HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-06-18, Page 718, 1880. AFORTR LARD AERY. STRONG 4 First -Class Stock, Fire: Companies, and is prepay- most favorable terms. it of the best Loan Se. Elea. d Purchase of Faxm R `4 First-Class s for Sale. cit Seven per cent. 'r'ceit. )Bean Steamship Tickets. Morrison's Store, Mails 645 DT SALE Wagons., Sleighs, _Material used rcttire. Insolvent Estate of t•rly Stiles 8: „Clicker' at a ant;unting to about I am prepared to sell :.G agons, Carriages, Bug - Sleighs and Bob can be made for. will + ty cheap, consisting of Iron, Boots, Springs and a large quantity of ;ant. O.he premises and 'for about half their value sSTRUTHERS, •Mitchell, Ont. AA3'. IME WORKS. BURROWS. tLis opportunity of rb- +e inhabitants of Brussels tit remage,and beg to state ral improveiaents in their Litg, they are now in a ver before to supply the :irne - at Elie. cash, at the h season of our business r,f bath g given unquali- a the public can rely on ent and a first-class article Prttaaela Lime works. G TOWN & BURROWS. WOO L.. SDS WANTED STATION. * t season the Subscriber r: 'use, Kippers, every fore - ay the Highest Market Dod Al( rchantable Fleece zaill take in any surplus it:gide Seaforth prices, if Conti week in duly. i.e growing crop prospect d lover prices later on. DAVID MoLENNAN. ID OR IUM. ..bv thanks his numerous.. :ants and others) for their :na the past 7 years, and :ty and close attention to tr confidence and trade in att." enlarged his prem., he is now prepared to.pay T GASH PRICE~•. ood Fresh Eggs, delivered: 4T, SEA 'GRTH.. Briber, 25 tons of good dry D. D. WILSON R1ADE FACTORY, HABERER ::and, and make to order„ :hs, Earring -ex, ling - every other article in their ctintEnd their own bind- s good article both as +anship. u h their work cannot be city establishments. attended to. Give ns a .that we can satisfy yon as ten to the public, having: i ieh for over 12 years- IIESS & HABERER.— HUTQ GALLERY. rf' Mei it Taken by i, Seaf()rtil. FEE SAMPLES. own by me alt samples of ,:t1 Kush as 3'ou can get any Rich drapery, clear and reoth and clean faces,suen. l yeara of practice and ,res c+ pied and enlarged ate Irved. 1ALI)ER, Practical Artist.: lull Hotel. 6511 SON WHY I,I I T L I E I:ECOMING IEDY UF THE IIIAT hat As claimed for it in the 1'ampldet carefully. ;Buy aeec.r+.ing to directions': t and be perfectly satisfied c•ld by all druggists. 1 EDICINE Co Torcjnto 1c Hickson & 13leasdeIi,. r S. Roberts, and lay al 651-5 )13 LINE. :MAIL STEAMERS Sail front NEW 'YORK and londerry) and -LONDO11 ] oc,l,: Londonderry, Glees, 1•.nrope. Fares as low ati E. crtieatea issued to pereone eeir friends. modation of Anchor Lina -ed for elegancq and eeral the Post Oftkeet, Seaforth PUB.LIO! .• rand with to intimate to Liy that they are in a agcments on reasonable e leadership of Prof. A. x neieal celebrity, they are biased persons to be the 7. f atislactioognaranteed our recommendations. ARMSTRONG, F'eretary, Brussel Ont. HORSES & SHARP 11's HOTEL, Seaforth e of purchasing. Horses. undo to 1,500 pounds, sod e from 5 to 8 years old: )UGHT0,N & SHARP. JUNE 18, 1880.. { Staging Experience in Coldrado The management of the stage line from Buena Vista to Leadville ie dis eful in the extreme. The coaches have three seats inside, and are built to carry two people on each seat. On 'every seat, however, three people were jammed like pigs. When in a• place a passenger eau no more `move hand foot or body than if in a vice. In the rear of the coach in which I sat was a pretty German woman with five chil- dren, the oldest a boy of ten and the youngest an infant in her lap. She was allowed only one seat, and yet she paid $25. or fare for five passengers. The road is an execrable one. When on a level with the river the grounct is soft, and the wheels sink to the hubs in the mire. When it rises the route is strewn with boulders, which toss the vehicle about as wildly as the waves of a storm do an unmanaged skiff in mid ocean. Perilous too are the many points of passage. Sometimes the road ascends the mountain side and crawls along a narrow shelf, just wide enough for the coach. On the one side a bold precipice rises squarely up thousands of feet, and on the other side, falls squarely down hundreds of feet to the river below. Then it is that a jolt towards the yawning abyss sends .a thrill along the spinal column, and covers the body with cold prespiration. .At one place I was seated on the side next the mountain ; throughthe op- posite window I could see the muddy river seemingly leagues below aur. line of travel. There was a depression in the track next tothe precipice, and the coach lurched as the wheels went into it, and we seemed suspended in air over the abyss. "For Heaven's sake bear down on that side," came ftomthe lips of the passenger who sat near the opposite door. I did bear down, - but it seemed that for what appeared an eternity that we must go over the in- fernal precipice. There was no such thing as getting out. We were BO wedg- ed in that, had we gone down we should have been smashed as one man, "Itsa bad road," said a passenger, ':and there's lots of accidents. 1 was coming goer here last fall when I thought I noticed something wrong . in the driving. I pushed myself out of the window and looked up to the box. By the side of the . driver sat a chap that looked like an Englishman, who had a belt over his shoulder in which there was a scabbard for a bottle. Just as I looked out he was passing the bot- tle to the driver. 'Quit that,' ses I. 'Oh, yon be blowed,' •ses he. With h that I pulled myself back, and ses I, have any of you gentlemen got a revolver ?' Two were handed to me, and takin' one, I leaned out of the window and reachin' over I covered the driver, and I sees, 'You stop this coacls, now,quick !' He looked at me. and then into - the ;muzzle of the revolver,- and then . he pulls up. I opened the door, got down on the fore wheel, and puttin' • the gun close up to the Englishman's mug, I ses : 'You climb down o' that and get inside, or I'll blow the top of your head off.' Down he comes, and as he passed I snatched the bottle and tossed it over into the river. I climbed up on the box, and ses I to the driver :'There's two men inside, one who's got a broken leg, and the other a broken arm from bein' tipped over by some drunken galoot or at driver like -you. They're both pretty bad, and the way you've been galloping over the boulders, through the ruts, is napkin them holler, and is scaring the women inside to death. • Now I don'twant • any more monkeying, and ifyoudon't drive care- ful and tend to your knitter', I'll put a hole straight through you !' - And from that to the station we didn't have any more trouble, and there we got another driver." As somewhat corroborating his ex- perience I may add that at the ''second station out the driver of our coach was so drunk that he had to be helped from Si T . ! stroy her ati once. p operty of ' Major (o its way t0 his st T k, from Baro f rm near Leighton coin had `)een sin --Mrs. Harriet B h r family have ret C an., from their d rin, Florida. He an darias ming the box. • General News Items. The formal opening of the Mount Vesuvius Railway, took place on the 6th inst. e —President Hayes has been elected Vice -President of - the American Bible Society.. —Two Russian ironclads, ;:carrying 1,000 soldiers, will leave Cronstadt in a few days for China..' - —Ex -Governor John Wood, of Illi- nois, died on Friday, aged 82. He was the founder of Quincy, Illinois. • --A number of Jews have been ar- rested in the vicinity of St. Petersburg on a charge of being implicated in Ni- hilist conspiracies. - —Hon. Stephen Cave, ex -member of she British - Parliament, and distin- guished as a writer on commercial and financial subjects, is dead, in his 60th year. —Charles W. Schofield, operator in iron, in New York, has suspended pay- ment, with liabilities of two million dollars, half of which is secured by merchandise. —The Maxen House, a summer ho- tel at Point Pleasant, N. Y., was burn- ed early Sunday morning. The guests escaped with little - more than their night garments. --John Creamer, thrust into a cell at Jersey City for intoxication recent- ly, was suffocated cc on amount of the ventilation in the cell. Creamer belonged to a wealthy family in. Eng land. - —Dissensions have arisen among the heirs to the Hyde estate of twenty millions in England. Ex -Governor Arny, who has been managing the af- fair, has returned to New 1!'Lex_ ico in disgust. --Dreadful ravages by famine are re- ported from Kurdistan and Western Persia. In one town alone 138 persons have died of starvation, anthe inhabi- tants of twenty-sixvillages are entirely destitute. —A wind storm at St. Louis, ort Fri- day, 4thinst.,. did considerable damage to shipping. The bins of an elevator, having a capacity of 40,000 bushels, were prostrated and reduced to kindling wood. One of the employees was: kill- ed The roof of the insane asylum was blown off. —As a Great Northern: Railway train' in England was running between - Co- tham and Newark, smoke was seen is- suing from a horsebox which contained the valuable brood. mare Speranza, by Thormanby; with a handsome colt foal by Speculum. On the arrival at New- ark station it was found that the in- terior of the box was on fire, the foal did, and the mare so seriously b>krned that it was deemed • advisable to de- he tai fa mar : Was ylton, and rm at Aine, n Rothsohild's et It is supposed king. echer oto e a d to Hartfo hone in M ange grove last y ar 2,000 gdebt ski nd at fon] l locke and he c` h. , phylloxera, -mor Serio computed th ce devoted retrievably' gue has be I. is .yes�,year,it res have b • ; t of land lo. has been for means for • f . Robert, t n t Gra 's r es, in. 30,41 by t 5 ye slot, a wh invent g b • k hit nk o Engle, rewe jr., is conn nt.' brobroth:r 1're sud enly inst: nt. : and invent ce f his politic s in ecien+ by 'he E .� w Yo it of ng ga to rries = me 0 b ought her a profit ofhe —The se•. ton at M c tight -a lit ile girl p the cemete In H or to the de: forgot a itil the fo ened the found frigh —The ra ance, ar ily. Las third of t a a wine growing had b as th easing at 40,0 total a vine gro )ig scie insect. y recen d. house out hav lowing I, ead. ho pned to • ea ages of th beco ing July it as e total :'urf: =pii 11 t ly, it nig aX: se 11 valstated, an steadily inc estimated t added to th A society of ed for utiliz stroying the 1�--Brewer, the ow Devil, theh a rse tha Prize at the recent pe dent of has gai ra e. Brew4r is abo t an is the s 11 of a ma th means f, dnpli t ati which was s ld to th B fo a handso; e sum. bo k maker and tofli ke ps an o.,e with eri k in Wa erloo P1 —C. T. D motay New York, on the 'asa celebr ted the of ! Paris. a wa from France on aeco faith, but • is disc ansed bim o be for eror. Da otay w superintendi . g the new syste for The sudden eath is digestion ca . sed by ter' -dinner. --A Fort ontan redskins ate Pop have repeate ly sent Hazen desiri g to su councils hav:. been h Sioux. The are ve treachery,' nd dre irons, preferr ng even Bull hi envoy, b eurrend: express om E' rdan," aying t land, had been arres ed. from the Second Life Gu. ago, created a profoui d s he is known on this ide for it is pretty wellE un "Captain Jordan" is .non stalwart Tom Dale, fessional cricketer o Cricket Club' of De weeks ago Dale start .1, I1 e . a •ou er �tifi er Pa ed 1 11 St .1 i. h tion. Sittin zen a special the terms of as heretofore —News f "Captain J Cricketers, p a •is ce. . ie•' 7t. is 0 nt veri vei 1e Pas d he d, at art tore i rg, N. flower x" rust:; • er hc OITs. er p lien' . e niid s fir B n: N ntrduct1 anu actu attri bate ati ag c1 sp ar or re ld h d dea se rw d. gla+ I sial Creek to der, . tiih t�l gi g' e h by f h as azen re tl d sa he eicest for ,c3 rds 1 nsati. the ersto Says t agen Genet id thr s hosti but'fe put 1 i stare lent H ;old'h ie same R ei ilk t laaclia r, ,.In eietltin S year n wrier ianti .d the oth-r tha ae brilli t pr+ t e Pe' insula roit Ab.utt si ,d a ross he w: ter with ',a picked team of naCia cricketers from Moitre:1, for a toe through d -real Brita7 1. fter playin three games in Scotland, he te: nit pass' ed on to Leicester where ale, ' ho ha been playing uner t. d nano of Jordan; waS a reste stated; for desertion, a d • arse b severely dealt with.. 'sh la deser mit a ag�in, , *Ms by ncl mien States iCain who ma e it deserters ' Eng and! they nes give place t lit have expo n' if he had nd a quarter o u s 0 n s n t.l I6- e e 's, , e 1 e :. 1 . e ,ssum , as abov ill; of c The Eng is very strict upn thcf subject tion, and it is' fol y fo such a) ever tread on B ish soil especially a man like om Dal fame as a crioke er w confined to the 1 niter ada. The detec ivies business to watc'• for land never sleep old or die off, or men. Dale mi: be arrested ev away from,Engl tury. • TEABEBRY.-IT' whitening tl=ei breath, and s,ti the brightest, p extant. - Ask yo berry ;" price; 15 1 e grp, ot1 e ed It tayb. acen I e • new pow er fo .•th ulatingeth pu thrifey month siert little tea ge •• r d ggist foi, "Tea cent . 6 6-432. Bucklen's Amis a Sala . The best salve in he world for Cuts, raises Sores, - Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, happe, Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kind f 8 Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to g ve : per feet satisfaction, in every case or money refunded Price 25 cenper box. Fa sale by : icikson •' Bloasdell,Sesfortlt.' - ' • 566-8m • A Good hang. German yrnp is the spec alpreseripti•ri of Dr O. Boschee, a ce ebrated G •rman Physi tan, an• is acknowie ged o be ono cif the most fortunat discoveries In Me . 'eine. It quid* cure Cough's Colds and ail lun •+ tr abler of the severe t nature it d les, the ear se of the atf clition an arts in removing, a leasing the tion. It is not a ' e Stood the test of ease; which its r pi son confirms. T, o Beware of medial' es trodeced. Bosch e' dosed in the United sold in ever town world- T ee dose cough. Ari e 75 cen ea strong and healt • y condi crime talhmedicin , but ha s, givin sa:isfaetio in eve y incr asiug sale very sea on ttres sold : nnnally of s' lar names, ately in Germ n Syrup nal: intro States in 1868, an is no nd village in the eivil.ize will ' relieve any ordinary s. Sample bottle, 1 vents. Grien.t Treins lot vo Br as under: GOING NORT Mixed 10:25 Ascom ..... . 8:1r Mail. .......9:2 Grand Trine leave Se folios Gore WE&T— 000 ► 0 O doo A A: A A:) AAAa. K 4 I K A K HU ON !E POSITOR1 i • lani.t>_.• A A. A A," -AA A.A !1110I�III �![NIWIII�Dt47E__ St_0. •% 0 rn Th s. MEDICAL • Z v r r z O r r 831A.LS 1S3M1N L L _ LLLLL 0 •STErr1rxO1D L L LLLLL S • 111, wEAFORTH 1 'Great Clothth dv nOA 1:13A31 2 m c Oi z mj J t use of the West. c -.� 2 0 i) m m 0 3 f100}dd de ea G. SC .Aceot ce soutl toff Pres CT, M.D. . &e.,Physic an, Surgeon and hit, Seaforth, Ont. Office and real- si of Goderieh Sheet, first door y1ie$ eian Church. 342 H IeGi Ae otiehen fir t door e( N 1' tit 1VERI, M.D.,. C. nivereity, Physici afortLi. Ont. OBI of the Catholic ., Graduate of n, Surgeon and o and residence, ]lurch. 496 l;. VE • geon,. 0 co and directly opl gepE, At. D., C. M. tit, Coxpnerfor the Riaidenee, on Jar osrteSea forth Pnblii �hyeioian,Sar. minty Sar- onnty of Huron it; street north, School. BNA r iT, Veterinary ' iirgeon, Gradu lfII • ete of Ontario Veterinary • liege, Seaforth, Ont. Offic arid Resi.denoe in. r r of Killoran & Ryan's. C lie. proreptle atben. to, night or day- A st ek'c1 vet; rinary mote ines en hand Charges rea. o b1e. ones exam ined asto sound- ness and ee ti dateie iven if req 'red. 407 Veatern, R ilway issels ata' ion north a • d south . G ING so T ' A. M. A corn. . 5.65 A. M. P. M. A coin 1 98 P. M P. M. M xed -15 P.11 - ! Trunk RailwaM. forth an Clinton St tions ae S AFOR R. 3:10 P. . 3.55-P. :00 A. 1:05 P. E, ress..S. Ea, ross.a. Mi ed Tretn MiedTrin .GoIN EAs — S Exrress . ':. ...5:00 A. Express Train..; i .1:05 P. Mixed Train .4.15 P. Mixed Train,..77:35 P. CLI TON. 8:30 P. M. 9:15 P. M. 8:45j 4 M. 1;4 P. M. AFORtjH. CLI TON. 7:36 A.M. 12:40 P. M. 8:30 6:55 1'. M. London, Huron GoINta NORTH— Mail. - P.M. Loudon, depart 2 20 Exeter.... ...:3 39 Hensel' .. �..... 3 54 Rippen..i..... 4 00 Brueefiel 4 10 Clinton 4 25 Blyth. ...» - 4 52 wingham arrive . 5 25 Gon -SOB et— Mail. A. M. Wingham, depa t.,.. 7 00 7 35 8 01 8 18 828 8 84 Exeter .. 8 49 Blyth Clinton t. Brttoefielc - Kippen Hbrisall and Bruce. - Mixed. :.xprese. A.M. P. M. 5 55 6 8 49 7 915 7 9 25 7 9 45 8 10 80 8' 25 1115, '852 1200 925. Mixed. express. A. M P. M. 1055. 620 12 10 6 55 1 15 • 7.24 1 43 1 7, 43 200 , 759 2 10i ' 8 06 8 00 8 26 hors from Mr, Whitn: Setiforth. fj 4 DERBYSHIRE. L. D. 8., ' �•; 5 irgeon Dentist, Graduate bf the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office A. M. to 5 P.Q. Rooms in {new b: -ick bloc:, Main Street, LEGAL VES Solicito MERO Solid 0. Came ILLia Ap rea cion raiser. onable 4IA.RRQW, Barrister, Attornoy and , godericjh. 68I , UOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, rs?' to Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. ors, Q. C4 Philip Hol , M. G. Cam- ! 606 SMAL1Ii, Conveyance k and Commie - in R.,: Wroxeter. Auetioneer and Aceonnts and notes collected on err~ s. 366 D. R t GjBRS, B rrister and Attorney -at aw, oat itorle Chancery, 9nveyancer, &o. Ma once;Block, Wingha Trust Funds reij¢1 attention to c flections. 652 M 1,'E{RBarrister and Attorney at I Sd] ititory in Chancery. ',Commissioner Di vits In the Province of Manitoba. r t a Bonk of Hamilton, Wingham. '3s loan at 7i to 8 per cent. 696 25 40 53 59 08 CAR D' s. CA BELL, Pro • and 0 vii Engineer. Or ly attended to. - 79 D. s. C A� d- er 1 Land E e by email luteeypt premelt 0 to , lo w.0 • Law fort: king topic tor f Private fu ME • 1 o itor Keh.e wi they • rst i prey• ns Tar, anove bo n • at ,e .9 BE HOE, Barrister, Attorney, So- veyan er, &c., Stratford. Mr. 5eilfo th twice each month, on hird Mondays, arriving on the ay evenings. He will stay at idezce 638 ON a Law, Conversance forth-ndB Is ato yeanv n l , I s Sa. s : h: abov mu n 1 son be a d to itie • oll • sell e, sit NecM. firne hat ent,! ,A11 r. ':13entt YE , Barristers and Attornoy for 1 in ChancereandInsolvency, tar* Public, etc. Offices—Set. s. $28,000 of Private Funds to Eig, tpercent. _nterest,payable 53 H O. MEYER. this day ben dissolved by accounts >e tho firm to on who wt 1 pay all liabil- JAME HI . BENSON. H. W. +. MEYER. & HOLMESTED, 1�0 . 27, ; 87t1; , .I A D;HEY • N RI, ND CO YANCING (HF ICE, S 's -los , Lala n Stre t Seaforth. CIT a i' 5 ' orth Conso id ted Bank of nada and. he Ja adieu B of Commerce e forth. an' To and illage r perty bought e ld. o ey (p iva ' fu ds loaned on mortgage se- t' s, at efts ab a tea of int rest. Charges mode ate. ; 1 - o ey in est fo private pe one• upon the beat ortg:,:e sr,enrillies,without any expellee to thele der. willies, S. G. c0A r G Y, 1. A. F. ITOLMESTED. in an A WE K—*le a day at home easily mad?. clstly Outfit free. Address TRUE Aa ta, ams. - - - - 126-52 - 0 0 0 • -n CD it 0 let CD 0 1-1 riVr CD (1) 0 C12 6.4 CD CD CD 0 rAt 0 CD les. td CD ern cp CD 02 PD CD 1-3 0 Jo Pt CD I CD s•ril al" 0 rrl 0 0 0 0 co 0 plan g et of Id —Mrs. Malkin will eye inatrantions 1Vent fee practice if desired. Residence toria Square, Ssaforth. 614 {I} co 03 RESS MUSLINS AND LIGHT PRINTS. We are Show4g a Nice Lot of ress Muslins and Light Prin,y, Suitable .for,. winner Wear. BLAOK BUNTIN9S, WHI E TURKISH TOWELLING, LAO GLOVES AND IL_K GLOVEA: LISL THREAD pLovFs AND LACE MITTS. Also Good Value in Tweeds and Worsted Coatings.. ERY. LAIDLAW TURNIP SEEDS. TTTTTTTT T TT TT TT TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TTTT ROCERY STORE NEXT THE POST-OPFICE. Our ,ea, at 40 aila 50 cents- Canit be. Beat. The Best 60 ,cent Tea in the Dominion. 1 sp GENT Bc.ApK, 90 CENT OMEN, 30 CENTS. 60 GENT jAPAN, 60 OENT MIXED. BEST VALUE :IN COFFEES. 40 CENTS. 45 CENTS; • These G-oods a4 all of the Best, Quali y, and recoinmended for Flavor and Streugi D. D. ROSE, SEAFORTH. C.ROQUT ANI2? RING TOSS. Ir./1114B LINE, CHEAP, AT PALM LEAF, JAPA Alt Colats, fromt Fite Cents upwa74, at • NO1313)1, FANS. FANS. FRENCH and C. TV:. PAM'S Bookstore. PAINtrING. PAINiT1NO. PAINTING. HOD'S kisID SIGN PAINTING. J. GRAVES is pr ing and Wihitew . left at WilSon oung' receive prompt attentio to do sll kinds of House and Sign. Painting,Paper Efang- S4tisfastien. Guaranteed .or no charge made. Orders , Lnmsdeul & Wilson's, or Wai. Robertson & Co.'s, will this Great Household lil dieing Tanks 'amongst the ileading nece Paries of life. roost powerfully, i, et boothinOy n the flud B °WEI ..4 . s Ix:1.g tor e. enel vy,tin4 rig,ir to hese great lkif,II\ SIIIINGS t. F LIPS.. They Et (1,.. They are u 01,af.”In:ly tffica ions in all ail - 4 GENERAL FA 'ILI MEDIC -E are unsnr. known tiqoughout th World. Old Vi0I1.11:‘, Sores an Ulcers, it is en infellible rinittly. If ell etually tubbed an the neck end rifest. As Stilt int west, ft Curee SORE TB ROA T, 1"xon chit is, Cc ghs, Cohise and even ASTHMA. 1Fer Glandelar Ana every kind 4.‘f DISEAS , it hail Levee been known to fail.! . The anti Ointment are Ma ufactured only at 533, oxEoitr, STREET, 1.0N ON, and ere Civilized Wald ; u4ith dine' dons 1 use in Most every languagte, The Trade marks of these Medi fires are regis- tered in Ottawa,. 14enee, any one rongliOut the can Counterfeits for sale, will be rosecuted„ Purcheisers thonid look to the Label. on Pots and Boxes. tbe address is not 1".8, Ox- ford. street, Loathe., they are sp coEmfoRtt Pronoun ed? by all the worl Ask your -dealer fo re. Aed where, 'te to the sandersi ed for cir- cular ana price list. None g uine with- out my 7' 4de 34.'ark and signa ere, 'Globe COOV'tft•, -LI' ;Sophiashurg, aye: I was elected with After using throe, or fonr bottles felt muth better and gained Ft ny.n.z.th rapidly my health atemetly, and in a re. onth Vali as w 11 em 1 hat with Liver Camp ai t, but used the Shoehonees ever been in my hf,,,i I am now in usiness mud wili. you to send rnii three dozen y steamer. A.IWood, Oonsecon,says : That he as tried the Remedy for Liver Cite:Oaf/it and Dy pepsia with entl find that they e. e as good risen I evertricd. great eneeees. I els; use the Shoe onees Pills 'Henry Ring, Geneva, N. Y., Sayfi : y wife wee intensely afflicted 4rith de spe,psia for a. loug -sekot:46, but revered no benefit. 8 e has taken theee bottles qf a Great Shoshone Renee -dee th.t shos e»eea, Wall able to walk 4s well as ever, Price of the Ilenar.dy in pint bottles, Si ; PAls t , ot ;men, and all diseases those premature age, and Man easee that lead to ineanity or cons= phleta which we AIN re to send free every :one. The eine Medicine is Coe No. 10, Me heat es' Block, Detroi se, Spernae- that folio* dimnesis Of of her tion audit our pexa- by mail tea old by An ekages for EDICINE THESE TEM ARE NOTED 011 1 THEIR GREAT STRENGTK, • Ag!ents—P_ =GA BY, Baker and Oonfectien,. .To BREEDERS Bir"Louh:eprt:. ,:nIveetnI8Innoek. of the Noitbern Gravel Ittel and a north :of Sea orth hev., ing p from he Bele