HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-09, Page 1F t 1880. SALE. GA, JUNES 'MR ALL- OUR REX 'S OF NG OVER ZED PIECES 4t.1 New Styles:, at C at an excellent chance or 4 'ERY CHEAP ihe= Enda !Ary in length x Six Yards. ,E PARTM-E NT. r• New Lot of Silk aux ;au PAItA,SOL;i. Also ;tl Misses* Corsets.. ERIS'G NOW : I= ova` White and Colored ,Iy ;educed Prices. CLOTHING CTMENTK alsartment of SUMMER l,t Per Cent. OIL CLOTHS. erns to Choose front, and Mouth. I -I A L L Y, t.y last _for England and to buy our [NT°ER STOOK :;.al. that Wholesale Mer i -re look for in . all Sort. ' of 2 Goods.. well to buy early at the still offered • at the SEVENS 777 ils house, in the County. ALLY SOLICITED.. UGALL & CO. Au and Fancy Dry Goodi, ,:ntlt.s; Shawls, &c. pared, to which all ile justice. The th- an). is 60 by 30 feet, d twill be one of the unship. Mr. James thh concession, laid out lied the buildiug. We vidson may long live lied each and every dui crop. Ioestoxs.—During the ;week au unsuccessful .de by a , Mormon riends to establish a en the 14tH conoes- tip'.. BY. usin:g a. little gaieed the good will 4 ,me of our school rice placed the school usal. Their meetings ced and commenced., showed the bitter 'sing up against them, of night the people tee and demanded the stop the meetings. fathers were as line Tuutains, no logic, be- Lauge their opinions, ;ad the audacity to he section. at deft nee. k which - then en ued, While the prea her le a crowd as as- - tE,oting and eI ing, all sorts of pr. uks. .warnings were heard general melee seemed titters began to reach ,fee finally concluded at bast, 41iscretiou it valor, ; and an- meetings n-meetings would be lands: are a Blass who iwr denomination at tl scandalous terms, to be the only and der these c rcu ns.tan- full well the opposi- tit everywhere, it la art the part of school clic rn.. the use of their a when atrustee will .tempt to -show !iia `tree= of all cspposiag 'eutuaily disoover that. ;,. Wtttt'r en himself.-• - eo- re.l's Dt 221 fi l - ,it• I see by an ad- - ur paper of the 25th A iaaviclaoi, farmer :accuses me of orign- eg a report that the le existed mum/gat the. Mr.,(`hristie. I do iven into a newspaper merely- state that • ans. such report as 1t llr. Christie, the s , had trot himself ae afraid his horses €lire=ase:, DO doubt the cave got into circulee Cali, no one is, better lilt of -the veterinary e= 23rd ult.than yours, r2 tiiYrti WARD. ierse aye of last week, as a , :Baird, teacher, Stan` Gree cutting a. avwitch, ting and fell, Freaking le above the wris. f THIRTEENTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 657. EAFCJilT FRIDAY, ,iTJLY 9, 1880. 3VI LEAN OROS., Publishers. 1.50 a Yeas, A:dvarXee. CLEARING SA OF NEILLINM AT LE HILL BROTHEliS'. • MAIN STREET, SEAFO- TH. WE 'ARE NOW OFFEf 'ING AT GREAT REDUCTIONS OUR LARGE STOCK! OF Trimmings and Silk Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Feathers, 1 RIMM ED AND UNTRIMMED HATS. CALL Perth I?: m.s hell ma ket las ° tel g New potatoes in 1'11 L week. —A canary was Sto e in the verandah of li"s deuce at Mitchell. - Ninety-f.ur candid sio to the St.'e Ins itilte, wrcte at th.: ins ion. . The fall sitting ; +f the Ch 'leery, for Perth; .efore Vi cellor Blake, will be h : d at S on Wednesda , Septe .0 er 8. Kirkton s looki , up. Curdy is erec •ng a h: dsome sidence and Cher s a'ller fra demes are Le .ng built . the vi - Messrs. eal, Pri am & shipped oven five hu ed s two, car loads of bulloe s, bm chell station,last wee , for th pean markets f —Canada thistles ha e been ing so rapidly i,n the eighbor Tavistock, th t the fax ers fir the; alarm, a d a cota.'.ined beingmade t get rid f : this leap. - -!TMr Stev:ns, 4f t:lansha; young eutle an wh I reseed Wiling the hi hest nu ber of St.' Marys ollegr ate!' Institu will th, refor. be alwai i ed -th Mel . Mr. Wiiliamts, new 11Te+hodiit mi Tater for Mitchell,j on hureday test week. He viously been stationed at whe las o lie wa:;I very popular' e 1'' ! In poring' for the ew arte at t eStratford r uud house, t me Struck a ed of lay. of abl th cknes ; w ich is'said t abl for the : nu act re of ` : t poetry Hulbert town' sh p Agr i to be. el at Staffs, to 28 h f eptemb bersliip ees $1, till Jul that data, on dollar and' be cliarg: A large p, rty fully'' equipp r ight's fis in excursion, 1 about t : e d of last we 'I from ca ayor C1.'3 resi } tes ford admix rys Cllegiat:' entrant exam 1. urt o han tford Mc ek re resi age., p an• s Mit Euro pread• cod o akin prt is erribl: , is the in ob rks a Lorn nada rrive. pre-, erlin, h al n wel work sider e suit - fines Rural Tues next 25th; cent . 11 1 1l .0 sho_ da Me 11 AND GET A BARGAIN. -afte will WE ARE NOW OFFERING At Great Reductions our Large Stock of Trim- mings and Silk Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Feather s and Tricnmod and Untrimmed Hats. CALL AND GET A BARGA IN. R:".r"Remember the Place—Opposite the Come Inertial Hotel. HILL BROTHERS, Main Street, Scaforth. CIRCUS. CIRCUS. GRAND CIRCUS DUNCAN &-DUNCAN 'S LOTS Off' F-01-7--+ ALL KINDS OF GOODS for to des nation'li ''Nb th !'ole.' will re urn, if ' T e 12th day in the ti Ors . ge en of La bt n, Hu wil cel brats the tattle of The Ora, • con ectioe be its .a a.G T. acc.m li5hed the .• aa line of e -louver is f. r tae pres Mr. Mex. sett erS of C: ago for his whe e he int.: mai. der of hi sati-fied, how: Ca i.: da. Ata me th:. gricultu cie of the to of ' i bert, was de ided tion ou Thurs and 17th of Se Mr. Mo bus nese in S yea s, during ove 1;1„700 fo goo e rpun-d bai s Bring doe ed _ entleman th,.• Mc ?. Messrs. Hi bet, who st llioi a few ch : sing a not po sil, e.. T lea es for En th thm rkets coluntry. 'The sup As on at nd Trun th fent, rt sian r ec ssary as simila a St. eroo,iti host T eSt.1 oc• car doe e t to t "sone to boast of th MARVELLOUSLY CHEAP. in an be PILES OF REMNANTS BEINC SOLD, fel W And at Such Prices—Its Wonder fnl. th. fie • ALL REMNANTS RUTHLESS- P LY PRUNED. ! th no' rn het i tyl. NO END OF THE BARGAINS. to -ue All i Wool BUNTING ti, GLtIeine French Goods en: til cents per yard.. e th DRESS GOODS CHEAP, RaRINTP.4 CIIEAP, l'•'OTTON GOODS CHEAP, E4'ERTTIKING .CIIEA11'. We are making these peculiarly Large deductions in Prices, iu order to still further - de REDUCE OUR IMMENSE ASSORTMENT be I w th Previous to recei'link* the Fall I reportations _ en' which Mr. T. DUNCAN is now sale eat tg in - a .. g t incom> o ' ce in hem: up rinten ,r uch 1 or ant to of the ni. g erribl: S veral S. Tool Boar th • r ilutenti to hers in a mi salmi er- me. cement we e engage,• mt s ably. Ili't i they 1 at+' educed s: aries. ar6nents four of n re-engaged, and 1 be adv raised f air duties ter the aged are air. Rot Mary of 700;.M artment, ; 300 ; 1 li trent,. k' 2a ; Mi tmsnt, 42 . ich teach rs hav are, -they ore, th h. I For e Hig Callum h s been ster, and l Mr. Al r 11?r. M. Callum ining at tie Glas .inland, where he hips for .II assics •il teache in _tha in the ; directio It is doubtful w ver. f July Will be will of St Mar South P rth,Nor on and ) art of he 190 anni . e Bo e. Tru Li is . put ween he Port 1 stock, and wh he trai s will • Stratf rd. T ! oad wit remai giant. Dickie, one of lingfor , left a atve p ace -S !• ded to spend { days. 'Sandy' ver, audl has re ing of he Di 1 and : orticu n of M chell, t ullartoi and . hold t e annu ay an Friday, ptembe next. .rter, !iso ber;' ha Marys or the hich ti : e he rent, a d has um Besides. not pay ; or w can sho a bett rooks Colq lost thei :3,000 weeks go, int er of st 1 bette for a Lis - Their f the they grea Th Perth, dlesex ary o in a er and hat is over Cation here i As week Mr. land, w eae he .r the l st Cly yof w tratfor Railw e Com 11. W o go is -a wells. w ary not tha 3 arys co not pay M uni n." 1` ossessi tent le n enli ority of thei ss•th u lik tter tr ill moat s at lei to red 1 the de holiday they at the with t mained Thr Leading European 'P11a.rlcets. 211 Largest, Most Varied an Assorted Stock of Dry Go IS KEPT BY de p., w• r ed Best sik ds I1I. ;In an tr Sc a pn DUNCAN & DUN?AN Alain Street, SEAYORTH, Ontari Cl. ter dr for ns i, havi any ar t dept yet re sun na 82 ected stance e firs years and— ie re - ns not ned to tors of ral So nship: gan, i xhibi e .16th )een i st 1• pais by say color recor: • 1 espond c very -ipal C says a se slators tened heir a n priv 1'_c aff robabl ago th wel a othes: artmen At ✓ the d 4salar' e unde ongeri ut of t e teat 1 hree -en, olitod:,y ell, Pri 'Drape . DeBe Allan, departs et to bee(( bird, fo chool, gaged d T. D eivd w High sever: ile eng: lace. LID, 0 porte d pur reed, i rook 1 scou dale ii efro n th aecom€ in].cin t 'will i nown o 52 eet a t any 11 suf, -of th 1com til o ° e Hca of l th at leve i nm[ ifl not{! fi buei of'a; nd-th ): some, P ubli ounce .ries . atth coin eScher far si; : tandin' must b e 'leve shay \ opo Tho- c p.l, : t recon • , 'tli d. 7 h d e eats f.r a.poin th an A. O he d assis ear ch scho daSa ent L y 1 1 g ea Que rs ag ble .•Er 0• or ro In e eye t will ds th vici brut bert Rea active At AOn ided . d's r . ox ch v: s pres u and le irous e•tral Mr. ir:s to ie: who ri.ht la ving ply g rries, wor II 1 th th eh wining e.. ruct 1a knes e {h a e.t to ew at$ At red •i It is pion the vi The am 'a lliam The nstea apat nThe eton, just X1,30 The a- 'c Molding 1 s:triou Eigl rase! n to. t wee The nnipe t Mau d su Bisl hing= ronto, ough Ap s visit re fro rolina Lak i h thi •out i ke W Mll 1 a 51 11 1 0 0 niversity, and also Ki gston, four r. Day is scent or mischie t. Marys 1 t,ely, where d he flock of Messrs. ee and ten sheep re- ly attend ptl the e openi is set ting th grant 803r, 0 s than his che it con d er th Ce over e, und fying. ro housand North Br i of Paris, Y Qu rofes d. meeting o unanimousl Mr. McLeod on,las he was call to the itchell, de-, rie on Sunday ide ate act in, es ot feel soil 1 ss of th th cruelty t h says, con s, and such r he cover o te bole Wi 0 11 rl 10 ol te ed ric or It a oal 520, nde f th omi meet pup e entr Sch ing Winni day night last bledon 'Rifle A tear. Col Lo don. ed emperanc IS 00 was sunk SI Crown at Ot, ion Day • by Is presented no examinee General .ei, ilies hal ti Co sul hat 301 fa the St tes ibranc Institution s tad the o her Orlea s. land all oiled. Dr pping at his we k. from So he Great "es ast r than the 0 ta it a fl PL ul 1 day. They ssee, Soot cedentedly round an *nage int e famous he Walker th Africa ern, on his ago. He r. a Strath - d wagons. can sup. ray to nsbip, was sb head of --Canadiaii e old ds Cochrane co s brought onth of une 3,2 ere sh"ppe from the o Ohio being the lar - ey, ho disappeared Mo treal some time behind, whiefi clai ants. g at Innerkip, was Stinion , ay in the river :Eng, bout ha.lf way nnerand oodetock. D laware were killed by h rida e nigh of :last wee it is !high time, the d so 11 AS d for haw of th pirCiaaethe oir Ed dt 1 of an la rill leg I, evil be.r 11 1. 'n Bid anie al last Saturd rake camp ye home, many e girl I lett their eyes and ey." Jesuits expell- g to take eharg lie College II. Edward's Is at the Rev. Mr ard Kenny, it an Americalu moved to Chaie direction of St, Hctgan, at the D eased wig his acquaii+ th followin e lar est ver seen owing the r Kelly, of Off; vicee were co feelilag Benno • con 0 fo atho ral s ather e and preach Hogan and R leaves fortun of Cob trial f Fanny steel -b —Ni packag were d from A Dutton in Mas d by Father Connolly. Mr. them ont of the way when the evening was arried to a, sister of John train car; thundering by. The rail - char Farmer, elf Exeter. He way com any, ae well as the passengeri; wife and small amily, who are on board,Ishould feel grateful to Misis Elliott for averting what: 'might havis =Miss !Elsie- McGregor, daughter of Mr. David McGregor, of 1 Carrick, Wall4 thrown (int of a carriage One day lateli and serionsly injured. Her recovera was at flr t thought very doubtful, kip later exa inations of her wounds give —On tiesday of laSt week, hope of i provement in time. Brownsvi e, Oxford county, Salathial Acre, aged 21, while putting a bell on a, brick machine, fell into a tank of boil- ing wateriused for steaming logs for cheese-lx)ic hoops. Acre died from the effects. He Was in the tank over a tely amply provi ed for. • iiI urg, as been oramitted for ar enter, in the cheek with a arrow. He pleads self- ndred ands seventy-eight wooden hovel haudles of weeke ago bn Church, of y Iron Works let, in which he endeafrors to prove baptis by immersion to be not a Scrip- tural de at all, but a invention of the Cie rch csf Rome." _—Af er a session of three dayS, the Revealy, ef Cobourg, were found dead Conser Manito Dr. Co the loo don ch Englis to 52s.. able to :spate ed a coupl to the Old Colo —On kunday morning !two boys, named Patrick Cashen 'and Thomas —A Hunt, proport one sion of is r Mailing the - has occ ative convention a, on Saturday, an s the party the constituenc nother increase efore long. are the proper of Me. Jas. f E emont, 0, couple of weeks th to a colt possessed. of egs. The olt was well with this xceptiou—the since of Margnette, on the Gijand Trunk Railway track, ade choice of supposed to -have been run over by a andidate when train. The body of Cashen was fear - the represen- fully mangled. Both were under occurs. the influence of 'liquor when last seen- -The Oka Wiens '1 -have accepted the Dominion Government's offer to re- move thezti to aaother part of the court- - Weyer y no- r, on the (ices. great deaijofeth real estate of Berlin. appears that this is the,third time she eadmast rship He leaves widow and' a family of has played the same game. pied for five yeses. —The in oduiction of au organ into vey and weather prophet, certifies to Sunday night, 2 th ult., uring the Presb teriaa church at Durham is the discovery of gold in Wakefield town - der storm two orses b long- likely to use a split in the congrega- Mr. John Grub r, con. 9 East tion. The organ was very imprudently ere struek by th lightning and purchased, set up in the church, and an killed. The lobs is estanated organist -engaged in opposition to the which falls very' heavily upon wishes of . a number of the best mem- end cant 'millionaire was before threatened disruption. t II pe -police Magistra,te! the —To Walkerton be the honor, or y. He bad $30 or $40 ou his otherwise of incarcerating in the com- ent piace,s. The tree did not appear to * precarious. Let; any one stop at the have been touched, and the flash to all appearance must have struck him on the head!. The horaes were unharmed. A house was' destroyed by lightning, as well as a large number of trees in and about the city. —The firat Presbyterian church in the neighborhood of Bruce Mines, Dis- trict of Algoixia, was opened for divine service on Sunday, the 20th ult. Wm. McTavish', !Presbyterian missionary, preach th opening sermon. The ship, midway Rock Lakes, view of the f ated. in Plummer town - between Ottertail and and commands a good --Who has not heard of Grand Bend? It is delightfully situated at the bend of the River Aux Sauble, 12 milea from Parkhill, 17 from Widder, and 16 from Exeter, has a flour mill, planing mill, siding mill, shingle factory, saw mill, two hotels, school, church, and two small stores, but the inhabitants there- of are clamoring for a good general store and a shoemaker. —A yonng Methodist minister, after preaching at Enterprise, Lennox coun- ty, was insolently assaulted on the road by an intoxicated fellow, who was promptly knocked down by the minis- terial fist. The knocker being again as - money co pensation from the Montreal Seminaryi and implements of agricul- ture from the Government. Parry Sound wi 1 probe,bly be selected as their future ho e. —Mr. Louis Breithaupt, Mayor of Berlin, and one of the rnost extensive tanners in Ontario, died op Setarday morning after a short illnese. He was entirely aSelf-Made man. He had ao- ,cumulate4 abler e fortune, and held a administer a thorough castigation. If he is as powerful in persuasion in the pulpit, that young divine will do. —A young lady from Paris, working in a millinery store at Ingersoll, was arrested a few da,ys ago for making away with goods which did not4. belong to her. On making search it was found that quite a quantity of laces, gloves and other expensive goods, were stowed awaY, and on enquiry being made it the thu ing to Zorra, instantl a strug —A the Po other d person, hands o mortg once to withou attache ran wit a Mrs. the wh • ship, county iaf Ottawa. The metal. he describes as closely associated with the phosphate of lime in accompany- ing layer& of fessy quartz, In. the same) townehip there occurs several e congregation: Hence the well-defined veins of argentificions ga- lena in connection with some of the trap dykes. . —Au old man named, Norris, reputed nd a.eknowledged $500 in the mon jail or six; months, on a charge of to be worth $40,000 in property in Lon- a sister, besidee propert and vagrancy, a very aged man, believed. to don, was found last Monday morning be over 1 years of age. It is a pity in a back room of One of his buildings, that a mo e comfortable place, than the on Dundas street, almost immersed: in cold charity of A county jail, cannot be filth; and suffering from a gangrenous found for an old man who hai weather- leg. His surroundings were of the most -ed. the bl ts of 100 winters. miserable- and beggarly kind. He was removed to the hospital in a dying state. 'He has :a daughter in England who will inherit his miserly savings.- • —During a heavy thunder storm abont eleven, o'clock on Wednesday morning of last week, the barn of Sam- uel Marks, a fanner living about three railee from New Hamburg, was struck by lightning, ehattering one end of it, after which the fluid passed down the water shute, striking a son of Mr. Marks, aged. 11 years, who was sitting near by playing with a young pup, kill- ing both boy and dog instantly. — A markea variety of hard and soft woods are grown in the county of Es - 44 le es 43cattered abrbad. In defer- * vealth he wlas discharged nge soli the other day a horse to a buggy brbke loose, and te rible force, knocking down on ldson and almost toaring le o her scalp off, and Making ribl wounds in er head, Her at+dants have ut little hopes at Harrist u, ou Friday 11 attended hy droveza, con - red, but of a ly bought up ; $40 per head, t prices from n county, the nd ended in a horse race by two fastest horses in the troop. re on the second heat, when the horses stunabled, breaking leg and injuring tlhe rider badly, factally. —Th last, w siderab poor cl fai ngi tle being off none be ng old by the horsee han ed hands — At Beebe Addingt volunte r camp -broke night, of the They w one of its fore —Fif guaran y y ung men in Toronto have eed s Mr. Handford 42,000 per annum if h vvill stop in -the city and preach 'ts lbert Hall. It is seid he has acc pted the offer, 4.nd will begin his ter in Albert Hall about the first of Sept tuber. He was offered a half in- terest us a weekly newepaper, but de- -On Do inion Day la, led by the name f oy Coulter' living i,n St. i. Thema , w s severely b rt by 94 kick low NV& ‘amusing himself hanging on to a horse s tail, and the -horse suddenly kickin out struck 41ina near the eye, a d disfigured hisl face for life. It is h ped the injured optic will be 11 • 11 F. W. arris, commanded by Captain off Ne oundland, on Thursday imorn- wreck. The passengerS and ere* were all sa ely taken off the wreck, and brough to St. John. The F. W. Har- ris was • e ship of den, a the time sh days o her voyage Montr - • cl at al. —A art of young m had a Day. and on they w "900 tons bur- , struck was ten from Cardiff to ‘hig time" of i on Dominion he erected a tent at Delaware, atteimpting to gel up the, river re &wept down in the rapids. A couple of the navigators,had a narrow escape ifrom being drowned. After get- ting as ore the question: of how to get 1. home resented itself. careful search reveal ' the fact that $ , was the wealth of the arq. This waS just about suf. 4 ficent carry 0113 of th party from the neares station in seare of friend* The ! rest of the party—numbering about one ! dozen arrived in the c ty on the fol- - lowing day] looking th worst u.s,ed-up crowd effle for soree ti e. . a brave act on the part of Miss Annie I wind was lowing ratr hard, ivhich ; result 'd in a tree fallin across the rail: tford On the 30th June, a at Grand Bond. 'Mr. Johnson for some Elliotti, df alpole. One day lately the . -ng the heavy storm -that passed bout half all mile smith of ed mail, name' unknown, en- twenty years past, has netted about f Jarvis. Miss Elliott, who ' sealing lime from the Spring- $1,000 per 6inp.um from his apples alone, to Bow Park, was killed. by all sold at lionae. Mr. Dalziers orchard to Jarvis 14 the Way of f the w the tree 1: ing a,croOs the When the storm overtook is young as! ye, t, but it will soon bring a immediate took oft her ' ove.his horseato the side of large revennel. He rails' es peaches un- ves, whiqb a e laid on the 'where he left them standing, surpassed lvany we. ever saw from road, and I commenced to shelter under a maple New Jersey. There are thousands of ris away. Fortunately the tree. A boy coming ink, the city dis- acres now ililfzi in the district we refer dly broken by its fall, whieh , covered the man lying fiat on the 4 to, which, if aet out with fruit trees, ier- for herl to perform the ! ground, and on going up to him was would bring an immense revenue. The ut there were some large I greeted th an awful: sight; There reason that this tract is so favorable is unate man lay, his face as that the lake tempers the late frosts, and. hareoal, blood Oozing from his peaches can be raised te :*: advantage, his clOthes scorched in differ- wl3ereas fattier inland the crop is very —Geor q Ott, of Arkona, has this season, g hered 1,568 quarts of straw- berries fr m one half acre of land, f r per quart4 amounting to $141.12 from a half acre- Of gronnd.. This patch pro- duced 1,60 quarts last season- and is now in its second year. The berries were pick; by six girls and five boys. — The ev. Dr. Darnell, of London, Ont., wile was recently swindled out of $50 by tile clerical imposter Hughes, was the apier day agreeably surprised to receive from the Right Rev. Bishop Alford a e eck for one-half the amount. The imp star introduced .himself to -Dr. Darn; 11 and persuaded him to en- dorse th ' ogus paper by the use of the —An awfully euddeu death occarred in Barrie a few days ago. Will. Gard- ner, farmer, of the second concession of Oro, retirlel to take a, rest after dinner, as was hi eastern; and apparently in di his usual. ood health. A little while afterwar - his wife noticed there was somethingapeculiar about his appear- ance, and' placea her hand upon him, and to her surprise found he was cold, — Galicia Innes, of London, was the victim of a, boating accident the other day. H was • approaching the boat house in is pleesure boat, which has an awni over it, and attempted to take do the° 'awning, and for that purpose ailed over the side of the boat, which ca who wer dent, ass foot of the bic $4,ild hill OD tbe Port Fr nks rose, 8.4d exanaine the peach. ore, ard of Mr.iAshrrian Clark, if they want to see whit Larabton can do in thel matter of Os.chee. +The Smedley School Centenary, celebrating the' establishment of Sun- dayt Schools ne En land by Robed Ralkes, a printer an 11.6W/31/8 er pub- lisher in Gloucester, in the ye r rap, wai, during last week, eeleb ted in moflyt of the cities and towns of this werle present at the .0elebratio 1 at St. the faculties of Art and Medicioe, wcre hel last week at the Universit . There dat s in all, and of these four : :n re ladies, Local examinations or wo- men, in counec 'on With the Univer- sityl, Were held i at t - e same time and bit on he same pipers t Brand ad, In - ger oll, and Duniav lle. Th re are for candidates at these place There is trenble among th officers of he Toronto Field Battery. Major G -r y ffned two or three of his officers for on -attendance at church service, ha ded their resignations to th Major, who :declined to forwftrel the sane tO Ott: Ws, and threaten a to sen in their na,1a OS for dismilssal. (nee onteith)' the yonug lady leo IV&S 4 two h urs after her- arriage, were On Sat ir ay last!iaterre in Hunts bury - one of the larOeA eve* seen in t ie tow fec• t'ng uature. The newly -en ban and wideNiter, w o was al co forted. : of eterboro, Was an officer o the lo t training shiip Malan se nolola all hOp6 co saf has Jan and vie pro R. tray, stat - palled to a no been he ary last, ice regretting t Ala. Dmietivan, of Mont n an action. against the N ping Car Oompany for $ ng secured! and entered on the way ;h0 e fram. New hi out, allegieg that anothe ma had pi viouslv purcha ed the he aS foreiblylexpelled from he Car. He was subse uently obliged to ride home m a see ad -class car, t e seats in he first-class one ail bei g occu- azeident occurred on the 29t about eight miles from Lott - sex. In addition to vessel loads of but - and Ken_ do.n, m the tcriviaship of West "ns -or. tonwood shipped to Virginia -te-do farther was imam very consi- ent, is not be rector a. Mr. orn the ye been of the nothing the 3Ist elk rna da, ef Bo Art ur 1, bias ,000 he w Irk- hurs ay York a ordered gentle- tak Sle ha la at er Maje bee deprive cer as Lieut SO tuoky, used, eve are told, for tobacco • and -cigar boxes, Mr. Tom Guillette cuts ana ships from his Anderdon mills from 300,000 to 500,000 feet per week to Buffalo, to the Pullman Car Works, Detroit, to he Ontario Car Works, London, an Works in T r —The cotto Mackay, at Dundas, was recently burn- ed, and the 'factory to replace it is to be built in M. o the :Massey -Agricultural onto. n and batting mill .of has been p and a num ten, Peel county. A site vided, at a nominal rent, or of residents in Milton have subscribed the $1000 loan for seven years,' ateeded by Mr. Mackay to recommence, Taxes will be remitted by.the Town. Council for twelve years, sized and threw the rev. gen'. and. the will employ 20 to 40 hands, , near and witnessed. the aeci- hit_visangeeredacay iraesrsywwtor :65,010.0 gentleman was Married to a young lady to the eiver.o•Seme young Men —Miss Hendrie, a yonng lady 6orn. Thomas, when nearing :the town the Beverly, Who was engaged as teacher in engiueer began crowing (by means of Galt Public School, died recently. the engine Whistle) with great vigor in Within the last two weeks of teaching, honor of the married couple, and kept Miss HAndrie suffered' greatly from it up with Unabated energy until the what were • apparently nervous head- train reached the G. W. R. depot, by aches, but upon obtaining leave of ab- which time eeveral other G. W.. R. sence and proceeding to ; the residence engines joined in the salute. The peo- of her parents, the attaek developed ple down town naturally thought there into intermitteot fever, which terniin- was a big bleze somewhere in town, and ated fatally. The young lady was much instantly the church and fire -bells were respected, and her early aeath is deeply set nulling, and the firemen hurried. to deplored. ' the en ne-housee ana took therefrom —A most -amusing incident occurred the ho-reele and hooks and ladders on the arrival of the/Forest City boat- and turned ont in. search of the . fire. ing crew at Chathim, on Dominion. Rather a crest -fallen lot returned to the Day. When the men had all stripped, engine housee; and it ie not safe to ask the captain unlOcked the valise and a fireman to -day, .'Where was the firer drew forth a parcel carefully wrapped —There la a strip of land in Lambton in paper, supposed to contain the re- county, extending from Point Edward gatta shifts. The paper was torn open to Grand 13end, a distance of about 50 and the garments dragged eforth. It miles along the southern shore of Lake was then discovered that in the hurry Huron, says a correspondent, -whiCh we of packing up at. early morn, the owner venture to gay has no equal in the Whole had sna hed up in mistake a portion Dominion as a fruit raising district. of femal .wearing apparel id mistake This land con be had. for a mere trifle, for his regatta Ishirts. The roars of and it is a matter of surprisethatit is laughter Which greeted the ears of the not even at this day covered with vine - unfortunate were convulsive. , After con- yards and Orchards. If you want to siderable trouble the necessary garments see orchards on a grand scale, you were boreowed, and the crew then sal- should visit the farm of Mr. Jas. John - way t the vil was C railro track. hat a side o clear tree w opera chunk these and h age min Sh th that she was miableto lift. At . the unf rge pieces she 'worked bravely, i black as (ita scarcely succeeded in tolling 1 ears, an lied fort —D over Bra middle - gaged in vine kil lightnin him he the road and too St. Thomas onitheir ;wedding t ur, and ha not gone far when the sea tipped an they both fell backward. he Man wa only slighqy injured, but he wo- ma 's ,1)ack wee broken, and in aco pie of ours she died from the ittju ies ree iTtle..villag'ai of Bebcageon ein On the verge of -, -011ie great .theabe dist iot at e north, ft 6£3 sonie big dre es p tie- ing down the i kes. A few di ys ago of u d timbe was bowed tit ough en We n sday, 1,050 feet in length and the wi th sof the kicks, and consiste ahnoet ti ber is intended fo the eon true ion is tw tier deep. i This immense mas !of of bridge frem Sou og Ulan to ort pa sin6 through the Lachine Canal on te Tu sday of 'eat week,battered own one of . he gates, mid was So injure ebdyiastye ed y the flood', bat 110 lives w re lost. Th utmost ecnsternation. prey iled for th. t n lives were lost. h direct dee e caused by the _amid n is set do n t about 1500,000, while the ;in- dir et damage can hardly be es imatea, ha: wIl likely exceed $1,000, tro b has been experienced in that principal cause is neglect to e pty the w ter out of it after me. If th s is net ca efully done the hoSe will s on tot, an w 11 not be likely to la t more no in! Se, and partie larly wh n laid ho should lest six or eight y ars. It is lso; often injured. b draggin• on the 111: reel with: whee s on wh oh the ho should beli coiled without dragging. up a sword near the Mouth of Theslia- ion River, in Algoma. It w found be ilk an old log, buried amen debris W a ich had been Re -inundating formally 10 ea. to an offic,er of high rank, and gr t have been originally an article of t beauty and vain°. The hilt is 116 as s;I:12gbihnlesueiBclircons:ecavijembeaymaf4;beaeabyu.rttoustiihteasi3itisufigoad st1;04;:sper. in theruFsretungehor. arm7yery,ialayearithat it -0,a