HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-08-06, Page 130, 18 0. NOVELTY. IAY NEXT E.. STANT,. IS FOL LOWIN EtGW AN 1 a , covered. with -1t'2rls, Gloves and Rowers,. Laces, is, Silk Ties and ENTS CASH. ail i N(,ala be sold en Ing Credit, THAT'S WHAT wl FOR TCC CONfitiG. TVITED Cent Tare 'HT TO COPE HE GIRLS. ,Y s:t:I.ICITI:I>. ALL & CO. tuft fanny firy Guotia .• ::vatic _4t they Iiia' ex - the very large .1d two years ago t live t)`cluck :Ir. ate flank of Mori- . himself through -elver, and died t•satnination �1 faces that he visit:+ for the qday, •thetti• correct, is cent+flet stood It is thought 1 with hire re - hi. committing; itf niPtitia. l •ar that Mr. eft 1'sbortie, has 1a. A. at tho To- lilatrliford ob- . .ti its tho school mt.. This school . •••1• H in day thirty tem:here ming here, Two t-rst-class certili- and eight third- • country Schools :d like the above. TgU TEENTH .AR. VPROLE NUMB R, 66L JEW FALL GOODS s if H & —ARE— OPENING OUT. NEW F For l"EST 11 GOODS the FALL TRADE, to which they invite the attention of their -f ends. PRINTS—Dark Pompadour in very ChoiceI Patterns. Also New Designs in M thin& rg Prints. Iu DRESS GOODS—Are very hand- • me, consisting of the Finest All Wood each Pattern Cassimeres, Russel Cord, snag Stuff Goods, and Black and Colored ustres in all tho Latest- Shades. Special ttention is called to our Trimming Silks and Velveteens—Ruch admired by the Ladies. �'CY GOODS eat is Depart- nent offers Special Attraction.. Kid Gloves, aces, Ribbons, Ties, Silk Handkerchief u, tnd Bushings in -endless variety. STAPLE GOODS—e show the Best Brands in Cottons, Duc s, Denims and Sheetings, and marked at the closest possible dvance; on cost. 'E.EDS—Uuion and All Wool in !roe! Fine and. Medium Goods. MANTLE. CLOTHS • dome Very Nice Goods for Ladies' Mantles ad t inters. i« There a than the c nominate yet few w to bestowi The man converse ,which he which wil circles. dated to a you may. are perha the train, hear him' surprised you appro must part eating ? tion. Th communi portant. the infinit tom CTEN el f ltivewr. conve sa ich q g pl e vho 1 e station,. R T E EXPOSITOR.] hir gs more neglecte ion of what - we as an e ma ake str nd s in t r on t nd f at t1 oh •t1 t is adv atin g,;i Lt is Cre man in al circ most perf ct w ing instru tion: His works. W dazzling lights tions, but the p .most perf got. petite by rtilic water which G in all circrost drink. • Speech is the universal r thought, and it i can be devised. how we may be faculty: Make then, to under make it an imp ncation.Ther which •yo � can the circle iu . which you may versationall are away and appro much as they ca quantity of thou, afloat upon the g' minds, which ne will be committe permitted to dra taiu can hardy poured upon h intellige=nt, even open -a book. Y day in. our cities men -are too bus A great many of when you meet you expect to fi and intelligent sided there, .yogi pointed. The ir is throw„ when floating 1:•om mind is oonsta with mind, and Varilles has s 1 which he knew - from conversed • Do not waste the company 1: The amount of] trifles frequent so nauseous and telligent mind 0 consequence is it withdraws from bear to spend pr ing the narrow; veriest trifles iii taste for enter silent till he to Beware of piny. No m parry be large sure that all yo friend -will" r an almost unive kind to slander son who speakl done a great w.yo it. Au honest into the Most country villag neither learned passed off very Is incorrigible feul as to be the las room. At lengt —We show xe ort Parchneing your Fall Supply f Dry G oodo look around and ,Nna•'•[ where you ccnu get the best aloe. - Ve should be. pleasod to havti our custom era csirafaro Goods -purchased fro us with th ose bite it elsewhere. We Mark foods .iii P1 min Figs rea. ening for Cash enables us t Sell Cheaper tits eng Credit businoss can afford to. Corr+ t ours `attention paid to all whc. wish to look thro tgh. We do our best to discourage bantering; lathe ing that the one price system is the only (air ne. Age Ve thank otr:friends for Wel liberal ...stowed. upon as to the pant patroli- SMITH'°& WEST MAIN 8TRliEET SEA r0RTI E. .. Of ght of hi ay s inks, b s provi is the een ma sum of t far th enow w ltivate matter this t part. carcely a strong+ you . ore goo e and m te to -t em nd the i. t and nfo t mass - in has bee • a t. paper. He from,thi gr 1 of haul : flicient + ugh he s will se here th d hurri h:rndon 1(3an fro him an lint n.. If he `• as ill hardly ba Son _ is o all this a to m•nd y coming in eels th :: i that "o te elhats 1 .r fo great g h'w ;welc•mE ti a as you ai ge In ash 1-' intere-tin e stage or ri e : tearubo: gethe' ti ra idity ace at t •; ekes hi ewers o ta•es of th s are ex e ethod. or or the h m antes. of giving It s simpl , a ay prod : ct y hernioa c e 1 e• tle 1 tit. ad ce: ost perfect et and man an muting b st that au o know nd 'se th s of stud object. a d da, f yur e - on anyway y•4 of s eh d up n. Pia ov or in ional p. wert ; n e more :ubservi n su e and advent g ow: precisely how t h s dispo.. al a if • p • U e 11 d n in al inti rt tim Yo ing o t, find yo e, nd r it whit w ich yo 11 o intee onver.: 'ods, • ely i- e used -b p iness • It is th nd recefl are a strop imbin gist• he a or P I. s re A. d h • 1+ epu turn fro day; holy hon nor spea tho will plac the mon Isai Sta '�.QH ue larg f°mar 'ties are way by f doin;thy nd c, 11 th of th Lor Hi not findirl th ng t 'ine delig1 t th cause hee $ of he hrita of - of!l he 1 h L , '1 1 y 28, ec, is epo (QuebE ap nurnbers et. LTwo hndr hest lea arqu tou inc mor nds Co t. f 14s hooin of • rte els o t the th de rabe; hi e o u le ods: T the Lo eupn d f ed y f th th po 4. 4 in C C .f Do bout. The 1 an i. form Pro inces, —It isr I Bo ell in e acc:pt th _jCus oms.. The IIlii ois, h te of t hvilll It is t. Mast:. ded, 3,000 G.Br as a char nitary e. Mr. J Bien ed ag on the fern sears ao. •' captain S ;field = the elkirl ' T 1 o wet r, t o Ina e a win to ti bee, t e c e .f ' 'tor ;!Uni • Pos sco to fs,i e 'LEARN NG SALE ILZI1\TWIRY AT. ILL BROTHERS'. WN STREET, S T 1 AFOR1'.1. ARE NOW 1lOFFERING. I� AT GREAT I{EUCT TR LARGE OF ON -S immi.nys and Silk Ribboi s, Lacca, Flowers, Ree&tkers, MIMED AND UNTRIN41ED HATS. mi !L' E AND G -ET A BARGAIN. ARE NOW OFFERING • Great.lt••flurtioa. our Large Ks and Silk Ribbons, Tare', Flt Tt'•cniue.l and rut rimmed Ha Stork of Trim - 1wt'rs, 1?t'ttther \ A. LI, _`N1) (SET A AR.GAtN. 1{,•tii e.;1 et the Plctee--Opl}ositt HILL BROTHERS, the Com - Main 8trt c -t, Seaforth 114 t n In co car va st. 35 ati who s • tea, one Ike hi Qu ass f por ree e *he e the bents t mil thin s j day I SO y van Is talking renders c segreeabl t it is dis ious hour ded dwe eto there, final leahe re speakieg I co whether t co mall, yob. ay ib y against a absent 1 propensity ma, other. e .pe e 1 of his n Or ha lew was int °duce person w • left tla es was cat He replied wit, t good • e all SiMplicity that ou as gone they all b o talk a eldest hi and cousequen w a3 left t judicious to st slander him. Never indulge levity ap the .which is sacred 15 is nea ly ilepo sible to treat any sacred subj.*, wit levity without are tly wot fire th -sensibilities of one. H io cal speak lightly his Ma ei rid hi Walton, July 311 11 • v. s acc por • s ac bort. nsOn este of imp Ina im, of 8 an le- cannc on t • /11 Of e fou La Sea for son 11 ak t' 1 none wei ed in nse elope wit pron an, 10 0. The o s west of e 25 est. s. .11 d 55 bssii er t IS hav een has ied A fest. clay dee er an co on ccou of 8 Tie s u ler m ay eat cona Eight joll i imi roni - set short of— vell, tobel- me ill treat • ir ; I read hi is recall s tee way t e1 part to be ge ood•hearted . worse three the r neighbors, n one fault coM ori with t ot the Sa,bba. h day The Glob do no get ; the Exrosaior. do, an know i reading foi th abbath,.au area not first- lass, —eadliug for a' t da., either. Sts bath was n afte was given i for His ow rposes And what are hose purp.o e Jus man's spir tua od. We're it mot fort the Sabb th , though it. pr,o• faired by tisiti and please a ekine surely, :GO( an 1 Christ and sa vation heaven an he 1 woulla soon e more bath day t ke a it holy, we reptile The Proper Mu. -EDI ron Diary." One h mark, 'and that spent thei Sat h oue person meta ial, f th la, no a grea 10 bay sands 0 • ford infl hors Wag reco rob ed cif 57 Jew Whi bat, the 111 and Yo arri of re here lry 43 the ig t - e wel on hile hag one 'day. ece was &null aft mos; hiat hit] beer ibis • wo isp uget e a r the P eriPusl ers of he coun- Be nee, Quebec, olo ad orn Ho ip ORTH, FRIDAY, AU y holy tght, the nd shalt n ways, sure, noe en shalt he high hee with r: for the en it."— emier of shipping Boston ca t be er, fr ser sho making laritime ed him. ackenzie tly, and Toronto o the pas- hnrch at Windsor has ab - m 51,000 a 11) eb I! mins r 1 Let week, )0 worth nd of that • th 7 en ly r. he W rani Cj 11 ll tft we 610 ti le a en o 48 sei ion cutt ab t ag te lis ba h Vs ten I er le 0 ng to b • ch th er rti Ca ec v. a 11 he iv leg na h conces- t the ad- ord set - died over eg, is in andidate is exPec- attempt shipmag month. are re - teamster iddy, left sba,nd to a Pacific eek, near hundred es een final- bbe on Sun - Hotel, Mon - hot entered oodford, of atch valued Corwin has of the St. Behring iligjcondition hundred per - dent cattle, eri at Port od his life, tching, but Strathroy e shore of privileges s of leap le NV tO tly wa ral 1. 4 eau da. t th Th nt rib, and in et* e Of ente one he $10 o 620 th t ers • bet, een Clif- ery near ting his over hie pes of his ta ng b h ;To onto, was mare was in the waves," ai iniesieg bag c t in the alue has 1 Not et e us • al co t had an cui the 'hal to boat witli he ed tc lan at ' tarica A, icor vici 'ties is pi chin s he ou t x in las lc th ra x an ely sp ser rale et phe crowd preseut -ho alloW d on their, to have ways may work, and ors. De- ded from range ex - of India Irishmen o the hered on ome. The u attempt, - heat has o yield a t of On - ting from the adjoining pg, and I ,aping ma - few daye. is expect- o the acre ed a little, f te inl • ter a d it elS ny- pea while the absence of midge, fly, and,other pests enake quite couragieg feature id the spriu —Th Well knoWn trottin horse Little than, formerly owned by Mr. UST essian an en - wheat last *eek fro inflammation. a short time o from Reserve ake to Montreal las week, bound. or the Northwes hey are all pe sons of mea s, 11 make valuable settlers. • 1V1 singer's bakery i Corn - with ts contents, was destroy - fire early hour last Sunday lad the fell d di it w foun 11 ed b tflO insn abou lism, up a whe who TOM fent ciati han cil t pre celeb ever prize they othe ant that tem ilton an a • • • Sne all Lo ou ow aic the SI • • epos d th disp he j•eo eke pl wil be side to f the Ba and tion, by 113. ton, to aes•st yo ng Cabe, of W trapeze w travelli six yaare to snsoke. explosioia Johnson great fear lose ilia e Wm, Spe in the tax thinks tla a te • se • removed of —RIX: when th *close at mit suic eloped N cattl radi of over; 4;50 pe ick haa upwitid farm ee ed that he h for Ma at port, landed, rid. at were for warded by the Grand Trunk to steamer_ was acc le cir the ha old 0 too bou ar tle die, be nd bef w tim and e or th a ch t IS Mwtreal, while moving stairs. She waifs picked und her neck wa morning Mr. undle containin at his door. N ungster over to t f. le of Ayr are', o have one of the greatest quoit playing jlthat has ce in the Domineen. The large, so muchlj so that ite a number from the eke part in the cOntest. k of Hamilton, died Fri- embered hile at- e Ham - et with ecessary ftiend • broken. of Cel - an in- t appre- nt, he making It will be re 2th of July, das Railway, he nd in need is , mplified in the generous the Scott Act Associa- Nelson Mills, of n defraying expe he .temperance -campaign rn Park in Ha ilton. • Remit- ses con- lkerton, broke elbow by falli ys ago. This i one of dents resulting rota the t on our youth by the evening a bo uamed of Hamilton, ag d 'about ded another b , about named johnson hn Me- ls right a cigar the cigar being lit an place, severely! buthing the face and. eyefe and entertained that; he may ht in consequenee. dopted daughter of Mr. uear Leith, wai3 kicked a horse on Saturday ild will recover, j but the ured, ken ,and d to be somewhat disfi heek bone are br pieces of bone h re her face Tula , be i . Gregor, of the Ownship of their wedaina was But Peter did. nbt %orn- pine away. Not he. He sistey of his prespective the consternation Of the ily, some pf whom are said to hun ed and. seVentyihead of e. two iles of Warwick village, shor time, at an aver ge price .1.9 head at an average r heed. Mr. F. Rester - d to European arkets • 6, 1880;. he kind Lord win forgiviz• me. This is kindness, and iyou will have ,your esvard. Pity a poor, forsaken mother, ud beg of whoever takes it to behind —The other d ad amed Fran lady or e row, he I lana managed to uPset the boat. be succeeded in clinging to the keel util they were rescued by a party of r Company's c, last week, ge boiler was a through the air to a distance of ,000 feet and deposited on a hill t above whiire the boiler originally very painful aecident happened u Wedne4day. While Russel air„ son of Ge ge e air was trying to old and feh on the , track. The car ass d over his left atm, crushing it so hat 't had to be amputated. — Iiii blight vhich may be seen on an ePple tree is said 1 to be caused f the twig, killing it its operations to the apparently deposited stings the limb after t place t. Lawrence are all uch difficulty that ace ny kind can belprocure kers, whilst the manager of the Tad- usa.0 Hotel say that bulsiness .is sixty er cent. better shis' yeart than in 1879. —As a tram on the , Credit Valley tow enemy was sliuntiog across Queen pin tree , Toronto on Friday. evening, a a er which was crossing the track -ee'h of being run cation of the acre iced the wag- of b t and earned. brok Hernees took out a d when half -way to Of • 65 p hipp of 10 stea head of :cattle, wick village. er Corinthian her last trip do rom his et with nward. borough it was 4iSOOVOT- d. broken her main tress - was censequently headed ch at them as wished —1011 own d Ric dest wit tons luna nin horses the fire —He pold a d suite embarked on boar nine 0 clock Saturday morein England. Prince Leopold is NIA physici n, one of his chief ailments be- ing en ffectiou of the knee which has • seen im pull, having been away from to b t eated with great care, the slight- , the Dominion , for three years. He est i step frequently producing eery hope , however, that he will beat pai ful results This ailment was ag- 1 Tric ett for the sake of old Canada. gra.vat d lately by a slight straie he re- —4 lady in Torpnto named Mrs. , —T other nigh a aentlemen in St. evenipg which she will not care to foend a baskeet at his door, have `repeated. She was lying . on a femele child about threw loun e in the &irk, the lamp having ; atly and cleanly dressed. just een taken frona the room by one ; the sake of a 'poor, at th who, h s no li me, would you find e, horde or this dear babe. Perhaps there i a lad - in, 3„ -our congregation take it:as thei own, bring it up in tbe right path, an they will receiee heav- en's' blessing7 This is an awful. step to sent to• her d • Sund y morning last ushi fire ushe raber harvest tools, ono span .of Two mOre cows The cause of the MCIld to 20,000 of haxne 11 and ed tw dly bu is a m ock for a barn , near Napalnee, was at 2 m.. together s; of barley, seven Sleigh, twol sets of cultivatbrs fan - COW Hiehness the Princess Leo - the ec, at to lie • rs ill he g arri ver 5 fe tood t th ee, 11, the Canada Pa at Windsor, Queb eater part Of the h 11 nto the heart ip. The egg is he anner of t isit tur too whe the ha eigh • hibi on muS catt tura grad chi wo4 ed about an het her at once to D , after about. an octor succeeded • afterwards. He r. King's surgery, hour's exertion, in getting it out, ng first killed the insect by pouring the ear. Theicockroach was five - hs of an inch in, length. ntries for the Provincial Ex - ion, to cominence at Hamil- the twentieth ' of September, be made as follows : Horses, e, sheep, swine poultry, agricul- , field roots, Intending ex te of these datea.1 een sunk to a .10 ing has and a fine quality et' hard slate and flag tones are being uarried. A. der- fve rick has been emote and the ;number of miners will sh tly be increased to f om forty tor; f y. Large orders (i ston has been eaft . The shipment of ir n ore from the hematite mine is ea down t hold their annu.ai Me ting on the 1 of A gust. Over 66 in prizes have when it w alre dy been subac,* bed, and three in his box 6th through a on tying t a this amount is i xpected. It will e an international ch-aracter, as shocking iman s are coming fr in the United]: Forts Snelling Ileums' silver, a arrived from Ottawa, and will be her whi, She tor during the competition. The Torouto severe hailstlarta passed over the to publish; the of Gotham, s th ize August 21st ; rrn produce, ma - s, before August products, ladies' itors should take quarry is now be - ed. The opening th of fifteen feet, McLEAN BROS., ''u'blil here. $1.50 a, Year, n'k-dva)ace. their surprise and delisiit they found that the child had been thrown into one of thel cattle guars s, which con- tained about eighteen (aches of water, and they picked the little one out, half suffocated,xbu.t still alive, and ;with the exception of some bruises, riot much the worse of the accident. —The annual meeting of the Nation- al Lodge of Canada United 1 Temper- ance Association, was ;held op Thurs- y of lest week, Park, on Wel- The elThe meeting i the j report of he Ansociation to be in a much better p sition than at the last annual meti g. The next meeting will b 'helda� St. John, New Brunswiclk, iii uly, 1b81. day, Frida at the Tho lesley Isla was very the &ere and Saturd sand Island d, New--Yoek ary showed to Mr. D. etcher, of II ron township, on the eve ing;of Frida , 23rd ult. It appears that Mr. Potcher has a bull which is rather dangerous animal, having a tacked. him on two pre- vious occ ii011-13, ilr beth of which 011 the eve ing in questiim 'Kr, Potcher, e adienalern' his Stall, stoop - feel if he bala fooa enough when he Was feriously eta hints but managed, to escape op ning in, front Of thestall, - s di covered that his thighs e animal's horns in a er. in makes a atatement m the following to the effect that she was led from the tates : Fort Pepe- path of vittne by Re . Mr. Handford, nd Fargo. Their who afteriwards dese tea her, and in d bmuz° medals answer te her pleadi g roughly -asked. id not drown herself. apers Intive all declined 'My confession of Mrs. y all believea it should s wa into he cohimns of any paper to be read in bje family. The people generally are eic of the Haiacl- ford naatter, and think there has been quite eno gh Of it. In the meantime sofwtehree bert Hall to large audiences, many of lights on: the wept side of their whom arik m mbers qf Bona street es. Fruit has, been very much in- Church. jA large provortion .of his • with the storm apples and plums healers are ladies. Gibeon, of 1_827 Market very badly cut up a -dad damaged. _Nen ea re he mail carrier who got losC in street, San Francisco, informs the Lon - now when carty ng the mails from don Advertiser of the le Mountain to t. Joseph in =the , chester, DelaWare C01111 er was found ttb ut three or four 1 Maria E.Belktrap ' t erage of ra n and rainy days. i 'The . wee s ago on the ben - of Badger Creek. her age. Mr. ibsou a er storms of .., September Will of resort on tee crowded with assu . The Riviere eau), Exc hay Shot • ago as in immine4 dar•ge 'rat°. The brakeman no n, a d by a quick app rak avoided an accide the a miration those — r. Moses Oates, the Galt weather jure prop et, makes the followina forecast bein for A gust and epteinbOr Zugust will be m ch hotter han usual, with nearly '-uu, rt au a then CI be severe in their effects and will The Pails were 1°11 , -ma -with Rlaina. He nap, my Tly Sister, au was a half-breed from about ed River, berin in 1), nwich, Clint, ee 0 v ilea be a marked feature of the season.1 and his friends from that loeality came mi e westj of a smal sa n s ca , with a cart and took' his remains home Ione. Onr father's name Wall 5ohn ut eral Governmi t is, bedding a: new with them. The fernaers are talking of Gibson; qur rcother Viri3.13 8, sister to whet , 425 feet 1 ug, and costing about put ng in posts, say every 100 yards, Joseph, Willi*, John James, Rufus, 66,0 , at Lanse St. Jean, which will fro Turtle Mountain to meet the posts Thomas and °might= -umley, all of proir very usef 1 to the inhabitants of in the Mennonite settlement, to direct whom were °lit residen s of Dunwieh the 1 cality, as ell as to tourists. It avellers in the winter and prevent and Southwold, and II don't know if is also causing the channel of the tr there is one n w living. Many of their Saguenay to be dredged 'near Chieouti- ., — r. Avery Winiams, a general children (our cousin ) are now living -keeper at repents, is a farmer's_ near their] old oiries d I would _con- nd his father 00, ing aexions that Bider it a favor of any' liof them to write ould spend his aays in the honest me, as I have'had ne kindness from ation of tilling Ishe soil, invested them for liwenty years a more. OitiiNiviathfatrhme fnoeilimsa.ry Hfmepailesmo esnutPs-. there 'wall; lately born] prematurely a very soon pupil that he was not , which excited. much in - of farming B[13 ambition soared e inediaal men -of the stifles were enelosed in a d `the. ideal of; eing a merchant, 1,000 for a bank - appears to have alue. Being now dings heve been eath at Man- e 56th year of Myself were p, about one mi, ah order to eba,ble v drau ht to reach that p of th tide. occu foe Many years .iagaged in the bueiness $2, plie at Dbon, in 'Waterloo ounty, died on the 26th ult. Mr. Perin was a native But of New York State, was educated for a Isona lawyer, pra.ctisi 0 law or some time ueY° ssels of greater int at all etages stor befor much getic coming o Canada. 'He was and respected as an honest, ener- business man, au an excellent givi rupt citizen. been . —A New Bru swick woman escaped una certain death fr m an edvancing train, which she met o a bridge, by letting take hanging to theralby het ands until the Kin train passed, wh'eri she raised herself her jouthey as if noth- cies deformed ehil city. The int eac outeide of he body, but, pf course, attached ;to it. The spinal -column was divided into two perts, and one of the lower ilimhs terminated in a double club foot, h very nenueiai thiug. The g his notes for stock. This se about twice its le to pay, proce lower part of t ertha Von Ilildern arrived in part of the br ston from OttaWa last week. Miss was one (4 the rn is known in sporting .cir- which the most curi up and resumed s a pedestriam some note, but ing lied happened. It ia good to have at K ngston she app area in a new role, presence ot mind, but the necesSity of that of sculler. Sit appeared on the putting it to such a Severe test DS this wa r and exhibitedher rowing powers, woman did ought to be avoided. i but id not win ranch admiration by ; —4 local grails buyer of Port :Hope her rep th the oars. Perhaps it lay wi has "skipped" to the: States, but , he is was hat she did net get into a boat Want d bact at the Por , to aurswer a t a suited. her. The fair oarswoman char respecti g the utterance of was ressed in a blIte dress cut short, forge warehouse receip s, the Bank of blue stockings her arms were strip - Mont eal proving the victim. The ped ; she was h'atless, but had a bend- kerc ief tied arounid her head. The matt Whi Bays: She mu t show more skill and speed if she b. pee to match the siste of the champi u of England and — ngiueer James Skuze, of the Air Lin Great Wester Railway, took -a slee a feiv evenings ago, which came near being his last bo. earth. He had brouaht his train to St. Thom -as from sor, and after shunting the cars siding ran his engine up on the line to the depot, and told his an, Gordon, to step in the tele - if there were any fireman did. so, e second or two a to see the loco - an easterly direc- speed. The em- s gave chase vvith the yard en - and overhauled the runaway, when eigineer Was fouod calmly sleeping e cab. Skuze has been suspended. r Cs being kept qui amoent advance by t medo to get hi ferni tle the matter. ' ill for some time, but on the 1 monsing of his death felt much better. After breakfast he left the dining room, and ta 'rig a seat in , another part of the ho se, dropped off 1 to sleep, it was thought, but it was the sleep of death., ,Deceased was well ! of yeers he carried on farming. —The Dundee Balmer says that a former resident Of that -,own (Dr. Thos. Howe) writes trim Australia that the people there are :wonderfully confident that Trickett can aleafi6 out, Henlan. very different an•tagonist from auy he ' has yet met, and, he considers Trickett .a wo der, never haVing seen anything im on the Water before. The et, so that the e bank is no y conned ons, ine, died very . He had been like Doct Thorne month old, n Pinne to its the fo lowing on a fire • graph office and see furt er orders. Th but n coming out late he was surpris mot ve proceeding is. tion at a good rate o ploy gine the in t —An eighteen months old child of Mr. arper, EsSeX. Centre, was marvel- 1. Wales," belobging to Mr, Jo n Ryan, lous y near being killed on Thursday of j attacked 1 another, “sterterican Boy," last eek. As the f train approached. ownea by Mr. Roaayi, in the stable the tation, the engieer perceived the' 1 where both Were pleated. The noise littl one as he drew closer, clapping its i made attracted attention, bet efforts to tiny hands vvith glee to see the iron aeparate the horses were without ste- mma ter approaching. At onoe he sig- cess for Some time, :as "Pnnce of nall d to put on the brakes, but he saw Wales" was loose and., the ether one that the train could not be brought to a • tied, ana both in a single stall, so there stau still in time to ,Bave the life of the was no room to get in bear them. At chil . Quick as thought he mounted last, by standing in the next stall and to t e round the engine, and rea-ching oyer the top of it, 1st. Roddy was speedily on top of the cow catcher. managed th get the cannibal Out, which The e he met -with an object which ; immediately proceeded back to its own rated his huraene intention ; the stall. The injured animal was led of the coweatchar were not wide , ont, vrheri it was at once seen that gh to admit of standing room. : it could not liee, as the other. :horse had e body Was Maus one con- ast upwiards the -child most perfeotly formed sur eons lied ever eeen, The us o ' the defohuities was the external s c. 1 The 'hotly at the middle ' consisted thus! of the spinal cclumn end_ the skin, t ere being no abdomen. All li that the latter portion of the body should ha e cOutained was in the SSC. : * The child !lived only for -a short time, . the doctorS making no attemPt to pro- long its e qetence, and. the body is noW •e -A few. days aeo to the "general ae- livery" of the Termite posh office there - came a man. The peePliae leek of ex- pectancy on his visage clearly -showed. - the "Old got try.' H gave his name, : and the eagerl looked -for TtlihiSiVe was handed him b the °Mal, 4At last 1" be mu/burred, as he jPipfully -departed- - the wicket, with a look; of angtesh on his face, fted said that. in his anxiety to read the letter he opened it at the door. • He bed only got as fer as "My dear the letter away beneath the feet of a span nf carriage horses that were stand- , ing on theletreet. Thejhorsee, after the warmer ofi their kindel were stamping impatiently, and prevelited hina from i picking trail the °message from home' i and earned it out of Ihis sight, The i letter was ;directed to! Morris Everett, t eight a. mice of gh the window, which was open frus time, and struck the lady in the bars . She naturally threw ber hand up enor. to brdsh the insect away, but instead Nex moment the child was struck, eaten a hote ite /weir and side als propelled forwara for a distance of most largl enaiugh to admit a patent of doing so, by the action forced it into and the orifie?ty. She then attempted to abou extrieate with her fingers, but only stop succeeded in forcing it further in. She I ()yea remeined in this condition, suffering I trai the greatest a.gorly from the movements eve of the creature, until her husband ree mas t eight feet. The train did not 1 pail and. exposing tbe bowels, Dr. till the whole length had passed • Dann was sent for, but as .so -On as he the spot , Then the engineer and • arrived he save that he could not 'do hands -hurried back, expecting , anything, and acconifngly the horse !tt y instant to see the mangled re- I was killed to put it ont of its misery. s of the little victim. But to ' American Boy was vaIued at $300.