HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-30, Page 44 4-9 POITOR. force of the 1 ✓ was always 'died like a THE C wat ter, of k well ST. rwor s nelph. and to the j towns- same!mlay be the bJuiding, Th entire feet 1 f new 500. rhe in - 11 be nearly crease in in - of tbe hi- lly o her in- uld b ;men - he felt at being present on so auspicious an occasion, and paid a high tribute to the enterprise and. coneage of the peo- ple of Seaforth for em arising in such an enterprise as a thorjough system of waterworks. He felt ae bared, however, that they would! be Sa ply repaid. for their courage. Both ip a sanitary and pecuniary point f vies would they be benefitted. On aocouni of the efficiency of the System th t insur nce rates would undoubtedly be o decre sed, while the fact that properity wo d be so safe from tlae devouring ele ent would be a material inducerneut 10 outsiders to come here, andi engaging in business, build ap important in ustries of vari- ous kinds. He was a" politician, and 'being a politician, he pundit somewhat I- difficult to steer plear of political ques •1 tions. He -fully undetstood, however, u corn- that it woud not be jiudicions to dis- here is euss the National Policy or kindred people subjects on such an occasion, but he g: were thought that as the curreney question, do n t thiuk or what had heel' ironiCally termed the ssenti g voice "Rag Baby," Jiad not :as yet been TION. ve be sted, ng th he thi espouSed by either of t e existing p 11- 6 ' NT. tical parties in this Ccuntry, he 'might the various be permitted to say- a few words on ered for the that. I He then entere in -to an elabor- six brigades ate diecussion of tb is fi ancial question, Won.These and cencluded by expr ssing the hope hell, !Exeter, that the "Rag Baby" s ould at no dis- eaforth. F The taut day obtain the as • enda,ncy in this mpanief3 were Canada of ours. , t ha ds, and Mn. THOMAS VrIBSON M. P. P., was nick' attired the next speaken. He had made Sea- nsistea of 15 forth his heathniar for 15 or 16 se relel from years, and he col& rec llect well when drant1 at Mar- it was withotit a single inhabitant, and. 300 yards, at- he was proud ariki pleased to see it to - hydrant, tin- day one of the tmost regressive and and thrbwing enterprising towins in Ithis section of from Old start the country. he water was people on the s zle of the hose. their admirable excellent time, and predicted t ery ken1 one. money spent in the Worth profitable have esp daily as passing referenc king 'part in declated it to be in 'tights," • lapidated as to 6 valu , He thought the debts of Canada had been [honestly • coutrabted, and thy should be hone. tly paid and. hot re- pudiated. - He I ede the assertion that the money cov6 ed by the Rag Baby advocates woul not g ' far to facilitate trade between t it wo Id not bu coffee 1in Java, be of 3:1 uch serv He then referre theiii, an un - not o cloth - o rer4Dve even of c mplamt, the Seaforth nly a ; to time, sev ral cam- ollo w g order, , d test as abave down, to each, ute 28 seeonde. I the the e " 23 " be ab " 2141, " ' • my. me talt n. inste ab by th 30 ve that prize $40, and In nreeling pau permit- ose to catch on em a ay from and lo ing can - ford ompany, the s me mis- ton ompieny gett ng their xeter onapany watef through' accguuts for in their Oase.. ell c ornpa ies hilei e do not; ftily thliai :either rd Oppcineets, g thle couping cceesfhlly, and, ize.s. 1The on-. e intel,rest nd th ce test nts ted tihe niost it throughout. of Wingheen, eper, and Mr. f Godericlr, as petini brigades ers as well, and mous.. • e tou nament, nd the invited ardne's extending the and one cross- speedity tilled, ies of the Wait - most in supply - tors. The din- e cdngratulated the ccessfal completion of ystem of waterworks, at they would find the rectina them a most Ile made a Rag Baby, and ged and so di - less for service. tment. to th SO 1-9., is ail other nations; mile tea in.China nor nor W uld, if adopted,. ce hple or elsewhere. to te usefulness of ocal Legi latur and combatted ntention f sone that it should lished in rder t promote econo- He shewe ver yt ouclusi-vely that d of Onta io pro ting pecuniarily abolitio of he Local Legisla- be a heavy loser. He emarkfi by eosin ex - e felt at being chsa d the hope that of S forth might be he f ure than it had. tare, he would con chided his pressing the pi present, and vo the Prosperity even greater in been in the pas Interesting a were 0,1so deliv , ham, of Egm Strac an, Reeve of Grey; Mr. S. -Platt, Sheriff Gibbons an4 Mr. Horton, Id Goderich, and Rev. r. Cobb, of Sea - forth'; but we eegret, the space at our dispo al will noot perinit of even a sum- mary report. d appropriate addresses red bY Rev. loin Gra- ndville ; Mr. Thomas n, Registrar cif pioneers of Sea- Oaker. He stated mrp. James Dick o Huron and one of th forth, was the last s that this was his firs ,appearanbe on a publib platform for thirteen or fourteen years, and as a conseinence he felt no little diffidence in attempting to,address so large and so Intelligent an audience. He considered the IwaterworkS which had just been completed furnished ad- ditioaal proof or the energy and courage of the people of Seafe4h, and were cer- tainly creditable to all concerned. True, the cost taighb- be objected to by some 4 Eleven. 1:thoasaucl dollars was no Eanall sum, but •when the efficiency of this system is gohsidered, he felt safe ijn stating that ip would prove the cheapest in the end Men of energy I and oapital wishing to engage in busi- ness alwa,ys look for places where the capital they invest will be safe from the dlestroyiva lement of fire, and the efficiency of tr'h fire protection system here cannot-bu be a -Very material in- . Canino, ducement to all such men to locate in e desired. Not- the town. And t is $11,000 to se erawd., there what might belost by a fire in a few houre. What is su a sum in com- parieon with the los. of the great fire of fonr years 4go. f on the morning of that fire theipeople f Seaforth could ery best for an, ith Which the st have been JULY 1101 18 erec :0 in Seaforth. See what. it is to -da. While the energy and enter- , prise • f the people q Seaforth had mut to do with its apid growth, its locat n and surroundings were en- titled to equal credit. It was the cen- tre of as fine a .conntri is there is in Onta i0 or anywhere Ise. It had for years the grain and principal mercan- tile t ade of an inane:ease section of count y. It is true that a great deal of this as. been recehtly cut off by the const uction of new lines of railway. But s it loses the trade of the more re- mote • townships, ' these immediately surre lading it are continually improv- ing na developing, and the people beco eing more wealthy, while their prod diens are greater and their re- quire id tants more varied and. extensive. And- hese townships re not yet fully deve oped. They Jra4 been long held dew • by the grasping tyranny and op- press on of the Caned Company, who had. ecured possessien of them, and who eanipulated there. so as to profit and row rich from the industry and thrif of the settlers of the adjoining town 'hips. They wee now, however, prett nearly all free ' from the grasp of th se monopoliets, and their ilea- prov ment would, he even greater in t e future than it had been in he past, So that, notwith- steno mg -what it has lost, there is still erritory and trade enough left to Seafirth to ensure at least as great a degrse of prosperity in the future as in the p: -t. He would eounsel the most friendly and cordial relations between the leople of the town and those of the coun cal, and nece othe bein and to h ests ful fi Littl ftllat qiich oul its b resp old s thei and aterer and the ment. Among have restored hei.r losses for $11,000, le, we noticed he thought they vvould very willingly ✓ North Perth; have done so. ;With the present eystere North Huron; cf w terworks properly managed, such ch; Jas. Dick- a file would be an impossibility. He exander Broad- hope , however, it wbuld. be long be- fore the works Would reed to be tested in any such practical manlier. In the : invitation he had reaeived from the Secretary of the Committee it was stated he, Mr. Dickson,was "one of the fathers of Seaforth, nay, the father." If this were so; he coola assure them he had no cauee to be ashamed ,of his - child ; but hei had /13 any and great ION. , ' reasons to feel. proad of it. As the nished. dinner, Rag Baby lied been mentioned, he ed. The fol- mi,glit state that he bad frequently seen tfr red: . he fire- representatione of that infant in that espec ive bands excellent comi.C.• paper aril), and from uncil, in .a, car- its general apejearance there he did not ules ; the car- ited f.uests and nd private car - was Marshalled , Chief of the It was quite a , and Was much essecl it. ' The uniferms, and. o th musical leoke ocessi Esq., two of ost respected , Esq, Horace s other repres and 11 the ad - iv ntati Ses of the Mite iell, Clin- orth ere also think much of it. It looked as if it • was oontinual& bawli -1 to drink. Th4 was n • his ohild, th& town g for something t the case with of Seaforth. It was always we4 fed, g ew rapidly, and was ever in a good thriving condition. In the olden times when he had the honor of being Reeve of Tuekersmith Mexico. he -took a very, active interest in the WALKED IN Pam great gravel road scheM.e of those days, cent Mikes festiVal n went the successful [parrying out of which Gladstone, wife oft particu- was the first Step to prosperity and walked. processio greatness for both Huran and. Seaforth: In looking outifor a locatien for these roads he could not see a better point • for the leading thoroughfare from the — sea purehase4 for 600 from the tam horee breeder, David Riddles, of 131a Hall, Paiiley, Scotland. They are 11.74 draught horses of collossal prone= reeeoes for theirego. FLO.ODS NEW MEXICO. have bee eastern p fallen in had been. duration, fit the gi of grass f Senn ere great 11004 ..in the eerth. t ff New Mexico. Rain tax essdnatly for la weeknee a diought at : seVeral months, and the rain will greatly blase wilag crops and insurep r stock. : GAINST ENHLAND.- A from the 1Transvaal, Afriea, statee.mg the Africans, not being pewerfulenougn to throw off the Britiph risle,haYe fora, ed a cortiearty with al capital of l 000, and in future iUlla, et ll purchase lei goods of America or any ether eanon -except Eland. OFFENII)ED ROY.ALIY.--It is reposee that the Queen is intensely ehagrelea over the refusal of P4liament to alb, the erection of the statuel of the Fahae Imperial in the Wskitnainster Abbey, She desied it ereete ;by the side; of the tomb of her father, a 4 Since the action, of Parliainent dealers she will aeve again enter Westminster. A iftPn FORTUNE ,4-.W. - Ira Carlia a young Oaan. of molerate cirennastan. cee, has received i telligleiace that be has fallenheir to a 1»rty Million estate of an tingle in Australia. ,IThe testator, Alfred Cerlin,w.as kingof the Australise stock breeders, and ,conscienticas wit- ness for the claimant to the Tichborne estates, having had Arthur 'Orton for a long tim ,in his em ley. it ROYAL VISIT TO I ELAND.---ner NA_ ry. Their inter sts were identi- jesty, it inters ts what addi t the prosperity Ireland nrichrnent of t e one, must of t England sity be equally beneficial to the Prince . He -felt sonie degree of pride in ,Coricern one of the pioneer settlers here, anxious, -n having helped leer his own hands V (Iowa and lelear up the vast for- vhich stood. Where now are fruit- lds and comfortable homesteads. did. he think in those early days O would live to See on this site a town as Seaforth, or that he be privileged. to address within unds such a large, intelligent and °table audience. 1 If some of the ttlers who, years ago had gone to long homes, eould see the people heir surroundings here to -day, he fancy their astonishment, and how would rejoice at What they might consider the fr Dickson conclu ruost interestuii ble poetical quotation, and. resum- is seat amidst the cheers of the lice. i. D. D. WILSON, Reeve of Seaforth, ehalf :of the toWn and Council, coal tb ey justl Mr. and suit ed audi 011 its of their labgrs. ed an. excellent g address by a thanked. the visitors for their presence and ountenance on this occasion. He also thanked the speakers for their good wis es, and. their kind and encouraging wor bers gad had larg ceed the Stra use gav the offic SOO A Que peel the and riag the Car tain afte which th,ey took their departure for con mo ces hel circ nec the free s now stated, Will not visit ext month, but Will -remain la 4 to meet their Ra alHightessee eopold and P cess Ionise ug the latter the Queen is very as she is i pressed with the idea tha the injurie her Royal Mee ness su tabled at Ottalwa. are more serious tan she ha a been made aware of. Fro - all aced:mita Prince Leo. , pold's vi it to Canada hail been mate. tive of ateriel good l to his health. SAD D owarae Aceneneir.-Thiirsday morning 22nd hist Father Bleyea bergh, o Trinity Clitir' ch, Detroit, took twenty •r twenty-five of his churth boys an a few others an the steam yachtal mie, for a:II:exclusion to Mon- roe. Re inning in the evening they were ru into by th steamer Garland, going down the rive with a large el- eursion party. Fifteen persona on the Mamie are known t ed. and night saved.. cinshed,land. sunk except s eh as esca. escaped y crawling through the cabin window .- • ROBBERY -A,; the private bank of Fisher, Pr ston & Company, - Detroit, I Thursday ragoa, while the clerk, red Giffor Was idone, a stranger appeared allthe opening of the s, and especially thanked thermem- wire screen, on th -counter, and ex - of the various bands and fire bri- pressed a desire to buy some Govern- s who had cone so far, and who naent bopds. Gifto was about reply.' by their presence, contributed so ly to the suceess of the day's pro- ngs. He made special mention of iudness of Chief Gibson, of the blow fel ford Brigade, who had granted the When h •f hoseeand in many other ways that be acaluable assistance, which both dollars sommittee of management and the ter had rs of the Seaforth brigade will not SUPPL forget,. , - specter ter giving t ree cheers for the calledt n, and three or the Mayor and shipped le of. iSeafort , the, proceedings in in the grove I terminated. The speakers depth o others were eScorted to the car- feet. P s and conveyed back to town, and and wh ands and fueanen. were metalled to become no's Hall, where -they were enter- tops of d at t supper ' by the Zunamittee, so crow rapidly. oVer 8 left to resident outing t AN haVe been drown - The Mamie mu •th those on boara ed, Some of whom hag whe the strang r suddenly reached through the apertu e- and struck him on the t triple with a shing-shot. The e ftoor in -sensible, it wns ascertained and RI% thousand currency, Lying on the c,oun- .sappeared. 1 MO Diseesa PseliErtaL.--Ile Lane has ;had. ' his attentioe 1 the condit on c to Detroit trona t. Clair RAver. wa,ter in t ese pens is seven ckerel are e deep water fist, n confined em Shallow water sickly. There are nearly fifty hese fish in the Pens, -which are ed that the fish I are dying a One day lAest Week, it is said, dead fish were airped out =a oat along th shdre at Algona% of which 't will talk -of prose - Lie pen. awne s for their action. XTRAO RD IX, 17 Iff tZOCIPEDIST.- Riders en velocipede will find all their eXploits pale before that of Mr. Ivat Zinerty h, a young Hungarian, who, coming roxia Loudo*, NO left Osteua oil the 10th of Junel arrived at Pesth OH Wednesday, July 7, liSseing travelled . all the distance sonhe ,200 miles,en his velocipede. 'He did n the average 130 kilornetres per stiay,!and took liie way via Brussels, Cologne, Mainz, Asehaffenburg, Passlare, iLinz, Vienna Pressburg, and. KonaMorn. The Rae, pest At . letic Club gee :Vt.. „Zinertych ed him to t recovered ween four f the pickerel Pickerel peon The greatest • ome by their reepective trains and -eyances. Mins ended one of the t important aia well as most sm- ut and pleasant gatherings ever in town, withont one untoward. mstance oc ng, either COPE -- ion with the own, to detr enjoyMent of e onstration or in bt from the full and. the day. News t of the Week. A BIYAL OF TRI KETT.-Triekett, the cha apion sculler as arrived in Eng- lan from Austraha.! CDARGEO AGAINST !ALDERMEN. -It is cha ged that certain I Detroit aldernaen hay been trying tie Make money out of gas Ste ists• age ago . ner $600 per Week to complete the I fas at his theatrei N 'ABOLITIONIST DEAD. - Benjamin Ontracts. with a Add medal. ! So little was he a cordial reception nd ipresented him fatied by his long jour ey thegheet• nsby, one of the original Abolition- tonded the same night a prize walking died in- New lork the other day, 82. mateh fifty kilonietr in -six and go one-half hours, arra ANREE CI3TENLSi. - Several days in hit, -honor. The ride is certainly markable a New York Manager offered Dre a. r OCC fro we G-lic Wad ish. EATHS IN HAVANA [-Sixty-one deaths' ' , 4„ • , .u.ill.. xiDITOR an article in a '---reSceInit:. ETPreorseiror aboarenal tired from yellow fever and five ' •L small -pox in !Havana during the ° 1 the distress in Ireland and the language k ending Seturday last. used. The .writer inferred that Gaelic nsTrizonox o7 C,ROPS.—The crop on and. Irish are the One language. Ile Dalrymple farm in Minnesota has , Will find his mists:4e, for in Ireland / completely destroyed by a recent ' they speak different Ian UN DOWN.—A, .1 yew boat was run , i speak the laoguageaf thegiurafgoerse.frottinize, na entailing aeloes ofi$30,000. the Danes, called Danish ; in the south n by a steam launch on the River Thames eon Monday. A gentleman the e ak the 'Spanish language, sad . so with the Scotch claim They sneak and lady and latvcO children were different languages, like the I - drowned. PIGEON RacING1 -I-- The American 1 I lit tribes ba%sciiio u tnhteofNotriatehw:esttlnlIg History The 1 eneral Grant has Jersey shire, the home of the elan Caropbell. Highland. Scotch. Ghslic,, I speak the Argyle 1G-a3lic and also the Irish. They It is allowed that they Speak the pure e- t 4 AIyJ- pigtson race from. iC lumbus to 0 miles, was won s, the quickest time are two distinct langnages. 1 hoe t of a company visited the graveyards in, the Lowlands, k and Boston capi- and the epitaphs ou tbe tombstones d nd mines in New the early settlers shew ehat some emi.- grated. from Ireland and some fro France4 The ScotehMen in Huronareof Irish descent. The names are the saute: Broacift.yot, Carnochan, Landsborough: Walker, Marten, RObb, Sproat, Era- tland. to recruit his laccenti and the A_berdeen Men leave' the SRO 1, find the N'orth of Ireland nien .-Rev. Mr. Spur- ;nall' The Aberdeen ' men boast. Oa the bee sto do ' Cite, a distance cif 5 by Easton in ;4`fi hem on record. POST OF HONOBJ-- bee0. elected preSide melte up of New ',Yet, talitits owning land. treetsii and then grounds in Mr. Here a plat- er the speakers, o wis ed to use EEDINCis. cessioaists had riagea, and. the r places on, the took the chair.i1 ing speech, in atisfaetion: that s had done us is cetlebeaticin, enjoyed them - the satisfaction people felt with d high tribute ; essrs.; Inglis & ' he &St speaker ✓ North Perth. ed the pleasure bone Sabbath Schoo amine TO CANAD- has gone to Sc lth. He has be geo hea SSION.-At the re- in England, Mrs. e British Premier, with the Maryle- n invited to visit ! their Irish blood floWingin their ve north to the South t intersect that the tnited states nd Ganaaee and. Now, Mr. Editor, if !you will allow tbis from, the east Co the vest thau at the wilt avail himself ;Of he opportunity at a space in your Valuable paper, y point where Seatorth now is. There au arly date. was Oa large tra t of ootintry both to the north and souta of the railway, which was tributary 'to this point, and. this tk country, he kn w, was as fertile as any in the world, nd nauSt ultimately be- come a productive and fruitful agrieul- tural field. Alter considerable fighting, as the people of those days will remem- ber, the roads were located so as to in- tersect at this point, the railway station was erected, aeld the nucleus of the present prosperous town was thus established. _Re must say that his hopes and expectations had been more thararealized. Not mere than 22 or 23 years ago, the first log house was sta RIVEN MAD BY, • EVIVALISM.- Bertie easter, aged 21, as become insane fret religious eii�itjement experienced during the revival/meetings at Dr. Tal- mTa,bernacie, inder the direction of honaas Harrison the "boy Evange- list" She has atte pted suicide three times. AMERICAN IMPOR ED STOCK. - MT. W111. Crozier, the importer and breeder of fine stock of Northport, Long Island, ha e brought over from Scotland two of thei finest specimens of horse -flesh that it as ever fallen to his lot, he says, to im rt. They arP two Pridesdale lions, -1 and 3 years, old, and were will greatly obhige,yours truly, W. Ross, Third. -Class 'Certificates. The following is a list of the nags of candidates who passed the non -Pro' feeesrstrfinetiteseainamthinisatn cleountfyor. tThird heia-eint leer of Possible marks is 1,275. Num- ber to pass on the a egalte, 765. There were10applicant : Males -Stanley Anderson, 910; aLCoaonllaui:8811a9ttleb;re, John F. r dFt WD . 80.26ro;eCvos,pa.nrt911;lon;n.3, s 8560;10: Grant, 817; Wm. Knight, &5; Wine ' L:jjJLY 1 Miong, 168; John. anles XcIntosh, 1 1321; Walter StIP siabaria;827 ; Wa oods, 899; Jatni oderick Ross, 761 5;1NSamuel , Fernales--Mary ;Jtorest, 791 ; Mai ary L.1:101mes,V =8119 ; Saxah Ingtos iiz A.. Lai) ;Tetopangall, 912; 'Hannah Weir. 12 . rood, 829; Katie A The followingla ; 2 test in arithmetic . per cent. of the p; Anaes,657 ; Brirritt, 725 ;; 1680 ; Catherine' 4 :11.11.)18, 100; *Dia.rgaret MeWI - ;Purvis, 726 ; Mae garet 13s,dcliff,7-4 7i20; Marion Brussels 'will ...cattle fair 011. September_ 11 -The Court O will open at Goa ;Ith_orf 0.cnto.beBreei- to be the owner calf • -well in Rental: Ewen. It is ex put hiJt.En! teacher of Soh berme, latts be y_Mr. ear1881s bbt lia a pair of cawf five years age calved on the s the imperial in vie is alnaost Nearly ev-ery will1r a!amsucrLe0( :o,00d000in Grey. f for txibr.ia 3 , -Rev. ratl don., delivered Catholic Chur last, -Ott the sl tions t0 Caliu s--ii-zifrthorsere;turei this yea/ ; 50 in Wroxeti 209 in Stafgri -It has be f Fotbair:airecthwaett:fiieji next one ta-, September. I -Edward' Cb frora Zur keep the pe1 statutory te 1Tonday, disi niz_anoc:e. as, en, of the slipping awl 'Upon exa33 two ribs we -ConaTpha 'aeP lyM41 :buutrttetletrfrorita: purcbaae ter. tlaMctr9..y isthellicreortana de-n:1e %Is' 2ond tooc nt sided. wit She wasa • knew her, An-deArne*ia • the stea 31e;a:r roal 1I; s' a v nobhir :18 O:13tz03: rstlo finIfila;Ttfor -Only at bto5g3ao.ta_Ehrni:3.m:intert, as fame classed plea for '011r14111IIl r t. Pheyn threeatiktw 2:M 13 343 work °hie' vo-hrlrepulkhrtpel oltr hitche Currie' michi ol is-wPhe 113. nhyeir- ynl • lidaw:hiat c seve • sine her has neig . .! '.. . ......r..4,0,••••••,..a,Joi...=.4g=5-M1.4.-,-- .• ' • ' t - f ." . . ' 31 . li • .. TAE ' ' 1 R••••*.ral: L . . 7.. . EX ' HURON ems The i rs for glis their factioa ncil. tractors and abont :xceed mount ge ay a whi AL S wo acti s, a ag a snigle , TOURNAME 'ere here he ls Brussels oy .excelleo allies 'he ith to stance to of was the . t was Made peting, ompany re leged over therefore, for permitted compete rize. ed• in the e time . ....... ....... ... . .. en from the econd, eatorth of dr hydrant, ; the precisely e the time and d in all, g taken -and tunate. more or in t more won onsiderahl ut all, s, maanteo ordial t ell, al time y Reeve of the time were TIIE" lusion. ba,nds . bled WO tables the were the to of the up at could the inamer .e.of .relish peared, g to of Manage guests' u, M. • P. ens, bort -st I. uel and from . Stratford, and P.;,_ PROCESS all was was by their Town by four • ing the procession A. Brigade. whOwia their r abreast -ir banas, The 1 torinci the e's grove. ereeted or those ROVE s the their taken yor brief ressed r neialibei oining • at all expressed uncilland ks, and actors, , calle4 M.P. 11 aneapress — and. wate vs. AND th( & Hun wor o The fa Copp, 750 $11, W eral d; 'thin 9 d naf h do TISFAI ks ha hly to sa am. d if •-t. n, We d houi lima werc Compel 1\lit. and. F. co were test cc the be the lp. .of the hose,h taken untilit noz made a Is :to alai ti. clothe( atom , 0 those 1 cause c The the f requir set 1 mil 1 1 . i ti first $20. co the h • - I • t Stra, . CH ii the E gettinf which Mitcl N1 swi. Stratt ma,ki su the pr bo spi Reeve -k. c coh -keep unani LUNCI of t a in , hall, ; all energ the et visi y i b M t the v in the c tal P. fc Pe . Goder; Al Bell aud n Platt man thiE Repres Seal had f for: obsen 1 Cc n the in Press, Clino affaii neat pr a.11 p e. pic-mc 1 wi PROC pro caa thei Beettie open hisi P in t •haei pa, NI as • fo - NE 'or ; • troceri :V ro le 1,7i ,1 ro kr: ii's ?Laing' qctice lorses"Wanted-Arthur qew at 1 ts Far ers' 3. W ers' lad ray " •ADVERTISEMENTS. 1, . cess, I 1. abuse?• Duncan.. Jr. ; those , influence ' former Foster. ' . termed • ' journals Millen. , Evans. . • • 1 • ' „ ()Mid. -ReePectit atm t stet - based upo discontent-, than, o eral are in fact which upon. II that all Mai. • saving thz . this trusts. names do awe did, odra't proper or Coramitte member o hie own- p quite a di members if so. We go we do say not been mad that t abuse whi McLellan. A NEW Commonw,A7 ronto an • Wright a fesses to bz pronaisee . from an adva, bold -The the Rag Baby cal Legislatur-s, the Senate, ernment o express 1n Governme voting for legislation end light liquore, & pretty ext to be ably questions-. on others enough. . tabling i sion of th as peculia, and May resul cedents of to inspire deuce is genu " to follow ilia Toronto 'Irational, decoy deck - ers, and for feeling of -depaureia' rt of the Forty no w anxiously thing to Pcilicy at of the . by this new, the courio the Conservative adopted. ed much t tbroug • sing inde partizan the naissi the circumstanges ception, as monk, loo ; NEWS ihas horrible 'M India, The ly made lin mons o had just the effect at Caudal.= • ed ley the -- Burrows' - 2 000 a ncl ' 1 Ayoob Khan 'Nested, censistina guns well ments have it will • troops fr A Ilica editorial' POSITOR, defends the attac pes and rs, . ton to in Exeter Tines'.- -t Tho above Thlent article in a Hi li g - editor of should.t hastil • 3, ant School knowled:e The fo Free Pr,' for the e RsawitY• e, i "pus, some sy ly induc•4 worth w ditions t it, and -hat,e future of imposable is - twice of come to policy is gress of niably ddective entirely maperfed ' by the id result from an Engli tons as in th . e e: • x . d to praise g th er ics. aid the em We st41 ° me nt, as fad, and, or "sore do not note, we to lien ced by ou correspondent is Iso in le: ding papers ex eptioas e. Not even so. , They, that an member to ese <Ids th:t Comeaitteec, rso • al interests ere' t thieg t at Committee a• far as ha thus far an en aea a e • nlirait h i being is e tirely instead ons who motives adheze lwe know , . although heads," "control" do know them. error in it. na,med, all may, and it would of the posieiou : but from eaying this ourselve wrongedoirg • nst ally d and estovs• ndese it tha 'n sup tho-e have . uns cl ved. titled e& .queStion i t. aavOcate st y grap ish um sent se spir ram ticle on e e t s t a 1 • to e c p a n a s oo w a Bo • v • - ' • . n d ar as e :n he , ina which to • ai •Thi -la On jo • b: C ' ft ' t me upen ia It 1 It th the dient o ' . ad- • ds conSid.e/Q do the alceilatel indtie is de4n sed ive.'1e1a. sting atel e Jtilan or N a dvocate take n cc r of ea g sir:meg:. : trsops s offici o te ..bay s' n hetwe . le fr t (nigh RON his beoks.- 11d. written sins lo - coo 11 a s what o e e trailiv the is e even oloscur-d e them • P ire our to these any', slev, ils rk osi. ario n • 0 im ntra. as rthe at tha don , • 1?er inted ' A. pro . e Gov h. lativ: tiVe• bee , Won: is. se I man nee mice; : in - o• iseu:- , hare 1 I ant:- , . likel - is • i reit. 1 I som. hiend. 1 Ian I I '3f •illt ea ten orate rofe I. no ot• th,,b Is noth C egrass oriaaC b ihila (seer und- a,s nd nforcse: nt , again y pore:. d all 'site :che Peel - ys lity g acce ont im it ; mi. ts w con .__,. to be . we s I. : e : i bu he Dr th To an up Lo 0 ea of . -i rz- the ne • . is• 4 , • I , i 11- , ol ; e - a ' se tl E,11 p , , po T i•T t , lli` : I (1-; I : re it co p es p aid -o -old for I gather I laud ' : - for 1 : I . ; • 1 • i ' • . . , - , , - A ; - • 13 0 - d 0 - - a ea t - r ii 0 e - 1 n - • 1 - 6 . d d e • i_ I, . 1, ie Y'. le . , a - a id I os! 1 of ,- is i ',. It e ip i ,- et Y 0- e- ts to 1- h e ' amount aecepted buildin would • - prier that gate Des t rritory t no:ling i length t ie hand o ce 1 nd 8 en* ho s •ee ney to su " : ter 1: ud roe 0 t e (an ro • :tea oe If acres 11 nt.rio. one eize lion •uff zred- mi ess ais: ion„ 'end tang , aisi fted no o b riot o-o.eralion, act nd tnd oo till ha. ud itt:'r milk Id ao peel t, he we, Go'. the [still ing he tioi he an h the the an il p - for 1 gra' . in . wit to • cou ing tor an arrivina at • mu pre, roil E x Wi I an On = secs t the I as en t -! con rae bra, the , far tw :et an. abl this we • of to whole, ' de ' ; eve . °r ; ma • e • 1 c ay an , for . lea : tON he: tlae ver , td_es bui aill - 6 ! the , , . The , CI to , °it is str. hy wi of ;he be , protectio • tir: gro the . in all Tha to to tes ' Ut'S pli , fro • be:ie , ne.:t 1 steady ' taihed ' can, l'thrlown .! mepse with fir _ th: f fa e 4 ne e co u o of gold of toe 0.e o . Created ;mo e p y s: well h a a,na , iblz me • 'ess ,pera 'de gh ent, no, hat s g ies wor-ed the ols, we d ; • t ; ;lg. a q ; t eek. • eu on I. eaa ures earl aro ow do r ro In cu a To1 in 114 , or sse bu the,. pane 0-An4dian mei; Still! , fine ake of a pee s. . ther ort ail nau . gai • S e n ally d deinonstr . . e rearming, . vi s an try. he fii of Wth , jinni t ha ent.- din er, t • gha,-, vill wan ent .1 e wde ere circamstano mitt ts w ion seas ners, th the! har, hal' °Mei e noto ur fa have ee:n I onse• ythii • Asa • or . • he la' .engi forcin int 11, an a of pout) Cree is ob ding, hou ' . wife 0 pies Li str:ds. ain. ; th.e ,a ingloes, ots ae rant abo c1i :bppls ' toe- • s, th. hydr - THE he iw gavel who first est t et uj !was fro. a to e col thie testi arid fo' • if vglume great ' which , fifty avera•1 ich wi the • tbe r 1 to be ntry. • er to se laud d prair hurt er the would of the & one polies 'a the os erit p y tlemen • ause h. ransaWn. has a extent,be . • polies. f all Ca ionsof onapan• e conn became the ft What. :. Let •d ffect b ven by by it: hich hL..jent the srices o wing . e hard o hildrelagrew 1. en went The roa agmirel ere wer Gullie bridgi tra ae im y wora uited t to fel nd th 'the gr under se on ou prayer n, Pat to pa_ o mortg:1Se whistli dles, on way ii Mono p powerf more t land rifices t ' o secu aitway y settl ut it n .. uch b west h ay, if si t, at th • t -actaa . llio#: 114 '1 it tlica4 iway4 foloun lid; tire • ou e se 4 hple : te-.- t d pa -th e eo 1 b .thf Nre dy rplep c -a seer 1 /WS, lie g i T nc sse • t 1 -e e o 4, b uo Th elv he,. t en, . 4 o . tw „ in ot nd er it, r ssib ive e. e ---t ott ' at s be,' t pretie air in iind o la e t 4 o I • air w.h , y e le 1 co Abed CI b ' in p p the : ;hros en s w: ofit Mn t am lee 0 oy i - s e as 1A_1, in t is h t h t ton le ts ot b m drld 1. 6 a • d • e o •x ree a sepie t f it sztl nd : t; ve ia • fe rd s te nwbr cattier s•ble, t ty e - i ote x tea ,h 11 t do un e 1 in 'les 'il the., u g sg-11 e ul , • a ddd ti .aaviie ou .1.r to , ou c . , er i poo r tillei t e• o le ' $ se hp of ' 1 , ou 1 : coda V st 1 .. • tit the posed, th.eirbonus this he st a and. placed t oi ng i:nced, 3 years taeded , rporation, 1 f - r, s t i , en eini 14 3 es , e :r r o v o st: an ire- Eh dere" the e. i o 1. • Dominion aro Ay pr: th- le 'To ! 'qu , acres least land fertile alculated aggre- thousand belt wide, ex- miles ere is gigantic has ever Canada; p in ene orthweat, &party immense the grinding ory Gov- -millions Western: ap, every enepha- descrip- elf had clattered wilder- eath ,ed lots. d loca- 11 o i wed es te summer mass enoughe h•re were d i down. o ice pro- 4ng men ecessarY s.eit them s. And h: dark ;.- forest, natuly tesmen, :ent • , haling I 'dollars to States,. Such Canada . Will y see . obtain- opoly willing gnstruc- irie, P i'airie estioned :ecruel .lotion; ntity se locked :nd use"else, of the r • S. . were ast, by e: rly hour re alive e ghborin roundin ived •ith d youn ntinuall ces unt a coon' Merl visitor the , Clinton, li russsels er town I resented the erations s presets differ ,,, - ef arrange he cele e durill • isure 1 ace lall svh,ea e sproin unfa r, spo So man Would •lik on b k ac , cess, a hitch back ire of t ae holler e power the pipee t. of fountain' 0 tuated • , on v.: ter ory brick • the deuce the building eh c capai in street; the are t e whole town a e ple. the he teem- . • - 01-1KS. tested, so action, operatien. ornina • ouldbt of en vvas : got ald ts. . Three ere main- s. There streams An. own, re is h of time, of be of in at , to ' by . to t a - an- a of , a pp. pay a of , ? and to of of o • e, ,, o ' dur- visi , sur con lth - fo be or le w h t h an to ,he the in Sil- sup- en- :for Fin- ' sid e that can fire en- and 1 to was ke t is in- ap- 'up ha-ve The im- and no resietethe water ready, charm. THE Pile were They the pelvic said M ssr cot, h se, te est m deilip suranees, creaisea tdiiorneodt Now pleted universal with to be there to the e At fire tournme euteret were Clititoia, Steatferd aceorapani all in anifornn men Goderich ket teeing ree watier„T at firet All and Objection coMpany those thel Tills, due ed .1 the the corapany but Pallie and des as Seafdisth . , Clinton— Stratford.. Bruseele . Brussels • Mitchell the ted the the siderable fortune, lest notzl did the "n.e frhe we think their they t a -it co test excitenae and • Pleasant 1-E ie r. actedlas . Detlef, starter. had the the gueSts - There full wise. and ors ing nei a,nd withstaa was and viands alike Commit ethers Meesrs. M Sheriff son, foot Hron's • pioneers; Horton, • sentative joiniug Press, toul, Preeat. thepro lowing men, riage riages riaembe • riaaes ' by . Seafort niee admire fireme naa.rchi ' strains larly : throug Proceeeed • James form and ' thena. alight: ; speake i platfor He' wlach ' so the an sel ' w the -to Hunter. ; 'Phis thrown. land .contrac Messrs. have entire o hacluding will .ben the aone the briga thefir of the runni, street, mg Godetiela thro the the contos adva la appea coanm•tte net comp 0)&1 ollows t will hose a reel; men considera`ble n u t •e . 1 segue crea Tho theit decis At firemen, . king for were the ' was was au the r, . u As e Ni. sw As Ina ho -es. eh, w the! 'Ma; i COYTRACTORS and the . Walsh1 en thie by securite G tha and woule sch l B th 201 co conte of t it w .or fo co . couplin met placed t ej4cce zzio me's russels ore ee eaort ac ha, pal l3epu the w T • gra a ' Gib.on Elsg., an f Br , So h dr c • • I an, ' vell. :eatt h s m de y h• ped gen ' e .. vol everything I don sati Co co not th to . :fits . NE th• thorou s tis r sul ove b :me TH lpp.intect es i t. Strotfora, uss : nd •d. dem s. g tre:t a • • htse fee me street u frem In palnies wa, co at w s a tag er, anc to a pe ete 'la t t • .... .... :... ibe s ook he the , thUSawing at th time wl. Whi , , a bei fo ra , edzd. tly,, ed t, oke and as offic 'ac owl ons . loop i tile asse re. h o ese tun taxes ant o . i tt• all t ing dan ;vid:nt Iisa ifyi ee th: ess . : ibb Registrar; old Sa Esq., me +mint 'oin ssel : T m as essio rder aded wn ntai s of The • ame. Fir im sosing by :11 in g fo f t - he t_ to d been ngs f . THE on : fro. s ha. , M: a e e • t of o or of t H -e he C. rwo cent H HESsoN, tl e Ild C earance-Duncan & a- a Shoes- George Offord, s -Laidlaw & Fairley. ers-Stewart & Campbell. ist •Notice -John O'Sullivan, W • eat -William Rehill. nted-Mrs. J. Duncan.i ist Notice -Samuel. •!Ixotirsion to Guelph. t• orses-William McIutosla. Mill for Sale -George of Partnership-.•Ez,ekiel Florbes. Goods -John L•ogan. -11 ri es-fe -- _ ;BAP Letter enestion there !eEses by actuall viz rallan ized Central Educs, 3ntitle ever, w ith lais tat ip 1;eache responsible. te p: p dbliseed they to 3. w te De:se ti books to pt.. books1 as tr 3 these Df se Et ag a d a 0 pas t a Li a, Et 8 je n in. Et 8 a Lai: t p is w ti t p w big/. Well t w T rage relas aid. t e s h t a a a o s p.acs 1. stat o we t a_ f n it, s it c it x to N'' a very sot I t 1 • 1- - -- ... ___ IN TH : fa OW mai chers, sse can in: wt t n obl so - d, e asej a s oie in d y is hi y in t, t t y ity is eci..ly th o n. 'e ep 4 -al eod ey sh e s cI,ellan s to at s i os •c - u- e „imply r e r • oer are oat inc. It t 1 n t be oun be is's -brains lu re rico hi ut at re ec9liar o a,ct ot mi ut-, ;he . midi er ot ola he ..-- , - . • • • I i . i 01 Xi 101t0t. . -• _"' ------ --' - ---- — - : RTII,FRIDAY, JULY 30,1880 . .. _ _______ . Noruen column will from a teacher on the and Dr; McLellan's ith. -Although the to dissent from the position • EXPOSITOR on this . a.d.mits all that to at the books published are,not and can not use in the schools, Committee and thMinieter la io-n have not donei them to Censure. o imagines he has, T. McLellan.. Now a statement for it,. a is stead of Mcfell le for this tri s and. stude:ats ar At the request as expressed by at. their Institutes, certain books ). t .ought would be b , -, idates desiring to . e tibias, and to supply in the catalogue ooks. So soon as he to prepare or exaneine .apers on the subjeets Jealt with. There ge teachers, or etudents, , else -to purchase arid If they were puachased 't must, therefore, hlve erit whichinduced and use. But here bookS-is 'subjected to very opposite nature. herged with publi was in accordance ' tion papers on. the s' onsequently student as on these pipe's the book. Mr. McLellan harge by stating 't.hat his book, he ceased onnection whatever tiore paper § on the • nd con•sequently the 0 prepared with a vie e sale of his book, as dreater aid by reason to the papers than other to,rne subject. But, charge settled, than contrary nature is t he: deceived teaela; ware preparing for t iu so much its they, Algebra papers had. formerly red by him, and eipectibg d still be so prepared, 011 the stone subject, s a for this reason. be a than any other. In were partially disap d. to obtain an und were foiled, and. consequently- nal disgust.' Now, to liable nature of- t ee complaints, we ' ate the case as it ,. is requested 13er prepare a book; ho once accused of giyi ook an improper ad who donot use it • , satiou unfounded, EtTL ed. bemuse it is untonded the deduction orrespoedent's ,letter n how very absurd a him and those who coolish. grievances. We that, notwithstanding correspondent to assured upon the beet Dr. McLellan's worki st able one, and suPplies vent to students, au4. ut bo a great aid to , matter by whoin the This being the case, in the interests of society ry to suppress this svoik, just to punish its anther II from office because and ability 1 t ble a book ? Our ts that its sale anust limited, and, conseq for which. it is sold e large, if there are h, with a limited sale, our correspbudeat for years- the papers axed: by Dr. McLellan character, and that with the teachers, that the text books then over the ground taken ation papers. This were these papers objected Ame as being improper? the queetions contained such as students should the author of the ed. before them the desired, and needed i 1 , , , be found a . school book connection writer pro- t . . taken ' question, be we affirmed: bY Mc- be -author- and that the of anything ,to• • e bas, how- a ,s,/rievanee we will ta,ke d will show . being re.- vauce, the thereselves of the resolutions , Dr. McLellan hich he and neficial aids ass their ex- an admitted of available did this, he examine- that his was nothing t' or ally use these and been their their pur- the author of two charges First, he ... - ling a book with. the ex- me subjects, , to success- mast pur- answers after pub- to have • with the ex- same sub_ papers could. to encourag- t could not be of its simil ',e books on , nsooner is another of a tabled-. That rs and others eir examine -h knowing that ,.., been they purchased. his. expecting it 1 greater aid to 1 his, of course i °hated. They advantaae. c' their show the un- • ese charaes ii. _ " have simply stands. Dr. - the teach- does so, and g those usina e' antage oVor e proves this he is again . These -drawn from . audi he must position they 1 cherish goalie 1 may also the opinion. the contrary, anthorit Y on algebra is a lona- r-• - that it cau- tudents usina 1 0 papers are we ask would and the 017 would. by dis- he possessed prepare so The orrespondent necessarily be ieutly, at the he profits can profits at all, . is doubtful. further states on algebra were of a he, in com- deplored the in use did by the ex- may be all so, to at li •nea: in th ena know, is work, which information to attain suc- .. . w ekly is • d . i o d scuss N tional t . e j al es, ale°, t Ife aommoo to, -neon wi des ., nse wr ttens t 1: it o - s' i o s bjecte ly ts its editor th t . by tir the evIhich 1 dare ! do ; . he next dvaperd' - I,ry -. paper The, more e ' end leani4s. ii of -Well k rata a has editel epend ced Ow oscura rail raa - T. e a s ever, e depei .ow, t in. hop no. e foot' the coun • on dutyf ' anid 11 ec ,n. , e ben R. . th w w& t as intead IIS on: gocel no o ; good. V.Ibich , 1Conser pur t n1 the election, ; ; sreate -,ub ea•ily m ' e Itbe as ty per es star by e.srs. , i amer. .. •nt inlpoolitics . io1itica oand.poi Policy; olifion re-contniction ption tel i s, te e estab rance, s ,repr : ge the - of progr Its .a ut while deal tooisay nearly f it sue deuce, ; which i will no B are not that ii Ve fear teps of the wa: ose of ry, adv. o e recg 41a . t (1.0. :: 'hun t or th theories ; ce likel , a"oo .arty, t ic pulse -and boa e 9f a p: an by o. This • Commo surrounhli ts edito ' • auspicios ornaal forties w wate Opened . . . tors villag Eac renoon se x:. 0 -me sy pri 1 o'cRi e heels I Besides coun 1 h 1 c e , Wro es we, 1 t of rgenc not •ould e ha.vi s to fi, o that • of vhich ingati omme est. est lation avore - leer ft seen! we • tio I. pass ; or 'a detract ' P , . 5 ea: . ilding I es,,whi , thew r the WhiCk • Le wli east i from ned. nd ' a ' er.thz are s reet .main en lour • The t 700 'yin& d. ; is th . pipiegecon nts ii:FFICII rks the inst 'bless proce lengt1 stee..1. , that ' the he wate wn fr west po. asbeu- ecess at the- forc• coed , -1- , • f , ci '3t 1 11 i': i t • 1sli;tye c i 11 iia c c T Lae a pi w, w ' ti • I'ral of .1 . sle„, l'n —pp work ti. ilbii. e oe el an I'm as 'bo ds e in le itho 0 '1St er, : la Ifin If 1 Maay elh: 1 h be t'woll ; riIpa a i in c m. the nd vitl ' e ds th 1 loff , ot pa 1 uii, en f a er 1fte1eln ifo e,sy.temeisi it 34hi, t n aid • Illi laid het of oipe, itli: nCh• edit atiti Op ea 0. li;les Ntr re ta rei f , •les: .11 ei . 4 . bir • d , oo . a Ibis strezt- oh- is le .. 1:su 1 e I ta, • t a • f la, -16, PI t , :1 , f IS e or in op t n 1. t he the tea d he s t of u any , i i : ar -,, in ' t t e 1. h: ti a p c. a ol. k•p o v. f fi 9 er t • o i d . zly ea 1 ve fa, e . 0 tlivd y 'take: o t I o i o ;con early Opt we u . i• ero n ,it p p DING inin is throi1igl m ,the th twoIs beside 7 de E . ; .fl oils i ili r. pe . flle -o op, of : and ed. to-, i e res.ee VIE sroni-slaL 1 e t 8 i hP le r+aul t• an1 tett ill w ter, hefelr ‘ 7 •a dd ti r is fact, leug . , I Oath a4 u, ar a it .op ni g , et re a e un.er ti : ev: eqeently, Ji],, la, . •su eat re, eas a th. to o es r a, t'lle in o. $ tu.ted the f 0,8i extsnded It' t it Be ' . te s u e t th -, asset amiou • the W.ednes een that had forcea brigade 3-000 ' served. been. perhaps in Engle. been -re B i recei Gen b , i of ; e ' l na • was s b o ori b received f British cement itish Hats ay that • ed from ral Burr en tote, y oob Eh number - . a The ronger t 12 000 ' - Strew ered to ' ecess:r d: u School coacher, h columns of the ' D . McLe la s at the ilea ain other denies t tot he -us' s , ueuce th: gale of } i- , s a te is u t question as not h 1 t h c oo ac er, . ut 1.3.• ' is paper Our cent: • re t o ju p a_ co., 1 in ! j s ice to 1 • ' ' ' t- eacherli: erred to, s its erre.. " acific loWingis thinks ectionsof - In n view dicatie to ile tonsil d eY the :uch aturity. seriptisly the. rong ions. calc a h co hose .tern G 1}e, reoent of made ould el; ana to a sc Do • in in . ma labl: ran. pally we 1 papers; " ailwa ant. hat th of the 4e the Ca a issu it f any- p sEib apitalis s bei take th 'work, ering upon e be lik 1 • ect wou d ia.n No thwest.1 verrate t me, shoal The pr se perilli g ion. t many es hers. a at be. tot:llY evil • hibh er of th railway upon such nd sh o Fro * _ POITOR. force of the 1 ✓ was always 'died like a THE C wat ter, of k well ST. rwor s nelph. and to the j towns- same!mlay be the bJuiding, Th entire feet 1 f new 500. rhe in - 11 be nearly crease in in - of tbe hi- lly o her in- uld b ;men - he felt at being present on so auspicious an occasion, and paid a high tribute to the enterprise and. coneage of the peo- ple of Seaforth for em arising in such an enterprise as a thorjough system of waterworks. He felt ae bared, however, that they would! be Sa ply repaid. for their courage. Both ip a sanitary and pecuniary point f vies would they be benefitted. On aocouni of the efficiency of the System th t insur nce rates would undoubtedly be o decre sed, while the fact that properity wo d be so safe from tlae devouring ele ent would be a material inducerneut 10 outsiders to come here, andi engaging in business, build ap important in ustries of vari- ous kinds. He was a" politician, and 'being a politician, he pundit somewhat I- difficult to steer plear of political ques •1 tions. He -fully undetstood, however, u corn- that it woud not be jiudicions to dis- here is euss the National Policy or kindred people subjects on such an occasion, but he g: were thought that as the curreney question, do n t thiuk or what had heel' ironiCally termed the ssenti g voice "Rag Baby," Jiad not :as yet been TION. ve be sted, ng th he thi espouSed by either of t e existing p 11- 6 ' NT. tical parties in this Ccuntry, he 'might the various be permitted to say- a few words on ered for the that. I He then entere in -to an elabor- six brigades ate diecussion of tb is fi ancial question, Won.These and cencluded by expr ssing the hope hell, !Exeter, that the "Rag Baby" s ould at no dis- eaforth. F The taut day obtain the as • enda,ncy in this mpanief3 were Canada of ours. , t ha ds, and Mn. THOMAS VrIBSON M. P. P., was nick' attired the next speaken. He had made Sea- nsistea of 15 forth his heathniar for 15 or 16 se relel from years, and he col& rec llect well when drant1 at Mar- it was withotit a single inhabitant, and. 300 yards, at- he was proud ariki pleased to see it to - hydrant, tin- day one of the tmost regressive and and thrbwing enterprising towins in Ithis section of from Old start the country. he water was people on the s zle of the hose. their admirable excellent time, and predicted t ery ken1 one. money spent in the Worth profitable have esp daily as passing referenc king 'part in declated it to be in 'tights," • lapidated as to 6 valu , He thought the debts of Canada had been [honestly • coutrabted, and thy should be hone. tly paid and. hot re- pudiated. - He I ede the assertion that the money cov6 ed by the Rag Baby advocates woul not g ' far to facilitate trade between t it wo Id not bu coffee 1in Java, be of 3:1 uch serv He then referre theiii, an un - not o cloth - o rer4Dve even of c mplamt, the Seaforth nly a ; to time, sev ral cam- ollo w g order, , d test as abave down, to each, ute 28 seeonde. I the the e " 23 " be ab " 2141, " ' • my. me talt n. inste ab by th 30 ve that prize $40, and In nreeling pau permit- ose to catch on em a ay from and lo ing can - ford ompany, the s me mis- ton ompieny gett ng their xeter onapany watef through' accguuts for in their Oase.. ell c ornpa ies hilei e do not; ftily thliai :either rd Oppcineets, g thle couping cceesfhlly, and, ize.s. 1The on-. e intel,rest nd th ce test nts ted tihe niost it throughout. of Wingheen, eper, and Mr. f Godericlr, as petini brigades ers as well, and mous.. • e tou nament, nd the invited ardne's extending the and one cross- speedity tilled, ies of the Wait - most in supply - tors. The din- e cdngratulated the ccessfal completion of ystem of waterworks, at they would find the rectina them a most Ile made a Rag Baby, and ged and so di - less for service. tment. to th SO 1-9., is ail other nations; mile tea in.China nor nor W uld, if adopted,. ce hple or elsewhere. to te usefulness of ocal Legi latur and combatted ntention f sone that it should lished in rder t promote econo- He shewe ver yt ouclusi-vely that d of Onta io pro ting pecuniarily abolitio of he Local Legisla- be a heavy loser. He emarkfi by eosin ex - e felt at being chsa d the hope that of S forth might be he f ure than it had. tare, he would con chided his pressing the pi present, and vo the Prosperity even greater in been in the pas Interesting a were 0,1so deliv , ham, of Egm Strac an, Reeve of Grey; Mr. S. -Platt, Sheriff Gibbons an4 Mr. Horton, Id Goderich, and Rev. r. Cobb, of Sea - forth'; but we eegret, the space at our dispo al will noot perinit of even a sum- mary report. d appropriate addresses red bY Rev. loin Gra- ndville ; Mr. Thomas n, Registrar cif pioneers of Sea- Oaker. He stated mrp. James Dick o Huron and one of th forth, was the last s that this was his firs ,appearanbe on a publib platform for thirteen or fourteen years, and as a conseinence he felt no little diffidence in attempting to,address so large and so Intelligent an audience. He considered the IwaterworkS which had just been completed furnished ad- ditioaal proof or the energy and courage of the people of Seafe4h, and were cer- tainly creditable to all concerned. True, the cost taighb- be objected to by some 4 Eleven. 1:thoasaucl dollars was no Eanall sum, but •when the efficiency of this system is gohsidered, he felt safe ijn stating that ip would prove the cheapest in the end Men of energy I and oapital wishing to engage in busi- ness alwa,ys look for places where the capital they invest will be safe from the dlestroyiva lement of fire, and the efficiency of tr'h fire protection system here cannot-bu be a -Very material in- . Canino, ducement to all such men to locate in e desired. Not- the town. And t is $11,000 to se erawd., there what might belost by a fire in a few houre. What is su a sum in com- parieon with the los. of the great fire of fonr years 4go. f on the morning of that fire theipeople f Seaforth could ery best for an, ith Which the st have been JULY 1101 18 erec :0 in Seaforth. See what. it is to -da. While the energy and enter- , prise • f the people q Seaforth had mut to do with its apid growth, its locat n and surroundings were en- titled to equal credit. It was the cen- tre of as fine a .conntri is there is in Onta i0 or anywhere Ise. It had for years the grain and principal mercan- tile t ade of an inane:ease section of count y. It is true that a great deal of this as. been recehtly cut off by the const uction of new lines of railway. But s it loses the trade of the more re- mote • townships, ' these immediately surre lading it are continually improv- ing na developing, and the people beco eing more wealthy, while their prod diens are greater and their re- quire id tants more varied and. extensive. And- hese townships re not yet fully deve oped. They Jra4 been long held dew • by the grasping tyranny and op- press on of the Caned Company, who had. ecured possessien of them, and who eanipulated there. so as to profit and row rich from the industry and thrif of the settlers of the adjoining town 'hips. They wee now, however, prett nearly all free ' from the grasp of th se monopoliets, and their ilea- prov ment would, he even greater in t e future than it had been in he past, So that, notwith- steno mg -what it has lost, there is still erritory and trade enough left to Seafirth to ensure at least as great a degrse of prosperity in the future as in the p: -t. He would eounsel the most friendly and cordial relations between the leople of the town and those of the coun cal, and nece othe bein and to h ests ful fi Littl ftllat qiich oul its b resp old s thei and aterer and the ment. Among have restored hei.r losses for $11,000, le, we noticed he thought they vvould very willingly ✓ North Perth; have done so. ;With the present eystere North Huron; cf w terworks properly managed, such ch; Jas. Dick- a file would be an impossibility. He exander Broad- hope , however, it wbuld. be long be- fore the works Would reed to be tested in any such practical manlier. In the : invitation he had reaeived from the Secretary of the Committee it was stated he, Mr. Dickson,was "one of the fathers of Seaforth, nay, the father." If this were so; he coola assure them he had no cauee to be ashamed ,of his - child ; but hei had /13 any and great ION. , ' reasons to feel. proad of it. As the nished. dinner, Rag Baby lied been mentioned, he ed. The fol- mi,glit state that he bad frequently seen tfr red: . he fire- representatione of that infant in that espec ive bands excellent comi.C.• paper aril), and from uncil, in .a, car- its general apejearance there he did not ules ; the car- ited f.uests and nd private car - was Marshalled , Chief of the It was quite a , and Was much essecl it. ' The uniferms, and. o th musical leoke ocessi Esq., two of ost respected , Esq, Horace s other repres and 11 the ad - iv ntati Ses of the Mite iell, Clin- orth ere also think much of it. It looked as if it • was oontinual& bawli -1 to drink. Th4 was n • his ohild, th& town g for something t the case with of Seaforth. It was always we4 fed, g ew rapidly, and was ever in a good thriving condition. In the olden times when he had the honor of being Reeve of Tuekersmith Mexico. he -took a very, active interest in the WALKED IN Pam great gravel road scheM.e of those days, cent Mikes festiVal n went the successful [parrying out of which Gladstone, wife oft particu- was the first Step to prosperity and walked. processio greatness for both Huran and. Seaforth: In looking outifor a locatien for these roads he could not see a better point • for the leading thoroughfare from the — sea purehase4 for 600 from the tam horee breeder, David Riddles, of 131a Hall, Paiiley, Scotland. They are 11.74 draught horses of collossal prone= reeeoes for theirego. FLO.ODS NEW MEXICO. have bee eastern p fallen in had been. duration, fit the gi of grass f Senn ere great 11004 ..in the eerth. t ff New Mexico. Rain tax essdnatly for la weeknee a diought at : seVeral months, and the rain will greatly blase wilag crops and insurep r stock. : GAINST ENHLAND.- A from the 1Transvaal, Afriea, statee.mg the Africans, not being pewerfulenougn to throw off the Britiph risle,haYe fora, ed a cortiearty with al capital of l 000, and in future iUlla, et ll purchase lei goods of America or any ether eanon -except Eland. OFFENII)ED ROY.ALIY.--It is reposee that the Queen is intensely ehagrelea over the refusal of P4liament to alb, the erection of the statuel of the Fahae Imperial in the Wskitnainster Abbey, She desied it ereete ;by the side; of the tomb of her father, a 4 Since the action, of Parliainent dealers she will aeve again enter Westminster. A iftPn FORTUNE ,4-.W. - Ira Carlia a young Oaan. of molerate cirennastan. cee, has received i telligleiace that be has fallenheir to a 1»rty Million estate of an tingle in Australia. ,IThe testator, Alfred Cerlin,w.as kingof the Australise stock breeders, and ,conscienticas wit- ness for the claimant to the Tichborne estates, having had Arthur 'Orton for a long tim ,in his em ley. it ROYAL VISIT TO I ELAND.---ner NA_ ry. Their inter sts were identi- jesty, it inters ts what addi t the prosperity Ireland nrichrnent of t e one, must of t England sity be equally beneficial to the Prince . He -felt sonie degree of pride in ,Coricern one of the pioneer settlers here, anxious, -n having helped leer his own hands V (Iowa and lelear up the vast for- vhich stood. Where now are fruit- lds and comfortable homesteads. did. he think in those early days O would live to See on this site a town as Seaforth, or that he be privileged. to address within unds such a large, intelligent and °table audience. 1 If some of the ttlers who, years ago had gone to long homes, eould see the people heir surroundings here to -day, he fancy their astonishment, and how would rejoice at What they might consider the fr Dickson conclu ruost interestuii ble poetical quotation, and. resum- is seat amidst the cheers of the lice. i. D. D. WILSON, Reeve of Seaforth, ehalf :of the toWn and Council, coal tb ey justl Mr. and suit ed audi 011 its of their labgrs. ed an. excellent g address by a thanked. the visitors for their presence and ountenance on this occasion. He also thanked the speakers for their good wis es, and. their kind and encouraging wor bers gad had larg ceed the Stra use gav the offic SOO A Que peel the and riag the Car tain afte which th,ey took their departure for con mo ces hel circ nec the free s now stated, Will not visit ext month, but Will -remain la 4 to meet their Ra alHightessee eopold and P cess Ionise ug the latter the Queen is very as she is i pressed with the idea tha the injurie her Royal Mee ness su tabled at Ottalwa. are more serious tan she ha a been made aware of. Fro - all aced:mita Prince Leo. , pold's vi it to Canada hail been mate. tive of ateriel good l to his health. SAD D owarae Aceneneir.-Thiirsday morning 22nd hist Father Bleyea bergh, o Trinity Clitir' ch, Detroit, took twenty •r twenty-five of his churth boys an a few others an the steam yachtal mie, for a:II:exclusion to Mon- roe. Re inning in the evening they were ru into by th steamer Garland, going down the rive with a large el- eursion party. Fifteen persona on the Mamie are known t ed. and night saved.. cinshed,land. sunk except s eh as esca. escaped y crawling through the cabin window .- • ROBBERY -A,; the private bank of Fisher, Pr ston & Company, - Detroit, I Thursday ragoa, while the clerk, red Giffor Was idone, a stranger appeared allthe opening of the s, and especially thanked thermem- wire screen, on th -counter, and ex - of the various bands and fire bri- pressed a desire to buy some Govern- s who had cone so far, and who naent bopds. Gifto was about reply.' by their presence, contributed so ly to the suceess of the day's pro- ngs. He made special mention of iudness of Chief Gibson, of the blow fel ford Brigade, who had granted the When h •f hoseeand in many other ways that be acaluable assistance, which both dollars sommittee of management and the ter had rs of the Seaforth brigade will not SUPPL forget,. , - specter ter giving t ree cheers for the calledt n, and three or the Mayor and shipped le of. iSeafort , the, proceedings in in the grove I terminated. The speakers depth o others were eScorted to the car- feet. P s and conveyed back to town, and and wh ands and fueanen. were metalled to become no's Hall, where -they were enter- tops of d at t supper ' by the Zunamittee, so crow rapidly. oVer 8 left to resident outing t AN haVe been drown - The Mamie mu •th those on boara ed, Some of whom hag whe the strang r suddenly reached through the apertu e- and struck him on the t triple with a shing-shot. The e ftoor in -sensible, it wns ascertained and RI% thousand currency, Lying on the c,oun- .sappeared. 1 MO Diseesa PseliErtaL.--Ile Lane has ;had. ' his attentioe 1 the condit on c to Detroit trona t. Clair RAver. wa,ter in t ese pens is seven ckerel are e deep water fist, n confined em Shallow water sickly. There are nearly fifty hese fish in the Pens, -which are ed that the fish I are dying a One day lAest Week, it is said, dead fish were airped out =a oat along th shdre at Algona% of which 't will talk -of prose - Lie pen. awne s for their action. XTRAO RD IX, 17 Iff tZOCIPEDIST.- Riders en velocipede will find all their eXploits pale before that of Mr. Ivat Zinerty h, a young Hungarian, who, coming roxia Loudo*, NO left Osteua oil the 10th of Junel arrived at Pesth OH Wednesday, July 7, liSseing travelled . all the distance sonhe ,200 miles,en his velocipede. 'He did n the average 130 kilornetres per stiay,!and took liie way via Brussels, Cologne, Mainz, Asehaffenburg, Passlare, iLinz, Vienna Pressburg, and. KonaMorn. The Rae, pest At . letic Club gee :Vt.. „Zinertych ed him to t recovered ween four f the pickerel Pickerel peon The greatest • ome by their reepective trains and -eyances. Mins ended one of the t important aia well as most sm- ut and pleasant gatherings ever in town, withont one untoward. mstance oc ng, either COPE -- ion with the own, to detr enjoyMent of e onstration or in bt from the full and. the day. News t of the Week. A BIYAL OF TRI KETT.-Triekett, the cha apion sculler as arrived in Eng- lan from Austraha.! CDARGEO AGAINST !ALDERMEN. -It is cha ged that certain I Detroit aldernaen hay been trying tie Make money out of gas Ste ists• age ago . ner $600 per Week to complete the I fas at his theatrei N 'ABOLITIONIST DEAD. - Benjamin Ontracts. with a Add medal. ! So little was he a cordial reception nd ipresented him fatied by his long jour ey thegheet• nsby, one of the original Abolition- tonded the same night a prize walking died in- New lork the other day, 82. mateh fifty kilonietr in -six and go one-half hours, arra ANREE CI3TENLSi. - Several days in hit, -honor. The ride is certainly markable a New York Manager offered Dre a. r OCC fro we G-lic Wad ish. EATHS IN HAVANA [-Sixty-one deaths' ' , 4„ • , .u.ill.. xiDITOR an article in a '---reSceInit:. ETPreorseiror aboarenal tired from yellow fever and five ' •L small -pox in !Havana during the ° 1 the distress in Ireland and the language k ending Seturday last. used. The .writer inferred that Gaelic nsTrizonox o7 C,ROPS.—The crop on and. Irish are the One language. Ile Dalrymple farm in Minnesota has , Will find his mists:4e, for in Ireland / completely destroyed by a recent ' they speak different Ian UN DOWN.—A, .1 yew boat was run , i speak the laoguageaf thegiurafgoerse.frottinize, na entailing aeloes ofi$30,000. the Danes, called Danish ; in the south n by a steam launch on the River Thames eon Monday. A gentleman the e ak the 'Spanish language, sad . so with the Scotch claim They sneak and lady and latvcO children were different languages, like the I - drowned. PIGEON RacING1 -I-- The American 1 I lit tribes ba%sciiio u tnhteofNotriatehw:esttlnlIg History The 1 eneral Grant has Jersey shire, the home of the elan Caropbell. Highland. Scotch. Ghslic,, I speak the Argyle 1G-a3lic and also the Irish. They It is allowed that they Speak the pure e- t 4 AIyJ- pigtson race from. iC lumbus to 0 miles, was won s, the quickest time are two distinct langnages. 1 hoe t of a company visited the graveyards in, the Lowlands, k and Boston capi- and the epitaphs ou tbe tombstones d nd mines in New the early settlers shew ehat some emi.- grated. from Ireland and some fro France4 The ScotehMen in Huronareof Irish descent. The names are the saute: Broacift.yot, Carnochan, Landsborough: Walker, Marten, RObb, Sproat, Era- tland. to recruit his laccenti and the A_berdeen Men leave' the SRO 1, find the N'orth of Ireland nien .-Rev. Mr. Spur- ;nall' The Aberdeen ' men boast. Oa the bee sto do ' Cite, a distance cif 5 by Easton in ;4`fi hem on record. POST OF HONOBJ-- bee0. elected preSide melte up of New ',Yet, talitits owning land. treetsii and then grounds in Mr. Here a plat- er the speakers, o wis ed to use EEDINCis. cessioaists had riagea, and. the r places on, the took the chair.i1 ing speech, in atisfaetion: that s had done us is cetlebeaticin, enjoyed them - the satisfaction people felt with d high tribute ; essrs.; Inglis & ' he &St speaker ✓ North Perth. ed the pleasure bone Sabbath Schoo amine TO CANAD- has gone to Sc lth. He has be geo hea SSION.-At the re- in England, Mrs. e British Premier, with the Maryle- n invited to visit ! their Irish blood floWingin their ve north to the South t intersect that the tnited states nd Ganaaee and. Now, Mr. Editor, if !you will allow tbis from, the east Co the vest thau at the wilt avail himself ;Of he opportunity at a space in your Valuable paper, y point where Seatorth now is. There au arly date. was Oa large tra t of ootintry both to the north and souta of the railway, which was tributary 'to this point, and. this tk country, he kn w, was as fertile as any in the world, nd nauSt ultimately be- come a productive and fruitful agrieul- tural field. Alter considerable fighting, as the people of those days will remem- ber, the roads were located so as to in- tersect at this point, the railway station was erected, aeld the nucleus of the present prosperous town was thus established. _Re must say that his hopes and expectations had been more thararealized. Not mere than 22 or 23 years ago, the first log house was sta RIVEN MAD BY, • EVIVALISM.- Bertie easter, aged 21, as become insane fret religious eii�itjement experienced during the revival/meetings at Dr. Tal- mTa,bernacie, inder the direction of honaas Harrison the "boy Evange- list" She has atte pted suicide three times. AMERICAN IMPOR ED STOCK. - MT. W111. Crozier, the importer and breeder of fine stock of Northport, Long Island, ha e brought over from Scotland two of thei finest specimens of horse -flesh that it as ever fallen to his lot, he says, to im rt. They arP two Pridesdale lions, -1 and 3 years, old, and were will greatly obhige,yours truly, W. Ross, Third. -Class 'Certificates. The following is a list of the nags of candidates who passed the non -Pro' feeesrstrfinetiteseainamthinisatn cleountfyor. tThird heia-eint leer of Possible marks is 1,275. Num- ber to pass on the a egalte, 765. There were10applicant : Males -Stanley Anderson, 910; aLCoaonllaui:8811a9ttleb;re, John F. r dFt WD . 80.26ro;eCvos,pa.nrt911;lon;n.3, s 8560;10: Grant, 817; Wm. Knight, &5; Wine ' L:jjJLY 1 Miong, 168; John. anles XcIntosh, 1 1321; Walter StIP siabaria;827 ; Wa oods, 899; Jatni oderick Ross, 761 5;1NSamuel , Fernales--Mary ;Jtorest, 791 ; Mai ary L.1:101mes,V =8119 ; Saxah Ingtos iiz A.. Lai) ;Tetopangall, 912; 'Hannah Weir. 12 . rood, 829; Katie A The followingla ; 2 test in arithmetic . per cent. of the p; Anaes,657 ; Brirritt, 725 ;; 1680 ; Catherine' 4 :11.11.)18, 100; *Dia.rgaret MeWI - ;Purvis, 726 ; Mae garet 13s,dcliff,7-4 7i20; Marion Brussels 'will ...cattle fair 011. September_ 11 -The Court O will open at Goa ;Ith_orf 0.cnto.beBreei- to be the owner calf • -well in Rental: Ewen. It is ex put hiJt.En! teacher of Soh berme, latts be y_Mr. ear1881s bbt lia a pair of cawf five years age calved on the s the imperial in vie is alnaost Nearly ev-ery will1r a!amsucrLe0( :o,00d000in Grey. f for txibr.ia 3 , -Rev. ratl don., delivered Catholic Chur last, -Ott the sl tions t0 Caliu s--ii-zifrthorsere;turei this yea/ ; 50 in Wroxeti 209 in Stafgri -It has be f Fotbair:airecthwaett:fiieji next one ta-, September. I -Edward' Cb frora Zur keep the pe1 statutory te 1Tonday, disi niz_anoc:e. as, en, of the slipping awl 'Upon exa33 two ribs we -ConaTpha 'aeP lyM41 :buutrttetletrfrorita: purcbaae ter. tlaMctr9..y isthellicreortana de-n:1e %Is' 2ond tooc nt sided. wit She wasa • knew her, An-deArne*ia • the stea 31e;a:r roal 1I; s' a v nobhir :18 O:13tz03: rstlo finIfila;Ttfor -Only at bto5g3ao.ta_Ehrni:3.m:intert, as fame classed plea for '011r14111IIl r t. Pheyn threeatiktw 2:M 13 343 work °hie' vo-hrlrepulkhrtpel oltr hitche Currie' michi ol is-wPhe 113. nhyeir- ynl • lidaw:hiat c seve • sine her has neig