HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-16, Page 22: r6 Sae H --1 Ht'J ON EPOSTQR. A WILD NIGHT AT NET- T.LEBY GRANGE. ' CEA:PTEB III. "it is very kind of you, Mr. Dixon ; pray o not"forget us." The speaker insta tly vacated the window ; it was ,to gi a place to an elder form. " ake h aste with Willie,and we can neves] thank you enough," was next said ill Mrs. Sib:bert's tiremulous tones1.- "It is useless reasoning with my sister." ,,r rget you !" echoed young Mr. Dixo . It must have been meant in anew r to the first voice, not to the seco-d.. He raised his arca aloft, at the sme time so using his heels to his horse that the animal made I a small whirl ool in the water. We Cannot say that e dashed oat of the gateway, for ridin nearly girth deep in a flood is not a swift process ; but he urged his hors to the best speed it was capable of. Th:s ulilooked for'moclification of his .erran�I could scarcely have been satis- factary to the yuttug gentleman. Iu- stead of chivalrously rescuing; Kato— with the others throvvia in as make- weights—he «°as sent on an ainilese chasa after a juvenile of his, own se;, whose only scl•ay of interest to him was that e was Kate's brother. Ho, . ever, there SOUR was evidence that 1 Ir. John Dixon aid not •eglect all other interest:] t:: go in quest )f .Willie Sibbert. He had nut been gine more than ialf an hour when the ift Mites of the Grange heard voices hailing them from the dusk outsicse. The shouts asked that a . signal should be shown. "Mr. Dixon is here with a .1 oat," the loudest voice explained. Mips I3eaniish did not d lay this time she soon was at one of he front upper windows, holding a lig i ted. can- dle in her hand to mark he where- abouts. - l'h4: water had risen so quickly that it hat filled the bottom roe -Os. - Her firgit eager words were, "Where is Willi , ?" Th boat slowly came 'forward, a torch held by a boy iu the plow cast- ing g owing reflections on tie flood. Thei progress was slow ; the had to be ca eful, As yet the water was not very high above some of the sub- merge d obstacles, acid sudden currents, with. trong ed lies, were met with. "Is it yo ng 14 Ir Dixon, or who ?" asked. Miss eamish. "lv ' son is gone to see, about your neph w ; I aim come to take you all away before something worse happens." It wa not Mr. John Dixon, but his fathe who was so vigorous-, y pulling an oa in. the boat. " y did he lose time in going back to yo ? not but that the Orange is safe...I tell you it is quite sale. None of us Shall stir without Wille ; 4o to his help, do." Gradually the boat was drawing near. It had passed over the hidden front garden wall,. and was advancing above where the great laurel bushes stood. It was as large boat in it.were two of Mr. Dixon's men -servants beside himself and the boy with the torch.. "This is downright folly, ma'am," peevishly and panti ' gly said the stout gentleman. "I, . who ia.ve not had an oar in my hands for tv 'enty years, ' have cornu to help yell, and you positively won't be helped." "I shan't stay to argue .w with you. Erini Willie. That was what I told ycrur ou ;- he has acted very wrongly." Theasement was hastily shut ; the lightrota it vanished:. Mr Dixon rested on his oar �n amaze- lnent It was only for a /nomelut ; raising his voice, he called, " )ur crazy old house isn't -safe with this weight of water trying it a. all sides; Trees will be brought' clown soon. .If the 'flood gets utu the foundations the place migh come down about ysur ears with. run. Du you hear, Miss Bea/11- '8h 7' -Fr m within the house voi� es could be he trd in loud altercation, hien all at once peal of laughter shril: y mixed. with. t. In his excitement Mr. Dixon stood up in rho boat: - "M s. Sibbert, where are you—you and iss Sibbert ? Don't have your lives 'shed by her. Game to the win- dow, and we will take you , u some- how.' ome- how - Tli ,re was no response still the al- terca 'on inside went on. The men force the boat round the corner, and tried he side of tho house. So strong a sire "m was rushing there that they - had hastily to get back. Perhaps five miuudes elapsed, Bien the window opeue 1 again. "Yes, oh, yes, ce-i•taiiiiy 1 Sarah, like the coward she is, inay go if she likes." It will be guessed who the speaker was. "Go, vee bad girl, who -wish to be in coink rt when my buoy is in danger. But 1 say the.Grangge is safe. Do you hear, all of you, it is safe ! But it would not b, if I left it; Providence will not destroy it while human beings are in it." Sar.11 did not need telling ewice by her nistress to go. Before the words were • eished, she was struggling out of the casement. Half way through, slue stopped, shouting. "Oh, I" shall bo drawl ed." With some difficulty slie was gut into the boat. Mr. Dixon made au arith- i nietici,l matter Of it. -This is one of thein, ' he said. , Mist; Beatnish uow wholly changed her tactics. Standing quite free of the openiudow, she laughed again iu that fearful. way, saying they alight all go if they Ued.1 Every one of thein might ' go, an 1 leave lier alone to drown ; and drowi she: would if Willie was not ' rescued. - "1 a.m sure she has lost her senses," moaned Sarah, crouching terrified in the br,ttorri of the boat. 1-fe. Dixon, standing up in the red light of the torch, reasoned with Miss Beamish. • He appealed to the others. A degree of , eloquence that was surprising showed spot, in his speech. It was all in vain, at .I least it was so for a time. . Hannah behaved very strangely. i She tiling' her arms about her :.nistress' `.- neck, assuring her that she would not leave her. Two minutes later a panic seized her ; she hall tumbled herself out of the window, nearly upsetting the boat and all in it. So soon as she had recon red, she called out, "I am going ' no far her than this; Ill see the boat does not go away without you." Just then a dull crash to the left in the yard told that Mr.Dixon's prgphecy was being fulfilled. A portion of the outhouses had given way. The water arose on that side in sudden tumult, and b� the light of the torch they in- 1 distinctly sa• w of masonry an whirling past. screamed ; th lent. • Some s once ; now. th to bring -down ing so. Al cause ; • the and they -ha varices to gal, consultation ers again got this time ro the front, a- been thought found, and, by :men got insicll rent there w th y could n do . They fro t. After ag , there wei • str iggie with' prc ac ii ing th Tell Mr. rather stop li roan was hea Mrs. Si'nl carne into sig by the, torch " \Vd casino and shells ti stcv o bird 1 I 1 self -ecutrol.". Mr. Dixon • Mrs. Sibbert Was forced tit turn ; uplift% she was got in "Your Willi no doubt, m aw 'co: the "1 by did yot net I w re." Spe beg your p talking so. fully. But w: is filling ; wo yoit." Atthat ins came from wall 'must h .,another ragiu upon them. a large tr:: and a breakin: wood-wi The wo ' en in th se in the ouse w jape mus be tag t the 0 nt has trees it w ' ld go m ; came from a oat had prung only mal eshift her wit as held. to work, d the ea ide wind ofhyHa .its, mean the dwel s tpo istr t keep- t ad to go airing w sands ; wo pe wig d`os . ixcn you self yo re and b Browne saying. rt'' ;hi count t at the' "Window, arc}. leave, wi gout my set" abort ]Willie. Helve she has lo: tide a Fig crying u h the al.nls - c: o the boa isl being ," . sai no ins ke Id!,giuckl lig ou don,. is is not me ou co aha 1hzve mass >rk go e boat ere si- en at begun rndo- not ler leak, �ontri- . A hurried Then the row- tging t e boat ern co er of . Cher had nah. t was ,. one f the ng, T e cur - hg for, them e boat i posi- iagain o the at see ed of a k nd ons wre t nt anot 1 e rear. . e yielded Li, swell of 4. fresh p rat g out in t1 o clarknez' It meant a ild, loierst on the part of Miss 'Be nothing worse ' I am sure . he -has for sail the magi scrambli th boat. "I •aw it in gliiipse I had 1 her in t ilrs. Sibber rose in tl sh- must gobrick to h Mr Dickson 1 also rose, wi h her,forced her dow Sn ' tching up his oar,,he bade th pull for their lives. ICa e, despit ping, the shrieking •rotestat' motheihad to . be 1 f alon crazed aunt in the loomy vyzeters boiling and laging' ncreasing in their f'try ever t. CUAPTETt Il. Kate left alone in that wr se with -a nad wo liar` ? I co 'artily 1 I id not t ink it fat er." These rash, fitter wor :to lair. Dixon l y his son with those re cueu' rot neared the dry la ' a Prospect Hill,' JohD rushing down the road f house. He had reached other direction—by •he liaijing, on his part, '1 Sibbert and old Thomas ;pitable shelter. Miss far right, that the boy;a faced the. increasing 11. to rejoin the household By taking a roundab4iut, Atliemselves of the other !Wrenching it nnd fa` a :mous roving. (arced : st The torches h d to be :i glare blinded i ohn I) <on, ing his ft ce,.it tried. : pee was not an eahy things as hid ing of the 'r: nge he trw. in the di n ling': t, was ry slops and id les see•. ed f a they cio ld be 3: n b king, bee of two iltar a oft to the le hand, ow tiro f Prosp at Ho -.: an T ora the dar mass tl e 'dge, an which ey b j t e fir -tree spinn: ,s; so s eer ng Was'. ot. S •'>sii t o he fearfu elp=a ec .t r� e whereat &flood ' as f- atm the Re Hill G ll St erirg this ill ma .(e,t openi g of r. 1Th water a 'm led, cb -red'wit r : o Jolty !Iron's -ar ha f-1) !ieved tl lou ut. 1 ; ' , in a n ) " eu e� es Ji;t>iett ted it, lug: .tall it was hlydI Only e uppe-• per ge . 'w showi g'non s. s they dr s , ne lis 1 u s, niw.c d ittrrl, tri nn:Ting I boo 1 and jg i g on beh{iud t ley uu g 1 the l.qo t, r t .ii of t e sub •ge w the first t sea he t cel washed ` wn back. The)' Lea r ey'-e too heavy tken. er. '. ( o be Coit ted ome it; ig-, sh> ag: in. ; t•eir ,t n- ahd. It t 0 op:n- T Q sc:ne, raa ge ; he ch:•ged so t : 1: ut ike gle:Ins hg :Iae p•si- ca 'ala i ing i : On ust ew for �s ad an- r.:r. old ring down diaree on, er nge aid ore All ' as tobd till, i ' as :lot - i strsee..'in- it ed ✓ cog m - on of the er, a evstrane the t 'ntervals ingr, could the i house. ;ht to the c Wel ing. e said : caught � p iit'11 {t11 come u mere t an ! t of c ap- t d t had a l," the tno 1 ;nae lit Ip b sister, j y Pray ' t ilei ; s ,1 al to th man.. nd protesting, window ager tght Il. r, 'and' f a saved, 1 have' ti 9 I Mr. i,on. tc Miss B amish ,ifI as up r, he called, Beam sh;' for. rut disr:spect e ? 0 r boat to go ithou t t r dull crash. t The o chard 0 : t some part ; he flog al of la ghter of the house.; e rical o tburst finish, if it was t is f f 101 was tl t her y uses," g . dowir into _Ag her fa e, the e room." e boat, say -in ' sister': aid. nd, strt glitg on the ench.1 men the ns of with ouse.' bout 1rlo- • y n r to to i 'h o t et 12 1 k b in t 0 s y 18 clk aau.ut o 1rrLU dealer ng el: 'id raid I act, IN ut St fr«�t. : all t tirrib The and I :ti aua `- e )redo vood, f thio 6 States, 'or ja til •ultural urger e.S thous r, 1itt thinkin ere ::troying arc o ld hay n'l vale •l= than avoc , timb —t'le ttlers t uucr 1 years i e veto ; �; with rface 4 yered, t •eat' f r gets one t the t—is tl in A erican 1 1 at, - b.magni p now' aall the w' ever lize. I d ' (Aion values, e est ated at li i of del s. Bu F lthoug�� west o' t - were tb know b Iles 5 : Iries m n: North st, wh for t e plow t et foo, nit, th orse to • ake it c on fro the ma ble. 4 it wa er tions I indust it lives a i wore t les toil f hewin forest , ►f Ohio ople ` the pr. y of stlea y assn s e almo. t pike a h o .• Fe -t is -e. jt c1g , that the- a et d covere iv fere p. ; they o •e in .ac 4 1 value t y stun o -day. h t ut 1 a y sto h -le as se in the d:'Striietlo Ing ou eat wood o Jenni env (elan e. Th t an p plar t s n six ot'i„h't'ye d. try wo 4 now br: rth f r,1 more f res and °'hat wa a . hen h e was c e, that lig" a was s:t'1 's tple open 1 w till ri_z:r, and e. t to fell we are r:_i n Iowa. u.v.at of :. raveller t.i} .'tate Eeje pm ja t staiie s: l ill vvimr1 p"n• p blabk sl:.si All a w n t belt, t c t it g up inta ail c -t ick sl a• t :t 'aub-g• w 1t y 'corp , o-op.rat E lish canija. 0$ 11 se mill ' V` we he he sth: ane ho s were As th It the the b Xon had om the: home Dalby ronIght safe to i ibbert d the of d, dete the route, a higher. pike, they had never 1 een in danger. John Dixon ha( to ore risk in getting for he had gone first! b wa . It was only th with a carrier's cart,. alr: which had passed thi tv that he got upon thei On reaching Prospec ,there, he did not find t :father or any of the : G Indeed, the house was e pants had all gone diiwn the flood.. £wushing o: wildly down the road torches lighting hii;`n to t be came upon the dise the women weeping and glands. • The news of Kate beitg still ;Grange and that her' at rib had los her senses, made: hi .x nearly tic. It was in that' stat of ini ,spoke so wildly to his fa her. I ,Ir. Dixon, wileas st. o squeezing the water ro the b t of his trousers,. mildly sagd, "If w 'not come away, John', Viet shoul all leen in the water tog; `tllor." The young gentleman rid dour its father. - Putting grim 1 aside, r e I<, to trying to tug the bo: it on dr, 1 t was_altogether op I unwieli y him, but the hien in a n oment t Ieto d what he meant' to o. The by heir joint efforts, kva.1dragge ly ut of the water.eking ' o 'owl jacket, John Dixo. instant to ork using it to stair ch the In an amazingly short: Arne th was again pUshecl off. ! Leapi board, he stood there-] p Ile and ruined. "Who groes With me ? One m n more ; not you;. father ; Wall ti a luau, soniebod i.iot tired I'll Dityiid Holmes He'll d as I bid \Viol you coiue Daviil ?" Mrs. rs.- Sibbert again w s maki way into the boat. "Le life go she pleadingly asked. • I 1. firmlj, her at ba) . " must ru no ris said ; "Rate's 'life is a stake. boat must not o too hea y, in a; s the boat leaklna `.again. 'o up' to :house and see Willie. tched was you, fi oken it boat 1 -ange a e of g come tl Own P an- ad= \Mille hos- s 80 ni an ined nge. n iling urn- •uch osed hem, rtest tin g Glen, 'oad, with. j his ates. ccu- e_ of shed of here oup, heir El al t s a m fig U 0 e pl tr d, . 0 s r, re n a ,been e rewsoft the s; 1. Ough_ arty ov 1, o on the r tr ck. Hous ere eithe auge in. •pty; it. to the e t, he : the gl: e spot. barking wringin. .. a . t i1 4 r.. t the trite ran - nig, he ems had have 1 ith be- nd. for der - oat, art - his set ak. •oat on ter- etp T vo iu"a et` rh hi bto gr w list he ar the ay at eft on gsla )s Ca S er on shall b Kate safely; do uot fear." keeper, who had enly t -reach d ruling the lights in the b at as b the circling tu bid flood. r. Dixon c me forw rd, calli his ar : "You will do o good boy," He hael, dropped is voic re Words shou d not re ch M his Sou. "I caiatot wait. ' now,Stroke pon str Ise drew • ng the It i 1 el ca ly 1)1 ave Many le vriting It is ack sir along now, ng alnu, r the ese a cer hold ration ng w ists, The little and w ck ttle city ellvill is v nd Ce the heir ir e to alre dura Over line heit now .ally w —Gr rang liieh n and ected hre vore til s s of siilhtl mal US to dy s wee. poke ortifi th 0, Pieea illy, Io 1 we et s tea lin ittr oryi eopl Was EL the to tindt India dt killts is an nd and re are all fast e let of th riY ng es hic 1 Ildl ly les hey, f and k' d bur q it y nor in this set - the roy- the a SO nds nes In- ear- roy- und ling ing eer ow ung tire ich hio and ole lay lers no ay rld, wo ent the the To 75 sts nd od nd eir rth as ton ter his he lo - of tO ed IA fie w land e Set far a the w 08 8 t ut of e thes on he for ye s' war tes ch Ohio bow it t da. wr a in an Barth 'ght acres t the settler t e h5 rich, elea enty ye lfere ere ,no or- rs eal fo bl ave tio eYe tit c nd able Or hog bh. take tram 'heads of Oozy gr at mills -re of- br•ad wad, ut large _al d pany of an in le th stn 11 - be fon d. oodlinibeesr, n- 11 that ut 114digrec ly isEdennigliat de, valuab e, e heel e, fees s th y ere tithe of ,Tioi7 es • ed tient 1th st ab thse tact We epi bl ge to ch omfo t- ope a- nd rop r- es with whi h e- er gr ou to se. H oati ere na sea, Ciel/ 8 kets lab m, pat 0 82-52 es a r- 1 RITIsH he Quietest, noted H tel commodious supplied. 'G EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderich, . COX, Proprietor.. This is otie of Most Coxnfortable and Beet Con - in the PrOvinee.. The Roome are and the able and Bar libeleally od stablin in connection, 6b5-52 JOHN LEC HA, General Loan and Real Ei tate " Agent. G sin, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Mon loaned on real estate' in town or country, at 8 er cent. simple interest. Charges moderate rtgages bought and sold. Matared mortgages p id off. Terme to suit borrowers. earms and lage property for sale. Office— Leckie's new brick block, Brassole, Ont. 615 $66 A NvEEK`in your own town. 'Terms and Co., Portland Maine. 626 52 "- made. Costly Outfit !tee. Address T 11E Co., Augusta, Maine. 626 2 ' t, eon PER DAY at home. San ples 10 to $1,000 Invested in Wall 1St., St cks makes fort Nery month. Books se t free explaining e ry. all -street, N ow York. 587- 2 WONDERTUL CUREI—T 'a is to certify that f four years' standing y a receipt I have left u the hands of Hickson & ,Bleaedell. For fur - her pai ticulsrs apply cH.LitLES WO DS, esi ALL AT J. S. ROBE TS' DRUG STORE, Seaforth for the Great ierra Nevada Smok- he worat cases of loth a, Phthsic and all ieeases of the Lungs yield readily' to this t sat - gent. ,For I sale by all yuggists. Price, 75 cants a box. 601-52 T P. BRI E, Licenced ,Anctioneer for the .j • County 1 Huron. Sales attended i4 all arta of the onnty. All orders loft at the Ex.- OSITOR Offic will be promptly attended to RA.NOIS GRAHAM, AVOTIONEER ND LAND A GENT.—Spec al attention giv n to ale of landee property, farming and there, igh- red atock. 'attle selected for the English at- ! et. Office a Auction Re me, Acheson's new lock;Gbderi h, Ont. Term moderate 6 5 cession 12, wi I be promptl bills, notes Slid etamps f eadbury. 1 attention give to , Farm Stock and ft with either of the attended te. ale ruiehed if requ red. • ONEY TO LEND—Money to lend on improved terms only, at 71. per eent. i st, payable y arty ; private funds ; charges rate. JOHN S. PORTER. 6 ood ter- od- on firet Claes seeurity, at 8 per cent. ye rly rat crest. Pr-vate funds, or on the install ent lain Apply o W. HILL, Seaforth. (18 ertt, at per cent. interest. Intend my. • half.yea y or yearly, as desired, with a or - ion of the p incipal, if so preferred. Expe see ONEY.—The undersigned has a large su of money for immediate investment on rat inortgages on farm property. Seven and a alf er cent. Interest yearly ; principal as may b e greed upon. J. H. BENSON, Solicitor, Sea - MEDICAL G. SCOTT, M.D. &e.,Physician, Surgeon Alccouchenr, Seaforth, Ont. Office and once month side of Goderich Street, first and loot 342 M. HANOVER, C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and ccoucheur, eafurth. Out. Office and reside ice, rst door seat.' of the Catholic Church. 4 6 ftlee and Residence, on Jarvis street ndrth, McNAU ay. • A stock Charges roes° nese and certi HT, 'Veterinary Surgeon, Gredu tario Veterinary College, Seaferth, prompt15 attended tor -nigh or of veterinary medicinee -en and able. Horses examined mite so nd- Gates given if required. 407 ldre, Whitney Seaforth. "ILL • Surgeon Dentist, Grad ate of the Royal College of De tal Surgeons of Ontario. 0 ce s new brick block, Main St rot, - LEGAL. JAMES T. ARROW, Barrister, Attorney n d —1A3.1-FIRON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barris ers, Solici ors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, nt. . C. Cern ton, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. am- ATILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commis. T sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and ppraiser. Accounts and notes collected on La*, Sol titer in Chancery, Conveyancer &c. 0 Bice, Masonic Block, Wingham. Trust Fenada to loanl. Car ful attention to colleetions. 6)2 TT c, MEYER, Barritter and Attorney at -I-1- • Law, 8, 'leiter in Chancery. Commissioner for taking 'affidavits in the Province of Manitoba. elicitor fOr he Bank of Hamilton, Wingham. t• JAMES EEHOE, Thirrister, Attorney, So- . • licitor, Conveyancer, &c., Stratford. Mr. ehoe will be n Seaforth twice each niontll on 4revious Rat day evenings. He will eta at he first an third Mondays, arriving on the at LMV, So icitors in Chancery and Insolvency rth and Brus els. $28,qoo of Private Fun s to T• he she), e rm has thia day been dissolve by rautual cense t. All aceounts dee the fi to 1 c paid to Mn Benson who will pay all li bil- Blo k, Alain Street, Sea,foilth. OLICITOR for the Consolidated Ban of Canada d the Canadian Bank of Comm roe in Seaforth, Farm and Town and Village Property botIght end sold. I Money (nth te funds) loaned on mortgage se - entities, at re sonable rates of interest. Charges Money invei3 ea for private persons upon the I est mortgage securities, without any expena to • S. CAM BELL, trovincial Land Surveyor 1 attended ten and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prourp t D. B. CAMPRELL, GREAT CLEARING SALE THOS KIDD' AT • 1/14Y 164 1880. TEM. TEAS.I TEM: - THE NEW CROP JUSt .:ARRIVED. SEAFORTH -4-uZaT S Just try is Newl Teas, --they a it really good and EMPORIUM Gt. eery and,Provznon Store spoT where yon n gct the bed FRESH ROORIES AND -PROVISIONS, As announced last week, I have commenced to run off the balance of my exten- sive Summer Stock of GENERAL OlY GOODS, MILLINERY AND FANCY OODS, READY1VIADE CLOTH- ING, OOTS AND SHOES, HATS CAPS, GENTS' FUR - AT GOEATLY REDUCED PRI Every Department' will be found thoroughly assorted, and UNDOUPTED BARGAINS in each. In OOLORED MUSLINS, GRENAWBS, WHITE GOODS, DRESS LINEN, COSTUMES, SUMMER SHA 8, SUMMER SKIRTS, and HOSIEBY, 41 -ere is a' PERFECT SLAUGHTER goIng on. sold., even at Wholesale Prices, to dear them outon or nay early AUTUMN IMPORTATION'S, Which I These Goods must order to make room expect in a short timei A CHOICE LOT OF REMNANTS 11Are also being .,() ered at nearly one-third. their cost, consisting o REMNANTS IN DRESS GOODS, REMNANTS IN. BLAQK AND COLORED LUSTRES, REMNANT IN PRINTS,' REMNANTS IN MANTEL, DRESS AND TRI REMNA TS IN CASHMERES. MING SILKS, A QUANTITY OF DAMAGIED FINGERING YARN AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Astounding Bargains in a classes of Goods during the Wilt uance of this GREAT CLEARING SALE. Every Lady desirOus of Saving Money, by purchasing servieable Goods at Greatly Reduced Pri es, should make it a point to visit my Establishment and judge for themselves A Liberal Discoun -on all Cash Purchases. Special terms to customers buying on short time, and the Highest Market Price paid for No. 1 Butter in tubs and One Car of Sugar arrived this week ; also a lot of Irlresh Groceries, consisting of Teas, Wobaccps and Fruits. Wine and Liquor 1Department as usbal fully stocked. All orders punctually attended to. Free Delivery any part of the Town. CLEARIN HOFFMAN SiikLE' OF DRESS GOODS E3ROITHERS' CHEAP -CASH STORE, In 'order to make rodm for our Fall Importations Vite have decided to offer and sell the whole of our PL4IN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, GRENADINES, LINEN SUITS, LINEN ULSTEI1S AND LINEN DUSTEtS, • .4.4,+ COST Pl4cE OR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. AN EARLY CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 'FANCY GpoLis ARRIVING WEEKLY Just to hand, a New Lot of Rufflings, Parasols, Buttons, Fringes, Beaded Gi fTrimmings, Black and White Real Laces, Kid, Gloves in two and four but on—light shades, Hosiery and Gloves. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. BLOCK. THE SEAFORtH AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM. 0. C. WI(LSON; PROPRIETOR. Co$nsisting of the Following Kinds : MASSETS NO, 13 THISTLE CUTTER PLOW, OLIVER'S NO. 40 CHILLED PLOW, 1 HILL'S PATENT PLOW, NO. 2 1 MASSEY'S NO.110 sop PLOW, PORT PERRY AND TEESWATER GANG PLOWS. A Full Stock, of traw :Cutters, Horse Bahes, Grain CrusherS,,Bo. t Cutters, and all Implements libelo7 ging to the Business. • S EW I NG ACHINES, AS USUAL. The Florence, Wanz r F, Raymond, Royal Singer, and other SeWing Machines Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and work Oils, Needles and Attachments always on hand, 0. C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth. And a nic as °rang jam by Currant HON Some o 85 cents Try my Try my per porm Try my Try my it is reall po of all kinds 41 FRUITS, such one, Apples, Dates, Cranberry ud, Black Ci,trrant y, Red "ne Apple Je4, Figs, Raising, • the heist Tea. Dust the malice% at New Japan Tea at 40 and 50 cents per ack gongatt Tea ail 50 and 60 cents Y• oung Hyson Ten at 45, 50i 55„, 60 and r pee Gunpowder Tea at 64 cents per pound, , good faille. 1:=" Co tCTISIKD1\TS- A Food supply of thOse supetior Smoked Sugar Cured Pia s, eked Dimon, Plain Rains Ind all sizes-, hich, Peing bought price, wit be sold very cheap. G. AULT, Main • T BR U TO td. Fruit jars, of tiore the rise in 14. A E A D. • turxi g thanks to the inha ittweltstnotfs it their and 'Si Ci 'ity for past patron]) >, and beg ro state that h Illi A g made several inni kiln and ode f burning, ti tv are now in a ie better po ition han ever bet, re to supply the public wi h first-class lime. it 1.24c. cashi, at tile This bank the sixth seaso of our linsineins fied satis action so fa the lilac can ely ott receiving good treatment ande first-clasi article from us. Bement 646-13 SEAF TH FLA MI LS. TS ST4L Desirous of dislieSing of hie Max 3.1i1143 on tea onable termsito a good. active business an, w o is likely tosomanage it prop. erly. He has Etteti, dent Flax s wn, and in spies-, did order to keep the Mill rutintinTi steadilydnr- Any am wit o money to L an on reaionable JOHN 133E.A.TTTP,. pY LE_ as in mid Leave yo G your .order eviery secon day at Iliggsl you can secure Oysters s fresh winteS, and direct frent the fisheries. ICE CREAM AND -SODA WATER, obaceos, Pipes and higars, Fruits, Km( er.; Confeetione =staidly on Hand. Will re eive n+xt., week a ire& supply I pure honnezro. em ATPS WANTE, FABME S ANI? THRESHERS TAR -r, NO- TICE. T. Media, Rippen, a.%ain calls your at- tention t at he is as usual reaoy for the harvest of 1880, for the ;repairing of Mowers, IliesPers, Threshing Machip' es, and such like. Old gearing boxes filled and made good as new also ',repair- ing of knilvt and all kinds of ..,tinkerhag donein cylinders mi concaves repaired: should not fail to give a 1. The best of ix -4n used *ri the raanufact re of anal all lt.inds of ebbing executed ith neatness and despatch. Iva T., Isfellis a t "al, and be convinced 0.,o your o eat- isfaction pat he ds the right man in the right place. "terse sh*eing and general blacksmith-, big of all kinds clone in a satisfactory Manner-. A_ call solizited Xrom all. Remember aid look out for th hive. 655-4 .1' THOMAS MELLIS, pen. E G empom 41, THE Su scriber hereby thaullt his numerous eraste era Orterchants and. others) 14?r their h opes by Strict inteqrity and clime attention to business tb merit, their confidence and trade in ises durin the winter, he is now! prepared tosay THE IGHEST CASH PRICE For any q antity!of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Empollium, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Wanted by the ',subscriber, 25 'tons of gOod dry clean whent straw!. THE ZURICH CARRIAG4 FACTORY. HESS & lwaya, on hand, and make toi Order, fermi, and every othir article in their can gUaratrtee a good article both as and workmanship. For St_le and Finish their work cannot be surpasse by the large city establishments. Repairi g promptly attended to. Give us a trial and e convOnced that we eau satisfy yottag to quality nd prke. Mr. He s is wellknown to the public, having been in b sinessin Zurich for o'ver 12 years - 636 HESS & IIABERER. line.Wa Ct T_T AVE ness, and to rnateri THE RD PHOTO !GALLERY. Picture of Rare Me? it Taken by A. Calder, Sea,forth. CALL AW., SEE SAMPLES. ALL the; Samples shOwn by ine are samples of every! day work, and such as .you Can get Any day at Calder's .only. Rich drapery, clear and brilliant eolors, and smoothand elean facto, such as can be made Only by years of practiee and experience. OldPictures copied end enlarged usual. Negatives preserved. Opposite t e Commercial Hotel. I 650 Wholesale and. R , ail Dealer in 'LEATHER sad SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None b t the 'Very Best Stock kept. Terms moderate. A Trisa Solicited. All orclera =II 400 11. is% BRETT A little saiini7sgi:Alt,7nilinctv:ii:i atdWl, hi la il 1, tr 8 all it leta e Me: eistari. ealk ;131.nilt: 34nel 3 oil ;:fle)astY: eohi tell yOtt how el“Row much throwing dovi let her have 1 c°8igil—niel)beirl i!Ji)er 1 a ne said that he 3 y4 3twbe I Ivo°, n aheume or yrp 43 opi aoseprtialie:it,oid:: told his pat keep you hn he—:ash°gwo:eg a few days a, rvtedh „,111111ont6e, 1 him 'where gist : 44 Yon 1 s 011 ge la net :we i 114 3'-b 1. f, la faersohlmi 1 —The Scoi his inn, whill ed to see whs at the 1.11100 man, it's no was in that b It was stone 'Tarry iti as mad as la" tied. them angillonhae; .f731 and I gave ia The snobbi in. 'Frisco h eeaote “out -1 ocracy. Amo Taylor street tative of the who prided inwardly con who paid. tb 831a VAS not being receive, the aseendan she wassma at the Taylo the servant I foot, awl the remark, -My strict, mum '- day. but we A ihalleeurtthvi.e°sfi7trijinme;sli those ladies s What was he door the ca; to cultivate, chagrin" was from her se "Mrs. Elite's A Geller Ile aia not face to ins clothes looke third term, a of people int The newep was "thar "Well, co layin'for yo "Not to h "Yes. they ou niv arm j mark -et bask "Pro not j Look here. quarter '2— "Now, yOu now say yob. "Yon. aon you it your "Jest eoun "You eay yon want to "That's a "Then you from OTIS of Barb The idea the Londe among the merely, as than the Inv bronze razo snarkable hatien of the shell or with left by Euro will throw while one fri vents him fr scrape his c broken bottl ing but bear must have with the raz he went So a shave, asked the 11111,11