HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-21, Page 51AY 21
,. 1880.
those who live in win -
is all 'humbug
It -
drier atmosphere a
ire does nothave the
sciail-ttats! will tell, YOU
%t this. - is. correck
. also tell VOU, that
.)er will 'keep . out a#
11 a blanket. Perhaps
i% good enough -Iror me.
ay paper quiltSv. When
except science
J'�I�ffre &6.ou
&"Very - 0 Lit of
i,crnorELU* But to re-
t is tter� Sadd a,
you Mr. - that
,d to be afraid to go to
shotild freeze before.
was afiaiato get. up iii
I should freeze- before
y atmosphere theory ia..
is., � as a, theory. When
emigrant agent,. as I
hen I will write long
galaiRij influence of
below zero in the,
�here of the Nortli-wes.t.
Aime I ad -vise all who
,, direction, to take their
Pnd if a man. can abo
,hbor's, ovaricoat be -fore
�not fiad he is G-ver-
Lskea, whak: classes of
. e,;� irl the Northwest.
nuipe,-, I s,'hauld fudge
and servant. girls axe -
,at ahead. Bar -keepers
a, mouth, and domes-
4&rsi. Girls are very,
of the llhelp'�I hate,
to be brought from St.
'anada CoUege.
liltrolt Exposkon,
an educational ques�
�inea to which I hava.
. 0 iu voli-r 0olumns, to,
iuvit6 your� attelition.
not prop6rly realize
nous sum i a-1111-11.
9, Ally
pper Canada� College,
I it is nwwaa open, secret
I-V institution, with its
phere, and Ima , unificelit
,,imply au plementary
Ila Of the wealtbyin and
Tweaty�fiv4 years a -go
a, m-ission.; when
of the Province were,
.NV'r and the. expenses of
uSe Carl'da College.
r a
tpl e than at present
life and energy, and
.,he best classicalsehooi
men -then it was, con-
�in -matheimatical and
,ts. Later, say fifteen'
as able, by means of
attract a few of the
.1yur-grammer schools,
a0upthe work whiah
ools, had ch
lefty done,
-pils to take the highest
arships at Toronto. Uiii-
�.n this bo.rrcvlvv(..d glory
Tarted.- XO youth of
'tie ambiti64 - could naw.
Ae his tim a at a senile
has.been beaten over
�.- fair opea.-com- petition.
!A High Schools,with
�th the tesohina staff,
c0untryless. tham, Ple
art its much as this 'so -
Its chief mission no -w is
incompetenoie. It is
posed, to be (Joing work
4 while the truth is that
bs pupils 'are not so far
..ation as the fourth and
public school.
('ullegp, I XLow from
T)ULtable evidellee, an(ll
ii;� aetually doing
work tb an the poorest
vted High Flehoal ili the
I , t c, 1,tts. the coun try -as
k -11l �--Icllo(yls. It would
'Abow t1mit scarcely half
pupilt-i are. able to, fass
t dmis�ioa to High;
"'r '6'
Mr,�e iluml�er are mere
ke -work of the primary
1: 1& 1.1'abilic School,
[l be educated at about
(4 the expense to, the
�t thi4 e ete institation,
[ut - aethodg, infant
title, yearly
f as Much as all the
he Provinco added to
.(4pal"llip is worth over
�elltal and casiu&I ad -
it, of which a,
VIty1j, Make something.
,Xawilu.tt salaries far in
q tt)-lents would com-
inao-k-et of the world,
that smne' of them are
lies, vaid some are worin
lilt to have been Super-
o. The- money spent
4d ,
nicern, woul support
Ifigh Schools, doing
itive vearathau Upper
ill accomplish in the
tell or fifteen, years.
I gradually iticreased.,
Iractically qXciludo the
,(Ierata cimhfmstances,
talent4'.vilich ought
-Liust Seek - instruction
at the hand�,-- of this,
It haq become s
-w trrac
f ratlier lo in le, to'
-altliv can be admitted.
and aristocrats of the
,choal for themselves
P-�pect the Province to
r,fti"tcie�llbi,t,L,C,�xiatrace,�(t)es for
l.cf points bG noted:
i� or 110 information
�l tia Collego in the pub -
t k -tiot iuclu(Jed ill the:
Of 1.Llucation,
t!,mut for Coition
are Ircept private,. as
not public, pr6perty,
.11blie. Schools are com-
t: Most millute, details,
WIlditure, &c., no one,
it cr at th is concern, na
in(, nioro th.lil, the fow
rillutioll occasionally,
I-eturn to the
uniotest yalal school'
X orne seventy or
er th ,
( 1`f repurt, there is a-
u is a placo absorbinfll
(-,lit Inolley V48 a couple
A so-hool., allowecl W
r (,f a century together,
LICE, Uf all M1111-118111 Z)&-
roccipts, mittend-
egue ti?) is ti4o only pu-b-
uow of, drawing Gov-
71HE H 'RON fqxp
MAY 211
twh XY
y ater i nil V, ere evia en' tl 7 -we 0 io, and doe ded- his usef es by a-mur� erer"Is b4,ua. He 0.50 ;0 $0.606 Clover geed per b el, TH9 NE"M GROCERY.
money, that -is not !in' some tlIe1OgS r 6ft 9d ao;vn b 6seed
ernent f age. A Ir. Holton was 4.00 ;o 64. 10 wool 301c per lb t, �da
i - superii1i r to the ass o , emigraUs *as 62 ye rs o 1 )'w rbimn 81,
icer of 0 Gov- �Lauufaatu e(' 'in (i`rOderich. He it 8� Es'"
-8 ainspected by an off s Mem anS, I XI t i1a6he .'oiir shores fro m 63. Sir hn A. Matillaia is: 65,,Mr. ags, $7.00 to $7.25. FdO, Me y I --;& red milchc . ow. he was
gentleman, f � mterp rise Mid i i ie ist -ha r
ernme]�t. Prisons Asylu 7eftT.S:0ld,:and one of her horns �short"
at the people ourope 1 Liv T Spr ng wheat thaiie oib(r- he wii-lbeavy Inaf e ohe
f oder. ch w6ul� be Wisd 11 dtl� er yew, - I'MBckenzi,3is&B�Mr.Lingevin;54, Sir RpooL., Mxy]1.9.� Spr
r even the meane harlep Tupper; ou, 10s 4d; -white, 10s
,harlics, Institatep lur. us- 0' ; red winter I
A soi of �Mr. E i artiD, of Wal Lei) a ard C 2, S�ii Q left q uich ilaformalic n 08 -to h4r
d repo rted upon a Ff ord him �11 the Ouco nient P.Dg-
lialoons axe SuLperviSbC1. an 4d; Club, 10% 6d, oats, 6s d barley, JO rec VqJ wAll be mitabl -TA
Ii ce, had his right aim so shattered 141 :19 47. e E'Se-af, undet-
&Is. Pubh- Separate, -gible. He vautB bbe- town to' R. L OGAN ,w.arwea. p1.T At
proper OLffiCi ave imeDltre' eef, r-th orto 0
by the i in taa Sebarge 0 e late G n gulation 5s 3d; peas, 7s2d; pork, 62si 6d; in -660
I gun ytb
i at that pl�tcie b 7 the a Doi sign i 10�� Me, NTDS#.
and High Schools, some people.Jhink, him to ereo t a * b, in egar
ation of' Ameri- .&i Od cheese, 68s Od.
inspected a trifle too B t -hichis 9, 7ery rea t. iat it h ltq� be amputated. r ding the transport
are Keith 'of Elnia, last week 0a Cattfe on Cana, lian railways, the
=;Mr. Ric �e t Mc Kay, Of t e,: fi 'n� f -Mr. V A
e eriZ E-Ak F01 'T H, over head an Inspector �R who lGr ad- Trank Railway is compeled to 0heese Maxkets.
re disposed of mo beeves, vghose 1-1 aiteci
Canada Coliege? Wh has read McKay Bi)others, me lian s, of Goc
'Upper ind 3, fir �SE -largb number m cattle cars en- Li L -E FALLS, N. Y., May 17. -Sal WANJ-ED--iLWant�1d toV.&T-02 8 t h
ort? The thing unkno fch, died 'on Thai aday of 1B t w tell Et m eight a u nted to 3,075 poi
io chee p pfy &t, tZeA Pc 6 c
rep which he r a ize irely in rans ortir g &mericap cattle, -day were 4,200 boxes fact wy
ars. Mr. va�p E4 d 53. cents per 1b p
to earn thes a -go 5e
I High Schools are and no Capadian an in owe M espectfully invites the general public to an in- SGafrth.
aa ad from the Central.Presb als are 1 all a 6t Ild to 1%,Lc 420 boxes arm dairy
,VES y
cent theY t,' item by item, to ginial, wl�141-soul 'a m ea p)ete new stock of
af; spection:aiad, trio i of his com
ge f x- -to carried in these dars even when t 9cito 11Jo; 75 packages of butter
T L , rian �.c ur(b, Toranw, has been E -S
a in iasy warr i lendQ behin ot MJ IsCIN
every A twice , a
-e rdeal of nBpectio 3 tbeir are u o Ic to 22c. -one Masc 10H
pass th . I ev. P, M cF. McLeod, Of tberimi3e in u�e. The Market declinies No gool S t oa. Apply c 10H
I '.Cne 3s� i 0 D
year, and to run the gauntlet at the In Lot N1 i. in - ihe 1 th i;"" *4. Winthrop.
ars from� STIATFORD, May IT. -At Stratfor&s I I
ga 8 tratf rd S J ary c ffei -ed is $2,500. �wi 1drawal of these use by AIT so, 65104
8tions. F f Grey 50 be s6 I by 01 0 S
or k Beer estate in some
terinediate examin t I cker Canadian cattle owners, has led to. st-c lass, cheese market d 15 GR OUR[ �ND CROCKERY., &G.
year 0 50 -Cia'y
�essur at russelE, on Saturday ne?. atil -The 'T they have been kept ubder high pi 1) it difficalt to secure cat- -ies w te'l laond 1,200
�0�.21 i
!-of 1 ibe I diDg Ncto. ere represep
irc[lased by M R., drovers f
essi; n Mitchell ja�s een p r.
But no Inspecto: I he 2nd cone for I t LEi an and Rea)l Egt&te
by the Government. 0 12,600. The crEd- le dars ;�iien ll�edel. oxes offend for sxle'. i There were five
has entered: saie town ship, will be sold 9ii �BiusOels Strut her , 1 0
olloge ir it I I
A " ...
A,g ut.:
e elifing 1LOJSe of Mr. John eb reported. i . I I
G,eba Atticles i t as low piicos as Pociblio-
W. Whoth Te estate in �on at
-this precious C 1�'ach fart I L O:lt' Aors wiA rib,clAv aeven�y-five cents m Th dw uyeis present
the beginning even until no on the 280, inst.
Hallid f�rmei living Oli Coln'. 9, be close of thein�rket 11c was i the doll�ar.i co-antr. er cent.
the work is well done, Or Otherwise, o 100, acres. ay, nin - �r. Jo in H ute 01 Uo- -Thel [a of Mr. John Berry, Be v erly, 1'�:8 1;4ally e(JUS ed on Sat biffered. e I -P. e. rtg es bough 3 and sold, NIA-turaa
f:)r cricke While' mod c
whether the place* is close urday mo!rining- abo� t four o'clock to- 'I Since last mar- eS 01. Texmi i o suit borrowers.
. W ODSTOcK, May 19 mor ga si
E 2, Fullii containing W
Inatclies, or half-bolidays, is 110� Of th I orib, was returni iig h e troll L 21, concess oil P i 11 1 L .
ure and clothing i ket &y-th e cheeo'e, first ten 7128 nd for sale. 01e -
least importance. The Government ai (ter a few 6N,eninpi- ago, wit] I a lim e 00 acre% Vqs sold. by auction a w getlier wiph the furnit bu TEA ITY. Dew: r c - oe nisse
0 1 . Si A A
! of : e fan�iilv, who hiLd a very! narrow -up Le
0 Rbug2y,the liffle. aiah n d days EL �Wthb pricc r3alized b6i a days' make in May, bit 6!. been bought
is all the same' and just as certain. hitched t i 9 9
B n� t1i 1 0 rer)O v � §41 00. esm 6pe, lia�viDg to jUMI, from the upper �t ab)ut 11c. Toiida3 the warket was
P fright a#d rai awayl, bu us
too trifle o CK FOR -S RIOR
wi submit that this is an outrageou ing.ducks out of t oe of thet abeing badly burn-: Well represe ,r or 3hbro c dows, nted with bt yers and
itber toMr:. unte E aSO 4
manifest injustice, and not to 'be tolerat amage wi s one n, be
ed n the lace d han Is. It iB.quppos- oistered uudenigrdl s on
M.. W tte Turi i il
the otbur., in. Sca�l h,, of sellem. Thirteen fa6tories re, op k ol E 7 ox
ed in Ontaio. for eac ra i ecd o be t le wo Y, 818 on. tb e board some 2,5 b ers wa6iig Genid
n inceAdjar s, and 7 To djoining the ViJl&gk
of the University Sell - -4N1r.N. and MrWba� Stiep- 3ebrin n ille, was fine .$5. Seed ran sup Very ?'ea- br
fire in itke part lRied at ill oed Be�,ksbiro Boar, bred by
L C.
I D ei for
A Committee 3S3 ucks proVed there had not been factories sold from 11 to gery
ca ted snd.$5 ci�sfs. T1n( -hi �,h he vi. I k
alga yt of obo, w
li nton b ave at,
4 t ae promises
three, (of whom the' Principal, I L61 d, Of I whem ihe fire st ecL. soliaole 1P)l er lot So , S.
some of P9 es,
11 �o rather e rl� dve eatinf th ce iiii sli 'ite
S el p I
posed to look their liqu( tor and en �erel e]s
Afe 'r tlleberst i -tock u, Cunada- TIerms,
I believe, was One') are Sit?) row the 1 � Ve learn T -Jive Stock Ma4:ets 091
Bat it aAuersbi Thev will henafterCILri, -ReV: I F. McGre or has resigned I �Tuel b -0
-y 11 0 0 time of Seryj 01,
Toront took ayable at the Ce 0 n 6 P lhat P.
th i, Mr. C. LE mon, o �� Torout 18, 1880.1- -CATTLE.- An Early Call f:oTn b1d. friends PaTticula
a,fter the affairs of the College. obill the' Cong'grega- p
nq super D. jbi old! lit in te f o,d,y B i r. PALO, May tbe� ilere; bf returning if nccestax��
is. all moonshine. There is.1 el Hi� res- aN 78,Y froin the Modq'I �arm o --a-rl:et dull and prici�� a'sbade lower, i ue and rmcrs Store, Main h y ae I c d fel. Ow anh I�VV 11 t ion al ( h ir�h in Li� tow q, sted a.. he 011 St Fa
vision.: There have been 801110 81ttemPt3 h go - 1 0 lbs., Street., Seaorth.
I I i� i head 6f cattle, ave M Dig
I rery mu -,h: rerette as s
nation i 13. 1
avestigatei --i oi g teati offerings generally �f- good qualityi;
ti aairE, ke a sti
by the- -House to i his many w I Leh he pure ased'f( r 6 pet 00 lbs.
O� .[aft': L ; P11
of 'AcLea;q, of G er he has :,4E ared Adin self by sales of choice to fancy� heav at $5 to no! f .,u it I arently le th 49 ator 3 Mr. Wil iam. 0 was a tbor e urh. in, the but app Ong re ; good to choi at $1.65 to
,00k ill 0 U'lluton: i stimahl o 4--u tlities, noil only to the c6n- 185.15 ce steers
knew .,,vhere the leas occurre of �vhosa h cattle drover, Galloway, and THF– ��Eglr FLOUR. FOR CATTIE---:abe un&rfigned�
Liah he presided,li-nif to other a thor6ughbIre utc e a' $4 to osjha iegatio: i -dvi �r wb 4.70 fair to good, r
so ma ng '11:19 $ tirae s1ter the middle of �Qrii
tdr common s --d6 wi h infla m ion of tbh, 11 to be ship -
existence th a [ly. the rest, gradef . e I are
them morally certai� iThe of ex-' mu'ght C( while drivi n the min, he com.nun ty gener �4.15 15 cars remai d un old. Sheep Palstu rage 11pir a hinit-ed n umber of ttle'and
of 1 he ip:�d to Eliglan 1. ese cattle were led
I - of
; ic -Vilr. Tbomas Mar-iott, one T� and Lambs. -F aix demand %ut at low Sheer. Thfteisa:runof uti o come, ad for a i e -bis case waf cons 117 3 armEr on! . - wbetb I have secure the Sole Agency in Seaforth fol. fwatfr. Tern s-Awgea e and retrib �o s ail the exper merit er animals and plbn
Ades 8 in, + seeiSon ; Tear-lings, 75 icebts
repov rillgi;i taid Ost respected f rates; Eastern advices ca�ise depres- t he sale o� the linton Xillr, Flonr, mainufactur-
i ly in ii �erilious, bi Id could be pe�r 1, he is Low in df yeass o -of this Flour is r the
Blinshard, died on - t 6 anc ce%ts each pet rii=th.�
however, it not before,cert� es of fair !to good clipped ThequalitY
W, .0 now ever r Rev. I ene cul )Qnt ibe tov nph,p of sion Sal a d b Janjes Fa, mont'li vlietp, 40
acey I ! Per
e time
tLL ned oi�tt as'. ieavy in the Sam t 00 ell ovil to need fXther recomlileda.
or us a ed
few yeax ,when thos $5 two lohda of extra
C dorre, -has )een� Aonday ni ng, I OU L i t De -e si at $4.60 to H-Orp -Vill t b6 taken M anyriee� Thep�ro
risible 940r,
place, hav a 13t:. Steph Bbi i' Chi tion
nook and crantly aout the iabiq'e of Yorksbi�re, Ell as bhose Ithree or threa and a quarier no prietor not' bold hi riself
ev ry face 0! f tia drence a(L-Aug rim pvas a labol, cont cacted at K70 few umsolc Apply asorqy
the lbues and th ydar we believe he experi- or ated� e hues o a ed e ountry i s oldl, anc Ho 1kbWitednu' bercanibeacomoln, the
.�ambt' E 16 ind eml rat ki to this 0 woo. s offering. gs.-Market quiet
r Of On. 1m
n sferrE �o F, t
olesome h tred of e-1 - in the cot i k nt, been sat
by rote, and a wh, 1842. Haworked at ME trade Ment liaq, to a certain exte
AN. pa
returnei his farev eI inon n - We LIE d Ely pring 0 but ;teady _; the run of stock is light;- J 0 HN -1 'LOG 6tn re is'a4ways best in e AT% -01 this IRLROOX6
)rraption, o1ire ren Tiot 2$, �Coiiicesa ion 12, H. Ri. Is travagance and c( rent pa.ts: Of isfactory quot tbly, Yorkers, good to choice �4.60
members of theOntario Leglisi. I eve a aft for big, new field of, a stone lma n Pasta:
Ding It t an hail
he The Biddulph isoners have ei FW tb. Appily to JV%HN THOR-PE latario titl e Summer of'44, wlie p to 64.70 ; extra selected to local trade, -------
h rsd . G Y TOP.
r n I a hatigel of pasturi). ApplicAtion has' SMIT 'S BUG
a. Upper"Canaaa college 'st be ali h rd: C
n A' t6 p of Bla�s ght mixed, $4.40 to %.55
ch N),n-; 1 emove ;he townshi 64.75; lF
ing c d L- odium, HOTEIS.
liviiPue cls -A del' D. do erl le
t and set Ife as
y beeu maic before 010 full court of.
duced to it� proper PoSi tlon One of U �e Ship recEntly dhcu�se ea )n the Base Liuoi. T , I heavy an in $4.70 to $4.80;
acres i Toron' to, to r a chat
Outside the city of Toronto. . i lge�of
tia, ight one of tile. -st settlers in 6e tov ip.1, EXCHANE TIOTEL. 0odr-Ad14:
at venue is )8 One
been -the -Resolve(' I if C fair ends, $4.20 to $4.45 pigs, �4-10 to
IT the past, has, hat IV oi6 BE" r Tbi ry that who I chief obstacles,.i ri gi For sev r ea&.rs e followed his tr ).do it was ni�cessa, . I anmi-puils,. not to be ndemned.il A e . ii �4.25 Ion
prejudice of its Exion wks being a] gued, the 'prisoners - T F U LTQN� the �, MLobt
I 1haveterate 81 ec I ierere er be could find c M �NT]Rr.,AL, May.18, 1880.-CATTLr,,. — ROB E V
or thirty years -ago, the subjei ex . haustivelv a' 01181 t he. 'u.the E ouit in per -
S1 L, )uld appear befor 3 the CC L
educatedlwentY-fi 0 spe d the Comb 0
Live s do 1*81(11 ir la or1 work, ntit the fall to p The supply of cattle being Consideably i diou� ana 1be Table "a Blaii libleially.
sefulness depaited. They chairman 9 Cordi-, i gly t� ie 7 were ti ken fi-om
the n e andly He has on sait. Aq' ineicess of the dema;�nd, prices are still apppRed. Good atfibling in comettl t. 6116-a.
before its u oro LgAil sit 1 1C44 winter �vi
p�,rby in T i to, an, 1, of bh, his f nd he
are a PoWerfril Loridon to Toronto ar Monday, a EGNIONDVILLE,
several D 0 ions worked, ham 'er in decl ning arid very few sales of butchers'
8ppa tly, cannot riceive: th) cham.ge tiou. sides FiciTEL-Times Irvioe, of lllil�
the afirumenits of couus
couns on both A' ID A
alder wi
ren Pe band, sl I r to sl io 3attle were made to day atover 41-c per Tlet b�---%firg sisf-vxa
--edde 4- plea' -dol to leax I i that i he b& o epropnetorgbip Lof e_oLtLel, on !the F IL& 'Hoaa half --way be -i
that has been wrought in 4igh, r �We a 9 a heard. decision is to be given
Corb ett, Df tile Qlinl� now Hon. [ex. Machenzie. Mi. M-ar- 1b. Good Shipping cattle sold fo-day tio during the last quarter bu�siness dr. Oer. oil the 2$th i st. Until tberi� tile pris- HIS FtCHMED TUF, BIHT FOR THE
nitori, b
ier of the first w at J.-orn 5c to 54c per 1b. $everal car N FOR Sc�Aitb *ra Cli
to demand riott wis aleforr CO'Wi n. lot
tb" b
tury. They ae naturaly boul d by a 3- ton! Wool Mill i is such oners have been renmaded into the Cus- TY OF RURO pii�bh CVdy i Aftlatio
I e ery bought7
I I elegate at loa� s of fair Western cattle� were I be -very
anaa College, ai,d eased -,ilitie , ad in der to 0180 He vw a I � lerS, I he kef ps'nioxi
unty of trave
soc-lation to T-Tpper C ody of ithe Pheri, of tb e Co IC n. the bar. A,, �6hiiiv of
n r C�ement he.baE jus fitted u CO1IVeDUO.a f his par 5y since his set tle- t by (ity -dealers to -day at from 4c to 4 )qst, I iqudriaud cigaits i
9 1
n suppoi th7s requi the jail in. T PLORTABLE
axe all directly intereste I k, aild will repla n in SMITWS PATEN solicilied. IAB4
0 &r ment i i. the township. His uneral per 1b. About 260 bead of cattle w publi6 i ition vf�ioh �dr�ws ar d lot of in proved maebine, �t I (lionto;
city institi I - -gest that has ever offe ed at Viger Ma ket to,aay, three -
was 01
may. thou'Sad� A lo�ds-W,Lidh aliout dcubl: his I n4 e lai
spends, there, so it es. at d mEkei is i1L0n passed 11 7ys, there. being -A tem.arkably' sharip trick was ths of them beiDg, good Western
dolla,rs annually. The well kpown--ex- vious faci.' 0 gh St. 'Alai i. Rayn- fou
1 aed 6A a farm er'n i Lin ed Wn
comp Lete in thi w le, hi'lldred carriages in the bro- Cat e, v�eighing from 1,100 pounds up- C61TRTS OF es about , I I
pupilsinthe Ontario Govern entaud of' the ra( [irgthe market in 'the best of these were
recei !asp week fiv( cattle par cession r wh was tten s. A few of
in the University Senate, mi �t -One at, vmdon on Saturd�6y It appears that wa T he Best, and Vogt Useful Invention of the age. C O� JRT' F REVISICIN'�-Tbii Coutt of Revit.
4icho: Old at from 651 to 07 each or a little bo
t as el�i a d I Mr. Mel idrai, I ion in) tbTowrishipl-olTu
such assistance from the coun ry se y be bro4ht a load ild fine potatoes to of fair t IKT� Knox's llot doLjU phn Elislo , 0: Groy, en�.r al Ne ws Items! t ove � 41c per 1b -; several bald
YL -4
M, at
The :2 d'ey of enable them to stice and 6verconae from Mi irket to dispose A He drove in 0 'per lb fat
ii. 1. 11111 . . Steers were made at 44c da
me" the Do- o n Br L ssels stat 'na pl c(d his w6gon in V shipped I d tone of the now co ton ! 10 o clock M WX
a narriow prejudice. It is ti I The c6rier s o ton t TovneMb:
oy) is pranvunce,
10 lb s,, one -ste eat Brantford was laid on T on- e market a f 0 covis and rough steers a7t about 4c, per Th�s y T I by
which lately uittered its weighed-, f ctor�l sitioni and after' iting a ow Mo- minion Grange, lb. I There were about 50 4ead of third a
at ,770 Ms., and lirea 0 er d uts *a this market, being chief- RA he C -t ol dictum on school holidays shoCuld beam ay I J., s called on some other e bit 'liders mid Livery,qn-JeR. otil. R�eV.
s cattle on
e to 6 the best ever introdit-ced ht To 11P OF "A
steers ai iged L,510 IbE. each.. ere s'a stiik( busiDees which ild ied him for some el oi- tbr, Tovnzf-Lip WRAT -will beineldstf-M
f 'd'ix among tt &I. lry cows a d sit ft"prs.
-is PrOciOus; sulao eAJ fo -T . ly r iilkmen's c
think'itself of th Kr oil i
which, -at the present day,i,nomore. Hi5lop U, i ed tb E Bring carrier.h 80�i L stev adc ries, of M �nt r nken, olifer, named Hugh Tw 3sb* I Zrj(h, I ()n 29
A d 22 to 44 eacll, or the maii-ket, They, - efre receiv ng 90 cents de- com, t Ito �o,clok4. l 3131- ie I . had'b �en watching the )rn.
rd wheel to a cart. the and ron, wh$ whi all sold at from notice andgort, lb
necessary than the thi nee his arrivalol 4c 1 o 4c per 1b. Bulls were prett b 1ed i% -:ill pleaFe
61t R( orter of 1 3t weel. SO man tit' becoming sU Is a' �
Institute -The d!5Vp(r day, And ond at! ch a favorite thut tOrl
-Toronto has a fine Collegiate farmer's mov went s si nur ierous, but did no: t seen I to be much selvi I , ed, fox
-with -over '300 pupils, and di"aw"ing about We are easec. to learn thal o �ir old -Vi oii,c ancel or Blake hif� at I oceeaea the dru and ip u aralliel the simple res- 0101,X 4a .6 60-2 (11 i1fpp in the i gon and pr mpe child, can ajust it
emand. Thefollowing axe among Pon thaji an
OVe ont ad. What ed friend, B erthlek th( I)aFt Brautfirdpresidiig at the Chancery dness-li emanner to dis-1 y P. r6on, ie4n a
$2,500 G m "al ch (if in a most bui the larger sales to -day; JN. Kennedy withoft any I I convenience, aind onlyants to
for this other uselei CuckO6 Co11196 few years reman of the Galt b d1ressed a arge and-enthplas- C CURT10F Uevii-
sitting 3 Eq se of the p)tatOEB t 55 cents perbag. attle at be seen I to be apreciated. its neatness, sira-
ling '11op will b�
Monday bo or stripp ng adj sti and dtirabihty cannot be 4 be TovPh p of XtRLI
ar a vv ing man y tim eg imore �t is la�-gh the Gra Tri r, ik R %il w 1,y, h'a, I ee, tie n !el %nee in
ee ting on ving,sold the lol I e decamped with i bcity�
Igi e tt e at MERMAN
The a I over 5Jc per.1b., d 7 cat
P tle at 33 OTEL, Vbuhrop,
'made 'so promote(, o the ehorge of an ei U I ! surpass d.
i er returned o I
those wiseacres, who night. lie money. f in Aid.. MeSha UlftiAY IdAi 29, 1E E01 0L 110 11 and le iB, e bought 8 te),estRe. are bereb;.y rtqulateg V"
much ado about teachers s ii�nnuation tbatfline ft town oini TnesdaV Last b qe- 50 er 1b. All pe -D irelay, of Parkhill, as otatoes gone and, . . irgLoita(mcnTinge Builderspro-
i6h, wh ad onle!iihalfi of his Shitping cattle from Matthew Elliott fok The ��lloiw themsiaves *ccordingV�
e for Gode e he is like to i to ecurity for! the notime iIng tinpaiior 6ver an other Buggy t%,k4� noti4esird! govern
,ir e' s ad !see yositeo. tbei. neceamr 7 9 erl �i g Il Li ' loss! Sa w! one of the i I as bg
funds should open the B1 �N hilst liam Or about 5c pe i enL )b t Lie per lt., and 20 cattle ted: Xohn' Campbell, EAq-1M 7 of ORN oqIMLIVAN,
atiolied `for Oome tince
prosec itio of the appeal fro loaferVivicti *s ome*of the rd -1
mone� enouh squauderit -taj�i g S
ere to a Bit i i - from other parties at the same rate. ige & Co.; B- Nash, Eflq�;
po 4.o t of the: wi dgins, Esq. OF
io0l teac er un-' tatids lis bu! Os el 'uit of Caw on on W. 8!
perannuale every Public S I thorougt verd ic i'ili 1 he rec 3ni lib s igon. A Cenit -of yi�,i
tiamin' t9t es a.;J-D , Esq T.S. Ho
arr ep witcIrsim Ithe Xr I McShane has now over! 300 Cattle Ed
Bst 1E ne )f
in the province, for the next:ffty ye s,, , and c vi. BE 'lr)wocourred,the�isictim being confi- Fisje� of tie the Tvv1g-,.
-yet X 'WRI
Point St. Charles -waiting to be shipped dL and Sati� I abil of7grey,for the. be held *t
0 xpus fr LIS. ZDA1
-1 1 4ent hi6 bad' ur 'd f the - Order. 3 Pro�rqptl� Fille -O`T�F our doi legisla rs 3hould h ve his n= -C ii4a': nen, m hc have been rupining c B., 3ed and ai . or
farrm.er to Britain. Joseph'Stone: sold 13 cat Calal ire
-OnTbursda, last, tb ho 0 A i Ottaw� on foudly and
kpJpollivan's a laur Iry: or sometime n E goviel#
i3quabbled less over cigars; Xe r bad otatods, w ilBt t1e, weighing 15,240 lbs. I at 4fe per rb fair�ion Guaranteed. 2.7 11 � N 4y. All 1.93-11ce
e E T & ever sold themselj�s scc61ajnglv. Datiod tbisibe 12.thAaly
oitunit: of i John W. 6te, of Mond :ly ile t for I ar s unknown, tiain ba 4ic -water, and seized P i4outly denied thai he
tI E.!.' W Walters sold 9 cattle- for.$48, or A 649-
resto,nDg to a narro 69cape from fire, One thi usurpe a nurr ber of artic es which i 'lot Mutual ie�rlanations took pla6e 1 9 cattle A f e1v To w�sbip Rigts for sale in North of May"E
d to li a fire was! pei 1b; N. Taillefer scic fu� property children 'iJeina 1
Sc s old to lig belODE to �hem. The thief
Otis M,h hools thei 0 rid fh(� police not,41ied. Huroxij Addi
the fatte ell for man ove, t:)c)k a ban Ill of P1 at P54 each or 41c per 1b., A number gwodvill. R TO L
y, kitchen 1P -mr. C )nnelly, an extensive s oon di�lscoverecl lyiilg incapably dr FOR SALE
on whiGh*it has inner , 65OX8 ROBERT FULTON, E
of battle remainedmsoldlorl the mnar-
yeaxs, Very few the clippingi om a-1wooden bix bBsi et eived int2ation avinglquicl�ly disposed of some of h. 2,000'
prote'stt4 a in L: hdo i, haE : -ec
g ov, k There are at presen over ftale brick, store, wil6a
them ili tl le st 3 f�om J:gotton gain TC61�8 above, on N: �_treet Xt h, at
wickec Y &ci gI -vi stove -j- ai t - putti u b c that it will be three weeks S. � I . - To I
ne eri . of. al 01 C Iattle at Point Sit Charles and
Iness. ours J I h- p by%V. I Wats0n.; Posseissidu
Mighted-bem.. But�o yet b( oie e can get a steamship to -ro Ent dOCUpie
- I -- - - - - i vidinity-waiting to be put on board the p
I strip of pa emamed' in th e b(I to the ritish givill 01J, tne ast of F4 brua�'y. ApplT to MO -
per I carry (0 sheep over to the
tOV3' D e, 3,th s. eight steamships which -6 at present CLrjG1aNy HPLMESTED.
i while ti 9 other ond was i t tl s mark shipping i very I : �
I his -h t8, I he 1`11SIL Of 11cGREPOR.-In McK110P, on Vay 16, Janot ar or. A few sale s of Canadian W. R. Wilson of Bras els, an C The'firE ran alc g this 2d Cauc t great ar d iinclud s large quantities of eldc$t daughter of A rehibald McGregor, E, oa -Ile to 6c per V 2LV-0LE PARX OR SALE�--Vor )Cise visiting the Prairie i tha-bo which M as7 f ocu 11, live s I 0c. from the Avest. h S, were made to -day at 5:'
son Robert, purl paper. it aged] 50 years. 0 the Oast bef of Lot NO.
mue to be
may 1, 1b. Amer: county of I ron conic s 1 9
-n6e ater the 24th inst White en - 7 Vlorenee Eaith' ican hgs coi,iti of
Fortub a tely� Mrq 'he fortieth annual meeting of LUSK. n Seaforth, .. .... Twel�ersr4itb, �r . Th�s. Lusk, aged br3ught in considerable mAkDE 4, 8 J� Towo
mini� youngest daughtc ......
Provi n, Pac, blaze., . . aft, X
Mr. W. C. Searle, of Clinto tered tb 3 room in a Marlads, Bible Society was icijo0l. ae land is of the; v0
the I n
Mon Llis il�d 16 dw,i. Clticago. Good calves &nil lambs weret, to
Si of asparagus whi-caUst week as,li.t, andsucceeded[ �e3tii [is' last week, c a May 17, rlizabeth lliley� r paitieub rs apply to I-,
fire was 9 1 -, ' 11, ' dues ayeveningof FVX tu-tl
held tJLE'Y.--Iu Kinbi quu Ity.
'ittle scarcer to- day with a good inches ial t,�enty'four e 3 7,sq., aged 70 years. a nises, Dir to
ife in the box. It 'a :1 'v 1 in S - I'mes'. . SIuare Presbyteria wife of Wra. Riley, T KAPD. b6plio
grew over twelv iDa te 02t
; I. . 0 1 IOLPH�-At Lit tly Uri en,6near Chelmsford, Es� demand; the prices are higher. Good gmioud-�iuc P. -0.
hours. I iole kitch' n woul I I a- r arge edifice being
-urses mo. the v Char h, I ronto tl at I
l�bl sex,�Erigland, on ay 15, A qs Rolph, aged 81
a ze
a a buil ings lai nbs sold from $3.50 to 4.50 each, and I
�O pletel y OLE i&l�
The fino groun ds alm03b C filled with teople. -1i Lis
been in E-Oneof thebftt F&I in AUT
n co each.
D t and Tr� bu yearp. lambs $2.50 to $5.25
thercon, kn ie J Go rdo, Thq 0 rol h The ,hairlwas occapied -he Hon. G. ty, being Lot 23, �sbprnia
-own as tl Bell t Po�t by t Good c t 85- to 8 and com-
b6en Mr., Ric: axd E; I &Ives sold w
Mil - I Bi ths. a cr es 141 under cltivid ion; �balan
�roporty, in Goderich, have 44 ach.
sold'to the folldwing,: W. A 11a; Presid ent of the Socei�y
inStillen 01 M e goo frame.limsell,
m,)n calves at 42,50 to
j. T. Garrow, E sq. me 310d
of this (Jity, ha! on, his to i Sunday morning about 3 ay 17, the wife:� C50
ballk bm, 50x 0, be n and Z) thi IEI fiell Mr.1Wni.Murdocli,ofason. TEA13 ARE' NOTED FOR
-The Cotiservatives of Durhain bull, Beaco s O'clo* p, i aan Dan ed John Amans was M , l hio f iyaxd wiellsi,
0 [.OGAX,.--In Portage I& Prairie,� on By Local Notices.
al meetin- for for arly a mi� clsleiiwq7�and 9 od -ubor std
held their EOnnu which ii plienorienal shot all nstantl� killed by &:YOUDg if f M W a. Dogan, of a (laughter.
E PoEt :Mcel W dailT 81
.on of Offi&r 1hree ye 3 ol , u 0 r. IR 6REAT STR NGTHS. witbin one milla,�
ization ad electi m on t. man.] A The a. Th, n � 0 ondi ille, on May 18, the PASTURB W lind- St. yr�.$
S On Wed- . ornpeon, tw r� oR Co , s —Sp'enAiaPasture THE
e wall G.L .
tow4. Apply to F.
Mr. Oavid Baird, 6 a son. nt to the
nesaay last at Exeter. 1, aid two days of rill JES from 11'itice fo - cows, convenie so Ple"arit and Ref reshing QuAlities. S. A!P-
17t4 of half in ock�-ia Narithrop, on My 16, S1 ailing, at Gray, Young & Sp g's Salt Works. Good -gravelx ad in all dUlection
IL - F,&C Ey F -4T post
firm of Gott 4) Edv
art, of tho f having ge �d
-Mr. A- Stew weighei 270 ard unty at a place callec vif� of Mr.jj. R. (rovenlock, of a son. 61! 1 lifecti4ou- Ply
Stew L 2 v Bakeil and Co
art, Bru en. seri u wi; May 11, the wife -t 0 G have, a ts-P-�, lec.
Ms. sin( e prn�ious weig ',Both young men bad Ho A, on r850x4'
ssels, has been seri trh ghiD 1, '311 vu od
-s Point. 3ARABAS.-ID er; At. CARDIFO, coiiicet-ioner, �c.
ill for some time from enlarem, ;it of st ember. DunnE thE 6 ifr.�wcuciajl Sararas, of a son.
23rd of SeD been intoxicated the eveDiug previous. stock of Field and Garden Scei is of the Choicest MILL FOR ALEf O� 'TO 'RiENT-The Him-
Howiek, im May 11,the,wifooO am Fl()ur G1 il �t q
from the artile stomac!ll, but is recovering. twenty-two days Hibernian which sail- EBBY.-In qi ality and bestknown varictici, bought
SIX. mol ths and e f eamer Sti:
for farm
ather Murl Geo, Bibby, of a so. treliable,seed menhamts in the Dominion. :R- 1, b; of to X eiiol or -will be elchon, ed
)by, of Irish- gained leight inches in 1 h, al d a Usti., will 'C"t and Examine before purche aing elsewhere -645
The Rev. I irt ed fr)i� lingland D the 11th i fift h
r the lot
wn was preselited with a addres, eigM feet aodad the 0 e t� in- 0 ierq- Pospession C
to- bring on �be return trip the 10th GO !Nwwmmw� SULPP1y of the. pI, ridid workitg
'To io'� Jhe m 13 isvew nit
-R P
]LI 6 T SALE by alifax, AwN MowEits. A Ful . U
aWo,-iiipauied by a well filled pume, a I : I" I B.� N K 1 4 1 un of st-o 'e. is On the, LOU-
rath, er : nore ar nd the I: insi e Sam o' or s now at H T H E be to hand in a I or a er� c�iuta in
pan], oft p 1-1 iladelphia Lawn Alowers wil,
arishonersi, few Swiday ci the
.his Brussels P fee ai: and the brisket ind forwai&l f whicl L *�I, returi tic) Euglaa, after fe, adbAg all the sizes 12,14 and 16 ard Biuce, au"
r days, incli do I ron
g ootintry, And
con reqf nap]
Sleighs, is
shold(r. He t�tndsfiiv 011e nc q3 of 11 ars They vill be Id at 10, $12 and $14. Partic�, whost gr6lwitl
laer, ad prebisidy L I of j3lyth, has pur- bi,, 1 at the shc ADIAN BA W OF COMMERU wl ich will be so
ago. feet an atseu C. ges j3l:�(IyieS Wag af the best will theLi CvVly- For the Hibernian,: ell, f
Thor�e, CAN sh ould call and examine, as the " Philadelphia Ca -ria 76
bu, is. wi
d the groci nes.c i sa eu, th 11�, and fi, i, t - in inufactared. rimt, and all 1E. i
conNeyed' home in- st lawn mowers aer pixitielais a-r'rlT 4he 4
thout doubt, one of the be M' terial used I
3ry Stock e 10 Pe fe(t 3 L I- whid.11 will leave Halifax about June 8 I�EAD OF1�, CE TORONTO. W. N. wATsoN, Main ti Kinds of P. C. Si RAI
f Mr. J. A. M the i alve -of b s nhel che' a r. Vennor is discouraging. HO. S f th. 649 iq t7teir
cDoiiald, jof the ame, I r
�Mp T "S.
nalcramatie,41 it with bi! Mr. Graham
ai'lid. at f, Rf� ViS me 0. Elita
vastallidip &t ea, He �48 $YI writ llows. 'In response. to some- ital, $6,000,00 iNs iN GRocr,,.uirs.-
I as .0 Paid �p cap
1,490,4000. cry busi- e TAN NQT
a jj4( two ficusand inquiries,per- Rest, HAIN I
ad w( 11 form d, and in ol 01( r s baving retired from the Groc G t the Isoiv. rit Estate of
1� "No r a -new and rucker i at a
gers of HOI esville wan thi �ss, will dispose of the bk1alice of hLq & Beer, fo;-merlY Stil
The villag white. He isp id to hav 3 mit rl�e to reply that my impres n Tucker AOTItE.-Tibe Council of t4e C6�'VOIN-WrPn
got a ipoet'l I er. fAsh stock at cost for cash onl3. This is a bona low rate on the dollar, aMiOuntitiff to about
Tbov hav7e king poin S, As I V 1,9.6 idev. HIn. Wm. A1611ast
a newspaper. di ' lay of in �T sionsoft'le Summer weather !remain ft le announcement, and parties wishing to secure repared to sell vW meWin Goderib ogiTneiRday thd flied
ve a �paPer. Thelli J)bt Thirty Thousand Do)lars, I Wn Carriagesi tug- of 3 une'next. 'All ficcou ate ALtaint t& 0.0unty-
and now must ha not see I him, cleat an IE 14c e viz.: Hot spells and frost a good article cheap would do veH to give him a Heavy a -Ed JUemOcTat t,110
1C ts aph s ws him to 1 o ly the A lie Sum- cilli. He will be found for the pesent in the shop utters, 131 igbs a riLd Bob- inuat b4 pxcEentea beforlo the'. rat,
ph relapse SEAFORrH BRANCH. pies, kinds of C
tog 3 up to i t, to doors west otmr.-E. CasYs seed store, ey call be made for.. Will imcondl'day of pectin Go(Wric
should get one, as the Godw bleigue, r, less than th g- 15, 1W.
al, and w I c e p. consistig Of BRADAISON,co
611 it A to them. handso me ahi Mel Will jot be favorable to crops. ch of this Bank continues (0i ei ich street, Seaforth. 647 The Seaforth Bra� I also sell the Rterial very
Of olbarne, waF was awt rded t] le t ized ef Springf- and
W. C. Potter, in min I that IL I ga bich interest is allowed on Ot
I L Cr eivi deposits, Hubs, Spoke Felloes, IroiD�
r 're oni Also s inTge quantity of 7 8 8 OTT Sealorth 1148 re -
es ern,,F r, at I 011d cketL Club has been or ailowed 'c r waire. OVAL -WE to her
,d in $-1.50 fine a�, odsts fc
11 prize a; the V The club has been the mrst favorable timns. 4 Carrisge He nd
3m 11 fin, at Pf I ie premises a: k, erebat h O Draf a on all the J i rincipal towns and cities in 'Ro Elm Plant. moved b�r %
nd eggs to a ., il. ei I! er Ag d H E
-ing butter Sept aga ast th 3 ricultural Show Oak end R 0
and on the Unite ir value f&t, u s�,,reet, oppositie, the -
the u of th e a u i hall the xesidtiobe
irsthal licylvisited thi, Canadc, on Great I hi t a in, machinery will be sold for .2 rob, � where she boposo
ii C com [�e itord in il able terms
Goderich, before f Park b. 11 Aind c thei ed it for 6 P.ac 0�ui Methodist Chul
n 8 L -0
'M a
V E. of the Comrner�,W fri
It at !be Grou nd th 3 have prepar S tn�tes�. bought and s: Id. and on reas R. C. STRUTHERS, h a, --e a all froni her �-nds cloes show he - in ei abers appear I to be Offlco-FirBt dook South 'Mitchell, Out. iwhD +sy rieq,�ire;auy g itu tho Dress and
oof ded1with u:: usual fdvik. play. usiastic about this somewhat Hotel. e 550x4 01 atlaillne.
-it is likely tile people D,ty '9 qui iE e A H. IRELAND, Hanag
11, shortly have an oV',Ipqr noi incE d J ne ii i all his PC uts. LIE 689
wi ne.N� la for PaiBley, and there is no �-Voting on 9, by-law a bonus Cfj,,)iS, 16 pu�e ateslWhilehi sireh 9 13� rep of -both OREAT CLOTHINIC H �USE HUHEAD PHOTOiGALLERY dou it ivill r v e to be a Bou
Vill �r T te.. t
ie un( -IrAq a
bego to �ntbx a be inhabit
Toront ley ru B)o�h orb8ses. exercise to .11ARKETS.
$20,000 to the aDalli6radat and healthful THE that sefd( h ur-rouni he has
t!e r � ed, k
will bt- xhibited at ca: 7it Taken 'Railway. the I layocs. piawres Pare Me.
tbat he work
Bay&eld, in:Septeri b SEAFORTH, May 20, 1880,! Ail
'OL mra, meed b
'be people r Piper Hangr, Sign
mof r, and f1so ab siding near the shores 1 15 to 1 10 —0 F Calde, class -style,
s ed - a t,
Road, township of Stauleyl , lias a COW Iton. the w. lek! -Liow greatly 11 wliest ...................... twme bo him. nis
of Lake intario are just
vin cial air at ail r bushel.... stoot
Palve xeat,Fife,r, IGTO
Ing of Ice"meantime, 81 D. D.
861113 0 e' )y th ng P for �b. WM, R. REW.
never befo a I L611vi.. of raordinary number ffl,perbush. 1 15 to U Jov L I y 6 ext VWVhes,t,RedC11 e E SA M LES-
hichhas triven birth to in g We b wve I - NOSE
ia n( p 7 are affli�t- OALL
S. Tt qr I
ten Ma!llth .year-ol' Durhanq bull g r bushol ..... ............. 0 82 to 0
a period of IreE es it h. which the, ats
01 ce with;
0 58 to p
a't' �gl of sga f] bushel ..... ........ all
last two were twIlls- 2,1)0 �S., and at Only n a Si ed. T e, flie a e in myriads, am'd those so e samples of pLVCr DAY SCH-011 L-
-bf tbis to*n,
0 40 to A LL the 9%mpleg �shovri by me al
as you can get any the nque)A of tec MI aii
lo closest attention to nd such 7 onee., n -t pay �he 0 14 to 0, 14 1AM C X very da worko a en�
St 4: er bushel ... ........... AMPBELL Nong-TI-ic- Aingliam COU c" have whe atter,X0.1 Loose,, , cl-ear a -Lid &at P pare
ained to ELI oaucils' of th�,l 04 ure to ........... 0 09 to 0`109 day at Cald r's 1 only. Rich drapery w Xt, i� i�ebool On 310nd'LY
tern. pply to the e tbeir rr this, eye s ad ears arG F3 I -nee the
998 .. ...... faces, such 3;
............ 010 6ndam000thaudeleein
surrOulldhig townships toise� ai ts. An Flour, per 100 lbs.., 3 16 to,, 8 15 brill1iant colo ill do my b�st
0 Le fille� . ith the insed to,, ears of practice and B oc), - wure adva
P rth Itelhis�. haN e ti 8 00 9100 be me e only by
I 'h"4 w
I as ci, di, a $0 e, to assist! in s.nkin d. wooW m h a S erts ....... eiLpeTletfce. d3c to tbo
they will proirais ills Of r. old i ba autos that he: cannot 1310,Y ................. ........ 0 07 to V 08 Sbows a Magnificen Stock of Dld pictnreseopied and culargiod. as 1i erajy 'utereat 01 t
he fine n idea, per lb .... .. �t c large,
a test Salt wall in tut t0im,, chell, 4rdn W iady for rem mb the time when the fl' s we're beeps inseach..... 0 50 to 1125' (,usual. IN7eg& ives preserved- &I A�rtist. Dcrm4 n, in M 0 I)REW CALDER, Pr0tiZ
e,Lxami 3atio; a; 0 75 i ANZ -0 s as V i-ey . are this yel 650 -
asli ellou r. salt,(r tail)per.bari e. WK. es o
0,60 Oppogite the 0 mini Rotel. W
the Colege salt(w oles&le)perl!a
work. I
beiore the exainers of T9i ao n in lie anads 3outhern ism. king an ...... 0 25 to 0'30 IR 0.
.-B(ith he ad assid a t in S* 'I F?otato(s, per bushE L4'. I ds
Physicians and. Surgeons, roni o, Mr. off line to un from ring and Sumper Goo
Y T igh Scho6l haveye ed effiAtonecure Lent- 0 60 to 0,65 11; r— i the Li0owel I oss AplesiWper bushel .. ............ 2 75 to 3.00 XONE 0 0 CUED1.
McMichael, of 4orrie, 3assed 1113 to Welland, rigb aer
ir s: tuatioll Niag %ra Oatm Slrbri ................... AN Y.-Notioo 0 11711331 OF ST
E. 0 05 to 0 ERT,
go. th, -, h
very creditably a few days a; e seven Tallow, ............ sea statui
per lb....... -rausult to t'b
13 1 e quarters, pe 100 lbe..... fon.. at I bftVeL
W. E arr, of- Mill b o un iry, a di stance I Of SO 5 60 to 6 ONE -S- TO LEND -Money to lend on good I rebI given, On
I Beef, in inUr- OntoLrio, LC' t
R. Luxton, carillenter C f Ex., 'for or, �,,i lht I hich wi.11 save bcs e .......... 8 00 to 3 0 impro, I hapter 107 S c L c 0
ppollit 3 a cbii1misBi I manc w over forms only, at4 por eent. Md of
otor, fell from ilding -on wlich he 0 30 to 0 $2 riv, ppoilit
.a bu be3luMl p ste funds; 6barges mo&
.en or menty miles of travl, est,� pavabIQ yearlY ; P 6al -
som fi Wool, ITJ ..... . ........ jt� and erts of e berl
freight on that road 1 -0-- erate. soliq s. PORTER. b
one day last week,aad takingahidavl 12 e gers a, a 1: Scotch and Canadian Suitings, oh -of Hu -
was working
-was *seriouqlY injured,, both his feet �Thp Forellers"in 1,istol ell i I c The French and! Englis4 WorstedB, Tow, iship! rtri, -and An
blic �moi st 'al il 6" 1 In -d6kiaqdfor the eastern stat s. CLINT611, May 20, MR, TO LON-111 large oti small sunifi an
h6ldin, 9, rega U 12 @0 1 �.5 wt&U are �re
p er U to p
He fell a distance of 18 �Pll [I not, t is SU] sed,be rallwheat, on fr st- class security, at 8 r eent.,yearly I lag -on or tint day
being hurt ;!I Bu ff ao &de 110 @ 1 .2 i -
0 1( " . �t � hel ......... I t tile instai jKC4, to send to Me
is projec , k - vate fun
that town on 3ri July , I eat, er� it I ri as, or ou CQft �h post 01000
I . ! , s, ould it Sprin0v int ME -y, A b
feet. -A son of 'Ar. Thono a ;I v is mit ch aflected 1) th' Oats, I .......... 0 81 @ 0 �5 to W, HILL, Sestorth. 628 Tul 1W, tb
9 ris il� 0 45 @ 0 i6 plau. App) 1pax -A span of horses belongin 0 thE Wile be oairi -to Completion. Bartey per bushel ........ :: Reavy Stock ol White;Shi-Pls dreps with ful til ularo-0-1
to I - ...... 7 a "curi; 416y- Are 'also to ilea&
ran a ay in ' badly liurt by eibg Iiiet 0 be the 0 6 2 @ 00 lymnprov the
LOAN -On. it n"ou
Win. Barker of Stephen., 4e barn --Sudlendeaths :appear t Pead,yer bushel ......... 0120 0 13 Ildts and General Furnishings. M ON I Farm Prop- t1let liold any y prodidea
ain. b' a icolt ra i -in a loo I zeq . M
Exeter a, few (lays agbut further th Canadian statesmen. i Batten ...... 9, St. 'mterogt PaTat B pf, inspectiom ou. . .
y h oui 300 0 8 per cent, intere
va'rying. t1le Usual monotony u', a di4l yard. rie wi e "me f*xln-T Aly of July next. I
Dated when 009 0 0 riy or yearly, as de8ir, d with a por-
ur &agee -N is ........ 0... if go preferr A. Expenses
Iked D'Arcy, able half -Ye L - . I
I the -i&'4
e-Bisb p of H Criudir princi ILI ............. ni� 0 dam e wats Figg 7 00 t1032 of the
day in town, no serious Sir VIs . BY, LN, Seaforth-, 1. tena to P
i, L of don his bo;el at' Ot*va- y to FIRDMAS 6,.- . those V
di'-- on kring .3000 ;0 11glit. App 625 to -tiou in ray
tion! to 4 s death of I Bright's Cloverl Seed ...... ............ e - of vbich I
6 of -doll rma t
Carfii r' 3 10 @ Ont. 109ATIA
aone. George ...... io
he pure aser Dtthe.lib[sco Timo d... . Qf d4tes pal ci lure:, I,,' i y B&AI I y nexpect-
-Mar. Jos oe ass, Ithon 3,
eph Kidd, t L not entirel
the I Salt WOL se are Fresh from the Markets, and m g= of obiL11311m -46 be
Ditertlation&I rks, I God- 0 t 9th inst. rise whe came. The
Moy-,E-y.. -The undersigned has a large
11, 1 . .
'1*20 usitimers may rely on getting immediote investment 01k ago riotiitied At
t4- �-h# NIL
rom Almday to Thursi la It st ed wasi a su, 19.-Fallwheat, 6 an honest airticle Id 1"txte oeitb4 r by ote Or book secoiltut
Tc RONTI), money for
eria-li, has -in contemplation the estab to have' mif &.*e July. D4Wi
rn ring $1.20 to S1.29; oatsii 39c a Modet ate price. -ty. Sev�n sna 'a' tht Said first aul
ts Gove r Will 1)t may be Sal mortgages en farm propel ot Or befttdl
:eek i nearly )OWO E u to $1.22; t ruy b
lishm,ent of extensive lulpb0r� v pe ove or C andler priricipiil all i0f Xavx*
dead, 9, � to 680 barley, 586 to per cent. interest yearly; AT f X1X*
�sse 1, throug Stratfo 1, 1 1E n 3'h dr 0, dG ria
worb s.- P D, .8,674 29th
b 40 3 ; pe,a P.
connection with the sat s sucd on. M r. Hol bon dle� t' ogieed Me ca 70c hay, r ton, $9 00 a fe were d tined fo Alan i �o
imAs On tUe y an I iour o
Ki(la fias larae timber 1 r two of warning WH. CA.11PRELL.
"ar bi lk I them ere b6ol edfor fln 1� it- at or 0 1X c to 16c potatoes per� bag, sa,tjsfaot:)ry
and if i 1I idst of. butt,
w is hut down in, the,m
Georgriall Ba"�,
rarigemefits can be maAe e e Al arge prcq �orti i� ci'� m
g4 a
tl *P
- lei I
IE i y11
7 nT,
loll A
dn L
IV iod
u i