HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-21, Page 8• • th re 01 wi tu to wi cu mi an an CO Tr wi th ate sai we 00 So tit 1 I i I ' •1! • - . 4 , ! • i • . i! _ • - . ' - , • 4 ' 1 f ' , . - ' i , ,. - .- 1 1 ---.4, • • C ! MAY 21 .1880 l ' -. 1 ' ' 8 THE HT1RON ,EXPOSITQA. . ...e, - . - . A .1. tiMiNIMMNIM • • A . tehrieehvtitsittreerep4peeaesb,etoettleileedfieda almohigi; dv: a•iili efdc;•,:hde etry:, raxeleu!1,1dthreeycheit.vvee vzlrlieksnooztnist, wllbeatileitemeede:etakes - he for that year. in his It speaks very little for tens or walks throte. -la prepare certain -plices t. - 'ththe the rece ion of p , where needed fer e • gravel, - . • said I.MPORTANT . -ANNOUNCEMEN Illon txtri.011.TOr read and. teeeived Ltd. and t e followiint T 'ate cont et Belled to P ie y lor this improvement. the ifou:1 zealeus Tite S aso it. of the s TCh.aleiada. . S. raneat quilanti..ty most off a man life te have to , handouffed to eep him 'nuzzled Iteep him in shape, ned.re dr contract on side Toads let at Londesberd, 25 and 26. te- be oirthe 26th of May, resolution there -anent adop ed : " : id , refer not to oveaing of ItEE P.:lac:ear:et FOE I DISTRICT . MATTERS. in as ,much as gr the tition would i ting t e preye of rease he oest of i ar t' at etatreet, the trayel it in , 4 a positive ublic shoal shame be in dust, upo, pr eialen ou wi streets, ds; cause a king? niunsiiiiael e:peeaciittrallyy a map.i of $130 that took offichei wei,ilai when the village of lt8:31,01.,daestbloroo'culao:slic! council then adj.° aain at ;II., riled to meet a, ,.. , p , Bayfield belong d to the towns 1HT88h:„ SEEDS, Seensee-Farmers in want of the - ater-Works- v also f granted say , • I r rail -tially, and r 1:oth extensions °env per nienced, etdangered. n heir lives -a d pro- is now t e case; teilteilinn enntai geewaorn,f the reo. t pio.us ds ten table I or the I run it_up since p, then some years to $1 , . , ke,A. at 1 0 o cloc , . . G re ipo at. ocl 'Fresh Relkable Field Seeds, true to name, D. D. ROSE's before purchasing. My stock s been carefully selected from some of the most nsibIe seed firms in Canada,. and will be sold a_ very small advance on first wst. D. D. Ross, — w.ou . , •iistice hat incre 1 sed coat veou year, be beyond the 44. ,,,./„.1 0.. re for thes to be aide, which ,, for he preseat a ility f -the town, rem° Is 110 eaten- b - r: 1,Pa a s:, el o i ; vine -only track ' y . hat the s 1 ng is compl0 on 1I re :Om lace of cio sing the ta now frequ ntly the , both s d s of the tly blocked. with occaeion, their san to ppee r at they h wh tit me ve ' net cola 'remise, oh may , . , he "city tethers" prct-1 y he nuisance eeloanngde, ur herd an en n , with his plain he has contrib ethoemhaoewylioaTvhe s trona a , fund whi ted very little to, he eiss,paafstteLhaovsi and h e a . 7 -4 SEnvicEs.—ReY. of . -pen. ; • J. S. Lochead, U.A...." r:o 'IP. grtilthwbileleerisu7a111- ' G •r, next to the Post Office, Seaforth. 648 ' '' , sions beyond the rigina ' plans be :al s wetting for p , ; le op ortunit tee a BS. P P are erec ngp , tank into whid d water . k d it wor e up s ell Your correspdril w. . . :11.ryLi2etaddittes.bthe Woo:L.—I am prepared. •to pay- the. - • ' dent first assal ed Mr. Douglas to try o t . . H.11 Kippen and 1- s Green, on Cash Price Maa• this Season - cept tour inch o e he -track, al $itit ts a won er. that will be pt Niri re d for the use of t e water- • ' church, at li *labest &est for any quantity of Wool, de-: ' - al ay the: mil at my Furniture Store. I\ ill so p price for Wool Pickings, oi• any -other mer- table wool.. Hides, Sheep and Calf Skins.: . .! mail from Victoria and diat the hydra: _ of V t Clar street, a ad t be pl : ed at Clark eet.'' 0 0. I ens :zice. • are not By this th: • more freq en oe- . pening of market . ing cartsi pipes -to' • truct T e f ey als_o propos to lay i at int' House se. : re, an ; o . untam. ••• A. sens • e move] ' • hurt his reputa he was too we . ers for such . bo •councillor, len as a known to the ratep:y- . h to injure hita. ut , ut • • . Sabbath next, 2Jrd ins .„ a e . . . hours FARM SOLD.—The farm belonging to . . . . A G MCDOUGAL • , L & , - . Cm) 4.1tErf4 . licri101..i N trick trade, for Farmers' stree instead p ona s The e r: all an danger cons a N H and sepathic ie aloe. or cash evgything. tes discounted. Joim S. POUTER. 650 SPE.CIALTIESt — Sale Age•uts for the linan Liver Peel, Cluthe's Speiral,Spring Truss - Appliances, and dealers in Humphrey.'s Hom- . Rernedies. HrOK.soN; ,ti BLEASDELL, Soa-e rth. 650 . .! FOR THE LADIES.—A: G. MCDOUGALL have New 'York Styles . . . . table • emelt eons • was ceed forthwith to • apao 1 nes from, last. with the by-law f Phe 1J ayor waa ins . advi• e in referene stree opened acres 1 mitre c llect Iyear, in a stre rooted to la; the r4 ed to pro- he unpa -accorda,nce waterina. take legal ing Jarsase. way The d 1. wo abr. t e be = the i*ha d be t isi blocked weer, o not Impelled property, the avoi cross' know to, power reniivenience ed, i • b .. ite when t e Blain .with shunting trains eiwould be a ,ailable. at the Co . any can li ei. this str:e r through 've believ: te e to wn • do it, : nd if the but 1 .A,Mrs.rekr. oat tishigepo apot to p to a, somewba eitize f o . p int ins neighbor s o o . int long delayed. • t One ot out mos Sotith atr t ve• on Tue, sday. He nd &brush and at ouse, but while re that he was just remit', prao-, lirocured empted di saving . 1 he is not the fi I tiled to depriv 1 some hideous 'br might not be f pondeut with t eGreso, rhguet Bifriotw iniii , . •t st the. same han.d of public life un fictitious name. . , ir to class you.. corr , e assassin of the H nrotthseoDhornuntaellioyrinviucrido as er It n. rs-, the estate of the late WM. Blair, situ- ated in Stanley, about a raile from' •this place, has been :said by the executers to Mr. Joseph Hood, of. Stanley, for the suna of 56,300. The farm contains 100 acres and is one Of the best in the town- , ship.- _ i - . , Raving got a Great • ir, New York, they present stock at .. Baitain of SILX SCAR S . ' -. will , offer the , whole of lb Cost P#ce 0 3:1 - • . N •• RIM 0 • ' received the Latest. of Ladies Hats. 650 ,.. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES that look lieee COU Oil then adjou day vening at the , ed untt ual hid nextaleil - Ir. ' ' I cou. Of. *losing Thi: il will weeld,.nc mek it wiLl • • ate crossin • he onus : with the b • mpany. bti be t $3 a slipped,' te terra da' y , nd.4e rma; he operation, th made double q sitting down b ladder] ck time ntifully! is a s ecies i p cowardly and , . e po.ndent IS afra: 0, Murder that's m , . e_ eau. et your corr d Or ashamed to si re s - 11 • orris. , • INTERESriNG Ieeers..--Iffr. W. Clark TUE-SDAY NEXT, lif, AY ZTH: In 1 re yeti. at_Moones. 650 - f . S. . . '• - k. Stsnen,The ill the ai le easiest the Ificulty. the co ten s of- the t. Mr.:: his name, I will never trouble v u intends raising hie shed on Friday,1,. 21st , . SIVIT. THE CIRCuS.--Ptillman 84 Hamilton's circus exhibited here yesterday to fair t audiences. The managers are courteous and gentlenaanly fellowse and the show ie Well deserviee of public patronage. T e electric liglat display is alone -worth The , exca atiegthe ditc • . pipe:, struck Work last. They had be day _; nd they' idem the •ntractor refu: who : gang, with tl n en e s for Mond reeei • de.d • • to gi - excep • ployed ithe viate - ity morni a g ng $1, p:r Les.: • Th s , • and t le ion of t •ci Th1. time Mae the ter wit i od ompany and • rettxt ideve Ito their the 1 of over again or- court 0 wor h. : n • il . rng • ' v been a • lied to . have. r; f Bed on ther tO do .1. , andnow ,pold take t ' e mat- hands an • proceed i • e cost - dad he in Shep--, , ate ter, for 0, ttleiiced the his econo leav new least he lig pae uriPag hence ic paint ,. that ,pro:ro.: inen is order with t f nmentienab o u tO find out if of a margin o 1 t • • en erpnse. e ' citizene tailov -s, come ere waS •rofit in' again to reply t pear in your pa self or the towl I always thou shooting at dee; , : WM. GRA anything that may ap- er with respect to my- ship to ,which I belor.g. : t there was no fan game. 9 AM, Reeve of Stanley. n inst.—Mr. R. *Orson, sawyer in Mr. J. .Regerson's intends leaving. e . land. T. C. Creriery the saw.—Mr.JOs. Mr, R. Armstreng, formerly 'head saw Mill, He intends taking up , ta,kes hie placea ..st Armstrong, sett of J. P.., 'Belgrave, has - . And will 'Show Lsdies in want ,. them ,nn of a Separate Count r,. ' Sif ' I 1 e price of admission. corctpa,ny w II appear in the principal towaeand ages mn the /for -them . part of ethis e unty daring next week, aria any of these orth ee,left tb.e wo day, eowever,' bette and on Tuesday m men returned tow() .. On t ounse , ling . at th e followi de prevaile , Iost of the : old figur0. . trifl P b s fe dg, :while 1 , to. of 1 • g t pay aving eat. - ot eing : es rtvenienc: to th e of the. : ditienal. •econd cros i gevould - ' ',Inirraij . lergestl f t .ODDFR mire o , . e a plae LOW d ver on FEINERAL.—On inost solemnly • witnessed in Fnday last, wbe Robett Mc of the •• posingi oderich,; the re- i , TEAX DROwi team of very Ai -river 3 4 -field. D.—On Monday last e horses were drowned a ignoigaejabmaceks tsoulio: crienapi3a...7s.y- . e 1: Rogerson, p . Wr,. elloatiinceWl misho: Siehlret eenalirtalaer illn %L. e ee e A VA 1.1.1 Aft- L E SI ILK SCA . . eir readersin parts wish te epend a couple of ably should- attend. • who may hours agree- - - - The day is undoulta Work is very laboris trac • •r positively d •: i y sm ..:, but ilines t'f, 1 , aed the a: the eo • , pay or , L ,, a cha At, ad ?ed BRIEFS, d W. resid . n Meesis. o n Mc-- eDougallt ave ex-- e.—Mr. D3, 'd Me_ o ai n pon s of eyed the the ito tihe Court late cemetery. Heine Square, ay were! e flags . a uponi in the at come to Bayfiel and. were bead- g ayfield. The team had for a load of lumber, hacked up into the framing husiness, j. McCaSey.-Mr• Thos. is at lest completed, with Ins brother, D. Sh-eridan's house and me hope that At;25 Per Cent„ less tbSyl usual prices. • p e a Cell and :Sea T)10111- I • , 'TEE APRON BAZAAR. — The Apron and s the work if no availed of is • no • ly temriora l will ' ' an. .1 r- ' I ot be- g • t Clo as recei ei the appoint, tent . of t p p aYed Albioji at an ha British hotels, mast, every ere disa ., lace of wharfswhen the 1 and going over wagon went backtoo ft, ciok the horses with 't the occupltnts may life and prosperity. be blesSed with lceng• r. Bazaar held on Weclia sday, by the agai • the men act wisely! pre,. A tO , in t e mondvillo' Presby- sinews! Was closed, and the it wn hate they both , • ladies of St., Thomas' Ch It) S ocessful.. There was h ndsonte display of aprOns fa4icy-articies of ladies"- wOrk, t e whole stoc-k Was elisp tttire was crowded with pi el ht seers during the rele was -very I a large . and and.. other and nearly sed of. The rchasers and , afternoon and , the test of their to th ir workit to tv rk even for go id e ; and weee in,g many of those ed t sere= Would o i: a e 1 •• b on an; : good 'liar a 1 ot for • o are • oing it n reakin• reternin: !eel 1.bette" 1: y than td his dite - • w mph> - e. a ten C II loc. ma on h i • r., a. 6 C: int CI ,d as ai in irainin Ti on I Av:ry's• s • urch, Seat fine y. ower a a r o h I 4 a . as remov d from .1--• Mr. John Goven••• r- ear-old.Sr Archy ei the Olio n races a full : ster to i ,I rain pass (1 over b • siented Oliell Nehieh low8, worthy were a: braise. wat of :whic naem conducted Presbyteriani mou ba co nfuli aspect. • ill d headed the pr•cession, Lduced by the order • 'decease. er. Religioun by the Revi U.. Minister, !Ind.. pre -1 e Mit-1 Oddfel- was a services Sieve- the water drawned before The driver .esca, belonged to ir.. toWnsitip of Ha yalued. at $200. THE Twniere and were they could be rescued. ed injury. The hors Kalbfleisch, of t , near Zurich, and we , FoueTie.,-,The eelebra- a e 0 _ Wrbxet Renee Wool:ea-Messrs. Son, of this place, of this year's clip last early for new wool. e ACC/DENT.—A little er. Forsatli & took in a. lot of wool Monday. Pretty - boy, a. son of Mr. . . - NEW DRESS GOOD. . We have much • EiV ning, and everything pl asantly and • satisfaetorily. Vir te also, a bountifully suPplied na at table, which seemed rt aitiODal-attraOtiOn, mid. p tronized. We beg to congratulate La ies on the geatifying: *mess lle ir first, apron bazaar. . passed . Off . There -refresh- to be quite an was liberally the of this,1 ' .. D re. TH or AN' OLD' learn from the. Adv Hon. ,- Oakland .Co the • - atle of Mr. Jo' took lace in that • just. • Mr. , Rieraley and datives :lathe this tountte Wao wil he SEAEORI User, pe ty, ii4higati,• Itti ',ley, • we o • as m:12y outhe. 1 earn o HITE.— : blislied i if wllt hic I the - friend: I part his :deat id To ei i 8 t• t oe ei. a g olio ee g. t er: t on ail ist, ae at' :30 Th 1 - oh wi, d : q • s t d vic ut na hurc o'c pester ldren be it een's lk n i 0,, . b • ' c- , yon Tueadae Morn- Arop here. The St. e "bbath Sch•ol will tieet sundo morn- i1 preach a sermon SOnday eve ng.-HAs ebration in •eaforth day-, seVer :1 of our right, i services (emanate p. N. reniembered, people held etas transactions, pecul Ge of in thb ever by , It I Go hi fou ar to rother was an + ao-rrowing erichi hest' d ipnght ndg Oddfellowl Frank le occasion 1 one as decea respect -by in nial and the p were wrenee, g to be to the el, was 1. -Eta iusmness able in tion of the Que in Bayfield proi supassing any kind in that gr mme hds b a gaud calithu morning, boat le racing, wheelba three-legged nil n's Birthday thiS ye. ises to be on a scale f revious event of t place. A lengthy pr n prepared; embraci •dpian procession in t cing, horse racing, to rote racing, sack racin ing, putting the stone, r r e �- g e t Ti Peter Eapaei, of this ing on the band stand with some other ehildren, fortune to fall, off one of his arras. sent for, reduced little idle* is doing A BONUS FOR Howica..—The of the township place, yvhileeplay- on the square had the the stand 'and break Dr. Brawn, who was the fracture, and the well so far. e j Coined , . et Howick, at their 4, pleasure announcing the .arli. here of our ., THIRD LOT 0HF NEAY, DEERS 'On Dr Alai THE , . • „ , . ' peneea DEATE.—A telegram was re- Ieeved by Mr. D. D. Rose, yesterday, itilnouneieg the sudden death of Mr. Hall, of this town, in Bay City, ll chigaa. Being una,ble to obtain em- 31rment here, Mr. Ilan went to Bay A y over a month ago, and obtained ' vdrit there. He was supposed to be do- zi:g well, until the sad and s-udden news. ef his death reached. here yesterday. le leaves a wife and family - of with „deepest . , one t measisociated the b king an in th a town,and most of out .,_Citizeng, make the following sad e•ent : ,"It gret at' we John. Rumleyea of thi: place,- . morn ug ia typhoid short illne i . r eon wil is wi Chroni mu who Aged et. Ali Idt etione ,be rem The aefere • h a feeling le thel h reepelted tlied- el neurao 40 11,' e - was: a FansOn i i Moines: mbeeed b , Advertise e to th of re death or Citizen Teesdav ii a, after a' 3 Months t "r: t.s i re I les s e: w fo in: J. e ce o ip c n t ke na . the • $ :rin • se : ng ee 0 I• et s of go dreeze other Rev. • on but oughto car to • The' et 30 ction een : s • le , i Ilaed •• 0) pf ilte a , .• gjto Bayfield to enjoy a vieitness t e boat r 8.—We wtre glad Cameroneof : ppen, dnesday. He is till very • eak.— Sharp :re now Ii:if horses to Beaton Pay good ,-pr ces and (tre.—The onttact weterwor . s build- to M Jamee the deem a:little in Goderieh 1837. seettte death general 'Mae iest:, eighi social in tbe petit He feed one merch took after weeks. ci p 4 o wa of .pl an ' cle ime yea the a so as u. he fi rite, ce $n llne:s a model f life. .He s of age, bz' 5th.- of Nd e of the Ia. .: to the tim r. id of McK. Goderich 1 Wednes • of abont, , an cut • as but eg born • ember, Angus of his Bros., His de- : y, 12th six e or jurbping, and of arn•usernents, f: priees are offer' carsions on th. 1 and. a -grand -die ' evening. A royal 6 o'cloek.in the at 6. All who;wish Moe and enjoy the shonid make 13-0137field on the Twenty -Fourth. er athletic sports add , r all of which -liberal d. There will be ex- lake during the da, lay of fireworks in the salute will be fired iit morning. and another to put in a good delightfullake breeZe their destination meeting, on Wednesday, had a petition laid by a, good maey of men of the townehip, submit a by-law gtanting Grey and Bruce Railway to the extent of 520,000i, to widen their gu,age road. After a good prayer Of the petition the necessary by-law the 19th inst, before them, signed the 'representative praying them to the .Toronto, Company aid to enable them and to the deal of talk was granted,:and submitted; , e „eats , I • IN EW )J1IADES AND. 1.„)E.SIG/s11: " Mating the Largest an4 !Choicest . Displa'y to 0 seen in this County. , I - INT 7 nee Psie Piq ,-.1a,-...•ge e. yeari tled. . , Tor 44 all Children, the former of whom is n dry delicate health, aed-the sudden at, .ouneement of - her te#rible bereave- neat wili be a severe blew to her. Me. 1 1 -was a, steady, industrious Mall. No ' ; IcuitirS a,s to the cause -of his death to e yet been. received.. and 29 . were held in day :ftere0011; inter ed in was a prominent:me peps tmeet,--fitst pany o. 14 eye. the he -and ' Th M. and Lake als ; fun& • Churlh,Wednes4 he re •J tide ce etetery. id be 0 e ipema, • a memiler ;1 services ains : were • I Ile the' !Fire 'of , Com : of ! the ' :wiir coet b:tt 01 fioia Moo al- fe: . ill et • • ht " -at' e i :y intende the se be don: ould rl' dseee.,- sdaY ect u ni•t.'J ha up eeletiing det $1,159.• r2 le brick 14 4tr. cop . The . , have fall n into ' ,refreshing bowers 'had.a 11Qics 'belie- . vegetaltio t—Mr. a sel et day 1 . S.,itie,—alr. chased frame Queen CIIICKETr— -played from cottage Street betwee . ru., aviu r. and or 5600 tos's twp sels. Shields 'ohn Whit half aete cash. up mall elevens i) 1 o s pur- Id his lot on h was Tues- „ Leimley. . BIG EGGS.—Mr. little north of tis tion two hen egte, urea n by 6i- in 7 ieches. Surely worth More tha Elmer Ryckman, place, has on exhibi- one ot,which: maul'. hes, and the other 8 by sueh egge as these ate mne cents dozen fa Council, Detiteta—At of the Village 'Council, James Orr for board by order of Connell, paid. The Clerk law, providing for collection of the th was read. ree ti the last -meeting an account from furnish.ed to trahaps was Ordered to be aving prepared :a by - he commutation .and tatute labor tax, it es and :The OW bales 4aille Per Gent. Laro'Pr I : Than last, and every elft used to retain the name Oat wen Twenty -Ft this :SeasOn, " on our part will the - All ! IE TWENTY-FODRTH.—There is to be to celebration iii Seatorthi this year oe h Queeia's Birthday. This is to he: 'el etted,. as the people of our good cie n keep Roya Armature , 'N' carries an insurance life. -He le ves-e, wife child en tei owe the to, and a ether." . 1 1 hich olganizatiore of $3,010 and lass o upoe his ' wo email a htisban. - sc II) take ttlei te 0.1 •• t in •,nse, fro dd • eek : nd • is role • Uantiti:: this Net • ery •• td a 1a Scott's lock.— iOf salt ba e been •••• 'during t e past staudiug he ex- I 4'. capacity of Our day game to 92. • Tee ready afterneo WAS . TWENT for the the , and esult -Femme—Byer elebratien a very ; the score! on tie leasant Was 54 hing:is 24tli OPnIED —Mr1 o d lit pole up ts street. , Mr. We businees man, ad onlY the per :4 J. T. Westcatt ha's t 'G new s ore on ; ran tcott is an experience d as he has oh hand. . ' Court of -Revision Tuesday, the lst Blr. Sanders, seconded son, th-at the Reeve tie passed. Ives -appoiiated for of June. Moved by by Mr, Sanaer_ and . the movee be • .- tee"'- , THRtE SEVENS IS ttrn DRESS GOOD HOUSE OE '0.,AFoitts. generally ahead of almoet d ry.other place in enterprisink move- azuts., and it is a pity to fall behind in hi time - honored dustoin of fittingly .el•brating Her Majesty's Birthday. V. learnev hoever, that it is intended • 1 , i TH • WATERWORKS —Mr. Editee---S.r 1 your I ermiasion, eil for SOMe ,infol lettin of tile co • : to at traet a0ILDIN I would' esk the ion res for • 1 1-ke, 11, I e 1 . . •TRA 01s DT? wipe vn Pcni4., ting the w • SU and tp pod r . • • a 0. , thl ing el art 0 vt. 1 D y ha the who t an ring e• add,. : : h: :en scarcely qual to . - draintipo them, om longeli tances e it hot , fr m • the past fest. d ys we and a torch Werke before. Ciedus.-1--T grand tight will d be yr may roceasion a siglit e Pil41man be expect and , never see & tlamilton. . The e fite here :best q ality of goods , which. he As selling bl ' ratesWe g at reasOna, e . have iao doubt b f that he will Merit liberal share of e public patronage. . RIGHT MAN AT HE HELM.—Mr. lme*, a member of th 4 a committee see feren-ee to the collection labor tax—Carried. journed to ! meet Tuesday in,June at -----• the collector in re- of the statute ' Council then ad- - again on the third theusual hour. We 'do not try to do GroCeries, Boots and Sh. and Dry Goods, and exeel in all, tat confine o attention to one branch:, -mid A Celli , D have a gala day on the First (.4 le y, when it is expeoted the neW water- TO- ks will be completed and that they rill be :formlallyi- oened and their re king apaailtiespethibited. • The od onstration will.- be u.nder the di- so ion of the Fire Briga,de, and 'e may works building. tende s,. it tende' • would satist; dory.. by . $ 1; aed Where it prepa, ed to was s no M I was ra give In ated b te voi.ld- t setisfacto ny the bill: 'that accep der was like reason c he red the y b Water: Iling for - lowest iiiilOtti leWest 0' Anew • wits e. i3; cur h fa to .s ho th look pro v: e f t. • n :ee ha r o T it I di eaii esea. on o we hey five Ye: fever pai cod' crops ful, and At the r : :ell is i Opts old %militia ckot seen in t Nen for and all co e for : 'good one nd we ne.--eAs a, eneral 1,thifie neigbl orhood hountiful ha Vest is aenualBenc Show eonebinatien .on Tuesday, be a principal morrtng. M lverg the p grand etree rforrnan i t st Sh on to e 2511h eet elerade s of w atI2 should es, aS visit this inst. Th thto igh the town in and 7 o'e turn du they are, lace on re is tom the the ock P. to see nequal- •, • • m connection w • • ' the Zion M. t. • i :: evening next, is the - es of this very strongly t - : Mr ' E" III' • t h" wi ingto pu le managing committee a tn. the Social to eh -arch, on Monde now around amonas vi• i• i• ty, advocatien e rights of the - is always ready h 1 s ou der to the be hel inne an wnee Bluevale. , SAD REFLECTIONS.—It ful feeling of regret notice the many ch,anges demise of some of citizens, viz.: Mr. Mr. Cherie is with a pain - and 'sympathy we and sudden our meet pronainent °he. Messer, of this ' S herriff aied , - , Aim• at irI.- it- ,F-irit-Class. akingi: li SIiITH ott ity t ed b ant, soMbin tion traitee ling as place ; , , whia e .ure it Will be worthy of the tow.n. . . i .tin might per pe i formance .b required. f Ole work, •- mi the4)ro, Haeord. of De s 4 •en. in le, , ev Yorker cently, every one is ready o bear teeti • • ony to import of a gpod 171 B• — - PITCHIN cause. • • in Brussels,. but wt . 'i interred with his In doin this we feel eobteleat that we Call b t t , :. , , . e ter for elm ens oraers aist well as oinselves. . un II 4, the auspices 14- the West nnster this aet that has s en them. ' Qinr -I }.---f-A very mterestin. friends in : Bliley le ; also Mrstjelan la X. $ GOOD BEND Ovr. — The Winnipeg r..e Press thus refers to :the oonte t auce ith 130Si s, I tbe pl are a- ns si and spe ent of, i nd cations. a Tate- Kan G.: r :1 .' 1 "1st lwe lube i 1 i Madison quare that Mr. PERSONAL.—Mr. : . J. McColl , eturned game Cif quoits lane, on Saturd as played in Wilk • evening, between tw Lightle, who died . t illness, h after a severe .and h , I la ed business of' otir latetownsmen i hi t city ; tThe. old Time office is be 4.f fitted up as a hardW4re gala by le:srs..1 S.1 F. Johnson !& Co. The r a is composed of the senior • member f :he firm of Johnson Bros., . of Sea- n• h, Oat., where he has ;been success- A y engaged in businessi,fer the last 13 I A pa•yer iii, the. to make 1 spend was t, e contract derer -ho is hot and w o spends the to vn ? Thes . would. like E the T swer, tad an 'gala u, Lind he given a resident is am wrt er wh: town. . to a, - e Oarrings the Comte .. to • wine., t ,:'lity,t lagleet t o :n 1 money 1 en, ten7 - 0 t6Nyn tsidei Wens tea an- I , have D: brit • L th : th3r An* M w • lz id sri •• l o s di ,e , Ilffr •we If I wert, 1 bt 5:d • ail„ a ,11 not Lend , Joie; Seafo 1 pal, ju i 'over' 1 includ s J. T • oted .bi _ Hugh • , England and !Dalziel aMrs u . h, was' one ne of Os. At thi show 100 dogs of every . kg two CLi ese — dinas, of th_s town • ' fancier, hs just from W-nni i the guest Of Coll looks in high tenns tends returnin his friendsiber on Wedneada 0 t Mrs. missed frona pe D rem y t last . W. rkahly f . th afte .— mor rosh Saturday Holmes. A well, Oil, country. a short vi ii rs. Crosher e • * ing for e • r will be and is r. Mc- speaks He in- with ttow-ve n castl 0,$t h of the eharapie • ' ast and a co E ' ' the crack pitche ' suiting in a vict following allows , contestants ': L eacy, 10 and S 31. Lemley --W:st,—john pitchers of Lumle responding number et - - s of Lumley West, re ry for the former, Th be points macte by th raley East, — Georg muel Horton, 21 ; tote Steacy, 11 painful av i to the last. : SheI• ily f r husband t ° a lite with ; and Mr whord we made m of whom lee , :lila hard to filla ' s . CROPS AND Besneess.—Thmgs this neig-hberIneed she ore patiently helpless f- axes a essain o fight the battle .of John Thyme., of ntion last week, all. ks which will be . . around. re displaying drite , , . LUNERv STO1IK • A. CAM, CORDIOLY r ERY 110 ' P ' , , SoLipITED. i , -1. • - MAIN ea, s. and Messrs. Wood & Lewitt, of Ca , Mon, wholesale hardware mer- no do, bt, will also. ratepae ers, ae3 I au b under desireil the by- the irepres- im,, ho ea ! very s teener se- • wh•. i Jo L • eg- comniunity . o an n, her th b o y the oasiness personel. fri :lids. and:J. T. Westc= tt, 3, total, 14 • . a prosperous app4arance. Netwith- 1_ beets, who are well keenin almost all ve the Dominion. It e011 thus be )0 • that the new undertaking possesses LI he elements of solidity, and its ro oters are live business men, th.4, it blishment iel likely to be a sion t d at the tow funds . hat open t should he given td torwaiting al &c.,— . H. , Ten • is e E a answer, VEk not eel mall sun outside' 1 , Contr 4t c ash !of of : $31 contrite- ,• yours, or. Fire Lo. ha. e Mr n • • • • 1 ooe- tr, EiS t ;ken n a I'd reb: 'sin , gg whicll firs I -Guelp 1, sed the ;i :s of M a ste: -a beauty. rize at Toroeto, hovta.-1ffr 0itand cord - -, s. • Currey .i 0 _ , popular This e sir Tee .1...Lecen. - en diou ed Rigga - e ' •chanibs' Insti etien- 4 Coun il chamb Bros. ' last, when young eleetela : vsh • an ' , the ICS' ual if ute . r o toll 'INSTITUTE -- • • eetin of tl ' g Wati held. in Tuesda ' Y wing ofBee - • :in D. m ' The e Me- the venin g s were MeGil-' . Igibbert. cortnx CTION.— out dettactien em .or his bulls, I : statement which, R. DITOE, Sir, With her of John MeConne eg leave to correct - ' appeared 'm d your a standing the bea lately the geowth i we may judge from fruit trees, the y greater than in for . wheat looks remar . froste• we have had , s very rapid, and if the. bkossom on pur eld - will be nanch er years. The till .abl y well, also gar - , .. , A. G. Mo1301.TOALL HT& :CO. , e 1 : ' . 1 Dieeetitaporters of Riapie :and. Faney pry 000ds ,. Millinery, MantleS, SintwN 154C. — 1 ' ' ' THE TA perman:, . . m n nd -ill no. 6 tbt do well , ,, ' a w , p e sident • vertising edam He says May Duk den vegetables. usiness, too, is ' on tr it and valuabiis acquis, tion to the THE MARKET S AT_;I s. ---The e is con - licud y, vide' -preside t , C. R. • ' ooper, 'declared th . best the ' • at as ( a a red 13mith, h 3,m MerCial iuterests. Of . The store will bel uess about the first of ooe avrTix.-7--Two car fat, cattle were ehipp,ed bee for the Old Country nesdey. They were all and were creditable fed thena. The following es the the 'tir booming sidera , le coMplai i opened 'for weigh :cales at t juue." - - . !. they hi ve been inspe loads of vary Wedn:sday a nu •• from this nickel smit4 wlao ••arket market on them eighed on from Tuck. n.ot being satisfied to those took t. em to ' Mi. axe: the and h d them e t . e be BO he -ei:hed about th market. ted by :of fax' d fat ' d m eith the aoughton' th:re. [Altlio:u01. fli t ec , public • 0 :proper . .fro:In ra : le' lied leS,and weights spates The 'WeightS t o f du ex let wit Tin qu • SU .. u , i i • El te r In : 1 MG t, th: S to ca ON St. ' rea,e r' gl Go. 11 ORSES. ichigan week, p , 1 eave oit load. .-eldlaj tes Cus leas. the Al order t: -etch. 1 i r. (). W. 'email, Isa e been -.in lhasing ho : hursda or Y I Petit, o has tak:n a ' in Hotel f aook after , . .town :s. He rida Y the ei. p r the • secretary Drewe, Scott,' directOrs Hoe, anditers. debt a worke, the Institute renege frien -trees Dr, J. ICamnbe ; 'lad li whi fro . s. W. 3. ta. s 5 h a w11 th irer • Hol lexa The 7 v st oVer receive townspeople 1. Lec es,'A. Hu • , and F. der and J. Institute is lames of WO. '' a lar • and lonlatrY was e J class, audion was a D. ter, corn - etit' " p wit Scott 'D l• S • • ub m pring B. Wil- was also awarde lear of illibbert ! Show. aluable It ia Well knowm e trust generciesly place e pat --ma , nagers of the :kr a eertain 'on the dayof thi bull of any arded the first prize seven others, how thie . season the first prize ow,what are the that Mr. Mceonnel at the disposal Dublin Show, at lass Of animals, Show, instead of age 0 i at th , an 'at th facts of th priz and 'seven increase; an a good stock of sboeMakers from Toronto. , Mr started business in ' town. . We have . , genial appeararice With enetamersi, 'represented, three Erge Manned and . busy. 'who came here strangere axe doing a large b., :dition to our already has arrived James Lace has he upper end of the o doubt from his ut lie will takewell lacksmiths are well shops being well Foster .Brothers, last winter, :siness in connection which the parties ,conicerned 'are to b- . , cited. Prof. McLaren, •of Knox zolleg,, was nominated as time „Moderator o next Assembly. Mr„ii Cameron, ,of Kip pen:, asked and obtai ied leave' a b „.. of sence for teur neon, s, because of il health. The Presb,y: ery expressed synif pathy withhina., a Carr ' ' - rt. : angements weree 3 1._ • -1 made to supply his pUlpit, part of th. time at least.. Meatirs. 8. Cornosha- John Kerr ,. THAT0 1 • d Please the Pi Trude tbat iS te ei elead, ee u rands 2-t0 eell, of oWners and weights of difference between animals :• Wire McConn all, 1 - cow, averag aboet 3 thing 1,440 pounds ; john Hannah, scales ein.g fully weighiug 24,855 pounds i* Geo. one sel er the diff at, 2 head, weighing 2,660 pounds, kgain of .:over $6 h Chesney, 4 head, weighing 4,620 scales •• ere 'insp.:ate ; Ww. Carnechan, 1, weighing Weclne:day ornia pounds ; Robert Carnocban, - 4 perfectly ac cur: -weighiag 4,850 pounds Hugh should, look after ler ha re : g • te. he tvai cent., much e in we Air. r, and and w 'The : : h i g 0 e r tOWII t. ; To t inatte on ted enlb found borities once. 1 - tE wp a ir0 1)4 ten to jell e i i I el n . j'11 x • he'e s +ENI• 1 on m 4S11 I for A merman D.—He • I zt week oble, o e aurae, ithls im • I N.—Th: • t pors. e Fillamor ter stealing !Clinton, we:. ,i, y Judge , leonment in s earner Kin' essels 4 , • who geode sen- tquier, oder- , TH Sir : your 'Tow of yo corres - REEVE' Thew aper ship hip r paPer. ond. . m to r 1 a nt P1 ta RE :spade ply to suit," In the aye • . ey. - LY.—Mr. in the eel what was in a late first pla the Counci *tor_ ns of en:fled dition , your would. militate corapeti not 4 solitary ae in the same clas .ried Off his own m- el 11' c onne s sec ing the Hibbert ,Secretary's prize .1 • ta cei essrs. Mi]er g, as stated, there mal to compet , consequently rize. And, as d t n sta ement regard 3how, a. glance iat list will tell the & Colquhoun -wa wit e can. o Mr th t ru takin with E., Tindal's out elegant rnerly of Sea:forth, ness in the jebbing bank and Brothere ufacturing and to retain the Our cheese c carriag ' repair good tactory rriage shop, turning s. F. B. Scott, -ter- s doing a, large besi- ine. Joseph Brook- have a 'general Man- .shop, and seem will of all customers_ it "booming" again, and. having resigned as Coin missioners to, the Aesembly, 'Messrs 11c0a-a, and Cameron of ' Creseen :street congregation, lAontreal, were ap pointed in their place Th next meet - e ing of the Preebyteryi is to be held 1' Brucefield, on the s -1 cl. Tuesday econ 0 July at 10 : . : a. HI. . • , ' Freah Att French rent 1 1 Gentst Cal OKay, Veu avbnlock :his 'Ti irty- 1 steer, 1,260 pounds. Netlike - caul ha • head., purchased by- Mr. John effect upoul a from Mr. James Fair, of weight.. • .Lis a •• e in ark :natter . r MOre .ket t :t, Sea a I ipilltiOUS ala ; .1, false thl. , Mas ad•e . Kid the tiset c ,' t din. eel o con-vda• and Ki • s Birth 1 pxcursionis Is tail to Goder „ ly. Also, to ardme from ch, on make not pay salary, was the t but hogns. uth, . pu but nkett the whole lished that his This, Sir, • . hie demand : if his • .th.e nrst prize an claim . • leg ;the second - not i ' A ' S -7 , escraeme- s not ., Mr. McConnell *rize in th e same ' • tak class,'Townsend. ' - under the able the full quantity management Theyave ofInillk of Mr. John h t tt • d. t no -a . ame . o yet., but :expect - 131y1A1. .. B , , , acoteenee,—Mre!john Anderson, 0 Hullett, has been. seriously indispe ' , lit ton, were shipped. on the same . hithert justly 'were nj0 .ea an eneeehie ., tries, ont odericle arbor out upon satisf dory, aind the Counc • saw i . liuLlett. to shortly. - for some days . with disease of ' rth ra ee a Towe We e se.ution er tl :i11,.rt ra is . illson )1' t deniug Icert t -the d s d npaittee Fair's cattle all by -elf, and Weighed 1,460 pounds eacili.1; price paid Was tilio.ut 5 centh per, a all round. Couxrte.—At a meeting of the council, held on Monday eyenittg,.: mended petition for the • watering aiu street was presented., and a _was passed instructing the , - to prepare a by-law in accordance . the petition. 'A petition from: Campbell, asking for license for eiliiiird tables and a, bowlina- alley,. e refused. A petition from O. ' C. . and other property owners -r- Silver Creek, asking' the Canna,' ke such steps as will secure the of the Grand, Trunk Railway crossing said creek, so asto per- - uninterrupted flow elf the water, '. prevent damming ba•ek and needing,: tead and reecixed, and the Mayor ' Deputy -Reeve were appointed a to the 1reputaiion, and it ' it to suffer. , If th: :nbt. be • djusted sio elitist weight ,. hey .! once a d ne ones d - b: .h ld ay s al e all.veet , action s taken. 7 :' •• Silo • DD ne 13us a by thei mimites, sed res lutions at inetrue ing the M Grand 1 1•111.11 Rai large the culvert • also to ppen. Mar raitwa-y track. Tie , prove/ ents 'Which 'made ling age and = :council have Qom a stop ma il they so 'carried out, even s invoke he aid of t love fo corporation when Nv - are sure that wi p as ho p ED. he th yo wa3 t Silver et se s we , en cee • ou el law not do sent s to givei-f ld be di °cured. to go ' As will/ own con it last to re Compa Cr treet a are . ne uld h• o tb pe ; ed they in hay d theV vv . IV suits, we bav:. t a b le ' e rose (1 v: •Ill ne e nit right' pertnit . es i eau ir land rded atil ot one Until :seen cil•pas- dd eeting re the to en- . , ' end the (1 'im- been tl • ow ie het them :uire to lave no :still on the du 4•13 iff, fro.. tol? car is 0 . the boo. tali* ' C. Ho God For .wit Mr no t was Pam ' ing bef•r• I IA• Geo L. id: e 's On d • p •ple 'HT e e e . s ' fellow:d 1 •, a:. oNIC4 a IS e, tbi: T a rch Ge 1 of li f tit ill is of h j er ; avi. ee • • th to: n if he .0 -n. mil 4,1every day. I Revise --4Mr. e • • n tail° :rich tc a few s usual e best t of this iiss 1i . 1 -part r- . ;D FOR Clinton il, on Id d McG stolen ,contain ' • amoun to Alti -hem h- • e mone agistt%, Thel ad i urch, Ili two 11 Gordo. e q.ntends, r 'ae.milton eh ks, where inese. Mr Itrs in Can: *a, • ia and n :=indeed w TRIAL.— • 'as commi u sday, b 3 y • • - J P ' / a, . . s, a cash be, d $50 in c f 5300. ' • lain by C• 'stable knowleden • , d 1 d n p ea e e. er stone ef be mg pei hours • sher_ 4 eying n the re will herift : and , 0libor- n he ephen ed to quires ' arge d from h and •soner h av- i il gu ty ; . .. St. 'in into fit to says he ratepayers costs, lot of , tion of can assure he spleen tried to nor yet meeting I was funeral there it l• tverance.. ship for in • 18'8 boxes, ton for These fit to allove reason the any of lay suede three:I& useleas the deprive wae when unaveidably ofa WO. 51 i , 51 f 188 were it wl by-law the balance it will witnesseS Reeee's yo.u) egai I Present Ins ner ld Al J.- r. .65+$10 4 .50 r bnnging 1- , e the him as not ; aside, and t . d got judgment, be mulcted in a out he Reeve subpd: for the ! private sp :en. hold no private (ir st Mr. Plunkett , hira of his just at the e claim was lai I a sen a end" b t tt friend, but had ave get the sae P1 k tt tin e sued th kept from for delivering ballots fro i cents for telegr items. The Jud $10 for pickings 'sr SpeCially mei that he wasnot I he failed : n he id d the municipal $25 .Hullett , . meg a ' on , tiles,. present, I i 'seconded pub- ina • : dr ever week ri hts ' 4880' , ; • g •1 ' 'Fell ounci , Fm asid.e. 1=—Carried1 • g the .ed been paid e - de_ in town- g alary Howson, ballot the 6 Min- ; John bing. pier, e saw Hall; the talons, ioned . fence 0 have-, St.—Carried , COUNCIL D0INf counchl , was h. May 14th, 188 It wa.s by 3 Elowson, 0 :indigent petson.s each from the f • 1 ''' as oimer y„ M ' ley Munro, Moved by J. LashaM, the sum of $13.90, relieving Emanuel ent , person. ---,Carried. seconded 'following ' a,ecounts Govier, for -gravel , for gravel, $1.; Londesbord, 52; Wm. on side road . S.—A meeting Of the of - the township of ld at • Londesberough . All the members moved by J. Britton' that the follow- be allowed 51 1st day of January••th viz.: ic ae ] ara' 11.1. -11 1 O''H Wm. M. McKenzie by j.- Mason, aecond that j. Howeon be money expended Smith, an., indi-i Moved 'by J1 by J. Britton, thatper be paid, viz.• • $' 10- M' , . 0. , Ms La La -I Trustees Temperance use of hall at nomin- righam, platting down 25 and 26, Con. 11, M d b . eve . Y J. Britton Pre.sibytery The Presbytery ! Clinton, on 1, tation coni - Fletcher an visit the mission t • • • • place wi ' • • vices in : • from Grand p b t res y ery, ' supplement 5200, as they , increase in i they were now family, f th ' t o eir pas s per commenicant. • Home Missions meeting reduced co/1 • b t• th d • us re tieing a manse. The he llth sting Danby station t be regard , ' d 'd t Bend appeared ik- as tug formerty were the ilif m payling with a•anse, or ; an Committee th fr th. e stipend Presbytery of Huron. - of Huron met ' 111 of • Ma A a Y. ePo- of Messrs, Hartley, was a ' t d. t ppm' e o of Chiselhurst spec s o ' It P t• • 0 , o con. mumg ser- . . • p, ion before the ' t* „a con, inuance -of given them, viz , unable to makean. _ 37 t ' • is er s stipend, for at the rate of 616 to the sti•pend h at t de rete of 59 The Assembly's at their la-st supplemento thl' v q200 t e • to 6550 with. resolVed to heart, but we are noW happy, to rep nrv hire out of danger. ; IMPROVEMENT.—W6r1I121011 are Imlay engaged repainting and repairing the - preeb rival ea. - - . ' ' . ' • yte . ., anse.ehere, and when :done the building will. present a verY fine' appearance. Fon. THOSE - ;W: •0 •: 1 '; - - - ‘T --We are now :going to fire a shell into , the camp 'of the ro in ' d ' h - :lig s, an we -,epe I f er good. results. $inee the warm evenings hay • t • - h f b- e se • in : a num er 0 , ar- t ' ' room pe s or loafers, as they az' eusnallY called, asseixtble _around. the Main :eor- ners et th . . e town intercepting ladies: ' - ' ' 1 ' ' w-aiking along the steeets, and indulg- mg t. - 7 in -•. - a ' all sorts of vile talk to respec- • e peep e passina a orig. eine tabl 1 - • ' ' I . S ' ' - ' 1 ' means should be at &nee taken to have this low practice &seen:tinned and if ' would serve1 1 some of there well to be locked up for t .8 night as a lesson to others . WWII 1 With tee I tais Ream, e to meet the i 1 A Beatitil Trimmed an Our Stee Trimreings Se 0- correspond with Grand uuk Company, ;led requElst them to den said culvert, and in the event - of air refusal to clO so, the committee is therized to take immediate legal pe to enforce the enlargement of ' the a !calved, The Street i Committee relautborized to have the trees re- itly pla,nted in ' front 4 the High b.oel b-uilding properly boxed. A pe- .eapac et" from Dr. Coleman, asking that- .. . ' • - • , our sid be imp • the tow 'enough The cul :which Silver • so far a Concerned. of the proper' these par it is bettte sed epon, • has been y the Gra ert id, so s : as been ex p k ' • ree , is in ther;step Wli ereas ' ti ' I es- wou _ ' : 1 I i • t• nd na dosed` d • a en led m yer: i 't y, go to n these runk that th in asure interest th e en th e pro - Ave be - 1 ta O. d •• 11 1 •• . tban ‘• attets o d leng paev. moue y 4 • ening a ted, in : a are et • , y• was rt y of n telly con- Masa Jun Ba Bap M as. Gra, Can and mos enc, the : -JJ_ s iih , i t ry. a at i . , aiigie , , , , 1 i of 11n e , on ' Ma wt t pit): :Wo rectio nors ors • - • nivetsa of th: It is er of officiati event ng ever lay Br g Of p., 101 ' , Idea e • 1 tl w e al 411 h 1 •at ', ursday, 2 ' of St. J IF patron sa Its epected th: Grand Ls on the 0 ilil prove on ., . tnessed ther• Reach li .. . a affair, and .. _ • with pcenaed thel th of witness. iese n the he talks .a of ' 'amounted tit the ', $5.65 which , ge o . will Bee the f 11 sioe, , $4.0e costs. .1 the ponden•t lays God-per, you have : has a traction. it is Mr P1 k ilt . _ un 9 Corincil out $9.74 he ratepa By d g N 0 w 4. to get. of '78 and on: are the useless wi The costs of ; take from t failed -to et an g yers was mill the scale your wn to tell a goo• t to multiply -by 4 knew one ew bette at his salary wa. , I sub- other-, •esseS Court : t the you et in arms- , rods bum- i k and I than i the to be ,' seconded by 3. BaseLe that 3. Howson and J. Lasham let the contract ter cut- Uena and gravellinig, hill on Cons. 10 and 11, Lot 33 d, putting i , an . n culvert.— Carried., Moved ).), J. Lasham, second-bein ed b J. Howson 'that 1r0 d f ' 1 y _ ,,, 0 ro s o grave be put on the gravel roads, vies.. 120 on side roadA 25 and 26, under t he direction of J. Latham and J. Mason, and 30 rods on side roads 5 and 6 'El d , a n er direction et iJ. McMillan and J. Britten,and that:they be authorized to ' . • , - take stepst make th • • d ' A us ma e. , C011- of reig1* 'ion was b 1 eld noon sea -mallet, the ' - g (1st) the best ' - parental religious . the best means to interest- , '. people in the work ; petition from odg11e ' - h ded - was an in, praying I from E ete m x r. The to lie on the table till . tthe reduction f erence on the state ' during the after- _ lee 8 Boum sub' t di a . means to secure instruction ; t2.nd) the young g Of the church. A conegaon ' for separation petition was ordered ' next meeting, to 1 . —About two tons of Cheese, the first roake ,of the -season at the Rodgerville factory, has been sold by Mr. Jas.Lange sales la t 10i' t d -A ma , a cen e per petm . ; good sale. .. ' —Rev. Mr. Cassw-ell, Methodist ist . - n es- rough, as , cola te-. • er at Lo d bo h b quested by the peopleiof his Circuit to remain for a third yeer, and he h,as cone sented to -do so with the permission of , Conference. The Rey, gentleman isel*- -servealY PoPular• 1 • - - niercial HO • . %