HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-23, Page 6a. r 6 • •Sagacious H A .pleasant story has j the Cape of Good Hope. nett., as in all the. old pia market square, where trader's and others, arri produce .at any hour of t may put the cattle out nonage" to feed, while their wagons, as is the travellers to'o, until the 8 o'clock morn- ing market auction. A. old horse be- longing to one of these p : rties had wan- dered about in search of grass and wa- ter—vainly, ater vainly, no doubt, f.r it was daring the severe drought fr na which the oountry is but now reco • ering. Coming to the • great, bare ma ket place, and finding a• knot of, men talking there, he singled out one of tem, and pulled him by the sleeve with 1, is teeth. The man, thinking the horse might possibly bite, repulsed him, but : s it was not very roughly done, he re urned to the charge, with the same reception ; but he was a persevering animal, and prac- tically demonstrated tee axiom that "perseverance wins the day," for upon his taking the chosen c• : t for the third time between his teeth, :he owner, woke to the idea that . a dee of kindness might be required of hie•• ; so putting his heap upon the horse'': neck, he said; "All right, old fellow, m : rch on !" The horse at once led the w = e to a pump at the further side of the square. Some colored servants were lounging around the spot. One of them, at the bidding of the white man, filled toe bucket with water ; three times was the bucket re- plenished and emptied • efore the great thirst was assuaged, and hen the grate- ful brute almost bespoke his " thanks to his white friend by rub .ing his nose gently against his arm, after which he walked off with a great •sigh of relief. A story somewhat ana ogous to the foregoing was told. by a friend, whose uncle, an old country sq ire in one of the western counties, la: d a favorite hunter in a loose box lie the stable. One warm day he was "athirst," and could get no water. He ried to draw the groom's attention to the fact, but without succe`Bs. The horse was not to be discouraged ; he evide • tly gave the matter consideration. Ti• a thirst was pressing. All at once h remembered that he had always had : certain halter put upon his head when head to the water. He knew where it hung. He managed to unhook it om its peg, and carried it to the a oom, who at once, in great admiration of the intelli- gent brute,awarded him n the manner he desired. • rses. fluence. We hay : raised "st come from of buckwheat in. f firmer ye In Graaf Rei- for the purpose of isubdulni s, is a larg ed with bard hurl and c the farmer , than for the grain A crq' ing with their wheat i better tori this pd e day -or night, summe fallow wi h two of to the "com- ings. I leaves She land a hey bivouac at an ash -leap. Some obje ont of African wheat : an exhaustive c net easi y eradicated. If oats or- any English gra sown . ckwheat i apt .to it does ot monop o lize, the damage of the so' ed -cro lowed b a hoed crop—po: —buck heat is easily and the potatoes fairly mellow •ed which buckw plowed n makes for the never r:ised better potat land w• ich had the previo buckwh at, .but they need Of phos U hate of "me or fertilizer, and are especial. a dressing of wood ash Farmer. Hungarian Gr Alex nder Hyd , in th Tim .,, makes f vorable m Hungarian grass as ja s hs timoth and cloy hay a d, and wr tes as f flows' c' Inc cultivat on : "The common practic: Hungarian grass on rath soils, b t if our obsery do greatly t fault, it does bes o strong I am, and this, 1 too, p enriched. Wherever oat: well Hungarian grass will m turn of about two tons .f forage, worth, if cut early a much a. ordinary hay, pr.l�: Still, f rimers must re em Hungar an grass is an ann al land m st be plowed and see year, *tile_ the natural perenni:1, and succeed e c a natural rotationand th. land ha : been in grass if ni good he: rt, the be ter is t le case the land is : plowed fo Hungar an, after me crop 1f been h. ested, a- is oft -n after a op of wi iter grai • , it tho soil c o much nless so.. e is added Some .ommerc a say 300 • ounds of ano, w 11 unless tea group Fi is dec de Hangari: n grass i one of the ing folia ;re.plants • Inch dr: w 1 the air or Supp. in ; but it econom to leave lant or a feed en irely on ir. Plow • with a s allow fur ow, just as is deep o shallow, and in eit pulverize the sur ace tho the seed . is sow broads bushel •.• ill be req ired, bu drills a teak is su cient. of harvesting is thsame a If the hied is ed to hod will he us 0 bushe , and 71 A Dairy Spring House. . A correspondent of • • 0 American airyman gives the folio •.• ing descrip- on of a model spring ho • se for a dairy. a writes : "Spring'houses may be must excel- oak or they may be very .ad. A close, -ventilated, musty sprin house would. poil everything, under t e . very best anagement otherwise, f r in such a oist, close atmosphere : rebred all hose germs which produ, a rottenness d decay. Unfortun:atsly a model spring house is rare. I re • em1 er such one,. however.. It was ' plain and heap affair, and the teller's own •ands had -made it. It as built on a tony bank, three. or four eet below a tear .spring, which boiled out of the ticks above it. All arou • d was clean ass, excepting abreast , everhanging hestuut tree, which tbr•oded, as it -ere, over the stone house and com- letely shaded it from the sun. The ocks were covered with mess and ferns • d forgettme-nots.: The cold water BB brought into the hou, e from the • ring in a_leaden pipe b ; tied in the ound outside, and fro•t which the lear,. sparkling water boiled up within nto a raised, shallow tro ..,gh' made of emen.t; at the top of a tone; bench early three feet high, 1 rapid cur- ent of cold water flowed around three ides of the house in this aised trough. n the centre was a low taole or bench f fiat stones laid in semen , upon which utter bowl The house p, although bout it ; but very cold. the rning 11an:mining on ed52°. A •ansom win - was made glass` win- s wung,. in-swung,. air, yy house, in tied barrel m a water- bed in the stream outsi ie.. I have en many places where s ich . an ar- ngeeut was possible, bu never he- re,m:.except in this one ins amce, where e .conveniences were utili ed." : •. •. Mood a cream jar and a f -lied with golden butter. as sharply cold, not da enoughere was waterenough was .flowing water an lie milk pans were. set in ater, and a thermometei t e wall dipped in . it mar u-pola on pivots, and a t ow over the door, which o slats, gave- light and wit. • owe on each side, which d ear by was a wooden ai bleb. was the old-fashi c+urn, turned by a shaft fr BI 1e a r t • :• e Buckwheat Buckwheat; so called fro, • the Ger- n an .sushi ee c'n, (beech mas ), the seeds ✓ sembling beeeh nuts, cannot be said t. be a favorite grain in A •• erioa either a: food for man or beast, wh at (triticu7ta) o • trauking it for the former and corn for the latter. In New L !gland, New European animals m ork and Pennsylvania we find large ing at 36 y as of age fields of this grain, and it c a snot be do- often attained by hor 'lied that it serves a melt 1 purpose in The monster in Ho t , compante yhis ow • bduet �I boggy • 1 d I a b a good i1 al ra but•mere land coy:r- ra gy kno ;ls, �p of bu, k- rp • se tha a t ree pl., w - s; mellow as ct 'to bu. k- c .,and one o lowed b r iu the s:.lf- r occupy, if soil to he ut if iol- a�toes do"b-st t:.rmine.t •d, v 1 in he t stnbbi es We il: ve s than] on ear gro ' n e stimulus .me of�� er elratefulll or -A.men a' 11 sF pew Y ention titute as for: rning 1 to Fa r ight, is etty ill gr, .e a •ood e least! bey mo •er t� and •ed e: T saes i other 1 nger kept`, hay. I u so �.g rass ' as done, +r, is .taxi .g fertile. er ertiliz r, ay w 11, y ri•h. bran.- rgely .n is pier imal to eeply •r the s• it ser ca:e ou.hly. 1 f It, half; a if sown n l : prose s f.r ordi - • t ise see , ee... a fu y e l.st, as 't al- crop f s ; er acre, 1. makes e ary'gras it must • of be alto mature, a: much s shells ou easily. seed is fr 20 to which se reedit good fee •; for poult Gigan • ark of or e, its •w ort od ell •w e- ry as e. at e ch re in le in is Hose There arrived in thi city few da s ago by wa of t Hudson 1•iver Ra .way fr .m Alba. and w: : convey ad direc y to h quarters 'n Iiousto street, •' hi: t is b keyed to the lar est horse hat h: ever falle !under t e eye o'' r atomi or jockey ,a verity le equ& a monst —besidewhich ani m als of t e rdinar, height ar dwarfs. The a. i al W9: bred in O io, from ur nati e draugli stock, an certainl ; no reo excep one of th limeston bases ould hay: developed .such az enorm..uel equiti anatomy. t His rep. tered h iglu is 2 hands an • 1 inch, o . 81 incl ea,; being foot taller than an verage am Hi' weight isstated to I•e 2,45 !pounds but all these point. will - p obably b verified by coma1'etent voterinar3 surgeons. As stau•'ing in the stabl the color`s f the ani : al appe rsito be uniform ark bay, without (spot o Blemish. It should not be j aged tha this heigh althoug extra° di:nary, ;i: not altoge her unpre edented�in' horses At the Cei ennial e hibition in Phila delphio in 876, a s au of horses wa placed on xhibition each of (which wa eighteen li nds'and ne inch high. Th animals w e bred i Caned nd be came the property of a P '1'delphia brewer wh n the ex ibition 1osed. veterinary surgeon i this cit former13 owned a h rse that as ninet en hands and one in h, high giant in 'anato- mical stria Lure—bu he fo al it im- possible to correct`a ertain t ndency to emaciation, and the reature was use- less for draught or ro d. Th late Pope Pio None as the f rtunate possessor of ove of -tlbe largest orses in E rope- an animal eighteen h nds and one inch high—and he Rano Brian stables . for- merly cont ined anot;ier of nearly equal height. S far; as can be judged, t1 e Ohio mons er is in pbrfect h al h a d and physic 1 conditio , and may; live to a good old age, notwi hstandii g his ab- normal proportions. ne of t e • a e s t i • .eis,._. gy, fore! 1,. loo Wast an pers hedalo•gha he drew o the wish la H : wing laked qu : ntity of s:. non e • al wi h holes, wi s: t frog the'p s: 't varies acc w . ich it its dr pa • . The e fin to salt,,is dra bo 'lig oint, t• or t ree ti s: t is le mu' pe ature bein t ^ i or t ree ti ca.: of . :h or OT 80 .r 1 n twicel in a p or lue i b tie to ssist sa ;. T)�e-coa :'Iked i1: tub: she. on to sp ciall pre sa t is c:; ed w � ch is; kept to e tryii g to a•dher : itis and pac, :d fo in; clea . work fi • e salt ;+;s do an.' girl= Th lo.seto '•e b U i,ersi t 11,1a B!ne 110 of he in: our rden po tunitj it ,a qn ntly r: nd ro S. 00m:nyp. pose . at .t it i., o ki • ly, i an i icli is reatl only i • the h uch in n. e let/ quit 11 th • : 1 .. : 0: THE HU ON ErOOSLTOR. st pp:d t4 'iia iii eV, ry pore, who dLo ? ke, Wit which o the pan he salt a s . ver the bottom. og th a con : idera ole ok anot er tool ant ade, p:rforated •whi he 1' ted : he n�. T e q,ialit .of the 'lig o the' I time at n or • ted f .m he t or at is ca ed blat- n: whe the bri • e is at hh p M s bein; drawn +. 's a ay. Th: coarser ilong • at a low tem - draw , in some ca. es, +• de a eek, ane in he r k}ser g salt, oily o ce ort.ig . A. m 'rad. of a• de • to the hes d in, ih: I•urifyin of he ser v:: a iet'_es a e neer bit to:: ed strai ht fr m h a. ;.(3, or fi ed ' to : cka. T e fi er in e dryin: ro m, o s a y at a imp ra- li tman nat re, to nea blo ks : tion. his e- • •f the' p:.eking of • ::at, tidy women salt 1: carried oi the riv:r.— he II . o i •' oe g• ee e:t l` :n fits fr m sow- ed : i . dr lis is the l p- ✓ s • o hoei..g . f e- io y betty n he , 1 o use e oe :y 3, b : • efit der! ed e • •.. T at, c r- to . • •ork, ndone :1 , t:d We ds re c tivat ng he bet th y job t 'went wh ch i, is an ess n - t ifrO d: strode ng he : . e, r I'a III 1'1 1 • �in - • 1 is SU, fro tai w no ceps w th:m of th:y need tis serve we da. here w xchar Le us Th op ratio pl: Its; th,: i eedk Mei ph ::r du is lisp/. daftly 11 moa a,ra! thit SOT •ed;in six grain wh le gar gra ns„ gra 'ns. 3 , The ena.les its absorbed. 4 The s acti • e; mit soil dna4 and Brea phe e. i 5. Tile S. a• , .. 1 . mush jq i ;the Lot"te will be t tha 11: he moi:tui e loos:'' text 6. The way thro sear : hof can brow 7.A.so surf: ce b peiv:: azid iwhil. a h: oto a off as it falls. As jEngl peva tial i 1mp.; tanc gre ., .wit ;vee • ng is pay, ever pan a get ' .nuc of and rine ' ;Ile c seif for i creas :,o al low t (reel ''. thr well ''onpi tice, hat fit de 'ved well oet�, ore pp ,1A still . ee ng, f om ffect it h 111.11' Kin lin :. ore fav° ur I•h I! EL sa ing k' of ings Th ven ever he c 1t th` 1 for sa roma, famous ! two t ntioned was liv- ,alike.. In In the c u -a longevity not N es. + difiec . d for hour: but an n o zston str et is ea- ' e economy of cushy farm Helping to d b er, but t is un- ;Baily evo for s • or ti tough, oggy an , nd turn isltalts ys i derstood thiltt he ha: been se ined by g vera* palatable breakf sts in the Barnum ata price f• $1 000, and will ape of pancakes. It is al, :o one of the u lie en's , E c: v presently lib place on exh bltion._. ' Th: best,alve in the or • for st of grains for feeding t ! ..ells, and *c.rc• Z ort „z�.ti. uses a good flow of milk when fed to t Fruesa.s, I S:r.es, TI. 41re, tis R c we. As a staple breads uff it can Ch shi Salt. Fever Sor- Te e Oh: Hi d n:ver hold a high rack, for when it Cheshire ha long Skilbl::ins, Cor au',d all kin c nstitutes the staple food 't is apt to p b been cote or: its skin 'rap}`ons. l i alb. is Z t salt s rings bet' the:e are of ild q'ual- antee to ivo' t 1c( �, eta act! dtrooralize the flood and c use a cu- , ity compared to the bail}e spr u�* that t: neons eruption. Even w en fed. tt� rise in the rock salt localiti s, very ase, "►r x. e ,. i sa e beid. h sin largequantities tl : seeiri to !This } g y5 sen s pe liox." t;r'saNe b Hi ! natural brine supple s the best v t. It 2: sen sdell i . f: 1 uncomfortable, rubbing their flanks ' is pumped up from ! s. springs l v' ow - a atinst posts as though aflicted with erful engine, and co • v s ed int a huge .r ti °itch. Still, so long* as buckwheat g ; FRO t i3isic :� a` 1-1 -del P cistern, and from th ce into lie pans Feb. 7 1 7( M s s.. So h - c! kes are fashionable, far ..rs will con-' prepared for it. I •der the:el pans; & So s, ,oston $'rl;ant ,--p on t nue to raise this gain, an the, cakes when full, fires are ept bur i�na days perlia.s 're . emb r t: t I wrote a e so palatable that there s no dauger and night,rand const: tlyatte•ci , o their going _ � d b� severs! w�9e..sago�.iu re ar � the g g out of fashio : W e have ; the firemen, whose s 1. busiue.s'i is. to of the •era 'an S r Ior my wife k own:a dyspeptic Professo to declinepile , ori the uel, r et off" he th !vas su` e •i frot g i:ra de ilitti b• ckwheat cakes with a des enation on heat becom s too gr:a,t, and : eii rally i sequen e Of yph; i• ysenteiv. t eir uuwholesotneness, esp:ciallywhen ' keep the fur ace at i proper workin i tied t e m st no ed vs ciaiis i fi ed with butter, but te. pted when' j !teat. As s on as t brine •come : ; tate, nd . so in C: : d= , *thou tl e cakes again came aroun 1 to try One ;heated, the . rcaess of evapor: than be- ief. - t our res. o two, and final.;: to eat dozen, all I p n : nd tion she gins. All ound us s ood row. • 0fi lou Glum need the use o i he SY up. The w.11 buttercl-l. Farmers, th refore, need ' black shed , from s-hicli, t, every "rst fo r ao:,tles iia e ut lit e impres- n! t fear that they «ill not fi id a market crevice, iss ed stea.• in sof ' white ; Bion, bt t wl le tai in r.. he fiff she bei fo their buckwheat, though the profes- , clouds. Ins de�thes- I eds it as vert 1: an to'. mpr. ve ra i• 1 • and 8 r and physicians may de ounce the now, after h t cakes made from it. much like being -in a briny Turkish ; !.sing s x of he ell .;t bo tie ,she has bath • the heat of th : team wa se in- ` egaine. e strep ?; : nd is a le to do As already suggested, beckwhes.t is ' - ar excellent crop for snbdui n a at 1 tense that we could t bear it long ost of the ork t b h g • th:. ho se, and I �h enough to take a hur i d look at, th j eel th.t 14 nuot�sp a t highly ie. s d. The seed germinates iuickly and ! vast pan in front of u: '11ea with 'boil raise f th Peri *t ii;' S u I have gr ws so luxuriantly and ranchingly �, in brine, on the topf which :he salte p� th t the plant soon the ground, f gi preset! ed i to se er of ... y silents}' e lading other covers :he gee lust lay in a thick scum, mainiug, for am and ha e.pr cure t s sae f several th- ground all ether growth that the toughest i instant on the surfac-, and then sinking ; dozen o it ere. 'Y ti" oaf take any so' rots and crumbles un er its in- , slowly to the bottoih. Stand! lg on al iss of his tter ' y ti sea $t Yours raised ledge beside the pan was a' Shag " -ery tr.Iy H4; D ; i; na,! M. D. • 0089 .f ho mu or m ore ng t an a le st 1, wen f en m dfi aai ete il,'u t l r the i' re e .. n 4s w 1,1 1 .1 11 :i . 11 It ,! • ke hei s e rd. Is nc1�1 re. ot h od a (h tli:t he a old t d s to h pan e� t es, h • we ve r, ove look d. of the soil is eneficial sj destruc d in the o#.t s months et n d most whlc is e sor S etc f stiff e our only fro th rbed fo esi: seve :1. 11 •1 heat ght, s it the ha o. se' o m ch om ved one :1 in gj'vz i.n of 1 •Ieii al the :I: wh s g• !!d ajs t ee• I nor ete ellen;:h e s: ec�fI�ees ,w iIh<kriu:t he i epi g . e t e j. pit{o ;it rsl.nda w gh sed, tent yc ham Y 014 ea; ther f ne oe te tha ost r. Bar i ion y tha hose hic ts, ng sea o th 0 pe s ore mg the we h el can Fe in tat: glad o ao • • he ti ered SO ann oo the eek y be 11 SO in to ion he he of atm s - an it ab n- inte hlu er tay b- thirlly- a , ty-fie ' ty-s e sail .isture y a� : Oro is f tmo e, and eater t. o of a the r th of it reams es, Of f the not one a hole ot so eede ly ell, as soil, trat am prac- bene- them man now ficia e in aning pared least used to b eel cuts, andsr s Of n la AGENCIES. OHN LEC 1 'General Loan and it eal Estate Agent. Grain, Produce and Com lesion Mer- chant.' Money loaned on real estate 'n town or moderat e. Mortga es bought and so d, Matured Farms and village prolierty for ealit.b"0170"0--8. mortgages paid o . Terias to su Leokie'e new beck block, Brussels, Ont. 515. 4ang A WEEK in your own town. $5 outfit free. Address H. Co., Portland, Maine. " made. Costly Outfit free. Ad & Augusta, Maine. Terms and LETT & 626-52 ome easily reee TRUE 626-52 Samples 626-52 $10 to $1,000 nIstovcersetil elery month. Books sent free expla thing. Address BAXTER & Co., Wall-street,Ner York. es fortunes ning ever -f. ankera, 17 J P. BRINE, Licenced Auctio er for the " • County of Huron. Sales atto dedi in all parte of.the C nnty. All orders le t at the Ex. voarrort Office 1,11 be promptly eat ded to. OANCIS- GRAHAlid, AUCTION ER AND -a- LAND AG NT.—Special attent on given to IFbre, stock. C ttle selected for the nglish mar- ket., Office and' Auction Rooms, Ao eson's new eere, Mai op. Special attentio Boleti of Land d Property, Farm undersigned at cession 14; 'or cession 12, will bills notes an Leadbury. glean to Stook and 1 orders left with eithe r of the e promptly attend d te. Sale I stamps furniehed if required. i Ty, Walton ; GEO. ARROWS, I 639 MEDICAL. I deuce south sid east Of Presbyte WM. RANO [McGill Un Aceonehour, Se first door south . D. &o.,Physician, Surgeon and t)! Goderich Street &et door ian Church. 849 varsity, Physician, Siirgetin and forth. Ont. Office and residence, 1 the Catholic Chanel. 496 1-11- goon, etc., Coronerfor the Conn #y of Huron Office and Res deuce, on Jarvis street north, MoNAUG • ate of Ont Ont. 0.ffice and Ryants. Calls day. A stock o Charges reasons nese and eertifie T, Veterinary Surge n, Gradu Residence in rear of Killoran & veterinary medicine on hand le. Horsee examined es to sound - tee given if required. 407 DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., • Surgeon Dentis , Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontar o. Office Mrs, Whitney's: new brick block, Main Street, LEGAL _TAMES T. GA ROW, Barrister, Att4ney and • " So icitor, God rich. 681 CAMERON, LT & CAMERON. arristets, Solicitors i Chancery, &c., God rich, Ont. Cameron, . C., Philip Holt, M Cam: 606 wir,putra SM LL, Conveyancer an Commis- ' V sioner in B. ., Wroxeter. Auct neerj and Appraiser. Acco nte arid notes co leoted on reasOnable terms. 866 Vail. BOGER , Barrister and At orney-at. -a; Law, Solitit in Chancery, Convey neer, &e. to loan. Careful ttention to collect ions. 652 W. C. MEYER, Barrister and AtOrney at for tairng aftidavi in the Province of anitoba. Solicit r for the ank of Hamilton, ingham. Privet funds to 1 an at 7i to 8 per cont. 633 pEN8ON & ME ER, Barristers and' Attorney -1-° at Law, Sonars in Chancery andInsolvency Conveyancers, Not ries Public, etc. Offices—Sea. investat once, at ight percent. Intereet,payable 68 The above firm has this day been dialsolved by mutual consent. All accounts due thn firm to be paid to Mr. Banson who will pay all liabil- JAMES H. BE SON. MCCAUGH LAW, CHANCE I OFFICE, " Scott's Block, Alain Street, Seaforth. or..inpiTorts Io* the Consolidated Bank of kJ Ca ada and th Canadian Bank of COmmerce and sold. in Sea rth. I Far and Town and Tillage Property bought curities, at reasouable rates of interest. harg es moderate. Money invested f r private persons pon the best mortgage seep. itie-i, without any ex enee te the lender. , Y, AND CONVEYANCING • HE BEAT FE ALE REMEDY.—Job Moses P4 iodical pill#1—Thip invaluable medicine is unfailing in the c re of all those poinful end danger us dilseemes to whesh the female OOnstit:.#- tion ie Subject. It moderates all excesaand re- moves all obtractio a, and a speedy oureinay be relied on. To omairiedladies,itis peculiaillyenited. It will,lin a short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod with reghlarit= . These pills should not be taken by Fernales diaring the first three months of Pregrancy,. as they erasure to bring 6n Mis- carriag , but et any Other time they are safe. In all ca es of; Ner one and Spinal Atileations, pains i the 1)44 a • a limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitakion of the heart, hystenics, and whites, these;pills 'Reflect a cure when all other means ha ve i failed ; and, although a imserito remedy donnt con ain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtfn to the constitution. Full directiorte in the pal phlet around each Package, which should be car fully tireserved. Job! Mosas, New York, Sble Pro rieter. $1 00 and 124 cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To. ronto, Ont., genera agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottl containing over 50 pills by return Email., Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, j. S. Bob is, and R. Lumsden,1 197 -1.-4 OIL—WORTH ER TENiES n's WEISET EN Gor.D.—.Pain Cannot stand where it Is used. It iti , , the cheapest medici e ever made. One dosie cures keon, chitis. Fifty cents' orth has cured an old stand- FA rice, I common sore throat One bottle has cured bron- and croup. ifty cc ts' worth has cured Crick in' • '1:%.1 I years' standi g.. Th following are extracts from - -,- i the back, an the sa e quantity ytme ha,ok of 8 Owle I a few of 'the ;Imlay le ters that have been received may from different. parts 1 Canada, which, we think, Yc'l Collard, of Sparta, 0 t., writes, "Send me I dozen 4 use Dr. Thomas' Eclectri Oil, have sold all I had from .,#,11 CO/OT'S who ydoertlinal.n"d N11.1,11'reit.nalli°crGe 7e,; of Franklin, writes, "I its curea are truly won- , it". hade ihtavveas"silt awIlathfierasgt,en left, it acts like a charm__ . " Send me at once a urther supply of Eciectric Oil, I have only one b ttle left. I never saw any- thing sell so ell and give sech general satisfac- me some more Eclec ric Oil, I have sold entirely verton, P. Q. write, " The Eclectric Oil is getting a great rem ation h re, and is daily called for. Gibb & Co., Buckingh , P, Q., writes, "Send us one gross of !Eclectri Oil. We find it to take well." Sold by all edicite dealers. Price 25 NORTHROP & LI AN, Toronto Ont.,1 Sole 1 Agents /or the Donal ion. Nore.—Eclectrio— i Hickson & Bleasdell J. S. Roberts and 11, Selected and Electri .ed. Sold in Seaforth by i THE RE.1ADER 0 THIS NOTICE , IS INVITED 0 CALL AT WE- PROISE YOU A CORDIAL WELCOME. We h,ave O7' hand a Large Stock of Choice than cesy-other House in the ade. ITURNIP S ED, which will AID DON'T YO FAMILY E Cheaper deg of the BESt SWEDE be sold at Bottom Prises, U FORGET IT. TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT • TTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT T TTTT TT TTTTTTTTTT TT TT- TT TT TT TT TT TTTT 7,404.1R:1\itlE1W, Office kz the premks' es under Dati(l. NOTES PIO 11114 1SCOUNTED.- Purchiaz d. EngliOli and Fdreir Exchange FARMEOS' SALE- N04,,ES SOW Drafts Issued, payable t. -t all Branches. of the Bank of Cdminerce. Interest Allowed 7 Money to Loan on Mortgages, at from &vent° Nine Per Cent. A Ci!kRD 0! THANKS. JAMES CAXPBELL, A FTER 1a residence of sevie' n years in Walton, ROO. EFY STORE NEXT THE PCRST OFFICE. `9AL begs to return his griatefUl thanks to the Farming and Mercantile Pulblic generally forthe generous etipport given hint d ing that time, and begs to state that he 0 W hand v. Our -Tea 40 a d 50 cents 60 cent Tea t CENi- BLACK, 60 OE T GREEN, an't be Bciat. The Best e Dominion. 60 OENT 60 CENT 35 CEla S. BEST VALUE I 'These G rand Stren:gi JAPAN, MI XED. 40 CENTS. COFFEEi. 46 CENTS. ds are all of the Best Quality, and. recom D. mended for Flavor D. ROSE, SEAFORTII. TURNIP SEEDS. BUCKWHEAT. CROQUET AND RING TOSS. LARGE LINE, CHEAP, AT NS. NOBBY FANS. PALM LEAF, JAPA NESE, FANS. ,FRENCH and AMERICAN, from Fit4 'Cie/7,1s upwards, at !C. TV. PAPST • Having purchased the stock of the Goderich • pany, consisting of one 40 -horse Engine, one 20- azid. second-hand Boilers, 0., lot of Flour Mill Plows, Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Straw Cut for Engines, Gas Pipe and Gas Pipe Fittings, C sortment of castings in general nse. The abov make room for the manufacture of other articl Boilers, and. tall kinds of mill work. Repairs att Address— D. RUNCIMAN orse do., two five -horse do., new achinery, Saw Machinery, rs, Horse -Powers, brass fittings oking Stoves, and a large as - stock will be sold cheap, to s. Orders taken for Engines, nded. to OIL the shortest notice. DRY GOODS ROCERIES, Ana will always be reedy to me e out to theta good articles at as reasonable la priee ita any in the Trade. ! He has a large quantity .1a1 PbRK (Side, &c.) of firstclass quality. White Lea , (Ames', itc.) WO a general assort. ment of Co: ore. Boots 'and Shoes a Speolaity, front the well - Any •artieleInecessary for•a co try store ,Call be obtwinedr Patent Medicine in all th All kinds pf Parxnii3g Pro ii,ce (taken, cash or 657 Special J ES CAMPBELL. !MANITOBA. 1880 On the First MITEbDA each Freight leaves tire day pretvions ail theabove parties. Rates always the lowest,' gad th .greateetpains taken to hava .arrangementa most convicts and from all care in bonding haggagb, freight,live stock, &c. 150 1Plattilda Illagga#e Free. Mr. Greenray goes thring4 Ivira each petty. Centralia BUGG,IES, OUGGIES. Parties deWrinaf to pulrchase Neat and. Sbubstantial Suggies.4 Carriages .1"r D.emoerais, Can find them at WIA. GRASSIES near the market. He has also a number of splendid LVMBER WAGONS Which He Will !Sell Cheap. Repairing and Horse $hoeing Prompt- ly Attended to. Reniember the old maker at the new stand. NV*. GRASSE6. $10,000 -ro LOAN Oil' FARM PROP1ERTY, At Seven, Per Cent. ;Interest, Pay- .-ionnowEns allowed to p'ay principal at s.ny portiotifeA; piin)itIentost charged only on the unpaid A. G. McDdLTGAT:L, 65742 ANC' HOR TTNITED- STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail D'-iirectE. very Saturday from -NEW 'YORK and GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON TICKETS fel- Liverpool, Londonderry, Glat- atsEsolfirtEe.nrope. Fazes sa low so Prepaid PasSage Certificates issued to persona wishing tO bripg out their friends. The Passenger aceonemodation of Anchor Line Steamers are 'apsurpassed for 'elegance and zera• fort. Apply to8. DicKsoN, 598 At the Poet Office, Seaforth ; T1 8. CAMPBELL, Provincial lewd Surveyor I ly attended to. • 79 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitotiell. anaCivil Engineer. Orders by mall prompt arrow- Bsca Many oemputatio Ztlaeve43nryuminbaenr ofkiilb Ilbtallletitetstelonbtnawetattie: odnatoi- tblYillitesneegrg'hais711twhdieheabir6ceighigfai :111 r r eber8: ebi :131 1131 -t:wlaitft vaki3 3berleffitsstset-tr sgb:: v;1 1°:::eakgngeGt Menai before aroppea there by a dawn to gives, wo itscfr npa e etlaeinghvpli °es' enf t al ir iht ede doer s: tbbaielleaetzrimofeda altntauhias a tetwtheysoerckonindm,heu.t his plug of tobacco let strack the pl ;ii ibungrsieadu:scaelrrf ieind eafrace cac otoiwfy aaisul irelir A:1:e anoip bytaleatvebereLellvtlecite. bo:ht ' had to be led to the I troopers had his lel hia injury., and as la knocked his hat off the same fight lad suffered severa acilee•d It knocked out his and passed out of Of his mouth, takin tooth along. The j the toothache was rear to have his we An object, m will turn -a bullet fr This was shown on Dah:tinanti4channiliPpZ tve hundred bounty hard cases were un awhile one of thes tt break for liberty. poaition would Open Platter in the leapt 'ward the erowded easiOn a prisoner in .enterea the tent of W8.8 lying down, and bultet would have b Fortunately for hit *hich he was readin liwesia him and whe This was struc in two, and the light the floor without 1 The ball was &flee Spit iti the pillow head, passed out (,)f The Tragic Tale The itev. Mr. Mac ler nearly a year t together with his yo wife had. won. the w- all but th,e unmarrie soon became an every 'afternoon afte siacnstoreed to mon back yard, to ride s riage path to the through the village. ,an isolatea one, an bora were near, dertbok to learn to a time was able to nao easel the length of tli machine while she greatly enjoyed th.e peesibly have been t frona her the tenapta ride batside of the a without his help. s Macpherson bought cago spring -motor hiforaning his wife e pterchase. This net by the expansive fte spring. When_ the need the spring rider then leaps int moment his weight the spring ie releae starts off at full st, all danger of falli (Pitctehcle immacmehainiaetecil pea. Rests for th with the treadles of. 1111til at the en obliged to aisniount The new purcha.s gentleman was deli while he was abse Convention, awl 11 with a.anairation ants entirely ignora and late in the after ed to try it. Her hand to help her tie cook, and gave bow to catch the tri Then taking the ne tome rear end of Pherson sprang was off -at 9# spee neea hardly terribly fri,ghtene kghtenea was the Mistress sweeping terrific a speed. atop the natehine, t Rua. ran out of its p tato the street. She world to stop the