HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-16, Page 36, 1880. TE S„. ST ARRIlf D rDT dsion Store x can gF t the best offered in Seafortlx., ars really good and stock of Fresh PROVISIGNSt t of FRUITS, anch ts, Dates, Cranberry Currant jeLy, felly, Fibs, Raieins, BOTTLES. : in the market, at 4,o and 50 cents per ' and Cd cents 45, 50, 5;5, 60 and jet) cents ler pound, a liar Szta,1e-4 Sugar L., Plain Hams and' tt. ornmeal, Oatmeal, :t.ts and Potatoes. RUfT- JARS., Gem Fruit Jars, of before the rise in Street. Searortli HEAD., E WORKS. 44* 4$1.101trittitV of re- iabit ts&t Brussels and beg to state tqc,v,icents in their axe n0107 in a suppiy the ca -h, at the '.'fl(,f ,tur business turn i1enunquali- pubiie can rely on f.x<-:lass article 14 'kn.:. Works. inanaows. MILLS TTIE Ispot,ing of his Flax' neto t g,.. -ad active, to xtarne.ge it prop. - sown. -and in spies.. rat:Axing- steadily dor. in connection with LOAN.' Loom on reasonable m security. 04 Connuerte Brad - IC BEATTIE. )YSTE RS. SEA FO KUL :r (wry 5ecoucl day at eextre Oysters as trash :t from the fisheries. your °Otero. RUDA WATER, and Cigars, nieettif fiery, -Han(L tresh supply of pure y Brothers' old stand v.art. Store. 657 'ANTED TAKE NO - n, again calls your at - runty for the harvest f "Alowers, Reapers, Klx like. Old gearing 114 new : also repair - of tinkering done irt Threshers wanting Heti should not fail f iron used in the Ail kinds of jobbing despatch. Give T. lcet tU your own sat- ! man in_tlie right general blacksmith- isfactory manner. -EL tt luext.ber andlook UELLIS, Kippur. OR IUM. :.r.ke his numerous. liana others) for their 1te past 7 .years, and VA ch•sc attention to [ftdencz, and. trade in enlarged his prem. - 1 noxv prepared to pay ASH PRICE 7-.resh Eggs, tlelivered 'EAFORTH. ton.s of good dry. I WILSON AGE FACTORY. i)xERER d w.ale to Order, arrkage•o, Rug- tutu:lc:in their x..1tL ir own bag- Pttl, article bath as n. ,ir Work cannot be ,tablisluoeuts. ci to. Give ua a w. eel: satisfy you fsa the public, having f.xr over 12 years. HABEREB. To GALLERY. Vet it Taken by ettlrth. SAMPLES. E`tv nut aze samples of t h as on can get any 4, drapery, clear and Ld clean faces, such "US at practice and 14eil and emerged as CR, Practical Artist. L,t el. 650- E TT i inLEATHER and. Very Description. Stock kept. Tarma- c. All orders by mail R. N. BItETT JULY 16, .1 • • 80. Gale A' little Oa ION witness again said "it was when ing, and semaelaady it." —A 13214.11 lately i at a country post oth were none, upon w there was not anoth place. — "I, should like dna me," said M breakfa4 table, th "flim! eo should 1, j," said Mr. Smith est—nesAs.S h , effield re nufacturer it re- ported to have told is workmen t vote just as they pleased. "In fact 1 Shan't tell you how I am oing to Vote," he barreLof beer brong t into the it, ard" said. "After it is o er I shall ave a (Hear, hear," shoute the men) "But 'shan't tap it male s Mr. Wortley, the Tory candidate, gets in." "Goods at half price," said the sign., "How mach is that teapot ?" *eked the old lady who had ben attracted by the announcement. .'F fty cents,i mum." "1 guess I'll take i then," she said, throwing down a qu rter. The dealer let her have the tea ot, but teak in his sign before anothe cestomer could come inI. —Dr. JohnlHall i reported to have said that he knew a reacher in eland who used to come d wn from ijis ulpit every Sunday, afte the ser on, and the people passing i line in front of him would shake h nds and.ass the comptiruents of th day. One elder told his pastor one ay, "Let he Lord. keep yon humble, s' , and we WiL keep you poor !" —Chowder got a g a few days ago, by he was going to bri with him to that me rived, alone, and Mr him yrhere the j amphantly pointed t ing : "Pin a good j He will be obliged t same other way her ies. efining "b your neig obody did went and to gulling for 1 e was told 'ch he tisk r post office see someb Smith a other mo y dear, so s ith exceeding 9 • Oa &ring bor,' aoth- d of tters there d if n the y ab - the ping. ould earn- — The Scotehman gist : "Ion man ga carry by a short cut his inn, while he too Eh ! it was drea when I got out of hi ed to see what was at the unco weight man, it's no use for was in that bag, for It was stones.'' ''An "Carry it ! Man, d as mad as himself? tied them all out, b again, from the pi and I gave him goo money." od dinnertat home 'ling his Wife that g a judge home .1. When; he ar- . Chowder asked dge was, he tri- remark-' dge of at dinper.' get a dinner in after. and the Mineral°. n Me his bag to •across the hills to • the other road'. fully heaay, and, sight I determin- it, for I Wondered f the thiing ; and Tou to guess what ou'd ne'er find. out. , did you carry it ?" you think: I was Nae, nae 1 I env.: t I filled the bag near the house, measure for his 11 • Sala Franc'so0 Snobs. The snobbishness of the neWly rich in 'Frisco- has bet theme, but we think ecdote. "out-Ilerods oeracy. Among the, Taylor street magna. tative of the ancient who prided herself inwardly considerin who paid i the coin and was not the on being received.. B u the ascendancy of .N she was area -zed„ on presenting her card at the.Taylor: area mansion, to find the servant inspect her from .. head. to foot, and then retur • her .card with the remark,- 'Ally mist'e ses orders are very strict, mum'; sorry 'an't admit you to- day, but we don't r ceive people twice in the same _costocal ." Another resi- dent of the, same lo ality, when revising her visiting list en er -husba.nd's sud- den accession to sa • e Unexpected. bo-. IltaliZa„ struck from it the names of those ladies she ha previously known •who did not- own e. rriages, remarking, "One Must draw th line somewhere." What was her delig i t, a short time . afa terward„ at seeing d awn up before her door tWe carriage of a lady whose -ac- quaintance she was gore than anxious to cultivate, but h r , _annoyance and enagrin was uubanded at receiving from her servant's lips the message: "Mrs. Elite's compl-rneuts, and she has ..sent her carriage to call on Mrs. Cash." —San Francis -co News Leiter. - A Generous Offer R ej ected. - - He did not have g ge right kind of a face to inspire ,c infidence, and . hist clothes looked likethey had served a third term, at least • . "Are you the foil, w who reakes fun of people in the Arens ?" ' The iewitapaper la an owned up he was '''thar cot:liar:a outs." "Well, I come to warn you. They are layin" for you with clubs. They are bad." "Not to hurt, I reckon." • "Yes, they. are ; but don't be afeared. Tina your .friend. 1 can stave my fiat through a man and wale off with him on my arm just like he was an empty market basket." "1011, get out." "I'm not joking. I am your 'friend, and I'M doWn en your enemies. Look here. : Cant you lend a fellera quarter ?—temporarily, only, of course." "Now, you look here. Didn't yon -just now say von were my friend ?" - ''So I am." . "You don't talk like it, but take you at your word." "jestcount ma me." ., • "You say you want to help me, and you want to hurt my enemies ?" • "That's about the size of it." "Then you go and borrow a quarter from one of them and loan it to me." Adjourned.—Oallon .News. • me a well worn the following an - Herod" in enab- cquaintances of a e was a repaesen- State of Virginia, pon. her IT. E. V., she was the one liment in 'calling, complimented .in tone day, soon -alter b Hill aristocracy, said th•3 histo req ires, a se whi h mei Y u should unr e a Pru stin Frede aces ding to - wit the only ohi of that beei unworth whi h he wa fro gg which elm er who w a s ooth ohi y strops, a ght stea cert: in gaiety edg d weapo tem tations. bor ,-not ma any men ty to sha he kindl to litetat ish chara terprise, ; the Lat hey do n shave. ore con taste.. IY, abil: for dea Bri al e ran but rsal :their that his frien :be 'hayed by for amees we are bo le -glass o fess on? Th barber on boa theiu from A E. egliehnae selves when t Ra ars are li one , would ke giveaway a he ondemne well. and c sol ers' old str Ps. The peculiar har gra s in dee W mane year R,ussia, whil in that'eoun "Whak is lov inuph embai reply. Her and. bowing 1 formed her t struction is i Wails particul ability. the gi stand the m Barbers and :Shaving. The idea that shaving is a duty, says the .Loudon —ceremonial, as • among the Egyptiau priests, or social merea, as among aurslves—is older than the invention of steel or even of bronze razors. Nothing is more are - markable in savage He than the reso- . Intim of the braves who shave with a shell or with a braien piece of glass, left by European mariners. A warrior will throw himself on the ground, and While one friend holds his arms and pre vents him froth struggling, another will scrape his chin with the shell or the brelsen bottle glass i11 he ries, bleed- ing but beardess. Macaulay, it seems, must have shaved almost as badly with the razor of modern life. When he went to a barber and„ after an easy shave, asked what he owed, the fellow replied; -Just what you generally give the Man who shaves you, sir." “I gen- erally give him two cuts on each cheek," •1 .1 - THE HURON E),U)OSITOR. 3 ian of mbinati eet.in o have p ey ian am sassado *ek. T ie.; a b oltaire, oth s azor he pkses diplom tial , m alike t the accredited an e camehe 6 uld face tla w rl requir s Many any b sbes, odd y handi, and, per f temp4r which ei -from o ring Perhap tl4e h e, like the oet are bon wit Her ea es race df I4rb re. The er ter, our eajI for ekes ns a se n peoples areec t grudge, p yi merica s i t ngl nd aving n of q alities e tuna e . inental as it s indue barbe sea e shel preten e equal 4 the s erica. , as a ey do e Scott p a ba od:one. till it h lueffboltfullY Scotch smoo ing ein ha ot ark rth st e tiiha toth 'p tha ule,Ish a v ot wear shep oe 4r N ra a sben"a SOe s nate Inaantry ' h finagu trees. t r iI fl n f at is i ago the inspect , apkec ?" Blu eased, teacher w to • at "ii parted r subjec 1 does ening o Majesty has, deigns pr "That is mu h to be r tte , I the Empre ; "for on ad' naught but ove—firet 3f all, her parents; then 1oi-f4 herl and lastly love. for be chil these girls h ve acqu red o prehension o have badly prepar 1i d tie Having thus he self press left th pleasure, an teacher was Ministry of ship._ L -• A. Great reac . Jonathan I Edwar e P 1a Em girl's of t e g dee he girl ste ped he Em y scho to the , and in no eve t w 1 azors, f the sador, throat The have rt to that uisite with, aors, seeps, aps, a events nholy er is rtain- n in- eed race the idu ng cal an tter in ille n t th pro per th gh a f 1 11 0 is '8 f 8 0 0 gs 8 u Y. a r 11 il o • t 1 h ie.! I foil ti lap w w 131 fat tta of ful, cb • in 11 eL, s hei y wit . L but !1 its d anz the ches the who he nock s will na or ight f mbr vari ing ue a he w est a habi n le n clo ches astic 1 upo 'eh fo T • arge ✓ an eter hew ther str roue leav gree eath. age dar to y inc y to he w wit t owth. fted umn, t, it opea ping e ot he e .0 of t the tre tattr ropri rythi uld b ing 1T ap open ass s or d re love, t d fort express selioo a fe ismisse clucatio ey in battle with was often So for his larg the church over wbicit quarter of Stockbri age diens. fie family of te tane. In t treatise on t which was r theological his poverty was written and the bla later paper purchase. women of BU lace and pai market, tha thing to the enury 1 ely per family it No e had eetitu o as obli ed childreik is seclu e "Freed° garded literature, t this time u the back k pageS of as beyoun is dauht erior nalpent ted fah they family r a ma ays the d P s P ugh est c to el- mi so pto past e re mong tb su a he of ast o g at t bfam his s, • ipo th •iihit a ces. er' hi ex th ee 0 10 • • 111 SO Dr. Stur writes that experienced views of her rare acciden those of the isease will with a set of treatment a are perfectly will be impo be quidk to gest ex pediei own estimat requirement fore the cont and skilled inexperience be rememb and house p be young an and precario ick N OS, a he higljlya nurse -w ill own, whic coincid13 a doctor. F urnish her, opinioes d medical legitimate, sible to co c al. etect mistakes ts, as w11 .at to f ofthe 1ai1y prog of th patient. et of khb highly urse wi la the ye practi io er—ah red. thwb aouse ysicians mist of inexpeep ed— is. It ritilpli p duca alwa LIl will p nilio iter to pac nd a 1 8 .e 8 st er uid 0 or e e 1 et The Youth 0 170 The elders of a c au oh i chusetts, iu... e yea1700, p followiug 1ivo1v oadinan e : - "To preve pluming ye S ing themselv It is Ordered ye two back Gallry, whi for them—an an. 'othrs tak l , Turn by thea to hasp not:be reclai cou n teu au ciu shall be com and proceede Law Directs Insaead of fi suca in carrig Cor orall pu the To bbath an s in time They s ide Sea are ye that sired two in et them ed by of ti lained 1 41 th f their g f :h all sit to1 tl s of eac seats a e Tyt ith th Day, t and eh 1. a sd pet eir 11 f to the 1 a 14 r 4 0 14 Cf ro de ou Ce lie ve ife di eri I - hs h s ill " ce n W 8 ati e tte 8, 8 9 • 0 y •y wi b. with hil die hic 51.11 an her ate an et eo ssit cu pr rde PP er fron nte me Shal wit wil Dis Der tice th shal rise the! .1 IS 11 with -I y them 1.a uleas ftid JuStic eine; of I. them -11 le perso I or shinent.", epu].. g he preseu e of we speTsed here nd flier meutin net es in oru 1, pri ate dwelli is e ceedingly out ine, ud habts o • erre lar hat these eit er iu pr groiJinds or p elm and ina kin4s genera witl4 erergree Mg trees a pi he cut -le of t e handso int -aced in many iu 1651 ess inated at designated t sylvjan belle._ rl Trees. ping tr e Wath ground gs r1d1 ii publi attract ve. Gra eau iful in folia th, it is not a htjtl tree ar so nix vate gr uuds blic parks Aman les and oaks and y eiinpibydd, and s, give 4onifr of t ce., ed -Wee in bireh est of 11his class. o thW c un ry and ha been nil the Eaist. It nter e vs, a ODD ark dal i e an ingu seen ubli th othe alon veep 10 ,111 e most elegan Erect slender • I on t wa Ger y dis • bee th t 11, i 00 41 0 1 Ru ned bera Odes 0W13 ly m ns wo nil wa form n h. ave t, afte h tr du ally ke. MT. 1.1 Bo t er s hig e wi Ood sto *ling e whi of tom le s age ds, t e of TOO ma and e. elry rse, vvo y sh se t oat a r pe use ause ling ac yers ker icin co lers ONIC 11 IleC ib!1 g ily e et :ver ale 0 holi wh ch al to dera eine el ld by 0 GN London IE eter 11:1K pn ps ea nl I 0-3efi 1 uneton BI th.. Wing -ha 4'x0 So aWingha BI Cl ton B iee5c ppen nsaleter.1 0 ins I 1 ws W E -pres xpres M • xed ixed I "G E E press E spree ixed ix ed d. fl a 00 a.s pin ping lic gr oI f s:• ts ter ng it10Si g 1 ell G -rated it as ea El by the 1 ng. extend its silver g grace gnificent ller and rapidly eers till on every weeping brighter lifts its it over - then spreads its and sub -dividing e silvery' branch. is only equalled OW. he Kill Low s we known: adted to small ap St' be eh i CUTipU8 wi4 . t is; ncit foliage after a und,, pr ndering • u res p eaty ns of it are oiie lin i dre on terns sii ily ained aB y b -trained graf ing low, ven at once on of the f la • n trees. sin alar, and sig tly, but its twisting umi g many op and sent a wealth t ve besati, of roomi, nown tdr feet in ing inden ia Itis • eseribed uir g to be it shape. •d, o a* grey - ail ery gre eth in it up n stock bra ches wil ntall and a, ey b nd grace - 1 $ TO he le I d. • o ntain coit of tree lat f wit fin ash i bt a is a fine ish seVer tIte A stately nd eherr are high laiWns a aced. nds up in 'mind t !droop • wee ree. a re kee , TOR e 841.1 er ork i the oriz gth t OS ash s a well - its lo abits of it sliould et iligh. I bri Rant re e i :et. The a g other fine gr : ceful as ar g g r tree. ic 1 1 w 1 erie mos nd °Mar fa that y0 ctive d p t 137 uc g., de n t barn by oi, pl ng Pri peintio is n, le, never or mi ed in tabs n belts or bo : usban. ife i a III: y w ng enal ki ng bus tig cer a. Ife 1dy, yo g, hand ed, as alki n1 thy q Weheard. ersigy law e m he ict two anion, W o furt dr t h Tee eping va- n elm is autifnl ilies fur- namental rks,when • indeed, is, for it those in- rees that lways on n groups. th other ders. 1 01 om elf eu nd t 1ift i has been con - ser itude for feib a street ad 1 me Venal ome and but • ith him,! arr lied, and n moment' he ieutenant rea t of hia fur.us stabs deavore. njury by, is sabre, wn with she. fell, her head •e savage Q e er rd hs, erne t, in b sh1 Cust ms re stati ,n, a Yan ee .4 had pas h 3cIwelr t e o cer avi nrp sed his oo e ha a 1 wi h, b t af uti14b on ot nfi ate ve al of so elr had •ee t 1o,ost o it at is n me OWI York cit SO a 900 in out eal, oo d aft r, Officer at ontreal, muggier a ed Brock - stock 11, g had an the smug - in the ery sharp r consid-! sides, he boxes of e $1,500. duty-paid, was held. was Dual as his deal' of which; of WERED.—k ds ? Be - on to th much tae y should Wafers ?" Garden Seeds can make au It of getting theni 14 14 011 Ts n Wear re 1 gr t pr 1 egs, nd al ppe ranc ulmo i� en rsoc11 for cou he thro h ars e cha it. in t em, physPia, d nage s ey retae iiste Ice fo th . old b al bot. ARM AN be tee lv ey o e, 1 som rest ra eihs, depr ssed by hanstera In su h ustes3d - of ,flyi niedjicjual foll wed by xcit men , r stp by f t e Pe Ei. esti rn It ill eel tation, no one, Or b heir NORT . 1325 :1:13 . _ th uvi . m P.m P.M INC Acco Atte° Mixe I* • ri TEE a av ST ra 14.1 17 To A.t. • 5 BANKiNG HOUSE. S, SEAFOTH, 9NTARIO. Office .th, premises nder David - son's llo el, former occupied by the Bank of Commerice. NOTES' ANII) BILLS DISCOUNTED. aid Foreig4 Exchange Purchased. FARMERS' SALE NO ES BOUGHT. Drafts Issud, payable et all Branches ef the lankof Cnamerce. instereat Allowed Oa Depoits. Money to Loan on Mortgage , et frora Seven to Nine Per 0o04. A CARD JAMES OF 1rHANKS. CAMPBELL, 11_ A FTER a residence of seven' years in Wal ton, ,-1L begs to return his gratieful thanks to the Farming and Men:lentil° PabIllic generally for the generous Rapport given him !gluing that time, and begs to state Unit Ile hae now on hand a full assortment of all kinds of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, And will always be ready to nete out to them good artieles at as reasons le a price as spy in the Trade. He has a large quantity O PORK (Side, &o.) of first class quality. Earthenware of every -description. Glass, Oil, White Lead, (James', &c.) and a general assor. ment of Colors. Boots and She a Specilty, from the well • known firm of Hynian & 0o.,London. G. OFFORD, JR., A. 1\T 13 0 0 T i\T Y :60 I) -Y. 31 1 , 1 ALL TiIE GOODS ARE THIS -SEASON'S MAKE, WILL BE SOLD ATTHE LOW RICES FOR WHICH HE IS NOTE. I:) AN CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSEL G. OFFORD, JR., MAINST., iEAFORTH. 1\TOTICY3 TO ----- ALL BUYERS OF DRY GOODS With the Full Determination of Closing Out the Balanc 4' my Stock, I have made, another EEPING AND FOR VTR NEXT MO TH DRESS 0)00, SHAWLS, MANTLES, CLOTH 1,.01/E, KID CLOVE • , - RIBBONS, HATS, CA1PS, FURS, OVRCOATS„&0., 1 1 f Will bire !Sold at Prices -Never , Heard of !before in this Viciuit GREAT BARGAINS IN FINE BLACK BRO ID CLOTH Minksters and Others requiring those Goods can Save money by Calling and Buying at 1880 MANIToBA. 1880 dREE 1ST A Special Passenger Train for 11 nitwit wi,11 start from i•T -1-~t 11AA. - n the First TUESDAY ba ach month, Freiglit leaves the day previous to all o &bore -Offs. Due notice will be given of a 1 futtipe parties. Rates always the lowest, end thegreat stpains taken to have arrangementoi most cow lete satiOsetory. Persons jointrg these parties lire released from all care in bbn ding haggage, fre ht, Ix stoat o. 10 Ponllits of Baggage P Mr. Greeniey goes through with -ea FO.tpartculars apily to KN OX G. W. B. A ent, 4351 entrails THE' SEAVORTH INORANCE AND LAND A AiLONZO STR • NG - ENCY IS l AGENT for Several First -Class S .ck, rite na Life Insurance 'Comanies, and I prepar - ed o take risks on the most favorable t raw. Is° Agent for several of the best oan Re- mehes. Also Agent for the Sale a*d Purchase of Fatal -and Villege Property. AI N umbe* of Frst-Cliass I imiyrove4 ar24s f or Sa. $400oo to 1ast ntSea-tela p: r lliatereet. Agent for the salblof Ocean I....team:4h' Ticket*. FFICE OveAl idrrison's Medal Steet, 'Sea -forth. .NEW ' BAKERY AND ODINFECTI QRBEg BliOTII ItS, i I 11AVE now startled buslue as in Willimson* Old Stand. rrF4t to Osamicbaers Hotel, Set - forth, -where they i tend to give full satisfactieu. in lever", branch of tiheir business. Wedding (Yake and 41 other !Ordrs le Prom. )ily AtOnded to.I Delivering don pxomptly. We also intend te al aye keep on haad a new and full -stock PI Confectioncry and • aulideltbaleraiY1hp°aPtsreto o ratelitioltistth*het geiTizdenwsiellf 441edit f kind0r tI . mill vicinity. No ng like good bread, and that we intend to have away. BES BROTHERS, Bakers, • JOHN ROGIERS'. Any article neceesary for country store can • be obtained. Patent Medicine in all thelines. All kind of Fannin Prodhce taken, cash or exehange. 657 JAMES CAMPBELL. VA. RI A NW AND Goo ARTICLE 9F FOO .,. 1 GROUND 6N W FLAKE CORN, SNOW FLAKE CODFISH CLINTON MILLS XXX FLOUR, OATIVIEAL AN4) CORNMEAL, PUBLIC NOTICE I BACON AND AMS, SYRUPS AND VINEGARS, JUST RECEIVED GROCERIES AKID CROCKERY, &C. —AT— JOHN LOGAN, M IN-STZO SEAFOR1111. THE VARNA GROCERY, A NICE STO 11 OF Crockery, Lamps, lowers, 'inch the people of Varna ajad vicinity will de well to call and inspeot. befo .e purchasing else- ' where, SEEPS.- 'SEED SEEPS. Farmers wanting Turnip, qarrot, Mangold, or hs, colds, ess, data, sters and s recoms d publi ery bes . cure o medicin Fresh and Reliable at tho Vet. a Grocery. I Flor, "the Houle? ife's Delight," Oatmeal, Cornmeal, &c. All kande of FRESH GROC RIES as usual. 'es, feels 644 Iti. IU$%XRY, Varna. ve of the — • ' --- ental or THE SEA ORTH nditions, g t° the TIN AND STOVE onapreriots., WHITNEY'S BLOCK. nvigoratel natural M RS. E. W u. Syrup! • 4. • Has now on hand a compl EMPORIUM AIN STREET. ITNEY e assortment of A, CHANGE OF BUSINESS. :E J&FORTiI POTTIVID=. • SEAFORTH, Ont., April 3rd, 1880. Ha bag purehased the Seaforth Foundry from John Nopper, we will continne to keep ini han, at the old Stand, Main Street, Seafartha full assortment Of Plows Gang Plows, &Olen, Land Rollers and all other Implereentsnuour lime Column Crestings, and School, Churh, Garden and! Lawn Chairs a specialty. Repairing promptly and neatly done and satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trill. ALFRED . N0P11311.1 NOPPER BROTHERS._ JOHN W. cglOPPER` SEAFORTH, Ont., April 3rd, 1880. Having disposed of my business, I must call on all those indebted to me, either by tote or book account, to call and settle the same before the First of May, as e,fter that date I will place everything in the :iands of the Clerk of the Court fee collecion. JOHN NOPPER. SEAPORJJt PLANING mna.„ 4SH, DOOR AND iLIND FACTORY THE aubseriberibigeleaveto thank hismunerOtt -1-. zustomers for: thtliberalpatronage extenuate himsinee oommoniing bna Rens in Sesfortit,and trnsts hat he may be avored with a continuante of the same. 1 ?arte. intsndlngto build would do well to eve hitn a eall,as he will eontinie to keep on hand a large stock of all Inds et Dry Pine Lit' mber,, Sashes, Doom, Blinds anal,Mouldings, Ski4leit, g-4,3 t :3t11:84 ' a .1 4Inf IC; e ,[t 1 co I giTiugsitiodatticontothoin who may fs.ottrInin withtheirpatronageiasnOtta but first-olaesworkMen are employed. l'artioular atteniion paid ts Custom Planing 20E JOill.isT 'IL BROADFOOT. " 1 t .THE -COM11/1E1i 'AIL LIVERY 1 1 S R F 0 T Fl , ARTHUR FORBES, kiAVINEf pure Sad the took and Trade of the Cominercia Livery„ Seaforth, from Mr. George Whitcley, begs to stato ,that Ise intends catrrying on the bi ciness in the old stand,and haa added seveial valtirible horse!: and vehiclesto the formerly large stied'. None but First - Class Co* lrtabl Vehicles and Good Reliable onWill ill be Kept. COvered and Op Bugg'. s and Cerriager,m4 Double and Single WagonH Isawaya ready tior ase - Special Arrav2ne7i8 Made With Com- inet,cial ilten. 'TIS WTER , THAN COLD TO CET YOUR HORES PROPERLY SHOO AND YOUR BLACKSMITHING NEATLY' AND SUBS1-ANTIALLY DON J01 -11\T Orders left at the etabies or .anyof the hotels premptly attended lit). LUMBEy, FOR SALE. HMLOCK First Quality, $6 per M PINE 1rom$1.1. BILLS q].JT TO ORDER, All Length, frera 10 to 50 Feet, etthe pOsNy mut I mcKu.a..oP The Subiseriber has also $ LIMBER MID IN SEAFORTH Where all kinds of Lumbcr can be obtaned. 1 47 THMA.S DOWNEY TN HIS EW and enlarged premises, opposite the Q ieens Hotel, o t.bit He alio desires to inform his custoaaers of his remove patronage iWith dnlarged promises and i3nproved facilities he is p tion than er. er. - Horse ,,'hoeing, General Blacksmithim and Rep and on the ...1.1o$l Reasonable Eiotierioh Street, is prepared te an d to think them for pat Oared to give better ea tisfaie- ping done as forrnekg erms. ay. hand eonthMILK CANS AILS &citE MEMBER IIE P LACE : Grassie's Old Stand, opposite the Queen's Rote . SOUTH. ..5:55 A. M. .12.88 P. M ..8:15 P. Mt i I ruce. . Express, ▪ P.M. 625 7 40 758 759 808 8 25 8 52 3, 8 91 9 9 10 11 12 Mi A. 10 12 1 1 925 d. Exprese, 11 1 28 ' 20 34 21 .... 49 30 l• 41• rai ; 7-24 7 43 I Done on the S ortest Notiee either with Tin 7 59 ' or Gelvanized l9on. 8 06 A Complete Stock of Tinwar? always onhand. P. M. 6 2° EAVE; TROU HING 6 55 And all. other Dairy Utensi premises, from first-olass st sold at Hard Times Prices. REFRIGER Alao on hand, a number GOOLD and QUE.EN Befrig and Stylathescritefrigerators No boneekeeptr should be wit s, made up on the ck,- and will he IMPERIAL ME A full stock of the New Imp -,hand, etamped according to sold in sets or separate as des TO R S . f the Celebrated rators. For Price annot be excelled. out one. SURES. 'al Measur'es ti he Act. W!ill be red. 825 • k ay. Stations aa At the Lowest Prictes, Who esale and Retail. • Also a large assortment of La ye, Globes, &c. Orders for • all Kinds of 'Jobbing - fct,ct on Guaranteed,} 1 Give me Trial before pnrchaling elsewhere. nd 01 nto SEA ETIi. .8:10 P. M. ..8.55 P. M. .8:00 A. M. SEA OMIT. .8:00 A. M. .4..1:05 P. /d. 0. .4:15 P. M. ,..7:05 P.M. • Finest Brands of Coal. Oil CLITON. 3:30 P. M. 33 9:15 P.M. 8:45 A. M. 145 P. M. CLitcron... 7:36 A.M. 2:40 P. M. :30 P. M. 1 6:55 P. M. ' •PromtkAttendecl to and Satis- MRS. E. WHITNY. Goderich treet. JOHN DORSKY, Seaforth 649-13 t. • GO TO MOORE'S ART Jo Whitney's Block, Main Street, GET THOSE PHOTOGRAPHS y GALLE.R affr:and U i)ROIVIISE • TO SEND TO 'YOUR FRIENDS.' There you can get any kind of Picturl you want, in any style, and the fine • 1 • fiuish. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Pictlres Framed. CHARLES MOORE, OPEATOR AND PROPRIETOR. PAINTING. PAINTING. PAINTING. HOUSE kND SIGN PAINTING, J. GRAVES is prepared to do all kinds of House and Sign Rainting, Paper Hang ing and Whitewashing. Satiskstion Guaranteed or no charge made. Orders ' . receive p °rapt rttention left at Wilson,S1 Young's, Lumsd Au ezt ;Wilson's, or W•n. Robertson & Co.'e, 1 7"C.TEZ.Its.TIIFT.T11-4.D... , Jj S.- PORTER SEAFCIRTI-i. I 4m, cletnzu .c1 to Ciear ut my Entii-e Stocl of FUrniture cgafrd- fess of Costi THOSE IN WANIE, it willpay the to asoer. -a- ' tain prices beifOre purchasing else here. X give a large disconiitt to those paying3 taih, es pecially to newly rIntrried couples. y •Narerooras dircIntily opposite N. R. ountees i. Mainmoth Jewelry! tore, Uain Street, Worth, Eafit Side. i 625 401/N S. P UM; Jp-hIN WILLI/MS C. BAXERS, Scc., NVROXETEA, - ONT RIO. bralts leane, Money Lorit I on Beal Estate at Lowest Rates. JOHN WILLIAMS A Co. IMPORTANT NOTICES. TIVRESBING 3dkCIIINE FOR SALE.—For isitchanesap, ipor motos,ti,iyed,zeipcoornwreri6Stry4 by lasgow, Men at& Co., of Clinton. 4- in ood running order. Til lie nrachine was made ply ;on Lot No. ith Con. 5, Stanley, or to 'GEO. W. *CREST, Vsrn4 P. O. 1156 phiN:unTdIN:begsW1. tentEtheW• boiltasitSeUeldL. coMmeneed busfueilts General ilonsePaitex, seatortik and atorrntindittoantrytbat loci Parr Hangers .Sign 'Wirt , All work in- tusted to him finished in trat-eisaa dos. Office, meantime, At D. D. for. WM. E. FEEW. 4.44.11r Boaes Oroery,4 COI 3.