HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-08-06, Page 4a C A Genuine Bargain Counter—T. Kidd. 1;T.w Fall Goods --Smith & West. Y ters' List Notice—George Stewart. Iter—A. G. McDougall et Co. • Il Importations—Dunea h & Duncan. • tray Cattle—Joseph Stu bs. O1• Country Goods—A. G. McDougall.. N: w Goods—Jelin Logan. - T e Huron Live Stock Ass ciatiou. F nil for Sale or Rent—D Campbell. S ed Wheat—W. Payne. - A aprentice Wanted—John Ward-. P operty for Sale—George . Sperling. F rm Wanted—William oldice. E cursion to London and Voodlawn. E •tray Heifer—G. McAdam.. F rm for Sale—Mejor Kirkby.. 4 EW ADVERTISEMENT'S. mnants Cheap—The Golden Lion. rn—Joseph Brownell. THE IlURON EXP would_ otherwise lave been u support themselves h Ive leer trade and have save the in some expense by m aki g the b shoes required by the inmate of the lads became 'firs -class, them were good workt.en and them are earning them' own li Up to last 3 ear„ the roe sho institution P A1C 1$ is gh .e own. The effo get all the unta Province into tl the total expel] it be disposed to gru for the purpose of tical way the goo+ that We alluded 4 its work. We a will join in expr success of the p future. The hands. The su to re sue,that es, ingl he hop' ant is earne iinetit ion is Perin t ::Indent iE liorou• in the havi g learn ur los: of bele s y and being of mut 1 have i at whic -Itw ing in t is b institi no, t dE ch re, re, obl ,hog th th 1,1,0n txprot�1Vt. = flhisloduty he and t speech for the p S AFORTH, FRIDAY, UG.'6, 1350 of the situation, . n by the Local . Legislatu m neer in which Upper le e, at Toronto, is belie pointed out, as did als de t, that although it is in receipt of a fessor Mosel one of ve y large stun. of public , oney annual- spectors of English s lythepublic are not vat +chsafed an works ole mech ,ni y ; (�- "� ni :orm,etion to show that jn icionsly or beneficial W: also referred to the sus'' no seems. well ground m„nagement is of the mc, chi racter,.. and that it is the public expense for the of the sons of a few Gab w' o fear that their offs. coo taminated. by coming wi h the children of equal le: s wealthy and pretention re 4 ent award of scholershi U Pad Upper Canada College: A S ome time ago we pointed out the • • The folio\ essity for a searching investigation ; COPY from .tl e into the is wrong. an Canada Col- ;eth.at it is, fo Col - conducted. books or em a correspon- legitineate yr ensible iug sen. ie Wingh" dmark yc r Dr. Mc ploy his li ay, so it i the money is It is equally y expended. ; son, Loud s Sullivan, S inion, which ; d, that its; Hamilton, and 1 st inefficient all parts of the aintained at i when they nttai sole benefit sitions. • It was dian nabobs, I that influenced ring will be : excellent b oks. nto contact I this strain c d u y honest, but : was no more w eople. The ; and Mr. J� at Toronto books and c iversity--confirms at lest the first sands of ot] t of this suspicion, and makes the : stances_ so calked college appear in anything but ,that any lib. a 'avorablelight. Of the ight scholar- ;. blame to an sh ps, one vas carried off by the college t of his .brain; five by its near neighbor, the Col- fairly, even pinio ble rem : rk: we m Tim ' If it we dd ot say ellen t pu alish erary to -nt: in.a wrong f r ro- er Ma e:ty'-: in- hools, tpu glish d othe s ie ' nes. Profes o s ' il- yman, t c I aul, tcholson; S ith, ids: of et + er in to write b.oks certain high po- angster' > E osi ion e of a t ..any might o• :ln i to sho tfi: t=it or Dr. .Lalan hes to i. u lisp than n t ou- simila' ire m- therefr , tl}ink list can tri ute Making li- eget fely, hon .s Iy : n�ii oderate o influ nable to led -that stitution offs,.!!( and . -Some. ut 11 of mot of eli ood. i the hel its niaeto i the cr ased fe will s largely his loran - g Ilene tons and ery ha fo ry SO vi na ody the the ood con• arge ible ster tan le 'ate Institute ; the range of study in i merit of his h schools baeing very- similar. This, .0 ust be admitted by ' all, is far from eg a creditable result, a , d should, of if, furnish sufficient ronuds for a rolling enquiry into its management the Legislature at its First session. at this enquiry will take place there is le "doubt, and we look forward with bo it bei its se: by T lit BO res ing .e degree of interest to s is that are pretty sty lt. The Guelph Mere the develop re to be the ury in ailed - to the matter pertinently remarks : If its next door in,eighbor, the To- ro to Collegiate institute, can bean it in the proportion -of five to oleo in a compe titi.•n for university schdlarships, the pet lic will soon become mo e inquisitive th n ever about the spe dal position wh. ch Upper Canada Celle e now holds. in +ler system of •educatic nal institu- ti.oi s. Unless the train.i g which it giv,'s to students is of a special and sup -rior character why sh uicl it co'n- tia to to enjoy special erne unaents and sup • ort ? This is a questi n which the res tilt of the recent university examina- tions is likely to call up in the Legis lat re, and, despite the m4ted support of 11 the.Toronto papers ( or even the Ma 1 backs the Minister a -Education in retaining the present status of Upper Cat ada College), it will not be an easy tette ion. to answer,. at all dvents to the satisfaction of the members of the Ho ise. As the Mail is jut now -spend- ing a great dead of time and energy in wre,tling with education -al matters, uii st we suggest that it now turn its att uti_on to. Upper Canada College ?" Th Belleville Deaf heel established in the Pro inoe by the Out rio Government for the benefit of the various kinds of unfortunates, we do cit kir of auy that le no fulfilled the lesign df their fouudere more fully or e ciently than the Deaf and Dumb Inst tute at Belleville. ITLIder -the able direetiou of the late J. B. McGann it had entered upon a career of great use- fuln se, and we are glad in learn that his aucCessor, Mr. Matheson, is succeed- ing pally well. The folldwing partie- nlar regardieg the work done, which we eke from the Henailton Times, will be lead. with interest 'and pleasiare by " The work set by the Le iislatuxe for this institution to do was te attract to its elass-rooms those chilOren in On- tario who, being deaf or tit nab, were a barC.en upon their parent as well as -upon themselves by reason of incapacity to et rn their own living. Tio Iift them out d. their state of helplessuess and also to shed light iutg) in naH whiCh othe 'wise would have nfinai teed pIuuged in d trkuees, was the object of the pro - mot ea of this excellent institution, and glad are we to be able to Stly that their fati , able superintendent is Making every effolt to discover and secure the attend - ane at the school of eveter person in Ont io who is a deaf mute: No pains are , pared to teach the pupils visible spee .11, and how to read. '..this is, how-, ever preliminary to a more important acqu isitiou, viz., the ability? to support theinselves. All who take a, interest in this beneficent wdrk will be glad t9 hear that success is crowning the efforts of the teff of the institution. ,Iu learning a tr cle, the boys have the choice of be- com ng cabinet or shoemalsbrs, and are tau lit drawing ; the girls etre not only hist ucted in the best systena of house - keel ing, but are taught c ressmaking sod sewing and °momenta and fancy woe c with a view to bocce ing useful me hers of society. ' ' Sho making is a trad ,' so the superintendent says in his repo t, ' peculiarly ada.pted tn deaf rent s.' Once learned, theY can either wor - for others or for the selves, as a sma.1 capital only is re uired by a jourheyman. Thirty-three boye who 1 sale of his i 1ln. GLAD has been se of danger. E oration of t Hess. Thi brought on Gladstone 1 not take pu to be done li am MP3' vers e o,o seal jo rn y" man for legit ma to th posi ion ork D li us rl d t e tu t• oks u•de his labors h his constit physical bre also stated office he ha , though his intellect as ly he is a fr is dependen al from pub is now expe in the Gov unfortunate they have n who can to Mn. HEcT a resident° near Belgra his family writes to us Prairie, wh TON ious y se lv e 1ui as, ai 1 b one o th. liclf•ea wil of • it hims ve b:en tion co kdo • i is hat :iplce age ind owe ii ol+ :•Lipo 'c 1'f ted. ] rum. for. t ii e hi th English. P er 00 et rtfl 13f- 0 VOr th rs, re It ea ion oat vas r. is his !entire wi 1 reSign th t once. ELC cated. nd Dural? weeks ago. s that have Creek' th bi the 1 to M • fo 1 re he say s se I we who remo nit ws t as ba las from P mad of cow far as best la -n I saw the land too low onfaerning. i of the laud i in the !hands I latorse I believe teat !if John a tr irc It an a is r tO nd ai- d IS cov ry w- nt13 it hie is ty, ot • ye orr wi prii gee al eal A we er rs gg th la ip of st Whether or not a:s c lleague Ewe mission has ailed is r ot state Th s within two a ears, and it is sa, t sa that the cos of t am would bt 'ld cousiclerable part of the Pea tic Rai ; three or foul Ca Met Minist,rs ho . weeks. Hos 'ever we Presuna t aud will enjcy life at the pi bli pone? while 'hey I ve the opp nity. be long their 013 THE Bye; publication, and unprofit public after gives sensibl the manage (would do why should 'people desoa, British Mon the Lieuten the House of Bar, the A while the ha towards mid being spoile the evening formally dis ANDE efers ble din adv eut ell sity ve be ting chy Com d of ight pr whi - foil coude olu the er on the an for he Lel the win y ceedi h al for ned erit feire pleasan erSal tY. ant th ring t nays nstauce to hea cif th pperent on the Senate e Bench, th lo k is 1creepin e audience raper toasts It toasts nd he sp belong ; let the s five, o most us ris: froth the bed b times, in and b ng iinfitte day." THE ceived fies it projec of a failu has a and is ak trld e appropriate seldoin exceed minutes ;cliand let sh an get to ork he next reli4ble inf r ecnring ale ists to, const a pre emu ts rea tbe policy' is p etty ment ill ow te Sche 40 e pr posed 1,, sion. may be e for th m t come to thir organ have e but th' y st co plain hu iliaticr does ot uire by th _prel nt Goy Lella versio of he cas ours ; and, to mak sure, he eitera into aldose oorne he is orre in hi form d, bu we v believ th will sponce twitheb ID that 't has re - u wh ch justi- ment that the pally Eng - et th Pacific nd, h , that to rs fo acific s proven e Mail "hedge," another Railway e idence of the t sfacti 01 ssertion. scheme n by all d the Govern- comniou sense lake last ses- at humiliating after the abuse or d4liver up, alternative is of office. • It a prophet to ilfb adopted 11 upon mere suspi One ti le of evide far th so -t lied admi they re pu far to cony ce us ly either his s that t them and E Ver uenc pl e this one run f ni elves eceiv Ipers by t he as it two ings ol te nies to be' by kho d n el 00 acher" again port Dr. Mc- isfied with our nd he has, ne- t the Conclu- dopt his ranee doubly charges _in We go,it him he is iglit to ion as reade udh. do to the a have bt it, as t of their in - a r Play than to n any man uPported by simply t e most thing m re. We this f ct goes he is n t entire- Pir t of e lead us to cl+oilias, viz.: that un &tailless, or s of Ontario are justice au ass irtioa -s the libel iion very mil correc be arr ved is, th they new erfec L to er pare for having I lie so for th Dec sity f w th all le de supplies a nt lo pr vet alr preps nig al ho dh t were ot pte hook. This pondent (have been ) both teach r rweasns lane this it will 4) dent a suite modes ly will et At hie now public speci jectio wasp. being inprcip verity. Su Mon o all we' ha made Leila the pa they been books lien shown that k Which it is n or tea bier ti) Aye fn:stib,erly. a,t 0.111 rmitted attered cLellan. 'ke such. env ,uid a base e intern ent and me • Consequent- olu ion that nem tilt t achers have w at they na Ise n alge- no abuse him o much ;irk and the repared. d aided in oes, and the sti- , statement Try se e ; that it e -it is not' "artifi- d at it has ques ared a tiler of the even ilea -e perience of and tudaits The only angered; 1 It week, is stion wit hina, but ask' i to , display ally en and where °b- ade th se papers .as de no -doubt at comp necl of their se - corn lute are geite corn- xa.rui ion pepers But -e yet o lea thet proteets were either publ' er to Or. Mc - 's superiors Ito the enfltness of ers for the tarpose for which ere designed They may heve accor ace 'with the text use, f orier to make their Uth r, Must be be ab to eolve. If this • • ll ITO 880, ca,nriot be shown, and it has no been yet, and McLellan's book gave an easy key to the solution of paPers of a useful character, then why should Ihe be blarded for prep ing this aid espeCial- was most those who expended - complying earth shon the bOok en so worthless that ri son ould mand, its ant g Thi the same boat with him they abandoh "mare's nese' t themsel les, only we liop they ot raise such a row until in it equested to do iSo by equired it ; and having is time( and his energies in with this request, Why on id he be expected g've the OSe 710 d, but od de- ned for the poei- buy it, then we supp would have been r is is valbable and. in g or is conde is just abou issui tion sail i and t hunt , ter fo will they - while so lo West there e sooner e who cupy, t, and TOR nt Our ot easy eot ha g he issu amone the prob ble 'Candidate Cons rvativeg siie which is so been cially announced as t likely Ma or Beaty wil 100 eriel the dtlaying d that essary Correspoi to see what e in view in of the writ ection. It is a sa e has yet el Minis - gill' it is e the parte, choi e., 'he name of erman man f the E ecutive Committee, has done odd 'ervi e in the Cit Cbuncil, is me tion cl asi that of the Li eral can - good fight may be xpected, ace f the politic 1 record meets to the Beier side. min ry could get ale with- :ndent elector clf that auld condemn h Goy- a o t ground. Po it cs and 8. he e not matie fo each it t the bracing at la sphere agog, but in the of West T to predict But i the for sa two think the iudep const twin y w th eta lees set the politician im with a desire , or ail in the atte re t e days when he pu d four we wed yea g,1 ha go taki a, NVh ngtli loss oats vari tives berentnaw other ; of wi ter t andi hue fact, hese thing to b excur ions. gaged in! th eajoy tion," is .goi from tunat any 1 stilteaaimr lake t the n ing th city, th are na t ale rive VS eekly fro Georg a; a tra across the 1 ke, Britis Soil an don i not oin the .0 ual 1 fele wi.11 no doubt have th viz., the fritter ug a ay with.out a.nyth ng b mg all lik ly t at ifs; not at in a dip withou s to the Isla. (II as at la at large and interesting ommunity wife suit of law, h ks of the "1 body who can e, or has just olidays. Tho not leave the l0 save e chief ys and Is en- s lready vaca- get away returned f Ome have to m kg up for wh n the •t. While are oh hourly run oints of intere ir places on the streets lied by the strangers ing in. Hun rpds ar- the Unite States, South as Ten ee and ted by the o 1 trip the novelty of a visit to perhaps the eaire to here a Presidential elec- 011. e hot weather, the usual ent for the establish- ing baths is going on in s way and i usual result one. Aud it nything will be done thorities take liold of ; to roa two prese t. burgli is a me that," does not at , able t con ec his operatic) -quite boldly not iav ng the feavbf t "peel- ers" b tore yes, and not in ally way with he ho 'keepers on mg .and vvindo e, pioei ed they kept the gas to be f fall: cy ot long since y a, large in thi way, th police on that particu- lar be t not hissing observed at ything wrong open to the p blic, and for he first tiine recula ly licensed ho s exists on th t res rt. Sunday servi es have been eld i tla hotel by Rev. r. Mac - donne 1 and Re . Mr. Rainsfor , for the those isking on he Island. The clues ion of Sundae- tray 1 is like- ly to beco e a burning one again. follow suit. L st Sunday a erman excur 'on fr ra Hamilton vis t d. the tween the I lam and the city 11, day. • A ,c so of pi fering from th Munici- pal tr asury wa brought to light the other veek. T 7c) of the ward foremen employed b th city to oversee street repair, and th r works, were accused of ha ng f lsi ed their pay lists by ro en bich xis ed only in. the iniuds of those ofelci ls. Upon an investigation of the cliarg s by the cernmittee on works, they we e held to be proven, and the g.0 lty- ft) .e ten were dismissed. 111 • DEA 1 SIR A swer t you co that 11 s be, e false. Mr. a store. r five ye for fiv yearS in Ser di not die after. The ken years, rid alha does n t benefit respondent of laet week, st office are e ery way es Timmins r nted my rs in 1874 ; and again 1879. Mr. John Mee - till some six tnontlis was fixed thue fee. five it was then it iIi 110W, ss. The appointment, me one ceut. nbeet 11 111 iSpensing the 'patron e in the county f 'Huron, I don't need "Liberal Con- ervative's" advice, as ,I feel quite com- etent to do it ninselt When I find yself unable,;I will try and get a real ion, that "Liberal Con,servative" is not; cribbler of tbe quill from the western art of this Province who has been it miffing and wand,erin about Bluevale, eking his nose into m tters that really o not concern him. If this is not nough for him and others who enjoy lels kind of thing, I !cart give them oniething in the futur that will not o down well. l I11 jusgice to me, Mr. aluable paperi T. FARROW. IInevale, Angnse 2, 880. 'Jaz been robbed o $12e,000. rary, N: Y. has ot a siegle volume of GOOD WOOD.L- melia Wood, of Bos- e, Mass., who r cently died, left $10,- 00 to benevolent 'ustitutioue. Diseeternon—T e New York Herald rssh Relief Committee has disbanded, aaing expended (tbout $340,000. MISSIONARY ILLED.—An English s, and his two vents have heel= dered at Ismidt, er portion of Em he'City, Oregon, s burnt ont M 7. The less is red and fifty s a ks have been caught u the Long Island waters during the vNITED STATES DElF.—The total lo - al Indebtedness f the United States, ELEASED.--7-Th nager and One of bout 5850,000 poo. h directors t e City of Glasgow ank have been eleaeed after eighteen oaths' imprisonment: KNOCK. DOWN.—The sexton of a oklyn chureh knocked down the nist the other/ dayt because the lat- er had said he iteld a lie. NYTIIING FOR MONEY. —Dr. Stern- , of Denver, qol., effers to fast for ays if somebody wlll pay him $3,000 or the time and -trouble. 1 - RUSSIAN PRISONS.—The prisohs in t..Petersburg are said to be in a hor- ablly filthy end unhealthy condition. ere lies a nIissio for another Howard.. nent citizen of) Iiddletown, Pa., died ofEtwslya.ays aogoa, ,f hydrophobia. One f his own d g bit hien five weekS pre - ears a pressman in the office of the e‘n York Corarteareial Advertiser, died n Monday morning last from an ac - DEATH OF AN iXPRESS AGENT.--WM. leek, egent of the American Express' orapany in Buffalo si ce its organize - ion thirty years go, ded on Saturday, ea 64 years. TOWN BERNED.I—The town of Yale, ri ish Columbia the headquarters of he Canada Pa.ciic Railway, was, burn - d On the night 9 the 27th ult.. Pro - ably incendiarieim. GOLD FOR TEE I$TATE11.—One hundred ud' ninety thoneand pounds' worth of old Was purcha,sed in the open Market it London, England, On Saturday, for ;-E -dieted at the San $'rancisco mint, ud an effort is going to be made to OVe some of it east. oulse on Prid* last. qe is rather to e is suffering from Congestion of the eft lung, iu cansequence of having au ht . a chilli atter leaving the BR AD."—Bloodgood II. Cutler, the on Island fariter p9et, and one of enta Abroad," A dead, aged 61. He eaves a fortune cif ,5150,000., hollia,s just retnnied•from the North - est,' says the Indians :there are quiet lipnd eaceable, add there is no danger ulli has been deSerted by all except 80 he If of Queeuts Qounty, New York, as eclared his iintention of enforcing he Sunday law t Rockaway Beach. 1 ,g,ambliug will be stopped, places ibited. The bar rooMs will also be losed STORM: IN WISCONSM—A dreadful leer Steven$' Point, on Monday of last }. torte passed over a pa t of 'Wisconsin, ails one§ to the depth of several nches, three hailstones weighing a ound. Not a gr en thing in the course red little children and two hundred f the storm was eft. BENEVOLENT E. crnsioN.—Seven bun - others and attendante, were given.au xcnrsion down the New York bay ou 'aturday, on the [floating hospital of St. excursion. on TuePay. ANOTHER FIRE FROH COAL Oie.---Part f the asidence Of Ma. Charles Lewis, f the United Staites Customs at Sus- ension Bridge, New York, was destroy - id by fire on Sufrida,y • afternoon last. 'alueble dogs wleich were locked up in ne of the sheds, !ivere burnt to death. ause of fire, eervantgirl lighting the re with the asshttance of coal oil. Tilt: AFGHAN SiTUATION.—Great con- ternation was created • in England. on eceipt of the news of General Burrows' isa-ster in Afghan. Four or five thous- nd troops are to:be despatched to In- ia at once. The authorities are pre- ared to supply ifrom England within ,he fortnight 12100 tro6ps of all arms. he Admiralty signified to the War epartment its readiness to provide ransportation foe 20,000 men within hree weeka. Sir Carnet Wolseley came o Loudon from tbe Isle of Wight, after earieg the news Df thedisa.ster at Can- ahar, A telegram froin the Viceroy of ladle, refere to tbe dispatch of rein- ircenaents from various parts in India. 1. It Is • andehar is .provisioned till the end. of )ctober. _Information received by the ndiau Goverindent shows that the een utterly underrated. The Brit- sh loCs is estimated at! between 2,000 .en. The whole country 1 over suoh 'ahaat its rising against the wCehniiteratlhCe Raeacreus---The Irish Compensation Bill passed* the English House of Commons, as been rejected by the House of L ds by a large majority, As Then OAST.—Parnell, the Irish agitator, boa ts that any amount of money needed to help him in his Irish agitaticn, will be forthcoming from the Ueited Stelae. 13,theocser UNAWAY.—A captive balloon containing a man and woman, escaped from Young. town, Ohio, on Saturday. It ascendedl to a great height, then STEALING ONEY LETTERS.—Donald C. Cameron, a NeW York post office clerk, was e ught stealing a letter late- ly. Several others Were found conceal- ed on his pe ona He was arrested and held in $3,0 bait YOUTHFULIMEMfr3ER.—Mr. Jas. Dick- ber of the B itish, House of Commons. He was hor in April, 1859, and, conj sequently,,h, s attained his majority 'ia porta from ons intinople of a nature to diminish he prestige of the English, among whic is the distribution in Turk- ish military ircles of a printed account . of the Afg an jaistcster, charging the Britiiii troolls with eowardice and their and 3,000 around Can British. teachers seems m of morali for teach have done papers ha- doubtedly and frequ plucked c of exami and your me doubt well infor -the questi there is a st extraordinary run of ing te the season hay - among the ish rtia4n, it is thought the average cato w 1 be below that of last year. Mary Swee y, Cloonroan House, Roscommon Ire and, raised an action against Mr. d arcl Rush, a gentleman cluding for 6,000 damages. Mr. Rush offered her bias cheque for 21,000. She took it. =duct in a member of The mmittee as unobjectionable, regulations expressly forbid act as ageats for text heel%) vellously like having one coati for examiners and another You ask if Dr. McLellan's they haves. strongi3a widely ntly, and total not merely by ndidatea, but also by suceese. s and teachers, and by boards ers and boards of trustees; ignoranee'of the fact nano* hether, after tell„ you are Be ed in regasd to the meritsef ia as you profese to be. was on a vwfPri ionarhat ga lEttorafal fiSo. ernesdbet hraitornsng v. BFi °ix::: aGhcaoe iinan ins ,atti,nna 6t1Ltieamon:i! his wife, woman a 73 years. They jhoehlifoKrrn\uvena ly resided, accompanied by donee :it' iLtegesciou7::Eem:it'h7se resis ortly after :leaving the hotel, When proceeding on their ta e discovered that the bit was not in his one's mouth. Ile got out ef the buggy leaving his wife the reins, te fix the artless. When l standing in front of t e horse it suddenly- threw up its head o shake off the flies. Xa„ • Kuntze, ho was of small stature, wee directly i front of the horee, and when it jarled its heed up and down, it struck him on the temple, and be fell with grea.t forcle to the gronncl. Seeing him fall Mrs. Kuntz screamed for help, and the horse Ibectaie frightenedand started off at full plpeed, runiiing about a quarter of a mile, 'when the btiggy eollided with a fence arid 'upset, thrOwieg its occupant upon her head on the hued road. As - as speedily at hand, and the to traveller isvae at once at - To the #sirlay of those was diaebvered by De ho was at 011Ce Sent for, that a Mystery hew he receivea as eitherl it? the fan, or that tepped him when it start- rs. Kuntz* wale badly hurt unconscionS, fon some time, as sO.far relloverecl on Men - proceed toh her home. De- s well known in that section, and muc regret 18 'EMpT ssed by his friends a the sad fatalit which over- took him . "Ia the neldst of life we axe • FLOODS IN 1.;1GpAND.—In Essex and Kent and th adjaceet counties border- ing on the T arciesi• great injury from heavy rains s reperted to *the crops. Grazing lan s between Plaistow and Barking are ve 1 or six inches under water. Tri uta4eS also in many parts of the coun ry have overflown their banks, destr sing tut hay. HIGH Jun ees.–HP.1 Davies, a Scotch - Irish athlete has performed the won- derful feat • clearing sii feet two and. three-quarten inches on a running high jump, thus heating the best record one fourth of an incial W. J. Brooks' jump made at London England, in 1876, was thought to -be bout the limit, until AN Untensa I, acia—The Baroness Burdett Coutts o be married to Mr. Ashmead 13Art1 tt, who has acted as her secretary a d almoner for some time past. e i an ,Axn.erican, but be- came a, naturalin 0. subject a short time ago. By be omi ,e0 Mr. Bartlett's wife the Barones wil • lose a very large por- tion of her i conee„ to the extent, it is said, of ov r .0.00,000 yearly. The Baroness is_aged 66, while Mr. Bartlett has not yet eom leted his twenty-ninth CATTLE BRE DER BANQUET.—The other day a han et was given by the short -horn breeders of the Blue Grass region at 'Winoh ster, Ky.. and was a grand success. Every State in the Union was rep esented, as was also Canada. A plum; Young Mary calf, two years and eleVisia months old, and weighing twenty-seven hundred pounds, was contribute hy 'Ur. B. F. yan- wetter, and furni lied the roast for the feast. Covers w re laid for two thous- and guests. tered upon he 3 th day of his 40 days an enfeeble co elition, hue backed by fast at noon On ednesday. He was in his immense will power, he -will pro- bably succeed in holding out until Sat- urday noo when the time expires. The climax as been reached now, his physicians say, and the strain on his ! mind and bOdy is soMething beyond conaprehension. 1 Tanner is troubled somewhat t irritations of the throat, which is rel eyed by 'gargling ice water. 'He will not atte pt any MOTO carriage drives or- pede trian exercises. He drinks considera le water each day, and. he sleeps well at ight. A number of offers have /area y been madeto secure , his services as a lecturer when he re- covers. A hicago firm offers $1;000 - per week ,fo ' 20 weeks, and a New Yorks gentleman as °tiered 5900 per week for an inde nite period. sistance tended to present i Schmidt Mr. Runt died in a up. It is such a fa is that it the horse ed off. and was she w day as to ceased wa Huron Ninteb. Mr. Jo n WiggingtiCia, of the 13ay- years old which he railsed from a colt. oth Agricultural Sociiiety will be held --The, all show of Itille ast Wawan- returned -from his illsit to Manitoba. Ile likes he country lbetter than ever. --WI. C. RogersIded russels, bad that die last week. iwifs a splendid - sstinagtieorn. agent at B4.1 selS for several years, haS resigned that I position, asa —Mr. Anson Duluittge, who has been --The little daughter o Martin„ near Kirkton, whose' eet were tut off by a reaper recentIV he, since died. the afflic ed parents. 1 —A H liett boy, nelaied James Hop- kins, age 17 years, ne day last week bound 21 sheaves of fall] wheat in 50 nairiutes, hich is at Ile rate of over 4 sheaves t the minut Road, Usborne, was *first to invade Exeter 'market with a oad of new Wheat this season. 11 .was purchased —The torehouse at Reinsall recently destroye by fire is tO re rebuilt at once, an Mr. Charters' '11 again be ou hand o pinches th products of the farm rs as of yor —A ca p meetin jun er the aus- pices of he Goidelic 1Di trict Canada Methodis Church., , Will be held at tember. IA commit has been ap- tents, &ce —Mr. J. J. Fisher ot olborne, sold last weeld,, to hie son aeo a a two year old entire colt, got b on Pure for by Mr. James Endo. the sum Of $600. It the naaking of a To the Eil'itr of ad II,ztroit EaTositor. Sin : While thanking you for insert- ing thy last letter, I hope you will in the same s irit of fair play allow me , space for a ew words in reply to your criticisms o it. How you make out . that 1 admif that " th,e Central COM- ; mittee and the Minister of Education have not cloue anything to entitle them to censure " I do not know, for there is certainly nothine in my letter than can be construed int such an admission. I expressed no o 'anion whatever in re- gard to either ta e Committee or the self to the rese tation of certain con- . siiinunj_rengrela:0)odunrissen.olidnMaeyro.f Ftihs eliaohre,ssestagkoetnbiat toy fell throligh, falling boat twelve feet. Brooklyn, Iowa, w ere he purposes wagon in the barn o Mr J. Shepna.rd., township Were hope ing straw on a fold. poles . broke, 1 "lug Mr. Crooks This fri tened the box es, and they was painfully hurt, hut lnot serionsly Cole and Wire Cr eke, of Goderich the rear -end of the loads Mr. Crooks of the 11 h concessi 4 osie of the seats tra—veAllifneiidta, ys ago, -vtli s Messrs, C. Mr. Thornton Wnall fah te:,', acd1;itthtele cession of Hullett, AS attenk7ectahlii):71e: at while sleeping with. ite mother. It appears that during the night it cried out several times., and 1 the mother, never suspecting the eauee of its_ rest- essness, and not kno,wingnehat was the cause of its crying, eitaeaVored to hush t to sleep, but it Woidd not he coin- orted, and Mrs. Wallace got up and to see the child's face and head covered svashed . ff, when the; teeth marks -of lae roderit were found: on the forehead and satill, It is prekinied that bad it concessio. 2, Morraa WAS returning not been disturbed, e 10 rat would "have nflicted. Serious irlitt y; on the child. —Last' week, as Mk Alex. Bryan, a f Grey') ivith a reaping machine in his wagon, his team raa •away from 31 -r - y the eracking of a whip an the hands f a boy sitting in the wagon. After tinning 0., oonsidereble distance they urned into a gravel Pit, epsetting the wagon, clitreaging the reaper badly and illing min of the horses valteel at nected fa,cts whic I tend to prove that one member of the Committee, viz., Dr. McLellan, had us d his official position to further his pe small interests. And r ing your lab red efence of him and his books, and s our endeavor to impale me 011 the hornS of dilemma, you have not materially reaketed the force of , these facts, or o the conclusion that I your readers will drew from. them. If f . to create by lais course, as examiner, an I artificial deinand for au additional and unnecessary teat sools, by his procedure at Teachers' I stitntes virtually to cause hineeelf to e quested to prepare t necessarysequel, o keep back, until the i examination pap rs appeared, the an- . nouncement that he had ceased to be . examiner in the subject, while mean- f time the publish rs were pushing the o ' sale of the books by 6. wholesale system of puffine and. to pocket his share of the one the sale is not b 1 flan sure your read- o me at least, to bor- r one of your political t circumstances look , profits arising ers will agree wit , row a phrase fro editorials; " the mighty suspicion. escape by _when the ti Dge deliver 031 eoraa of gra cord. last week b new, 11- EVRIIS siding Orl 'Road, near! morning fra weather anl five arranged to ,between P porter" au of Henson. —The r butter faeto whale aaaka peicee pound- Orl mends read of Exeter., south of the thereafter 1 anan. from good profit makes mon engagegi 1, Stanley same Salsas Both gentla popular tes —The exi, School. for $3,300 is 1290 ie reel 4100 as Model Scl salarie:s 2320 —An Eel the place fi one night 1 of ineonsol loss. PI* forethoughl business, el —A eonr have repori ing 4431. tbst to cam:11A th tion for te are Satis tors of the tary end dent, in 130n, who an -a who of the col likely he is john on. a pleat( the same 1 has to'Cate Tait Scott to do tile .1 NV -cession. ef wres Is) and did WI don, Evan: the eame eonceSsiou four hour. work WaS Mr4 Jan apan Of he.. frightened anal the b' They 'atpse sustained being capt —The vl Wingham years, haS whence tl Griffin h for nearly: never ree or three -a; move or 11 out assiet are raison' gasnating nfacturiss the morn the Nortl stand. it ii bouuS hands to —A sax ich on MI the insti Cheliey that the from, Chi, sitiou at :1 'when the with the -the deck the hea,d; Ilyndreta home la India, w Govern second anent s known having years a Thos. R ing a re noticed would I and sto While saw hi table. broken were sto