HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-09, Page 2• 2 A WILD NIGHT AT 'Z�FNT• TLEBY GRANGE. CSAPTE:ti II. This reznark was more unjust than t s.e other. Few rode better than John D'xon ; Sate Sibbert thought nobody d d so. Teara of vexation staring into h r bright eyes told ,` that she felt it k •nly, but she hadthe prudence: to: say n® thing.. ! ''However," added Miss Bearnish,. ""I t. *ilk we have had enough tall.: about t it'at young man. Do not worrit me s0,. Pate, with the waters all out like this. on always do it." This certainly was the first flood nate l:d seen ill the vale. Darting this time Mr. john Dixon, N horn the elderly lady had twice s: open of as "that young man," was etching the fast retreating vehicle am hie eadd.le, with a flitch behindfit d one before. = He had quickly °ata i- ted the horse, whose color had been slandered, from the dyke, and, au re- t ining the road, had wheeled half 1 a 0 s g a out. 0 "She might have left us just a o the turnpike, and the Glitch rut like a brook," he said, r`aesuz'ing res by. patting hie neck "I 1) Ii v'e log the base," and 11e steadi h Iter. ° But,F` he :rr)tlin l} w•eut= am glad she dielii't. lute screw cause shatbonght 1 was in clan;;: t It was .Kate's exclamation which axed her aunt. That and Air.. eady horsemanship had convc to a failure her ill-natured i epfe the motiles for making him rid morning, Willie s gone." So old Bates, it t Miss Bear isb's min the water filling Re her nephew having "Had I known o added, getting out certainly should no shilling. Where is. Mrs. Sibbert poi But au excited voic ment began to make a quick clattering o tow strip of red pa _ "The water is c tap of the bottotn h race." - The speaker was behind her came Sa Vent, much younge watching the advau ould n:ver hav rued of t, was it the re 1 cause o: 11,y and o; one to t. wu this," s e bitterly the o rriage, "J ave give him thin auuah?' eel up t1i . yard` just at tat- mo iself head throug )attens i n the liar rent. .• ' veera zu rn 1 d epos„ ler Lor d b e e flood it his 1 >iati of Cern eon, batik tc terrif,, rat t ttil, fa rthe r gorse re 1>'tl uteilp Elie 'u' Iutii,'t d Hill G t 0 t u e f v o Sling rig dgerow Il a.nnab, :ah, t1i The tal of t the ercllarJ and th been their loccupatio one or eth r of th. he 1) O 2.' e every five Mrs., Sibbert With t • deluge hard just react yard berry 1)usl , or ewedi ruin) row of celery. Jnet the reCalled by thc:l.--:unc i i;:llr t trio. yard, They had trd it live -Barre' " gate 'lea( if that tiff to the adv 11 all be nd,no h etting ou and 'in with. Ian washing kus ; in fact, lead made it an opp ortua- nothing belt women' y for the young folks, who_ had in- . ivi' us 1" antly a l'ed it. Their eyes had met, "Noris° ° :ae," eatid 1 ;d she knew it, John . Dixon's orbs, ` the ponies out, Sara, x. e ;garden, will tilt e 1 runs;: ninittes. .on;. chard, as lased difference ." '' SYe slia 11E1,41 together, a +nits Hannah;.g n: ted spairi.ngly. d tam her arms kat- had been a- the very renlrnisce'noe, grow as b1 as those of Kate herself. Raising whip hand, leaving the !ram for at oiled to balance itself, lie made a ges t unlike vaftiug a _.kiss after )Male, just then vnrri.shiug against Ill white gleaming water beyond r the lea.1e ;s trees at another tar .e road. It it was -a ki d, it tris giant for !rias Iiearnish. Drawing )rse round, he, it and the flitches- v on in motion. In a very few minutes he came u ares. But the old fellow was not 1r ane. A farmer had joined nim, t xe farmer was not solitary when dict so, Beside being .liiinself rnouu g a nag, three melancholy .cows a out a dozen sheep were being dri a long the roast by Mini.. • He had b t fetch them frq�rn a low-ly iug mea ich the stili' rising water m d ngerous, and was taking • them la gh:er ground.• The talk of - the th telt was of uotbTng but disasters. t aatert3 had 2�,sen lover this dart and h b oke[1 through that.. ' "This wetter- ,is terrible," Farre ill said, in a cpwed voice. "You o su.Inmut iv?' anything else, hut" isnot gat rid o' wetter. You have ere to put it. The oh'y way o' g -' shut o' wetter is to) boil it, and ar the learned chaps as lt:now eve ng sr�y it comes down Igen. on y en as soon as the steam cools." This was. not said jocosely by .f: rner ; no, the weather had enter h s soul. It was not for fun, but f i loco .)h • p `"lou 1' he roared, urging his nag - t®'e beasts and the sheep, who seem ight , here soon, his "It"wan sec- then in t1 tura Hannah. the into the the choice." un- "You ta 11 of Miss lie not see the Ai to of in Wet Kate folio eocl at h ere who had :astify rest came Gia tering be pon joining th., .i but s ow to uuyok: j the po and went dow,I h if w. he her neck tau ing ted the neare tj water w tend The prosp• t' a.s vert flood.was t -heel eeu pairs of e s l k tlo-w, visibly ris' : g ; fe Ade beyond se:, ed grow to moment. llr ady ree orchard s a� larg he circling ro ncl ad garden ha tion was u er in retra,cin e.au eel her lbws you the house nth- ''Kate, 3 et- it could nc I thou;li I I, t �r r- still he m uu Sudden] with a strt Ilio face, she ed sister : or `'I once swept aw at here I alio eel lose all, n children tt tine relics --ever•ythit g w think it is speaking 1 to say so that she b ing towarc could be 1r a oomph c.allecl, " comes." It certit. Miss Bea what it 117 d t1 h Jae o' stable," ""If they attios, .til k al 11 0 tt le ' news t ed. gnu h- .we.l -u1 a i3:they- w of the g in -chilly el ing fro °n till l0 Lr tnc kg (leo 1. wept aa—a,"', 1)�' i tri for ' tan adds of the )aatens�de 'tiuetiiv y 11ripiat apron )n, a s if en) i hart till , o not ev u `Thoma er 1.33 Litt' L. Th,a luck 1 lolefu1I could v -tnic, t riclicul Tidy, H1 lriisll weiit clown' tters elbow .ined tit incl. I a was of 1e flies. M s. ay, stopk'ie ?on tiptoe is sixty '1,r ad' ens o ec eel by o in at it. rful . w: te' ug ho rs wo- thi t is pool, t e nd rtlund ; t le. and th,, g.. Miss s, only tiller. tt s s e e 11 h "Tars will: b p0tt n aid !Ira - govt : ll hae .t ah " ' . ycl ( hersar'elffit Tali naih fatten tv t. ellyd bra. •I Sth' CCaibbi1�' thou a aFca�y t�Eu t,went i y roar r- ever., cif:thy: wait r�' bott n .p 'p4r eamish t ighten nearill 1 d tv h, t vai 'she lair illi he • ste r, little esaid : c u 11 and be so ye :lot t b righ csto .pin, age ook id it a rea t th by ,a d. e r Wt at x !think of. site have o uld, gait to iude • as thi ;;. d s )me the and nit) )n't d zed by the noise_ in their ears of the water rushing and swelling everywhere a ound. • - Old Batts was full of gossip. Ilu.vilag t, e ladies still in his mind, he mentio .. e the Grange, and the postcibility Of tl e hood reaching it if Red Hill Gully fi lel. 'He n�).v attl,tacl by way of ek- p auction, that David Holmes, the gamekeeper, had told him that for some reason there Was a greater puehiu 'of the water iu that direction than ever before. Joan Dixon's horse, owing to u. convulsive twitoh at the rein, spread out its legs and pulled up instantly' tlgis news. 1 "Why, it might fill after dusk-!" th rider said. "It may be filling now Alt those thoughts the young man's fa giew as suddenly pale' as Rate Sibbert had done. "Mr. Hill," he said, eagerly addres • i o the fartner, ' "have you a horse it t spare ? I must go to Bed Hill an s e far myself how thins are. Ban's i I give you five shillings, youss¢i t ke these provisions on to the liana 1 t 1'" Old Bates, at this fresh promise 1 0 g in, griuued wider than he dict befog o . the receipt of :!Liss Beami sh's sing's tilling,; tholgh the griu now was o f,�},� e times wider, that being impossible '.1416 flood Was turning out a capita tiling for Bates:Mr. Hill looked e. little amazed a J1ohiu Dixon'~ midden ve retnence, Bo athen he had. elided his skirmish with t'z,e dumb drt)ve laden him, he answer el that Bates soukd either at once hav t - se horse be himself was then riding o a iotlter. from the farm!. Hill's home stead was now not far oft: John Di�,ot decided far I')atu5. He -was instat iitl3 oit of the saddle, on ' the ground, tui t (Aug the packages. The farmer dis- °tutted. Soon the haul was trays- ; faded. Bates was uplifted into tlu t to saddle, wen: c n: lac sat with .he 11 1rovieiuus sticking out about ter, urviug all but his bread delighted ca- t res. . Iu almost less time than it,takes. to t 11 it John Dix ,u vas !trotting hank hard and fast aluug the. road, to eta')whether the home of the lady who Ifad clriven her ponies at him was safe. Would he have made pate sncl a hurry if Kate Sibbert had not been an i'llnzatte ? MATTEL. III. JohnI?igen alight have savedhitnself I is ride is the direction of, -Rod hill Lilly. He did not reach it. The Wa- tlar had filled that fatuous hollow early is the afternoon, Miss B;ea:Inisit and Kate fouud a email but onineusly tur- Lid rivulet flowing over the road two l,uudre3 yards before they arrived'' at the Grange gate. Soca nt as they pe- tered the yard Mrs. Sibbert came to 'the 1 itcheu door. Her pale' face end up- Ifted halide prophesied evil before a *ord was spoken. "Do you mean the flood is in the; or - Chard, Elizabeth ?" , shrilly risked Miss ]eauiish, ere her sister had. been. able to make herself heard, for the ponies were snorting and tossing as if they 1 'Yes, indeed it is !" was the soared answer. "Hanuah discovered it won'after you left. She says it Lasts 1 Vretee and worse. 'Whatever ahall rwe I 40 ?» 11 ""Itis ahamefuI of Bates. If ho had l game and told as of the .gully fi1hls ! at might not e greatly tri 1« her sister Cts As the 's. }rocessic) Sibbert, s s_ -mid— () • "I have bee dthinking i is to the town. ll than here 1' hate' der shall k - i thing hap - "Don't f was; Miss re 1 is invitiu isfortune. I e wild if he was not •pafe ;" q t ;, stituting ers 1f for iWillie's . j being the _lie most,concer l he -is not cafe ho will not b leave me . er :" - t- "It must be •einem tiered that'Han�)a t 1.cras quite right in h' r renin ltd ltbout it being all( useful of -omen. There va - not one o tle otb r sex a Ong thee e Increase ill their ni cabers s shed oul ✓ to add to be ears o each. ev coup, - not relst; •he roar o, the ma xs behi,2r 1.1 the orals, d Dept gr,$wing lot gr. Eve t the duinli animals ''egau to 'ow sigu - ; of appreh usi an.. lite "pool ywent t roost,- an th u cane back train • Ila ere t i3y aI iss Bea ved so nto the set all indows al Ine, weIllsl do if i had ft 1 to ge pleuty toll, tt aa, was I' rid pans ates ? d as Itch fai in. tha11 , and tux, f frigh, ow vol H;: told i 8'i 9 ; and, b. .u. i ni tg apart, Aon lie to he 11 0 tthe rr:ugewa: ood. I'' �t cam tined ; ve shoul have v ., u and th I sho id lose al farther n . moths 'Yo. Na I cion' 'happen,' she said lrs. Sib er t began �t seems , however isgivin s. for, fac'I stag je, in w ieh Saral' talki ' g" to the ponies ii cod-ardfy ldtr•, sh: tie taetn up t'I1 Thotna� 1131 as sad lee oi.s I the G ont• ined went, ea e her penuileals ole her ; ;and no an family on 1.E ve womein, in entered' the 'h u f..• eak)tng in a very s out : fo a ge ran hughj t wort} -he a d; ll,hano of i, xill la�e� self b e is glen er flier 0 if any comforting t good job Will He rc ust bo s ens to In s ,alk in th lea nish's boy ?" at way, zabeth, .firms er. '"I s ould g i tiv su Other, a :.d. '-'13u onteut t e a ducks iu 1 tt d ez wings 1+'by th �ris11; afte ' ar0Senc T to th e door „r. Th' ass clan eel were of coal i tansy ; sh tcli ha le -ard f1 a Ii 1,1uurng .t i ern'selves. ponies w]l enied. 81`10 had rr; Med; sho e•f mind ; 1.10, went outhouses Enid then. and the stutte=red "t water, if cz ago, She s id Sarah v,11, Tri doors I1au ; 1iCt.eci'in s boon rest:4. 1 anxious ii a loug-bo bert jedue her ever t. She did ell- ' air sniffed danger- } )n16 outs lg lltside and sty a especial] s Tic; pre.asteroue way abort dl cl bes0 n. Potir Mrs. Sit mornen lore an of the I tt'er th he ponie , either ii on of t le wome began t *went t of (let elkitchen reach th ad got t Th row stair Were n y must GO, befor her pore ely d sturbed, d that their .1i were ruring the end of their I suggestil pouies coulduot clir4b the na of the, Grange, even, if the other Objection: She said th taken up the high road at hi fir apinney, and there be tu to find their own way to the HE HUR r he wouK. 4ave 't ate th 1 duck lie fir, he :moth -iittcel et lvlaoaro'w• IIfoie of the wa airily be ne gra ess. I aid all ,‘,,,,:til- ce a he ug t of 61 O al r. g. usl ere len gli ho °inlet ;11116).iou- otl sl ss le, he Ke ref sh. 3.11 lo iu sh OD al nen OW C ibove the Gra] nd t on tl on se flew tatio r. t at 13, the id 1 t. h was e ention of it It mean a MI t, while s ad to preve her not y d. Taking as now grOwt bean o le ot v bre a or e 'rat th Mrs. S bb Kate a is ill h and the eds aters 'ply at Pi ep no et' here I- no auge 64 eirdl " Ito you 13.'6 frot mei; to la sbel lied —be I y°11 i reit rate the W I lo " ou ed not baler to s ste line in , ki It waS mist t slig tfia way he in t e desk. \vitt not eta bat ling' is way ine " art ug his iste ciii 111 EXPOSITOR. IsilmiRosy 9 HOUSE • GFiEAT •CLEAR1NG, Si I. BANKER, 0 c in the so s Rote th Bank 0 NOT c- Eng • tt t.1.3e side of in per ha ps y rirnistr ,ss, ;or SS n IMiss ea 110180.)11' re at nd -he co use 13. he !Old place as as oni. her. Sa,r re, an will Da ping to re di ean to 11 - CS ace ng is /as ng time, bef just say open. 1 FA Draf S. AND sh NI remises under David - formerly occzpied.by Col l 711 erce, BILLS DMA NTED. .1; E NOTES BOUGHT. Issued 're:ye:hie at all E Moral, o Loan Ti itIrOrtgageti; Pet; from 1 ine Per Cent. FAN T— DDS EMPORIUM SpkFORT1-1 week, I have eommenced to run off the h lance of my exten- i sive Summer Stock of AT G GOODS: RE k.DYMADE LOTH AND CAPS, GENTS' FUR- Every Departpa ut be fonnd thoroughly assorted, 41' 4 UNDOUBTED : ranches BARGAINS in Och. In COL )RED MUSLINS, GRENADINES, WHITE ' OODS, DRE, LINEN CO TUMES, SUMMER ,SH Vs7LS SUMMER SKIRTS, and I SIERY, there sa PERFECT SLAU HTER going On. ), Slid. These Goods mu t be Tsoi.a, even at Wholesale Prices to clear thein outon seVen to. make r om fin- my early AUTUMN INIT RTATIONS, which I RAS' 1P SMIT Tim Be This to the TH' ' BUGGY TOP sr GM COUN S PA NDVT LL D THF, RIGHT "Y HURON FOI ENT PORTA!) E STABLE BUCO t and Mo t Useful invention e the marke And on that is b the de and be un Pon UM; any pers with° any inc be seen to be, el surpass d. nounde it as bein V Tops in exited : SS London ; W. Sag re ot te" Order is ack into the hing like a ong them. r end . Ar 1 he a go an h rgwee: ot: 0‘ me 0-; per a re011it her je,,,bnel ef very stra ge. '1 : thin la; ;epees to hirrn! wit goo news In. ., a:it'll-Lb:10i (anttboajt,: I:1;11' Mr, ix n, bear tilis we re I drown al to him. 1 a was had set ip a cry i' She 'kept her ha i) ;, till orss and ri l' I ' pas int, the 11Zan -ht I is ear q ad Ope ed, and t i he saw the a nge we ed to If I bring sitat d Ie twe ve of t is away wo Wildge I tell evishly back *him; you eak in this lira danger She lowered 'Ilion- ashien p ril. Go s ay h 1 do re, and ot bring houabt, Miss they/ were on mat ner was ri),. if an ot listen i wit him, Or 46 sked, "What e chive 'now las to go baCk her- wi I be no as the apt an - in an - gony for le happe s to him, ether—t 11 of us. ti she ie rd t e horse's • ,,ure a. tal elegant male free is sou: tei 111 a 114g tNi alb ving re- ain devote les» in all y Pictures guaranteed op .2's proton tilders and Liv est ever &trod Iced 'in CHOICE LOT OF REMNAN1L$ Are -also tieing off red at nearly one-third their cost, RLUINANT.,S IN MACK: AND COLORED LUSTRES REMNJA. TS PRINTS, • RE' INA TS IN -MANTEL, DRESS AND T REM TANTS IN CASHMERE.S. • cinsisting of • TEA THE Oro TS THE value f JUL 1880, \ TEA:S. TEAS W CROP 4UST ARRIVED sT7.04 Just try b s Not Teao-141,;ey arA really good „a cheap. se a ai,en. selected Stock -of F,resli FRESH ROCIERIES NB PROVISIONS e viand, Blank Overopt jel y, B-4.! ied Apples. -HON Y ITN 14,113 B TILES Some of the b+st Tea DI•tat in 'the market; a E5 centa pe r ' "Tr,v my zek .Pongau --1:0a at Solaria 60 cent 4;t5istt4.1t:11:2.1:13P;;;41131,:teilitii:e1;170,Tel lit:ex0.io.crenstros il).:re pii estiga ilnAtu:•!::::-114,:rilsri,:ps.slviir,t41:Itt•tsehti, el3sLiefit,110:{1.01.11,1111:401AtintlAez 'PCoutr(131::::-:, Graham leionq 0 rtaand ptriat-oe.s. rgjeAsiRoeSk va G•!,1F-fiGelii;a1Traii:4,41{1,$: bich,j being her:' lit befote the rise' 0 8014 very sit nh L iL H E AD, FRUIT sizes, v price, will A ST BRUS L1 E WORKS I TOW- N BURROW - TIM Su ,scriht rs take if s opportunity of that h MIMING SILKS kih' "4 °ode la they are now fin public NV) first eleves at 132. -IF. eash, at kiln, or 14-- delivered. PH- RICE. Brulisels, and- roavit g ;given impel - he age. A QUANTITY OF DAMAGED. tilIGERING YARN AT YOUR OW zced by Astoundiug Bar 7y men GREAT CLEAR coining such a fav rite that iar elle od, for the simple rea- n, eve a child, Gan adjust it rig an dtirability eannot be ' super or over all ot er Buggy elm mpbell, Esq. Mayor of s Prow filled and &as - A fel Township Rig ts for sale !lin North . IlarOn. Address 650x8 ROBERT FULTON, Egm'Ondville. ains in all classes of Goods during t e Every Lady /roils; reatly Reduce rices j idge for theins On short time, alad the fees Lire' a Werke. WN St BURROWS, ontinuance of this i 'bel._,.. - et. Saving Money, by purch.asing se likeable Goods4 at should make it a .poiut to visit ma Establishment and all Cash Purchases. Special terms o customers buying • ighest Market Price paid for No. 1 Utter, in tubs and ttousisting of T as, To Usual fully stool . Al -Vie- Free Deli eet; Seaforth. ugar arrived this week; also a lot Of Fresh Groceries, , accos and. Fruits. Wine- and Ligior Department as orders pinchually attended to. ry to any part of the Town. • PUBLIC T NOTICE RECEIVED —AT— VARI Nip GROCERY' A I\ ICE TOCE OP C9`0 kery, NMI th well to he peopl of Va cell and i spect before parch ty will do sing else - SEEDS. SEEDS. SFEDS.. GaFritaren ere wanting Turnip, Carrot, Mikgold, or Seeds c'ui Make sure of get'ing them Fresh nd Itched) e at ti,e Varna Grace y. Oatme I, Cornmzeal, HOFFIVI In order to n3a PLAIN AND F AT COST RI SALE OF DRES —AT— GOODS! ROTHERS' CHEAP CA H SToRE, room for our Fall Importations we have 4 sell the whole of our Luainess tan, ho i_a lik .* to manage it pre ing :he se Aon, ;the beneata in connection wi tAL6 ratel of in, eresf, -on .gooei ft 'tin see- ity. OFFICE —Canadian Ban .:of imerce But AN ED. -a: TICE T. Al ellis, Ripp n, again ea Ds Toni t- tention th t he is as bane ready Or the barve t of 1E80, fo the repairing/ of Mowers, Reape Threebieg Machines aod, nett like) Old green boxes fille and .rnedle goer as new l also rep lug of kni s and all kinilt of tinkerhw, done ii. to give a e 11. The beet i Of hon used in. a manufactu as of tpilies, and all kin s of jobbi executed w 3th neatness 4;:„a desp teh, Give , out for the hive.. A(3751_14 sol cited ircuu all. Itt me her and le dr .ii isfaction t at ho is the right man in Ihe 'rig t THOMAS MEL, IS, Rippen, try NOY DRESS GOODS, GRENADINEt LINEN SUITS bueinese t inerilt their'eenfidenee, and trade the inter, lit: is now p °pared to p E FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. at the Egg IVIAIN Wanted CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLI4ITED. clean whoa • FANCY GOODS -ARRIVING iWEEKLY. • Just to ba d, a NOW Lot of Rufilings, Parasols, Buttons Frin es Beaded dight,' Gimp Trimmiucs, Black and. White Real. Laces, Kid Gloves in. two and four . • button —light_ s ades, Hosiery and Gloves. Nb TROUBLE TO SHOW GOOpS. CA RD'Is'O'S BLOCK. j Ali ds of I? ma ROCERIES s usual. SEAFOR TIN AND STOVE EMP RIUM M lis/HIT EY Ras now on hand a coniplete Resort ent of 644 MILK C ANS, PAT And all ether Dairy 'Utensils, made sold et Hard Ti es Priees. REFRI Also on band and Style these I A hilt stock of t hand, s moped a sold in Oets or se EAVE Done on the Sb or Ga vanized Ir F21/ St Bi At the Lowest Pr inpay fac ion Give m a Trial np on the will be a number of- the elehrated EN Refrigerators. For Prize efrigerators cannot bp excelled. ould be without . rtlEAS ..47pw Imp •ris.1 Me sures on Cording •to the Act Will be arate as de sired. THE SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEI41 EMPORIUM. 1LLSON, PROPRIETOR A FULL STOCK OF PLOWS VAT HAND TROUGH NG A /tea Notice, either -with Tin , ek of T,insvare always on hand. 'ands of Co il Oil, trnent of Lamps, Glo es, &c. all Kinds of .Tobbing Attended to an Satis- ara teed. fore purchasing elsewhere. • MASSEY'S NO. 13 THISTLE CUTTER PLOW, OLIVER'S Nlo. 40 CHILLED PLOW, HILL'S PATENT PLOW, NO. 2 MASSEY'S NO. 10 SOD PLOW, PORT PERRY AND TEESWATER ?GANG PLOWS. Stoek of Straw Cutters, Horse Rakes, CruViers,' Root, Cutters, and all Implements belonging to the! Business. SEWNG MACHINtS, AS USUAL. The Florence, Wanzer P, Raymond, Royal Singer, and other . Machines. • Sewing Maphines Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and work ; warranted. Oils. Needles and Attachments always on ballet 0. C. WILLSON, Main Street, Seaforth, STREBy4 SEA:ORcieTRvile A NE wayis On hand, anti , 1,.;,1, Ca -Otero, and eveay other artielein their nees, and can guaraittte; a. good rtiele both as to reaterra and workmanship, Reptiii iiig promptly ietienaea 0. Give us ,a la , ;HESS it fl-ABEREB. to quality nd prize, 111,r, Ilkelait, wril known to the ublic, haling 686 THE HEAD PHOTO ALLEI1Y. Picture* of Rare; Me, Tvekei, • CALL AND SEE SANIPLES. -4 4- every! day work, and tneh as you catege,t any day et eildn's only. Lich (33-apery dear and. brilliant c)riorte, find sineioth ;Ina. titian facts, sea usnal. Ni ,ettiv.p pi -eget -1-'4A_ 1NDRE WALU.D.11.?n, Practical Artist. pt,HE REASON WHY - IS FAST "COMING THE POPULAR RE EBY OF THE DAY Le, that it one bottle that it is will do ell tb t is -claimed for it in the Read the Pamphlet carefolly. Bay and take it aecorring -direetiong- lief 'lad be perfectly satisfied orth s'cl So 4 by ell druggists. T4 GRAY NI ICINE Co TortatO I.11)131it,t11 1V.tison, s Roberts, and by lin ruggists. 6.31,5 SptilTelhemeterras 80:8Unserlaure7aTared_711-oatri.°ellieg°fareAcenaeh:dresidoll n° w, and 11 partii 0.1 Europe. Farea as /owls any other -rae•clasa fort. App At the Post Office, &earth 1 593 farm purpes; Previous t and those of to prejudice t otl II 143u narnt:no tfwel e:ireenn:t1:111 mules plozters 'won blessing, as t 4sase, and lob be illjilred -Shorter feed, rafaa:tst:1 k 'tac: tate with inn royal stablesl Another jaek:i Island of Mal of sluggish na Knight of a lithe and. fie sit ifu vt:o rio ble 4;:of: pberostvepm;:si eral bred hie. !ourpetrhbaltscpzs agog to breed and they soii - inThtillee wusenittte 10 years ago -third and fou of Masan h• Kf:e±y:t..ni.St are to be -see atre in the Did you e !rWe 1 141h eAl eY:thibiT Driving a onsly, and skill= than ca The ben yo j sa tv er 0:: eip all she min a If you a she'll be Sure vice verea. gets into your struction smart, active one hour tha at the root o lows our lie for an hour By that VAIB thing that y and has burie hellai,Nav nmelatha happiness an von amid sev 'leer futon. po ter if she is 'o Yon go f sereatn out in- her dime' band, and th tegirrei,. to help Now„ it.is matt to help ing to adlnit ean do 4140 uteakr ser. - thing a man drive S. br hung in tbe hat, and fan wickets, thyislIt3nsopnenthdc reflge in th es, and there him until sh Anti all the Your hen t troops are as inepiring Zie the musiee age, perhapa gentlenes your forces rectiort co as yaell thin - and gives skirts, and Ts:a:yore:, g bribe her - ea itt your tetil4Ilesthoeo „stIoroeklizt molt ZY.d.:4)i''Eerfohfriu3rehb rtehaasto jpen-h pants, and bheisar'esai /lad cause she is that heu-h sauce, au And he