HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-14, Page 22 1 THE HURON XPOSITOR. MISS BETTLAH'S BONNET. (Concluded from -last week.) The strife of tongues. however, did not spare Aunt Beulah, if the deacons did, and for a long time Miss Beers, who had the key to, the situation, did not hear any of khe gossip, partly because she had been/Ill of low fever, and then gone to her sister's in Dartford ;°:for change of air,and partly that during • Tuly and August the sewing circle was teem=porarily suspended. But it renew- ed its sessions in. September, and Miss Beers was an active member, sure to,he at the first meeting. It was then and there she heard the scorn and jeers and unfounded stories come on like a tidal wave to overwhelm her friend's charac- ter. She listened a few minutes in silence, growing more and more indig- nant. Then—for she was a little wo- rn an, o-man, as far as stature went—she m ed into a chair, and demanded the in her own fashion. "Look -a -here !" said she, her voice soaring above the busy ciapp tongues below: "It's a burnin' s to say a hard word about Beulah kin. She's as good a woman as bre the breath of life, and I know' the why wed wherefore she hain't be meetin'.. She hait't had no bu made her as tasty a bunnit as you see last spring, and that'jacka. of a boy ho chucked it under the r cushion just to plague her', and Blake she come in and sot right on it, not knowin', of course, that ' there, andlas if that wa'nt enoug spite it" (an inboluntary titter se to express the 'sense of the midi that it was), "that other sprig she and upset a pitcher of eai1k• ante tushion,..and you'd better believe bunnit was a sight !" "Why -didn't she get another ?" Be . ly asked Deacon Morse's wife. . "Why ?} Why, becos she's a'm.os saint.. H'er dividends some on didn't come in, and she'd promised biggest girl fifteen dollars to help get out to her feller at Chicago Sary told me on't herself ; and ., 'she gives five dollars to lcum miss - every year, and she done it this • jest the same, and she's took that der and them orphans li all summer, and nigh about`worked head off for 'em, and never charge cent o' board; and therefore ani th she hain't had no money to buy no nit, and she goes to prayer-meetin her calico slat." A rustle of wonder and respect through the room as the women mo uneasily in their chairs, exchan and said "My !''. which insp Mise Beers to go on. “And here everybody's ben a -tai bad about her, while she's' ben a home-made Rind of a saint. I k she don't look it, but she. does pit, that's a sight better. I don't b'1 'there's one woman in forty co ha' had the grit and perseverance do what she done, and hold tongue about it too. I know I could for one." , "She shouldn't ha,' let her good be evil spoken of," said Mrs. Morse, with an air of authority. "1 dono as anybody had ough ter have spoken evil of her good," was Miss Beer's dry answer, and Mrs. Morse said xto more. But such a Warm -and generous.vin- dication touched many a femiuine heart, which could appreciate Miss . Beulah's self-sacrifice better than the deacons could. There was an immediate clus- tering and chattering among the good women, who, if they did love a bit- of gossip, were none the less. kindly ti,nd: well-meaning, and presently a spokes,- woman pokes. woman approached Miss Beers with the proposition that if she would make Miss Beulah a handsome bonnet, tL dozen" or more had volunteered to buy the materials. ''Well," said Mise• Mary Jame, wiping her spectacles, "this is real kind ; and I snake no doubt `but what 13eulah'd think the same, though die's a, master - hand to be independent, and sortie say proud—m.ab.be she is ; but I km* she p -e couldn't but take it kind of friends and the neighbors to feel for her. However, 1!tt ?' there ai't no need ori'( • It seems that . tet Sary's . ;iushand aiu't vetry forehanded, li i and she's got a dreadful! taste for the o millinery business ;, so she's gone to g m work in one of the fust shojis there, and a fr is gettin' great wages, for her ; and only a as yesterday thero`caiue a box by express a for Miss Beulah, with the tastiest bun- kno nit iu it -I ever see in my life ---good spit black velvet, with black , satin kinder i ;Say. puffed into the brim, told a dark green. ftp wing to one side of the band, and o. big a C bow in under a jet buckle behind. I tl�es did ash once,albut they are med too call theilr goat " Then they Went and smile sweetly on put i, hick a in the mi si the next y •Jones' R fife dozen pa of new gloies BOMB lac red box of'the so old Ow, Fou anything hunt on to chur e friends,aud ary box, d ad a h in' ha . lates 'desi� r u re ,Slleulenvijle Herald. Steel}, Mrs. I her daug Hot4se, Iow Imo$ Staait.n.' ntilation,' Tr 14 La;i iq, etc 11' abetli Cad . to . on it'r arriv d t the' :.herm.n e York, he- other : y, fr .: Tribune p t p a n f - e o er se u car darin . the afternoon,, an had a ver pleasant talk With the dy.kI ern greatladvocat p,'' '•I always believed •nd alloy anything_ to ( b slee of sle 'n it, distu udht in,g. have t o yse oust- ; to sleep whenever I ale tared• floor ! father, whc was a outlived focr genera shrill I who took. r to ,regul� went to ge ou th, aa a bell a Whenevl ie f to prep 11 or half elf by r 're sed to Eta , of ]ter a bref ap be Millstone. r hai ugh. er of felt tired h 'lame ! sat as a j� Lar- ties eletr athes impaired. hull i portantb n to ` his room strut. rested .hi ever 'wily,' he napes gotteua up ocker . through a Miss. business. down take re t twits tired he s �h to advocate: meed after each, fence would put took compel ev the half an lac) that 1 lounge aft the horizo Vere- etirculatio form thro: t a lowed Nat 'em would not that paratively` her graves.A , for -exhilarate then champagn ions chew and year and drink wed ; stimulatio o1Tle constitutio her True,, I inkl d a the bun in w€ I!l k do s r sl ab lid art of est ep. ncl wit el he the r low f y( .A 1 41 1 n aids ne e fr to My lawy::r, ng man .en e 84 e , wi fan h he ltliu lad ,,an i did riot pa ight, b slee he h Oita lo (take o iy do )q man 's .would' mutt( ri ower, .1 ce, an1 t lea t on . a, anct 'n the it urfe en fo_- , there COM u . atur is a ;lass t me cigar fals their InetL tU tioI yeats ecause • vio- y th ithou r isani' live York' . avine look an er .ops off d tOf f�un 1 that'1� the • r 0 d .. a e 1 14 went ved nged ired kin' real now and ieve uld, to her nit u is Vh:ne ould go to .,let yap of from 1 t eel, If ! I rad a !lounge in eve: r ' man. ,o lie each da . rl eals , ids • tial posits � u elf the blood, g>�out the bo y. . re's laws .1 o e c b$ so mann, f ourlg �• Bing s ort rest an a g after a ). The tr s , • oke to li luors, an 1,while al usi; are b; epi ted a froth both !1Y parent: of age I s •11 enjoy g. 11 hove tak u !care of nl late Natur 'se laws w penalty. h re are r apses. \e o not h tary laws as a shouli at=home wr•,!th my fam; never we'It to -bed first gone t r ugh "th ed through e er'y.basii topped-th up an hem, and h n shrink carbolic ac d round. ;'ay that;I e t to a g . ecessary t ouble, but was tobegnea• n • ould be a s ck. "We are p gressin his county ," continu d he way of pl. _!cing wo s ty, with m�eu I bele e ressiug. Th trouble it, {nen lace too tight. ho laced Venus to Why I • ent on th4 pj atform tt- own to bread Wand 1: hinking,bobh treed roof f the chest. ;Then • ouldn't stand igh .heeled roles and low, believe in eta • On venien o tactical; •h hysiced au ur.statesilmIen on of \vllat r•ghts of c better and n inStiteti Tribune. hin ter I,mi tht vera p. I 3 15 r the vo. owe Th r: dips i asssts - m�Lki. If �. lose thea. na U eal as uble is aco an g t hp f e ti.. in and gc d bon:' ,adit cid Ihealth yself. if must >o effect ok after p he, ly in Ne with ut hous , a and sr Put w ed a f w Ii1y f lks ea!t eal Ire lied onIth tha vary m th lac n o an 3 is ou yoti ev r h, fou d at I reathin, pd exp ound sol u is co 11 1 Tong on rL ro• hoes. 1't J w fat heells fo e in drew, belt B. so iu Ve want tic) Mak good, llful wonpca . The need ; ucational development. have no '11 t ciriplehen- ouv natieU :eels—e the pipal and 1a) r. We want rs anding of our trori- n. among uu p(lii I ans." alt . ec c ti ;lt t ch 1111 y, "111 equal. elthy •g wo and of° hen I: heeded and vision hit T s and broad £ort. Sermo. o..the �if'te n uzzle A. 31ilwa ke clerg ;i.au _ ached a s ru on on rho ul. j "Gem uz ,1e-13, :.f, 14 --1,1/ ' He refers d to th 'se m. strc, ers with Eir vi' w to sh�w al ous thine is #upset in#fits se rlrh thodox belief He 11 td s hies puzzle by hanco, aLiie al'iki fend who tope( him t int the $c. impossible.; The re i gious 10� u begins frequentl • wi h4iu our„ read t 'e Bible aed belie wledge-it becomes i• work ation:'o l ve well, belie e i!h truths, are t e ueccsti> viuti hristian nit d. By , dherdn e things, "t le gem ), zzle j o tell you it was evorlas in' pretty. Safi`' she sent a note to say she hoped Ault 1s i I3eulali'd give her the pleasure to ac- gee ,tion it, for she'd knowed all alone 'how side that she was the cause of her loin' with tLe( out, a buunit 3111 eulrlrnor (T expect her in t ma lied writ tit her), and she felt real gdt bad about it. You'd better i)elievel3eu T 1i lab wag plea yrttl )n" becon es lan easy t sk, and lock fitly of at of bar: re- after Ithe 3,-i to tion of a his in - the in of e to re - man s i1 a fair nay to solve Ile E Arc Ltest sti0I1 of hi Me. life. �i lipid of lid sts lilcl ;others ' s llo i OIL up )logy mil iit religion ca cel ions lie o eleit, 13, 1.), 11 They; 1 ever -i the rightl'order, 13, 3. ! 15,I etc, etc. s is One way! of utilizi r trhtb 'fast 1 ll ti 'I And Miss Beulah was pleased a.;aiu- when the tv oila0n front the village began tr ru tel c3111 (,rl her even - more fie uueut1 - of ill g cuts' in C1Jristi�1 c late ties. popular go -a5 v(3t1E p ea; p'cles- i exhibitions s oulcl aft( rd a «,:a)th usti•ation fo this soot of set Ilton - than before. and express cordial anti iz fri_ udly hut, r -i t 111 a way that surprise(( her, all hilt(« are as she • was of1liss •T Beer's enthusiastic ' vindication of her diameter Ike tt3re-the sewing circle. Yet,-( i\I poor, dear, silly (+l(1 woluau—oflly a disc,. (• wultut, aft(=r tall-- nothing so; thrilled , of . and touelicd her late -awakened 1 -art • qt it as little lenity';: soft car 'ss au,i. eliia• .elle)) pled patting lia'lds on that sallow ! old 1 used face, when silo cliitli:c'd into, her 1 p it,5 i the Ilett Sunday, aL.l st.L-veriiig Miss, (til: Ileulah's new bonnet, cxelaime'd, with " th her silvery ,labs y.'ie,', )'fits= 1'itty• • tri butiiiet !" Ill Jaek dim Ii.tt say teiiytili:,;,, ttl'(,ilt it, gentl nt wo li'fte'r d Do 'trs dol a quart f Wat: ' l Oi any years a, i) a 13c:..to 1 gentleman evened a pr toss for n'akii g v'itteh It ! was' a difficult pert tion, re- itg a U1100101 k1iceil dee of the Ileal }rte ` pe 1 rf,ic:s of . t i ‘ in red leuts , and greet fi Hence t 1 get t.ii i`n to rnilate., It «,a Recess( ry to destroy le acids in he ingre(.ieut and all gummy cite lities, ant at L Its :tttaie retain thei • lubriea ill;; 3. tialpties form of p dna lire idit Tike email devot d much illi! toe the ti ei r tie rL nor did the ',congregation, though ou lu• .ad more than oIl..efertiale; fate bear, lett - , 111:3 furtive congratulatory smile, esti Ilea- t fete eon Phut looked at Pe•aco>r ;lI(rse across ; up a the aisle. If there is 1iuv moral to this- Story--- ' Ili `I'v :15 uo do t1. -,t there slt,,uld 1>e- it hes in ' 11;tt b ale fact that Ales. Blake • never again pl,s sat lO',Vil in a chair without first lifting t 1i the c;ushioa. . co in 'rill: ENI'. short his b LiCtl(,n, t.estl 1(r 1 r, S ev1'y II cabs at CUttcommand,command,tL�le1 11t bI)tl:l: �l' having d it to his satisfactit n, h u f(t e small quttutlity and fere( = i, to rade. -Rut vatc1n11ak 11's r re s *5- us of things of that kind, rid diel uV readily, illy taleitlei suit l :sau.- on trial. Waaited IIer Goats. -dyed Mr. and Mrs. Jones were starting for nothi church.' "Wait, dear," !said the lady, posse "I've; forgotten something; won't you fine. go upand get. my goats off the bureau?" Willa "Your ooats," replied Jones ; "what it for new-fangr'led thing's that-?" -IT show simin you, --remarked the wife. and she sailed neilee ; upstairs and down again With a pair of on. t kids on her hands ; -There they are," tin ; said! she. "Why, I call those things th !kids," said the surprised husband. "Oh, as do you ? snapped the wife, " Well,. so sever dea- t ook used gone , a (1 ice pac . , a •_• during all that t me s chrouo:.. e . r gave tLe most c. m1 to satin pti n. )n the etu '; of the ship to Engle. d 'watch (. ak rs were astonished at, results obt ined, the oil being : p rentty'a frelh as'wh n first II ed out the -am,: time th oil was a -ed the eh: no eters of the ships bo • nd India a d they tropical clime es, he re:.ultsi were full/ as satia s wit !• thse that sailed to he ; London me,nufactu to obtain i lore of it, th wa' e, er made, er eing eac , and the n::• tufa ure buried w'th it and nal'y, on retir ng ss, ave alll that was left) of a prentice, Mr. F. Xemlo, oval expert v atchmaker nor g al fact f it Mr usi is ell k n. g of a mat erfe BO equa in At ,t el. 1 ret pur Yo i., nd f us s 'tha le quart In pea e and abeut of al he rs he he se - to ` fully . ar preciated t oil that would withsta and perform the funct lubricator under all con di ded it up for safety ii potions, and these wl ur different parts of t tide of the great fire ,in of ;1 these portions were de- f the other t� D p rtions, one ns, l nd the, he was • re,- rased by a tell company' here is all out one quart tib a small quantity the oto $200 wa paid, a great - wall ever be ore paid for a of cp. erdsting I ems. ut crop of irginia, Ten= ort Carolin is estimated ,83 ,000 bus els —an in- ut 100,000 b ehels over l r t oik farmer by ?sprinklin nblack pepp x a,pound previouslys in the week's of he a d ion 11 - to re fie New ' ills the cab - bag ' v orm � the plants wit c mm • : from an or - din : r tin . - t • 150 plants =s.m tiro : tinkling with so:. s ds f, : washing. epbe 1 Baldwin, he •missing bah. eller t S .uth Oran:es, New Jer- sey, w s di, oveed asleep in a chick en cse . near u: apl 'wood; I is believed, wl i e is m :. d was disor.. - red, he wani- dere. abo. the mount ins. without food His .. ental disorde is attributed to • e work : ud bodily ail • ent. veral is veins` of old aro said to ha a bee d scovered i • the State of Get gra. a reports ar• causing the us t 1 r, ush • adventurers and specula- tor to the cini3ty of tb :: discoveries. Ano h r rept rt las it th, speculators fro. hicagNj.has a struck a bonanza in the •h pe o a ich gol•! mine neer As a d, in he Lake Sup :rior region. 1836 It rail Van Cot! was thrust int r trio : �t!blc mini: ry, in which for f )u teen ! ea she ha . toiled un- oea n ly. e' cc ding to Mr. Shaffer she a tra elle 143,44 miles, has held 6,933 m etil gs, and :pent 17,971 hour: in eligious gat • rings ; has pima hed 4,2' 4 sermons, mitten 0,853 #lette s, and as Oen 32,1 e ' souls con- vert :d oder het ministr and 8,718 pers• u recei edinto chur. hes on pro- ; bati.n. An. th s is only 1 part of her ! woI d ring ho years. - few aye Yago rs. Patrick Le 's, of Cr ss sreet, Que ec, . died at the ase of 35. She met w th an acci- dent some th ee weeks ag. running a ries a into tl e riot of her rhumb while sero Bing a :: dop. After_ : few days the 1 and beg, n gather a d swell,and tho h medial ttendanc: was at once sect r -d, it as 1 found i •, possible to c ec the sw:flit which • ad set in. T ' sand an fllpally th. arm were sever fly cut : nc1 all to no vail. Mor= tic ioln set , Ltd the nfortuuate wen i ujdied i i great suffe ng,Fleaving bell nd er si c r''ldren. liam H. Vanderbi t, with his son lL daug ter. has sail .d for Eu- rope p n the Brjttannic, t be gone six pionf 1s Sh • ld he mina . away .so long, t ill b tlie' most a tended trip' he ha ever are to E ope. Last e tri ! i#. Van erhilt made a trip:to Euro ei occu iyijig just , venty-eight s dm the irile of his • tiling until' i i re u •n. I 1, 78 he m de a trip,; al o pit pril, an was got : forty-two; tt a s; and in May, 1877,- went' to ad•e and wls ack aga in New cork a twenteei ne days fry m the date f tars sailing. A new wa lul i h = beef h t c 11be CIL 1 • potatoe his `J r ose b• or t l:rt -six 1 u1p11L tic acid 4t i ` 1 lxt dile. {1l u 1 missed. ;tic ora pipes, i {aid io hneerst fullstt ace. tl later al so 11 )al(s i imitati (ropnli;t• ' S n ey Ci !y, recce etelth, was to ram ills, she 11ealed.- Ther aluct iclueted Sb e ;It is l eon ft on ;1 expeller e t has pie yea tha Thiele .'s Cortclitio$ Powder$ and Ar ii ut. Ft Heaves, Colglis,Colds 11 disease, whiich affect - the winc u fact, s gr at is th improve i the co die on and ppearauce bar the nani;,1e, and s • that the di covered. A material ve may be ade out of are epared for , obi* eigl parts of Wfth. blottiu -paper, and Title Fr en ch en an u 'seose malt Moe it is 11.4m, from this 13 0 vol 31) if ivory,cain be made lv became in, falcon and was t ken to the biefiness.' Net hearing aspeen of ate greatly Wae an att-mpt! made er seine time ago. wie, whether she has s hands° lie young s at a id eel p rill prevels eme ona ickag nt. p I me hiten reatb 'REAL ESTATE 'FOR SALE. t.-4•011. SALE.---,F0r Sale a, first class Planing •°- Mill, nearly new and in good running order, situated in the flourishing Town of Sealorth, WU' be sold cheep. Terms easz. 'Enquire of A*B1LRE CHANGE. --Twenty-five scree ed land , with louse and barn fo sale in Egmondville. s pr_ rty is well situated for either farm or garden ' poses. Title indisputable. , Apply to 14 ARE 0HANCR—Photograph Rooms to Let a1s on test floor ip Sconn's prick Block, Seafctrth, .position central. Also, 0 r e or four Rooms on the flat above, suitable f r a dwelling, Poems- ta ion let January, 1879. A telly to Y. HOLME- TORE AND DWELL1 '147-Detached—To Let in the Village of Cen r a. There is la good karden and haul oh the re lees. We edit also sell gimp finniture and pi r oft stock veryi, cheap, if required. Thisie an ex el ent opening tor any time desirous of conlductin safe bueinesin For Further particulate( appl t SMITH & WEST, VALUABLE FARM IF SALE.—Fot- Sale,. tbe east half Of Lot' o 4, Con. 4, II. S., JAMES PICKARD,opPos Lc the premises or o convenient to schclol. .1' e land is of th acres, Si ;genes' from the o vn of Seaforthe,,,!,entryd irwnigitedsit,13 blest quality. For ifurthe articulars apply to pROPERTY IN BGBIO TILLE FOR SALE. Deni -4" For sale the hothee an t in Egmoudville at Dewe s talf an acre and is Black present occupied 14 MT. S C meron. The house si es in Egmondville. TH . KIDD'S S EMPO I1J SEA '0I S � , EVERY L4DY IN 'pEAFORTH AND T E -SURROUNDIN ' bOUNTFIY SHOULD INS ECT Y BEAUTIFUL pis OLAYpi Or FINE NEW GOO S. NEVER WERE TH:E OHE PER, OR MY STOC iNEA LY.S0 LARGO. NOt is a frame, the lot eonta one of the best bliilding There is a. good well and veniences, a nd will be sold apply to jA.S. H. BENSON VARM AND TOWN- PR CHEAP.—Lot No, 24, acres; north half Lot 80, MeRillope 25 wrest' resid Mending lets on Janes' and ma. Apply to GEAY, Y P 'RTY FOR SALE, C n. MeItillop, 100 Ctn. 9, McKillOp, 5a An nc occupied hy Mr. 1595 F. 141- -4eor Sale 'Lott 80, Ja e street, on which is - ereeted a; good' frantic ho ise with kitchen and weed shed attached ; the h us' contains fontgood eicellenb leharce foe any ptrt in want of a good heuse, and will be sold c e Apply to E. J. pROPERTY FOR! SAL with cheese factoret coin ; Lot 14, Con. 1, ' and south half of tots 1 a ra 17, Con. 6, to B, township of Howick, all gee d improved fel- 8, together with severall 60 ac e alma in Grey a d Morrie, and Inauses, and 1 tai and vaunt bets n the village of Brussels, Pr ce low, terms basty, and title good. Apply to j H LECKIE, Brits- ; eels. 574i VARill FOR SALE.—For al or to Rent, North -1; half of Lot 9, Con. 14, M contatnieg well timbered with White sh, maple, beech end bass wood ; rgood been a d stable and ,goecl house ; plenty eel ;water, yo ng or:hard, geed fencing, &e.; convenient to OM, elms and schools, .immediately. For further pa dealers apply eo , of Morris, contaifteig 80 ere of jand, .67 Of ; which are cleared, will fenc -d 1 d in a good aftte 'barii, stables and eheds e go id orchard; on a :grevel road ; 3 miles lioni 13 yt and 9 miles from Wingham For parbicular ad ress either of tat) also be made to C. HilleiLLI ON Blyth. , 686 , j''' :the following lands for ale n;en.sy terms f - payment. at I he following p ice : In the tee ,11.118., steam and water pow r, with a, brick t -es dence and tax acres ot land, ell fur $2,000. Ape] to A. STRCNG, Land. Agen i- Settiorth. 644 li geed bush ; 9 [ores! 11 whe t ; 15 acres fall plciie- ed ; three-quarters oP a mil frolii Drysdale P. 1. nd church; ; brick hobs°, 20. 90, 'tory and a half, 'ell finished, with g oil cell ; nk barn, 40:158; or cash a good bargain will be wen. A I . -68pt: . y oo 1 e,, 1- silting of 10 tter011 of lan , cae which there is rt 'good gmvele house and kit 'he ,; the house iS get od orchard cortainiaT am le, ear, plum -and cherry trees, bearing about 2 -eat - ; there are firs some very Lice shade trees 'noun the house ; h soil is clay loam, ; this; property e Situated atm 1 TO rods sc nth of the .Village of ' Varna, and lei I or health for two years, and i tends aryieg c. ang-e of climate ie hopes o getting bette 11 .plth, For further paiticultirs pply to .THOS JOHNSTON, A -area. ' 6411 ARM FOR SA.LE.-I-For sa e, it -12, conceseio '01 ay lonin land, abou 66 tree of which hr The Mil c eared and in a good state if 'titivation, the • ends' s are a small ilea', , he ee, sided up, with •aine kitchen, with gdod well and pinup, and a rod spring crea ruliming flirt ugh the lahd. front Brussels on a plod gr vel road. Further ' p:oprieter On (la premises or to lIarlock P.10. ine m show Linen cithstanclilly the large sales made the assortment in all my de .I.?epeat orders are wow arriving stock will be In aijitained thraug14 tock'dttring the last I )artn4,n,s is still very good and the attractiveness of tt the season. „S T T 01 H. AND! JU S: Figured and Brocalded Drees Goods ; Black- s Black Lustres, beautiful shades ; Brocaded s Black and COlored Silks, Lace Curtains, Irri s Tweeds, etrc, all to be sold at nay popular t, and bekt stock of Hosiery and Glove in town and Colored Grenadines, first-class value. X_III\Tl\T 00 wilting Linen Costumes, it would be tock. Having purchased largely in t se Goods at about one-half their old TO HAN d ashmeres, extra value Satins, Silk Velvets el.- l low prices. he lar est, Very large as ortme t of t. THE SUCCESS OF THE SEASON. It b s been eeknowledged hy all that my s ow in his Department far sur- passes a ything in the town. I have much t e large t stock, I have the est Selecte toek, and the nobbiest TrimmedlGo ds. No hing allowed to leave he hoUse iirst-class work. Any leaving orderls not Ohl ged to take the arti les unless h y altogether suit. I WOULD CALL ATTENTION •TC4 Mi) OF PARASOLS, SUNSHADES A See the Dr See D SAILORS.. y25 cent Parasol ; my 75 cent Sil Z nilla P rasol—all other kinds sa Parasol, first-class value. un Hats equally low in price. THE CI. THING DEPARTMENT AS First New should F Men's, Boys', and Childrenii Suits at Sip ecial Lines to hand in Men's Sprit] ery price. class Assortment of Boots aix.1, Shoes, Groceri Wines and 1Liquork udi Beatitiful Lines in Hemp, Wool and Teriestry CARPETS, whi h e Seen by all before purchasing. i THOMAS KIDD,, Main Street, Seafort —No better value 4;$ K. to be FULLY ASSORVIL al A Ligh Delielery to any part of the Town. s Timm FMN BROTHERS, HAVE JUST RECiMIV.4.! TWO VraRobraff PgRD D U13.14, Btijta4 MAI 14' 8' Itiitg in its Health ApprDienately, the covitbealriereoloti3lalir.atetbohheceiloweyureeeiersetuetnahninhiwontleiti: ites-Dlace wplasseoectre teltst chaurteren th.i. narrow ring bet .thsuae :linelanshbioraty.zoultairt. bspubieseystrit tialiii;ree:tizefrjacee, aoe etlahr npee it is wholly e fleenfilt";, then the loso,of ellenaTtialliethraenePer judicious than the eonst t onsaurtaw hp sfeo eee0;t titlipoefairlit4ti :be. kai3 rusussee;:. tl°1 I:1 ihfbYtie. 611;1 :4:11 p vffsi :3:10,8b8rtirw:ttet-aivro:e. nrYi a seer vgesa!ulti sTS-vi 10:11 .t thr je r()n itr irheibi bm:e:°r' bottem of the list, •for it - of the passages of any still repellant, is linen, of -which we may naen kind of waterprek. Cot certain extent porous, la all percolators is a wool flannel shirt is more h t shp otTa: 34:ihal ler faiii1-°: ecinentee. oi;nruncansudel :wf:t:ethiie0.1 een si kbit et nt by outward frietion. A landuces the latter is theti --;healthy, and rougher iferable to the enervatiug -18aAk-not:laer point to be Ol cold centracts and elosi here again woolen eletlair Thus it is proved that porousness; frictiop woolen clothing is to be 1] ice:nog:1i aniT:noiwis.e:_atimii:epirtaarty attnhecae,s1 the loosest garments ar liallinoteditseof l‘avtairtnallt has t ..From the SU Enown Rticl Hon.! 13avid-ChristiA. 3 OEN eCOliNELIEt will ieep tie yeee bred Durbin). Btidlee yi .: teen on; °Id Cali,. '7 LSI aPiel orrrgspt Sephdrre eetaehstil:he eet hal 18:e .; a): lb b jbl 0:71 Need:Ili: mil eac.131081::: any age or 0111.611, tad wias awarded the in competition w th seven ethers at tele disTIBReldrdS °FAO; 1,"` May Duke," $1.50 pee mishansrusetrebs ea eraceietful_fr. niealiteirb.eige7:111aes' :It} yV ettoRn innt 1E, 111181: i c wc4i8.11 lie ehangeel, eal If. or 11.3 calf. FARMERS ; PAY ATTENTIOt AGAIN READY! FOR BUST -NOS.' 48 PLOWS 4N-0 HARROWs. Iron Hallows, send in your elders* ea°. to supply those in; need, arid will besolitat, as goods work andl material will allowe want old Plows and Harrowa repaired flir now is tbe time tire bring thern alone; A stock of Phews enanufacturea 'b5 It' Carriages and lyagg4s made to °rain/ etr. shortest notice, :of gook material giot swo Irian the latest etylei, *44 turned inside ont,ipainted, and made into* ;ones on shert notieta- will haNe ra.T. strict attention. Horse Skeeei 'people do the sitonting Balla Hinges Gate Hingei soldi at a small profit. Give 098-9 Ihnemsoi:n.and readTlcfoor54.11,1:111mseSeL,LIL_se.ioKkipoi:en.thi THE iSEAVORTE INSURANCE AND LAND ACENCY AGENT for Sciveral First -Class "Stlickerie ' and Life Insuranee rupanies, and ie. pre*. ea to take rieks plane most favorable -telens, Also -Agent for 33 Ives*/ of the best Loan So - and Village Prsoperff. 4 Number! 91 First-aan 1 mproved1Parms for Sala, Agent for the sale if Oce.an Pteamship eteseee,t--1:by elOthing,! the gat 7- OFFICE Over M. Monition's 'Store, Nei; belv:(3fraor611:111°-dr:leetiel°steh,eY 615 , steam jacketed pipe, is congtantly in an. ascen the foter this cireulatioa ....the mire is the skin. cool .therefOre, that the Test S. 'crose-fittang garments. • S TILL! AHEAD-, • turning thatke te the inhabitants of Remelt that ;having made etiveral emprevements hither kiln end mode of beaming, they are no* in s bebter position Want ever before to supple the public 'with first claee lhelei at 124c. cash, it tie LOT OF NEW SUMMER GOODS kiln, or 14e. delivered. I ezoari:in:: in Brussels,and havieg given neettali- fled Satistaction the public can 7tely Peillte, Cotton Shirtings, Ducks, Denirris, Muslins, Straw Hate, Par sols, Gloves, Frilliugs, &c, 646 Remember re -spot' Bruseels Lime Works. • MI'LLINEFitY DEPARTMENT NOW COMPLT NO T ;1 ared, well fent d, nridertiratned and in a high 1 tate of cultivation, the balgnife is well timbeeed 11 -ety of.water. Ia 10 Miles iv to brussels, 5 from made to eaeli phiee; eonveneent Ito church end se mole; will he seld aa a whole ot in two parts. N\ al t on 13. 0. or te thserepsietoroeihe premises. , WILLIAM DYNE • -. 593 A1131 FOI1 dession S, L. lE.—Zo'lr'ISicalk cn e hundred acre of !land, t ar - cleared, free in in stumps, tod in a state of th - tetine (detente!. fr, in Kir 'ten, and 7 miles eliming past the foul, end It sehte; within three - signed offers for sale ft Val lab:if:. farm in the klit.bip of Grey, Cowity ttf Bernie eel-lede- e -t d with hardwoed. I.'here are ii,,, e. n the prem- , si e a good frame bou.s4, two rale.: barns and I SA tent, th, containing boat. 75 of which euei rters of a This 41 (01 1.11 the towm-hip and will 1,.. ther perticuleie -apple-. to the 1033,(14, Or to lirneellebl 1'. in • ar er bo 134. 111,1tin the llst three yea -s, nd about 110 46.1 plowed. The.fences are s;eed, a coined - hie part consisting of sery enblantially built rd and straight rail fence -7. -"be' farm, al- though excellent fol. -wheat and other sereals, CU to 31 po Br he new po der for . DI th tehieet. farm Cs one 'neldie and is benettifullv !nod village cel the- Wellinge re. Grey med. tie; Railway, wild only one -hell, mile from a ore. ; Title rite feet ; .eatistactialt rtasttns for tee. yor price and thither particulars appl • Ai SON, Proprietor. -N. B_ T11113 proprietor, ' f tee beet in the ! teated tin the 'nary D pertinent is now complete in Sumnier Latest French and American Styles. EL VERY RESPECTF Carving hough carving is by n y is fully qualified to ace at her own tab' news iiew to carve. Ea not strength is t&,111 atver,,there is no physic omen should not carve en. All display of exe art of the narver is in b hows either that skill ill . ' i ' Tate nife for narving In ouggo,oat sciizvee,rwyisthhaarp.handi The knife kyr poultry is .ghter than tlae meat -ca Mere !peaked and the uarterk if the butcher the 3oints well. 'This he lbieeesisoanineeL his business tb will ,Llo it without injuneti 'Ivithent'rising, and tlae se !Tear to enable the carver elevated so as to give n Aparved_ is placed should 1. The dish upon. which th EGG EMPORIUM 1" THE Subscriber hereby bhanks his nunteroae 1- customers ilmerehantsi and others) for theit liberal patronage duline elm pest 7 yeaes, sad hopes by strict Jinteglrity and :close attention ta Goods, with ;all ,the l lees during the evintete he lit now prepared -0'1'01Y ; , the lettere. Having lgreatlie enlarged his rea- THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE at the Egg, Emporium; OUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT HOFrMAN BROTIiERS' heap Cash Store, Cardno's Birk, Se,aforth. • THE SEAF RTH AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEI!T EMPORIUM OCK OF PLO, WS ON HAND, MilkSISEY'S NO. 13 THISTLE UTTER PLOW, OUVER'$ -NO. 40 CHILLED PLOW HILL'S PATENT -PLOW, NO. MASSEY'S NO. 10 SOD PLO* - Full Stoc).7,: o Straw Cutters :EfoP Rakes., ,Grain belonefiing to the 13.usine. SE ING MACHINES. AS The Fdirerice; Wanzer P, Raymond, Machine . Se -wing Machlnes Repaired on the warrante USUAL. 4oyal Singer, and other Shortest Notice, and work Oils, Noodles and Attachments alixrays on hand, • • MAIN STREET, SEAl'ORTIL :Wanted by Om sublerlber;Xi tons cif BOO ar7i elean wheat straw. )1 I e lee WILSON ANDRE CALDER' Takes the Lead aineng the Photographera of :Westeen Caneda, and " DON'T YOU FORGET IT" i to the front, al usual, supply, ing 1de Pete d ebl erred to perfaetion. Children's Pictures tale n, e myna.< r t bat Will make mothers efell* tweed. ten. Poiersl an low as geed wor 'can be done for. A.:•4 "I•rt'W C A Lirti'. It. stator ANCHOR i LINE. lahnlateth‘evs:Zesaas-eaflit'aehekeera-erpL "a ,peerehehalidceearPparstoulHdabaedl iiadlnieroend Ileelinertestite tibhdao°e.xii:ill'iollaedian.184,btlytt:u.s11110111::::::telludc:vftt'htiYheaeoeft.11. ead, then divide it dem e part '; near t,he head care being taken not TTNITED STATES], MAIL STEAMERS iSsil tJ lf.very &Willa,: iron) NEW YORE. rad Direct. ti GLASGOW (via Lo dondetree and LONDON TICRETS for Live tool, Londonderre, re - now, and All parat Euro/r,e. Fares 'as lova any other 111st-class hire. NV 133 i t bring ;out eheir friends. T he 1-!,a;:Renger accolintiodation: of Anchor Um Ste enters are uneterpathsed foe elegance and cern' fort. Apply to I 593 ' :DICItSON, TO TH__g_LpuBLIO. THE Bt usecis Ierelqii B1173(1 Wit II 10 411j1riate. 11€ 1.01110 teenerelly that they are ut * ack no es lc deed by 1 nIns.eed pereone 30 be best band in the ktontily. Sittiefactionguarenow and a model heed are our rectorehiendatiets. Adeteee WILL. al ARMST1WNG, HORSES HORSES I wWeig .hIiLtifLcgallixtoEhnelAipT,00ffor5pIoill:3:(iTetpoiltrOillooit'EspiLne,gunSiiiiiseito.frivsoilnartle, 140 Od condition, Age from 5 to 8 years OW 0+ 0. WILLSON. Main Stieet, Seaforth. Must be kind and sound. • = The platter on whiele ' 'wan the size of its conten more awkward than a la ing and lay the joints 11 II, ithec cut -off the kgs, lade, a sudden turn, ani Ilvill break if the fowl it3 il eide ehe leg at the knee ii titi„e .prts on the dish,. Tl es., from the breast, -on b 1111ove the merry thought o ow 'with a little force, au me will easily come awi st 411 the framework, 'aging exposed. The sec at iripbYtotaerf Ytli(ee)f°stntlitiseiiillenerggeale'utacihr:: *eaatf:,,gieee, with a Piece ‘) el; :amse icIta eaf gr11,:t bi rer08 radtigth::1:Inlit:atlaa(f11,1'ye-Ilifnel6 'btttsirheil Ile; I, e:ltri necfirr ee titer very similar tot I