HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-06-18, Page 8, THE :rUON 'EXPOSITOR. • -„; v t uton txpooitot . I DISTRICT . Ili/ATTER& As IT IS MOW an item of importance to ve• the right place tO, obtain year Fine Ordered kn. Clcithing, we have. no hesitation in saying that , WOUld gYseatly oblige Messrs. Hally & Anderson, of the Oak Hall Cloth- - Establishment, are noted for perfection of cut card of, notification, w fit. Their Stock comprises all the Latest the raatter attended cities in Scotch Snitin gm , Choice West of Eng- . ' must say, however, t p. We laaNe to pa 4e ually for the po gee e receive, and vg -go rouble to secure, pro delivery, and e'ausequ have no right to be so 'pointed thro.agh the few carelesa, poet ma any irrevelterity occur out d Trowserings, French Worsteds,Irish Sages, , which are marked at the lowestfigures consis- t with the high quality of these Goods. Also a sip endid line of Mackinaw Straws at Cost. Hannv AwrInusex, Oak Hall, Seaforth. 654 VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION. -The em- laint we all B nd will assemble at the Armory, on Thursday, , On thiS aco e. not in this, or scarcel irregularity,' rest wi delivery, but with s offices. W hope this eel c be of the Seaforth Volunteer Company nd the P e 24, a 8 o'clock A. M. sharp, for the purpose . of proceeding to camp at London, The Company THE LIV 7 O'clock_ J. G. Winsort, Captain. 654-1 Live gtoc Ryan SMITH & WEST'S advertisement Clinton on wake win be found in another column. They are Very, fair dour:lined to sell piles of goods during, the next few weeks. There will be genuine bargains in • the abseil° every department. Just received, a large consign- Snell oecui relent of New Goods, which will be run off with the solved to h rest. 654 .. same time A NEW and Good. Article of Food, Ground Snow Flake Corn, also Snow Flake Cod- fish, Clinton Mills XXX Flour, Oatmeal and Corn - ince, Bacon and Hams. Syrups and Vinegars, will also meet for Drill next Monday evening, at Meeting of sfirocerice and Crockery, &c., &c., at Your; Loaair's• 614-,1 - WOOL PICKINGS, HIDES AND SKINS. - 1,3%411 pay the highest cash pricee for any quantity of wool pieldngs,Ifidds, sheep and calf skins de - /livered at my furniture store No truck or trade, th!or everything. JOHN S. Poarsit. 654 WM. ROBERTSON & Co. have . large assortment of haying and harvest tools which they are selling at less than ever before, notwithstanding the advance- in prices. Don't forget to call aroun di atid see them. 654 I PARASOL LEET.-A valuable silk tiara - gel was left' in the Store of Messrs. A. G. Mc- Dougall & Co, Seaforth, on or about Tuesday, June IV The owner can have the same on applica- bon. 654 PURE Pasts GREEN, direct from their snan.ufacturers, sure death to Potato Bugs. F1311 Poisons of all kinds. HICKSON & BLEA SDELL Seaforth. 654 FRUIT JARS, Jass.-For th dem Fruit Jar, Strawberries and Sugar, try Wu. Rom & Yornzo, they are the cheapest. 654 • AGRICULTURAL MEETING. -- A. join Meeting of the Directors of the Sent Huron and Stephen and Usborne Agri- cultural Societies, will take place a Shaffer's hotel, ICippen, on Tuesday,th 2,2rel of June, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. The objeot of the meeting is to, 14raiage the prize list for the -fall show. 1 • 1 CRICKET. -An interesting crickef Match was played on the grounds of the geaforth Club on Saturday last bel tween the home.- team and a team Iron) the Grand Trunk Club, Stratford. The Sea:forth' boys had an easy victory!, ming the match by 45 runs and on" • large•Indataionnl &mom : to a gre deaPefl pt and t egular iatly- our tatrona equent disap- atoring : of is ters. enever , our sob:cribe s s barsert v n we a have • prom 3'. Ve at the f u t does any in ti.nce bf h the c4llce Of me of tlae way is the 1:4t cora- ed upo o make . STOCK SSOCIATI he Direct rs of t AsSociat'on was Monday 1 st. Th epresent ion pr of the resides ied the hair. Id a. fa sale alert year, also the entran e fee on Stallion bulls and c ws,50 ce ts on• ea entered. I was fu her re hold the ear e in the own oft providing t e people f that td guarantee he aura o $100 to1 defraying e penses, a d if not in Goderic , as the epresen that town p esent,gua aaiteed $150 provi ng the sa e is h: The people of Qlinto - have dined to gi e $100, a d as a co the next sa e will be , eld at All entries or the sa a are to with the S cretary n t later 1st of Sept milers . - A e Hured eld at r: was; a • Et. In Mr. IL t was r&. b ut the o redUce mares anirna 4.lved to Clinton, ivonl ssist hot i a ices of Ie BUEG of 1 thefe. s nce de- • &pence aderich. e made t jta$3 1elei4 nsisting to r • Many style cif of the hey are of !the spli ttin the of ade of four' ated ori SOMETHI shown a n of glass • euperior to decided ad swivel cast 'pieces of f attached r: leg, there them by t style cause flint glass claws, ha tinned. B no edges t is a perfec peculiarly organs, an are very u prevent th for some c ceedingly sleeping ordinarily • - Dings to spare. We are sorry tha , are ranch lack of space prevents our giving the 'the ordina oore. The match was witnessed oby goodly number of spectators,all of wh.ona, Seemed deeply interested in the play. f • ' , LICROSRE.--The lovers of this inter - sting and exciting game will have an opportunity of witnessing a fine match en the Agricultural Grounds this afte - noon, for the championship of Huro , between the "Hurons" of Goderich and theomta"Bonersearts"2o.3f0Speaf. m. At tPtlhaye williaiit :otacshibone.twweeenhatpheesteo. seclenbasi,atrhgee laSue4ii Sea - forth boys came off victorious. We be - eels for them similar success on this er of our citizens on the grounds dur- ing , taonypucteleobff ationte oonoloormatinioino r .0g1lothwilatgfPearr"agrmia.ph in an Emerso wOrks wi. be compl fed and . Seeroeen ABROAD. -We notice the Civic Ho iday, by which 1 enitoba paper, which speaks well f t for openinu. Thee act da our Seaforth dealers. It says: "Miss nature of ure, through their agent here, Mr, been deci elvin Young, has just received au will be gi elegant and handsome Emerson upright were app inted.' a piano from the Scott Brothers, of Sea- operate th*la corn ittee of forth, Ont. The price' ' of - the instrn- in getting up the d rnonstr meat was $800. The Messrs.' Scott ars. Tho as Kidd, James A have gold a 'number of instruments McNeug t, James H. E Council is: compo B. Y. McLean. eev and Deputy be Seen t at the a d hands. - I RE ND P unit me, XPOSITOR, ish •e o th nd the rid jExpe to be at ay,22d •rth, .8 Mitchell, ' s to Guel e at 5.65 111113 for in tion. Tlael Gran _kindly a, ed to g $1, and viiill do safety, eo0euienc excursi ni0e. A. by pro inent Agri rare eh nee for a riculture all he p d P gs, a ins and g f tilllaae. m the aa ing the lowest. The policeman was in- cauSbe see C°iran structed. to examine the bacls yards and paper. Yours tri. Hee that they are in proper condition. 1 The market • clerk was iustructedl to A With 7k'Olt S "MPATIIV. have the market scales shipped to ed town ecintem ovary i Messfs. Gurney & Co., of Hamilton,; for last we k Wastes a deal o adjustment. The by-law amending ithe and in ifferent p ole in poundage by-law, which anaendingibY- vine° its reader 1 that T law prohibits cows from. ruuninee at, has been abesing it. Of large from 8 o'clock in - the eVeningun- perfect right to d this if s the *e readers t Robert/ion been appo Mitchell a le • G EW. We w A yle of castor, c alts whi h app an w • eh - post: antages ever the .1 rs, as t i e weig I t rniture to which sling in t e 1 cent e s no ch nce fo e levera e whit The b lls ' are revolvi • g insid dsomely electro p ing perfe t globes t cut the c rpets, a insulator these c adapted for pi for the ame re eful for b dsteads escape of electri nstitutio i s will b ens cial, oreservi ers n th t vitali soaves. elides ore easy in wor y 'castor We see the . Me 0o., °fel this t •ted ag ts for d Wingla 311 No Cm, At the pu ing last, t had been water-wor formed hi possible fo completed Dominion weather h work. In it was un BRA.TION 0 C meetifle. e Mayor • corresp: s contrac • it would • them is and real Day. s Ponside; view of tli nimously Ig • 11 ere aroi as oil ors Car nos an On the as the itys wbie tonna e g to th whit • hieh,the • ng thaT dvise 6 srs. Wm wn, have Seaforth, • Itow ot era o peare ten ye thee acre th t own retail dents busine other ohr e farew again profit preci what 'itself, jat est e trial ji II[E (l TB ith e h dito ea r, o artic we s nd t patio 11 n 1, :nd rtt.1e o a sul s t t is evi brin httB iLo learn ham 1 reariof IS the john he1. afoul h --I-6111. hr. °bun will 19adwasi withsrlre the c A. fe spec meas Josewei g 11. S. grow iiosiuxrsfi 'Far and large prostSeve ;coul 'Thor Seaf will brie iis-co lyeste ;will possi John' THE town! prett will Ithe i 1 IEFS rs. 41, for , v r thr e t of by, o f; he ovi$±; yadee. co by -1 on Mon o fi e. w e tha 1 w dir o end 11 wi s o rat 1 •t. - ion ay ago t out i d:14 a poun i h, of Tu kers t • 11 • •1 to re • a. goi his e [in heig on Tne roseiee e west p tron 1'of the y et, with ve t to MOT. drea Sett/ Stra bing lot o • .DOMIN ON DAY. -4 dl L on Fr' day everil 1 (an nouhce that h I day ndence withl rs; an they in deat of th' s he aavbeso huteelywoirrni Palt lefofrr ego eenuitng wt She for t ably ret rded th Ana, is aim uncerclen well solved ot to hay fleas Day, Ina hop until th adv ofullauyareat and Ii the' God time t ion hate not y , t T rut ar4ple notice IT Rowing gentleme Mr. ommitt e to c ten . 1 mo .. MIL fiel Eg 3I he celebr ed upon, en. The • It here, and they are all spoken of very highly. In fa.ct, their agent, Mr.Youlig, is too thorough a pans -ideal and lover lot good music to handle anything but firet- class instruments." The Mr. Youiag mentioned here is also from this coun- ty. He is a brother of Mrs. F. G. Spar - ling, of Seaforth. BEWARE OF THE. -We are informed th-at a number of quaok dentists are travelling through the country doing very inferior work, some of whih, when delivered, is utterly worthles. Parties should beware of all stich, aS it is always best to get work done with 'regular practitioners who are known to be reliable and responsible. The pnb- lic may rely upon it that when a pro- fessional man or workman of any knit]. travels from door to door for orders,and offers to take jobs for less than 'ee- sponsible men can do them, therel is sometlaing wrong, and if they give their patronage to such, they are sure to be deceived or cheated. This seems to be lesson, however, which many pe le are slow to learn, even from experience. can see TILE TOWN COUNCIL,-LAt the Couiscil sheep a mooting on Monday evening last, she with gr contract for furnishing ZOO cords) of modes gravel was awarded to Mr. Thorhas mile fr Dosvney, at $2 par 'cord, his tender be- the wa Young an mittee of Mayor, R will truss are into PLEAS : P of THE of wh cheap n Guelph College tell the on Tues( at Seaf a. na.; train ge will lea seven h • It - est in a through to to call t good beanti ntario imental stati une, at m.; 8.30 at 1 . m., ection Trun e the r t left ut and co resses s lturist ho ha 1 stock e bre ell as a ses, uder vari The C liege is n; wit Sidewalk tee of Menage dvertise ent in 137, M. CQUADE. Our este lits issu ryiug to rtiood po irEsexpitus t ikes, a fe t of w • he cound tion: Me' Cline, ensoni, The VO ed of 't Reeve. nge eu e t Edit r, e colum attenti ey's f n , a, ul cit of gricul u al armt a , d n in Clinton: .35 a. .; SO .lm. 815 e .1 m., ad t tis givieg nd recr a- , hive mid trip or wit far he n ort of he ill be gi en . This 1 a O au in er- aleing.T py de lof hat le, experim ate s 0 til 6 o'clock iu the morning, was mad its dol three times and -finally,' passed. A! pe- ing up titiou against this aro.endment waseead pocket and received. After passing accoents right to obj et ; to the.‘ amount, of $222.67, the Couneil imputing t us adjourned until next "Monday night at not cheris , an the usual hour. concerniuu our - ; . - . - tru. We have eresuerts' NOTICE -We are infdrrn- persecute o beli ed that the package of EXPOSITORS ad- as we kUON too dressed. to Claisellmret did not reach al experien e th their destination at the proper time last attempt to plac plaints from subscribers at ethis iatid tors eurci other offices along this same mail rOute their own before, and as patience has ceased th be POsITOR to a virtue, we have notified the Post eveu have Office I epee tor of these i rregul ant iee. throug Our papers are mailed regularly Orrery brougt Friday morning. We have .not nalissed heads, one mail for ten years, and whenhver them subscribers to get their paper e at' -pathy. furwail 11 the eymp thies, an' of its ponsors, utwe motives w . maki affairs no ear • IS 11 snt is in of •try lm• :or ls a ' • Ha pening the O have in object 114 i Inch ivd d state eht un : to tempo ary, a.rd. peesonl- beforejit to additinnal its co dile- se to in Fe THE1Ex should not, But heyin precOci their owe extrem 'for i ry for Yens bear heir and upl an(il. antho ship hich are h y desi tle our co yell fro difficul even week.- We have frequeutly had cone- thorn iu it path, and h ed tl e good as -in ss and 1 o the same, referted to i their ' folly t jodgm nt upo F;. it is childsh in t ow to w ind an They sl ould eit any Post Office at the proper time, ' the punis ment in 'lence o delay is occasioned through the care- fight Ike Men. As to lessness or negligence of the Post Office of our ditorials, our frie authorities at some point. As a rale some ources of informa the Post Masters in this county are not o en to Other peopl ex csiedingly careful and prompt; but ourse . It mak-, howe tl: ere are one or two who need. waking min Is as welll as the v. 10 • mus whi net e e eas m'nds re a I Do ig ju on t ed. and ocee The et SITOR oriti ha owne t wi the e cri y last b dclubs tio Str rd -woo st now. boron /why morn 11 dem •jil rs. n, b died 3 yea st few of al ere h t, an ay e e ch C on to t ung 1 week amso the impri ed Jo islle,eseb t.b ow that tivery a whish has ap SiTps fot the past e . Xdeption of about s been written by the 's at this joursal, and unable to furnlish our w en we 'eire to s t the rake of 17 sl41i re -ire from the n Oat ;nand to some htri6, aa willaffencutWionbaitde i111 not likely soon r. aders with so un- je4t1,, • as time is too aistedl in doing for U n1 l'Y unable to do for it ihte public n tice. Vie uch reg et to alter S ott, of Wing- erlyi• Of this t$ wn is e hail en confi e ed to e seeks Her s ckness , a I,3ifte e cold. Mrs. E:buna villeife 1 from tale a d bro e her n old - oman ; r n te very peedy. w mire rried y the a pet on a ote-of e ope he ant i'orities ,t eel I g als are °labi- a i,By he time the by - on Ione year, d;, so well s n hat one av• r. 'Pia les So hgrinan of thes. e 4aog t a b laie 'Creek . t Ii. - i lengti d, a quartet thi, 1,13,;h sunfeae1818i xP g ar t. la . i the a to er s ita e 'jbr e ost�r t e aiI net • o n slo na ai ediat dn't yo 2trri''aa oat :1,:iite nuottf e alied jdie bi ill h, W h stan Grange to the great orable all el in to easels. better elebrat ay, bu tly Bite works hinery of pl aa rap 6 on th ly in which, et drai ngsters d the to so repair ch pia e Seaf in a ba .-An i g dolly v. Mr. reach 11 11 11 .1 • 1: ill e b t s' bf tig e on n He g s goo.s a ma, k ;f;s hfsdlalofet •11,11bt b r b pl s d res 1 W s on T es be o hi he t W h v an gush( CO n ab g u al t e hi r le t t 'ou Vi w L al 11 11' le P ft ed ti -0 s its t ith ✓ tur te 0.' 011 " ob t I; UT t 0 t uti ✓ tu oo lig f ot ur om ilee g. y n 1 otveit • °sure •nd o 1 eana e St) 011Iltr i- hi h nd ery bo t zi.t tr a e are tisfied 1 want bie is parts. autiful which • and- . -Mr. n, H. wheat • over s' ex- Mdel uccess, 11 he • are They OA in there .-The nilding arrived cing it dly as side of rout of if the ed off n town ost . of °thing ng the ed on rth and drub- mem° red in ochead, in the C arch •n Snu- * venin g -Man y iegrgt to lealin of the n Pa tridge4ormerly elV of Mrs. moo ay of la t week. o eta,: -The weather y ha: been d lightful, i s $ontinue to. look t bem any rest this set e begi ning to it, as the eason is ar, loads of ermans iala: passe up to int mo ning on ci yworks. Epolla d,who as sent go fo break ng into atote has b en sen- *ty Judge o three Ment -An o d gentle - 'wen, Brace- . • pin ed yes etday at ho serums ng away. been s ation aster here for Several years, as been prometed to Goderich, where he will receive an indreased salary with less labor Mr."Bethane, by his a able and obliging manner,: made himse f a gleLral favorite with all who had a y busi eEs relations with him. He is thorong a and • competent rail- way an, and we congratulate the Goder ch people on securing so able and efficie t, as well as so obligidg anjd agree bk. a eta ion agent. - We 1 regret his departure froth, here, InIt the thought of his well deserved promotion, recoil iles us to his removal. His sue ublin. f the y last O ALS. fi m of ey las for th d wil befor easan rn. inktduhrnue f this eft to o • ay t e 19 honor full ve no imself hd. re ree nac MCI u n. - Tues the 11 ben r ma othlain e day. t ation ire, 1 ✓ shortl d fro' e ver retur e firs on ret Frida of visi billust lack ( eg to t from ,over ions. er day 'hey c t. T1 stand he enj Id eat rid fa and. (lei in d wat arse, sing t every m the • I', • 1 • • .Ti eap. r rPqs N1 lh it ee pr hey teon0 fireaiafl 113. tlaP Tie us 'd a dub ;d inent, a1E uso r, Male ay neer ar time • b ing y °are (14a11,Ji ha,e re, a rern MeIauitlaell crnl . leg wit (5f Seilt ned fr ae stS. i647tgi aYmBe fg: Pl°. laretrEe tl 1 ')0 miles. He They [average Inch is prett ped ion the • o weather was ng the fatigu lied the trip i goojd 1 square aeon e hig of Fort net', w Sot &nip ants ar way nto th t er igrant ijme he left W peop the eft W ., and nlarcoe, boras, rlifi era a 13 1 a IS It 1 er r B ay rid rot TO ay. ew urn, le ther f ulge. 3. 8th i eftern of Dr e int • cessor here is Mr. Patterson, of -Mr. Samuel Willis formerly Post ffice here, left I on Tnesd for M nitobe. 11 he likes the 4ountry be wi 1 likely remain there. He is a stead youn man, and will do Well if he re j'ji the neW land, 1 Ce AR GRIT TO THE BOTTOM. -4 short time go we stated that the Clear Grit stalhi:n "Amber" was in training for the excee the Globe perfo lows is a b mericen circuit, and was tnaking 'ugly ast time. In his report iof ochester spring meeting, the correspondent speaks of the thisfine ammallas fol - the Winner of this race, y sttilhon, handsomely ite. I He stands' about with a very long body, ig horse on shoet legs. • MILT in fa He s is wo he is the t da, s Lapi In t offici side even of h finis corre the b was Pilke know the p this map W Duncan & Dun an, left Old Country• of po rchasing the. principal e wish aable trip and not he least f this well and Will oe much benefit d by the Majo Charles imbl:don team sail irom Que- We opo the otore for him. e in his ability, he will distin- honor to his He will be gone d intends visiting ean cities before 41 mances 0 "Amber, autiful b d with w nds high t he is a ows a great deal of breedig, Red derfullyPure gited,and altogether ne of th fineet looking hdrses on otting tnxf. He was bred i* Cana ed by Cl ar Grit (son of idaported ist) out o a Royal Revenge mate. o of his hats tb-day, which were y time in 2-I25i and 2-26, out - niers eau ht him in ' 224, aed hat:lid rot seem to be a measure s speed. 1 He iS a great stayenands ed as fresi as la stetted." Anoth r pondentays 1e, is underibted y st hore n A erica. This hor e wned bout a jyear ago by M of Bra Word, and as is genera y was sir d by old "Clear' Grit" operty of Mr. G-eorge Whiteley of wn. A EW ENT RPRIE.--OUT eeteemed Mayor receivedi the following private and onfidenth.1 communication from a gent], man in lNw York a fe' days ago. As he hais no present intention chan *ng hie o.cupation and embarki g in th "cigar" usiness, he has hand4d us ti e COMMU ication for publicati so th t any ot ers who may chance o reee e similar communications may be put pon their guard and not be tempt- ed t risk themon ohs es of libe ty b fano cigar bn Mess the riter is s rpris due ants are plau stat d, some ight, tim be foolis enough to fall into his trap The fol owing is the letter aiid OUT eaders m y judge of it for theth selv s 31 III y as well as the engaging in t The "cheek" ng, and as his ibly and temptin ly if not warned M ,1 • first tradei you must see me ersonally. After tha we cart make othex arrange- ments. HENRY PHILLIPS, 7 Christie Street, N w York city. In c re of E. RANDALL.1 . We presume it will searcel be :ieces- , sary for us to say what the ", igare" are. The writer, however, gives n explan- ation by accompainyiflg his le ter With a clipping from a p per, which not only affords a key to 1 is letter, but is as Well a certificate of th accu ate manuer in which his "cigars.'" are ade, as it is shown that even a baiak expertpro nounced them gemine. Th fo owing 'is the clipping: "Yesterday niorning a well dressed ladyi reported to Justice Williamson thatilshe had accidentally come into posses ion of a 1 tterj to a gentlemen of this city from wealthy counterfeiter in New York. het letter purported, she said, offering cigars for sale; but that a detached n te in. the ;envelope plainly indicated that 'cigars' ./aaant c unterfelt mopey f the best quality. LJpon these represe tations the gentleman was arrested at his hotel and brought'before His Honor.He gave :his name as Robert S. Mawell. He stated that he got acquainted with the lady on bhe incoming train and cOnvers- ed with ber for two or three hours. That at the end of the routo he missed his pocket -book, bontai ing a small sum of money and some papers of no value. That he W5 morally 1 convpaced that she was tho t)nef, but d net wish to - prosecute, and c ncluded tol drop her acquaintance • . pon I seaMhing his valise about $8,000 in new money, but no lettere, were found. Tho l cashier of the Third National Bank was sent for, who, after a critioal examination of the bills, pronounced them to be genuine. He was, of course, discharged. Max- well hadi evidently bee1:drinking, and during a moment of exc ssivd indulgence had giveb himself away or iad enter- tained his fair companion with some ghost stories." - 614c5. -On oses Burl -6 lm 0 unro also ing for a trip rovin es with a is he ith.-Mr. utter i i Messrs. hmen , left for Mantoba,- on btaine a lucre - d if th country ve hi family Franc s Fowler a on riday last. of his cattle and ano her cargo naber. Mr. W. S. m his orth-west as abslent about ted the in- tleford jbefore his as far as Touch- ed to Ijeturn ow - He ant from s by oat, and the e d of his had two about -25 good go - en prairie fine, aud and ex- mmensely, meal of ve times a day. est terms of the Ellice. The land th plenty of wood lements are yet e gradual - country. train he nnipeg till o CO prising it °fluty of Huron nnipeg on Tues- eache here on . Jam s Vercoe, arrive in town higan, on Tues- ining n town a thune who has • 44 pass info Bp tha rapi ly. TO COMO a manufactur Gre wh in only an exper but employ in t e countr in c nnection we organize any business tho gh not go det ct as any. tha you nud you to send, wil I send hal sell all I wts wi not deal vvri es to m. wh are long as yo self you can yon get tooh nes away, o yo expecte hu an natu de ex ca yo su tin ret yo pn all yo $6, No sta go ar if C yo ho el you m no familia, able hotel fu tnish you yol desire, the atono the bu-sine ! eo nected el a acting fof you to I f m the o aa necess .ds from nc like to olIiged to p n is to d:1 direct ini elligenc it s mined tl4erdnetwaiil io fr m you le ters, b ther s levies il. An bee one il for y EAR Srs : My travelling agent, w o d throng your section recent y, med me t at yen were a tman of Illative di position like myetf, a d y proeid d it ould be done t M you were Willi g to ake mon y sae - 0 the point at once, I :r ofj 'Cigars' Made n Tobacc . , I am the Only pers has been egaged in this busin is vicinit for years. I am in the business myse one but the best tale to assist me. EVerythi with y busine s is and B well con noted n the land. My Ciga uin,e are as di cnit hing can be, I presu ratan me. I do not e money in advaace, goods on credit as 10 to persons full cash, with every pereon . g I deal only with tho ro erly recommended. eep your businesa to yo ake money. But w ppy and give yOur b hers will make tie mo for ourself. This e, an you ' knew it. re you to come n to the I city ine my stock t your leisure. then tek awaywhatever quau bargain or, an you ea rest d if you ill at honorabl with ill with ou, an when I teat a and upr ght,I expect the same rn ; and I will prove what I sa satisfa tion hen we eet. es are as follows :-For $ 50 I w you$ ,200; for $250 I vill a 3,500; for $340 I - will llow 00. T e sizs of my igars 1. 2, 5 rid te . You will un d 1 am illi a to allow u $30 ds for yo re, I oad expe ses. at libeat to rng a frien with o e has m ney. But bring man', keep a till tongue. *If y u mak ✓ mind o cot , notify m at w y sto here. you with he name of a s ere, es itete me ncl I wit all the informs, Wile ever you do, ans . Ti re are other men s, so of them have b ith*i , and some of t or the selves. It is use este y ur time on them, ly me ufacturer and t rily 0 liged to buy t me to ell to you. They wu u to this, bit they o so i the end. The s ome to headgearters y with me. To ai man of you are supposed to pos ssary for me to into Bu any additional in 1 be fu nished when I Write short ! and. p d to the point. Do aho t small , orders vhich re usually sent inqui itive postmaster, n the habit of etting d to 11 A MELANcHOIY CUTE Friday morning last, Mr. hag, of arpurhey, received he sad and startling, intelligence ° by telegram that his eldest slaughter, Mary Ahn Burling, had been killed by lightning early that morning. It seems that Miss Burling ' has beeril ving t Mn Thomas Coign- holm's, on the 91311 coneessi here On the slat in q Colquhoun was from home were in the house only Mrs. Colquhoun, her children, Miss Burling and a hired Man. The two Women Were sleeping in adjoining rooms down stirs, and the man slept up stairs. During the severe thunder storm,, about 14 o'cock OIL Fri- day morning, both • woMeisi became somewhat alarmed, and eviftiatly arose about the same time, each with the in- tention 9f goinginato the room of the Other. They met in the doorway of Miss Bprling's ! room. and 1 they both went to Mrs. Colquhdun's room, in the bed in which were two small children. Miss Burling got into the back of the bed behind the Children an4 had just lain down, and Mrs. Colquhoun was in. the act Of getting into the bed when the fatal shock came. The fluid entered the house through an I upst res window, passed alongand down th wall, and striking the bed upon whic the women land children were, ran along into the adjoining room and escaped through the window, breakingfour panes ofti 1 glass in its exit. Miss ding was struck onthe left side -near the heart, and the -fluid passed down along her left leg. ' She was killed instantly. The was 'stunned and u of Hib- estion Mr. and. there • child lying next to he severely burnedleand at1.1ast accounts al 'was not eepect 4 to recover, while the next chld, a was also stunn but was not CO • 8, te sk or 11 r. eii ey is na • oo ity 9- an lIp iri, ow, dur re: in AS iS4 II 4. • 1 11 • u, m%,,F be tempt your lette s. In case you intend co Mg on immediateiy notify me three or , onr d ys in aldvauce of your !starting, 180 t at I car be prepared. for i you. 1es.d t e printe slip inside verp caref iy. membe that t_ais circular is sen 'to ve y few.. My object in haefing it p4iit- e4ij is to av id sayng too ranch in Nfrrtit- ii4. You will pr ceive the import lice o this. It is pr nted in my private 1 a ce. If ti have Imade a 1 mistak in iting ix and dc to the wrong Man, nlease ex ose , not expose me. Let ma tors p. Yo may eot come on, bat i We et, you. will find me a sure frien to d. I with. When I treat a man uly I xpect t e same in return. For 1 our lt- a Xi 1 11 er in • en. em s Science ecrer • y four first-cla ir prizeman. o and Univer alre sub-departna fest and paieont loy. He al ed honors in cheraistry at t the examinationi, and first-cl ess both examinations ie bio er- the sub-lepartnaents of or- zoology. He has now th • JUNE 18, 1880 M. Winer, $275 ; third mile and a C31--.F.A.14'17 quarter, 1$1. Winer, 150,1) 413h mile 1 ! and a quarter, 3. Finkbiner, $125 ; 5th mile and a qUa,rter, P. Coughlan, 1125 ; _' 100 • 7th ile and a quarter, D. . . 6th mile and a quarter, A. Mccormik, •R5114NANI s 0o1 - ns, i125 ; th inile and a quarter, P. Mclienzie, and a hal regular rnee Monday in TI,EMPER perence As Duff's chum 100;• 9th and. 10th miles J. Hodgins, $135. Next ing to be held on the first Walton. OE MFETING.-Iliralton Tem- ociation will again meet in h, on Tuesday evening,June 22nd., and tport which, occasion Messrs. W. H. Kerr and T. McGillicuddy, of Brussels, have very generously, conaent- ed to be present and lecture on temper- ance. A medial invitation is extended to all, and a full house requested. Meet: ing to begin at 7:30 P. M., Sharp. - Com. STRAWBERRY Fn8TIVAL.-The Good Templars of Kinburn intend holding a strawberry festival and necktie social in the Temperance Hall, on Friday evening, 25th jue. Addresses will be delivered by the Revs. James Caswell and John Lochead, of Londesboro. The chair will be taken by Mr. R. N. Brett, of Seaforth. The public are respect- fully invited to attend. Proceeds to be applied towards liquidating the debt on the hall. Select music by the choir during the evenin. Those attending mayely upon spending a pleasant and profitable evening. Let there be a crowded house. Clinton. A GOOD COLT. -Mr. Thoinas Of this town, has one of the handsoxnest carriage colts we have seen in this part of the country. It is 14 months' old, is a beautiful chestnut, with a white strip in the face., It was bred by Mr. Thos. Moon, of Hullett, and was sired by Mr. Alex. Innes' "Sorrel Cloud." It is a large, rangey animal, with splendid limbs and good feet. In fact, it is in every pointi a model, and shows an ex- traordinary gait of speed, taking a long, easy stride." It,promises fair to be as handsome and as fleet as its sire, and much betterepan this need not be de- sired. Friend Tipling will yet make a gopd thing out of' this colt if he takes praper care of him. • • Mrris. EISSIS.-Mr. George Proctor, of Mor- ri, raiaed is new frame barn on Sat- urday last, size 36x56. -Thomas Sher donformerly of Morris, but now of Alpena, Michigan, has recently return- ed to visit some of his friends. Tom looks well and has a , healthy appear- ance. -Mr a A. Haslem's barn is now completedwiththe exception of the granary, and wea0 not hesitate in say- ing it is one of the handiest as well as one of the best' finished barns in the locality. -Mr. D. .3. Casey started to work on Monday, 1413h inst., at J. Kelly's. Mr. Kelly is erecting a new granary. -W. H. MeCranken, of Brus- sels, is away to Rochester on a visit to see his friends. We wieh him a safe journey. oy of about four years, d and severely burned, eider d dangerous. Mrs. Colquhoun was I also stunned by the shock, and fell over n her face on the bed, but soon recovered. On recover- ing she called. to the girleand on re- touching her fel her old. She ceiving n9 answer she reached over, and hurried- ly lit t ie lamp, when the horrible spec- tacle, hich wejhave already described, met her gaze. [ With extraordinary presenc of Mind she aweke the hired man an acq iated him With the sad • facts, and spe (lily the wh le neighbor- hood was aro eed. The bed clothes were conside ably burned in spots where the fluid toubhed 'them in its passage, and tihe we) ls of the house were somewha, elle tere , but, fortun- ately, nothing c ugh fire. Miss Burl- ing was 28 yearsof age, an was a most industrious, eienaplary pe son, and was held in the highest estee by. all who knew her. She had been living with Mr. Colquhoun's family fchr some time, and was well acquaintect and much thought of in the n ighb rhood. The sad and sudden new of her untimely death was a heavy b ow td her parents and friends here, whohav the sincer- est sympathy l of al e T e affair, also, will be a sevete shoe to r. Colquhoun, who is well; known t�, a d deservedly respected. by many Of our readers. The old saying that "Misfe ones seldom come singly." i being pe uliarly exem- clpiffled in his c. se. Winthr op. A GOOD Srunsyr.4-Mr G. A. Smith, of this place, hes return d home after finishing his second year at the, To- ronto University, where he has been remarkably ncessfll. n the Natural e he took o e second and COMMENCING MONDAY, JUN 2 WHEN wjs WILL OFFER ALL OUR Mi. NANTS OF ; I 3:31:tgss 1c4 -0c) I ; EMBRACING 0 VER , • ' ONE HUNDRED PIE All Differ t Patterns; and New Styles, at oft Price to C ar. This is an extellent cha e for Parents to buy • s, ES GOOD DRESSES VtRY For" OUR OIRLS." The Ends vary in from Two to Six Vards. MILLIICIEFiY DEPART -ME AP ngth Received this week, ai New ,Lot of Silk arid Satin Pompadour and Mehl PARASOLS. Also a /cow Lot of Ladle? and AS1038) Corsets. WE ARE OFFERING N Ladies , ses' and BOyst White and C STRAW TS at Greatly Redueed Prices. thel. • SUNDAY 1 Sumer, ANIVERSARY.-The Ethel Presbyterildi Sunday School in- tend holding theirTanniversary piesnie on Dominion Day. Dinner will be served at 11 o'clock a. m. In the after- noon, speeches will be delivered by the Rev. Mr. Johnston, of Molesworth; Rev. Mr. McRae) and others. Mr. John Slemmon has very kindly &given the the use of his beautiful grove for the occasion, -which will be fitted up with swings, itc, and a most enjoyable time may be expected. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. -On Monday last a very serious accident happened to a little girl, daughter of Mr. R. Lang, of this village. It appears the girl was on her way to school, and Was so busily reading a book that she did not notice a team which was approaching her. The horses came against her, knocking her down, and the front wheel of the wagon passed over one of her kgs, breaking it in two places. The child was taken up and carried home,. and Dr. Graham, of s honos, na king him first e was first 4t both College ity examin tions in the nts of ruiner logy, geology, o took class e University ss honors at gy, including botany and standing of a ear third year honor graduate. We con- aia gratulate our young hien on his mark - not ed success thui far, land 1: ope his career !or may continue as --brilliantly as it has by begun. or our tephen. pen CouNcti Mari-N.G-The Council met on Monday, jail° 7th. All members present. J. Ryan end W. -Walker to fix road to gravel pit on 13th conces- sion. Reeve and Clerk to go to Bid- dulph Council on road business. The following are the road commissioners and are expected to commence their . work as soon as conveni nt. The pay for fillers, with teams 1 is $1, $1.25 cord: Station on to expend , 3. Hodgins; J. Heaman, 75; London eoad north 1 (not appoint- - ed), 75;$first mile and a quarter Crecliton roed, S. Holman, 150;5sec- o4.4 iku,it a quuter rpiiitcna wad, • and $2.50, 14a41s to be road, Centralia, J. Wil 25; from Fairfield froia $50; London road South ftgAbYMAD CLOTHIG, i EPART' MT. All Goads in the De rtm:ent of SU GOODS .lifer ed Down 0 Per Cent. • i CARPETS AND O1I. CLOT ANice ety of Patterns to Choose from all at Old Pries for this Monthl U MR. HALL Who Sailed n Saturday last Englan • Se,otatel to buy lour • 1 FAL1JAND Wit4TER STOOK • -..e. • 144, Bra. MAIN 8- TIE TAIL Please the Publie that. is be. Arrive Fre Panting Dints, Call on: • 4_ :7 E4 ; • sit and Writes 4 from Monfireal that Wholesale Mar* chants there look for Anothr Adva?l n all Sor- - Woolsitt -Goods. -storiesl 'would did wen to, buy early t very low rices Goods s.re still Offered nt t re 777 THREE SEViENS • The C eapest Dry G9ods HOMO in the CO • 3 Brussels, was sent' for, who succeeded in setting the broken bones. The child, t4LY S although very ieriously hurt, is expect- CALL. CORDAIOLICITED ed to recover. A. G. MCDOUGALL & Bluevale. Cow KILLED. Mrs. J. Thynne of Blkvale, had her best cow killed on TI qrsday evening last, by lightning di4hg the stOTM. ED. 1-- The Wife of Mr. _William Msses., merchant of Bluevale, died on the llth inst. She suffered the trials of a protracted disease for years, and hae 113 vith submission and patience. •purr ING rREAKS. - During the strm o Thursday evening the 10th int., thle lightning struckthe Royal Heel, lueval, in three or four differ eta plac s at one time. Entering the main handing by the chimney,it tore the siding off the outside, returned to the inside,tatterigthe walls of two bed rooms a other rooms; also entered a back kitahen back of a sideboard, on which stood a large clock, which it sent aciioss the room and through a iwindow oPposite, smashing it, and breaking a number of lamps and spilling the oil wliich mmeditetely ignited. A great aelai of amage was done before the fire was put out. The lightning also truck Mr. Jos ph Malieniaey's house in Mor- ris, abo t a mile from Bluevaleshatter- ing the chimney and tearing off the plaster nd several feet of wainscotting, and kic ng up quite a dust among the inhabit nts generally, Fortunately no person as hurt in either case beyond a trible scare. 1 RE COYERIN G. -We are glad to learn that Mr. Robert Govenlock who has been confined to his horise for several weeks from a Severe ?ettack of pleurisy is suffi- ciently recovered to be around. again. Mr.sADT.._%7Ilanauseish ar lesgor ertectoovieerairnug.of the sad affliction which has over -taken Mr. Lachlip McMil1a,a well known resi- dent of McKillop. He has been wrong in his Mind for several weeks, and at length became so violent that it was feared ihe might do himself personal injury. 1 Accordingly on a certificate of a medical practitioner he was conanaitted to Goderich jail by Mr: Richard. Pollard, J. P., preparatory to being removed to the asylum. He was conveyed thither on Thursday of last week. Mr. McMillan was similarly afflicted about ten years ago, but fully recovered again. He is extensively known throughout the northern part of Direct impellers of Staple and Fancy Dry =line Mntles, Shawls, &e. • 777 • the .4ounty, hexing aated as vent for veriotis papers and publicatio g :. Re was 8 very intelligent, industrious le an, and all who know him Will deepl, re- gret t10 learn of hss sad misfortune and will symliathize with his bereaved fami- 1y. e hope that, with proper na dical treatment, he will soon recover. NT•cv PARNS.- An ueusually large number of new frame barns are being erected in tlais tOwnship this s aeon, and all of thereare large, well eon- struted huildingS. One of the 1 rest is that now in cobra° of erection Mr. John Aiteheson, on his farm o the 14orthern. Graveli road, north of Win- throp. This builOing is an immens sae, and 1 w0 have i underneath sp raja stab ing the whoie size of the hui ding- "We iope our friend may have an ghim- arttallnexhielvest t6 fill his cap; 'eiNis NEARLY AN ACCIDEN---On e TRIKY 0111a,g :loth -al morning last as i one of 1Vfr. 7 Gov y n10911'8 teams was passing e onlrt at Winthrop with a large of wood, the two! wheels on one si the wago:u brokethrough, precipi &Wig the load land driver into: the cr k be low. Fortunately the man fe t the waggon going and jurnped fro ee the lead andthus escaped the falling • 001 Further than a bold bath and bsd scare he was uninjured. Had h flot juiwould have been at least serionelY =Pr an nubt-, riped in 13111)0 he would edlY have fallen -ander the load via ed, if not killed. The broken co meg : on the culvert was at once re laced ' with new and was s.gain inade pe t,e) tly: safe. i gaenod:VirohrnObliboatlartesabh:0:3rrn ' a Turnbe boy, steamers, has reteurrnfaoiredofsotnithoee Alibislialni 1 7:37111: comity, and taken up his a. e 0 ill Whighann, where he will pursu the praetice of his professiou. Dr. Hu &Wu- son is a clever young man, and he a decided acquesition to the m- " col preessiort of the city of the Nort E. ._- .... ! • l 1 1 :,.. M1LLINE With the Vine ibis Room, we to =islet the, want tifnI Ae and U • Stock of Thinneings cam Bee Our g4" Remembe lisereial Hotel, • HU, Lnen JUST FOR T For the ADM HEAD Plaid sos - Pres iden SE The Seaforth yeqeie deposi the most lave Drafts on all Canada, on 0 Staten, bought Office -- First Hotel. 639 • HA WARMERS tention thatla of :i880, for Ali Threshing Mae boxes Oiled an ing of a ,Wrkit1131ik e yeoders and to give s. call. nieaurtiacture executed with Mellis a trial, 'olfaction that place- Home • ing ot all kind A flan aonelt eat feethe hive