HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-07, Page 7• isAo• IORSES. wn Imported anon, RISE, meld Of Stock during as follows r, I leave his own stable tory Hibbert, and pro. allarstvnee, for noon ; tea Ik3Lad ley way of r'e, for night. be the Central Hotel, ) to ileusall. at liteyn- teed to Shaffer'a Hotel, to Bruetedebt, at ight, inmercial Hotel, Sea - main until - 4 o'clock; I. 01-manefa, one mile r the night. st along the 2nd line mnth by way of the r'e. Hibbert, for noon; ne to the 9t1 conese east to Spring Hill, 'ed to Cromarty•then o, for noon; thence to will remain tintil the continued regularly xd weather permitting., RTONS, Proprietors. 646 cretteh TOMo ertretrt of Stock during Ciao follows. tave his own stable, at ) the I7th conceesion for noon; thence to Tuck's Hotel, kr the ';erist to John Long', or noon; thence to !ed to MOIeinvorth, at thence west So Areh- roneetnion of Grey, for Id to Sameatown, for tters071'S ilOtel,Bltke- mth to Sunshine, for is, at Parkeen Hotel, 1 south to Att�B iles and a -half, thin Of to Button'a Selma ers, for noon; thence rem to his own stable 3i1 the fol to -Arita Mon- aontiaued regularly add weather pernett- •re see route bills. cENVEN, Proprietors. 617 ›rnasea. French LAIN, & Horton, will stand stock this season as leave ha owo stable, ). arid proeeed to. Her. for oon; thence to ercial Hotel, for the tong the Ennio Road ram; thence to Kitt- , for the night, ed north to the Watt rrancti'll, for noon ; altaw 'a Ho telr kr the north to 13elgrave, ate aefiCe to Bruaaels, a.t nett t , remaining until Walton, at Biero's 1 to hi own stable, La the following M11 - of pedigree see route ORTON, Proprietors. 4'EOT_TS. 1 MED -Job Moses ovaluablerrteclicine is 11 those painful and / the female conetitte- ci all encase and re - speedy Quemoy be - rt ie peculiarly stated. 'or on the monthly pe- a pale Kieran' not be he flat throe montha are to bring en ene- ma they ark safe. in ,d Spinal Atfectious, , fatigon on slight ex - heart, hysterics, and a euro when all other although a powerful u, calomel, antimony, 3 constitution. Fall round each package, -eserved. Job Mottos, 61 00 and.1.21 cents throp & Lyman, To.. for the Dominion, fling over (JO ping by rth by Hickson & It. Luzesden. • • tiamrtel Osborne, wait affeeted with jars, rut; lunge ba - lain. I NMS boahonees Remedy. Titles I felt mach rapidly, my health ry, and when I had tore, I wait ("trite leth, mud have ex - in for forty years ze treatment of a tint had never recede - moot your Reimer's'. / veto very ba -d ted the Shoehoneeto MR well an I had ow in businesa and entit by eteatner. tot he has t lett the and Dyepopeia with tehoshoneea Pills ite any 1 ever tried - aye ; My- wife was too Nit/ f-tr . lmag of -three different Lot. She hag taken tederot es Remedy, I In v. Joan Scott, seffered from SU :ea nimble to move to' a few b atlas of Ilk as v;ellaa ever. ntttlee, ; PilIa dertIers- to _ town. Torres and a II. HALLETT & 626.52 to at home easily Aldreas TRUE 616-52 a Lome. Sample& to. Addrees STIN- 626-52 sted in Wali -St., raakesfortones e explaining every- : Co., 13ankera, 17 587-52 IOTEL. Creleridt, tor., Thin is one of Ole nod Beet Con- !. The Looms are and Bar liberally repetition. 63D-51 s Inillet of Hul- 1 oprietotehip of the Road, half -way be - loge to inform the ocommoclation for a; no but the very e bar. A share of Ily eolicited JA -S. 61./x3 1 ti 1-) 31 MAY 7, 1SSO. Interesting ]tem. Messrs. Moody and Sankey il1 hold a short series of revival services in New Orleans shortly. —A. Newport, Rhode Island tclergy- man referred in his sermon recently to .a person named Ingersoll, ticketed for perdition." Jacqties, wife of the Presi- 'dent of Albert College, Belleville, died. on Saturday afternoon from inflamma- tion of the lungs. —Wiliam Smoak, of Charleston, :South Carolina, has lived to see his _ youngest and thirteenth child a igrand- mother. Be has just entered hi4 nine- -by -seventh year, has one hundred grandchildren, three hundredand ninety-one great-grandchildren and sev- enty great -great-grandchildren. —Queen Victoria, having visited the vault where several of the -royal family of England are buried, is reported to have given orders that one or two of the velvet coffins which were falling I to pieces should be placed in oak Covers, and that in future oak cases shoithl be used instead of velvet at royal funerals. —An American lady in Paris,anxious to inaugurate a novel en tertairiMent, bit upon the idea of a "soap bubble party.',The guests found table's f,ur- inshed with soap and lwater, and clay pipes gaily bedecked with ribbons, and they vied with each other in the ttgree- able pastime of blowing bubbles., The more serious business of eating and dancing followed. —The ;Japanese keep meat freilla in hot weather by placing the rkw flesh in porcelain vessels and pouring n it boiling water, whereby- the albu en of the surface is quickly coagulate and forms a protection agAinst the f rther action of the water. Oil is then p ured on the surface of the water so Fe to prevent the access of air and conse uent putrefaction of the meat. —Tennyson, who loOks "old an ex- hausted," is said recently to have ld a story of adrunkeu man whom he met reeling along the road. The f came up to him and said, "Mr.T: son, if you will shake hands with seVear by God Almighty I won't t liquor again." The poet shook h as required, but :afterward , rem - dryly, "I am afraid I didn't do good." - - —The late Henry Vincent, the fish lecturer, once related that he driving with John Bright when news Cf Abraham Lincoln's_ death told them by a man who stopped carriage by the wayside for that pine d pose. Neither of the two English en t spoke a word in response. They Ore c on in utter silence; and by -an when each looked up at the other's the eyes of both were full of tears. 11 • • el 11 ne'er darkened the "Weel, .weel, argaret, short. I thong t it was necessary to c: and pra imas,. for he is sa deaf ye not hear me." ' l: ut, sir," ;Man, wash a risi e g dignity !“the Lord's no d af !" A posed the minist r felt the reproach. , 1 1 il -7-The Comtese : Potoc cost so Much lat ly that appealed to the Paris , Co 4litration in the b lief that Makers had ov:,rclaarged dressma k er's bil from J danuary, 11880, mounted another dressma er's bill f ter of thA year 1 79 was fUr mantle was c.argecl at court haei engage the se.rvi 'pert and will tryo fat orn , —A Cleveland I lawyer, handsome young ady char eeny, cloSed his a peal to t "Gentlemene-Yo • may ha, t olcano, ski n a grape -vine to dry, las .trl the anche, pin a napkin to he ..oath ia) the cloudfr with a tea spoon, throw s It one tail of our no le American eagle, w Sleepless eve watches over he *e f our na ion, pestle 'for re t' o noon ' and. stars, bat ne er or ent- delude yourselves witl des that this charming gir 1 is f the charge aga st her." Th acquittedl her wi hout le ving sleets. . 1 —San Antonio . eraicl, re e arks o ewly married pair who had oone %line,: They are ohto an Antonio ; they -were ma ied t creel : t b ' dal ri • days ago: 1 The travelline ou fit o his tidal pain is a twO-Whedled art ilr wn y two donkeys. The Jair the , b ' ide and the groom—airiVed lis ; even mg, and "though on pleasure they ar sent they have a frugal mind. ' II hey �a a. r- ed in a wagorayarcli. Th lady is dr SS - ed in calico. ! Whe made i p it4i as fall in thel Skirt, hu after do ng t up ry, and ca ate 1 sona thi hie a I jle the tea ' br al th. ib3i, " ath ing,', nd sin' erne.' don't be s of so ver !with Tam en h can said t e avo-3 of in nner„ pdowiteri f hen supi , [ a's d esses er liu band rt of Arbi- her dress- iyhter1.6 ,Ontpe to $ ,108 ; ; r on nar- $8,6 0. The K416 . A es o a; ex - matte . efencli g .0, d wit lar e jury , hu: g the o can 0 an :avae f a sky the ose fare the mo- theiity pry eir 11 110w she ming it) mit to nnY- a yard or Shiro lout o e 1 This she remedied nah now the dress look n e "pull-back.?' rked ---Prinee:.Leopol any youngest sdne-who States in June, w' ng- Philadelphia, and Was given him etters o he Childs a,ndlother 8 The Londoti corres heir a elphia 7' mes wri lioate in lkealth a being trOtted o aracter are essen t ose of his broth Wales and Duke of t rb ei‘f ng ELSt' • 11 11 —Of Chief Justice Oliver Ellsw of Connecticut, it is related that he a devoted snuff-ta,ker, and at one believing be took too much, he trie break the habit. Ile carried his. bo his garret and.put it on top of stairs, thus forcing himself to as and desdend two flights of stairs e time he wanted a pinch. But he. found that this took up too much t and so he returned the box to pocket. -----JosephJo-----JosephLaurent, one of the c of the Abenacke tribe of Indians, presented H. R. H. the PrinceSs Lot through M. Cuthbert, M. P.„ wit address, congratulating her on her return to Canada.m The copositio the address was written undictatec the chief himself, and embodies sti proofs of loyalty. This tribe of Ind are situated at St. Francois duLao the county of Iberyille. Aceoropan the address was a handsome work a ket made of splints of elm. -by, ace, in rth,. Word. A fiend of was Monaco a few 'week iroe £400 in thei gamin g to the end ery oon me, ids has ise, an 'afe of by ong of out twenty minu Pass the butter, - Shooe it lightl In theicorner of Yon !will find What fond me . Of tie days er When pon my Oft *as laid y ` Lovingly I strok In the happy d Now I etrike the In the butter o iketil3en Viet r $ to visit tie ; remain we !Dean St nle lintroduCt on t 011 knowcit (indent ofl the s!: "The Printe d is morhi ly a 1Ilis ijd ially diffe ent fr re, the tinge dinburg , theil Very seas of 1 ine sa- hiiin a o, whe.e hd 1 poem at rulette eV' mile able, Won b th air aide.; , love jaut-br wnha' oeS it , wake s we wen we( Pod co Ur littl ypu1. ys gon every the pi. collt r hood treese3, by; cal t Inc Honet M e - Charee. e a's ed in as 8. il- is se m of he at st in • • f f allmedieiteg adverti- ed to (Urn nty aff jc i n the ThroatoPlont of Limp, 1 e ]au w of ju ne ans we can recemmenel so 1114-1ily as Dr. Cius's. ill 1 Dieeovery for .• Consnmottion, Coug is, Pol -, oar b, ( te. i' PIs3 hat ono re can ,sh or 1 —The first year a sheep's front' t et are eight in ,number, and are al o -equal size. Tho second year the w middle shed out and are replaced b two much larger than the others. h third year two very small teeth ap Asthma, Broliehitis, Ey Fat 'Ealing in the Throat, leos of - medicine does positively ettre, everything elsebias failed. No 11 011 -11/1,1f so m any positive hale already been effected cdy. For Asthma,' Silt , fee 1v y. it 0 1 I'm sale by Meesroollicks., IOnt. 1 - IThe best salve in the orld f 0O, voice and penntene t cures . S- ty this' trnly wom or ul. Bronchitis rt is a len- . specifio, curing the ',try linnet sea i t re rtest timen) pOssible. - env b all item give trial. Trial. bottles ''ete eget Rize, n&B1 tescielo Seafok h, pear, one on either side of•the eight. A. the end of the fourth year there are six large teeth. The fifth year all the front teeth are large.- The sixth yea all begin to show signs of wear. --Mrs. Meller, the wite of a manager of a railroad hotel at I3radford, .Eeg land, ordered some dresses neon credit. Bueklen.'s Ar ioa r Cu ; Sortte, Ulcers, Salt Rhepha, otter, • 1 Hands, Chilblains Corns arid a1 kin; 1 Eruptions. This salve ie guaranteed te feet satinfa.ctionin every elect or looney Priee 25 cent; per 'box. For said by- ,Blcdsdell, Setif :rth. ve. .1 s, Brut Es, Chapped s of Sinn give per- refunde 1. iekson 566-8 The shopkeeper sued her husband for I - areati Weatel••• the amount of the bill, the latter hav- ,r .,tins lea tIc. 'Brussels s ttfiOu, north and s - ing refused to pay because he hitt for-• as tidc-r: ' • bidden his wife to buy upon , credit. GOING NOItTE. !GOING SCrTEE. The court decided that this ground 'vas l'fix d A. M. Ace 3:13 P. U. :encore Mai ...........9:i8P. M., 4 R well .takenand disehtirged the hush' nd from obligation to pay the debt. 'he decision was sustained on appeal, nd English tradesmen are sorely er- plexed. ---Onewho knows the labor of b at- ing eggs for pound cake says the cake will be justas nice if they are not beaten at all. If you will cream he butter and sugar together until smoo h, then stir in first a handful (4 the flo tr, next two eggs, another, handful of flo two more e“i,-; and -so on until 1,ou have it all mixed ; add the flavoring, stir a_ fewmiontes and it is ready For the oven. 1 could nut Le induced to • trythe alloVe recipe for some time after Iheard if it, hut -since I have tried it I do not make cake any other anay. I T TN. 111 - Grand Tru ants leave Snafot th follows G�x1G Wosn-o' SEAFO F :press ..... Express 8 55 -Mixed Trainor ...8:00 Mixed Tr inn-in...1:05 I ' GOING EAST— Sronc E. press.. .8:00 : • E -preoto 1.3e5 I 1I-xed Triiin...I. . 4:15 xed Londo411. U.; -o an T L. )1. GOING- NO-P,TH—; M ! London, depano Exeter • ',. • 3 think if my sisters will try it, they will Heesall like it as well as 1 (10. . some weeks' there has b en ominous tltreatenings among tlhe operatiyes in the different cotton nail s. This .:lissatisiaction culminated at tlhe Valleyfield ruills a few days ago in 1 a regular strike for higher wages. Mcn- day night a le tel y ; tf pollee/nein wcjre sent up from ..`lontreal, but they only seemed to aggravate the strikers, ani a row enSted. The policemen used thOir' batons very freely, but they were to match for the strikers, and commenced firing their revolves. It is held - tha they tired over the heads of. the strike6, but one was shot through, 03,e should r. Several others were wounded, and tt length the police withdrew to the - fac- tory With one of their number badly ent about the head. The strikers I 25 per cent. increase 'upon their wag s, , and half of the 600 operatives are said to be on strike. - r ' —A poov,old deaf 'man resided in Fife '• he was visited by his - minister shortly after coming to his pulpit. The minister said he- twould Often call a4id 'BOO him ; but time went on, and he Old not visit him again until two year afttir, :when, happening to go through the 4treet-where the deaf man was living, he saw his -wife at the door, and con therefore do no -other than en claire fpr her husband. "Well, Margaret, how is Tainreas ?" "None the better o' you," was the curt reply. "How, how, Mar- garet ?" inquired the minister. "0 ,. ye promisea twa'years syne to ca' and pray once a fortnight wi' him, and hie 8 Kipper). 4 Broedield . . t 4 119. .flt than 44 i W righarn, arrive • - . • 5 li 1238 En': I 8:15 n, if ilw 3)". ! , 00 3.atioolts CN 350rNIT;. I:: 8 91::: !;5 PA; )14 CL NTOIt 7:36 A . 141 12: .1 j P. SI 31:8 P. Al 6:- 5 P. M Br vetl. A. M. 55 9 49 il 91 b 25 45. 5 1(.1 re 11 15 3 00 ; Mail,. Mixed.- ? Wironham, depart...,7 1e$10 55 Blyth o , 7 ki '12 10 Clinton ; 8 e 1 15 8 11 4:3 H .8 • 2 60 e eall . 8.4 2 10 . Ex. ter 8 3 00 ice,' , Expi4 P. 9" 7 4 71i3 $ 8 8 Exp P. 10 6 4 7 7 It$ 7- 8) I SPEC.FIO A - - -• \-? t_ils:DERFIBIt CUBE I \I a perfc eitlyocured of Mot yon Strirtairg b, in the hands of F1ic1c&n tit er 1 pci ticulars lapply to Sea:1111th. TICT ES 'Ali§ is' to cc f nitro ie rhc receipt I 13ieasi ell. CHAR ES tify th urnat have For j. VQ0 ST011 a Sion rrh, aki Tection and is trey enet rice, 7 601-5A (1-q-11.: AT J. S. R0]31 TS' DRUG !8tafortb, for the GreaI Sierra Nevaennally einem ons in all ing COmpound, it positive • fBmi-pioi arifeoiriiaCiaAt The! worst easel; of Ast ma P thsi I)incases of thc ].ung s yid reedit to t inept Mx L. SMITH, i rkona, lOnt. A gent. Fr salla by all druggi ts. cents it box. TIDASTUBE FOR CAT E -The nn -a- can, any time after the 'Middle 9f AI Pasturage for a limited bcr I of C Sheep There iS a run of 00 acre, go and plenty of water. Ter s -Aged cat per month, for the season Yearliugs, per month ; Sheep, 40 ce An each pe Horses will not be, taken atany prietor will nor hold himself respon strays, lossesO or accidents. I Applyarly a hunted number can be ac ontino ated pasture'in always best in the first al th Pastore on Lot 25, Conceasion 2. H. el PI -Agit"). Apply to JOHN, H9RPE. R. ersig sif ttle d gr le, $1 715 ee Mon (be p ible or as o bI nod Sean ., Tut ik 64 ILC a a 11 ti 11 NG TOC Is THE. Tbe .upeio offered by oth the ANDERSONi* etne ovorone. • lialliM/J1111114-11- elq;; 10- —ERSCI'. „HR 4 AMR' 4 ' :4 1- t - =1 ' r . • - 'en L lone •Lo_o‘o SPFJNG NW COMPLETE IN ALL SSOR ND M 0 ENT WILL BE FOUND RE VARIED T -IAN HER FORTHJTl 0 EPARTME UH LA TORE. ty of the' Clothing mac e merchants is well know 1. DS. 1 I 0 1,) I • TT I t GOOdS Gods Cash?) Langt Frfng metes Coids White Take GOLDEN LION, MAN -ST, SEA ORTIZ HAROWNIE. IIARQWARE . . R "OLD COUNTRY" GOODS. • ' ring Receired a nd Opened' Out our Old Country we are- now showing a $plendid Stock pf Dry We would call special attention to 0113 Blaick 'res, Black Lstre, Black Persian Cords Black y Cloths, Black Sateens, _i_ya:.k Silks and Sati*, al si (c. Also to a beautiful ;-ange of Colored Cask- DI, ? 1 m with Brocaded Satin to 21Zettch. Plain Melan e x Ind Lustre& We have alsio• a very cheap line n a ool DeBeiges. Good Value in Prins, Musli? ottos,' ic., all Stapk Goods. Table Line?, Cloths and Napkins, tec..,. -c, A CALL. RESPECTFULLY SOLIC ED. . 14 .4 eef - .41 eee MN ;OF PIE CIRCULAR SAM. R. JAMIESON, Golden Lion, Seafort BOOTS 4ND,SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOE. NTS., COVTIM7- GER GoOD "tw N 0 v us to that 1s6 offeir the advan1tage of an inimei stpdk of est ancl most fashionable Goeids. tock is re cont and- ih ceh thb icl n1 IS STILL SELLING FACTORY MADE BOOTS ANC!)- SHOES AT REVENUE TAEIFF ITHSTANDING THE RASE N STO OK S.; Stark% Block, Main Etreet, Settforth. Mirk the Largest in the Wes. ually recpiving all the Novplties o e alwq,ys something new to .how y uty is large, our Goods are iso that you can afford to pay it. ighe t, tandard of excellence foi cp is o r motto. DS. ; TWEEDS. c T -Wee is .in all tke new shades. 1 ndicl a ortmel Speicial Line 1 th ew Sin Serr .Suitiug 1t113 cblors. Th c Goods one'11r. Do at is ents Exaa t bet Try, -ewH. tta i$ STOM th sup the WE u. 101• ' least pos- 'ortmeut cif Canadian Tweeds and a t of Diagonal Coatings; k n Fancy Trouserings: des. t forget Exclusis urnishin ne our Tery. 9veicoatin( s in in endless variey. lialifa.x Tweed vill look well ancL cost but very WORK. CUSTOM WORk. - . • hat ours is iithe only House in ely Merchant TailorsT akd Dealer • oods and seellif you can do as w ny ottier House .1.1 town. r, with is than and se the ,E1 gant Fit and Sty t yob. t look at us. Dn't be a offence f you d not buy. FIA(LY iis4DERS e Nstre give y 'aici. We ak HaU s in wn in • 1 0- Et,: a ri-‘ ER OUR OWN MANLAFACURE AS THE BEST GOODS IN- TH El MAFrtKET. very Article in the above Lihee Gnaianteed. Prices Low. JOHN KIDD, hardware Alerchant, Seaforth bANS, PAILS,' ARP STRAINERS, - ! Pans, Cheese rattorii (.4.) c-01- ;0.•-• 4 "•-•': 0 i''' 0 i I Leeeee ' er) 0 ere., , ieexe le•-•,.. 1.... r: CD E., .... , ; toe ?-.. .n1 1 .... e, ..... p,,,. .„,...... • 1 ,... I iii:i .... I e - - .i..") 'X -- 1 i ....-1 ....3 .4 (.0 OE t . t?,)''S 't• ' i= '7.4 ee4 ° I 4, I ei" 4 ; 204 o . e. • n ti TAP C.' al (1) 03 *" P I CD e2:4, •=7' p i :21 w 44.-$ -i iH ..,. -x I C4 I '2 • 1 . P i F: I.O., .1•Ig t- ITI , P ; 0 -F.) re- . 1.= ro MI 3 0- ..... . g P -D 0 r... ' e' M r., i 0 C 1-? ; .1' . ; 4 • 70 ,-.... , g 1..I. • . .cr.,. ..1 -: - . n ,--- -, 01 i 0 ..., ...., I 4-; P 1 M CD 1 •:.!.. no ' 'n" CD pI ' len I in-. nr) ' oo moo Inzl i CD ; . or1 17-'4 Pt, zre 1-ij H17-.7: i5 P XIi 'it--;-. ...4 II er Cfc2 .i:eo• :' ;fc-e ee; i .z.5- ; c' ! to ; . s -t- -701- ; ; 1. . • - • txi 0 rj t -i T� 13REtD.BS of 'the Northern Gravel Baa, Mo- Eillop nne :telartf 4,gSneithitieln.tch:InnlaTecioh,.. ionthe Bow Park Herd a Thoroughbred Berkahins keep him kr tihe impronentent o ttoek during the present beaeon. Term, 1, a$1Ab1e at the time of ,servict, -with threpliailege of!retlarning if necessary. R.iGOVENIOCK. • 635 PAINTING. PAINTlir. PAINTING. .1.1 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING -4 T. Gil.. VE ing au Wh left at Wils receive pro 11 pt attention-, s prepared to do all kinds of Reuse and SignPintin, Paper Rang- ' 0 washing. Satisfaction Guaranteed ar no charge made. Orders (re & Yung's, Lumsden & Wilson's, o JSVaa. Robertson 4,- Co.'s, will TRADE A 11•MMI EnU on! Gent C-1 1=1 PALS Inc After Taking. NGLISIf BEMEo'r , An nn - or Seteiral Wealincse, Sprms ny all diseases that follow otl.nbuse, tos 101•04. Or 1001101y, t. pain in the baek, nininess of (1 oid nee, and 010nother dis- TRADE MARK. pre/ratio) erean perticulers in our peon- cite: a that! hoot 3* COL ni) 4.114d01.1 and a 11114! chv e (very one The dregt.:i, toot $1 5, (1 ell Le root: ey lef ietnir Co., No. 01C- 1. •••••11 rIr'N ?a() ton CD r.5 ••••• 5., 0 • •„*., "..e• 0 iu send frce by mail th , pec;fic Ole:lie:Me is sold by all p0- pi-el:ae, Or six nto Lap s for tin 1: hy mail on receipt of the string Till', GRAY MEDICINE hrlic' Block, Detroit, Mielo 647 1,.41iiliitOPM,1 it 111f FOR PLEfisuRE, Fomfort and health, smoke cmly theeerei- ine GOLD FLAKE. Pronounced, by all - who have tried it, the net-, purestand best 5rnoking- Tobacco in lhe world. Ask your dealer for it. And if you cannot get it else- where, -write to the undersigned for cir- cular and price list None genuine with- out my Trade Mark and signature. J. E. SAXTON, Globe Tobacco Work, WINDSOR, ONT. 1,0 LumP,E HEMLOC*, Fir: OU. B LLS vill Ail L T\TY MI .Thc LUMBER - Where all 11.inds 979 ARRI •• lc 44..! E .1:11)11er tb EXPOITOR FOR SALE. t Quality, $6 yer M. PINE born 88. Cift.IT TO ORDER, hi* 10 to 50 Feet, at the Civilized Wor 1: with directions for rise in al- 1 0 most every la gouge. IN 1V.feKILLOP nered in Ottawa, Hence. any met broughout the I , B T. iiTrade of these Medicitice are regis- 2 azts scriber has also a ribiih Poseessions. wbonnay keep the Amer'. -1 . 'can 0ounterfelite for sale, will Le prosecuted. 1 11'' Purcla seaks ehould look tet the Label on ' •AA Tots and Box n If tbe address is not 53, Ox - RD IN SE AFORTH i .413 _ord 'Sheet, orldon, they are [Tarim& *.ei l re*. Imeemet we' Ca, ✓ Pee.ereet eeeee, '1 Thia Gra HousEhold NNW:eine ranks amongst -15 leading necesar1es Of lie. Thine £ • 41 iiltrif:‘ the 13LOOD, and act moat pee if- ;n.: Iounly 00 the Liver Stomach, Kineys, S. (]01! to, 0, ertFlyna)i el vigor to ils; SP le I NG'S OF LIFE. They yoreenterretidedias 1 oever failing -net e %%lit r• lite clentitution from n.!" e. e lee., enily 1.io3,or.u0 in all ail- ., it! to I. 11;•air.i. of 01 siges ; and as 101A.3.1.1L1MDICINP. aro u_nour- 'I Its -r Healing ironerties knew throughout the World. For the 4)e of BAD LEGS, bad breasts, are • Old W IMds, Sores and Ulcers, it is rfmedy. If effectually rubbed - on the rock aled3ebest, an firth ilIlttO meat, it Cures , SORE '1 Ellf AT,Iitoriebitin Coughs, Colds, and m even A11H4tA. For Glandular Swellings, Abeeesi es, Pi es:, Fistulas. RheUltnntiSill, • 7.) And every kiroll Of SKIN DISEASE, it hat) mocr en./ been known inkfail. The Pills arid Ointment a e nianufactured only ,at 5In3, OXFO D STREET, LONDON, and are t`' sold by al: Vc dots of Med leiltCH throughout the umber canbe obtained. THOSI/Vi DOWSE"! E LICENSES 1, • IF • 43 A ke et , ew Actol I aimed at the HICE, SEAFORTH. R.N. BRETT • --0 0.4 0. CD cno ;‘•J Ca • - p.4. ck 1 ▪ o tri r-••• • M▪ b - I -1, 1CD C1) • I nn ,...o Z • r -o; 11•••••• id, '••7 rn - le —1 ...-••' .4 '1.7 .t..," M '...x. .......4 ,..., l 7--t ‘`'' . 'J.' ' ,,,,, , • ,.....1 0 ..., ...ee, .. _.,- I.., s --- • 0 (;) "t• (D a - -41- enn • .--, ..---• ..., re. ...! r--- ... e..... .-,.. i-, ,..,.,-,1 ref- -< )--, In ro . re-• ••• 1.4 ...' a4.4.4 , ee, . .... ).-1 ; . ,....„..--1- •;roc•:„..w, i 1....„,..4.,‘... ..1—.,....:.4! , rrl_ , ...-4 ! •-4 ...... 0 • 4- rD ------1 ,....1 -x•e.4 0 4.,<'' ,,....F A W '.1 IC •P .... (...:„..„i ...! . ,.....r 4 . I Pr- ie., . C..1' 1 • lee ,ep 0 X, 0 le....., • - ; ce- 1..., • j•-•-• ,,,-...; • 'diS i CL _ ,,..• • s t'. •;,-; etewee• -&r - . CD 1 ;'...5 Fey, fl: Cjeee.,'" ir t, 4 -0- 04,, -1.- tre1' (3, ri!' I 01- :-0-- 1— 44 4 .-t! --—--- :1 C ,—• 1 s-••• a 4 0 SEAFORTH, 0 .A-1RaD. Wholeaele and Retail Daer in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the 'Very Best Stock kept. Term)! inaderate. A Trial Solicited- All; orders by mail Or other --''o Itoroptly filled. ant . BRETT • ., 1 ; - 1 - . C AMPB1i:LL Provineial Lan Surveyot .1.1 load Civil E4tgineer. Ord -era by nail prenint iy att-ended to. ; ' I f:. CAMPLELIn •