HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-23, Page 323, 1880. kS. TEAS. JUST ARRIVED. LT IT 7 aavia ion Store 3,srs can ge t the best vet 'offered. in ,S eaf0rth. hey are really gbod and Lel Stock of Fresh OW PROVISIONS, hula of Fitturs, teeth Ties, Dates, Cranberry a Currant Jery, Red le Jcily, Figs, Raising, B4 BOTTLES ae,•t ire the market, at at 40 and 50 mata per la at 50 and 60 cents at 4:3,50,55,6lland at t) cents per pound, IC>1\TS_ osperinr Smoked Sugar -core, Plata Hams and n, Cornmeal, Oatmeal, t Sas and, Potatoes. .FtWIT stARSs soo: Gem Fruit jars, of elit before the rise in als kin Street. Seaforth L HEAD. ME WORKS. _RR OWS. te- cepportnnity of re- "vshabitair ts of Brussels se., and beg to etate. provt went s in their os, they ais now in a . 1 fore t' aripplv the at 12 ',so cash, al the ac n of our business -1,avie g siveu tuaquali- e subtle can rely on nda fnst-class article .sseela Lirne Works. 'AVN matao-Ws. LAX MILLS. • •1 Is I , E• -dispesing of his Flax LTh to a good active to mauage it prop. Six sown, and in splen- i- raeming steadily drir- ;tra in connection with Sheser. — — • D LOAN. ,!. Loan ou reasonable arra seem ity. k of Commerce Build- 1fN BEATTIE. 1 _ _ Y ERS. SEORTH. votary eecond day at, secure Oyateraas fres& a frern the fisheries ere your Oysters. SODA WATER, and Cigars, • r.ssit„fertio7tel`y) a lianti„ ,.1 fresh siumis" of pure irryBrotheee' 011 stand idware Store. 657 VAN -TED. l'S•effrERS TAKE No again (tails soar at - el ready fr the -harvest •.?. of Moa ets, Reapers, -eh like. Ohl gearing d Ize new alsb repair - ler of tinkering donein I ihret-he. n4 wanting d z-lie,alki not fail f in tir.ed in the all kinds of jobbing d eepett eh. (live T. ',ticked tg jt iir Own sat - man in the right uvral blacksmith - at isfart,,ry nianner. 'amber and look S MELLIS, Kips en._ 0, R (UM. '0111-111i,ri numeroria steel ethere, for their past 7 years, mad 1‘2A close attention to rEdenee and trade in Lilarged hid prem., now prepared to.pay ASH PRICE 'xeele Egg', delivered SEAFORTII. r, 25 tone of good dry D. WI LSON AGE FACTORY! VIIERER. , and remise to Order, arriaga -a nag-. a at Le az title in their eed their own brisi- oosel erticie both as, ir work cannot ba tstateliehineuts. oSed to. Give us a „sVt ean satisfy yoa as e the oublie, having rr tour 12 yeare. s S HABERER. TU GALLERY. ,ire it Taken Iy ,a/erth. SAMPLES. y me axe Kamples of as ,j on Can get any ..h drapery; clear and sand chum faces, teach 1.:rs of practice and .e_ei and enlarged as Practical Artist. Wit E T T, H, bi LEATIIER and very Deacription- Stock kept. Terme All ardera by mail R. N. BRETT - JULY 28, 1880. • • - The • Highland Cotter,' • The agiociatione of meow with cot- tag.es, suggests a winter ?scene in the nigialande, We may suppose you have been aurprised, bya premature sterna in &remote shooting -box. In spite of all reasonable precaution,4' in your recipi- tate flight to.the southward you re ex- periencin'g some of the trbuble . of a Moscow retreat, The horses th t pain - dragged the "ma.chine" hav been rottglitto a stand -still in a deo snow drift. The:. next inn is at lead a dozen of miles away; the nearest dwelliugthat ofaprosperousaheep farmer at more than half that distance .Bat tae shades IA night begin to -settle down, tne leaden , ,olored cloudsare lowering overhead, a d you must trudge forward in search o some shelter.. At a- turn of the m untaio road, a puff of the fitful wind la 'age ,a breath of peat reek to your Abstr. Is, and on closer observation you dist -aguish 'the wreath of cerulean smo, , eud. • ingup against the dead white back- ground. With the snow -drift in - your face, had it not been for the Seine of smell you might have passed the sheil- ing of the shepherd. without remarking' it. It seems hollowed out ef the pre- cipitous swell of the - moorland pehind. The roof has ;disappeared under the snowy mantle that is envelopiag• all nature in its thicke,aing Ude. • The snow that lies . heaped against . the threshold has confounled the - leav turf walls and the hillside in a calamon , coloring, and the sole sign of life is the licker of light -that glimmers thialeigha the. dusk from the little windoev. The • ' ' THE HURO EX OSITOR. • 23 • .s.y. I : world." But it ie the m to whona (or whi pays profoundest observers 0 hun anything like i of him. He is a explicable, elusi mind on two ow of most doubtful! intentions abou night to pater Baby, the most universe, and th solute monarch everything 'else, the terms Big a, lative •, but the baby is a of that and all 'ther la' once the smalles and th in the Inman problem. of short duratio , its des is correspondin ly pron presumed to ha origin abour ra-akieg hay w shines, and the uge wi rci up attest his ap reciatipa wisdom 1. Ola h) the g no n -up or dY homage The aoiatet an nature roust hill .f telligent Iassific4ti n law uuto himsel, o, never f the e mons, a e a cr e issue in r spect is permit hg a :t In short he i e ielpless o ect in :e incarn t on of a . Withi ioferencfbto animate o ivaiiiiiia d Little, e mere v ee: ing defIa ce ,s. He i at rgest fe OT is rule iC Chat' er )uhced. ' is tea the d:ge :iile the n ws he ,1pi es of his o n 11 Why 17Tbrae are t_T 11 Mrs. M.O. H *man w habits, impure a re unhe lett of exercise, he use ofi whiskey have ki led tho dents where har. study More people die, 1 thin sufficient brain work t much of it. ;hen sc from tight cores s, heavy chignons, and o her un tions, it is very ind in knock at the door takes the family by say, 'Killed by and stu surprise, but the sight of a stranger kneav better. - S me yea superseles explanatons. Tho short- a hired girl who :saffere petticoated maiden who open gives: stantly from hedache, place to the stalwart figure ' of the continually a he vy chic almost weather- by wire pins in her h&j ache was. not caused b This same girl o ten sp utes at night pu ting up as many minute in the But th 1 her oa, y ugly1. y durii he hoer Von •in old dr Ilealti tes: i ad y food, ega tobacc d nds of tu- killed cne. na wa, of from !too giOs I die rt$, lee ting al ' i flic- tleial to ' but 1, Men s'nce 1 ,had a mos ou- t she ore. n, supip ted • Her 1 lead- - ard s n fort Min- hairk and ningJ taking ;rat of 't all she wa sick oung i 1 dies s .hool Litours otted o ex- exhtt sting 13sbriont the id ry or 9111 so rcely he cri iping ';Itis'ther I how w men, i SI have been i I! e from what e e co tries ,1 d .b dace Platte . the , co; wh le in , face, tfr the M. the form I1 it: ne 6/ 4. 88ary 1 WO 1 d be ti'for eve i wo- self attr: ctive, true t • . t the art, is 0 be grand )thers lain : ttire, as since -ly as 1 f girls are ? o ition .,ild in - b autiOrs. I t al coll• • ion of goons stays, ina, : Ins of eke : alua- n to semae of father, in his suit of proof homespun. W have put him au fait his only thought is h ors of his het. That mach honor for the-li idea he endeavors to Lis actions, thotigh, courtesy, he hardly p He may be a Lowla en a few words of the dtuation, to do • the hon- our visit! "is too e of is the onvey to1 you by with instinctive ts_ it MI words. d shepherd im- . • it dow was t' and c Can't and. t: ported from the bo ders, or 0. native ercise born Celt, but in ither ma() he it labor equally empresse. 11 shaking yourself free pings, and heaps fresl as he draws the clash to the chimney. • Th to brave all kinds of = that it would be mad further, a,nd busies h resell abeut mak- ing you comfortable f r the night. The 1 they goodwife bustles rou d. you in a flutter, the f on hospitable thoug ts intent. While. heads •you are yet in the mi dle of ydur apolo- other gies, you hear a supp essed scream and. hair, shackle promptly from somewhere at tenement. It is the literally home-fecl p warrant event pronap • apparition, and wh • dragged from her pe Transferred while y thraws" that "brand no means bad ; the still better in their milk cheese to be de. gestion nee in, sound it be not; the calker Gleulivat will act a, useful stimulant. is brought out in a • pet of the evening, any price, though by tact. Braxy is the 1 have died a natur drift or disease, and. quisite to the she have passed your cis pouch to your enter with him toward "crack" after supp pleased - by his Manners and. again. t after. a neemientl afely stud en spend andrecre f alterin assists yon in latest fashion, o from yoUr wrap- stitching raffle fuel on; the fire afford an hour and fr'zzing of •us study times an n chaugin ale the lacken t et ;, in o and pai they po nd vario • Now, i ke womelJ and care hmild .ibie,TBt t beauty :1? .Wer ir youth, ed and.lo resent ge oiled armehair „up ugh used himself eather, he opines •ess to str a foot a curi in all bent God ut short; coming he "but' l of the vin g speech of a divin to m labor llet, silaoee death- man ly forth on your 1 if pos has been rudely higbe ch on the rafters. natur t "in the death in th red" ebieken is by admi oaten cakes are the ay,nbr is the goats' Good pised, if your di- tellig i) working rder. If have from the of the an agreeable and hoop he "braxy," which wore ordly dish as the ble a last be avoided at our some exercise of esh of sheep which 1 death by flood, Suulig which fall a per- sons herd. here you lug ar case ortobacco sun ainer, and drawn in stre the fire for the r, you are equally infornia- er than a etch cov- he walls 16 9 16 11 AdY• even i . The day fo heir hai to notic count g theme .• In ; e toot hers th t the ' der th sly de all thi beautif 1 &i1 spe ake he It; is it n s well not ou hough ed quit entice:I he4th, a good di nee are he bes sometime thoug aricus sties of skirts an. other n's a pp le woul d. iostruc ive U8(.111121E3.7 tion. You are in a cottage. There is a ering rough pine s are built of strata o with glossy vegeta floor is of beaten ea. scarcely so dry as Yet the master has • rent polities, on wh auxious to draw yo get him ma sheep fa -natural history, 1.1 e ovel rat roof t plings. turf, thickly coated., oasis le carbGn. The stra th, and, in place3, and might be desired. It p is opinio on cur- rays oh he is evidently in out, and. hen you 'g it produc ming or mountain or other seriot ••s full of fact and derstood that arin t is pouvalesc ckness. ath' for a gth 'perm with their bac hert the eye: or g een glasse The patient s nod , aliowin on t e cutane a, light -c hat, wel. slightly d: otects th of the sui eakly per for t especi • g from hey sh hour o ts. Th ts to the or wea, for th ould be the sun ns surfa lored a perfora mpened, head fr , which ons pr congest s troubl here is the Ne 1 purpo be Rupp here th g a sick day in hronic bath; in the excep pointed • be bo sunsh'n ars and s may n. rangem 11t room be ligh iicarpet and th d free e carpe lgood pi aterial , so th t curious anecdote. You gather in the the op p. o o r confidence of the fr madly taithat he 1 for his especi is a sportsman, and if he vere to be I must .not perseaded to make clean br ast of it, ! has been said i he weuld confess to a quiet shot now voc tes broili . and then at the *de r wile (t9me ma- i al ours each rauding on his 11 -protected barley i val scents or patch. For that, lthongh t clinically , haV the sun poaching, there is a • n ed sui and you may assi i.ch da his morals are u ill. b will have au ordeal l ▪ it iee, t he force you into t e bed, wh ch, in his i 'air it au Uncompromising hospitality, be will iu- : ore &veil wor the 01 sit on giving up sheets are spotless outside, but they life when the ca tinguishecl.--Corme lila yaeln . loo manner me that impeach to go thro of excuse; eve otherwise ti e hle. You wh, ch 10 • gh should eiee lig t s: fe to to you. 'pie clean. s the driven snow gar! re swanning with tur dle has een exe pe 11 - - - The alsy. • The baby is a TON olutionist lessly upsetsestabli :hed oust°, iu ou contirined hal its, and spotie command in his( real cau be no conserve isin , a baby. He is a rai ical of ea, • he seems to have a hydropho • of anything and ev rything of the old order of hiugs. definable compoun of arr amiability ; is amusing and lug; tyrannical nd cond affable and dietato ial. Wh: his fists -sand protr ides his forgets his autocra, ic state grossing effort to d no off his house cat's tail, he becomes of curious and a. ectionat When he learns t into his small head overturning a kettl • himself, er an exp the cistern, be exoi a milk solicitude, t by thh emotions h naana.'ees to get ho razor with the- evi its edge on his toi gue. Suc tedium;of eccentri ‘ity as a • head tumble dow stairs, p table clOth off for he delight the china crash, utilating day coat' with the scissors, or makin car drivers quake 1 eighty predilectio tra.ek, soon lose ti principle that fa,na tempt. , It there • remote, into which • ed'himself before 1 two years, he is o famed "most wo an, • we Ile ruth- grq sebreaks soen, 13 ways de- lig. it, n. There ne r t e there is rai, ed icals, aud dut,t] ie horror du tin at savors W ien lit can e is an iti- in - the patie canoe and pee trinity fo exasperat- it s oocupie scending ; till en np. n he sucks , so ud lof foolateps- cheeks, or be ter done by requi the en, ! w ar l'st sli ipers-it oes or the ly stai ed, tches a an object serve 4 a11*um 0 interest. ' di eases for eeks af 'e roo . Furt thoroughly All -- dus damp rag. Too ter than to ally if the us dis( 'oks and • ale 1 •enefit 1 ng an' id. take more, .may b: ifi, if t pair game holly o .1a) , act O. Ina d light- ed at th should 1 om s imporl 'aged, e of th We h large; orfs 21 e. se i fro t t eau' pe on f su a 'e only 11;atien for, speci by th 1 u. m are fed& arni of , t s a ple ouldi urnitu 111 su apt to to p t1t 1 s c u obvi g 11 it About •there g the roc a pet si VSjtO ci hi li can ing the is being t e dirt c ntagio er Ithe p. e inure, c1eane tig s -4; 0 2 a& the si er should a, ; the c ieerfu 1 xnade a nj As t t is heap e be and sl t at will arise f up, I ,Ow.ever e dou or owl ti,rranei the only se .3 creep a id takes it le t t to try th • effect of ft, or •of hot water on ad st o rimental lunge iuto d es rather Irnore than uiure at is equalled only' roEin, arouses 1 when he ij cc d of th ent intei 01 e 1 an be r noir with a is be espec n tagi paternal. ht ngi as, b tion to try p ssi Cs' be li MOM ifes- removed, a heels -over e4,cheap cheap p per one t at ma_ Ring the ed sh uld b put in heir plac Of hearing ; i Th re ar I variou, Attie t your pun- doilies and 1 laving ui dou of w newly-groand family g eatily to t e comfott an. co the soulsl of horse- , o the suffe er. TI4s is ,13spec y his squtter sover- . case With hi1drernL When s in fa or of the . g fron toy to toV, ud -ilay eir terroes on the , e nst rad 'ng iliarity b eeds con- i f bell. no any daneer, near or then, he has not project- s ut e reaches the age of i i a verity the far- I i derfulbaby in the 1 t as o 1riaucl 0,Clal sj all tr plots ispense With s dwhere cu tains soothe ir 1 ta a great m ea , but it wi ad of sot eaee it. ue subj eqa1 die kna. ao ts at ed. e, an rem hile e 11 re sant sho oom. • be r rits 8 &Il drIday ti d the air id Pati efor& the Evdrythi ho e ter eau and hOLinla1 dhiCit di p tient ehiouglb , and uritipr of medi ine i Anclovere orb i vast ir ofthe ept 111 COT iece 64)1 eed arietidw t nhle qiito bar When it ca bhouiji not true s the de c'rcul sivenn.heTw hh g , c Tho �yes s ing daythaf Olean es, agree able. An; aver ell. wort ha.rries fr at case tr a d handis. S ilia bout arla Det" n bea • el aft, forward, 1E3 111 ofth feet n." 01 h' abO Lrril 111 se 18 ple oWer ick eel e pl id. g o per- wast - daily their laced' glare f bloe trpose. partly irectly these ighted' sides, W01.11. direct nt, as pesure brain e un- om on, ospital what or ad- sever - Con shoul , how shor cases physi d thti, ature', ts• s in re furni le, th sant -to brigh strone It an, oil vee t som pedal] be dail mg th eping or ay b (lister San p • lad° e uld I den t e mac urse a lire Would be is ene of structure companio c sel leadi ould fin ims nt to ethi bi oap unc t e ntra e lhead thre1e, an it a sl tinau ical. ofhou cabi I fill rea 8 0. s b it er' GI b th en tr nd, " rade s ins asy V o. of of 1 e of se t r the Gotta pe th 110 C ffoca 11 ia ilge- ates f of t m the light. tion ather ti i ev 0.„ "ca t wla cough ck gl ad. m in Nes gra e dark I cx. abo st you 1 mus • m pro ou as ii to the medi mar boc ore br aus ve cl sue rary tiering the s abno y desi J'.9 -1/6 • e a. 115 o 4' onstan - and wi 1 11 in su h 1 •son•la • S 11 The be ba'e k hieve witho t ould e ilsdean en ttle f r- hysica in a si k eed no e smal. alifor icurtai 's ' yspep obaltne 1 iv ekeer' U lid C re ne d- ebility be lamp- ibis W • iriee,da.n ings,,1 e f ioh a d fleedy tentni int '• 0 pre i, ttily tlhe ste by ell, they i s wo to pli.y, }nab jintt it enew nd, ..eildiool . tter les to ibe om that e, hang - nese by BO e ntly eeking s Ho , monot for t ese litt p, d after ay$ t e same nd xaugem •odifi d light al •gs e ay, i1i a n f 1.1 rniti nt, -Sarn re uppos •• 3. • FAR nuot w eave R nted a epeued ion stai 1 iing The ctto ass. tares s 6i t ution A ,he they ve a h pa d ple tiofd 1 ii€i e 11 pia ve a ti ro hin a 11 13 th p rarel Od of bofut th iSh, es are knee' t c.ve • an a ire nee Hleep. e. 1 They may force ragme tarY and irr tation they often remar s e, a nee mod fic t on in There shoi d be va ou little e wttll to ttr et , the ad keep hie mind :ets ell e willtire na be par ly or det ere • ut i their ieti.a1ee His tr%en awakening ble nd hasten r4 ng flowe will and sm 11. Cut e al owed in a s a d flowers nigh i, for then 9 t c rbonic oxyg n, bile in xygen and isono s carbonic care or flowers nval ce ce. in of nt er a aft dry vedui 1/ b ttle nee cer ite 1 e• . •pu I) 3 V01 f , n's • j• air n a O T nd co ull r00 be s able sho be pl asses Wa of c wa icin • filt t is • s fly p f wa thi ge ver d, the 'ght, bout his a d those ru ulously po which ld ave a ce out of an epoons h time of er is a good. urse, if the r a d that m st ab - f m the saf when per should r n ar each th se pests eshed mos - he patient.; wever; this netting ob- prevents a bed, and ne s to be ul have a app arance. yfr m rest- ndi gs day eek • Daily are always 44 • edic m eh sty WO& UTTO f er sight, Us Col lier choo sit. Let to 00 t ow, I clud nsi et ou. 00 f re: • h; fe:t over e •• aste cab n, an o'c' le." f •he ste ated, in t y ietifser ost y des t the all th a m y VOT11 C tilY Ile Cer, ong th it d es y are 1 hII sh- d o •w o me • Irk •ut c&I in flo c is in •fi d t h tev p tor ✓ us oe lf of ble le FOR SAIE OR TOil LE. FOR SALIL-For Sale a first 'class Planing Mill, nearly ne W and in good running order, attuated in the flotrishing Town of Seaforth, Will be sold cheark Terms easiS. Enquire of SECORD, COSSENS 4 CO., Godeatich, Ont. FARM FOP. SA LE. -For sale, LOt 2, concession -I-• 18, Hullett, containing '75 acres of excellent clay loam la id, about 66 acres of which are cleared and ins good state of c tivation, the oil remainder ia ;good hardwood b, sh. On the premisEs are a small log house, sided up, with frame kitchen, with good well and !pump, and good spring creek running. thro gh the latd. This farm is situatl 1 mile from arlock P. 0., and 10i mile from eaforth, end bout the seine from Brusse s on a !good gravel road. Further particulars c n be obtained on application to the proprietor o the premises or to Harlock P. 0. THOMAS G imig, proprietor. i - 621[ pRIVATE RESLDENCE FOR , SALE -- Con- -% sisting • f 10 acres of land, on Which there is a gMod gravel house and kitchen the house is 20x30, with • rooms, and stone Cellar 20x30 ; a good orchar containing apple, pear, plum and cherry trees, bearing about 2 yeara ; there are also some very m e shade trees around the house ; the soil is clay lo m ; this property is ituated about 100 rods son h of the Village of arna, and will be sold chea , as the undersigue has been in poor health or two years, and intends trying a change of imate in hopes of getting better health. For farther particulars a,ply to THOS. JOHNSTON Varna.•• • 44 VARM FO SALE. -For Sale, the Weat half of Lot 6, concession 12, Hultirt, containing 50 acres, 45 f which aro cleared, ell fenced and in a good sta e of cultifration: There is a good bank barn ill stpue iablin,g und.ernoath, and a log house an good orchard. Is oki a good gravel road and c nvenient to schools and churches. There is a never failing spring creek running through the l.lace. ! It is within 6 miles of Station on ti e Great Weetern RailWay, and about 11 miles fr m Seaforth on the Grand Trunk. This farm w 11 be eold cheap, as the proprietor • wants to g west and. get more land. WM. T. GRIEVE, H rlock P. 0. ,657-3 VARM FO •1: of the acres, 83 acr tivation, an hardwood b 8 acres of a treea all no. a never faili Well, large • stabling an • The farm is of the villag apply to S. ilcLEAN, proprietor, nn the P6r5e7ml-12seg r to JOHN Esso, Bayfield P. Q. • VABM FO • SALE -For Sale, the North half 01 • Lot 16, 'oncesSion. 14, lidoKillop, coiataining • 84 acres, 60 f whidhare clared, Well fenced, and under good ultivation ; the balance is well tim- beredwithh rdwond; there is a dood frame barn and log ho se, also a good young orchaid just commencins to bear, and plente of water; the farm is on he town line betweeri Grey and .Mc- Killop, and s within two Miles and a half of the village of •altox, whore aro shores, charhes, • sehools, 'm s, an all other co mimeos; also mid -way be ween Brusaels and eaforth, t o of et or brig iS the best ma kets in the County, tli good gavel US say she road leading to each place; there is a good s hool iwithin a rail of the feria. For ftufther partic lars nngs hearnindai: apply to th proprietor, Seaforth JOHN DUN- - CAN. 1154 SALE. -For sale, Lot 22, Con. 12 ownship of Stanley, eontaining •100 s cleared and in e god state of cul - good fences, balance 17 acres good sh; one half of clearing seeded down, hriving orchard on the premises, fruit bearing. The farm is well watered, g creck runs throughi also two good bank barn 36 x 60 feet with good erneath and a log dwelling house. ituated within two and a half miles of Bayfield. For further particulars G. OFF° A. INT 300 RD, JR., N M3 0 33 "Y ALL THE GOODS ARE THIS SEAS° WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOW PRI ES FOR WHICH HE 18 NOTED. 3 •THE S FORTH TIN . AD ,ST EMPORIUM. WHAEY'S BleagS, MAIN ,STREET. MOS. E. WHITNEYI Etas ow on hand a 1c)mplete asSortment of • MII/K CAN, PAILS, ike. 1And all other Dairy tftensils, roads up On - : iprernise3, from firet-c dss stook, and will be leold at Hard Times P 43es. REFR1G RATORS• 18 MAKE, AND Also on .hnd, n taber of the Celebrated CALL AND SEE FOR YpVRSELF.i G. OfFtIRD, JR., MAIN -ST. SEAFORTH. GOOLD and QUEEN Refrigertors. For Price I mad .Style these Refrig *tors cannot be excelled. No boniekeeper shoal be without one. IMPERIAL : EASURES. lima, s araped accord lig to the Att. Will be A. fa I stock of the Nerr Imp erial Measures on sold in ets or separateias desired. EAVE TPOUGHING Done oni the Shortest iNotice, either with Tin orAGColivitilizpleetdo Stock of inware always on band. i I ' FtnIst .Brans of oa , , i 1 i At the, Lowest Prices, Wholesale and Retail. I . Also a ta.rge assortment of Lams Glebes, tte. i ! Orders for all 'Kinds of Jobbing PrOmpay Attended to and Satis-!• &am, azuvOnted. I •, il• Give ine a Trial befortpnrehaeing elsewhere. MB. E. WHITNEY4 ALL BUYER OF DRY GOODS1, With th0 Determinatioi tof Closinglput the Balance of my S4oc1, h ve made cinother SWEEPING AND FOR E D T ION, 1. THE NEXT MONTH S CLOTH CLOYES, KID CLOVES, URS, OVECOATS, &C., eard of befre in this Vicin4y. DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, PIINTL et in ength, • RIBBONS, HATS,' CAPS, six or seven r, nauti- a111 and. 24 ESTRAY STOOK. V STRAY HEEP.-Came into the pretni ies of 1--' the um ersigned, Lot No. 7, Cn. 5, MoKillop, the s• ailors about the 2 nd of June, a Ewe Sheep and Lamb. • ' The owe w Onithe deck same upon, ring appara- 65614 aftermost pOUNDK EPER'S NOTICE. -Came into the quai VA e eyx, about 111- Seafort Pound, on or abont the 25th June, This is the li‘com- Two IfIlifT: and two Steers, all yearlings, and lied a c enpanion e. If not claimed On or before the ety olo ists. It 11 25tsbn loaf jeti 1 for the exp iso iab e -looking -Mi- ned y h ead of he stair- STRkX ?,.—Strayed from Lot 31, Con. 1, East na 6 novice• Wawan ah, oil or shout the 18th ef June, bin, Theee Mar s, Ma dark hay, nine years old; one ifficulty "n wedg- black with hite hiliel legs, two 3ears old; and _spe tur in this • the other light bay, one year old, with white e fo Ind the de- etar on fo headJ Any person giving informa- tion wherelthey May be foundOwill be suitably par tiv ly easy; rewarded. 'JAS. pigGE, Auburn P. 0. 636 -tfx. rue, VSTRAY1 COLTStrayed from Winthrop, in -1" the Totwnsbip ot McKillop, a Bay Horse Colt, d: no marks ; is of email size and Will be Sold at Prices Xever and mate s unshorn. The owner can have the roving property and Paying eharg es. JOHN MALONEY. GREAT BARGAINS IN FINE BLACK BROAD CLOTH Mders and Others requiring those Goods can sake money by Calling J014!11 ROGERS'. n,stelase.y. will oe sold at publio auction Buying at ORRENCE; Poandkeepor, 656-3. esce t t a col - n t e shape erallv guards erlis"has but cell nt 'duty for Ity v u escape O, ihnads . be hen. the p. ordered escent to ted your 1.‘ gE? Ger • t ing f p 0 ibe • acco • nu cab Ybe e1 oze ape, io 'the t. ei t s t 1 here fills ous tro d ji aro abo s a ad t 10 wi one year o well bred wasflast aeon Sy owner on 29th May • near Grie e's bridge. Any information leading to its reco, ery will be liberally rwarded, and any • person fornd harboring him after this date will be prose= ed as the law direct. A. STRONG, Land Age t, Seafarth•• 658x4 STRAY frEnf tb.a premisea of the under signed Lot 4, Conceasion !9, Morris twn- op retaionin , oyvoeur • TF:theirPAabsot etrsthealnedndir woof itilf)3irifely!ivTe wYoeatiriiintglitge, mystic spreerasaainre led color, the othsr gray one heifer spottedwirthod ain't date four white, thg ot3i. i•S • d s g y person allittd. 11/1 60 Ler the Board shiftinfer etie reef ditlerawYe '11-1 SEAFORTII INSIiRANCE AD LAND ACENCY 1 . AI1ONZO STRONG - Is -LiliENT for Several First -plass Stook, Fire and Life InsurancgCorapanies, end is prepar ed to take risks on the( moet favorable terms. Also Agent for several of the best Loan Se. • Ci°tAlie: Agent for the tSitle atd Purchase .of and V' age Property. A umber of Firt-Class imlyroved Parms for Sate. • $50,604; to Losw. at tievea per ,cesifts; Iliterest. Agent for the sale of Ocean "Steamship Tickets., • OFFICE - Over M. Morrion's Store, Main Street Seaforth. • 645, EW BAORY AND CONFECTIONERY. FORBES 13ROTHERS„ I[T_TASNIE now started business in ' AB Stand, next to Catraiebaells Hotel; Se- * forth here they intend to give full satisfeetiela itt ever branch of their bonne s A NE* ifkND GO p0 ARTICLE OF FOOp $ Firer, Cakes and all other -Orders! Promptly .4ttended o.• GROUND $NOW FLAKE CORN, lway keep on hand new and full stork of • Delivering done promptly. We *leo intend tot Confeetionery and Fnits. 1'0 e fully hope to giSin the good will end kind! and liberal pstronagd of [ke citizens of Sailor* and vicinity, Noth' g like good bread, and that -we intend to have et ays. •1 653 FOR*ES BROTHER, Bakers. '4 SE A FORTH iPLANING MILL, SNOW FLAKE CODFISH, CLINTON MILLS XXX FLOUR, OATMEAL AND CORNMEAL BACON AND HAMS, SYRUPS AND VINEGARS., GROCERIES AND CROC4RY, &C. • n ablyA.iewardiad by RO EBT B. • JOHN LOG -AN MAIN -ST SEAFORT the owleareeraboutsci111:e d ee a man. - ------- 5 • ie usually a • c. e upon, an is capa- CHANGE OF BUSIkESS. 3 . molelleollf MOts.;E TO LEND -Money to lend On good . improved farms only, at 74 per cent. nter- MONEY. bplea e 11, est, paya le yearly ; private tunas ; charges mod - ies .9i.e centre, erate. J S. PORTER. !. 631 r111-1 SA:POIRT111-1 OTTIDIR. a ol stove MoNE isaesi-In large or smell sums ind • its way ..its fair hic the lace with le to d mel; but this i, plan. A th perfume 1 -- - inter. ph 4 d nk hich per- Whyt ii . is nd ou. The • it ven feet • tion of t able half t 1 jug • ud ; eget. A e. att lor d with a its fair pro-,, tin' et • re as 'hen the t is 4- otzE aa bin is a I"- MOI gai • ea wit• t title of mortese, •tatroo ." ceflt nd . en, ran e ! eadligh ," i se! ed in the me c uld fin este. e c bi " heu yor j' - 311v beco e. ccu tomed o )31311 aail yo • dicern a itectaugular gni'outi ree eet roe' $ th floor. At Permitt Cy ti iS . th dr wer of au iet, bu a .clo er iuspec7 SIENny t to )e e ' stat bed." Jis . 1 h v b en dul initiated t e c bin. aud its su nun mg p th s ai case a M )13t1 fu of o ikele s. a Its s ie ea 'ing an esOb o •3,. our t Cie Cliel n s th yoar up f cu llyi de el e sh • 1 ne O 1181 t1 " O'C 2- —4— ' tter G 1 1 On, April 3rd, 188 first-class security, at 8 per cont. yearly • Havi urchased the SeaforthFo indry from John Nopper, we will cont Private funds or qn t am a m n • ply to W. HILL, Seaforth. • 628 to keep on hand, at the old • stand Main Street Seaferthe a full assortmen restings, and School, Church, Garden and. Iiawn Chturs epee]: lty. promptly and neatly done and satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial. T -E CO1VIMERGIAL -LIVER' Plows G TO LOAN -On Improved Farm Prop- C1111M11 at 8 per cent. interet. Interest Say - yearly or yearly, as 'dsired, with a per- Repairin e principal, if ao prferred. xpensee' ALFB r nes JOID1 W. lOPPES,. nue t of Plb s Scuftlers Land Rollers and all other Inaplements it our line SA H, DOOR MD BIRD FACTORY TH subscriberbege leave to thank itie nenneron him since -commencng -6- onetomersior theSiberalpatronege extendedt0 Wdes*, in Seaforth,ind trusts hat he may be favored with a continua/it* of th same. • i• Pa tiesintencling to build would do well -to give him call,as he -will icontinue to keep on bane IB large stock of ailkiids of Dr Pine _Lumber, Sashes, Doors, linds and 31-ouldings, Shingles ath; .1.c. • • Ifefeelseonfident of givingleatisfactiontothoea who ,ittyfavouhitat with their patronageoas nor but fast-chteworkmen are employed. Patrticular attention paid to Custora Planialt 201 JOHN IL BROADFOOT. ply to THOMAS D.iliYN, Seaforth, ED R NOPPpli. 1• NOPPqR BROTHER. • SEA.FORTH, Ont., April 3rd, 180. SEAFORTR. -The undersigned has a lar e BUM Of Having dis osed of my business, I must call ou all those indebted to Ime s on farm property. Seven and a half either by !note r book account, to call and settle the same e ore ey for' immediate intreetment on first he only per interest yearly ; principal as mey be 3 , f t at date I will place everything in the 1hands of the Clerk of d pon. , J. EL BENSON, olicitor, Sea- Court fo collection. JOHN NOPPE ree tie filters •f!rth. piece f • TOOK FOR SE, RVICE. eck over- standi a - • 1 • UGHB P ED BIJ la e undersigned 686 0 PI his eryille, you dan twist 0 • and once hoe lers one. Cer- /Io Dol OU aain, the pri ilege of returning 1 necessary. , ant on t ther ELDEI 650 t of the 11 • Geo ART }IM FORBE, VINE} pnrchaled the Stook and Triode kit the Commercial !Livery, Sea -forth, frets gv. ge Whiteley, Illeeirs to atate that he intende carr ing on the buSinesa in the old stanots.nd121111 seveial valuable horses endvebieletto the erly large stock. None but add LY' SHOD TIS BETER, THAN COLD TO CT YO!.111 HORS[S PROPER ng purchased a Thonoughbred Parham AN' YOUR keep him on big farn, two milea from ile, daring this seseop, and he will be d to serve a limited ntimber of Sows dar- eaOn.Terms- A peifson bringing all hie First-GlassComfortablt Yehiclegand 1 Reliable Horses Will be Kept. • • • Do ble and Single Wagons always ready for use. • Cov red and Open Buggies and Carriagefs, owl BLACKSMITHING NEATLY AND SUBStANTIALLY D NE 651 per tiow • for a eingle colt, 51 50. C tIESNE. r OWNE!3—fhe tderaignod; has on • d di i he Villa of ilod IN 13IS NEW and enlarged promisee, oppoaite the Cleeen'a Hotel, Goderich Street, is proper d to premises, a j n ng rthnr, of Lobo, which he will keep for patronag With enlarged premises and impro f his remove' end to thank them for past ed facil t e s ep B hi • B ail bred b do this. Ile also desires to inform his mato ers 0 e t i tiny and 1?eairing done as for?) erly 3Ios Reasonable fi7rnis. t - 1 UE : rassie's Old Staled, iopposite the Qtleatel3 otel, a Thoroughb erks le o , • ce of limited nutnbler of soa. This tion than oirer oni the best Ptock id 0uada.1 Terms, 1 • - ar, payable at the tiole of senice, with ; Horse ;• Wang, General Blacksmit - • ii6h Dr ared to give better sa isfac- • • • REIT4E1114ER TILE IP LA •osity Med ; THRE RING MACHINE FOR SA E.-Foi 649-13 best room MPORTANT NOTICE . Goderieh litreet. if 4i 'UCC The o r ejoi 3.1 t e rc b hi4e f pe f et ser es' of h human frame gee he eadnred. Dr. King's Cduunipateiofati. ood Jaundice, ompound, for n, Sick Head - la, nt, Bi i usness, General ro si, ess d r4ow Spirts, erfnl e y w 11 positivelit at whar ery medy ibas prove h t thi wonderful lai. for it, you. 1 do al4 ed wit ralb tle free of icil ea) rea i y perceive ful et r tiv q lities, and; wht a regular izo bo t e ill 40. .For eal sboes ‘.:,-.. B1 1. if yo 1 h 'e a • g, - the Or 101g i V, 41 Will %so e re t t_getaL ctis be i1 einiseden Wil on. Carriei and! Sawing Machine, all co plete and ld you feel • sale cheap, a Separator Horse -Po er, Straw 'GO TO MOOE in good running order. • The Machine as made by Gies ow, aherson St, Cs, of Cli ton. Ap • ply on Lot No. 13, Con. 5,tathey, or to GEO. • W. FO EST Varna P. 0. 656 LI. HN DOOEY, Seafort e, the sick ± -'1)1111-1711-2ING -WM. R. FREW, late of Scot• la d, bogs to intimate to the inhabitants of • s is atlast surrounding acountry that he has esaklthil.1 Tthhee Seat° h and surrou commenced businees as General House Painter, Paper 1: andr, Sign Write, &c. Al] work en - trustee to • him finished In first-class style, ffice, eantime, at D. D. Bose's Grecery, Sea - 1 rth. W1 R. FREW. I• 632 WANTED. •1 IR WANTED—At th Commercial Hotel, Se forth --two dining rOom girls a d laun - d ess. Apply immediately : to A, DIVIDSON , 1 Comna rcial Hotel, Seaforth. 658 FEm bUitEellEA.7,4-2M71,:ntatolre Teach Apply desire • day, bury 1 — orse tha 1 1 • W ILGreat Canadian at fo e e him ; war. in th e preparationr . [her 7 11 i Siesio S ARt 'GALLERY, r I In Whitney's B ock,, Main Street, Seaforth, and GET THOSE t'HOTOGRAPHS YOU PROMI • 1 TO SEN TO YOUR FRIENDS. ED There yOu caget any kind of ictures you want, n lay -style, and the finest Satis' fact on Guaranteedi Piept es Framed. CHARLES MOORE, OPERATOR ANi) PROPRIET R. r. Duties to commence on 18th Aunet. • ug-ust 7. WILLIAM McGAVIN, Lead- PAINTING PAINTINiG enclosing testimonials and stating salary , to the undersigned on or before Satur- I . O. 65814 1 PA1NT! SPECIFIC ARTICI:ES. ' HOUSE kND SIGN PAINTING,. year' standing by receipt have left hands of Hickson 4 Bleaedell For fur- ,left ing anil Wileohtleasylainonnte, Satisfs. 'tion Guaranteed or no charge made, • releeers attictilars apply to CHARLES OOD, LIIMSden & Wilson's, or Wn. Robertson & Cofe, _ was perfectly cured et:chronic r eurnatism J. G VES, is prepared. to do s 11 kinds Of Honse and Sign Painting, Paper Ilang- 63S I receive i•onept attention.. NDERFUL CURE -This is to ttertify that 1 • • e i •• ''' 1 1 i . i! • • . . • . .. 1. • . 4 3 I . , . . • 1._ . Spccial Arranemen8 Made With ("oln- mania/ •Men. Orders left at the stables or any of the liotels proMptly attended to. - ' 11,1s.of-Co.fc:f rniturereez lesS. P0•1313 -ER SEAFORTH. ant :cieterntiied to Clear Out , my Entire 6t TTSHOSE IN WA1NT, it will pay them to aseer • tain prices before purchasing elsewhere.. I e a large discdtuat to those payints teeth ris. pelially to newly pasnied -couples. Wareroome dliettly opposite M. R. Countr'e Mammoth Xewelq: Store, 31.31,inmis PpuTztStre.et, Seaorth., tas2t5Side. • LADIES ifShould proctut tNh'eitialuintieot Poafrophlet end r•see 1 • 9RAY'S VITALINE Is what your Complaint require& Moline doesmet require change of dit. Vibe ilio;bydosllesDno ift :sin. re the teeth. Vitaline ileasent to take. Vitaline is $1 per bottle, THE MO' *MIME Co, Toronto. ,j Sold in Sesierth, by Hickson &Bleasdell, 1.4 umsden & Wftaon, imed.T.S. Roberts. 650 FLAX. FLAX. FLAX. SUVANTED DMEDIATELY, any number of VY by thejildesni Wo r°Iou :tuh:eilos,°;:r azlellLiberalfini rt: gos: je still: willini . be maid. Apply to •