HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-14, Page 37,
ff OPI, 0
MAY 14, 1880.
L3� 7 SITOR.
thc WrIl Knowin 14 -1
UJ_0iD1111Lg 11111is MIJULE'lun L,? strit ateci, in the centM, bl�et.Wffenj t e d t
of n n b4)ys b 7 t4io'band lo=." The
Health. knit ckle and t4e farther en T4e esult o these'] other improvements 0 YL r -r A. 1,T Ir 1111T
VT .7 k here,' a �aa I j )HN LECK139, General Los k I ad Ueal Bets' E NT1 RE� I H'O iR
ITIN MCCOWN Approximately,- the - linman body nl:e should be inserted t I i�ery is & 'reat fall it es as
ELL will, 6, Lo�,v i . ket tbiz� w.y. r pric to
am j ac slices cut each Itiniallift"iOn Mar-
-i, Ribben t, d-aring the sdap�� of wh deep Agent.Orsin�Prodicoana
lea en clothed resembles a ifitO .1 li&e V 'ell as orient in qa 61ityi By
d b ,npro chi nt. Money ldrined otL resal a it to n town Q�r —TO
DO tB on the broad eii
R'Ovealeut Of 810ek, two! (,,,,i Dirie, ; the clothing forms the outer 16re �ome g f the f 1 * d,
S it] 0 elk I I
the FF per cpnb. aimpie , i res . caarg#v.
4 Durh&m Bailrt, Viz.. r -401d T 'P4 een which and- the body back of thE I g..
10,iQ �Coyerivg, betw 'at I �D aini cc rPets "Pric 38 of 1879 mo aerate. Mortgages bipioght a 1171101d. Matured
age8 -Paid off. 'Verms to l`11uW borrowers.
t ol In carving a i1rloin of bee] Cut 40 r 121-2- er c0ati less tban in 1860 To 3g'
AY DUKE,:": NO erels a layer of steam and best, Vainifi and villa$'e prooerty for Hale. office -
M 1"'Ah V're C oustantiv_ ascendina Tba staootb slices mIjuing parall mcr; f-. I th A LL U Y E RR OF npv r. r) n n 15Z
yu� - V � -
.avor paid Ua Leckie's tie* brick blockt B ruoso 10, Ont. 515
- �Lso 1 1 ces I Doing
an serv( so 8 9 tban"in 18( 0 the pricesi for wo(?l
d 'I
,e i
place where this current of hot air and bone, me of tbL fat
)0 paeses otit into the atmosphere each piece. R b,s of beef an i, car &Iri� eii,ig 41,out th me. la dribss goods E14PLOTMEN T1 Le Well import
ay ed
teen nionth-a' d isthe narrow ring between the neck the same w sirloin, a] ways 4 *1:1-� li ic have Mlen off 26 1 er cent." Catt S -allio#,
A WEE' ti: u. Ter&s and
Xay Duke " was tieclargd tb a best and '�'.tbe. shirt collar. This opening 1. ruenCillg at tbe hin - end of the int t,i,. ob Jair e4, Dobsbrn, $66 K in YOU;, own delFull Deter2ninationof cle�sbw Out the Bala V� Ce
p' ;f Pbila-
age Or class, And was. &Yrardad, the $5 ontfit, freiii. Aadress 1'.. HALLIkTT E N T E
, * and cutting loDg:slices.
plays, therefore, an important part in el�hia, anula MP R I
I .
inip.et�itionwLitb,seveizot�fiar.9 Artlii.st e 30,000 1 ounds of Co.,. Portland, Yajue.
Dw* The usual mode of carvin ham of qn-Y Stock, I have'n de an6thier i Will Stand for Ch 'Th
_n An(J'Was - the maintenance of the tTraperature of y *qqlevel workc1pugr day; at d Phila?- the ImpOvement of Stock dto. Ug
_ng qhcrw tbi-Ft ses"Ron'L jb4
t the Season of 1880
the ion I delicate 44,ces,, beginning t e i e i f I
st prize at the body. If it. isi enlarged t IlDhi has b doine the
llibbert ghc) a "'Na4i ithe human 9 larilest' on,
6 :,A WEEK -*12 da af 1,
tp 14i� j 81 eal"i '. : i WO, DAY, April 26i be.. I leave bits
'Lls Bee Uufi,it ring city in thq 1 4) a ItlyOutlitfree �Wdresg`TRUI&
Herd Book. I NN . m do. Coo -ortheast.Bon diftry Hlb own stable
PedigIrves of the &-bove a' heat and steam escape more quickly middle and CD tinning dcwn t6 t el orld. L t 25, N Urt, sudlpriD.
R X S -For IXTP-v Duke� -I tilie si�iu is boju c.)oled'; if, on t e thic c fat, at the broad end. ight�,)er ceiiii. & Co., Augast&, UAine. OqG-52 ceed south to Jokmem 911113tTne"S, fora4u-
q'tbe wool n)w man -
a% t
Per If the first slic6 *taken on '' 1 9 1 lb iive along .11.p Th rR PZ�aA j=
e A, calt,� For "Wave t,- j.)ntrary, it is wholl�v or paxtly closed W id 2 d in ti i
� IRIZ 4 t Iel 3 pountry is produced )�y W41y: Of
list 8 & e all the QberB D qqhar hnr night.
T to
a. eftlf-P&ymble C, $20 Ay at Hwe- � sRmPlet A
J'ahaa, -2' 411 by being closely. buttoned or by a h- F, d, -may b :cut 41ant-� our�pwh floc sj an soon we will IV worth 135 free. Address STIN% the
X l8jj 1`51
bc- returned regularly, to ;the - e- 1 .1 TUE, it protmv, 9-tril niotel,
btiiij, 4W murffier, then th.6, lOSS of heat is stop ing, which impr hxnA-r, 17oriioOlf; WDUU-810
h 4, calf or ao'cal. Or qves their appearb nee..: i� I r1l duce a full 8 SON & Co., �drtl�nd, M.vne. 626-62' AND FOR THE NEXT MONTH ��*i 1, at Reyn-
e a rge mperature of th ji .1y, and ere long, ex- -ot( 'Di
'R 'CONT peil,, and the te e ski' The Farmier'8 #dvocate. t wool,J if th esent tariff laws -are )r tbbni
�ZLL raised, Thus there is nothing more in- I Altered.t portatio�s Z010 to .$I -Willpri -_eed1o.shtffer%j Roul.
Th�# f wool in 000' Inyeste� in
Utill )S. Stookiii inakegfortanes Ki en, for noon; thence to 4ra 'el -at
PA iudicious than the constant wearing, of g F?Cral o: forin 6,ufactured goods are Wely mouth. Books se)at free I ?laining evory4 DRESS GO( DS, SHAWLS, MANTLES', CL H CLOVES KID CLOVES u ner a tel. to. the 2ight.
RS �atl
ENTIot a muffler, or the thick neckerchief of A pretty and r Ily artistic materi r 1ridl a & (lio 11ame
thirg. Address J�AXTER
a pillows, In 1860 our importa- 'Wal 1-8treet, New York.' i Bankers. 11.
for All, no On, and X 3m iii 4 o'olpok;
ojr forefathers, because it impedes the for coverin so cus� Dust, T, .. [a arg unted bi 587-52
37,973,190: In �878,
L the nee South to jr.amias
1AIELLIS,. Ta evaporation of the matter which ougiit briodbes, etc:., Isa, made b -sed not 11 r th of -Eginondville, rt We. One M
c tir g Ic 11 P �tion aving mer i
t 1.2,00 11 proceed Ahe 2nd line
Nt to pass out of the skin ; though for the I scraps of all kiii4s an AUCT16 EER�. E4,00ATS,
d color's of�!, jilk,- 11 0, we impoirted Only
-EX.D,,Z- Folt pIU!3 to le 130 th Way -of the
same reason it is of great vailtle in case sativ, velvet andiribbon i1ato igb !820,23 54. 1. f certain cl andary, ;be a siouth
of imp*tations is County: of Huron.] the - - 'H-1
r in a4ses thisi J. P. 13RINE,: Itleenciad Au(tt, for tbo T Vkr's bb� t, for noon -
qu W 1 1 "One" boi mIjary to
if v ry mai- - �ales ao In Will be Sb Id -at Prices Never Heard of before in 7this V-icin' -10119the towli 1 tie to th� Qrh
k ft
S Al AO len-
- e . I arpets�tl 0 i
RIR Wh a 08
of cold. artier of an i h �widd piLes, a )oq�
OW.8,. ile the il mpness of the tin ur inches in t3th, se�ving t ietn' �ef t 4& the Exi kty Sio, oTeackersimith, th
parts Of the County. 41 orde, 9 ej ice east to Spri
mportat in 1878 TOR,Offlee �
P081 Will be pko
�fElzq, it von. -wa ut 'r There affec,ts the evaporation through neat, y together. un v Ira mptI3.pouled to. far 6 a t.
ter the Ma aIs not 1 8 foury ienth the vallne of the
Se tell, BAT A d to 0iom.
well as the ski4, clethinf! eaxpet u ;drocheting kn �pQrt& arty, theft.
Am Iftri 8,.,;ui,,d it, ycqj )rd eraa t the lungs as rags, a, i ns Of 1372. Dress goods, in
W ()a h A V to o.bert ga)U,s, to noon - t
He has no by night as by day regulates� that of th� then together promiscuot lily. F RANCIS �Wf
c for LAND, AGE NT. bia lown s ble, wher. remsin' ant!] the.
11 d a rge, qajjkUt he ,v R N GREAT BARGAINS IN FINE BLAOIK BR: AD CLOTH$ rne
a stil ead our -Stecial. at tf ven to �hc Vi
Impleittents, ard is sill Z18-antaot y latwr All covering whi6h impedes effec i is good an dI t1hie materi� 1 1 P 8 e n d propertyl darmind, rou 11
Tk MI) a a ufao k rers ij jho
v tho�.e in the esti of orn ng. i
I exb�e d foil wimg ondsy'
Mud, and v ill bt Cattle, sele6p.d for t Tb� above routs 'will b, s contin
'n bre stock.
1in' t . 11 1 �� tied xvgalarly
tepa n iain ; wealt eon no
i d w (n k and ix,aieriKii win 9 0 1 d a a C'b'q'Vx this evaporation acts injuriougly. ly dt rable. Pi(cies of cloth sumer at. Office and Auction �Rooms, A Eng i3� g r.
4dd P16wg. SRI H and ch 11 0 n W
a e durilig the season,h"Itli
arrows i epair. I!jo%v' It Y4 Though no material is quite faultless in the sime maungr but cut wider 011 Yer -niporte i _a weatherpermittitig.
vel ring mo e"te 1 615 1 r13 ose Goods can save mon, , Propriet-or&
the- time to bring thkin a ed tvr spro, extensi as for. Bloc Goderich, Ont. Tie Minisbei and Others requiring th ey by Calling and McEWEN&HDRTON8
this respect' there is still a great differ- longer, make se�r iceable rugs f a heir 'vabio having �A#S H0_RXON_, �G-ro�R.
long, A )rly, t 1: allea I 'Buyin
'Jo -s on limud, mamt if, otix, g at 646
ed 1�S ence in their structare. The less - th,e� floor, or even bed covers for plia Dot. to L%000,iX 11 LGETTY & BIRI i
�OWS, Lii en sed Auction—
eatcxth,ot FL11 kinds aridat,14 0 Doers, Maxillop. Spatial atti n�ion. given to
zotheni of R from $20,0 000 in
�tosnibthethue,%. Plow (laHtinga for am impervious, the more they, are t be "Another novels apillow'coveris 7 a4p �2 rc nt th -Me T�� PLur 1B
W York- T-libiame. sales of Landed Property, FA. J 0H N IROG E RS18 re ren'04 Horse.
�(�f,towu, XabS(-T,.R_ 1114 Swak andi
Rd Wouroo Piowe ILIV, avoided. India rubber stands at the from simila;r' ser ps of silk, e c., cu'� the likiplements.i. All orders 11
left wl .1
& J koitl)rof thw RJEWC1H' T
)U -a" Ct=Gr es. and, P, 0., c r !.Lot 14, eon. -
bottom of the list, for it does not admit widt 1 of & pencil I and three i. iches� V Fib r1d 0� rsigned at Walton
of the passages of any water; leather takeii up and knitin with poarse crFdhot CO r ceiqmi on 14; � or at i-eah* P. 0. Wju iStand for the Imaptroiem,ent of�Stotk
ondel u Lot 29, c -)n-. the SeaS.on of 0 at;
ad to. Sale�
�mes iiext; less objectionable, but cbttca or Germkntown wool in t it TORSI
ftf-AGES AND WAGGONt g to 0416 of -our ceissicm 12, will be promlibly att(
riagelt'and W, han from 1%, a, says :1� bills, notes nd stamps,',,, furnipt ed if, reqnired. D D' RESS, TO TWE E E KON-�)AT-A-pril 26 wi)ljeavc
ti.11 repellant, is linen,, as jLn instance man ler that fringe -is knit into mit I tit iLEX- DELGETTY, Whiten Le ury, and proii
199ons ma�le t order oil latli hit; IA -n Stable 1 a
(,f good RIS,teriji BI Rho W 8, leeil tb the 17t
'10=03 and ranct coneti- Leadbury, h contesir Oil
duced is str e groves
w-111if-h-iP, from, the- la, JH and Poll f which we may mention - the blue The materitl. pr 0 in] ga 11 639 of TeY,at McMillajOid, for nonti
t6Rt gL tb Town
t�vleS, atid,,, topic of interest in To
wagora r 11:7 tit SMITH.- Gl.00d mor4i nes, where Are yon going to Plot., Gxeyatl T.ucj!6 Ajtej for -$he
b lie. er nj
�TIF4(je Oat, utGh over t'heir 4
tion vriceli. 0141 T"U'l ies en blouses word by the�Belgians and ratb ucrged i �ppearance, 11b it3 tho' prev �l
r on go you are obliged JONES. -I I I it i going down to M. ROBERTSON'S Farn roroonig, to get some
painte a d m de into other clothing as a genuine, and t refore will I MEDICAL. 1� Anre *4 now
sui�. tb 3
n sh(-rt inotic to isteh to orat o talk, and tic he furniture, you 0eamireds getting playedout and I vant to Rot some first *ate furniture at very I w UESDAY-Will proce6di esEt to. o
ind of water roof. Gotbon has &great Eastlakean tas -As 'tbE Wo k- ar of 1: 0 Lon
12th concession of G*tey,, for noon; thcuce�
tl b'loitts fa .1 ties that bi . i ve been J. a. SCOTTt, M. D. &,�,,Phyaic isp,sni gi prices. Our bib ; ;y wants a. new cradle, and they Say that he has the very best and chei&piasl in the Ethel, for the night. ' 5 _to
[I fa, 3on and count
d -vantage, over the foregoing,,as it is to a heay.�, however, we would adviselth.� u Acoouo'hewi, Seafor4h, Oa y
k. Officii and real,
-ng M"i-thij ertain, extent po�rous, but the be made, and will be WEDNESDAY -Will Procleed to Mble rth at
shoei awl fi, 7e �eii don louth8ideiof Godiierich 4triet., firRt doo�
fit of squares or strip. be knit, ajid PU - i lef cather's Hotel, for no$
t ti�,
the ue., t %,undred years. Every east f Presbyterian Chur6 349
U. percolatars is a woolen material.- A rding to taste in 6( lbald McDonild't 2ad, once�siion of �Grey"
Ps!e Rhneirg avd llackswtbl, gether acco ,h a-' ithenee iVest to.&
-trict wittention.. 'Me fa lityl i 6ff rE Ifor tue starting of an
e my t i e
I 0� annel shirt is more healthy than a cases solid Colors may be- in bi6cU� --A� ID ID _1Ri 10',S S_ lbehii
n Be shoeingg
M. HANOVER, Mj�. dus,e of HURSD,&Y-Will Proei4ed to Jame�
-itting goo( McGill University, P
oi agelh r ve, re being p 'enty 'of W .�y
otton one; a woolen blanket at �night Them rugs mus; be shaken :and n 6
�n I borie i�bbeiii atid genQ 1p eon and mooh;j th�ence welit; to P ttersolve Hot
t, t ne& nit expit enced men i o be had A
f, W it I ing divue, aS I do,the - han a linen sheeL. swept. 41, occ ucheAi r, Seaforth. 0 Offica And r sidence, el,ul As-
NvOrk, lo the Free mid _4ndepend t People ot Huron:
vale, for the Ifi-ght.
dO the RPG their busim iss since
111i'ng- 1�aim� Hinges itill The action of the skin depends a,18o W1 D.h n�d
a�� I Ej first door South of thoCw,tholiaCturok.j 496 IDA Y -Will proceed .9 rmth to Sunshine,
i _11 rof -
alt. Gvelt an Melffiant. ora�j, fitro, I -began to pla at, culti- noo)a t thence to 113ruls als
.1filiges Bald at a vmft� Pr � i � apou the circulation of the blood under Bbt Cake 16 M. BOB— begs i -o state that he has removed Mr. J�
I I IK- n h iin in goa L. VERCOE, M. D. 0. M. hytsi4la Kidd, AS s. Hard I re etore,;and that h * for tho might.
a tr, 14 You will &I hn at Parker's H -44d,
tg guiface. auld the latter is promoted A writer from adia V16 e au4 t Lke CIL 10 Of groves fck o wners D, Sur, a is now prepared to furnish everything in th,4 Farnitu--re line
tells t o f 11 eta., Coronertor t n 3, f Huron I Rd ATU11DAY-V
&Ld ready for buEi,,4*6�6 Ook outfor. I geon, he 0 at remarkabl I noes utonding purchasers will tlu4 it greitly t6 their advantage vill procada sonth to Moll
kn.. y outward friction ing:_ OU6 wl�-o liv I atm Thesq y
iCA . examine his sto before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing promprily attended to. * Farniltare made tuft
A material wh day twol ladies were the IN�rthe�6 St Office and Rug$dence, OA; Ja to call Col-Deftber west two rft� AM and a halt
Btreett nortibi sonth twoMJ14
> ownersT a 11 ldnatod6butlpaythei di it,]Y opposite Seaforthrubii sohoo�. toorderonvery tortno'ice. Pictareframing a' eciait De aud a b�alf to Buttoil"S Seh6ol
THUXAS, xtLL1,9,..KipM, induces the fatter is therefore also more sOme,elephants I 4eing fed #ear A r rei Sp y. All work gkiatanteed. Farmproanee,.
lealthy, amd rougher underclothing, Camp in tile junglies of the Getitr bi 118 u at: I � et OB begin to be r, which feathers, wood a i3 lumber taken in exchange. Hruse, at David Rni&c)2fel Is., for noon - thetice
at ro -1
THE %EAF01�T11 gq4era,113 t Ikes �i� �ce in about f pur years MoNAUGHT, by way of the White T�veni to big own Stable
Veter�inary 8 a
itiGh a�. woolea, or coarse cotbon, is pre-- V1nCiE 6, When tbe elder of the two 1 11 D igeoh, Gi-sidul N%hCtre bewill remain until the 10110
iff6ur fai old seo'dlingB were att of Ontario Voteiinary C)l ogejeaforW 14,11S UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. rnmR. . , 1�� -g 11 i
jerable tothe enervating finer linen. or fortunately tooh i�- into her head to, anted tit Ont. Ufficia and Residen�e in rc ai of.X[Iloran d aylu
ti t at W� period the The
offer one of the elephants a stal )turns alibve Boute will
ONCE ANID ON -10 4!ENC1Y1 4ilk. Ivory ]at n Ryan"B. calls, Prompt]34attended to, uig�t or I's, as formerly, �t der his own Pripervision. And will. be conducted with the'greateat care And atteu - unrig the scagouf heal And -we a
'Another piaiat 0 be observed is the ch9mitti. which is.1 cake made of Idut t. way A divil*ids begin t ssumeNa day. A stock of voteriniry mod a: ties in p
loWeSt ng-. Vorlarther Partictillars Pee route bills.
A tion. His stock6l Caskets, Coffins, ShrohLds, &a, will be found complete, :And at the� very
te 3hape. M n d asto
t �gibl Cha. gas roaimnable. Hon)as exa ended in the country. A Hearse for hire. IWmember the place. DAVIS & *CEIVEN, Proptietox's.
keeping of the skin warm, because and aked on the4re over a hin r rate. Funerals Aft
Rom andbertificates glyeA if requ �d. 401 1
T and dousequently,i when fre' -it is general AMES'MILLER, Groo
ONZO ST_R ONO varnith keeps the pores open, while fhiE vibini;� y claim-
sb� ma
Coldcontracts and closes the -in; and burning hot.' Eliophants ed nd a Imittei I that as an in -estm.ont
(4FN'T for Seveiial Firat-class Stock, FhV I I are u W IDEUBTSHITE. U. D. S., SEAFORTIL
mkerisl,s cri th 'r 1880 wi�ce ir a Me I Diu dst, Graduatti
Pallies and is prelia. tl t a day, 1but' t14 n a
i T I Insuramce COm, M. ROBERTSON, �he� Ibip wte-d
. 'I e liere acridn woolen clothigg stauLls first. fed with fo n ne, there is nothing c r Fren6h
e at*,t fivarablet surer tbEn a '011 cultivated xnd well of the hoyal Coll(ge o Dental St 0AI
elm&. Thus it is proved that in point Of We ulw-aYs allowe4 io cool be LoTe beiu�, 1� - st
,'Ag(Rt for SevQ&I
the best Loan go. parousaess, f fiction and warmthii, given. - This �u �as still so !I, ot thab C� r 3d f t oranae rove, becaus it is as- ho Surgeons - of ( 0 ari 0111eq
ni s f rom 8 At Al. to. ir, p. I jvj 01"H ill OHAM I N
r )I
Of F&M for ast 8, quk, for h dro' -'4 new bri�ik blooli,
AvErit for the Sole And Par wooleu clotbiug is to be pre hurt the be Fie ;ed at' the -ees bear ev ry year, Mrs, Whitno3
oh red to all Streeti WA L L PAPER. WALL P A P E R, rHE P)roporty of MaW'n & Horton, will sts�a
6age. Property, two years CqO Will 8
n at d tb 't tl%. fin p rth.
-But not only the material of theL witti a sbo 11 a� for al. expenses I matur- --
others. it with tl,,e quick lag!
11 ss of high ni 11 forthe Stock thissetwoulks
tit a e salme iml- stri i n b u's tially
1, t% 3 lftth�, will leave b.W'o'_wu:@t&,blb
d , I "L
_V SPt NG STOCK OF WALL PA Lat. 28, Con. IS, MCI" 116PL, ulad protiee tonor.
ib- the igro L nd suitabI6 f(jr orange I
F (10thTDO is of impartamoe, but also its b; ye. LE G41L.
a blow on the hand of the lad rho i
class I I urel ay be er acre M
(Ut. da warra climates, where cloth-, of co irse consider d had meak to i. i ir cc I( ght for $15 JAMES T, GAJIRO PER.,, &: man'S;Hotel, Win.'�rolj'. feLr 11;
ptlti,7-2-ared Farum for L 16. 0 1 W, Barri0e ttor dy Rua Il'oo
-ut s . �olicitor,Oodoriuh. rZ
ing is truare a luxury-th&U, a necessity, him ntentioDally.JL Had she beenj fenlE s low 5- but not in hcalitie' Seaforth, at the Clomplz iul -H�to' for the
(,.for tral$ PRI
portation gilt
cest. AMEROJ I B -e3alongthe
1141h, The land ',with 70 CAMERON, HOLT & 0 ITTE bDAY- Will pi,o 3 .
i full length of his ehain, the s me I I �,i;4 71 Alnin Hotel,,for �noou; theme to 911a.
n I
where a certai rj Roliciior8 in Chaucory, &c.. C odW.j b, Ontil BORDERS ito the
o fa mi -ab 631
tbe loosest garineuts are the boat; but little nearer,and The beast,,not at, ih: fud prepat- IS NOW, COMPLETE, COX SING
1 those latibudes in:, an
M t�el s to, ib 6 acre �,vill cost ab
B: DU.ut of Nvarmth has to be obtained, on the he'ad would edrtainly ve kil,e 0 4,320 Pe" M Cam BROWN ANK& for the might.
C - Cameron, Q. 0., Philip Hol I bin D, jit Bxownlee'R u0s,
ac re. (�morally t�ie trees be I V D, DIN ERSDAT-Will pro
ber n the SPOLL�. �kS it Was, to bear cron, - V , �eed north tothe Wa�jtt
p Ticketai.. ly clothing, the garments must be er 1an BUFF BLA 4KS'
worn more closely fitting. We bav in� hree, j ears, a at the fouilth year I Settlemerit, at Tog.n d,orranciels, 1b'r nooli;
'"h&wS .11
7 el wLtE; in a MoSt painful state for !ks
('E:-- Over Al. ATTairisou's, Etore, u4jiIi wilt av ILLIAM 01ALL, Coayeyahl!r� and i6omnlis thence:to juytbl at JI, otell for t4e
-ewforth. d. Next morniDc' w on i'� V ac e 100 Dranges per tr�e- The . GRIOUN WINDOW PAPER, I I Ali
o7 siouer iu B. R., Wrmot or.
6,45 111 ctiotieer anc
dearn. jacketed pipe, where the steam time to start for the next enc anpme t fif h yew, ei�Lch t �3'.jB estimat to far- Appraiser. Acoonuts anid noted collected or 'I HUlt DAY-Vill Pr ceiiiid north to 1361graVe'L
lefore likened the human body to a, af bervar 41 W IDS
I Constantly in this same lady, b at I ias reauenableterinso .13ell's Hot*l, for noon; Iheree to Bmrasels, st
an asoer[Ldamt mobiou t 3.0.' oranges. A $2. per OILED CLOTH BLIND,
wl o usually g)t up I El ni 36.6
htudre thbvW=ldbriDG 66. er tree Pai-keeki Fvtcl, for be Migltt, remaining untu
P L L, A B FA D W. C. 3MEYElt l3arrister And Attorney at Tassels, &c.
tie faster this circulation takes place ladder first and sa � nearest t( thel e e_ 0 Gol Bo�dered,Cloth Blinds, Fixtures, Cofd' noon oA Friday. i
sen. .DeductiDa rom iis
tie rnore, is -the s -kin cooled ; it follows 0 H Taw, Ko'ciitor'in Chi'mcery. Glimmitisioner Will proee d to Walton,
phanb's head, proceeded t6 la 61
or �420 ti
at Biern*g
Aisual, but as soon as iking afAdavitg in 410,�Prl)VihCO i)f �NTAbit0bi
tie-refore, that the most regular and th Biifi.Fs 11O.t an iexpenses of joultiva- for t liotel, jDr the nigbt.
SSELS, LIME WORIKS. she )pro4 h I L. All Selected 'zilith eat car e. Pive Hundred Samples, to C710086 01. SAVULDAY-Wia Pr9cetJ to I"s own stable,
g oli(itortor the:Bank oi Ham qr
t by tic n, I iltofi, Witigham.1 fro,
5 trini npe EL ol at 7j to 6 por lent. 11 633
Nr & -fittirig garmentS.L tliro%� water over her. Tbi i' h dia day morning.
bad 9ALCOMSON, Tarri�ter, an I Wtornely ST For teims and cerW icate
AT ill yet rema:
M118tall evaporation is mai :1 lttilllbeki4i that a bqndsome Vr
the qep�ant bobe an to nil n If )r �rofl iv kite funds t oan where lie will remai a niaw -the toi-iowingifigi.
several times, tilt: t last slid 10 roni this tird onward tho trees, pedigree see route
Law,'Xotary Public
onvoyanopr, Brussels.:
6 0
�,, folls)
Carvin give up trying to ELsoen �hftu n I
d wi Ji proper care 1 tteutio Jwill in- GA
ibizeribini take this ortportunity of 9. e IL a 91 er, Ind'atteutio Ir'..Caran'law of Caluerap, Elult; 4, Carheron's;
t1i( i �ill - =5 MOEWEN. & ji;ORTON, I?ropxleto*
itaii-ta b b
ir g thar.kFt ti. _ inhab 'Thou, lady took ker p) )1o. t,; crease ip 'capacity, u til
-h 6arviva is"," y many Con arin I
of Brussels sider- they qftic 1, will be in 6har-a d -f the c fi�
,rpli rei and Mr.:
01 ill ar I i av 11111.,�ei least, 1,500 orana each. INIKICOMI;on wi in M11L
r0ascUlitle aocomplishmel-it, 310 n 4, r) Prussoli every TueS2
t, itv for Past 11arrounge,and beg to state t how vei, permitted her to sit I atl 11 be
A bTxxyj
- c 11jer that th er ru
hdir I to preside -with `RTH FLJ� AX LSo
f4' iuRtic' KE veral inyrovemelitir in, t 4dy Is fullYqualifiec tail,but he remai&d cross all day ocrisid Ang ful
t ruode, ing, they ftre now in a old
or al OE, Barji
-aition t1vin ever b(Jore- to s&Lppl,,r the gace at hex own t&ble unless she atd more A MES KE R star, )Lt orney, So.
[we ek beep e the better
pr duc I �P. . L
-itb fir.,t me at 12�e I Shingles. pr e I bey a Noitor, CouvoyatIoer, Sbra ford. blr..� unileftigned is now prepiio,d 'to malio
a Bh t the ows how to carve. As knowledge
a will be in Seaforth twice eso month, on "Pha V-r%rl A I. ";I T11r arrangements
th is requirimil bx-r +1,,. A AnIvno ^-A I- P_f 4.1 ta�; f. -4. aP A ith Farmers for the comini
8"Ed not strenor rt- I f e .1 w -
our haajaegs. F it 1, ry t tPLO j aravany, k i 4e ),are now ru a-
sixt4 sragon USI_ rat and third bloorlmyx, aranog on the A
Be 118011
E (lase. Ily aveniigs. rijua their sho 8 in full force, undet new management, notwithatandin
111-11(l h&V carver, there is UO physical -reason wby tilemarl thus discourses in ork l;_,s and Dl. ),rev us 8aturtl
iv( n uuquall- joul I I ill sta y at g repLor tS
bmen should not carve as skilf Dr. Hanover'.4 resi donee. p
fit tile pu4lie Can rely on. ully as on tb subject of reatin- sh-ugles; to, Vie revalend lof plithisis, or. Con- 638 to. the contra4 aircul ated by in teriested parties, and have d, 4erru ined to spare *o FOR LAND Tq BE SOWN
laY of exertion on the guar against decay: sumptior, a 01111, 4rtisans who are en -
lea. All disp
t effort to secure t e a trade for what they ma �ufacture
Of 'beeUpatiolng, ENSON & MEIYER, Bijirristers a ad Attorney,
rt the carver is in bud taste, and In -18611 built a new barn, and nt' Ed it 3ty well atLaw,S()Iioi&oriiincliancery�.nlXnooi A, -xang einents vil-I be radde eitberibythea0ro
.M-ir tht silut, Bra-wehi Ume lk-ork.q. t v
nveyancersi Notaries Pa 8 or by thel ton.
To WN WB(T' thlowseitherthait.skill is wantin, 0
aRows, Or on a ioof of the' best shaved piiie shin$1 )s�iii 8h N ULI In a serief f observaticEsmacle Plic, etc. Of.11068
au and- Wurzburg, I t t
at t4e dish to be carved is h f rth and BruoHels. $23,oqo of Pr3 vi td Fun E�CINES AND 1101 ERS, FLOUIRINC CRIS
in ispi t Lis at B
of inferior I eon A get. Tb'dy were made Lon rivi G 00.D ;0LJ,,%4 _v SBED ONHAND
i . .. i aves a oncei lit Eight pericent. In t;t reSt. pi
pine land:An th er E nta.ge c Jpases being. (I assified y�arly. STIL17E, 1EADING AND HOOP MAC I WlERY.
'G; E M- P I U M! ""ty- -
Pennsylv nia, wid'
The knife for,carvingL Meat should be made by ex�eriehcipd workm6. : Thly as lowl; Of se who work in me- JAIF s H. HR C1.1 XEYFR.
-1 be
And wil fulmished on App1liositioH.
f ood size, with'& handle sufficiantly talliC dUsb the ba-ev I diiiiuolved by I
The "�Oe Tic abovc N onNi-itmi thii' ay H lee �Plows, I ica 'itural
N-ibscrilyer fit were not dipped, orl painted. 0 -C outage was: -dle- t 11grica Implements, Cooking, -Box n� Parlor Stove
rebv thanks his namerous Itual couse t. 'All Bee nuts d el ji
inwreliflItts and other lig, mad Vory sLiar ELI p rs p the firm t
et squ be pi id to Mr. B(:Insob NY 0 will ny all liabil. im J
0 for their Owl'a', on the ridge i� nine fe I'; litho. 'tin Stock or Made to Order.
po oliche 6 Iil( cutters, 62.!
ears, &ad -maller and and a streak the wilth 0 grap4era, 48.0 ;7 E ieVe -makers, 42.1
durin& the PaHt 7. 'Phe knife foT poultry is s f it: down 01
1B.—Tho Mill Property. will be Sold on
�RE PAIRS on Ennities, Boilers, &c., promptly attended to! Estimates rell- i
run the
ra erit th(-1r7CojjfidC-Ejee and trade in no moss on it, 0 e. V-1876. -or any kind of machinery or miil work.. b inesi, or will be exchai'aged for farm prop -i
iTAU-41-1tviand close, at; cation to' igliter than'the meat carver; the point 40A compositors 36.9; :No,. 271 so able terms to a SaiLtR'bija Person to
the i ia.ves ba;s grinderd, i T MES I �.IBENSON. and
; t i s furnished
a iaore peaked and the handle longer. shing es look new on botb side; of wa: chmia W. 0. %1,FYEA. PI u
1-1 e
Ili Inel grea If, (�nlqxged �ds preM- kels, 36 5 type fo u n d ei a, 3 4.9;
4.v the CW18 are very eas 1-av er Apply to XORN 14E.4TTIE,Seaforth.
winter, h ily wiryed, ac'nd roof, - vhile all, the rest of t, ie
0 h- now prepaxed to psy roof s eng erc, 26.3 ; &N ors, 25 ; varr ishers, HORA-CE HORTO C. A. HUMBER STIAIF,
OiItS, sUchL as lains, breasts and fQre- more or less; COV41red 'with m jj�� 25 1 paiiitiiirs, 25.1; �, printers, 21-6
F, R Uirters, if the butcher hits separated PlIESIDEXT. 3W.;AGER. ECRETARY. TH -0 M, E R tAL U V It -,R
e -ca' malers, 19.11; tinliks, 14-1. (11 those LA'iy. CH ONVE ZANCING V
HIGHEST CASH E cafled the attention! of a reasonabi clt�yl AN 0
Or Ific
jOintH well. '-This -he should have pouter to it this ye�r, and aske bihi whb:worllid mina�hl dust—Flijil work- S E'A F 0 U T
what made the difforence. HE stLid it ers �80 indstoi ain stree ,Sea ortb.
Fro-qh h*,,,gs, (leliverod. tlict injunctimin to do, and if be un- akers, 40 ; stone- Sbot Olock, 'M
etstaads his bm�sijjes,
it WithLout j thoroughly, he I could be nothing ebe thaal �tlie� pail) t gut rSIL73i.41; Pla: 19 porcelain S
it -er FORTH.
ICITOR for the donsolid t�di Bank of AATHUR, FORBES.,
ill do pott 7 ciLrOnters,
I'that washed from' the onpola. maLl th a ieirs, 6 (anadiiiii dtheCanadi�nBan ol Ooaimerce
d Tr
purchased the 16ock an *do of
Own keeps'h - 12 diamo cutters, in Be ifort no�v o iand and fo
n I cita?�ye for,' rdwood Yorse A, -the
The diRli upou -which the article to be in the neighboring' t is rools 14.4; rii� Ong, ia% e. r sale' or for Ex i0i 0
-rcia So*fortb, from aft.
i�v the tmbsni i3i�mep akeri 8 10. Ofth ho F a] in an Pr p rty bought Powers,.Stra Cutter_-, Grain Crusliers, Gwny Plows, G�ate 3ews, &c. Go rge W.4iteley, begs to 4ato that he :Intends
i �tvc--1 is Placed sho-uld be suffim �rowa and Vil Conitim -1 Livery,
;bvr, 25 to, N (if 9' 0o.1 , dry � i all painted, and I have' been past h s 131
tay 0 e ge Pr
and w1d. J
e1r-to enabfe t1le caxver to reach it buildi ucys every few days- for 1!- 0 ..s w0k. in: rs, Jl_
ye V IgEtablE lu'st—citial a kwe car ying on the business in �he old 8tatia,ana- a
Mo ey ( rl�ote f �inds) lo on vpgo Be- he _1
ned on
risitio, and the seat should be ndvehictis to
71 3 6.,1 wie. vers, E' ��rope make 1 Urit s, 1%4 reasonable rate 0 Ch dd d seve4al valimble horelas
fx. 1). �v I f, wXT 18.9 -; a a
-so and have never known !of "his putt.1 g 0 f inter, t. " ames AL KINDS 01".CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER 014'�S RT NOTIGE. formerly large Ntook' . Nonabut
its to �ive co-rnmannd�qv&r onLa new roof.. Ifinve'liadratchdEat, millers I f4i: e r s, 7 chimney, mod ate. 0
r ey invested f6r pi.h., -to persol 8 UPCm the, N total. �Iow' hej Pirsi'
]Dg w th bim, and 'Ln6w him to bE a sweepe.,5, 6.5 c oil minus, 3, 8. Of expense to P OWPOI 'IS inad'from hard white in -makers -Will finclit to t r -Cla.is Comfktable��: VehicW avd:Good
He pa-ints w BruBb-, t
�e(ltiires very litke
7�REVV CAILDER 7 iijish Btliortghgei�eearitioi,wt�hoat on, P
emrving' ;"it strict economist. JB thos w - 'il Aluimal dust le ider. ad ian age to ordei caE fings from me, as I have a3l the machinery for grinding
Ull I Ho� Reliable Horge, WiU, be Kept.
be caref y h4alped with a fish- buildings (ex-cept hi.4 house) wita y U)#` Makers,
f-(II(T-10111 V9 tit(. 1`h(,t(t!,rrji,,rherg 0.1 ha 0 workers 2.1 ; up -1 13. G. MoCAUGJTFY, M�A. r F. JMESTED. all :LE mou ldboards an I points,'and can turn out a first -clasp job. Ii
1 3 P( .8 iLng t (L Covered And Open Buggbi4; and Carn' I &get,, irniij
care being t i on
0(e q 5.� fel: o' - it
cd.inda., akeu Dot to break the ocher once in abofititen yeaxs. J1 hol4t�rs, 4iongers, 32.� turn- il wit
6 ne tl!ie al)ove
Double azd Single Wago
-t Of the roe, melt or liver batters us klwifty.8 read
pat -I think the nex� best tbi
nj ers, 116.2 �5.5 butto a mak- LLAlM
,411mild, be serve(I 1, g� OUR.
i T Y to eacli person. T is to�W
O�mmob erg, C f 11 Ie w a k n
U FOR(1ET IT." Ise bite vasli with 1, i I __ In Wilson keld Running �tbe Finishing Shop,
A I e w Special Arrangemenfs ;Jf ade With Con.
ds Gf cttrp, par 1HI GREAT FEMALE MEDU
is ;on. Put it mixea dki3t Glai cutters, 35 glass
.411111,11ving bii pat- t of those of Cod 'and lime as,soon as the oof
&I on, and the fins of tuir-j)ot, are feri.odicall Pills -This viluab a di
and Am iroty leh, Wall.' Con- an tbi-.k and SLtrong,. Mok-at'the roofs ma.1 ers, - 7. ; It orers, 15J.--11ard-- mia aine j, An I vi�ill attend t all kinds of Repairs on 'Steam; Erigines, FIduring a 0
fill, ur failing in tl�c onre oi I icluful and nd G119t
�11. (),tj I ietal.08 topi Oxdcra left atthe Stahl
I those I r any of the h6tels
ed delicacies. The choice parts of of the old-fashioned Ouseis )f �Iv 1110)* 1 P, ej t(i 7-teir. ugerous disia sLelto whi the fell ale constitu.
ad, Mi 19, �aW MillS, and Ma Repairs ou Farmers' Irri 4ements, and ftom his long 6X- promptly attended to..
ition is subject. i It modern 9 all e &as "d re.
uwl, (hilt lie Ilext the head, the thin patit the Goderich. Foundry, an
Eluglamd, with tl)e 611d. stone ct im' pe"ri Ce as forem �n of di,hi$: kuowled,,,-b of Engine ana
u e pal �1�101 Z. 8
-1e tail is co-usidered less savory. XPI x1elace, wit the Ineve n 8, an d speed ti A Bona* work here may depend:'onliaving a good job, and
a all obrractio I Work, par
Val ilin4emlay be
e C1qpo# on It will, in a short time, bri on the on thay pe- E
LA f
U with a roof below-th� I :an d on. To m4tri itispec ailys4ited 'T DA1 VVE&
(lit, k.(-j,.(Aq popularGal, . �ii, (, m, as soun s 8 :11, 9 0 RIM
arvIligniackerel, cut off first tbe roof below tb I El( tor. che1a as possibj I Ci e us a trial. TO M HCHAN S'
my b trn. I I J. SI. RtUINCIA4 AN
Can theu aivide, it CIOVIV-11- the lyack- ; I haVE a very fla.t 1�i ingl e�
N I iStl Smith in, iurr riodvitbregubtrit,. Thes Pills 8 a uld Rot be i.
e roof, I paint
ita an by - Fiamaleadaring tidiefinittbi mpntbe I TROTT, BE-kFORTHI
11LIPI'd nearthe head is conside�ed it.-whea uew 9.11 'o hers I whit ill
1 1 "N It. - 1 Sez the ; 3LIi wid ;b� soger cap, "Will
of Pre �raricy, a$ they are si Lre to b ri on j
11art. -laddock, herrina, before The scaffold 'jk, zemoveC4 vc_�Z Stip I Sol s4ips intil the 31081b, -oarria,,,et but atany other tii ie theyapopf(j. in
T 4
#8 itrach pleasure in "Hing Particular 4ttcn-
tion to bis airtight,
and carp sli(ULj.Cj be e 19i CFIANGE OF BUSIkSS
N6F ch 1, 1 A
LINE.. a n d all of . . I
OR arved in the many- tinies ��eaper thal p as ddii t, atj 9, rope, al cc r,68, of O�er ` nH an I Spim I AlfectioDs,
a �_Tt pu VO
ackerel, ren
way as Ili -iemberiuc, on nevy shingles. 11sperience z83 ud and it's die rootl I's telling �ye the pa,iks. n the ba4k and limbs f atignC, Olt iliglit ex -
b; :E7 0T3'*1*-T1D1Pj_Y!t
31.11 f STI. lit 'lie flN.Ld (If the Carl) jS 'ortiou on�o e ie rt, y t 1 100, RE
111L nDin, palpita6i A id
old -nj n 119. A
cousider-od serwLtion O"Light to teac i walls: of i the bu, I begin, r i
V 1;k,111 jNl-,NN Y )15 wliitel,ithes(VUr,�.illeffeetfacuievpb ulail !other
.oattt ri i) o use in bd�lding; yo no _0E w a. collar as tb �tig -the. di ougi 1po-0e ThiO Firii- is warmnited'air tight, and I
antl L material was mcans'n9ve fAiled; and, jltb rful
i SE RTIR�, 0
platter on whicil all V article is are very, ar r them. 'M ul 'murther.! -1 a&i*ony, &FO ut., April 8rd, 1880. conseq ebtlykeep, the butt; d
coutain iro*, c
wit t6 follolw� soine I I
utest af th 3: sez I, riarOe4y, do not alonic tar mach.pariar an
i: I I L We Will Continn.�
r 1-i,it 0 than any t.,her'tub inwile on:the old
a I donstital idxi. I Fall
Itt least a �liirdj largior bobb lilwh t'll I 3come f or jam thing hurtful t' the;
riddet aid the vin ry pur Aased the Seaforth Foundry from u Nopper, sweote�
c'hilder wl icb was bft below ere 9" r a u
ft low so I (Ld the s diriecti)n8in-thepamphletal! und eaci paokage, 1: to Ite t stand, Main Street, -Sea
ep on han tub
cl)"t, assortment o Pr112eiPle,'B1viu9 mr)TO lb,&
ive of it-- Mts. Notbiu-
t, wb c 3 on a care 7 pz serve Plo Laud Rollers and all: oi her. Implements in our line.
trh,re awkward than & Ift"110 fowl 0 Manufactu vils,
1! 11"ClUt IN 114tiq 11 tO i ersoull r re Of WOOL-� Sav4 the J)ger cap rqau, 'Be aisy surr; Ne TO on hand.
rk Sole roprietor. $1 00 an, 2.j ente i
(),,-a sill Lt'll platter. Co mn res i as, and School, Church, Garden 9,n� LawnL C4airs 9, specialty. Co r partlen
-[Ws. I carviucr a a] )me for po tag, on cl6siid to Nory)lr6p & Ly an o- ! n
fi it Theimprovemeat� of Ameridfin they; be 1 riAbq, when yez cc Ont., rnman tubs rn hLjj3dafj iii-sual. Fo
Line M to,
Ile general agentaJi, for the
�:Re ainnaprom. t] y au(.1 jjeativ done and satisfaction g laranteed.' Give us a trial tou or *1&'ess
n - d it ?" A f ;
Lor Lille first PlaeQ the f(irk firmlY in the c iner- -for mauuf: tu iug WOH irqt6. ror omi 3ion, lamcall at the FaL
b dow b. Col e I;
i's will i sure 'a buttle
conta4ing ove.-il 0 pi s by
ici deser e afjrth by Hit son _01,131 i
(if the breast, then cut Off the the nic'M desirable fAbr s z�t�i "Amd is i6 2o closet i4t all, but a bay- retirn I mail. qo1d in Be !!ALF] E R. N �R
and IILN- the joints. neat1y ().11 tlIe N0 THERS. S. TROTT, Seaforth.
I 'I thenisla 110ou tb t,,&VkbZ got mb in Blelasd 11, J. S. Itobiarte, and �R. Itniti,ii eiii. 197 ERI W.. �ZOPPER� N, B.--CoopeTing and iirep"g as u4UM. WO
ish teutior. The powe�. looins th it U0 :jo
A E121ell cut off the logs aivina
the waave mrpets had ;bat the s -stopped sbo�k SEAFORT11,Ont., April 3.rd, 1880,
al 110 -0 -isteucE Wll�
Rstidden turn, ali� and e cpene(w nm riciiLdangLr threateu.q.1. any oif ��roubled
r, 'first I utered upon : lei I
the joints Mr. Bigelow 11 iness, I must call on !all those indebted t Me OR
- C h i _q'� I stili door, an thpre vith a liackill." cough. Inflariunati ol it wb(-u it Having dis1no ed o my bus
1,r�--ak it the fowl ` I THI ZURICH CARRIA
'0 THE PUBLIC. Is ' 11"t Old. Di- career cu.; an jnVtqjt -1i:' 0111V P1 3 %vi d b E roof liead ' attacksi the'delic;tte thqsne of he hingA uld bron- ieither by note oi" I o0k �'cc_ 0 CE Milt Y.
i4t over me
�dv tile IL.tT aiu faij W. ount, to call and settle tliel same before the First oi
at tho kueO joint, and lay lics,
of comparative simplb figu'res'i Aud tba(j NN �s p la,,It saved in from chil LL tillk-s, travels with peril us rapidity. It is lWay, as after thA datell will place everything in t�ie:bands,of the Clerk of the
-s 1'... ud it i 11 to int'n ate wolsiathaliniadne.1.1i one"'(W a cougfi pr cold.
t jg(;;P;( Upi
01i the di.L;li. Then cut thin were %,v(jveu on poWer,loon:is,aua lie p 3n I i rely. �Iflostoii Tra.qcr�pl.* 1coat fo collect;oa. JOAN NOPPER. HESS 144BERER
1,111� in 6 iiiel To 10, 0 i 0 . I .
tl!at INV 111 46 is Himply to invite c nsumptJol and.pre
na, 4nd
ina Lin:! death. Battle with aud olvelcoomil the alws"TS on bLa make'tJo Order
.0rable ft )In the breast ein both E;idc&, re- in opeiation the first.
(I left �successflll i'i)vii J:r A VF
the i,.uerj.�. thought or wish bono, loon, h-n()Nvjj_ijj.
Uaries 6 'Soine E -JLA- Wngoixis, Pa-eighs,
A. ww gi eb,, C"' trr.jo, And eve& other ar. tic,
the T ie S� vert thi, 'Peril. I)o
:ej ndysbrial: art dis ftsul in its -infancy, and
ua 1 9 t medlic* line.
m-vtl rtr�(kns to le force, aud the breast carpet�, tapesitry car clotb, isters. .'ON.
are With the feft hal'i'd turn the fork -weavino �rark lbv..[ notall w the hing-eatiug thbere)es 4evelop
%J ef-11 brit V, t bET he NVith a -litt e0ach lace, N'rire iqfra�,� themselres before resortin Exrfdri- OFFIQE STORE: I WALT
*-f 1tril Ilual L'a the ts, I russEls aac NE xt to Tu BeEcl er, Dr. John H 11, enee ho's show . . � POE T bey iji.ersonally auperjnt�bd their alm buxi-
n it at the piepiration 01 f t adApted' ness, and can guarantee a Lftood Article both so
ilk brocatell. 04, of --.N-t w Yc'-) k, est
will ea,�ilv Come awav from the Wilton carpet.,;, a
Ill om 116 &'ion& 11 d �ub ue &fGrm dable coughl--to so b nd hi -al
It is ia d, is the b id to 01�-CE MORE rcal ectful.y beg:eave to return thankii to my numerous ouBt(itaers for thoirkind 1 to material'and WorkLMSL
t6l iraitiework, 'ieaving the of' the laderated I ng.s7�-is _N$rthrop & 1,yman's
co u i try. He get 3
ue o erativE prea( her N tbi I . q;iinem amongst them 'pnd Idnfflj For Style And FiLD18h their ,work onnot be
'xI)i1sied. The second oint, or 1 5,- Eralubd 3-n- of Cod Liver 0 1
ONG, 11. 11"C lik 10:ans I patroDage dfiring the Is it 12 yearg that I have been doing b
). t. , A ii ani Hypop� ic riphites of muauqe eir
J, has woven 72 y4irds -f Brusselst carpot,- 000 2 year ,, old�i a bas a n IS8 the large afty 4stablishmeotff.
sure ts ,e ific' for Soliest a cont, f th ' �favors forthe - futnre.. I have ipst reiceived a Larke and:;Well Selected enrpassed by
11"t (If the Ie nearest the body, is in ten ]1()Ur. - a Liou and SodA-a swift a4d Ry ODS of al) descriptions. Also Always !on hand a �full assortment Of d to. us A
j UdL 0. al aDd In I n" affei stoc 0 D
ee of rebt, which
cousiaered the choice part, ary dafs -%roric ()Ii 11an(I ]Our t bri) forms of ;crofula.L It the CoUllity, trial and,be convinced that irezan satisfyyou
tj(l * t 1.1; 110, ;eteuded
a4ry $1 0,1D ier
- E Repairing pr4mptly atteride
31 E S ard is - an ordi wort Ich' Jions,ii laryngi z ana the i GR S -which, for quality and PIrice, are � the 68t in
L10, EAS it Specialty
r3Q ES ak(. hi 00. '51r. Beeel' A L St C)I*S and SHOES-MePherson'smhke. Crqcke ' 01 nsware,Lainp
I It 1 -1. In I$ in tn a8swiLre, Lamp to quality' and price.
"'g"ell Witl a piece of the 9 f in r ilev e
ri -A. %J t1j. on r e! 'k I
breast, weavin ir of brocutel th'. i iavorite romedv 'A tuire in 4.10p- and oal Oil, Hardw ri!i'Pairts And Oils, Dru go, Patent Medicinps,1 I
0SW in Ly )iis 6 is p 0 000, receives rctb�li[]D ay.t-rt .1 �&con shillmg, in fact every+ j3dr. He#s is well kriown to t)ie pnblla�hsvinig 1`2
rd ; on 1 power 1001118. Hall comes pr. sou a t1d . d6ubt. hin required in a eta] store. Ask for what yon want if yon don't see ii,'.'(3aah or fann producii 16en in biiHineas in ZuAch for over 12 joars.
too wel proTen to
�"IiLst ig i jPMU1(-r it 'to Dq a(linit. of at �y rea
"f the St"M wil and of the �grav�. c: iit-.� rev N -W g 'd "a Ljruption,LbUt tha't it ig EL ; fact
& S akey in exchange. ould klao intimate to all parpes lmdebted ti� me for ast �Lud previous yesrs� 1 636 HF -48
'ralbe,'C 0 a] 7 o come and oettle Dy cash
t 1Z cents. -potter i The fact is equally well kno- vii and I-Lelated
uSlially solicite(I to rua�-e ConueeLicut, i4t cost 1)�, of G Litir lit who las�.a I t or note before the fnd of thia mobth, or the econnts will bey t
(If carpets hI; it liftt the othei hands for coiltotion. NO further notice will be given- 31ONZYTO AN ON EASY TERMS
t -b ka!ari-`!of 8 122,(100 all
Part (if the fowl, he The elt.eapenivi,
Al -11AIU'S j.j(i1jEj,, S,110101- 1s,t I'L'.1, pre- both by the public and the I rofessio a
11111--t- of jurebstdrig Ifurg0a, I I . -kl( ii, house to ive in I
Mal )d Inanners and articluis ail admimble fertil],,er of t' e )1ood, im-
J.f jq�jjuo a relief itiventiyng of Aineric4us may b a -0 ANO valuator fcr the Dominion Saving ard Investment Societi-, one I the best loan societiei B WE T To
s wbi(-h rti ez;sen-
to Lrt,0 poullfixt a t, to 11,tv, tl, e btatefl 3 e
&6 f0f .)Dix, of Trinity, i3 p'4'id i parting to it those constituen
.,'It Age frfiru 5 to 11' aeaftt aid- I I in th - Dominion. I h( above !Society loans money on good farm , sequrityr, to a term of from three to.
e ie Choice clearly u vs : ."By the po%N er '1 )(), ft� L ; tial � to Ile complete nutrition of the imsti-111 and SXAFOMTI�,
the Pa t 'r of S t; T twenty years, on the m,,gt fai INSURAZi CE. -If yoit wAnt your life Itimm
Oolu L2.0 A �Lrable canditious. 'LIFE
!ItA --i ud. Rher fowjs are carved in a woman in a. 1 -v'e 11 it, preservation in a state of, be0th. In an en-
X'te Will Nveive CLUM11 rQ ejL�es 1q,000. a gent fbr the Sa
-bled syj;tem, phosphorus-4that ne.,msary iile- ini� LEAT�Mll and
If 0 U011TON & SH er very sitnilar to turkeys. Pigeons ii. as'four -m then re fee give I ne call' as I am n Mutual Life Assurance Oumpany, ase bf the best Life In., Wholesale and Retsil_Dftler
many yards of ingra oura�ce ompanieq le Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for.
otheis'in. N SHOB FINDINGS of Ev*ry Deserlption.
en w! YO 4 wrio have fr m mwit Df bodily substauce4,is ds, Q
naN be cut into quar tj give me a call. I am always attentive to business. PoSt Offlee and Telograph Office in con�
8 hand; as ruany yard,� of t constitatnt, as well as lim anIst got Verypest Stooli kept. Terms
11 apestrN as 000, b it"the mi I f` I t� I , thy, Turnip and other seeds on band. None bat the
f ister e S�d SOIL%
Served, 4 �,q 00 3 � to 1,� 1.0, A, m
pectiOn. Clover, Tit aL
All -or
above 00 i�, le nsidered a a, I slo
inen 1)�I the hand in bone formation) are supplieki in tb
nd as oes 0 tickv � U� modiarate.. lTrialSollefted. Acra by mnli
. . t . . of Cod Liyer Oil. Prepared �y Sort' or otheTv-j ve prompt,17 tilled.:
loct,$ Of inuttf)u the,firiest part is yardS.C,)f Dj�xissels Many map_- I
ear� tin, L3_
as ten in m =In, Toronto. Sold by all drkigg6ts. SON' WALTON' E. X. D�IIXTT