • e. as he p ; the groc 'I reek'n we'll.hev trade,' " •Boston —L- AT) old" Sh U Asa C. Berry die Brewster s Station old show :. an this nouncem ant of t Berry, o . e of the b in -the U ited Stat last men 'ith wh. death wo ld be cou • He wa: onn: born on amJ, an England a far ad, i,yas a cogent horseman. the days of steam, pied a position of since lost. Young time a skilful rein: when hardly o it of his tee employed to dive n tie; that ran bet wee New Albany. Thole we 'e the' horse stage t' ach:s, and' were chos n fpr the. r. skill a ness. As: B rry w s one on the ro d. • +Nyman la,fe, N.' Y. ill be e cleat at know s, and m the led. cticut be u his a a o dol a se °s. S G ad y pr a .d; son sem- t, his at on chile tone cud:; lerv- ••a e a nailed ; •• e hat )ked mid felt rng, ut a e to d see she eginl gly,.f ly. ,.'hen poke,! her ect. dy, h of w kiug 1 noon, g sto' kep "au :kea sh bu. e `wa e ars it sten •own agart to TRA EDDY en me -itli whiter ing t ey wo ld b eati�°ii, and and that t ; e brghtes ore t alt e,; taut As seeted b •rry ;l" prig rug rid 3 'w ll t er a•► Y t f o IL hath weed is ivtitg a squ lto- pPY Y the of a old ut- ter, ted er- P s,' e1- a { erso to for i f cos my hat It do. dell, Nnr ie 1 inst. Na mb ror emb i I Etj l s's C agtt :1 "Bya ODDS .f dig a ca ful-a ties E f wel has r ovide a de catel may , ve u tis " the f di that ally '. uilt 'st ery t reds! of a rob us here s a . an fata ellf.rtifi roper y no ce (x zette. d-._ h' Jam Clio•• ists • d 1' 0, Pica C c a ou et TH HURON EXPOSITOR. bt ` without it. In t it ,Will do all that we ou a g v ;n a trial bottle hi ► wi i'la onvince you of ul merits, and show OD don ar size bot - o Hickson- & or :al • by • fo rid nom, fed hind 1#on Ntrhi 1113 d. t for wh stion Zca pe1e air av a CI Gaon 'e btse rekd al.p s iaf '=vvi Irl}he 1;3±P To S•. Helenas th u,sp-cted the li, Ouse . ded. She visci. `ed the lemains of *. 'e de.o.ited and after. r En_land. lu.—Ex-la. •npress Ho nov as s rat 1 and comfort- gh -. owledge of the h g.v-rn the opera- 17 d. . trition, and by n o he fine proper - d . o oa, Mr. Epps tea'•.: st tables with ed b:verage, which at - he: doctors' bills. su-e f such articles tut o may be grad- str ---��� 1 n > enough to re- ' m to disease. Hun- D3 ala ies are -floating , (,o to : ttack wherever j• We may eseape eeping ourselves e blood, and a "—Civil Ser. my ' packets label , Homoeopath- l re:. eedle Street, Lot .ion." 482-52 - — a, s gratifying to it 1-a.t .one which an. proved itself ce r•posed in :it; ar is e which has sue a sful, or given isf: ct on ; we are re . f it • used than an that it will e a 1 others there ti:- 1�arley's Con - d abian Heave e a 1 who require to ' ive it a trial; we sfie with the result and !see that the o. is on each & yipaan, Toronto, Ca•. oda. Sold by t. Y fra E A'I e1: IN hat t4 e!e i od- t ortlj the orf fid e k 1w of o,()t roves so ge ier�all •ch 5'Dive asa j onfic eat th. re'is 1 others co . ti n I tin telt' s pars u be no d ult. tion Pow era einedy. eld +ythug of ettki • w heywi lbies. en. ber t e tic attire of td cka e. Nrthr. t., props] oro f medicine ";. elle ead. days ago many the first of "As circus m: •ire f t e tlp'ouc;ht of y e n r a u an I.-, like many . an earl, - .oe This when li onor au Berry man, so w s r es ise b oa skill • s+' h lc to cork a sof ouf th drive s nd careful Ifl tl e be -.t ane befo occ nine 1 th npi • .a n .s w e' His skil atacte the 'a t nti n of the circus me . T ere we ih u • o railroad c rcus s, b. all th ra ellin was done over and, 'by wag n e,'e d t e owners of ircsea were on: t looko .t• for men ' ho could drive si land eig t and even t -n4 rses, attache o a heavy load, over ountry ra ads, by ght, oaf: ly. So B rry beca.ta e a ci cus a This was : thirty yy:ars ago, and meve since, up t. within t' few ma a hs f, hi; death, he vas Ibonn:cted wit 'th sho. business. Hevork:`d for ' re dug Seth How-, lailey,-Barnu. and, i fact, .aline. t et (ry ci cus ma, f note i the States He was known .as the onl,. man who . oull, and did dri e tent horses, tw breast. This he lid whe with Seth Hoe, an• it wall .a sigh worth see ug o sae. this .igy'l�lack moustache m in gu de his t- . span o caparlisone , lapses ith as cinch' .eas:, as though '+ehrnd a-sngle spa 1. I When -2, i 172 R annum Costello Hurd and 'oupe got togethe their hi show, Ben s made mast- .of th horses. H ba t ght a4d sold d tfade at, his own di gretio I,I and e resul was that t e s low c•• iitained I e otos lot of hors s e r gat Bred un er ascaii. vas. He as ith he sho „ severa years, but e vs s ge ing to - ala 61 man—over sixt —a the lars o the road were :oo rich r him.. I e s • ugh lighter worn ; as ti et sell .at: th Brighton eat racetrack .st um men ; then ha char' e of I. ker an's training st ble. in reene reet and last fall wet=if? o th pedest len besi- Dees, and oo ' Dobl- and 'rossmanr the walker::, t Can. a. L .t s ring ho was em loy d ag i, n by I .rep -ugh,' but his ale nay, eumat • u1, gal attacked h m, ud was orce j t cease wor e ' nt to an ury, whbere, in •ears pas., he ha' ke t a hotel, and 'her. he Is ad mai y' fri nds. His wife w s t i h hi 1. He g, :w t ese, and dropsy of e he it threla ened H rallied suffi ie tly to go toci i rewster' Station, tvi ere a ria - rried da . ghtar re sides. Thrre die : He as g ner ous to a fault. No - ' an in ant eve appealed to hip in v: in. His hear wa as big as his b . y, at d he we g ed o •e ,200 pounds — w Y.rkSun, II The mos age is now all. rBe he nothikig to trial. Dr. Compo and, ache, Low Sour Ste Yellow- Co Inactivity plaint, Ja which it is 0 of lac wi Ki g's il for. ysp ple ion, nd Prow ce aiu 1 reme hitt the he po great aliforni psia, S oss of ing General d Bilio and sp of th ld ead bite' ood e,. 113 en. Co error Bose ckuo cover e ds a d IC rex ovin *, le ing h tic.. 14 st. d th catfe, wit c son con 1 Be 'are Jr duce dm •d in -t sol in wo Id.. con h. f 41; T ainsil eve 11 as 13 der etbs 3 ne t 11 ru ts. powder . for pttrifying the g the mouth, tde toilet gem for "Tea - 626 -52. Syrn edge in 11 all It as it part s not est o its s. medi Boscl re Uri tree d ice 7 • is Ore ebi ate ti tub) ecial Ger of It qt s of ause nong if eR 13 st en prOsoription of Dr. lan, Physician, and e he most fortunate ickly cures Coughs, he severest nature of the affection anti and healthy condi- - medicine, brit has ing atiOaction in eVery i crea ing sale every Sea- n( h bo ties sold annually. I -e an S 'rap Was intro - d yin o In the civilized am le ottle, 10 cents.; lee eq NO T P. folic Goi pp• e nto • , atri ins eave Se •ed IT red T ed an ed rat s ati n, north and south OING SOUTH. 2 20 3 39 3 54 00 10 25 52 25 M. 35 01 18 28 34 49 if 4 7 0 0 1. p. RT nct Bruce. Mixed. Express. 55 6 25 49 25 9 45 10 80 11 15 l2 00 9 25 Wred. Express. 1 55 6 20 1 10 6 55 15 7 24 1 48 7 43 00 7 59 10 8 06 3 00 8 25 8 52 Hugon Stations as CLINTON. - 1:45 P. M. 7:86 A.M. 3:30 P. M. 6:55 P. M. 1-1 CD ti CD CD CD • CD 0 17:1 /11 't-cf5q. 0+4 0 0 crq CD • CD CD CD CD CD 0 CD CD CD Jo go rsi CD cD 0 1 C cUnder the new Aot,)Iss ed rt the W RE. HApliwAR.: THE GOLDEN LION, M.4.1N-ST., SEAFORTH. 1 {2 gt— i cc2 cc DRESS MU$L1NS ANO LIGHT PRINTS. 0 0 CI { IN } ?2}0 Prints, Suitable for kunoner Wear. ELACK BUNTINGS, WHITE MUSLINS AN WHITE TURKISH TO LACE GLOVES AND LISLE THREAD GLOV MBROIDERIES, LLING A D LACE MITTS. 0 Also Good Value in Tweeds d Worsted Coatinds. • 0 R. JAIVIIESON, S FORTH. TT TT TT TT TT TTTTITTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT HOLLOWAY PILLS Great a*ongst the .se- I ifiectoine titmice hese famous 16 pirify the B OD, and act oat powerfully, IR- . t scathingly on thia 1 Liver. itIoniath, irddliys., are-co/14 dently re ,o mended as a Inever failing emedY it all ens where the Conatitutionfrorn hatever cause. lie becerneimpainjed or weaken. e eta 3R, cldEn tsl it ftrattles of all ges : and am G ,NERAL FA LY MEDIOIN are tumor- HOLLOWAYS OINTMENT For the cure of AD f_,EGS, be breasts, Old Wound , Sores and leers, I n infsllible re coy. If -dried; ally rubbed out e neck and -the t, se! salt into eat, it Corea, OR TB ROA T, Bronchitis, Cough , Coids,-&-n4 en ASTHMA. t.or -Glandular Swellings, Gout, atIsra, : ben known to fail. I en t tare miand4cturea .0 7j. GROCERV. STORE NEXT TIIIE POST OFFICE. ; Til Pills and Olni niy! V...--- Purchasers Shdold ook to the Label en 1 i Pots and Boxes. If t e a dress is not a3, Ox -1 rd '1.1/reet, Lon.doni bey are spurious. ON OF THE CIRCULA SA 11111 • 0 FL paid. App t 058 MIT en, DI nd Je OUNTER TARIO TELT. a y number of and Girle to Pull Plax EN BE Wh Er CD CD CD CD CID CD CD CD notwjtlistai1ding tl 17 0 0 i.! 133A ��1; CD 0 N n but the coo o CD trl PI I arq CD 0 Our Tea at 40 an th,50 cents Can't be Beat. 60 c.e.nt Tea in the 60 QENT BLACK, 60 OENT GREEN, 36 CElt S. 0 CENT JAPAN:, CENT MIXED, BEST VALUE IN ,Ct FFEES. 45 CENTS ta-- These Goods are all ef the Best Quality', and recommended. for Flavor: and Strengt D. D ;ROSE, SEAFORTII. 111 M. J. .11,IGOS SEAMITIL JOE DEENA ASO. ODA WATER) Tobaccos, Pipes end Zigarelo •eceive mxt w_441. a- fresh sup ly of pure ▪ 41N.Sit Jana Eida's tfard are Store 657 TRAP MARK. C!3; ' TRADt MARX. - 403 C31 fee, C3 Rion , pre maitre old age, a d many other ills. ive,,,,,al leash nae, rain iv fahe back, :liminess -of p let, wilich Ile desire "kw 64,nd-free by mail to on ey h addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE o., No. 0, Mechanics' Bloc , Detroit, Mich, 647 it Facto -les, Workshops, Plantations; Yl.firSes HOSpitalS—in shori, everybody everywhere who Acts 'fver given it a trial. TAKEN .INTERNALLY,, it cures Dysentert;, Cholera, Diarrhasa, Cramp aind Pain in the Stomach, BoWel Complaint, Pa.-.5Ster's ()Vie, Liver Complaint, yspepsia or l!ncligestion, Sudden Colds, Sore Thriiat, Coughs, &e. USED E#TERNALLY, it cures Boils, Felonis, Cuta, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Old Sores andSprains, Swellings of the Joints, Toothache, PaM in the Face, e Neuralgia and Rhemnatism, Chapped Hands, Frost-hitten Feet, &c. The PAIN -KILLER is Put up in 2 oz. land 5 ds,. bottles, retailing at 25 and , 50 oents respectively—large bottles are thergore ch'eapest. sifaNTREAL ASD PR AUL j.P.A1:4,' R. If. ROQUET AND RUNIQ TOSS. LARGE LINE, CEIEsilt, AT PANS. PALM LEAF, NOBBY FA!' tail Dea:er in an NGS of Every Deserlption. Very Best Stock eplt. Tema e ptly filled, N.! BRETT ENcH and AMERICAN, Having purch a second-han f r Engines, Ga sOrtinent of ca. make room for Boilers, and all Address— NOTIC Bed the stoclaoii the Goderich Fa of one 40-horseiEngine, one 20 b. Boilers, a lot of Flour Mill Ma ows, Land Rollers, Straw Crate Pipe and Gas' Pipe Fittings, Co tings in geeeral use. The above he manufacture' of other artiele inds of mill work. Repairs atte D. RUNCIMAN dry 8,, .Manufacturing Com- e do., wo five -horse do., new inery,ISaw Mill Machinery, ing toVes, and a large as - took be sold cheap, to . Or ers taken for Engines, clied "on the shortest notice. PAINTI G. FtiAINITIN AO -USE TD SIGN J. GRAVES is prepared to do F11 kinds of House. left at Wilson (3,1 Young's, Lumren & Wilson's; o AINTING d will Where all kinds Of 1,-no#r-erinchet:b Painting, Paper Hang - FUNERALS ATI $N.i?ED UN THE ALWAYS ON HAND. 1-1EIARSE PORI Assiltaisisll :isinmeo(11;e0titA)iv t7'\ 'Pronounced, 13 :Who `have tr.eid ,r.rbe TIMBER roit SALE. BILLS OUT fir() ORDE ngth,front 10. to 40 Feet, tthe MILL, IN IMOKILLOP The Sober:0001c hi All also a