HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-06-18, Page 20 NW GQ0DS .1:)UN(4ettfl 1 D WE AE NOW SHOWI INEW 900DS FOR AN, NEWBLACK DOSS AN ON1E,C+SE ALL WOOL BbikOKIGpENAQINES,, BROCA:QED ANP PLAIN FRiLL1GS, LACES AND RIBBONS, PLAIN AND.B HOSIERY AND GLOVS. G TH OR JUNE. MANT UNT1NG DRESS EMBRO 0 0 A D SEAFORTH. FOLLOWING NE: E CASHMERES, At 20c., worth 30c,, 0,00S—From I0c.,up. DERIES, D, ivrt.rsiaTS .A_NAD G-00DS LACE STRIPE MUALINS, 100 NTS. W ITE P. K. IN 1,2, 3, 4 AND 5 CORD. LACE. CHEO.K AND STRIPE MUSLL.q. BRILLIANTS AND IdARSEILIJES. p iss BOO IC IN CHECK AND STRIPE. We have an txtra Large Stock of these G ods, all New Goods and at less prices than last vear. PRINTS, ALL T!HE NEWEST PATTERNS AND C LOH% STOCK LARGE. FROM 6 CENTS UP, SEE OUR 10 EiTT PRINTS. ATILLII\T1Y-. New Goods received. every week. All the Latea American and English 51 apes in Bonnets. and Hats for Ladies', Misses' and ¶Jhildreii, in Straw, Chip. I L F1ower0, Feathers, Laces, Satins, Si1s, Velvets, & &c. Ta &c. 1 I TWEEDS---i-A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT. i 1 . Scotch' and Einglisla Tweeds and Worsted Coatings Three Hundred Pieces Canadian 1tweedst from 60 oents up to $1. • \•' SUIT Ma,de,to Order in Good Style. All work granteea. READYMAtE CLO Mn'e Linea Cos* Men's Linea Ulster. FT I N G Menis Russel Cord Coate. Men' and Boys' Tweed Suits. HATS AND CAPS. HATS AND CAPS. Straw Hats, New Stylos in Men's and. Boys'. Men's Felt. Hats in English, American nd Catiadian. Men's Felts from 50 cents up. Boys' Felt Hats. PRODU E TAKEN WT THE .HIGHEST MARET PRICES, DUNCAN '&' DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. A THE SEAFORTH ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM. C. VVILLSON, PRO1PRI ETOR, FULL STOdK OF PLOWS ON HAND, Consisting of the FollOwing Kinds: MASSEY'S NO. 13 THISIILEi- CUTTER PLOW, OLIVER'S NO. 40 CHILL D PLOW, ii.. HILL'S PATENT PLOW, O. 2 MASSEY'S NCI 10 SOD P OW, PORT PERRY AND TEES1VVATER ANG PLOWS. ff. A Full StoCk of ttaw Cutters ,HOse Pakes, Grain Crushers, Boot:Cutters,and all InTlements belo9igz,ng to-te Busi ss. 1 SEWING JCHIES, AS USUAL. • The FlgrencO, Wanzier 7, Raymond, Royal Singer, arid other Machines 4 Sewing Machines Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and work - warranted. . hments always on hand, Oils, Needles and At a 0 C. WIijLLSON, Main Street, •Seaforth. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTSAND SHOES. rri-10M-AF IS STILL MILLING OOD FAQTORY MADE AT REVENUE TARIFF BOOT AND SHOES RICES, NOTWITHSTANDING THE ,R1SE IN STOCKS. Stark's Block, Main18treet, Se-aforth. , GO TO .M09FilE, AR,T GA,,LLERY,' , In Whitney'S kock, Main Streit, S forth, and , ± GET TIXOSE PHOTOGRAPHS YOU PROMISED TO SENb TO YOUR FRIall6S. T here you can get any kind f Piotures you want, in any style, and. the finest finish. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Pictures Framed. CHARLES MOORE, OPERATOR AND PROPRIETOR. kriii SEAr RTH INSURAH E ,ANO NO. AGE ALO ZO STR,ONO TS AGEN1I I�r fievOril aclaint Stock,flte_ and Lif Insurance Companies, and la pram, ed. to take Isks on the Dna favorable tenni Also .Agent forseveral of the best Loan eleALielsHo' t for the Sae od Purchase of and Village Property. ' 1 A Number 4f First -C1 ss lmorred Farris for Sale. $5p,000lto Loan at Seven per ek,ate , Interesit. • Agent for 01 sale of Ocelarir Eteanaship Tickets. OFFICE Over M.. Voirison's Store, Street, Sea h. (121-R, BAN RU •SALE CaTriag Buoie,s agons, SI and ail Kinds Material ujlecj in thew manufac re. AVING liereght the insolvent Estate of Tucker 4 Beer, formerly Stiles & Ineker,cs, low rate n the dollar, 'almounting to a ut Thirty Tho s nd DolIars.1 am prepared to sell Heavy and Democrat W gone, Carriages, ng. gies, all lulls of Cutters', Sleighs and b. Sleighs at lies than they can be mede for. ni also sell tbq material very oheap, oonsistin or Hubs, Spol4es, Felloes, Iron, Bolts* Springe 41 Carriage H rdware. Ala() a large quautit of Oak and R ck Elm Plant. The premises and machinery -w.ill be sold for about half their vane and on reason ible terme. R. C. ST TIMERS, 550x4 jl Mitchell, 013%. S T I IT L Aili A Pi. BRUSLS LIME, WOR TOW & —331,-RROW ,--1-- T.t11. Sub cribcrs tale! al opportunity of beg to, stAte- 'yd nit 1 r past patiOage,eard. at turning Irks to the in abitants of Bruseele andi that havin trade several iMprovements in air kilr and xnide of burning„1 they are now better position than ever , liefore to supply ltbe publio witht-class lime *t 124e. cash, at tke pi d. kiln, or 14c. d ivere, 1 This being he sixth Beaton of our bnsheaa dealings in )3russe1s, and 134virg given unq al- lied satisfactiOn Brs Itt the! public can relyj on - keenly ing g4o4 treatment arda-flrat-c1*srtCe from ns. , ; _ I Remember the spot, Br -nestle Lime Works. 646-13 TON A BURROWS I . W.,O�,L.;WOOL 20,000] -I)OUVD WANT6p AT iKIPPEN STATION. DURING ;th preselot e son the Subeeri er -win be at 11113 Warpho s4, Nipper', every lore- noo n to tale in and payilhe Highest Maud Price in cash for Good Merchantable neon Wool. 1 the SE:'n3 time, el' ake in Say Sur%) al Abeor the secon w ek in ttlY• J: Wh eat and 10 ts at oute e Seaforth priecapf deli ver -ed b C erne earlfr,, as the line riwng top prospoet will have a lendency to lowerfprieds later on. 649 DflilD AltLENNAN. EG -GI EM ORIU I - 'FEE Subscriber hereby /h nks hits nume us "1- CUISt0114113 I (merchant nd others) fortbeir li beral patronage .durini• .143 past 7 years, ad h °pea by striet ilitegrity a 4 close attention to b. ueiness to Merit], their conlidenee and trade in the future. !Having greatl:y niarged Ing exten- ts es during the iwinter, he i iow prepared 16 .91; ay - THE HIGHEST ASH ;PRIG For any quantity of GI:erd $Yesh Eggs, delive d at the Egg Earporium, ' 1 MAIN REATo c.4EAFORTIL Wanted bY thr subscribe p5 tons of good clean wheat atraw. 1 D. p. wILsoN THE ZI11011 CARR4CE FACTORY. , HESSERER TTAVE aIwayS on hand', and make to riOrdir, Wgatits, 131eighai Carriatiestilia - gies, Cutler*, and every otherarpiclem thy* 1 They personally stiperinend their own busi- ness, and con gharantee :s.lgood article bothia to material and. ,*orkmanalrin. 1 For Style' and Finish ti eir work cannot 10 surpassed bir the large eityi $tabiisluneuta. Repairhagl premptly ataded to. Give retua trial and be bonvinced that e can satisfy you* to quality and price. Mr. Hess w 11 known been in business in Zutio 636 line. o the public, having vor over 111 years. S & HABERER. THE H AB, PHO 0 GALIER1 Pictures f Rare relit Paken b Af Catder, haforth., CALL PND SE SAMPLES. A LL the Samples shown iSy me are bamplea tit LI - every d y wiork, and Buell as you 011 getan day at Calder's only. Ritth drapery o clear an brilliant colOrs, and smooth and clean fusee, su as can be made only by 71*ars of peactice an exp erience. Old pictures ettpied ana eniargedas usual. Negative preservedti ANDH W CALOR, PratstIcal Artist.. Opposite the Co mercial UteLCal —1111-F1 REASON' WHY - G R AY' V I IT' ALIN p, /8 FIAST BECOMING - THE POPUI.A!1 REMEDY OF THE It Is, that it wjll a all that id: claimed for it in klai Pamphlet. Read the Pamphlet carefallY. Buy one bottle and take it according to directti and you willilind relief and be perfectly eatielledi that it is worth el. Sold by all druggists. THE4E1 MEDICINE CO., Toronto Sold in Seal° h by Hickson & Bleasdall. Lunt sden & rWil on, J. E34,4 Roberts, and by II Druggists. : 651-5 ANC, -OR LINE. UNITED STATES mur, STEAMERS Sall Every Saturday from NEW YORK and GLASGOW tvia Londonderry) and LONDON DixTeIeCLIETS for Averpool, Londonderry, Glee- : now, and all pa•rt of Europe. Fares Ills low as anPyroetpliaeirdfirPrsalagO Certinestes issued t Pe -mos wishing to bring Out their friende. The Passenger aecomraodation of Anchor Line fort. Apply tO Ste steers are •tlIts. all° Jr" Knoaysjiaediagened bknyclawilnunreAsaisel pcfrao*brinstYtol thheeytre 8:1:03BgedoN,1$6..r elegance end eom. 598 At the Post Office Seem* TO THE PUBLIC. rri HE BruFsels B4ss Bandlviat to J710:flats b3 -a- the public generally that they are in a position to aOcept engagements on reavenable te rms. Under Mb able leaderehip of Prof. A. beet band in the county. Satisfactionguarenteed and a model band are our recommendations. Address eifiLL S. ARMSTRONG, 645-12 Secretary, Bruesel , — HORSES 1 HORSES HO11Tb—N UG SHARP -1-Nrcm-r, BE ST SHARP'S HOTEL, Seaforth T for the nail:rose of purchasing Horses. weighing 1 rot. 1,000 pounds to 1,50e pounds., and in good condition.1 Age frora 5 to 13 years oil: Must be kind and sauna. 648 HOUGHTON & SrABP. •!I An liia posseseion cOnstant pr tion one de. On being as he replied f• that I like 011 fat and a r the tao all threatened fibgging if h "tott. tase planter, eggs soft2 frightened o'cloak die hours, and get them e —The go for a fishin graph to th "Mr. Zones of 'speckled count for th -wife until h been_ fmed with some f he went for rod. —A man 1143 all your wri house. "Al my country ,alking; we these Injia expected to these days." yen fight Iq wiood and a ` take 118 and you'd h hid the 41r2rtt eyes." Joh wondering A Texas -06,eentrie, nem has giv Marks and. ing narratila by s, traveil Iniuistb ence7 took h ing. Abri the outHide "Brother believe t sinttations nearly tonvi piece of pia tolis hea& q think, oXe elee;" re he minis ter, and was his lips, avla .3i 3. shot. This is a the minister, vest. "This takable threi piease sing gate this preacher in 4"Yes,' saa stick whieh .atisirag and pints like a elliea. up afte 4.Eit'088 a, bro -1"13a on a Jnlimbe The whitt -a large Rem suitedpreat from his be out there WS ment in the cidedly more deacons sat ter a while iting an If a nose a that ha have hirasel ceeded wit RI*14. (Ark.) Ala Triur the Rono suffered to November the garden. a 1 elt and he calf of my le that 1 rolled and. o ould s feav yards o to the knee boiled it for nd better. I the neighbor snapped a for a few da th mation, and piaster. In to i hobble; London. an 1 knocked in floor, sea& h From this ginning of A a tion, Virb.0 stocking of neinine. 1 t treated me nay leg -got b ertion proda _ "On the 2 dettook me. jury, but tb I was out of iron, &c., wi &leo fixedio. the muscle of the leg. -mine in eo aereed iia in the cause mygoing to *4AngliSt 1 Mr. plaster. for yachting, so for that titn been getting sea air, but surgeon on b also exaarain the cause of An old wo ("odor "On Septe was remov tried for end of this age for abou the whole of douches. either on er health was 'voyage, but fore, and h Proper size. . - . ...- , . . ,_. ,. . _ ilMIMMIIMIIIIIIMMOJEMIIIIMMINIMMIIIMIMMIM. . _ :,- , , .-__ - _.- _ HE H1,, 1 aiaroateera-aaiete-ealaelogaalol—a EXPOSIT _ - 1 , - . a" 4 .. RON ImIIINIIIMINIMS 1 Kitt hop of his " aVe land you sett pos: We thin:. hav case It it : : T in si J'iah had the befo pro • me I athr wor pro • the cheo had. don a paid wor face " Fees "Not other I told than the with end wa,s "Then eric been Said. "U ehoi kno him hiras-lf." 4 'Mayon him sioat " -on Hall: "hat Hall: I krow right sun i: is go If year thief, would this is. they I c was t ie nature and tone 3elf,idestro "You Df Buell 113_ your lie 1 aMy is gently that, woul `It i 1, ma m en "L (let aim. lave Jaye )read.' my ' ire It ler a to Se. laynor's )e let ' mud, o as io h aid he ay" nani neat elf aid], .ou a tho clo eHe ii -1. ; 11"for anocence An ettex adji f the d„ to l ky° a uns houl .ad r is dnty light .eartnd Ion ofanother entiVanguage ath erra ' e hard Longa rime onstitutiag ad it ffair >lamellae rofessed.pected His e did_not Ily eithea Kitt y ioice ess You Of course iknowledgmentof as not 'eel. even tt sayin mria e Fre f to our before g to tat "qr. ealr Under et weuld red ; 1.d been only '.:' so. dentally beer been or himself elieve •n's locked indfalls, 1 fe p h e ti h -li h o t I s r v ( li c 15 o o th. h grl who b c Ct. w n t given selves Which for leisere poor. s 9r h was fo t h fr t s h re in fore become bit a h la o found ' a, hi p that in le .pnnionship o r' gone true, but ed VIII god of Indeed, of way have will, as appeared hiin , and w hi 4 wi th er w w mi ev in ally sa ti 1 be : do f w sa no m gr hi be, a been land, still. be seem friend; change nation my Brothers from. tune. more the, had though become anerita, &able her me certain Prosperity ever her. undelfiahness the ter aarded iplesert. About dep' wo his too I custom one to reside they by the cumstences expeoted • nage) :• Mr. re ku a t el 0 a se to the. eaten Li me ow used obably been : employers, at the hagga hich bad .aecompan n to cringe. Ity to 'return r, whibh I ve, but that. s were . Healed na, and secondl her lost ea.sures. I c.aane !ripen e would leek se from at tee might.wear y one of another he did not ard signs that ' thered ; he itude, always mfort ; but as no longer t a long, tedio - ith._ a burden. -T that last e head of 'ped otherwise would gradually had thus rings of her t in the end nclusion. In less than inely, Kitty iioh belong eded the garb enrol her up the to heaven. she, had love's sake, time to , R -was more 's ea aetrophe rea peered did so he is hair, which noW. become m Was bowed, dee wh.o spoke studiously m them, and e ground. ak of the d inflicted d iii his face, his very—movement somewhat Vague part, I confess pity him) reeable to d no longer ver asked. us that beneVolent fault with ministered own, or invited lobe ones. if this man .ri h i t e matter s stern in forbidding and ject of them, so fatally acted within he had exercised to me; in those professions will to ,all which I was one of his case was of public gone simply but of heart one of my to have limp' yet • it was rUMOred.th laid now sit self and staring his office h his usual t there waa: to extend ich would nting' hoWever ht have served either they r ventured:, his gim, but understoOd ing all he eoul e to time - , efit of theunhs.' bt that, now of public lugs were consi account of! poor sister; wn ever se own exertions I could not .rother-in-law sorry to becausel . My affection my excusecfor to have eh° and inde I saw in I eaperienced • very emploYment had its connection Otherwise than satisfied firm, who told them they never nnextieetedIV and co promotabn, the good neWsl, much mor' e ; it seeMedto unPleaSantne from indirectly, happinaess (as dear girl loom lye • ith a iiimidiced it as the four rture, during d had dropped ether's lipS, place in the h d b' a een,, ever since ' at least of t, on the had up to , younger ' notv.OW the Y ' • which took Jacob R ted to take very gratifying up the rule . e possession siderable 2,000, being Femme time • different aa t matters, this . - to a and I those felt in le nev be with mope her eien I fdlt a . ll. our trodd p11th I , lied to • W world so sb,e ministr than ab was . kept There disgrace on ., stiff and his me than any for little But -had • correspindenee Fred astray. a mien, still the that well-daag folio) with . for work meehani no ' to certainly 1a4 to s• it that acre • °hen them if presPers J have hear knew hr, become I (doubtle on, afatred warmly a seine had ; bat I • lOoki natural years conce an office. as 1 its h e inemb businesa thie Mr. were—na r _ , . him ynde his of as sura, paid• as his ' he,hatt Seemed 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 alk uce: I shou, had up , I e r saw suddenly her such caught faith) noriehow a : -little th knew were 'little young .t, th y lo n a i. • t . an. lefore, fe. ob c us c b::n hi Would-, t :4 o h i at io el thlir th,'; to!: h ed:ric ily .'elcome. hi= Elitty la - a. o dai w u me r. a st .1 el I o Ong I ao ligh sful fraud o longer nd weary ed hie :'•ntrodue- d have p, 'et bee first ii. all coneernin these her them, ao d a look on la before by ho donb :1 , for ' tlife in •g to be 4 to be to be'. la which s. Of rst, they forget n out and h come to ar, tho t the g hood, •_raous hose , affianc ead of fluonsly w dave tions a month Mr. Jacob ()faun ay reco•hizable been • i hite ; stead a im in is eyes, ally fix as no a at his or it . voice wloich pomp bling. I ce was rs • for cription eet no ligraph- ate lec to att:n uld . nor.orget leas son's a him bo he He. h: ghts as om, as er .inc kindli the gen from painful : ocaup so 1gli. lack ; his b • ks expioss oed out t ne - o i t at mutt4ri the w • otwith-ta al exec or his the in. not ha ad equ . subo h• o im ; omeho old 1 sending • seas Xile. penses d cease., le• ; but onnecti Ray. .5, whe his I shou return loy y siste ardness ard my reason d, of th: behol •ith astefu t her reason he beh from • uhapp ed to ' ive on me el I congra a1,1 an I hat thlre in I which 1 the ' charm, pr.:vented on tb. but rat war& , poor time • a hag h n • • ta t al ention...d, r , . ishrii : : of t rerais ecu in nd; and # .1 . y, his where. hereupon nd ce In • or onse, 1 nt pa a ntiug .r to becorae to rou ly, wonder- desired, Bente pace, greatesi 0 ut ',dimes sk, : s r a any • es her ,. y h:r enjoyed trodden id atands ourse the :he t e ppiriess no • gh od nd s sterhood w o d t e pursued up ong , per 0 - on is e looking •he a rd 14 ed n1 • ou a I d h us F 4. 411 :v t ou m t ; ; ur un i ec h er d, : father • t 8 ns'stent a es in don. : ea • ti • : ck n ea hona: 11. ness, m ul„ e a el d a o • m • • it fo , I h i 1 on or her ather's- him d o el I ,fermer 4 indig- a mg 11 elland i to Jo. to vier 7ht r t) t onsid- ronght dated ad . :riving r • itt :ristic er fgood Fred's ot ao h nt e , abited b t y tainly 1 eT h ner— edged I on • ualifi- had, _upon looks to Ilia. td, ' my relic Whe ,an a . de kieei shrine, out werd scel home casd j down at 'poor mail wella ; other 1 • still looks 'only have them- work , k l her the -' his Ray- when • grey, erect face , r erted upon to son d be even reto- had r. my d not less h -it ; he this ever ever s of his 'eld- ions, loom - t the 'ha-ve it is Seem- and ness ting. urea Er in d to n t of one, d it, left 11 on ; he g eto He a ding so (joy- ence been he nates cern- , • ener- ' ' was from the d no the • these ' • took with had by as have Eng- , him • Must may the it, me, isfee, be of I day, had my ex- was how- of mat- re- one from tinge the• for firm and cir- nn- mar- re- to was at to the old m la curiou any e presse respoil tages thong manna dreaat tion a ors, a a 'secon • brougi • : with the ve taken his pr,vate Mr. : pile Of was o • from t stone privach did no ment, . into et if I h I won myrdak an ea' The I ente was i chair, 1 the de:. a pisto, with • ness b ' scatte It a, not be. all, bn him : oonam' time BO that I that ti been ot whieh good I exist°, nese w day,,a1 what a; hardly y se lf) " an un , was, " if in v which her br . : I wa: 4"-€°' suicid d: te, as mind i fortun tem -. ' The for by follow]. cated t ehot h and.no emplo and sa wake. writte ' wretch Gowan the fat: me, th served could s al d Mi welldo.p: •n a fa '• tility ••eenin to be 1 . iser a • s the rom ey d to t I •ive th: ' ects ait benevo of mad eed. hough ad no 1 ar y. e ore. f L - et moli.47 " n 4 far m f my AI urvivet and.in hat he •1•1 hea len.ging ut what pare my • EPPS', ng.—''13 aural 11 ions of careful lieof lOi as previa I della:It:1y "0.Y saVe It is by f diet th: ally bail ally eve d eds o roupd ti ere is 04 any a ell fel roperl ice ga :(1.—"J 1 Che Ilia : nd 170 DETUL hronic i, -nerall e . by , e circ likain a 0 centres b reinv 1 ys the t e brai s nil& o a iv sappe: Hee 0; the Thr Is , can ree D covery A thnra,e T ckling in "e dame e e g o e-haLf so . ve alreaq I"t'edY• . i s ortest t• it a trial. F • r sale b (''' , a 1 IP I ... lIOTO tlimed fro personat -t dep i • s ould no every in y 1 b ib nd, ul w: as tep 0 lo eler e y ining 9 os elle ofl th ! - e •as for in; )n, e n k rat s none rs .d e Ali be wii: a ic-4 wri -d .ear: • to had •d bed OVO • nde : ma e I ad, nc , e 8 of •• I- d • ave ' -xp -nail e od a unit. Bed of h e — a as • u • : y e m •• se his s, ifine - 11 °Y ; • • h 1 ' ; oh t my a a am viv I s a 1 w — a o . e • -ag:"1 r pat em i la . e a ce . :ss I he i • 'he hi i a 4 n.ea 4' % ne ,d t. 8 I a • as ov i • tb w:4 o i : ws 'ailt1 di ie: -1 w11 ed th • • n a a 1 il no M. ..es s, P T si d :p m la la •tiat: go ' lax: is s I s. . 0 !sough, .11 taan lite 1rd ti' lent ' a • ras md,e Pr g4 loom t it e .11 • :mitt ci ci a al. a : la , lie il 'els o , 'ed so ille 4h i. a A- 9,•114 1' . fo , • ea e a i e• t II: f 0 a•iving pa f eon, 0 tb i : tta ei, pt.' 1 lal , ),p a e on g 'k , m y ' i . - i ( ki I e• his - 11 .. He m: ,•;:!''' rather elan e than no ion tretoforee gain L y part the au into, i ncipalat af ion,I'w (1 , junior lettersa mind. Nor, of the :, and e busi i relish of on with.; n What'', er have ! a have gone . : . eject th a parlor, - partil head re him 1. lutche. e had brain the oppO:ite afterw the i, at np NNt4 ortly ai fatal ome wa11, tood 11 ppy m ast of god -rtainly h d es, a • s ownit one 8 as obli urred i ep so p t " • n my r early h I give bi • lly, " ' h• h w it :art we : rse a he fac t early p tura, by his u on P er the f • ticular . , om re who • poor himse s was s unhap self. " it sai . it wa is no prederio 1. He .1 lexposu fession hey we e for I , I adv consuectme i to, no. t of good on ; th 1 oyers Was . I ro -bedthat y away a ma If you u will money ht have isl coveri istol has on foun the buribli, That I let ct even pleyers saw hi and i arting f i • I • • 1 rs inte 1 that t. flesh - be Cpqz :: : a,: e e: amdi $ ti : ess I/ • its,/ lee i : r in th ou • er -eed'• 11, , e n, u 8' ed d urin rtr, • y r itness eyed, udcien 0 neral = .cob al Ilea redhai :ted :y 'I , to abOut • eve : of e 1) ated, , to thi ,e 1' grown . been &pother ithaa yeti1 a ow iamorite ancl, J nucd.) thar tiu , , :ma • n If h • yi a]1 oon 4f Aajco Mr. the fi al o )y w th T is 1{134 • odsels a dan ain yii n b ' as to n a Itlo mO s it iittoog lien a poopl • fright erribll- for ' wall. rd that re 'mu er I cla , b „ I :by b eyo who flute een t '' an head. 'd pea e Ito d' 'ad ,11 e ' aii se ' '• • ho . All 11' 'ant ' poo t 1 t he tendi of 'Mr ,, ad pertu n ' nf a tners, wire R orae. r for, his in, in a the "rind Have a4cep th after, [goo net eh _ eve. but only inatitntions, Monep really deserving e :ifor ' that ,hartable wias nbt taen t 1 i ath f.e him the i leave ,. ornmy ever :that ' e,Iveh blood." , till prod te be his its as h a thong absent his pr the mysol hieh te co dingly. syn.° sttoga cupie• the apart sepa, by a absolute erview:. em ingin: aynor come - junio ough y ey c in orwar of b e li,era they he nig had. light t at the th d e e life Ltions tuate A n t Allusi for tell - d I et to e at she the. Fr:d ought g atil at the Ra y:ors att batio chang: h bled Was when cem yno It w bbe kii f t ,a. 1 befo , . gull 1 the me t love ed u 1t I my uess profess d.' • , in an 1 I wi BIS the I .ded I m'ght , prac a m to 13: plac my aild an. do so rob famously is n . ; 1 .new from I rei•ery did . . COM o o ani - pro 1 ' gwo olls art be i ts e flo Whe es lours a • •vi/ ets 1: ceo lath- St :482-»2 . ' .1E.— a • w of ner • Sy p0" t ner-ons teed: Free off° of .• Eins's *olds, Hoarse etc. t • can :how cur 1 wond. it iao. ..• . etns ugh, eing im- new van •• ore . his and a mo-. 1 aril- the post 'tact on had into by isnal a• ent ated long me but of it, all such s as : lled, his on ood l and, •• ere had a t at f fund had that a ock f act bad and. by • his • that uld my- uch said , as I" of . iii- 1 ' ibu- of of sys- :ent., the ni- , ad : he,- . his a it er'e ter e he . lest ost f om ake de n ver ong and ons the eta hed de - but tole cat - ob- ical 'roof in- • eh, so so and ' aid, do wasr, eery Uwe the was ; not Olt- the' era - by per- 4 101 • *th ich i. cls cad.-" re4 .a.n. ting ever ape Ives d a Ser- bel eet, e i$ mil- i chI the ous up, ers, ee ; Cho of tion one New . ess This,, ` -0 as al per - the give rth, Trot all tuts teed 1880 - U I Mi THE ; In HAT - These - . • ' A CALL • NO . HOF- . • Card ' -, P. B.— ;Lattice, L e?7,. MeBoy's Trolangs, all TROUBLE .i D FOR T AN 1_, SUMMER the Latest AND Goods be ESPECTFU4Y MAN CHEAP • s I sto es' and . eke, Denims, JUNE HANE OF TRADE • Shapes , be • SOLICITEE GOODS THERS Seaforth, Muslint, i880 , PATrPIXT Jill TY. BY J'A.NES PAYN. oulcl yoIti—Cas7anthillil:Ito write to y ?" said I simply.' I had a selfish that I might be spared the. • telling disgrace with my own lipi.• could, of course," said Mr. Hal • but if you will take our. advice . only lin- will not ask itHe would e her by dwelling, perhaps, on ' Wide& that may never be realized. : re very sorry for you. We will no worse of you, but better, for ng spoken in his behalf; but his isin our opiniona hopeless one. , , ill be best, Much best, to represent being so to your sister." - en I made ray bow and departed d distress, only, ere I did BOMr. , Reiland. leld out his hand, which never been thine to me, or to any of lerks,- as I believe, before; an hour e it would have made me very d, but there was small comfort t 4 . OW 1i1 such a mark of honor wand. Kitty that evening, as usual, embroidery, in which kind of she had really attained a great ciency ; she had called to me fromas a prior as I came in, in a bright, • way, which showed me that she :ome good news to communicate, tless concerning increased prices• to her by those who brought her ; but the mile faded from her : -s daectly she caught sight of mine. here is nothing the matter witha eriS ?" she cried, with agitation. as to health, darling ; but in ways, alas! there is." And. then her all. It was an easier task I expected, from her never making least interruption, but listening pale face and. rigid lips until the and even when. I had done there o outburst. , . you believe, Frank, that Fred- Raynor, your old- friend, has guilty of a fraud ?" was all she y darling," cried I, "I have no e but to believe it, though Heaven s I would give all I have to think •nnoceut. He has confessed to it . hear him ? clid you see " inquired . Kitty, in quick, pas-oienta te tones. o, dear; -but both the Messrs. nd were present when—" do 1 • care for the Messrs. nd ?" she broke forth. "What do of them that I should beli eve i 't because they say so, although the shining? I do know Fred. He od. and honest, generous and kind. employers called your sister a would you believe them then ? It be more likely to be true thanMr. It is they who are thieves, for have stolen his good name." uld not have drearaed that there uch force and. fury in Kitty's gen_ as shone forth in her looks ; she did. not spare even my- are a coward, and not worth „ J a friend F k If I bad • rah .been place, I should have said 'Y • 1,, on Yon lie !" . darling, calin yourself," said I Ebel could, for I really feared in her extreme exaite t men , she do herself some serious mischief. a question of proof and fact. If ' confesses to his crime, there is to all doubts." ht Rim confess it to me," cried she- tell me with his own li •' pa, ,I falsified my father's accounts. 1 robbed the mea who gave me And not even then would I behave it.' I would say, 'You ad, and know not what you say."' as idle, of course, to reason with ter this, and I did not attempt to I apoke of the probability of writing to her himself before England, for I had made up ixtY • ' m spite of Mr. Halland's ad*e, him. to do so. It was clear that nd but his could open her eyes was bound—alas! I ccuild not n , hence—but hi conarnon hu- y, to release her from her engage- , e writes to say he is innocent," "then •I will believe' him, though d I should be the only persons so." will not do that," answered the he will know- that I take— his for granted." so the raatters was left. In the I addressed. to Frederic Raynor, re ' d him to make a clean breast matter in whigh Jae stood aeons- my sister's sate. If he was ss he had only to say so, and we least would continue to hold' nnocent, though all the world be on the other side. But if he ally disgraced himself, was it not to confess it to us, that time erase his image from my sister's leave it open to the recep- ? I put all • this in as as I could, consistently itty's interest, but 1 felt they ter s. It was humiliation that he had already owned hisl to - his employers, without nay- myself his father -confessor; must be added ,that after that of the mimic ha_A 1 had not the iii. his word which I now . reply - arP y was of an evasive sive nature ;a write to Kitty at all ; and these few words to me, with comnaencenaent nor signature: • • ' is quite free, and may her neat be a less unhappy one. • God botla." - this was tantamount- to an his crim-e, but it precisely so, which I • thought 1 I saw that my poor sister was yet convinced by it; so with- n g o e word to her I went to Clapham that very evening to a del. c face to face. He had set Liverpool to go 011 bo • ard ship an I arrived, and on my ask- see his father I was ' f ' d in aortae Jacob Raynor was t 0 ill to with any one '. o IL no circumstancesib t is p . ro a the firm have pros ted. ;but tlie defalcations of which h guilty were not Very seriouae extended over eighteen. months' They were discovered quite ao- by Mr. Halland, though,- had otherwise—that is, if air. Ray.' had. found it out -1 did not he would haVe coacealed his depravity for an instant. It me to think that each of those of whioh. the unhappy 1 young . _ TER , La i . TO , , IL LOT , 1\i'M - grea rssi a to only aton gray at Ould a gir k th ith an Ins ass befor the scare had Pnoiy and with gene bina, mine shale (though preset. ' sub eur pr . I Of his ma' far Mos, hro or cle , slip no hou's eed im the *k pea Pas f an py s y era n or . an of for any n to d, by had with that refe, W Kitt bee he suppised) eye af whic im have e time,• H urre was place way the re ame nectelssary - • 'seen ' and Shirtinga • - • 1 1 in , • to • 1 1 1 ' : aT • 1 , Gren, Hos. .1 1. need appreciated. _ . St BONNETS only _L 1 and 1 to • I ! TO SHOW BR CASH STORE, Block i a in Paraaols, Children's Cotton &o.; , - 0 Gloves Books, WA OPE • MR , k , SAFaiRTH, • 11)E•ICa 1 1 PP ERBURY A atflonaker FACE E BY WATCH , COUN'I er' ) 1. • • • ONTARIO , .• a_ TR, KEYLESS __,, "5-00 : 1 i I R . Jewel M . and - - 0 ; A.—Gr: , a le oroug e I which 141vOn e on and. p . cation -elected our bre flavore sany h • dicious : a ponstit a n ouitil sti endency t ulatle mal eady to • eila poin il3. al haft b e II , with- t shed • i *old on pps & 8, T : c dilly, indclia." :fill: and. knowledge the nutrition, the fin oca, ash tables , , beverae, v4octOrs' y .e of such ion imaY- bug ienotigh disease. 1ies are attack , We may ke e "ing are . lod, 3 mei"— in ac aa o o = : dneedle I M HA MY . Sold ,JOHN ___________ p 0 . E ade IF 1AL HAND of Tin, 731 1 i 50 I . •.. • • E3 -w- MEASURES . I AD NMI OIIS ' k or ner oident I z, i'i : ed d or. and 10, anged, eid . Th- ' • a n°a the the : . : d ly non c :. ase, an 4 ' 11E.ADAC , usealdac ill or: acoom : Ilan, bY : utfation lthe! a erivian igesttive! ot of the :hod, the the .1. NOW SETS N of th ON OF - MANUFACTURE .. ' Best Quality M P) - icr e at, C u . en for a the T oe else . .. : .y be• . or '1. .:e° I..; : M• z • Me. : , harg advertise 1 est or Lu t.e, so •hig •1 nsumpt• tis, Ha37 . oat, los sitivel failed. positive a effected b ktna th and 1: T *; fele. W tues • ° . Hickso . o 'Ore any we: knotv y as br. 0., 0, ouglis, Fevek, of ioice,1 e end reeilicine perrianent this truly ono, 'tis WiDItt car 'Y DY' . Bien sdell, 1,` in _ . C t or Otherwise Prices, mplete the KIDD Sets Lowest 1 SEAFORTH. , Seal . • - 1 . • ' Pic gll , ..__._ RAI- hi: en f: tan :V.—C. tarn • 1 . u anitoba to-th Parties &burg . call. Slisfaetion 1652 - 06itt, haeriln , ., viiu• now business " ' Nobby 0 NW GQ0DS .1:)UN(4ettfl 1 D WE AE NOW SHOWI INEW 900DS FOR AN, NEWBLACK DOSS AN ON1E,C+SE ALL WOOL BbikOKIGpENAQINES,, BROCA:QED ANP PLAIN FRiLL1GS, LACES AND RIBBONS, PLAIN AND.B HOSIERY AND GLOVS. G TH OR JUNE. MANT UNT1NG DRESS EMBRO 0 0 A D SEAFORTH. FOLLOWING NE: E CASHMERES, At 20c., worth 30c,, 0,00S—From I0c.,up. DERIES, D, ivrt.rsiaTS .A_NAD G-00DS LACE STRIPE MUALINS, 100 NTS. W ITE P. K. IN 1,2, 3, 4 AND 5 CORD. LACE. CHEO.K AND STRIPE MUSLL.q. BRILLIANTS AND IdARSEILIJES. p iss BOO IC IN CHECK AND STRIPE. We have an txtra Large Stock of these G ods, all New Goods and at less prices than last vear. PRINTS, ALL T!HE NEWEST PATTERNS AND C LOH% STOCK LARGE. FROM 6 CENTS UP, SEE OUR 10 EiTT PRINTS. ATILLII\T1Y-. New Goods received. every week. All the Latea American and English 51 apes in Bonnets. and Hats for Ladies', Misses' and ¶Jhildreii, in Straw, Chip. I L F1ower0, Feathers, Laces, Satins, Si1s, Velvets, & &c. Ta &c. 1 I TWEEDS---i-A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT. i 1 . Scotch' and Einglisla Tweeds and Worsted Coatings Three Hundred Pieces Canadian 1tweedst from 60 oents up to $1. • \•' SUIT Ma,de,to Order in Good Style. All work granteea. READYMAtE CLO Mn'e Linea Cos* Men's Linea Ulster. FT I N G Menis Russel Cord Coate. Men' and Boys' Tweed Suits. HATS AND CAPS. HATS AND CAPS. Straw Hats, New Stylos in Men's and. Boys'. Men's Felt. Hats in English, American nd Catiadian. Men's Felts from 50 cents up. Boys' Felt Hats. PRODU E TAKEN WT THE .HIGHEST MARET PRICES, DUNCAN '&' DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. A THE SEAFORTH ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM. C. VVILLSON, PRO1PRI ETOR, FULL STOdK OF PLOWS ON HAND, Consisting of the FollOwing Kinds: MASSEY'S NO. 13 THISIILEi- CUTTER PLOW, OLIVER'S NO. 40 CHILL D PLOW, ii.. HILL'S PATENT PLOW, O. 2 MASSEY'S NCI 10 SOD P OW, PORT PERRY AND TEES1VVATER ANG PLOWS. ff. A Full StoCk of ttaw Cutters ,HOse Pakes, Grain Crushers, Boot:Cutters,and all InTlements belo9igz,ng to-te Busi ss. 1 SEWING JCHIES, AS USUAL. • The FlgrencO, Wanzier 7, Raymond, Royal Singer, arid other Machines 4 Sewing Machines Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and work - warranted. . hments always on hand, Oils, Needles and At a 0 C. WIijLLSON, Main Street, •Seaforth. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTSAND SHOES. rri-10M-AF IS STILL MILLING OOD FAQTORY MADE AT REVENUE TARIFF BOOT AND SHOES RICES, NOTWITHSTANDING THE ,R1SE IN STOCKS. Stark's Block, Main18treet, Se-aforth. , GO TO .M09FilE, AR,T GA,,LLERY,' , In Whitney'S kock, Main Streit, S forth, and , ± GET TIXOSE PHOTOGRAPHS YOU PROMISED TO SENb TO YOUR FRIall6S. T here you can get any kind f Piotures you want, in any style, and. the finest finish. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Pictures Framed. CHARLES MOORE, OPERATOR AND PROPRIETOR. kriii SEAr RTH INSURAH E ,ANO NO. AGE ALO ZO STR,ONO TS AGEN1I I�r fievOril aclaint Stock,flte_ and Lif Insurance Companies, and la pram, ed. to take Isks on the Dna favorable tenni Also .Agent forseveral of the best Loan eleALielsHo' t for the Sae od Purchase of and Village Property. ' 1 A Number 4f First -C1 ss lmorred Farris for Sale. $5p,000lto Loan at Seven per ek,ate , Interesit. • Agent for 01 sale of Ocelarir Eteanaship Tickets. OFFICE Over M.. Voirison's Store, Street, Sea h. (121-R, BAN RU •SALE CaTriag Buoie,s agons, SI and ail Kinds Material ujlecj in thew manufac re. AVING liereght the insolvent Estate of Tucker 4 Beer, formerly Stiles & Ineker,cs, low rate n the dollar, 'almounting to a ut Thirty Tho s nd DolIars.1 am prepared to sell Heavy and Democrat W gone, Carriages, ng. gies, all lulls of Cutters', Sleighs and b. Sleighs at lies than they can be mede for. ni also sell tbq material very oheap, oonsistin or Hubs, Spol4es, Felloes, Iron, Bolts* Springe 41 Carriage H rdware. Ala() a large quautit of Oak and R ck Elm Plant. The premises and machinery -w.ill be sold for about half their vane and on reason ible terme. R. C. ST TIMERS, 550x4 jl Mitchell, 013%. S T I IT L Aili A Pi. BRUSLS LIME, WOR TOW & —331,-RROW ,--1-- T.t11. Sub cribcrs tale! al opportunity of beg to, stAte- 'yd nit 1 r past patiOage,eard. at turning Irks to the in abitants of Bruseele andi that havin trade several iMprovements in air kilr and xnide of burning„1 they are now better position than ever , liefore to supply ltbe publio witht-class lime *t 124e. cash, at tke pi d. kiln, or 14c. d ivere, 1 This being he sixth Beaton of our bnsheaa dealings in )3russe1s, and 134virg given unq al- lied satisfactiOn Brs Itt the! public can relyj on - keenly ing g4o4 treatment arda-flrat-c1*srtCe from ns. , ; _ I Remember the spot, Br -nestle Lime Works. 646-13 TON A BURROWS I . W.,O�,L.;WOOL 20,000] -I)OUVD WANT6p AT iKIPPEN STATION. DURING ;th preselot e son the Subeeri er -win be at 11113 Warpho s4, Nipper', every lore- noo n to tale in and payilhe Highest Maud Price in cash for Good Merchantable neon Wool. 1 the SE:'n3 time, el' ake in Say Sur%) al Abeor the secon w ek in ttlY• J: Wh eat and 10 ts at oute e Seaforth priecapf deli ver -ed b C erne earlfr,, as the line riwng top prospoet will have a lendency to lowerfprieds later on. 649 DflilD AltLENNAN. EG -GI EM ORIU I - 'FEE Subscriber hereby /h nks hits nume us "1- CUISt0114113 I (merchant nd others) fortbeir li beral patronage .durini• .143 past 7 years, ad h °pea by striet ilitegrity a 4 close attention to b. ueiness to Merit], their conlidenee and trade in the future. !Having greatl:y niarged Ing exten- ts es during the iwinter, he i iow prepared 16 .91; ay - THE HIGHEST ASH ;PRIG For any quantity of GI:erd $Yesh Eggs, delive d at the Egg Earporium, ' 1 MAIN REATo c.4EAFORTIL Wanted bY thr subscribe p5 tons of good clean wheat atraw. 1 D. p. wILsoN THE ZI11011 CARR4CE FACTORY. , HESSERER TTAVE aIwayS on hand', and make to riOrdir, Wgatits, 131eighai Carriatiestilia - gies, Cutler*, and every otherarpiclem thy* 1 They personally stiperinend their own busi- ness, and con gharantee :s.lgood article bothia to material and. ,*orkmanalrin. 1 For Style' and Finish ti eir work cannot 10 surpassed bir the large eityi $tabiisluneuta. Repairhagl premptly ataded to. Give retua trial and be bonvinced that e can satisfy you* to quality and price. Mr. Hess w 11 known been in business in Zutio 636 line. o the public, having vor over 111 years. S & HABERER. THE H AB, PHO 0 GALIER1 Pictures f Rare relit Paken b Af Catder, haforth., CALL PND SE SAMPLES. A LL the Samples shown iSy me are bamplea tit LI - every d y wiork, and Buell as you 011 getan day at Calder's only. Ritth drapery o clear an brilliant colOrs, and smooth and clean fusee, su as can be made only by 71*ars of peactice an exp erience. Old pictures ettpied ana eniargedas usual. Negative preservedti ANDH W CALOR, PratstIcal Artist.. Opposite the Co mercial UteLCal —1111-F1 REASON' WHY - G R AY' V I IT' ALIN p, /8 FIAST BECOMING - THE POPUI.A!1 REMEDY OF THE It Is, that it wjll a all that id: claimed for it in klai Pamphlet. Read the Pamphlet carefallY. Buy one bottle and take it according to directti and you willilind relief and be perfectly eatielledi that it is worth el. Sold by all druggists. THE4E1 MEDICINE CO., Toronto Sold in Seal° h by Hickson & Bleasdall. Lunt sden & rWil on, J. E34,4 Roberts, and by II Druggists. : 651-5 ANC, -OR LINE. UNITED STATES mur, STEAMERS Sall Every Saturday from NEW YORK and GLASGOW tvia Londonderry) and LONDON DixTeIeCLIETS for Averpool, Londonderry, Glee- : now, and all pa•rt of Europe. Fares Ills low as anPyroetpliaeirdfirPrsalagO Certinestes issued t Pe -mos wishing to bring Out their friende. The Passenger aecomraodation of Anchor Line fort. Apply tO Ste steers are •tlIts. all° Jr" Knoaysjiaediagened bknyclawilnunreAsaisel pcfrao*brinstYtol thheeytre 8:1:03BgedoN,1$6..r elegance end eom. 598 At the Post Office Seem* TO THE PUBLIC. rri HE BruFsels B4ss Bandlviat to J710:flats b3 -a- the public generally that they are in a position to aOcept engagements on reavenable te rms. Under Mb able leaderehip of Prof. A. beet band in the county. Satisfactionguarenteed and a model band are our recommendations. Address eifiLL S. ARMSTRONG, 645-12 Secretary, Bruesel , — HORSES 1 HORSES HO11Tb—N UG SHARP -1-Nrcm-r, BE ST SHARP'S HOTEL, Seaforth T for the nail:rose of purchasing Horses. weighing 1 rot. 1,000 pounds to 1,50e pounds., and in good condition.1 Age frora 5 to 13 years oil: Must be kind and sauna. 648 HOUGHTON & SrABP. •!I An liia posseseion cOnstant pr tion one de. On being as he replied f• that I like 011 fat and a r the tao all threatened fibgging if h "tott. tase planter, eggs soft2 frightened o'cloak die hours, and get them e —The go for a fishin graph to th "Mr. Zones of 'speckled count for th -wife until h been_ fmed with some f he went for rod. —A man 1143 all your wri house. "Al my country ,alking; we these Injia expected to these days." yen fight Iq wiood and a ` take 118 and you'd h hid the 41r2rtt eyes." Joh wondering A Texas -06,eentrie, nem has giv Marks and. ing narratila by s, traveil Iniuistb ence7 took h ing. Abri the outHide "Brother believe t sinttations nearly tonvi piece of pia tolis hea& q think, oXe elee;" re he minis ter, and was his lips, avla .3i 3. shot. This is a the minister, vest. "This takable threi piease sing gate this preacher in 4"Yes,' saa stick whieh .atisirag and pints like a elliea. up afte 4.Eit'088 a, bro -1"13a on a Jnlimbe The whitt -a large Rem suitedpreat from his be out there WS ment in the cidedly more deacons sat ter a while iting an If a nose a that ha have hirasel ceeded wit RI*14. (Ark.) Ala Triur the Rono suffered to November the garden. a 1 elt and he calf of my le that 1 rolled and. o ould s feav yards o to the knee boiled it for nd better. I the neighbor snapped a for a few da th mation, and piaster. In to i hobble; London. an 1 knocked in floor, sea& h From this ginning of A a tion, Virb.0 stocking of neinine. 1 t treated me nay leg -got b ertion proda _ "On the 2 dettook me. jury, but tb I was out of iron, &c., wi &leo fixedio. the muscle of the leg. -mine in eo aereed iia in the cause mygoing to *4AngliSt 1 Mr. plaster. for yachting, so for that titn been getting sea air, but surgeon on b also exaarain the cause of An old wo ("odor "On Septe was remov tried for end of this age for abou the whole of douches. either on er health was 'voyage, but fore, and h Proper size.