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The Huron Expositor, 1880-07-23, Page 5
LY 23, 1880. eers was 10,800 iba; IS $4 &ao per hundred: ion bought these ste4 e township of Tor em home and stair e 1st of May, when out to pasture, where ` ted ever since with_ e on the part of their n Notes. Johnstaim, baker: of moving from that vii. In Brassels. ling Agricultural So_ air fall show at God - :d and 24th of Sep_ enda having anotfisr rind an the 9th of Sep,._ eid last year was very ife of Mr.1 avid Lusk, Gk, but nosy of St.. j%in_ tddenly at her father's: ek. - ;igs of the Court of held in Goderich, be-- ustice Cameron, cora- , ()ctaber 4. Walkinshaw, of Wing- -champion ing -champion quoit pitch - en last week at Lon- 1 Dodd, of that city. I;l'to 44. lox, agedtwelva years,.; ox, of Stephen town - on Sunday in the Ile in bathing with. an- Ioy-wood . of Wenchei-. wwnship, had hisfall stooks on the 29th of lee earliest harvesting , in this section. of Wings am intend holiday on Thursday, s. The Oddfellows are cion to London on that Likely form. the holiday ingemen assembled at Twelfth, to celebrate cession and speeches � . pleasant day was resent seemed to enjoy Cameron, M. P. for a siguitied his intention ial prize for the best: sneer, to be competed_ games in Luck- ar, Esq., of Bayfield,, of the .Bayfield Orange. ors, and he filled the v Master for over 14 Liar is one of the oldest., e county. Iyer, of Exeter, who months shooting and ou through Muskoka; lid dietricta,: has re- 'le had a good time, Fif the country he saw. aileron, of Craubrook, t:f (trey, has recently ttlildirlg oil his property Teich he, is fitting up =er and cider mill, and it in operation for the cif 'of lot 23, conceseiou ar the Wiugham road 'orouto, Grey and Bruce sld • at a Chancery sale, go, - to Mr. Thomas %um cif $1,245. Cheap of the Albion Hotel, lamb killed, quartered -,reel in her ice house,. rwelfth of July. Dur - time parties broke in- finest nfinest quarter, and car. granting a bonus of the establishnseilt of a in Exeter, was voted and carried by a .larva work of constructing lildiugs will be proceed - 4 of the village of Blyth amounted to $3,088.35, pure to $3,324.98 Of $f;S) were agent in t;es. 1e8 in charity and The suin =- raised by kV Of last week, while 'tuilter'fl eldest son, of caking • with a stallion, I by a ruare kicking a :lose by, and kicked the -tidy in the region of the medical aid he is re - €tor of tho Brussels .carnplaius bitterly of Ling skimmed milk to • had one of the de- r afore a bench of meg- days ago, and tined $10 will likely put a stop week, as Mr. M. C. t=f Goderich, was pass - ton street, a very large :'n him and Inflicted with his teeth upon :seek and anus. The uterized, and Mr. Cam - to resume hie usual E i Quarrie, blacksmith,: ilt; a new blacksmith { let next to the tem - le leas tern down the - t eel on Queen street, Itint•rcial, for a number e brick store is to be. site by W. 1T. Watson,' �_r rtISE'. rs of tlw \is, sinic Order it e prc -;tn l tea .1)r. Tam- 4`lI, tL ',remittent and ac- - (fr•clF•r, with a hand- tlt= jr.wel,.in recog;ni- E Y s to tht3 Order. After • thy :;t•Lial doctor en. - ..Jaen in a. • most hos- ; i l :�E Fu, a promising :tr.; 4,1 tI ft', daughter of .f the `Brame: Road, II Tuesday of last week, 44 ;dlrtfut two weeks. tin}t-t•rlled by ail who was buried in Rodger- • tht. following Thurs- eeral was largely at- last, the _ Lake View •k his horse and buggy who 'resides on lot 4, ' ay, from, which place the railway station on r to take the train for IE is to remain for some Foster drove the horse was to remain for safe JULY 23, 1880. keeping until the ret The horse was stolen and as yet no clue ha of the perpetrators of —Mr. James Steep of cleared land on th Goderich township, t rn of the pr est. from the stable, been discovered he crime.: ment and ` toast, wl good things pr pared b and hostess of he Roy cleared aud room was I. as sold 40• acres brought to a close owin Sion of the hour. Before p sell, vote of thanks was give Court for their kind son- treatment, wh ch was line Brothers, Robb hire court, or;i„ baht the =members, aite various ;~fomes heir- of each other, ion, • they would m Iggy High Court meeting i ling Cort. filth conces Mr. Jae. Cont -for the sum of $1,200. • -Mr. James Steep, of the 9th cession Goderich tow ship, has a weeks old pig, of t e. Chester w variety, that weighs 7 pounds. —The other day Mi.s E. Laithw and a friend got pitc ed ont of t buggy on the Mai land concese Goderich township, and the bi slightly broken by th+ horse breal loose. -Mr. Thos. GGidley, J. P., of Ext died very suddenly a out 3 o'clocl Tuesday afternoon, f heart dise Deceased was about t wn half an 1 `before he died, being pparently in health. He was one f the oldest dents of the place, an was very hi; esteemed. ' —The -new Met odist Episc church at Wiughar0, • as formally o' ed on Sunday before ast. In the i MOM Bishop -Carman occupied the pit, and Dr. Stone, o a Hamilton., in evening. A very su cessful tea ing' was held on Mon new church is a n able edifice, which is congregation. —On Monday of 1 bank barn was. raised Mr. John Sproat, The framer was Mr. Seaforth, who execut entire satisfaction of size of the barn is were called by Mess and David Donovan. pretty well matched . . • I aLd S elf of it before took a express eet age ter, con ase. our ood esi- illy. opal pen- to 62e ; butter, 14c to ore- wool, 27c- to 2� c. pul- . New STOBE. Exten the are being mad for the Leet- W. H. Watso ay evening. JThe Watson hims at and comfort- at the cellar, creditable to the I ands the-stor '1 the • illkge. st week a large; `. E e TEL .IMr novEMEN on the farirs of •hav r., Tuckersmith. ;'day.. Daniel Clarke, of . gen he geni , the tab ade for h ws,: son to the 1: ten ss ting a or ia1 to the i lin on and co rte us replied to by pherd, f teat member . .11 rting fo their easant f res ell g a wis t.. at i at th n xt 1St. The 1 h st e as se ti - PERSONAL.— firm of Lucas, ent away on relations dow Alvinsto». M; DRDTS.—= red chaff whe $1to$.1.10; o .bilyt r. C. Tanner is holid about 'all w"h t, 95c to ts, 300 s new f is at and by promis d the work to the Joh . is employer. The Hot Ox60 feet. Sides pre s.r Wm. Chesney -t c The parties were s for but finally vie- off tory perched upon the banner of Chesney. —A number of the terprising business among whom are ters and Wilson, hav stock company for t ing a salt well. En subscribed to warra mencing the enterprise. The char of the men engaged s a sure guar that the scheme will be pushed th and the salt found if it is there. mean business. -="One day last w-ek, a farmer load of wheat to r. McNair, buyer of Goderich. The weigh was surprised at the light weight, sidering the number of bags. close examination hof the conte the bags, it was found that the had been made damp, whether pu - ly with the intention of increasia weight, we do not know. The buyers were sufficiently interest experiment, a half `�ushel of e ai wetted with water, allowed to re day or so, when its weight was fo have increased two and a. half po and in bulk about one-sixth than when dry. The grain ap.. plumper, but was after to the and would soon heat and spoil. McNair refused to take the to wheat. • prominent an men of He essrs. Petty, formed a e purpose of gh stock has it them in U Foresters in Council. A meeting of the high Court • Canadian: Order of. Foresters wa in Clinton on the 13th inst., an tinued_uutil the evening of the This was the first time anything • kind bad been held in Clinton, a lar meetings being held in Bra London, or some c f the other but it was resolved at the previa to hold their meetings in differen of the Province. Delegates fro parts of the Proviuce were in dance to the slumber of thirty-fiv a number of visitors from .di courts.. It may be as well to state th order seceded from the Idep 'Order of Foresters on the 1st vember last. The Independent has its headquarters in the Stat= a majority of the members are re therein. Finding t tat they were ing large sums of money to the owing to the large number of which occurred there, many of th, adieu members ret olved upon separation, and accordingly did the 22nd of November last, and ized themselves into an entirely dian institution, having full con their endowment laws. Ther however, a few of - tee Canadian holding ou to the American Ord we hope ere long to see them ani 1 the Canadian Ort..er, and mak which is prosperous, more so. G been em in putti rally ren Hawks] 1,• and w entagoo vic 'HoLI he villag omewher Toyed f g up voting tl aw, of len co appear ii. — T of Blytl about t Mr. ° Atlaust. No oubt a villLgers will throw en- bus' Ness that day, a sail, ' -sel es to a geed clay's bar- t ran ements are bein joint 1 Gr : ink- : of been ' tro` om- ' in Iter ' tee's ntee po Qugh s ma Ihey! old a,!, heat 1 lark ha. con- i eig .. t Wester nveying • The e hands Railw the exc anagem f Mr. assured tlsat by e er he 'tic#ill cont e the thing a deci 1, Tanner, of he Co., is t p es - s, visiti ,g he vicinity of t 96e -to ;1 1 ; Fife wh at, 32c; p4s, i0c a 50 ; egg , 1Ic; e preps rection. ck star resent N' resent todec T the p: additi. stables` e Comi leted th ce. civic 111 like first our fu Eche c betake njoyrfe ade w for the Sioniss t of the Iell, ry mean ute lar d succe. Gene al Ne • • : Item r. J. D. Bennet sold -his $oufg t acres to Thom pan $3, 00 is of On Tuesday after bon, shortly •atit,tns •f lir. . 1tlr. or ing pp ar- edi to rkreen st few u sand of r. . era Tal y will oli ay c'me ee i -lo' •in oa o; th M. t. Ar th th ; .ur os to De :ffari. udw: i -hi els t• s. . a -of Beams' ille, each orcharc of Henderson for heat : din • er, Mrs. john M Nicol, a fare pose_ -wit•, residing near Pa' ley, accident g the ! too 'some st ychnine, • nd died :n a rain 1 an I our afte aids. d . to The Rev L; A. was to a, recent y retur ain a ! Mo ntain coi ntry, re nd to tle his part of En nds, bo esteads and pr more thi' ty-four h:+ua:s of eared the t: they are highly ouch, co ntry.eHe ,ays tha Mr. tai country, althoug d of :. ter;, trai • . f sted part es; is unc t for sett ement. A man i t Ottawa +tt live Sold h he is no iitiac co offing m is lawy ,000, w • hin by the c eath of 1 -Country' So th. profit by ti e trans —Mr. Ale ander the Mon real to steriousl disappe openly ade t bed by of er toba leave the ity, as. e of toba co mixi ttntage i the t rid his un`ortueat an ember assing' fer seriou pecuni s who could n the held wm. 14th. f this simi tford ities S- on parts . a con- to e, recentl h whom. •nship, P esday the su ting with _ fortune of .£ fter et's all )ou strong, of Ot d froth T 'al its that he set l' sh •ertig au s o i n ption„ 'wi thi eir arri al, an eased lit the he Turtle u. run don b .in- eetio>.abl y fin :t• tool e -i 11. of _ in, arc t bri t to siecl, t ; ad st: r atten :,-also erei:I t thi nden f No Orde s, and idem pay Mates eath Can Po' a aking w' so on fol ban- th Cana- rol of are, ourts r, but with -0 that d . ve ted at h eports su s —An elde +ly and tleman, ns,•::ed Joh in Haysville recent' s of a.bite on the sho sonous• i sect. s called, : d every the ,jsuffe er, but injured ; art swe: until it fina y.termi ab. ve stated He w let ves three sons an m urn his u timely .1 • The principal business transac this -meeting was tL o hearing of from the different delegates, t ports of conanaittees, the formati. new constitution a id code of b time election and installation of &e. Tire High Secretary's spewed that there t..re now 33 co • the order with a membership 1,000, and prospect 3 of new cou ing instituted in the Provinces tario and Quebec. The High. T er's repoxit showed -Ile order to good financial con Titian. Dur short time of its existence—som months—it has had three death which have been paid. . The to ,s,1- en- downtent, ainouuti ig to $3,000, a balance in the ht nds of the T er of $150, which with July's rent of $500, will amount to surplus of $650 on hand. The of officers resulted in the ret Brother B.ev.. G. G McRobbie,` rother E. C. R.; Brother rd, , H. Se• Brother Nelson Green, Watert Treasurer. The court unanimo solved to continue the publicati official paper The Foredo.. Th is a snoi thly joure al published sonburg, Ontario, and is a great to all the members, owing to th information pert€,fining to .th which it contains; together, w Executive Committee's reports appear monthly, the subscriptio only 50 cents, whi kh is within t of all members. After the iustaLation of officers and other business btu?. been transac ed, the court adjourned. to hold its nex .annual meeting at St. T:somas. Immediately after adjournment, all the deleg visiting brethren were invited take of a supper given by the of Clinton Court at Kennedy' Rotel, which was duly accepte all were assembled, before sea stanzas of the opening ode we Brother G. G. MGRobbie, H. C called to the` chair, and Broth Clark, H, V. C. R.,•_to the vie When all had done ample. justi. .r c e so re_ ions of C a of a .y ars ago, -laws, . to Fort Gar facers, v to Houst. report R ver expo its in G neral Wo —A lad f over y ts be- in :ntly me .f On- ti e clerical easur- 1 andford e in a a pearssan, ng the o that gent eight earned. A. ,all of i question "I Bond str t the de r. _ They d Mr. HIS intervle unt. Sh grass wi d by her, her con is suppo, d that omen, wl se nava in this j;�articula. the prophsed den name ppily1 a ayot living i . thy, for.'i lwas int: in tela h has a relati woman tion. mpbell, coo fac or ed. Insi us, it he has o mann act i superior k gave de. 'As dupes ai osition,, loss. cit reaper Blatchf from the der fro dical a ing pass to no pu d. and ted sn 64 year one de, gad. ° oriclan, itht hi ng a. B ist.1 10. 0 wi co io to e'en le a:t •ei the s 1 kelp b,ee ife 9w 1 a re: m tt• -0pac: nd w te• ge rd, di Md e ec`s u .0.•,0 sis an. e ble do: e po� nf3m:d death . s ole,a.d ghtr o tec t e. On U. Da a .a. a 1- n 0 1- d. r s s • a d 1 Sir Garnet Wo -eley vis nadian camp at' i •bledon inspected• the t m, and compli, . entary .peech, in (spoke w mly of e; en,,ciusanc ldier-like nal°hies atf the It o b nadian. • iuitia, • c nt wit. ins, from Tc y. Ma r Wilsossf an+ . , who t. k part i film th ition, • •re presjentt seley. hose n. •. e has b€ ioued coniiec :caudal, • which s a p i cipal`; ous to :..ase the emau, s• far as s ew nigh ago f tb • i'sited I deacon , in .et churi for this pu cons di • of wis to were ui + ble t t r sov ndford s sent f . she iv:Ii On her oss comes der the ca ow, aud om rym rk tion ie i ter alousy o a has bee mE was the inc ement.' Be ng ce nd of se : t ch d. ea llti tat ante, b t dish Dave end fd••d en: ter: as prig:ase s fort. and 1 A.t1 erican the money lk�r :.Todd ey sto Thiere Sr tfo d i T 4 s da tra La pa seal ed °lie kn fe Fa •e�i kis he rill sh w, • h fo di n, I. re de , w gh .ea led 'el 'o nd uh d h th 'stance is fro ru ans es i 1c r, eii detpat he arrests ha (—A lar da ac 00 HI11, oh an-iongjthe .Tor Ill ke, veejyet ay to of T ereiti n a burg, li. C. R.; B Listowel, H. V. O. Lindley, Brantfc eaving, easur- assess- a total a lection cf rn of 0 Tilson- ll� Clark,. I George retary; e )rd, H. t� sly re- nofits_ c s paper d at Til- ; l benefit useful docket of ono of - : order t e hotel, There th the E ant in the hotel which ; fasters,•whose hu . being . i. a 'shoemaker, a iereacle , the hotel. i On F hey suddenly coif illage, an �t at 9' o' or Hamilton. Sh rs. Todd thought ouey, and on goir iscovered her lb' nformed her hus ife were at once odd and Auderso .f these. They d on, but could get hey concluded tai hanged' ts.eir mu}i •ite direct on, whi ate on Fr day aft: taken in he tow • hi. J a att� t rosi d 0 en pro tion wi h Rev. 11 r. cure, new co d P. et ie i cap• e tan le et •� - One- mL rning -1 .vered th4t$1,000 sh had b en stole r. James Todd, $ lid money were tes and ' to par - .embers Royal When ing, two e sung. R., was sr E. C. .e chair. e to -the niffibttl Georae. Th ngingT and, Geo. who 1 oar day Alpo ded to- lea tly ape th to her d -ess IM ste trace o th they ent and too a hip of Br dr • 11 41 cls r .c pis thi t)1 0 e a' da of ou Af er g. co0 er uti, n - en ve ontelteosfi he. in at est the pa bed y left s po ket ely nd Mr. u uit PO - as fer 1dIrt h'a] Ler ce. Sund cil+ tits, an ,her ysc o I pris ristian di au as to q esti of N R *if of OIl Mr F LLER airi of E on the bent, I Ann, Seefor REN— na th aged 2 ©f the th tai : ow t o er, the f a dE he mtasing pr o $2 tai a; fence r: Masers ed to re be.uaght 0.' ed ; n the' de .•llar.wa bt rider, t like pi raja. her. 'Ls a : con :actionlittl e ..I.loyees e `° scharg erg`, condi tied to sh ,rep rpted th ate i. the eve e hei on: of ern C ed o s r hi .• w 0 ath ev er e nd at al 3 at fo er rn Fo ce, at peri rn en era wa din S the p00 s er nt th al el re lan ay 1 ad 5 in g Se bee th un ul ari en he THE Hl ROUT E : POSI OR, ft th y denied day, at c to 10c ; bulk brought 9 :e .msel •es to be 450 box:s of farm dairy cheese apld at wer search 81c to 9f ; 25 packages of butter bfought aper to resist} / 20c Ito 2• )c per lb. pert was not Nstw July sillver wan 1, w ere Mast lock up. An fou d among ce a ong th excit ith Fo d on t on ment i the bi Wednes board ot Conducto et t e three ing a d order hem drew ab im, bu th a ane cam to th nd red tw em, but th ugh, at one ursu t, but nie ade. eetin of Sun - old n Exeter eat eek, and Vice Chancel - de It a se- at th English uday schools. ay s heel, the o go to such sses met ti tend d even io mini n, whe e en on the Su ha carriad choo s as Cat ve 10 SU :ri Wil on S wen • i ars tag Hie s • the 7t inst., t ton of son. th hist , the wife f obb, - A Chr b Rev eat 11 111 • o Mis Mary Ru e, Bar lett, Incitan Howie , to Mart la 1 Englis , Esq., of 15th h Comm ge, of Logan dal Ho 1, itehell, to 16th i st , Johan - ate Mi had., Garen, c 9th inst., Mary lays. 11 The Se t le most Drafts nada, 131 tel. 6119 avOr lig* ant d CO MERCE. ORO NTO, . Master. eontinne to h of t is Ban terest hic inci ritai ld. Sot prev ou pounds week i a towns and citie in 1, and o the U ted of the Comme ial RELAND, Memo ring W ts per aidi1e as per Liao lbs OUT, pe y, new 8, eep ski 8 each. tmeal over per A aff, SS a ast 11 • al 1 WI Vino W as ,por tter— tatoes sl over infothy ool 8s 0d Ton o $1.1 p.90 t rT ion wo old i eince LNG ories oxes iboxe IRIan July pleb a sades ,per b ti:ti Pe uS el. hel. lash ET 95 to 1'03 0 30 to 82 6 00 to 6 00 0 60 75 to 1 00 60 to 0 65 0 05 to 06 • YORK, 21.e --The expott t has been fairly active, though eek somewhat leSs than for the week, and. nearly 2a- million ess than for the correspoading 1879. Fancy State fantory, io'factory, fine, 8c to 84.e ;' good to Tao. Is 'ye Stock M kets Sheep—There were sales at 4ac for stock eighing about hile some of p r quality sold Lanibs--Therei a good steady To 41e nd. for less. demand and prices were; unchanged at class se 1 at $8 to $10; secondfClass at a scant supply of cattle at the market per lb. r prime shippi g cattle, and fair gra s fed steers sold to local but- chers a 3c to 3.e, while some of the beet'brought 4c ,live we ght. N. Ken- nedy a d. Jaroe McSha e, two of the princip 1 shippers, bon, t about 150 head of Ontario cattle, at 5c to 5ac per lb. So e of these cattle averaged 1,735. lbs. R Jones, of Mitche 1,1W. Roberts, each a lie to 50 per lb., live weight. Mr. Ili liker sold a car load of hogs at 5ac per lb., live*eight. The shipments of live tock to 'Great Britain last week were 1, 00 head of cattle, 10,665 Sheep, 581 ho s, and 60 horses., Local Notit es. • pointed y the Government to •ell'PostagelStamps and ell nds of Poatal matter.' 657 rnIIir JARS, FRUIT ARS.—For the c+boDS. Esso FiRsir ARRIVAL DARK PR!INTS, WINC'EY SHIRTING,, F NEW FALL GOODS ONTARIO DI4' GOODS NOOSE, GREAT aONSISTING OF STILL GREY FLANNELS, TWEEDS, SELLING .AT COST PRICE AT HOFFIMAN BROTHERS'CHEAOP CASH STORE, X1\41301RTrA.N'T l\TOTICE, TO 1BU OFF NG DURING THEJ PRESENT SEASON OUR -CAS SAT:ES HAVE IN4REASED tO NEARLY DOUBLE Those of tbe Corre This we take as s ILDERS, FARMERS OTHERS. Would cell the attention of the pubTic to the folloeving branches of business in which` he is engaged at Winthrop, four atd a half miles north of Seaforth sosi s To *NG, they are the che pest. 64 SHOW ON ON PURPLE and ,Paris Green— SAW M I LLS • SAW MILLS.. SAW M ILLS. Potato Bugs. Fly Paper, Flyi Thick, I ; and. ly Sperling 649 FAR ing the folio WOO I• will p of -wool livered cash for LAW sup' ly should c without N. Wee RE FOR COWS.—S lendid Pasture HEMLOCK—Lumber cut from green logs. Bills for Building, Fencing and Ditching filled on short Convenient to the ten n. Apply to E, EI.M—A roe qtliantity of dry 1 inch and 2 inch on hand ; als0 a considerable quantity in log. at Gray; Toung & Sprrling's Salt Works. ERS' NOTIGE.—W6 are now sell - feed in lots of not than half a ton, at 656-tf PICKINGS, HIDES AND OKINS.— y the highest caah prieee for any quantity ickings, Hides, sheep and calf skins de - t my furniture store. No truck or trade, everything. JOHN S.,Ponatn. 654 Mowees.—just Received, a full the "Philadelphia Lawn Mower," in - 11 the different sizes, which will be sold arties wishing a firs -class Lawn, Mewer 11 and examine, as th " Philadelphia," is doubt one of the best anufactured. ON, 15.1ain Street, SeafOrth. 653 COATS AND pUSTERS. Lin n and Mar, eilles Vests. &UST THE FOR THE HOT THING ATHER, AT SOFT MA, LE—Day, cut to the following zes : 14 and 2 inches. HARD M PLE7-Ery, cut to the following sizes : 3x8, and 4%5 inches. 1311ACE— ry, cut the following sizes : 1 and 2 inches. BASSWOQD—Dry. cut to the following sizes : 1 inch. PATENT GVABtE FENCE—Lately improved. Set up straight, thus saving the amount requir ed for rook in the old method. CEDAR P STS—SPlit and Round. TAN BA 33.-LFrom one hundred to one hundred and fifty cords. BLACK A H RAILS—A number for sale. GRIST AND FLOURING MILL. Ginn' Plcr4tiy Attented to, and good work 'warranted. Flour. Coarse and Fine Shorts' , Bran and Middlings, alviays on hand. riding 11.:Iontlas e last year, isfattory evidence that we irr GOOD AtiO AT CLOSE PRICES* We beg to eall the attention of our friend especially to the act that it is by buying Id" ,casli and selling f cash that we ca,'n offer GoOd0 lit Low Prices. THE GENERAL STORE. DVY GC DF—A 49lge Ftecki eemplieirg the latest potions in Tweeds, Ducks, Cottopades, Shirt+ in GROCER ES—A lai ge stock Of all the leading lines constantly on hand ond selected with care. BOOTS AND bEpris.—A well este' t ed Etock, fron Men's Heavy Cow Hide to Ladies' Finest Kid. BEADTMADE CLOTHING—Tweed Suits for $7 and up. Boys' and Youth's at correspondin i figures BAR S AND CAIS—Men'e and Yenth's in Felt, Cloth and Straw. Sizos well assorted. t 4 BABDR ARI-1)ieucd aiid , Cut Nails, 3olte, Leeks, Hinges, Screws, &c. A very fine lot of ' FT31 NITEBE—Bnrceue, MirrOis, Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Cribs, Lounges, &e. 1..7.--s" The undersigned, having ehe best facilities for buying and light expeniea in earrying on his be tiV.861-, (. fre)s his cuttc mete the articles above Mentioned 'at low prices. . A. GOV9N"LOCK, Winthrop. Tir Notwithstanding the Large Increase in. t business, we eau show Very Complete Asoort ruents in each Departmont. *e will not ea season if we ran 1 Marked Down all THE VARNA GROCERY STORE. Gem, Fruit Jars at 11: Ilaxby's ; Preser?.,e Crocks at 1?. Haxby's ; Butter R. Ha.ty's ; Teas in Black, Green ana 1 nds of Fresh 0-roceries, as 'usual, at Crocks laid Milk Pans at R. Ilaxby's—Cheap for FLOUR, OATMEAL, AND CORNMEAL ,AT R. HAXBY'S• Dyes, 'tadder, Plastic, Cuabeal,eu DIIC • The above are all for sale on th the Vern.' a Grocery. LOTHINC ESTABLISHMENT. LIGHT TWEED ly 21. 13 o 14 7 00 0 00 — Spring wheat July r.en,d(117.3,2. t mark CES a 00 boxe regist Eirptor al 1 Ca? rkets. thonean cheese sola to 0 boxes commis!. 21.—The market lot sold at 9ac. art of ;July cheese s been purchased at about 9c 15 boxes at no. old first half of t day at 8ic to 91c. vanced 1ic per lb.; factory cheege to - For the Season co for. Variety ci,nd Sty4i GINTS HIM FR The AY and SATUTIDAY TOLY 23td nd 24th. THE ONLY RIGINAL DEM E. above Coropany will ppear in two of their Beautiful 1Dramas. AY EVENING-, th Beautiful rams, in Five Acts, FANCHO NOTE THE', PRICES Admission 10 cents, 15 cents, and 4 Cents. LOST OR FOUND. OAT LOST—Lost, o 'Li between Seaforth:au Me Killop, a Black Cloth, be suitably rewarded on Fa tory, Seaforth. N. xtract ogwood, Indigo and Package Dyes. e Paris Green,. " Small Profit and Quick Return System ROBERT HAXBY, Varna. y Go avoi urn all <Wei from seasen dun have thereferie er Goods al -prices WhItP1 rauce of the wbole. but a PARTIAL L ST of the L PAFiLOUR, CONCERT Uncle? the Auspices of the Seaforth Cricket Club. TUESDAY 'EVENING, JULY Oie Club have secured the servicetf of MR. FINDLAY MCGREGOR, 1.„E. Cele -bulled Scottish Vocaliet a MISS MAGGIE BA Wednesday!, 14th July, Lot 16, CanceSsion 10,. Coat. The finder will eaving it at tlie Pump LITFF. 658 Of Hamilton, the Popular Soprant. , MRI GEORGE W. CLINE, So well known in Seaforth, assisted by S MAGGIE FOSTEFT, MR. THOMAS JOLIN, An& other Amateurs. The Club giV:e an 0 ening This , Will be one of the best copepts ever given in Seaforth, a nd ishould be rgely at- "ADA!aqSION, 25 AND 50 C NTS. CASH FOR DRESS GOODS : 0 !. Plain ar.d Fancy Dress poods, at 8 tents, 1.5 tents., Plain and. Fancy, 13 ntines, at 15 scents, 0 cents, and 251,;ents. Plain and Fancy hlelanges, at NI tents,18 tents, 20 cents, :15 lents, land 89 texas. 13 eautiful Shade in TAistres, at 15 cents, 124 Fancy Wince3-s, nd B In to Match -Goods. , this month. RINTS Dark Pompadour Pencil Stripe, , Border, SpGt Prints, with : Border, 1,IAVIN Rented the Store in Stark's Block, ono door north of P. Megarey's Bakery, I b e fo mad there et all times reatly to purchase 'SUTTER AND CHEESt. The Higbee*. Market Price in Cr sh will be paid for a Good Article. W. S. 11013BIlTSON, 659 Seaforth. THE SOFORTH WATER WORKS. GRAN D OPEN I NG.. THE NEW WATER WORKS in Seaforth be formally Opened by a GRAN15 CELEBBA. TION on TUESCtAY, JULY 27, 1880. The Celebration will con3ist of a Public Test of the Works a Firemen's Tournament, a Pro- cession and a 'Grove Pic-Nic, The following Eire Brigades will take part in Clinton, Mitchell, 'Stratford, Brussels, Exeter, and Seaforth. The 3lertibers of both Houses of Parliament for the comatica of Rural and Perth, and otner prominent gentlemen have been invited, and are expected ta deliver addresses at the pie.nic. B etides vv4ch there will be a variety of amuse- Pic-Nic Grounds free to all. Refreeliments will be supplied by competent caterers. 511:18ie will be supplied during the day by ;the Bands in attendance. ORDE OF CELEBRATION. Public l*st at 10 o'clock A. M. Tournament at 11 o'cloCk- Procession through the principal streets to the Pic-Nic Gronnds at 1 o'clock P.M. Dinner at 1:30, Speaking at 2-30. All will be made cordially welcome. ' RAILWAY FARE TO SEA-PORTE( AND RETURN. GRAil BULE FOR SERVICE—The remain- der of the season very cheap. Apply to FRANK ROSE or THOMAS MILLI, et their 20 cents ; Scbringville, 85 cents ; Stratford, 40 1033N BEATTIE, Ma.yor, Chairman. 558 1, FA CY Hid Giovele, fro Frillings, rem Silk Ties, from Cotton Gloves, Fancy IIo-,dery, Novelties in F Turlish owe White P' ne 8 Brocade Corsets, Extra V :American Mal Ashton's Fancy, A Job Lineal , GOODS : 0.1,e5n1c ez;:t 8,, Reduced to 50 cente, eie18121, 10 tents, Cotton at 0 prieea, Ducks nd opium at old prices, Sheeti gs ou prices, Union wee at eld pric,es, All Wool T eed at old prime. • We are giii g Special Value in a kinda of gats and Caps Al in Ladies' and Cbilditen's rew Goods. !COME AND LOOK THROTTGH. Courtstaus tention Paid to AIL -