HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-06-18, Page 6: /: i- .• il e I, 1• : ..- . ._ , - • . • • a , , _,, - - - - - --- . ' - 4 . i ,6 1 , - - ,..7 e...,,..eie, • eee,e,-:a. 4• . a. THE HURON v XPOSITOR. * i • MC 181 1880. ......i.spoisv, 1 —....., aisrimminieum ..--...... i &MIT i 8 lj T P. A Profitable Tree, - d thebase of the aroun , • vine - o . . let a .. ua tha • nanttrope ' o • et es birds are 8 A,7' 1=2"1" , I -I yiriaGY - - , third the stake io - •‘ it& the inilni --• y mere n erout an -they are , - 0 'Jo a- Branches' from a Salvia Bar4ra " cha;rd—Facts arid Figures on 'tn.t. - ' correspondent of the -Analleim 1.) Gazette says, speaking of Elwood per's olive ranch: person give vine battae•hedi a sharp heavy stick. This blow every easel jar the eheets, wh .re the kerosene ltnost ins wetly. - This process, after blow • th it'. will -* nearly beetles i•to. the ' 1 then . , a little.° S :riene, here, t • ey;.,1 Boots. T -h tweets 0 et' grain. , el a to ripe I pere. w : ik suffer birds well d axe sefrnit. OP ake h ebeut t y vi 4 2P tli wn, bet ed Wh. field* • - from 110Xi01111 whet wit nd ke in - in- the a.biout c ap- p the INST MUSI UMENT - AL EMPO!IIUM 1 . I HE i 1 , . .• • : • READER OF 15-11 • • , • 1 . . NOTICE ;ROB 6 ' E9-1VI- ERT .,...- 0 NDVIL fU LTO: ' L E ,, • ' , I I in ie1kblos Kl. ri tb. en years ago this ranch was a wild, ultivated cattle range on the Dos retake. .It is now one of the t cultivated and neoet thriftly-manaa. ()states it Southern California, and a ve through it will imprees the con- tion that great as has been the labor ex.penditure necessary to change it an be perfOrrned he persona one eine to cessary is ,very the work quite bright. aftetiloons for this work be perfonned almost employed another. trifling, a -s well are to be • faith • ea .idly 8.13, can- a . from The e e se te- and b y: can de as me . Warne, the pro e times one, an it Should y every su . .y di 'Phi birds : for a f:w in„ ha • um . :rs olicy °arse: There tike. way Weeks . g f Of I. us . is te G. • By; h t e tiler° s teeth r: be ai. B. : birde a. othe ,fltel s spelt have in split: i tribe:. “ilari d pret:ct atonal •Tekgraple[ i ingda • o i of th ,-.- On one t'he g rou trifle lenity great true o en - crops. d to SC Have that t their Danief TT -e, eainire :y are •• • : ell, t BROTH in sta4ng now unt, i e origi e . to the anufacturing company al manufacturer, , i • ERS . : public on with M . I - IS INVITED TO COL AT . . . i : MORRISON'S, 8E. , 1 . • . • AFORTH. HAS PURMASED SMITW 'OUNTY A THE 00 , PATENt JUSTA RIGHT FOR =RON FOB 1 iPORTABLE LE Buccv HE P.,, k m its wild to its present • condition, until the vines are o • t of dan e . , re a greater elements:in the have been wise energy transforma- and well rnode of c to be_mue batting more e he beetl p omise8 ! ectual . he • an A machi 11 ce led e h: : r chine ntly een ., ut in the ce tibrated . . 1 'YOU , The Best . n Most Uge u Invention of th • lige. P eeted akill. . he ranch contain:8 about ere are all sorts of soil 2,500 ecres. in it-abottom other whi ,ed, for it c eon before 1. has hit. n be used i he vines fart° bee :ngges1-1 .early i t a e sea- are se otely in- operalion claitned'W 36 hears. , • Ne pro. i t co. • ti : its :York le ten of alarge hich s of t it ie oe in k in EXCELSIOR I ORGAN : , i - WE PROMISE A CORDIAL . WELCOME. . This B. ,g_,try Top pronounc n /0 ut Iti ru re or aetest d, sandy, adobe and titer part of it is in a st thorough eultivatien. tion only is under grain. trees of various kinds ges of growth cover . es. They are eliieflyi and -olive. The thou, trees are notaret be 4 or two a large in ,o.me tight to their . owner, and ked upon by many persons sonece. of the princely lob this h illside. The state of the A small . Fruit and and various hundreds of almond; wal- ands of wale ing, but in a will be they are . as the return- back. jured eta to raultipl • above, the. recommen.' sary, be us First, all r from the v trellises w well cleaned as to affor bibeenatin the laryte lime shim' 1:efore the . In, con i emedies ed Often d. Thes bbish sh neyard, a I • lich support. of bark the beetles in th vineyard appear it he sifted , 1 sects .ection which ! should are uld Id the the and little great over th a be sta.. sp :. ay: begt14 wi h the a e been if necea- f llowsi: r:m6ve es' and ein • es be • n ers, SO oh nce Of S: ond.,f 1 n mbere vi es. r winch placed, 12 inehe The boxe and tight taining me:- eg *cal coils ethe core Ma mai* shoe ,- rent. : galir eac y at rottele and aniC0. roe The nize• - box ' de- : e fil des :r ch ' and wh .ulph 1 es w wate: loxes tem • s le la e cL rg c chi rens 0. in' :ratere, eet gro ng 413 six with A d wit 'lied' a gali oiti. Ithe etailk, cillai,te-: a can reaervoi oy SI • box laches aches pure chlo me omp e ts an aeon . nuou: the s are long, deep.. water con- de of ns of ed of oroed, the . the cur- ee .mag. And .0 tomer a prices.i ted by Organ as to beaut • The Organ combi find u: ° a- ments P noes n consequent the benefit The eebest artufactured ne and f workmans 0.de f mos tions eepin nd di: ow as o Excelsi judge dura hi and ot desire and po pace overie high-cl give th' manuf r Organ i to be . in Canada, ility, as and fini era in search le styles, ular priees ith all inepro in our line, es goods . ir..-cir- cture .8' „adm t- he, b st bo h .well s h. S of mode •• •• • e- a id can oe • G tha(t TURNAP e JUL? any Just 'el . . ve on hand alLa(rge Stock Of - CROCE-EBY and GLAS ,. 2 , , 1 other House in, the Trade. i 1 hand -a Large Quantity. a;f' the . • : SEED, which will be spld at , I if I I ! • 1 hoice 'FAMILY WAR,E , i BEST Bottep . Cheaper • SWEDE Prices, • IT. Cart to. be the' .tAnhea-delaeant son that a without a be eeen plieity of surpassed,.. The foll nonnee it Tops inve Loudon age he etket, ; tilt y y . b,e :adjusting wing • s ted buildei best ever .. • nbperriLallineeletisniohr arson, Oen ineonvei4eue45, appreelated. and Londen being superior t John : C Sage & Co.; . 9 and :Livery ' introdiec . i ! taheissvilripllee -child, can adj fand onlywa Its neatness, durability Zatill , Carriage Builders overall other , pbell, Esq., Ma_ Nash, Esq.; j. A e in irellt I st it t� to elm. t be pro- uggy or of Mor- el) Iowever, rees, ranch. will yet give it is not aboutl the walnut nor yet about the 150,009 eucalyp- what W ' . Yo rld-rig. 9k have t I omen • End in Neriv e 1 nesi ill wat•r c•one in ' 0 will , ot fir;' gr• • ntac ze w ••$ ilithee' low with th: :very t coil ater if me it but Produ• the d. . • . - •• 1 AND DON'T YOU FORGET .. ; •an, Esq.; .. . art, Esq.IZ . . Hedging, En. 1 - , us wo -among wletch there are twenty- different species -abut about the that . I asked Women with slow whose da • death are •We y work any in, is lade e Yor iron .Oxeei: of :Ica' con ealed it • solid • locks, season: ebony : se only o wood, nd ivole the be: for our keys, end therong cases; and best ly genni .e impo t- • •'Orders promptly 1 Filled and Sit 1 - tie live ewe e and- its growth, your to write. citey. Mr. ber of Ilarers' itideing, it Maga the our ?ine, des. en num. nes th Re ge y ee, flake. ed reel and " Sited Oards . ' ly by T .hese m labOr, s ,ateri: , , i• •if tion Quakvinteed. Cooper has 110V7 5,000 olive trees, by t flow* • thief manip • o Smiled m st A few Rights for I; ale ' I oath da e I . , intends, to out a •large number in. course of times:, About one-half this number. or 2,500, are already, dancers suffered makers, tile button . gil lucifer naat gold 1 ere, the h. maker artifi.*al al wor.er13, ggar nati.eris In laifge 1 : th au mann,- tenth • A IWO &keg ake g e la an er nee • eth• On. e alt e g e, • lat (mated ,wore in In ed. 4 tie than a, anti stat corn- ensure theft. patron: her on at atisfac ion to _ . ourselves end • r •I R . '0FORIDI J .5 • Huron. A. :650e8 o ship d -ess • OBERT VTYLTON, Egmond- e. e a te. a -ring, and next season -' a large pro- ion Of- the younger trees will come They are the common oliye brought his country by the Mission Fathers. factories of the ventilit precautions inhalation 1 artificial len is us, are take. e Iflowers, ally -sti to pr 'ea h Saye, ie t, and ve t the. But Hia • them one 11.alf died$ le ail o the 4 ver hire i vill:g:. ozen llin! a SS n collie •Yirh es in pn ance to n the - their lonely Our : take are su•It. had. disc • einating way, lotions, as •• stops, end comialend performer. cambenations them to ev:ry . 1 * • T TIN . 'E SEAIFORTII : D' STOY ' EMPORI RI ' MPO i It ' n five years , after the cuttings are nearly all t of poiso e brilliao . oils i leaves ors re made - em: • ded p 1 heir j ,O. we ; s.nd spot; upon : . . . . "Phirr - t ted they ,bear- welleand in nine in the.artis u's own teme-ae ac room their • erciur ing, ie the - air to the W le A. )3 0 0 111 ai-X,„ ErS BLOM mint 811.R . they bearing what may be .. .41.. - I e o ro 3l1 a s are sid•ered a full crop. The average of trees nine years old is fifty gal- . of berries. The proportion of oil eny,is one-eighth the bulk, and one- or an, attic of existenc duces the sp is diffueed Sorbed by pvoted tol -and th .n.g-like 1 the ate the sys all the !arsenic' '•ividnes osphere em. T p rposee th t pre- of color a d ab- e fabric vehii betlai ceul ie koife it id and king ell i• into Seize hirns ne tale biat sli dit lf p h e tem that. e niffl • g fre 1 He ets., ead •• n dre» his .lunge 1 hen omen A W : :out ee.il, . rasp, ' b and' o . 'his rrant given' art ' P hich with tile we shall live every instrume urcha-ser up •• t; we : sk : • /4t, , MR$i ' Has no* E 1 I op hand a WI+ conlidete , • T i I N ' • ' ' a-ssorttneu Y of an u Id h ,the weight: Thus, the average latity of oil„ got from trees nine years. is Six and. a q-narter galions.7: . r. Cooper has olive trees on every d of soil which is to be found on his from will° o in the piece, Starch or g t emcee. . ' 4 ngers eve the leave Paris gr m -arabic his liqui• lengths of ar cn en, old being u is spre fine caliO is olored a er and Pc1 or th' a y the dr mii - and nife stiak • mur• theNtsoe, tete and fixed: nee he • a he ts fa han • and, i Deer c g t tO i tolled iri ,i : e "euecumb -t o n recove it, a e wo • tes wa onl a the Y . which :nythin slack , -not ld-be . neat o d to .. aampn past - reasoa o be s - cold ss whe bl e an made bjecth dd u en it can h . honest f wood to eXtr dimes 1 ' , or expose be avioided.. car:- requires d of t o 1 1 i 1 MIL And all 6 premise, sold at Hatrd li from CANS r Dairy brat-elasS Times Prizes - U‘sile, ,y PAILS made up .n stock, and will ' C. tin be 0i, hie citable Ede ch -rich bottom land, light sandy gravelly hillsides, and stiff adobe. tells me that as yet be has not been to observe that one soil is less fa, than any of the others, the hill- and adobe trees doing as well •as lin, which kneaded, by tint. . The frames to • shaded, :tli: immersion are afte • and:anti are , 'the ry, and : final pr i -n warm wards ! they ha spree. re next :cess b ; ax an. ea en o e n eve 0 tit in c • t and ing their t e re. hurtil disco • letiele ; was 1:ft on th . pohc g an ered but alolIle ,sceti Btfi,t10 body y so the n rem . . •ii ca. t• ote.. . h ,. .410eg • se tho thte pf '.lice ornen an. the .: coming sody to were The I re- of Es slimed° river ronto, : vision of the the- firin. actoryl nd is Mr. is located l:rs, land LOrne der the anielBerl onthe Streets, pereenal 7 , a member , coreer To- super- of AL T • ' WILL E I -I I 000DS ARC BE SO:LD AT . I WHICH THIS THE HE IS SEASON'S 1 • . LOW PRICES NOTED. MAKE, AND FOR - R E F Also on GOOLD a end Style No bousek i gee e I GE and, a nuniber QUEEN Refregerators. Refrigeratore er shouldbe i R -ATO '11 , , of the Celeb For cannot be ext: leithout one. -eI Price iled.. ny. xperience ation i e He- employs no irrigation, and his shows that with. good eulti irrigation is unnecessary.. This fact of great importance in its re- moved of a The detatc air, and ar: workers - w y loose • .plor ed earti invariabl, o ose hand upon les lo inhal:d erchiefs them. t n the ey the ar : speck- eu In tinae 1 ; °up , lette efere P to -a is d la r , i nd, [w, • The. e•Pra •tten-a dore ' er . TH short arker , EMERSON I . PIAN • . • , IMPE A full stock IAL MEASUR of the New X perial Measu.r ; S. a on a t on to the utilizing of hill land thatAs erwise would be. almost - valueless, ,• led with dots the DOSO... of gre : nother o n blow. eratio'n, t roug ec nice , said : yen tiL 'Itt ink1 tuak yl hall le • e! , I eitatil well. • for I mean . eying f to stock t kmerly , • 8 Em we cottinue I reon 1? to ano, also keep in the Do- hand, ,sta sold in set ed •azeordling r separate ag o the At. W sired. -I be n n f l' which under the olive trees may . g in a return equal to that he best orange orchard of equal, eage. orae figures mato the return from e growing will illustrate the point of ly known a. the fasteniig "dew drops," which dislodges and leads to "grass w of sm to , the porti its inhal Variable rle," c' 1: glass, . artifici• las of tion When ns sts I be ds p 1 'lade NI: col() he cense '0 get . . toe.° it:an 1 use • neal ist 4, ah onap mor e w 0:: 1 If sha 1 i hit. than 7 0 . T • st d di o all: ut -1121 ie, ii i. I o.'t t a f my pr e sen er is a :Xercis the ower minio o y for -. via a e you suppli:4. nat- . It Re •• and ot I _. os ana erriber er Or/ rgans ' efore ns. f the any o ou Purchase r make an d AL L _ . • 1 ND SE,E FOR , i I YOURSELF. EA Done on t oilialvani A .Compl c e t ' E TRO Shortest Nolte°, Iron. Stock of TiOni,raee LIGHIN •eitber wit always on • 1 u . h. r v last remark. mr. Cooper gave the res which 1 nowgive you: Average p of trees nine years old, gallons, 50; rage quantity of oil per tree, gallons, euences• sr eons enapt habits, and an occasio dyspepsia i yed - are keep the al headac the mos. cleanly r wind 0 e or an they' : th: per i • thei I w ope lack . but , F of! th • whie I fee ens : 1 infiefte mak that bela of el co is • • s an' gOve t is lOse that dear , o le pees i • pr at an •0 un me. nce, I settee Instru love; • give b:tteie erse; any ot • hen, think . ent, gi va er lion e us e for in the trial, as less Money trade. we can than _ I = 1 - . , , . Finest At the Lbw-estrices, Also a large , Brand $ 1 . est P : ssortnient oif fof Coal 41 e holessie and Lamps, Globes, Od etail. e. f bringing, at $4 per gallon, 25,$ ei ; bleesing G. OFFORD JR. • MAIIN-ST.,,,SE•AFIVRTH. : . , mather c sea all i e sym • terns o °e'er e 'peeve a I d the use I • *:' ' OBt of production; K70; profit per iterSenical •ealled iii mak. of th m • I remenaree • the AG i. NTS- l'IrANTED. Orders r a : 1 ll Az 1,d' : • - : - be jo re a f , $20..30. Aa I have said, these are Cooper's figures, and are the; result is experience. But as mealy per- s might be; less snccessful . than he erruptions ,general, d. :buttons, m • Used, pro oisoning f the ski. ility. I/ retry an wing • th-i are nausea re gildi o itric. cha colic and C.1 I metaa acid ar13 aeteristi thin right 1 my 3ejyS meef I he hings an. Ors. ; 1 oe aoo eetend I call • t my • oreewse .o m Peayer. I to do SO hink ef I re 5; hops a - an wrong the ollect Ad. -k and forthD ; ct of eas, SCOTT et, D. IfELL BROTHERS, :4 Co., Toronto. Sea- I . IN& '''- 0 ii,*'17 -A_ Nr . . TO •, i ril 1\TIO ir 1 c 1 i ProMp factim 'i. Give inea ly Attend4d Guaranteed. T -al before : 8 of to and S , eisewhe zng , tis - e ie x 5 been, lotus estimate the quality of oil produced as worth 25 .per cen, less, and the expense ef production diseases; the work- A ebe tertible nd in ma . omen so disease te in o• h .lucif times 'call rmatch contrac describe grati wren:), t ,is ' de, of .: ot an o peni ()ace spire nee act of p ot an titioli. 'pod, of • have joy. ,I do_ done ! But 't ask BAK RY AND N E I • CONFECTIONERY W ., ' . • ' '- - E3UYE RS! OF 1— ' ,, DRY GOODS - - ' pieehaging MRS., . ,e...7. WIIIT EY - %Lots er centuna more : _Six and one-half oil. at 03 per gallon, $19..50 ; cost e,s necrbsis f the male ary nonesiman Ged '1)0.ok • saw to my !!t .writ my - .. iALL . i TEA '' T.- • E f•roduction, tree, eases of w ich have I een 11 eated or mak: e a of Man 1 1 • , 1 e'6.25 ; profit per Belleview espial. the 1"N .w, w th th s ()Men of I l.2. il With 100 trees to the , acre, • Would. give $1,325 profit to the ac:re. of gold leaf a,nel buoya the subet t that the tin In oors p e is I' an eparatioft o fiagile window' sham healtli , ,i; no thee .. ore ,: :k I she aid !God 'to .to hu pr restore me a er, FO my cargo Leeey BE B tad buisiness OTIIERS , / . i . • . THE 'N CROP , MT ARM I ED Er Coopee, however,. says that even- are necessa ily kept cnI o ed, e Id the ad of teil. I a oo am zed th4t SI en hould -LI 01 ow sta tend, next to Oat in Williamson's michael's Hetel, Sea- With, the "11 Determination of glosing Ow the Balance - , a:11y it will be necessary to thin out of the wor becomes ll hn'iure. But t their nOth feeble werds lc: n• alter e forth, re they intend to give full satisfactien . J die my Stqck I have A. - Li, 3 1. e:d. g.: trees, but by the time thie Will have lie done the trees will have so ch as to make their crop greatly ex- the 50 gallons which is their aver- at nine years old.. : the women character o cigar mak boys and c day for fivel who suff - their oc rs, who It: ldren, t or six do u ll. i y most atio gling man s a from the are the ith meri, hours a ek, living anind *ere ney desk- --11 !that of t Pat (wild. that •y as•aing . 0 Al ol iOety Ahey s o If I I s o f r ld dr: ught Id clJe ife Wo (4-9d, i an. to do was to -d ldlea4 in ever b still :it if Trr wed ng God's Y:, but Him Deily ranch of Cak romiltly ng done their bin 9 and Attlended , :promptly. %aim : Ii . i' all otherOrders to,; We also - intend to ) 1 EPING i 11Just made; another , , . ' EDUCTION 5 Gro TS THE -L. value lo try his ry and 14ovision POT Where! iyour money Nevr Teas -they , Sto iron can get th: C er -offered in Sea ars 'really •goo. e beat orth. and iS . e Grape Pest Vanqu. ished How to Fight the Fled Beetle. rofessor Co•rnstook, the Entomolo- Of the United Steles Departme.nt an in atmo and -fumes. inveterate work is do of it is don phere Bur' hat woul smoker si e in facto in the c i arged old . P s, but wellio , th dust he moat t of the '• he Mos s ' of the t to le shoo et Sii. aid : : me • not t his • The detest live e h dare t infini e aeal p 3 th- - i ty ye put ou wisd , , er yo laame r: y lo 4 rs SS little and nd I oil) I alwaya mind cl,,',fri 1 sk for end li . r agree and vie Ty. we inte • 658 ep on hand eg and pe te 1 patronage Not to have FO anew Frnits, gain the of the ing-like always BES BROTHERS, and. full • : ., /Noe will citizens of ]'Seafor good bread,,and 1 stock of . and kind th that Bakers. DRESS CI AND FOR THE - 1 , , OD; SHAWLS MA TLE . , 0 1 NEXT MONTH 1 I I 1 - i i ' CLOTH CIO 11 • i ' 1 - S KID CLOVES 0 ' • 1 cheap. Also FRESH.. And &nice ti-fi Oratge a -well select, R00ERIES stock a all k: , Lemons, A Stock of Fresh i AND PROVISI.NS i 1 .ds of Fnurrs les, Dates, Cra: such berry t Agriculture, gives the following tives 'Ver.& t and in n i her i , • ally al- - 1 1 ' Jam by t e pound, lack Caerant jelly Red le Itly hod of fighting an insect which has beeu a great pest in Canadian tention al , . P . `x i rowing g . to ventil . ls at the . e 4 on or c 1 rge o, . eenhnese• woman- - - items! La . , e or are ' Abou., Mush. lrawing often 1 igt4 Engl 1 5. root, ! cur, BROAD 0 0 T & BOX ) .RIE3:ONS i HATS CAPS FURS I , OVERCOATS, &C., : - :1 I •Currant j Plume, D- lly, Pine ied Apples 144 Jelly, Figs., R 1! ising, in 4 -4W Lola yards :. . • - he grapevine flea beetle (Haltica -ea I lliger) has been on.e • of the formidable enemies that the grape- hood stiffer much nude- , tent a mis _ . P ale, their in litany the infl • smOker. eyes ar: ays, ence a of Their dead . d are as , i obacco as faces are t e a s u o, P - acres' half- hen . , the ay low the indo • , p the , the c ht h r.ossuag ndow, tan).- ide n .vhich i, nd each rath:e d 'raped Other high starts UNDERTAKERS, SEAFO , TH, • &0. Will be ., Sold. 1 at Prices Never Heard - • , , of before in this Vicinity. , H-ONEY. Some of 85 cents p , - ,i._ • IN I-14. BOTT- t e best Tea Iiiiet in the mar • r ound. 11 ES . at 70, ere of this country have had to comes avetrl 4, hem th • '1 it nerv . are un- from ri b ie s left,' ra d ed ,oe - enota , Try my w Japan Teal at 40 and SO ce ts per m ie. end' with. The only redeeming ure 'Mout it is that it seldom: ap- set e , an. d nearly ever, th eir un case. s. are sease in d • a$te moue s Sed bl bow e, o ck at b of silk ri whits e bon 'Pi ir best a • a her c hart4ionizes Limon PUNE ALS TE4TDEDuAT THE GREAT BARGAINS IN FINE BLACK BROAD CLOTHS. pound. Try my Try _ii ek Congau '4:ea a t • -50 and -60 7 c a ent 3ars aT in the same locality in greatw bers rin:g cODSecutive years. Ins Gayer o s B. ; s. 0el th he f on the rnitur curt it f thelrlorn, 1 wher: they fast- rossin SHO PEST OTIO4 Minist-rs . and Others regniring those Goods can -,. . save money by Calling and my 65 cents per Try my tingHysonT a at 45, 60, 55,5 : pound. Gunpowder 'Teilat 50 tents per p and mei, h Nse beet! s leave their hibernating. dors in April, and attack and de- . No pez so it some , be he e ay yer so ierdid, to t but the oiantre i,ed ; oth r have ' :Etch 4rnrtain COF INS1 AN . 'Buying at 1 ' ' it is really ,good value, 1 i I] .d,, x lely , y the young leaf buds as S0011 as appear, later they feed upon the is of nature, country lif: e eensi nd &MOD the pees le !lie , the lice of 1 , charms lo arms of oieds, and bate bow thelo ..1 b Wh ck b a y n• lac c , o s mew rtainn that , at are hang is, the mailer in 'ace AL AYS ON SHROUDS HAND. ' i 1 JOHN ROGERS'. I='. CDV.LS.101NT I ••es which have their delight derived ce 11:ual s 0, • A elu )ply tbose isuperior a ee escaped earlier gee, and deposit their eggs upon the song, axle reotg t rem. th e: rnostl r eheerful ,popu1a ed.gIe• d�vp, peeling 4 thi in tl d cur a1n e eentr is 'OW of the u win- HEARSE ed, or FOR HIRE. • ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS good Cured Ha Bacon, Fl of Smoked s Smoked Bacon, Plaiu Ha Shorts, Bran, Cornmeal, Oa tiger and Meal, mei. a - The eegs are of an ()ranee color, soon. hath into' small chestnUt Ilaedly sea Outthena, : one weul nd • t ye a dare te h d • e "-age be with,- th eY .att -r • • bli :"- .0 , of • lain ' 1 b• ok uslin • • ' L IT :VI E . SALE • • , rot Barley , rahana Florel, Oats and Potat es. )lored lame. These larvalalso feed sometimes • o is -so prn hat it is avthokingl as 1 plaeed ado dne c fu ! y over 'd the indow. the ,FIR ! / FRUIT ARS. FRUIT pc L .116S 1'.t n the leaves, eud when th•ev appear Teat numbers sometimes strip the of their foliage. After a month. of ve life the larvae descend to the bury themselves the to wonder 1 patienee with iiu these ea [tion proper nous “tran.actions" • t Mines le theni. es to disc :as y, and th ople gr • It is the lied. s we re - w out of , ety hard ques- id in va- IY:rp retie toiries • Dig t : pt pe of es to dow e roc: y n•:Ss; : mus the g the 1 .. T sa ;bile nnd ;- t.e, w1thout e mttel , et serv only .softe n bli s hat it HEIM s and arken- da are 11, Firs IkLLS Quality from $ UT TO $6 per tt. . ORDER, PINE i SMIT11.-" JONES.-" furniture, you prices. Our baby county." Good imorning Jones, where are you going to'?" I am going down to M. ROBERTSON'S Frirniture Warereerns, to get some new see Mine is getting played out and I -want to get sine first rate furniture at very low Ipiece., wants a I1(3W cradle,- and they say that he has th very best and cheapest in the I A -very 1 all. sizefi, wIll A .i • : i r e stock of Glass Gem Fruit j la eh, being boeght before the ise sold very eh's. . P AULT, Street Sea ra, -of in 7o4uad a and near ace, where they make cells of the tradictory pinions o the regar est con- tO the Ot iew uSed i the c tav ,W en eood All fiength, rom 10 tio 50 Feet, at the I . -----_ . "in - ,orth. tr h and change to pupte of tt dirty value of bieds. ' In s • e qua, tees. I's ob adtab : fronai t e wi dows, PONY MI L, IN MeICILLOP A-. P :P TR; S S. FAR . - 118.1 N color. The adult beetles issu- are 'Mg for • ds, peo- endoni draw - , . • I . . :Ihow Lg ed in the course of a few weeks again upon the leaves during the autumn:, ple pra the legislat encourage • res for 1: here ; on an •s to pr he ot ,petition tect and er, hand • ng riiit r•orcis ly of . Sm- 'book i 'tidies. , elimin edg-s ! s se c 1.1 ead •f t r anis lace, The S•bsoriber , has also 1 1 A : - lo the Free 1 and Independent People:6Huron: riR ONT -----1--- : IO M(1)DEL FA M. Ding, ler lel id however, but little damage, and se.ek their winter quarters; beneath ii bark and splinters on the vines and. stakes which. support them, as well = itheSe people tineentalista il voted as till° t other regal are raga and fire -true de. d asifeatla , ded as nd bre e .ts of 'red pets ere sen- • •tene .is . what the . 'I-0- tett re o p,re ith • ld t•ed eep-frills and ow • rs or back a econo : • never • ' d raise wit! e al. • d' .ape I '. the re 'bowl L ; th ce - c ver - grou Agaa se are LUMqR rtains ,. - . Where .intain 1 d b t 1 , u 479 Yi at kinds o RD IN Lumber .1rHomAs SEAORT:H 1! can be obtained. tiOWNE , tlif. ROBERTSON Kidd, as a Habdwarei c at remarkably e amine his Stock Y t� order on ve'y begs to state that he has removed to the premises gore and hat e is now prepared to 'furnish lovi prices: 'Lite ng Purchasers will ; find it greatly before pure ing elsewhere. Repairingpromptly short notice. dim framing a .epecialty. All ' Wel,. oo ' M hn J Aupied by r. Jo everything in the Furniture line to their advantage to call and attended to. Funaiture teach work guaranteed. Farm prpduee, • ' • i A GRAND -1-3- -a Pr City of G will take p - r i,s; ' Ex ;MIS under. the ,au n e Albert Dikision Oratge, t e h and the lOntarld Mod I aee on 1 e ! piece . the arm, ., .1 nder any rubbish that may be in I vineyard. '. The truta between t about lese' two irds lie . extrem . midway' .s That pe rDrie • se is al eftbroid /20 Obj i a bee or silg . et of tape ,when nai t la M ' • try is - RIAGE .11.10ENSE f4atherswood ,. and limber taken in e. change. 1 • : . . ' '-'; I TUE - i DAY JUNE 2!•• 1 - , , a ND. e re ilfft I !with ride siAstant, his week Specimens of thie insect .3 brought me by Mr. A. B.. Phil- m , of this city, with the statement his vineyardin Virginia is infest- them to alperilens extent. I at sent Mr. L. O. Howard, my first in. company with two others, they live for on insects is thing.- There live wholly ; none of these ,' which gisie growers so nine m6uths : . clear of are pe on seed: are our acme'. muchtro' in eirds as ha haps a a,nd ameng iturists hie. 1 ti e year a general e hich w r its, but e , birds i !fruit; it were lace aims ;i . sad. 1 hie i eins , tinitit (13d on wh ed t has ormed with r near n on t i give a a ve Of s a b ri e edge edge, isle to ig od; O (3f 1 of ler o : ; a a la of aoe f •11 n the ffect. • - 0, ar cur- 1 4) f 1 • ' • 8,Ce orer, i 1 d Cur- . , t. • EX ' am very r CE14tTIFICATES, (tfnder th , OSITOW FEMALE 4 new Aet • . t OFFICE REMEDY-mJob )issued at the 1 SEAFORTH. t S' Ia, as formerlY, tion. His sto , rate. Funerals _ seies HIS under nk of Cl attended UNDE 1 his own atiperv iskets, Coffins, S in the co-antry.. TAKING DEPARTMENT ; • f F. i AR:E, sion, and will be conducted with the greatest care and atten- i he found complete and at the very lowest i Al ouds, &c., will ! A Hearse forihire, Remember the place. i TRAIN 1 ' ; _,,,,,,„ , 1 the hour n M. R?PEIC.:1:zMJIN , EAFORTII. i 8 A. M.; DitbPin - )i TArrariinviwngila I 00 FOR IRETU0N TIC , , are Cordi‘lly Invited. 11 lea? thel f 11 '' Ste ' e , • o - owing . • b. tin d - 1- i . e , ie . C ietoxi„ 7.3o A. M ; Sea 8;15 A . M ; Mitchell 8 80 'lGphuujr:en ET - ns at orth, A. M -' *ti * e ) the vineyard. in question for the pur- not for tbe! myriads of Me s which erReEAcaT eMm • , eGavuee eolpt h.RMe.t ose Ir. i.g. ueni ti :e beet:: of experimenting with remedies. Howard's report was vergratify- Finding it impracticable y to jar from the .vines into sheets or er- receptacles, ana kec-p them there, hit upon the p;an of drenching the with kerosene; this these hirds1 ! would be i raise grain we look at are very apt things are destroy erfectty or its at these fact to deci.o entitled t Ismael iu that seiess all. the kit th.at of line, it o try to o - , when d hearted t le poor . tie fruits - iiett be • .ouno ou g that expe are es. and they ng furnitu " me, urtelus. Sive lo muc i contr. t e an ar d en ateri.ithan ed for adop(e weil .kv theV tot ' rely ef biose in o 3 by th t ast e ex lace urke o erti 13. f ladies , unfailing e sur- dangerini lean a ti" is nbject. • movesobtructiens, ensive relied On. more It eel ' in twill riod iv' th taken y cur- Pre in tho a diseases Iti To ma,nodlachesi a short regularilt: Femalesidaring they Ore of all to Which 'moderates and time, bri . Thes t s those peinful the female all exce e. syeedy eur 'tie peenhaelysuited. g on the mOnthly pills should e fizst three re to bnng constitn- a and emit?". not months on Mis- knd re. TIS BETTER b 1 1 I , 1 pe- • be BLACKSMITHING . THAN COLlf NEATLY Gtelph The Mo . St , thereto. TO CET . OUR HORSES PROPERLY SHOD ? i The Oo • ) AND YOUlt- I rangement 1 1 venienee o I Commi AN p SUBSTANTIALLY DONE n M M , , smith ; M. el Parra is sitteated -within one tion, with a good sidewalk le mittee'11 h - wi ave every posaib niade for the gaiety, comfort .an. Extursionista- te of M '' le -anew/pent-3.. lifells, Us lilegnad Teckersmith e of cling e ar- ton- Nome; [lost I ielees• eigg worked in a .ti, -,factory manner. The mode prooedure is as follows: Take two of common cotton sheeting, each two vards long and half as which, without haveat all many cases under these ept to the o, we Blet the treuble they tak: all the ciecums ances o t uld tot, , , tains s that in . ot•• ev clrop, aud ; ' is not , ,t-..- deys as s a. sa me , ri ps of iu. ' E. Wi ! • 1 ' cede, , ms, On olored trial of a silks, earria e, all calms, pains in the three ortion,i palpitatiot whites these ey, as lit at any of Neirvous back pills are other One • and and limbs, of the ill effect , . they are safe. In Spinal Affections, fatigue on slight er-. heart, hysteriee, and . TN HIS NEt a cure when all other _IL do this. JOI--IT .. and enlarged premisea, , . , . • chen, Stanley, D012#8=-. . 1 . N. B. -Addresses by prominent opposite the Quee n:s Hotel , Goderich StY:set, is prepared to ' • - e, ; oh. ; Wm. Murray, Tuckeramith. : SAMUEL SMILLIE, Secre will tie delivered at the agrienlbariflts. 8 - , . . , , Zit- ry. Arra 4-2 ,Wide ; &Fun. sticks across the andel of each >i4ce to keep the cloth open, and then Lreoch with kerosene. Give the sheets hiiis : r p p e ared to two persons, each uevin • , f, hold of the rods at opposite :nag Of tb.e sheets. Then let these per- obs pase one sheet on either Side of the e. Ine, l.‘eing careful to unit th -cloth e , , 00 . . care! sects for nip° , In this oenflict is he who things to ciecumstan.es. birds, and and tolavo from birds . b ' their s are. emich NV month- of ienores r' they shell fruits ev :. who will .Aericu 0- _ lether or not. acts the one, b • We IS d be el must g : take n. tural w ., e :eat in- i ' ' sise man • t .ads, t p a St hav6 1 c waged, : a cl.' them re than ! i ers toll ' , .. bie ean v w ., ed fo Bla.c ed he' .11‘ e0avioted le. Priso , pr pilriuryii !Int, Eiscoe fich six ell'a pro for ,four } Mrs. :.)-;Ii.s. was a Means' I Months Islan erty and yea 0?earin abitual , LI While • as .eilltenCie 8I. Lit had li e the • :h on Sa • fals le, dm • inc orkh appilopriat- urda to t . ' lv f hard- rcera use e-ven- e State that San t - on. r- . a cans remed 1 or anything direeti which New York, 'tor postage route, ein insure return] Bleasdell„ have :, do na liquid Ont., mail. i i failed not contain hurtfal in the pamphlet be carefully Sole Proprietor. enclosed general a bot So J.8. Bo ; and, 'although iron, to the around preserved-. to Northrop agents le containing in Seaforth erts, an a calomel, constitution. each Job $1 00 and & Lyman, !or the Doinirdon, over 50. by Hickson 11. Lumsdou. _ powerful • patronage 'tVith antimony, ' ; tt 7 on than ever. Full 1 package, Horse Shoeing, Moos, 12i cents ' To ' _ REMEMBER pills by 1 Goderich Street. & I; 197 ' 649-18 . e also desires to intone etdarged pr•emises end . General Blacksmithing and an the THE PLIICE • . . his customers of h isi removal, and to thank them for past improved fatiliti es he is prepared to give better a t* f • . 1 ; , , ; a is ae-JoHr1/44 . • ar4 Repairing done as formerly . Most Beason:able Terms. WR.OXETER : Grassie'e Old Stand, opposite the Queen's Hotel, i Bills Dia I JOHN DORSEY Seaforth. 1 2 0 058-52 _ \An LL PAR A IA - - ...., ......... , BANKEAS, :&e., 3 - ONTAR -!----- Mated. Diane Issued. Money Real Estate at Lowest Rates. JO* WITS.1A KB & . . n .,.. O. Lent Co. 3 1 a 81 0. 11 0 The manse frora Buena grikeeftil in t halve three fx aeday two re a; every seal, armed like aisenger focit or body '1 rear of the :tjrtty Germe en, the olel, yoUngest an i3iied only ;or fate The road. ii n 'a level wil . aria the ire. NV; yn with 1 le about m o at Genet. Per hats -of ea ad ascends! -araiwle along ugh for. th old wee_ Ousands of j s squarely rivet bele the along ! the 1»4t one plac tho mO site windovi seemingl iveL Tb rack nexi lurched n we se er the , abysi r down 0111 of the pas site door.1 naed -that tinity that 1 precipie g as gettit in that, hai e been sini 'Its a bad r etpigat d there's I< fiag over light 1 nab drivino. 3 .0 7 iUteinibaOW title side of 41011 looked la la belt ovei .0 was a 80i 141SCIllooked ord tO the aril: lyou be bk myseil MY -Of You gel1i Di'were banj leaned 44 over 'you ste oked at- e of the d P- '013j the fore 'w1.1 close up to the] isoc-; i'You olim 'Wadi% or rn off.' Do ?Iwo 1snatell it over into She he box, ema se )flen. inside and Ole <MI tilted O t of a -(14'1 QUI pretty 1:1 *en gallopin hrough the r ma le scaring. ieath. NOW I uonkeying, an uI and tend to iole straight to= that to th my morel troub *tother driver. As somewhat erie0.,e I may tation oit the drunk that he bbx. G-ene Thi3 formal 1143 Rail t. O€P esident resident Russ 34:1001soldiers, a,y8 for C x -Govern died on F mitt of number n the vi barge of onspita Step h P as a neiciul s 'ear. hatles n New Y with lia half o ndise. Ifax int y Sun d ivith garments Cr -ea ey Cityf 'sulfa° Hon fl eel to a W -Dissension, its to. the s in e leo has ilas return eadful em In one tv4ied of st "went sto %y,4th inst., etbippin- g. a cape °strata 00a. One of 1."11.--Asoff. Greatff* .Thnearicw ooef ws -1;14 041ancia b ofjaotialei tteitb: nulbu3rini t,anwasde-thee