HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-14, Page 718 111eXrteCeeeneeLeella GOODS. ac+ 11 kinds of ons. Fruits, and Try "'choice 'And Japan.. ilrups and 28 Flower =nes, Dria meal, iy Flour, nd Bacon.. Elgin Seede, aims and es. good va, exea, at 25. - Also tha t Horse and orae andgat ae, Dominion.' ;, SEAFORTH 1-t llSTRIES., Furniture rood Value nsall as in ada Sok of rION, Prl oeg to G :PROMPT - Hearse ou rea y deseriptioa. iiaterial far- e and under - RBAER N. MILL, FACTORY his nuraerou 6 extendedto -Seaforth,and ;continuer= S!, well to give 4, on liand a NGS ETC. etian ta tam% tna.ge.as tone nom Patine [ROOT. ORTft Ow my regard - m to ascer- Hewhere. I g caah, ea-- Counter'a t, Seaforth, OMER. ies ERM•IN - .1tiva away ed by e haul - Landing, to following itch longer eabie oder Price att. ERTS' Seafortft. 6334:1 ERIE. Fmit lid au. I s ovt:ry tita.teg, • le. t N E • use will of the t and you 1 remedy. old by al! • Toronto, 'Ltd te afl ,647-4 it4 MAY 14, 1880- Gaieties. " There . is aomething about your daughter," Mr. Waugliop said reflee- tively—"there's something about your daughter—" "Yes," said old • Mr. Thistlepocl, "there is. I have noticed it myself. It comes every evening about 8 o'clock, and it doesn't get away usually till about two. And; some of these nights I ara going to lift it all the way from the front parlor to the side gate and see what there is in it." —Rev. Wm. N. Parry, of Gloucester, Mass., ordered in his will, just adinit- ted to probate, that all his books, 1ser- mons, papers,. etc.,shall be burned without being read. He forbade any announcement in the newspapers of his death. He directed that his body be clad in old cast off clothing and buried in a box made of unplaned. beards. No preacher must officiate at hi S funeral, and his wife must not go near his grave. —There is a story told of EL blunt old sea captain who -was noted forhis ex- treme personal plainness. Being pres- ent at a party, he had taken no part in I the dance, as his hostess had some difficulty in providinabhim with a part- ner. At last she ledup to him a prim and aged spinster, at the same time -whispermea, few words of apology in his ear. you needn't make any apology, madam," said he with alacrity; "Any old thing is good enough for me.'4 —Two Paisley weavers went down to Gourock with their wives, and *ook a house for a week or two.Iefore the t men left they cautioned t eir - better halves to be sure and go ou a great deal, and also to drink lots ef the sea water (supposed to be good for the stomach.) At this time the tide was full, and on their next !visit the men were astonished to see the vkter so far out, Said one of them, "Hech, Bab, but Meg and Jenny hae ta'eia an awfu' sowpo' the sant water ; my fegs, they've a dune weel."" —A farmer on Gleniffer ()nice let'part of his ground to a butcher- for grazing cattle. The butcher after a few months visited the farrn, and. found his stock leaner than w'lien they were sent to the grass. The -farmer and he were having high words, when. M r. B--1— passed, and he was asked to settle the matter. "Weel, my frien'," said.he to the butch- er, "I admit that your beasties are hardly up to the mark, but ye maun own"—pointing to a, burn that ran through the field—"that if they havetia, got as muckle meat as they !could wag a tail at, they've surely got plenty .o' wa- ter, and :a fine view I" I Patrick and Biddy were engaged, And time set to be married ; But Biddy flirted, Pat got mad, And so the plan miscarried, Then Biddy soothed, her wounded heart, And was to Michael wed ; Michael fell down between two ears And home was carried dead. That was a lucky 'scam" said Pat, "Far if I'd. married Biddy I would have been in Ilitlhael's place, And she'd have been my widdy." Cold. Cabbage. George Abrahams *as extravagantly fond. of cold cabbage, an one day, see- ing that quite a dishful was left after dinner, asked his wife ,to save it for his Sali,d, at night. About mid.night Geor e came home laboring under a stre s. of heavy weather. Feeling hung y and thinking of his favorite cabbage h asked where itwas. : His wife replied, "In he pantry on the second shelf." Down he went, foul]. 1 the cabbage, got outtlio oil, mustard and vinegar ; out up the cabbage, dre sed t to the Queen's taste, and ate it lath - In the -morning the wife noticed the plate of cabbage where he had placed. it the day before, and t riling to her "Dear George," innocen ly asked why he did not eat the cabba e. "I did," -he said. • 'How did you like it ? ' "Oh, not very well ; it was tough. and stringy." "But here is the cabbage now ; where did you find any more ?" "Why, on the second shelf,Wliere you. told me." A quick look. at the sh lf by the wife, and then a cry of agony. "Why, George, yon have iten $20 worth of lace collars and cuffs that I had put in starch ;. stringy cabbage in- .• deed." • - Safe Rem dy. If a person has swallo ed any poison whatever, or has fallen izto convulsions from 'having overloaded the stomach, an instantaneous remedy, most efficient and- applicable in a large , number of cases, is a heaping teaspopnful of com- mon salt, and as much ground mus- tard, stirred rapidly in teacupful of water, Warm or cold, and .swallowed in- stantly. It is scarcely down befOre it begins to come up, bringing with it the - remaining contents of the stomach ; and lest there be any remnant of the poison, however small, let the -White of an egg or a teaspoouful o strong coffee be swallowed. as soon as he stamach' quiet, because these very COMMOD. ; cies nullify a large nun* of virulent - poisons. ; Rich Men of Fift Avenue., The gou-tary World ets down the, fortunes (if sorne.of th persons livihg: a on Fifth Avenue!, New ,Ylrk, as!folloOs: Mr. Rhinelander, $3,000,000 ; Marshall. 0. Robert's, $:>,000,000 Talor, $5,000,000 ; August Bella -mut, !$8,000,-- 000; Itolllrt L. and A. Stuart.,$5,000,- -000 ; 1ri. Paran Stevens, .$2400,000 ; Amos R. Eno. $5,000,000.: John. Ja4b • and 'Wm. Astor, f,`,Ii0,000,000 A. Stewart, $50,000,000 ; P'erre Lorillard, s3 000,000 ; ;fames. Kernochau , t, 75,Q00,000;$ ,000,000 ; Mrs: Tames !Gordon Stevens, $1,6,- , $1,000,000. ereNot 1 A. touching incident occurred in he deaths Of the aged Pec)Pi'W2la,riaastawmeerks:` udancel during laced ib. epa- crs of the beds hin partition, n door, per- ople to con - see each ether. 1:4. sband died hia , and Was very but Wasi unable informed that 000; Wt. H. Vanderhi Mrs. CalVert Jones, $ Mary joiles, $2,000,000 ; Bennett, 4,000,00�:[$Fre .000000 ,1 Louis Lorilla Total, .,,318,000,000, In Death They Divided Dickson., at Oskaloosa, I For convenience in att their illness, they were rate bed rooms. The he were-placCd agaiust which, having an op mitted the two old p verse, though not able to The night before the lrt wife heard him groaeint anxious to be with him, to arise. Soon she .was TH14 1-I h6 was dm h'the ,b t ena par h ads op • tlte foucl gOl.sped h held it du death fou -a fifty -o vz pr le ic a 11 ei • ge cere in, hand: EPPS'S ing.—"By natural la tions of di aarefu1 tiffs of we has provid a delicate may save It is by th of diet tha ually built sit every dreds of arbund u th re is a ny a fa 11 fort' perly n e Gazett ja Chemis d 170, P —West h, 1171 ht year alth, an y feebl h ye theline, a, w sted aw wIrk or ev e: &tuition arid distre th : heart ca sing ac. aci ; and vo sness, th system n and p n, and I torture3 out six uld try a receiv t I pure e Conti un il quit m health m self as o is :ood an th ; pastlfo Ar d and t th rty-eigh re urned, a w aderfull SO. I owe i uv an Syru all sufferer bil ty to gi th -m £1,t3 Yours very w 1 ite re ✓ hus g ht the ye 11 11 th ti th A th ha d. 01 orde Oval the heoh ad000rti and by t last um ent4.1 a as nee. ly or a befor the ft, them, joine OA. Grateful ad6 thor w tion ie1 s6 o; fla ore d beve agaa ma y heavy dctqr diCiOususe of ao14. oonditatio Y it Strong enaou y to dislIase &ladies re atta . W keep ure 1tooa, ly in p ck Oo., 1 eadne ondo to a T e h 1 r 0 p u a e 13 ugh kno ch goveria the and. nutiOion, ion, of the fine tea cocoa breakfastIta Mr near bring n, the done, hand, and Thus quite : mar - hand rfort- f the pera- d by oper- Ew s h lair ' bills. wilaciich es tgroarde-- Hun- Oating erever escape selves d ialu&r- labela oath- Street, 2-52 Unary en or poor more :ed dtho irngt ' le to t great equent tion of me, tom- e ner- 11 y of i ceullnag- n all • optic. (led I S rup, on it e and yrup s ored 1 feel estion seed in hun- and 1 p un ndeu title read ak sha wi *sla 11 Sold. p Epps 48, Th adi m g . di ,, 1'!: airlee, Dear ast h or the My h m • MI il go ps s ffe s ng a tact ny fo ty a d ed sti ati t-ene all , an4I sl as f r 11 great deal de1ijate snbjec opi on -as to to ay, do and t „ doubt, howove ent rs a drug soars Compou to rt it at on tint to unde the want so ing for. F r Coughs, Wil 'on's Wild C reli b4„ cure. I n Vrith the s • ee most ld by all r erm ir,—F1 ye be ast y r alth dnt sh al was!flj airs , th ed fr s of 4 41 . d dis ain ji OM e n my ggish ears firme ce I Peru a co nths1 bottle o so much ben sed five bottle ed the ise of recently It such it lexten d a;1 n, w. y eig t has month from nty ne h ounlds ; lpil es tre de lo in ffer dyla • t th as tha ero on ndx! : II • my stkeng h has my ge eral health 's thus mplioVe , and 11 to th use o I earl estly from d, spepsi it atri, hopi ii h oo as 111Y, S. B. B ca truly you Per.. mend d de - will do as me. giv ofs m s beeta itten • thx' ktiti •very nd still tl ere is grad &v3rsity of t the lad es have!tp itet right ink. The e is n the Slightest bout the act, that whii a lady e and as s for a bottl jof Wil- Sanrild t4is:VoilpaaCrtheirYs' 11 e gogiugsth'st e tcl co vtn- ce a ouster er that g the] than th1tt the are ak- ; lds, Oro p, WhOOping Cough, erry e guicktet and molt cont i./A46 o opiur, a 4 can be e safety nd effeet to infant s to an tat perdon. gists. t 346-4 B ter Itaa, n Gold. T e grand 01 MX of m61 Th poor rejoi e the Vie a l i bas • in the go n Kin ii Th physical :ries of t no longer be ladured.1 ' Gol en Compo id, for D. Sic Headed Conlin 1 Liv tr Oomph), n , BWo si Dro veiness a ' Low $p rem dy will- po i way eure, ren d.y has fa 1 ci. Tti) pin remedy will d . we elaina ed with a. trial b Ale free will readily pe c ave it van ties and whiel 11 shit*, y doll size bot I -willt db. Hie spit &-Ble a -fell. 8eafce ! • ss is at last achieved. ise and waik, the rich •e of perfeet health. •e human haine need r. Kin's - Ilifornia spepsia 'Con 4pation, p of i od, Jtundie, ess, Geh via *ability, its. TI is In lerful and that wh e every e that t i s won1erfu1 for it yo are prsent- )f cost, sy whlot you derful atLvl quuli- u what regt1ur one For s e by IIessrs. th. 2 r_gust owe T ie inamen c Wel ant great t op I rity of Gre i's Augus °well 1 towns h.cl. aes-in the ivilized world hate eau ed man it Ors to ado t similar ames, expcie ing to t tip a harvest for bemselves at theens mse of he I Meted. Thi medicine e sintiodti ed in 186b, and for the cur of Dyspeos a and ..4iTa OomplaI it, with their cite 0, such 1. our tetonl oh; costivene$s, siek sto tach, sick hea indgestion, alpit tion of the ieart, vert go etc. ,etc. it neverha f iled to our jkiow1edgo. hree dos s will rel eve y case of d epepsia. T, o million •°Meg s1d la t year. Prie? 75 cents. S tip+s 10 cents. t 639 Buckl . . T e best sal - SOTC,5 Ulcers, HarilB,- Chilli' Erd tt ons. T1 feet lntislaetio, Price 5 cents BleaS ell, Seat, • ren • ns leave OING NO Mi1d 1 Aecr Mei Grai T ii s leave foll.w: liox IG :WEST E press.. E press M -ed Trail Id xed Train Gax-G EAST— E E 1.)rees Tra • ,xed Train Id xed Trai ondo C OI. G IsTORTII Lcndn, den r Ea eter ..... nsall ppen 131 teetield 0.1 it -on 131 th ....... W ngharn, a. riv GOThG SOLITE • 's $al-. e n the- w rld for utt;Arnies, it Rheum, Tetter. Ohapped in , Coins, nd all It lade cf Skin alvatia guaranteed. to ie per - ever 011..0 or mohey rubded. ter box Fi r sale son & t • 156648m• Br %rester; issehs eta 2 A.i; :11 P. 2 P.Ii. A d Tr S %fort 8E FOR ...8: OP. 8 5 P ...8: 0 A ...1 P SE U•CIIi .. A 0 A. n. ...1:15 P. .4:15 P. -,..7: 5 P • • . 1LI W iighana, d po BI ; Oa .. . .. . . . cl atop .. ... Br cefield..-.5 Kipen ..... E nsall Eeter uror P. Al 22• 3 3) 8 .. . 85491 . . 40) 9 41') 9 It a il virrt) lion, no ph 41i* °nth GOING SOVCI CZOin.... ,..911 M. . ccona.. P. NI ixed.... Rel,i119170,,Y. 1 Clintou Stratiens as R. X ,Cie -T1 . M. 13:(1 P M. M. 9:15 P ',)i. M. 8:4 A .M. M. 1:4 1' M. R. Cil. NT' i. M. 7:3 ' A . M. M. '2:4 P ..m. Al. t ll,:3 P. :M. 'Brl 0 . M. '6:5 and • • A.M. 13 5 , • .425 10 2 11 12 Mai $. Mix . t... 7 0 ) 10 .... 7 85 12 ... . . 8 01 1 .. . 811 I 3 2� 8$4 2 843 3 0 ress. M. 25 40 • 'it 58 59 08 25 ; 52 #Y 25 It Ex use. I 1). M. 620 7 24 655 :743 -759 [8 06 8 25 PtF.ORT MURANO 29T Next E_ twits will a n orth, on an dida tes m' 130th of J Cs o -n • May 24t ea ec or. of Pub ic A, Head M s HI HS A, TI ia 188 nat on .'ot the hd n the P ay tndWednes. beg °Meg at 9 A. nd int their no AI .Cplt,BAL ho l, COT tO C. Se fOrth High S HQL. XJ1' NE siIn of • ool, be 9th a day. tat 1 ater In ON, 7-3 1 NIIIIII i_ .........;:16....,0,..:_j_..0,,,i.i...s. WY.',./.q...,._.::,..4°- Vii ...... al.,.........,..., ----.....-- •• 0! RIN HE AS A • 4 • It Phe su fibied b e als `iieWe Qur st ar e houg rr an lie hi • e pric sib GOODS. SPRI OW COMPLETE IN ALL DE EXPOSIT0a. FORT 0 cn GOODS. ARTMENTS C.oRTMENT WILL BE FOUNI) mycH LARGERi MORE VARIED THN HEOETOOFORE.- , eriority of the Clothing m other merchants well kn offer th and mo k is the 1 de wn. advantage of an mm t fashionable Goods. arosest in the W continua ly receiving all th d have- alwys something n . ; the duty is lrge, our G-ood make that you can afford t est stanctiard of excellence is our mbtto. WEEQS. Ot h e A.splei c 11,1' assoir oecial the Ne aa-ge S 11 t e col ese 1 TWEEDSt s . -t.tt•fofff•-,1, • ft. OEV HS1101-1 `-91\ILLNIATcl -o • Thi* ie the Great Canadian Show and most positive- ly the only tent exhibition that wtltbe in the Domin- ion this year- PULLIVIAN & HAMILTONS JE ECTItl C- 1.1 Citric Great London ,reven-Fold Confederation, Of Equine, Pantomi ic; Educated nimal, and Olym- pian Wor1d't Wonders, aril/ eXhibit at SEA ORTH, o1j 11:111RS74Y, MAY .20th. It is Far the Best a1 Cheapest Exhibition on Earth, Aetually Combi mg Sever, Cemplete and 'Unon- > passable 50 cent Shows in One Stupeetions Ag- gregation. l'o All of Which lne 35 cent Ticket Admis. Children tinder 10 years 2. eents. Fire Hundred. LUxurion Reserved Seats, 5 cents ettra- 2 Marriage Licenses, or Certificates, under the New Act, issued at the EXPOSITOR Office. asuvan by us to that, td 11 se 33 m. 0 It 'net nts for the fist time to the Cana than Public, and no here else to be seen, THE GREAT ELECTRIC LIGHT, GRr ,s‘;\,‘ ," • • HARDWARE. ' HARDWARE. SION OF THE CIRCULAR SAW 444 4.7 • i Itself an nnparallel d and glorious exhibitiian, well wortbigoingful1100 •„iles tn see. It oosb $30,000. Requires a 80 horse power engine, a 40 horsepower boiler, and miles of copper cable We Me°01indotipeorzes. it —N othti show It s it—None other Its pciat eotbetrayeoi obtain l.) t ..1 a' C•es chnilagra on of effulgence, a nil hen vPn hoin 1)erco; nee ds the full power le-. of 240000 gas lig ti. I is exhi ited both after - neon and evening Sir jobaa Scot's Most Ani-ieg St d of Performing t-, ilrmicho Homes, nd .-11,3,000 will be promptly paid •-•-'' . for any trained s allion er trick horse that can teqbaiU these equip heroes in anything. Positively no h -ens eurrouctins. No games of tn'd .4...d chance, rii• ewinttling pedit-re und camp followers .,--- permitted on ib - in -0.11141 e No played -out ......... mountebank mareli of claret pie daubed wagons, dtin- el and trash, to gal - he paliticl ind entice thena nitte empty canvsses. 1-1,4 Prof. )bar]es Frank'S Monster s'ilver Cornet Baird, end p- -pular Donhinion 0' tlolo4t11., drawn. in the R.° Iviseive Golan hario of A fon us, will give, at 10 o'clock eat b. na. ruing a superb Parade Conceit. An exhibition welch he en ire Oarilfdian Press Bays td does all it Adverti .es,'a d which returns far more O for the money th n any show, 4 any time or DoorPsliecpe'en at 1 and 7 o'clock. Pe formances com- mnces at 2 and 8 'cloak. stock of —AND— M ECHANIOS' BANK, SEAFORTII. Novelties of the , m ATv-_-Els, w to show you. • are so superior pay it. or the least pos- weeds in all the neW shade. id assOrtmeut of Canadian Tweeds and.a very nent c?f Diagonal Coatings; Manager and Proprietor. Office in the 'premises under David - gores Rote, formerly occupied by the Bank of Commerce,. NOTES AND BILLS DISCOUNTED: English and Foreign Exchange Purchased. TWEEDS.: •FARMERS' SALE NOTES BOUM. ines Shades. itings in TS. ancy TTOUSerinp. - . .1' endless vai;.etv. loods will look wll and coS US OM WORK. Q not t ia ii is . E e lis' Eui. iarain lotl etter, 111YflS c'luvant ake o oraet that ours is t clUsively 1.Merchoi ishings. our Goo with us th 1 'f t I ‘,/ Overcoatings.inl alifax TWe,eds 'in but very! little USPRM WORK.nd •ie conly Tailors and De This Great Household 31dicine ianks amongst the leading neeeilsaries of life. Tbeee famous purify the RLOOD, and act most powerfully, yet soothingly cin the in Liver, $toach, eys, glad BOWF.LS. eving tore, ene and vigor to these great MLI SPRINGS 0 LIFE. They are confidently re eremended as a never failing remedy in ell ens where the e netitution from whatever ea no,e, s bceonie imp lire d er eaken- e4. They Ai e WO derfully effica iOUR in tall ail - Draft's Issued, payable at par at all ente ineident al le e /Pa tes Wall ages : end as a G.SFERAL F ' -Branches of the bank of Commeree. MEDICINE are mama - passed. Interest Allowed. on Depoits, M. P. HAYES', Manager anzt Proprietor, ite FOR PLFASURE, comfort and health, smoke only the genu- ine GOLD FLAKE. Pronounced! by all who have tried it, the finesttpurestand best Smoking Tobacco in the world. Ask your dealer for it. And if you cannotget it else- where, write to the undersigned for cir- cular and price list. None genuine with- asignature. J. E. SAXTON, Mae TObIeeeW01114 WENDS07a, ONT. [Tug sarma ce) Robert Oevettlock ratpcde BeNoarte apm: Eillope one 'mile and a half north -Seektrth, hav- n g pia rehasoil from The Bow P • ark. Herd a; Thorotighbred Berkshire Boar keepihim for the improvernent lof stook -dukitug the present season.. Terra% -el, payable it the time of service, 'wit b the privilege ,of rettintik a . 1 • 111 Its Searelling and aling Prody:rt,:sare known t roug lout th World. For the ,ire f BAD LE S, Old WOur. a Sares an Ulcers, it an iefllibla, irt (1, If clieetnally rubbed oil tit( DIr 1.6 '} et, te into meet, it -Corea SGBE ROA 'T Cal is, end eicpu A `-',1 1:1A. • ?kr r swellings, Absciel.is, Pits, tistnit}e. Gout, Rheamatim, n er Pry Vied -f it be, never bleen k:olve to Lail. "The Piles: ft»d tiiiiIrriei.t are, Mannfaetut ed only OXFoltD aTPF. DC) LONN, and are s,lit by al; V, ieer t '1fredieir es tin onal:41zt the ; it h direeti,me for nee in al- _ Most. eve, leneriee. 'he. TTrade marls of 1j' -'e ate,licinee arct regis- tened in Otter:ft. Bence, /11:2; one< throughont the British Possessione, who may keep the Ameri- can Curitrafeits for sale, will be proeenti-d. Purehnsele lc,k to the Label On Pr)ts 1.11c1 Box. If tbit• a ddi c• -s is not 533, Ox- f0,a. s!iter, London, thcy re epurione. out my Trade Mark • Li. TPtADE MARK, TRADE NI ARK. C2 "— tel 449 Town ;• alers 1. . l , . . tt : ntiliee :cure lor Scanizaliktakeessifipeinna- , . . • , 1 t.i; bee , lierot eney, 8 L d .0' 1 i ,5 seasce that follow . ' :45,( quetice .01 tteI1-ebtase, t.4 laFe of totem oy, . . • , . ! i ' . • . • anitersel lassitude, pain in the. ba.c, ?Jr/mess-cif , . • SEit-',`0..i-;•; 1 i 1•RANO--1 ' rsion, prernatnre old ee, a LI i nlIttly Cotlier dis- 4-- _i r • 1 4 r2.113A [t: rr C 0 M E C inTf *One, 15 1$efore Taking 1;= After T fad TPIE GLEAT EN(314S11 REMEDY, n un - and see if you 4c n do' ap well if an any ogler Hore in. ToWn. THE OFFICE 01.' THE CANADIAN BANK Or c; IMERO.E IA1 BEEN nd see the Elegant ou to look at us. ence if-vou do not it and S on't be uy. HALL.`i 84. ANDERS • 9* yle we give you. fraid We will ON, Hall, eafortli R, Ffl M To the premis...es lately occupied by the Consolidated Bank, .Fiist Doorce , ,Joutit 47 t '0112.1tICICial s • Hotel, ifain Street. H. IRELAND, - - MANAGER. SEED GRAIN. : • THE irindofiliited has on hard a quantify of INEW ZEALAND OATS and SIX ROWED BARLEY, suitable for Seed, which he will sell at reasonable maces, -840 JOHN HANNAH, Con. 2, Tuckersmith. ertees that lead to insaeity oe vinsumptiori and a prereeture grae. Full partte-1litre in ou pam- phlet, whieh we di foil 4 to Ff 1d fraee by uil to every one. Tbe Speelfi : Mc.tieine is P01{.1 by all dreggieta at itl pit pectage, or six ittelcagee for , a will be Eel t fire 1,) ',hil on reet ipb of the . mOney ltv addreseing ',HE GRAY MEI. ICINE C4)., No 10, Mechanics' Block Detioit, Miah. 647 IATMBER FOR SALE. 1lLoox, First Quality, $0 'per Id. PINE 1 from $8. I i BILLS CUT TO ORDER., All Length, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the .Eiol\TY MIThL, ,IN I MeRiLl....10P The Sabseri))er hs LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTli ere all kinds ef Lumber can joe obtaind. A.S DOWNEY I, I °-A-1R3D-1 13;; ,AMPRLL, Provincial 14 -.an. -3. Sorveyee Engiper. °Alen by mailprotrUpt ,Attended to. D- S CAKPBRTTe Mitiet.41. 13 14 :