HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-23, Page 71- ' . 23 1880. HOUSE iKER, - ONTARIO.. �rttges under- David, or mealy nec`tcpid by €)lnmeree. SES DISCOUNTED. °reign Exchange chased, E NOTES Bann e at all Branches Commerce. rued en lfJep°eels. clrtgagesf at from Saved to Per Cent. HANKS. t. MPBELL, f seven years in Svattert. te grateful thanks to the le Peblic generally fertile a him daring that time,, he has now on head a Untie of N€ GROCERIES, . ay to. mete out to them iasi nable a 'trice as any atitkv of PORK (Side, Scc.) rid ;p. rg f ascription. Glass, Otl, and a general assort- .eialty, from the well e u., London. • a country store can all Ithe tato e. `> tiroduce taken, e ash or [I AMES CAMPBELL. OBA. 1880 IV WAY'S Train for Manitsooa .tai t from L`I'ST);LY in each ;nit h. - ty l•xevi„ns to all the above U he given of all fatare `f•stt and thegreatest pains iierits most complete and fie parties are released Eng baggage, freight, live f Bagga a Free. troOgll with each party. (� yy Agent, GW. i l�. R. Agent, Centralia BUGGIES. - purchase Neat and tial of or lE eu oci'ate, W211. GRA SST 'S titiilter of splendid Nit WAGONS it Sell Cheap. leges Sit teing Prompt- .itemember the' old twin. r. G RASSIE. CONEY. 0 LOAN z ItI.1PERT ', • Interest, Pa y-- a1.1r/. . l to pay i.rineipal at any <. d ..Illy .,n the unpaid .l i 0 (' GALL, ; :: ! Ieiehant.:icaforth. LINE ll. STEAMERS Sail I, r l NEW YORK and i 2toierryt and LONDON lee! . Lc•ndoncerry,. Glas- 1:i t t pe. Fares as- low es Qieti,tt s issued to persona 6 ir.'friends. t t -.nation of Anchor Line for elegance and CO [i e:Post Office, Seafortlt RID Fovineiai Laud Surveyor . Orders by mail prompt C P FLL, Kitchell. JULY 23, 1880, 1.••-- t Narrow Escapes in Battle. any computations have been made I the number of bullets_ fired in: battle for every man killed. The following stories show how near some of the stray nllets come to doing fatal work : At the battle of Peach Orchard, when cOlellan was making. his change of ase, a Michigan infantryman fell ,to' he ground as if shot dead, and was left ying as the regiment changed position. he ball which hit him first struck the Time of his gup, glanced s rid knocked button off his coat, tore the watch ut his pest pocket, and then struck ha man just over the heart, and was tapped thereby a song book in his in pocket, He was unconscious for hree-quarters of an hour, and it. was a II month before the black and blue ;pot disappeared. At Pittsburg Landing a member of he Twelfth Michigan Infantry stooped town to give a wounded so slier a drink s om his canteen. While in the act, a •diet aimed at his breast struck the 6 anteen, turned aside, payed through he body of a man and buried itself in he leg of a horse. The canteen was split open, and dropped to the ground n halves. At the second battle of Bull Run, cis New York infantryman was passing s plug of tobacco to a comrade, a bal- d struck the plug, glanced off, and uried itself in a. knapsack. The to- acco was rolled up like a ball of shaiv- ngs and carried a hundred feet away. irectly in line of the ball was the cad of a lieutenant, aih.d had not the ullet been deflected he would certain - y have received it. As it was, he had oth eyes filled with tobacco dust, and ad to be led to the rear. . At Brandy Station one of Custer's oopers had his left stirrup strap opt way by a grape -shot, whic h passed-be- wean assed bewean his leg and the horse, blistering 's skin as if with a red hot iron. He dismounted to ascertain the nature of his injury, and as he bent ever, a bullet -necked hishat off and killed his horse. the same fight was a trooper who ad suffered several days with tooth - he. In a hand-to-hand ight he re- t eived. a pistol ball in the sight cheek. t knocked out his aching double tooth nd passed out of the left hand corner f his mouth, taking part of au upper tooth along. The joy of being rid of he toothache was so great that the rooper could not be made to go to the ear to have his wound dressed. An object, no matter how trifling, ill turn a bullet from its rue course. his was shown one day at the re- onnt camp in Pleasant Valley. They bad a "bull pen” there, in which about vie hundred bounty jumpers and other l ard cases were under guard. Once in while one of these men would make break for liberty. Every sentinel in osition would open fire, a tatter in the leant if the i ard the crowded camp. asion a prisoner made fol the camp; nd as many as six shots im without effect. One o tared the tent of a cap. welfth Pennsylvania C as lying down, and the c ullet would have buried it ortunately for him, _ the hich he was reading sat o t een him and where the e . This was struck and i two, and the lighted- end t e floor without tieing 'he ball was deflected, a if in the pillow under ad, -passed out of that • p 6 • • dit did not .. an ran to - On this oc- h h s tent, entered one behin 1 it, passed b tweeze two men, and brought up against a camp kettle. 'ihe Tragic Tale of • ere fired. at the bullets ain in the valry. He urse of the in his chest. candle by` a stand be- 'ullet enter- ut squarely dropped to naffed out. d buried it the officers nd through The Rev. Mr. Macphersc far nearly . a year the re church in Ishkatawhunk t.igether with his young a rtrife.had won the warm ac all but the unmarried. lathe ith, when he became interested in bi- ! batter -ma Bicycle. she did not know the secret of:the lev r and she did dot dare to risk her life jumping o . In a few mi antes s found hers if entering the lcngl prin pal street f Ishkatawhnnky, and s that the i habitants, were locking It the sidew lk to wa eh her. She a crimson wi h horror 1 as she :reflec that the m chine wa strictly diesigt e for riders . ith trou::rs, and for a ment she a most ma +'e up her mind It throw hers if to the ground regi ardles of .consequ rices. Fo tunatelv,' she re fleeted tha the resul s of ' a 'all woiji m be even re 'startl.ng and xtensi . than thos entaile • by ke :ping l e seat, and s , trying o comf :rt hers with the re ection- t • at they we pea Balbriggan and un • sually : steal- . . clor and pattern, s • e rode on, S would glad y have ch.: aged piaces with Mazeppa, ho rode throug • desrt instead of : crowded Street, a • he en- vied Lady odiva, w o had i. dlulced the people of C ventry t a close heir win- dow blinds T e se • sation :he made as she rush:d throng the v 11a e, aipd out again po the 'rairie, a not be described, ut he kni: w perf • ct y well that no p • ssib a sto y that sh could devise wou 'd b acc pted i • e plara- tion of t f ightul impr•priety of which she 0 ad een • illy. Than run. ••a city ie came to a step ten miles o ; t f Is • :. atawh • nk , a d and close to a rail].' ay stat on M s Macpherso t promptl took the ttain to Milwaukee . where h.r paren s resid d, and then t:legraphe. ` to her .husba d. Of course s • e ever returns t -o I katawkun , a .d le Macph rs n w requested tt+ re ign is pari h On t ground tha th conct of hi wife w a to the last egr a sc ndalous. 'lie ha since given up )icyc lig, but eis un e a cloud, anhi hops of us fulness i the church are uine ..—.N. 1 '2!'ribusita • • How Th I though many kind down he churns and will now d butter. tha .England. fo Commo butter in t here come by the tiro two or thr butter on M h which he them were Ed -wee b. hours ; an told Lizad to churn. They ha churn butt went out a -about as 1: How clean don't kno into it a enough t then he ti: of hide. M s face. I w. • • • • y hurl i in 11 .th t I had see of churns befor {e— rank" churn • "c .emici l churn scribe a •• ode of w 11, I hink, ks pen t'ieir eyes ly t ey d• not m is c untr, , and t o g t aloeg with. I h d ben at thi e da s, I egan to • y b ead. d a herd el 25 o kep for ;beef, a a n mbe of m den to se the mi th nex niorni ', o "Li i," as we • do; r b d b rge • iesn h a t efore it ap rough a bag s a c. limon it w'as i • Ode, I ; blit he turned doure• in fill t . o -thirds. p w tli a st ood ith 6. broad s a read too in ished to make anyremarks carried th bag out f doors • got his ho se. Tak ng his 1: saddle, he ma e o e' end to the ere m ag ; the of usual, bei g at ache o a r saddle. This dol e, h ju ed on and tucke sp rs t him. went, and at the fi s jerk went ten feet in the air with a sqi ancerson un- cto. e up to e heels. At th ext je k it higher. He soo bag danci n had been hit dow tor of , • the sometime, Iowa, and mat's ru d attractive M miration of —at me, of his par- M that this I, a 111. • I• cycles. Being young and Soon became an excelle every afternoon after 4 o'cl ajocustomed to mount his b flack yard,. to ride swiftly d nage path to tile` . street, through the village. As hi. an isolated one, and no en Ors were near, 'Airs. Mac t ertook to learn to ride, an time was able to mount au case the length of the yard husband would meet her a machine while she dismo eatly enjoyed the sport, ossibly have been in orde ora er the temptation to de o, tside of the yard th land avoided teaching°'her o dismount vithout his help. A forted lit ago Mr. acp_ierson bought one of he now Chi- ago;epring-motor velocipe les, without • arming his wife of the n • tura of his urcliase. This new mach lie is driven htrong steel o is to be up. The cc, acid the the saddle the bicycle is obviating spring is athletic, he ( In the t rider, and came bac. ck he was and the b' • cycle in the wn the car- nd thence hUtlae. Vas tits neigh - in a short ride with where her d hold -the rated. She and it may to remove venture to t her hus- y the expansive force of a pring. When the machii. '.ed the spring is woun ider then leaps into his pl 00 oment his weight presse- he spring is released and tarts off at full speed, th 11 danger of falling. Th arranted to keep the bicycle iu mo- on for an hour, and by pr ssing a lever placed immediately in iron of the sad- dle the machine can be in -tautly stop- ped, Rests for the feet, With the treadles of the d are provided, and the rid9 journey without making tie tion, until at the end of a obliged to dismount and Spring. The new purchase of t gentleman was delivered 1. while he was absent at t Convention, and his wif with admiration of its 1 eauty. She Was entirely ignorant that respect different from oth and late in the afternoon s1 ed to try it. • Iter husbaud hand to help her dismount the cook, and gave her full how to catch the machine Then taking the new bicyc treme rear end of the pare Pherson sprang into the was off at a speed of fifte hater. It need hardly be said tf at she was terribly frightened. Scarcely less frightened was the cook as she saw her b mistress sweeping down neion her at so terrific a speied. Instead of trying'. to tap the machine,she screamed wildly tad ran out Qf its path. The gate was open, and Mrg, Macpheres n whirled � lite the street. She would ave given the World to stop the runawabicycle, but nconnected ving wheel, r can thus least exer- hour he is dud up the e reverend t his home e Diocesan was filled t was in any ✓ machines, e determiu- not being at she called instructions 1 nd hold it. e to the ex- , Mrs. Mac - saddle' and u miles an • � went out.; ef sig t, with t g a ter hi • S metimes ago gsidlp the orse, a it s ruck I s e ap o the as p. as 4onvrisd wi h laught sup ose ; f I zest eonf: pset all e previ us ideas ng. ours of 2 r 30 inutfes, , th hop el okin pretty h g .ve y d r gungo cap]. , dasl e ' Bu hurnil a e N k mu e settl utt ; to 'poesta' 'ant seep 0 catt d amo lcb . co k for gIM. allpd hi as earl. rawhide 01 bald m stir the crea ew mi full, : ai ong str pin! on 1• n •. ch I. asto iz tic an ti sso off it: of it fa er end; ing in t the hor Away that b and ft the horst went • st ty. "Es M attics " (b : t er's come), ' s: he. Ed. untied the ch 'r , and ure enou, there was a goad ch nik of '1 ome,y bt ter in it ; and it prolve to e very • cent'hutt r, toe. I asked if that w: s he w they was chti ned. Th:.y said it was, a d Ed declar:d it. wa "].,_dale aisidr"thFln turnin' a • rank." So I res )ectfi lly s • bmit til: "m etho to all our ood Peep e up no h. waver thieg nee ed fc r it s a sole- eather b clothe' -line and a hone.-- outijPs Cornpanio r s z Cliambe methods matist sit contrived from his l Ylak ng Amen s' Journa' recalls f Makin amen ing by a 'riend a to extra et a h ockee an transfe own. Prfiseutiy, a man b tapping h}m on the 44should Here's elonged ,at the nateur's •i ed "Beg I pardon ; Didn't know you ht!" •e a fession ; slipping i purse he This stor or among probable on the principl d 11 rig to t ad e . raced from may pas, for alt thie • es h :s no exi hat eguiz#r . pract that dog. sh og. ! fA well educt ted toung Ir ing the past of cas tier in : house of *put: ,m de aped o with three the sand, pounds ployer's money Nothing him for same e ears when t ceived a packe by Test fro missing o e, c• tabling an a bank fo three th usand five per c:ntuni int rest on calculate from the;day the decampe.. This p 'cket als au accou t of his !career reaching merica h had situation n a Ne York store, and remains in it ti break of t e civil w -r. His was au-nthuias is Rep offered to advance large s to any of is clerks who vol the army. The Irishman to close ith the ()ler ; sa Frederi .,burg, Se,. en Oak hard fotegilit fie1:ds ; was wit under whom he field a comm.and, in the f mous m. sea ; wand wound p by in wealthy young wi ow of geneial who ell; . t Gott last exploit enabl'ng hi amends for the isdeeds youth. i Triflers with fe ].nine u s. 'I some o t d s. . d a Cheat e ndkprch !:f it to i s hin& r, whip our ; pier to the 'p same ti •f e hand t!e his pock. 1 iotigh ho tehce, itis tioners tali]. not e t t sh' e of as e, man fi. ,iverp • Ll fine dty his ei�t heard :f firm h lo or er up,in ou.ds, ahc1C t e4 semi , se emder h1.d c titainid si ce. f •b twined a d goo 8 i t he o <'g•verno'I" ll'ean, a jd •f mon y n re red r as the fi sr 'ce n ot] hrma .ubo din rch to t airyl lig t : - rthe rebu g; t Ie o male bf Ylis • • • • 11 9 ffebt�ons t 0 n �: clerot �.,1-1l#w m! but ' oolAs be r ledj toaeo'n eng: „ems of p' o •• i:. five ho him 0'•i: tiff, a eo r• • fam •1 her :lilt and ra "My fri:n• obje+tion with# ut thou:, an His lea lady ,an agai Ee ing. net* al tions of aties car full has a de - e may av Itis yt of di:ttha . nail • b 11 sist : ve dred: o aro'td ther: is man a well for prop rly vice f a led. "J. 'lc Clem and • •k '1 . • get , wis eno his lad t, a e w and sen ed. t but whi her s"s ow ; • , e • •' • I •II u f y a tf rov • • • Her cans proa stare Ps est Vis, h re 0 thos0 w im di ing e the life whicah ec4uaI. to and ': ra Lies he mens of nese: sar stor:1d,tl assu1• es Re a, ,: ml sign :turc pas. age. Ont., pr ' all •. edi. T•; whit bre: the ext berr Ala enil th, ri•tg .t, , . • pen 01111•g pr •• he n_ rria 't• • es ath r•1 s •• i Ii estio • e pplici: t ll se - 4 edo o yfl'v� s m�n,� judil i ae•.SIi up t�� end: •. ubtl: IS t tea oak al sh ed ourls . S es E s,"'4 icca • • td II • g s • 0 It I•. It 0 to t •i • 8 :0 act c �I •1 v n e iI dll • e, ea ly. to glow fte tied in •gg �• cf b to he lo ~wd a , ati 1 n of s 3 Qia V es sib re woo en if • I• THE ].,HURON EXP SITOR. Lk y ung hal% ell, hizi 1e to -fulfi>< g�6 M USI�AL for br oh damag – s aro lit the p1 I. i hayed i d 1„--) OTT BROTH had to ed her s ill, • dY, for et. m: ke no Jago' r . ,.,, ..,.,, that E.&PORT I u a II 41 1 del • lai I: 1I, • ve a lee att ee 0., ad and • IIiiTRUMENT EMPQRIUI� rY dg lo • fi ra oc a • SI lo bl or ew a Ci ac et Ae se th mos 01118 4,1110:W:11 ease the are p is e onse e skin soft Nort rieto e de • Vse • Ile • el leo o 1 IN hi er a OR 1111 • s ed the e ndi ion 11 he et all the sk y ice 3 ew ,tilblilt.th n. pg diet litt dreggi • eif t A IT now Clot ing, we have ing 1 stablis cut, and it. S tent ith t ehigh sple did li;ne of Ma & AN Enseei Oak Gfr Tit %V as u der: • t bbtri y conips al 10 of these Go Seatotth. 65 peril la • in • ye five nd the for all. inf rt - of he o an by ra s th rti e ma - to re- oe, mg er ver esc pe se es an a er- la el op th- Str et, 2-5 aripus lre M. ed by uld be so do- ck nd o do ot ng ow ers tei re - he coat at the each oronto, old. by ✓ for lithe t ear "Sap r anc to SF 'in Ordered m sa dug that erf ,et on o cut es of ng - Se ges, pleasur their ea 97n a Daniel 11, ell, t the eplebn EXCLk And, can. con pricee. The ted by the bes Organ manuf as to tone an beauty of wor Th Trade Orga s of most comb ations find ment price prod ER in stating to the publi now manufacturing o count, in company wit e original man acturer 19R OR AN nal" of maetuf cturers meek ior Organ is admit jadgcs to be he bee etured in Cana bot manehip ipild fin she nd others in 8 arch of ; desirable styless, modern and. popular prices and di coveries in our e, and 1oW as high-class goods' can be We use only' the best and thaeoughly seasoned wood for our cases, 'genuine ebony and ivo y keys, and best'import- ed reeds and oards. These materials. manipulated o ly by skillectlabOr, must ensure satisfac, ion to ourselves Jand our -ki.1S0 patrons. Out actions, stops, and combinations are sUch tie wil commend them to every discriminating performer. I ITHE ID SEAFORTH. co DRESS IVIOSLINS AN4) LIGHT PRINTS. We are *wing a Nice Lot ol Dress Muslims and_Light _Plink Suitable for Summer Wear. 4111) A Var ant, hich we shall lisle up to, will e iven with every instrument, and 'on art f the purchaser we ask only a r aso able and honest care— which anything made of wood requires —not to 'be s bjected to extreraes of heat or cold suddenly, or ex osed to dampness wh it can be avoid d. The Factor is located on th corner .ront and is nder till person I super - the rm. THE NIRSON PI NO. As fo erly! we continue to keep in stock the Emerson Piano, also the Do- mini n and ot-ner Organs. Pi os and orgwas of any other make supplied. Remember ;before you purchase an Instrament, gtve us a trial, aa we can give better va. ue for less money than any o her hou e in the trade. Lce. don neseafinel d. .... ........ .. . :-, 1.788 7.1815 4, ton e Seafer h an, Clip on St • epartY i.2 eald Cl Ki • • It T 19a E press, 1431 0 P. press train.— Goe KID :3 :1 :4 ce Exp es s. 6 25 7 9 8 08 8 2 Express. 6 20 6 55 7 24 7 43 7 09 8 es Y. Hots as NTO P. P. A. P. NTO :3 A. 1 :4 P. :3 tab P. P. hm rop OM FACE KEYLESS, FOR BLACK' BUNTINGS, WHITE MUSLINS AND EMBROIDERIES,. WHITE TURKISH TOWELLING, LACi GLOVES AND SILK GLOVLS, LrIS4 THREAD GLO ES ANp LACE MITTS. Good Value in Tweeds and Worsted Coating reco Fa "tHE PAIN mentte by Physicians, Minis short,:everybody everywhere who in the Stoinach, Bowei Complaint, oe Indigestion, Sudden Colds, Sore EXTERNALLY, it cures Boils, and SPrains4 Swellings of the Join apd Rheumatism, Chapped Hands; AM-FLALER is put up in 2 oz. an spectively—large bottles are therefo TA and Pain Dyspepsi USE Old. Sore Neuralgi The 50 cents r PERRY DAVIS & SON kILLER ers, ilissionaries, Managers of Nurses in Hospitals -,--in as ever given it a tria, 10 co 0 0 PJ cn Tn 0 tery, CholeraaDiarrheea, Cramp I-1. Painter's Colic, Liver iCoraplaint, 1> Throat,.Coughe, &c. s, Toothache, l'adn in the Face, 0 a oz. bottles, eetailing at 25 and e cheapest. & LAWRENCE, PROPRIET RS, THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DE- BENTURE COMPANY OF Have removed to thei new offices, cor- ner of Marketerane an Dundas Street, (next doorl to the Mo son's Bank), and are receiVing regular monthly remit- ; tances of English capital for investment in mortga.ges on,Real Estate. Straight Zoans at 7 and 7i per cent, According to the dl ss of security offered SAVINGS 13AN.lit BRANCH. Inteiest allowed an Deposits. Apply perso ally or by letter to Watch7 water and Jew4er, BROA FOOT & fr30X, in FUNERAL ATTENDED QN Tif SHO TEST NOTICE. COFFIN Barley &c. buy or St a EN rt S AF RT AND SHROUDS ALWAYS ON HAND. E AR BE BILL Lengt The LU BR Where all Ifind 479 I SE FOR HIRE. FOR SALE. on PLEASURE, comfort and health, suloke only the genu- ine GOLD FLAKE. 1 Peonounced, by all t wto have teed it, the I Si Liking Tc,bacco th world. Aekyour w ere, write to thef miler tt;:-d price Fee. Wreeeoe, ONT. Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $8. CUT TO ORD!R, , from 10 to 50 Feet at the LL, IN Mc ILLOP abseriber. has also al YARD IN SEAFORTH of Lumber can be ob4ined. PROF. liURICS OR BROOK'S DISINFECTANT I,ND VERMIN Aide known that will drive away Vermin, especially iets and P eicians of the highest standing to be the best known aitiele for the following reasons : I retaMs its strength much longer than any ot er, and it has no disagreeable odor. To bp had in tWo pound boxes. Price fifty cents at The !only a JO Drug $ tore Sole Agent for Seaforth. HN VOLL1 MS &CO. 0 TO, ONTARIO iseo nted. !Drafts issued. Money Lent on eal Etitate at Lowest Rates., This Great Household Medicine ranks amo gst the leantng necessaries of life, Thc e tam ous pills purify the BLOOD, and act most owerf ully, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and :MAN -PLS. eilirg nre. erry,nnd vigor to hese great MLIN SPleINGS OF LIFE. They are c nfidtntly recommended as a never failing whatever cause, has hem-eche:paired or weaken - e d. 1 hey are wonderfelly cfficacioas in all el- m elate inculents) ft males of all eges : and 118 a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are linear - HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Its Searching and Oealing Properties are known throughotit the World. - For the cure of BAD ItGS, bad breasts, Old Wounds, Sore and Ulcers, it infellibIeremedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, las salt into meat, it Cures S OR THROAT, Bron ileitis, Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. Fier Glandular Swellings, Abseels sea, Piles, Fistulas. Gout, Rkeumatis3n, And e ery kind of SKIN DISEASE, ib has never been sown to fail. Mc Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only CD CD 1=1 rete CD et TO ttl eeie 0 ClIe crq -01 ji I CD lee CD 0 es en ori 114 irn 1-44444 Pei 5. CD ro 4441 rn m. OUTTER, BUTTER,. !THE 3111 -HEST PIOCE IN CASH : ! PAID FOR ANY i AMOUNT OF i ii. Tubs, Rolls or PailS, at HICKSON 1WIDWARE. HARDWARE SIGN OF THE CIROULAII SA at 53:-, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and are sold y all Vendors of Medleiees throughout the Civill. ed World ; with eirections for use be af- most very language. Th Trade marks of thee+ Medicines are regis- M Brats Possessions, .4W o nay keep the Ameri- can C unterfeitelor sa vi I be prosecuted. Pots led Boxes. If th4 addrees is not 533, Ox- ford .'treet, London, they Sre spurious. , TRA E MARK. Befo Taking 1C3 TRADE MARK. CD After Taking. 1 iling cure for Se4einal Weakness, Sperms- 1,orrh -a, Impotency, and all diseases that follow OS a equatee Or self-atinse as lose of memory, nnive sal lassitude, paln in the backetimness of vied° , premature old age, and many ether dis- eases hat lead to insa4ty dr consumptiOn and a pram hire grave. Full part, iculars in our pam- phlet which we desire to lsend free by mail to $5. r will be sent free by ail on receipt of the every one. The Specific Ild icine is sold by all drag lets at $1 per pacikag , or six packages for 4 mone by addressing T GRAY MEDICINE Co., o. 10, Mechanical B1 et, Detroit, Mich. 647 CD to call arotmd and see them. 6. ▪ • CD 1-1 CD CD CD Tee 1-4 crq 0 CD eeo aq 0 OF HAYING AN HARVE "`IN �T' he Quie , Moat Comfort le ond Best Con- flated Ho in the Provin Irhe Booms sae oramodion and the Table and Bar liberally npplied. ood stabling in tion. 699-92 4