HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-09, Page 6.13 6 • Sart on Strawberries. ' We have received a letter from a lady o says that in accordance with the •ad- oe of a Western horticultural paper she s �� wed salt upon some of her strawberry b ds, and that the result was the plants ere all killed.. She asks if the article as in fault, or if she was; In some degree the article was in error, and it ay bethat in some degree our Corre- s ondent was. Under proper circum, a ances and in_ proper .quantities, there c be no doubt about the beneficial x alts of applying set alt .as a fertilizer. I soapy the quantity recommended is uch larger than we . should use under y eircumstances. From•three to 17 usheis per acre is the usual recom- endation.. Of course much, depends pon the condition of the soil. in decid- i g upon the quantity. i to lie applied. But we should seldom use more than a arrel to the acre. The article in .ques- ton recommends. ten bushels, which llaAnder the circumstances is certainly too rge a quantity. If it. Was applied be - 1 re the crop was planted and thorough - 1 incorporated with the soil, it might n of and.probably would not prove in- irious, but to apply ten bushels of sit to an acre of ` growing plants auld be so much against our judg- tent that we never should venture to d it. ; In applying; to strawberry beds we s ould not apply to the plants, but r. Cher between the rows. All the ob- jects sought to be accomplished would be as readily accom dished 1 in that Way at. in any"other. Still, if sowed in pro- pir quantities even upon the plants and t e plants were not wet with rain or d w; we do not see how it should act so d sastrously as to - kill them. If the s t should be held upon the plants by ✓ ason of dampness, the I result would questionably be disastrous. If • our o rrespondent applied ilt under such c en -instances, she was at fault. Per - h ps, too, the soil already contained e tough salt, and if so any addition would. not only be useles but• probably furious. , In all such matters, it must be re: embered that no invariable rule can laid down. In fact, there can be no .flexible rule in any sphere of action. e say that in certain sections corn s onld be planted from the first to- the iddle of May, but. we mean the rule apply only when the circumstances a e favorable. -Suppose there is an ex- tr mely late spring, and the ground is wet and cold up to the middle of May, much so that if corn 'is planted it w 11 certainly rot, it is not intended tat the rule shall be followed. 'Good. s and judgment must at all times be e ercised in the application of rules. e might fill this entire department w th an article giving directions " con- e Hing the cultivation of strawberries or any other crop,' and there would still a 'se unforseen and unexpected circum- st *aces which the directions would not pr vide for, and which must be met with the dictates of judgment.— West - cry. I? ural. s Cleanliness in Milkin..g. Between the cow and the butter m ker, however, there is a point which Oft , not be too carefully guarded—the way in which the milk is drawn from the oow and handled before it reaches the milk room. A very large part of the poor butter made results from milk being spoiled before it is even strained. One lot of butter examined at a fair showed this ab once : it was not fit for • use as food., Some, on tasting it w rill have said, "animal odor." P rhaps so, but apt from the cow. If the coup is healthy; end h good food a s d pure water, there can e e no odor or to te to the milk in the ® drier at all obi ectionable. Nor will t. ere be if the tri k is then drawn from a well cleaned u der by a clean milker in pure air, and keet away from all sour es of taint. 0 hers'would have said th, s butter was owy.'" Don't lay such charge to the poor cow; she did her ,leart faithful- ly'. The butter we comp) .� n of is not covey ; it is horsey or pig. , or worse y , filthy. The cow -keep r and milker ac the persons to blame) . Let every b tier maker who has an regard for th reputation of his or • er product in ist upon every possibl: precaution be'�ng taken by the milker to keep the m Ile piire and clean. No really good butter can be expected if he milk is taken from an unclean b: g, or by a a nilkor with unclean hen t s or cloth- ier or if the the milking is done in a fil by or ill -ventilated st:� ble, • or the in lk allowed to stand, - e en a short ti e surrounded by uupur air. It is th greatest mistake to su el pose that if di ty or foreign matter g ts,into the mark, careful straining wil remedy the ev1 ; the object may be 11 moved but th3 taint remains. It mu t also be re- membered that there a,'e invisible th;ngs as sure to spoil mil. as those we cite see. There are now i nproved im- pleQments which greatly protect the lk, guarthug against car lessness and idents, but nothing w 11 take the ice of careful cleanly x Wilkin;.—Rc- po *t of Hampshire Coinncit ee on Butter an'c Cheese. ". 0 m ac pll Death of an :Bmiu.e. t Clergy - I Han. The Rev.Canon Coch ane, one of Neva Scotia's most emir: t sous, died at his resiaeuoe at four o'c oak on Suu- day morning, leth ult. r. Cochrane vets 82 years of age, and r ad been an active minister of the + stablislied Church, for 56 years, 28 if which he was rector of. the church a r Lduenburg, azd_28 in charge of Salem and Trinity churches iu Montreal. e was the s�_yki of Dr. Cochrane, one .f the first presidents of King's Collet e, Windsor, and was originally iuten.'ed for the Royal Navy, being brought from Wind - set to Halifax on horsebac'c through a path in the woods." He so .n after left the navy and"entered me centile pur- suits. lie Well remembere the battle between the Chesapeake and the Shan- non, and often described the horrible scenes he witnessed ou the arrival of those vessels in Halifax Harbor. He was ordained by Bishop Stewart, of Q iebec. In 1831 he started the l'c:lonial Ch ?trek au c:n, the fiirst religious newspaper published in fl itish North Ajnerica, which lasted five years, and was the 'author .of several pamphlets and books. He was one of the pioneer tej nperauce men of the centiuent, and was a charter member of the Grand Division, Sons of Temperance. He was one of the founders of the Halifax Deaf and Dumb Institution, and for a griarter of a century acted s its . Secre- tat-y. He was also one of the founders of the Halifax Dispense y, and has bcu its President from t e beginning. For the 1 chaplain Some yea and raise WO for " which bn a man of inches hi an eloqu one whos gretted,a monume try. De Hon. Mr. dal Seer founders ciety.. of whom England, rane, a la C Mr. Jo known re Enterprise ''On seeir on Canad the Amer road come of land, I permissio Enterpris ments th which I Manitoba "I met well kno experienc substanti agents pa they rep the Stat: motley w 80 acres or 4 year: he picked Manitoba and has "Again States America appropri spent all then left 1 land," as when he- few e1few cents comforts, family, ar . . st twenty f. the s ago he an endo King's C )ding he noble phy h, and b t and p death wi d whose. t. in the eased wa Cochrane tary of Q f the Qu e leaves s 'Ban Epi and anot vyer in nada th eph Leec �ident of of that g the ilia.. lens going ' can agen sanies wh feel cons ,touse to refute y make, oticed w Bin the e the gi years use o turlupeti ment liege, as bo ique, s lilt prop lverful s 1 be un v orks are istory O a brot one ti bee, an bec Hi veral c h be Assembl. the„ coun ncl f.$40, i sor, u e wat f dt three ionately, e ker, aux, rsally e' erpetu 1 is,co.0 of t Proviu ne of th; rcal. So ren, on': Man I rTTT1V P TT �T TT TT T HE H-IURbN EXP TTTTTTTe TT Zj TT TT TT TT VETT opal el r1 er, i11r. Ftzl CoQ' ntreal. Best �et. an of fired w 1 orrie, w i es to illage . s ;follow sition•a•• osed, to the orthwest emplo ed by:ra 1, hold 1:r4e tray rained, with yo little s.abe in t ome of the: stat giving a few fee ire on al trip last spun with sem: pard s who ar n in this ieinity, and who nited States' do no • • ing tr'b be thes: the land along t e railway esent. ' m. Trim ell tries s and sent his' t me an ile he br ke up and fence f prairie, nd tested it for • After ep::nding all his mean tip his fa.•ily an went t where h : is now orpfortabl good hoe. e. Joseph ells wa:: led to th ' the `in j ucemis f thes sharks, ( dont k ow a mor' p name f r them) I He to *means nd 7 0 8 ,ears,an l and ca i. e to th : t "despise these sha: ks call • d it, an ended in ' `I.nni h d but in his ` p ket. e is no, ly settled ith his ifs an d has sto Lt and m lenient about hi . "These Men onl regret tI at the staid on the other :ide to 4s all the had. An there ar any; uc cases I met five) or six fa :• 'es ft m Ontario who had tried the ` t tes fo the last or 4 years and were :• ow on their way °to the Sa katchewa to fig "Aa home where the could li e in Comfort an safety, w ere justio . is me ed out t Indian an white ,.: n alike ° "I hope your rea.: s will ot bele astray, b t will -go : d see for therm selves the advantag • s the is in th Great N rthwest j .lver D kota a Northern innesot: I saw so much these age is en the -rain d at t ; a stations along the r te, an since return I ave' met t : em her ii Caned that I de ::m. it my . uty to give the warning t.. the pub To B : Well . . n T T' R ERY' ST RE Our Te a Ili 50-e 000,E '0O OE CE.11t LACK, R'EIEN, e EX TTTT TT T SITOR. TTTTT T TT T T TT THE POST OFFICE is Can't be Beat. in the Dominions. G. OFFORD, JF CAN B00T u°-NYB0I- Tho Best ALL THE WIL 60 GENT JAPAN, 60 CENT MIXED. 30 CENTS. 35 Cl S. ITh and Star, . !I e Goods T e all V F E IN OeaFL"ES: of the Best Quail . .” Weise•:rhave m or clothi , and I how we p : rchase i depredati'.ns. In thing out •f the el rooms,, aro+ spread h furs, etc., where th free acce to them the wood" ori and o and a� I1 \ them to fore the,s : n goes do articles t at have b shake thee well an appointee places. closely i. a cotto with cam.hor, and their box s. i This i found -n: essary ; b addition •e rip littl gum and ay them ets. A friend who parlor c:rpet -ever rooms; thn lays a s along'the,edges of t every inc of it wit says this tvilleffect away. id of oths. the in nub' carpe s m tem . ted to tel 1 rnunity from the r ay we alto; ever sets a • d 'clothe d -cloth s, elothin. sun a• d sir ha We th:n!wash a 1 oors of the roo s ✓ thoroughly. B n we;g Cher u{it e en sung ngall da store them in the r a pin the ;flare u cloth; 4 turate ay them Tway i all we have ev r t some people i... pieces f i�aYnph.r' ong t chi blan oes not !take up h r year pleans h rip of weft mush carpet,! and clxi:s a hot trim,' S ally keep the mot. '1 J 'tchen Floor. , • 1 If you ave a pa' ted floo4, k l ep tea and soap uds off of it; for it oils t". e brightnes of the p: nt, ma, it sof and then peels it o , leaving a flo.r looking werse'.than I it ha. ot bee painted. If your floor has . ot bee ainte keep soap off'of it, f r it give: t a dirt grimy leak, and k: ops gro • i g ; wars all the jute. Ju • take can hit water, pu a teaspo hful of-pirits ammonia into a t+:ree-gallon pail water, st` it, and Stith a le n1 ion; handled op rub he floc : 1111 one then wipe it off wit, clean,ter. will take a little wh le to g t the gra out of the boards, b t it wil .pme ou after a time, and ye u will . n '{it fair easier to keep you floor w itle an • nice than it was hen cl tined wit soap or sods.— )Von aata's Jou 71 ,1/./.11 1 ,To Clean BI. ck Materials. Take the article tint wish to clean, o the side you intend o make up las the right side ; brush w 11 all the dust o •t of'•it ; then take a pi:ce of bike fiann:1 or an old black w ollen sto must always be bra k); dip it i t ce l coffee, and sponge ,:11 the a erial a1 over alike; thea fol up eac )iece !o: breadth nice and e en, an 1 t it r main damp for thr e or f u hour Iron ou the wrong .ide, an l the al: dusty, shabby dress will to k just a fresh and bright as new. I ave trig this receipt au .blacsilk, ar matt lustres and merinos, and con ider it ti Best I have used. t neith r strealk deadens: the gloss n. rots the rnaterii . t 0 Ho* Peopl Eating too much lowing imperfectly usiug too much fiui ing poisonous whisk toxicating drinks ; poison as medicines at night, and sleepi ing ; wearing clothi ing thin shoes ; uegl body suflicieutly to 1 exchanging the war. warm rooru during t and exposure incide ties ; compressing gratify a vain and dress ; keeping up c fretting the mind wi I blas ; swal owing q every : im inary ill irregular i tervals, e Get $i nd too as ; swal mastict.te food , `i at me Lis; drink .y said o her in repeats 1 usih; keepin la e hoer• g late in the mord g too ti h wear rating to ash th.: eep the ores open tt clothe worn in e day .fo costume t to ev ning par the st maeh t oolish askion fo ustant a citement h bore wed trod ack nostrums fo taking meals a c. E P 1Ve• 1, QROCJ Hurn an Just URN al R;O A IN I IS D. ' 40 CENTS. 45 ENTS.'.CALL AND SEE FOR YO ODDS ARE THIS BE SOLD AT THE WHICH HE IS SEASON'SI MAKE, AND _tSW PRIG S FOR NOTED. , and recommended fqr Flavor ROSE, SEAFORTH. OF THIS NOTICE, D TO CALL AT N'S, SEAFORTH, IS = YOU ha C 13� A Cp'•DIAL d a 00K] use in AN ,rye S RY ar rte Trade. WELCOMES ock ,of Choice FLMIL 31- d e LASSWARE Cheaper Quantitt . f the 1.3EST S WED4' will sAld at Bottom Prices, YOU FORGET IT. SMIT --" Good �kn JONES "I am g nrhitur , ion see is >ricea. tir baby w n onn Gy."' 0 thele'' id, BO d, as t remar sang ine o order each era, 31, as for ion. H, ate. Fe res a RTSON Hardwar bly low p a stock b very sho Weed and I HI 3,i ST THE ELEOTORS. rnid Jone t, where ar g do n t' M ROB ie is getting planed out Is a reeve cradle, and th nd ye D de?at Pe Oa to s Ate, at he has t stiOre, d th t h is no odt. tendi g purchas foe pdt ehasi hg o sewhei otic .. Pio ure ramin er t en i t exchange erly, and gtook of als abbe RTA ue o' I sup rvieion, a eta,; oftln ;Shrouds, t 1 co rtry. A L NI you going to ?" RTSON Furniture toget ' wstar om o s, gtonie new and I w he to get sone firat rate furniture at very low y say thaa� he as the very boat and cheapest in the moved to the remiges hasty seepiei by Mr. Jo.hn a will figul it reatly to their advantage to call and Repel in; promptly attended to., Farni re made All wdrk guaranteed, Farrth produce, toted with the greatest care ud atten- d complete, and at the ve y lowest Remember the place. ING DE d will be mind ; will be four. (ease for hire. Z,TSION, SEAFO4TH. 11 Coo it LM ,AGE L RING Tops. Sk.A.FOIR4'11- NOB s. ENCH and .G MAINiST., SEA ORTH. CENTRAL GROCERY. LApLAW 1 TUF4P SEEDS. 00 TO MOORE'S ART GALLERY, TO SEND TO YOUR There you can et anyrkmd of Pictures you ant, in any style, and the finest fi ish. Satisfaction Guarantee . Pictures Framed. Having purch and second-han Plows, Gang P for Engines, Ga sertment of ea make room for Boilers, and all Address— • NOTICE. sed the stock of the G-oderic of one 40 -horse Engine, one 'Boilees, a lot of Flour Mil oWs, Land Rollers, Straw C Pipe and Gas Pipe Fitting tings in general iuse. ,The he manufacture of other to 'nds of mill work. Repairs D. RUNCIMA 0 -horse do., two ve-horse do., new Machinery, Sa , Mill Machinery, tters, Horse-potirers, brass fittings ove stock wi I be sold cheap, to FANS PAINT! Tl BETTER1 HAN 0011 TO IT . ii . IT N I'llS li3eW andtlen arged prem do thie. !He Ms desires o inf okstore ode ich Et eet. Me 41 T 11141E ET YOlpi H D YOUR OFIES PROPERLY AND SUBSTANTIALLY deers of h g renieval, and , to thank them for past ved facilities he i3 prepared to give better eatisfac- t Reasonablell'erms. Grassie's ale Stand, opposite the Queen s cies, cppos! nn his CUR lacksm t4e _Ho G. OUSE 61/4N,D PAiNTI PAINT4 G, J. GRAVES is torepared to do sli kinds of ilo se and Sign Pal tiug, Paper Hang- . ing and Whitetvenhing. Satista Wen Guaran eed or no char e made. Orders . left at Wilson de Young'S, Lurnsdni ',fts Wilson' , or Wen. Roberkon ee CO.'f'., Will OS T1 OF 0 GE RE re pe tc•c of t co *le a sale y ash li th Do an e Co auies in t. e Db it g ve ease as I ar gen gst to give 'Xi a call,' teal n. T er, Time tfull beg Sne ls ✓ n e e 'ore the end of this month, or the counts will h o fut. he notice iwill be given, MONEY TO LOAN ON EAS tl. S cd ty loans me ey on good farm Secueity for a term of fro rable °ouch tione LIFE INSURANCE.—If yen want your li r th San Mut Life Assurance'Company, one of the hes inien, and 'cond ted on the most economical principles. 'am a wist3ls attentive business. Pesti Office and Telegraph Ofti ICE STORE, WA ars tact I ave been doing blisinees am desoript ons. Also always on hand ial y--whic , for quality an price, are Oi a, Drug , Patent Medicines, Bacon an fcr whs you want if you don't see it ate to al parties indebted to me for I stomers foe their kind eget them, a d kindly arge and Wel Selected he best in t e County. kery, Glasswe e, Lamps Hams, in et every - Cash or fa produce st and previ us years, put, into societies three to e insured Life In - Don't for- e in con. OF 1 CONS, BUCCIO, &C. TIUCEE11, Mitchell at a low tate on the dollar, afid being desirous of winding it up at once, I 411 sell LUMBElle ViTAG ONS, which are made of thoroughly Beateened nieterial ane none litter. Also, Remocrat gons and Buggies, :Nfhich consist of ,?11./ETONS, open and top; PIANO, open and box, side bar if preferred. SLEIGIIS AND - BOBSLEIGHS At less than they den be menufactured for. It may only occur once in a lifetime for an oppor- trinity to purchase e Rig egrial to these, to say nothing of the slaeghterin.g price. The prem- ises, which are one Of the largest in Canada, will be sold for lesa thee, half their value. 056. R. STRUTHEBS, R. N. BRETT, Wholesale and Rata 1 Dealer in LEATEttn and None but the Very Best Shock kept. Terme , moderate. A Trial &elicited. All orders by mail or otherwise prompt1y filled. ; get R. N. BRETT Part es desiring to give, Carrin gem Can find them at near the market. He MED OAL. --G. SCOTT, M.D. &c,,Phyliician,Surgeon and • Accoachear, Seaforth, Ont. 011ie. and reale detain sou side, of Goderich Street, Ilrat door WM. HANOVER, C. M., Oaadnate of firat door tonth.Of the Otetholie Church. 498 geonl, etc., Coronetfor the County of Huron Office and Residence, tin Jarvis street north, ate df Ontario Veterinary College, Sento Ont. Oftlie and Resideriee in roar of Xilloran* Ryan's. Calls promptli attended to, night •-.IX day. A stock of veterinlary medicines en hand nesk and certificates giveta if required. 487 '1"'" Smigeon Dentiete Graduate of the IloYal College of Dental Surgeonsl -01 Onterio. Ornate Mrs. Whitbey7s new briik block, Main Street, Seafoi th. LEGAL - JAMES T. &ARROW, Barrister, Attorney and 1. `-e Stele tors in Chanetry, &c., Goderich, keit. 506 IVILLI.41 SMALL, Conveyancer 1/13ti.Cozntalit- ' slimier in B. R., Wroeeter. Auctioneer Anti Appraiser. Accounts and notes -collected on reesonable terms. 866 pRED- LOGERS, Barrister and Attorney -at- -a- Law, olicitor in Chancery, Conveyancee, fie. 061 ce, Ma °Die Block, Witigham, Trust Funds to loan. Careful attentioe to collections. 652 TT W.0 :WEYER, Be,n1,:tter and Attorney at -.1--1-° Law Solicitor in ChiLncery Commissioner 1 for taking ffilavits in the -Province of Manitobs. Private I del to loan at 71i, to /I per eent. 633 HOE, Beefeater) Attorney), Se- _ the , first nd third •Mondays„- arriving on the urchase Neat and, precedes aturday ,evenbige. Ile will stay at Dr. Humor lee residence. • 1 ,638 tial . or Democrats, M. GRASSIE'S as also a nu LUMBE ber of splendid AGONS Which He Wil Sell Cheap. Relpairing and Hors ly Attended to. R mak r at the new sta Shoeing Prompt - member the old d. WM. GRA.SSTFI. PROF. 'BURK'S PR BROOK'S DISINFECTANT AND VERMIN The only article known that will drive way Vermin„ especially It is op-poisoncus,atid acknowledgedby chem- ists a d Physicians of the highest standing to be t e best known article for the following reaso : It retains its strength much longer than ny other, and it has no disagreeable odor. To b had in two ponnd boxeu. Price my cents Drng Store, Stele Agent for Seaforth. I j. B. SHOREY, Box 985, Montreal. 683-52 torthand rissels. $.28,cario of Private Funds to 58 rautual co sent. All acedunts du the firm tO air. Benson who will pay all Habil- be paid to MCCIiiICHEY &I HOLMESTED, LAT, c AMERY, AND CONVEYANCING Scott% lock, Main ;Street, Seaferth. SeOLICIT RS for the Consolidated Bank -of Canade and the Canadian Bank of Oceimerce Seafortb. Farm amp. Town and Village Property bought Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage se' curities, at' reasonable ratite of interest. Charges. moderate. Money invested for private persona upon the the lender. o and Engineer. Orders by raailpromp.t 79 D. 8 COWBELL, itlitcricit. The Grey TAn the chair. Mil read and appro .cession 16, Gra Brown, et -at, tW at lots 50 -and I - gravelled and di secondee Illessrs. Bryan. 'contract of graill son, Sr., VietS assessed' ineerroi 'Wand from scW were granted Se tendance and in gent 031111 ill 4 James KePdel, roadway betwee applied to have.1 -crossing at lest 9 and 10, alai fei culvert with It boundary taking- and tnateriale -for ;6 other ht -1 s Slenamou ;sea Robert Coats s,•• part 52, coacessl "Vanee, when assessment rolil and Qourt of '11. ont ditch on Council agteed condition -that clean in future of Robert Peare line between lot agreed. to pay the benefit to tt is an outlet from the road of Robert Rossl 45 and 6. Couni benefit to the r4 dug—Carried. I granted side lin noncession Concessioia 16, tween lots 30 se $15 between 25 Carried. .1.2.50 Ewen for keep indigent. Conn meet again at tl Tr) tev4 Toronto, pkade court to stealine office where he sentenced to ' years, which is oan be given for —The liquor tawa from the 1 of june amount gets $12,000 of going to the Oei —John Fame] without getting die tnrned, and injuries to hint if he wilierecoet Bently of this month Fitzgibbon, eat 'daughter et —The Nova Liverpool eight When 45 day. Brett, a gale d the ice and th Were rescued thence convey4 ehip went to p ing the rocks, ly driven, Dear Paris in boy of two yea was s. sheet of - written, "I ale' not bring you drown myself without you, dead., may the of you." The the Feundlino owns are eetate has made his beasts and bi accommodate park and patriarch o cow of 36, an —Prior to Isaac Nelsop„ Rule 11. te, liamentary d by a ri umber Home Rulers eigns, and in ing it they sp reverend gen eounectiou Russia, was t Duke of Hes. born in 18 - her fifty-sixt Whilst ehe of age. on Api married to th was then a, years of age. the prince ha of his own fre man princess travelling wit try. The fru- several ohildr Alexandrovitc the throne, he eldest delight, Edinbargh is represented happy me. -Le' Oat. WM. COX, Prop the Quiet st, *Mb Comfo ducted Httels en the Pro,' coutirtodi t us tend the Vii etor. Thie !seine eable and Best Cele co. The Remus tee de and Bar 'Iberia Tome 1 °SIB, Getteeal " ,., Age t. Grain, Prod* chant. oney loaned on moderate Mortgages bought Loan and Real Ede* andehnntaissioneeete ai estate in town ete and sold,____Maturet ,seg 94, V7e) IP A Portland, A, i i-, IA WEEK in Tout cwn Maine. town. Terme ale 62,6Q WEEE—$12 day at home eatery de. Costly -Orit t free. Address TRIM $5 t.) 0 S‘a;911" Pwibrtillr .7,' 5:1vraeetesiche :ft: edt r. ews 1 is al SON & t „ Portland, Maine. 12642 rii T.:41 etc: el Wall aSt i ory rare- th. Books s t free explaining every. -street, New York. 1 587-52 " I woe of four yeats' in the hands ---dALI—j,. . SeafOrth, is equally The -wortit DiSeases ment. 311. Agent. cents a bcii. perfectly of efficacious eases of the Le For cured of 'chronic rheumatism - standing by a receipt I have left Hickson & Bleaadell. For ftue S. ROBERTS' DRUG eT0Itzs for the Gee tt Sierra -Nevada 811.4. in 4.1,1 Bronchial AffectiOne. of Atithme, Phtbsie and all Lungs ylOcl. readily to this treat. SMIT, Arkonat Ont., (fetters} sale by a druggists. Price el 60k152 1 _T! P. BRINE, " 1' County parts of Lioeneed Auctioneer ler the oi Huron Sales attended in all the County. All orders lett at theEi. RANCIS .GBAHA.31 AUCTIONEER AND i LAN AGENT.-- eecial attention given to gale of la ded property, 1 farming and therougle sales. of Landed Property, Fenn Stook snd Itnplements. , All order*: left with eithet of the undersigned, at Walton IP. O. ot Los 14, eore • cession 14 ; or at Leadletuy P.,0., or Lot 29,4:ni- ce sion IA -will be promptly attended te. Sale Le dburee 639 TO ovekferms lviONE1 4‘4' est imp payablo.yearly LEND—Money to lend on good only, at n per cent. inter- ; privete funds ; charges mod- MONU e -'-e- on interest, plan. Ap --rii(17N-E- erty, able halfey,early ticle of the light. A/01y Ont. TO LOAN—In large or small same 'rat- claim sedulity, at 8 per cent. yearly Private funde,' or on the installment ly to W. HILL, Seaforth, TO LOIN—On Improved Farm Prop- at 8 per cent. interest. Interest pay- or yearlye as desired, with A par- principal, if eo preferred. Expenset to THOMAS D. RYAN, Seefortle 1 1 625 ,. money for immedieee investment on first mortgages! Oil farm propetty. Seven: and a half agreed u n, -J. H. BENSON, Solleitor, St-lk forth. 633 MED OAL. --G. SCOTT, M.D. &c,,Phyliician,Surgeon and • Accoachear, Seaforth, Ont. 011ie. and reale detain sou side, of Goderich Street, Ilrat door WM. HANOVER, C. M., Oaadnate of firat door tonth.Of the Otetholie Church. 498 geonl, etc., Coronetfor the County of Huron Office and Residence, tin Jarvis street north, ate df Ontario Veterinary College, Sento Ont. Oftlie and Resideriee in roar of Xilloran* Ryan's. Calls promptli attended to, night •-.IX day. A stock of veterinlary medicines en hand nesk and certificates giveta if required. 487 '1"'" Smigeon Dentiete Graduate of the IloYal College of Dental Surgeonsl -01 Onterio. Ornate Mrs. Whitbey7s new briik block, Main Street, Seafoi th. LEGAL - JAMES T. &ARROW, Barrister, Attorney and 1. `-e Stele tors in Chanetry, &c., Goderich, keit. 506 IVILLI.41 SMALL, Conveyancer 1/13ti.Cozntalit- ' slimier in B. R., Wroeeter. Auctioneer Anti Appraiser. Accounts and notes -collected on reesonable terms. 866 pRED- LOGERS, Barrister and Attorney -at- -a- Law, olicitor in Chancery, Conveyancee, fie. 061 ce, Ma °Die Block, Witigham, Trust Funds to loan. Careful attentioe to collections. 652 TT W.0 :WEYER, Be,n1,:tter and Attorney at -.1--1-° Law Solicitor in ChiLncery Commissioner 1 for taking ffilavits in the -Province of Manitobs. Private I del to loan at 71i, to /I per eent. 633 HOE, Beefeater) Attorney), Se- _ the , first nd third •Mondays„- arriving on the urchase Neat and, precedes aturday ,evenbige. Ile will stay at Dr. Humor lee residence. • 1 ,638 tial . or Democrats, M. GRASSIE'S as also a nu LUMBE ber of splendid AGONS Which He Wil Sell Cheap. Relpairing and Hors ly Attended to. R mak r at the new sta Shoeing Prompt - member the old d. WM. GRA.SSTFI. PROF. 'BURK'S PR BROOK'S DISINFECTANT AND VERMIN The only article known that will drive way Vermin„ especially It is op-poisoncus,atid acknowledgedby chem- ists a d Physicians of the highest standing to be t e best known article for the following reaso : It retains its strength much longer than ny other, and it has no disagreeable odor. To b had in two ponnd boxeu. Price my cents Drng Store, Stele Agent for Seaforth. I j. B. SHOREY, Box 985, Montreal. 683-52 torthand rissels. $.28,cario of Private Funds to 58 rautual co sent. All acedunts du the firm tO air. Benson who will pay all Habil- be paid to MCCIiiICHEY &I HOLMESTED, LAT, c AMERY, AND CONVEYANCING Scott% lock, Main ;Street, Seaferth. SeOLICIT RS for the Consolidated Bank -of Canade and the Canadian Bank of Oceimerce Seafortb. Farm amp. Town and Village Property bought Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage se' curities, at' reasonable ratite of interest. Charges. moderate. Money invested for private persona upon the the lender. o and Engineer. Orders by raailpromp.t 79 D. 8 COWBELL, itlitcricit. The Grey TAn the chair. Mil read and appro .cession 16, Gra Brown, et -at, tW at lots 50 -and I - gravelled and di secondee Illessrs. Bryan. 'contract of graill son, Sr., VietS assessed' ineerroi 'Wand from scW were granted Se tendance and in gent 031111 ill 4 James KePdel, roadway betwee applied to have.1 -crossing at lest 9 and 10, alai fei culvert with It boundary taking- and tnateriale -for ;6 other ht -1 s Slenamou ;sea Robert Coats s,•• part 52, coacessl "Vanee, when assessment rolil and Qourt of '11. ont ditch on Council agteed condition -that clean in future of Robert Peare line between lot agreed. to pay the benefit to tt is an outlet from the road of Robert Rossl 45 and 6. Couni benefit to the r4 dug—Carried. I granted side lin noncession Concessioia 16, tween lots 30 se $15 between 25 Carried. .1.2.50 Ewen for keep indigent. Conn meet again at tl Tr) tev4 Toronto, pkade court to stealine office where he sentenced to ' years, which is oan be given for —The liquor tawa from the 1 of june amount gets $12,000 of going to the Oei —John Fame] without getting die tnrned, and injuries to hint if he wilierecoet Bently of this month Fitzgibbon, eat 'daughter et —The Nova Liverpool eight When 45 day. Brett, a gale d the ice and th Were rescued thence convey4 ehip went to p ing the rocks, ly driven, Dear Paris in boy of two yea was s. sheet of - written, "I ale' not bring you drown myself without you, dead., may the of you." The the Feundlino owns are eetate has made his beasts and bi accommodate park and patriarch o cow of 36, an —Prior to Isaac Nelsop„ Rule 11. te, liamentary d by a ri umber Home Rulers eigns, and in ing it they sp reverend gen eounectiou Russia, was t Duke of Hes. born in 18 - her fifty-sixt Whilst ehe of age. on Api married to th was then a, years of age. the prince ha of his own fre man princess travelling wit try. The fru- several ohildr Alexandrovitc the throne, he eldest delight, Edinbargh is represented happy me.