HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-09, Page 51-y maa, takilig my wifo .ome over fr6m, Eng- A I poi4ted Out U) stand mg! then. On to Falls i r"ationed, ircumsta�ed whiell been a"med )iug: 1,R50, E6 bat osed from its moor- Sted down the river m the raPi�la to the- D, where,% proecting y the w4me of wv�-, )pped, its &Irts-18 -pro 0 to the I lelirreiie imained fc -rQ quently hidden from' and apray dash-ing Ia with it in its de� ?-,I of 'rock, which. fell -11111dar, %tartling the des of t4 river. of ),Ia evidencei calx bG 1WI-J. 11ILL. a's Rej, -der. ,ear Sir —When Lv, I am *content, to Aightforw&rd honest 'Ion in Mr. Waxd'a [iristie had sad that arses w6re taking erly false. I tape" I only cite ulateii -but ious rumor, which I 9.blish. Mr. Warcra! icr Mr� Christie, is, gh by the securing manyiew Yours truly, D.kviDsox.. afortu, July �otfit Notes, Whiteheaft. has ro, I from St.Bonif&co here he intends to order in. few rs.. Jervis & B �rridge mill b1own some i'llace - built -new, with their-� planing �soori be in ,LR,; --A yoVn m an �od. while 14 --rider the r, la dawn 'on the! evening lately, and, rl I by the cara passing .—On Sutinday last,, �tbo Masonic order z gion, headed by the -olanteers, to Knox �xcellent sermon was .Iro, i0saxon O"Nleara, -The church waa .-The we&tl�er here lor this, time of the ain has fait -an during A the country lryiu- up. The roads c irav'el,.Ei, lar num- . ge, ELving gone West dur- �fking land. , ake out at one of the -is on Sunday, June the groulld in a few dding wa, a wooden aii -used a�. cook ig waa vory (Iry, and fire originatted from mney; however, the'. waa soola at work, lie flames, exbiuguis- prea-ding to the ad- i Notes. ght type are among beesefactory, is now Per day. �tberincy of Or nge- t> I a Gorrie on the 12th. �ristians of Clintan, oderich ple-nic at G Choose 00,111paay first half of Jule 6r pound, Candlish, 'ol �d the contract; of cuacess;iou Mor- Mr, Arthur Silnp- liad fall wheat. which inchs in, length. acres, -of tlie, ame, a ju%t eaA 9 F�rd- -ar-61(1 of o.Kea -xinter fog �he so:ug of . the Olout' of iii,unty, beforie - Honn- -110r, Blaj�e, 7' -will be Gin Tuesdzy, 14th Lakelet, who had �ifford a * few weeks Ito be gettin it &long,,, that he will soon of Councillor in- erionsly ri ag hiq fore- ,tt-% summer Of Howick, was: aCk" on her way to Sundav, 27th 1v recei ved b�l t sli ght E,PiscoraL deuomi- havabuilt aliaild- i'llurcli� It -will be: fiUnday, (-V. Blislwp Carman Church. at Iievond knoekinif two Vol! and inittring the obag- ndkiiad�i (A birds, y, "African! Bluei" The, �,f the but - their swe of ab o a t t u b s,� a 2, 0 Thiq is very ctoo& Of first-class quaitY 11 a 1 to I'Axeter was dare( b1V John W-illis, Qe to) ride it for- by brave and a but warj no sooner lie was pitched- idst the.laughter of �,o scrambled upi &ud V HURON EXPOSITOR. lJULY 9) Til tried to join in the: laug, but he caugh the lin W C werejoll, the at 0 e n i t e ulky 3tau ing on from 02 to 04 each. Avery fine lamb AL E TATE F0 SALEA In Ia short 0 MUM couldn,t laugh. worth a cent. front VOT9:RS� LI art of t e uggy, hollof d,' in h rouDg man ound up was sold to -day for 65, but the average .1 IST 1 51� Mond& -y last. week, at the Wing­� time late su coee( ed in ge bt r Shle a first dxs� Planing -011, the h)rw fb� :1 ha,* sti I breathing price of good lots of lamb3 is from $3 Municip&li�'y of Seafort Will neearly n and In good h, County" of F0t"SAT- - stopped. Some men reiing iiw Ot#ars 1 him station. Messrs. Hamilton, Me ariied' t13 the W ie. f n her after to $3.25 each. uron. Iiteil in the purislang Tew-2 of in- cc ni I �yin d a plac,, 04 8 14P Connell Mr. 1H 14 nah lyi In Ont, egg dealers, loaded a railway bridge and foun, f t Wll. be Bold che . Terms 'cas Enqnlro,,of I I I afety, car with eggs (150 baxrels) in 8 minutes, sensible from hi 19 BEIt ORD, COSSE 8 & CO, Go fo' tb n t rocurl meaical as- OTIC!E is berebyt.iven that I have trarqmjt� N fall11 wo pII ced lat tried or do 0E. -Fifty acres betog Ut X0. le 6rn at I -_ �by the watch. Two men attended to in th m We: sistaineD. tca dvere d10 the persons men tionod in SEAFORITH. t si es -Of the car. 'buggy End driv6n ho a LINEN AND ALI�,ACCA '?OR 8 the bu n s inside are Lid the third ano I fourt4 sections of the " Vo ei s F"'M i: gil big- iii aries I 11 10, Cori. 1, ares ab;'ut 24 a —One evening lately a garden * ug i pain u , ire n n it liKely to V was held in Dr. Hyndman's he& I serioualvI; honey, lay'by"- Far peai g.r s. at Exeter, under the ausbiceia ound =T! le Nile ar a it the w f the English Church Ladies' Aid So. Schools held their 4.1311tial: ic-ml oiety. There_was a good attendance, the 18th nit., 'ear Karichost'r, -with Whom he put in most of, his and the proceeds amounted to Dearly place I 11alled Lt 4 'wson�:s Island,ior S40. River,Maitland and The day':Waq EN —The daily ail between Lakelet thing t coul be desirod. ThE and Clifford did not commence on, the -ables c were exiil6nt,aria, stone. reflect 1st of July as expected. The post credit upon th ladies. prc�qr office department considered thb tender -was prepared i na - frill carrIa too high, and new tenders are adver- After in bofir iad bee 1 spent' ill tised for—to -qommence on the Ist of eL liteltary enterti inmerilt, be bili Ina 7 op,tober. and others di;persed oli, -_ nij( —The annual picnic of Manchester themE elves at d erbut r. el ds a and Smith'B Hill Presbyterian Sunday until'. ate in the eveni in . . I Schools came off as psual on Dominion. —A correapor dent writ' a �roiiri I ]Day in that beautiful grove on the farm fieia.E Rya L "Th'w villw is 6f in Mort -is caled "Gowery," so well most i nusical in the Doinini n on f ; known to pleasure seekers of that da. We have I I FWelve. uring h district. melodoons, arid thirteonio.-gahs., 11 —Rev. A. Milliken, who, has for are.as commen as s ! ewi�g �maclxi three yeax-s.saccessfully labored in the We are gottin 00 much of in I Ashfield oircuit, has, been appointed to to the � neilect"O. more , u sefuN,118(l( Evoircuit in the St. Clair District. He plishmentia. -You - may 'bea !aft ,�_rdes_ with him the sincere gooa time in n,assin-a ho�sp 1 in lAn -1-lers Act, tz - copje� required by Asia section to Th es a 4ult I be so transmi �ted or delivered of 'the TAst, made oreb d, d V w Is 6ruiles. from B pursuant to �Iid Actj1of all person's appeariDg bT 'th ile I lid a quarter! Jauiestovm..; $(1091'r -in Seiqjq h')ahhe6th1nst.,�he wifeof the.Last Rev ;ed AB�68anoent Roll of the Paid ath COATS AN D 0 STE R 8 sell( 01'ZonveniviA. � This property vill be r -old h % an )s tt t�,giel. v Municipality cl be e�otitleo to vol e in the solid nthe . Apply to $ Ion BLAI C-111 1 I h u It., e wife of AMUE, L FOL; �,OCK, T=08- Mumicipality at Ele tions for Mimbero of the o: 11 , I to P. 0. III -..Toh- . BI ri 13011H. LegislativeAp bl aiidatMuni�jpal Elections; icl, the�. X Tan- �s C I f daught w VUSE -A--%-D LO. FO A ,;ALE 131 SEAFORTO i -For -htuaeg stm A, on which is Lo, ry- 4 JNQ -in n the 28th I nit., T&S. 1 and remains here fat inspection. 00 and that sa 1 , o the 8th day of July, ISEO, R Iff� n �he 26th ult." he wife� of office at Seaf t t wa ' fir F t posted np at iny GREAT OFF ING sem Y� 'K I L11 r h I )at- Iward 3pit ng o a On. ered kd ot d ra ine house, -wit.) I )dt-cb,5n. *n Electors 4r called upon to examine the said d �of Linen and s Vests. 4 I1) El t-1 a it: th, o tI 18'26th t It.,. e wife Marsei Nvood shed atta hed;; the beuse.conj dine 1,)Ur, Y OMLi good List, and if osions or any other errors ai� er 0 i 0;hter. to Lake linmeaiat proceedings T00A is; the 11-t COX] 1prises 0ire-fittl I of an, acre, are found the e Lme i I I 'wit4 good fruit tre-es, al, -,o goodel to hav OF— I. This is An eL,,id i rroys cbrrt �,ed icoolding t. law. W, ges, WM. El IiIOTT " Clerk of saia Municipility. exe lent char, ce fe) - any Partl in �w ant of a g6od I house, and -u-31 be: sold cbftp. ;Pply t, IE 37.. the Jftly 8th, A D. 1ERL 657 1 LLL C1 - 0.11 the Dth uh., at the HA2 LEWOOID, Sea 4xi: 6W -ol broth r, David Wal- ren r sh zilm 6 bride FOR Lot 12,coneesdo n "r H E THING music. yed' e, Esi �.,b� Peter8cott 8 to-wilsbip of G Containing 100 at�CG 4 Jeawlie (3- 0 _0 ;of Ci con xty, ou il 0 Perth, UST )rts I R 1W An(, W )f Sauthaia Aon. I 61 miles f-Moin the village < f Brafseig. ou at t1he Ill give lu%tructiom 11A, MF] A On the bA inst., MUSIC.- K(�Yulldu wi ay- Oker goill I) iWiLrdine, by ev. J. L. a got d g mvel. roa(l. There arent] te prremWes it in instleutfilli music to a few Pupils. Use 24, good ban -1- b axnSo 50, FOR THE HOT WEATV'ER, AT of jismo giTe for pi*ctice if desired. Residbuce 9 in ay, Mr I c MqLeod, A A*bfield, to the besit, rg -orchard good water; t bout SO aros i cast of Victo a Squaire, Seaforth. 6�4 S1 xal scl, dau �htet of John 1488 —AT— civand-, about 45 teres underocil cultllat$ob, ttl esc th( sarpe 1i ice. I na a m d 1 good fences. Pi -,L eon )W1 �R 'A nAl do, 0 T- -In Go ric4, at e ST b a 10, Ice on su t -h 6 e its way be W114 uuen ia OPK FOR SERVICE. nnrA re 'lid 01 :i I 6 1b idc's ot] On the Oth -A-M IP 1B ]EIMiMi 7 p(r cent6 Inter:'t per Im N11CAOTALS wisheaofall. Heis succeeded by the the f )llowing excl am �tfon i dy, Rev Mr. Houders, of Ulster. honey, lay'by"- Far peai ny ain' t k i a P. Westell, �step-son of Mr.� twist it the w board t.i i W '81 a: y j6hn.Fishburn, V. S.,, of Exeter, and and not a 1113cle :bave ya t In �iii 1�be suds irec', -with Whom he put in most of, his yet.l� �1 But Bid( takes no h I I if dec the as been appointle studies, h d by the old woman, and 1'y her P'(or old!'nother in his � Government to the position of Inspec- hilia-4 do all th, i scrabb ing herself. We tor of Cattle at., oint Edward, at'& have ho, doubt t lere is i lore u tr A than 1 su salary of $1,000. per 4nnum. poetr r in the al;ove rem tAs. Timmins, has been appoint- Mr. 4eor��) Tbdrapaon, oi rurn- for Toronto, Goderich and other pl, ca. ed postmaster at Bluevale, and the berry near Zet Dnd, liad a fr'aW'E barn irec', (fice, has been removed to his store, raiseo� on�Thurf Jay, 2-Jt1:uIt.1 It is the diredtly opposite the old place- Mr... is an old hand at the bsi- largeE being, t barn in 70' 80 hat part feet,' of t a camity, �01: in his � Timmins a . When x 2 fe, t . t% on i riess, and will likely prove an obliging ! 13- stone. foubdatic � nine feet high. Mr. and efficient postmaster. W�m. McCand] sb is he contractor. ain —A friendly. game of base ball -was sat 13 Garvil Wilson and* t uel I I - played in Teeswater a ew days ago, Burc)iill-� acted las capt9us 1i , IWS d%rk- set between the North Staxia of. Wingliam ness coming oli, the 'PI ates* had to be and the Yo ung Beavers of that place, 0 l4t till next rr ornig. All ell i well resulting in a victory for the latter by the first diay, aut in' puttiu79 u the to 27. The match was an platq's Mr.� Th)mas Finuien' fel from .fired 'that -they were not really wiamting one, the Young Beavers be- the f� undationj a Aist a ace o ab in 13 ngad ine and by fa the largest feet,;i ieverely in� uring h is $pi 'He is men. stilu!n a Gritici 0 ditn. n Fir ay 'R nd , the new Canada ev. J. R. Gu y aft a ' r I oon Mr. a Fobn rt urry, of�-� ]a '(ast Methodist minister a Exeter, br ings Wa V9 nosh, ha. , b , a 0r i raising, mben the dar. with him somehaudsone testimonials that'. zentlemaiii 'a's met wAh an ac the ofh-ispopula,rity in Guelph, where he . He walkin behind a ' an W 10 was was last stationed. On -leaving that usinj a "comm6der",E (th( �d got str tick in place he was- presented with a, gold- the noutb ky, icie-king out t6ee of his headed cane, aud Mrs. Gundy received upp4 teeth an] �utting both Iips. 'ard On a, handsome silver tea service. Satu -clay afternoon anther as- -We are glad to, learn that -ouir old- ing 7 vas. had Mr. Wim. on,u h1s, friends, juessrs. Scati & Bell, of ... ing- Turip berry, iwh Robei tl Me keig ht got ham, are at present extremely bu. y a a s brad i ere knoc�nton falling th3. him forehead by a their furniture factory, turning I Out on Dominion Day. He was pla3 u on �6t.h, wh Iarge- quantities of elegant urnilture. —)n Saturd Y, Jun( Ia eat. In addition to their large orde om rs M"itobs they have -also orders t fill - ing an 4 is-dinner,:Tur.Jos�pah Ld resider of. B11 JILCU lbvtble 1 su riney, Wanly I for Toronto, Goderich and other pl, ca. fell over and ex irec', De Vingbam Orangemen � will —The 'v cea Ian I *as bo: inl� the y �3rd n in Ca ar 1807 an Coun a:nof was y, ccnse- Ire xy of the battle celebrate the aniversq �t Boyne in Lu6krii this queftly in his � ye a . When about of the ow year. is expected thee will be a large turb.- 2$'3'ars of af' be ez,�.igra-ted to; Eng- -ou-b in that -village, as the Bruce C6unty Ian but xeQ.rnod 6 he . o 1relan- 0' ad ain ill aso be helia Lodge -procession w there. - The South Huron Coun y wh( he 'D rord ned igrated Ame I -ye'ars, ica and T rbe-nee Ii �ed at Orange procession will this - year , I be Ili 22 adelphia'some seven aars ago N Ca1ha, yeats. D Hur6n About a 1�id set held in Bayfield. —A few evenings ago a couple of,, tle on 'a farm � adjoib ng �,be vi �ag a of r:. Stephen young ladies Want to tbe'resi- deuce of a Usborne farmer, uu 1 We Blu, -,vale, ��d so COP fo Ibis demis he bA actd it ceased tia t) Work a - of seaina work. It is r re ence D , Ott- it, He. was fc -over 5f ent f neinber (� the 0 � years a Luada Me ion hc 3ist- dist tied that the good Main Of the honBe a pistol at the. damsels, knowing Chu rch' and a ardeV i admirer Df `bn the .fired 'that -they were not really wiamting ork. foui the der of his chureb. prin' cipa.1 paovers He was a tb a are "ic 3 of n of This should be a warning to ladies to venture out on such visits not after a urch at Bi luevale, and when ,o . in night. I grepation rs wai estabbill clos lea(' at. Xh I be isbec last Sabl ecim i 6tl L 1. 1-C. Tait Scott, Esq., of Win County Coroner, lately received it ELM, re- att 'nd6d chut -h J. li3 29). he! ex t re 3se quisition from the muilicipalitir of the dar. con�ictioi that ho i valley, a i -d befor6 IIA;'s noa another tg a ie -th hat: Blyth, signed by the. Rcove, al Councillors and Clark, and seale(l,with the con a be ba,d passed over. 'D a3e tsec the orporatfbn seal of Blyth,requeating. leaves an age widow and one E an (th( him to hold afir-e. inquest on a property Re0. James I IeCatuey) -to mo im hh. pilrtially consumed by fire in the nth sudden depar pre. of April last. The inquest was to be Qxenei al Ne -N Tb Ite�nf held,this week. —Mr.J.H.Dolma of Clifford,met ge A, horse eAdemic, tesembli 1j, th( witha severe accidont,a:t P9meiston epii�,ciotic, is p -evalent a�pt �!Htmiltor on Dominion Day. He was pla3 fully at present. wrestling with'some one, when. hi -kn�e. 3 leg -,Over 70C, immig a,'nts arr ved i waabroken below -the The frac- Montreal, on Monday, rou�e,,for th( turedlimb was sat by -a Palmerston Noz thwest. It surgeon and he was brought hoilnlle on -..Dr. ThoF."White, a,. 'clever� yc nE .the evening train. Mr. Dolmage 'has pb sicia-in. of' 1amiltoz died bn' a tur been extremely unfortunate in the fre- da , at the ei rly age. c $6 years ; . quent fractures of his legs and arms. The Credit Valley Railw ., 3 3aio� —1211essrs. Wm. 'Anderson, Thomas to have expe �ded$20 00i11f;yhp-igth( B. Somerville, John Gordon John other roads nd see ing an xanc( Taylor, and Charles Stewaxt, oi West int the, city oron ity city city T city o.. Wawanosh, have been appointlied_ a +A p�etitio a to, the Executiv( I or th( committee to receive cortnbuti uiation of Bent ett's dela ii 3en the Brow . n memorial, and hom& Mathie- ten ewill.,it 'is und rotood,! be pr t ir Hunter, Robt. Harrison, John cir ulation i, I Toron ol'bv I I Mi.'Davii � I . son, John Outhbertso Alex., McIntyre this week ; 'Q'E' . a,nd Wm . Lanza, are the committe 3 9p- --4-Ald. MI cLeod, c ��irmaul th,i pointed for the same purppse. in Ash- 1ph Fi Gu naAce Co I s! ll closei field. a Sale of $1Q,@00-20 ye six! p can —A short time ag6 the pupils Of Mr. debentures ilLterest ble haEi, -),,early Talor's departmant of. Clinton Model School, met him at 'his lod-gings at '91, per car --The Ladies, Aid f I till is L s�l, Bres -him. a handsome bytarian OUrch, SO .� -1 Uarys, , ieForul and presented with ilver in a,pkin ring a:nd a - very flattering haNingadounLulated�f�,l�0.dLurirg th( address. r. Taylor Was corrlpIetely pasil6mouths,by ujeabs 6f S�:)c Lals, ta.ken by' surprise, but having resumed cci�113.cting, etc. Theyinust ha�vdiiuzzed ly, he made a length, his aravit y and, ap- peopile pretty wall. propriate reply. The little folks then __�The Lucan branch f th 3i flallon betook themselves to the lawn, where Hu W. ran and 13ruce Ra;.. is e mitei they spaz�t a very-plemant evening in at two miles and a qu are r, ai d ie os all kinds of juvenile games.. dome at 20,000. One-half , 0 ' thii Ludaii s m wit Rev. G. A. M itchell, who for of the be 1 by the villag( is a iected, t1te iemahol 0 r wih ai a d i time past ocaupiedthe pulpit giv Canada Methodist Church in E-keter, an by the township of id u )b. 1, 'thel removed last week to Harrista. -'On --Mr. Thomas CoAari[, of * Gal the eve o f his departure, a - numbet of F6 ndry, has ad t1, p � 3 : ubse 1i 6on fe his friends and admirers met and pre- to e. Mechanics' Ir s t i tute G'Alt, fo sented the reverend gentleman ivith a . one yea, for &ell of lie appi,aA#ces i Inciat kindlyand aippreciative adires -ne- s A hislepploy. This ge 'erDUS t of Mr. Cowat., ight c0or o Lmi and a handsoi pu,rse of Mone flatterina address is pleasant to - : isten I n t&t4d. by otlao: r ma r ac, FU relis lo th, to, but. ny ill the poo, mo. -Ret i the life� benefit of o3enrider' tIong thei genuine thing, for these hard times. infl,luenGe.. —Mir. Gavin Ro�s, nea Rodgetville, A strange and sad f alit, 3urre( has lately erected a; fine now barn on [to it family ii i Grey co a n ty. F a Chil big premises. The stone wo ' rk � was dre in one family being stri(ki dowl built by Messrs. J., & T. Thompson-, of in t a space 6 . ally 11 . Tb 3 t i ax: Bayfiei(l, ,ud the carpenter work- by notice is as loll ws: May, In Fra Pri e I a , ol ad I Xr. Barn,&t& Thompsou, The work -ma, . !nshiplis of Hensa1. first-class., The.1 the 29tb of years ad 8 iniontlis; cin icis une 6-th, Mar: -builditicr is"spacious and well ventilated. Allice, aged m #1s; ol 1'&'r. Rc�s has in ?his orcliaid a some- June 7th, Wra. Michael, 3,ged lye ars Avhat rare fruit tree, caled an orange ry onTune 116b, HarrietcTaile, . a 1'rle ea peach, which is this yea loaded, with aud 5 mouth ; on 1pe 41 )rgQ —On -Friday. 25th ult., as Mr. and i agel dren 3 years- and 7 ir�otlths of 61r. Michael I'le y Ell� Olily -,hil on 11rs. Lewis Holmari, of Devon, were chi' 'd is driving down the Sauble ..Hill, a short -On Thursday rija At f I weet aista,nee from. Clandeboye, on their way M r David Fowler, E I: Y, Vic bOme from London, some portio i e lla,'Mess -%v * the b -ug- or-] attending a cotkn a -'at a i h, I ur ih:)or' gave ay and allowed gy to strike against the horse's eels, of bouse party near b 7, driViDg . a :iorso�lll I I , � usnit to run at a terrific ipeed tb 'a sulky.- The bors4 9;, I om d0win the hill. Mr. Holman was- alohie next morhing, #h V, me, thron upon the road, and the horse. sus' icion tb at ail L Waal 13 I . Hi '011tillued his furious pace until rilear fat c er at one preen e V, yl C Clandeboye, when Mrs.11olman plip- an. staxted for. the p�ibc( *he , i! i i so Ped from the seat and reached -oni and ba spent the eveni#.. 1 ll!ie wa ;in A. b�, R t Mr,,,� I . . EilwardEsl., THOROUGIMT-Eb BULL-Tbe uidersijiled SN1 )ER, proprietoif. -657x4 m an t, h athealti all. of havi n g archafseas, . Thoroughbred Durham t oieo 3 Od ail i sift, ?him Or his f SMITH & WESTSo' Im F OR 8 IRE T-Fo�r -4&Ia 13ull, Vill ke4 #rm, two miles roul EFTE n W durino this season, and bei I be 4 -r to Bent$ 7, Towmiilip FA mve a So csOf land, �67: CLOTHINC ESTABLIMENT. per tte to' 711imi f 3 Tome, conta w hi ate clared� i U fenced,and in aooat*.te ing tbis seae� a,T0rills- Aperstin bringingaR tea hnobtr of cows dur- G*- 6 D L #1-jA ;V, ef 91 Ltario, cc, the 46h in cow for a oid-Dole cow, 0 good. frame A cows, $1 pk. 01 0111tivation; 9. Tba. a �18 a 64 ye S. HENRY CUMSNIEN- f 51 barn, stables a;i4 sbeds; goo -1 rcharA; _o6�i 'll i Ailence o: her daught ,U,'D mblin, Ki g ra-% el road; 3 miltis frem Blvtb and 9 Iniles 1,�M s.i Th "I'll 911, LiGiu TWEED S�ITINGS 0 PIG 0 "NEES----The 'undersigned has on W i1gba:=-. For pir-ticul adob-css �eithr -of .t�a of. rs.1 All.1 11' As tL natrv�,:of tilelcounty T the Village of Red DURING T11k; PRESENT SEAS f on< Ewsin Urd, THOMAS LA1DLA'W, NXth, his pre see, adjoining ON Ia $ �d 68 yei Ily Rerville,aTliaTpug biedBerkshieBoarbreaby JAM RSOX, Belgrave. Application may i I - I OUR CASH SALE8 HAVE For the Season coming .�pon us. AIT. WcAithl be which he will keep for also be m ade to C. IIAMILTON, -Blyth. 6% L a 1w, otic the 5ervice o lil'e d number of sows. This Tom ae best stock in Canada. Terms, S �--Tbe undcrsignedolltm ri OR sILE F UIr A abiT a thefllowingl as for sale on4asy terfns�of A —For bog is f FARM One Dollar, aableo" at the time f servi e �ith at flh�e lovangpnees,� In tbe to*zi- ar, S Yawhe;ies and the priTileg of returning- if necei A,eut ai a� I ruit J gar, try W�L 4900i I Y(]UN(,r S: 0 of GeT, 31, Con� 11, tho� cheape 6.54 1 L/ ampbe�l's Stock Cannc t be Exceged ELDAit. 660 Con, P21 65, Con. 13, $%Wo Lot 85. .3 flog, T'a-riety and Style. TO NEARLY DOUBLE D '110 ot 4 Con. 14, 63 IM- rn 0 we cc ave ent �he own A I o F. 1G., V�. SO ndia Pas tu . P, I I WCREAS Con: 1:4, 1 t P) Y t WANTED. 8=md IS 9 I g's 3%11 Works. &If Lot��29, on.9 . 0 bolf Spar, at� Gr y Spariin I West h , and .91 ------------ --- 11, LL ; also (49 Con, 12, M01,9i the Roxboro F-161ning EACH AN�,ED.-For,the SiTthD Mill;, Ste 113A. P.01wer, with a briek red- art- lio G -I V IF, HIM A'10ALV. T LRME We are now sell- m(nt of ingbom Public School. Serices denA acr of Iand,fdl for 6 in 14 t f no, less t Ian h ilf a ton, at to commence n thel8th of &ngusb next. Ap- I to A.. STECES, iid Ag,.,nt, Se&roi th. 644 I Fill.. I, p I _bs BrAl oil; shorts,1 plicants to R; Lte as. ry or t e Manee of the T hose of the Oo�rresponding Months of lastyear $8 per t This Nve take 4s satisfactory We W., 4 Big i HN KIPUS Appli(ations with references will 'b re- evidence that ENSALL - D�Eirable Village Prope-rt�r Oov er, on OGM ir Cc 8 year. cei ved by th, Chain nan of the Board up -to %Oth Ttie uAderi)gnedbas e P I at bh. 61 i6-1 ark- I00, Fic G HIDRS A D SKINS. Lot'in the tbrivink V146ge Df Ken July. D. 9. GORI)ON, Chairman; JAA. VER- tn all which he ell PP leg ash price 1i ny qua�My� GUSON, SeeiDtary. P56-3. offe) s for ale thepe is 4n. ex -r- ommordigue tj le I 0 andonivenietb okbvaeouthe roperty., and I iqinl *JHi e� �, rho ep a; d e�Malf skins HAR DWARE TOVE NDERS WANT ED. -Tenders will be reaelv- cod young heal' g&ch&rA; it. Ul be fou(n 1 V441 8, mly I rq rj stole. I 0 truft or tra� e 4a pit TE N't ed at No, Behool House, up till 6 O'clock P. comfoi$abl� home for 9, x ired faimuo ;'OHN S. P 11 till r 3yeqt ifig. 5 SHOW RIGHT GOODS m. on July': 3tb, i&O for repainting and- re- it is Wise, admirably for a market MI o —AND L -Just I eceived, flili plaBten'Dg* sai, 'School House. Parties wishing den -T - the teims JWiTl be vrary-rew ousible. Vor 1pf ly Of tl A hi a e1pb ia I bwn Mowoir, lut. to see the wd to b I e done elore tt-nderiug, can -partioulais APJAY to. t furt her hi Vrorietoor,, liding all t ae i evu I 61*z B, V li h ill be sold filAe. ob4 do so any te?4ehing d to July the 6tb, when THi �;KAS PE,3"'�X, Hnallpost S n, a -st-d Le they will be is rk by the mast ei in 94400 &MM I] usaciphis,, 0 Et -.d FOR,SA:Zh&�For Sale . . n., log, p. Par� iei ' h a Lawn 'Kower House' IF, urnishiAgs tablishmen hown h ay u t; qh do U nd 4 as the' charge, ai d�s p atiola of the wo-tk to S. ifi. Ling Ar of: the est m nilfattured. F i lit 04 wed. E PRICE H. R. S., T�clersmitb, confa 'cal be d S, ion, can also be seen at the AND AT CLOS mo: I or less, 85 01 which ar-e cleatedand free f3tom .S TS)N,M i eaforl I.! 61,3 resUlli,e;e 0 Geo.,Sprciat,thir(l corcession,�aiid I -with bord- EDS, S T, DS,--Farmf at Robert ndock'p Stu Ips ; the balsi cc is well timber( d near Granton, The Board ob Fro: sh' R �] Ple ield See! !"� ". want 0 MA STREET, SOAFORTH. bindl There �s a brickhouse, frame ba m ond. Is,1trua to nuan do not themee6es to accept the lowest Or Vog tore, purdlolug. My 8 to: 0 gtal les ; 0, so agcod bearing orchaiduna Ap"- e 41 t D. D, -I o p 8 any tender By order of the School Board, GEO. I as beer on rei y s(I �ted frou so�one pf the mos SPROAT, 6r6.2 1 i -wit).in five miles -of Seafor 4114 (lid wter is a, 11 .. I i ui�l onsible se ul f iniCanai and w I s We beg to �all the attention of onr frienas ix f 01, I roaA running lim __ i coll�elrlent tto &urdl ana sdbOol; x; (L very smal Avar C E 0 first, osti. R 0 especially to tlie fact tbia. it is by buying for th,, )RTANT NOTICE S. at alMoSt -1 0 fdoe, f eafo: of ession will be�given sty time. Voi lo �er, r ext b ti�e T ) i it I. 648 1 cashnd selhug for cash that we can offer Goods pof ( at Low Prices. fur lier piaticulars, apply to the progrletor oil the HE Gia 3. L1.3ciagss. -Having Ea - Farqner�, when in win, drop in -MISS SCOTT, Scaforth, has re- i pre i4ses. RG.Mkf MOTETY. 65641, uv d t), e o cd ii ve v gell ay for the i ale of the movc her essmaking Bu Mess to hex i I : and see m?l S14ck Of LE IN HULLEU T -For W% 04 eat k net ek i lgal� W( offer it wit.1 all e00- I father's r B'dence, John Stieet, ol)poF:ite the F 11 FOR SA' slllp o tOn -.e to he ei s and the public -enei -Ily 0 Pi Be cipal ,On -e to he el k:pp thodiat Church, where she hopes to i h, the Towu f Hullett, a fin rn containing r leg, ei-i g su )er oi: t I an., - C ig4r iii, t ac ilia rket at have a call roin hei WELDY friends and customers an in -,c Notwithstanding the Large Ingrease -in our i aiiI e pri ,e. I t as:att-,�ith success. Ir who may jejuire anytbing in the Dress and -.Very Complete Assort- 25 ! business, we uln show el I n ewe drillned; good bearing LAwLAW S Fx Rtm, SW cwth. 656 HAR VEST IMPL!�MENITS Mantle line. 6 each D aTtment. ard vell and d4terrl sized brick house, ryu I s' this wee k at th 3 ments in CP wit 'kitchen and -itoodelled attached. Im-ge 14� G 314CHINE FOR SALE.-Foi IT&I a 71. also a .604o t building- for -drix �ng shed tithin4mileslBlyth,o the .en'ral Gr(c( sh Finan. 11addies, Fres sale the q, a 9.,Lparator Horse Power, 8 raw otb pupoBes ob Aers Mf)� a iel 181 i, Pigest Lv Pickles, Celei r Carricis aid Sttvi�3g Machine, all complete and Western r-4dilw _a -y,. Lfind 12 uIR e a of Sesforkh, ail, Saad Qi , nr et �'s �best Extracbs, Durhia; Scytheq, S-naths, Hdy rl arks, Barley in good ruin. Ing oraer. The machine was made gravel ro4d running past tie place. I. -Is I04. I Flo III, C1 I 'nan g I � Ylustard: Colexx Lan's Stare 1, FOL We -will not oarry Goodn over from season to wit � a olemat, s Az r� BI , rks, Windsor 4'teel Turnip by Glasgow, MePhei�son & Co., of Clinton. Ap- reason it re can avoid it, and hg.,v.e COT vonient to school abil chureh. Terms el�py,I. 1 431 Ot to lie best theref)re �-s e 00 ht the CIZI, a, ply on Lot 31o. 13� Con. 5, Stanley, or to GEO. Fo: � i�erms mud. Other particulars app y to ALRY4 1 the mi 1; 6�0- aIN w s to be I iad Dowq tall Summer Goods at priceohicli Aoe Cradleg Hay rB,akes, &c. Varl1 tf i Mar4ed X 1111MELL. narlock. F -4 mi rm. 2- 65? W. FORMS P 0 656. cer Se f AID 1 must effect taSbeedv Clearance of 'y _7___ the whole. 10W PAINTI1 0 -�-WM I . R. FREW, late of Soot- !W itom-of importance FAia� r-oR�LSALE-F1 Sale, i01' obtain your FftleOrdpe I 0 t timate to the inhabitants of ,new theriglt�la land,be,s to in ki doncession 11 j'H. R. &, Tucker -an i1th, coutain- I 0 -i�ouudinig country that be has i care t -class StMe .16 ibing, wa 4 h(sitatim [ill Saying t4 t Seaforth s nd Eu) iug 1:00 leres; 82iJ a aaln a ; . (1 ri or., of,J.] ie Oak Hall ciot - I SELL A r OLD PRICES. cc= 9 as General Rome Painter, ! L 4 Ids srs. Hul ly C�� me -nee L I usjne� Ioti.le balance is hari hrood bmh not, v re n(ted fc r pbrPotion of d t Paper Hargm, Sion Writer, oke. Ail work ell- log h, D, -with *ne cellar, and vell finishqa� % fit. I ,i� st( a] 06mpr see ftl 'tho Lato -t trusted t f bal"In 11 lished in first-ORsp style. b 3, barn M60, itone. foutidatim, and #0 &,elties in r ell St Zic�e N rest of ED; - call an sAe me whether yo a buy or not$ as I Office, me�at.�e,, at%. D. Rose's Grocery, gres, sta b good: behn-mg orebara.,and 3 wells; 4u_ 931 i W 68 -1 THE FOLLO ING Ln I Tro Be ri FI * c Were ed , I righ sell olies fortb. 2 W Vel I n1t to chureli, school =d post 0 cc ; 18 (a 3 the Ic ves h -es ate ithin 8 mi4a o! segirth Ana � of ireu�" Bill t tl E SELECT D. OOL-1h compliance with JORN on 36 good gxavel�roaa.' For furthtr par9mlars r A. pli in the rc In parties of this town, ofiXacl ir wi; tral 'a a a ., i I to the propiliettIr on the prem sea, or if bjr hikh q ta ity of tt )se Go as. I) S e afo I 'y al)) b ly 8 "It Of, ;AN R 014, D�k Hi Ili Soafort 5 villo are pLarei"tiscii ebvixeir, I propose opening O.� JOHN C. TEEL. X 454 let el i a day seb(ol on JTonday next, iu Mr. Scott's is but a PAUTIAL LIST of the LINES now Bleck, vher I vil do my best to advance the offering AUXIABLE P�.Rx FOR � SALE. eing L6t E V 'Zo. 16.,Con.,' 14, township of literary in el ert of those who may be committed i Baum from 9 o'clock to 3 ih the ; inj I 00 acres, '80:'of wbich Are cle: Lred and the to my ChEiilrg . i - I iNA ER ofternocin ei m R, CO cents a; =ontb, strictly-ifi 'v�K -OF d ba� n cc good lmrilwaod bush. The Imildings: axe C M advaince. MOONY. Seafortb, -May-15, DRESS GOODS: a, I )gibouse anil od ore og barn ; also a 7-HAN A C' RD OF' KS. 1880. 650 OltO NTO, T1 5 farm s re ly a; good one sno' Ik -00Y 1 C' _a lid -a qu Lr n. Cranbrook., 13' r r er miles fro: e' from a;nd in the e it ,section. �01 FOR SALE OTOtET. mi h jai t a' il Mr .1 I �A in n lei Ir NLid up ita 1, -,900,4104). Plain a6r aFanicy Dress Goods, at 8 cents, 10 cents, the ownship. he' lot vill be sAd �011 *4 1,400,04040. ARE C. 1ANGIE.-Twenty-five a--c-re-a- _ofl�a­nd 121, cents, 15 cents, 20 cents, arid 25 ceuts. r of Dable tenmfl Title pLrfeet. Apply 0 A. AMES CAMPBELL A R ion Court; Cleri., Orusi with b c u ;e and barn for sple in Egmondville I TER, Erjq,,. I I I -This prope rt3 is w4H. situated for either farm o; plain and Focy Brilhantines, at 15 cents, 20 or t the propri tor, RUCYa MeMUL, -on tale Presid .71 2 W77y. AfeAlaster garden prpo�;es- Title indisputable. Apply to cents, aud'25 cents. pr rAlses or by ma I -to Croubrack P. U FTE sevei I years in RORERT .'3R)ETT.: 61r) f a residenef of Welton begs to return his grat. eful thanks to the AdM FOR S .-For 8 WesaPlain and Fancy Melanges, at 121 cents, 18 cents, ale, 01,911'. BRANCH. (if Lot 6,roi�cession 12,HRett ontalilmg Farmingiand Mercantile Ptillio'generally fqrthe BEN r_Tbat comfortable brick store, with 20 cents, tf� cents, and 30 cents. I,: A.4 1�1. I- To 5f; shres 45 of whiebaecleared,vElenceaThe S al)i T; Bra: Jen. W LnIE Da K1C0nTIDUeS!P0 gene) o9s �fiupporu given In U Dg roolm I ove"on arain Street, Sealortm, at receive IeIo3 t§, or ­whi;hint,.re9t a allowed on and bef a to state that he b as now ozi hand a presen t cc a ied by W. N. Watson. Possession Beautiful Sbodes in Lustres, at 1:0 cents, 14 hi a grood state of! cultiviltion. Thei B it a thl I. moit fit va �61e� t �,,r ni I full ms:irtment of all kinds cf given on -,the Ist' of February. Apply to -Mo- cents, 1.5! cents, 2o e vit-lik si one stabling unde: -nealh, &14 a. -ento, 25 cents amd 80 bg nk biLru 'KESTED. 681 lo house and go orchard. Is- Draftee, 11L.Ille. )r ni ipal t 3wros land citicial in CAUGHEY & 1101� cents. ( i��eat . x itE in,. and on the Unitied rc ad and eonlv ient to schools aid 4buTchies. Ja, lada, ci�- L14 FAiM FOR SALE. -Por Sale, T ier a. is a neve r failit Rpri ng r reek ru l' Sttes',loul&­And ol4., Fancy Wincey$, and Buttons to Match Goods. 9 061 . (f DRY GOODS AND GROCER113y VALUAI It 110. Lbe Goninierelal theeasthalf of LotNo.QCou. 4, H.U.S., tl rol gh. the 113 within f Uffles dfz a I I ely st berm Railva, and A -bout Tuckersink h, 1 )ouniy of Huron, consisting of 50 The Dress Goods Trade has been -very Ily iti, in on the Oro � at Wes lo,el. 11 niles from BealAll on tbe0rand Trxi&k. A I 1. IRELA�D� Managerlol acres, 8J m ilei , froril the Town of Seafortbi, and I this montX. And vi 11 always be ready to mete out to them T� lie f arimn -will b sold cbeap,as the prepri0tor -convement to school. The land is of the very good aiticles at as reasonable a price as any to go best qu&li For further particulars apply to W Lut 3 we find get more 71$ G Eir Harle, P. 0. .65 AXES PMEAMD;oppoeite premisesor t E in the I rade. He he a it large quantity c f PORK (Sidek &a.) I PRI T Egniondi' le 11. 0. 1 '52 of first class qualiby. 11AMIFORS4,; Xi -For sale, Lot% towes, on 3EA 6RTH,1J1L1y cell"t Earth anvare of every dese: -iption. 61%88� Oil, -D -Y IN FGUONDWLLF, FOR SALE. im, Hull(tt, iltainizig 75 acres of x 1 Wh A.;. ........ 0 95 to I 00 White ead, (Sames', &a.) an I a general asort- Rom T a.V lonn land, %bout .66 acres o t which *1're ipr n heal 01,ifege r bushel ... 1 00 to 1 to For se le the h use and lot �4 Egmondvffle at American Fancy, c 9 hS ment of Colors. present odup�ed b�yli.S. Cameron. Tbehouse Dark Pompadqur,. Americiarl Plain lei � a ed -and in a gwa state of ult ivsti011, till 3pt ag. hew ed ff, per bt sh. 0 95 be I 00 Light Pompadour, T, h. On. ; the )at per lush 0 80 to 0 Boot and Shoes a Spec ty, from the is a frame, thelot ontains half an acre and is __' RmEinder is"g4od. hardwood bu* ed up,,*Ith known =a of Hyman & Co., London. Pencil Stripei. with Ashton's FZ;cy, P� en We are a v iiall log house, si e per mub .... 0 65 to One of t1m beat ilding sites in EgincindyMe; 0 Any article necessary for it c6untry st Border, 1 'a Fancy, alge kitchen,. 41 t -h good well and ly imp, 004; 16 e:l. . . OtO can ,There is a good Well and all other necessary con- Lihe,t 6c., t iaar By pe'r b ............... 0 40 to 0 5 - I -into, #ith, A 76b - _!, creek running thraiv Spct Pi god qniii h L he 14d. ; joofle.�..a be obtainedi venielices, oAc will ie sold cheap. For particulars Bordcr, Ira i:10C - P. at er,No ...... 0 13 to 0 1; 7a. arid 8e. T ais farm fs attut ted I mile from P atent Meolicine in all the lines. JVS. H.,BENSON, Seaorth.. 521 out t ..10 09 to U 0 FI)Ply to id I0J jileg Vr�y. n 1113-eafortb,and s�b he J§16 , ne 99, ......... I All Unds of Farming Pro nee taken, Cash Or Iour, pot I C 1�bs.. 3 00 -to 3 1 -ussels ot za R11 F )R SALL", .-For sale, Lot 22 Con. 12 exchan e. fi om,' Bi good gravel ro xL 'FTWOer 8 00 to 9 0 . 66 obtained on application to �t-ba ...... BEI�L- P -of tll( taWnslAp of Stanley, containing 100 I iculars C 7 JA ES CAMP pi ati 014 id)s, p o 07 to 0 0 ul- pr, � I remises or to 314ock P.: 0. pri T iO AS GILVI dep ski sei 60 to 1 2 acres, 83 80yell cleared and in a good etate of 0 FANOY G00QS: proprietor. .00 fences, balance 17 acres good p 0 THE OSBORNE tivation, and a L aii (wh lei a: 0 hardwood bush; or ehalf of clearing seeded down, OOD FARM I OR SAME IN RULLETT acre, of f i thNinj � orchard on the premises, faIuit po!r Sale, 4; 1 Concession 9, 71-allett, Odin- ?Ott toes', p r bidshili.l. ......... 0 25 to 0 Rid GI res, from 25 cents, I J Xp as. p r 0 60 to 0 5 SELFBINDING HARVESTER trees all D )w beari g. The farm is Nvell watered, rilling 4, from 2 cents, a1: J) 0 a PC- re of rich 4sy loam� 1 land - hbout a neve'r fa Mi g crook runs tbroiigh, also two good 3 00 e from 5 cents L 0a I �rl 2 75 to Silk I BE act 8 clefared d In a good state of C;a L 0 (% to o 06 WE eady starbei for this 30-ason a weUs, hati, e I ank jarn 36 x 160 feet with 900d Cotton loes, from 5 cents, e r soro black a, �� all:)w, er It ....... 15 in-tabli ndo :rnea4 1 i Beef,in nart lie, PdT 0 er of Binders in Kr-nt, Elgin and Hal- s h and a l6g dwening house. Fancy osiery, from 5 eduts, 0 p rk- ses ar The f niles Clo,,er S. ed, e� b 13�61. 50 to 4 00 diman P:nd each one starb d has given u0iver- I s situate I witbin tvito and a half r c ba x , st)ne Btab 0.26 eal Eafi8facti(m, and In aom i instances adoittion- of the il ge of BfL$ For- further -particulars Novelti s in Fffldngs, from 10 cents, hi ime, 2OX28, oivool- PO M. 'O, 25 to field. a) I ll�derneath, I erg -eB e go I I i e es -R4a Gi yeso $1, Reduced to 50 Conto, apply t -ring OTC is I &I sales 11a7ve been made in - b4c field. The 1work 0 S proplietor, on the py V, Mw� and a -gQo I 'T, BayfieId P, 0 657-12 TuTkisl Towelling, 25 cents, I NVON, J31y 8,1880 lie by the Haivester is clearlei and du�ericir - )m� es from 8- i do or to JOE N, I !SSOI� fr -1 dore by any eelfiraking reaper, � d the White -�que, 8 cents, ad .Con nt to tha Brocad Muslin 10 cents. in il fro Be ona, g a 0 0 95 (4 I (O an es fro .all Who sti US LO bindir g is superior to hand binding. wi be: ott p ESTRAY STOCK. Coset 45c., 66c., 75c., and $1, to -b irell an�d posiaes 1pri 1gW he; 64 1P. rbi 8 0 95 9 I e have such confidenoe in the Osborne t �Otmy ly 0 82 9 0 14 W i Extra- alue in Hose. almoi For further part: c 00 in e to arl q,p r6u 0 45 @ 0 16 D1 d r that to are prepared to ship one, opn trial EEP.-Came into the reM13 of c th roprie r! o the premises or one, to any reliable farmer �who d esires to purchase, E post U, IAX COWAN. efte,per njs ......... 0 62 @ 0 (5 on the understanding that if it perfornis as the�_ur (lei signed, Lot No. 7, Con. 5, McKil`110p, ab out the Ewe Sheep and Lamb. attir ..... 0 13 @ 0 4 22Y d of !June, a wNy -- k -For Sale' Lot No. 22, 0n- guaran ced, the farmer keeps it. e i -as unshbrn. The-,o*ner can have the j4ml FOR !S� in mssion S., Tucken .1080 ; 1 e ro proving propartyrid paying charges. 'I oi re �undre acres of land, about 75 of V. . ch 996.... week, rid our stock will soa be exhausted -1 otsioes ... III. ..... ....... 'n last 1h �STAPLES : I We eceived orders for over 50 B' do .. _0 unit)), eo'nts 11 .::.:.!o 09 @ 0 9 V, I .17 00 A 800 kx pert on.. " - - . t, '6m;-4: JOHN MALONEY. The Dsborne Binder is guaranteed a pobi ive ai e clear ana in a statei of. I — - ed, free �rc in sl I i oer S ed.. ...... ... .... P 00 @ 3 110 be�ed success, -nd no large farmer can afford 0 be iod! cultiv%tioh; the balance fs well, tim . 1' J - .91 iZi %y S e ...... .... �3 10 @ 325 witboutone. 'Send.in your orders at onee.1 P0U1\--D.MEPEAS NOTICE.i Came iuto'the Cottc. 0 at old pices) kre Is. a frame house and fra;fte -ane, wth hardwood ;! tl ...... I. .... 0 26 0a O� 27 eafoi th Pound, on or about the 25th a at 4DId prices, rig bm-dug orth*r-A Duc and Denim o a, you A. HAERIS, SON & Co., Brantfo4l rlinge, rid ham and Ptablesi; � Or from at old priecs, Sole Manuf xetarers for 0aiiada. Two Heifers aud 10 Steers, sill Yea She Eo 4 s I lendid wate. is 8 rniles ild eforelthe 669 Uni eed at old prices, of small size. if not claimed on or b 49we And 7 =11les All Nfobll Tweed at old prices. t) e 3ame dista;nw from Xippen, 25tb of July, ffiey 4,will cc sold st public Rue ion h. ma --Th 3 arket WILS for the expm as. 'n g PaSf within three- LONM RI lit OY OYSTERS111 n rl 0311 an iollllrl,�ME, Poundkeeper, 650-3. is ne of is best %iials well. su Dl)lj v �it i beef a4ttle to -day-&-!, qual*s (if a itae. T is is,one of For far- but the C E 9 pecial. y or the be 3 i 3 the towi- ship �at d will be sold t-bexp. I C J. RIGGS EAFO'R,7�1. STI�AYED—Sh-iTed froinLoM,Con-1, ast READYMADE CLOTHING her:particulayrs-1 apply to the proprietir 0A the easts, W s 0ore 11 y ll� a we( en#scs, or to): I racelield P. 0, 311T 5 3110- on or about the lith of J4ne, a Three Mai es, AN ne a9Q, n C1 i s' htly .3i, er ]ices wei AVING. your order every se one dark bay, nine� years old Y L d 3' black withwhite hind legs,two ,wcars old; tnd 4- Mic..' G(101: ut hAs cad sold at B n see u]re Oybtrn : ry,,h M J. Riggs' YOU OIL $800 1-900 Z balf of the other EL : ight Lay, one year old, with w lite 31-e's T weed I its, only _.'17 00 AlM FOR S. - ForSale, the 3 i,� o 4c pef I .;I d lair gros f ad catt as In id -winter, and direct from tt ries. Pere star on fc rebead.* i Any 'on inforna- Iden's T -weed 10C ats, only 400 500 600 M t(.,t 14, 2&JLCKi]l0P, tt)ut&j,n1bg r at 3 lie to 13i ,',Ip a R., witl- lean catt lit order and secure your Oysters- , I a Tweed IP cuts, only 2 50 aTe clear -L well a Leave tion wher, tb ey In sy be found, will be suit[ bly Men 150 200 tv rewarded. J.A.S-XeGEE,AubuinP.O. 656-tfx- I 50 2 00 I wen Uhl- good cultli-at ion ; the balance a,ud hald' b Is t tc do. I Men's Tweed I 'VEsts, only 1 00 b Ill t i -it -le sill rior cattle', ICE CREAM AND SODA WATE0 credwithbard:,Wpoi; there LIS'a goodIfrarile b" 91' young orebai-A allo IL TEA" CDW Stinyed fro�rn Seaforth, on a id log housq, ALI -0 $16 Tobaccos, Pipes aid Cigars,, 4- watle efa r r a , littl E Tburi'day Miy 13, a red milch cow. She, vas e: 3niliencipg to emr, fr6b L N b. These m about uffiel -on the v a line- betWe( ovel 4ji )a I horns was shorter rm Is on the 7 x ears ol 1, and oVe of her HA OAP S., &0.: Ji illop'. and i P Wi ule, twzo ;niles aria, F, i1alf 4 �ue J6 -c butchiera'i Cofectione) where are store4, ch 41 higI est p p�dd Flou v Ilage of Nvaltm it left hcme ueh Information a$ vill lead to her. Fruit 'yy 47C.; - 6an the )t4r. $he heavy �in calf -when she h Constantly on recovery ii be suitablY rewaiwed. Apply s oo1g,, liMs, a ad all other e4l Er 14. 1 te ii I dy I oug t severid I 4" 1 i 3atte. MI) I d. at 8o, Brussels and sftlo;�h i;mii0f ots, A sl P] 1h dat'�l 3 to -d at from 4� c THE Expositon OMee, Seaforth 1 or to the un4 er- i g Speew Value in an kinds of n: id-vay betwe 3 9 We are 9 with gooa el ape Also in Ladies' j'�u VI ri ad leading to. PA place; there c ei 1A tb it er. be in g paid for al win eceive next.week a fresh supply of� pure signed. JOHN M�INTOSH. Hat73 -a nd C arid Children's Q -e be st the county,, is a good soho'61 choi ce f dis. 'farm. PorfuTtherparticulATO R mber the place, Curr3 STRAY1 D Irom the promises of the m n i ears bi -ought fro honey. Brothers' old stand Straw Goo sl in s alps. d1l, :. ply to the pr et.or,:JSWortb. JOH_N7 DTM— I 0 pp osi d's Hard are Store. signed, lot 14, ConceEsion Morris to vn- tit from INI 1, ohn Kid Silf a bbu ess-rEl. M. the' E el: Last we 657 P Aid IA ebip,abo t the end of April,Five Yearlings, !i� Mbc dy i 1'� 6s., Terrelioune, fifty: Three Steere, au4 Two Heifers. Two of the OR S.ME­ForlWe, Lot M C01168- 2 C8EAP M—ONEY re of Ired c*lor, the othtr ;f Huron, - rboice cattle at 51c per I steers a gray with 1% ide UGH. sion 3,Township of Stanley, Con' me rIg ding Ia;] one heifer spotted red, and ComE A D LoOK THRO cared and L Fprea mt-aining 100 Azr s ; 8&4 acres a Nin 3tyr a carlos'd s of (attle y. Apy person ov- whi theot rreddishgm flom. stumps; 116 aerts good bardwoodbn�shv 000 TO LoAN Ie, - �abolit 5, 0 shj 3 wrivi 3d from tl a :8 lot iig inforz Ia n Q'f their whereabouts, will be 'Pretty xau& m&VM good buildings and plent$ �01 i Aod WeE t Ia 3 Ent to Britar i. suitably � ew�rded! by the owner. ROBERTB. &Ta and soft -w4te ai;t exotellent orehard of ok. !or shiplu I j, ON FARM PROPERTY, LAIDLAI 7, ]�Iyth:P. 0. 6W4 i. cry kind, W'h �:A few a ELI s(f 9 Court �us Attentio Paid to AIL hearing Irringit Of x1most ev if ?,is a a still beft I . I e Land small xyel roads along the. ride lind bkot ght�� Dlilllf 0, I ough tI 0 At Seven Per Cent. In J�EIVARr-Strayed dl tb:e lot I c f the subscriber, Lbt 15, Conces don terest, Pay-. $ 'from the prem ises vithin, I mile < Ia Elany pro t 10 Huron and )3ru" 4 ationon the lie, pric 3 hex a �to( lo* to able Yea,rly. 15, To wn ibip of � Grey, con the !evening of J ane sila on Euch fra, a ac UP [I 3. -'s are biqgin- Y, 6 miles frk M ton,withtwo 9 18th, T -­oL span of bays,mnt6ied, Lek* d Hors,�es on t1w, Buffalo and miles from do brou. lit a whit i d toot and a little w1ute on lbre- nihg to bp I ore I i eely froi RS allowed to I sy principal at smy RAU * good.seboolbou" on sol d a 5o to 510 time interest & WE STy In riBOR�OWE charged ly P, th unpaid head, 3 a d yeers old, the et1ker a sorrel, -with OrItari M 'I he lot, vtMuri leg and storepouvalli - The; white Ise a 4 *hhe feet, 2 years' Old. LL ny lu the Cousity. Vr fdr- Ca� eE 0oi iti tf Be 11 0 5r portiou� Apply W ce, an Arm. is one of Pei Son goi in Bach informadon as wiU lea to pard ly 'to the pnprietor -ot her le Llity, Sheep a A. G. M-cDOUGALL,' the recov+xy I mid kQrm wiU maiTe the T DAVID WOE tly of I 1� Iremi or T itter, @A&M -4 P, the form reward. DO ALD CAMBELL, Cran ruce lj P, 0. SEAFORTIL a i limbs an 3 ir st ipply 6 ST eac d; the Ia rehant: SeafOrth. .0., Count. r o Hurm. y� bril: g fr c)j n ;4 --t 657-12'- Dry Goods M10 II