HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-14, Page 5MAY 14, 1880. ip near Mr. Galbraith' ime Mr. Galbraith.laad cike t book, but in retu t itin the wrong eeee, ,Ithott, a former reside 'rites that he tuts takeree iliC1 OD, Oak Creek, ite eh i which there is plenty 0 L good building timber ,ands close by. The boa :tamer season withit eigh cation, and saw and gra) g up only for miles fro a. for his dwellings lays ago Mr. -Abraha Fulla.rton, drove at amara which he had foal and which had at - ti old age of thirty-two , 'tevidson hadher rtewly L put her '1 a, lhotel stable, ost imm,ediat ly lay dowr. te -owner war s very much a alairaal, arta, it is said ter dentist). tioneer Of North, Eastlaope, .tes, died last week. In Le to ' North Easthope ?.3 on the 7th cencession emained till his deat hi pe at that time was. in- eg wildernees; no roads, churches, the nearest, fr,nd the ordy means of I ex -sleigh. 'Ilkit by per - industry he saw himself .ii aurrourtded -by every -oar fair country affords. aees and Walker, of Lie- f,. last week, for the Mon- ! a number • Of splendid rile parties ittrona whom 6 bolight, and the price were as follows : Wra. R*, 3 head, w ighing 4040 ,,. cents; James Burnett, : , weighing K35 poundkat ies Currie, Mine. 2 head, pounds, at 5 cents; 11. e 2 heed, weighing 2480 4 . cents, W. Hagerout, ad, weighing 7802 pounds, ind Fred. Shaver, Elms, ling 13,870 pau-ncls, at 51 Hay, 10 heed, weighing ,. Mr. Hey also sold one ma bull we-ie.:It-hag 1,$50 ilep our year Old weighing ; The princii al pert of _ohl were thee year old (roil Notes, i tieing to Mr,. Jahn row- 'fearnet entangledin its. t last. week, and before ;teideritally committed tlommon, of the eighth McKillep, is erecting a t.nie barn, which, when I be on.e of the best in gee - r4Ior has' rented the ;in Grey, aud Mr. Wright. !. has purchased the Gat n the 2nd concession of thip. rthur Murphy, Magaua ,Liacata Stewart have been for the Presbyterian de. There are now six ..ngregation. , veterinary surgeoa of trued from Kansas, Sd the practice of his ressels. He looks well, orably of the country, stand Mr. R. Sweet, fore then, is about erecting - Alexandria,. Manitoba, iitering nato the n er- ' We wish him succ a& gs ago, a large pa ty eived. in Goderieh dir et bound for Malaita a. at the Albion Hotel a er by t1u i.tani.toba on euiug. I t,yrue, of Exeter, has re- intment in the Onteio leepartment. He goe to te firett to superint nd a uew wiug to the e- el]. there. Lynch, of the 6th cone s - p, hag sold his stall on faddo," to an Anion fal, •1). "Young dIteldc." aa Mr. Matthew Lyn h, old a suckling Ha, do 1, kip Colwell of Mot is e determiued to dr in asti..* lands of the to- u- ltra object in view li ve itItoriziug the burro f 2,600 for this purpese a . 1 heti nage F und . '3-Agate...tine of the Wi g - t communication, tvaa latthew Porter, offeri g elm feet deep for t e . if stilt or oil, is found; , iszi found, to sink the The communication •ker apd Clegg, of Mer- euel froin Manitoba, 'et a. short tinty ago .4 cattle and a car load think that..I.Ianitoba, D not a successt eitinuitig the busi- ' the prilgrees being teersuf Turnberry, we. .Xtg these .orecting uew eat, et, 7elt ssrs. John W. lett t Wheeler: all of whvin are pat - nn' bank barns with t4:12•PStinitilit dl for ,wing particulars ,ate,et parsonal eitt env. .$26.talt ); ag- 11 51,113,370. : perholls from 21 to !:.tunber of dogs, 172; ; horses, 2011. Smith, -of Brussels. • ek. uf -Teeswater, tee pepertMr. eelti his house and etreet, immediately . terrace, and :the Cor - fur his farm on the irev. . eer. M. 1)es, wie. have r,:z the truism that Thee llad been )wen apparently the the firm. Dr. Lutz Uitik of e business nature led to wordy week Lutz entered Xo latter waved. a chair it's head which so die- atention that Cowau epeak, pinioned ntes. and alied upou a !putt Lutz in the face; Uetily, This statement 1 MAY 14, k880.1 THE , Lutz is prepared to make affidavi to. And now Dr. Lutz calls Dr. Cows i an abject, cringing, creeping coward, and if he will apply personally Lutz' ill only be too happy to give him the a ol- ogy which he so richly deserves. ' -Mrs. Blair, of Ilewick, returne on Saturday from an extended visit' re- latives and friends in Missouri. We are glad to learn that her brother, Mr. Jas. Orr, at one time postmaste at Moraisbank, much thought of in he neighborhood, aud well 'known a a . . clever writer, is prosper'. g in his ew home in Missouri. -The Bale of town lot in theavil age - of Belgrave, balance , of McCrea's ur- -vey, on Thursday, May 6th,, was a ood success. All the lots that were o er- ed were sold at good prides., The- fol- 10wing is the list of purchasers: W her Ni hot, lot No. 3, $91; ' Kenneth c - Do aid, lot No. 5, $8&; 'Thos. Bran lot No. 14, $50; Kenneth McDon lot -No. 15, $52; Chas. IN1cCrea, lot 16, $64 • Wm. opper, lot °No. 22 C. G. Bell, lot No. 23, $50. --Mr. Aikenhead, V. Sil, of Gode performed. a succesful Operation Friday on a short -horn fat a.ninaal. animal had been sold end was dri by Mr. tRamsay, Wawanoeh, to Go kb for delivery. Upon arriving at erich, the beast bloated u to an normal size from an acciumulationi of gases in the intestines and- stom ch. Dr.Aikenhead made a puneture,whex the gases • escaped with great force, m ich to the relief of the bovine. -At the quarterly official nom ing held in the Methodist church, Go le, on Monday last, the Rev. James Br ley was cordially and unanirious1y in ted to return to the station n xt year. Mr. Broley thanked the boardlfor their 1ind invitation, and. signified' is willing ess to return if the authorities decide to send him back. The financial xe ort was very satisfactory, nd notw th- standing the large nurnbe of removals, the church has done mo e financially during the year now clos ng than :for many years past. -At a recent meeting f the W ng - 1 hara Council, the .merabe of the t wn band marched into the h in a b dy and hung up their in.stru eiats and Uni- forms. Having done so, the leader said, on!behalf of the band, that finding it unable to get on for the l 4.ck of fu ds, they desired to deliver up ; their ins ru- ments and uniforms, an1. asked he Council to assume a debt 4f $65 due on their uniforms. No action was taken. It is a very difficult thing to keep up a bend in a, small town. e -Mr. Amos W. Ray, -Mae has lived for , More than 20 years in the townsbij of n, 1 on, Id, o. 49 ;_ ch; ast he en er- od- ab- Grey, half a mile east fro jamesto died on Friday morning 1st at Spri field, near St. Thomas.• His rem ins were interred in the Brus els cemet ry on Saturday afternoon. I1is wife 4.nd only son died about two y ars ago. An only daughter survives hi . He , as_ a native of Pennsylvani ,. in whieh State he was born in 1B12, but the greater part of his life was spent ; in Canada, whither he ron toyed at an early age. -A Bluevale correspondent sends he following: It is our painf:il duty ag in to record the death of n old r si- dent of this place, Mr. phn Thyn e who departed this life on Wednes ay morning, after a very brie and sevi re attack of congestion of th lungs: es ceased was for many year ateacheif in 'East Zorra., and was fertile of the Rjev. Robt.Thytme,Presbyterian -inister, nd Elliott Thynne, teacher, at G1enmor4, near Galt. His remains wee interre ' M. BluevaAe cemetery, and ere folio ed by a large concourse of mourning r la- etives and friends. - -Foresters at Blnevale are reap ng - a 1ountifui harvest from the fact t Lat th Canadian Order of Foresters v ere so unctual in paying the $1,000 ove to the widow of the fete- Jblin Mes er. Rev. G. G. McRobbie, H. C. R., p id her a visit to see that the money as Properly laid out, secured nd euer ed for the widow and orphans. 31r. et Robbie, II. C. R., lectured in Wingh m OD Tuesday night, and in Brussels on Wednesday eight, to large audien .es, and was received enthusiastically. He was surprisekto see- such a spirit i of Ferestry manifested . . . t -Mrs. Walker, of East Wawan sh, hd.a a narrow escape froa death by pcisoning one day recently It app ars that there were two bottl s simile • in aPpearance standing together, in on of which eves a mixture of sugar of 1 -ad and aitrol that she hadteen using as an eye wash, in the other was naedi ine thet she hatl beet taking. By mist ke she picked up the wrong bottle, nd took a dose of the eye water. The re- sult WEIS /16t SO bad as might have b en expected, es luckily she did not t ke euough of the compound. to prove f tal, it eily ma,klug her feel very sick fi r a sbilrt time. , * -Durteg the progress of ' the Grzen- w y excursion frora Centralia to Lre- co4 lest week, oue of the passeng rs, Mi. John Bissett, of Exeter, met ith whiit might have proved a very serious los.. While in the saloon Of the coch his pocket -book contaiuhig iupwaxd of $KU0 in bills, several notes, rail -ay tickets, &c., ateidentally fell from his breast pocket to the track below, about j a mile from Brecon station. A hand- car was despatched back, and the t ain delayed till the mon returned. : bearing their prize. The joy of the owner :an be better iinagiued than deseribed.' . e eThe Perth (aurae- tells the follew- Mg story: A novel case- of ma.triniony Perth gaol, which being rattier outof: I occurred a couple of weeks ado in the the ordivary deserves more than a Pas- I sing notice. Some timo ago a ba -er 1 Die er in named Lang, :nice of Almoute, bee involved. in the meshes of , the -ten pa •siou, with a youug woman living Brussels. in Western • Ontario, na ed. 1, Peters. Affairs -got into such a shape that it becarncl extremely desirable that a marriage should take place between the pair, but the gay -Lethario not eo ji ing the point left Brussels and fin illy fetched up in Almonte , again. -Hearing of this, the frail one's father took ot-a writ of capias, and hed the young lilan lodged in the Perth gaol for wayht3ing the daughter's affections, 6:e, Laug held out for some days, but thinning the matter over, and being rather a good hearted chap, it is said, cond. Idea to consent to marry the wronged ne, aud sent word to. that- effect t� the interested. parties.- The latter qui kly responded to the call, and on Thur day morning the marriage knot was tie 1 in the ga,o1 by thaRev. R. L. Stepheu in the presence of the gaoler and o county officials, who took consider interest in the proceedings.. It is etated that the happy bride, was s ed in good s yle b conclusion of the tialsdot course, en of the bridegroom his !tide, who is s a vir ge,took thei the etraol and from Bruseels. No car =Mr. George nosh a pupil at t Art, Toronto, has hirnself at the rec comatetion with t sides taking; as s silver Medal awar of the Ontario S took tVto first and certificetes th tauglial :Mr. Reid pupil at the schoo ation mentioned a pupil Who have scho 1 for the pas evide ly a bora a . The nup. nto y tbe Tests at the ere ed th, impris Omen consequent! he and i4 to b somewhat earlyi epartr e fro Perth en, r izie for s. id, of East Wawa, Onta io S1ioo1 of highly distiigtiishd nt axeminat ons above sap I. B and best pipil, t ed y the 13 eside iety of Ar ists, thr le secon Ida 8 different branch 's only a ten ;ah !nit an in the *,mi ve competed ain eeik attendirg t for years. He tist. Go SICK -UNTO DEAT of th 4rm of Mc been '11, for some t and his' friends ha hope4 of his recov Ci4cts. - Pull great Gode They sibly TH sumrtie opened May 21 -occasio one. AMALliMATIID. the. Albion and amalgaptated in throWn 'off one, an bus between them dock. Hard time flhow is b ich, on Satu advertise lib produce som PARK Hou hotel w for the sea t, by a gr promise MASONIC. Th bodice it Goderiela the e ection of a t use. It is inteode secon3l to none in is qui e possible, a prosper us and w BATH 11 land UE8, re -op hot bt1s on Sund casioii ailarge nu selve o the opp Iscrubbi g. The be read for use o Resrelce. -The the Hon,. George with much sorrow classes, irrespeetis Flags were display the Court House S Albion nd. Briti Custom lHouse. SENT P. -0,n M named 1Ienry Mara was lod d in jail her having s olen a veil kid gloves, tobacco, jamese Noblo. The result lof et, drunken spr doubt ptove an unf stance for the culprit. before Judge Squ_er Wednesday, pleaded remanded until Satur. In the meantime bran one or two other parti eriehi .Kay, y Bros., witck has e,is rapidly sinking ' In all n w an y. led da rail rar e. wen Hrr4 app e 2 ndInst. a, 1 pota. . I ated re- ning, The illiant s Of hveinitge aid ractio is cele e formal n on F iday e nd. as embly to b a I a 0; The ropriet ritish 'hotels e DOW 0.0 begets vari talk that e Do the ltli ske ed hi yl st, hef a rtu it .1 • • ail 24t of od pot • 8, ot un a 'single statio4I and coomy. us ,rnasonie unitipg io ✓ their own it. shell be inicm, whieh der,, la re -is f the Mait- satin and n wlat h °c- alled, hem - of a good g pond will inst[. he de th of as re eived rich y all icall fe alf-naa, t on d the Is, a.is the ay, re ity aft e, rt forilui t ay le is s 0 tected With the scrape, evidentb, more guilty ba 1 1 Hine t. ' SOLD ' EARLY. r Dickers ith, who .8 a gr early sto k, has alreadh s1 for $3 e ch. His 1a'.b been the first in the Jest- Nvere shi ped some1 ti e Loci4ew.-Mr. W al . 14th concession, b a fine colt die of lock- time preVious to it: de th unstell, liewent to M. M Seaforthd but was old very be done Aoi it. INFLAMIMATION.-k is An has been dangeroudly mation ooithe lun , b of Striffa, tvho has al etars successful M treati g s ch checked it, and s 6 s eager_ and. expecte to reed yonng of C arged of COS. , from ir ave nt wi te di -b wa ale bre tio he mao nton, with 'ng th In cum,- ught wa ene fo COD Etr 0110T beppar oif adm er of his. mbe must have et, as they 0 • I rtope wo y ticing hat Naug little : je Mo ith in . MOT been iseases w s, er. Bereee.--Seedin fs ast ( i•atain close. -Loads au leads A salt through the COUllt fr ra early Pao dewy eve. -The ee ysides, t , w . coaxing sun and t bloom), g fella e the rural distric i rese t. a ou chaernin appear ice I -s. alr. dd 1, block in Dublin ntksa ta1, fast as the ferrite ' alit to ta e it the r ol om was t, of ould i1380 arni- vih, ver- a 3 to pase n away. TOO EARLY. --T Cromartti Cheese LI. tering Conapany a,v patrons tnibe in • r a,di milk on Monday, Qth Mr. Brue ; the mi h and thirt tenth Q0 ce trustwort y, genie anc servant, ent on hs; r his amaZement • nd that a greiit many f t henaselv s arry ou The q test Bruce p We thi k rding to his 8 au e f governed ars Gallia structiou, should ii he naade acted ac moreeve trip .e a ,T a Pm before dim upstairs f his mothie Starting tit c et a. G Mothetue a fine sing voice.". -well." "INIc gang-plo are gettiLi -"Well, t?" Mot Johnnie -4 - potatoes a A. Sro Saturdayi able ren along th haviug lie strol incl his r other. 0 munk.or turned. bi pockets r and sho (which * pocket. he sat do While sin up streatu on, her ble lso Int- 1 1. er, his r a do re cat) wu the the pork, (OP Ola that (biller 11; answer b ck t( John) aldn't fin 1 the t. 11. ' cre ar th utter .Manitfa ice tb tla with. heir But hen f the 12th. who is minoditin e, fowl. te lent, 00 ess .P14* siois eeec ete liecourage eo ys ha tha., their See etery on' low a id or the c sit , 'ustr ietiions BC Cl lif0t1 er utr4Jedoi OVT lar. !No retur di- stal he sang o or I ing, "Why, John -Ai r if you d o 1 ohunie ‘'Ia it, woul n't ther-"' Vht j too sha p. t a,- -do on no er 'Well, is naorn 11, it ' TSMAN'S ast a go u went auks o uch ex d alon • in one a, 'tei ng -t tb. Art Itt tie ut 11 no in- iset, trip he and for tely unie ine, net. t : you'd ake Itialate your ma if 1'4 lo jus as hunie, you ' Jo tithe wha did ity eh ld ?!' y in she y ku fe." ---. tent. ' -On A oon ide- ut end fish Nat art, arry- the chip- alwae s re - 1_ • the !sande ok it ' caps and p cyder aperrit hip his s Geese t and oke ink ailin he w s sit t C arron. erience in th C: iele•sly tan an gen ca,sionalllY be s iot a woodpe ker an ammu iti t na whic h t o vest Ock ts, s wrapp i etting ea n on a t knag be pi toward tit of re re :1 ting. : ,Suddenly natching the, pipe from! fis mouth; h plunged it lint° his hip-pticket; got doWn on his hand and knee' land commenced a quad uped jonr»y to the edge of the bank, iyhere he c Id get a sly thot at bis mink- ' shi :', He had not :crawled far, when lo! Pi explosion ropre laughable than 7 terr et took place, and for some time a clone Composed of brae* buttons, Pant legs rags, ribbons tt,nd caat-tails might be s 4 over the scene of the explosion,. The Ontleinan thiriks it, 'quite a joke, but nevertheless eonvinced that pow- der la dangerous hing to be handled car :leesly. He -say the only ipeon- vem xee be suffers from the effects of the : losion'is tha he has to 'eat his me 0 standing. seeteetesseeme, .. B1 th. ENT. -A litt e girl, daughter of uncan, met ith a painful ac - on Monday 1 st. It appear, she P , ying with a 1numbr of others ei.salt block pa d, when she hap - dile slip on an upright pit:see of •iwhich ran int her foot several e '+ Ohlorofornj was administered 24 Sloan before the extraction of the • I, It DRAMATIC CLI313.-The Dramatic aid Londesbciro a visit on Tees - A Wm. cide Was in t Fen' WOO inc by piee 0 Clu day hou "Te was put app ed ibYe to $ has leer It is agre heal Luc visit Alv Van past had "bo ton 1 1 - To JIAC BEA Ads, 0 ening last, and to a crowded layed the excellent drama of ights in a Bar -Room." This t &hest attem t they have ever eAth, and consi ering the maids of ase which eve recene was greet- • , the people of Londesboro en - themselves. roceeds amounted 61'41 10,40NAL.-Mr. 14 . A.. McNaughton glast succeed:d in obtaining a ave situation i Ford River, Mich. al very health climate, aid is 4ig well with t r. MeNaughton's A. Lu.as, of the firm of s Tanner & Cf., paid. us a ehort n Tuesday last, returning to F. A. time who the a 1" ton the following day. -Mr. *cigar, who has for some en residing in Blyth, and arge circle of friends amon s" took his departure for Homa- n, Tuesday. maliatteem.. Birt s. N END -In McKil op, on the 9th hist , the If of Mr. Isaac To nsend of a son. S N -In Egniondvi e on the 9th ins ., the of Henry Jacks° a Esq., of a son. In Seaforth, on he 5sales of ' fair' to go a clipped S th inst., the ife of Ir.iZenas Beam of a -11n Stanley, on th r ',Tames Ross of a BRY NS -In Morris, on Ir.iAlex. Bryan* of EXIP SIT() 70o; h y, Per ten, 48 00 to $14 00; butter, 14c to- 16c ; potatoes Iper bag, $0.50 t $0.60. Clover seed pei beshel, $4.00 t -4.0; dressed hogs, $7:00 to . ' Live StOok Markets. 1 ^ lity 10. -The Woodstock M t ar`et was hel to-day.g4, t e very hea finhun- cat- Mr Wer sonie very e gl th early pal o this Mr Pallister old two r p und live w ight, R. ed. at 4ic, Sohn Craig Co e three hea at 4ic, ea at 5c. :r1 .-The in ketwas, ay, lid prices f butch-. ad bout a qrt rter of a tad conaidera Ie num- eso d. A fe choice ght • y butchers at from , bu the gene I price an• rough st ers was , Milk enrs dry numerou , but a returned unsold, erous and difficult ne bought several leaping, at onsi 410 e f the drov rs have cattle in t e coma- Wooeiseoca,13 monthly cattl Notwitlestandi der storm dUri morning, there tle brought head fo 4kel fou h two heed,,,Thos Thos. it ite tiara MONTtt,EAL; 5!E overstoolked to- ers' cattile deeli cent per pourid, ber remained cattle were bo 4te to 5cper of fat c svs, oxo from 34 to 4te per ows were tine ual y ood many i -of the ulls were also no to sell. Ald, M Oh lots of cattle for 1s to 5C per It. So been bueing shippin try at 5t c per Ib., them here they can much a they paid were no many sh e but the e is not Mae at 'prose it. Lambs are still a drug in t at $4 to $6 for goo others mg from $ A few 1 ts of Cana to -day 1 t $6.10 per 1 made by the fella Robertsbn, Toren $168, tW,o for $91.5 three fit $160; Messrs. Ito Wilder, from the Eltstern To sold four atI4fic anc aboittl 16 4c to 4te. Benbi head mitt of 16, at head ot of 26, a head at le to 4-1e. steer weighitg 1,510 SO • 4 nd after fringing ot sell the.. for as for them. There • on the market, demand orlthem re plentiful qalves e market, nil sell ones, ma ile the X .50 to $3. 0 each. tet ian hogs ere sold 0 0 tbs. Sa. ea were - ng dealers: John co t , three ea tle for m 0, four for $120; and' > erts & T. nships, 0 thers at XI , trader, sold nine -I ; A. Bay PI, nine 44c. S. rice, 30 r. Bayar sold a IS G. OFFOR • A. 1\T 33 0 0 ..A.. 13 THE GOODS ARE THIS SASON'O MAKE WILL BE SOLD AT THE LO* PRIdES FOR WHICH HE IS NoTED. LAND SEE .F YOURS OFFORD JR., MAIN -ST.). SEAFORTHI. 01 Pi east IlIeMalkitiVill,give bast ractiona in in try/net:dal music to a few pOpils. Hoe iven for practice ii desired. Residorace s, tor'Square, Seaforat. 614 WANTED W4sNTED-Wartted th ttrehaSe,e Sea& f..V5 Terrier Dog. App y at the EXPOSI- T TO OFFCE, Sestforth. 64'13 SON WANTED - Y14 iminediatedy two 4)43d stone masone. Apply,to JOHN ES14/s1', Winthrop. 648x2 .M AITO AND SN'OCK FIDR SE Nicg. , 1 TOICK RAISERS, 4TTE,NT ON. -The under hj R igllOt1 ',' will keep for tilt inaprovement of ' stock this -lesson, on T ot 8„ Concession -8, McKillop, i'the Thoroughbred Lerhero, Bull, " Uncle Tom ." " 'Uttncle Tom "• is to yearti of age wits bird. by Mr. George ptoetc. Of Tucker-- smith,. is Of red color, with fillet claearegistered pedigi Oe, and is a first- 0)588 bu 1 ,tra -eve) y respett. TERMS. --lone d-o0ar for the eseop, payable,on the 1st 'of January', 1681. ?BIAS N6 4A68. 4H 7 ; Proprietor...‘ — pf:5- Ms at $62. Buettleo, May 10.-0at le- , mend and a1shade higherii sal export steerS a $4.80 to 5.15 shippers, $4,70 to ; est $3.85. pheep and Lambs easier; several cars remain k S 1Z7HOL • 1 EOL ;1 aughter. 9th inst., the aughtei. he 3rd inst.', the son. • Marla FT -ROSS -At the residence of the ri &a father, by Re S. Jones, Brusselti, Mr. e ,ge Hayetoft, to g :niche, eldest ,-datighter f Mr. David Ross, al of Brussels. A:MUSTARD - A the residence lf the ride's father,- Stanlet, on the 5th in by John Ross, Mr Jae: Laut, of Stan , to aek, third daughter of Mr. Wm. Musta ef 70—NOLAN----4n. Goderich, on the 121h 4} Mr. Harry }1o1 les, to Miss rah No- n,tirth of Goderichi 'IND-SHEEHY t St. James' Church, ea orth, on the 3 d inst, by Rev P. J. 134-sa, Mr.IThoma,s 1 olland, to Miss Mary . alieehy, both of Se forth. e. !Fes. e of .ife of - Des, McDOIIALD--Ott the 4t1 t' lit eOth inst., Mr. M 71 ytttlits. ' SPE“ige-In Orford town the Ord inst., the wif f r NIC f WIIII c 1 SEL WO A LEI C ¶Jlh tirly of, Stanley. OL -In Ilulletiti on laughter of Mr: Y -At his resid township, on ply, aged 73 yea Et. -At Exeter, on iy, M. D., after a ' Tucker iith, on the 29th ult., - ohnWorkman, ged 49 years. • In Tuckersmit 1, on the 5th inst , grs. ,. Leitch, aged 49 years. RYAN -tit Hayfield, on tl e 28th ult., the infant sOn Of Roe P. Ryan, ged 3 days. 'DUN ?(IAD -In Brussels on the the 26th ult., Thomas, inf nt eon of Mr. Harry ord, aged 3 mon hs. £L -In Brussel* on tbe 3rd inst., John .14.J. Mit, infant eon Of Mr. J. F. Waddell, ect18 months and 14 days. . G-orrie, on the 3rd inst., Anti, \We of r. Wm. Clint aged r",3 years. IttitON-In East Wa-wanosh, on the 13th IC 11) r. hs. concession, Hulle t, on rgaret McDonald, aged hip, Kent count on of Mr. Richard Spear, he • 10th inst., the in - /avid Nichol, aged. three nee, Huron Road the 9th inst., • he 10th inst.,[' Jo ong and painthl • , God - Noble Lin B. ness. vAr OLIftt AND , st4'$ Mr. Duncan Anderson, ‘,6(.1 81 , Sr.,I • ID, • i Y .0P.: ' MAN -1G-On the 291.11 ult., at the residence of • ,. 1 er , 'father, Mr. McBride, 117 Albert Rtreet, ' or on, Cecilia, beloved wife of 'Mr. Charles a44liug, of Exeter, 41. the age of 26 years. • TH '-In the towns ip of Morris, dn the 4th i s , John Thynne, jged 65 years. Pal nes /19 • Th reed the Di Cana 'Stat.( 0 ' Hotel 639 E IAN „i3AIIK OF COMMERCE. AD OFFICE, TOR.ONTO, Capital, . $64000,000. - 1,400,000. e dent, _Hon. inn. McMaskr. :EAFORT1f BRANCH. ; aforth Branch Of this Bank continues to .e..411eposits, on a hieh interest is allowed on t. favorable term . fti on all the prin ipal towns end cities in a., on Great Brit in, and on the United s, 1longht and sold. First door AS Olt of the Commercial IRELAND, Manager. A. H. - Fall Sprin Stirin 0 ats •THE MARKETS. SEA ORTH, May 13, 1580. heSit 1 1-18 to 1 15 eat,Fife,perb M..- 1 13 to 1 16 Wlieat,BedChaff,erbush. 1 12 to 1,13 e bushel 1 0 34 to 0 34 Peasps bushel 0 60 to Q 62 Berle pt bushel ........ 0 140 tto 0 150 Butte ,No.l , Loose 08 o 04 Eggs. 0 09 to 0 10 Flour, pqr 100 lbs 3 15 to 3 15 Hay.• • . 8 00 to 9 00 Elides if lb. 00 8007 Le 10 2088 Sheep Os each Salt(retitil)per garret,. ..... 0 76 Salt( lictlesale)per 0 26 to 00 100 Petat ettii per bushei... Apple ,. o'er bnshel 0 60 to ' 0 65 ....... 020785 ttoo 30 0080 Tallo eter lb Beef, n emitters, per 10(1 lbs5 60 to 6 25 Clove SOed, per bushel., 03 2080 to30 3500 Wool, pet, /1) Fall Sprin Oats, Mule Pete, Butte Potat CLINTON, May 13, 1380. .1 h at,per bnahel............. 1 12 et 1 15 Wheat, perbushe 1 10 g 1 12 cebushel 0 34 @ 0 35 ,ittr bushel 045 @ - 056 el bushel 0 62 0 065 • 1-' 0 13 @; 014 0 30 @ ! 035 0 09 @I 0 C9 on, .... . . ..... 7 00 @ 8 00 eed 1• 3 00 d 310 7 Seed , 3 10 t_ 8 25 es1 Eggs. .. HeY,Per Clove Timot $4.65 to $5.0.5 ; ch ice to fancy to 5.50;$mixed yearlings and e.7.12te, Hogs -Sales of light at $4.40 to 4.50;$good York -w city tra e at $4 55 to 14.60; h medium, $4.50 to $4.60; fair en to $4.35,; pig., $4.10 to'$4.15. 0. air de- s extra choice a bulls, Market unsold; eep at. o. $5.15 Iambs, Yorkers ights to , avy and s. $4.10 SEED, SEEDS.-Varmers in want of Good Fresh Reliable Field Seeds, true to name, call at D. D. Rob's before purchaeing. My stock ha been care- fully s4ected front some of t responsible seed firtns in ban i will be Bold at a v ry small in i first cost. D. D, 03E, Grocer, the Post Office, Se forth. 648 4 Local icotices. SEEDS -WILSON & YOUNG ha stock of Field and Garden Seeds of th quality and best known karieties, bough most reliable seed merOants in the Call and Examine before eurchasing els BARGAINS IN GROCERIES. -Mr. WilliamsOn, having retitled from the Gr ness, wilk dispose of the ;balance of hi fresh stock at cost for (midi only. This fide annonneement, and parties wishing a good arliele cheap would do well to call. Malvin be foend fin the present two doors west of Mr. E. Cash's seed mich street, Seaforth. • 64" a noest da, and gin on next to e a full Choicest from the °minion. where.645 raham cery busi- new and is a bona to secure ve him a ,the shop tore, God- TIIE GREAT Clk/T WI LLIA !: Shows HIM HOUSE AMP agn ficent Steel o Spring an( 1/27ner ELL Scotch an Ca adieu Suit gs, French an Ei lis Wors reds, jrIntl Reavy 9o4k ot White S1?,irts,1 flats and Gen al Furnishings. e••••I • '90 CT' 1.114 tote./ 00 C•11. (03 11 `DaniovJnNdw DiJNOAN & DU NCA ioirs FT.TIR,1\T LL STOCK BOUCHT BEFORE T .7 SEAFO SI-11.1\TGI-S MEETINGS! TO 11 HELD. OTICE-;-A Meeting of the Sha•-eliolders ef -I=N the International Salt -Company will be hem at the Office of the undersigned Secret -aryl.° 1 the Company, at the•Town of Savo h, nu.,T4tesday,. the 25t1i day of May, 1680, at 2 o'eleek in the - afternoon, for the prirpose of -considSring and approving a By -Law of the Co party, tonfirming &hi, sale of the lands of the CD piny to jeseph Kidd, Eeq., of Dahlia, and att-h rising the exe- cution of the conveyance ot sij1 lands to Signed -S. G. McOAUGrHEY, President; A LEX. ARMITAGE, Secretary Intern tional Salt Co. May lith, 1880. : 6121 PASTURE , pA.su U1.E FOR OATTT.V.--iiThe nuatnigred, a- 4 in, ail time after the nal die el ilday, efford Pastuiage for a limited rim:ober -of Cattle and Sheep. Tlitre is a ran of It0 .acites, geed gran . and pkety of water. 1 Teiroe-,Aged rattle, $1.4 per month; for the season ; Ycarlinge, 75 eenta per month ; Sheep, if* cents 'eaeh per month.: Hrries wilt not be talLin at art price. The Pro- prietor wi11 not hcild lairose f responsible for Lily -early, as -only modated, turd the- st of the seueerk ,n. 11.13.,, )RPE 647 647 strays, losses, or aceittents. A a limited ntunber Can he accort pat ture is always best in The fi Pasture on!Lot 25, CO cession ei Emit h. .Apply to -JOHN TH ; COtRTS OF' REVISION. re 017R9 CP' REVISTON---Th Cotirt of Itevie- 1-1 IC. n Jot the Township of T akerenaith will be 10 o ,elock 4. M. WMI. IlleCON 'ELL, evenship day, the 271th day of May, ns , coin eacing At ha d at Mr.1Snox's Hetet Harp rhev, On sT4-13t9 1., r2e- Clerk. I , OF REVIION.---T1 e Court of Rorie , , - win int the Townahip-of MeRiblop will be C 0 YktT he Id at 1 t.MRMAN'S HOTEL, . Winthrop, oa SA TURDAY, MAI 20,12.69, at 143 °block A. M. 1 All ear tie& inteteetett are belleby requested to t ta ke notice and govein themselves aceordingly. '. JO /IN 01SULLIVAN4Clerk. ' 649-2 .. , I E ADV 114 1RICE . vationl Of the:118$ SaMelit of the ToWre. T °Nye/sett:a OF •G EY. -T Cour of Re - 1 Marcella Toilet Covers. Use'fill White Quilts from $1 up. Fringed Quilts, White and Colored,. Curtain Nets; all widths, from 20 eents per yard up.1 Muslin Curtains. Wool Damasks, all colors. 8-4, 9 -4 -and 10-4 Bleached and. Bro n Sheeting.. Twiiied Sheetings. 36 to 45 in Pillow Cottons. Towels in endless variety, from 5 cents up. TJseful Heavy Linen Totvels, 10 dente. „ 1 See our Fine Bleached Linen Towel Table Damask, Bleached, from 60 eents to $1.5 per yard. Brown Table Damask, all Linen, 25o., 30c.,_ 35 .,400.150e. Table Napkins, all prices. 1 Curtain Holders, Blind Tassels, Cord, &e. Hemp, Union and Wool Carpets. , Ticking, 30 to 36 inches,. 1 Linen Hessian, from 14 cent e per yard. Bleached and Rough Brown Roller Towelling. Russia Crash. Window Hollands, White, Buff and preen. I 1 • s hip of Grey, for thelyear 1889 will be held at E DGAR'S- HOTEL, Carabrook, on T1111114SDAZ 2 7th NAY. All parties inter s ed 1il1 govera t hesdvcs heeoldinglY- Dote Ole -tile 12th day o I May,180-. A. HUNTER, 9."cw ship Clerk. 649-2 : v the °set half of Bob No'. -4,- en. 11,1,11. 11.S.. . Tuckerstnith County o/ Harm., eonsiSting of GO : acres, 13i miles from the Town xiArluAETIF, FARMI FOB; S 6::::,3.-1--0' FLorth,Stamlela convenient to schooLi The la d is of the very 1 best gna1ity4 For further pa ars apply to - JAMES PICKARD, opposite thi prenrises, or to 4. Egmo 'dville 1'. O. 1 521 FO SALO OR T co-itefortable , T° preeeritc'tnioetelspbi:dvf. boy!' Nai.nWiiat 1, given' on -the ist Februs cAuoll-wt & HOLK$STED. fl • AND LOT FOR S L-Honse ; Jea- IDLot for sale on Gbderich 9 ekt, elturts'Snr- vey. 11'1)&4o -use contains eight gooa /bakes, to- gether with Clothes clesets, &c geed cellar, bard and soft water, and anice gar en plat. This is a very deeirable residence and wi be leold•chettp. sFeafoorfrurh.ther articulara apply . MIT 4 WEST, 649 DUNCAN &. DUNCAN.: SEIAFORTH, i T__J 1_, 1\T B., "Ir. This -Department is filled with all the Novelties of the Season. New Bonnete and'Hats of all kinds. Flowers, Feathers, Ornatnents, Silks, Satins, &e. Otir Steck is being continually assorted with all the "tVewest Goods as they tome oat in the English and American markets. Custoipers can depend. on getting as We -spare no pains in turning : a and be convinced. No trouble LET. taffr etti-e, with e t, Seaforth, at sera. Poiseession Apply to Me - good an assortment as in any house m Ontario. outifirst-class work at moderate prices. Exami to sihow goods. DUNCAN & DUNCAN. . DUNCAN tirg. ., G_eNTS` FURNISHINGS— We 'Aare one o the L est Stocks in this Line to be seen in this 410?1,21t1 i . 1 . i UNiCAN. Gents' Linen Collin* all styles. Getts' Paper alari, popular sh1 pes. Gents' Kid, Lisle and Tilbury Gbieies. - Gents' Colored and. Black WiD date Scarfe. Gents' Club House and Tom TheMb -Ties. Gents' Colored and Black Bows. i Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs, frort.110 cents to 50 c Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs, col red and borders. Gents' White Shirts, New Goods end Gool Shapes Gents' Merino Underelothing, &c. i ULL ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF CEN DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEA ORTH. nts. Lary- . 75e. up. OSALE-One of 1 the best Farm in Ilteron C e unty,lbeing Lot 23, S. T. 114, 117 borne ; 150 acres 143: rder cultiVation; b,LIdne hardwoods 11 b ea; 0.0a framehouse ai.d* bank i,arr. 40x90, barn and 1rlvkng hog pen, eheep atia hen houses 1 and cistethe and good orehard; se obi, post oft -keel with daily mail,: ithi eonvenient to Mite he0, Exete t.nd mark ts. Elcod gravel road in. a e ply GEORGE HACKNEY, rat office. 1' • 4 MILL FOR` SALE OR TO R 13t1 am Flour aed Grist sale dr to ixnt, or will be ex property. Possession given 18 June, i1el roill is new end in cvnteins 4 inn of stones don, Huron and Brace Railw e entre of a1splend id 'wheat gro - is onel of •tie best 119i1)8 in the thepart icalttre apply to the 1 P.O. S. RNNNIE. IMPORTANT NO NT sng ter t e plenald 18 011 1 y treat, in the 1 • irig c natty, and -I, °Mat r. For fur- ropri €ti, Zurich 648-4 1 ed, eood a 36'3[50, d ; wells, hatdh, and one mile; $t. !Marys Ap- uhat post 61,2-7eow - The nen- are now for ; d for farm '. IOth working •: he Lon - 14., GYAL-MIS8 SCOTT, eafe ET -1-t1 rut) 40 ber Dresemehing Batt 1 atilt: 'ii a ibiZrt nee, ,J oba Sir ?et 0 .1.. piecoi al Mettiedist, Church, w etre I' h ave a call ft0113 her many frien e an who may it:quire anything • the Mantle line.1 . -IT ii — - AI TI G-WM. R. FRE land, /egs to intimate to t Seaf4th 2- id bUIrounding cc commenced lituine.es as Gene Paect Hanger, Sin Writer, truf,ted tO 'him finished" in Wheel, meantime, at D. D.1 Itos, forth. Whit R. FREW. Icli" OTICE1 TO DEBTORS - RAL DRYGOODS. d eht. L; (3.8 P417hDini.uPt etntjtleesHtlicT thirty attys. from this date; Ali ' ing unsettled after that time Iv :hand e of Messrs - McCaughey collxotiouj He will be found Shoe Stout, Main Street. EL Seaforth, April 29, 1680. ' '11 0 These are Fresh froth the Market, and my am • customers may rely on; ;getting an honest article ci4 at a modeiate price. 1I WM: CAMPB.F.,L.L. WO 0 L 20,000, POU AT KIPPli 4.1 WO L . 0 DS WANTED STATI I N. )-41 ' 0 URING the pi esent will be at his 'War.. noon to t a,ke in and p Price in, dash fox Go Wool. At the same time, Wheat and Oath, at on delivered befote the sew eason the- ubscriber °use, Kippen, y the High d Merchant : ill take in a side Seafort d week in Jul C•• ^1 c••••-, • e•••• r•-• ."11•1 CD 10) :raD HOIVM A8 lS-1 J VM 1.i, baa te- em to her posits the ehoees to oestoiners Drees aid •625: e Boot- - 0] int rtibitiotts;d1 nity ,hat 3ie has ep Painter, • All work en - Dist, less. style. -'G oicery, Sea- ' 632, e 4nldersigned . delsirds .0.11 parties ace,durits within ecou1nts remain- • 0 be • : laced in the ▪ iH0 rotated for TIat Coventry e ga • .--oravE„ 347a03 1 • - •Deltaic SCHOOL' TEACH- XAMINA. • !1'1O13. 158U.—or Firet•-• latts•-eAt the Nor- mal Schooll, Toronto, on Thu selatly fith,-at '9 A.' M. !For Secood-C ass At *ie • lOwn Goderich. fed High Sehoole of Cfinthia and Sea. forth, on May, July 5th, at 2 P. M. For Thittl-Choils-At the Town f oderieh, onTtles- , be previelitly given by the Can •elitteatnin he ob- day, jnly 113t13, at 9 At WI. Fe a Of i4epotice to tained oi applicatitin iv the Secretary. It is indFcL.hole that Candidate notify the Seem- tary pot le3ter than the lira of Ju1rtf their in- teution to ,present thonaelves 1fr examination. Candit;ritcol for Finttl end Sec old -Claes Certifi- t • catee ere tie:mired -toil-or-ward 1lhe neeeasetry tet. tificatts oft ftICCe8P. 3.15 teachn3 , end 1111 are re- ed t fternieh eolificatee 011r3era.1 Character. Candidatied /or Seto ,d-ChaBF rttilit *tate whether the, intenil to aqite 1Godtaieli Jr at One of the other nartred 001 ochoelsaudidates for 7hird-Cles14 nett fttniith prepek urcof of age. PETEll AIDAMS0N,IVectetax.,11131Der43 of Exam., 648-2 • CR' ITORS OF .rnm LATE 310KiRT BEIDi, OF Sr 4NLEY.--Noticts very 10-rs-. ltrere 'TI[S BETTER THAN COLD y Surplus prices, if Come early, as tbe fine growing craie prospect will have a tendency to lower prices later on. DIA.VID Mot NNIN. 649 LippooL, 'May 12. --Spring wheat 1 10s 06.1; red winter, 10s 6d; white, 10e 2d; Clib, lOs 4d ;loath, 6s 3d ; barley, s 3 'peas, 7s 2d; lpork, 65s Ocl ; beef, 2 - cheese, 68s d. o4 tem, May 1 1; spring,$1. cJ peas,67c to A .-Fallwheat, $1.20 2 to' $1.26; oats, 40c 70c; barley, 58c to GRAND AZ AR, A BAzos for thd sale of Aprone and other `43•- useful articles will be held in Mr. Dent's Old Stor e, on Main Street 19th day of May, inst., Ladi es' Aid Society 01 fort h. The proc!edS o be devotedi to imp roverneute. All *I- ebrdlally invi TO CET YOUR ,HORSEi PROPERLY SHOD AND YOUR .1 BLACKSMITHING NEATLY AND SCIBSTA TIALLY DONE J01 -11\T DoJns N HIS N_ 1.W and enlarged pro:raiseth s, opposite e Quednls Hotel, Go erich Street, is prepared to do this. He also desires to in feint hie customers of 4111 removal, a to thank the wt for paat patronage. 14 it nlet pi( 47aieee irapreved facilities he is prep red to give better satisfae- , tie* than ever. • 1 Horse Shoeing, Gene -All Blacksmithing and Repair ny doe formeqy • aud 071 the Most Reasofrzable Te WEDNESDAY, the , 1 ander the an piees of the RE:MEMBER TUE PLACE: Graseie's 04 Stand, opposite the Qtreen's Hotel, S. Thomas' hRreh, Bea- Goderieh Street. d,Church 1149 160+13 JOHN DORSEY, Seaforth. hereby Oen, pursuant to the lievised Statutes of Onte.tto; Chaplet 11R, li14otio3 34, that I have been at:pointed A,Irinistrat0r Of tee Personal. Rattle and Effects of the lat . Itober.t ileid.of the Towmihip of Stanley, in t ie .Courity of Hu- ron, Yeenaisn and. Tew.niship reaeuter, and all par -ties latlivin.g- clairria ageinet . iS -estate are re- quired to fiend tO TOO en •or befo o the yirst -its.,7 of July,At D. itm,, iv dr name 4a3d post °Inca addrese, wAh fall particulars* anch claim, and if they hold any seethity they are also to 'Send tae partiettlars thereof, and 11 egessaty produce the Saute for my 4J$1,cct10T1 a n requeet. lm - after the ,id First yef jely next. I. intend tel pay away and div44, the personal estate, the: in aiy bandit, AM* :th-Obla ,ZI.Itillea,, luriling:r0ittra -00)Y .40 tbloge amS 'ot 'Which X shall thettihave been notiBed. Parties indebted to the POI estate el4her by no e ox book account are also iaOtified that all t eb mast be collected on or befoe the -sabd. first 6 y Of tile aatila ,day of Matal.i1:6894 ..(gUi liritQv Jr., eosatels',:a. .644-1S 3