HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-14, Page 4IIIIIIIAY A TH� HURON' E SITOR. N II �itio h Tr beef, cashs of but- and ng it haear Xr 1 Galbr f I rk anId . 9'1 I, he 18,13-0, and it Pas 11showi to value' n of the grdat Awe can desert, west, I would havei.yon go not as in- ba els o,f po , I AM, I - - INEV7. AI)VERTISEMENTS. to the trouble of attending the p - 1. 11 . . ffie meantffia�- Mr. Gsllbraith h9A Lutz is P11 'at as fal ilies. which i eo - and In I hile large, tracts 4f land thr6ughdut diviatials but as fa are the ter a nd lard ars bf fru ts. j:Elh Amd. now: is not likely to waste his Allot �iwllei 1 1 two J4?table finstances durig the tl interior of the 0ountry re ab 61ulbe- true fouxxda�idn o society. I would jan Stages of decay Mos' quired the poIl:i booki bldt in rd *1 , . use and Lot for S ale—Smith We oult 4 a anct all li� k� L hE gets there. he deDlO I,(, 0 preso�nt l� 4assion, *r. B Nels alend- d jui it; in the 9 Ming pu a,terbuy Watcb�M. R. Counter. tble 1 13, worthless for Ur have you ao, t no, u ot expecting ' to be- of these provigio fond :to ing it ha xPolises. 1 ions were Vi men )a b W. Abbott, a for oulrt of Revision—Tp. of Tuckersinith. in and i in Ono o� them. For example k now whereof'I spoliak wh, m I say for onve suddenliv rich or to share at once usbless on bei;64 o�ened, and hadto b er r erest in I to irll, g be b on th�; fields. It is said that at ''s th J islature. In o bailes �bogeth( ial Measnres—John Kidd. r fathers long thro, Of M. W at heihas en the the (vemmel4ontrolthe Jr along the ;he advantages it took you, wn gy w1hid ant public1ssuef on the. pUt 0 L �Ousa Furnishings—Duncan & Dune 4r-fttmed 'Valley ot, the 134katc1hew*n, �ears of pv tient labor to secure, but least $500 WaaLlOst on the contents 01 640 acres of laIndivii Oak 1dree, -Mrs. ople, as- set fox th by our. Gontempor- if a �l lv,o ',a M, fiffiber brings fc rward - the soil is sucla th4t tin*&$ the Most -esolved to (limb he ladder 'of pros- the call Signed -orthwest, oxi wbich t is P ourt of Revision ar. The Only reason as —Township McKillop. p N otice-i—A.. A-rmitage. aiy, is not encouraging. #a they 'Cli t '6g qf household stal was small Oak, anil good It sho#ihat east: re prevent If passage, a a, it can berity by lionest . and well -directed for this hoaroll xx ti favorable conditiont of clil 0 ourt of Revision—Township of Grey they want educating, Thisear no f tb4u IBut, y taking n voJr support oil—and to sndli many paits of to provide foritimine and deficits Goverinxi ant lan4,s clo re gla-a ela�4 iso 1. .3 So sjosed. MCl than 4. kiaggling t E-18 1 n -n 6, s t 'is that vast counIbry ill yield a profitable —The noxfoxalminatlonfor run in the summull, awn Mowers—W.. N. Watson. ja opposit' to this p)pulation, while in some part i w Or eeasinivithin and indifferenco is occasioed �y 1 dehl led Stan 1. Or asof his location and 'I 31Y worthle3h." H a loays of -the return." ing of Public i Sell' fi- mi and oographing—C. Moore. IutE ool teachers' erti bir lack of information. If those they M y offend s ar le prom-. a)SO q 9 M up oxil forest region of the North Ot: "When cates;for the District of Algoma *1 ill. be MId lh- -Are 90111 ly fou'r and BLazaar—St. Thomas, Church. orl ool—David McLennan. ferent ones woul I study th( pu 0. Qlaes- )Portersqio, in order t) -obviate I speak 'roigion Of the North- lCaRada, held at,Gore Xay on the Manitoulin the sito chose fb�ris dwelling, :neighb of . the forest-, -clever vn -A 1h Tolin Dorsey. tiotis'of the co intry, and CIO el3i "cru- a Of it a Louis f Hamilton, tavern 44 Ago Mt. home -in i Ity, )y throw - tl Ile responsi- a of a I and at' Fri i viest,youmustnottlaink 0 2ES, 0 nee Arthur's Landng'on —A few Ab Pastureifor Cows—F.-G. S%rling. ti niz:e the 'etion s of our pubhei :Ality-which I should Asume upon qanadian forest, abounding in valuable keeper, has 3eeu fined $50 and costs for Thunder Bay simultaneously wi-iii the Davidson of ITullarto drove a inien —The )Paz L f B, t mber and possessing gqod scil. To keeping fter 11.30. examination for third-class certiA ates Mitchell.with al mare which he h- a er- hol House, at hus escue blame, nc. who arel set over them, t1dir ind 641 -d 'h s )eak of the forest tegion —A magullficentinew Masonic Torl elsewhere in Ontario, the papers beinla, raised from s, f an which 1 -on 7 the dec"I or , gion ence would cease,,,and the on! atter w iieh goes. if gion f, the North tained the go a !d1d age of tiff -0 option of omitting h W, soon v -est is in general to speak qf a i region ple is to be erectdd- in London. The the same, `1witb th Xr. adt'ively &rray the meas ire i c rried, the) have in- t i,at can never be r4claiDa( to 1101 -an olso her 11 'ea were So I 0 themselves On ithe, stimated cost is $10,000. algebra, geomletry,' and English litera- years. a-0 h f ak ' o si le, and such. lethargy and ndifferii no' fluenca.61LOugl. W#th the Senate to use. It is to spe or oil, for. —A new n a been erect shod and tber put her in iBe i o i bridge ha ad ture.. a, hotel �here scrubby woo4 of Jp uce, poplar )ver the Grand Ri*er, on the line of immmimmammmA. despatch fro�m Montreal sals the when she Inl limmediat 'he cure il S: deat re, so that ia this way ely lay.. i aE we condemn would be a thing of., t Nichol, T4 -piwner wag very SEAFORTH FRIDAY, MAY 14,18 0 ,tbesal'isricor. Of h incks is exceedingly'l ad died. and birch abouxaft, a Great Westerrilat Cayuga. condiion of Lady H Don-ald, I sail Aftfi both partieg and give' past. Ifhese por6ies wale forced to course where beltAf eimbor are found The offi,,-i*l ters in the Com- Sal It will be remembered that attached t thle �iimal, an4, it is I6ffen 0, 3 to, neit on farming ands, they'& ext1remely to Ipp 'a Igc to the poll, as we have al-reacty SAW, e�. In'thisway,wead- some days -shea tears at hei ldemise, ofis will havio, oax in black robes a -has been-, suffering for lot X�O. it The T-jast Tribute. u ieful. for fuel Ind white ties -a whitlaw- o �Anl- aged. io*oer of North E go f nothan. it, bliat a a#adian San theywotild hot often mi 6, ate can and d buildi I MAL eriil; next session on the floor from' n-, the thnmb,, and this t John -Ba I bit what I say is that th tvas forest Of the House. aving becom� exceedingly painful was Mr. 3S, 1 died laS `,G. G. M The life and character of the Ho� d they wel i� do I 'alue" to t ae present week., ai Id soon into t Wem- as sb oW iti res r gion of the Nort est1w .11. never yield Mr. Rolex t Robillson, brother of lanced severa![ times, but without -al- 1839 dnr4e ito North Eas .eorge Brown are,so well knon o I scrupilous Gov- G 1:,sel.lves sufficient],, in public affa 4.8 to S lrp�E aiii no, erly a profitable returnn 0 I�b i either in Mr.f C. BlAckett Robinson, of - the leviating her sillffeiiiag. Sir F. Hincks 'taking UP 16t 3 the 7-thl es One ersa�ill! ern 'I I - �nr readers a d his worth so un iv Y er able them to give an intalligent iypte.'- wnril qov r ment i � fespon- the matter -of I 4r farmill Pr teria een ill for some lays, i� where . he re. ed tilli his Th um enrig g. Gaiiada it, will, in f a ture ran who 4as also b -ay Kid on. preciated by thein, it will be unlyee Ace uld I� t:) t�.e pe( for the legislation, 1his is a matter'abibut wl i,bh the Call- thlE erso News, NorthEastho e4b,that time wa mpulsory voting law a a sible in recovering. 11 !­ i D tlie passengers by the —The Aecult'ural and Arts, As- dead a ho �vl i ng wildernes,4 - no d noti 9 sary for us to say one word in c r,-aud wcul d if b open I y ipromol or cheeki adian people- should not be� kep4 in the _Amon Msplendid edneat be ng d rk, b u t:. it is one on whiel has! -t& t1l I i - - Omigra teamship ol lissian, which arrived socition have (lecked.to offer prizes for no schools, DO' UrO ich for 416 men'dation of either, were it not t+� me 6�,o y I el in operat 'Uhtil it ill no ation -,�ey'are likely to offend t r "ato market Galt, al fit ce on record 'a last i i0l Id b n pamphlets do not much rdayv, *e thirty street arabs, des- the best farmo in % di-Arict 'comprising ll ril Mea A: ,erich, the ive desire to pla the a let, much a alI.P6 some! c f their prominent SUPE ol ters who Ii ht." ]Eta says Of those iho; lled for McPherson's home, at the bounties of Ni ara, Wella conveyance sleigh. But norm, i row 8 3SS- ag anio nd, � Lin.- tribute to Canaila's, greatest statesmarl a ad of the fr ser t the ence on out the whole N(orthwestilli tOrms of iraft. coln,-Haldixnild, Moril Wentworth, severance an try he Saw in. anchise would, throlig L its Can r elE ot ion. day, gue ad igurnalist. The particulars of Ud s u iqualifiod,l raise, &nd pict re it as the —A large( Irll of Six uggled to- Brant, N-orfo*,, Witerloo, and Halton. for many year 3 82irr6laned agency, be edo.cated to thtit poilit w ere a 11 tl a y I I Ive t 40 to keep it L'N 41i both P Dr.Alkenl afe, as well as of -his sad c1dath, at ft: bure'abode of teerhing m. 11 ious "Did baccobas beau seizbd.at Quebec. Con- The farms must be of at least 100 a -ores, luxury Whichour'fai coulutriv affol gases esa, -0 tbleeh compulsion iiI 1113 necesgary., i- to Ill vo a, privat member ti ese mexi enquire inore f u I y in jo the traband trade ithithe French Islaude two-thirds of which sballbe clear6d. A —Messrs. Jc n and Wa as liker of �ul I ly narrated elsewhere in tills. iss lring it fo I rwar �nd quietly encourage facts of the case th6y woull piobably in the Gulf is gal t nl assuming extensive large number towel, shipped, laot week, f6r le was, withatt-t exception, the able the I of considerations reltive —A -t ti 11 1bV ritatIve body, cc me to the conclusion, as I! hav, 3 done, 8 0. b� represe pro ortio to the management of the farms, will treal market mate, P ns. a, . number hela in tj 2,xid most influential man Of his day 'a The Va�kle of the that by far the grea er par of British --tMr. A. beef cattle. The -�,arties lsame1 time instruct �their. Nfac4amara, one of the affect the decision of the �udges. fand Ul this country., 3�or, while s ay 'rhe Senate'haj territory.i the Nor hwest �ill n6var in OldeIst printe ome M 13shown i valuei by b)OI s -in 10ntaifo, died 1 st —It is 6aid that iiome of the Oneida the cattle -a boiag,ht, Ma the �ri c 8 in tle.SeRak who are entieely in-' to return t he sting the h4lsty measimes o ithe the nature of things be: tbe At al�ode of wee�inLondoa,4bd.57. Heuseld. to Communists have'emigrated to Can- paid for them., a as -follows lAve equalled him in, one paticular S,!jott deper&ri 'of a people, to veto it Cklilized; , an. W Ithat he assisted Elma), 8; ihiea--dlll wooihi IE1( use of Commons, by w * :I the Noxis I Pon illions. Bay C, in getting out the ada, a settioa olown near. Niagara Burnett there are laone who have exce an OJO ItW 1,1 d ve been pra,. of acres of and wasoe mu dver temiLi ll�i 7 would h pi- 10 hen'� t l'ot:neE Pefore them, This- is n f xst number of the globe. Falls. It is abo sa�id that while popu- Pounds, at 5 ce*ts James Bun etk -at* D' �d to retUrn I in so many di4rent branches. A4 a nit, d. -The reat advanta Of i productive to hu 'man t But there —The inquet on the body of the I' I sentiment i� nada is decidedly Elul 6 hea 31 e do g( that w Ls played with,the in u, ar a Ca 85&5 poun. 34 Arliamentariam, orator, -writ in bills to pa3s two HouseE a o Void -ably fertile oil. George Brown was concluded on adverseto sucjh as�sociation, there is 5J cents; Jam 8 El hiia. 2 ll� er, t I are severaldarge ano tol or solve A lAnf. last y i, and it to ur#edle-aisl ollego, rl y -epe di ArilAs that may i� time 'Onnect with uesday nigi t, andl the jury brought in no lavw prohibit weighing 2380 oll at 6, c to usiness man, he Stood withoat a WhE se ing them. The woMen ants -was Ivery! 8 .0 60 tinen h is urried 8 6'1 P a chanc 3 that the % as )at,,, ad tlijo year with the. bill the great high'way !cxoss verdict of wilful uraer against the have discardedi the'One da uniform' and Zinn, Wallace, 2 �erior. Of course he was human aid d offer home 6htA;- otber may be 000J—Montreal fVit?ze&q S to t6se bthe� lands rigoner, Ge(rd Blennett, alias Dick- pound'. Iiii ng Marc qg ith dress as d the n4i :: . IE ffli 1 a with i other lem-4, as, lei --chum ts, but these were far a. w bell old qag, an Would have 91 , �ad his faul * (- I I ; . o Or the bors thus: far have found no a Walltice, 4 rVe notice 6at oar, Monilleal,coiltem- istiir, ad . with Mr. B)ultbee's mse to ling 780.Z-pou uiog ih�, ivil' t 5J cents; axi d red- S C�Iled by his Virtues. Not since the it loatin.the vanguard o '10 ization —There is oc nsi rable feeling in a complain of il�.b �deportmen of the a po;ary is not the 6xiLy one 1 iclined to a. D.,M( to tb� Scott Act. If it Many ya in 3,870 po.. ascll this V68tern w�rld. 4anot help suburb of Ottaw er the action of an dolony. 10 head, weighing. -I —At ,& I apsassinalon. of President Lincoln sy d,. a 017 ascribe to Senators speGiai redi d sts of� the country tud good th nkin Ilp.,, Ait. th 'xit're 9 hQwevbr, 1 that 94bpeaIs are 1.0,pis;copal clergyman refusing to ad- —It is sxinouiced( by a Chicago paper cents. D-. D. ay' 10 'h�ia&, ham Golam "Arcy MGGee, has there been eve wei&. acc4 titl to hi-' e rna n :a d ous to land 'their ui lit of gavI er ave a body I ove . the Made on behalf of ille fut u:re of this mnister the Si.crament to a member f1liat th' Inte ' tio: al Christian T.em- 13,557 po S. r. Hay ISO Sol band mar 8�proaah to the general, unfeigned a,�d 0 intry that facts dl� not ,ftrra4t and c f the Met] o list Church in good ­6ranee Ciamp -n,, D ahaxii Iijqli w,12lighing their action in -vetoing M Bo tby 8 0OPI the BA� f relieving p eeting Adsociationill you OJ pu a d bil, amending the Se Iiegard arge e pounds, and one fo. year old weig] 4ee sorrow and regret which has seiz( it as a cala4nib tlia�t the Gov- standing. hold two Ott 3m .&nee f; th rown of tr) y t oings ilk the summer lit of the ul pe I.iniB ir ublegOme er ment and.presS qf our 6 untry echo —A fict int, eating to horticulturists of 1880. The firs ei place at 2128 pounds, T �e principal ps�k on behalf.- 4pon the people an accou Ac,.- W ae Year 0 an, 1t would be'a bbdy r po ibilities Web, they sboidl bear, s appeals. I ch4 ur tilers with is that a wooi 11: ine brought from Ire- Grimsby, On the animals sold ere three year rge O t., July 22nd to .25 th, in- tiImely demise of Senator Brown, a la plea ant c eed that would xibt be gulty of c nli.. n i �e agree vi h our Morat-eal. con- in king a false appekl o b?1 alf !Of t1fe land last summer has, without protec- elusive. Grimsbyis a *er 8 steers.! they Aesi u Sav , ritimtelv.. because had it not be( Ncrthwest. They b �ve proo: laim,pa from ton, Stood th3 rigro f an unamer RT 12 mi iting one gcod and usefu ug to Ottawa 'S ground on the be4niiful sh' I a c t du p(rix that bi x Senate as shown for the, I . bullet of the miserable assassii I ' I th � housetopS that durs is bbe &anary ant was itt exposed for of Lake Ontario, arll in e4sy; reach of to-, an existence vinter. The p, I .: 1 l t 03% f �fteeiti Year 5 aad More i Self to: be of Be ipb 3 -use. But i we.- are of -)he worldi and thkt the ae purpose of E xpey iment. Toronto, Hamiltoull St. CAtharins, and t1tare is ev d- ererbwded A colt be viog to Mr.': ery-rrobability that in t1 qsp ecially a I 0 a oh their UDA b �is io aintaii4e . t livd i a the f u. .1, ljoyment of Reopen. m-. Ilio'ns of the Old I World I in a� find —Proper meisures have been taken other cities f 'Ontario and New is ler, Morris, e a enta njitural course of events the countiy I at an anilu us homes I on oli�l Weste b ters York State. A largenuthbdrof noted in 11" a 00st to the country of on . el Bible aohv�rnmel lt�i then the S in te is a pw�pex�o rn prevent the Am rican prizefigh in -�4ould have the benefit of his- valuable I hul pr Lines. tying one night list wee' and b idred Such is %he Sol ooke and Don ivai:,and Ryan and Goss speakers and work a havo alrealdy and! fif by thousaxid dollars. t that 14: as$ a an a gd to our legisaave -in&- Mori iiiXIg had ucaidentally c ext twenty years. calls forth windy or4tions a b inisterial ftona coming ,v er to the Canadian side been secured. . . ? i More tholi suicide. R Bu 'was the action of the E enate, even i 6 d all Ais talk abo it See- banquets—that is choed hroulghout and polluting 0 atar. io 0 town of c, inery, .i4 a fa6t that many, especially of tl a, o gfoun, d with their —The popultat n of �h -Grey, II4 a g* —Mr. John iponamon, -of the in this instan I ce, wise �nd ndicio�l I ch m 'er b _necessary t) abLeck 'th4 land by the pre s and latform— brutal and disgiistir a exhibitions. Berlin is given 3898, claseified into I . diean I ts W to fol erans, 1,664; -uai tance witli a alse ap, peal, ai I venture sidering the advisafflity of forming a Roman Catholic '494 - EpiE copaliils, large :new werd into) him., from I all that w ha,1 no perso Ths is a question which gives abufid- histy tigi A and one louse be- I that wiligsi sbores. —The oil refi. iers of London are con- churches as follows Lutll d0 d. settlers who I of IM -OKI is ared 11% at Z E fraine'barn, which,, atio ntin ant scope for differande of pha- i flariec- 'the other ii cool. and col�teted, will! be'-6-ne of the, best in bori4t; whi a?, k owledge of him through his pap4r io 0 r h merest s I be a ek t Presbyterians, it n Mr. 'Boxiltbee's arriendrient p to edict t at there-wil t: rible s rong compai to nanuf&cture oil up 293; Methodists,' 270 urd i f Is c ec io: Enlimental to di !," iff tl re ction of. oeling regarding t the bightst Wild in Parliament, had harned ib Io4e re be NQrtb- 9 ade and so choke off 267 New Church, 204 Bap ists, 2P2 vided that before the Scoft A knly ton A to be i �ldulged in an I elieved w at as the truth bebomes riore fully American con r ro rentea ct Ql� tv but �aAiir has Wri 3 tition.. It is felt that Menoul 199i; -Evangeli ml, 1 9; Lamont estate in -Grey, and Mr. 9 -Rd esteem him even as much as t; e bemine law,. it must receivi the s6- oil �b the exc(s #vely innocEnt. kn wul and that tbbse older Provinces it call be. done i the refiners all unite.' United- Brethreh�: 53; Protesants, 13; a Im intimae friend. The funeral ad tof keep pace W4 —Mr. K. of J amestown,, ha4 poq of a majoTity of the.elen al�ady b den purchased he'rea State. he 'OSt it tb M i er, Berlin, has late- Christians- 12-iDutikers, 6; Disciples, t .1 ors it, he tb Ir -ter pq ng a p tt -Int I or an. invention for. 6; Friends, 6 XonLSectarid,3; Free hulf of lot 2, in tho 2xid conces Jo place oll. Wednesday aernoon Ma n Iown growl r �requireme ly Secured I - 81011 greal district aected,: instead of i Z, s bt the We t 6 So, y r S owns w largely �,ttetlded by people-froin a cometo ealize that kerritoiy. does ot ir aing chair 3e it It is claimed that thinkers, 3; ChrisWelphians, 3; Re- f �h It is ai drin esisr Murphy Magi 1* �le vtps cast. S. r, �Ian greatness, and'-. that V�u glory- of chine one man will do as forimed, 1 unkillb-wil, 89 N timber! of jearl Y -age I Y EARII11 Cnf GRI;GJTION.—SpU rg eon's is eb., r this ma, 0 os�ery section of'tb.e Provinces Of OIL- r4ry �'i th 3 in the world: having - a give xx time as five men horses'254 - cattle 1500- sh ep, 10 �a n Ad u -art h —A 13h i SO our etre ma� be boug�t ; SpencJe Stew -ave b*lh �ontreal, cortemp 0 high a ir uch work in 8 n was and Quebec. The processo pri; a. I soe,nothing', f lecte elders 'foiH,, the � Presbyter' 110 0 i a 3ralbero. or th s country b� the ordinary et" dogs, 246 pigs, 1.011owiag n g the number, that Me a e d- d of working with -Iax&est and ril imposing; r 'CIDE] I church Ineva' There are now sii the A.— th a ad me t would destroy the Act-, .1 1 a it, ih ! I . T yp 0 Id Fraser 11s' but. politic&I -,and filiqliciall. in if on' to record" .11 a 0 coi a to the Presb �A e*' ta ride.-storria passed over Idrs, i the co', w-. tessed i.0 this Province. Th. lit Mod 4.,r to o�erxxmant il sisti qn carr i q Out its aux a a te, i X6 No p as i woll1d.,be Able to so y Pevith iftems. veloerivary surgeon ites pad to his memory by bis p mposF n ch in 4ngland.. Northwest' policy, for nevei-11 believe Paris last Monday morning, accol wholdepai maj -rity, of tl�e Votes in �Illl in aIll the al�rll of c�loniai There are now 8even, do �artxxiexis Brussels,, has t*ned from Rails ao I ll�Aor' 11n 113 countyl or he M'ubles in SOW L Afrie Palliecl by tbE h )est lightnin a , di4 Mori g, � , I prac tits in the Press, while -Scho(;I, and -it, Ind 4s resume I the A ice 0 -f 0 aoui a 'in 6nl fl P end. Tile natives berine y� a a Imilliong The lightning flical Oppane groupof counties, in its favoi. If ttiia Be to�) � a P&Ple nt - . I I - . seca there for ye in the Xii.stowel �ubllic ion in Bius" I ni . a] a in Fliah vast llindertakiligs as w struck both will be necessary to aIdd another cwofes� sols. He'looks lwod,, ditale to them, spefillik louder in h� s, arl su# ering t ei] qg�g telegra offices, causing contention is trlie,�which we 7ary nl+ I I il; I k r arms. y of the �eountxy. p] ise both as a public and private ma RE4i D IN Will# TE T -The cry of ha now n hand, mith'so litile Pros'-'; some diLmage tc that of the Dominion shortly. Lnd speaks favorla4, East Zoric doult, then we have no beEitatidli I.In ��t vati.q. il� 0ill c WhiX !with an! ow, the ps —A new harr te:�t of Mr. —We undle �.ail, Mr. R, Sweet,hr. tbitan the litteraces Of a friend possibl. ites from the I Green Pec� of adequate gain. Company, whicl. caugbt fire. Rol W-hy hi Lud tba t�, is assuril Petrollim was tried on' a sayi4g �bl pubiic sentiment s Doi -. #t ; Is al. d, i -s nc likely to be I d 71 lue9tion on —The salt bed a John Watson, of Ayr, I erly of Step] Ion' oeraetibg- j ticated Elhiotl T1 could. It ill be clifficult inc .1 C3 in c t I lead 'to fil in aPParB farm near Mitchell the other day. It a Store, at Alexaiddia, M-�&nito 3a, w er, are' rea ize g�.agr�ve 1 proportions now ';that the' to be practical y i for'slich radical I gislati, ul nexlIlau prep).re in stible, as drffl. is saicL. to be ai MOB Burnor bends eriteli in'near Galt hi t'" imple- and ii!i into the or- place in this country. RANCI: ,—It is hinted t blo arelf;,ot disappeaiing,J 'om tbef in j, his just I an stopped on - Mr. and t at the- 1]!1i e 9 Ile business We wish him suoc( s& by a large u -to intensi the' a aghts be- 'under suc; eircum' e o Con) ilght expects to add We rn pl4iiis; witli. the cohstruction! E: iglehart's Baft well at a depth of 1,505 0 pass a ment. stances, we Id be —The return nateh at —kfew eventingS:ggo .j a Iriody eT i to 13 r�le number of grand Of t a Paci cRailwai�coatil-'hundreds feet, the last 41) Jeet being solid salt,th' a large p Aives a -ad Compuls,ory Voting. whic.h it is desi=0 1 'dic te. I ch, ren;, )Iongil I -,, 3to the Q near. 3oon. ri i �kes 227 is tween the players, of Listowel a Of emigrants armve(l -a Godarich dir % t lo sat, in all, era of Millions of � mon6y,l'throuE h, a region feet and still 'the township of Morxiingt ivill come na The Toronto Globe has hitherto- o ba ab tly provi f ­PLQ O� iN e GOTRA-11D T1 NEL.— whooe enth-e lands will p9t )e, 'a suffi- dii1liDg in it w fro m Polotlan bolind for �Manito)& perience 8 d th Work was it pro- utction of A disgracE inning of 'a A'Ibioxl'� Hotel a rr a' fid sco�xxe occurred in one off some time about the e they rT�aixied at tb )xPla e or tk 9 next Wguth. . :i ! I iglA, 4DCL left !by -i th n , anitoba on ion i a M a CrIll co .71!Of that poped the adoption of jany Measure Adopt le,dislation having for is A il ifan of powder occirred at cient guaraote f t' 0e th I Out! �Win Stl �nthard tunn, works the 'road of O� will iria for compulsory voting, with ,� a sw(eph With th IZa 10 the city churches in Brantford on —Last week 'Robert oRes ship- Wednep ay mriiini. So pun.21111 on! &' 1� 3 killed itry an �,,t!ie Ik poinina Sunday n 3g chai6e in 'the moral atur Y,an persons we vast'l cour d ight, a young man rising he viaov P in ped from Mitchell sei'yenty hea —Mg soma perssten ey and energy worthy of a be' habits of t6 p ople is VY )rse t Ell all a of fine O'Byrnet, of Ex,etl 41 !woutdod. avenues of trade to tts scat;4 from his seat and s Pr, ad popu- lapping another in" Re -,C cattle to the L&er�ool �aatket. Six eived a -q ap, Ointment in. the usele s, un P It iEr', therefore gr6ttifying t less it is su�portei I a oss U 17 LiFE.—Ne a�- with those va4 laxidert4liiii-asn the fare. The blow was returned with isil tax nd u] %V) from 14i regon, 11 f n Storm hand Ae goes to, PoAlaa a cane, and purchased from Mr. Tubb,' of Logan, ablic orks D�partment. th,l. advocates of that schate to observe held ypa very la�rge,- prepond(rall'GE, e ao a rai we as a4 people-' are rill atied linder tb( , vhole congregation rose -0roperly I O ! a enetah uishe1l6 firs 8 wee for the "m rhin its own editorial columns the publi sentimerl . The 8 iott A ,a I 'st veraged 1,600 lbs t. to . so W111 -,red tl i ations, llut they i,6�e obli- se. The"affair was wil, k during we g ity oblig' to their feet at ihe udi perinte A —Mr. Josiah Murphy, of gan, has the;erect on Of o the I 1 q4 h 2 1 arsous ere drowned on the gatic ns we halve voluribarily laxiodrtakell, finally settled'), thE ushers. Robbie, I vides legisl4don lo about 110 acres of faU wheat I hat " does f ar-mato1r, r Prisoxi there. strollcresb and mot cogelit rea- f this ebart. cter, l d Zmbi ver fi ng grounds. (I to 4i�cha`rge. —Frederick in am- a� , i,rein ddty b6nind young mi Tuesi not contain a patch 4 winter -killed in —.Mr. "Ohn Lyrll of the i6th conces' io Let: as c1b so', bowejer, ilvIl '-i at, a dai � I I Boills for the adoption of such a measure to -endeavor to ex1force it upor the el 114 1I'L E 3 a': rational ploy fa nji- 'near Lom il ION IN �,,PSTON.—TbE Gover- Ion, Ze ent�re lot.;l This fact is owing to sioh of 'cKillog hi to ngi U sold Ill stall w iy, as th growi was and wao 17 6,v3u thoiagh these reasons ar Sent f a moiety ?f t I a a' of %uada and P rits of red by a I ull on Sunday. His his havpig the lanq all underdrained.! colt Haddo� to an A 6 givei peo le be or I sident he the Muntry1wll require'aJad sItbe re- ii in uries were tl(ught t t b enel lis CaN It T in�dverterikly and for a - different pur affect d, would be to court our a fail net will be nvited no o , a very 1 I , was Bup scurges -111 $250.,l oung,H%ol W= .11 Celet'iration. of t' WK) lOtB Sito ea- in a Pleasant ger,e -do" Forestry 1* a two 9 tb I in he was four dead �u bad from h t 1d. �Mr. Matthew Lypt- Such In Act may receive a majjX t time, btitMoindaymorn- part of t a own avincr a 0 y ar� of the coundy "will lotv. In - :1 Be s at.. the. po 0. In endeavoring to show the in 4f it t act of at em af thl if comfort, ar�s o h4 In - red, Ifi fti 3 i ann ilverroar3 s ng gre -in a S nei th bi ea' re he rnent, b Jul JR his d ffi, t40 h+v I0 the osrsar3 of the Boultbec's aendmeril tice of Mr. the vctes cast, and till hb, of f ut� rd, probabiliti ects of the *pxi, were parchased, -so c ghbor' I stickligg Had1d nmayinotlae�- setit ul lot Boz as, I e4 us make ef c ring 1A. medical man able dwelling the -3 Oil, to be held i i1itchell a few t forilool baA a DO to he -c d with the 17 Of C1,4 Ion for pre ant rec hn I ben in e idar cell but he d ays ago for $550 Ott Telaperatice. Act, the Glob( cOr true gentiffient o E ptemb(ll.' e provisf ul�remerits. at id not in va�, s in,reference to the No 16itlOUE 136A)IIST'S SENTEN . CE. L t ds me uWhile o erlo Mr. James Watso o,f Hibber —The to er suc� I t�,cillties consider lie ca t, was the Wnship Counil Df Aler; general electionj joritY 0 the people affected. In f 3,0 i haye Very wilse y as�`WE Can 'COMM S purchaser. etierimined to XI,rena''Davw! the noted bi��amist and Pto thoI e pIi.oneers --'A, petition is in ci�culation in To- appearau of 1878. with.tlie existing' I iscre some Cif the' waiste iands of t wf this would al. 1 whose trial Ihas of I ci� ilizatio who 4re Back nE their roitto for core 'itation of the death. —Some in a ts,� cut and ilestroy�pd the owa-11 ju been coneholed-a, eVa. a num or of beu bif 01 shade trees in -`IP, a' view a In each.'of thirty five, electoral di most itiv ee will is.- b b' h- d. with th�ll 1 lect in aiably be the case.. A- ml ;o, ba§ beer sentenced . y, west. Thi e �l e surest 8ei tence pronouaced on. Robert Do 4.1- t:) I -O 11 ve all �1` 11 lI 4- and. 'vitro' reirmilers out erect the Many treat the matter with yetals in th Pemitentiay. Three of mea to eilcou g a, rip, d class of Coirster. No fewerthion. 3,000 names frolb of the residencep Of luessrs., Geo. IV - re b r accessful. Can iga Mar were Tlroved. On. I at four J lin Li� i sto�n in Kitchell purp age fefPmce, and wold not take the troublb 0 U611 conduct from the Ontario � 1 num" uttel indif- ion of to �he'petition were, is'ecured in lW zfL urg T'J tot X1 vote cast for th-b uns i the- E, s :Yjages pebpl 3 and to lay� t, a f Roy and ing of the sum of 2;�'(; �o di TberB w r, solial and material I rogresE broad and dw S in the cit), IIa,st i veek, among which the other night. she W�S' en ch iged a:gainst 1: im. In twenty —At -three electoral divisioliq -to vote even if the )pporbuniby offe ed. Aeep: ni the rising n dional ty A the were the names of all th most depraved t, t re in the perpe- the list h e Win e pron `IBE Lli i.�--Davit and Bren- ainent 1 I � th re-frarers outnumbeed the total It is, therefore, absurd to West. I:a glad to thilik I at there clergmen o*f all trators,'and it wif, a pity if they are ham doull ISUPPose hat nap' ailed on Slj�,qgiday for America. d:a1liomination.s. read fr m mi. tth W E r �e veto c(tst for tho auccessful mildidate. are not wan iing in th not found oill ,off ril lLct being carriec by I d )1i (D 0011111 I S A our -00e of Ctle Most novel runaways n will visit —T q to sink a ell 1,300 at doe In the Riding of Grey the re on (301111fty, me I who are' I hi, pru' ocdur�,Od the otMr day h peac6-lemi ig inhabitants of for tl I a bar majority of votes, the forgi an d o E .- urging 9n'Jameg street, ill of the sum of 1 $1,500, it It or ell)l is fou fralners-outuarnbored bv 180 the tota. se care.ess 'Jul drit eourse, and that the patriotism of Hamilton. A pla "umpea from a. Shakespeare are"h-Aif.litly an: oyed-by if no S �ts in tb a eveit- of tb e 9) v' an 0� k thi i ones would observe 'or respect it. Still Eis in the iii t of the Land these menill h gers dn the st or oil i 3 MUnd to" lidate I throngs of loun vo east for bot1l can( dires Or ave its meed A honor Iwagou and a�ifhtel on the horBels eet Cox- Le4 ue. I is beli hd that Parn( 11 will same fdr §1,000. a commiain ow, sillect thi, we are tan thousaul times bEtber 0 join therr : c ur: in thE growing sentim.brits of f vc r -with ba(�k,�70�LusiDgt.'I(�'an:Tna�I to run off, 'ners, -who indulge I in b Ti I t I -&ti( was th .6asoe wbel A iths hence af er the 11 was fil,11d) I which they,will. be reilarded b a grate- coll di' language and ruffliIin y condlic Some an issue of io 91-clat importance was be. without a prohibit)r law, thaw N� ith a 16 urn nr e b of F Jiament. i �g with a f irlher's wagon, which L —Mepsirs. Parkhr Cie of I - i of them it seems falkel delight in wan- full pe)ple. !was smashed. r. "eary, the driver I i ILS A Nq C A D i ri "ILTIE S. 9 I ription of t)jie�condi- I of the hog conva3 n ou-6 tonly destroying the I property of ili a itob .r) tho electors for their- verdict, ai; ot observed or enforced. i After a bqef desc risi have r6turn,-A'l from fu Ile U Tlie finan- ciaIl. emb),ri assm of the T irkisli anc , was throw walo at that election, is it ot 11',�,r E ar West, 1L constable and iwhithOl they. wen. 4. short ttime L ativ E erio isIlly hurt. 0 arnmei. at tha t e. f unds concl igh tivoe adopt the law ad :fie have il teabot Govp tion o� the t * a raccls of th had -his hip offlexiding citizens., -�a - is so :1 with a �ar load of catle and 4 c Soule al wer,� beill" ULken to arous( with Mi. hris0l ud lock-up badly needed I th �' c)q -b graph obs: I� the esti- ere. ar 10 UlPt or in fference, wo:tIJl:',Of the Foieign, th ost and. Teb ast F) all ll'bo-1 V a few da) I - I t --At E Is agi. of horse1p. They thiUk that ,:be th , - i !. 0 Mate 11 Ildivel formed Ck the -N orthwe4t a I We boy accid —A beautiful silver set, costixIig People to soulio of their dutv? ITU not', i' ffi�es , em )..oyees b a been eized tally fell into a deerl as anito; n our opinion advauce the av I may ppoar�on the vn�ole ui if ivor pping �poi�'t� i. 11 succes a ab -t de.i CQn,bractor are p 1) 16 d water awl out $600, was presented to Mr. Rob nceor .)I a, 0 t intend,cqdtinui.rig i y1plieckk Prol; ty ial Boards s on the poi erts,Me6hanical Superintendelft of th � i 4 0%er many delays, do' .40 tail t! a use Suppose I am �nsensil E(01'1069 whe W11 "I 01 e Bell'ative institatI0119 IL170 little better , n hiel iprehendiu(; I Such a state of affair, our repre est6 of tempera and do dog, con f ri tageE; that coilutr r, Grand Trunk,. on Saturday levelling, abuse of alcolioli-. adva ness. cstrimuladts, ar&.found be pe iq hE SAladtiou less, la and can tharl a farce. ght him —As In in-dex prog, I tbes ress beir If the saine, thina, pre won dvkntaejes it is �Oul�y C It eak. 1st inst., by the employees of the Grand made b the farm Id,ou the contrar xrlaLeiiall y fair i 0 by th collar, thus holding his head y r t It offe s B� of, Tu berry, m vai �ed throughout the I)ollliuioll, allj S eap lad. This com- Trunk, as a token of r respect,on bi �ard thle progress of ithel good e, a ihe C adi, North Mend it t those of 4mited bove 6e wa leaying Stratford �ot -eiockville. 3frl s in hose ere 11tilla 11- E ca s ni tel' Until he was rescued. -ay mention amo o g t -W �st- i "he t this tirnel have no doubt it did to a greater oi inflict (ther evils ':)Il ithe con muriiw: s who y .assistance rexiderami tBr B- buildings this ,sea, o#� up canna i b y lnd else ere. A ain, the Roberts was not i r d by a faithful' brute the boy's life - Lor�qtten, as She also The Rev- D. C. ',huson, who 11 as for 'land Iti Wm. extent, those who profess to b( 0 well B ut, if a (Iowr mall ori I y of I ill is a sily�eulti& ed 0 's f arm d was the recipient of a valuabl -Bet f Walker, G eo. Mcffal;.h wheeb ec, th§!ipast th de yea! been emplo 7ed as a only be have been lost, f le pu thal repreaelitativeE; (of the in ia thq who ar r itl �Intere,, 1 elry. ajority people we e eal',fulej at he , is I' itec'i b� ­�Zyouth WL �ed Colwell, iconlined. gold jaw .to the F ns of the abl. plough, ab'd machi —A farmer in had a Sas- ting up lurge frdlgoe ha i!e -no; guttaiautee that they 'are. so. it-, success, then Valley be er can a the jail at aria' for vagrancy, a [uaxlti�y stone foaxidtiong. Uld ha -ye 'i .1 katc ewaii 1elivered a l3cture use m the -ft-rst in 118,�v sting. 3scaped Satur' M. riling attire . I . I'M ni I q �� d in of peas in his baru, cleaned all —The,Godeiric Th probablility is that were the peopi( s w and -the, Northweit," in- These ire �reat Ad its, Upport a eight bf on "Idiani cba fAges-8 a Va tages cl rea,4Y u lic.�e �p h a a roll ft, ah- -is jail suit, aly, I -,vade the or market. On pr c eleding to l an aged to 4 full �, represonted, other mou, boldjn,� which would s Stral arle, Wentvi,,ibli county, il few wh ch they can app -1880191-1,es the f III,. ig particulars uccessf 11 sustain Bill I I .1 btir ciate :io have on taWi3sand -e dress ! the other day, he diBmvered th some- Real pro: perty, � 1, -- even brils alka. Lim 3 his o wn een th 3ona Oppmite political : opinions, Would D I Eft d lip the ay -e ag�.ilis t e )rimeval d a as � een to throw a , cic, support'it in the face ve the�mos . ' 'body had b ere, �When he as gone, was b tinight Ild $70,075 - tax cup �p I 4 -were g6nie too. able inra me, $2 of 9%e lect u wh.-, oth inter- forEsts of !this Of Ois toil- lailk nto ther s the peas 0. he far - F the place� which they ow bold bitter oo 4 cou a ao: .Position tba could be Iroud1h, estb)g and i sbrueth dealt ebieh, -with soli vair a d swim a have u A over to mer hopes the parties wh gregate alue of ali Pr party, 143ill a ork some of yo. life- helMi0higan si I( a wai Population, 4,328 - V' rsons 21 i8 SUItti) Of fLffilirs, as set forth by the against it, and- the I a he o k; them ould: prove the oil, c 1 Me, resburces, and g, ineral lol S taken up v prog lects !the eperience wil for plo�m Let t i and, A is but xl�tnral qn thelother side chi.... ed throu, all, and 1 come ba�ck PV r. abok,e quotation, is disraceful to thE been an d a blesE rthwest c6n Aning v s e, 60 years!, 1,928; rll o', US d to wl er f oul sb -)uld seek for- .'yc ur chi ren ex- dorr pletely exho u ited he has a warm rece p tion -prep ed. for d, 1792 itself on' cattle,2107 hogsj8flhorses a prompt an Otherwi3e would. be, % curse and a n the habiti ��kona such, an, experie �ce- To 1 --A�out forty years ago, a man and 1 theru f, collf1try, and dc 14 is gaierally rel4ard Id as e uis rea embracing some —Mr. O� I I I � u the county of Water- —0 Thu, v mar t week effi(licut reul The only remed ance. .Ud, until Pablic S, )�e 91 lb�e orthwest your t4oughts d'aturally 1 bl is wife settlec Ding 1ft4 a With, of' 8 n a mil, 11 Sao, ra, wa r eeswatel II . entil 0 t it 350,i(00 sqi G sectio I Of Manitol I and turli, butdo not exi) at too udh in )lr.'Daniel Erwrigl:it, of Kink� and Mr.iohn timi, we krioNwis a law ever Iio :)n 'a farm about 12 miles f rona S CO� n k, of :T. compelling ever educatel-up to this p:)i: t,it is wo�sel conaiderabi 4to the West o that have been excharl in -1 "pro X dazzl.(d (LUStry and care pet es. Province � l)Y the GUEIP4, alld IV in' r with his two that- quarter. Do not, be driviiia into Strat - g .less 6 pass ;I. 1 bra 1 i the . Little Sas Smith receives 1,8.00jfor his,house aux Mai possessed of the frauellise to ex than us 3COMe urnberr t e; Scott A Ic' I ace6unts that reach y`U of bibia !who onsidErableproperty in the f lot on ercioe it or ive. a kinflicient 0 equired c daughtoors, when the� )ack seat of the I "0 hatchewa district;, Ille lecturer 3poke I 10 reason fox that we. are-i.ot; preparqd to bav b 1adderl.1 rich, 'cir here, ; ' e y S leet, lxjamediate�, A ii mone' s ta.-tris-O igh pmj%pe, but deprE ted as a sewhere, the prize$ fall to ape �of larl goods and - z v hicle gave way, aril the young laoI4 north of INorton 43 '-erlr %ce, an d 1 Mr. Cor y his lieglect. �Ve do not; xue&u by this Boultbee's !,were thrown to tLe round. He W46, Mack gets 02,200 ftr: th amendril as hioli few, 1, Some two years ag.6the husband died i travel the toil- of th dies wasbr is farm u in th a stro: 3gy 3st te 14s the lavish raise and tbe many have er a ueitber can a road of persevoirind lalior D sion of Gr tha;t tivery mail posseh to g but the Other sust�ined -& I i out of t1te way aft bestmed )reion to the, lorth som a unhurt and one of th the f rauchise cu he va, ate3tyate, and 1E no family, a uisdd 1 4th conces I t) I - 0 portionlof the I )p *hoW,d be copelled to vote for some think tllat t10 Seuato:ja -v toina and:lvesb as if it of the'sam5 far- e fell into the but slightly e not purpose that the t��ortlkw ')f his Of a —Exet'er has two D2s, lwho ham ei�t ers I th spine, fro�a. been e�,emplifying y severe oncussion part�cular candidate, but we. do mea tiledescriFtion. 94e following al'e his i equal i iducements to 611 an Is ti In February, 1) i did rialich to adva;nce the dause cf tel a7i'' words bear and -,isu dry. 1 188 t a wife di v S. which it is doubtful � f ishe will irec-0 t he trui4m. thal 'is point: iThat s on it le ving by will the' ver t d ad erance i a the la iteoilur farm ilig I thati every suich man should be requir em 156 M anitoba ar )OPu- ramiining propeit to!her friends living —Mr. Joh albri They had beex id,ox to entitle ti s' �road acres inv a G �iib, blacksinith, Of "doctoral naus ur Djuding Conn 1partners� Dr. Co to P 4, tl T, axi- latI911 i vith working caoital, bi iti tb e de- neai Hamilton. n lavestigaing the his enj apparently th( it in an appearance at the pollirlb so much credit, as: eluding the ittle St., Marys, lost poticket book cot- I senior member some entl usla ts askatchewan dis- mand c n other callings� is ye b trict, are m.gibus ol in ited. c)ntent3 of the house they found 100 tainii,l over a M64th age. H ad. �' withdrew. of UO rm., Dr. Lub booltil, and deposit a ballot. If he would accord them, ibus 01 eat fertility i 3 un- Of the disadvantages b a Difficu, es, f the -,4u of a ibusin wantIs to nullify his fraileb do0 ;ed, a: id � that q isiderable see try I tillsulitIs, and m6t3rial, for making 100 vertiseod for it, but - tq no result. At and professional uitm,e led to . TV, ise by de- There is one way, thowe ver, in which have already'Voken, sfich as t -e car- for th a we- i ordi 1'.0fgOodfarxing I may be I )*Uj S e ag as e a e t stblien and gave up disputeg.� Last . 11w k Lutz' entereZ city Of timber, the sevdrity of �Ihe win- c Taillmo d with socks a d stockings, ten all furtherlsveareb. S positling a blank balIpt, no person can the Se a nate call tot furth 3r wE S is ly probable but ter, the difficulty of f1ruit cultire. and I c).m e irange to say, Mr. Cowen's 'office, the -at r wavea achsil i regio I lei a sets pf hin6r him from" so' doing. But there Government tha:t i$, vas, o the north and last, bat not least, the difficbIty f "I V;81. hkol which so that" he 'bl ware, and a bar- H. Switzer, 9, farmer iin Blanshard, rol- I oppoill �n,,Poljtical accor,-d I " over his West 8 i tter- 0 r; * ll filled , th new shoes. nj C are very few, indeed, who would - do 1 with its majority. 1 as a. cifor placing s4attered Up qiri l toear his & rcoat last Sat�­' tracted Lutz's at4enaon hat; o w at It 'IshoNved its I in good soil, i within -reach 6'f it s ai s were foun I I rols of carpet and -to V this. It is a trait in human nature not , y fal a." 7ould nearer t I day, und the pocket'l book in it. value" to t he i ruth population the �blessin�s of d(i Go- iernme me Ltion �t surrounded hi spel pin mt Xn,:� to sayj an pieces of ilie'w II(ioking fu-niture, appears M . Switzer in Mr. his arms to r taking the Iwhole situ- he preseill �:that 1 P son ll west of I this " and religion., It, 13 �a� been h i i an; i B(10� t ioned to waste labor. And once a man goes 1 one instance,'&t least' a th ugh stowed awO � s. - nd ealled larl rl� for tb a last Galbraith's shop the dav the: money Elliott to Pllan Utz in i 'durink the sessidia!'� regio �tast s RIM of sand, alcOn- I ation into account, youl decide, dn x0ille t, lir. he fa0e ! V ��Pfl.r4- Tn P611av- P the.g"I ill t1ke pr conuty �o interest i statea . I - S,-a iley wig that obe I took 8, 110 is ig SnIt was Iell t i, 5 1 �e)31011911 301.1 ie, it ouly Wxy -exeu Pnwhat, I loss, W. oss, W his pockb' Ibreast po aaday-ela a mile fro Itheir priz be beter. .1, story. - r f, occurred Perth gao shig nutic nAmea La Brussels, i that it be ing thle p6 of this, t iWn- - of eft-, ioagea in the dauly held out the ima to con -Be and sent intares, e - P the.g"I ill t1ke pr conuty �o interest i statea . I -