HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-30, Page 1rx 23, 1880. 'ST NOVELTY. [WAY NEXT, !II INSTANT, 411 FOLLOWING 41413110/f • A. l\T p.„ covered with rap kins, Gloves and er _Flowers Lacee, ery, rcitiete, Silk Ties and re, re &Ca cfee, OENTS CASH - tile wifl1V-(14 be sold au. ong Credit, ger/ THAT'.4 'WHAT Wei; 10 DAY FOR COMING. DY INYITED t'ent 'Tante. Girl; T() COME Tfii: GIRLS. r?. LY SOLICITED, G1 ALL & CO. FtapIe and Fancy Dry Groodge• Is Shawls, ste. THIRTEENTH YliAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 660.''' CLEARING SALE Hi w AT The To the 1, 131 e Post ;to of ti e Huron SIR,— hel axiorii longs th: sp ils," 1 upon by our Ame ceiving a ve y pra R., -yr- 1 the han o our • in regarg to the The late Mr, John postmas er here, years th business- of th been att his brot John M years be enough post offi aware, t withM PT - STREET, SEAFORTI-1. whom I nor by t LL BROTHERS'. , "to the o extensi can co tical ill ember, luevale Messer ut for nded to by Mr. er, and especially sse retired, from b or his oath, a xp eted.t snccee e a well So f er has been no 1esser by th es4as eve kind a e overn ent fo el tn str ce. 41 publisher coul ere and titans think it book sit°r the boo tore,- ; got ate , 87 toprep tie% at often - f air fir:on of 8 offi3fe. fentive e he fiatat wet's, n ceh d meibesr of u•ieless 1 ce 85,80 atur: in • if tion of d .tyl. In filet, Mr. 1 Mr. Me:ser there was to -• 1 him, bu MJr. Tim ins wa appoint d fEostmster. is doub ea a ve -worthy numero ARE NOW OFFERING ncrnaPar ao with tives p rfe tly cpa Med t he is a of yesterday. pointm nt are to he mad AT GREAT REDUCTIONS of politca proc vities, staunch o d Con ervativ have bo ne the b den an, s of ajlhundre old? here c (AR LARGE STOCK ! day, -1 o e e up riz s_s er he Gri 8 ontint office fo mins' -° highly l Triiimings and Silk Ribbons Laces, overoo afraid t Flowers, Feathers,. tion of people Timmi • iaud f t twu course, Evep. t Thom:the . L minio once w 1RI MED AND UNTRIMMED HATS. LL AND GET A BARGAIN. W ARE NOW At min and' stowal ant of post o 11 an laing gi • e n' ng ery o I of us, nd ort and influ nce -dby 4r.Far o' ma g , old fie • may be s matte In at, s) sa that 's as rrow' stor e post o• e weie mov d aw. & 1 igher ent. sues a su gestion 8t agin for a •g• now Esq., gisl tors f our • 11111 e t 1 it • r, r. he m, t .fo nd bile, to urte 8, der ice • ti ld st agai, g to be imzxflins , brit in onse a - e o d 'if accol are en t of ts, e a r. mus when er Kt3Y4" a appeared, thei to be bled to book to !their ain of tells iu alg • on t at fa y ac ave doubt s of ot ot my dei but thi to sev ectio withi • WOU One er's. it take atter t h you (dolls lose sed .t say; ( t of t ibly ieta, that efor them ante at me o be ks, t roud •hat a ls are ou T fact, t has ject, mfrie, ut forth he: hun re that at est 11 twould en tly to or e cti pa en es er he e suc s ful y for aper. 1( ) Prese and t 9„ , Owing plena spelt, and .e typog jhical thitehbo pr ja "Co. a ace o aiknna.1111 Yi1:tPtShwh art a iii .459,1"vit tehna 1at subjeet goorier," eintance lietaspomkYe erriiI uts sr. oo e t rf 1 iiVabe otlirlurt with o ape t • lae in as. ,) egg all Up h8°) yme 61tateine s the igi SO 'oo 1 4).thraltek le e in- Yo if these journals lives) as title pre ors Of th ,treated i certain the )infl dingst th 7 cono,dtpo ery leedi :pressed ept; Tii i'efor-mer i anad is rave. 3itf Paisl .tol comp MoLen examie hi boo known date o sbOuld have hind It i merit') books, w re ce, hi P- s nt Lis b he ho Slug Ibhe eft this ost 4a1 m- Siena' be Spires he ; are op am than lu- the CQ yste 11 • 0 -rant red, yion becittlse -Oa rented, wild (2 d into it, am th: But of P esse o abei rd. o ent ithat nneti P., one of mitt gl r • 1) • SS lolls Do- text his i flu- , ; to feel i the he- seeing et . a ten -1 jeur Blu vale fia his /nest i and,ii rish the I, ase, ow- I may w uld s op to use th he G ernme t i of t • eir p ronage to c is he si nre o tiko ce, in orde to fe the little ex t rent P t! If s c is t e w at a e use - la ngs Happy mins price us 1 who i able; o ejoice at e be o gs to clue par ant and iend. ' f stm ster et Bluey 1 ie OFFERING by thoug ever, t come. rent Reductions our Large S,tock of Trim - rp;mm a and Silk Ribbons Laces, Flowers, Feather s ' rimmed and Untrimmed Hats. - •r facts t • the te and p BARGA IN. • In Gayer port h less Mr. F the Com-fore1a d • LL AND GET Remember the Flagg—Opposite mar gal Hotel,. 1 skin • me ioq h4 • ftTI of Co n al° tonis HILL BROTHERS, • Thau • alio, 1 • Main Street Seaforth. -Tar this appoint t., af er the give it, bot lace and pe ma well a. e of mitte s : nt fro gen rous by sisti nt , claim, q he cele rated Cli e of th British Gentle en, • I a ed t my own modera iou." Mg ou f r the s ap you have il d rue, I a ,n yours rid r, A OIERAL 1ONS RVIT VE. beriy, July ' 3rd, I.880. 11 111: PPY • ithe y, is row, the sup- tch- otes, ting be- ouse as - 18 FARMERS ATTENTION Dr' 'ro Bch • bi RILLS AND SEEDERS.,. your er,a Willi IlY do the Masson, Companywro , Oshaa, an - el ail other ma•nufacturers iu Canad a com toria ufacture and Sell more Drills and Seeder a ness eel ? to di iECAUSE, they make them a Speeialty, and ha ,e machinery particularly adapt ed for their m aufaetare,beaides keeping ap to all the im- pre vereeete of the times, also honorable and st aightforward dealing with their customer's. T E MASSON COMPANY, In returning thanks to its numerous patrons for past favors, wonld cordially invite all who have ax4y idea of purchasing this season to come and t °roughly inspect our latest improvements be• catio to e buying elsewhere, both in Single and (Joni- wou1i be Weed Maclainea, as they will find it to their in- and 4ien t, ,—T ape d as g te: • W 8, I sent article he in yo r is espe ially char es b and the thes. Yo say com end and utho fo ra rest to do so.. We woold refer those de ellau and or otP the Bur ouglt not a yeta pretty one who h timolay to t 11 as the a rust you will rom some st ded 1"Educa ue qf.the frorn- those •ught agains motives tha "Eacl thes d by the Oen ized by the use in the good cause •o oe to arg this an't e shown to ring o purchase to a case, no' h rm [las been °four customers in thro vicinity of Saafor th, f t, r. McLellan. pr . e rat er than cep rk of our machines, MIS of management, dri 0 will give you their opiion in regard to the J al. ...e- . appears fo Me, I ility, and general sup riority over all other " T m chines. The followin1 aro a feW of the : ea ny agog oar machines : ad 'I coaeideeation Stall ea Will show tha TUCKERSMITH : tion or no -auhorizati is a matt r we much - bb n urge Sprot, John Hannah, James Broadfoot, , Robert Brock, Peter 111Tai a, Ebenz.er Walker, Mx. Sproat, Andrew Arcb i b al el • William Fowler, Mrs. Cambell, William. Scott, William Mundell, William Sinclair, Joseph Ward, tobert Lea.therla lid, eau Modeland, t James Crich, •Vahan' Wive, Without Dale, William Fortune, oeph. Atchison, rrues Kyle, Me. McE wen , Thomas Woodley, raul. Fowler, Ro the you :een to Bup earease Johnston, John norp, • refe red o are only Alex. McCartney, 1ikeIJy to •e ued by t Cheerios Mason, who are will:Sam Wild, William Sproat ther foie, • Andrew Story, William Milady, nd 8111111nel Beattie, Wm. Finlaysoi, William Griee, James Chesne, Jelin Rankie, John McIver, Mrs. Gemmell, Jonathan Carter, John liendemn, Luke Fortune, John 1. inelair, Mrs. 14uett, Wiilian Elgie, Wm. ()Murray, Roboril Chartera, Josepl Nigh. - • John Wlon, .Frank Cari:eg, Robert Scott, Tuomas 1ia3a, Jolla ifgg. Robert iiovenlck„ James Kerr, .• James Rustic, Edward Soiling, George McClure, Daniel MeGra4er, William lirieNe, Joseph. Evans, William D'Ittl, . TiMesthy (4 irlin, Thomas Hugh Mowbray, • 1 Titamiii Green, Thomas Sitapson, Samuel. Scsriett, John Thomson., MCKI LOP: John 1 Walla! Angue Georg Wiilian Hogg, - A. GOoulock, positioneu uot students books wh like y to paring fo are lecl t book wil pile , difficult xa text boo 8, t aimed to bu supplerp latter. 1h uot whet authoriz. .of his be ug • the eia, ney, Scott, beep use McLeod, • books, a Lockhart, certain "c rep ring to eveu if Death ited sale. t SAM t prey rom buying, tav r that t tem int • aminati lieve that pare th ination iey will u ry to, if n e91 Poin e Dr. Mc dn not, bu igh Sch His B( n itfxposi sabscrib fre uent s ' ften e enera ility of i ri aliocv me te ents ional M 6th inst relating ; Dr. iMo heve i i, 1 ' he ks be ral (ioro Mister shoolst, there OL (Ont) ttint ;" e ' lla done; fLU IS1 clese6ing of ure ow ver, that a f Ithe mum - e au oriza- f thest'- books oks. r to read- borne fair- 1 edi- space a the ters," and o the ellan pired h re- itee Edu- hat h e be cause n the that, 11 es 08 nt ac be riz nt -a th ei au u ; It a. ell ol iner on cer ai t promot us entail in ti siial adv ntages" t hiq ampl acts in TE nc4? 11 ay (l arizse dlln, ate ear, set duestioi er, for wilich th ro ed iesnfficie s. (2) He to6 ea hers' i stitut rn ut oa the 1 o the erdinaa eeprese his d oaudic tes ch some suitale t. Ve y nett pegged as. ing hi reatise. ) Aft Rend Bcok" e ushed. with at tts eu erprisii d. • John • John John Voter enge. Georg • Sama JOloi • cons Th •ded ers rocohia, the teac us m work . and nap. t bette th urall e fo pia issue, nS aetbe Insp c •sub e o err, Now, wh ti are the owan, his alee ra, , for hist, cE, roy, el Hawthorn, I desire to m seepresen (Michal, believe rh fairly su smiteIlabkirk; , follows : pr. Mc , . eaineeeia, , in algeb ,'ear after Putri k Moylan, e of a peetili.r charae obe't Campbell, ' Greinerte -t books Peter Ross, Bath' Carling, to prep candidat Anth ny Boyd, frequent occasion at Finla Rossi and elsew ere to co Tien as Griee, mentable deficienc a:arisen, 1 text book. ,1 and t Curry, an Cook. • gret that t ochers a not witni their re Our AgeLts are honuiable and res ousible, alb treatise on the subje we employ twee other.! Oar Agents at Seafoitth are. ally resOlu. ions were 'Thomas Dennison, •• Isaac Joho Frank Mor; igon, Joseepit Craig, Hart SI to prepare such a. JAS;STWART and A M -AMP-DELL , due herlding, the • 660-4 the Bert n nergy t am Strce, Seafortla. WAREROOMSNext door to C rol's Hotel, pblishr, d its Sa a 11 al Oa he Su he D Th midg n tn. vicini —T e joint 51tVOTIII Arles in 131 n eim to . He t MeVitt seaso took 3 large lo acres gro . i -1-Mr. S. ornin farm f 100 peg, two Arkola, for ae slim o ---.4 the e lent a inatons in late, 95 1 ed eu of a el of 36 --(uttrtz aoutlailni strea s of cipper h up IiniCatfis Creek, t meat --B ca le ye 2.5 e • 1• - -4 ) Tea h- s bon lit they had ble them dread.ed nine but the pro - the :de- bsenee of ally use - ion and he letter had ag in nnecess ry nothing TrueDr. ceas d to publis'a ed If I lhad a cal di- terday, ," ati I mind of 0 •lEiCASS t.McLell o affirm, y end for ducati ort y ittle demand lauded Dr. the n's hat eT, nal ars eh space with rdly roor to that pr fes- tive th at ellan, fur her masters ' who wiug, as X do, timately e that you eapposit asters ce that have posed to nt practice of • Central Com - in the sale of haye a right Once they wield, ber of said Ad ertisen, the nto Globe, form our - on and hau are Lon; trol ex - the wire inset and a a st wister and. the switch fr me, and. nag in their place the not-tyer other frame. r. Daniel Woolams, owner of saw ouring milla at Orillia, was —At I ntally drowned on the 22nd in- time ag takinga,d he wifel of George Bennett arrived onto t She s. fr. Wig it 01 n thre eat it? decid t Otta teoekeas d rumb r. Ge hoseaf fe on, occasio g ome na ent tEiubs end 'ed 0 cid nt To tio CC cessi b sh ti ed. .11 It st est a lo in ce efl It IS or g R an -opinio Exi OSITO uence- boolan: or and those 8, and d have w does rs and e any thiuk of pre - if they orized for reoula Ce er of, th then, •ks at he fan tor .anc ots of 21n den V oni hi salare . gard ave but hem eaminn r. G lily pl ar te iflowe tithe. Such ly ra4e. T WIlt W his g Id w show: He hie pOcket. —4. litt G elOh, a cress o y ppera, ffect t• ome aml ple.c mon< ve I • -vici In. 1 ing f pant bock, yard. herslf sh bone] at t --age c by fax. IThe cPne med co fol. i w hou bile 0.11 to ed ratt Sin ed of and •ok he er. as fu nem How n fe •en, den to In, in th TEAC back r s, arn 1. 134 lead ne • hit ,u pat ) his par ea ec Mr. Vi ipe is OBS a. star the nod pre isea lealing of ho Ae de )t at Li oep ru a at re eft t hi ittl nat 1, w the wh stai t d Me, foia. , h lea er ca be Te s h o j cti ta 1 $3, 0. .6 1 tioia a didates licants mist e :en wns • ring 1 wheat acke r Ay hay as Old his s wet of xam- pe.ss kable icked ip of Yar- ow) has a three Bep-' e same e ding- o he Y!losts' from the • the muse of hi sudden is shrouded in nayetery. his two younge t sons a stead in 11 • • • • this if 61 Jit o wolif h 11 n bna a COTT ce mas Cha, khrton to •av the eh and. c daught edvit nt 1 it by I ve ters in le ,cam ac -here he, grai stolen r w of 5tie pr ser betes1 ;du eciv fel On he art rist. .4 beer is 1estar Poll e lag ati;-)eples t tec rem four 0 s le inipese a icinse. , -- al eii : co t, a.c., vesting a ra tlesqa e n Peptile va ti, e, bliti- ! flebad i: 1.4(i.e, of c.,4) con ty ttiit', oPeliig, lafl en me me olf t . .Hei a11 Pa en .Bowe, t ipto • roil !, u ii,r41.1te er which it left r ni rtnis c edit r the ite le-atttairnaii, y, as t a naMed -- fu' lis ly Otte p iiiiderth0IW tene oft ec r. not r nk, fe s t b - t ehys an • 41114 atiorist TS1; • a t hment t ad of w s be n' so as os dit 85 ho 0. f a an, ice ast boa yic Riv inn er 1 pin .111,b1 the be, 011 Va an lar ly to in in 1di ye tu to til ex of P ',prep ut li icke Mr SICEs as B inn° whe • pece, r. Ab prom on Sat of c r of t to 186 Mr. Ha was an amilto horse a has su for fall Chief e eyening after the exe- claims all his personal lesworth, of the first con- estrainster, threshed 124 heat from five bnsliels f acres of ground. Who d shock of earthquake Was a on Thursday Morning of It seemed to be going from and was accompanied by ing noise. rge Collura, of Gnelph, lost days ago by nailamma ed by the animal swallow ls, Pieces of glees, a five au several othltr foreig • ah na Diamond barristea neat citizen of Belleville, rdaY night from) an weer. lora. Mr; Dianloud we. le II stings Chronicle frorr old Elderkin, of Hamilton ested in London and take on the charge of lar3en d buggy from Mr. 0. Now d Nowlan for $,000 dam e arrest. owr, of the Manitoba Pc • 'was drpwned n' Thursday night of week, having been upset out of it is s whom r. Be The S h tried. tely. pposed. wilfully; by a con- e was taking acress the Re h bodies have been found. ugeeu fishermen lhave been. with the changeable weatIn Some of them. have net days out that they have been u • to lift • wing to the weather au distan e north west from S.out •ton. An im ense excursion Party, nu ng ove 1,000 persons, went to To o on F 'May. last ever the Cred ley. hey were chiefly, from Ga Ayr, e nu terloo. The iscuss by M ster an ple ha whic erest t cuseio A Pe 6W, w rs ago ned th iehme • g ve him hi self a a esiden —Two 1 Halifa k w, wh fo beggi b en trie W s acqe nvicte nfinem --A yo it the fa homas, Scott, uown ccess-' erfect and It field three dif- d been hid - is &mposed warehouse indsay, was g jaas in it ip e and fell ring to save king the st 1 et ar 11 lr is ge 4 re to be intoxia ate iu Halle th t city • cent. selling IS la pe e for tii St IS disappearance 1 the NrcliE4N BROSi., Publishers. $1.50 la Year, in. Ad.vance. sprung. In. twenty nainutes 1uncliedon the cou try .and dumped 301 oody was cut dowel, and life being ; off wherel is no special demand. for their !; —Mr. John Motz, editor of the Ber- hTehled.dreaded potato bug has found i:lin Jour701, has been elected Mayor of . its way to Manitoba, having been dis- cov reel on a farm about fifty miles west ! —Hen y Ward Beecher lectured in of naerson. St. the AS on Monday night to up - A small boy, six ;years old, son of wards of 1600 personsi . Mr. John Graham, Of Tilsonburg, fell --The 1Biddulph prisoners are pa - off log into the brickyard pond the tiently awaiting tinSix trial. Every other Ay and was. drowned. morning they all take an hones exer- , Masters, the man arrested last cise, (luting whichl they indulge in week for the St. George robbery, has short races, jumpin, and other ath- lletic contests. They are all well, but duly impressed withi the gravity of their His wife and the re on the home- ! pron ruce ounty. was ish Lake, Ar emesia, a short , — some unpri eipled ! person, antage ot th absence of the owner, II tin, sowed n entire field of wheat ith Wild oat . The result will be at if they are not eradi- ate a be ore they mature, the whole neighbor ood will suffer in conse- quence. s. Doull of Kin - ounce& extinct, the usual inquest services.). • —The hildren of mane, Who recently owned herself been found guilty, and revealed the hi in a well, having first downed her baby , din place of the atolen pocket book. in a rain 'barrel, have been adopted by The ceremony of laying the foun- diffe ent parties. The, poor woman's dation stone of the new Presbyterian Min had Church at Galt was performed on Mon - trouble a day by Professor Cavan, of Toronto. her hush -*J. Jaynes, of London township, aeo fore bonud seventy dozen sheaves of fall and among them were a ber of the bdafellows cott At is still being publi - d at Dunduru Park, Ham . E. King Dodd, Profess others. As many as 10,0 e been present at one me will give some idea of t kea by the pub4c in the s. erboreugh boy named B. • o left his home thirby-t at tbe age of 'fourteen, other day to the great t of leis friends, Who long a o up for dead. He reportsd bein in a good position. anil of Chicago. ,t o1di4s Of the 97h station (1 , minted Fitzger ld and M y- werearrested sone days go g moiey from c h ve by court martial' Fitzger id w, who. as s' beoome unhinged through d anxiety about her family, nd having left her two months John Chapman, Reeve of Hes- e postmaster, and one of the --Mr. wheat after supper, one day last week, peter, la and. now challenges the county for $200. leading merchants of the village, died —Dr. John Harve , eldest son of the at -Win ipeg, 1!ilanitgiala, on Tuesday Guelph City Treasurer, died at his evening, July 20th. • e had gone there fat er's residence. o Saturday evening: partly on buSiness and partly with last. Five weeks ago he was taken the hop of benefitting his health, which ho e ill, from Fort Stevenson, Dakota. had not been I very good for several Miss Howard, 4 Canadian lady, , months past. i ha been appointed doctor to thei --A young ?ova Scotian bas invented Countess Li as also to the manaae- s . a repeattng rifle or ma azine gun, which ment of a hospital established at Pekin) is believ d to e superior to .any new by the foreign residents. She was orn --Let Monday, While Dr. Eckhardt, mitnufatured, It is designed for a neer ingson. 1 0 0- s - sitriatin. Mike Carroll, i the convict who drowned Chief Powr, of Winnipeg, is a native of Ottawa, He left there with a, bad recota and. was looked upon by the police an the hardeet elearanter in the city. Hie has been ituixed 'up in stab- bing affrays and spent a term in the Central Prison. 1 - —Janies Mills, 13,4 Mimosa, 'townhip of Erin,1ass been fulled for selling liquor without! license $20 ana. costs, -$10.30 .-,--$30.30; and for keeping hquoram his • premise for the putpose of sale, barter and tra c therein, 420 and costs, $3,73 —$23.7.. He vows that he has given up selling liquor withotit a lienee. of Unioiville, was sitting in a their cavalry r naval rifle, throwing thirteen ---On Tuesday nao bag, Mr. Gordo* readingla paper at the house of one of shotnin as many seconds, or about 30 Patterson, a fanner of the township (Alibis patients, one of the members of the per Pitinate, and is operated with ls)) H rwich, eight nnles up the river from ll family name into the room, where he movem ts than any Other rifle known C atharn, was gore by a bull he was was was and found. h to the i yenta. ; • , leading, and so severely injured that he event has cast a g -AB In he express train on the Grand • died the same alternoon. . 11 munityias the doct Trunk Railway° was; passing out of --The Department of Interior advers 1 and mw') respecte Guelph on FrIalay afternoon, the engine tise the sale by public auction of I —Onguesday ni struck span of horses at the Gordon twenty year leases of a number of the 1 a farmer named Win. Procknow, living street Crossing belonoing to a man Thousand Islan s between Gatianoque i on the Oth conces. of Carrick; about named Itlool4 killing t)them instantly. mild Brockvill. The largest of these 1 three Miles from Walkerton, went out ehsc°apvtea, sbu0tIlfo tht(i3nalealgymirecheaivdeda ew brmses. • titenedasocroens:tains.52„ acres, the smallest 1 to put his horses in the field. As he ' --Last Sunday two young ladsnaane wdiedutnooltitt rteotusrene wilt? detained him, hniims, wife Chief of Police at Toronto has K ox were playing with a revolver at close to the house she found his dead di from Rat Po tage a combina- j rseyville, Weettvorth county, when body tern to pieces and a furious hull tion weapon taken fro a ronglalher. b some unknown cause the revolver standing over hine.1 It is al revoitter, knucikles and dagger w nt off, the bullet striking one of the --Madame MasOn, the wife of Hon. cornbi ed. )When closed it is the b ys in the neck and seriously, if not L. R. Masson, whcae death occurred at klanckl alooe; one eimpleemavement f ' . ' n h'n her residence in Tetrreboeue on &tar- t a Complete revolver, which is Med, and Mayla was eentenced to 56 da -nt to barracks. 1 , ng wbman actin i as governess ily of Mr. John Farley, was arrested last week on arge of theft. When cornered up he nfesse to having purloi ed sums, of 0/ley a d a large numl er of other t lugs from her employer, and as he r stilt of er proceedings s ie now hel in t e coun y jail. ----A_ b d accident hap ened. to he l'ttle son of Mr. Rensha,Grand Trunk Railwav agent at Blair. • t appears lie Roseville Cheese eliver a t le- s the h rse g t ed or trai bones of nkle. y N S, c go, an ac el BB t. ra ded. This sad oom over the comer was widely knewn about 10 o'clock, Moon, narrow only a -1-•Th receive r Gleumor- da s ago, y four feet ilea p and aimed blow eeh well de- • set town - n S turday green to a ti g to wash upper, he while eat - e ted to inon ex ✓ pher itt wing itt 50, that ount for ca 'late his ha r. Z : g otAi r c an one f chinery fge;nafer s ade! in f wrth hi cla. 1 s done by t kin 111 • tis u known, behi d, some lea, Fri mit d. eels, with the heel took off St Thomae eaderneath ed from in- , ers. , ing the ay night, , of St. pick up as on his way to the Ro actory g n horseback to am, and by some mea rew hi.. and either leie pon hi • , breaking both ft leg little above the —In he Kin's Coma it Cort, some time bro ght against con en, of t e Intereolonial„ 1 dy na led Ha.11, W110 lo. f lling f om a car at • as hel oon. ges. er cou leek an —Gre he vici beting n Sun yn ; R. ed A. reache atimat ishop ice, th ort gi eetin 1 • • on, Of Brant - self -binding that twine re, if desired, to meet the aye to using one to the w Mutes by sof me - out the • • id —At ged,,13 on, to raxa, hich lled. -hen t standi with t ness st boy qu peued, the h clearly —L a resp ed Joh ley, in robbe deuce quaint wlieii his fiv sorry the lo him have to co • drow inami last s • 13 - his ally,• • makes —The Smite' Perfecting Press, built day afternoon, after a protracted ill- seli-coekinge! while with another move f r J. Ross Roberton;tf the Toronto ness, vies the daugbter of the late Col,. at the time of her lady distinguished, = heart and amiable husband and family synapathy in their the da g 0 . Avening Telegram, was] put in operation Alexander Mackeretie, and had reached e --M . joi3ies,' a prOap maker. living f r the first time on Tuesday afternon. her forty-sixth yea near S. Jacobs, on 'Wednesday of last I ran at the rate of 30,000 Telegrams death. I ' She was week d,rove into the !barnyard. on. the p r hour, and is a raarvel of mechanim. for hell kindness o f W Lacki?er, about hall a, n the day of the Press Associationvisit dispostion, and he rom ' awksville, and tied his t Toronto in Aegust a special exhibi- will r ive genera ear wleere Mr. Lackner keeps ton of the macnine is to be made for great 1068. s. The bees immediately at- tibo members off the Press Association. 1 —A.deeperate anid. bloody fight took the horses and stune thein so —A young man named Frederick W. place at Lucan, oul Monday afternoorti the efforts of a orthcote, t'forMerly a salesman in A young man named. dames Feehly, a ey both died. wen Sound, and three others left while:4s in the iddulph ,case, came f Bright, shipped, a sail boat and were into the village an heat an inoffensive I ay by a squall. After old peddlar name OBrien, throwing, ep fo II Robson to Mon - few days ago Mr. Robson has in the water they w7 him &Own on the oor of the Queen% fatra mfle team his be tecked badly veteri 10 sh sent 7 land t btiy the sb lish iri Mend aily estm e ha w ard. I — starte • hat i ary .• A. spite`o rgeon t artin, Mr.Jo cattlei and 1 000 sheep to Eng- rescued by a passing boat. When land- Hotell and kickin hina in a brutal is seson. e sap he will not d Northcote was still alive, but died manner. The proprietor, Mr. Fieldstl off the pasture, as hortly afterwards. The other three ianstesarofetreedd., andwa. :t isin tguernnerabir melee arket fitable, and recom- —Mr. Aaron IMarritt, of McGillivray, occurred„ in which Feebly received, a great for the Eng- 1 re out of danger. farmers to f a. little meal nelt down in *Oat of leis eaper o couple of ba,d gash s in his head. anitowaning apsized in the 1) eing some time ttle iuka presen e .is to o be pr o the .stock, a it will be a good in- ake away the ass which was choking —The bailie of te oseph Iletneoc14, nt for both ibuyer and seller. p the knives., ne of the horses,' a 3rd concession of I:toaster, were striae* s sti1113,000 sheep ready to for- I olt, darted fci ard, and Mr Merritt by lightning during the storm on Thure- as thrown do W , the machine passing day ntght, 15th i st, and with their • n American institution has been over him. Fort ately the knives were contents consumea. The barns woe i 1 . in Montreal -nown as the Inter- out of gear, else e wduld have been threeiu number, ferrairig three sides el natio al Collection ssociation, which : cut to pieces,! 4 it was, one of the a square and yere 366, 35x80 ana threaiens exposure y the publication 1 guards enterahi thigh, causing pain- 30x50, one havittg gees built two years 1 of th nares of p reions who do not ful wound. ' ago, apd. another t is year. They cou- p ay uli mite* •havin received accounts —Several wain rers in Montreal of tainea thirty-five ns of hay, new luna- from he aSSOCIati0 . The press there Mr. Bradlauell, e infidel representa- ber and democrat !wagons, new mower, are t king legal opi ons, and notwith- 1 tive in the Brifis House of Commons, , three sets of balmiest), new cutting- ttan ug the fact th t a high legal firth are circulatine 4 congratulatory address ' box rola horse-powr, aquantity of oats eubsc 'bel to the le ality of this mode to that gentle:Ma with the object , of ' and :barky, and a large number of of do obtaining signales. Some prominent ' farming implemen d. The horses and Arms citizens who lis tied to one or mord of ' cattle were fortun tely not in the build - them Ingersoll% lect es, “to hear," as they inge:i Loss said t) be $3,500, whereof ings. put it at the ti e, “the other side lof $2;00 is covered by insurance. , --4.the story," hay not felt complimented 1 —Considerabl xeitement VMS treat- Luck by being asked t subscribe their nanies ; ed around the rliatnent House a.t buxo to the document, and the chances , Qaellec, on Thursday Morning by a re the t ain for Ripley, but- having a sew- so far Bean urifaVorable to this glowing port .of a robber f some 43,600. En- ing achine with b r, she WilB asked to tribute to the itator ever being road (mil elicited the act that John Mat ng linsiness, many other legal declare the elves diable t n arousing ow station th lass' was a association. render criminal proceed - scene occurred at O other night. A out to embark on pay freight on it.- his she decidedly by him, ) )• tin, messenger e ployed in the poles objectedto ; said s e had to pay to --About thce o'clock,. on Saturday gallery of the Howse, had been sent ty ion brin it out by stag from Godericlaand : morning a lir Pecurred in Clay) ne e- the accountant nt 10 oclock to cash IL uctor Mc ad- was t going to pay any more, not if she ' Cosh's knitting factor, at Paris, au M Government cher* for 43,600 at the IA, a wealthy had o stay in the 'liege all night for less than an hour and a quarter he Bank of Montreal. As the hours pats - t her ear by it. t last, es the e was danger of both ' buildings werip consumed. A good deal ed lee, and nothing was heard of Mar- e station. It hers1f andt the ma •hine being left be- : of the manufaetured and unelanulac- tin, the Government police were 'sent that the car had started too )jindj tured goods were saved, but none of the for to make enqairies into his whre- he jury awarded $1,000 d in- freie 0 The machinery. e fire occurred. through abouts, but nothing W48 beard of hira. he case was carried to the up. hap ! the eccidentall dropping of a coal ,oil Martin was formerly a carter, but was t, and a new trial granted. IJ • 1 ast — lamp amongst 9ie wool by two bJs, i last .year apoineI a 'Governinerit 46 ther jury award d $2000. who were en4i1eyed in carrying wool tectve, and subS quently was made; a t enthusiasm la prevaile from the weed room to the carding sessional messeug r of, the House. By itv of Brantford ver the c room. The leSs is heavy, hot is said to I thoule who are best acquainted with a collection t paia, and s Y. most unfort il haPpened i as taken up and the departed, no doubt nate accident from Hamilton ou Sat - y, whereby th ) w6men ;came near g the4 lives: rs.' Aitkins and her nt, Mary D llon, were in the en at -the tim beating some water ie stove, a can of coal oil being on le c14se by, ent the coal coal losi serv kite 100 held t be fully covered by insurapce. ' him), Martin is teapposed to,be at times wards of 90 hands will be thrown out of somewhat light headed. His absence employment entil the place is re -built. stilli remains a tri steel. eap which has bee'ere. a.y Revs. Dr. W ld, of Br ok W. G. Brown, f St. Thai Be, 1 on t D. Traveller, f 13rockVille, a, ta • . At the evenina meeting it is acci 4,000 people were preeent. port on of,the cont arman, at the c ose of the' ser- stov and 5gnitio; nked the public for the set). cati g with the o en, and anuou cal that the. cau ed an' expleei s were closed. tion of the intla w days ago 1) vid Simpson, on Esti Dillon's years, son of B r. John S nap- whi n East ant- ape kin sev and eve rteenth coucessi was thrown frqua the I orse s was riding to the field and The horse had harness on) hi ra e bov left, and when foundl was g a short distance from the boy die e collar and the est of the' har tile ipped completel • off midi th te dead. How accidennh.ap or how the horse could have ha mess stripped eff him,is! no accounted for. st week we gave an accou o pn y farmer amt fir ived near'' ais.. occ ee, having beet liv ey by a nfie he he forme, ac- th ul, Minn ota, an n his way to Manitoba to 'visit pr sons in that Prcvince. We are ed O learn by a later account thet no s of his mony, 5300, whieh lett ed. Sh. the ba ol per ctable and wealt Cameron, who the county of Bru of a sum of mon an with whom nee at St. P lie • some unfortunate nts going on to the supposed to be the remains of one Mr. againet Mr. Hand A. skeleton. has been foluid in the -'fThe lIandfor ecendal has broken il can was upset, a : southern part 1 of Manvers towrislam, out afresh. The the flames communi Swift, a teacbe, who was hist seen at ' criminality with 1 in the can. Thi On hotel in the vicinity some 25 or 30 ' widOwerather pr la the greater por years ago, en his way home from allele When the mable fluid lodgin here he haa been to draw a , thin lady had Wt erson , arid clothing 1.1 wa t immediately alinost envel in tile sheet of flame. Mrs. At endeavored tO save her, and wa rely lturued bout the arms, fac I body. Her i juries are not, how • considered erious. Miss Dille on INIondayetfter great sUfferin was to haVe been naarried o alias Bennett, wa ard, Toronto, at eig orning. About fift the exeution. Th the scaffold with ressed these preset' e minutes in the d ained to the last th Id the Globe office wit ootingMrGeoBrow ffirmed that he w day she died. George Dixon hanged in the jail yard, Toronto ck Friday 11 ons Witnessed. ner escendeth step and add, pying fully fi ry. He main ad not enter natention of B Is M 1 i deat co p n g o ord ;charge him with e'Mrs. G, a grass' ossessing in appear- exemination came on the city, and the in o g, Government grant. A lady who knew vesiigationconara tted tried in vain to! him well says he had. but one --double induce herto rot rn and give her etti-) = tooth in the !lower jaw. On examiea- dence. She, tie ever, wrote- them a tion there was found to be but one such letter. Mrs. G. ecently returned to , tooth in the lower jaw of the skeleton the -city and fin s the chureh do rs; td found. Swift owned a faxen just est cloled against h r. She demands of Orono, which was soon after t en mision, and app ars ibefore the des. us! possession of and worked for some line and 'pekes a clea • breast of it. ger. by a person, d Swift not teturni g it evidence goes to how that Mr. Rend.' was sabsequ ford induced her • leave the city as the: —The Globe mittee was organize, t 1 3,000 navvieS "It turns have refusec11 t this arrangefla. nunaber of t Government Immigraton Agent in el Quebec. The contractors' refusal. to conered, and b , take the teen is based on the difficulty that Handfora repeatedly s they would: have in. getting. them • took up -with Mr pared to meet his God. He lamen - through the:United States to their con- a nke naanner, ; a • tract. They eould not eompel them to as long as she h and would yet be liable 5 that he would71 a tly sold. says in reference to the Investigation Go dvertised for in Britain : and paid her faire t9 Rochester. . Re' t that the contractors himself wrote th letter for her to the carry out their part of Committee,- sne copying it. She e-! 1,1 nt, and that quite a large• p that for tw years she has been) 'es bave already been , HandfOrd's cone bine, criminality bis --1 - thrown on the hands of the Dominion in g indulged both in the church IA . where ; that they were once to pay hush mon y •;) ot tired of her, and . Leslie, using her 1 in. hat , he supported her Tamed his fancy, but ot contribute to her Is hat the even le life had be that it was oc t or eareless occurred; by which n sacrificed, but st asioned by an ov ithout means, s supposed to sig .ess on the part of reved on his mind and lea him I Brpwn ip. grasping the revolver. he was found prayed forgiveness from all he h ver, oppos to the wronged at the ose of his remar unipeg. eew s which were deli on Stuadaelened voice. The bla. mit suicide, as ed in the Red Ri rant sheds at Wi en by his friends ered. in a clear, rin k pap was drawn a to the Goverriment for the advanced ' stiteport as soon s he got another, and • go , fare . What better finale could he ex- that he had left her with a blasted. O : pected to a epecial arra,-ngement enter- character ed. into by So persistent a blunderer as j liandford its h our present Minister of Agriculture' i tbinks it Ito d g ; The net result of the whole transaction a piaan tofbe lJThwe11 too open ano d 1 is that a large number cif navvies are ! church in Tote toP, item She denonnces artless scoundrel, ind e an outrage for Mach: her a • -7--