HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-02, Page 8i I ,.. , 8 ' . ' I , , 1 _ THE HUR - .. . 6N 1EXP9SITOR. - . • • ell al a er ao •!. a dna • for idst 6 aurae ed a ' a ors ; Medat. 44 ealCIIIIOS, Aad . wenty onors Theiveesiby ly proud of a trttly h' that a bri the p eason chosea.—Coer. —The a as last . Berns' purchaser sides acre • honors in demieal tug exam . g he best keen comPetition. ei has. been wa s ' o Y ' nd at _the To takeleide to Wm MA . l three Firet 'of one _ tl Itle of. T14s self ma . Dr.' Fetguson's ht in the future at; and, i to regret • hotel pro eirns Ho by anctio the for the he building f land. imposin forme 43 a enied . their rOW d very litis 1 , in• tc _ te o f i ,,,e, ktUt. it ! Iola and young. have several 'pretty - conaprehensi lif carried Out and most 'held in. El ready busy 'so soon asi , fullbre er particulars ,P11 1 - ! ..._ . _ 1:LIGH b ' ' lic exami held on satisfseto students . ma theirt• milted t they had amount o • on to adm•llieter. ted that t 4. SO SUM. encourage parents a occasion, to tions of , . musing. cent of fact, a litt b th • - y their p school, b. their chill e, , a naniesed senior at. couple of EY•e active ate and t i• I Dome 'z• Juue mee of pany for passing a the e.xtraordinarily applicatio . . plications of $93 000 ' t d arnopia e. the growl pany,. we respondin were only an. insure ship of bus over 2,1 i munity • ginning t from this easy sa , ai : quired to its pOpula the caret of the pas have no dotebt.' two of its cornmuni its slimes:, required: come me /O been prov surance for and -its p Parties do' sion in,to it vassing• `Perience o similar to compadaie :this secti -This resu us. THE advocate • mode of that it wo much che . companie . for premit tion at he abroad, i I have we b . MONEY .day last sent his.scl age, to Sea • bank here money an hip pocke thie and t his consteemeti money ha turned ba road. Be met two y back towa to look for 'took them •their hors corner f they had 1. •told 'him ti , home and . 'of his loss came to S inquiries !already na Carrmichaers chased ticaets ,accommo at once pr Mayor an grams we points to found, an by the ma riving the searching except ab forth with beforeMa were very very penit tens-ptatiol softened by mercy, Mr. prosecute, pretty sev ing them, .principles, and they t by the eve. the boys a 'towel,and They are Th - lest name .of a prette S sent from dlr. Wht 1 1- icked up p It is hopec they have .wile be a- t, they will and kind it. our a th u o LOCAL purhev ha side walk poratiOnest this vicini havine an .. s, 3 jag, fall wheat before th e A. _D. McDonald on lock's run the otherit. sequentl • e races —We M'artin, 0 present of remarkably- . - • i It ii.. also intended Bands of musicS e• progtm will m .,ke one ttractive emonstrat ron. Th Coramitt:e making I arrangem they hav them sill_ • be , f ents, Co gi :cab W. i r h e ' i a . i I- I, c - a : t n 0 ie; • so • : • a ; : : a •• i 1 la a a a ,t .i n: , o . I ait ' i t s at t iable re a e On of 8 k 0 , • o a oa 4eturninoo. g xtedfrb dlthem t lads Mr. two horses vrg f look. d o a, e . h d e ts , aid th d admonish sect for n • f 6 a e, e r 't r s o verd e n this ar immence cot fo - hanael •' uite e b his is .. e, an, he bes ons eve are an. is pleted, en th: he pilb 1- o wa. s quit: hat th use oomphant, iligene: : triflin n calledCarried.' ' eregre • ors - Z ion :ee thed such illnst pits 0 irMo• and, and in the suragi see ever int th: wor1 of th ermepa S. At th of •eCorectors 9 C hag ain bersh.p, :r pf Ihese - alTIOUTI al note a dex a Corn 'he cer r ther iesentin a ember lumber corn ow ' 1 le y, a, 11- hay ' be . melees: ) &noel 3gemen iOne. year of• dons e other to ' oweve = pest be go blishecess admis or can - the preciael., e other rted inciple. ying first of thi assure an stoo paid • circuit), ng . sen respect Tues Dublin years on got in betwe much hat ket. long th ney ' horse in °Ver. in "thleei ut the en wen ther .Kid. t.Stit n ins boy - pun on th of . Tele d othe ested patche On and moue to Sea cite g chap wer stron o daub 0 not ,them. hones' them horn ntes ern Lis ii. 0 t hell and th: I makin: e . y wa xses• and e WOy. h wile instanfence ' nd tha advi fro I of Har a ne con ers _ ba - grow cuttin he Rev s ow. Goven lain: and cen . xe E Jame- . - a nice y wer is sea - t I : al • : o 'd a nii 1 a ai re in yet ••' sit • p. en 8 P . o be a re o ve o tbhook o• be in ex i •t t . ou • o th th th t, th. H ,h all iMessrs. a - lie th i • are el fo -t . o - ' to h,: - . c c . la es t e . gen of ow , , boom rove e Mark Pou -1-T airilton e espec and to tee Mr. the gall 'tore beet aViDg newifro jakeen, urott, Intl:Intl k. eissful n Buell ;onfidenc hon ro hi t i I pe rui o tianitolea 11e ra on ere eg I, oha: turn Rev. pan to on S Hur f P air coacert equa om e a• ili lear. a Hur ent, - s 11. 1 nd obeli] nio' rin v he m as as N ast vidr aalf ell ble res oint well tom ther sion ha' her fnen, ors no ues1 rev•nt pc xe • . S Dun eff n t he urp f t slum *she had nigh' csele h arm nd *Etin nvet•g Solo1•tes os • rig Ibom. en rov i oui e ble • T ' late' 'vect„ sed R ice ho i ipel . 'ere , HI , he ot 1,010, he od Ti toc leng il - 'rti •f I ow- viii ' 1 Oi ' he r. ed teal on. nd f a au he s t i em: o' , un IT Fian oh Uno tibet e h 8 CC f T. ver h al do ur t nct : ' t 0 s ing '• 1 'th dol. .„ a d.ed e. re th Will obe old: y for , y pia al Inav cites and —M Wont atm ire last tion ' his i:i ed, Mr. da on Eiday.—Th 'la *Behr a 0, b ary fon .fl :the nee ways veil Su .ipal y you dated atna rs.SIMI:no W week, i die an rom e nt g 1, we wo a ,, eve is ,in ' epe ' in ion e : iS 1 plifi Brill o r e u sed e vi ler tale ; ern aril; • off" seas S If 1 a for me mon hOs t S did. the even' E am: be, :n cos he has s y, TEL pop 1, . Ibi tio• e bn ord e ia . ier oroh exude' eat4 job esd it we o an th:o er ever at ins plac ty., Ivy fei Ferge n cultie: ghly as. rontti nearly can e. on • hot age _• aa m r be . so a ad th: th' :ete e: 1 ..alters u i' tie fr : Beettalio o ncing relit 'Unite B S4.LT d St on Th cit eie la sat ci t t hi . t de , t a e of i far d aes oleo sub-:ble C • e •e fo. b h ter . 0 r- .' ' M - f of . 1 I her: ! ' il , PIMINIMIIIIINO :year g a onti ore p t. re es ket and • that ,placed yer returnef J coo And eel y int . first inter • t pla , is ' s exann ommiSsi on is knit —Mr a his rages the are • H. on i tint* reach:. Can unda The emily .an4a m Ma obb, ethin Wednea Feb this Pposite at of th: a vis ttalio est t the ahead ery day ' bject loosen' n -- fol , and y enjo t aod o 4. a ot : " ki la 01 a a • 'mi - • S . a s t stLima y 1 o h they ie rs c n of o e a a ri • as f e .1-a. d e$ rev:rend hay . it at dey, bit er rd t 7 bia . o is e , i h of . ,o e 6111111MIN111=116 • e b ' th le • fro ha 4 g Isell Om . on n ' "d: pie re : : II a tt n o f (3. • a at xi.e , e 11:n, ia h . i t in I a : a i• sing : , r.. 4b: ety l hnrc d p e vi e 'a 'Oa • d li i a it me r et Do tl o I • a psi de u oy 5$ si 1 ne. 'e y tie il r. a., nt: short 148.,90 b ' o US t. t lief.r its ie. a d b r a of e s t he, silecim ends lee*. .. T iii eith , left - E. las asa a f t • fl y a M a !' w 0 Lo' tar. nite r o in lin .pic eres she ova' t t 1• le th p ound :ss. ?onus tutio t e country-. en :en pai el, com • ve ' The p to ds • er.—: leas:d. Mr. g , Th - wee Mr. e co it the 1 St m ed an is o : eive : nty a : oose h. of° one w: are re • e R arewe ist Ili a lax gent f r their Tea week P stor arri will he. 3,rd : • lea, • • e a a • ening, a :ion harp. ap • e g • on th: at aid ii an : e p. • a D: own lc w Th saki' thee Is sir pleas ' . older f than s back antic() vo da si e e a to :y - , Janes ty Agri- :e d i e le y ne ns a r e v. e e ey —he of • ed a re era o on H ear ad t hi 1: n y- s a affair. solve w c an • • eider- those he of e .But point- astlee pm all m as G. Jo -di a n w o :oodly tOtOt8, ye r liv atu so la emits, ' eddy ted hint' mu everseconded earl enjoy . pros ;from- to (Auer, h ed lIenry, : lbion sty cco a JO pe p al op ec tf,er ea , 8, en s genial iriende -t rest- CO t • f te es, greet, ist . ndi take oubl sine ode netts . is the will im- to and un- .— in.g ars. the rge . it are and -.of ing. uc- ons ith has ies of and• rly of ing 'It r. er- rch on- an, ew re- the in ch or ip en the tel, he in to he re- a.t, on as he the *as re n- of re ne salt at ealt and that ng in to it. x- — ce ng ek es ie he- ly e al i ' o a 1 e the: no, etys se- or e: nt r ut 90 '2r of p or but an 'on1 les.i. He fl tihe; »4 w1 i NO Ii r ds aa proficieacy, _and sorae and, at the „won- .• essay, in In the more First C the lin side Ar degrees scholar certific: prizes : deeds to more e We cal career it has leen shall h. fession HOT • Walton sold ell mortga lessee, $700 owl'. ' is ahem • Geri at pre treble tarn, —Mrs. is feare dents , el Domin EDU correct dance : ending is basses totality, ficienc Maxwe third—a --3rd, Andrew Junioe Hannah. Adam: drew bert Second Embry, Garnias. THE rains hive the only rust in extra go i the far for a numbe ACCHIENTS. 10th ,ConoesSion, bank :barn, Peter. Pete Kroft,f ing, and over, he a ben and day as line, wits them kicked • • junng is doubtful. • Ace inst., a Of Mn) three Or of whem in the,act fell, _kisockin_ -self, breaking knee. ed, par could ed, so fence aid oontri her su elude n aocide her as toner c ried h mile, and Zurich, in due •She is under the that, Wth care, it will be little o used tb where little , • greate and on the foil Cou • Howio ed to nig that the 1 equivelent ' An ac tion s Carrick municiisality authorezing impro towns ick Council No action MoMiehael the fanailies Watson, passed bills will - the service has beep. the R:tve. other • • until - then t FOR d —Thee throu n . • r 1 1 D4g. ; Gran ' vi I a t : to woi e Some . the o . were i vince 1 - 1 eleruseeee. . to rney, 1 ldwatch . go : crowd Thur., tache. crowd his pc ; not prevent ; ing to I hones' turnec I day, 1 recom • Meseerc.— I Georae • witlit'IN 24th nit. i Kerr officiated i Secret and ot - a ot the priz• the la M. B. e lebr ass ho versit El and of B. hips, tee of nd the be juts ample all wi ma ay be in ve no e has L SOLD kn w Mends, ,e. M • as t'ne B half a lassies ouree ; nation, English 1 even 1 tattling I ma , F• 1 by the three Class he best ad, • are is one e man. ad so, he e pre- erby in el was under resent sum of there is a new 56x40. ill. It resi- ' on , .. is the atten- diforris, punc- pro- Ellen , Senior Fen, Little. 2d 4th, An- Her- i Junior Blanche Reuben and is, for look ee of . srn . a large up this of the ,•a lava] Mr.D assist- nearly • tim- same ; one. of in- • - 27th child with • eldest age, was she on her- the she • eontriv- th e 4o doubt , to ey con - of the to suf- car - half a to I arrived limb. is hoped goo d d till she The e of age, school, with her 'ed the or her, ool on h pee her ting of ask- repairs a sum Hoviick. Clerk of of that ' $25 in that How- r. sum. om Dr. nce on a Mrs. I to . be unles's k d as e ions of ber of , journed .July, 1 : passed ' • y morn- ! special ' .passage Bay, from 1 _y they Pre -.- . , ' At- yaluable h the here on it at- in the d from could fall- an :and re- 'llowine e somely ! i of St. laid the J. K. Grand i ' ; Lodge. , • The ed Some and great gether the , Stanley . peels, eeeonded , aseessment nod. by art for and o t 5 .. ee give for aod by ranee, for roads Carried. ed give the $10, bills—Carried.ved seconded Council beet p., on field. utes The borough lotvance cessions, cOnsidered. heard road structed all the fiom Moved Eleie to through the road approaches south state M that $2 the to School the - Cerried. ended de called of ported Gray's Lean culvert $9, aothorized c the a T p ol p namber money between was peovh•ng slim. Robt. sem the next was Made ttavel. me 12th of le been Miles, fourth'. be, it t. tu ad Hastings possible 1 p cunt t be , at I 17th 1 • the ! was ties, quantity cliothes : a 1 , while ' hOrse lines turne4 it., i tile cleared ' very orrehis badly neither in boast post the - other of alike postmaster, ed part, •Grant, ground joining commodious is tad occasion wall satisfactorilYfoin 300 Masons bein acco g *IP raajority ley th 1 r wi a a g attendenc.e w: ----- - Ur On i X . 00 it p tirketo s co reduce f4cY tieing in .. a, ; :..• • 7 $t .) III 0 qu it de be sa it. is : o 0 • • 0 d: didates, years. 1. 1. se . • p day, C 9, s Sellars'. It w:ek air. to a : p: Damage sad gdnal-hearted ta is. Damage's neighbor tol li. li w of, hdree wheat it tab, d arle Tie hits promises w: than ,,,, thus other it dc Me fail. ofi re h the Ward anaised uher Iles fete, to wi I Do ul so Di te ”_ lb va 't.' tit !Reek was icn re D itaiviug 30 o a .zo x) NIonday —tea tr )c ev :ie.- W ;hit Would ,he ovl end foe ternonstration est m tainiui h+ bffered, ces TORII m ee tl Pi p Ea 1, la di di ie ea lad . - , . DISTRICT MATTERS. ._ _ uncese de DUNCAN.—Now get bargains'in Dry Goods, ales, Clothing, Hats and Caps, oes, Groceries,- &e. Duncan & Once this week -to clear their; 'their large general stook.'.of - drY goods to make room tOt this fall. 655 •. , Femmes' Noerca.—We are mill feed in lots of not less than following prices: Bran, $8 per 0 per ton. A. W. Oorr,vrE & FEES -It AnnIveLs thisweek ' um, Grocery, Fresh Finan loiters, Mixed Pickles, Digestive t, Salad. Oil, Burnett's best Extracts, tn. Flour, Coleman's Mustard, Coleman's • It . 0 's Azure Blue, eta., ete.,, The the market are always to be bad eery, PeatOrth. LADDLAN a FAIRLEY. THE GREAT SUCCESS. 7--- the exclusive agency for the reat Suocess" Cigar, we Offer it ee to hotel keepers and the public g superior to any Cigar in the A. e price. It has met with great a/aimed es FAME -57, Seafinth. is the Millinery and Boots and Dattean will Millinery and staple and 1 e importa- arS ndw sell- half a ton, at ton ; shorts, Co., Big Mills, - 56 ti at the Haddies, Fresh. Pickles, Celery Durham Starch, best goods at the Central 2-656. - Having se- sale of the with all confi- generally as market at the success. Try •656 • St dts'uNcie.—At t e t Councilb it was in v b . y roll b An•ally Moved by r. Mr. McKinley, that order for 422. 0 repairing side road 6, Browns° and Moved by ded by Mr. Castle, his statute leber een Iota 10 anc, 14, Carried. Mo ed: Mr astle 00 nded by . , an order for 6: surveying side road 16, co-ncessioh. 15—Carni Mr. Castle, telonded that the dossncillots the jobs let en as soon as said Movediby by Mr. MeKilley, an order tol the estate of the Pate being disc 'n by Mn do now Saturday in . m.—Carried. dY• ' last.mee ere bei , n d y Douglas, pe Dougla the to Wise. / bete Gest Mr. To that It' , on eid conees by Mr. that , , to MrjB b4e.c I I the dif jobs Mr. Gas , a that adm h cei Rob _ t on C by orranoe Urn to n gust,. at . HOOL EXA11 Ralston. Of t gi a Hi h atm. g Monday 1 at, and v, showing clearl • ad been eking goo. The he ' A, . mas e scholars on ti. hown, an also on disciplin he had It s much • e attend •ce of v L.: A t is 'a gre t gralausa ent to I upils t. d friends resent li witness practicd the Progr as the . .. enters ay be a reek andiGeome 1,, e shaky i . Enelizsa - 0 faience do ranch go .cheerm and eta ren. *. Th junior c for • the :holiday dents co ntinue t eeks lonser, as na' y prepaid a g for th: ird-class examinat BALITIefa—Mr. nt en , to . Ole she Se Sun on D: TIONA stan-di t Sch..1 lune 3,1 on good Fo 1, 3d, st, Jo third—; Agari Elliott. bry, msay, 1st, 3rd, J:nnie . Morris. aged in J. Maxwell: • is at llnot . . me . —Th sg of t 'Sect th, 1880. i•:dular donduct, th- Form Thos. niMathers, gar, st, aid, A, Seniar 2 . , Jennie th; Lizzie in. Sellars, Sellars, . D. J. McCasey erecting Size, present very recover.—The 'ad a big time following e pupils in on No. 8, The standing attendance, and general — lsti Mathers. 2d, Ada. th, Maggie; euben JeWitt, nie jacksem, second—lab, Budd, 3ed, Cox. 2d, 4th, 1 I• MOWING- MATCH.—The annual ' g match under the auspices uron Farmers' and Mechanics' dation will be held at Wednesday next. Machines on- the gronnd and commence work by the forenoon. The prizes e the same as ill former matches. MOW- of the .As- Bruce:field must be ready 10 o'clock and rules , examination on Tues - were 36 can - 12 to 20 following 8, Mc - Hibbert 2, 2. The re- ten days. , • • GOOD mg of he MK epurpos .plication a s were covered while t 2 o $ ig mule as ay month 26 appli.ations, o ce -of . Comp I. The thin -its appeeciat. out the g, and • ot oaly ity will .and That existence y were and good ben,. el to Ifur farmers rmane'no meg withept e may this that whieh upon t is partic XPOSITO 1 lie eur id per than „Nth Ms a. e 1 neither -n disap the ,Commt i] Kil • a .. ri t • 416 , .i. say .• $67,100. ,ny • aompany all ca ae jud t el'or see hell dea It a ' 1128 :Iso Cosa of as h t se esta a nee. e eeo le th tould hist a : USINES• o Insu of exa for in sage nu cepted. ks to t e• rem As s an ity of that to last . r T no agricult' istrict a it thor that ntinue b a con °ions is will the fir a porti •ewhat - aloof, . of urg has no • till the ,c that cam being: MICE) 8 ny nrgi say t pany i est of ve been same laxly : was tae lishmen e f u lly • r e u the 1 mone b kept : of of whic 0 • ted. I NTRANCE—The entrance a held in the Public School yr and. Wednesday. There whose ages vary from They came from the .es : Seaforth 9, Egmondville op , 9, Tuckeramith -4, y 1, Stanley 1, Morris ts will be known in about • 1 , , Tuoiter !COUNCIL MBET NG.---ThO Monday at tong's All the m roibers of last meeti g application tf to have he between the Ho R. A.,; Pa' ties and a by law was passed, and to notif fences and . her said road alldwance before the 15th by Mr. Nigh, 0 : that Mr. Welker procure two geiteS Mr. Brbadfoot's time the bric10 unfit for tr v to th side of the ri of re pair+ Mundell, seciended Dr. Campbell for medicinel aupplie r. Ahlborne—Oarried.' r. Nigh, second' d 0 Reeve and Treesurer pay over to the Board thb school fund tp Moved by by Mr.' El ie, now adjourn te by the Re ve—Carrie - smith, pre' read anti . the Mee origins, 4th opened inter for the all paeti obettr rem day second to alloc is buil& 1, and mall er put ame " d by be pai b - M. y Treasu interest to the Mr. that meet ( Ho ,:ar ere Cl of be ft t bri i 4 NI he as !II t E . • THE, PUBLIC SCHOOL.—The midssuna- r examinations of the different de- rtments of the Seaforth,Public School take place as follows : This, Fri- Miss Mabee's in the forenoon, and iss Shaw's in .the afternoon. On onds.y, Miss Ross'; on Tuesday, Miss wan's: on Wednesday, Miss Ander- on Thursday and. Friday, Mr. The school will elose for the lidanext. .ys on Friday night .. 1CRORS4 gre terror he fell d in era a 1 ge. yi of . „ on from whea fell wi broke Mr. Pb unhi e • nlna so ENT.— Alice R. E: four is a of' They icula t sta ehow car tin , g - , enngs. let t, who stance, ing he. r hom d for D time as a- doing 7 ,-, cir.snistar.ces, s will nb able to le, alt acoom he was laymates, -sorro their wing • Hay. The tlY revived 'four *heat. t e townhi e Making aid, as n ve .,barns Mr. Jas, was Friday, Stephen,'r. the. raising kit mece 'is 1eg.i flip Raeder, oiling h m in onions In S ud id abel .rett , • her little sut 11 • mbing ;own a e leg' • are all So when 11 to walk. o get t her a t dan h g Getting u r. Eacrett •inmediately and found tily. •1 , a distance seatched Buchanan, set • well • ful treatment be nany be 'around ugh not any her a greet who • and y ho. 1 ends, , • , 'decent refreshing the crops, farmers now The crepe t p, and arrangements there are . going Raedee, raising at whieh was was, of framed On the following on the his horses the abdomen, y that his recovery ay last, the the youngest n company girls, the years of over a feace heavy reit la little above terribly feighten- they fotand They h back , heroder few rods, unintentiotally, tired, t know hurried the little 1 He at once of over Mr. lilartin, who ' the injured s can be eXpected, and'it a p weeks agaias. five year sister to favorite expres "• ympathy o from se alled. t y oa e o , • Ma DEiAtAG-E'S DiATH. — We last referred to the serious illness ' of Delmage, late policeman of Sea- h. The St. Marys Journal of Fri- y says : We regret to record that the ralysis which strtick down Mr. -E. W. a week ago Saturday, ternain- fatally. He was ttne of the most and honorable men in s neighborhood, and his early demise universally regretted. In Mr iernovale by death a good and estimable citizen is Yost us, and the respect in which he was Id by the community was shown by e large funeral cortege which follow- his remains to their loag home. He ed and died lyithout reproach. - * a t ! riae, r ' e as t i e s, re o n • • . a, The I en er a eu al) 'w • n ni : y pa, :ti cw -: n • oc • ' ts a ; th o • : r a: t n I of 1 i . in. n c ed hursIay 11 me. - e 13t . smile ruck eo co 66 4, an. 6 :rs of • sons , etc, belie th .onces- im •ortant - rlock dies a airy t be he ••ell .'is • ng fr u tore, (world • W as a tute ulle • his ph incite ment • ecia s, in der : eve 1. woo large in a o hing is wo d•1 d•• dily i. a the d pla a won. 'rave' in t L e 9, , c foir y n b: n os d • • -11 o e men 'is A NEW KIND OF WHEAT.—Last fall, ile visiting in Ohio, Mr. Geo. Sproat, Tackeramith, purchased and brought with , him a few bushels of fall for seed, of the varietyknownas l"He sowed this wheat on his and showed us A sample on•Tues- y. The heads are now well-filled and plump, square, and of coed size. straw, also, is strong and clean. ' It stood the winter well, ad now a very heavy crop.' This , ea was Sown about three weeks later the. other varieties on his farm, a it headed out fully a week earlier spring. It has done well on the side, and from his experience of Mr. %ere -at is perfectly satisfied it will equally well here. He intends sow- a much larger breadth of it next _ e TOWN GOUNCIL.—At the last meeting the Town Council Mr. Strong gave toe that at the next -council meeting would introduce aby-law to alter boundary between the North and rSOuth dardsIt seems that theSouth contains more than the statutory of voters, while the North Ward not so many. It is proposed, there- . to take fron.a the former and -add. ' the latter. This by-law, however, ' not likely effect the forthcoming ons, as the voters' list must, of no- etim sity, be out before the by-law is pass- ' Mr. M. P. Hayes was allowed a 06thission of el• of 1 per cent., as a cam- 1 salon for selling the water -works de- u tures. The commission amonta to .75, which is, certainly, very reason- c remuneration, considering the ad- - tageous sale made. The Street mrnittee wore instructed to have the :sties and other foul weeds on the streets cat down. A grant of $150 made to the Water -Works Gale -bra- Committee, in accordance with the iciest of that committee. The. Street Inmate° reported that, Mr. Downei declined to carry out his gravel tract, they had awareledthe contract Mr. John McMann, who was the next ' est tenderefor the sum of $2.35 per . d. Atter passing a number of ac- nts the council adjourned to meet on evening, July 12th. • - -- : •---- . HE OPENING OF THE WATER- WORICS. meeting of the committee to make augementst'for a celebration on the asion of the opening of the water- rke in this town, held on Friday. nine last, it was resolved to have the ehridion on Tuesday„,July 27. The rli.'S will be ready for opening before time, but it was thought that be the most convenient -time for ' farming coneraunity, as the fall- . ; eat harvest will then likely be Wier, • the spring crops- will not be ready ' harvesting. It was decided that the . i will consist of a thorough , .1 of the works, a Firemen's. tourna- nt in which it is expected that the companies in the vicinity will e part and compete for liberal prizes to to conclude evith a grand pro - sion consiSting of the members of the Connell, the Fire Brigades, the sonic, Odslfellows' and Foresters' hod - , the High and Public School Boards, teachers and pupils of the High and bile t‘chools, foul the Voluuteer com- ny. All this wills be in the foreuoon. -Tuesday1 the afternoon it is proposed to havepulpit.s ic-nic in Mr. James Beattie's grove { -licit the Members of Parliament for counties of Huron and Perth, and: Wardell of Huron and others, have' ei invited to deliver suitable address- There will also be swings, croquet, , other sources of amusement fur both ' , ., . Tun THE COUNCIL. --1- Turnberry C having 1ei bridge to for $60, and on gra,velir job finishedt to let lvert on concesei r. Hennings veals culvert on cohcessionS d let the job oil e sum of $3 . n a r nded i rep i the River Alai esented, signed of others to impr Cokes resolved to emend ' Culros A petition Graham and of money to north end o Griffin au to inspect t Meeting of instructed passable It was by G • t - ion passed b f April,• o in $250 to Mr. b • ,Wartee e rescm stirveyed at. Esq., whd less than. and price a fi resolved that sum of $200, the mover ba and m:ke to that atter be laid oe • resolution was yment of $100 of drain ensaction of so - s the ou r -sines, C Patterson's J 1 - Ill Y• B BUliGLARL—O fruit store adj broken into and $5 take of ciga were ta r - t h b res s have ee I ACCIDENT. -0 Mr. Thos. on the broke. Th against tile throwine the le h b wli•- orse, ic himself of badly. Mr.i right si cut. Mr himself the races on Orli- POST Oer of one of office buildirge country. Indeed village in Brussels, can creditable Mr. it. The block, was erected. It is two floor is a this is a grodery the post office. up for officp. . • I u a instructed repairing aii le 1 i a : 1 o • o a. 310 .1:erten. this e li do at t i 1 a enthori 1 lot er passed to e ' a a1 o u Ming y,some s eu Hall riting horse' driver , the Hall e, Iall hersday. c4.—Bross I the: e, ampere 0 . last storeys:hi pz•ivate bp1snthd1y • berry. t the cil • U a job essrs. a job ad to ,Mr. job of ns 10 ordered West d. 4 raying the = nd Tur $15 rant •• as pree -others, .'prove M. Hislop road -ncil. have d safe 'yea, by 00111 d t ar . o stings , e th laid , ound ' was lower, . Hasitir a a thet an ; if untilne eut A. Clegt `ontraet. , furth0r a clJour • lel, Blies sels: I neSday Leas - Out of iand. filli away. made Monday was Parl , the for at the sulky got and is aboi horse best in tha we Provine the villa R. Grant Of which sunar store, The seco: The , le r. . o C; o A. „B an. 1 i S p fc be] i an E t Ga 1G mei It B . t f r o i it in el tie n., ' i 4 : ' ni the I i s bei a tht tc - E di wi , ha: I n 1 OST . Joseph • , ta ort or pia f h : leshto Islip Is an ore ung 's Seafol$ the They a and s e fe nd eelliad : cquainte In e = forth, : foond ed hhtel, for time ired Constal e sent ave r. t trail he iliemIhe it $ the, el'r Beittti Much at. the Weir Kidd anal -re talkin o, thel Idle k tlii log - Thoma harlea:C bout 1 I, at ar 1 isto 1 y- his c thati been i eci iofit atnien • i les .. -e-----• IEF.1.— ben: r in 0 h a at . - av is t s and un ci ins, ig t lih diid no ave T ueker- e -1 - r s are I• , AND lad wit 800. ed t s pau n h ed f loo missipg lads mor la .w ace• the nit the : • t had jet, G trail: the to 1 th • Dun to oun f H ,, au c frieh In boys ea In wed aft pra Mayo • eir • trail 1- -1.• 4'• ilY cit el f t rap: the. tree from t ' , a : I e 8 n. -o eel. r y d ia .e money. ' t a a' as 1 : e. he oIerich 0 ‘, aided° t ru . en h est r to, bi e .1 ' • n1 a 3 t 'el. 't itwo, as . I .o -d v ehe hey ND. idd, out che he la, pack - Wh• chum! found. .m his for i the ding On he : dismo sibti ask He is fri amoon onin -the their d h rich 1 1 o' sista e Dun oys. was e be d all eturn ad t 1 he y cued of d, au p1eikdns nano givine and • of .orb dismi artur The arve y fro'- sof a , is t H town El. On enc y in Ch bated . em, t g rece die 1 AND , ba ell* = , havi • g me of dare :r, wa , my a n e, ac be their nas • g ad -ante.: o ta. e give j trust ngi: e an. a rev v f a ru os 1 h t . ave • is a. or, • ortl • iii • rites but • tally e -bee ted,.e 11 ring tIie ,I. n ab nt • : rty b o h , e ay n - • B. 0 ere n be p pas h • in the o r t . t te th a. e u le: ea ed 1 ng ig f ieclIbtra lin: as a is hi :e e a n t I T t • eb oieasion a . I. a -n nitre , Mr. fine ouse t las, the far prat f leap on f •ood, ooda n pe .seati sa co entirely nape ' oed : par ed, release. .moni:lw ng, = At am ost s ent. che—A 'Councl rite to Conn How to was statin; tha ng the p and would take of cans- to the be P: fot rend pcounts the thir• ! meet • Ho -wick. the. the the Reeve il to 'expend ck - boundary that read f that lad pe.ssed expenditure boundary : owick, grant . An $36 for if MrP• d. it i effect id by which red by A. ter passing the Wednesday i ' Gor last me plerk was instruct- of Mil*, on • pent by rom the the Councis a reeolution of betWeen providin a simil account f attend King a resolution. that no -.doctors' the Council i payment • inetruc a nu Council a iti ie. „Fo IPS • ould o far e 'sense It NG.— over teen 0. eny t is .ag `uncit 1 r p eure . will • is 'flu E MEM! t r fa,clor and ' b tter, 'avis 0 ived• ly do —W • . of Eu Ellie e last..1 r the es prep a s nd,' soaking s e eve a near are y el Y ne s an tOn, about of p eased : a is nive 40 1 e has f 'he he r hips a.tur - , . — d :in, la set cce. .1 1 ' us esc al clear t intur he yield o n • sl;— d : s t on t , . r ' C, it,, ,, la rd fdt t' le 1.. • ' - a ilv . f: a M ero a.nie at or, d t te IA ' Th i rin de T ly, - 1 g e e w he t it er i au w • ed st t • s. q a Of i o am h::r ty, ' he ; eg, w.ri ar le h.on fe tL er his P sl or r. : of e p in noue I :.. F 'no g he : rel. n a es 1 it a o r 1 r :. • ear t th t e NI,O1 3intances t reY, a, • Medicin in now who i ilea t ee ed • e ed that erop, are . arve:t. ased 1 Soh ill wi suffe .„ . ohn the remis-s good for : d ic 0 w i u fu ut a s anagem le- fro he co ason. ug to daug occur been i• anent so sud She w: d and arm ourn Irr friend ir la utire • don an. gradu: of his • the .1 ext , has ' . a a hig , B. A he oh for and g _ 1 TIIE CA were li Godedch hey retched, Trunk e Ont:rio on the mong a country, rench f Quebec. IraL� e w of pee ay, th to a t was ket, ales it the little b it to r whiah ensed..1 s Clue asoniC P ry, R. er offic • I ode. . -ADA 1401 on I • ' train, for Canada t ern Were but e anadians 1 Our is, Lege .1 i se 'naming le ' ara 24th ult. Is ight ribbon, : ecidentally its 1oreak • ound v discovered Ii r. Lewis be . he co ch, loner t Gr assisted . Bother rs of - ioh. PACIFIC RlkiLRoiD. navvies Wednesd „ here on . d k an too Thunder PacificailwaY- emigr4its • • pr from tihe •. ponnty Crown lost a • th meg esebled He hctd. an jerk hght . guard ng lease ailed Fortunately, it the f was hen ner stone oderich, etas on Thursday, rid. Master by the J. J.:Mason, the Grand 1 the I.: e d a ex , i, -e ge the p will all A • wi ay. Mar- tv 1 h.' t ap to ' pot -toes. po an i P P eund eo eg do - s o T he 'orally c esent ra i read housed; turned 1 ncoupr Mr. Johni went t * - mann -an a t t lank Mrs • tenth, for oes. Th dry for , Ho 1 Art ti y re t • ar al • 84 t t' efiret s e., 1 la is and result - respect procession, town in miles, to - spectators, e. ing of the g no ap- . Castle, that the ssed—Car- s, seconded Reeve give celinchey een lots 5 en lines— rrance, see - Fail McGill to road be- sions 4 and Torrance, the Reeve ay,P. L. S., 'eon lots 15 d. Moved y Mr. Tor - give orders erent side are done— tle, second - the Reeve strator of t Reid for onsolidated Mr. Castle, that this eet on the two o'clock (moil met tel, Bruce - sent. Min- i. tars. Lands - road al - id 5th1 cers- • out, was sted were ening said, ark was in- s to have 'actions on oved there - June, 1881. Led by Mr. authorized a passage rm during g and the o have the ge on the n a proper Moved by r. Hannah, the sum of o the late Moved by Elgie, that authorized er of the accrued on. of July— ndell, sec - is 'Council gain when st meeting Griffin re- f repairing alder de Mc - f repairing McLeod fon extort was building a 11, lot 12. to examine and 5,1ot 1, f necessary. to be ex- treet, south etition was ffery and a in a grant of ndary line nberry. It n this work equivalent ented from eking for a he road at ham's lot. ere author- . report at In. Henning alt's bridge for public J. Henning, That the cil on the he payment r road al- oad having t by C. F. about one- derstood to therefore be gs be paid Mr. Black. to see Mr. reement if t, that the xt meeting. lionizing the torn on ac - After the uimportant ed to meet ale, on the night last, ens' grocery known par - till, also a , and some As yet no vening last, eeding his , one of the ng suddenly sulky struk ward under same time, breaking it bad bruise horse was t again, but ok any part els can now nd neatest section of ubt if any , of the size th it. Ibis e and the , who erect - it forms a er, by Mr. h. On the k, and ad- nished and. xt to which d fiat is fit - oat office is eTutiV 2, 1.880. rfitted up with every tt onvenience for the comfort and safety of the public, and facility in the dispatch of business. We hope Mr. Grant's enterprise may prove remunerative to hint. i iv LARGE SHIMENT.---N essrs. Vans-tone Son, have, within thi aat ten days, shipped to Glasgow; Scotland, 1,300 sacks and- 800 barrels of flour, making in all 21 car loads. This is a splendid shipment, and tee trust it will prove profitable to our enterprising townsmen. A RARE Neee.—On Tuesday, June 15th, Mr. Robert Holmes, of the 8th concession of Morris, in plowing a sum- mer fallow, turned over a nest of mud turtles, containing' forty eggs. The eggs are very round, in shape, and are about three inches in circumferace. Mr. Thos. Kelly, of Bruseels, who once own- ed the farm, says he never knew of any turtles being on the place, but that the farm, in old times, Was the resort of beavers, otters and wild fowl, many of which fell victims to his shot gun. CRICKET.—A cricket match between Lucknow and Brussels, on the Brussells ground, was played. on Tuesday last, which resulted in a drawn game. The game not starting until 2 P. M., the wickets were drawn at 7:30 P. M. For Brussels first innings the principal scores were made h'y H. Chapman, 14, with 2 two's and 10 single, C. R. Cooper, 18 and not out, composed of 6 two's and balance singles. In their second inn- ings J. Campbell scored 20, composed. of a 4, 3*, and 2 two's, balance singles; G. E. Cooper, 14, all singles. For Luck - now the principal scores were, Rock- ledge, 11. and D. Kennedy, 17, compos- ed of 3, S two's, and singles. The field- ing, on the whole; was pretty fair. On time being called Lucknow had 14 runs to make, and two wiekets to go down, to complete their 2nd innings: 33, Zurich. COURT OF Rnvestoie AND APPEAL.— The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment on Saturday, June 19th. Moved by Mr. Moritz, seconded by Mr. Char- ters, that further changes' be made in the assessment roll as follows, viz.: Wm. Broderick reduced $200, south- east corner lot 12, concession 9; north half of north half 15, concession 8, -and north part 11, concession 15, be taken from Noah Bechtel and assessed to Samuel Bennie; west half of north half lot 25, concession 10, charged to W. Wainer, and south half 13, conces- sion 4, to' John Corbett—Carried. Moved by Mr. Kalbileisch, seconded by Mr. Charters, that the Court of Re- vision for 1880 be now closed. " —After adjournment the Council met on the call of the Reeve, the principal business being as follbws : Moved and carried, that J-. O'Brien be paid $27 for building a bridge on blind. line be- tween concessions 4 and 5. Mr. Hey - rock was authorized to let a job of deepening a ditch between lots 5 and 6, L. R. W. concession, and of grading the road on side line between lots 20 and 21. The Council adjourned to meet on the first Monday in August. Hii13 ett. Fon DAICOTA.,--Mr. Wm. T. Grieve, has returned from Dakota, and is so well pleased with that part of the coun- try that he has determined to sell his farm and go West. He has taken up land near Buffalo, about thirty-seven miles from Fargo. Mr. Robert Ander- son, of Stanley, went with Mr. Grieve, and. has taken up land adjoining his. Mr. John Adams, late of McKillop, is also located. in the same neighborhood. e. Gray. ACCIDENT.—A young lad, son of Mrs. Clark, of Concession 16, while working with. a scythe, last week, out his leg badly, but under medical care he will soon be around again.. STRANeE PREDICAMENT.—On going to the field one morning lately, Mr. Thos._ Cardiff, Lot 10, C0i3.1. 13, found a, year- ling heifer in a rather strange predica- /neut. It appears that the day before he brought home a set of iron harrows and left them standing against a fence, in a summer fallow field, into which his stock had access. The animal in ques- tion by some means, ,during the night, got its head and frotitleet in one of the sections of the harrow, and. when found was lying on the greand in an exhaust- ed eondition from its endeavors to extri- cate itself. Mr. Cardiff at once set to work to release the animal, but could not do so until he procured. a wrench and chisel, aud unbolted and took the harrow apart. Beyond a few slight cuts about the head and legs, the animal was none the worse. Meltin.op. 'ANOTHER NEW RARN.—Mr. Samuel Dickson, of Seatorth, is erecting a new. bank barn, 66x40 feet, on his farm east of Leadbury. Mr. David Clarke has the contract, and isimaking a first class job of it. THE ROXBORO MILL.—ML. George Pearce, late of Mitehell, has leased. the Roxboro Flouring Mill, and is now run- ning it. Mr. Peardelis a thoroughly ex- perienced miller, and will, we hope, succeed. in workingew a good business in this establishmeht. If he receives the necessary petrel:Sage we are sure he will give satisfactiont BOUGHT A FAR31.1-H-Mr. Isaac Carry', of the 9th concessiOrt of McKillop, has purchased the farm owned by Mr. Isaiah Halle of the 12th concession of Grey, paying for it 'the sum of $3,600. The farm &insists of 100 acres, 70 of which are cleared. He intends to set- tle on it in the fall; Mr. Hall is a t present in Manitoba,, and intends pur- chasing land in that Province. Goon WORK.—MF. James Dowkes and an assistant, on Friday, June 18th, commenced to chop down, hew and frame the timber neoessary for an addi- tion to the barn of Mr. Thomas Angus, of the 13th concession. This addition consisted of four bents, together with main plate, purlin :plate and sleepers, and was erected on Monday, June 28th, Mr. Dowkes losing is. day and a half, on. which he did. not Work at framing the timber. This is considered very fast wors. NEW BARN.—Mn Thomas Davidson of the 13th concession., had a large barn erected on his pretaises a short time ago, and as the usual custom on these occasions is to seleet, captains to choose their respective side,: so on this occa- sion. The captains were James David- son and Wm. Cameron. After select- ing their men they went to work in real earnest, and atter a rather severe struggle Mr. Cameren came out the victor. After the building had been erected, they repaired to where the tables were set and where the supper REM COMME WHEN WE 13EL ONE MANI" ALE. CR1C MO!0/ilti JUNE 21 'IN4ILL OFFER ALL OUR REX /Vivre gm' , aFaTitheirensisiltigiqilt nt chancelet EMBRACING' OVEtt ew UNORD 1 rTCEs PAllriceplittoeClreett- Psi-eats to .i ay tyles, at tint li) N' ClIgA GOOD . RESSESER , For "OUR GIELS." The 'Ends ivary in lengi I froin Two to 6pc Yards. i MILLI ERY DE A liTMEN Received WM week, w L4 of Silk Satin Pompadour and PtIaii P.A.EASOLS. a),New Lot pi dies' and Iisses1 Corsets. WE A E OPPEWISO No Ladies Kisses' and neve White and -Cola STRAW '1=1" TS at Greatl Peduced Prices. - READIYIIIA DE CLOTH N DpART11,1EXT. 1 in the Doper ment !of SUMME AII GOODSG°M°Ititel Down 10 31'er Cot. CARPEJTSI AND 'OIL :LOTH A Nice Varie4 of Pattermi to Cladose from, an all at Old P4icesI1or this Moliath. I I ' • e OUR R. HALL Who Sailed on taturday last for England . SCOtland to *.iy ouri i FALLA b WItE-R 1 STOO Writes 'as from i Montreal that Wholesale Me cloints there ook .fo• Another A vanee it all Sorts o Woolen Gloods.1 i - Customers would do welli to buy early at th very low prit ea Goods are stip offe at the 777 THREE SEVENS The Chei4st lry Goods use la the downy. A C44 dORDIALT4 SOLICITED. A. G. opouafkl o 1 DireetImmpo_ ters Staple ha lteId8Fawnel ,.te Dry.Goods, Mantles, -- was alre dy I prepare , to which a present • id [ample jhstice, The di mensions of this barn: ie 60 her 30 fee and whe a finished witll be one of th best in hisj townsleep. Mr. Jame Dowkes, f the 12th concessitm, laid oat the plans and frame& the bolding. W hope th-atl Mri Davidso ma long liv to see hi4 barn filled ,-each and ever year with a bOuntiful drop. ROUGH N TgE MOB i NS. During t latter partt of last we an uhsuccess al attempt wasi made by at Mon -mo preacher and ihis frie ds to establish series of meetings on the 14h -conce smooth talk they gs, ii.ed the good wil sion of -this toWnship. I By tieing a littl of the trustee of mate of eur schoo sections', ho at once placed schoo house at he" disposal!. Their meeting were dill an ounce& if.nd commence but the t iiight showed the bitte feeling tilled las rising lup ag hist thee, and on t1ie Second iaight he peopl turned 0 t en masse ailid de ended th trustees t • quietly stoP thel meeting At first t e sohool fathers were as fa movable s the mountains, op logic b ing suffic ent po changcli theit °pintos : and one o them had the ainlacity • stand. up nd put the section idaeflana, The pro eedinge whilch then enstpa baffles de cription. While thiespreache was sped ing inside a i crowd was a ambled. -utside, hoottng and yelli and ind ging in all uorts of prauk on all sid e, and -a gen al ra lee seem e'• Threate tigs and war bags ere hear irate:tine/1 . As matter began to reac a climax, the trustees ivaUy touched that in t is case, at (least, discretio was betiter than yator, and a flounced hat the meetinge would b closed. The ormota are a class wh denounce every other aenomination the most bitter and eCandalhus terns:, hblding t eir own to- lins the i only an. true chu -ch. Under these Circumetta.. ces, and. noWing full -ken the opposi tion they meet with eterywhere„ it worse tla n hilly on the - part of schoe trustees a grant themi the use of the] school h use ; and wIld n a trustee wi i brace n and attera t to show li author]. -t in he facet of an opposm section, e will eventaplly discover th he has hjackd the Walter on himself. 1 I veesem ia your paper of the 2t nit. Ward's: Den al EMn. see by an. ult. tha Mr. Alex. Davidson, farm and hotel keeper, act uaes me of aerie ating and spreading al report that th disease of glanders exiSted amongst th horses belonging to mt. Christie., I not wish to be driven into a newsps controversy, and shallmerelY stateth I did not orig nate aay such report a that referred to. If in Christie, tla owner of the. horses, had not himse stated that he was ;a raid his hor were tak ng the diseasse, no doubt th rumor uld'not have got into circul tion. In conclusion, no one is bedt pleased at the result Of the veterin examination Of the 23rd ult.than your respectfully. ; 0n Wednesday 01 la 1js:wNeWekil'as SEAFoTtyfl, June 29, MO son of Mr. Geo. Baird, tea4her, Stan leyi was up on a tree Cutting a. switch 11 he missed his footing And fell, bre his left arm a little abeve the wrist. TITER W OL E, 3vEIT a:VAL WE AR OUR AT , Trimlniiws I RIMMED CA., AN AR At Great Ilea* ming,s and Silk and Tthmlied. CALL A 1;1" Remembe ittetetal Hot-eL HIL QUNG AL MAR - PILES Of And ALLRE- NO END Wool Bt DItIECIO CO'irr EVEK We are itt Pric REDUCE Previous to 'which bar. T terad The Large Assorte