HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-09, Page 4NEWAD RT19FMFNTS. was far exe eaby th I her setts t $e
own ease d cot 3fort ifrE i
-ve -a,& adv
n t ha
CIffaring Sale G. McDogall, & Co. Senator w o holds his poi I, y of iab
�Jrthvare P1 lo.� (I Joh6 Kidd. T
_ers— vir ue o a i I i this
's. t f hi bil't the qerl'ices ren- num a yol Cheap Tv1oney_-_A_. G. McDougall. I his 0, i . dered untry.libu h It' ep3pi ye6. It i
t e 0 1
n was
tts, mply e
F rm for Sale—Samuel Pollock. ing
in - ri- Bure
espi: use tb t e I po. [� ba,
F m. for Sale—tTohn Esson. cor-ferred s as a ark o : poll icid luable Farm for Sale—Hugh McNe,il. 'favoritism, r in F tunities ofl; parti, an ire DU t'S &n
A�r le—Nicolas Snider. Ile two i 6, S in
�hanksJamos Campbell. manipula, S., C nsei uently,� he coal Z df 'of "T, d have a, g 11
0 orne Binder at
—A- Harris, Son4LAZ C 0. t is ot i any ry 7 ay udebte to then 1', 11 probla 1 t 0 p
G and Circus—Dancall & Duncan adisnoti dut4botndto re omp V Ilinery—Hill Brothers. en8o I least, 51
0 r o(
thEim, even did it� toti Ily dep 've thel C(ming—Forepa,ugh Show.
a tion 1.1 Oui
Fit rmors—Lllmscl�n & Wilson. of tb6ir sin cures; -A though t'hi 9 par�i.
Money to Lend—A. G. McDougall. tial abate en t of thi of th 11 w c st llulsan Go Wo 1
Fi rm for Sale—Wm., T. Grieve. ij Co S, qt Ace.1
prob;tbly b. recell�ved by tbt c)untxy
L' d F �—Hickson & Bleasdell. one id I t a -e I with thank, Fetzer. it ouli be, in 4h 11, better �youl t i131
Pdstal Natter—Hickson k Bleasaeli. W. i ll� . 1 -
and more atisf4etoi 7 to 1� �e t out I Ini6
9M grpi
Vcters'List—Town of Seaforth. entirely an at once. teria a 1,il
We do Ot R116 w hat i t ,mle j evell
ould b to th Sa
wise, even s a m tte, of exp6piei ley, tJ III f adopt the 'Ian ec mmend III I 11 >
d by tl 6 wo le �1 9.
t Globe. Th re is i� no idoub, b t gildk cire the u S1, AFORTH, FRIDAY, JULY 9,11380. ,would ife, 14uc being E41 Ile �t 3
Zeasier ay, but vy 6 a here is li2 6 a fear t1b- t, ke The Senate. such half-] earted e.7 Oedieilts� adopte
T Ic u
CuE ExposiToR has- long and 'ear- solely for t e pur�qse of sa,vin k oubh 66 pe. C DO;
no; �tly jadvocated the aolition of the it would p ove 'ei coe ingly uI nsa 'jisfa(. A- In. I 40 So I atii. We have done so because we be- tory to all parties concernfla. it 11 pprel ic It n
lie ved, in the first place, that it is an quite tie't at iffil th, � ordhia�,y our I S I _66 a re t 11 Iti a
ex- 3-ensive and useless apendage to or of plrQcedur the 68SE at of e., 'in e t: Ig 0
Iek, isltive machinery, and in, the see- would be r quired to he law proddih v lop
e ein 6 r
oad place, because we believe tbat any, for their o Il extiac� iori. This migb forest, a It let. islative body which is, aove the be some*h t diffi' I 0 ELn oil t �to get, 1:bll� fa6ili p�
people and indpendet of them is a wd�ld Possibly, ubdeiii-preissum, 0 r,
sent Us a P.: dangerous institution it the country. to compr nlise suc� as,we ha e but n
Thafact that. the Seriate has proven ferred'to. t- is in "iew of his diffi - useless, ad expensive is now too well I cuUy, evid ntly, tha. the Glob pro. esse ly, t rJ
sor s to re known. to all rroperly informed pet, poses the . mpromisd� and no; b cans P�actl of! uc
quire demostraion, and the. it consider d s the coum'ry won' a a��d - vuly A
I Dip
'ac that it has not pro-�en dangerous is Vantaged b the presifpce and 310 uqnla, of the system of the Sena ars in the iCommol iS ham!, eVenI':,1Ir In not to the excellence c
binito the utter incapacity and inertia ber. If the 6form, c not Wb oughl 11:1 in WO of hose wbo compose that objection- about in A, y. oth er li W If" 0
t ; - - T- , plan ma b the best, is not
abll� bod myb B u d 'P 6 I2 d
s 0 bject of the abolitio of the f1b shld b because pf 'there bei g Di I I t
be &u al
c Usiv 9 ou
s ae has been bro-ht njre t S7
a d no previ
ent v into the foreground oi late by the gnition of ani suppos 3d laiin� over OOJO
as a reco e p
onto Glohe,'with all its poVer &aid. I 'i promin- I other way oat of the liffiou.163,' I
bi,6b. Sena ors -have Iupbn th� �- e un6j indu, I a
e ce, espouing te ca,se of the by virtue of their app �intmeuiis O pO6 &b litiOuists. In the past, several 'tipil's, as -w have al t
aaay 81IPw It e.,
oth, r Ontaio journ is besides THr, all su h s ch alul Ins w I a] h "ch, could bo � p t for that a a
E X `OSITO. havei favoea the chancre, but ward woul ' -only b6 imag�"' b
J1 Lng e'.01
tb the journa above named not _OnlV .,should be adopted, ilowever : 0 ly lin )f, the fore s t
sto d aloof, but positively opposed abo-' t4e event a total a A imme[ii dx- :161 PE op�e ae I liti a.. The new manAgement, how- tinctio proo lug '113p ssible, a4a the How I u, 'ist i
eve , has efected a change in this principle th If a I �af is bette tctlue� r tliall t b
res ect,' and has brought the chief nol'bread. em it Z: i
org V into" more of the Reform park e n Ulqbn a] a r,
c6mmer9da'I U . , I
po pf In 01, tit) accord with the views of a ma i n with zhe J te�d tates. D . d
rity of the members of tbat party on M Dral F S -a-bjeet. Wo notice that there are In numbei
Ju Y of the culia�'?z Lbout h, [f a a few, a very -few, of the, liefo luolinthly th -e appea s a el ha rm Jour- 11sti;ve r' d s I
nal in this Province whit still* Stand article 11DOD. the subje Pt of a 00 m er- �Iusiv f h r a
Out for the exising State of things. on cial Union ,)a �abada i an the )0mg r out ed cial lumb, a - p,
thel othe r side, the Hail, oi�jcoarse, in a, I Unilted Stab3s; and a ver� r raild ad half-hearted sort of way rolations wi the nei �hboring ire ublio� hant d it h
ta�,s up the cause of the Senattrs, but' ae of VaE out t Iwe su)m t that its in their behalf are so ex- fail ige ce of then I 6 4 e ?,S
owin a ex racts to t a inte
cea ingly shallow and s eirficial that our readers,, reserving comme there. ftltur sts 0 11 11 A
the are not likely to materially influ- on until some future ',o r� a
le 0 enc� way person, w ile not a few oit th,6- of �ciu in hpresent stat of independent of the Cons_ on in the ULI pi, Oil In
Stat(s, an a', I long � �asl f),ur 11i d 11 r
pap rs are fully in accord with �6 vastl their e'Xistin' Ifiscal q t Is em p 6vails,, a d
ce d P., n
ma arity of the Reform 'press on, this commercial iinion w. 11th thail: c8uutl. F 0 for ign p oduc
q7tute naiw ithas bee ml�st be forvifd by ou ad ome. opti aialyt t r ed u f h(
issue in; the cGuntry, we may fairly &II 'other coutiieB itlibir high 1 r to '�Of tW ho e the day of the ex'i dutie:s on imports: sll&1Ifst,l1 be� 4 this to d r! ed 6111a.
ill A. . tb ObRioxious body ae numbered. The able, as they are Dow dispode of ourl 1),'.6 tc 'o :VU n S
quttion that il w loom experts n a s up for discus i Europe, a e8pec'ialy in a, ,-,I-irn r o tiJ SiO4 is, what is the best and easiest way fre--; trade countries li nglA'n ; but Coe, E t%n is �s 6 010-0to t rid of the inoubus. we Shal not; be able tc buy, a to ail eich-a C.I I r A P-�
xpe SDme pro -pose to continue the Second limit t. The pro m;, ad exten.' ble h In c, fu
ere, fcur ti s
cha iber, but 'to tender it in some w I li e 8�
ay fore', reaolve$i itself. into this W�i t reE a U n fa u,
nl�arket for dur cotn- lonsible to the people, either by American exp its I�trufe of �h i ad 136
hav ing the members elect ed by the po- pensate fo e r amage tbal al 'In 8 1W i g 1P h0com- ula, Vote or by 1he Local Leislatures. mercial -union Would do to our trade the . _Wr
P -00.6
i ide either of these schemes would, in wi WIN th the restof the w(rld .. . : I . I Sf ates bei g� I ea
"'�e measure do away with the d anger The writor th�f n fu mishes
a tfa Al 156108 �erytl ting el'can;
f I ,chingto the existence of,an ir- showing tha p4e Ame, ican molork6t forli n ver a bd t
S Would fa mak oil responsible governing, body, tho cure orexport Ind" ade- 361 required would be only partially quate campensatibil r the lo s we r ri4�1 i effe ate,d and nh oitb
such doctoring, should sustai 1 4 in our f reign trad and'' w -O'rld B wo Id be satisfactor� to the people of thenconsider� thi),�e: ect of a s er. a ont 1411p b r o at least'. They want to remove ineroial. uni Da 1pon on,- mauf pense at the If, ho %c, res h 6a 0 ly, be::
the &A9617 ad stop the ex wover� I it c I ' u am. e e� 1 po -ts,
time. Any Govornment, or a,13Y o fE�k a -eff Oct rultnercial u is belileved that IG a&
p ar I Y1 ible
there -fore, that wilf propose of our man ; a aettires won e
hbest � ably Iti.er c un and IS Mt
most speed� ., Mea;DS BUMUlat6d bybaving the market eE t cu�t6 dn't f tile for t1e of 'this eutire cotine' ptthr6wa open t hem., bibij Gt, will strike., a most f p at of 104
a, co populax Let us, therefor 1 erthe fflot
key note in this Pro' it ndthe yir evljg��
Vince at t, " he pres6nt woid 1 . . I to 'o Upon_= mauf jc�uribg ortsl lt;4'' b in ac
tim; i. The Globe thinks that Se, c� as
nators unit M�Y at once be a� L. JL' bi
h&v3 some claim to consideration be-' Id be giv�n to ted that an I m pet�as Wou
cau! ff) some of thena gave up their chance 'cer ies on� to, U
tain manufactures in this ob niry by w(u to iflake a figure and. ac 3 IN S li us Quire �P,9�7er any arrangement by' which the 'A , inei- in.;e eit, We 4
a Commons, whila &U, on 13emg car market would be isecured to uit e i4v istmen'5'.
in ted, expected they W` ere receiving Ma'unfacturers who ha*e alread� stab- so, 10 L I pension, and it, proposes to abolish lished factori s e would,1 durid 'hoirt- 9 a t e capit I the Sernate and allow its members a time, realize large proh 4s. , In C' u d6.r- tat cou(n r seai in the Commons, I t O 11
but 011 the ing a question that inv DIV
y 0 es th� nti' I st t f P osp r
t to speak and not the righ t. to vote. future -"'of bow u O
our countr e�e wOILS aaIrn c BY is means it calculates a guided only inin of must be i YY the abo t q�60,000 robable dri ILI Or hipi�,ng S
per anaura would be permaent effect -tha tj would be pro- sh uI4 sitiv d to the f couiltry. This would, of duced, upon these industries and oi�- the ire -tu whole country, and not the merli tl�,an' te, be a, Saving woth eecting, aid 10
si- -,lop t �8 r( s it W�uld also be taking a Iong step in a urle
tit beefit of a few individuals. Vbat Ind& a. r is a the right direction, as if no new ap- th n would be the ultimate effeW 'Upon a 0 it re
I agi 1.� p4litmeuts are made, tile old stock I I 0 luartufacturers in C f gmdually be reducod, and we c* aa,la o aeWmer t�l 8, at, d. en ial union with the rnitd Istates? ns o _c mmui i Nvou,ld ultimately be -rid of the whole One Qf our chief indu: I' squad. This, however stri-es at,�present ide or�d G it h
7 WOIld be is the maufacture of brots an sho S. et t) uk pa ur It ngthemadecrree of leniency to It rauk§ imm ediatblY ater sa inli Is shop p
WbTidli they are neither legally nor, and flour and gristmill Aocording 0 10 u4i n, �a ther were at th t Mor4lv. entitled. Were th6 -country' the census of 1871 If. q v lizap n a' t 6 O 6S
eithar directly' lirectly indebted to time three an d a li
Of illion dolla them for services re . ur far r ndered, there mig vested in this induistry; th $ 81711 a b t ti be hti i a tott bi er of e§tabhshmODts was 4,.1 1, d as Inoral obligation to continue S 0 d
A. ifF -m Vi,r r V t 13S
theiir pensions, but it i not. There is the'toltal number :of ands en�pj not oy d 1 6 t.. IS 041 ir
�ne amongst them who has not, now o�:-er 18,000. Wh&' 1 t ar the nat*al., a reclived, more from the contry 'than vi4tatages we ppAsess in regard to, t is S lug 5ch o in!,dustry?. t. the country has ever received frotx� Ilim- 1b rie
11 h They are Irincipaiuy W f th Th J t th t they preferred a a a ni N'd
I ia the ease fald a atlh O' 9' d cl�Lea t -blic pensioners I e re, to adauce of n�at,3rial an and naolenca of �u I in V f
I Do 01. IMUOr. . We export large 1qan I- , 1. I
the 6ore active spheres of public life, s of hid ' : I V at 00 ro,'W,� o io
es a i . I Did of ' leather, be$id s
whe�e they could have rendered ser. Ii W t eab�e4s the 49 animals 4s the ea �1
viedfor the pay received, is the very Ot natdoh 'Dal&,
it will !'n T beat proof that their ambition - wu, at tk be, wrong to infet that o#v eri&I best�f Doi very lofty. While their is 2 L6bg b
0 per cent. cheape h r. anxiety for the welfare of their country that �rojmp n ]�A Is W48 ia
of our competitors in M p, lai form, of P s
it N, EXP SITOR. We his d" leaving ded ndiniured the local store- P6,ny wit some fhelud 8 Oland Liter w' Lo' -was Y the in all honesty adi,Wt thatthe amen ma�e way, -6 taking rnyft-& t it t; L e, to 08 rain, w en a i lidden starting of the by4aw is a gene r4l. benefib by the in- keepers by clubbing: ogether and send- with me, o, had cirill Leovor froni.R- n
train a ked bi i i loff his feet. and threw creased protecti�* that is given to, both dollar of ash to a foreign land that spring, afid I Ingievery i6 1 - leouldet laugh
h r �llo of i .gesp in- Poited. Out him he d toren l3,1st down between the public and p the fl;ag staff at i I& rivao property. Since the market, and impoeing on the local tholn then _011 mond-1
234ito e ch passenig , 'mr 4hich he was stand- by.law came intolforce I Ilae not heard s0re-keepers trade inconvenient to send MY last V to the Falls, mentionQ ham. Etation, I.
r U. van that was on be- of one gari den bQag destr6yed, previous away, such �as butter,: eggs, ppls iconell, egg -4
8 .6"I 10 Masac ing, and arei P?t%- above, I cold a ciric-ilmstatice whick t) hind, i 4 Was caug scarcely. vv, night passed without at its na ation, has been a re wt Of toes, &0, And worst of all, theyre deerned I ritheggsi
the va,,n a' ge bei�g d( t c8i __ind r6lled along, his b ick be- i w)me dam mo! to property. the' greatest debtorii, and from their the foregoil i 8. ie q by the watll
ine, br6 ep and !nis legs both broken The only thing I And to bo a grievA1100 known narrow,' sielfish principles, � are in the i IpAng of 1$ O., a Canal bo I I I t , T . , he b
ae an labor we ndm4gled. is, that whilst a 1 PrO14 MiLuy are laden wit wheat loo fribm its In law the: slowest to pay. No doubtL,store- I ta,,e over I h I ffalo,, 00 n 13 at uffalo, din
abiding citizens 4bers Ahouid be allow- keepirs are to blame in oerin ii�Lda - i 9 ri down the rjv;81r vvss held in, I)
c 6f t ed to break the I 'ws and go free, espec- ments to the Granglers, wl gich d was 4 111arried, dowp the rapids to:t�6 e I it., a ounting at Kews 0 he Weeh.
I they. re- all at E�s
n i A. C 0P.—The first of the ially is this t Sundays and fuse' to give to their best cash Ago of the precipice, !�% hel E ish
I Cos of pro ac- he case on Ps;'ving a pri Of t new so 11 oil's tal has axrived f it New holidays. A cer class'iof society aro customers. Each Granger has a wilall piece of mck, hid by 61, e vOlU.m8 of c
ie-py. 'There
el 0 re: the be efit S I
a 4f ts pro and the roef
York rx tn'Ching. thean enough to t urn their horses, cows, slip -of paper with the number of the ter flOwit 9 over, stopp, geese ng t f b fs an Shoes ere BtLL ZaT s,—Ten Spani h bull pig -139 1 P 8 as Grange, &c., and produciet'; this as acre ... the 'current ia &a., Out on su h time britigh . t broadside i r, i I e o ft V
B 9 it. usb: le. at fighters n New n officials ar riot supposed to be on which , ion it �ne —The daily
Yo from tow dential,when the weak-kneed at onegive 4 f or s E urope last we 3. I think ox r town fathers should a reduction which t14ey refuse to others. �hese� ladvall b4ges, k to give exhibi;ions of duty. weeks, ali hough fr Itly1hidden and
skill. make some provi�sion for this, as I don t No wonder the obstructionists flourish, sight by he, w= B�I,ray da of July- d appea unddr a 8 11-16(;,f n conse- think a law shou'R1 be a dead letter on over it, R takiogIrm ith $t iCT self, greed, avarice and human nature . in its C f, Juan It wa c1s andt C ecenp murders and outrages holidays, I wo74ld . suggpst that, the being satisfied. The Grangers Profess a It mae m, 8 of roe f too bigh' and
a -which ii�mmedipLtely e to meet for mutual improvement, dis- -0 P
(st m in Irel��d,! the�e begins to be soi no talk Council amend Phe by-la�r still further with a er Ah like th:11 ler tat�tling f fo—t 2 W, I f by imposing. a Pe4alty for all breac, A ie twd coull es. of a re a o �he Peace Pese rvation hes cussion, &e. It is false in eve -par of j�
11, ry residents n h sides '10 o�actost Act.; of it, and instrucQing thej� o1ficers to ticular; the main object 61 the Grangers the abov inp.10 tan be —Thennirt L
J �@dwotii th el e; mith's H-
I , i were sit venty- keep their eyes pen anel see whose isollars and cents. They are like the -giv 'y W31. 11ILL.,
S I �'N, notm There en. TS t a olIeDslour a( I nine f I oases of putistroke an pros- beasts ate out ng prohibited times. locusts of Egypt; werever theygather SE L A"FOR, 4, 1; z is �VLII. tratio rom heat in New York during �and take proe dings against them tbe:� leave nothing behind. Why ex- er,; 3)4y in tha.
the iwenty'-four hours terminal ing - and then we woul all.be oqual. idsoa nd Morris eill I ,int. bile bor at elude from their Socety the laborer or Mr. I )a�vl 'is Rej' noon oil Friday; CITIZE"J. )w lea
inechaiLic, if their o�ject is intllc6al a, co pared �ith * DtA�Tl: FROX ICTIfT LACI -NG. — Susan Senforth Jul 18T. i MR. ED tion —Dear IY 7tb, Sir Wh- improvement. Fortunately for the en district.
of Remseo 0 a eren(d h y intig to S&Y a c aged O' died Suddenly at the a'to A� Grangersof Huron, the' Globe,coesto
N Tri ity Say it i1i; i PIC strig.1 t Ward bell 1 th-ree years suo
W Mission on Friday. Mowi�g Match- their rescue and says: `-The farm was Deaflo��s T6ariw ed by. tight lacin Saxon. assertion in )ei; Onto I ed th The annual mowing match, under the Visited to -day by Grangers who were Ash; COLL �IO-N he steamer Crof from denial" at; Mr Cht�isi io Ijad sal of the �fturon Irarmers, :and of a different class from those f Yes-' ity a nok New! 11 rk for th, had hel Ih�rk e ivere a with I
Le4 bows tario and he was fr�id his =cs' Assooiation, �Vas held on teraay. They came from O the el�,' is ilittorly fal�o. I.r.0 a his; stove ah -A foremast carried aa, r by,a the farm Of M%,John Young,� the Victoria counties, being older's4tlers wishos �of All 417 U -t _ar� P
originate� tlie injunola:,, Or, hic DtAl, contiguous to the village of BrUcefield, moaes of farming so that one black mIttiral and our that Mi. th t a
r 4 Lpita in th( dle- colligioid with a 001lier off GraveSend.` 'not O)i Mr. obliging Secretarl, of the I Association. and having adopted more scientific eorge lipley, �!woll known .64 to establi -a 13 on Wednesday IB st, the 7-th of Xuly_ sheep shotild not represent the whole am prepa apl_ - X-Ishoura
t Is CL fitrq ding ( eryl writer, and literallry, editor of t New The weather was. perfection itself, and flo After speeches from Mr. D object 'in ittackini IV. i � -with -whom
ok C kvoult not I L ke; York I ibiuve, lied in New York the nly sE 3n throu Plai studiest has . I
well suited for Aeld operations. The Walker, eeve of Tuckersmith; Mr. u I ral C DMInn ity other ZVI in his �8tb year. curi At to
attendance . of 4ectat r. C. is, therefore s ors, was rather Hanna Deputy-Riseve, and Mr a man )ect sim4a to. -cattle
poor WO_. small, owing, no 4oubt, to; the fact 4 a friends r d, patrons. yburi�tralty -Of Quade, Scretary''.of Egmondville Or
manila ersey (Pity murdered- bet �Iree large number of those more directlyin- Grange, and our worth, y Editor of THE Ail= 'DA M-1 OSalary of 6-1 AM:
a 0 Comin, rci a iflotel, Seslfol,�,,Ta'�. il y ,61h, 1W_ 004 th, chilJx ' th ther morning_h�r � sole terested in suh 'qontests ;'being b6sily ExposiTOR, being reipresented as th it-:, the, moti�e she confesses, t4 ed postom kh at she engaged in haying. There were eight curions specimen of the Clinton New offiee has bee
unti that not� thou by killing them they]'would Single machines and one combined; en- Era, all made a rush -for the calra, gainihea ven. eaig p eft i, but bat! tered for competition, and the, work 'which started about, six o'clock, and -sr- RrrovE ieh4ad has Timfiinis to mole fairly, n Rimu -,k*rcB In the. Iri�i and performed by tbo,various machineswas rived safe and sound at Seaforth about Mved mill ai a Ame[rican rifle match at Doll from ',St. Rai, and Will I
t mount of a bigh order. The sm)%Il all, I o oubt well pleased to Whit ilth, where h�� in,tends t
11 III ajy vhere lse� the I&W eric number of ten o'clock, n nd an team won by twelve nt -a � u le U 1, �1 80�, floo, I ries, and, consequently; the poor: at- for' the small out.l�y. made by the have it 1 running oidt in �a 9111 s"In out cury IF p points.� The to6l scores fit' tendance of mafacturers, is mainly Grangers. OBSPAVER. weeks. —A d 0 yard pAO411T " T at I , played in e
a io. ,..�r noel an, -aAgOS were—Ampricalls 1 due to their havitIg entered into a cbm- IEW. 10!fj? d Iris 1,280. bivation, s)me til i ne ago, for the pur- is,& Berri e, ex FlUE 3 ON who had w I betwefi the
Lo 16 raA11b1bwnaP -so a V and the Yol r pose Ot not attenling tb6se matches. Seaf(;A]��91� -School. ti -me- a;O In unity' enl tive Pr have been raginor b�ilt a n W ing onr Long 11 T4e award of the judges silemed to give The standing of t4e two lower forms one - iii c t' WitP their P11 0 ore a .38 in Ca go eral satisfaction. Messrs. M�allaffiei-- of this school is Igiven below.. The fact ich will so da Immense oamik Th ory, oil be in ran a d' lolug a non Priday' mia-lunt Of h ng ua,equal -ooe,
0 the standard of order, �uall n of.Port Albert; White, 4 Rodgerville marks are reduced them t. Thip space burnt i� ive wide J esent CARS 17A ei bt if h sub'ec[ and repr u cturi gg. purs le ncl,.Tohn McLau h1an, of ptailley, Were 10a in eac the KILLED g,TUE S i eigiNt es long; anc YOU"119 tbb judges. As e combined maclilues daily class W ork dating the quarter and of this ll-,iAbo h A iS-,p 1xit; Ur I PLAGuFs, om ete d bile Under he 4rLshop- have to c -at! the reaping —Rev.
main i el D d4wn �0'11 he 3f b�` perwarie followi' g in the wake [of the m&tch, which wil be hel& a series of written) aminations during influe'lle Of- liquoor,"MI
rm I , n vast numb On the farm. the -closing week. will be observed track to S op, one tev�ejfhaA lately.,. d e err, 01 Long MON10 i6, same tim red�� ed to ill- of Mr. R. 0 next that several Pu I have not taken Was insta tly killed by fibe' I 0 140INIO
ud,J hich is cert '11 . pi, 'can pass is P0
9W Isla ainly 11 Ef 1119 d, flicted week, the sbandar I for them cann t b > Latin,Friench and Perman, as they Over his: b the oes place. I he army wor �r.ass�oPl?ors I given until this match ; takes plbLce. Was last
09011pa 1?1 of Eta were preparing forp special ex.%mina- MASON7 RVICE.�,04 8n, 4sy 1 k ftat is in Q D, A Place he was
r Below will be foui id the 'result -'of the tions, at which Qi e languages were the mem ers f L.,eLm_—The brea in a the PIrasonic Or, er headd ,can, the I competition amoug the Single machines not rquired, consequently they tank Marched Missiski, pi River, between 0 I proce8saou, iheaded by he J t) p o ect m Ina aincY, only, to which ,v.e-refer r readers for lwer than they wo-ftla otherwse-have city and voltiti,tee�s to -or I s iewn. an Dli*s, and Alton, has destroe prop- fuller informati I ban lux J on as to th6 points -made done. All who havq made 50 per cent. ebdich, ere an are, arty I va ued at one million. ollars. by the different machines 1, on the total will he promoted to the preached � V Rev.. Bro. t"On 01' as s d s mo to Horses, catle, And other stoc have b aTb -- next higher divisilon.1 It is very impor- Grand C -a�)Plai. Thle church nu, b of wned. Houses and bar s have 1-i y v, o w w;;i �-Z_ i tbeir f beens pt away' and orops des royed. taut that all who propose to attend the crowded. a g e in3inu i ul- CO, )LY CONDUCT,—A school should begin on the Ist of Sep- Tnr, WiA�HER.—Tbo! Weather large AV- -Ant'
4799 or t 0 0 aiDin 14 persons -was c, 03 is time Of In addition to
c con- Y I : tember. This is most particularly true has been vaq fine for S ad at I he Xanitoba, th, umbel all- Whit of all who wish to enter the intelm edi- year, a ake, on 3fon even Vei y little raan h as fallend ng > ate class. The standard has been the Montl cc P tion§, ex- Young lea struck out for o e all and the cott —The Wi
left th omen and children raised ten per cent. ]!Iigher than it was about her( is fast dryftl� up, The ro
and I mber ell larown I i -
alon i h no a, year ago, an1 it h3 quite useless for 'are gettilli -good for travel, a large nu Iliarried ma, ho re- 'Ise Maine nd enc students now to attempt the exam.1na- ber of emi of the Boy�
lavored. to' ie his I West a b Y al ered [noo f am ifll I . . . . . . tion with less than a, full years p pa- ing is -expected T,
re . . . . . . The present intermediate class this n ,�th-, Seeking ration.
------ - --------- 131, )Or io mus be T I -E ORTY Dkys' FAST.—Dri Ta . . ....... ................... �Ire broL-e ot, t IOut that Vill
'I I . at on,,oif WJW 'ki is now writing on the examin rat ildings e
ner, w York physician, i stion, and 'unday Loag, .
is pr p rtion Sill I inata their standing is not reported,:� n q -A e tbre. Tile
periment of fasting emi!
ay J
fooli:lh f(O for , v i �! 4, '20th burn it to the g�ou-73:d i -,9 f, I aboll reo gri- a 129 0 FIRST FORNI. Orange proces��
The fast beaun! on the 28 h ult. Minutes. 1 the building -was W-00 en -in stfial since en he -has not p 0 4- structam, and �was us1ed: as or ieve
Y artalfen of *the d drink, �nl nj house.
dillic. Itiir I exp tits, ' Occas4onally I F�p 0 7�rything w,;,ai4 Very dr- Xs mouth ith a littl� cold no: a"- Sbeipbe)a young
to tb rolnsin 0, . I is Sul? 1�2 0 0 pol e4 the fire jorigina I ty- the -pipe O� lehimmy; au W ter. al,
J ID e -of se
d! C d' howe &-of pro. 'k S ftu A,.NmRia.vN Cd pretene
CAN,M )4 A 0 Steallifire eb-gile Was' The I ., . . . 6 0 00on at ................... ------ - I ly f re -ex rts Cbiliall Times says t tta that the go
td rn 1-4 -------------- Tbosi Lockbarb..80 77 '18 11.9 58 42 6 P extingu-ji: Afer6e John Robb ...... 74 70 80 66 66 60 &,)
JaOw completed em 4-, he Canal Dela &W .8 I "Inawfiteronthff A
tit ac- The canal rn.�a 1�g th ma 64 eSore spread*1 o the is seve t -five rn Lizzie MeXa- 9 that they were
0- 60 64 70 �86 24 88 75 63 joining b� Is m e s I )Miles long, and ha. been 'V� Jaineg Fisher....50 62 7- 26 Go ion t > wety ve years in coustructiol., Lit a PP P4 Robert Pringle..75 52 7-1 65 64 '54 38 60 Th
illion, seven i . Po ?, to elftre i .0.1 It is one of thE Govenlck- 66 48 %> 68 50 �62 31 ull- oost of 00,00 58 m 'ost �,rol orti n hei igmiport t Louisa Ku'ron Notes. Ilight.
SI work� :y6t executed i L this Hill ...... 63 60 7-6 60 42 40 42 55 Mary Govnlockr..68 55 78 So 46 easles ait �Se
countr. . . . . . . . . 20 30 54 -01 liglit tfpe are 119 —Q T we be M'ag& RMOT411 - - 68 B9 86 88 24 125 SS 54 the Childre a! at Brussej'sl. Co�anty Joro
da1i I. pol la- As PItIrST OUA1GED WITH PER- Bella Mabee ...... 68 62 '74 63 52 21 93 53 —The B oi';vi:ek ch�ef4ef:a;ctory is uisition from
HarperCravlord..48 49 .46 49 86 44 51 58 Jullyi-I aul McArdlp, an ex-Cqtholic making 22 cheeses perikifiay, ........... 1� ...... ......... ....... . ....... Frank Beattie .... 4L) 71 56 t Jfollows at priest, pis arrested in Now York oil F- Y.- jr- 96 S6 57 52 . ': W Grace Elder ...... 312 41 85 58 44 .32 SS an Friday I to I.- Z, WiAth. A 3a0ne gatheirIng of Councillors an :' EvIL Hill ........ 44 65 1 1 i -Or e-
d cgs ore Il a charge of perjury, qwear- �62 47 73 63 29, 46 Men isneiXMpi the ing he s the �O�Vner of certai* real 3dted at Gotrie on the 19, ea elf erson en- --- - --- - ---------- ....... -------- Telia, Wilson ....51 60 4 66 22, 30 44 avin him to hold a The Piible Ch ns of CRI1111
estate ile offeii'llig himself as a Don a Mableci, ... r)9 51 rd4 .12 31 76 44 t ir 1ristl e sa C1 Dralt. Egnes Arniitage..4s i3g 59 i40 28 57. w- held n c at Goderi h partially coils
mall-fo' man urf1der arresttfor ing Janies Ixelind. ...46 54 66 66 30 20 P�ss ---------
....... .. 89 on ul S of April last, counterif it money. mugglelue.N.'aught 39 50 W j38 i 35 72 w Old arg nt, Dtol�Glrl! A.N-D WATER I�11_ E Ve ('88 of Cut. Maggie Synith.....46 51 "IL> 12 20 36 34 he Iluevale C beld thl's weeki"
im", Jessie Case ...... 20 27 031 54 .0 a serio Sid 2 27 made a Sal 3, f the Staten ...... half f s"T e- U ted u I�land. I - ------------------------ ------------ . ...... . ... Frank Anderson. . 27 56 06 2i _23 26 make at 71 cents per with a severe
i to Crops, 4'rtfinjnred there is aj gen- -28 t d.
W-.$fL 12 vei u plied ith Dur�b�lity. Dominion oral s of W The Liz7ie Beattie.... —Mr- Win MoCan to is par,. 25 12 Car ity ive(I flu u s her, can tia waq famin6, -from which 10,000 ........ .......... ........ ham, his pece tho Arac Of con t building a# IWRS broken be -
4ew 'y Conveni I to bouselipl4ers in I ,�ke i' in whic ork are now :t tt - age on Copp, �n 0 is esSion. 2, I el I I Tis, for the qu.m $830. turea himb Wa
sufferi gi� A wate!r famine tb 111 List Edway be aten . . ...... ...... ..... . ......... surgeon, ed in B�31'0;oklyn. ------------ - - ------ ZZ —Two w 30ks -ago s, �11 33tS Of the Points Gaine& the �evoning r
B qRN ED W1 -son,:Of Tur iberry, had TH ME STEAUER. -- The 411 wheat w ch of 11 ........... m! ................. feet 11 inch old 0e4emall who cluug 'to the Sea- s in Ifeng He has a lid Of 13 acr6p of ge, IV to cc vIldv'ane ay 7anba4a, the vessel wrecked last week 52 9 .t Total poin A G ti�ai ; the -ad Sound, until'bun'd to AVm, 31tKa ........ 97 81 81 72 92 813 i secil ep- Oil 110:nk Isla G'4- 4 *10 ` kind. ife by k d ---- . ....... 76 eath, Am B. 4e pite theefforts of his d Lugh. I ie Watson ........ 65 97 87 49 %-1 68 7-5 —A few ysago, Wm. S t a to John '%Vatson . ...... go 9.,) 69 40 C JO st east 0 lat twe I west in PrW. 93 74 k, vesTAYIO 08- ter to lee Im to 16ave, was Rev. i f t i I hi of Rwi, it 'in nd i SP&I'ling ...... 7.2 01 85 57 96 .39 U wich, f3ol. ny Dr.. Jac Diller, hector of St. Afary Crawford ...... 53 1.41 65 7-3 68- 7.�3 71 thrree-yoar-olld yoke O o ukes on )r, be John Kerr ..... .... 91 69 36 79 7Z 71 were oke 1-as� wl-lit er for.tho 8 tee to fori bvi Epffs�ona Church! Brooklyn. At the c o 11 1 I that ug ur PF 75
he match 'he Ett's Duncan ........ 63 -18 34 71 78 69 SUM Of $10& the Brown 14ton all t @c,91i cilly ir ke slo BURUI—The W.ShJi maebibes urnedi� and c,ut down, a George Anderson .... 85 81 46 24 7,9 87 67 Pensiori Bu ____�Tbe f 91111, is So overwhd Sitting of th. C Huntier, Robt.
tru do Itne grass for th' ..74 '774 64 _9 7,-�j oil Of re I field of a Presbyterian m! 80 -66 - I III- Chancery. f4 with er, with w �r that It is stimatedl the I ister. Wna Tboinson ...... r)5 52 46 47 56 80 57 it this countV, before or S eIr 31aggie4arks ........ 70 -19 15 83 77 57 di -Chancellor to Qur t t pres n b f rce could not in 13 year dis- -We might her( - orable Vic Olake, Nv be aik W� Lan
i C )'Ostat8i ill connection Lizzie Moore ...... 34 80 M 57 41 -75 56 held t G 11eriell :on Pointed for po0ib a rest Pose ftiheellaims IrLow on file an un- with the,- reaing �match,l SarahL136otlx ........ 54 59 87 20 61 54 58- esdui, settled. It! is dstimated that that there H Sept�einer, )Uld in rease the . I the I -will be three self-bi - S. Anerspu ...... 9r) 8.9 85 89 W amount r id - d o be�paid on aqount I to take part in Ilders o4,3he grounds wm DeCantelon .... i2 35 So 20 50 --Adm, 'Soott, of La&let of t se c( n- 'I( an the! conte�t, and that Annie Paterson ... _44' 58 59 25 51 69 .5o h q n, is leg bro en in Cliffor(I of arre, will rea h fifty millions.1 those who were di appointiod on 5r) �10 III 40 40 few we Ks d tri enta to 7.9 48 aigo, is now reported to b�e gotti� Schgoll: met A -LILY John Henderson. . .... 54 and - presented,
ay re4 On seei g
URSU D BY Bmvim C�kv_ score last y' Arel�ie Dewar ......... 3T 1$ 56 -66 S9 43 Well. It7is thou ng ng
ear, I Aid hi,, ly, A despate from Cabal says 1 these machines i i'ht
an 68 49 81 42 thait he will on that on b e ist n operat�on, at this Gcolig 9 4:3. 12 48 62 4�,) snamkiu.
itb� in�t-, General Hill s di- 1 match. be able tovi alk. tit unna Ial:- 13 Burges ...... 44) 21 56 44 69 39 —A flew du,q y for n viSioh, en. amped �t Zargaii Kbet, Sent I efPalterman....46. � 46 2.2 5,_, 4 8 ,,jG -th, of a s ago a soil of counci .... 45 40 9 S9 r,3 q4 taken. re 55 M of russels, W �o 0 Oavl I Y to att k a body of A r I� �.s - by'-surp
ve, attr Lot. at hans The G,rangerjs, Exdljrsion.� Aggi� RuncinAn. seriously mrafv 'h , --
POdl o , and t ..... 54 26 23 24 69 j ured by f.al. and his he
enemy aban oned trikini, III pro oac a --rep.
the Villi To 4he AVia. Hunt. 53 27 51 99 at the' appr f ditorl of the HUroa,Bxp0si1.o ri. 3.3 'head again,�
h I d 11d flu BP 0� the summer Dole to.th� I Is. TheY were pursued ilht DJEAR SIR,— Will house. 'He i.s T,oco bet ot e- mile YOU kindly allow vring� 'O . ; Apa -ar.
—Mrs, G,,orge Gregg , f H E
'suffered severely. BQ1sh me, through the coluialls of The Xiagqt;� Falls. -0
0 P. )r kill d d tweit, 9
1, � t ee your wide .all r -five ly read jornal, to Say ewwords na T I Dl ; I 01 ional ex-. ou del the above subject. On Lt E.DiTOR thrown O.Ut of a bug6 pass G. A
Sir—In tb6 team at the "1,1097s bak`ll on her The excursion of e lie� d anta-1 of D AUD CROPS Tb p nside" of a pfiper p 'Oto
e frequent I eavy the eklbert Division -Grange, took place li-boringtown a t- _ublished in i church, at Lakelet on SayIc y an sho ers t rongbo t the Northwest have n ' la.1 air icle appears, D11. She fo �tunate Ii 17450' 1 d tr to already g,eatly -del L ayed the harvesi on Tuesday, 22d ult,.i and, �ibeing about e t tit dd ,Forgotten., � Phenomenon injury. bived b t s ss ss in E h i for the first excursion_4f the season, I wbeqt, d i- i Was a referring to the fact O� i the drying up ( —The the eve of his
raped e'd the cultivatic n of decioed su bdve friends an and g. 'In Central Iiii- Lon� before the OIDte4 time iDgll-am hav,13 built a h be o e by en- cornian ccess i0 ipoint of numbers. thel Of ME thodist E, Pi h
aymakin -Niagara River a the Falls for nation at 4pal e sented. tbe re
poss ble 11018'.1 onj One day during the� W'i aiter of 1848 o some and e'ogaut chu.rh. y e. bursday night, there- were 11 kinds9P)7 vehi fes dashing th# th It will i1fe I mi&t See U heavy r4i s which dam i a mighty cat Inost kindly I pr ving ur aged the ain through the dust, 4 A ceased to fl�w opend - for d1ville ser . I V46 on TAv � cut, and made i their way aill more than onid-, waa a
alreal 1 *hirling pOrson walked 9,
tio . t impossib to to t1fLe station, sur to be . 'an hour: or 1 July I Itb, v hen -Rev fith 11 le get i con 3iderable distance Bl' hop Caxm�= flattering add,
hl�o� t e, ripening fields for rule two eing eX Out into the bed Will officiato, of t4 Ibefore time. The da�_ b 01 d spE .le river on the edg� :—T u S the weather clears a -w IL re- tretnely warm, SO of the precipice, to, blat MO
he B ble, Chrii Church adi 6 ula no doubt under ove, - wbich the gennint thiulff mailotis r The Aamage is equil to- Paddy water wot to flow. J Devon was i itruck by t1L oti. years a 0 a V avi.
y P eat," story. Undet, those circum- has lately el
agri ul- ig I -lip G
t I c a advice, tha what: would keep Tbi 4, when related, d as a dy, 25th ult, but fortil
that �f I m lig4tnin- on Fti�-
to. n result out the cold would tee Oui the h ultely no great th, cc mfortl of , hs u fa ably. had -oil their llhomd�Bpun, as the 01obe -damage was done beyon kt�,o�ki.� g two remarked, and oo,� staTeyeis, I offer the foll,�Dwing dorrobora- Small ho the roof a4d Injuring the t 4s ble p ce bide :boots that tion�-. les
I . 1`11 A oor Man's V were conspiouou a lit
oice on the Qow S hy the absence of a ame to this Couxit4Y in May, 1849, —Ur_ TD,ci'. 13 a and
4 L c By -Law.. Indeed, if,� they h�d only the aw Exeter, b" b -1leave t air shine." Fisher, o q," th�y *0111d be a fair vi.s on Exrpo.,Qor. da's grettIt show. In the home With 11, h bethe oc- To t/ e B(Ailor of the Ru 1 "auld log hoos J�;ito`OhCahe earlieatil opportunity of 1 beea,at Buiff;%Io I&tely, and brought- The Barnett
.ng na i representation �.of ]a ron, �birty years m three �iiid,s of birdsf 'W1
No th- AR,' 4t4 0 July I crossed, from the city 11111ned eS Dm SIlR.�I am a poor man and ago. i ving ee ively, sp
Arri St �tf -d, they of I M6 y eB ab- keep: a i4o , and Iould like to have 0 -the V41s, and aurill Blue BIT. Ross bus
counted heads, and tdIe Za7h,erd' to the th-1,01,riosliltoa y(oung luali -residing on t 9 "-XaPoloO' and 4,130 0-link.11 'The, what rare fru.
e he, Wirds a Are fru."
very'sens tive, and wou re vallued at S-5 e h, Peacb, which
�1'011 ges nd My Say 6 the cow by-law, OnIv I i am M&uaa r of the Modil Farm to PtQ- Ara�erican side at the t�wn then calld 1, —xhe di Id not like to be he needful for t6m. With truIrish �ctorsf the fordwich but- et t em t, served a 'You were by a corres- g I enerosity Mr. Mill I& ichester, related to, luale the eirou te fruit.
a,�S, nd i $ Idid the best :he sta: m_ r fadtory I tees, Substantially a4 repo �ave maae th�ir first Sale bf —0n Friap, n Ale Pondent. f thegu, who says rted by in dther could under the cireaPastances, and had the this Beis6n,E butter (abo r! Ca ada, nd words, -ho d your tongue, Sir, I a -n richer 1 a very good di narrator, pointing at the same tim 'It . 95 tubs) at 20 Lewi uts P r nner P.rbvided, which was 6 to e - P)und. this I is very gooL down
than you. the fl&,a, staff and flag *hich was then 'The article . ust beof fir L4 coiceiv of I am. pleased, however, I'that done ample justice � to by the t d, liv q distancefrom
Did the po h4t is I cursionista,who had their appetites well ot in country where a man t � S a to thl brink -of the to command so high a fi�= uality
er assessed, f pr-11pege, close r a reasonable araonut i has whetted from early �bout one-third of !he breadth h0vae from L
310Y was dared to harnes5s gave rising and a long of -the river distant from the Canada ride a horse y!y6t:becon a.,, ai equaliL y'in the Legislature of i littl in Exete� i y col the JOuMe - This in its' If' is not objec- Bhore, in the centre of the )wned by Mf. John Willis coulatrv, ith the boastig,rie 1 gy &I strike a
h i'P an, tionable,.but who pays the bill? 11 stream, as which will allow ave evi� nce of no one 0 ride it for causing it
the fact. This was utterly any dist who won d like to lord it over his'less the Grangers don- '8� much for the Una pproa a - The 1. ksmith, Of fortunate eighbor. 0 chable - b boy v'�as bra" and dOwn the country that they' M06Y y any means what-, mounted the quin, but., was no sooner thrown!upon ug� I find it a little inconve-aient public expense? OD the contrary, i
0 319 on �b Alth� be fed at the ev I'd �ould only have been ccoin- Heated on its, back than �e was pitched -t-lontiutea 'hi c� e, in every 1 ground, amidst tilie laughter of 1cl
have obstructed tra egiti- 18.5 1 visited the Falls, again in comi- I the Onlookers. He Wkino to providing for my cow at night, I iflust they p�3 ead in"the manuor spoken of. In I to the
crapabled u and ed frimn the
P tt
V, S,
6 a
lit, i