HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-14, Page 8ICr 'k Iat� trbets 'al kz Vacant �C ts P1 at ball, marbles Lud other gf 6 rho I. AVOU expooltov. These 'boys; habitia YUy abF e at t. I M - selves,from school i rithout . bl, lie k, tledge o their par -,i �6, and tt M t DISTRIOT MATTER .. S. usi only in nie themsi I es by , -v a at m I t a Itime ich shouldbe emp1cysd i ed - To Lovr, Rs o GoojD RFADixG.—Funk's cation, but disarra n le the sch)oi d Standard $eries of wonderfully cheap literatwe in their i4regular atundace ,ratar e 'istory, 13iogaraphy, Science and Religion. Among 'prOgr0k s of those i v] o atten relu m hich axe Farrar's Life of Christ, Farrar's Life of El.t. Paul, Geilde's Life and Words of Christ, Ron- It won be well i or the ar, 3u A beare and Hawson's Life and Epistles of - Paul, these c hildren to I p li more 4A D84 4Y aftAr ht'r, History of England�­good paper, large them, a ti.pe and handsome volumes, at the !neredibly low an take thel. trouble ' to I Ss a tj 8 of from 15 cents to 25 "nts per'volume. themselves that I y are sc ( i i's -ace old by LiumstlFN & WiLiols,!, Seaforth, at- Pub- they piofess to.be, instead r I oil, mt, g 1j, YherS' prices. W-2 vxouna� the streets and I'laUg 11 And it is very muah.lamentO Brutus, vicious and I& b a its. If That you have no such irrors: as will turn ZY P n 4� ca� a -worthiness into your eye, not, or 1 will . not I r 7 to cc n tro: I �h '.r Your hidden I . That you might see your shadow." OW4, dren, the], � a-eecL not (T Be', 1hi It is our good fortune to live in a progressiv either eachers or titustees can'dc) t! fo: �r and what was, impossible to the noblel; 19omaa, c&u,be enjoyed by a�ll who patronise them. s Photo Art Studio in the Whitney B COU�OIL MEETING4—At the last med LAwN MbwEns.—A Full Supply of the ( ing of the town cou: Icil a potition. as. It ifladelphia Lawn Alowers will be to hand in &�� pre�entIed asking tt e 'council t:) 0e. fe v days, including all the sizes 12,14 and 16 inch, madn street *ater& . But the bet, io V 11oh will be sold at $10, $12 iLnd $14. Parties asked t1hat the froir ages of X -fEet " d.. ould call and examine, as --the" Philadelphia' ve a � deal I) rate le . 'Th I s 18, without doubt, one of the best Iswu mowers� I under ha ed firinfactured. W. N. Main Stroet,l Iis contrary to ptat I ie, and cipi Me 1i; t)y Zxtorth. 649 a by-la1w in accor4ance wit the: U - SEEDS, SEDs.—Farmelrs. in. want of tion cOuld'not A passe, a.,. i 4- itba 0 Dod Fresh Reliable Field Seeds, true to name,` petition was. referred bac.. to tb a 's before purchasing. My stock aill at D. D. Rom petitioners for &me. idment. A rE§ �Old- h*g been carefully selected from some of the most relspongible seed firms in Canada, afad will be sold tio7n wa's also, passeo]. o the E ffe A th� t "'.&very small advancoonArst cost. D.D.RosE,f the water works c6atracto be n' 6 G�Gcer, next to the- Post Office, Seaforth. W that a large numbeii of the '.)es t8 a. FOR Cows.—' Spleladid, Pasture used.ars too lightFand that )nly J far cows, convenient to the town Apply to F. G. 9 � larling, at Gray, Young & Sp Is Salt Works. pipes a� are properweight wi 1 ba A -satisfactory arrangement hai; 9 been made with: the cont a DEBENTuR.Fs SIODD.—Th�e waterworks Lewis McDonald &",Co., of V raltom �ei 3 -lebentures.have been sold to Mr. M. i awarded the contr4ct for - um )et r P. Hayes, for a firm., in T-oronto,, for srle-waks,their tem ter being the ION �766 961. The debentureabea six per cent. it The following are tb isfigures -nd run for 20 yi6ars. This s per th4lisai erest a ad feet - i -�ck e1n: 01.0 w, a good sale and more f�vorable than i oedar. $10. t1i at previously made. The increased I 1 &I aount realized will do I much more' APRON AZAI%.—B` refereme to; bull - Wan make up for the expense incurred advertiaingL X I oolumns!lt will bg seon'l i ot in submitti the by-la�� the see Ing ond the Ladies"Aid. Sodiety in onlie 1 with' St. Thomas C . rch, S Lfo.. t iq-, tend holding a gral6d. bazar -o Me Iso ION SRVIcEs he -ommun- day hext, the fith D'ay forthe al -O 11 _tCOXX7UN apronsandother meful articles io Services in culanectibn with the Pi 'esbyterian chnroh,L were held on Sun-, ladies have been engaged for day last. On- Friday afternoon the pre- mouths past in preparing for t he eV nt Y1 i e0o paratorysem-ices, were conducted b sndhaveonh�dida very I e c,011 the Rev. Rx. Thomson, of Bracelle tion of aprons of. all'. descrip on 81'it� On Sunday and on Monday follow able for young and old, and every 7& - the pulit was ocoupied by Principa, riety of material. lu addi la to: ;he Grant, of Queen's College, KingstoR. aprolas,-thlay have - a great in any Ol ler Oii Sunday the church was crow.ded at articles which b 'i: diets of worship, and we are sure selves to tk� pubwllic,i The 1 A ChE 9 1 1; 7ill. th those. who attended v�ere not dis- also be prepared to furnisli refit 3h- & iointed.' The, Rev. Pr1ofessor fully ments. We understaind the �ioceed', of su &ilaed his high repitaton. - His i the bazar will be. devoted to hQ. Pr- re- chase,of carpeting for the eb 'ne, �I,T� In(i mons were clear, logical, comp hensive, and eloquent, thal; on Sunday we hope that the ladie'B will . eel i M Morning being partioularlylable. Queen's the success in the* under king to Cc Uege is to certainly fortunate in having which their labors sowell en thi at its head so able and amiable a pro- femor and divine. IJISTRIBUTION Z I ItImm—., he o il� dren attending the PreBbytex i an S b. I.XOOD STOCK.—Mr. Thomas F Oster, Of bath School, assemble d at the a [iu ch on' th', a town, refused the sum! of $100 from �c a tl an in Hamburg, for a mare Monday evening last, for the 1, 1 irl �osE I of c11tTe:1101n11my a few weeks old ; Mr. Patte- receivilag prizes of merit for proh elicy Sol li, postmaster of Walton, was also of - and regularity durinf � the p A yE ar. i Juding from the att,�ndance of lit tip fez ed and refused $100 for a suckling 't ones on Monday eve aing, the I res` ko e colt, and t Mr. Peter Scott, of �Y_ .terian Sabbath School is by I III �Lna Biussels, has repeatedly refused $150 a small or thinly att noled ir tim, d 11, for - a yearling horse colt.. while Mr BE 11, of the Londesboro, H otel, recently as there must have pen ovei 3(oboys and girls in attend& Ice, and al b6th purchased & colt, eleven )months old, prize winners ad ' r qn-prize w �&rs�, for the sam of $80. All these fine you Ug looked pleased .and happy.- I eli.Stlof an, alsaxe sired by the celebrated i ecessful Students was read (ut by 1 6 a tollion, ,,Clear Grit," the property of Su George Whiteley, of this town. Superintendent, Mr. Wilson, an �th prizes were.� presehted by thi. I adbr', ','A ImUer, " another .Polt sired by this 'roe, is now in Rev. Mr. McDonald.; At thi c Ile UI ho trd ning, for the Am-. 'bution, the it to sion, of the prize distri- MUM Circuit, and we notice that a few folks were briefly addi,,'eBsed by ri a 111� da�s ago he made a'm'ile in the akon- ! lad' Rev' Mr. Md.D pal Grant :a On md�- lial'ingly good time of 2.19J. Blood will IDuring th evening they sa,I16 sey al t hymnsveryp'leasingly under teload3ro ship of Pro . 'I TO TzAcnEn4—.Mr. James Fergugon, I fessor Jone Miss Telinie N ib t Viec-President of the North Huron �on presiding at the, orgala. � E Ir n. Ing was a very pleasait one, both to Id t Teachers' :i3sociation, wishes us -to sta e that fetun, tickets at a fare and and- young. t a tMrd will be granted to teachers and ot. OrB desiring to attend the conven- THIS- JuBILZE SiNcuiRs.—Tbe eilt6r�'. t ti at Wingfham, on Thursday and tam-ment. given in I the B I A ho list t Fr':day pext. These return tickets will 6hurch by the O'Biny)un Jubile6,8 110gl- be issued at the stations on the route of or, off Friday evenuig last, -Was loot the Great Western Railway on the - re- vo�,iry., largely i attended. Me Is tort Lin. f q;i I site certiflomte b6ing-produced to the MOi&, how;4er, was wp,11 deser, ing f, a respective ticket ageuts.t, Mr. Ferguson good audience.- The Compally C Xh- 0 further states : ,,The certificates sigia- priseff six- members, fo r males ad I I ed by me, will be Set to the charge of females fall �of whom a le eVid latly et. 0 thd master of the public school in', the 6euent m usibians. T1 e., r appef ito bei tolv.ra or village, and addresged generally very respectable awd utivated pe, B; e to the nearest resident toa; I cher,when I and tlWr entertainme t is of a leio� e& do: not kno any particular -address to ly higher order than that given b y 'he whichto Send them. Tfiese -parties Sheppard Jubilee sin 8 some - t. Die . I ago. Mrs. O'Bany-ou"', Will, I trust, -kindly attend -to' taking i . - ,1who is alum -i I theEA from the office and filling them i �pnt looking aud evidentl a highly aO-� 0 up for any parties who' may be entitled oom.pjished lady, presi4 e ' a I rg al I, P to receive them." and upon special reque t Sang I p, very e pleasing -manner that I beautiful Sol),, k, WATERWouxs.—ExcaVating, for "Pass under the rod." Them hole ei- S the water pipes is going on splendidly. tfirtainment -was most interestmg,and A IDrge gang of men are constantly,at we have very' great pl 3asure i al Con, we k, and a large am 1� t unt of excavation mending thelcompany ;b public patioii-- f ha been completed wad the pipes laid age wherobver!,they lh&31 in fut ire ap. . e pear. Mr. O'Banyoun IhDs beer a mil I :I-: r 1R. We understad that quite a num� ister- of the Methodist A arch j or c he of the -pipes are lightle; Ahan tho liver spepifloations, 'called for, And 20 years, and is a Ile. h, d" conse- very agreea quo-ittly, the Committee in -charge of fluent Speaker, and evidantly goo a theiwork will not allow th61n to be laid well-meaning man. T I a who' unless satief actorily arranged for by the pany belong to Hamilto 'and ve tl i eir� coll,itractars. It is likely, however, that i earnings in thi4 way to 3.rds a 'and forlil Suitable allowance will be - made by the re -erection of tbei hurch' n. t hat P the contractors for light wel The city, which was destrryed s :'I ghts. oDiei t me C01timittee are calline, for tenders for aao,by fire. the erection and completion; of the wa- terworks building. TeudEws will be LOCAL BRtFFS.—Mr. Samuej ohn- rec"Wedbythe Cleirk! until noon .On I son left 'Pfor Winnipeg, Manit ba on MG (lay ii - I Monday last. :I I I xext, the coi-tractior to furnish We hope his rigibte4t all E'aterial and to have that buildings auticipaii6na - may b mor one Losed and ready- fo the reception of, realizbol.L-Main street :s ve idu the engines by the lat July, and com-- these. -clays, and if anoi b ar shc wer 0�. pleted by- the middle of the sa the-watercar� do not come or me Soon, UrIfortImates rEtty. month. Plans and specificabions of the wlic have to db wol k to be doue Can be seen :9,t the business on our prirciFa .1 thorc ugbf arell Clef ­k's office. will liave to Wear scr is O�er ti eir; months an(f!'eyes.—Mr, Tho's. Goven�v TRE Pt711T.TC Sciroor,.—Tbe attend- I lock shipped his fat catt' .e on W�ddes� aue;- at -the Seaforth School during the day. They i occupied .P.ve cars month of April was as follows: Mr. aounted to over $5 V is is Me] "mWs room, 33 ori roll, 23 averae ';pretty good send off f r one in al 1. —9 attcuLlance; Mr, Sellars, 39 on'rolk 64 Town Cou'nc it should 1purebase, attaudamce; Miss Anderson's, 11 circus fence placed on Main, Stre�t, )1),;!, il b (111. roll, 4.5 average attendance 'a block, : posite C&rdn,6 and leave Ciwan's, 73 on roll, 52 average at- 1 �there so as to bide fro'D , It pubtl e vi t0in"18-neo); Mi9s 9aw, 69 on roll, 51 �tbe filth,, b Ole in the lot, behind. ave atendace Ross, 66 on h&rd enough for the c e le to be poism., E roll 52 average attendaucc, - Miss Ma- ed with the �fumes from th' (b bee, 114 ou roll, 85 . e putrid tWera,re attendance. water in this bole without having their E It will be be seen tha tbe attendance senses disgusted by I viewing it 'every I in the- senior 'depatments was very 'ime they pass along tl e street'—NDW cc I It-, light during the pat month, and we ;hat the warm weather 1has set in, Ihe Ed u,ndl-ArKtand that this inoth the at- luthoritie� bould'se e Vibat the s reiets'll cc tenf&nce is even smaller. It is the in- wd back yards are properlv cle 6 e tention of -the trustees to -relieve the row of illico maple t ees hai e boeu lower dep&rtriieuts, which are�,over- liInted aoug the street I leactin to the Crowded,, by a general system of pro Io A= mo- Tigh School.—We are J glad , to learn in aaulo 0 tion. l3v this means the necessity for lat Mrs. Geor-,e Goui lock, N� her junior teacher will be obviated. iteen serio uslv� ill for several w tEi is 12 One of the principal Complaints of both iow-much 13etter, and the mi sl� td teachers &lad trustees, espe'eiallv since �,ouragiug hope I 0 thc' 46 Weather cae in, is ir-reaular ecovery- -M 3 ae etitErtained f4.,ter f r. Henry Morrow, in�,c S_ V, 0-tteqUiloe. This is caused, in a very or to Mr. j. H. Wood, as agent ''or 'the of gre measure 'by boys habit ally and ntario Alutual Lij u persistently Ell surance ally �Iayiug truant, 'Almost-' )any, has beela in town for sever III d8 s to day in the week groups of boys, n the interests of th e :C)mp&uN,... hers iel who t;hould be at school, can be seen On Z8 several inemb�ers in this to, ni an,l p a IIt e to 03 S" 0 ar In h. t3100RE I IIIIIIIIII*AY 14, 1880 I3EXP $1T0 THE HUROM EXP ISol, The May &n�d' I he next Mary sudson 187, Sam nel douch, the salt being in 4 blox or ve s MILm vici I I Y!,,, ',the.Cc Inp' y is die irved. - be held on the 25th lary J. Morrison delightful and r1ofieshing sliowei� of he first 155, 1N ly I IS, I a us A r. regular meeting of Clouncu a h1ad al n,,, a num- John Ricko 87, John W. H6mes- the past and presobn weeks hi w W is 4pw it- I g w- small pc al, office Monday in June. Alwr Junior! Third—Peter Stewart most beneficial le ot upor. the fill'. NO hwest Ve� notice b F the ber,of accounts and a nt of -61 2 for tc 62. ins, mea - 1 1i and ..in Ows 'IA. G. MOD61 MALL & 0 Me- indi Is t relief, the Str o.. a taculacil ai urned. 298, Henlry Ryokman 283, Ch4s, Latta wheat, spring IF- ic4tions papers James I resent i zd 19 a 282, Christina tShillinglaw 273, -Alex. pasture fields. 11 that town for a Mu II is 9�8611VUS : promise a heavy 'lu mp cro J�ut hese Swan 278, Mar�, J. Meters 242, M4ry A. p idturesqad Can- thelfrost PU I entitleV . I I 1 190i Samuel . HumnlestOW prospects may be ddstroy-ed I acte sil Is l� ey. oggarth 1 DATIff.—I St Hoggart 10. � I M 0 �H ATS I Ek n I Alit So to No re ot 1�aving tc an- h or the curculi ITR I M E I 8, B All 'h 177, Agnes Iillu il ate e hiabi r� iLn jt3icendry eo Iliiulam�.---I-On Frid, y morn- nounce the death 0 1 rs. eikr, I HORSE,, 1 7, Win. ogg h 1413 Mary E.� Rice Cal al si. I is mecti 2E with goo I Sue- Mr. Richard - Spealt, formdly� of this latnell 90, Hattie Ryck- ing last a valuab�e I driving arop� be- Varieti, to bo found, in w lJohn. Go, MY I 1 5, Dona ThO our Cps J; P. B� t Wit] i ather to nship, which oce " urred I th3 C unty Ime n an 88, bble Hincks 79, Lizzie longing to Mr. V111al,04, of ap if *iaentlt I ol r days a 1 He of ilent last week. a se �ere I and Ist and. second ciasses Winthrop, met w- JNauleyM he: a a t a orly roots n his WFst.*.—Mra� Malcolm a eron ROOM w p A g Btr GONE tten tests. dangerous accid(ipt She lad. been: MILLINERY 8HOW I x4milned by wri ere not Is I t1i 9 midd finger of 2nd 1 conceosion ot Stanl6y, I her placi. ri. WHO DII) IT ?-�-What ? Wherd 2 That hitched. to the Iluggy prepar tory widen family, left Jon I her I of I lis ril t hand U thi hole to nday 0 01, Lrrel of cider belonging to Mr. ck- tobeing driven to i Siesforth, and was 1141i southbrn DE kota, a ga lis di ii i a' twist, breaking hu n of the North Boundary, Usbbrne? tied to a Pump uInal i 1 those ho ware th I v, rhich as 'ia very'loolish whither tbey�'went -sonAe time iLgc anol TRIMOUD HATS 0 olled the barrel across two going to use her' got ready. III the: farmi and ITIM Uhin g for gensib 3 a hke * m to do. have taken u land. almost half of it, 6ut of, mean time she goli f-'Jightened at some- WHOL Mr. I lackers it , has �eb Spros'; -OM 1113 DOLLA UP I �dh` -he has b ad in thing and brok' ler fastening and a lt bo� agon v Lnu ley. ell—ou t of a, Ob all I tell it?—a, wash F4 O' i -he Y was cap- ized I 11 � isih. This, is the, first petty robbery Started. off. T b COE: t 6 :ie on I], a f 4`17111 for o, rer 28 Is axe glIad t see af ts broken ronicled in tb;is viqinity,and is suppos- -ad the C the CONVALESCI NTa b a one of years iagoc I It Was made that Miss Suf ie Ste cy, who I as been -e 2? in. 4IRY -pthr 1�buse. ovum; by eve I .4Mr. F. D daAc, be ci a trick,'as the unkiown broken part of the shaft penetrating her 1 Cannot i be So wler, 6und Egain. B quite ill for Some ti Is is iten inflicte(i a dangerous wouna.' ar I d, 'parties left the barrel and what cider abdon. Jr., Y. 1 Hulleft, ship- Ills n4ers I -t uron MlusicAL'.— Ir!he L mley Bell they did not drink in a place where it She was ultimately Secured, and' Mr. ed a 101 of t I( 3thbrea )Uus to are somew a i e 01 t in time. This .,,froin Seaf )rth, � was Mahiloba i Thur la*. We icpe he t once be seen by the owner, or McNaught V S would a I we �Aribute ;o a a t of practice in M10 RN N G Goo OYS a goo M.— 1,181 I ex- . . I will d we with th; passers by. a trick is a telegraphed for. -0 his a -rivaJ I the ng the ,,be loss." swingi ound was dressed, d the Lnim4l is Ca1v tig the wate d t h on wholeso 0 ai1r,but. do not allow them w ITo :aF, OPENED. ----+Mr. J. T. Westcott CA t, opposit 's h ie th ilna , e quite -so badly upon the now recovering. Th buggy,.vas aaiy 1 A IfQ_ I? E LTY. S IMa A Am iir's the Iwill open hii i new , store on Grange p.orsonalrig tsOf others. demolished. othe ct�v, the work eii turne , up a street in a feNt days. � The stor is now Curi 8 it� i it the sh; itp df a sto a with a ts 1i being filled with a lArge and arefully Wr ater. Select teadym (Ile Hkts an Bot BkIIUssels. the lint (of a 1&191 stell plah 13- dis- far- Also M le and Triined to Ori er selected stoex. AN AwaEEABLE: HANG'E--O 'lit wa ound i '80 'It Wa -1 O" ON A VisiT.—Mr. F. Vanstone cerl E16 Ion, its 13. left 0 mers wear a diffore4t Jace whet dis- Short IT5(i Iabo: i i t filv' b 3et fro; n the surfa 3e and Mol�ns- oh Wednesday for a month's visit t ising dairy produ.c,", this Spring from Mr.. Samuel ftiend in C' In I lid lasti y ar at this time. .wa 1 3ecu by Mi. t. J?. Pashle who ITE -,iiinati 'and St. Louis. cuf y ?f 8 or 1'�(TEREST what they C ha.( ear,6 Ily laid - t a in his cun- Walke is at tresen engaged in, diggaing TKEN P0,=EspxoN.—Mr. A. Roe,- Of �y ibr- n DOING WELL�-4A Visit t Xessrs., S 71, R,A 0 .0 D S. 0,9, was 2, sh %—The' N stree t out th cellarl for hi new house. The Toronto, the liessee of the Queen's SATUR1 8 Whelan Black's�foindry in �his ace, wal 1 8berday 111-a to th 3 relief brick. rk is.' shortl lo be comme ced. Hotel took possession on Wednesday e c disclosed the fact th A these ntlemen ed. 8 hapo� and mater [al i of tlieid lers thE174011 Messr i. Laid- —Mr. tr very A,pprov J. McCase .1DOIJ, acto stirted las naiiii are rapidly increising their �Ue law & li�d a couple of TOCK SHIRME�TTS.—.Qln Saturday� last a;, r ey ha, 7c to f ame Mr.,w. Cl rke'� shed, 32 x 66, i"s an- r I p. L a' were six - Q r 'here, nd by their a,cc ommo, one �C Ver an Isc, me sign pl4ced in frynt of lt�ere loads of fat cattle on Monday i4ast. McCasey has .o� Boy.8�, 11sses 44d iUren ock. Vic of a th s station, 4 going via ner ax Card 1 S W Ld proompt a�te!ntion to, business Ua0f the: st oil procured the "'I.Ser fi rst- lass 8, lipped om th ne C i 'I to ngIaud., 1 to Buffalo and biod faii to becomo f4.vorites �with the X71ans,lDu54stah workma� 'anl it i anticipated- that trea public. French ohipi, &d C.R Mil MEN il DERE.D. Th one to Toronto.' The cattle were all e the wo wilYbe do e in good St5le.— Mit aell, Re order of I isf week c on tains Mr John Robb, of oiris,. -recently sold bO f Brusels and GOOD HORSES. Sharp,, of $ea- ught in th vi�mity o the f91cw1ag vile upon our forth, passed thrq'ug4 here ithe o. her a yoke I PC and. were a fine b of stock. A ox at 5 ents per INESS HA vevy s ar- 1 men. lei. *G.—Mrs. J. Crosker, day -with a few 6od h4ses, Fine Assortmbnt in School Hats, At The ox an out on wor ly wlighod, lab Is mol th hased n this ghbohood It. 12je., 17c., 20b.J 25ct, 550e.,'75c. anit. $1�� &forth bring oIt the Dominion' Telegraph office I and c n IMCI' made in 8( "S mIpi( aints are 1!1'a der ago, 3.,760 pou)ads, which woul George Harris Jr.; h S a two year! old Ithat 110�n 01�fpl ami8hed bl e t6*n by th3 , uburb him in $188. Mr. Robb is a good far- news depot, has ;old her stock to 'Mr. t ire colt from D stow's mp �e 1 milk i i pii i r�, te��en s im id riot of 13erlin, who will.con- ent mer and. alwa�"s takes a pride in, ba vi ng Oberholtzer, b III England's Wandelt, r wh e r con- es Ste tioue the b1sin a in the ol ltud H.- demit I f0l th 6t. The In ie Y1 3w of first-claIss sto64. LOWERS AND TEATi 11S fused 4250. Friend eorge hin he )B to sup �( so I t on ac Mrs. Crool thee e,w6ul4 C01 LUt Of ia ihtends going to New I can afford to own 00 hors as ell the eR to �'impregnato with �Usbojrne. a -we TWI&I, TO salt ePC 8 ink a gn IA I ntity of 1 tr hence Ever -ug In Spr 4 rge -Moi pon, Eve' thing to THE SAD Nzws�. The news of the as any one- 0 t them y PERS 1 NAL.,Mr. dw teach d9ath of the H6n. Geo. -Brown,, of GOOD CATTLE.— r Robert Gib ons. �Offft. 16 er, and is father, ar r �.O III �l le Ir b place v r( Have to si 6y that off on to Toronto, was received on Sunday morn- of Wroxeter, sold Mr. Job.L� Go �en- Everything Maw iii I rench glow� IOWV& S dDakbta fo.r the purl�tooslql) of We L it, wc ild A wI611 For otr neigl or to ilig at 9 A. M., via the Montreal and lock, of Seaforth, 6is we I Se led. Ostrich- Tips1l ana taking p land, if they are pleasedwith en. ers, Sha and J�P�ain devote Ih IL i I'lie mill in eu of head of fat cattle pirri ipally three year- ]?in �eiation , Dbilabaion telegraph lines. The nes, mes. the cou try. 'Xr. Ties. Case, Jr , of A-1, age his 6 wn. W 1, inwholi a �Ihe no doubt is old steers, whose weight L as IMcGill though loo received was keafor', when 0 0 Collei Montreal, and son of 0 ht i0e Ste 1, h Id leav 3 t d6se of SE af orth, greatly regre ited by, all parties. ]During 1,300 pounds each,'a d. which bro S Mr T. 6LEl, Of Usbo me, has tah en Mr. i iuvillom,'bbisnotia�r4oted,akn(,. In ti�e day flags wero flying at haf-mast him -within a trifle -of $450. Mr. Xohla T R I'M M I L KS. G. o r's School while he is abTnt on WE WIJ the il$sinuatio [I eon- I Scarbli and Joseph Montgomery; of his journey froli'm the residences of F. C. Rogers and tain 3 ft tie above I a M�'graph is . en. I is th' C, R. Coopert HowiA,also delivefe.4 at the same t me toCk appros ches tirel Y grf tdil ous &no I t usatic 'a L 'is ATIONAk.—Th0 following 0 a fine lot of anhinalp.. I; We did not leaam 1 There !,is no S staudin 0 I 9 senior (I f#OU, lattei fi dtj f: bus. T I ro are bul, - ihree PUP rey. their weight or p4co,.but understand, of Soho I See on No. 1, Usboi ne for mill I I len ",w b o make �business of fur. EDUcititio-_4AL.—Tha following is the that they received 5 1, cents- per ppoo a . ' I the mo th of OFifth clasB- -Agnes L-7 Uk to the vish 9 9p.eof thi town, stonding ofthe pup� of School See- live weight. They tere bought ;for to B n, Mr IViz.: M. P. H* At L THIt NOVILT11 E -S. Moir 10 A. laning 92,'Maggie Effoir tion No. shipmen Lt to England,' That is the way 90, Jas. Stra 63. Senior fcur;h— 2, GieY, for the month of WE Griev)�ai -Ro Iic- to make cattle fee9mg!'pay. aid. Ir. Gray, d in April. Thestan4ingof the fifth class IMaggio! oir 1 3, JesBi6 Moir Ill E. this On 13 nity, er, these gentle- isidetermilned by Written examinations ney S BIM321" Jeckell 6, Mallidaiae Down 75, 0. Case ils S tins, ,1 men re knowr lad person viould in' arithmetic 72, Isab�ella Mpir 73. Junior fouAh— al ebra, geometry, &c. IMmee School for a, o:: toi t think A 81 specting t hem 9 The standig: of he other classes is A SToi[las atur quite a 13ioc of w: ( ng. Inc i: Ig or eN I ctices. Th Marietta M Ing 5, Alex. Moir 74, based up ten examination iu thunder storm over a P t iof the soft 4 awep ey Third bias Bsie Stewart 127, Anet Canda are :LRbone3t, honor a, fair -da ding I i 1 -a arithmetic, ugh 't e idea of Moir and Ma gie - Lowe 116, 1 abells �cget,her with a general township, going tl Zinich and men o. tvb aid scor I 6dul- pioficien cy throughout the mouth in killing a cow by ghtning I for Mr. Lowe and Evw Mann:ing 109, Ja a Mor- I teral ill, II.4: milk t4 y end. in the the different 'bra�ches prescrib6d for Zimmerman, but ng no! furthei r1son. 941. ef the -1 I Y, cont. the milk % of the eSt, if th class serious harm. each of the sover4l forms: r Clea t ail -w lesome (bar- Hors. tbdugh many of De most 'K pen. st Mary . 4islop, 2d Saralii G. ip Tim C —Al �the ei a0te and. ef-1v 11011 ere knoft it. iU er ACUIN ow H4ND.—Our our old friend, Sm' III Fou-tth c1lass Ist olin. Har- clover and wheat flelds have Suffered. SO13114 o: 8 Is I 0 CO so that ie- reral David *cLen an, th� popular p oduce d Elizabeth Wilfi6mson, 3d Dan. considerably �Y t1id late frosts, Ahe aff genUe ell; ir to,�in pftebase milc rom. dealer, �s agaig to the fore, and is o ffer- Me illan. Seniior third class 1st warm, refreshing rai no that we, ae get- GD ing faxmers po ular prices fo llers, 2d Margaret 0 ",ALL & 00 Ob6ianoldrinklit reet Atin e Si A` McAllis- ting in:abund4nce arie onderfully A. m and. r wo)l and w reviv r h )ffices.., If I j were w al ered all other kinds of farip produ e. d eli ver- ter, I d Mar Sii�ith, 4th ggoHis- ing the wheat crops A -U4 w1atis left of the or Ot 3 3 adulterated'it is not Ikely ed at -his waroi [louse in Ki Mr. lop, �th Thos, Tuirnbull. Junior third, timbth� allad - app. irect Ilm ters1 of Slaple ad. Vi it, wor I taken as pen. arently we I por i ey b erage i 4 this class�--lst Wm. F' Ramsay, 2d Chas. are'. going to. have a, *Od fruit Year,. arg McLennan is a I Is dealer i� P�011uce Dry qooas, 41illli�iEry, Mantles I-, I For secaring t W ay. and does his sl are towards -keeping up 13� -wilbee, 3d Wn�,. Morrison, 4th Ism- thmigh-L-dur pr6spectis in the latter may- shawls beh,a1J. Askiu Sth Rachl Stewart. b j rTp-,,, - on�s the credit of Huron I I Is blasted by late fito�,ts. CI il t mark ts. I Ong II—ist Elizal,eth Sqhi6r second �Iass Ci�rcl wit! g [ve twol 11pe formande i in Inay he wave I I OUR L 'NSIJUANCE 1COMPAMY, The ri PEUSZ H' lop, 2d Mary;XcFadzean, 3d Sohn this 1 1�n next. Of the L.— i he in�ny friends �f the Board of Directors 6f � the Hay Mutual III -eon 1 y bleSted, t* is tco. be ro, Rev., ;V1M11tso-.1, 4th So 'Mr. blit hn Askin, 5th 0. H "r Mr. Cam(ron MO at S. tulutpol on his porchs,se an Ifiovi 11%milionj $1) vator of the will rei i to 14 arn S Fire Insurance Ccimpan" it ny Junior see h ivy .3 el ipectati that he has rec utly been inc %paoitated Imi a 0 vanced- to be o of u, he Re leadig far h, on the 1 th ad, 8: Of on"'aES-1st JamesCst P- W 1per's hotel, Zu�ri al I t a & from attending bell, 2d Jobp Duricarlson, 3d John i�ast I be c* el is n regar Pull al to lr�s ordinary! inin. and carei, inveStieated d �:ers inlitis ister duties hrough illness. Cii�pbell, Uh Oliver Turnbull, 5th r. Johii Kerr, one of Elami D11 reat L)ga(ln Conf ders- 06 is passed applications Ito the n-umbetlI of sufferinO Elizabeth Hod. ion w ire ul Ly'realiziA yo sterday. The froiji an I' affection of the gin4- S9COu(1 first class 83, thus ihowinig thit the Cordpajay is t e pioneer. settlers of! his! tow —�st John W&iamson 2d J". Hislop, i las lipt, Lclteraoiln as fainy at- throat aud also: from ;�an atta&ofin -en ,3)! rformall:I ae v ter Still prosperin :as *rp a 3 9 CIS Slt;icrtig for Ie- eN 3 ense mitting fever and Elli�n Richardson, 4th Sarah Wil' have also to Correct misst i ended aid in the ii: g the im n ne ous prost#aldon, atei�aexit b antic, next week, We' wish. o=. ty, brought on pat Iby tigents bf li4mson, 5th Blle4 J. MeGavin. First ing made elteemed friend a a ent I S ied to it i ut;laost Cal a ci tly b owrwork.� - The other -o- stfia Journey :ein� 00 Of Pre g I t M tth ' IT Stewart, 2d Win. who sa mpell 3d, �Fo staw sbyt6ryhav3 vibry properly mited La that the 4a asant visit am Ong I the frienas in. Cal Johnsto " 4th Die or e w, 3d!Xpbec V 4Y COMP4 y t inly p, e or can b sai and pay from one-third t1ol one-half 'of their. scenes of his youth, an.4 hope that ou am t t blas respect r g it recu losses. This is a �u�torious iintruth, li�s return' he will be paied by Ihe R Ii W -J' 5W If little: rg Ill him ot, Short se4 son f6i relaxatio To a McGavin., 5tt Willie McAllister. h at th) -predic Per6tion, -which e into ds Ialrail were f fille� to the I(Ater, ant I the iug himself of by takig a t ip �o the The Company, in c4d of loss o# build- on,e of Sdotia's fai, -gliters to I Bee fhwood. rei dau I away th(roug Low r Q � I i lit Provinces. ;7110 sincerely trust ings or contents in 4 bona fide cases, o,�miortun. cheei diEil _y 8 ELtiq 4im in the itee iet a III ;o r.' Michael E�i� mntomime, of ,Huyipty h urn ' his �01191769461tioq, Illy BITUAr Tully, an pay the loss in full, not exceeding the years of hi0 btisY i�lia Useful life. ed' gl r amusin og and restore& in health and prepared f qr an- nd respected resident of the t EDUC 3 eXce L Own- amouut insured, and never before )tim P olA a* 11he I following Is a reatei rcunis of la iter and ap- other season of usefulness in: his' leld sbi� of McKill�op, Med at his nc e company in such S= kep 9 prosperous Ort of �tandibgg of Inear Beechwo6d on May Ist, aftpr a tit present, being ar and free of an of S )IaT9 I he other perf( rmances Were of labor-,, as upils O� e ion I I p ith r I loog and painful i#ness �of about eight arriec. on i em rka�jble excellence, debts. alt9n. Ilop, f'Fo-r- thb in Lonth of April. The Ir. Tully was a native' of ousiderin iat the %(m mbnths. M ed 0 )any. are just Ort is bas, -rep px,ofi&ency and. good. the 0 Qu co later I' 1011 sea sm 3 duties. One QU'SRTERLY MEXTINO.—Th terly cotunty Galway, IT'eland, and wih! his nduct: Fifth c, ass—Ist Daniel Iffb,_ T'�tW ?Id Perf Offic al board f th0 Walton ir cuit wife (a Sister of tbelMessrs. Evans of :tbis Goon WOR :f :).,,in 3rs are inii 3sed it. —Mr. �harles Wood 4ug F4dze,an, ;2d I uOhigibia, Govenlcck. et n me to �fthis country in 1*849' hile v new fac e i a re to be seen, in the Caxada Methodis� Cliurch, township) -ca 30 post holes, each ot'jwhich were 3 ;feet Fbuth o1a;Bs—Is Oeo.1 E.-WeTaggrt he 6111 ng S� not det on Is 10 int., iand! was and settled on Ihe �farm on' which, he P, 2 Daniel a 3di Wm,� Rein -hart. 0 iopating. i the Walton in five hoUrS4 The w6rk Was MPI all ers, 1 east rX in'tbe meritdilf t eshoW. The att.. e all thel officials died, in 1�52. Mr. --Tully 1had done the o 1he farml Of Mr. Third cla ss the ther day IOU eleb� -a ed! ,Lisett ir! b cir it. all thel a0 A� tbeir alnY Points, bearing, upol the psand privations ofthe ames Campbell, L �t 15, co�acessiou Mar Mo, -rison 3 Schi&g. ii r sin ere Opul a gy hastic p mances, were BPI ua elfal 8 of the congr a early settlers to undergo, but persev' d 14, McKiii OP. SmOnd OX88—Ist Janei' Govenlok 2d Y the irduit were I his toil c in In e a Ix6eell igl good, ari� same ei Li I be the liscussed 114 the " b' ed with the th fty pnmiinc.�Mr. Sai4nel ScarlOtt is th Joseph Kenny, 18d 34mima Bu-J�Jard_. ruthfu ly s, A of IM npial affair were also fo: I -n time generous nd en- 0 'rst clasis—ist i d. Realta, Frof. fina )U d toj loe in . I possessor of two ew rE a itl at the s e tion I A the c lug Ina, er f tmarkf . LbI for Fi 06 Hannah,, 2 initli educELted dog�,i S r John I&Ott's satisfactory Cci otrag' A. his companion, on- their prolifie qnaliti4g. One Of them, AWrew Calder $d aind and, i 4 f ct, eacl =sion of Ote e Calder. Of E81 fea- meeting tie tard'' abled. them to iew out of th� wilderness 'bad five lambs, but difortumato Ily three A NAA�ow­ E ;CAP:E��' — Duting he tire df ihe E I �ow, Al i ith evening per. tend red their. pastor, the ev.1 Mr. a �omfortablehome for thei��selves and i of them died. The dt1her had tbree,two thunder storm wl i over t n orma , "e'll E tent was lih u wit] I the Bang , a h rote' 6f t4aut 8 for his a iargeifa ppssed. P eart y N mily-� 11� had the happiness of which are living. Section an Frid a farmer namea lectr i hg which,'shEi'd a briffialat indefiLtigable If bors and z6alcus (1hris- aft leading ail Is rnest Christian life BARN Fu in- Hugh Iton, Jam. es W Ch aaiai I(, 3.13 E Itian efforbs in I iebalf 9,f hfs peppi to: hay . e the -o -n s .1 9 on� the e;mnce lation! of his holy erect concession, -met, ith a! rather comi amon it bh igiozi, which! of :the Uth concessiot, has e4 a atlhor g I em. They I also re is a orded to those who T very handsome and -.00immodions lilarn escape from the fie 'At the pass d al resolui ion asking him th re- f1UJiCS' I] PTITUTE.— live� as they wi, sh i o die. Havingi at- with undergrouna 4tabies. may he time before the he Nras djour i 11 L beting of thi) member of main with 't1i em a4other �ear.i We taffiea theripe age of- 73 'years, he! de- P long live to gee it wo6il filled AS E ach out in the fiela a Some grain, a Im 0 b Institute h belie Mr. Ba igh ) do his. p4rtoedvith th st of h' bildrpla at harvest rolls over.' Mr. Hewitt of while Ste Ug OV he Sea f rE Mechaia, -,b' eld I Please the -pal u luisdik, st, Mr. I David filling no 0� pl was upiight Tra4e that is I It is sing to noti :u6h 'e4 3alat his bed -side. De ; Telea eased Usborne, was the cog�ractor. hopp, er, -ndel b1611t ame down a ad. 8 An I. d(d1ned t I tbe offiae of relat ns.existing between the �Bstor tindi.istdous and trictly honest, UNTORTUINATE. Xr. Thos. Xi 1543ruck in e�o so p_r resi put,�Ib which I 31hi - and The OffiCErS Of is charge. The la , his dealmas: with;' his fellow formerly of having only !left was;..kno M to where h 4d been e ect d at 51#e P .0- 7ious lm 3 ng. His rl�a_ WM His eking ti ims. a Rev. geltitlemaq has roved b men; was Steadfast '�in his on kr#ec. 0 re *as W0 a tw onpflhs ago, but now man4to MIDg IR In sAxxt at- zealous and 1 �fatithful 6hristia t d unassu and 'residing on his farmriear Grand F immediatei to 's I ing is bf time u wot ker, , anner, 0 S, g 'a the sae fi� end 1,0166 itie6, ov 1 to a pressure I i y ran; � a 9 and !ha� endeared himself to every a large circle of wellwiBher assistance a - f s, whichWas Dakota, has suffered a loss by the found. him lying on pri rq e � siness. 11 D.- D. F ose, member! of h"is an of w 0 as V1 lat by thE, vJry large concourse destruction of his ho'�3' lind Stabe by ble, ground insen si- Ili e )r.a it :11h reason, ell, a to a ept and it, was a, cc usiderable ti. ner W611 as taalay-oif othei de-nowinali, ris, wWch followed his remains, to its last r 11 e. He had oial completed the before he was f 11 tored to on- P. 11%yes wi k e highly Pleased a 1, retiting Y11 nd delig te place in the.cemetery at Irish- erection of these builings when they sciousriess.:I Hi�s hair and wh.iskers al*, a� C6 ngly, el t4d Pres.dent, -upon 0 ed f it have the were destroyed. earning df his determivatiC t town. The bereav4 am, y and cofiti, luop 69eiol- land his ears, ud Mr W Campti, it,; reasute bn� the cirCuit to were slightly sj� r, S t 0, is electe an:6 her sympathy of th.3 entir: .6 community.— Mowtfo-xisbr.—A briinch of the e- w,*ys oe blacke, Issistant he esesp year. ned, � but atii Smith fraternity has ;�taken root in ibis injury. A:pipe Wbi�h;hb ry, e�kiq sorry Xr. muld W. �ohuson d they aria now ende, 0 -Ing at the time' was-: k 'Oelked, O-Ut of I B10i throp. otsce i 4 'IV V township, an 7ay clea, 4o -accep the bining Hill.' V reside I c-, He bas,a' to Pull their neighbors out of i a orance month aud'land4�d So two rods away... 1,�Ioug ta. Zen a TE�-NfEEM4.—A tea-mee will I 61E CHEESE AcTonk.—MLilk drawing -them up i4 the a I hey 'Says th; LLINI was -e next timie e Sees a 'thun- E. has ago -in coin eep i nl it ba in the I 3tgtute an F and Set be held In the hurobil lT4cker- $in coin eu��Ced, and U inda. ),tq )Ie and iinqrgetic wi,rke I Mr- Wm, *hOuld go, but we hope th V orts der storm apprb�tchiiag ihe wil-I star r, Fur Hill's beese f a tor atWi a. wo. lid sfniilL, on the th ' of May. her tbrop is in will-lqe like hens teeth, few.and. scatter- the house WI, p ss' t Jor ible speed Ocellent presi- announcerneutp will be giv f all worki -- rdeK Having recently en Py i4eans ng e a6b In ent. `1604er, the 3 ition W) be of hand �bills,. _1 put new machi ery1in his facto d.. Rai,g these Men, relating t ieir Cc eeting of Me- With the ell a no r. Hays hav ry an (I fabulous stories, fully convinces uE , of Kill lalsof L. UcCme 3 ed I He Fok TIRE WEhT .).again s cu O, Comcil t Tk>0m, we n .—Mr. John lattl'8 red the service Ield th( off c, I 13 Of the old adage 110 mah thou art � t mly for the erection V tomeetthe 3 for o* e or wo- ter'm 3 be- t Sunnysiaie Far;m, accompanied byi Mr. Mr. o r> 4 t e RoXboro Soaliraig to brid 3,a tdi present season, i Mr. depraved." esented,lit as mo� ved by Wi n. -lea :Itave hill means to manufact d AcCIDENT.—Mr. John Duffus I m aao: g4ve universil s tisfactioli. and John Fitzgeralid of Nfeadow I being pr ememMers have do e -wisely to re- I I I Ure a goo 'A start d on qIng Grieve, seoon&4 b tolartbtotigh Da :.article. The q I I Llex. Reir, at kota �i and r, of milk as yet- A. movem has been the eighth concespion, met witb a the bo-adis and. ect In I.' ;A. movern on hey-ar both intellile factory is smal), but �y set Mani obk. AS- ent, .going daily to the es presented for tl�le oplfec�lion of th, RX- and e funds Ell liquidato the relia t6dly lear this is Owing to itbe,searcity of grass.. time ago. it L. McCrae, f A funds I I' painful accident a sb6rt le ineu md will undoub e appears bt c n be Ihe was assisting a neighbor' to boro bridge be a' eGreation. - -opm, &lad a 3ub- some 1 g fro0i them ton their lbcepte� and Consir 3d r 114 return. I)ORNG WELL ILt Isaac Humber take a roller Ont f has beer '*�ed with ;bat Mr. Ash a when' the atisfactory—C.�rried. James Mart in 6 I w th tbein as jebt vi&, and i laths former slil .1 ally for as `.stone, who left his part two mo )pe�, Ocrus�tngggolhlis thuml) and Mrs. Duffvins,4 i:eing libi Fargq, m here bIe purp ses s 8, p1heation to be ettling. �! He for Manitob , has taken of the annexed toi sebool 6 Sh;lldthecli t be a( Xoll1i- beingi a young man up land in between it and thd bottom sl 0 ion N�Q- 8, bet ig Our stock, It of!brilliallt t4ents th t province. He says it is a good wagon. box. The kiand. sw Up wore I tb- burden 6f 11the marlaging and 1no0rumpa abiliti�es, will i b piled. ronv4nient e � tery country, a -ad that he likes i foi tibeir Children to in ro it t better badly,'and wa's painfifi for some t Mi e- ill.. be male lially tighten- much Schbol. 1 Mv- ea' by George Hol- m Issedi in this neighbothood.. He every d.�ay. He is puttingin-' a crop of afterwards. We hope shortly to see .land, see �ency, ute h ' olnl�ded by W in a d 6 Is, mciency 0 the InAib ca.rries7A him tbe,vk,ell wishes 0 the w4eat,,and int ds to be back hero all ri lit 6rieve, s rre c 4�gly incre le entire cqmm��ity. in, again. i abcordace with 1 th6 4ppli Mr. Duffus g caflon ai la *i and after a ing in bis harvest he FARn SOLD.—Mr. Isaac Cullie as petition of will in tbe aboe �arties that the r pri OUR SCHOOi4—Tbe avera iahe arran ements for taking his sold. his' farm consisting . of �he Oast south haif :Of to Stephe I I was 59, the a Foregate I atteildlon ti II., coi4cession 11, and See '011, i, ce iOl. family and effects in the fall to" the half of lot 20, �9th c0pneession,l to �his i lot 12, he last meet- The usual mk)pthly oxamingtion ssion 10,i be transferrid rorie 0 "I El) re,,z oJ ved he] as P provincp. neighbor Mr. John Little, ool Seotion !9�. 6 and annemd, 6f S Plibli Council,ii was A, the folibiving is the marks ob ILIn- FAR3JIN-C, OPER-kTIONS .—Farmers are it the su of �2,500. The f i I 1 P4 th arm th i C on c ass Wn be 001a- i to School NO. 8,l and 164 Clerk notify It the Six Cl��S at.tbe litc b crosin, fie road at Ed by leac! h Pit -through sowing their spring grains, and tains 50 acres and onit stands' onei of 'iiteresied part' oleueed; also That T. 1�'reii 4913, Mathew Miller 493. �ao busy rolling� and sow Jes­-�C4rri:ed. , A num- t ep L en Council ir'. adt the Cc u acil Fifth I C1 i -ug salt , on the best orchards in tl ris neighboh, od. ber of pathtnastpr lists, twere �m;ade xp ass —qohn Rice 417, Sa net tbe,ir fields, and also !X aring the Mr. Currie'des not mean. to lea, n- and' some �oiher busin.ess lt6nsacted. y in. Geo. Eanley ,296, ground for tbeir root crops. Quite a tario at present, but ii tenZIs to purchase Moved by Wim. Evan (Uei, On the 41]4d Mond& in Latta� 298, W prep I Bend, n6,,:t i a the pu rpose i Gideon Holikirk 274. Fourth 01' Seconde .I! . ;� * 0 8— noYel way of rol ,,,z n I be asses e t roll a ff 3ct- Ellen A. �Keef t,)23, Minnie Parish i� 16, Yng and.tsowing salt� at another farm if one i art of Revision equ a . 4 me suitable can, be I Alex. Kerr that the Can the same t has j4st come into obtained. He of the old 'Sal Col. See Ao Iest for this t owns i be 14e d at Hprmsu� No. 8. also James Taylor 205., Jessie A.' Ste� 19; art f ashion. it requires two -,persons to do settlers in this is 0 arriving in iPl t li� 4 vray C 0" cil at- Unler- 190, Catharine Stewart Y61, ere e 29th of May, at dual sowing salt sits on when this part i Hotel on S%tur oy, th -for a si lar Humesto 149, Marth.4 McTaggart 124 the box of the roller witli his back t( 11 Clrk pu-lish. Iy ddivi vie ��t I to %wing d J0nes it.' The i of the country t wasl a 10 O'clock a. m., and t i7pPsb1,. ITILE Court C evision iE !to Senio� T rd Class—Sarah �fflley th forest, and the dnizel4s of the w�lds the required legal no relative thero: - tic A. E4 e d -river, and sow with both hands, roaming- whereler they pie �d 'Pla- to in the Soaforth papi)axried. rge r 6n, 02 1 53 4e I g In t r E I0 ; lI MI II I ICr 'k Iat� trbets 'al kz Vacant �C ts P1 at ball, marbles Lud other gf 6 rho I. AVOU expooltov. These 'boys; habitia YUy abF e at t. I M - selves,from school i rithout . bl, lie k, tledge o their par -,i �6, and tt M t DISTRIOT MATTER .. S. usi only in nie themsi I es by , -v a at m I t a Itime ich shouldbe emp1cysd i ed - To Lovr, Rs o GoojD RFADixG.—Funk's cation, but disarra n le the sch)oi d Standard $eries of wonderfully cheap literatwe in their i4regular atundace ,ratar e 'istory, 13iogaraphy, Science and Religion. Among 'prOgr0k s of those i v] o atten relu m hich axe Farrar's Life of Christ, Farrar's Life of El.t. Paul, Geilde's Life and Words of Christ, Ron- It won be well i or the ar, 3u A beare and Hawson's Life and Epistles of - Paul, these c hildren to I p li more 4A D84 4Y aftAr ht'r, History of England�­good paper, large them, a ti.pe and handsome volumes, at the !neredibly low an take thel. trouble ' to I Ss a tj 8 of from 15 cents to 25 "nts per'volume. themselves that I y are sc ( i i's -ace old by LiumstlFN & WiLiols,!, Seaforth, at- Pub- they piofess to.be, instead r I oil, mt, g 1j, YherS' prices. W-2 vxouna� the streets and I'laUg 11 And it is very muah.lamentO Brutus, vicious and I& b a its. If That you have no such irrors: as will turn ZY P n 4� ca� a -worthiness into your eye, not, or 1 will . not I r 7 to cc n tro: I �h '.r Your hidden I . That you might see your shadow." OW4, dren, the], � a-eecL not (T Be', 1hi It is our good fortune to live in a progressiv either eachers or titustees can'dc) t! fo: �r and what was, impossible to the noblel; 19omaa, c&u,be enjoyed by a�ll who patronise them. s Photo Art Studio in the Whitney B COU�OIL MEETING4—At the last med LAwN MbwEns.—A Full Supply of the ( ing of the town cou: Icil a potition. as. It ifladelphia Lawn Alowers will be to hand in &�� pre�entIed asking tt e 'council t:) 0e. fe v days, including all the sizes 12,14 and 16 inch, madn street *ater& . But the bet, io V 11oh will be sold at $10, $12 iLnd $14. Parties asked t1hat the froir ages of X -fEet " d.. ould call and examine, as --the" Philadelphia' ve a � deal I) rate le . 'Th I s 18, without doubt, one of the best Iswu mowers� I under ha ed firinfactured. W. N. Main Stroet,l Iis contrary to ptat I ie, and cipi Me 1i; t)y Zxtorth. 649 a by-la1w in accor4ance wit the: U - SEEDS, SEDs.—Farmelrs. in. want of tion cOuld'not A passe, a.,. i 4- itba 0 Dod Fresh Reliable Field Seeds, true to name,` petition was. referred bac.. to tb a 's before purchasing. My stock aill at D. D. Rom petitioners for &me. idment. A rE§ �Old- h*g been carefully selected from some of the most relspongible seed firms in Canada, afad will be sold tio7n wa's also, passeo]. o the E ffe A th� t "'.&very small advancoonArst cost. D.D.RosE,f the water works c6atracto be n' 6 G�Gcer, next to the- Post Office, Seaforth. W that a large numbeii of the '.)es t8 a. FOR Cows.—' Spleladid, Pasture used.ars too lightFand that )nly J far cows, convenient to the town Apply to F. G. 9 � larling, at Gray, Young & Sp Is Salt Works. pipes a� are properweight wi 1 ba A -satisfactory arrangement hai; 9 been made with: the cont a DEBENTuR.Fs SIODD.—Th�e waterworks Lewis McDonald &",Co., of V raltom �ei 3 -lebentures.have been sold to Mr. M. i awarded the contr4ct for - um )et r P. Hayes, for a firm., in T-oronto,, for srle-waks,their tem ter being the ION �766 961. The debentureabea six per cent. it The following are tb isfigures -nd run for 20 yi6ars. This s per th4lisai erest a ad feet - i -�ck e1n: 01.0 w, a good sale and more f�vorable than i oedar. $10. t1i at previously made. The increased I 1 &I aount realized will do I much more' APRON AZAI%.—B` refereme to; bull - Wan make up for the expense incurred advertiaingL X I oolumns!lt will bg seon'l i ot in submitti the by-la�� the see Ing ond the Ladies"Aid. Sodiety in onlie 1 with' St. Thomas C . rch, S Lfo.. t iq-, tend holding a gral6d. bazar -o Me Iso ION SRVIcEs he -ommun- day hext, the fith D'ay forthe al -O 11 _tCOXX7UN apronsandother meful articles io Services in culanectibn with the Pi 'esbyterian chnroh,L were held on Sun-, ladies have been engaged for day last. On- Friday afternoon the pre- mouths past in preparing for t he eV nt Y1 i e0o paratorysem-ices, were conducted b sndhaveonh�dida very I e c,011 the Rev. Rx. Thomson, of Bracelle tion of aprons of. all'. descrip on 81'it� On Sunday and on Monday follow able for young and old, and every 7& - the pulit was ocoupied by Principa, riety of material. lu addi la to: ;he Grant, of Queen's College, KingstoR. aprolas,-thlay have - a great in any Ol ler Oii Sunday the church was crow.ded at articles which b 'i: diets of worship, and we are sure selves to tk� pubwllic,i The 1 A ChE 9 1 1; 7ill. th those. who attended v�ere not dis- also be prepared to furnisli refit 3h- & iointed.' The, Rev. Pr1ofessor fully ments. We understaind the �ioceed', of su &ilaed his high repitaton. - His i the bazar will be. devoted to hQ. Pr- re- chase,of carpeting for the eb 'ne, �I,T� In(i mons were clear, logical, comp hensive, and eloquent, thal; on Sunday we hope that the ladie'B will . eel i M Morning being partioularlylable. Queen's the success in the* under king to Cc Uege is to certainly fortunate in having which their labors sowell en thi at its head so able and amiable a pro- femor and divine. IJISTRIBUTION Z I ItImm—., he o il� dren attending the PreBbytex i an S b. I.XOOD STOCK.—Mr. Thomas F Oster, Of bath School, assemble d at the a [iu ch on' th', a town, refused the sum! of $100 from �c a tl an in Hamburg, for a mare Monday evening last, for the 1, 1 irl �osE I of c11tTe:1101n11my a few weeks old ; Mr. Patte- receivilag prizes of merit for proh elicy Sol li, postmaster of Walton, was also of - and regularity durinf � the p A yE ar. i Juding from the att,�ndance of lit tip fez ed and refused $100 for a suckling 't ones on Monday eve aing, the I res` ko e colt, and t Mr. Peter Scott, of �Y_ .terian Sabbath School is by I III �Lna Biussels, has repeatedly refused $150 a small or thinly att noled ir tim, d 11, for - a yearling horse colt.. while Mr BE 11, of the Londesboro, H otel, recently as there must have pen ovei 3(oboys and girls in attend& Ice, and al b6th purchased & colt, eleven )months old, prize winners ad ' r qn-prize w �&rs�, for the sam of $80. All these fine you Ug looked pleased .and happy.- I eli.Stlof an, alsaxe sired by the celebrated i ecessful Students was read (ut by 1 6 a tollion, ,,Clear Grit," the property of Su George Whiteley, of this town. Superintendent, Mr. Wilson, an �th prizes were.� presehted by thi. I adbr', ','A ImUer, " another .Polt sired by this 'roe, is now in Rev. Mr. McDonald.; At thi c Ile UI ho trd ning, for the Am-. 'bution, the it to sion, of the prize distri- MUM Circuit, and we notice that a few folks were briefly addi,,'eBsed by ri a 111� da�s ago he made a'm'ile in the akon- ! lad' Rev' Mr. Md.D pal Grant :a On md�- lial'ingly good time of 2.19J. Blood will IDuring th evening they sa,I16 sey al t hymnsveryp'leasingly under teload3ro ship of Pro . 'I TO TzAcnEn4—.Mr. James Fergugon, I fessor Jone Miss Telinie N ib t Viec-President of the North Huron �on presiding at the, orgala. � E Ir n. Ing was a very pleasait one, both to Id t Teachers' :i3sociation, wishes us -to sta e that fetun, tickets at a fare and and- young. t a tMrd will be granted to teachers and ot. OrB desiring to attend the conven- THIS- JuBILZE SiNcuiRs.—Tbe eilt6r�'. t ti at Wingfham, on Thursday and tam-ment. given in I the B I A ho list t Fr':day pext. These return tickets will 6hurch by the O'Biny)un Jubile6,8 110gl- be issued at the stations on the route of or, off Friday evenuig last, -Was loot the Great Western Railway on the - re- vo�,iry., largely i attended. Me Is tort Lin. f q;i I site certiflomte b6ing-produced to the MOi&, how;4er, was wp,11 deser, ing f, a respective ticket ageuts.t, Mr. Ferguson good audience.- The Compally C Xh- 0 further states : ,,The certificates sigia- priseff six- members, fo r males ad I I ed by me, will be Set to the charge of females fall �of whom a le eVid latly et. 0 thd master of the public school in', the 6euent m usibians. T1 e., r appef ito bei tolv.ra or village, and addresged generally very respectable awd utivated pe, B; e to the nearest resident toa; I cher,when I and tlWr entertainme t is of a leio� e& do: not kno any particular -address to ly higher order than that given b y 'he whichto Send them. Tfiese -parties Sheppard Jubilee sin 8 some - t. Die . I ago. Mrs. O'Bany-ou"', Will, I trust, -kindly attend -to' taking i . - ,1who is alum -i I theEA from the office and filling them i �pnt looking aud evidentl a highly aO-� 0 up for any parties who' may be entitled oom.pjished lady, presi4 e ' a I rg al I, P to receive them." and upon special reque t Sang I p, very e pleasing -manner that I beautiful Sol),, k, WATERWouxs.—ExcaVating, for "Pass under the rod." Them hole ei- S the water pipes is going on splendidly. tfirtainment -was most interestmg,and A IDrge gang of men are constantly,at we have very' great pl 3asure i al Con, we k, and a large am 1� t unt of excavation mending thelcompany ;b public patioii-- f ha been completed wad the pipes laid age wherobver!,they lh&31 in fut ire ap. . e pear. Mr. O'Banyoun IhDs beer a mil I :I-: r 1R. We understad that quite a num� ister- of the Methodist A arch j or c he of the -pipes are lightle; Ahan tho liver spepifloations, 'called for, And 20 years, and is a Ile. h, d" conse- very agreea quo-ittly, the Committee in -charge of fluent Speaker, and evidantly goo a theiwork will not allow th61n to be laid well-meaning man. T I a who' unless satief actorily arranged for by the pany belong to Hamilto 'and ve tl i eir� coll,itractars. It is likely, however, that i earnings in thi4 way to 3.rds a 'and forlil Suitable allowance will be - made by the re -erection of tbei hurch' n. t hat P the contractors for light wel The city, which was destrryed s :'I ghts. oDiei t me C01timittee are calline, for tenders for aao,by fire. the erection and completion; of the wa- terworks building. TeudEws will be LOCAL BRtFFS.—Mr. Samuej ohn- rec"Wedbythe Cleirk! until noon .On I son left 'Pfor Winnipeg, Manit ba on MG (lay ii - I Monday last. :I I I xext, the coi-tractior to furnish We hope his rigibte4t all E'aterial and to have that buildings auticipaii6na - may b mor one Losed and ready- fo the reception of, realizbol.L-Main street :s ve idu the engines by the lat July, and com-- these. -clays, and if anoi b ar shc wer 0�. pleted by- the middle of the sa the-watercar� do not come or me Soon, UrIfortImates rEtty. month. Plans and specificabions of the wlic have to db wol k to be doue Can be seen :9,t the business on our prirciFa .1 thorc ugbf arell Clef ­k's office. will liave to Wear scr is O�er ti eir; months an(f!'eyes.—Mr, Tho's. Goven�v TRE Pt711T.TC Sciroor,.—Tbe attend- I lock shipped his fat catt' .e on W�ddes� aue;- at -the Seaforth School during the day. They i occupied .P.ve cars month of April was as follows: Mr. aounted to over $5 V is is Me] "mWs room, 33 ori roll, 23 averae ';pretty good send off f r one in al 1. —9 attcuLlance; Mr, Sellars, 39 on'rolk 64 Town Cou'nc it should 1purebase, attaudamce; Miss Anderson's, 11 circus fence placed on Main, Stre�t, )1),;!, il b (111. roll, 4.5 average attendance 'a block, : posite C&rdn,6 and leave Ciwan's, 73 on roll, 52 average at- 1 �there so as to bide fro'D , It pubtl e vi t0in"18-neo); Mi9s 9aw, 69 on roll, 51 �tbe filth,, b Ole in the lot, behind. ave atendace Ross, 66 on h&rd enough for the c e le to be poism., E roll 52 average attendaucc, - Miss Ma- ed with the �fumes from th' (b bee, 114 ou roll, 85 . e putrid tWera,re attendance. water in this bole without having their E It will be be seen tha tbe attendance senses disgusted by I viewing it 'every I in the- senior 'depatments was very 'ime they pass along tl e street'—NDW cc I It-, light during the pat month, and we ;hat the warm weather 1has set in, Ihe Ed u,ndl-ArKtand that this inoth the at- luthoritie� bould'se e Vibat the s reiets'll cc tenf&nce is even smaller. It is the in- wd back yards are properlv cle 6 e tention of -the trustees to -relieve the row of illico maple t ees hai e boeu lower dep&rtriieuts, which are�,over- liInted aoug the street I leactin to the Crowded,, by a general system of pro Io A= mo- Tigh School.—We are J glad , to learn in aaulo 0 tion. l3v this means the necessity for lat Mrs. Geor-,e Goui lock, N� her junior teacher will be obviated. iteen serio uslv� ill for several w tEi is 12 One of the principal Complaints of both iow-much 13etter, and the mi sl� td teachers &lad trustees, espe'eiallv since �,ouragiug hope I 0 thc' 46 Weather cae in, is ir-reaular ecovery- -M 3 ae etitErtained f4.,ter f r. Henry Morrow, in�,c S_ V, 0-tteqUiloe. This is caused, in a very or to Mr. j. H. Wood, as agent ''or 'the of gre measure 'by boys habit ally and ntario Alutual Lij u persistently Ell surance ally �Iayiug truant, 'Almost-' )any, has beela in town for sever III d8 s to day in the week groups of boys, n the interests of th e :C)mp&uN,... hers iel who t;hould be at school, can be seen On Z8 several inemb�ers in this to, ni an,l p a IIt e to 03 S" 0 ar In h. t3100RE I IIIIIIIIII*AY 14, 1880 I3EXP $1T0 THE HUROM EXP ISol, The May &n�d' I he next Mary sudson 187, Sam nel douch, the salt being in 4 blox or ve s MILm vici I I Y!,,, ',the.Cc Inp' y is die irved. - be held on the 25th lary J. Morrison delightful and r1ofieshing sliowei� of he first 155, 1N ly I IS, I a us A r. regular meeting of Clouncu a h1ad al n,,, a num- John Ricko 87, John W. H6mes- the past and presobn weeks hi w W is 4pw it- I g w- small pc al, office Monday in June. Alwr Junior! Third—Peter Stewart most beneficial le ot upor. the fill'. NO hwest Ve� notice b F the ber,of accounts and a nt of -61 2 for tc 62. ins, mea - 1 1i and ..in Ows 'IA. G. MOD61 MALL & 0 Me- indi Is t relief, the Str o.. a taculacil ai urned. 298, Henlry Ryokman 283, Ch4s, Latta wheat, spring IF- ic4tions papers James I resent i zd 19 a 282, Christina tShillinglaw 273, -Alex. pasture fields. 11 that town for a Mu II is 9�8611VUS : promise a heavy 'lu mp cro J�ut hese Swan 278, Mar�, J. Meters 242, M4ry A. p idturesqad Can- thelfrost PU I entitleV . I I 1 190i Samuel . HumnlestOW prospects may be ddstroy-ed I acte sil Is l� ey. oggarth 1 DATIff.—I St Hoggart 10. � I M 0 �H ATS I Ek n I Alit So to No re ot 1�aving tc an- h or the curculi ITR I M E I 8, B All 'h 177, Agnes Iillu il ate e hiabi r� iLn jt3icendry eo Iliiulam�.---I-On Frid, y morn- nounce the death 0 1 rs. eikr, I HORSE,, 1 7, Win. ogg h 1413 Mary E.� Rice Cal al si. I is mecti 2E with goo I Sue- Mr. Richard - Spealt, formdly� of this latnell 90, Hattie Ryck- ing last a valuab�e I driving arop� be- Varieti, to bo found, in w lJohn. Go, MY I 1 5, Dona ThO our Cps J; P. B� t Wit] i ather to nship, which oce " urred I th3 C unty Ime n an 88, bble Hincks 79, Lizzie longing to Mr. V111al,04, of ap if *iaentlt I ol r days a 1 He of ilent last week. a se �ere I and Ist and. second ciasses Winthrop, met w- JNauleyM he: a a t a orly roots n his WFst.*.—Mra� Malcolm a eron ROOM w p A g Btr GONE tten tests. dangerous accid(ipt She lad. been: MILLINERY 8HOW I x4milned by wri ere not Is I t1i 9 midd finger of 2nd 1 conceosion ot Stanl6y, I her placi. ri. WHO DII) IT ?-�-What ? Wherd 2 That hitched. to the Iluggy prepar tory widen family, left Jon I her I of I lis ril t hand U thi hole to nday 0 01, Lrrel of cider belonging to Mr. ck- tobeing driven to i Siesforth, and was 1141i southbrn DE kota, a ga lis di ii i a' twist, breaking hu n of the North Boundary, Usbbrne? tied to a Pump uInal i 1 those ho ware th I v, rhich as 'ia very'loolish whither tbey�'went -sonAe time iLgc anol TRIMOUD HATS 0 olled the barrel across two going to use her' got ready. III the: farmi and ITIM Uhin g for gensib 3 a hke * m to do. have taken u land. almost half of it, 6ut of, mean time she goli f-'Jightened at some- WHOL Mr. I lackers it , has �eb Spros'; -OM 1113 DOLLA UP I �dh` -he has b ad in thing and brok' ler fastening and a lt bo� agon v Lnu ley. ell—ou t of a, Ob all I tell it?—a, wash F4 O' i -he Y was cap- ized I 11 � isih. This, is the, first petty robbery Started. off. T b COE: t 6 :ie on I], a f 4`17111 for o, rer 28 Is axe glIad t see af ts broken ronicled in tb;is viqinity,and is suppos- -ad the C the CONVALESCI NTa b a one of years iagoc I It Was made that Miss Suf ie Ste cy, who I as been -e 2? in. 4IRY -pthr 1�buse. ovum; by eve I .4Mr. F. D daAc, be ci a trick,'as the unkiown broken part of the shaft penetrating her 1 Cannot i be So wler, 6und Egain. B quite ill for Some ti Is is iten inflicte(i a dangerous wouna.' ar I d, 'parties left the barrel and what cider abdon. Jr., Y. 1 Hulleft, ship- Ills n4ers I -t uron MlusicAL'.— Ir!he L mley Bell they did not drink in a place where it She was ultimately Secured, and' Mr. ed a 101 of t I( 3thbrea )Uus to are somew a i e 01 t in time. This .,,froin Seaf )rth, � was Mahiloba i Thur la*. We icpe he t once be seen by the owner, or McNaught V S would a I we �Aribute ;o a a t of practice in M10 RN N G Goo OYS a goo M.— 1,181 I ex- . . I will d we with th; passers by. a trick is a telegraphed for. -0 his a -rivaJ I the ng the ,,be loss." swingi ound was dressed, d the Lnim4l is Ca1v tig the wate d t h on wholeso 0 ai1r,but. do not allow them w ITo :aF, OPENED. ----+Mr. J. T. Westcott CA t, opposit 's h ie th ilna , e quite -so badly upon the now recovering. Th buggy,.vas aaiy 1 A IfQ_ I? E LTY. S IMa A Am iir's the Iwill open hii i new , store on Grange p.orsonalrig tsOf others. demolished. othe ct�v, the work eii turne , up a street in a feNt days. � The stor is now Curi 8 it� i it the sh; itp df a sto a with a ts 1i being filled with a lArge and arefully Wr ater. Select teadym (Ile Hkts an Bot BkIIUssels. the lint (of a 1&191 stell plah 13- dis- far- Also M le and Triined to Ori er selected stoex. AN AwaEEABLE: HANG'E--O 'lit wa ound i '80 'It Wa -1 O" ON A VisiT.—Mr. F. Vanstone cerl E16 Ion, its 13. left 0 mers wear a diffore4t Jace whet dis- Short IT5(i Iabo: i i t filv' b 3et fro; n the surfa 3e and Mol�ns- oh Wednesday for a month's visit t ising dairy produ.c,", this Spring from Mr.. Samuel ftiend in C' In I lid lasti y ar at this time. .wa 1 3ecu by Mi. t. J?. Pashle who ITE -,iiinati 'and St. Louis. cuf y ?f 8 or 1'�(TEREST what they C ha.( ear,6 Ily laid - t a in his cun- Walke is at tresen engaged in, diggaing TKEN P0,=EspxoN.—Mr. A. Roe,- Of �y ibr- n DOING WELL�-4A Visit t Xessrs., S 71, R,A 0 .0 D S. 0,9, was 2, sh %—The' N stree t out th cellarl for hi new house. The Toronto, the liessee of the Queen's SATUR1 8 Whelan Black's�foindry in �his ace, wal 1 8berday 111-a to th 3 relief brick. rk is.' shortl lo be comme ced. Hotel took possession on Wednesday e c disclosed the fact th A these ntlemen ed. 8 hapo� and mater [al i of tlieid lers thE174011 Messr i. Laid- —Mr. tr very A,pprov J. McCase .1DOIJ, acto stirted las naiiii are rapidly increising their �Ue law & li�d a couple of TOCK SHIRME�TTS.—.Qln Saturday� last a;, r ey ha, 7c to f ame Mr.,w. Cl rke'� shed, 32 x 66, i"s an- r I p. L a' were six - Q r 'here, nd by their a,cc ommo, one �C Ver an Isc, me sign pl4ced in frynt of lt�ere loads of fat cattle on Monday i4ast. McCasey has .o� Boy.8�, 11sses 44d iUren ock. Vic of a th s station, 4 going via ner ax Card 1 S W Ld proompt a�te!ntion to, business Ua0f the: st oil procured the "'I.Ser fi rst- lass 8, lipped om th ne C i 'I to ngIaud., 1 to Buffalo and biod faii to becomo f4.vorites �with the X71ans,lDu54stah workma� 'anl it i anticipated- that trea public. French ohipi, &d C.R Mil MEN il DERE.D. Th one to Toronto.' The cattle were all e the wo wilYbe do e in good St5le.— Mit aell, Re order of I isf week c on tains Mr John Robb, of oiris,. -recently sold bO f Brusels and GOOD HORSES. Sharp,, of $ea- ught in th vi�mity o the f91cw1ag vile upon our forth, passed thrq'ug4 here ithe o. her a yoke I PC and. were a fine b of stock. A ox at 5 ents per INESS HA vevy s ar- 1 men. lei. *G.—Mrs. J. Crosker, day -with a few 6od h4ses, Fine Assortmbnt in School Hats, At The ox an out on wor ly wlighod, lab Is mol th hased n this ghbohood It. 12je., 17c., 20b.J 25ct, 550e.,'75c. anit. $1�� &forth bring oIt the Dominion' Telegraph office I and c n IMCI' made in 8( "S mIpi( aints are 1!1'a der ago, 3.,760 pou)ads, which woul George Harris Jr.; h S a two year! old Ithat 110�n 01�fpl ami8hed bl e t6*n by th3 , uburb him in $188. Mr. Robb is a good far- news depot, has ;old her stock to 'Mr. t ire colt from D stow's mp �e 1 milk i i pii i r�, te��en s im id riot of 13erlin, who will.con- ent mer and. alwa�"s takes a pride in, ba vi ng Oberholtzer, b III England's Wandelt, r wh e r con- es Ste tioue the b1sin a in the ol ltud H.- demit I f0l th 6t. The In ie Y1 3w of first-claIss sto64. LOWERS AND TEATi 11S fused 4250. Friend eorge hin he )B to sup �( so I t on ac Mrs. Crool thee e,w6ul4 C01 LUt Of ia ihtends going to New I can afford to own 00 hors as ell the eR to �'impregnato with �Usbojrne. a -we TWI&I, TO salt ePC 8 ink a gn IA I ntity of 1 tr hence Ever -ug In Spr 4 rge -Moi pon, Eve' thing to THE SAD Nzws�. The news of the as any one- 0 t them y PERS 1 NAL.,Mr. dw teach d9ath of the H6n. Geo. -Brown,, of GOOD CATTLE.— r Robert Gib ons. �Offft. 16 er, and is father, ar r �.O III �l le Ir b place v r( Have to si 6y that off on to Toronto, was received on Sunday morn- of Wroxeter, sold Mr. Job.L� Go �en- Everything Maw iii I rench glow� IOWV& S dDakbta fo.r the purl�tooslql) of We L it, wc ild A wI611 For otr neigl or to ilig at 9 A. M., via the Montreal and lock, of Seaforth, 6is we I Se led. Ostrich- Tips1l ana taking p land, if they are pleasedwith en. ers, Sha and J�P�ain devote Ih IL i I'lie mill in eu of head of fat cattle pirri ipally three year- ]?in �eiation , Dbilabaion telegraph lines. The nes, mes. the cou try. 'Xr. Ties. Case, Jr , of A-1, age his 6 wn. W 1, inwholi a �Ihe no doubt is old steers, whose weight L as IMcGill though loo received was keafor', when 0 0 Collei Montreal, and son of 0 ht i0e Ste 1, h Id leav 3 t d6se of SE af orth, greatly regre ited by, all parties. ]During 1,300 pounds each,'a d. which bro S Mr T. 6LEl, Of Usbo me, has tah en Mr. i iuvillom,'bbisnotia�r4oted,akn(,. In ti�e day flags wero flying at haf-mast him -within a trifle -of $450. Mr. Xohla T R I'M M I L KS. G. o r's School while he is abTnt on WE WIJ the il$sinuatio [I eon- I Scarbli and Joseph Montgomery; of his journey froli'm the residences of F. C. Rogers and tain 3 ft tie above I a M�'graph is . en. I is th' C, R. Coopert HowiA,also delivefe.4 at the same t me toCk appros ches tirel Y grf tdil ous &no I t usatic 'a L 'is ATIONAk.—Th0 following 0 a fine lot of anhinalp.. I; We did not leaam 1 There !,is no S staudin 0 I 9 senior (I f#OU, lattei fi dtj f: bus. T I ro are bul, - ihree PUP rey. their weight or p4co,.but understand, of Soho I See on No. 1, Usboi ne for mill I I len ",w b o make �business of fur. EDUcititio-_4AL.—Tha following is the that they received 5 1, cents- per ppoo a . ' I the mo th of OFifth clasB- -Agnes L-7 Uk to the vish 9 9p.eof thi town, stonding ofthe pup� of School See- live weight. They tere bought ;for to B n, Mr IViz.: M. P. H* At L THIt NOVILT11 E -S. Moir 10 A. laning 92,'Maggie Effoir tion No. shipmen Lt to England,' That is the way 90, Jas. Stra 63. Senior fcur;h— 2, GieY, for the month of WE Griev)�ai -Ro Iic- to make cattle fee9mg!'pay. aid. Ir. Gray, d in April. Thestan4ingof the fifth class IMaggio! oir 1 3, JesBi6 Moir Ill E. this On 13 nity, er, these gentle- isidetermilned by Written examinations ney S BIM321" Jeckell 6, Mallidaiae Down 75, 0. Case ils S tins, ,1 men re knowr lad person viould in' arithmetic 72, Isab�ella Mpir 73. Junior fouAh— al ebra, geometry, &c. IMmee School for a, o:: toi t think A 81 specting t hem 9 The standig: of he other classes is A SToi[las atur quite a 13ioc of w: ( ng. Inc i: Ig or eN I ctices. Th Marietta M Ing 5, Alex. Moir 74, based up ten examination iu thunder storm over a P t iof the soft 4 awep ey Third bias Bsie Stewart 127, Anet Canda are :LRbone3t, honor a, fair -da ding I i 1 -a arithmetic, ugh 't e idea of Moir and Ma gie - Lowe 116, 1 abells �cget,her with a general township, going tl Zinich and men o. tvb aid scor I 6dul- pioficien cy throughout the mouth in killing a cow by ghtning I for Mr. Lowe and Evw Mann:ing 109, Ja a Mor- I teral ill, II.4: milk t4 y end. in the the different 'bra�ches prescrib6d for Zimmerman, but ng no! furthei r1son. 941. ef the -1 I Y, cont. the milk % of the eSt, if th class serious harm. each of the sover4l forms: r Clea t ail -w lesome (bar- Hors. tbdugh many of De most 'K pen. st Mary . 4islop, 2d Saralii G. ip Tim C —Al �the ei a0te and. ef-1v 11011 ere knoft it. iU er ACUIN ow H4ND.—Our our old friend, Sm' III Fou-tth c1lass Ist olin. Har- clover and wheat flelds have Suffered. SO13114 o: 8 Is I 0 CO so that ie- reral David *cLen an, th� popular p oduce d Elizabeth Wilfi6mson, 3d Dan. considerably �Y t1id late frosts, Ahe aff genUe ell; ir to,�in pftebase milc rom. dealer, �s agaig to the fore, and is o ffer- Me illan. Seniior third class 1st warm, refreshing rai no that we, ae get- GD ing faxmers po ular prices fo llers, 2d Margaret 0 ",ALL & 00 Ob6ianoldrinklit reet Atin e Si A` McAllis- ting in:abund4nce arie onderfully A. m and. r wo)l and w reviv r h )ffices.., If I j were w al ered all other kinds of farip produ e. d eli ver- ter, I d Mar Sii�ith, 4th ggoHis- ing the wheat crops A -U4 w1atis left of the or Ot 3 3 adulterated'it is not Ikely ed at -his waroi [louse in Ki Mr. lop, �th Thos, Tuirnbull. Junior third, timbth� allad - app. irect Ilm ters1 of Slaple ad. Vi it, wor I taken as pen. arently we I por i ey b erage i 4 this class�--lst Wm. F' Ramsay, 2d Chas. are'. going to. have a, *Od fruit Year,. arg McLennan is a I Is dealer i� P�011uce Dry qooas, 41illli�iEry, Mantles I-, I For secaring t W ay. and does his sl are towards -keeping up 13� -wilbee, 3d Wn�,. Morrison, 4th Ism- thmigh-L-dur pr6spectis in the latter may- shawls beh,a1J. Askiu Sth Rachl Stewart. b j rTp-,,, - on�s the credit of Huron I I Is blasted by late fito�,ts. CI il t mark ts. I Ong II—ist Elizal,eth Sqhi6r second �Iass Ci�rcl wit! g [ve twol 11pe formande i in Inay he wave I I OUR L 'NSIJUANCE 1COMPAMY, The ri PEUSZ H' lop, 2d Mary;XcFadzean, 3d Sohn this 1 1�n next. Of the L.— i he in�ny friends �f the Board of Directors 6f � the Hay Mutual III -eon 1 y bleSted, t* is tco. be ro, Rev., ;V1M11tso-.1, 4th So 'Mr. blit hn Askin, 5th 0. H "r Mr. Cam(ron MO at S. tulutpol on his porchs,se an Ifiovi 11%milionj $1) vator of the will rei i to 14 arn S Fire Insurance Ccimpan" it ny Junior see h ivy .3 el ipectati that he has rec utly been inc %paoitated Imi a 0 vanced- to be o of u, he Re leadig far h, on the 1 th ad, 8: Of on"'aES-1st JamesCst P- W 1per's hotel, Zu�ri al I t a & from attending bell, 2d Jobp Duricarlson, 3d John i�ast I be c* el is n regar Pull al to lr�s ordinary! inin. and carei, inveStieated d �:ers inlitis ister duties hrough illness. Cii�pbell, Uh Oliver Turnbull, 5th r. Johii Kerr, one of Elami D11 reat L)ga(ln Conf ders- 06 is passed applications Ito the n-umbetlI of sufferinO Elizabeth Hod. ion w ire ul Ly'realiziA yo sterday. The froiji an I' affection of the gin4- S9COu(1 first class 83, thus ihowinig thit the Cordpajay is t e pioneer. settlers of! his! tow —�st John W&iamson 2d J". Hislop, i las lipt, Lclteraoiln as fainy at- throat aud also: from ;�an atta&ofin -en ,3)! rformall:I ae v ter Still prosperin :as *rp a 3 9 CIS Slt;icrtig for Ie- eN 3 ense mitting fever and Elli�n Richardson, 4th Sarah Wil' have also to Correct misst i ended aid in the ii: g the im n ne ous prost#aldon, atei�aexit b antic, next week, We' wish. o=. ty, brought on pat Iby tigents bf li4mson, 5th Blle4 J. MeGavin. First ing made elteemed friend a a ent I S ied to it i ut;laost Cal a ci tly b owrwork.� - The other -o- stfia Journey :ein� 00 Of Pre g I t M tth ' IT Stewart, 2d Win. who sa mpell 3d, �Fo staw sbyt6ryhav3 vibry properly mited La that the 4a asant visit am Ong I the frienas in. Cal Johnsto " 4th Die or e w, 3d!Xpbec V 4Y COMP4 y t inly p, e or can b sai and pay from one-third t1ol one-half 'of their. scenes of his youth, an.4 hope that ou am t t blas respect r g it recu losses. This is a �u�torious iintruth, li�s return' he will be paied by Ihe R Ii W -J' 5W If little: rg Ill him ot, Short se4 son f6i relaxatio To a McGavin., 5tt Willie McAllister. h at th) -predic Per6tion, -which e into ds Ialrail were f fille� to the I(Ater, ant I the iug himself of by takig a t ip �o the The Company, in c4d of loss o# build- on,e of Sdotia's fai, -gliters to I Bee fhwood. rei dau I away th(roug Low r Q � I i lit Provinces. ;7110 sincerely trust ings or contents in 4 bona fide cases, o,�miortun. cheei diEil _y 8 ELtiq 4im in the itee iet a III ;o r.' Michael E�i� mntomime, of ,Huyipty h urn ' his �01191769461tioq, Illy BITUAr Tully, an pay the loss in full, not exceeding the years of hi0 btisY i�lia Useful life. ed' gl r amusin og and restore& in health and prepared f qr an- nd respected resident of the t EDUC 3 eXce L Own- amouut insured, and never before )tim P olA a* 11he I following Is a reatei rcunis of la iter and ap- other season of usefulness in: his' leld sbi� of McKill�op, Med at his nc e company in such S= kep 9 prosperous Ort of �tandibgg of Inear Beechwo6d on May Ist, aftpr a tit present, being ar and free of an of S )IaT9 I he other perf( rmances Were of labor-,, as upils O� e ion I I p ith r I loog and painful i#ness �of about eight arriec. on i em rka�jble excellence, debts. alt9n. Ilop, f'Fo-r- thb in Lonth of April. The Ir. Tully was a native' of ousiderin iat the %(m mbnths. M ed 0 )any. are just Ort is bas, -rep px,ofi&ency and. good. the 0 Qu co later I' 1011 sea sm 3 duties. One QU'SRTERLY MEXTINO.—Th terly cotunty Galway, IT'eland, and wih! his nduct: Fifth c, ass—Ist Daniel Iffb,_ T'�tW ?Id Perf Offic al board f th0 Walton ir cuit wife (a Sister of tbelMessrs. Evans of :tbis Goon WOR :f :).,,in 3rs are inii 3sed it. —Mr. �harles Wood 4ug F4dze,an, ;2d I uOhigibia, Govenlcck. et n me to �fthis country in 1*849' hile v new fac e i a re to be seen, in the Caxada Methodis� Cliurch, township) -ca 30 post holes, each ot'jwhich were 3 ;feet Fbuth o1a;Bs—Is Oeo.1 E.-WeTaggrt he 6111 ng S� not det on Is 10 int., iand! was and settled on Ihe �farm on' which, he P, 2 Daniel a 3di Wm,� Rein -hart. 0 iopating. i the Walton in five hoUrS4 The w6rk Was MPI all ers, 1 east rX in'tbe meritdilf t eshoW. The att.. e all thel officials died, in 1�52. Mr. --Tully 1had done the o 1he farml Of Mr. Third cla ss the ther day IOU eleb� -a ed! ,Lisett ir! b cir it. all thel a0 A� tbeir alnY Points, bearing, upol the psand privations ofthe ames Campbell, L �t 15, co�acessiou Mar Mo, -rison 3 Schi&g. ii r sin ere Opul a gy hastic p mances, were BPI ua elfal 8 of the congr a early settlers to undergo, but persev' d 14, McKiii OP. SmOnd OX88—Ist Janei' Govenlok 2d Y the irduit were I his toil c in In e a Ix6eell igl good, ari� same ei Li I be the liscussed 114 the " b' ed with the th fty pnmiinc.�Mr. Sai4nel ScarlOtt is th Joseph Kenny, 18d 34mima Bu-J�Jard_. ruthfu ly s, A of IM npial affair were also fo: I -n time generous nd en- 0 'rst clasis—ist i d. Realta, Frof. fina )U d toj loe in . I possessor of two ew rE a itl at the s e tion I A the c lug Ina, er f tmarkf . LbI for Fi 06 Hannah,, 2 initli educELted dog�,i S r John I&Ott's satisfactory Cci otrag' A. his companion, on- their prolifie qnaliti4g. One Of them, AWrew Calder $d aind and, i 4 f ct, eacl =sion of Ote e Calder. Of E81 fea- meeting tie tard'' abled. them to iew out of th� wilderness 'bad five lambs, but difortumato Ily three A NAA�ow­ E ;CAP:E��' — Duting he tire df ihe E I �ow, Al i ith evening per. tend red their. pastor, the ev.1 Mr. a �omfortablehome for thei��selves and i of them died. The dt1her had tbree,two thunder storm wl i over t n orma , "e'll E tent was lih u wit] I the Bang , a h rote' 6f t4aut 8 for his a iargeifa ppssed. P eart y N mily-� 11� had the happiness of which are living. Section an Frid a farmer namea lectr i hg which,'shEi'd a briffialat indefiLtigable If bors and z6alcus (1hris- aft leading ail Is rnest Christian life BARN Fu in- Hugh Iton, Jam. es W Ch aaiai I(, 3.13 E Itian efforbs in I iebalf 9,f hfs peppi to: hay . e the -o -n s .1 9 on� the e;mnce lation! of his holy erect concession, -met, ith a! rather comi amon it bh igiozi, which! of :the Uth concessiot, has e4 a atlhor g I em. They I also re is a orded to those who T very handsome and -.00immodions lilarn escape from the fie 'At the pass d al resolui ion asking him th re- f1UJiCS' I] PTITUTE.— live� as they wi, sh i o die. Havingi at- with undergrouna 4tabies. may he time before the he Nras djour i 11 L beting of thi) member of main with 't1i em a4other �ear.i We taffiea theripe age of- 73 'years, he! de- P long live to gee it wo6il filled AS E ach out in the fiela a Some grain, a Im 0 b Institute h belie Mr. Ba igh ) do his. p4rtoedvith th st of h' bildrpla at harvest rolls over.' Mr. Hewitt of while Ste Ug OV he Sea f rE Mechaia, -,b' eld I Please the -pal u luisdik, st, Mr. I David filling no 0� pl was upiight Tra4e that is I It is sing to noti :u6h 'e4 3alat his bed -side. De ; Telea eased Usborne, was the cog�ractor. hopp, er, -ndel b1611t ame down a ad. 8 An I. d(d1ned t I tbe offiae of relat ns.existing between the �Bstor tindi.istdous and trictly honest, UNTORTUINATE. Xr. Thos. Xi 1543ruck in e�o so p_r resi put,�Ib which I 31hi - and The OffiCErS Of is charge. The la , his dealmas: with;' his fellow formerly of having only !left was;..kno M to where h 4d been e ect d at 51#e P .0- 7ious lm 3 ng. His rl�a_ WM His eking ti ims. a Rev. geltitlemaq has roved b men; was Steadfast '�in his on kr#ec. 0 re *as W0 a tw onpflhs ago, but now man4to MIDg IR In sAxxt at- zealous and 1 �fatithful 6hristia t d unassu and 'residing on his farmriear Grand F immediatei to 's I ing is bf time u wot ker, , anner, 0 S, g 'a the sae fi� end 1,0166 itie6, ov 1 to a pressure I i y ran; � a 9 and !ha� endeared himself to every a large circle of wellwiBher assistance a - f s, whichWas Dakota, has suffered a loss by the found. him lying on pri rq e � siness. 11 D.- D. F ose, member! of h"is an of w 0 as V1 lat by thE, vJry large concourse destruction of his ho'�3' lind Stabe by ble, ground insen si- Ili e )r.a it :11h reason, ell, a to a ept and it, was a, cc usiderable ti. ner W611 as taalay-oif othei de-nowinali, ris, wWch followed his remains, to its last r 11 e. He had oial completed the before he was f 11 tored to on- P. 11%yes wi k e highly Pleased a 1, retiting Y11 nd delig te place in the.cemetery at Irish- erection of these builings when they sciousriess.:I Hi�s hair and wh.iskers al*, a� C6 ngly, el t4d Pres.dent, -upon 0 ed f it have the were destroyed. earning df his determivatiC t town. The bereav4 am, y and cofiti, luop 69eiol- land his ears, ud Mr W Campti, it,; reasute bn� the cirCuit to were slightly sj� r, S t 0, is electe an:6 her sympathy of th.3 entir: .6 community.— Mowtfo-xisbr.—A briinch of the e- w,*ys oe blacke, Issistant he esesp year. ned, � but atii Smith fraternity has ;�taken root in ibis injury. A:pipe Wbi�h;hb ry, e�kiq sorry Xr. muld W. �ohuson d they aria now ende, 0 -Ing at the time' was-: k 'Oelked, O-Ut of I B10i throp. otsce i 4 'IV V township, an 7ay clea, 4o -accep the bining Hill.' V reside I c-, He bas,a' to Pull their neighbors out of i a orance month aud'land4�d So two rods away... 1,�Ioug ta. Zen a TE�-NfEEM4.—A tea-mee will I 61E CHEESE AcTonk.—MLilk drawing -them up i4 the a I hey 'Says th; LLINI was -e next timie e Sees a 'thun- E. has ago -in coin eep i nl it ba in the I 3tgtute an F and Set be held In the hurobil lT4cker- $in coin eu��Ced, and U inda. ),tq )Ie and iinqrgetic wi,rke I Mr- Wm, *hOuld go, but we hope th V orts der storm apprb�tchiiag ihe wil-I star r, Fur Hill's beese f a tor atWi a. wo. lid sfniilL, on the th ' of May. her tbrop is in will-lqe like hens teeth, few.and. scatter- the house WI, p ss' t Jor ible speed Ocellent presi- announcerneutp will be giv f all worki -- rdeK Having recently en Py i4eans ng e a6b In ent. `1604er, the 3 ition W) be of hand �bills,. _1 put new machi ery1in his facto d.. Rai,g these Men, relating t ieir Cc eeting of Me- With the ell a no r. Hays hav ry an (I fabulous stories, fully convinces uE , of Kill lalsof L. UcCme 3 ed I He Fok TIRE WEhT .).again s cu O, Comcil t Tk>0m, we n .—Mr. John lattl'8 red the service Ield th( off c, I 13 Of the old adage 110 mah thou art � t mly for the erection V tomeetthe 3 for o* e or wo- ter'm 3 be- t Sunnysiaie Far;m, accompanied byi Mr. Mr. o r> 4 t e RoXboro Soaliraig to brid 3,a tdi present season, i Mr. depraved." esented,lit as mo� ved by Wi n. -lea :Itave hill means to manufact d AcCIDENT.—Mr. John Duffus I m aao: g4ve universil s tisfactioli. and John Fitzgeralid of Nfeadow I being pr ememMers have do e -wisely to re- I I I Ure a goo 'A start d on qIng Grieve, seoon&4 b tolartbtotigh Da :.article. The q I I Llex. Reir, at kota �i and r, of milk as yet- A. movem has been the eighth concespion, met witb a the bo-adis and. ect In I.' ;A. movern on hey-ar both intellile factory is smal), but �y set Mani obk. AS- ent, .going daily to the es presented for tl�le oplfec�lion of th, RX- and e funds Ell liquidato the relia t6dly lear this is Owing to itbe,searcity of grass.. time ago. it L. McCrae, f A funds I I' painful accident a sb6rt le ineu md will undoub e appears bt c n be Ihe was assisting a neighbor' to boro bridge be a' eGreation. - -opm, &lad a 3ub- some 1 g fro0i them ton their lbcepte� and Consir 3d r 114 return. I)ORNG WELL ILt Isaac Humber take a roller Ont f has beer '*�ed with ;bat Mr. Ash a when' the atisfactory—C.�rried. James Mart in 6 I w th tbein as jebt vi&, and i laths former slil .1 ally for as `.stone, who left his part two mo )pe�, Ocrus�tngggolhlis thuml) and Mrs. Duffvins,4 i:eing libi Fargq, m here bIe purp ses s 8, p1heation to be ettling. �! He for Manitob , has taken of the annexed toi sebool 6 Sh;lldthecli t be a( Xoll1i- beingi a young man up land in between it and thd bottom sl 0 ion N�Q- 8, bet ig Our stock, It of!brilliallt t4ents th t province. He says it is a good wagon. box. The kiand. sw Up wore I tb- burden 6f 11the marlaging and 1no0rumpa abiliti�es, will i b piled. ronv4nient e � tery country, a -ad that he likes i foi tibeir Children to in ro it t better badly,'and wa's painfifi for some t Mi e- ill.. be male lially tighten- much Schbol. 1 Mv- ea' by George Hol- m Issedi in this neighbothood.. He every d.�ay. He is puttingin-' a crop of afterwards. We hope shortly to see .land, see �ency, ute h ' olnl�ded by W in a d 6 Is, mciency 0 the InAib ca.rries7A him tbe,vk,ell wishes 0 the w4eat,,and int ds to be back hero all ri lit 6rieve, s rre c 4�gly incre le entire cqmm��ity. in, again. i abcordace with 1 th6 4ppli Mr. Duffus g caflon ai la *i and after a ing in bis harvest he FARn SOLD.—Mr. Isaac Cullie as petition of will in tbe aboe �arties that the r pri OUR SCHOOi4—Tbe avera iahe arran ements for taking his sold. his' farm consisting . of �he Oast south haif :Of to Stephe I I was 59, the a Foregate I atteildlon ti II., coi4cession 11, and See '011, i, ce iOl. family and effects in the fall to" the half of lot 20, �9th c0pneession,l to �his i lot 12, he last meet- The usual mk)pthly oxamingtion ssion 10,i be transferrid rorie 0 "I El) re,,z oJ ved he] as P provincp. neighbor Mr. John Little, ool Seotion !9�. 6 and annemd, 6f S Plibli Council,ii was A, the folibiving is the marks ob ILIn- FAR3JIN-C, OPER-kTIONS .—Farmers are it the su of �2,500. The f i I 1 P4 th arm th i C on c ass Wn be 001a- i to School NO. 8,l and 164 Clerk notify It the Six Cl��S at.tbe litc b crosin, fie road at Ed by leac! h Pit -through sowing their spring grains, and tains 50 acres and onit stands' onei of 'iiteresied part' oleueed; also That T. 1�'reii 4913, Mathew Miller 493. �ao busy rolling� and sow Jes­-�C4rri:ed. , A num- t ep L en Council ir'. adt the Cc u acil Fifth I C1 i -ug salt , on the best orchards in tl ris neighboh, od. ber of pathtnastpr lists, twere �m;ade xp ass —qohn Rice 417, Sa net tbe,ir fields, and also !X aring the Mr. Currie'des not mean. to lea, n- and' some �oiher busin.ess lt6nsacted. y in. Geo. Eanley ,296, ground for tbeir root crops. Quite a tario at present, but ii tenZIs to purchase Moved by Wim. Evan (Uei, On the 41]4d Mond& in Latta� 298, W prep I Bend, n6,,:t i a the pu rpose i Gideon Holikirk 274. Fourth 01' Seconde .I! . ;� * 0 8— noYel way of rol ,,,z n I be asses e t roll a ff 3ct- Ellen A. �Keef t,)23, Minnie Parish i� 16, Yng and.tsowing salt� at another farm if one i art of Revision equ a . 4 me suitable can, be I Alex. Kerr that the Can the same t has j4st come into obtained. He of the old 'Sal Col. See Ao Iest for this t owns i be 14e d at Hprmsu� No. 8. also James Taylor 205., Jessie A.' Ste� 19; art f ashion. it requires two -,persons to do settlers in this is 0 arriving in iPl t li� 4 vray C 0" cil at- Unler- 190, Catharine Stewart Y61, ere e 29th of May, at dual sowing salt sits on when this part i Hotel on S%tur oy, th -for a si lar Humesto 149, Marth.4 McTaggart 124 the box of the roller witli his back t( 11 Clrk pu-lish. Iy ddivi vie ��t I to %wing d J0nes it.' The i of the country t wasl a 10 O'clock a. m., and t i7pPsb1,. ITILE Court C evision iE !to Senio� T rd Class—Sarah �fflley th forest, and the dnizel4s of the w�lds the required legal no relative thero: - tic A. E4 e d -river, and sow with both hands, roaming- whereler they pie �d 'Pla- to in the Soaforth papi)axried. rge r 6n, 02 1 53 4e I g In t r E I0 ; lI MI II