HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-30, Page 7cTITLY 30, 1880. To ) OF THANKS. CAMPBE- LL, ,u,..., ee seem years' in Walton, eel hie grateful thenks to the eentile Poblio gerierelly forum given hien durioe that time, that he aea 110W oEt ham a r all kincle of - IS AND GROCERIES eady to mete out to at reasonable a price aa any peantity of 1Y- PGRK (Side, aca every description. Glees, Oii, &c.)- and a general asso Specia4y, from the wen - & GG., Louden- ry far a comafry Ettore out .- ell the Tines. ng Prod ute taken, cash. or JAMES CAMPBELL. NITOBA. 1880 wAY S Train for Manitooa- Lart freeze --t&Li I.& TUESDAY in each month. t day avrevietta to all the above. twin be given of adI foture 'fewest, and thetreatestpairte gentents meet complete and (liege pertie are released edirig baggage, freight, live : af aggaae Free. through with each. party. r to fi-.1"COX, G. W. R. A.gent, Centralia BUGGIES. to purchase Neat mei estantial ealocratee • at VAL GRASSIE"S nubiber of splendid - a?, WAGONS Will Sell Ohea.p. Torso Shoeing Prorapte Remember the old stand. WM. GRASSIE. F R ND CHEESE. e Store in Starra Bleak, Alegarey's Bakery, tL times ready to purchase YD CHEESE. ire in C.: sh will be paid ed Article. VIER TS0111; Seaforth. 5, OR BROOK'S AND VERMIN TeVel TOR, In that will drive iepecielly ,T S away leek owiedge d by c hem iiie highest standing t43 tide for the followittg etrength much longer te no disagreeable odor. Vied boxes. Price fifty 1" m J. S. ROBERTS' Side Aeent for Seaforth. i 633-52 ONEY. "0 LOAN rt()PERTY, „ ittere,q, ray- fet 1)ty pi ineipal at any et only on the unpaid 0.7GALL. elerehant. Seaf rth. _LINE. IL STEAMERS Sall iv NEW YORE and ferry) and LaNDoN Londonderry, Glee - Fares as low se te-ft heeled to pereone criends< g.i(vn of Anchor tine ur eleganceand cone- -...7ost Office, Seeforth MS 8i, 8eca ONTARIO. &mei. Money Lent. Meat Rates- nui.A.E3 ct. JULY 30, 18 0: The Oldest 0 orni Death of Gen. John ugustus Gen. John August s Sutte 11088 farm gold was first disco California, died at Meade's ashington, a few days ago, 8th year of his aged He ha uffering for a week with in on of the kidneys, bu his de •nite unexpected. H was in f won of all his faeult es up to onaent. The life -story of Gen Sutter ance in itself, aaid forms, to 1. tent the early histo of the alifornia. From a po r man, by his energy and rseveran sition of the wealth est man acific coast at one tine, only mpaverished again by the disco old, which enriched hs State any of his fellow-menl, and 0 est a petitioner to his povern he uieans of sustaining his fanai Gen. Satter, whose original na titer, was born at Eandern, ebruary 15, 1803. Iril ' his chi e evinced an aptitude i for the xi rofession, aud his am Awn wa ed by his parents, wh were u edly welboff. • He was 'yen a ducation, and sent o the hool at Berne, Switzerland, w as graduated m 1829. He w ance and. joined the ' rmy of ., being commission° by that eneral. After the re olution o 830, however, he beca e weary 'Mary life, and, casting his eye or sonae country in. winch to s enture and fame, he /hose th orld as offering the best field estless spirit, and em grated 4 . fluky. Ile had b , t little i °cep, but America, wa,s but s ettled then, and brairis and _ ere more in demand ere at th ban fortunes. The oung e ttled first in the west rri part o ouri, but as the_ pop latiou o tate increased, he reeved furthe lways flying before thei advance ioneers, and determipied, as h nce, in telling his story, to bet aer of pion.eers. He ifinally, i ()ached what is now New Mexi stablished himself at ante, Fe, e began trading with e. India, entle manners and. st iet hon ealing with them. soon won the f the savages, and Gen. Sutte ered in his business with the °aimed their language, took an i n their welfare, and taught the seful things. The result was th. °ailed in the man who trus here, and told him of the wo eanty of the couutry- across the • ountains, the fertility of its S he mildness and salubrity of ate. Fired - by‘these reports usky friends, Gen. Sutter final ermined. to Gross the Rocky Mon nd in 1838 he passed over int ornia, which was then under t red of the Mexican Government Gen. Sutter first went to Fox ouver, and frorn there, spurre he restless spirit of adventur haracterized him, he sailed tandwich Islands. He saw little o win either fame or fortune he idle aud unambitious liana,k e soon left the islands, saili laska. From here he engaged t ading trip down the Pacific co this -.voyage ended, July 2, 1839 1 eing shipwrecked in the Bay 6f ueria, now known as the Bay rancisce. He had saved a little rom the wreck, but not enough Ole him to fit out for another ioyage, and lie wisely 'resolved t `ver by engaging in agriculb -i orking again with hi old.- frie dians. With great ifficulty, f hie ignorauce of the country atives, he penetrated , to the p the Sacramento River, and 5 the poiut where the I City of ateento now stands, he saw the ilages of the location, and pitch anap at once. He chaise a site ! 'iwramento Valley, fib:put three ack from the river, one of th ertile spots in all California, an ng it New Helvetia, settled the he intention. of staying. He ractice his old. tactics in his tire of the Indians ; instead of slang hem, he mad.e friends of the aught them the rude arts of ure, which were within their ension, and also -intrusted the re-a,nns and instructed them se. In a remarkably short s time New Helvetia was a thriv element, ,auel Gen. Slitter, by Large crepe, for which there was a ready market iu Yerba, Bue rapidly be.comiu (1 a wealthy man It was the only white settle that section of the couutry, and &lance of Gen. Sutter was felt !wide. New Helvetia, was the s place for all white men who cros country, and its Commander WE pepular with the Russians of th and the Mexicans who surround In 1841 his influence with the had become so great that the Government found it advisable t this Swiss farmer as a kind They made him a formal grant leagues of land near the junctio Sacramento and American Ri malition that he would keep diens in check, ' and punish they interfered with the sett y this time he had. gathered •hito men around him, -all of orked either forthim or on s is land. -When he .,received t of laud he transtormed his far into a fort, which soon becam all over the country as -"Sutter' and. was the halting -place for pediaous croaeing the coulitry. here that Gen. 'reniont was en / ed with the lav sh hospitality frontier at the t me of this ex across the Rocky Mountains. ' was surrounded with a *all of feet high, and mounted with 24 purchased from the Russians. Gen. Sutter's ptovinee to prot Bair& northern'froutier of Mo only from the Indians, but fr marauding bands of trappers a ters who visited the valley for of plunder, a.ndi he did his wor that the MeXi0E1.11 GOVOrnfilent fectly secure in!that part of t *ander his chorge. In • 1845, i nition of his enainent servw ther grant of 22 leagues of la made to him. Gen. Sutter was now .at the hie power and glory. He was the wealthiest man on the coast, hie landed estate enabr tonna nuinbers, 150,000 aeres. loaflitary ;commander and India ef 11 vast territory, and alm_ost DO ,••••4. 3. 4 1. - .. • • 1 1 I . . • .. • . _. . t THE - e - HURON . EX.POS • . - - • _I , _ ' • 1 . , TOR. . _ .,, . . • . j ....... 1. monar‘h of all 'e surv.yed. lies' .e a --, 1 , TIO'T;Rs JOHN KIDDI S . THE GOLDEN LION, MAIN SEAFOR, 1.I. 'utter, ', upon eeed.in )tel,in in the I been a,mma- shops, civiliz: .and h: Pec)aninYin. credit in revelnge mill:, tion was tY 'nnide. ••ith for a.nPdPi an ad • .° T 1 . var li bi.! I idling :litre * le, ia eI othet evi nIc ne ar und of a • rosp Pr a _tortes, :ride.: gaiyin :9 xican Go • ern aving ncr ach enilea : ire, ous OhMi; ' nett, I on NSilitithit M i 0 A L MN ' IUM AR1.WARE, I - STOV 1 0 / E..I -ST , _ .• .----a.,:ei . { EC 1 .,' • - !fele' • ' • .'.-•- •'e Z i0 W Ca 17.1 ! i . 0 0 111 W as all pos- he last failed, that G vernmele. after p eGseting.: onou °ed. t:_ !abed COTT ., -)3 OTH , z RS 1 - 1 .1-,'} ' eeee ., e jr.1 ‘.- - f.-- - :- t / A . . 4 ' • s a ro- 6 great ;tea,'of e gsain_ ce the on the to -be' ter vindicat him mime 1845 to and f : :ling teustraehrlsi7anetdt and fa"' prepar implic 1848 ilY, d to d c be him: : foil,: who settl: tl ea f tze e: flown letel , an* tr tha t. ev:r. alrorn .a • erit : ble, at las pe man -rtihiansd ;011 ghisad on jo ned him,. •n te e ' . ing, :ntly F 'I; and rh me 11 ave 8 at heir ilani41 e eael) , - , pleasur hey , own ii ar a*ceun 11, ate i , ,)no t in I 6 or tin m in nal to the I* u'acta compan • rida,nuf: eturer, ublic ng on with 1 - House. , I Furnishings MAIN Establis. lament • STREET SEAFORTH. 2 03i ' DRESS IViUSLINS . - , - A • — . , D UGHT PRINTS C- 0 t - zi en 0 2._ 1-'' n • . P: ''''t ca 's P re, tal7a pe• > ,..— pt ele w g .. • . which e h ID .e. A 1 th:se ,,. h . 0,- P ' Ivneary Boof , • die at era for n[Ye" was Baden, . ldhood dlitary a grati-. Idoubt- liberal witary 'ere he ant to 3harlefa cing as .were f ustr. on his and: In t 6 fa briildi g a 1 Colom , 0I1 had la orer early i , the co nstr °tint Amonhist Marsh 11, w*o tenththe childrtdi pic from t , e ra and ca ried at. II: rec : leashed to t I excite en t ted of rge e the • at wint-r ; anxtens aborlr• - as wor. . ed • e s • in hello gniz • e fo t he di cove . 8 7 Gel . S otter i 1 at vha, **erica.* A o k cutting .f 18 he . ve was . a man enga ed i I In brufary p n the -dirt shining to Ma, shal d them as • * a st• te o y of is -ver. logs, ;set a m ill- na. sup th part' to gold, • in am :old was now He and out ace. ed rin- ome own. lea ook ana nse , ' : frices •ed. ergo. : , Oro * I 0. Irices X nd ' *me b s to 'tol;an: eant 1 The °rah nd ent • an i the . df T of notions keepi and lo. EL*. col th.e The, be ' nub a, iwor ade mo di as enqu b tl a - and- b;.dee. a Oov Iiiig 0 , nefi xceis ie.; 'tu a . sa nd pa - 4 of or Aes I in , bibtyc,f a 0 ip othe4s- r bid *op : w es las ORG , . give the' rtaanufac ()twinFrits, to 'be th aansaaw ud. finis r•ri sea styles, al taI ur r price h 11' im n lin a ods 6 . N N, OM- -urerle best .libotahs . ch of *dem will rove- , and Ix be 11.1ir9ners , . Se a ARV thes, ' orks, oes, I wh,en in Town, d see my Stock ST IMPLEMENT,i ?laths, Hay Fo Windsor Stell radles,_ Hay Raikes, . . drop of I • ,I lc's, Bart : TUT &c. in ip - We. are Shoi.O'ng ELACK WHITE WHITE - LA9E - a Nice Lot 6 I Dress Itluqins Suitable fo) Summer . 1 BUNTrNGS, . MUSLINS AND EMBROIDERIES TURKISH TOWELLING • 1 t ,.. : t GLOVS ANO SILK GLOVLSI and Light ear. r Z • 03 ! a -j . 0 -I X rn fn . ' a) el e.„' a e- - CD E- 0 — - ! PI 0 1-0, i 0 ' 71 = ,-s. - C lti 0 '-' 0 e4- ,...ia 0 ee = ortz P' ° (.1-54 ci.1 CD re `•• . g tn . 0 P. e•-• Cie t---' ---4, ! July, of- his i .about )ek ad- e erY to Gen. Gener 1 to charac eris o c rta Su te eep 1: :c fr el • a unic : t te . H: w secre , bua ness . nd dqnero e di °ova ined the wit his IV, frodu -We easo ed use 1 ed. voo . ?the ft fo 0 •st our ° nc thor. c 3 seg, g e* I ghly nine EL AT OLD PRICE • • LISLE THREAD GLOVES AND LACE MITTS.- - s .,,„,a' t --f- . ‘.., o • ce-, e tee P c.f.. Ile en New tor his 0 this ready Dandy iourage he ma il e it friend , and lished to t. month of -F:bru war ell sed, the U ted . for the new I. no ••n thr • ug e orld. ey, : nd aliforni tat - old diggings lito sever the :M. it t 1848 the wa A tr naendous fell I of was I at Me ceded !rush his ub- me can to The bon : d re e. ani :, :natstss..a, Ou en ivo a nd ula ed . isfe„, a c iOns. inly thou eto.. k ar ,.and. .The , ski:lel .) ours:lves ar •est iii e ma labor a t • . :bin port- .rials, must d our dons sell nn nd cheap. ee•me whether you b, ORE KID.D 9 • y or. not, a0 Seaforth. I Alsoalu.e . • e in Tweeds and 1-Vorsted Coating& 1 3 0 1 0 : ,.... td 0.1 0 aa ag: ca acw (1) W Is' P , 1 0 • it 1 61 .0 i > tt time ligrant f mis_ soldier: a ventur rs fr: the m eSta., WO yea s' wir in 'the wed. 1 T.1 ion :res . seri 41 a S W ntin 1 CO g a er 4. a en me - 1 i to . every . rr 1.1 R L JAMIESON SEAFORTH. i (.0. 5 P 0 • loi. ;En 1 W 2 ti .-11, I 0 f that poured into the iew El orado. :n. .• 5 ° . West, Sutter wa,e he'. ight nac it hay- uainted wit our -13evs,•. ‘ 'T. , -a, ---; ". ba \ '•C.' - Ntea'se:k. ett I -I az w I tip - rao a. 0 Z of the or taking up .. min protected claim ; an imse f by reo u`i ir • 1\T • .., ,....e.-atee----i-e_e_eeeee-e-a-:---z-%L' et-'ke.__,• -- • , ,..- P , .i..._ I 1.` •pe 3 said iced I ' • , e . he i)ina, from. t his em ill ore ty. han th: ornal •alne ' 1 , A N • artant .1 hi sh 11 live to, 4-- _ - e,„....„._.. 0 5 = > L 1837, of he rope lInstead of oing hie, ill e ive • it w e ry instru. p I ent, AT 2 RBU RY WATC ___....„. - c-ro I 'oet 30, and. sat seeker still , squ: whi tted :3 upon the rm hi: la of gold d. hey nd i art ' 1 t : p re* traer • e ask EDICINE E _ tii:4-3-7-; - i bial ,' CO 41 1 r. ------ *I i (.. -IA whore bl • h*nest — .__- • ' •.; 1 His staked off the r claina , t:kitie his. nly a. r aso :are- • -:-.--.--e -,.. ''.. 1 ° 0 Ls. houses mill: ev rythieg that he 'hiel4 1-li thi ' m e • ood re; uires •-:" - FarZUMETA # AWIX ', its& t'' 1.6 t'l 0 sty in sessed, and • e . ad abso ute pos- y no re- noti to be : je . ed o extre et es of .!. eateel - TN OLOOST JilaT4.101717 -4 XfiroWIIEWILYSEDICIEtt , fr.\ :-4. M cp p -i.,. I-4 0 I . 1 ,,,, Cif 1 hearts: ' 1.o to ____: dress. - The two. his ca tle for ood, eat r cold. ud :n1 expo ed. :--a .112 prose la He uterest i naany et they bed in iderful destro3ed in thre Pacific WaS o foot O - Dur hi: sho coas the l' the ng th- croi •t ye Wa: ay oil o M s : rs almost hen' xican diggi g fo this I roe -us : s poor he firs Miiso ri. • ar, gold; and of the a, he set. his . i he ex!- i amp - ThniFalctor f E4pla ontol isio e es wli ad: an iS of • 1 it * s 1 de ni n e a oided :ate o the t oe e Street., thei pe sonal B611, 3 mem - i 4 *rner To- .uper- •er of 0, 'EN . FACE KEYLES, Is recomn Facto T ended. les. 1-ttorkshops, . ...----eae-i-em eeeee- •,e.,,-P-Wir---le E PAINI-KI'LLER .1 by Physicians, Mittisters, _Missionaries Plantations Nurses in . ---;''-' • _Managers of Ilosp'itals—in 0 -m -I r - ,9 Re : et.. - 0 _....,...4 -4 bl ,-s 1 I cp i tin ea. It -Di PI '''' td p:D 1.... w de "4 ft) 33 > .-0) Rooky di., and ts cli- of his lv de- ntaine, , can_ .e eon_ -, can G tageou sent a offerin vahiab establi ing th becaus cans • vernal posi a e hie e la, hme fort. G -e his en!, ion bass: $1$0,000 ds t of T . Su mpl realizi ef dor anther ;New is :ter 0 y g t Sutt r'S to th: il ca -h. :out*, H lvet offer wasi had mi and. n I I e ad an: Fort, had Gen ra,1,. be ides for the a, inilud- decl Ilea: y A * eri- le s ettle- aie 11 , As E'tock Mini° Piais euppii NI erl e E its a d oil* nd . e Sag .• e c so r 11 ON . nt lane to k i o, : lso t *e ga, s. 0 -an other . ela in Do- make IDELIC 7 $5_00, .. sh4)rt' TAKEN and Pain in Dyspepsia or ' USED Old. Sores and evelrybody INTERNALLy, the St Iiidige EXTE Sprains, everywhere who • it cures D mach, owel Compl tion, S dden Colds, S NALLX, it cures Boi Swellings of the Joints, , has ever giren sentery, Cholera, 'lit, Pain'ter's re Throat, Co s, Felons, Cuts, Toothaehel, it a trial. Diarrhoea, Cramp t'olic, Liver Complaint, ghs, Sec. Bruises, Burns, Scalds 1 Pain in the Face, 0 Z ai ' 33 Immo 0 0 i) t 5 2, 77: P i--4 •L•t 0 led 1 N."' 1 pa i•ed. c.) W ' ' re -, (I) ,. CD 0 .-< "1 M fil , !g.Vare-.' ment, 'ho he refused o t rn owl' to Re ber ef r ' y u ourchase an Neuralgia and Rheumatism, PAIN -LER Chapped Han is in 2 s, Frost-bitten Feet, etc. , 5 bottles, 25 * ' 1 ....- : 05". - 0) the i der mer ies- of the i Mexicans. Lastr t, 8 a tri 1, as eThe can • .: -Win put up cc and oz. retailing at and t *i____ 1 on by , which to the Ito His -sy were o diva the ies side nd lof acti e co-oper: the ni tion ed S ates give b any atiLer tter v. ho ea lne .ii) f in r ss• mone he ra e. than 56 cents respectively -large bottles are the eforecheapest, MARRIAG "'LICENSES iii the, sting le, lad his fort ecarn the i ' ' enajace among Is, an d ng for in -a st, and nueleu that section good c short lime- than t debted for use any for oul SO o sa ince; single he conquest 1militar hat . of that op Gen Sh -him, 0 " o perso a of ratio @ S. ill rman had he d €1 a im **ore e we in- California, A. , na o th r EN ress, or a a1 D , D. r it . P3 4 E WA1 T B Orri: ERS 86 CO. Tor.* D. Sea- o. 'Watiltenaker , . - and Jeweler, 1 ' 4 . PERRY . • MONTREAL 'DAVIS & S PROPRIETORS, A.ND PR . N &. LAWRENCE i L. ov,b ExCE R II. 0 It EXPOSITOR lE ft., R T CI:Index the new OFFIOE,,SEAFORTII. ill . * IICATEM, . 1 Alct„) i ei fitted at the i 1 1 by his , . Yerba, and al heritre urea." ' B , he t t eaty ee ,-- 1 • of Gu -dal pe- idalgo, w1 6h c:ded ES 1. Y SO OK. \.. 'HARDWARE If San 't . HAR. WARE money to en- Calif° pulatei thereie ilia t the, shot us, tb. ld retadn was ex owner: the 13 essly sti- - pro ; etty O Wit OUt ST1 the bp ut Y n . e 27nd HE ersi f .- avrie , evt,Noi Ju . e into he pie. 7, C o n. 5, Melt a, ESve S ecp and iees of illop, Lamb. S AFOilTH, - - ONTARIO CROQUET AN R , I N • TO S S tradiag being subjectedi to any c tribu Ion, '3;nee at aruovn bor . , Tht °wee can le ve the _ . . -a , z:•:,;,1 o beam els P 1 el- p o vertvand paying e 'JOHN • ernes. • .re, aai d tax or charge w4atever. 0 e BOa A. of D IVst , 6-6 4 ?" ' MALO ' EY. F- LARG-E LINE, CHEAP, AT the Land o.mmissiciners, ap oi. t ed fo t the .A.P.,M=IR/S' 4 _ Lds, )ecause invest gation of land title: i* .. Calif° nia, lo ou se 1 ort EP m Po eill, WS on le OTI E. -Came i nr a out the 25t m o the June, Lila the . :n tenor confir I. tracts ed puttee's a•ranted him . clai by XL, the two ico. The , Nv 0 of R1318 5thho P fees 1 si a 0. • th I Awo tiot Steth, elf yearlin.s, elairged lee or be 1 at and ore the notion BAN ING HOUS 0 W - -PA_PST7S Ss-J.J'_A_±410±-6'1"1-1 sin of TUE IR OUR SAW squat& rs appealed to th: U ited-S ates ul , yi will e-soirl. -public . arrived Sacra- Distri 1 Court` which Board. aeir * I h: Id th de- ters or t 4 ssE1B03. B CE, Poroidke.eiper, 156-3. • 1 1-4 8 advan cision of ,the squa ed his in the again a,nd that appoa1ed tribun t the 1 S preme affix a ed 0 art, the *rant ' STRAI '-' -Wa Three le no maims, -S sh, 0 lAye n.. or aeout ar frorelLot 31, Con. the' 18ele of Day, me ear e el. 1, Eaet jane, ; one FANs. - .NOBBY FANS; FANS ("" .--4-, ,..., 0 miles of 11 leagueS, bu • revers d t e two pre- e ...lack h hit in legs, ttvo years o d; and II A..7- most a Liam._ re with vious decisions 22 leagues.' had sold mqeh ais Gen. ot to the the lar Sutt r, ian 8 er grait of meantime, , act, : ving the otl ii.rov) iolownowl I a or re lig hea hAey J t, ., 4 a , A y Ve __esinfibdu, E one car old, wit' persoie iving i • ill,. boe s T white forma- Aa.7,fixy . BANKER, 1 PALM' . LEAF, JAPANESE ; 1 FRENCH and AIVIERIOAN, . . XI 0 Cfq r+ CD ..4 ct- -'-- t in a tment bteriug warranty used up himself d the utt eds, sma.4.1er rly and poverty- to ake gran , and tr'eken. these •ood.. he f und. The 1 ST ' th ine ye Y 0 i ol COL ns ; ra 'e -o -S raye.d or cKillap, a ke ifrom Wintbsop, a :ay Her. ; i.ki of mall size in e Colt, and e•- biEAFORTII, - ONTARIO. All Co tors, rom , Fit,: Cents upwards, _ • _ . at . . PS AS ks re. C fir PA 'in ' Boo to [ ._____ — 03 0 t71 State f California grant d• ire a. an- ell br ; as semi by Owner - on 29h May • npu . Ho igricul- •otnpre- -nuity • until i f $3,000, was 4'nd. Withdrawn upo th's a fe he ived • year ago. ear ' its r erson ev .ov f u 's b ry , d h ilige ill bon b. libeially e Any info million re . faded, him afte • this d eading nd any te will Office in 1 , • - the prenuses under Damd- i - .111;1111 11 1 I 1 f 111 1 1 1.1 1 '11 1 e .,-•170,-,!•,. 01114,/ . ,J......1 4-4 m with .n their moo of Since to secure gress and it hen a; o indemnify was this his friends grant, business of have 45 ,001 him or ti at seen t yiug from on- his 1 sses, call ed him e prose and TB SI ut ra rE :a, d as Sea fr Lot the.] ci: r ve th t . e somepoon (limas. A. ST ,, ...,., ., .. ' premises cf the :-, Morrie ONG, 658x4 - under- town- pons the B otel, formerly le of Commerce. , Occupied y e , f , . o a i ,-"e. • .'"*. (.0 C 17al''ci'01:1;:eil jug set- raising always la, was . i lent. in- the in- to Wa Gen. thoro tired sylvania, aged hington. Suttee ghly ith where die a le healt-broken• his d t • t anaily e o CalifoLn a to has rpsi gran cl ' in 1 54 a - , an, an re- I itiz, enn_ ed wit his ildren ever ship, ito Three rite.ers Spreadieg Nviiite, ing in , . Ku -Jab LAID on ! :te b •e !tie 4 rm rewarc WI th re, f re hori the tio m Bly iii elelmr, I mid Cif , 4 di h , d wo 0.c sh tl b • P. 0, ef April, 'hoe Ye lieifee• . Two the c tiler gray wit heilfer a (died r gray. A y pers eir ether abonts ' the wne . LOB 6 flings, of the wide d and n giv- ill be , , .,Rr B. 5-4x. . . TES AND glish BILLS DISCOUNTE and Foreign Purchased. - oje...e.f. t A A ;:le• ° ' Exchan e - 11 , \., , , 1 '1' te • e 1 \ ' ii • 4- P/L1 WI eI Fos PLEASTJRE, comfort and health, • smoke onIN• the:en-Re . ...,,, ,.. ..._ <eieee. ii ak. ' it, fat,1 -4' • k-', , . ..:,• — ae-• _.-- . .,, A , , el e. gt° 0 c., t -e r•-.-1 . t -e- 0:61:21"II. , ' C) 0 1 p - •• Z bopping sed. the 8 very many who c in Cal yette lebr forni eof ted by the he . .a.n "01 C disc ve ann al liform us," y of gold dinner in I -- I ON' r • Y .pr 13TO ved , X* : ... IIN 11 -Mo rem only, NE - "..; '' - - ey 'to lend t 7a- per cell ---- - n good . inter- F RMERS' e . . , , • 1, SALE NOTES.BOUGH .. re ' ine,GOLD F.LAKE. Pronounced, by all finest,purestand best . I Smoking 'Tenneco in - .! ---eee, re .L , ,r- - W.,7 it,' , '11 < , 71 .1 ...I: ., :-... v•-> CD l.t i CD A, ) North New York. ea pa able ye r ; .r.va-te made ; charg s mod- • , . the Ask - . , t"4 . • 1 WEIN 0 TEL ' 631 . world. your!) ---------7:4 Ci' ' p 3d him. %V rate. . Difts Is3ued, , Branc dealer fcr it. And if i i _ .----.... . . . 1 Eudiaus - . Trainsleav Gre t Brusaeils stern at statio ,n way. rth and eonth 0 -el Y + , TO , , Ve -In arge or sma 1 sums of the payable at all es , s Bank of Commerce.. _ N , • , , you cermet get i t eke- ' where, write to the V • ' d ,a) fexican , secure d ally. of 11 'as GOING Mixed Ileum N • 1 RTH. :25 A 3:13 1 M. , M. c °I Accom A.cc ni. sOuT y. , .5:5 A.. M. ..: .12.8" P.M ntere Ian. ---- , 0 first. . pply 7 c Privi to - TO alle ecurity, titeci.C-s, It' :i.: -_,L, , • 1A., -On ot Seafozth. - -- ' at t per cent . on the inst -• • - mproved Fenn yearly llment 628 - - -- Prop- interest . , . Alloweti on Deposita. ,ee„,c e ee . _ •g --75-"..Z . 'N '',?-?' ' 0 "ge.:;.i.e,` eee: „ .., undeisigeed fcr cir- cular end price list , None genuine with- i one my ie eel:elk-eel: 2.13d ig,nattir,:. = 4 eee -1, 4 em o- ;.' " .1, 1, • I I I 0 ' ...3 PILL0 1 ., -rh .›. . m t of the vers, on Mail._ Lond ....... :28 ---- n, guron 31.• • ---• Mix d.. -----e - n . .....8:1 . P. ,M ; Bruc . Me h t i on 0 d y, f -y the. at 8 3arl pie e a e c nee y aely, a , -1 intmrest a . Interest deOred, with pre frred. E pay- a por- penses ,Money to Loan on Mortgages, o.ti from Seven t Nine Per Cent. ; . -.4, ,i,ea,,e,e, ‘ ;e,.. -me. •. ' I"- •z- e f1.4).:,..:: ' , • - ''•-•.e.e, • e!: S. E. SALX`TON e aicha. Teb:•-ece•',;--cr!..e ;,:r:- Wransoe, Oere. ' I , his Great Household Medicine readr0 the leading 3.1fe SEAFC ;ortment of } he In if GOING SORT - Mail. M ed. E.. press. i ght. Int. Apply t . : OMAS . YAN, S aforth, 625 BROADFOOT , , . a ee ,'' 4ee<-__42 1. ,.,. - & BO ----*„...,- - ...!;••• __!..........-lee....,...., ,o amongst necesearies Of . • - o ,hem lement. P.M. :. 1M. 1. M; 1 EY. -T larg .7 • :.- ee_ ea ..."- These fa in rue pille pmify the BLOOD, and a+ London, Exeter de art 2 20 55 • 25 •Ore 49 40 /lone? for en i ersigcl , eliete n- hes a investment. sum of On first . -...1111.X.....0.."•-•—•••••,-- 0 if Ofit: powerf ully, yet eoothingly on the several- Whom area ou Lesgrant • Hensell leippen . 1.1meefield Clint --------------889 ..,.. .. ma .... . ....... „...8 54 4 CO 4 10 .4 25 11 15 7 53 25 59 45 08- 80 25 reor tge er cad agreed forth. gas t. i uppn. i on1i +ter , st ropert y a : .. rly ; BE . , mrineipal 'S $ !TM and as N, Solicitor, a half may be Sea- 633 NDERTAKERS, - SEAFORTII, :-TRADE MARX. 9. Laks. &C. , -,.. ' TRAOE MARk- - ego:, •• e • Liver, Stomach, ICidueys, . and ROWELS. Ovine tone, energy, and vigor to these preat MAIN SPRIING8 OF LIFE. They 0.1.1011S0 ktiowia Myth Wineham, . . ..... arrive ....4 ,....5 52 25 1 1 15 8 52 00 25 E 'press. i S,TOCIf OR "Et VICE. ., .. ,.. Las C:4' = • . are confidently recommended as a never failing r emedy in all CP hPO4 vbere the commtilation from - ; Fort," MI ex- It G OING wreea myth S unzt-- , epart ... Mail. A. M. 7 00 7 35 i lixed. A1 1 l' M . M. 55 6 20 10 6'55 . THO Boll, __,.._____ OLIG 11 e , V i _ e n BU his F Li -The orit ar -re' undersigned glihred ,' t w0 mi ' • Dnrham es from ,, r rNERALS SHORTEST . • Col) ATTENDED UN Tilk ,. eete, NOTICE. - eee.e. :,-,- '''' , ea C::: Lu whatc-ver CRI3FC, has become impaired or weaken- ed. They ere wonderfully cflicecione in. all MI - m mete incidental telt males of tillages : and es a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are Mame was tertain- Clint= -Breath ld. ....8 8 01 18 15 7 24 - 43 7 43 ' Egni y dvi p le, tie n this ealsen, and he will be dur- ....k • -.• , - • M .evie passed. . • of th )ediaiela ohe fort Ki Hensel]. Exeter on • . ...... . .. .... 1 ...8 ...8 8 28 34 .., t 00 10 . , 7 59 , 06 , 25 .1 perm ing tb cows, 1HEN ed • se 1 C o a son per E. rle T,,t el 'e. . limite s- • A for ; number ers s of cow en bringing t gle cowe$1 alibis 50. 651 . ... 1,,4 „ • rrIrdm • , Before Tablig . a. en a ' AND SHROU THE GEE1 EN failing au e for Aft,er Taking. LI z4'H REME DY, An e insl Weaknese, Spa n - a- , HOLLOWAYS OINTMEN:i , 5.4 I )-..4 brick 12 • 1 - . Inap4ency, n all diseases that foll a. cannon It Was - - Traine follows: (3r and gave Trunk Seallorth • and a lin 1 -Way on! Stet l• 1 ons as it o ji- hi gery ill G P , a OW e s h -o 1 c et RS-1The &dining Ile ed Berkslire nii t clefeigned c Village Boar,lbred has on of Rod by . .torrhea, ALWAYS ON HAND. ' as a sequence kr self- universal lassitude, pal prematnee old. b se, ae loss of memo y, in the baek, dimness of a e, and many other d II- ItS Searching and. Healing Properties are known throughout the World. ect the -del), not OM the (e e ., o ea Expi Expre Iv es en- . s EAFOIITH SOO *8'55 P. Al P M' - - :...` ' , • 4-aNION. 8:30 P.M. i „ i 8„:3-,! -`, • '„.* ' ' Mr. let the s ef hog iel One D Art ice fo Ulla nr of th pa o r a •bo, i ed ii stock e a ; which numb the in dm be will r of some Canada. ' of service keep for This Terms, with ''M.. ----- ii E . !vision, . . ,- !capes that lead to Me A R 8 E FOR HIRE. .premattire'gieWe. Pili , ' phlet, which We desiie -Di y or consumption an a arteculars in our pa - o send free by mail to For the cure of BAD LEGS, bad. breasts,. _Old Wounds., Sores and Ulcers, ' nd. h Un- mrposes Alied Mize GOING Train......8:00 Train-- EAST . ..1:05 Siaeorte A.. M P. . !--':'emo ee • Al- .1:45 P. M. CLINT (DN. ' th ELEti.r '' ii i ' ' tge e • ria'n I if avessar `' f• - - 6a0 ' ' I . MBER 1 every one The Speeifi , druggists.at $1 p.n. pac FOR SALE. i ! $5, v 1- will be eeet free Medicine is sold by 11 age, or six packages for he mail on receipt of the - e,4• it is an infellibier(atedy. If effectually rutob on the meek and cheat, as atilt into meat, it Cureis SORE THROAT 11 o chitis Con hs Colds and 73 g , m • lei" .01'" )0 • . 1.• tco 1.likAZ --S. i o: .lgo I.A01 04 ar 1 Tools, i , a. 1 i_ 11 a Ito o 1 g 1. 48141 fro' i, 3 p o, ►t , ` by IIHE GRAY MEDIC NE 1 : SO well felt Express • Eliress . Train... ,8:00 .1:05 A. M P. Id 7:80 A. Arc 1 01 11 . NT NOTICES„ . H DMLOCK, money &leasing First • Quality, $6 Pler M. PINE • Co., No. 10, A echani ?, s'Elock, Detroit, Mich. 47 . - ./fi'l even AST/1.MA. . Abeces m ba. sweffingt sr uteri v 7) per_ , Mieed Train..... ;4;15 P. AI :30 1P- M• "--- - - ! from $8. . . ' ,e State l . recog- Mixed Train.;.. .7:35 P?t1. 6:55 P.M. 1 THBBS -B-che le e p, i CHIN ' lc aratO FOB HOrse SATE Power, -Fol. Straw BILLS OUT TO OADER, , W. --, NITED. . Goutheumatism, i And every kind of S• Or DISEASE, it has never I 0 . , '''•7"." Caerieas a d •a g Mac ne„• all complete and been known to faiL s, a fur- i , 1-1 . Manufactured only ' nd. • was . ' -.4S know Clothiag, IT IS the rig we 110W it pla have u e to no item *f obtai hesita lion imporeacace your i...' i bo Fine Ordered in sa.-viug that in good b Glasgow T ot • V FO run in. M Lot N. EST ' P Rein rt •r 'seri 11 co . P Tit & ,Co . $ 0 . meanie 41ev, wits of Clinten. or to ' made Ape GEO. 656 tf. - P All Length, 9 NY from 10 to 50 Feet, at the -,U-I RLS WANTED . , Seeforthttwo d ',dr val. Ample- imn3 -el' MILL, IN 'MeZILLOP '. ' -- - _ , „Co mmercial otel, ^ea ni t the Commercial Hole], g room girls and a lann- telv to A DAVIDSON, - • - orth. 658 The Pine and Oiotenent at 533, OXFORD STREET, sold by all Ve.ndore Civilized World ; with are LOleDON, and are of M.edicines througholit the daections for use an al-, FARM or of 310 ieight of )1.0bahly Pacific wing, in He Was Messre. ing Es ll'Todel Nies lend Trowsea &a., which ter Halle tablittenent4 zs,eciorte.rock. : ,emar\red & Adderson, no, hif rill axe Snetings, reach ti.ahty of noted .e.ora. W. at the of he or perfectible 'sea hoice •teds, tweet mese Oak Rill Cloth of ent all the Latest West ed Eng- Irish Serges, figures consis- Goods. Also a 11IDAIN -I- le. Seaforth comm•d Paper' tries IN d, eg a md fee. Ine 3 an en to h r. Vf tb s i $* e ii t tiadin e se ,,, . mate Ge Wri eedi EW, to the cot:Lefty eral r, - m late Of inhablants thathe House &e. All work first-elatoa . Scot- of has sinter, en- stile ..,, . Lt Ville MBER -le all kinds • ' The Subscriber has also a .. YARD IN 'SEAFORTH of Lumber can be obtained. ' . VEMALE AC H.-- School Sie,ctior, 'Teacher. billet; to 'Apply, enclosing testim desired, to thi• undersi day, August -17. "rle R le co L -I- most every langeage4 WANTED-Wanted,ifor - The' Trade merle ,7, meRillop, a Fen:tale ,tered in Ottawa- Hence, ence on 18th Anent.•British POS3M311101111,, Male and Stating -salary can Counterfeits for ed on or before Satur- e" Pnrchasers should IAM McG•ATIN, Lodad- Pots and Boxes. Of these Medicines are Tegls' '4: any one throughout the who znay keep the Amerie sale, wlll be posecnteedei look to the be on the addrese im 533i OP Which a of teilV barn 1 eravA I Ivine bi folio' -.1.A'Afr.' n a.gent lit lly era . sp en Tiilirth (a, Asnentso* - • is the o . et Oak • Hall, aw St Seafo ws vie h. Cost. Hannv 654 . • , Office, forth. .. ea . !WM t . R e , le D. Wi D. ' Robe's Grocery, sea- 632 _ _ 47k1 e e THOM.A4 DOW 4 , EY bury P. O. 1 65#4 /, ' , ..11 ford Street, Lariat:Tr, .ztot they are sparmns. also be • , • l . ..„, , . 4 ... t ,••••4. 3. 4 1.