HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-07-02, Page 5TL.Y 2, 1880. experienced annoy- s walking on the. part - To encourage: fast Mr. Chalmers offers ma a second prize of he best -and fastest hewn. The society a prize for the fastest rut of the Patron says L. visitors to Listowel (1 shocked by the ap- treet of an old couple, :degenerated through ink to about las de_ ion as possible. To orse, their constant L on the streets to ied the horror which trike one at first sight aeless one would sup - frequency of their tend to strengtlielz u the arglilneri t which im.er lire ents in favor "Ohl petty," how - died, has been but treete. for some weeks ;essdav morning she est. lIer departure Elie community which • be oiled. rest to hotel -keepers public, says a Brant - (sided at the last sit - 1k Court !there. The by J. P.' Curran, of l C. Palmer, of the: ,ntford, to recover the ed its contents," esti- -ash plantiff claimed ..rom. the hotel. The rill after breakfatt and out saying anything called at ten in the valise and found rudf e ruled in favor rsayiug that the land sed when the guest en became the clay trove his baggage or to -keeper's charge. His tiler act constituted nt to prevent his re-. had been -able to' ,ice on the landlord's evidence was ad - ,o qtr. Isaac Crocker„ ed through a terribly He was engagtd in fisting in l Iessrs. John :ndry. One hole was 1, and as he was plat- position to drib the nbraced the rapidly is brace e€lught in the twinkling of an eye, Auld reaob him his ae torn completelyoff his arms was badly lately not dangerous- .xw escape ; and Mr. [ends will belled to t resulted in. nohing tunteers were o ll, the Saturday :-Londole, they u Clarke of Logs the .loyal M decorated with 'led him by the it at pre* were n;, an lues, edale neer say he diatingu,'ished :Iemorable battles of i ukerman. He' was e of the Crimean war and although h has flair -breadth es apes,: eSth year; he de nares casion should demand = once more in defence bravo ; for the old l Ideas. acv contribution from the Wingham t'iete ina1 ideas and is well. g and reading :. -r some time back 1 re about writing a r, hut ut: time was at Ek of those wet days man not having any - 1 thought I would very goofs farm and esti we expect a good The road work is,j ast (rat,- and quite a few their time in. It is tztrely a mall works labor. it would be t1t count -"1 to charge :then lett the jobs. Bern put in an honest: c'hool is ; etting along Os do not send their i.rly. f.}Ile half of the r send their children. t=`Errk for them at +t want thein out of nth of attendance is ingth of the winter, elluatur we would_ r at the North role Fool teachers. Two I, iii our section are but I Hole they may then get another would make much ey are crammed too 4110uhl not a bay be up to be a school- a :•pend a boy to teaeh I away from home Staten ant%Tulin„ about 1 am of he opinion. aid bt= unich i ucreas- lei reaper agents, =rgaii sellers, . book A• ' were, compelled I f , i1,• we would 'i of knowing that =r the trouble they sues go. tq Bluevale usual :eta a ' crowd 't en wt et dered how eed how Latch they s. flow et. nag men vert n its in the mare. (,ould they r:; each evening in upper eteries ? for eel thevJ are very [ would - make any rte• privilege to sit Ett: a license to do so. ;Finn on an excursion What atime they Se they will hear the Latin, chemistry, -ee te=rn drill, and 'melee) like opera- Beholds. This will wrger crop next year.. :i go out and weed will write to you truly, CLODHOPPER. (>f Guelph, is chap - force in camp this JULY 2, 1880. General News Items. Since the opening ,of the season 450 irnmigrants have arrived in Ottawa, mostly •of the agricultural class: --The London Advertiser comments upon the. orderly conduct of the volun- teers encamped there during the week, And their respectful behaviour towards visitors. All of which speaks well for our young Canadian soldiery._ —The drainage of Manitoba Peniten- —Last F tiary has been attended to. It costs press •was nearly $2,000 a year to heat the institu- Forest, a la tion with stoves. The penitentiary re- taken with serve has been found to be poor land, fore the tra besides being too sinall. ered of a fin. —On Monday afternoon in London, was terribl a young soldier belonging to the 30th peocured fel Batallion, named Wm. H. Smith, was • apartment walking quietly along Dundas street, Orn the trai when he was set upon and badly wired Stip beaten by a gang of four city roughs. him to proc Three of them have been arrested. 1 Nash, of Fo —The prize fighting fraternity seems ed, and un to be well represented in Toronto at mother and present. Joe Goss has joined Ryan at are now a the Shakespeare Hotel, where several lady's nus other bruisers are stopping. They are day, and w closely watched by the police, who have thanks to t fears of an encounter being on foot officials in among them. _• _ avocation. —Farmers report from all parts f school t his missio native eacl ers and work. -; —The b of varia`iis ing to Itifr. burned last known how was saved. tlz�e. Waterl • • T Eu ON EXPOSITOR. s. &8 to inistera fin _build • and nds of i :. p ement obt. Bi::eti, Colli Sunday nig t. It the fire:.ri•'nated Loss, `.1,x00 ; i kixAgric ltu al for • iday tri t+•nl betwee . y passe ge he pain, i of n reach d boy. tin embarrass • ale. assista leered f ' t reachi a Larmr, re medi ;:1` est, was pro do gen ve• VI It er his child ar the Q • and arr s lout o skill o this ne He has o _boy No. 5' after Lennox and Addington and the adjoin- train. ing counties that the spring wheat crop —The ot er day i is so injured by rust that it will hardly belonging to an old v. be worth harvesting. The late heavy citizen'sgar en and rains have flooded the lowlands,g and ; of peas an other considerable _damage is done to :the , citizen impounded rmpouLded t growing crops. ed the poun keeper A gentleman recently returned from cow withoi t dame Winnipeg asserts that business in that i afterward t e injur p cityis much duUer than last year, and.i pound and fund th a thatnearly every merchant is' suffering , taken advanitage of h the you The po o do, bu an refe did the eonrtr • II 1 eci e g, as amla�was laborr i orest uc'tor cent d, butt ce and Ie ne ` orest whoen • ssist •. ptly.. sent ngwel. Th s Ho :1. T the 11' wi expre °, io s e Gran •d u4 ed to; numb f rni rt sh •e canto . ts bolo g - n ware as .ot Nath' . g used 'n O.1 a i den 1-11 akle� : 11 at on aer v. at on. t tact ce' • Imine bo d y e e n 1e r. g Truk xjectecl 'all the t e t t ondou a;co m: o ii, gat into a st eyed u iti y retable . T e •w and.i s tuo 1 o relp s t (e. 0 t s. from having surplus stoeka of over- .and ordered ordered goods. This circumstance will the cow. do much to cripple the natural expan- knew what aion of trade.there. = of -the alders —A telephone wire has- been erect- ; the `cow tha ed between Mr. Wm.. Goo. derh am's 1 her into th .hose, on Sherbourne street, Toronto, 1 never paid the fees o and one of the city churches, and on case stands et . prese , Sundays the sermons can be distinctly j for the pay ant of t.: d heard at the former place. The wire is ; the cow, is o . t of the Mu used for the benefit of Mrs. Gooderham, = citizen has lost hi: c who is an invalid. poundkeeper his fees, &. —Mr. Handford, late preacher in i man, by virtue of his pos Bond Street church, Toronto, is not out ; free. ff of trouble vest. Bailiffs• went tib his " —By a re rence o o r advter house on Saturday last to satisfy a i columns this week, it ilbe n claim of $27.taxes, and they departed , our old friers , Perry a is' Pa without making a seizure on Mr. Hand- appears in c stlier ap . ar.:1 tha ford giving them security for the I worn for a to g time • s . Th' amount. The gentleman's friends are i did advertise ent is 11 calcu making an effort to form a congregation , both. catch ' he eye d convi and retain Mr. Handforn as pastor. It ; mind. We now of • o • etter e is said' they have 29 names on the i .in favor of n erticl: th n the roll. • ! testimony of o many 4e. kno; —The • fiftieth anniversary of the , ecus, especia ly the 1 ati+.. ony, establishment of St. Andrew's Church ; who speak fr m.long "e: rs ofl congregation, Toronto (Rev. Mr, Mcs ; ance, as thes do, in f , o of t Donnell, pastor), w scelebrated last Killer. 11Ies.•rs. Perr Davis &1 Sabbath by special services in the new 1 Lawrence in '.rm us t • at they : s edifice; corner of Ring and • Srmcoe l polled to ree ew thei a • verti •: streets. In the morning the sermon bemuse the lain -Kill r s los was preached by the Rev. Donald Mac- 1 whit of its .opularit. •ut to: rae, Moderator of the General Assem- I the public ag++inst the I al eady bly, from the text Revelations xxii, 4 : i ons and cons antly lucre sing "And they shall see His face." . In the f eof base imittions, d other evening the service was conducted by ; mixtures, wh ch are b 'n sold Rev. Principal Grant. 1 market ; .ma a y of the ithoup —Samuel Clark, a farmer; some time I and only intes ded to ell n the ire ago resident near Ravenswood, was last ! tion of the ge nine Pain- filler. ; It ha week arrested for forging the names of become a co a mon pr .cti _e in, Coned some of his friends on accommodation ' of late, amons a certain lass of. deal paper, which he discounted and pock- I ers, to keep i • stock e 'e thing ilf it's; eted the proceeds. He was examined ' only cheap, p rticular n the 'I ,fedi. before a Sarnia magistrate and con- , cine line ; duct in a lit e . Bile hey o witted for trial. Clark seems to have • course have a large c lleetion f Rhes been doing this sort of 'thing for some c imitation articles, wh h they siibsti •I time, his victims bein. his own rela- : tute for the-enuine, henever a ens - tions, who, in order to keep matters : tomer happens to ce anon ;reen' quiet, bore with their losses, and said enough to allcw it. et onest d ealer nothing about it until patience had ought to realir e his po its n better, and; ceased to be a virtue. - , not on any ac .ount rep mend a are —In the township of Laird, Algoma, ticle to a fello v being, Or infiueec him, spring rains flooded a large po tien ofin any way i buyin an articl he the township and totally destroyed the knows-nothin 1 about, eNcept h t it, •harvest prospects of the settlers, many pays a good profit. Crelessl'eys in of ashore came there in straitened ter-{ this may cost ; life, a d r!o man 1 a a cumstances,end were looking forward I right to so tri e with ma tars of s ch'; to a good crop this year to free them great imports, ce. Pe ry Davis! P in - from their difficulties The late floods t Killer has bee' before he publigi for so have destroyed their hopes, as the land many years, a ashes s"ea. ily gr cv in is low and there is little or no natural public favor, ill we a s: tisfie here drainage ; their seed has perished; and ; is no better c re for o r t • ousa little their means for sustaining themselves Y ills than Perr Davis' P: u n -Kin ,nd in a new and wild country have van- re heartily re,ommen it =fished. .0 'dk. Ind ob r d a 1 a A fe tdas rty vis ted t. e alder and h: d nnioi$,l :offie' eper tit rlea::e. P ee. els and j.� Y �t :yed t4i ord:r to, sit o tole Iage a d sept 11 p ages. As t e he garant magee that s . icipa4ity t • e op, raid t d the de tion h s;„ot o le e • isin: that 4ill:r it h stele • ted t cep th 'dente • "rte n citi •fine� eeperi Pains Sten c e room ng, no ig o 1 catutiol numer rumbe; trashi in;thi4 Peri uta • —The St. Thomas Journal says . a tremendous rain storm passed over$that town on Friday. The thunder and `, Mn EDITOR —SIR : .11 lightning seemed to hover immediately cupy a fes li',es in y ur over the housetops, and "considerably schemes and ow me: n scared a good many of the gentler sex. I cumber of people empl•ya An ash tree at the east end of the town order to evadethe wor in was struck by the fluid and completely } statute labor ol1 the ro cls which e ly infer s in,keep ble, eve enefit,. selfish e find, selves hy, Si phalli in and ye n neig b•rlwo the DWs of the ; ountry no, the e of so tat life re uire of them. pecial y do we +: nd this the cas that lass of ou well -to d farm as he a been st ccessful i gett n i of a f w hunch':d acres of land who ' has bee • given, : is , fou Beetl j As thes:: sons c. a of' thus are fable to one o t o day: ou the reeds, tt e fathe , e ithout them ny reap :itle to a y of h s erty, i lap.‘ ther down o the menti •oll of h 's town hi or 'i polity, as join owners ith h" thus ea4liing t em the r first 1;s Munieipffil SN. 'idling. But not 84 He h s also nether in view, name y, that f redu taxation, acid bus ma -ing ot •specially is po rer neigh hours;) of his jus tare':; and in order t when the Asse or 'tonnes aro m asks how ucl personal prose has, Oh, o be s •re, he has non: you din's mean to say a farmer li has ne pe -sena propert ," say , sessor. " Cert t inly I do Si yon know ever one ass sled is a $100 worth of p:,rsonal p operty a span of horse beton s to t'other span t• Jack, And t span to Charley, and tl ' a oul claims the clew. and as r Ge he, of course, i a farme but can ut him on ssdew ss lei how, o save his two da = on And t us, you see, Mr. Editor, country he located in Formosa, and scheme of swi dling t e Mu began his labors among the Chinese and of taxes ad. rod work s conk aborigines there. His address was ex- ; doubt, with gra t satisf ction ceedingly interesting, being an account'' parties ill medi' tely con erue, of his labors and success III that dis 1 certainly shattered. A lady who witnessed the.i neighborhood, crash went into hysterics, and it was 1 woul na'turaJ feared by the neighbors that she . her- specs 1 interes" self had been struck by the thunderbolt. ! state as jposs' Medical aid had to be procured before 1 for their own she could be restored to consciousness. Oast ast of i —A bad runaway accident happen Yet, 'what dom ed in Port Hope, last Saturday after- who ter'the. noon. The mother.of Dr. Powers, and ; respe table ? her sister, Miss Jones, were starting for such Perseus a ride in a buggy, with et lad named ! day a ter day, Alfred Gracey as driver, when the horse, defr'i dtheir owing to the breaking of the rein, bolt- ed. The lad,in endeavoring to check the horse, was thrown over his bead, and was so seriously hurt that his life is despaired of. Mrs. Powers was thrown out a few yards from the starting point, but her lady 'companion was carried at a terrific speed some distance, when the carriage upset, throwing her out with great violence and causing her serious injury. • :Arespectably dressed man named Ge Irge Taylor was arrested on Saturday in oronto, for having stolen two eggs the door of a *grocery store on ueen street west. In the dock of the police court he acknowledged the of- fence. Turning to the magistrate he said, "Your honor, when I committed the offence I :did not know what I ;.was doing, not being able to pay my b I was turned away from the 11on which I had been staying, and wh took the eggs'I had not eaten anything for three days." The hollow cheeks of theprisoner, combined with his general air of respectability went far to confirm his story, and the case was dismissede —Last Sunday morning the service in Erskine Church, Toronto, was conduct- ed by Itev. Dr. McKay, the lately re- turned missionary from the Island of Formosa. Some nine years ago Dr. 111eltay was sent out to China by the Foreign Missionary` Committ e of the Presbyterian Church in Can a, and after visiting` the principal cities in that ard, ;e at n I n h i e ser r w, m 00 - paper o the ubte ages, a d roe r to in toffs fie days in the, r wn erydne on ould k a in as o a it we only ch is • ay the ei 1e. amo those home aint e find. .any rid ache.. ng, after ,y1 an, to wh andsat d, es - along 1, such liold •d to ✓ five and work -i.ving. prop- ssess- 111ici- ••self, Ori in h: t is p pose it g his e;lrs, (es - part clap this, nu]. and ty he Why, t 4s - owed d this iii , and other own ,mollany, th 'Ejn you. e, $ore V road." he Whole cir ality feted, no to !thole eUt not un4,'who �h' 4 they in y half hae e, per y are q • o the neighb s sr tent field. The more immediate object `have just auseitfor tom lsiint of the Doctor's visit to Canada at this see their ich neighbers ve' time is in connection with a movement ( the road ork t do tha hey to raise funds to establish a training I hundred acres, Id all be sus+ r: al in ed fa In o esu all wed to s Ce ty, nt, v be the true Fitt rotl_h • uplici y and sohem-i 1 it n :, e way I have describ rt rnly o + ABBE ssment Law i int is ;n , eat need of amend hn s h •ractices as the above c rie 1 under its sanction, cs e i u over -stated, for it is l oij lfe MoneisiTE. •xeter. ETU N{D. M John Hooey has re- ned o n in • ipeg, where he has • een wf hj c r I +lad of horses. He s -eros e11E sat sfi • with the result, and goin t` t ain. Mr. ',Hooey re- orts fi e ros ec s of _a bountiful har- eEt in t .iito a this year. ith'iiL EY Ga.—Mr. John McKee, Howie a d emily, leave on the 6thofJ1 f "greet land." or t e left lone &lily � g r; Mc , e leaves a good record behind ins' an flies with 1im the best is:hes f a large umber of friends and • eighbo s' r his succes in the new end he a` chHpsen for hi ho' e. Nice reelPoxv.— he entire colt s red by WE 11ieWonder :,d owned by rl eorge s, Jr., of T rnberry, was eighed t; ot er day a d only raised t el beam 14)0 pounds, and then he o 1y girth fe t 7 Inches How is that r a two, ear old, colt ? Mr. Harris e a prone.! of im, and I must, say de- s r edly` sd', as I h maim is perfect b' utY• ' Un \Vo..}LL ` DILL.— visit to our o lien is loses t e act that e srs. F syt Son ae again in full b a 't and I ea y or Gust mets. They h a made re t i.. prove encs in their e t blishm nt, I ei g evid -ntly bound to k:e up wit t e 'imes. IGH \' TE he la e rains have c: u ed q e i ood of water in the r v r for th las1t f: w days and unless it g.: e downs. will iiterfer: considerably • it the w rk. on he ne bridge. The a++n rector. k as ,001. mance• laying down l+aireaterie fo it and in ends pushing int t + rough 0.: r pi • lyasssible. p AcJiIcE.—One sof our path- Howi.k cam: Across some s beat ' ho ref • sed to either tute 1: bor or pay the corn - Bel, is. ued •s mmonses for in, iui before the constable the tl.'ey we t and settled he .ro: d, and upon eceive • a rec ipt for their , bo ever, q ietly appear- to th • sum •• ons each had upo + bein u asked why magistrates d that, hand•ng them the eceipt. I esult — case osts for pl intiff to pay, master. 1, zv 1 1 0 1. 0 Ann -P' a ters in; :i+ ies inti • eir st 01 u`Matlon. i •.nle of t•. esuld server to .o a jr• fi . ' .hing wort r'h:. e' '• anew' inc.ived. a t ie was tl/l ease re, p,• t +mas ej d •• ifsecl s aL d a mtj.d" • 11 • sly, a ked th th at D M MAG] ife o aught RAY - HQ of t a so ii KY_ ,E , On the auk s re • Read, ,•unci mi iste ev Dor wi'k, t e P d firths. kts n, on tl a aid ult , the sial W. Dunnage, teacher, of a elens, on the 14th ult., the .rt Murray, Township Clerk, rrrges. th nit., (Ottawa, of the of K ox d eR ex. D cIt . Farrell a. sista( ow 1 aseml yle, s Strati e eorge Uy, rut ly 1 colyi Pa, ick E derat.r byte i u r of Ja iel a elk Ba e. Ills. S EY— n 1 �illlolr, o�n h 2r Smiley reit t of th aged 8yc s. • CILALKE {In •'ini;ban , fon t e 1 Roy, of tlos . or of b He - ; years a d months. 14INT<LAT 112 z In Wir ]lizab th,i if'• of 1 aged 8 Kea s arcl 1 t . :DSO iss E A1RD.FLL san Ar Y t tLe Terraces, he residence• of ride,i by. Rev. F. Rhur,ch, Ottawa, e, of St. John, of the . General Church, Sarah es Kyle, Esq., , eldest son of k, Ottawa. th nit., Martha John Shannon, lst Ult., Walter Clarke, aged 6 th 22nd ult., Mr. 'Pet2r 8. Linklater, —Fem.{ Palau -WI, or the 20th ult., ell,It' red 68 ,years. Fali Wheat Oats p or bu Peas per bn Ba ley per 13n ter,No. Hi es per gat Oat MVP C ve See NV 1 per I Fal 1 Po CI 6 5 6 6 8, te heat Whe erbu er b r to See S 6 111 ERP RON hay r, 1 ta ICA, st n issi TLE et ry c 750 35 s. 0 95 to 1 02 - at, edChaff,perbash. 1 00 to 1 05 eael L 0 75 ale pe bevel—. 0 60 el 0 65 118 ushel • 0 25 to 011 to 2 7 to 5 60 to 3 60 to 0 24 to 3 00 0 06 6 25 4 00 0 25 ed. s, fls,11d lee* 458 c. ODS et h the tie ,71 11 S ring wheat es ate per a. potat es per bag, r seed per busla,e1, 27c t 28c. 117 r at e. 4 000 went on s every dull ages of bu t re te-da,y, here es eting 3,125 th to the Otla Li re NTR r et, en s at at f om J g la 106 Se tt, sbi h tone at $67 ne 28.—The nd declined 00 boxes of , the bulk at y sold. at 5c r sold at 15e t the Cheese ere ten fac- oxes, mostly f the present were sold at St. Gabriel pers of Wel- ttle from W. 0 from Hugh seph Snell at cow for $44, per head, 11 from from lb. catt to sold h 4c p butc of 30 Stone Walt the s To by $41. howet$7 fo lbs, dres not w tinue not ;3.50, sold a . Ro . erts at.$5R each, and 2 oxen 1 ap. raillfleur for' 120, or 4o per essrs Roberts and Wilder, sold 6 to P. Kennedy, shipper, and 11 Shane at 4 c to c. W. Wa.lters- 1 catt a to R. J. opper at $40, or Ib. oseph Sto .e sold 8 cattle to rs at 4c. Seven farmers' hogs AAA lbs. weight were sold by Joseph , THOS �' H O S• K I D D'S E I Y1 at 5c per lb. liveweight, and W. rs parted with tvi{o hogs of *shout me w 'ght at 4,2cj ogee, June 30.— t GREAT CLEAR• IN+ heap, when sold ight have ran ed from X4.25 5 per ental. Tey have usually, er, sol by the h ad at from i36 to first -c ass dressing not under' 70 d fro $5 to $5,75,for second-iclass g fro 55 to 65 nibs. Third-class rated. Lambs, icked have COD - wort $4, and roves dressing oder 0 lbs., ha a sold at $3 to while those of lig ter weight have $2.50 to $3.. ' Fn, Gem I`i SON & PAS for cow Spariin 649 cal No (ices. 1T JA s, FRUT7 ARS.—For the 't Jar, trawberzies nd Sugar, try Win - gusto, tl ey are the ch apest. 654 UIBE FIR (saws.— plendid Pa Lure , conve.ient to the ton. Apply to F. G. , at Gi•av, Young & S �arlino's Salt orks. PURE PAR:s ;GREEN, {Brett frons the m r. a Tufa •trirers,aur death. t Potato Bugs Fly Poisons of all kin s. HIc1 sore .& BLEA5 ELL, Seafor 654 W i L PICIiINt S, HID S AND SKI S.— I will ), y the IL gh st cash p Gee for any quantity of wo 1 pickings, H des, sheep and calf skhs de- livere t my furniture store. I No truck or. trade, cash f , everyth ng J0112v S PORTER. 654 J'o N KID •'s Hard •' are, Stove and House urnishi . gs Establisl tent, Main Street, Seaford. F: era when in .wn drop in arid see my sto : of Ha est Implenre ts, Seythes Siiaths, Hay ]?o ks. Bar ey Forks, W t. dsor Steel T nip Hoes, 0 adles, ' ay Rakes, &e. rsell at old . rices. Call an. see me whether you ny or not, as sell cheap, OHN• :.D. • PHO oGRArr+: —C. M • ORE, havin re- turnee +rota. bis + Iapitoba tri , will again evote his pers.nal at :ration to the hoto business n ill its dap tments. Parties wia ng'Webby Pic tures should • of fail to call. Sat sfaction guaranteed in every instan.:. 652 Rn' + SMIT : & WESTadvertisetnent which iv be found in another'column. They' dotern i ed to sell piles of goods during the! next few we 4:s. There will be ermine barg •' a in ' . :Just recei ed, a large co sign- rds, which w' be run off wit1 the ,RS.—Just Received, a full Philadelphia Lawn Mower;" in- fferent sizes, which will be sold vishing a firs class Dawn Mower' xamine, as th 1 " Philadelphia " is o of'the best nanufacturpd.1 Wi. Street, Seat rth. 653 DS. Far •• ers in want of ods, true to name, chasing. My etock �da, and will be e sold cost. D. D. OSE, re Post office, Seaforth. 64 v an item •f importance to lace to obtain your Fine Ordered O no besitat on in saying that mderson,•of he Oak Hall Cloth - t, are noted .r perfection of cut every de artmen went of New Go rest. 6 -LA Mow snpply: o the " eludingll the d cheap. arties should c 11 and i witheet doubt or IN. WAIr N, Mai SEE S, SEI Good Jar sh Reliable Field S call at . D. ROSE'S before p has oji careful1l�y selected fro responsilble seed firms in Can I at a very small af�iivance on firs Grocer, next to t Asr' IS ho know 1 e right Cloths , we. ha Messr •.. ally & ing E t blishme and fi . Their Stock e S c comp ises all the Latest Noveltie in Sco ch Suitings, Ihoice West of ng- land o land'ir vserirjgl, FrenchWor teds, Irish S rges, &e., hi h are reark&tl at the 1: west figuree c osis- tent it thebigh quality of t'tcse Goods.; Iso a splen id line of Mackinaw Str: ws at Cost. :ILLY & AN E sox, Oak Hall, Sealer h. 654 WANTE rrEND RS WANTED.—Tenders will be reedy' to see t e work to be done b fore tendert.° , can eo so a y teaching day up to july the 6th, hen they pi I be tda wn the work by the master in io•n be done Specifications can lso be seeh a the residth e of Geo. Sproat, th rd concession, and do net Fed therselves to ac ept the lewe t Or an3 ten .er. By order of the , ehool Board, EO. SPROA , Secretary. .65 2. fo rth, w II be re eived by the undersigned until T he po tractor to furnish a I materials._ Fall THEE TUNG MACHINE FOR SALE,—, Fos -1- sale heap, Separator orse Power, straw Carriers and Sawing Machi , all complet and in geed unmng order. The achine was ado by 01as ow, McPherson & Co , of Clinton. Ap- VARM 011 SALE.—For Sal Lot No. 24 Con. more or I ss, 85 1 which are el ared and frasfrom storm a ; the bal rico is well ti bered with hard- wood. here is a brick lions , frame barn and did write 1 is w'thin five rnile of Seaforth and six of 01 nton, 'th a gravel oad running past the farm • is co venient to c lurch and s,chool; p ass ssi a will e given at alm st any time. For premises. 110)3 RT McVETY BU aTtles S, BUGGIIStS. desir ng to perclhase Neat Substantial and Btirggles, rrlages or Deluders'. an find th m at WM GRASS E'S ear the maelfet. He has also a numbe of spleilidid Which Spll Cheap. y 'Attended to. Rerne be maker ab the ew stand. ACES IJ PT SALE WAGONS, OWES, #LC• AWING purchased the Inahlvent Eats e of truc HER Mitchell, at a low retie on the d llar, nd 'being desirous of winding it up at o ce, I ill sell LIM ER WAGONS,twhich are Made f thoroughly easoned material and none ewer t,t hill consist IINO, open an ARRI At less than the ma only occur tn ity to rarebit nothing of the ise a, which are be ;soldier lese TER 666. PHAETONS; open a3,d top; b ox, sidebar If preferr d. GES, CVTTERS, GI'S AND SLEIGHS can be man actnred for. It e • a Rig equa to these, th say slaughtering 'Jake. The prem. ne of the largest in Canada wiLl n half their value. S LIBERAL.. 3. C. STRITTMERS, Mitchell. SALE RIUM, SEAFORTH AS announced last ;Week, I have commence sive Summer FANCY GOODS, R A AND CAPS NISHIN S, i‘i° GREATLY R to run olt the baAtoece of my exten- tock of MILLINERY AND SHOS, HATS NTS' FUR- UCEP PRICES. Ever3dDepartment will be found -thole BARG4NS in each. In COLORED M GOODS,, DRESS LINEN COSTUMES, SKIRTO, and HOSIERY, there is a PER These Gt.eode muet be sold, even at ,ith order to make room for my early AU expect in al short time. 01 SUMMER SHAWLS, SUMMER EOT SLAUGHTER 'going 0n- D lesale Pnces, to clear them out, in MAN WPORTATIONS, which I C!IOICE LOT OF REMNANTS mfe Eilso being ctered at nearly one-third th.eir eost, consisting of REMNA,NTS IN DRESS GOODS, .` - REMNANTS IN BLACK AND COLORED LUSTRES, REMNANTS IN PRINTS, REMNANTS IN MANTEL, DRESS Nip TRIMMING SILKS, REMNANTS IN CASHMERES. ; A QUANT ITY OF DAMAGED FINGERING YARN Astounding Bargaind in all classes of Go GREAT C EARING ALE. AT YOUR OWN PRICE.. TARIO D1RY GOODS HOUSE, REAT OFFERING RING PRESENT SEASON'. OUR CA SALES HAVE CREASED ITO NEARLY T h,ose of the Corr ponding !tenths 1•)f y e-ar - his we take as tlisfactory evidence that we . SHOW LE! R ds amine 'the continuance of this ; es Ca Every L dy desirou of Saving Morey, )33r purohasing servieeable Goods at Greatly Reduced. Prices, should make it a point to visit my Establishment and judge for themselves. A Liberal Discount on all Cash Purchase*. Special terms to c stomers buying on short tiMe, and the Highest Market 't3rice paid for No. 1 Butter in tubs and pails. Se—One Car of Sugar arrived th s week • also a lot of Fresh Groceries, consisting of Teas, T baccos and Fr its. Wine and Liquor Department as usual fully stocked. 11 orders punctu lly attended te. t"'Freepelivery to any part of the own. NO Hating purchased the stock of the G derich Foandier. Manufacturbag Com- pany, consisting of one 40 -horse Engine one 20 -horse de.; two five -horse do., new and second-hand Boiliers, a lot of Flour Mill Machinev, Saw Mill Machinery, Plows, Gang Ploess, Land Rollers, Straw Gutters, Horse -Powers, brass fittings for Engines, Gas Pipeand Gas Pipe Fittings, Cooking Stoves, and a large as- sortment' of castings in general use. The above steels will be sold. cheap, to make roma]. for the manufacture of other articles. Orders taken for Engines, Boilers, apd all kinds I mill work. Repairs attended to on the shortest notice. CLEARIN9 SALE QF DRESS GOODS HOFFMAN A3ROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, In order to makeroora for our Fall Import time we have decided to offer and. sell the whole Of our PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS CODS CRENAONES:, LINEN SUITS, LIKEN ULST.E.11.3 AT CO,ST.PR AN EAR CE FOR TH Y CALL RESPEC NEXT TWO WEEKS. FULLY .S.DtLICITED. FANO. -G Ops AR IVING- WEKLY. Just to band,- a New Lot of RUfflings, aresols, Buttons; Fringes, Beaded Gimp TriMmings; Bleck and White Real aces, Kid Gloves in two and four button —li,ight shades,lHosiery and Gloves. NO TROUBLE TO HOW GOODS. • THE ON TARIO LOAN AND BENTURE COMPANY OF Have removed to ther new offi.ces, cor- ner of Market Lane a d Dundas Street, (next door Ito the M lson's Bank), and are receiving regulat moiathly remit- tances oflEnglish eapi al for investment in mortgages on Real Estate. Straight Zoans at 7 nd 7i per cent, According to t lass of security se ere Interest allo ed on Deposits. Apply pertionally or b lett r to ESTRAY STOCK. p YUNDKEEPE NOTICE.—Came into the Seakrth Pou 4, on or about, the 25th June, Tw o Heifers an two Steens, all yearlings, and of small size. It not claimed on or before the 25t of July, they will be sold at pnblic auction for he expenses. sItt.A.YED.—Strayed from Lot 31, eon. 1, Emit Wawanosh, ort or about the 18th of .Tune, Three Mares onedark bay, nine years old ; one bla k with white hind legs, two years old; and the other a lighthay, one year old, with white star' on forehead. Any person giving informa- tiod where they may be found, will be enitably rewarded. JAS. McGEE, Auburn P. 0. 656 tfx. TRAY SHEE11).-0ame into the premises] of •A-4 the undersigned, Lot No. 7, Con. 5, McKillop, about the 22nd of Jane, a Ewe Sheep and Lamb. The ewe was unshorn. The owner can have the sante upon proving property and payring charges. 666x4 jOHN MALONEY. RP 7 WANTED.—A good smart Boy -wanted to "" learn the blaeksmithing. Apply immediate- ly o M. and A. MUNRO, Blacksmiths. ao. GHT GOODS AND AT 1:1L -OSE PRICES., e beg to call. cc ially to the h and selling for e attention of onr rends t that it is by bu g tor ash that we can effer Gooda otwithstanding, Ihe Large Increase (7,34 melits in each Department. Ve not carry Goodn over from season te se son if we can aVoid it, and have therefore Inst effect a Speedy rlearance of the whole. Is lint a PARTIAL LIST of the LINES noW • offerg s DRESS GOODS : I, P ain in- d FaneyiDreas G40&,,,ilt 13 cents, IQ rents, 1 .1124- cents, 16 cents, 20 cents, and 25 tents. 1 Plaln and Fancy Brilliantines, at 15 tents, 20 , P lailn and Fancy Melina ges, at 12? cents, 18 tents, i 120 cents, 25 cents, and 60 eents. -13ealltiln3. Shades Lei Lustros, at 10 eents, 121 perits, 15 cents 20 cents, 25 tents and Z301 Fan y Win ceys, and tuttons to Match Goodie ThetDress Goods Irrade has been very lively his month. POINTS Dar • Pompadour, - Lig t Pompadour:, Pen il Stripe, with • Border, American Fancy* American Min, Ashton's Fanny, Heyle's Fancy, A Job Lineal 7e. and 8e. • Kid Cloves, frgma 25 cents, Frillings, from 2 tents., Silk Ties, front 5 cents, Fancy Ilosieryl from 6 cents Novelties in Ilrillinga, from '10 cease . Kia Gloves, 8A, Reamed to 60 rents, Turkish Towelling, 25 eents, White Piquei cents, (B:orrosceadtse, 4M5-41 , 10 cents. • STAPLES : Cottons at OM price% Ducks and:Denims eld prices, Union Tweed at old prices, Ak Wool Weed at ole prices. READY MAOE CLOTHING Mtn Men Men Men s Tweed Suits, only isq 00 $8 00 :s9 00 Tw-eed Coats, only 4 00 5 00 00 Wei are giving Special Value in ell kinds cl/ Hats nd Caps. Alan in Ledies' and Children'S StraW. Goode. UOUE AND LO -01 'THROUGILit Courteous latention Paid to 81. W EST