HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-08-06, Page 2:4- 4444,44,44 , • • • s 4 • S. TO D IN THE FIR LIGHT. e were all gathered round the fire in. the • Ming room ; Edgar do e to papa, Jes-ie sitting on the rug, rred nestling elos• to • mamma, and I,:as usual, at Au .t Edith's right side. It was a wild No ember night, with the rain beating piti essly against the closekl• curtained win QWS, the wind whist ing shrilly thrugh the leafless elms iubside, and plae ing mad pranks with tI e tall red chief ueys of Garrick Ho se, as our ho, 'e was called ever since J$Ir. Garrick, the famous player, paid our great -grand pap a visit. Before that, the house wa aimply The Elms, and I very proud we till were of the grand old trees from whi hit took its first and most appro- pri te name. , I was exactly the sort sf night to ma e us all gather round Et ie widebld- faa • ioned hearth, where the logs were blee ing merrily, and to cause us to feet gra eful for the blessings. We eajoyed, an. involuntarily to pity those who wet: less fortunate. • The wind coming de n the chimney in fitfdl gusts, make can lea flare and flicker so veirdly that e• s':ie proposed putting then out and sittng cozily by, the Limb lat. Books an work were neglected the chess - boa d put aside, and. pussy vas making sad havoc with mamnia's k itting with- out any one interfering. u fact, we wet all in a delightfully omfortable Ind lent meditative Mood, t ud it only wao ted a story to complete our happi- nes . But Aunt Edith, aril( se resources in t at respect fairly riva,lle the in lady in the Arabian "ights, was Bile t and grave. Papa se ed grave, too and. even our dear me -ry mother seeo ed to be thinking of something mel: neholy. We children with that inst naive feeling of awe w sometimes exp rience, we scarce know I vhy,glanc- ed t each other in Muteonder and euri sity, expecting sometbi ig to hap- pen every moment. ,The Of y had been dull and opprOsive, and the after- noo had been threatena storm, whe suddenly a loud peal if thunder see ed to shake the house to its very feu dation. e t was just such a. night s this, Rob- ert,' said aunt to papa with a shiver. xstetly," papa replied thought - full ; "and at the same taie of the year, too." "Suppose you tell the c ildren all about it," mamma said qui tly ; "they look as if they wanted to know very much." , "Well, since it is perhaps time they knew, I will tell you how nut Edith saved my life," continued papa, turn- ing to Edgar, the eldest a us, "long ago-, before you were born, uy boy !" T . ere was a little bustle s we set- tled more snugly into our pI aces, a few mo ents' impressive slier! , and then pap began : H. ".1 ant Edith and I were , ly brother and sister ; ever so much g eater cro- nies than you and Edgar are Jessie, not only because we had each ot ler to love, but eeause we had to ma e common, can e against an enemy, J ffrey Law- son, our step -mother's son ir a previous mar iage. We lost our own clear mother whet. we were babies. : J ff was ten yeas older than I was, and after our fath:r's death, which happe ed when I was eight and Edith six, we vourd have had a poor tithe of it bet forI ame Tur- tle, iur dear old nurse. e he 4;ooked tate our interests, and foug it all, our batt os valiantly whether s were in the right or the wrouga ' Our step - mot . er was so wrapped up i Jeff, that she .estowed little trouble i port us—I espe-ially—was no favorite, or she got a silly idea into. her head th t I stood bets cep Jeff and the propertyof Gar- rick He was a fine, hands me fellow, as I emember him when, I as fifteen and he five-aaidetwouty ; trong and dad' 6-g, haughty in diSpositio and hasty -in t mper. I could see oven then that he bitttrly resented my bein i master, and himself nobody.; for al our ser - van is had grown old with u , and were atau -oh and loyal to us chil ten of sthe i how e. "Our mother—we calla her so, • *o.f. gli, she was little mot than kin and less than kind—resent d it too, and looked forward witL cry bitter feell•gs to the time when I, would be 21 ; for then, according to 0 it father's will, she was to leave Garr •k, and re- side in a little cotts.go he owned in Witt s. It would be a differ ut position for, s she had but a small jointure— all er own fortune had bee spent on Jeff ey—and by some inexpli able chain of mutilates reasoni g, she L tuned me for hat she was p --cased t call her unmerited misfort inns. .ia.ch year that passed made attars worse be- twe n us. As I grew oiler, many thin is in the main, ement e f the pro - pert struck me as very uiust. The l - best of the timber s, as being cut down; 4 the ease allowed t fall in a state bor ring on ruin, I ecause i y mother won A not spend. noney cu repairs whi E I I alone was o enjoy he benefit of. Our -family awyer as dead. Jeff/ ay choose his other's legal ad.-. _ visa , and neither Edith no - I knew Whe al to look for ae viee or assistance. Thi .gs remained. v cry mac in this stet( till I was iie.'trly twenty, when one - ay Jeff cute -re nay room in a state of w'ld excitement, and silos ed me a will that he bad dis •overed isome out- of -t c -way corner. It was d ted a few day, before my lath sr's cleat] ; . and ex- 1 cept that it bequeat ied to leifre the ; sum of live thousa d pun( , and the 1 revs sion of Carrie if I dit.i 1 without hair, it was substam tially tie same aa i the •ne already in sxistence.1 - "I had my doubt • as to tlie validity of tie document, but I pass al, no corn - men ; both the witnesses vete dead, • and I had not a shadow of proof to ad- van e. Snepidion in such a case goes i for othing, so I held my peace, the monespecially as Judso J our old stew rd, was prepared to sseeiir to my fah r's signature. So Jeff etwson had his 1 ve thousand pounds. "On the night of which I m going to tell ,e0u, there was a large pa.rt of the : men -'y inIthe house. Jeff 1. -as going to Lou on the next moiniug ; and as he naea t to start early, lie sa d good-bye to w over night, and went_ up to his . roon first, carrying the n oney with . him Edith' and I remai ed in the: dini ig room a little longer, chatting on diffe out matters ; amongs others, of Jeff' departure, of a strati to restless- ness I had observed in his manner of late, of the possible date of his return ; and somehow, quite uniut ntionally, I let f 11 a hint of my suepisioes about the ill, and discovered th t they cora reap nded exactly with dith's. At last, when the fire had. bu ned quite out, nd the candies werebetting low ' a THE I UR N EXPOSITOR. I4:1 4.1 .74. in their soc ets, we • out up s'air to- gether. It vasa wile November ni:ht, with juist s oh angry, mpatient gus s of wind and v grant th tider claps as his. I occupied the west r•om, your aun the one adjoining, and Jo ii slept in he aft room at ithe tither en• of the corri or ; while his rrother ha her apartm tits in the sontl wing. s I bad€ Edith good -night the ' lock on the statirs struck twelve, aii4 she m rrily W'shed many happfr re urns of the day, for I had Jost nte ed m twentieth birth- day. In la frw Iminu es more my light was extin uis ed, a d I wps cozily wrapped un. liii less than half an hour I was sou d asleep. Not ea, Aunt Edith. Sh!e wus, sh wards, restd unusual t efforts to sl gave up th from bed; s ess a ing ep alt t -d Twice she an in the corridor, a listen. Your a White Lady, ou Lady -anybody- is threw. herself o tuition of restng out of the ques ioi storm and t e through the ho se At length, abo t she heard som o room very Ca ti doubting but t a,t restless as hers lf, in and speak tol m wind in the coni candle, and sh e dark, save for fa which shone h drawn curtains "As your aurt bed., she saw a other side with!u something briglit light. Quick a t ment',a hesitati across my neckr sassin descend d and glancing o long and jagged, g assassin, who had If rvous, ticiest told irwo e after - e it i her. All her e navailing, an she t last, ar.d i• sing the fire to iead. heard footsteies pened her door to s not afraid of the mily ghost, nor iris. I wice -she ch with thein- ce sluniber ;was' ut between ! the ysterious so uds t was imposs ble. lock, she fai tied oving abut ' My y; and nbt iiiig as as wakefal'and resolved to' bme A sudd rogu t of extinguithed ' her d my rootn i the -ay of moon ight h the earel ssly m • w b ed sh w. f 411 y approached nay dvancing oni the tad hand, in wInoli alined in the m on- ght, without a mo - arm Was th own 'knife: of as - i h terrible f roe,' bone,inflicte• n her arm. seen or hear her lo king my hi busines hii name." 'A trap an1d on sue I •• rising ell r. Sho We all gl nc d to ous c w' th ery the rc.oni, em brikeed unbu ton a in which Ii mentor so room as th n he s 'Ydu do q othlthe cdl an orrii di ece y in bl ze the “I eve repliejil, lo teh ti vol y. 1"Ali ! once," poi the p rtrai is Je rey "Jell I" Here as v ng: tnce. "Y a do me, ober a ot • :r p u entt t r al those At hat aunt': hal terb y a k w tne •sed Ic with jjiassi hand defi uly, a looked as if con aimMr; Law:onwa t ave gte Au hi -s s lf-p ssksior, said, 4nd t ete wa voice. “I did ii Papa rem ined really pitie Mr. so fea -fully a ains .kind ir en o ra,gi as h lo k4(1 nd.! drew ims; M up llttle ued d4ressi g u id ye u gr w e. 'leve aveli lbs to o , I T V V wa t af f3ry o pa it ha 4i wit a bo e his I ead riously s urgein gentle an 411 a e must 10 4 so him itii Upo. oked a -e •rds tib doo i it, yi., as at old ite har an itde a curt vlirybo ,y an euormo. s t as en, 19p s eyest) an sear° ' of d sad ot kn4 m tlem of usice, e the h t of r ly. t that ;plea king ati our pictu aro "He says e won't give t this hour 'aimed papa, belated tray - other, id &getn ry y gi4Jefnu card thitorod s bo which proceeded to v. ei cloak 0 a mo - ed round the mehihg, and. Mi. w seem - awing more e firei which "papa itor more at - hung!: there cc among y ,name a az ment. st ry with a rjo e o see 41d1 after erhap , you u, idjth, af- your e my ting to slou t ; wa tisyson ai alle ed (13 sequ1il to t 114 scoitici ,' Mr. ; Lawo e. I lame: ong 3 ears, tliomen; ft his7 e s rig • tar card ful sued d • Jes one evtu !rad tdi0 a a te hi a,pproach, -install 11 jfied, le ving his weapon behind1; -I was aro sed from my slurnb rs k Edith's shr eks, to find myself Lat in her; b ood. In a moment I N 11 awake. Bin ing my silk handkerc ii f round her arm tightly, to check bleedin , I s rit a servant—for the wh le house as a bus- ed by your aunt'e rieks and the !vio- lent ringing of rdly ell—forlt e ne rest surgeon, and then p •oceeded o se rch, for dome traces of he mutd rous in - trader. Mechanic a ly I went firs .to Jeff's -room, probe 1 because *a as- tonished at not h N ng seen his !faces among the wench i g group gat ered round my door. I seemed am zing that he should sle so sound' thr ugh such a commotion The doo of ,1 the east room (Jeff's) s open, -so was the window ;. and theurn was en pty.i "I can never eitl r forget o des ribe the sickly, sena ion of ho •or that crept into my heart as I look;d ro tild. Where was Jeff ? N by had e go e so suddenly and my t riously ? I h site open window ? I as all ti 4nore painfully perplexe( , as the lea sit are- ful examination fa I d to dis 1 se any other' means of e it by w jch the would-be assassin Id have csocped. , Every floor was s c irely bane , very 1 window except th t of the costoom was safely fasten . In th fl sver bed underneath tl ere were dis Met tracks of a Ma's feet lead ng 'rorn the window, none whateve e le ding to it. :, , "These things e me to r 1)17• un- happy, and some suspicion of. my thoughts must hay crept intoe y ,oun- tenauce, for Edith divined ei at once. However, remain lent about the appeara c of the •• an who , had attempted m3 e, and I frined from questioning 1 Id At b s here could be but a ce isleture—t '00131 was dark, the ma, E sguised, a d your aunt frightened. itithe kill 8 N ,hieb. I lay upon my bed pealed w t i unab but terrible force ti us both. t was , my pruning knife, t that v r Iter- ' noon Edith had ee ' le, lend. i tf Jeff Lawson. Whethe e- knife cl. beeia in any way poison..:, •r whet le your aunt's wound. hitd e badly r s ed in the first instance, o not tin 4 , hitt, inflammation set i t ud for N e•ls` she was il or day I er life - was despaired of ; 41 it was of l saved at last at the expe se of the bia e right hand that had say: si ;se so we 1 hem terrible and sudde dtath. "The matter ma was something mo wonder in our villa my suspicio, s to ventured. to expres, name was ,,nlever ra ter. Indee , it so that he left Gerrie attempted • urder, dieted it. he oh, which was evident murder, for every my room as th( caused mile won. It was prott. -genera lowauce as a minor to my few s•mple a landlord u I was not- in know, had Altogether sad affair, a. connected it my father, just 811813/C/C don me. ra pr pop -al at an e was d if with t rid. wi- ns, lb rIpeara against one' "And ap )earan es . deceive, bert," gently. "L t us julg not judged !• ' "Heaven elp Nllain Ii) COS Aunt Edith so deo , i ever I ono unto him !" crie Edgar excitedly. "I11 ehow no quider." • "What be ame of that ?" Jess sked, wit at aunt's fac . "From th . night he us iu this v ry room, have never 1 eard of h: He disappea, .ed in the most ex r any manner,. Doubtles he is dee as far as he s concern d, I haven of the myste -y of that awful n gl being cleare up." "And hi, - motile , papa ;" Fre queried. -"Ali, his p or mother ; she bre heart over is disppearance, in Mothers will do such things c vc most wort less sbn4,—Well, what's the matter ?" "If you p1 -ase, sir, ttliere's a man wants t butler, Closin t sensati au a ia'ne but as I yself, no or e a y, aud. J up in•t ow got cit tie eveui g a d no on cc"of th y obbery ra-ver and to ghlv r er and disc ly n�wnt scarcely s. Bei,n se . utor of a a •nd as e iu tl .iaost 113. in tray seer e ew-foui d any o p heaven c were r, a 4 : la a a 0 at 'St hicl days -keptelsti reY'l mat. S e ulatet 11 the On tts., tack yell me 'sk in finked , ssion viii- okivate ither hers, , as •orld. ions, art d ill 0 • 1 y un . par ongl very f e en tl nut int er lipter not th t we b eff Lawon,fa- i - a stolen gimes!, said good 11:iye tO -, 31 yeses ago, i na nor free. hiiil , 1 erdin- an , hope ever • see yoti," said o the door behind hi oh bo. tli pto , entle:I r old and re, ir a ENCIES. JOHN LECKIE Aikertt. Grain chant. o ey lo countay; t par he Moderat:. fortga mortgaps paid P Farms a a !village Leckiers lea, brick IL $6 Co., P rt eneral Loan and Redd Estate rodeo.° and Commission Min- ed on real estate iniltown or b. simple interet.11Charges as bought and sold. Matured Terms to snit borrowers. Property for sale. Office— lock, Brussels, Ont. 515 'WtEEK i outfit f e ard, LOYAENT. your own town. Tdrrns and . - Address IL HALtaETT ,t e. 626.52 $7 loA IIVEI1i1F—$12 a day at h°11 ad. Pop y Outfit free. Addreets TRUE 8eilY & Co▪ , A guts, Ma'ne. 626 626-62 ' hofde(iretiTtaSt'arPliiV- $ 0 WUhDit5If rt. .,p0 land, Maine. $5 to SON &C I Inveeted in Wall -St., $1 o 1 000 eery. Stocks makea carbines thing. (t4;e s -BAXTER & Co., Ban Books sent free eaplainia kgeerss-ertyi Wall- trot, N w.York. 587-52 • parte UCTIONEERS. . _ 1311IN Licence& Auctioneer for the oulntY o Moon. Sales attended in all of !the County. All orders left at! the Ex - R Office will be, promptlyattendecl to. OIS C-RIA.FIAM, AUCTIONEER AND AND AC-ET.—Special attention given to 1 nded rbparty, farming and t °rough - k. Cattle selected for the Eng)4h ma- ce and Auction Rooms, Achesa 's new deric , Out. Terms moderate 615 sale o bred ket. Block s :ye f 11 on nd th most iii en e ever, was white 1 er little ge tl Fred his voi e and st :t ive mo : tl • con tii 1"I (. Nievil :and I can. £5,001' come' Pa , - silent I eMeney; ias sol then, or bad inapy thent to e t— 3 af were t st k . I a thoug my b se liii ck s too la e. b olu tui stare me in he f 9, a pelled toll' e !like a(ttiie escarp the coluseq ce That ight 1 se y esca,pn g b3 r y 1) ipo cealine all h mdmhy I sage or Ista all , w specu alio d ha alized a c isidera no d sire t4i rain forrnet no f ien .er lif4 suit d me year' ter e r. serry or a d ash abo t the y to r'tan Theq t le e spijritj of I re. o ved sing 1 ly ifort the 11 11t1 ml d ile he odd ot /11 one, Mr. y thous- ep ration 1.17 o tabled B t. have terest " ug DELG 'TT & BARROWS, Liceneed Auction- eers MOE 11qp. Special attention g ven to sales of Len ed Property, 'Farm Steck and Ireple-m nte. All Orders left with eithej, of the undersig t 'Welton P. O., or Lot 14, con 4. cession •or at Ieadbury P. 0., or Let 29, wn- cession 2,ilbe promptly attended to,. ' Sale bills, no as a d a ;amps furniebecl if required. ALEX. ELG TTY, Walton; GE0.13ARROWS, Leadba 639 . _ MEDICAL. I- s • cover Ace deuce o e," he east of Pr la his orry." t. I_ nee Acorn' h • first door were single is eye ev r, he Office a t11Y,1 direct y OTT, M. D. &c., Physician, Surgeon and ucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and me- th side [of Goderiela Street, first door sbyterian Church.. 84? CVEB, M.D., C. M., Gra luate of ill'L niveveity, Phsician. Sar on and br, Sratarth. Out. Office and i eidenee, 014 Of theCatholic Church.l496 TT L. ERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physintan, Sur. " • geo , e'pR'e., Coroner for the County !Huron ' d sidenee, on Jarvis street north, ppos to Seeforth Public Sehoo • due d on. ud tL was ere 4ot s ho went heard fret 1 trly nlu d to ecei :1 w, rqueiiig 1 irn, as ts orta t con fessio nue and so wI at vas dying hut ivhen on la litoser recognize I him on of your old 8 ug, g acel uto almos Lim °let of. or heiwas tory. On ick Fouse ne. Eeani o larg4 su d to have mouse lin th conce led f the ert he house d m to vain .f r th which,lay drunken r VS. 0 DIc • S40 Ont. 0 • Ryan's. day. I Charg Br . noes and t remained I f ceCal lt toUlt amta erti IIT, Veterinary Surgeon- Grad:a tario Veterinary College, Seaforth, d Residence in rear of Killoran & roptle attended to, alight or of veterinary medicines in hand able Horses examined as to sound- cates given if required. • 407 y neelessary ••1 -,‘• • mhorusr.sfrom w/hi1 ssmi enibgeagy- ne e: era e, but . Seaforth e d, it was ndj d sgrace wa corn- Am thje u ght to 1t.) so f ny folly. 6' IOUSO, ram ow Con- 1-OIpan- !1:12.4,C.• IIa ftrefill n re. Nuer, AMA I V Rio er ti. _ Appralse ole reasonIfeb e td squat- - hr DERBYSITTRE. I,. D. S., '1''L • Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the Royal College la! Dental Surgeons of Ontarioel Office A. Al. to 5 P. ,M. I•iooms kn a new brick block, Mai ' Street, fi mIl d, e, une. so Engle abies ; I re •• ained. wa$ h:artily t e •art I re olved s- uar with rok out, berng strong thllu di baings. ut others 00r '11)0w of as w s S th ad n im- I slent at t th s f ds -fo ho as di 11 T. Or, ON 'to ere II • - _ LEGAL. aniik %V, Barrister, Attorp y an d oder'cla ; 68I HO r & CAMERON, Barristers, in 'hancery, &c., Godet ch, Ont. Philip Hlt, M. G. Cam - 506 la lbfellow iBE-113° Ted' . inoavaetera shigu, forthand rpris-inves,Lat ; fel_ isenay.1 v JAS. 7l. BR see Theb tie SMA L; Conveyancer antllommis- B. , Wroeter. Auetio eer and eoun s and notes collected on 366 • ms, EQ Ins , So Office' ate to loan. C s - i4Y. • • for takiu Solicitor for Private ed TX) 1.11 3Fi h e vg ler tile sr lfroi jf n e of dusk self r wi q aid ao ey a IJab aibd he it tcjil d. solved to cc lrnvi up my, purs .1 4th wherel lay spu d Knife and ma le when, to hi ioijro Lady ,Who al s' Thi-os'ingc1i nith ado Ii und o n me terror and 'window ho t flashed n 'nista. en, which -i11(1,1 heft mean of ed pe fo alread pro Ea tibe me. hop th t the WI ite adyl p naisch 'of "It id., t• e " p the sl h tb nuiss sister ler who s ved • "I a• myste to ha if sue softly. "Th Must. Rober eetuts Lawso signed istrate entrea mnissiol trude mernb race td fdrge "Ar§ the adva.noing sb,I claim infinitely gr me. lam A bright sn's face, as he grasp sure t ere w bent d wn t head rid that foil we each other's Wiped a be le hi th fi+Te hi ett • , e er pl ed up riht is 0 8 11 'II Ito :er is co ife edon , Au new 'oui fors i. acisompl Lii longer. r d that th oil fo aresiso fth put 'puijs. ate w cry 54•il tering sor 11) 4 ap re ea ki R in ,whi eyes, S a00 )es Os me ba or me, de 0— th nd he se ize ERS icitrr ic' eful a EYE Exit° ditvit the L lo & MEY Banister and Attrney-kb in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. ek, Truest Fnnds tention to collect lona. 652 Barrieter and Anti • in Chancery. Connie in the Province of M auk of Hamilton, W n at 74 to 8 per cent.' rney at ssioner initoba. iugham. 638 , Si likito •er, ota rd3s4115. at Ei firtah us .B 76. ne mutual c be paid t ities. Man1 Nov • 2 , 1 rpri130 • atures R n , the AVIV.) • LAM, lb ot me I got Scott' s B culty, a silo gularsOLcIaa oill19,0 lef G-ar- d urder n a8aegib ra thai I had and ord. esolv- Money tori n te CI; g the enties, moderate yen ng, he , • wai he rch a a tm id n lif fly t iroat ; w the White ng ovze me. 1 le ied in pe Mir ugh a ornent ou rooms was rtams ed till enter - lig in knife fit of nt, re- t give e bed ed the lai of ap hr y w ndow, roved the asit had esc pe for eart nce of iny llleriOflS adly at c w s t to t a "but So4- nay , e lady: paav this wotifld be ck again, sai aunt th table ing-knife, t e ser- inuecl Mr. itten und y a mag - nee more d s.s my ill _lot in - have re - are not a ape; cried, and. ne i,'ou an you did a Ma. Law- exprssion, and I'm eyes as he tb's fore - a tilence 1 tsols-ed in to cores were Ii HE !1- e • I I 4 • AUGUST:; 6, 11380, THE GREATEST ATTRACTION IN 4EAFORTH DUC&I &IDTTIV6A1\1- , YS - TEAS.1 TEAS. THE NO CROP JO -IT A EAS. R1VED. A__ -. __ "TT T__.4 Grocery and Provision re REAT AND GENERAL LEAFANCE isvm I OF DRY GOODS. ALL KINDS OF COODS 1AT REMARKABO LO V-sry Spek 1 Lot of{ White Muslin Miislins and liace Stripes and PRICES. POT where 3.611 eat r ;our money ever ofIere Ft the beet m Seaforth, Just try h e len- Teas—they are rea ly good and cheap. Alsa -well selected Stock oflFresh FRESH lOCERIES ANL, Iiii11VISIONS And a nic sttock of all kinds of F UITS see: as Oeareg 8,1.1.4011ons, Apes, lade ,Cranaerey Jam by thci pound, Bifia Currant .jelly, pad Currant J 11 , Piee Apple Jelly, F gs, Raisees. Prunes, Dxcfd Apples, WHhite Corded Chcks. it is really 1710N IN I -LB. BO TLES Some of t *a best Tea Duet in the 851ene•yntRs ep- Nr •Tvulladp..an Tea at 40 and P°Tuelled•.my .1 Con gau Telt at 50 p6e:Tie‘ife.yyonumtilisny133d..GYr•tt°pflonwilier Tea at 60 cent ung "Tyson Tea at 45, 5 od minket, ett teats per ad 60 teas 55,130 and Per pound, CYNTISIO IVIOST UNIQUE ASSORTMENT CHEAP LIGHT AND DAR CH • A good se nsly of those superior S. eked Sugat Cured Dame Smoked Bacon, Plai Hams and Bacon, Dona Shorts, Bran, -Comm I,:-Oattneal, Pot Barley, Graham Flour, Oatt ac1tpoVatoeg. OF PRINTS. , JAR& FROI jARS. AR 'A very ltsr e &took of Glass Gem Fruit Jane of all sizes, rb ch. being bought before the rise in price' wiAni,b18.°AiatIvLel:cheap. St reet . Sea -forth S --T---- LL LA;m111: CARKI); FINE COLORED'LUSTRES AT 10 CENTS YARD. BRUSEL 1 . TOW & 1 BIT ROWS. VERY REMARKABLE VA UE., THv, E Sulscrib( re take this ore- 1portunity of - tureiliass flank e bi to the inhat aet of Bruseel and icinit for past patremegeandbeg to states that having -made sevtral improverOnts in their kiln and aped e of burning, they atle now in a • better posit on than -ever before tO supply the INT rr S public with rst• class lime at 12c. bash, at the ..elai. kiln, or 14e. delivered, This ein- the sixth season of One business - dealings in yt, uesels, and ha vi g given unquall- •• fled sati laetion se la the public :can rely on everreceivin ,g4dod treatment and firsttlass article . • • , from tie. I i Berne trt the spot, Brussels Lim- Works. 646-13 PI I i. E E3 CD _F FiEMNANTSI OF DRESSES, :PRINTS, SO_KS, DUCKS • • ". 1 SEA - ! Are veryinauch reduced, but the bargains are greater than 1 • 011TH FLAX PUS. 11 TOWN & B 'BROWS. . • 1 .. '' ins :IS AN OPORTUNITV. TO BUY CHE P PALE. 0 11 N B E A TIE ELS SUCH ' - i ! ' '• AS MAY NOT , OCCUR AG IN. r ' . ' 1 REALE:: BER—An Opportunity once lost. is e rver Oga nod- . ! ii i 1 FARA4RS—A .ARCE STOCK OF BADS ON Hlk .13T! 11 DthICAN & DI UNCAN, SEA.FOR,TII. E G - 18 ST business did'od'e ing the which b Any a omit of money ttii Loan o reaeonatle PRICES ID irnagts, seesof nfieest, on good farm seema y. • OFF' F—rarradian Bak of Commn ee LLt Dud) us of disposing of his Flax me reasonable terms to a good active main, who is likely to menage it prep e bits sufficient Flex sown, end in spIen tet keep the Mill running isteadily dur- ereion, the i; enefite in corneection with i4 give the purcha.-ser. ONEY TO LO N. BObTS IAND SHOES 'B, Barristers andttoruey .1 s in Chancery and In olveney ies Public, etc. Of& es—Seas $23,000 of Private nude to ,ht per cent. Interestepaya ble B.W. C.EyE1 13. THE TINDER s thie day been disS Ived by 11 accounts due thi firm to sou who will pay al habil- JAMES H. BE SON. H. W, C.111EY R. . . _ & HOLM TED, A L L NCER,AND CONVEYA CING ' ' ()F VICE, ock' lain Street, Se forth. IS ior this Consolidated mak of nfl the Canadian Bank of Co memo a cwn Pr rate fu t aLiona ed f4ir private persona a e scour ne, without any ea GHEY M. F. HOLM Money best mor the lende •. S. G. ISIc A nd Village Property! bought ds) loaned on mors le rates of interest. 'p MT' ji--' o. the Quie ducted comma supplred SCLLLANE013 S. _*•xc . CO es Most ot s in t on and octd st age se- liarg es pou the )onee to STED. • ANGE HOTEL, G derieh, , Proprietor. This Is ono of • Comfortable and Bost Con - Province. The Boerne are he Table and Bar liberally Tiling in connection. 635-52 THE G •-a- Peri nfailing i augerou sews fto whieh the female ion issu je t. I It nodcrates all excess oves all Obtro!etio4oa, and a speedy curt dladies, it is peculiar e, bring On the mo These pills shonl ring the first three .y are sure to bring ther time they are one and Spinal A, ALE BEld'EDY.—Jeb Moses —This invaluable inecileine is re of all those pciaul and nstitu- and me' may be • -suited. thly pe - not be mouthe en afe. In • ections, ehed TD ma•ri t will, i a short ti iod with regularit: aken by Females (I Of Pregiancy, as th arriag, but at any all cases of "Nor tainB irt the back a d fatigue on ight ex- rtion, p lpitation of the heart, hyste'ics, and hites, t 'ese pills ill effect a cure when fill other means h ye failed; and, although a jiowerful remedy •o sin iron calomel a tinaony, er anyt . Full directio aokage, which s u 1Mosoa, New Y 4 cents for post e 4an, To- ronto, • JOILN• BE.T91 EMPOR UM. THE .nbs rTher hereby thanks bill numerous oni6s (merchants and alig') for their nonage deniin the past 7 years, and sn-jet integrity and clos- a,ttention to to ej-jt their confidence arid trade in the futu e. 1baving gren, enlarge if his prem- ises Cur ng the winter, he is now pre Jared to pay THE 1H EST GASH RICE For any ua tity of Good Fresh Eg s, delivered E ens EXTRAHEAP. bOpCbl • busines. IG.NED WILL SELL 151ra OF AU SUMMR' GOO El ese Goo( HS IS RONI UST I 17 I • •at the E NO UNTIL THE: MAI • , - • porium, TET, 'SE Want$d byl the subscriber.25 tons f good dry • clean wheat straw. wr,soN RTH. ,.. DS AT COST.THE 4IIIRISH CARilfACE FACTORY. IIESS & I BEI ER T...rAvi al ays on innad 7 and Ina e to Order, 1 -1"4L ' "H, !Nkleiibm, Carrii• t•pk,B•i- , gieN, *i1llt.is, laid ever - other arinclein their . line. 1 . , • They pen nany. superi end tiaei own busi- e C. fo . Fall Stock. ' tt,',,Mitacad eil la guarantee a cod artele both as jai and .,,,,,orkmandp. I ed lei - the large eitystablish elite. For "tyleand Pinieh Clieir Vot cannot be surpae Rep hing plomptly att bided to. Give us a trials• d be onvinced that tve cart dandy. yon as to qua ty anti price. r. less i ben -i busi ess in Zurich for over 12 years. 1 lerwell known a the pu lit, having t . 636 .riEtss & Ilta.BERER. HUMBUG..a -- el ._1,1 THE HEAD PHOTO GALLERY. Must 12e 8 )1d to Ma NO ADVER ON'T MISS THE OP Gr. will in return n Bleasde I pt con hurtfu the pa 4 be car ole Pr nclose gener •e a bottl a1. Sold J S. Rob to the constitutio phlet around each fully preserved. Jo prietor. $1 00 and 1 to Northrop & Ly 1 agents for the D containing over' 50 ,!pills by in Sesforth by Hicfkson & rtss and 11. Lurneden 197 PEAt lREFLlLLY. — Samuel (*bo en e , -1-u Soi ehurg, bays: I was affecte wli Dysppi 1.ruearl four years, my In gs - coming a ted tow rds the last. I wai indi. ed to us- ottle o X the ti Shoshonees ; emedy. II After ; three o four bottles I felt much better a alined s rength rapidly, met health improved st adily a id rapidly; and wham I had taken t lee oe four ettles mole, I WS quite restored o iclth a. d strength, and h ve ex- perience b .t;ter h alth than for fort years before. e4 been inder the trentme t of a number if ihesieia e before,hat had neve receiv- ed any at •rp,i aid niatil I used your emedy. A. McK r ro, Ni S., says: I was ver • bad o nplai t, but used the Sho honees OBwvieeto 1hr ebLdeiyei y life I am now in'lanin ss and a d n a m nth was as well as I had wish yob t a nd m three dozen by a etuner. A. Wood, C n eeon, says: That he has tr ad the Remedy' ot L yer C mplaint and Dyspep ia with great ;it e e 13.- I ale use the Shoshone a Pills and fini h t they a e as good as any I ever tried - Henry lf. p ,Genes, N. 'Y, says: My wire was inteneel lieted with dsspepaia for,a long time. 1 nsultediphysicians of three •fferent chreceived no benefit. Sloe • e ha taken tRlireaVb8' 0 of the Kireat Shoshoneea Iemedy, and is ,i I arty and well. Rey. John; Scott, says:t. teKenzi Botting suffered "nom an attack cif II ieumati m, and was unable to move without el i ; but ter taking a few hotlines of the Shoe e ees, wa able to walk as well Its ever. Puce of! h Reined in pint betles, el k Pills 25 cent b x. Sol by all medicine dealra. 1 inion ••• • ORT:pirrY. Main Stre OFFOIED, LITriZA_L - Pietutres Rare 1..e) it raken by A Calder, Arfottit. CALL AND SEE 1 SAMPLES. , A LL the Shmplee shown ly me ai6 samples of el -cry day work, and anon as yo4 ban get any day a Caldees only. 11i4b drape, clear and Sdaforth. ' pc -ii epee. Old pictures en ?led enarged blithe t eolre, and smooth. old ciOviliCC£7,sueli as. can be naade only by ;sears of ae-actiee and eas usual. Negatives preserve AlIDREW CAL It Pi= teal Artist. 13 Oppoisi e the Commercial HO el. - 1 60 11- URSION T GL1JELPH, JRDAY, IT(-, 1TH EX ARE OFFERING SLp•IIDID VALUE Til 0. Grand above • The ing pi Fare rain. Ttas an l Sugars, rail -and e.7rainzn. • Cgifes, troaste I and ground On the pr rniscs. Pure and 1 unaklulter tted. - 'Spices iFhole Ond ground. Purr Barnete.1 _Flavoring Extract. , the St in the market. Picklrs,6, full assortment. Table delinres. k , I Cooked ornec Beef, Lunch (Corgi es, ((,cc Pililli(1)11, Haddie, Saures, MI assortment. Lobsters Sabi on fiffickerel, Sardzines, (f... rill fresh and good. Proviio1is an Flour, alwar !wof. Oatmal, ( 'orn meal, d.e, Sugar Ckred lam? and Bacon, clear of lone. :R.,CDCI-C -Y. .1-r]p c+D ,:3-NT‘Tic&a:i. eXCT RSION to G lph, under the ens - ices or Boron Enca dprnent,, 3e. 28,1.0. o paricipate; in GOlph Wellorne to the Lodge of Ontario, will take Plate on the ate. 1 t Model Farm is cue cif i the malty interest- ces -worthy the atterttion of Excursionist& for the rouiad ti, $1, y the early NOTIICE isi hereby' given IlLat theft Isub:6:12 p ' ----14-----1-7-----, , 1 A NOTE Of DISNOLUTION „.4in ea eroestoaf in-eetaelisgt.igehba nween te,' t he under- ; Sal' Yr( di ‘ Iceorlrvei tbhyemCootuunatiy000for:rtino.ralliiiVbieneangethoisf to All ekbietis r,,sliorangvt, o atthetheaei rivifinta.-mgesiirci two 'broexPeviejar a foie aid arid all claims a.platinst the said Part' • 1s80. Dat d at Wroxetera this 7-th day of July, A.D. n ens* ale 0,,,,,e prefietteirtu thelseid e.zetel Ryan .by at one the Tattle a], he sliti,ed.. HZ KIEL PTA -NS - 4 I Signed in presence of 7-A-rNe RnellallIV.. s'i CA58- 66° i - • - • SEED WHEAT. v ipd AL. IIEHILL has for serle the re/lowing re- dd Lines in Crockery and Glassware will be sold , at reduced prices, until r eties �Wheat for fallreowing, viz: t, S p mber 1st, to make room for Fall Purchses. ('ai and,get Bargains. The i" Fal tz," and ate " Reliable,' II Which he is prepared to fra-lnish farmers at rea- We hold. a Lage Stock of CIGARS, which we will dispose of cheap. Call sonabl ratesi These are thW two 12iest varieties - of wh t known, and are well adapted to the soil and. see them. t_ii- FREE DELIVERY. _ and e iniat•el of this teonenry. I an specially 1 I recorn end the " Reliable," ff PRI S—'The " Reliable, '•-•'2 per bushel; the Al L04- i LAID LAW & FAIRLEY Seaforth , .• Fult2i," $1, per bushel 1, M. BEHILL, 5eafertb. CA;RDNO'S ) • 44444- ' 4" _ t I • I I •AUGUST l'" Bostil Mr. Fa-eta:110 That the Lati, neceseity in grarate: Tithout be unable (pail charcoal and el• eil ;IT, t sh. aapvtreoe htv ewt r: oy t studied -a it an: una la sstenal8 iIl: Thatthin thehenilviih That al and rtohuo tgfrihtsehisetna1 w her balls and SH knocking aroun That everyb sphere of emine That the gre peoted to be a talker a great :w71 That, at any are seldom -cora; sonihbutatinitsmu lieves himself to be is withont .el withltimself as: of great workera, Thatputm offltllotfitbemyi; they may never m eTnht atthfeeYw43 ° 3 nine n • eating and dritil more provident ing than in eaf• That some rif awnoortkherthatltahlabor, all thonens of ' Lmeit. Tat women iiliP1:::°lThtloveusu itaoes.:Tati T1::10 the better loves That the mot manli ' ta 1r mw it n lI k T thought good tia That those w 'fry 0ata ebeelaYuet se best does not di That, as a rul eeed in deceivin put the highest That it would morals to say, $ r than a kiss, can- Thato a lack Ii liat a:ill-Elisame-ti' bame7ti goT°8ehaYi a boy re . if i ; 3 sgs Tohr lt: ots fsa e' t it '41arenlr Ihs: That a mothe it is her nut ure teases her al -mos That a mothe Fihe knows that • happy unless' loN; Tha.ta, father s11::::nmecaw3us : : :1 illiego joi saw, - kali,: foe' That a father That notwit think young peg pie bat would r. fools, own biography, it matters little i —no4on Tram Trials of a, : One morning wasn unusuall sons in the wai ; pensary, many •,i_ . girls, who looke quiring a physi 4 • C What asked of the fi- ed herself, "Mother sent a courtesy, %Ica:, oil," and she h which I fined. To nay surpri, same, "A lit piaie," mediine, and n used as an artiol of the bottles NV, much what sot attacked so m Next Sunday lage -church, the There was an At air, and the n many -of the bo to the use the o next dipensary: crowd in the w wanting oil, I; and announced receive tastor-oi for their own u, medieine for use. the applies', pThIttliv One the waiting roo hag ml- the -dafi as theyspassed ceive that in sp; inept they enjo There is -one taking charge o of Kilmany Wo I mean the n thought to mid. better than kis Quite the contr; ties will probab elergyman for doctrines bein the 41.ctor to de orthodox, if he such an office. divinity and me eventually to 1:k Featherstone. what old Mrs. on that point,": when the Sand. have contained of doctrine. Mrs, Waker," wnnaan remark was cnaing to t medicine her "dctors is Well nothing serious Yon 'when he's t tin Mrs. Peathe On another 43CC "has the Aot,oz, answer was, 4'T al'ilf44.747414144,4"- POSIT