HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-09, Page 307 188('0. .. TEAS. JUST A RIYEO, l'rorision Store e :core ettu7f; t the best • &ACT T-' s teal lir Seat' nth. ttlr'•r ter ° rt 9.107 good, a,ttl .e feel Rte•, k (tf I• £raiz MD RDts1s, i:t,tt•t1 at mut {'ran:arty • ItBt v, d. t BOTTLES. ttti.t'wt:t t<1si_tar • a rt C :; azul •t a i:,t tlst,t£.-.31= rob !,,t. FRUIT JARS,. r:t Vf:tit to:, of r. r :tut t•:. in Street. Se ii Orth TI E A D. FBtIZROWti-. E, t,E-t`t.:4 i -tttE •r`-re- • itt-J rat $- Br—Nat—Big ° r ,t.t.11, tug to at :to r, .ctit e•tt rt:rata in their *or at te... in :a: 1 I,1'i' the s I e at'tt, at the e *t of -t.tir ltitiint:ga T..ti t tit, en ttn j:tali- ti uhlitt ern rely. On Lt .Ilia .z .tt_rt-c.a.:o article. X ILLS. Lk'si< rtTIE P t:f eit`irtrti+t i -f ltZsFi c see tet g.-et1 active ant frit e. it prop- B.' ro - ;' .t1.Yt -.rs.‘n, and in 4'1,.en- ▪ .il 'lu t.ri.4: r.te ]'lily ,l v.- c+•tt£., 'Btirtrz' • TO LOAN.. r * , 14,.3.n. OU re•asi:ushle r t "EC tet' Y. tt tt l.f roritit•: •r.•e I>ttiitl- !€ ):ll 1111;1 t"pIl . ANTED. 1 NO- F a ,( fl • • 1l, vow. at EEE; rt,t'1v f,r tit- har4ettt " 1(f tiitticr rs, Reaper;(, • t • + t:ltt it VB. t'. ( alt] gettriog •..1!tt4itrrw: t4t:tr) zepair- ttt•.at t f t`t1£$etit'g tiooe in. itft%k leer- wanting ' zi i•tlitr ti tibfl it -1 nit fail •t rt t;if ;tarn tr rail in tkzo r -, 8rtetitt'1 tiiinti t £ f jobbing are -:'t r't�;_ :tt l.. tltve T. I out.,t6r`re{ to you: Own z=eflt- tie'ir. mitt, io {lie right tri.el • ;trial 1.1s-Latuitli-. • tl t a-fai',t ,By tet ttitit.F ..t, t, 1,4 ratrttin: and. i-eiok {/1.ir: thy t ne t -t tai. irrtrttercltt•t' .1 t.:t tet ri e,tht r -s for their theter te tl t't `71 teats, a ni_ `r ' :lt:-1 a k,,F$. at trail -to to -t rt''•F:'ta4iQ-;te•(3 tit,o, trade in • '•'Rei« Kartt':i<t+ {tie plern- heft 1•tej altred to pay 31- - CASH PRICE dt'1ivt•re,i QST, S E:.EAi."' RTH. tt,lR-, f good Ory il, W 3 r.1i)' kg ACE F CTORY.. LABLABE L l.R1D.° ;,t :,., •t:tai ra, . . r to (tr, t'r,. 1.;.11+,:4't1i•viia.oe$,Bang- B- ij - B:. t ti, r.j ' (Lt r nal 1+ le it, their t :t •et r1 •I.et .Art bliiRl- = e a ..•..et tet,:0€:: both all r. -:.,:i . t f, ti ar '% E*t cant. ttt be •t £seli4 n'it`.i+. , t ett(rait.1 tri cr.ve us a La: jv.,• eauir•fv you u:t j .t, '.,i roe. I't`;•:tr•, bi iug : fr,r t-e.•r tee•+tri. IF .S: N. Ii tltl itI lt.. i `, T a G' LLER . fin (rkelt lifg • •1�'[�`ftri'�ir, • 3EE 3A PLEA.. _nt'i.14• 3 of f t , •: t.i<t stette:- any h• r r::1•t .. - (- e r And hat .1 f tot N. •0(41 i . •i •.a<; t a nr ;.et at : :`•:.t ':t: Ar•tit•t. . ti';► N t 4' -Fly` TAILINE Dy Di: THE DAY !..t :4 e-'-t:tzErlt t'rt• tt in the t t•.t .NE:lt'. Cloy tE).r.at it •„B. t .r :iirt rtutza f i'•. a ,' j=•-rft•,.tt< ,Bat£ -,'-teal • .•f • :tit elf (4s t•Ia tt.. :EDICINT 0o., Toronto )1i •bLiftt .'. t'rte tt�t rt11, I. 4:s.t:£"f .:Ltt4 t,v; all :OR Lr Er t3 -i I sa-i; If 7,f.:NEW \EW .Ittf1 !and k itEai tt- , r.o.1 1.0N tiON• • l.t,rt•Itul.lerry, (x1as- r%.tztopt!. Fti(td tt4l(}Y tl(f Rtt. t ttt.ltt,pertona. • tlieit friesals. RR•:ue.elation cif ei,nehor Line - ..t tl for cic-gau Be and of»- I .. .:t._• {'oat ()t"t•`(.',,Seafeuth F . • July 9, 1880. How Mules Caine into Fasliion.. Few of ,the farmers of thus centry are aware what a debt of gratitu they owe George Washington for the intro - auction of mules into general Ale for farm purposes. Previous to 1773 there were vei y few, - arid those of such an inferrer 0 der as to prejudice farmers against th m as unfit to compete with horse0 in work upon the road or farm. Coi seq ently, there were no jacks and no jdisp sition to increase the stock ; but ash cgton became convinced that the iiitrod , btion of mules •generally among Southern planters would prove to therm . a great blessiug, as .they are less liable to dis- ease, and longer lived, and work upon shorter feed, and are much ;leas liable to be injured than horses I servants. As soon as it becI abroad that the illustrious desired to stock his Mount : tate with mules, the King of him a jack and two jennetsfro. royal stables, and; Lafayette . sen another jack and two j.enne I fr Island of Malta. The first color, 16 hands hiagh,iheavily of sluggish nature. He was Royal Gift. The other was leni ht of Marta ; (he was abo lithe and fiery, even to , fere two sets of animals gave hi II th favorable opportunity of rn provements by cross-breedin t e re- sult of which. was the favote jack, Compound, because he partoo) :f the best points in both. originals. he Gen- eral bred his blood mares to these jacks, even taking those from, his family coach for that purpose and produced such superb mules that the country was all agog to breed some of the same sort, and they soon be arise quite ' cornmoir. This was the orig n of improved mules in the United Sta es, and though over 70 yetfrs ago, ther are now some of the third and fourth generations of Knight of Malta and Royal Gift to be found iu Virginia, and the great benefits arising from their introduction to the ,country are to be seen uj on every cultivated acre in the 'Soot kern States.— r{'oocl- ford, Ken.. Sun. Trying to Drive a He%.. • • Dirt you ever undertake �td drive a hen anywhere ?' If not, then never say "Where there's a will there's a way," or "All things are possible to hint who „perseveres," because you don't know anything about it. Driving a ,hen` properly, and decor- ously, and successfully, requires more skill than capturing aherd of bu alo. The hen you want to drive is ]ways a strong-minded hen. If she ha been a woman she would have want d the ballot long ago, and her husband would have to keep quiet when she "g t set". on anything. But being only hen, all she can do is to cackle, and e con- trary,. and thwart you at every t ria. If you want hecto go in somewhere, she'll be sure to want to go o t, and vice versa. You want to drive her most when she gets out of the coop and gets into your garden, to . the tot 1 de- struction of your pet bulbs, and roots, and seeds, and everything else One smart, active hen will do more h ore in one hour thalr a cow would in alf a day. A hen is born with an instinct o get at the root of the matter, and she fol- lows out her nature. When your hen gets out of confine- ment she makes straight for your ehbieest flower bed, and she stays there for an hour before you discover her. By that time she has dug out' every; thing that you cared anything about, and has buried herself -up all but her head, and there she lies in the sun with happiness and triumph in her speaking couu te'n.once. _ - How mad you . are ! Ybu feel as if you could sever 4er joints and make tier into a pot pie with a will—no .mat- ter(� if she is one 'of the trio that cost $1.0. You go for her with energy, and scream out "shoo!" at her, and flour: ish your apron, and make wild gestures in her direction, and call your hus- band., and the children and the hired girl, to help drive her into her quar- ters. Now, it its never any use to : call a mau to help drive a hen. We are will- ing to admit that the lords of creation eau_ do quantities of things tht.t the weaker sex cannot, but there is one thing a tutor card never do—and .hat is drive a hen. He'll br. u.k the rake -handle,. and get hung in the clothes -line, and lose his hat, and fall dowu. over -.the croquet wickets, and burst" off two or three of -his "suspender buttons, and the hen will fly up on the top.. of the barn, Or take refuge in the tallest tree on the remis- es, and there slie will stay and 1 ugh at Juni ulatii slie is ready to . corns down. And all the rneib in craatiou cannot drive her down, f'jor she •knows that she has got things heEr..own way. lour hen that you are going td drive generally cackles all the time you are' try iug to drive h(pr. It gives her cour- age, perhaps to ,defy you.' It is like the music of a martial band when the troops are marching into battle. It is as inspiring as the strains of "Yankee Doodle" to the hen's ear. You try gentleness first. ' ".boo, biddy! shoo, biddy ! shoo, ther • !" and slie plunges ::off in the di- reetictn contrary to the one you wish her to go in-; and then you draw off your farces and execute a fiaiik move- ment, and pen her up, but presto ! just as you think you have got ii.er,slie squats and gives a scoot right out under your skirts, and away she goes, free as air. Then you get some corn and try to bribe her. Oh, no, she doesn't - want any cora, thank you. She is l above. bribery. She doesn't take any stock in your "clilcky, chicks, cbicky, deliver- ed in your most - cajoling of voices. Still site cackles. All the roosters cackle toot, evidently tickled with her spuuk. A few hens who aro n t curi- ous join in. All the neighbors •ill be looking out to see what on earth are you making them hens scr ech so for." - . Your husband gets a pole and makes a dive for that hen. He'll fix her cackle for her, he says • she'll go into brat lien -house- or he'll know the reasoln. Aiid by the time ho has -chased her all over the premises. and , taro his pants, a.nd knocked a .-piece of skin off his band, and run over little Charlie, he does find out the reason. It is be- cause she is not of a mind to go into that hen -]mouse. - - And he says that liens are a nui- sance, and that he'll kill, the whole of 'em, and he wishes been one iuv:nted. By this ti.ue you: axle ..and you reqt est him you'll drive t' at hen. Then you 1 egin; an too. She flits over 't On a , neighb ir's woc into somebo t yrs pig - takes after er with fliee out with a sor eec the barn, an. there si and .then if y will; 1 het} -house d. r she thither{ as m ek acid as ou please'' for "el cot a home to roost." Oa esl tiro 1; e ii.tcr. ooel A: me -flown Make a full estimal �ash'ngtoii 1 and of all -thet is o' ;rein n es- ' du e the sa. to a Spain sent yo es - collect p . y over t( the If oa cann pay, r him ` ev ry year, g vine the m the ca Go to lusin.ess gray industrious. Waste i be ;conomie:1 in all t ie; be fai hful•iu� egular a. heart night; a tend ch nto all a! en as uld do un o you. f yot are �oo need ve to th poor,do, yo r power, , heerftilh do o, help tl e poor a urstie Ma s ccur e sev n years, nd if yo fortable t nd iiid •umstanc:s, conte t. your •deb s.—Ben ere h tired of 1 to go a he 'he fence, shed, an n, and vim, and ru stays ti ave op i find rinocent kens :an Kate ?' y ckeless t • ce. e 'of all yo i g to ee te. As those y. r�w your get secu diligently idle ;mo figs ; din Ur duty prayer, �.h Sund y�clu woul n circum hatever e but if unfort. diligent are no ei.dent i rte sur ratkltn e Inas ulcaby IvE wd an th of bei sicke 'tiding pressed . or • bef Toni d Mrs. Mulcahy, up at the cross o for butter ; 'i se I o.the last, sinsibl. m ; "I'll get iti" en there's Mrs! me!4 as a e, and amed the all d the. t a high, dirty. 'The most ina irn- pre by an do sh to co' cir Pa, of an Fir wa ne• to ev; to Mr ow it.' las .at las de er - -- -- Sens ble to t 4r. and rm. Th had the ally, Mr about ring the put thi nt occurr ieteu.. Tom," sa Smith, s mel Sinsible ," said T hen—t he 1 ereek, she owes chickens." 3h ! loo. at thatee sh : forgets n thing." Atd Mrs, Brown 'n ost:s mer 12.: 0 for mi k. D've hea than? ; einsibl to the la r," ' Arid—au —" a.' Yis ?t, . A.d Mrs Roberts, os lier—" Ali ! poo in d« s. Toni y were sit ireputatio Mulcah o die. »d, she e. gs in or d, and of eve: au gin ow pi. sh nde igh I, you wa kin. rse rile,: i r Y ' See THE HURON 'E POs TOR. % malar diver ad h's back, l h:� artren r ch add d neve . 1• engag i to spat t e came per • ere ver eir t : tonish his ex the sh t thew 1. l;fa, -t stra ck.' f rof a the lo portio enjth es tb imal, f t usly d L :: prote coteute cant, , l er lets. -' upati the w ore hi om e is h I old Tom s he wan ed her to, tal he of t ! •Lo `h1n•India `ce tly retur liv ng many ca etis us - ph :'ph, utas t• o po verful tas carry all o He does out and is by n0 Se vast that under prope w ut to Ind co netted nu -thwest p h a abuuda th camel, th t pltrt of w're confi bullocks an -us d as bea ca . els .and Our office a d beer ca• : T e elepha 1 on his great 1 be loaded w' t. co • tent. I would have lot•ded until ea -610. benea =h d his dri B bo•es. But 1 b rdens`wa- gotten. Th h vior, and I lot ded—aha acted precis fly- in th he carve , when 1 dr'uking or rein; 1)* i- c ewiug th cud. ;its IcIn ja .• is in perpetual .i dtion ' 1io is told to lie down to recei - dn, he does'so R•ith4 it varyi ee sant rnas:icat=.pry irucess. w trd1y bends his fo knees, hi • d legs -under -him and cr gr and with o. eerie .: kind of ` this time ]osis long jrtielan s ows not the slight;: :iodic hI knows av .at he i • lying c aid this ninistak ble hy think, stain s the c. el a- '- of avery hi th order el iutel in a few seconds the pressi c mci's face ,undergo s a stri at on. If h sees tb z flriver in B. with a 'box o his Ad se rns at la. t to u4i di /Ilk and torture a out to be ':submitt ,is went, vi tuous in ' in f V on the -i11-.deed a ce !ought ,,,er tainly p •ssiou on the 4 et driver. Th 'y iterer of ect. Th ;man bit. the wretcliell animal ay -ay to get another. w;sely Ethan ioniug 14 n to cm passion ,and bo clear ! hastily ering ! t too mu 'h v for the ivil insible ,t. Go the to r dear ! ory h. re sye'v eitirel , , o ow: t a ow: cote yo ab nts da Go nin an the ince is i ca te. fo SPP you wi do ift. los. an rse f esi th t are t ere ve sht g the ding said a ed to years fully a ase of 'b the ,.ele brmous do se means the elep train; jr as a th a me ovi_uces: t oppor or mete he coon :d to men. tsofb leph an •or and s for far wollcl :Hees an bout an have' u perm i tt he wet h the w( er seen the cam a specta y never very on I have amel t! en an i e un the E Much as rden. ant, rod 1 or y, aft r s0 at -e tl e el ,'° Hens of :0 but e c: n n 1 i bac ingly, to eve. , patiei}t, doci e act slou b conks NV en fir.t ngina 'I w s ntile fi `in tl'e d whil there 1 rty of stidyi v n SI of cat'; ge 'u ry', in those da s ephe, ts, clamel orse ere n den. E ell•y d.=. mere r•i' aupo owed N, tlii wi ' e away c stainers. o aims y doss n alloliv i self. o odic atiol of di '- idea t hi se arushel glzt 8f t. to 1pi• 1s , recei\ he never aided in that seen ph s'a'ne m is not t t rat f to o e fo r sa ands r is bur - i elY e. ulauim ti re rinse up w ar have I seen anytnau nient. His Upper from the te th, his arid. drops d wn• further use or So wide tha -one ea yard. down ris thro the most a touishi staitled the air, --h elusion the the ca e by the t ars that tcrauce of :etch not. ,s ems to be exertin his lung but he tai gnat oi neake bac Th t Oi .41E3 ip half 4i nee is der t lough reat see corue ho s f l's hea on is w cep" nose. I I aft el 1W hte 1 at bler, le the 1 - he is -light et, eam 1, ;here as fiat m ba had th ope t all °ries of at e er nd d ip e ca el f b rs. 4 a ho men e f' '{ably a1aed by d"nt an 'r Iules a �, cry i. maint ung - e acco a rowu i' ildiug eat • is ound ft eation iet re ere for ords tc ere ar rs whi' ca'nsider' r. creatio with the! a' d a s u to ord. eap ra tchen e dini fort: in reserve, and, as the s bo ;after box to the pile on rho 1 more resonant . and rig t : n the last testifies to inn t t• a cr>ature's misery ; $6xc ' . t when he is absolute- iu t npeti g hie agonies i re reat watery eyes of tn. 'e• fro the person of ut ; they follow him rd e press through empt, indignation, ism.- y. Y think it ha it '.on', the part sert that gave rise xpr. ssion 'It's the reak: the camel's y astern driver has no I caijastrcphe, and piles 1 t reac nes almost the elep ant's burden. ig b. and fast with s. old o rise, and the a he has conscien- h le d ty by entering y stag;. of he work, is the nav 'dable re- rs, su-pp esses his S fe:t, res ming his ng t e cut, is ready h tht usually lies .1 g t, brd ft cr th ;th Bun 'of cilise cpm u phi e lac �•hi.: rpo fc 's Y s '.or age rtlis resp am e en f t, . 1 fo has o ding uudsin le 1 by aws t cont lab pa n pro illiugs ed ai root opms T he e adp e obtaine • aped ouse PPin beyo by w ins ided, 3T, in partl for piano n a e of d th nforc Mit rea ,I "The long 1.1 Th rsda usfe ding The ol A mor ty last i$ city- hile t rn at ry good ell: Th o to get eeded 1 now. coul le of t Becurely er mes forme me re pc) th Looki d, "My Vlaerrdk At t Mend. th ',eft the 10.: (0;8i:sr:foie a,s pro delic bsay bi here is Yfao • c Che lid 170 big ud th gavel). a aevere was riu Nuticin ruta and to II the rov le ek. r sh eatt d 'rett de hie heleit ted bede ib, by te cl;re pattern and Who counte the t, at in au tu • orld g. in Loh - for young perinten- necessary d the or - le order eds for '25 rding to from half ek. The its base - for ee- rest and forte is akeu its newspa- d in any it. The provided able addi- selit they at a very excellent ting with' re. r we live ed in tine a lady of ew York, few daYs. ress pat- reach'ng home more ere need- ed as a new and. What, to at firin for the as at a loss' to bout sending a ot be delivered .the 'dea that eesag on the inned it handed ords and he seine samPle them to exclaim- s you for - 'My gOod. 'sage, hat Id i lelen C CO k unle 11; blitely r Tiled, i the srpl ." Occia.'— 'rat fl3tilre'sn's cemfort- ati) iges on. nd ntritiB n, midi by elee ed cati n o the Merp.rEop;prs- ocoa, ilks any he iry dc4 ors' bills. e en f to disea e. Hun- t]. tile 'male ies ar fleeting ad. to attack wherever 'rive .k point. We may esc pe , !wsiaku as and debil-ty of pie was nuable to labor • SOMC slight business, great caution. ieria, Which left the difertiseineut of usluiled to (dye i .c eat joy soou found_ my rep th bo tles had use31,''taid as r =stored to com- plete bp lt,b, and 1 aye remai4ed so to 1 ave E.Beire jai ca es -acorn ended' it hnedusAe cftlit arke C nditio Powders espect t they .11 readily sell for rom $ r ch more than they h les, win , and one which ' ably th bp t hor me icine ver sold. sit up. a trial, • INS SC Have that t their Daniel the cel EX And lc tomer prices. ted by Organ as. to beauty The Organ combi merits prices produc We season ebony ed ree manip ensure patron Our are su discri MUSICAL TT BROTHERS- leasnre in statinig to the public ey are now menufacturine on wn account, in! company with Bell, the origina manufacturer, brated ELSIOR ORGAN, n consequently give their cus- the benefit of manufacturers' The Excelsior rgau is adinit- the best judges to be the best manufactured i Canada, both one and durability, as well as of workmanship and finish. Trade and. 6,th of most desirabl ations and pop keeping pace wi and discoveries low as high-elas d. rs in search of styles, modern ar prices will n our line, and goods can be se only the best nd. thoroughly d woods for our. cases, genuine ad ivory keys, a d best import- s and boards. hese materials, lated only by ski led labor, must satisfaction to o rselvef3 and our ctions, stops, and ccegabinations h as will commend them to every Mating perform*. 72ST Pi arrant, which we shall live up to, given with every instrument, part of the perchaser we ask reasonable and' honest care— anything made of wood requires to be subjected to extremes of r cold suddenly, or exposed to ess when it can be avoided. Factory is locate on the corner lanade and Lo e Streets, To - and is under the personal super - f Mr. Daniel a member of A will b and- o only which —not heat damp The of Es ronto, vision the fi TH As f stock Pia pli EMERS0i11 PIANO. rmerly, we continue to keep in he Emerson Piano, also the Do - and other Organs. os and Organs of any able. make d. Instr ment, give us a trial, as we can give b tter value for less money than auy o er house in the trade. Address, SCOTT BI1,OTHERS, Sea - forth ; or, D. BELL & Co., Toronto. rr TERBURY WATCH : OPEN FACE i(EYLESS, • • FOR SE SALE BY M R. COUNTER, Watchmaker ani Jeweler, FORTH, - ONTARIO THE CANDIAN K OF COMMERCE. BA THE OFFICE OF THE CA;SAMAN • To tb. premises latele occupied by the Consolidated Bank, First Door South of *oninercial H BR FU i:)ERTAKERS, &C. SHORTEST OTICE. ALWAYS ON HAND. HEARSE FOR HIRE. 1,rfUNCAN & DUP1ICAN, SEAFORTH. REMNANTS, REMNANTS, CHEAP, D RT CHEAP. ALL KI-14DSGRIATLY REDUCED. W; IS THE TIME SILKS. DRESS QOODS. PRINTS 0 SECURE BARGAINS. --Vkte are Desirous make Room for the Which our Mr. T. Du urop' e to Purchase. Clearing !these out to ALL IMPIORTATIONS$ can is ou the way to White Cottons cod Facto Cottom at the old Prices. NO ADVANCE N THESE, .GOODS COLORED SHIRTIN9S AT LAST SUMMER'S PRICES. An Immense and 13e utifttl Assortment Positively Unrivalea in Quality, El °armee of Design and Price. GREAT EIARGAINS IN HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES AND GROCERIES. 1 80 'MANITOBA. 1880 N WAY'S Sp cial Passet1 er Train for Manitoba w 11 start from On the Firgt TUESDAY in each reight leaves !the day preViOUS to iiii-the above ' dig. S. bat Uptick will bi., giVeu of all ilitttre par ies, tak ..0 to have arilngernents most 'complete and 18:81f a4leit :Co. at 11,0naing baggage, freight, Iive o< -sou J ininis these parties ale released. ,:esparticulars ap[ply to 150 Pa_ rlisni1:a .0_ f _Brig:age F:4:1:4•14 r. Oreenw4 gbeti through -with eaeh party, AGENT for fleveral First -Class Stook, and Life Insurance .Companies, rind is prep i,ed to take risks on the most favorable terms. :so Agent for sevel-el of the best Lean po- I pie its. I , NlsaollAagg.e3nptrfooprettIfbc. Sale and Purchase of ralilia ALL BUYERS OF DRY GOODS improved, Farms for Sal& • nt for the snip of Ocean Fteamship Tickets- FFICE Oval' M. Morrison's -1•%-tort, Idabl EAKERY OD CONFECTIONERY. 0RBEb BROTHERS, AVE row sfa'rted business in Williamson's Old Stand, uext to Caronicha-el's Hotel, Sea, fo th, where they:itutend to giva satisfactiert in. very branch ok their business. PrOMSly Attended iv. koelivering don , promptly. We also intend to li B ad -ays keep on and a new and inil stock of , Co fectioviery an Fruits. 653 e fully hope 0 gain the good Bsvill and kind 1 an liberal patronage of the citizens of Seaforth 1 well intend to have always. and, vicinity. Nothing iike good bread, and that SE, DOWII AND BLIND MUT : hi since commencing business in Seatortid ! tri Its hathe may be favored with a aontintianse hut , artiesintending to build would do well to gi.*4 i hi a a call,as he Will eontinuo to keep on hand ,11 1 Dry Pine 1Lumber,'Sashes, Do 1 _Blinds and MOUldings, Siting Particular attbution paid to Custom Planing 1 TINE, COMMERCIAL, LIVERY AVING purcihased the Stock and Trade of the ▪ urge 'Whiteley, begs to state that be intenda carrying on the butsiness in the old stand, and haq Withlthe ,T)e .ei ?A at 7/ Of a Sin,g Out the Balance added Rev mai valuable horses and vehicles to the , of my Stock, have made a nother ,Fliirst -Class ccinfortable Y chicles qoad ; Covered and ()ken Buggies sad Carriagesl, and Double and Single Wagons always teady fornse. mercial Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels prlomptIy attended to. TO MERCHANTS AND DAIRYMEN. SviEEPING REDUCTION, AND FOR T.LiE NEXT MONTH DREO GOODS, SHAWLS, MiNikES CLOTH; CLOVES, KID CLOVES, RIBBONS, HATS, CAP FURS, OVERCOATS &C., Will lie .Sold Prices Never! Heard of before in ihis Vicinity. GREAT BARGAIiNS IN Fl 'Ministers and Others requiring t Buying at E BLACK BROAD CLOTHS. ose Goods can' save money by Calling and JOHN ROGERS% A NEW AND GOOD ARTIoLE OF FOOD GROUND SiN SNOW FLAK CLINTON Mt PiliC.ON AND S*RUPS AN GROCERIES LS XXX FtbUR, D CORNMEAL, ND CROdKERY, &C. AIN—ST!, SEAFORTH CHANG S*Jel_PO Ha.fring purchased the Seaforth to keepion hand, at the old stand, Plows, Gang Plows, Sena:tiers, Land Column Crestings, and School, Ch Repairing pronaPtly and neatly done ALFRED rt. NoPPIt. SEAFORTH,' Ont., April 3rd, 1880. oundry trona Stelan Nopper, we will continue 'Alain Street, SOtaforth. a full assortment of oilers and all 'Other Implements in outline rch, Garden.. mid. Lawn Chairs a specialty. nd satisfactio4tia,rante,ed. Give ns a trial. NOPPER BROTHERS. Having disposed of my business either by note oe book.account, to c May, aa after that date I will place Court fh collection. SEAFORTII, Ont., April 3rd, 1880. I must can oit all those indebted to me, 11 and settle the same before the First of 1 verything in the hands of the Clerk of the JOHN HOPPER. AS much phSsure in calling particular /I; to tion to his tir tight BUTTER FIRKIN. T' Firkin is I warranted air tight, an will otly keeip the butter much parer and 13CW94117t9/3111*etball 11.1iY other tub made ou the old principle, sa.ving;more Orin the priee of the -tub enhai:ced vallue Of butter. Samples always oil hand. Common tubs B41!n hand as usual. For eartien- s eau at the Factory or address . B.—Coope4ng and repairing as usual, ea° FOR SALE H AILOCK, Filit Quality, $6 per 1.1. PINE BILLd C111;31T$80. ORDER Ali Leugthii trOtO tO Feet, at the; ONY MILL, IN 1/IcKILIJOP The 4.1abseriber has also LUMBER YARD_ IN SEAFORTH 'Where all kinds ;of Lumber can be obtaix3ed.., THOMAS DOMTEY S. PORTER SEAFORTH. am determined to Clear Out ;nay Entire Stock of Furniture regard - HOSE IN WA.NT, it -will pay them to -44ear- e a large discOunt to those paying cash, !ax- ially to newly married couples. ! st Side. -0 HN WILLIKIVIS &7070: RoXriBR, ONTARIO,. Discountea, Drafts Issue& Money tont on ReatEstate at Lowest Aster. ' el -52 JOHN WILLIAM .*;000 • ara