The Huron Expositor, 1880-05-21, Page 1•Y 14, 1880: MILLINERY. -x— GALL & CC 's. {D 'HATS. o be found in our SHOW ROOM .S AND BONNETS, DOLLAR UP, int, any Other Rouse. FG GOODS CIALTY-. e Hats • and. Bonnets, rimmed to Order ort GQQlit &. shape and Material in hisses and children Lefts, Dttnstc4ie$,. hips,. e€ c , c . t in School Mats, a4t. 50c., 75c. and $1, ND FEATHERS Sprays. Ponpon5. ew in French Flow- lain Ostrich Tips and ,. N0 SILKS. melt : that approaches:. ice, Extent or Variety. THE NOVELTIES ks and Satins. Effects. h Brocades, &c. ties in. all the GALL & CO., '.z Staple and Fancy llinery, Mantles, -Isle is to be cotgra-- :hsse, and for having 1 of the leading far- John ar-fohn Kerr, one of of this township, a trip across the e=lit We wish our cafe journey and a.: - cing the friends and and hope :that . on accompanied by i.irest daughters, to him in the declining od useful life. The following is a standing of the Section No. IU, usonth- of April. The Proficiency and good toss --1st Daniel Me- iphemia Govenloek.. {leo. E. McTaggart, 11, yid. Wm, Reinhart. Flsabella Calder, 2d kd Daniel Schrag. 4ue Govenloclr 2d. iamiri a Bullard. ,icchu Hannah, 2.d Catharine Calder. E. -- Daring the pi passed over this a farmer named sdin:g on the• 14th h a rather narrow y element. A. short n, came up he was ins some'grain, and a bag filling his welt came down and ,snits to- . where he down. His hired ing in the same field. Isis assistance and the ground inseasi- coni iderable - time v restored to con - hair and whiskers 'tad and his ears •r ways he escaped. ieh he was smoking [socked out of his some two rods away. sire he sees a then: - g lie will start for p=assil)lo speed. ;• last meotiug of Mc - bonds of L. McCrae: Zile Roxboro bridge a ; moved by Wim y Alex. Kerr, that unities presented 11)r - ,rection. of the Box- ,fated and considered ed. James..11artln cies application to be lection o- 8, being ,• their children to .Ved by George Hol- e. Grieve, that in ko application and y e parties that the concession 11, and 111, be transferred ,i Nba'- tk and annexed d the Clerk notify all Carried. A nnm- i :ts were made up rsiiress transacted. taus, seconded by to Court of Revision `.e held at Herman's the 29th of May, at d the Clerk publish €-}site relative there= da.pers-s-Carrived. ,1 THIRTEENTH Y IJAR. WHOLE aNUMBER, 650. ONTARIO DRY GOODS HOUSE.. SMITH 43L WEST WILL OFFER ON SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1880, One Case Swiss Embroideries, One Case P. K. White and Colored, One Case Prints, new designs. An Assortment of Parasols, Try Handsome. Tu#kish Towelling,; Hosiery and- Frilling, K d Gloves in Evening Shades, to be sold at low prie s to effeet a speedy clearance of the whole lot. WE WILL ALSO 0 At a Great Reduction from usual .pric tents of Several Cases of Ladies' Sunshades, Misses' School Hats, Boys' School Hats, Men's Sailors, black, lion's Canada Strays, FHR s, thoeola- Ladies'''' i afores," Misses' Leg orn, Boys' Sailo s, Men's Sail 's, whit e, Men's Cana?a Flan tors This uf°o•ds those needin5 Goods an optortu.nit For securing them at Prices which w be able to offer again. ° SMITH & WEST, SEA Opposite (iarmiehael's Hot Straw shall not OR 2W, H L BR1OS. THE BRITISH A MANE CH TER FA OF THAI ELECTI LIBERI LS WO THE E EpTION PEND -CE AN MAJO tTY. M NCkIESTIII - Never were sc " abroad ' as th few week If th al electio is to ed.ueatio to the which we are j u done, I shall alw for thei more They ma be v citing, i• ay dist trade, et ; but if go by, th y beat e fits so fa as edu concerned . ' Eve suffrages was a I9 M N'S- I1,W aTaitY :.k°SAaC t%T N H W DWaYTILE — OD IN IDES T QF T : E Alia ' AR IjE ITl'C RT'NTY eF�9HE E; I , Engl ad, S oolri;aste yhaeb to enc d'an. e ft, 0. xt t gin rgi ys' be a frequent y ex.pens rb the c hi one is e y 3011 ca ing th ry candid sort of s going ve'by much abroad: with hi a tomo mitted " •o give tl a course .1f educat ly enligh gen the the utter 9• ost coi envies. !This trey did by�means of c= Kis' clerk, bilipo ters rend . istri as well s by • and Meet ngs. mate of .imine o serve d,, e w only . up t. the ne k in t, l �t abs os1erhead Turn whi hev r w would, y.�ur eyes vere et ith pasters i� viting on i ' full letters t=+ " Rea • ! Red ead !' youpass:id along the .tree s yo a Foss co ®• mittee roomesi:y fe 'u es, fro •. the up . er vei,ndo s of a incessp nt sh.o ' e. cif h idbi rained . own u on' you viti aaid to ead. S !,nest the cquld tea • did s , rind v y oft alpud to ethers. What i h t the wall iteratur+ , and the,war ins tat ng plac almost' at o d ors, anin eve open sp a ee o e come , that co Id be ma � c av we got st ch a cler iesight int ca !quest+ons that tyro tha ever to to .unde stand t ev et the were u ittee who :err const on es woo' i and- pe ners. of o ri119, I B0. s so 4h' en t e ast ofag•r r pat t as g fro . . as m a•ivs ' to occu reg e. ve, v r, x untr, : top' anyt i iso' 1 bo • h o to' is to i(Ji ur hool.• :. er and ere tuen d th. r • etre e =r CO 9- s, a of In rge As e 1- h re u o'. d t- ry r- el To thi a ribu,te the of the liberal par steam cl: an out home rul: and R by show ug u 1 tory be yeys " tsei call ba.bi energetic meant b. liberal d wages. ,Ai otha r _ in! shoals Lo pl'e stat sv paupers a end of Ga them wi ah pupers h ei±d of B qt ite in u ently to the mo kied ..th+ em. far deretobd more tl an a ytliu ng el gre , and glor bus hey not f Lo' d :530 ssla•-a dessi hat, we up :hten s ; and they d u =1lv•, to note tory d rade and I age tt meant go•, : de acid I) torn eob tte efor he fri call how ow d t the, side .. a. cl such ha ds could ha' e :I'erha's w s 'a la ge b spate 'ed B aeons e Wasa fl ' g MAIN session O effect in point. et which to rejec upon us ereby could e Short, bearing a le log! iaess .eve t e tome �" peahn inciti vanit -"Que But THAT OUR WORK AND OUR PRICES polled fact tl pals eon s pe It was down STREET, SEAFORTH. 1 THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT. In this , Branch of our Bit are' Very Busy. ood thieg the libera ant wer4 stone bovei wer4 oh nsfielld'e line and hun eds I. ips han • sione. he m sti impr pictu e that w on: o r '.walls flog 'rig �Tohn t ththeFlodgin e, and i fete was a the numb oh he 'cooks I reign, ei. d co ouble th numb the same reig Thi spo 'e mo wh. and any other a ssive a 3 n rkinr us up Iso th anoth: ailed u.on s in toe m:n who t t e nci ed ' sla e1: ves u. der the ha..ded ack o th p egna`t appea s n . e fact of the o fact' told he , ho co . ld pnlyr iter to . ur Leers i st Russ eking:; us t be d Ens tire.' ever l ower it ere 1" as ' o • emos ap' hei lly a .eared t d o s luesf + arein . the f s o e of su; rounding c n. of such; a - convil• a if a gre t light u . on us, w° which distji the ba <eiiess of td •yism an loess iberalis' . Howe agu a is of th Geyer Geyer w w r `s from e Opp oore hem. T he tori Words a d figure that th cause' eight war to eac Twn, a d theref re the the arty.'" " If th torted t e '.liber# Is, " ho - when it a ted ye s th peace»; he ' orrga ized l imself termed dpear nt ilii -thi ulle t intellects I' w s astonish dinne hour that day o polling at c1 by an old mine," who excit I<had voted or no had just voted le he evinced muc ' + aired whether , eq.u.intauce ha ��a t ng him tha iecla }voat. busin 'end wa in the U Please the Public is fully proved by th. Imin a se Trade that is being done in this depar merit. Fresh Arrivals !this week of Fine Werste s French Pantiugs and Scotch Tweeds. Gents, Call on us and leave y ,ur masur es. i - } MILLINERY DEPARTMEN With the Fine Stook that we are Showing this Room, we have every confidence law ,abil to meet the wants of -the Ladies. A Beautiful Assortment 161 Bats ani! Bo Trimmed and Untrimmed. Our. Stock of Flowers, Feathers, Laces Trimmings cannot bkn passed. in bewi ily and See Our Goods Befoie P. tr- Remember the Place—Opposite the mercial Hotel. HILL BROTHERS, Main StresIt, e sailed a ing that esa all this still goi ork. N idlest hand iu t He was funny a om- to do hie fair s 'esolit es, it was his t at he did heat hi self wi to so e purpose t pie 11 repreills Bull dpa ;had . op b t lar eI few v ed of e cir 13riti i air own like 't the i oily a reply iassz loyal ess the id's ries my iti- ps !icy ile ood! 'I. us ma - oft the a ng, of t the was ei o- s ood cal . I of I circu cing fly ent told liberale one. of iberals is eo, was it ypocinsy 1, (as d d rill( the was 11. ed es the Li rals; done 1 I did ay at a double w this as i3bei. wh le are of ed hard for the' •cal ally nting his sad a ast tion ost- rds, farce ar," flag 8. ese, listor- ast ap- by Our' the im- videthe . em the tau- ure letd ed sed - the e, a ays s it had heir ere, re. hat, rued Tacks the t041I bib the rhalY the,. l �.t ereia in intuit t tlzi�i�i the a ]Ja " ng c 11 a again le about t face wa tion, fo many o haps w his im and hu of his e ed that ber the of -his f form tl he' ma alas, to So he w Maindee He, hosve ectivit Still I flicted ers eve bet his perhep apathe enthusi facts b to the Our tion th these s jvolume Liberal before With, election te the Liberal forlthe well we Tories affair, e Home quires than a party v best -be SEAFOR TH, FRILL Y, MAY 21 de on, when all hands *ere 'tern in to th ir work. His fat aglow with zoot and satissac- h. had succeeded in ge4ing s mates to "voat" who er- h had utter! forgotten to ive til T1 Ay telling s of the suciless •ii his anxie5y to get oth,ere to oef as he wad led away tic, per - d to ace mplish, bu , vas, f the dey in cense ue ce. er, made u for it in e tra his- newi -acquired ca se. sorry to sa, that he as in - mince, by hi extra idlen Se ; some hun reds of politic lly peoPle, wh ' became excited s from th sheer fit*ce of try cousin in the c uuties rd °holds of Toryism peaks f r the clear ess in wh ch the aye put th ir powerf case ttra inne and Jaws e ab th ever hi ork. 4 t his hes had ar sa SI • gard to vinich mu ends, la al maj , but a v when ers, A e. This cannot do as t e3 are told for th elves. contra , re the teache This is 'educe ' them to which Whole eel. Oa ether t a, abhor 11 thei rce. Ye heir ter, .the elves is will abies his is t DOW, in a par coward n. Ho at the 11 :without lad to this been th this s tatif the el lel indivi e under th A t e results of an t be as mo tifying s gratifying o the at the mejority as ,it is, will be not be , mere much mi ed up ree times 'larger be' of the same st of being the hey will eeld.om d have . very inking and "acting Tpries, on the t -behaved boys in e behests of their Dizzy so easily passing measures 1 had always, at ed and resisted with t the bidding of ubmitted them- e political slaves or tl er cowardly, you ty :ense it is a very , and couni.e well er, 'we must be L 'bends ca now ving' to sink their d :lacy in doing so ; el ng to a claps that cans of bringing t. For I .annot unction o my did victo y has which is ostly als who, like my- oguomen o ITISH WORK IAN. 1 is on ven hankf anho as m his h ut la oul" erern ache The bout —In arke ttaw ngla ent n heig —T he Ce argeat dwar eight file to signed ed fr alley week. ronOC inetee lace. y, of reek —M he tre at Ber Macdo this su shouldih solved it give a Blake the Anci Wedn ey, sat on . Hon. rge Brow of Edi high. the fa has ver3 their earance, —P be Ann and &bock ho hBuruahnat le Ss 11 fireareillsee; aft; nd now reaches 9 000. e erupt of' Speake Alired t. ew orga Rey chu apple tree and. loaded n account eet ear load Ayr st unday 1a anniver it le daught lea is brought into the lifeephersoe left o ning en mete for 11 y, of Bi b4refeeekt, h s rye over tf a has. Stant irer of W ilpiess, age 'is probable d will pa s official Quebec R ap to sot the h and h —A of Ln cente reside of 106 ately erec ed in , Hamilton is the on. of Luckn' w, has st three inches in th blossomp. or 28 years past nfirmities 4f age. f cattle we e ship - n, on the Credit Dr. Cochrane, of rd, preached: his y sennen In that offkr. John Cross - drowned n , the ton Mills, a few n, for over erloo corm fternoon la 4 years. hat Sir Jii)lin A. visit to Me,nitoba, th other M msters, ties permit. orm Club and dinner Capital, t f next mo he Western Assur- died in Toronto pn e same bench with in the High School he confinement of ners, after a life on materially altered d that Carroll es- aris t the county jell, d, the other Morning. Phoebe's has been dead 18 months. rse, the property of the stable, lately. al, in endeavoring with his hind leg, o Blipped i side the rope halter, as found exchange know can b Mien. M ith her d a attained ars. Shek 4 years t, after I as also was her husib died of i flammatio ii Richard on, egg m r days ago. in the Streams of the other day. Th the manslaughter o at the Norfolk assilz raillery. 1 Archibaldl s week. He mmer fishing —Bine Isabella Jo woman, eged 110 home i4 Toronto ceased was bordi his fine Clydesd41 of his legs was ac i badly as tp cause h's Bell refused $1,700 previously. —Oh the 25th of IT' une next, all the ithin 7 miles of ssemble in that at the Queen's uvirdilal:ike place an artist of con - present engaged the pertralts of e Dominion Gov - is worlst recently ery highly. f the oldest in the as burnt up be - k, on Fliday. It bake oven. The gton, of ' Dundee, has had in his years, aiid which en he purchased ill as frisky and three summers. elleville, on Fri- ed his iliyes with to -be Sweet oil, e crotonl oil His burned., lima he the peni of the taws thi the Mar their su 1880.' • nd. The latter the'eenabustibles carried them into the stree who Bro bout 28 years belonging to Mr. hant, Walkerton, , at Paisley, a few went trout fishing ntinck township ere very success - ting to about 15 -as convicted of idled Donnelly :s, has been sen - ;imprisonment in arnpbell, brother e, arrivied at Ot- ess to Quebec, on rs, died at 'her Thursday. De- lavery, at Rich - ed to his coml. • Minto, has loa stalli n. One destruct'on. Mr. him a few days volunteer companieli London, Ont., will' city and go into cain Park. A. grand revie in London on Domi4to. siderable repute, is la at Ottawa in paint+ several members of t emmenti. Some of, finished is apoken 6f —A large red Mehn County of Waterloo', tween1) and 12 o'clo caught fire from the owner was Mr. Peter owns- ' a Mare whichl possession over thiity was three years oldev her. The animal i s full of life as a colt of —Dennis Lake, df oil which he suppose but, whiCh proved te eyes have been basil will, at all events, partially 'loose his — Not a single body of the riassengers or crew of the lost Waubnno have yet been recovere , although the' hull has been examined and the question now is? did they leave he Vessel in a i boat and get Swftinped, before the Watibunis keel- ed over, —James cKenn y, mill' owner, ges ens, sawyer in the 'country to sa for a day or hour for 1100. He last week sawed. 1;500 feet inside of an hour. If any one can do better M hear. from hi One fhousa Montre8,1, on route for the Norwegians, S for the Northe being English settling, in Can ly,received in ment inserted an insurance salary asked w - --One of the phate vet disc 01 Kenney would like to d immigrants errived at hursday of last week, en est. Two hundred were edes and Danes, bound States, the remainder and Irish, who intend applications were recent,. sponse to ad edvertise- wice, for an assistant in office, in Toronto.. The s from five to eight dol - apparently dompetent 'eve good short -hand al fineet veiled is about 10 fee long and ten feet wide, pleted. At t e ends on one side it is ; eipected that nd. will be good for a thousand. to s. —The Gove nm nt have pent four Pancake Lake ,130 miles west of Emer- son, Manitoba, as convenien stopping places I for immigrants bou d for the Turtle 'Mountain crintry. en cents each per night' wil be charg d lodgers, and meale will be urnished. —The stea shi Ontario, on her re- turn , trip fro uluth, last week, brought to arms, 10,000 bushels of wheat. On h r npward trip she Was the first steani r of fae season to make the port of P ince Arthur's' Landing, o and in doing o she had t break her way for; some ile4 through i e twenty inches thick. he has been a poi ted to the manage- ment ot the 01 be, nd there will be no change:in its p lie , but, beside an open as re- grave, lessons f to eratioh and forbear - 13 to Mr. ance are tau ht, and, though wrong o occur must be expos d a a wrong -doers con - the demned, he ope to be enabled to avoid ranch of he bitterness which too —Last Satu da in Londoii a respec- table Married wo an, named Louisa Holson, was trie at the Court of Interim on a char e of insanity. She was cool, and ' acknowledged that she was insane. She fia..d she was not so at that particular Moment, but in an hour or so she could not be responsible to her insanit , an she will be sent to the asylum. —01i Satur night a , grocer in Yorkville, pla cruel practical joke on a new a from Etgland. It appeaM that t an entered the store and ashed for doubt, rnea low. Instead of Roman ca home, the str one end of his few minutes t with blue, ye shooting stars the first sh shows of phos - in the Ottawa 11 11 • I can Drum himself s the am cad in the morning. vs the village of s,st of at least one . Ann Splan, who oghter in that vil- is of. Danish origin O ay ed cOuple of candles, no g these composed of tal- dle4 Returning to his nget applied 0. match to article purchased. Iu a e room was illuminated ow, green and red-eolored ✓ recovering from this unexpected platy the possessor of , and returned to the grocer, to he explained that the wrong f candles had been given him. ennett, who shet Hon. George , n has been in poor health since his Praafinement in jail, and has recently berai seriously ill and confined to his bed., The jail physician thinks his nervous prostration serious. Robert Henry, of Cartwright, was going from Cartwright to Port Pe with a load. of wheat, on Friday mor ing, his wife, who accompanied him fell from -the load, when about a mil and a half south of the latter place. and was instantly killed. • It is reported that G-uelph, with an esti whe no crea lati 231 Art age ing Tho No Wa and abed popplation of neaely 11,000 incorporated as a city in' 1879, has only 10,076, while BrookYille, Dun- es m their population. The popli- n of the latter town has fallen off he prizes offered by the Board of and Agriculture, for the est mans farm, have brought out t e follow- ompetitors from South aterloo— as Edgar and George Barrie, Jr., -Dumfries, and John Wallace, vsenty-two Members' f Perlis.- ; in Ottawa, who atte ded the trations of Rev. E. A. Stafford, of ominion Methodist Church, have ing appreciation. of his ministry, nclosing the sum of $110 as a slight of their regard for hies.. farmer named Leith visited. to one day last *eras, and becom- ntoxicated was decoyed into a of ill -repute. After leaving the he discovered that his purse con - g over $60 wasenissing. He after- s recovered $20, and betook him- ut of the city a sadder if not a man. men mini the oke Or ug poue ain lac war Pelf Wis eng hbaadyl No rer he rate the The pla of t ee 500 day cast Olt n Saturday the bones of a human were found at the Rideau. Hall ds by some workmen, who were ed in digging gravel. They were deeayed, showing that burial must taken place 40 or 50 years ago. offin had been used. The remains a foot or so below the surface of round. r. Wm. Gordo's, of Wellington ty, has entered into an aereement Yr. Ryan. a prominent° Quebec er, to deliver 1,000 head of sheep - uelph the first week in July, at the of five cents per pound live weight, nirnals to averege 140 pounds. are intended for shipment to the Country. Mr. James Walker, Superintendent e _Northwest Mounted Police, has pn a visit to his father and friends ncastet. Mr. Walker is stationed attleford, Northwest Territory, and abb. Winnipeg he had to- travel Hee in sleighs and 200 in wagons, mg a twenty days' trip, with five additional from Winnipeg to An - r. The other' night an old woman ed Mrs. Ashley arrived from -the. nto. She was very feeble and had e assisted to her room. She left tions to be called at 6 A. M., but - the porter came up he found her door open, and the woman lying Bible on the floor. A doctor was • 110 us nor Tor to dire whe TOO inse 11 • 10 witnesses 4na addresses om the legal gentlemen the Judge charged the -jury, after which they retired, and returned in a short time with a, v rdict of man - MCLE.A T BROS.*, Pu y�T8. $1.50 {'Year, ,Ad 'vane. all ri L- t when. he ?came ' own ' in a . impute or two Mr1 Boyle waited_ on. the stairs 'Icer some ;conside •able ! ti ile, became sue sicious and want up the slaughter. frolit staira{onl to discover : side stair, —While a man named W. S. Davis, the existeLee of which he w: • previous- - ly unawareIt need. not be saithat' the, man bsd not called at : ny f the of! a res or that Mr. Boyle is a inne $27 —A seribus accident :. curred at Allaziburghy Ont., on.Wednesday even . ing last. As Mr. Ja-eob Upp ingmanure, he stopped, ane James S. ' Fpper., a boy o years of a, climbed up o wheel of the waggon, and not percei *ins him, started wheel passed over the little He was picked up by his carried honn,•.e, where heexp twenty minutes. —Henry;Robertson, a ne. the townslu p of Lutterwort : Muskoka district, hese the misfortune to have his house andousehold effect- burnt on, ' Sunday. The house caught fire from a fallow he Was burning. and ..orae of the sparks falling through the reef the whole inside was in a blaze before he could save anything... His amily just days, ago.; ce. e past 25 t Porthope , it ie ear-' of Louisville, Ky., was eXhibiting a fire escape at the Walker HouSe, Toronto, the other night, the rope brciker and he fell from the second. story to the ground. He was; taken up insensible and carried into the hotel. No bones were broken, but his internal injuries were such as to -cause his death shortly after. Lieutenant -Governor McDonald and family eracated the Executive Mansion, at Toronto!, on Tuesday last, when they took their departure for Montreal,where. they will reside for the slimmer. The Lieut -Governor will hol office at the request of the Governm nt till the 1st' of July, arta win, after a short Visit to' Montreal, return 'to Toronto to attend. to the duties of his office. ' —A lernser-in the township of Sarnia,' Lambten County, while boring a well to get water for his cattle, Struck a vein of pure petroleum, and the well now Bowe at the rate of 60 barrels per day. The regular matket price of the oil is $1.50 per barrel so it will. be seen what al arrived iron' Scotland a few bonanza the farmer 48 got. Before Loss about 1$600 ; no insura the strike lie would have taken $3,00q --David iCheer, who for t for his fartn, and since t en he has beeni years has been yard -master offered and refused $12, for It. ' for the Midland railway, s'v death occurred in the fo ndry of Messrs. while Supei!iatending the un 04414 of Gurney, in Hamilton. athartiel Wyths tiniber train. He was s ruck ' by a a man 46 years of age, . thowes engage heavy stick and thrown inte ' the as helper to the molter in the foundry,' harbour, sarlother stick bill g ole . hire went to work as_ ueual about 6 o'clock' whle he was in the water, ealsing his in the morning, and while picking out epioe and 'kith his legs,1 an inflicting aud remoVing the cinders from beneath, other injunles. This is the third time the furnace -he suddenl fell down and he has been hurt while int e diseharge expired in less than te minutes there-, of his duty: . , I '- Quite a disastrous fire occueted in died at Welland, Ont., n Friday eYeni mid-day ob. Saturday, the 8th ' inst., ing last from the effects pf having taken when the btaildings belon„al cr t 0 Mr T a large quantity of mor hire, no doubt C. Stewart 'were entirely de trOyed... A for the purpose of destr ying his life, BEi valuable team of horses, 5 0 ' sets .4 he said, previous to purdhasing the drug •hamess, and Several dons stie insple- habitual user that he intended to coms possible to,reseue them on aceteonwnafrto,f0 reit suicide, and after takine it he told thelerge qiiantities of strasiv hat lay What he had done, and that hhe would net contiguous' to the stables, M . live loneer. Dissipation ia the supposed loss is consaerable, end thr lig eont the 13 !G•.eeralinthg, a a the son of' abont four the hind ana the father and ed in about settler in —A sad death occurred near Yeovill of synapatbly in his behalf. South Riding of Grey, Ion Friday, 7th. -,The remains of John inst. A eon of Mr. John Wilson, aged latel of Bothwell, w about 10,', was proceeding from, dinner cently of COnsumption,, wer to school when a heavy storm came on. Clandeboyei by rail on T About half -past four a neighbor passing taken to the family _rem. along the road found the little fellow" Wednesda31 they were ta lying on his face behiu a `. stump, lifel liitotnan C4holic cemetery a less, havibg been strue hy lightuingi A huge con °nese of friend back, and. the sole of one of his boote I The cleceaEl torn off. His death was no doubt and had be stantaneous. for some ti fishing the otar day, and caught some 25 pounds of trout, whips they brought home, expecting no deribt to haye a grand feast therefrom. !The one enjoy- ed a share of his very much next morn- ing, but the other poor 'fellow who had cleanedshis carefully, and. placed them aWay in the cellar- for safe keeping, learned to his sorrow t that the rats had been fore him, andhad not 1 tail of one for _him. —The proceedings of Torontp and Kingston, Toronto laat week, were brought to a call d in, but she died almost immedi- close on Frid.ay. Among other business atelY. • The cause 'of death was. suffoca- disposed q was the adoption of a report tion from gas, she having eVidently on Sabbath observancee. Ministers are bloWn out the light. requested to call the attention of their The late Lady Hincks, who'died in congregations to Sabbath deseeration Mootreal last Friday, was the daughter of a Lieutenaut-Colonel in the British ArMy, and whose maiden name was Emily Louisa Delater, and. she was bor in 1811 at Ceylon, where his regi- me t was stitioned. She came to Can- ada 'in 1832 with her lathier, who took is residence at Niagara. In 1833 married Mr. Sullivan, aftewards Justice Sullivan-, who died in . In 1875 she married again, second husband being Sir Francis ks. It is understood that Hon. George u Commenced writing' his autObio- hy before his death. Ho* far he s uncertain, but it is believed that ad well entered upon his Canadiati er. The last letter thatHon. George n wrote was one on the morning as shot; to Dr. Diamond, asking e next morning breakfast be - ft Bo much as' a the Synod of which met in up she Mr. 185 her Hin Bro gra lgot he car Bro he him to attend to an old servant of his :Mid was suffering from a gun wound in the Ileg. Amongst thOse at the funeral Wer cit ed Wa of 1 I the of t offi offi ins pin an Mr. Gedd, the oldest printer in ehe , and Mr. Patrick Boyle, who Work- ff the first copy of the Globe on a hington hand -press. During the thunderstorm which ed over Paris on Monday morning st week, a flash of lightning struck telegraph wires in the neighborhood. e Post and Dominion Telegraph es, running along, entering both es, melting a portion of the cut-off ment in the former, melting, striP- and cutting the wires in the latter, setting fire to a number of papers hanging on file, over the instrument. The fluid also entered the transmitter of the telephone, the internal economy of Which it ruined, and burst the ground wire in several places before entering the cellar. Most of thorie near at hand experiencedmore or less of a shock. trial of Wm. Lewis, indicted for the murder of Michael Donnellee whOse family are of Biddalph fame, weal commenced at Simcoe on Friday before Judge Cameron, It will be remembered that the circumstances as elicited at the Coroner's inquest were as follows : At Staglails hotel, in Water. ford, on the evening of the 9th of December last. Donnelly was engaged in en altercation with a stranger named Gr enwood. Lewis interfered, when nelly at once wanted to fight him, after a 14tle scuffing he was bed by Lewis in the groin with au ary one bladed e•ocket knife, from effects of which he died in about 15 a number of an sta or the minutes. After he ed the funeral d was only 27 y n practising his well known' and much respe ' dulph and :McGillivray. +The la* half yearly re Grand Trunk Railway sho buSiness ofIthat line is km Company, having earned f half of 1879, the sum of fe5 ces of the !Corresponding te Th s, too, hiotwithstanding tai ed by the cessation of traffic. In! additioh, the pehses have been decrease cent, A groat deal is expec revival in the lumber trade, ter position than at any pr in its history. , e—The labor troubles in misted have reached Buell a point that lexical no- tice has been taken f them and Arch- bishop Taachereaus seems deteriniural A report on temperance, recommending thet they Shall be Otoppea unlioitg his among other things that every effort be parishioners. He has issue a pastorat made to bring about,as Soon as possible!, in which he declares that a y Catholic - the entire prohibition, of the liquo w o, in the eourse Of the p emit year, traffic, was adopted on i a vote of 1 18 0,, shall'attack et eonspi e to attack ', —There died ih Galt,lon Thursday of or riot, or eny member of hia family, last week, at a comparatively early age because Buell person' 'works, UR worked, Mr. Win. Veitch, a much esteemed resis or is willing to work at a rice which dent of that town. The deceased baa. he thinks ilt, sh,alleby the v rY fact of spent several years in California,but finds snail attack or conspiracy,of attack, be ing his health failing hi returned to his excommunicated. ollee is also given early tepee last fall. Since his return, that absolution will not b given till although at times appearing to mend, full reparation shall' be made ler any the prdgress of hie disease was marked damage committed.1 and steadY, and from the first his phy,. —On Saturday Imornin last frve sicians lodked for a fatal termination. small boys were pi ying n ar an old He was an honorable arid upright man, building - in Peterb ro. Cl se to the and his demise, at the ege of 42 years, building the boys w , re exp °ding pow - is much regretted. der by plaling it on !a bloc and then —House -breaking and robbery is of setting it o3i. fire, This th y repeated, late becoming tdo frequent in Blenhei seyeral Mines, and vihen the r -stock MS and Dan:dries toweshipa. On the nigh exhausted,' they went into t e building, 1MenheiMP. Twiiehdoowrsaranuna w°ienc,uaciesa waet ethfea-Oltetimneae,i was entered, and $534.25 in cash taken' a hole in. the Venetian blina and raising been used to pass but a !stove pipe. the wiedow. The sarn night some one While inside enjoying thernselves, onei or entered the house Of Mr Robert Pattoli of !„ their number diecoyere thet the in the same iseighherh od, carrying o building Wes all on fire. T ey isiames The residences of Messes. Walter Hastie diately be*an to get out, tla only way a $40. watch, jack knife "and tobacco. and Wm. Cowan, North Dumfries, have of ogees being throngh the small. hole mesi as et) also been entered ih a eimilar mann and raeeacked, apparen ly in farmer from the cohnty of Bruce, resid- --One day last week a well to 0 see+-nallis rte. jbe'4 Dre'pthnianga, i°nfdBu rTo Elsos'ginawnanel:,11 named Bennington Boyle, visited Lon- roefttsyt4.hmardy, ing some eight miles om LuckiaoW, misanhuafeevhitterp don. He was walking I around taking A Short gine ago the towno Yarmouth who appeared to be very amiable and eNuogvinauS. ceotina,tphuiurchunariedote er7 itSuilusala writes to tbe Ai re 27 tee es foie' in all the sights when he met a man between them ; t new corner reads the Way io 'which said stea firosengine the papers, Mr. B yle does not. After was ,purohased. 1 Offered deliver at walking together f r some time they Yarmouth, one mita mor 1)0w -offal, on Dundas street, when the stranger cated, aua several iann ed* 4d6omilPairts-1 He had nothing lePs than a, $3.00 bill the Silsbyl engine. r..4 the 'e iof all, remembered that e owed some money who was going t Btecon, suddenly ,cheaper than the Sileby ; as eaan:pniu ah zititt: and wanted Chan e. Mx. Boyle put Weis it net gallinte,to Can to one of the business offices up stairs. itstthteeirprzne te:2,05,massetemetyeees, ne40:a 0 gt 0 aeitItt, came opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, more durahle, nwre Sirhple, his hand in his ket and pulled $27 fe,ctiirers be told -that . w in bills out. The tranger very quickly denied a ir geld. One of he 1 but politely, tran erred the bills to his eitzens ote me lately. tlaa Sil•hy own hands, and. fo getting to hand Mr. se ,ewirespislled " thOse in a itioriofty hubs Boyle the $100 b. as security, ran up Yarmouthf that 1113' Voixosi the front stairs o the Odd Fellows' play did not find the ghost f A ieb.o,n00 Hall, calling back that he would fix it et len ate3: aprarolledoIrse:iolaanes:. te in Bid- thhee re Mg, the he last he loss en- th cattle soirte4 per eatfra Quinn ttah: with the "