HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-30, Page 2A The over as enougl the sac of sho rain c7 inkysl ously 1 an end have li No. 39 stead s YSTERIOUS TELE— GRAM. SSAOE THAT NO MA 3 SENT. 6.30 evening train, leo. 3Q, wa hour late that night. Cans ,Heaven knows. For t welvehour. rm had raged, and now instea g any sign of breaking, th me dawn in torrentil from th. y, and the thunder - roiled 'min:- >verhead. A bad storm to dray me through, as anybody woui nown, and the wonder is tha was not three hours late in sf one. Old Luke Granger, th truest, nerviest engineer on the road rounded the curve just bel'* Red Ra ;anon at twenty -pix Minutes pas I breathed a sigh of lrelief whe he headlight cut a -bole in th ss. 'The station bridge neigh. g veli away in a storm-; like that was beginning to get nervou is thought. - .how everything made me ner at night. It was just the kind her when things look all out of yway. Then, I supppose, the dge of that money pacdkags being its failing to come ori the11.30, ould have done, had its effect I didn't relish the idea of 1 3-. $ 000in cash until the next ldridge and Ricketson had been em -selves to meet the morning • d if the package had come I ve turned it lover to them at d that would have been the end atter. But it didn't come. 's way things have in this world ! you most want 'm. err: wasn't a soul at the station i� ht, except myself, and there i on1 y two passengers who got off I speak of 'em that way,not in, to be disrespectful, or make of solemn things ; only it's habit, po e ; for most' people -sould say w s only one passenger) that got R:.d Ravine, seeing that; the sec - f '. m was carried out of the ex oa in a wooden box.1 Usually a body was coming on I got be orehaud, but this one. took me b surprise, and added rot a little r n rvousness I already reit. ho is it ?" I asked, as the box was d i:•to the station. - 3 p ssenger wlio had gag off . the a • d who w,s a stranger to me, are my inquiry. ie ►ocly is that of .. my sister-in- sa' d he. "She was the; niece of as Eldridge—,doubtless ylou know H r dearth was very' sudden. to be buried. in Mr. Eldrdge's lot vin S. sev n. I sa dart havi and'I ove • t sm vont of w gear kne due as it On kee `n day.. dow trai cool once of t Tho., whe T that were the t eaz ight sup there •ff at ond ress „hen ord. . uite oth( arrl€ Th rain, .e DEM: T] am," hoes im. he iF ere.' a a 1 n. s e. t h a e • "Tl en I suppose the body Is to be eft i..: m charge until to -re ow,'" I aid. "Y:-," answered the stran er. Do ons pp se that I call get to Mr. E1- • ridg.'s yself to -night ?" "W :11, ' I replied "it's a good four miles, an in such a storm as this--" if"I'ik w 't until to -morrow," i torrup- d the .st anger. "There is some sort a h tel here, isn't there ?" "Ye., al good one. You'll' have to of it th ugh • but it's 'illy al matter a cat a er of a mile, and yogican't iss y ur way, for the road up the hill bads :tra ght to the house." Her I ade my way out mai to- the •latfoi la gain and made my Way to t • e ex ;ores car, where the mon y pack - a: e, w rel all along I had carcely oped • o®ldn'tl come, was deliiered to e by he messenger. As he gar e it to ehe aa • Y• 1 "Yo '11 .• ant to keep a sharp -eye on at, ill There's enough i . it to aka one ,►f your Red Raviuers put' a liet veyo "I'll •d thj P � ratty :n l• en t. d, w•ich he hrougll your Bead, and never t. e chance to object." 1 00 out for the Red R:viners ckage, - too," . said IF, confi- gh. But if the truth had. didn't like -the sugtestion • essenger had made. rai moved off quickly, and I •• y antern, as was my habit, by bid ing good: night to Luke hen I went into the station ith the Atli) package clutched.. std :r my robber coat, expect - 'lid the man there wile had with the body. But lie had ng anxious to get to the hotel he - fr ne of My w ad m at as co, lis he w , ougl ng m anent I had forgotten al dein - young woiivan. Tl dily of the $13,000 had, The SA • ung w y of G an .e h 'use ti :litly in: Lo- co a o- go 'e, b as quic y i s possible. No. 39 Was t last tra n wpich stopped at Rea Ravi until $. -0 the next =morning. So work #o ' th r night was dobe, abet a h only to ook up the doors, see th th_ngs, .-ere all -right about the rpla and sit os to niiy newspaper" all t lit le ro • sty i hick served as any sleepi qu trte:r:.. i growing out of del their wages. Thi that the $13,000 into my keeping f Well, when I about the station, clothing, I sat do pipe and_newspap tomary reading. continued to rage ly, but within thi could be. I had stove, a cheerful plenty of goo tob in which I w s r: fresh newspa. er, Holland gin, whe regular noct a these were pi asa old fellow lik me yielded as in ch s has •a right to exp: that night t 'ngs gear, as I ha e s sooth me as as might, I coul I.n't newspaper'; : n un dread—a feel ng but horrible t •ing —possessed • had mixed u • stronger than the relief I ha "It all com package," I matte couidn't'it•ha e go train and save' in: here ever.nigh ?" Just at -this o ent ame a clap of thund=r au a flash of li vivid enough t• m ke the lamp had looked up the ackalge in th and put the k — ere as a col tion lock—in y ocke . Bat not the larges fait in he secu the old safe. t h: d occurred to ten that a per on .ould opeu it e he wasn't a sk st cracksman. my custom to leav: my' door op, tween my littl ro m aid the office, so that i It d Ravine was on the telegra h k: y I Could h: The instrunre t ha. beer clickiu at a great rate_ for the e.st hon. as it was none of y business 1 p attention to w at was going ov. wires. I judge no froi i the ne of the lightnin: 'an the jerky sou the instrumen s tat the stor playing the mi chi f with the mess. I passed into t e ti ket • office, w light was left us ing,, and stoo some time thinking whether the package would Abe less e4posed i - safe than it woij�.d be unser the tress of my bed ant I finally cone that the latter alacg. woisgld be h: cca�r any possibl ' tI ief- tot reach. obk out the he vy .rown$ envelop towed it awa u der the ma hen I took a co � d glass of t Bich was usua ly • gainst, my rul: •hich I thou ht the 4iircumst arranted. Once more I at aper and pipe, but ess than betor . r pw to have cerate ittle station. - Deal er rent the air,' an bout the sky l'ke • ],y backgroun - If ,you have ever elegraph office duri you may have seen down the wires n a people nervous. 11; tors like myself dertake to receiv I was tempted tci el meaningless ticking nation for me in the It was like the incohi a maniac, where nov intervals only, could word or sentence. lowauce of toddy h ay in, paying Gael men s:19 ow it happened money package came r on'; night. ad : made all snug and got off my wet n omfortably, with r, to enjoy my Gus-' e orestorm o land o e gs Were as co blazing fir ight, an eas eco -;,1 -the onl 1 ally :extravagant— a bottle f good ewith to m k my toddy. C rtainly t surroundin s for an and as a r to i they lid comfort a a man ct in this wo Id But seemed all o t of id. ;may pip idn't its w�ont ; tr. as I et initerested i the omfrtable f eling of hat sgme s dowy was !bout to appen y m'nd, and even when I a toddy consi 1.1811 1, it tailed t( ► ho . ed far. - s of that: pesky ed to myself. herr; on th the job of ke le tside I erce- y ata the hair, xury ue . • elm U • erably II bring rhoney 'Why 11.30 ing it rrific htning lien. I e I safe, nbina- II had ity; of Me ei of- • en if t' was n be - ticket called ar away 1 but i3 no r the rness ds of was cies. e a for ney the mat - tided rdest So I and ress. tidy, but noes le dawn to my' ews- with uo bette suc- he storm se: ned ed right over the after peal of hun- lightning prayed hosphorus o u the Minced: to be i n is g a thunder s Terni, he electricity ash way to make t .e. id en veteran o ► era- wo ldn't want t• ti that sort of mes se the; key, bu had a port of f mood I then erent r1autterinl i and then, at one dlistinguii Taybe the extra ad _ made' me imaginative than usual, and give weird coloring to my thoughts listening to the rapi click' click, I, member of fancyin. that some s hand hacl got hold o the' key and pouring out a wail of woe over wires. I was tooxestless to sit still and n rvous to go to bed'. Besides, eve I Hadn't been so upset in 1:ny mind, d , ubtful whether I could have s t rough such a storm as that. To occupy myself a�bout, somethin re ighted my lantern, went into ight room, examined again the b the doors and the fast rings of udows, and retureed .d my r ' 1 wenty y :.ars had passed since II first st a foaled la ysej installed at Red. Ravine dr as tclegi aph operator in • the railway ca st. tion. B•'ng content with the ilium- br dr nr east o life, and faithful to my th du les,, hac come by degrees to liitteud fe to •:I1 abs work which the place re-' ,, de qu red, T.- at is, I was the ticket all ag nt, ' .aggi ge-nnaster, and keeper of , th sttbt 1. elides acting for the ex- ve pr sa co : ny and continuing my ter ch rge o e telegraph key. These ni cot bine ors made it pretty close 1 c wok for bat they - all vie:.• ed a cu co;. hie income, and as. was sle bled no l unsatisfied ainliitioe, fro nate l have ed. mate, artly ha aper- • wh re worried and up I. was entering r ht of the lantern fe oden box. Oddly e) et utast ever. y own . nest, sclua.rely on until ti' about inking I suppo von the box out of;my mind. 1314i't say it was any comfort to have ought back now ; for a doripse is ne most cheerfi}1 of 1 company, a, ling as I did then,} I wo ild a grr 1 rather have hada no company : t must have been theim of the • - ie, I suppose, that irnpell od me, the box had been brought back mind, to leave the door open so t Add. sit and stare at it with mor;ej iosity. As I have alread said, i ping apartment was partitioned n. the freight room and as Gonne with the latter by a door. The bo» been placed in such a position t : this door was open the head ox was in sight. Twos or the fi I got up to shut I•thee door, u strange fatality drove' re back t hair and caused me ''to keep i the box with its sad freight. ] thi : time the -storm. raged, the thun • : clis hanged its mighty batteries, t lig being flashed, and the in d sawn of he telegraph continue I caug my hand trembling as -I tri - to re my I ipe. Nervousness, no doubt ; b pos..ibly an observer might ave thoug ) Old Billy was frightened. 1 ! ad just risen to win the lith: clod, on; the shelf, when suddenly o 1 of t e hitherto meaningless ticking the ] nstrument sharply and distinct ca e to my ears these sound on, mp t la me fort wit. m3 self well- fixed. As I :Iep t in the station, to 1 eop uarc on the Company's p ty, and mai; from choice ; for, li a b Chet rr a not ing dut es h. tur , an so 1 ng t. co e to Th t war was getti sti r T e R eu urldi twe ty w co + parts fret: ht a one for roo ova fro. squ box whi and ver tro 'I c int .• • • of any opera dine. wor as mu h poi the to es of famili r. T we lean to the ke s alt as others di in all y e the so der that. While Is lyze �. 3 d for Old Bi ly's 'ble pi ch t te11ig ble fade onl as fully fiv d Cour' ge icket •flice yself. i N look at the'1 f my's ttin; lickin _ stol afore, nd t eated Ilrc( Ever. dot ord, c: me ess th :fit it ain tin g• lin€ lone so i nius like the 1 voice rgon i to me I spr: • u the now alas no r elu soundh:dc I' felt ni co s �lved t►y hee he rolling a the t ✓ ar of ''e s=•rm e. I epp bol ✓ om, a . re: ed m the yste: ous sten s , eight auto.. of t sto g wor�s OV` the own h'.i nd d re: ry ligh, ping its° neimiend rg da ti ns rus ed a rougl t . e Brea fea disa p ni• self o a dden c l;n. 'he el clock shelf nd bled ins • mpo5edl' e thatiI s 9 IV t men, be ruble ldt, iii • Billy;fiin r; that nig sacs d, rd the tre a guar it i ed. hen h `- cl.c Itokd ru, ty pist `1 w' un Curb d. ha either pp in he station.f ugly Booking oh sil:nt force illi me I ire Da th. fou tha t ✓ on- have 33 iVeness voice n the dot, d stingni n st w: th:' s nguish perieice ick' offll sJed dazed ast; rves we hat night) it dick -Glick aid got h e manna's enough t d sip d t once' hat x. Aln1 down • ipjed 1� of Hen. hes t `It the bo ► very d ith sash eewned t I iisi er den a ar nd that t less ec u from th nth en ed n, no' fa . e p1 inliri i age re i1 1 the kL .1 .o P v s, a(( i` :I ► tr it ti ta. m) 01 oral A s rur,:k pith aha "±dithat no 1.i ed t 1 e el; , and ' o SVoil i .'be the 1 uld perf. e. that s'm .,� att r app er t. aus c. int: rat ith :hal ie c'r be id t ed i • -t e ( ace of ; u I it :sl; uy uty 11-i.. po ta. t dot ure l : ft to my kee We 1. ;: •hila :lift • fi -h n r I ich a t w der r Bit h , vii. ase I• f anvil in k; ' : r ou :h ,t: .le .oddy, Glc s: d f 1ig v sy fo. shi�it us iblonE?- . THE HJRON r section of ‘he ora . that, with. s yo would to .h w • ch' ou are id d: hal1•heSet who s h. ndl-ng blue : *cur cy; ndw,'t� tin . d ver he d m nd rune strun era. as r: ft ?re SSap by to at he► ord' sa mo e be to sty ek in thth ed he i tab] ha wE e like t par - that; a ter - un e as;. y. It: u ter-; o the;. t a kto s ant: e the; onea re re_ e ry le ter, bl : di ti ct- en• a s arp ea t as fsme h st- rok o t the d th a cic ing n. Wei and ith v�iction h tit b t th t the over he f res, -ping an. -re- y .riou wa tying. ler au!& th:. Mad o 1'. nger dep esjsed 1 back int: s unflino i gly What w: s its by ha he m ce' t diose :t t- - J w: ? Vha c . out fro' wan ig:.} T ese qt in as g, and of ng stra •u e After t the 'lists ►h glass of tripe, an - nod in o 1te t I was thoiroua std it e t'omin II :3 • au: she of es- elt nd rely to er ud st le an an at y"` tto s- ing e if a. ld r Te rs ed, . or ny h ere w s sot of e r: u ty o k, maea ,lig t:d or t at rw gar, I ighj of I was not : nti aga n—th is,', 1— mie to g to b -d. • Sto het ork, al Ithe ha. egun, to eci- thr off y c. ae•` the light i' the s Of ed at in y ong low fllame. TI a pee age from i tde al- pin ed it secu erg I and my ve a tabl o pliocedl for -Toe i mp a ► re; doo 'nto t] rit- or f 1 r inc'. as u,po the he tou..3d t vrhi 1: had 0o for the ti if s o .' 13t, its is t to o�t;! pt �Tl.is time ed. had for t 4 very box. Stan clos: to th_a, the • lox its best paint on he s fait in tl less, of hac Spon •ihilit3 nio ent, I up 't le job • in, t lata cas Harr. t.ve But 1 belie mess. ge, ars: over.oxne p: —ho v vary drag ems: lamp went .Wh a a reli strik ! At nigh e, the s see t e star, the iiidow was n a li. . How strang:: migh y roar claps of thug the nstru. save 'his stet Still i lav faculeies all on the Olen A1Mile pa utas. ",The s profo ndues tick o the ear, h: tisk kepti : eati "W i ch box !" Wh was i hat? Not t e click n stru t. b, i t the ,: ting of it yet sti 1 audit: regulki •1 an• sleep? .i lay terval o silo sound " me louder an b stars s ning the objects i Al•• and gr: cc�oodec thiest r el my ledge lb; hea and n ipwa lich c the ter the n einl the b d without kin, It had ti c o at ract me elsewhere.k My so d griwn a part of second na- any I hi d liFed in the little utowu vie Batt peal ,Is g gr e younger generation had of me as ''Old Billy." ppose, because my hair y and ray joints a ;little d Il€ vine Sts;tion was a *ood- cg, a out forty feet longi and de. It was divided into! two lents the larger one heat;* for d b: rgage, and the" sty `aller pass: tigers. My own - little 'oral a piece partitioned off the freig t quarters, and ten feet re,. a d co nected by a door with a of an offick in the passenger's room, eh s rued both for selling tic,lkets holdijng t. e telegraph key. I, €this . whi the had fairl mot chai VaC grap of a to m sho corn naes mar Mor h, in spoken words, mearit,"Wate shot through any frame. I 3oul feel my face grow white I stoo , and with my eyes ri ed in nt stare at the table in he tel excited imagination. he words practiced ear, were as la,in as ted in clarion tone. There ha no call for Rad Ravine and the age ended withOut signature op , but abruptly, as it had began than that, it was not the writing ts st it 0 bo th th at 11 hat I e pis 8 qui th • axial pu loses ona pick us f des ted help. cert w chin s not von ed. i the I id no tie te. 9.o le the ve Tee out/ as t it' as to frei de No en now. d.ylt eking ist ing, bo oak, whic oh this t th Vas t n e ray de ee yt, ate d la s4 imul oise r sing Daley tl fro rt t isel: :sly d.w be st up hu d ntl put o n a nd e ed the t ree ke o tle 0 unhee ing th los t a 11 visible the se of the end RI could f like a to brea Gently presse my vie at ret - single pea e sin s ed of el co t, ron whi .the b c ite118:34'esirrilat the clo ng, wi ten mi hal in s the tic ain ea es a taa e a' rift h Of th b. 000 ove th Oa er sa lastd oat !wain c WEL ue nly wa EXPOSITOR. ONTARIO DRY COODS HOUSE, GRE 123 IR0 AT 00FERING SMITH .S. WEST' DURING OUR THE CASH This we tak as sati SHOW RI 'AND AT CL We beg t c espeCially to th cash and Se in at Low Pric s. No twit liStan di business, we ea 'We will not, ca season if Iwe ea tho fact for cas g the sho partm ry Go avoi Stun dy Cle RESENT SEASON SALES HAVE! NE4RLY DOUBLE ding onths of last year ado' evidence that I we HT GOODS S PRICES. that t is by buying for tha we can offer Cittods Larg Increase in lour Ver Complete ABTA- i o it, er G ranc THE FO Is but a .TARTIAL LI pRE lain ar.d Fancy ress G 12k cents, 15 ents, 2 lain and cents, Plain and aney elange eautlful Shades ,in Lu cents, )5 cenits, 20 cents. he Dress G:ood Trail this month. FtIN Dark Pompadoer, Light Pompedeur, Pencil Stripe, .7it i: Border, .er from seaso nd have ther ods at prices w of the whole. tO ich 18 C3 -001)S RST ARRIVAL OF N 1880 W FALL GOODS JUST Too HAND, CONSISTING OF .A RK PRINTS, INCEYS, INCEY SHITTING, GREY FLANNELS, TWEEDS, simi, SELLING AT COST PRICE AT , IIIOFFMAN BR9THERS' OASO STORE, THE SEAFOPTH AGRICULTURAL lieLEMENT EMPORIUM. C.. WILLSON, PROPRIETOR. A ULL STOCK OF PLOWS OINI HAND, Consisting of the Foll wing Kinds : A MASSEY'S Ng. 13 THISTLE CUTTER PLOW, OLIVER'SN9., 40 CHILLED LOW, MASSEY 10 SOD -PLO Pull Stock o _'05traw Cutter Horse Bakes, Grain 6ot Cutters, and all Implements oitzging to the Business. ; 1 . siEWINg . 11/1 AC 1- INE owing Machines .ttopaired on the T of -the LINES DS: cents, and 25 cents. tines, at 15 cents, 30 cents. tres, at 70 eents,.12i cents, 25 cents and 30 ns to Match Goode. has been very liv O. AS USUAL. Royal Singel., and other hortest kotietit, and work THE VAHNIA GROQ RY STORE. Ge n Fruit Jars at !R. 1:14xby's ; Preserve rocks at le, Ha4by's ; Butter Crocks and Milk _Pans at R. Haxby's ; Teas in Black, Green aim Japan at R. liaxby$ ; All kinds of resit Groceries, as usual, at I?. Hcixby's—Ohevfor Cash. I Dy American Fan*, American Plain, the Varna G-rocery. IA Job Lineat UR, OATM4AL, AND CORNMEAL AT R 'HAXBY'S. s, adder, Fustic Cudtear, Extract Logw od, Indigo and Package Dyes. Pure Paris Gree e above are all for sale len the Small Pro t and Quick Ret System at Kid Gloves, out. 2- cents, Cotton Gime, fro 5 cents, 68 :10 cents, Novelties in Frillin s, fr Kid Gloves, Red iced. o 50 cents, Turkish Towelling, 5 cen s, White Pique 18 cents, Brocade Malin, 10 ents. Extra 'Value in Hos S' TAP Cottons at celd pri Ducks and Denim Shadings at old Union Tweed at o All Wool Tweed a 08, at old prices, d prides, old prices. READYMAbE LOTHING HATS, &C.: 00 6 00 2 50 2 00 Ve are giving Sp cial V ne in all kinds of Ha s and Caps. Also in La ics' and Children's Straw Goods. COME AND ir400 Courteons Attention MAD; STREET S THROUGH. aid to All. EST, ROBER HAXBY, Varna. A KIN AND GOOD ARTICLE OF.j- FOOD GROUND SNOW FLA CLIIiITON MILLS XX PATIMaL AND COR BApON AND HAMS, GROaERIES AND CR E CORN, MEAL, RS, ‘191 -IN LOGAN, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH 1-0 MOORE'S ART GALLERY, GET THOSE OTOGRAPHS YOU PROMISED There yon can get any kind of Pictures you wan finish. Satis action Guaranteed. , in any style, and the finest ictures Framed. CHM,ILES. MOOREI, OPERATOR AND PROPRIETOR. NOTICE. Ha 'ng purchased the Stock Of thaGoderich Fouiadry & Manufacturing Com- pany, consisting Of one 40, -horse Engine, one 20-hor$e do., two five -home do., new . and seeond-hand Boilers,l a lot of Flour Mill Machinery, Saw Mill Machinery, Plows, Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, Horse -Powers, brass fittings for Enginee, Gas Pipe and. Gas Pipe Fittings, Cooking Stoves, and laxge as- sortment of castings in general use. The above stock will be sold cheap, to make room for the manufacture of other , articles. Orders taken for Engines, ABaoilamert308,_and all kinds of mill Work. Repairs attended th on the shortest notice. JULY 4 18$0,, i EAS+ TEAS.'E t_ THE HEW CROP JU .T ARR A, i . G. A-17 LA T 3 S Grocer -y and Prdvzs on Sion TS THE $PpT whereeta can get the begi value for your money ever offered Seafole,t, Just try hie .ew Teas—they aro really go cheap. Alsoa well selected Sock of Fresh ttand j FRESH CROCERIES ANI PROVISIONS, Apd a nice stock of all kinds of F4TUIT13,Ittak aei Orangee, Lemons, Apple Dates, Cranberry J,em by. the ,pound, Meek • arrant Jetsy, Rod Cprrans Jelly Pine Apple .Ally, rigs, talism Prunes, Dried Apples, I HONEY1 IN1-LB•. BOF. TTjE.g Rome of the', best Tea 'Duct in tide market, at 85 cents per pound. i poTnd,myNe Istvan Tea at40 and 50tentspet • Try my BBlack Con gain Tea it 511 land 80 cente peat pound. 'Try my Yatn'ng Hyson Tea 4t 45, 40, 55, 60 and 65 Cents per pound; dry my Gun Tea tat-t�0 conte per pound, it its really good value. A good suP1#ly of those suprior,§'noledSugar Cux•cd Hems, !Smoked Baeoni Plain Hams and Bacon, I'lonr,.Shorts, Bran, Cormeal, Oatmeal, • Pot Barley, Graham Flour, Opts and Potatoes. FRUIT JARS. IFRUlt JARS, A'verp large :tock of (lavas {}em it Sallee!all sizes, which, being:bought befok the rye Ill price, will be sold very cheap. i i A. G. ',MT, Main treet.Seafeltii S T I 41.4 Ali 4AD. BRUSSELS LIMO WORKS. THE Subscrl (vs take this Opportunity of te- -I- teeming tha ka to the inhabitanta of Brussels and vi cinity for past patrone ge, and beg to state that having mei de several biapovenienta in their kiln and mode of burning, they are now in a better positionthan ever hefbre te supply The nubile with fir:el-class lbne at ' 12.ic :cash at the kiln, or 14e. dehvered. This being the sixth SelLSOb of our business de alin get in Brujasels, and haviIrg given unquali- fied fStifilaCtiO se fa the public :can rely on receiving good reatment and a first: -class article from us. Remember the spot, 13russelsLinao Works. • 646-13 TOWN.86 BURROWS. SEAFORtili FLAX MILLS. JOHI\f BEATTIE S STILL Deeirens of disposing of his Flat -3.1 Mills on reasonable terrna zo a: gooa active business man, who is likely to manage it prop. crly. He has stifficient Flax sow/nand in splen- did order, to keep the min rnrOing Ote,adrily4lar- hog the, season, the benefits in connection *Ili which he will ghe the purchase:I-. OFFICE --Can diem Bank of Oomtheree bags, Seaforth. JOHN l'3EATTIE. OYSTEOS. OYSTERS+ TIT LEA-vmet- -car order every' second day at -al M. J. Riggs' you ean secure lOyeters As fresh as ,3'n inid-winter,'and direct from the fisheries Leave t.-eut order and secure your Oysters. OREAMIBAND SODA WATER, Tobacco , Pipes and C)garsi Fruits, Elwin:, Confectionery, dc., Consta2ttiv On ea.,. Will receive ne. t week a freshl supiply of pure Remember the ace, Curry Blithers old stand WHAT . VARMERS AN THRESI'lle.IfS TARP, NO- TICE, —T. Me' lia,Kippen , apt% calls your at- tention that he is as usual ready/ for the harvest of 1880, for the r 'pairing of Miewers, Reapers, Threshing Machin s, and such like. Old gearing boxce filled and m de good as neW: also repair- ing .01 kniv. a and 11 kinds Of tinkenng -donein a workmanlike miner. Thr ' hers wanting cylinders and cone ves repelled hould not fail to give a oall. The hebt of iro used in the inanufacthre of epilog, and all ki de Of jobbing executed with neatjness and desPatche Give T. Mellis a and be convinced tie yonr own sat- tte isfaction that he i place. Horse she ing of all kinds do A call solicited fr out fo- the hive. the rig.ht man in the right big and geneijal bbeckamith- in all. Berne bell and look liberal patronage prim. the pa t 7 years, and 13 hopes by etiiet int grity and olos attention. to buelinees to merit heir confitlene and trade in the future'. Itavin greatlj- enlarged his prem- ises (luring the win er, he is now p epared to pay THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quAntity of Good Freth Eggs, delivered' at the Egg Emporium, I : Wanted by the stfaseriber, 25 -toils ofl good -dry clean wheat straw. THE ZURICH C HESS 11, I+ILSON IIABERtit TTAVE always o hand, and intake ae Order, -1-1- Wagons, SI ighe, C-rerriksigOs*Buage glee, C Is tiers, a d every other iirtiaein their ihey personally enperintend their Own busi- ness, and earl guaraiatee a good a.ltiele both as surpassed by:the lange city establish/3a lite. Repairing promptly attended t4 , .-ve us it trial and be convinced that we can eat' fy you as to quality and plice. Mr. Hess is well known to the nUblie, haring been in hairless in :Zurich for over12 years. 636 HESS ,k HABIERER. THE HEAD PHOTO (AWRY. Pictures of R re Melit Tahrt by Z. Ca r, Seafora CALL 4ND SEE SAMPLES. A LL the Alortnatlaa shown by roe abet sa;teple.s a A -A- every day work, ana snob aayou'eati4 get any day at Calder's on/y. Rich drape*, Clear and brilliant colors, and sineoth an d clean faCes, such as ean be made only by years of paratake and experience. Old piebares copied andentaved as usual. Negatives preserved. : ANDREW -CALDER, Praotical Artist. Opposite the Cornraerejial 650 SRA ITOBTE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LEATHER 4 SHOE FINDINGS of Ever7 Description. None but the Very Best Stock kept. Terms or otherwise proraptlyi lied. JULY 80 b*.t of the shadoW woo let -down as: n raised. This, then, wal x. This wao I With oat- ' moved toward-t12n sun I lay as in threshold the figu Ment later a sing) upon the bett, nlosed nay eyes. 1 , the ray of light illow, and by new it rested a 'Satisfied that 'the 4ure, still wi through the IL)' ; 'ticket -office. 14 Again by this timi ;dark lantern bnai 'were now turned" -lb sought was th* 4ftil knelt down *ad then, with sti :own, I slipped frO heard tee. He sprang to 1 xlass of the lanto And reaehing for be was too late.] istol, held by itt a crashing b] as his fingers . He fell heavily The lantern was and. with trembin match and liglatx1 !office. As the ra, ,bthulaoodr:edinweilasjLeivf face was delitat,e lite% tati:e felt, now that tin 'bathing his head on nay boots anal -for the hotel. Half -way -oo. oirriage, drawn '0 to be the turn hotel proprietor, -• heIo. cu:totletjdan ihiresansopauon at the top of my sta4Witii lohVnIkIV 1:: a stt ghtialvc-ekllen-ezahin: e; peared th the da a great deal mot Red Ravine, for than 1 deserve. ing at how thinp a party of us got any unconscious 13,na. 'the track that the covered -met OD the road I -_platform. Who it contained the 1 come on with th events, neither I ever seeu in. the t -package safely t4 -son, but the died not really merits b.ave happened In mysterious mess sent ? A lady living a !worciankind for ed. an invitation ite, gives an inte reception, ana the brnates of 44Arrived at the entrance, and. iron gate, which case. Two foot dance at the tw was opened by a after having locked the g Oriental fashion ceived by 15 two rows, who b fore ine. Then ladylike 13erion, land, virho acts a ments of Her The Princess. w daughters, ree reached by a Princess Faika, hind them stoo 'Circassian. witl skin like ivory rai Met is a presence, larg lady interpret Prineess does thougla she un ,say in that Ian revhheoeriedte_hmwiistAhhieett other Princesse velvet by Wo train, the bus with lace- Di her beautiful small and sha rif:r.gs Tnehre pbxrai.: dants being the of green velvet, the same oolor. -could admire feet. She is scarcely 18 yea abundant flaxe all my OW11.' French fluentl without gent. about a quarte male slaves en