HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-30, Page 8rf 11V 0 txpoggit� x. DIST ICT MATTERS' NEW Go forth, has ins hies'ra. Brows chafed very ei caries and Cel forth. His C's to call and prices. 660 NEW W this seaso this seasag by Mr.B.re last, the 2 lr.. Gharle of the Sen did satnpl color. If turns out or dealers complaint MONSTE lard., of yesterday ed four feat in his gar of the stal some of t were set d ▪ and were and with an extra() two wont like to knc STrrr. C by a corr Walki nsh champion that befor honorable feated in. gold mea match wit he was be The Salm Mr. Wal willing to any other be agreed s. --Mr. John Logan, ; ea- eturned from the Trade S le of Ruth & Co., where he ) as` per- p as fine a stock of Fresh] Gro - are as was ever shown i Sea- omers would find it to their; profit mane these Goods and asd rtain AT. — The first wheat of rowth brought to . town as delivered to and ground er at the Red Mill on Friday d inst. It was grown by Carter, of Hallett. It was a variety, and was a plea- ' being plump and of a good 1 the wheat in the c unty well as this, ou fa ers ill not have any 'care for n the score of quality 4 nings and 6 rens. We der talnd that the Photograph .Ga ery x S Ic tiff's blogk formerly occupied by M. " ra k Pajl- tridge has been le sed y a st-class artist, and will be s,ope ed ::0 in in a few days. It is beg reit bed a, d when completed will present a ea a d cora- fortable appearance, an w 1 mbraee all the requisites for fir -cl s work. — We regret to learn!that t o n Stod- dard, of Egmondvijlle; is -till' i a very low condition, .arid h.: r very is doubtful. Miss McDo :ld, o several years operator in € the o in on Tele- graph office here; has ecued an n- gagement in an officein t a Mar is. She is a first-class ope a • .e—Rev. P. J. O'Shea moved into . i.. n9, eside` cc on Monday last.—Mr. I : ni : 1 ymo who was in town for ie ays, returned to Chicago.— r. S . Log of Portage la Prairie, a' it ba, w Mrs. Logan and fam l , : rr vel l7 yesterday. They ire + d endin few weeks here visiting f 'en e s —Me A. G. McDougall its Cols 10 'e : t.tabl proving quite a popular a tra t on, an daily inspected and lib all atroni by many visitors. • A LIVELI RIIN AWA sr Ge • Ewing's fine driving tearno g eys m a lively scene on Mon ay e e ing 1 Mr. E wing and Fran we . t out to country with them bit Lied nto a li wagon to get aload •f ambs. Ewing went into a fie to I ook at th -lambs end left Frank :o ring in th team. He drove the :hr.. gh a g .way, and left the stens 'n:, alone u he went back to shat t ' gate. soon -as they foun they • • e e alone t made a bound an start .d o • the gal The first fence they ca .I a to t cleared it like deers te..+ing the w after them. They came o a sec fence and leaped •t aleo, bu i in vane in, this fence they pa ted w. ++ p ny with th wagon. They ran aro. n • the fie d. considerable time until th .y got so e tangled in the lines tha i th y could get further, vvheth y stood, unti' cured. The wag n was ba • y dem ed, but., strange o say, th .. horses caped without a ecratc • , a ed even. harness was unbroken. T • e team very valuable one{ and is • ighly p z by the owner, who is to be congrat ed on their forte ate a + d 'most i aculous escape fr m i j ry. Mr. E says that as neat andel tan i ]urger will put them ag inst'a.1 yt . mug in Fbr paugh's circus or en: g:ri: - ONION. --Mr. James Stod- gmondvrlle, left will us onion stalk which m astir- one inch in length. He has n a whole bed, and very few are shorter than •this and pions May, ed up t manure. This is certainly nary growth for less! than , and Mr. Stoddard would who can beat it. Ij are longer. These c ing the . Last week in own on sod land plo meroN.-We are informed pendent that Mr. Cartes , • of Wingham, is is still uoit player of Caned. , , and e can be deprived of this istinction, he must . b' de - etch for the cham ion's which he now holds. , The Dodd, of London, in beth en, was for private s akes. correspondent states that shaw'e backers are still ace him against Dodd or an for any sum that may 011. I SociAr .—The ice ream nder the auspices f the Society of the Met odist r. James Beattie's grove, e • ening last, was fairly at- e cream, tea, ooffee!, and ubstantial viands were in •nd of the very best grality. were liberally pair¢ nized evening and a handsome d ; besides those -present njoy a most agreeable, so- . The Seaforth band was e and favored the audience of their. choioest musical ICE CRA. social lyse Ladies' Ai 'Ghurch,i on Friday tended. ether mor abundanc The tabi daring th sum reale seemed to. tial. eveni in. attenda with sever selections. Tan. LA match on the Wood as we anti affair, and large. conc stock tears our boys, fourth ga cured by some very and every and agree the Seafo this Boase! `feel disc increased the return more sncc • IlossE MercF .—The la: rosse nesday afternoon, between tck and Seaforth club was, paced, a very inter sting as witnessed by a very rse of people. The Wood - roved an over match for aping the first,: second and ..DB, the third game being se- a e home team. There was :ood playing on both :sides, ing. passed off pleasantly ly. This is the firs: time team has been defeated so they have no cause to aged, but should exercise ligence in practice, and in atch they will likely be sful. t •u Tows' C-4( suir .—A.t a meeting of the Town Co n held on Monday even- ing, the Fr and Water Committee re- ported, re: •rnm.ending the purchase of about 1,0 eet of first-class hose. On motion the eport was received and the Committer mpowered to purchase at once 750 t of hose. The following statement A the receipts and expendi- tures of ti:: town, for the first half year ending J- : 30, was laid before the Council,: Receipts—Balance from 1879, $1, D 9.20,;- tavern licenses, $1- 162.11; ci us license, $20 ; hall and scale fees,. 120.07 ; waterworks • deben- tures,. $10 6 ; total, $12,961.41. Ex- penditure. &:c., $85.3' $279.50 ; lamps, $ street w contract, 7 ing, $68 $288.17 ; balance i July, of $i seated as• a uniform upon a re 0 e c n. Salaries, $312.58 ;, streets, charity, $125.18 ; interest, undries, $104.57 ; street 6.70 ; fire and water,', $36 ; ring, $78.25 ; waterworks ,635.05 ; waterworks build - 14 ; waterworks xtras, tal, $9,670.37 ,• leaving a t effect tha, t it f e treasury on the ] 91.01. A petition ws g the Council to pu ✓ the chief of police, lotion was passed t he prayer of the peti st of s ,pre - chase here - the ion be not grant .d as in the opinion of the i Council it uniform f passing a til adjoin; of the Ma Loce went not Monday he return; R.omethin out of the J. Campb ed with t and brot Lumsden, ing friend Bank her very popu many old him Iooki in Chath was in toi arrangem patronize which le next.- -Mc barley in and uotw has been farmers lr to thresh make bar The yield ed. The 31 bushel will hav Beattie h women a.r pulling tit good one thus far 1 it.—Mr* Re cop It is a mo each page . the Week cupie 1 v. small ty J per copy. l; lie sten at -c not wise to purch se a the town constable. i After ltnber of accounts the boun- ce, to meet again at the call r. ►rnvs. Mr. Charles tli-on a fishing expedition on resort such as a ar ruing. He says that when grove now owned by he will ,be able to show , in the north part f t hat will take the conceit veniently .located a; Lake Superior boys.—Mr.. J. place, and with the lout 31 , for several years couuect- ` owner is frequently u Consolidated Bank' here, other .pleasant parties, Robert r-iu-law of Mr. ' come ,.a popular resort f • 11 u fitted' up and le + ¢edl Th represent anannual. ontl the outside. pbr t : s on zens v; ou d have a dace where they aid ;hold and other t -doer a could drive, lk or lie rn cool shade o h t `sum •+ and. evening eider be a source o p 011 to t more attract ve we; can the greater detergents siders of the very est el their lot wit lus. e n lent schools and hurt i mercantile • •uses,: a go Institute a • d Reading last, • but . of least, fire, and to h0,ve o hey will su ater f r dom , andwith able to offe other town these sugge -rolling, g, an our public rs ge `erally and, leonsi ewiti.as w o of tehan : ada bf fore r.. id, tion from as = time we hop extended so th I town with re, 1 den purpose awe would b srs meats as fe • is merely mak is j set the ball .ed i mainder to I the retepay i will discuss rge and if they de will have o st the other sum a .h LATE CL. —Mr. Edit. on a subjec well-being o compact a • this town i stores are c evening ex mak; this because Sat the other fi be because on Saturd: *But is the on Saturda occupied wi many peopl till : fter to ing ' he stor they can b well as dur d be b:iter to tine on Sa of t week exce • tion o the very v difl?+ulty th mangy' of th sup • lies on ing :heir w k rnig t be f 1 ploy:rs ado e wee besid o:t payi•g the r y coup be m: wee . witho till atirda syst:.m the wea ''od aft: aday hat it so •• any ar i- bath, even r The :: the s o 8 the + onifort it : - imp • ssihle � s pay ttc nti h:r it n be v•r nigh , and f.r well as on es Peo BoNO itis it r 'o .. TME CONCERT. T e co.Cert, n the auspices 'of he S:afo th. Cri Club, was one of the epos succes held in Seaforth. for 1on • :time. hall was crowded to ex ss :••'th a • respectable, appreciative : °nd . ord audience, and the entertainment. of the highest order, - and in vance of general ex + ectations. - G. W. Cline fully su: ained well-earned and high r:puw Mr. Findlay McGregor de ighted, Miss Maggie Darr cha .•e•1, the all ence. Miss Barr has a • ea + tifLll., ch sweet voice, while her u • ostentati manner, as well as her pi: in attic tion and the way in why cli she 011 into the sentime t and fee ng of selections, secure her, at on a the f of her audience. r. IoGregor, versatility and . ori in lit'`, snrpa anything we have ever' :ee ', while rendering of Scottish a. dother net al songs, was fully equ: t any of celebrated Scottish voc: ' • Is so fa a; ly known in Canada. a is, in f -'show" of himself, : nd has to li:eard and seen to be f lly ppreciu 'iie have every confiden e hat . sh• •.1iss Barr and Mr Mo egos a favor.Seaforth with a vis' , they meet a hearty welt me. r. Tho Joslin also favored tie audience an excellent solo, for w is he rece a deserved enco e. he acoomp ments on the pi no ere played Miss Maggie Foster and M stor T. 1 grove. We have of lea ne the am. realized, but jud ng fro tie exten the audience, we shoul s ; there at least a hundr d n t : irty d. house. The Clu , a e, cert inly, to congratulated on lie su ow which attended this the r fi st concert. d A PUBLIC PAR Fon StAFOuTFI.— know of nothing ha e; tractions of a.city or to� have within its b undaries; luxuriant resort he e th d ha; cos the n_naore th a neat over-ta wring the he with.. !their f or ,a 'season [n th' way leficie t. It i he resid y engro• to parti ents and But we of th e have is but some co go alc g needs d plea d be. . es Bea �, is a st plea sent of pic-nic as even e plea no kn be left can be lis sort ides pe ree of f belon a neces know toilers -Can retir days of summer, lies or friends euj beauties of natur . forth is as yet' ve .y young and busy plat ad have beenall along sj deep in the race of business as neglect all outward don] cial and physical co forts. no reason why thi tat ' should longer cortin e. a brief season of life, an to ourselves that eve pro forts and enjoy thein a; And one of our most pr Stobie this direction is_a publi n y •1 Ott Ir 6a f Li I e -as in town this week: visit - While connected with the r. Campbell made himself ✓ with our citizens. and his fends were pleased to see so well.. He is now located .--Mr. Thomas Greeur'ray i on Monday last making ar- ts with those intending to is regular monthly train of individuals. 'But th ing how long even this us. No private iudi f'id petted to keep. a place the public. benefit, and cannot use it with that dom that they would d the town. Such is plat in any town, and'wo do wnf author' es Centralia on Tuesday : could make than to pur haee suffic s of . the fall wheat_ and ! of this land to make 'a suitable pts this section is now housed, ."park and pleasure groin d. This is t standing the wet weather : best situated,—in fact hp only ae t in in good order.—Several ` able place we know o .rj the purp i eabouts have been corn sled ; We do not know wha - lr. Beat their fall wheat in or er to views on the neater are but if - he i room for their spring crops. permit us to jud;; ` �r him ' we we is fully as good as wase poet- say that it would pay him tvell to li e will be an average of abort polo of the conte=1 part of his gros the tow inner fo ese of urrouncling it would s able resor better investment ourto d: ssi a 011 Ja ow m co fo nd r re 1 wil al f ti be deg d is not the N dr. liam : t, thfre e la e• ed. M l c la a: •a hi it o• v: in i - 'w 0 t to .11. t A. • 1/1 a la ti he mitt a et k oe fa els c .44 eg • st ant on - ant L re to 1 le 1 a es the acre, although some say seven or eight acr s—to considerable .more. -a Mr. be fitted up in a .,ulta s now eeveral gangs of men, • park. • He could then 1. The crop is au unusuallv . park for private se. as L is year, but the weather has beconie the most fas io n unfavorable for harveeting private resident s. When Quo W. Duncan has kindly sent Park in Toront w s firet laid. cf the London Daily Titn.P;•.. there was not a esi ence of any trous paper, being 16 pages„ count in its vich ity, while now it Leing nearly twice the Size of surrounded by so y Globe, Eight pages 0.re oc- . some in the city, it advertisements, set in same here. We e and solid. The price :is 3d an investment o The Seaforth Cricketers got , the most, the gr t. Marys last week by, 1 in- chased and lac dis of fo t of ecs.i Tr( Trewa hing t impr enced end o ac tory haiges new CIDENT Mr. iley and W n out latfoi ractur as pro iut he for BO E WO We equent usly ng of f ell out any ot over favor heat leted. slimed rop the w Mime on th orepau hors, into place bein a a • . • 10 A th 11 • 11 at 1 r 1, p rt t w af a te ot e fit th act - IS h e of the Most heal- co nd hou und tly and c it wOuld be d thio that 00 or $2,000 coal be the m for ly at th hi a E }iU 0 .vocild my yI; of .$40 `10 a • ur � ..:ir pw4itin pic1nics ..: r1tE ' or b =autifnl,, fternbona w W uIQ 11Tli: town ✓ ,out ;art i. cel hes: i Bios` an• p e p>T i . sbtec- orI y t:e stir jga 8 : • rye ;par }n}dnc: as. W Bois t the r - aii$ an g. the .este o esifort a• pub: 7•: of a+ e d p SING r,—P close mai gong ecco; •sed ept exc�e on ? • rday s sho e bus Bess emu h mo to proper sho seve ingc tit off on Sa not mmo day? sto on N SA it con peo lance t seve aturd me c bef h ser not • Urns ao t}, g close rdef per, the] 1 arm t pr work Saturn des. reme �t so s Sat ✓ m de d t oro nig �• ost ✓ the ease: lat: t the lne of tl r th i• to ell t ose oth IBLric • ►. s s 4 . Sis m +utche ^eat seats ing el ay ni But d. othe day :ing t ding . W busi long o be for c your o of th spew ea to the w adop Sat nigh 1.011 lin s is c eve Mait an f do e Sa at Lem even .. ,,r0BIS,: fuDlloy . era: y, know- s the cisse , an effect m and resultin rmabl to ch ning way. endea or to seat, hrAis 08 r some Ther was n bolt • eiug lo and bus rifling los a ES111.. MAC thie VOXII thr WOT and liter art of as en f th on' 11 138 tar any badl oh i er, he ble to p rea adl evil ny nee h's Mr. th ista at of • tub • co ts, fr o pan s ing He i tend rida Ril e 2n tcoanksr°inni ngo gage ing of hi nd t e ab glhe s bee s of ha aces (jet th espe mores Wing t ring ers thei eefor inju nst., ircus arro t was aft he not • p rob rad the robe gent o The' wner town hip nd 'f and b t for fort has pene to, M uner f the ome rties elenee at to a eir hrou ir au or me MEAN ie re absent fro ed to s arc milk ouse land sufficient evi enefit of the ssion, di not esult t the ho hat bein e breeze nt re ence aw. 's fa oha serio • blown in of -ifind, • hav 48 it ne OU th st 111 ne rri it so tel ar ot Pi a law eke e ets the eite ng find tit it t ter isso if 0 frig tsv ch !Mid • her da s e [tingle et on th the ecei nig of t time f ✓ has • th atter o pr se tu wh • en, Sa oleloc atla an ak mo an oul pa ur etc vit ons th makin i e ever F3 tees • in las 1381011 wing SOS an lo din tio ic lim 131 110 Me ed aye to hi 06 • e ize er CO CO if ead the bu haisne a Se asi OC le. al nes! o erred TO • • • 1: 11 Z fire r tutnin ✓ i • raeuesee C113810 has this week cban isit on been sold out to Mr. up in recei the 1 issue in th avoi port oblig Mar Bu ston eree bell dep mon of of Mon cha Cly may terp 11 112 ok top I Ind t aista har t bei hat • em uncontrollable, r, cgapbell 'being hingeird their run aa useless to remw he with great unaelf off the , unhurt. The horses ce and then stopped, &one further the:a a, ngi g to the mower, un tely assed with H nett. DisprTE0---We have . Martin a reply to pieces herself right aceount of the un - the Celebration re. of pther I local Rowe e left oter, we are p blishing of Mrs,. E SILT) -WELL ed from Mr able le ath o and a rude can not d to d er 's let 131.11 la AWING NEAR. linOanenra:Bfril4aa°11°Idegwilt'g e Queen bum foil. the eadtsiq, an ay last, for 'ng and i be as space s ise as they., • 1 arattr)na for the pr is about to take hie our noble Queen. ' Mr Peter McEwe Mr James Horto d for Scotland o he purpose of pu orting e, couple f We hope that the ul in their new e ye been with the old • 10 fall wheat, kn the reques of ing statement w I sowed this w and harves ed 0 Sen ca ; Second. well Third, Is firm straw ? F sow on a clea ma re, soil a has een ample?) for ver fqrty has els per acre mith. AT —Sir : You made we ks ago that I had wn a new variety of as the Fultz, and g od many of m re make the folio at. three weeks late week earlier than nil t 'able to rust, beide e. half, and a cleaet 1 th The wheat was pe stubble witho t ht clay loam, whic wi h very little re t • • this lame, iitarted on a pleasure trip tit the outh r Sco la d, on Thursday isf place end ee old e ds. She carrie wit her t e best wis es of the co mu ty for a Safe as age aud pleasant 1 A OMEN ,-011 at rday last, as Mi Cha les M Tavish, of the 6th concession isti and ell off the loa t the barn floor, and triking on th e ge of a box with his ead, had the mis ortune to fracture his j w. He is. how ver, doing as well as can be expected, b rrin' that he can't ate anything but spoo vittles. G OD CIITTING.—M . John Young, cif the th concession o Howick, cut oa Sat rdey last oa the arm of Mr. SebaS- tian Hooper, ten aor s of fall wheat in six ours With a R yce reaper, manta fact red b John Wa son,:of Ayr. Thi is o e of t e first mad Royce machine as r. Yo ng has no used it four se sons Th above ca be substantiate at a y tim if uecess ry. Trot oat your Mor is. A SUCCESSFUL Ess TIST.—Mr. J. who is at Present pu suing Ms studio at Owen Sound Hig Schbol, succeed- ed at the closing of t seir literary and debatiug society in ca rying off the firet prize for an Englis 1 essay. Subject, wheat. There is any quantity of hay out I yet.—ISunshine saw mill is at length -shut down, o ing to the bus harvest. Most of the hands have gon off to harVest.—Mr. clwin Caister, to Sunehine to see Boise of his friende residing there. AN UNUSUAL WEL ONTE.—.A. few dap; ago a newly married ouple arrived at from Blyth, and nt nded to have a little jollity, but to heir utmost dis satisfaction they had to cut' their con cert rather short, for they had hardl commenced to tune p the violin whe they were surrOunde by at least score of young Per3on , desirous to obi- tain either a share of their whiskey or money to obtain mor , but as far as we can learn they go n ither. Howevea the bride and groom ook their depart ture for Blyth as fa t as they could" besides having their buggy broken and destroyed. No informatb*,40 tili Iva got austetnositihse. :Tri:ite,11..isnotfsrjeurathke -443. Mt\ Wallace is a heavy: loser ore the faoto y and Pf cheese, 'was fully nee pf $500 in the &IVA Omit nts in the "We$.1ern for $950; the ret rn. cricket Match between Wingha *hen Brussels club turned 19 reans, • of,I 71 rues. The- sco e was Jet innings 65 runs, nd in- 2na. innings 31 runs. Come' Domes.—At the las meet- ing of • ewick Council, it was resolved that th: Connell give the sum 4:4 $5 as their proportion of the cost of letting money o be paid whe the work is comple d. The sum $10 was grant- tendan oa the farhih of Mrs. King and Mr . prove ed he accepts that. a ount as payme t in full of his claim. Messrs. Weir a d Jacques were appoioted to examine a d if necessary let the sntract for a itch on Sideline son app ared before th 'Council rela- tive to he echool equalization dispute betwee himself and Afr. Montgomery, and wh ch was adjudicEited upon on the 15th i st. at Wroxeter, but the 1Council decided not to take an_ action in the matter ntil such time as Mr. F rguson laysibeiere the Council, ell do meuts and pa ere in his possassion o under -hie don rol relative to the affa Mr Gallew y was paid the amount of ar- 15, as h: had paid the mount tb bah leetor. Mr. Thomas Wakefoid was paid $2 35, expenses ineurred in trial as path Fe aster. The balance of drain- age ms ey drawn fro the overn- ment fs drain across e Mess s. Gib - son's lo s, and not requ red for the com- pletion the work, as ordered to be paid, ov to the owners of the lots with account , the Council a journed to meet at Fend ich, on the t ird Wednesday. in Aug st. - Corr meetin Black r jobs of Turiebe • with th opposit 10, 14 r lots 26, oiling e on bou Andre drain 1 ship of Ewen a ning st motion Mr. Ha and re agreed ment Messrs. that th Jo bb's John E ton rep 90614.5 , 11 ished ; also job cif Sideline also job of I gravelling and roan ing hill conj ction with' Cilross to A. Mc-, ary line ick, fini of culv 11, as p • • IL o ported having ork on the bo ry 'and Morris, R eve of Morr s, viza Culvert lot 7, $8 ; and prading on lots st of Bluevale 4 Wm,. Andrews, shed ; also a j'ab of gravelling dary line lots 50 and 51,i to Mr. s, $20 ; also job of culvert at orris to pay one-half ; also re - he Ijob let last year to J. Me - d J. Miller on tidelite 50 and ted that in acc rdance with a as ed last meeting, he tingein regard to road m Sidbline 10 and 11, co ceSsion line at Jobb's orted that Mr Hasti 9 title the sum of $200 full for rhea' all Batton and Henning ridee to Joseph 13ulla dell); amount due Mr rtad the job let to ROCERDING$.—M the last, et the f Rowing ndary et ween. in conjenction, 11 ad seen allow - cession gs has as pay- wance. ported pairing d and, r. Bar - be ween Turnherry he , amount T-arnberry' also reported he had:let rt on lot 13, concession tit oiled for at Ilaet me on. lots 14, Iconcessions 4- Samuel Taylor, $6. ported vert on Dobson on cone Harris, e had. let a job lo 13, conces $3 finished ; elso let a culvert ssi ns 4 and 5i, lot to Mr. G.emmi l's bridge ith neio inch hem- lock plank, to J. Leech,1$22.62. Messrs. Iiislop and Barton reported the job let to J. Little of culvert bn gravel road finishell. $4. Messrs. Griffin and His- lop rep rted that in reelard to job pe- tition° for by R. H. Geaha-ni• and oth- ers, tha they had let 8,1 job of making enlvert and grading aboiit five rods to Dunce Groves, $6, finishech Mr. Griffin eparted that hethad let a job of cove tsveen 12, to Thos. oa Wes bounde shame a jolt 10 and ting, to job of culvert 10 and 11, tol . Henning re- f repairing un - Montreal, preached i St. John's church on Sunday evening 1a t. auvesnea CONCERT. Ward's juvenile concert on Wedieesdey evening in the., town hall was wel attended, and passed off very pleeantly. 1 PERSONAL. ---J. McIntosh, manaeer of the Harrison Bankin House, is o.ff for a weeks' holidays. . A. McTagg art, the proprietor, of Par hill, is filling hie .place in the office. he Brussels Poet ed hands, having err, of 13russela, . The late pro - it is understood, have purchased he Huron Signal of THE VICTORY. Th members of the Brussels Fire C m any speak very highly of the m un r in which they were entertained in S aforth on Tuess day last, and also eel very much elated by their Victory ov 1 the town fire companies with w ons they had to com- pete in the hose r ce. of cricket Was pia -ea' on the Brussels ground between the Listowel and Brussels clubs, r sul ing in favor of Listowel by 36 ru s. Score.—Brussels —first innings, 45 -un • second inuings, esistowel first innings, 56 d innings 91 runs. and Mr. Auld, of Gal ot fin prietors of the Post, liberal atie, an. AS CO ho ascen as to i s went t • ther of bu ips an fatly u o doh's) hae hi ve hem fie d of the 6tii 66 runs. Ortatiatee The Sat13urday morning at 'oining Brussels, watt u fire. The building its ontents, was soon • • It Ceeras three o'clock the chee e factory of Male ened by colm Wallace, ad th.e being frame, with • essrs. Wm. Lean, Cala rs and street, south ef the r ver, $3, A. Kin 's job of drain, and wo ld re- comme d him to be pai0 the Bain of $3. Mr. Gu st reported to the COu il that it cost the Sum of $12 more th n the , grant giveu; by the Connell t make Mr. Miles presented an account of 588 for surVeying, making assessrne t, plan a,nd profile of drain, concession 10, 11 and 13, and., inspecting qrain No . 1 and concessOns 10, 11, 13 and B. Moved by T. Hislop, seconded. , by G. Barton, that the account of Mr. Miles be paid, and that the ,S4 inspecting' drains con- cessionS 12 and B, be &paged to Brace and McKenzie—Carried. EstiMate of Mr. Miles in regard to drain. cmitract to Thomas; L. Jobb, coucessions 4, 5, 6 and 7, recommend. that he be paid ac- cording, to contract, aed.uctions $10. Moved by G. Barton, seconded by C. Griffin, that Mr. Jobb be paid in full of contract on drain according t agree- ment, ais soon as certified to be nished J. Henaing, seconded by G. arton, that M s. Hamilton be paid the sum of $6 for eeping child up to 20th inst.— Carried. Moved by J.: Hen.ning, sec- onded ley T. Hislop, that Mr. Glriffin is hereby instructed to let a job of making road on B line opposite lots 16' 17 and 18, con ession B.—Carried. M ved by G. Barton, seconded by C. Griffin, that the sum of $25 be expended in improv- ieg B line opposite lots 18 and 19, con- cession 1, and that Mre Hielop let the job—Carried. Moved by 3. Henning, - seconded by T. Hislop, that $25 be ex. west of Bluevale sideline, la d that Mr. 131ack let the job—Carried A petition was presented by Jame$ eatty and. other ratepayers of Turn rry, praying the Council to grant a su of money to improve concession line and 7, lots 13, 14 and. 15—Carried. oved by C. Griffin, seconded by T. Hi lop, that the sum of 5100 be expended 'o. improving concession line 6 and 7, a d that Mr. , Henning let the job—Ca, ied. Moved , by C. Griffin, seconded by S. Henning, that the sum of $25,be exPended on the boundary :in° between Turnberry and East Wawanosh, and that the Reeve let the jot —Carried. eMoved by G. Barton, seconded by C. Griffin, that the report of Messrs. Black aied Henning be confirmed in regard the purchase tei of road allowance from Mr. D. Hast- ings for the sum of $200 and that a deed be obtained from M Hastings as soon as possible, and tha the Reeve and Clerk see the same pisecuted, and. give an order on the Treasurer for pur- chase money—Carried. Council ad- journed to meet at Littlet3 Corners, on Saturday, August 21. A special meeting of the Goderich Town Connell was held r 0ently to con- sider the question wheth the Council would take any action in espect to the proposition of Mr. joseph Kidd, of Dub- lin, to erect saw mills the e. Mr. Gar - row said that as chairrcien of the com- mittee to hich the queation was re- ferred, th ugh no resolutiOn had been prepared o submit to the Council, all the mem rs of the committee were in favor of Oanting a reasonable amount of assistance to Mr. Kidd,'whose object, as it had been explained, ,was to erect extensive 'save rains, capable of turning out from one of them five, and from the other seven, millions of feet of lumber per annu , the refuse ef which he via would use in the manufacture of salt, so that t o very large a d important industries would be adde to the town. It should e also borne mind that Mr. Kidd onld have t purchase a from the farmers. Mr. idd proposes., if he obta' s that encouragement from the Coun il to which he "thinks he is entitled, t employ not less than 100 men. H also intended, with the as- sistance o the Council, to erect a boom, with crib ork and chains, which, the engineers estimated, would. cost $10,- 000. Th committee of the Council had decid d not to engage in building this"boom but would recommend that a money onus be given. In order to do this, h wever, the works must be in town, and the land was just outside the , limits. I would, therefore, be neces- sary to in orporate the westerly half of lot No. 2, =cession, 1, Gpderich town- ship, and s this was the 15th day of July, morn question migEt be raised as to the leg lity of that proceeding. He would, th refore, move thtst the portion of land re erred to be incorporated, and that the n cessary steps >01) taken for that purp se. The motion -was second- ed by Mr. Campion and parried. The amount o bonus which he town in- tends to g ant Mr. Kidd isi not stated, but considering the magultude of the works he ' roposes to establish, as well as the reli ble and enterprising char- acter of e man, it should be some- thing hen sortie. Maitland Pre sbYtery. At the 1 st meetine of the Maitland Presbyter , held in linox church, Kin- cardine, t ere were about 20 ministers and 10 el ers present. Rev. J. McKay, probation r, and Rev. W. McDonagh, of Kincar ine, were invited to sit and deliberate The business transacted was largel of a routine character. Rev. Geoege B own, of Wroaetar, was elect- ed Mode ator for the ensuing six months. The thanks of the court were given to i r.Cameron„ the retiring Mod: erator, fo his efficient services in the UR BIC chair. M Charles Rutherford applied to be-tece ved as a student of divinity. His exam nation was creditable to him. - self, and is application was most favor - stip consi ered. The clerk Stated. that the Home Mission Committee granted $100 to Pi e River congregation, $50 to Langside, 100 to Fordwich and Gerrie, and $50 t Cranbrook and Ethel. The Treasurer gave in his report, showing that ther was a balance of $4 in the treasury. The Commissioners to the General ssembly reported their at- tendance t the Supreme Court, and their fait ful discharge of duties there. A commit, ee consisting of Rev. Messrs. Sutherla.nd and Cameron, Vir4113 appoint- ed to visit the Ashfield congregation, to enquire after session records. A finan- cial comMittee for the year was ap- pointed to' devise the best means for introducing a system of Presbyterial vieitalion, with instructione to report at the -next regular meeting. Leave , was granted to moderate in a call to a minister for Chalmers' church, Kincar- I dine township, whenever expedient. Rev. J.IL. Murray reported having re- ceived ' letter from Rev. Mr. McKay, Mit3S10 ar in Formosa, expressing Ms intenti o visit Kincardine and ad- • jaceut 4o.nigregations at an early date, hip °Jai -the subject of foreign missions. The next Meeting of Preebytery Was : appointed to be held on the third Taos- ; day in Se tember, in Melville church, Brussels. Direct JimY 30, 880.i VERY LATEST Ltt,, ON SATIiRDAY • THE 24TH INSTANT,1 AND FOR 14 DAYS F0p.01ING WE WILL 8110W AI ip .A.1\1" T Table 40 f et long, eovere Prints, Towels', Napkins, with Oloves and • and Embroidery, ALL ATTEN CENTS CAISK Goods from this Table will NOT be soldiou Short or BUT ALL Lon Itredity FOR ,CASH -TRAT'O NYE EVERYBODY II4V-IffED To See thir ILO Cent !Table,. EVERYBODY , OUGHT TO COME AND BRING THE GIRLS'', OUR Snew.—The annual fall show, under the auspices of the Morris Branch Agricultural Society, will' be held at Blyth, on Tuesday aud Wednesday, October 12th and 13th. It is intended te have a first class show tins season. —The Council of Brussels, says the PORt, has done what we would it had done sooner. The Clerk has been in- structed to write to Mr. J. D. Ronald re- garding the working of Uri) foundry. The motion is the thin edge of the wedge of inquiry, which must be driven home to the head. As at present conducted, the foundry is actually of no benefit to the place, and it is only right that the Council should, in the interest of the ratepayers, see that the property is not further frittered away. We have been disappointed in Mr. Ronald. We worked and voted for the by-law, be- lieviag him to be a keen, practical man. His has not proven to be such, but visionary schemes have taken up his attent on, while the business of the .vil foundry as languished , almost unto death. re hope the matter will be settled at an early day, so that the rate - Inverters of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Millinery, Mantles, ShaWls, atc. payers may knoW what they may: ex- , peot to realize from \ the !very large , bonus granted Mr.Roisald taio years ago. ' —Last evening about five -(i'clock Mr.. C. G. Dyett, teller in the.Bank of Mon - the heart with: a revolv0, and died i almost instantly. An eixanaination of the bank books showi3 that; he . had made up the accounts for the iday, e that everything • wise perfectly correct, to his credit in the bank. It is thonght : by friends who eoiriarsed with hi re- il ' gently that the cause of his bommi ting I —We are pleaseq to hear that !Mr. Thomas N. Blatchford, -of tisbornelhafi obtained. the degree of B. 'i. at the To- ronto University. Mr. )3 atchford ob- tained his early education ni the school in Section No. 1, Usborne. This school has been crowned with success in days gone by. No less than thirty teaehers have received their training here. Two of these now 'hold first-olass certifi- cates, twenty second, and eight thirds class. There are few country se400ls that can show a, record like the &save. faRTEENTti ODE NUM OPENING OUT tifyi, For the FALL TRADE, to i the attention of thei, ing Printa. seine, consisting of the Fancy Stuff Goods anal 1 Luettes in all the' Latet•1 I FANCY GOODS-' ; meat. offers Special Attract Laos, Ribbons, Ties, Si, and Rnehings endless STAPLE GOODS - TWE ,gos-Uu n an Very 23013 and Medic:in :311A1 Lister% Belo* fitarthltsing We 'thrwalal be pleased to hs •teuipare Goods purchased fri 11124141A elsewhere. We Mark Selling for Cash enables Ina: than any Credit basineas cans teens attention laaid to all w through, We de oar best tnalse :believing that the one price sy lair -Mill. We thank our friends for a apliestowed upon us in the pal SMITH .41g, R AT NOW AT OREA RE UR, LARG Trimmin s awl Silk Flowers, ,P'e ALL' AND T d : ARE NOW At Gniat Roloction_a; our Lis, GET A . 11aitniLer the Plat rflal