HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-07, Page 6eiheht RJ A Warnin Ping tale Rope." for ,:treiftt,s and Chilireitsil Dr. Pec.,O the Surgical Institute, has just p hiermed a surgical operation on the le of a young girl by the name of Jordan, from Ilhn- ois, sent bere tor treatmee . The bones of bath her legs will have to be partly removed, and the little suff rer will have to submit to two pain •1 operations. The cause of her affec ion is from "jumping the rope," a astime engaged in generally by young girls, resulting in necrosis, er deat of the bone. The doctor stated to a reporter, in this connection, that sired ar cases . were constantly oc- curring f •m this same cause, but more frequeta resulting in necrosis of the spine, ail '14 that not a month passes but more -or! ewer eases of this character come to: he Institute for treatment. He viers': hat roe' jumping produces 'continuo s concussions on the joints =which ireipiette upon the bone, cau.sing .at the fir tetage periostetis, and finally resulting in the death of the •bone. He thinks t et parents and teachers should la warned of this dangerous sport, an eradicate it entirely from the playe ounds of Children, as it is • ruinous i in its effects, and. is the prime ce. se_ of more 'cripples among the feriae. portion of the community then proe ably any 0110 cause. He also aeldedth t during the practice of his profeeeio deaths had been 000urrin,g, itoreing eider h* observation, which werethe esult of this pernicious pas- time. -1 conchaeion be said: "1 would. warn chi dren against rope jumping, and wou1i advise perents and teachers • to prohib t it under all circumstances. --indiarz polig Journal. W at Habit Will Do: John L ub, the oldest clerk in the United tales Treasury, died 1a4 Thursdae, after a faithful service 'of more tha, 43 years. He was absent • but five ys from his desk during the • entire 43 ears of his servioehalthough he was e titled to a vacatiea of thirt days each year. No other Man in -al •that time ever did any pert afthe work that it w a his duty to pelletize. In the room whi h he occupied is a set o books cov ring the entire history of th Firse Co ptroller's office -86 yeers- and in hose books appear but two styles of penrcemship-those of John Laub arkl his father. Mr. Laub never allowed e y person, not even the Sec- *retary hi self; to examine his books. but if th was ever an inquiry he watild eta la bag tbem himself, and read . their centre:its to the inquirer. He was neatness i self, and wrote a„pla,in, round hand. H loved his books as if they were hum u, and kept them wrapped carefully in oil -cloth, when not hi use, na *but when opelled to take them from their cage he would handle theta as if they were made of glass. Iletecamb a machin , and had he been transfer- red to an other duty, would have been out to a cove be removed t they wanted were as dee horses Al a little cord. they are sp , don't reqitir use brass 'red 1 tin ones. the round c erica. The the shape of 'balls. The gether. Th is pressed i in the treckil roped& it - part is fest welting in part is s cheese is lef a week it is lett another third week' air, and the three inept and a year ket. -Ever as any pail. and -stalls -f with matti clean evoi Farmer. ed vat, whenee it c4 o. the fields or where it reeved to. The c' , if not cleaner, than the fastening they ha around their necks, entle and quiet that anything stronger. k pails, insteadof woo e saw the way they eses that are sent to have l Wooden( mould two heinispheres or e are !hollow land fit or ed 10 the ana in; tip° h n wail 1fon4d. .abce S for bou I be ad da 24. jewe hair) s of and t e :eat e dide, wh • T ivi r l(Pa cheerae Ord i Ant ro to Shape! aud ithen • pl s ; -theloweel. 'half • of ationary, whe e the - Da to • .a kind of ei beam oyerheed; the ewcd down ti:hlet, and 'free e week. At the e screwed down. tighter -week; At the , end. e cheese is *posed curingbegins. It s for a eheese to be c efore it is fit :for the thing was as 4weet and ✓ I •eveh saw; the et r the horses were co . YoUhave ho idea thing was. -,,yew fo rn 8. di yo tie! wifl 1 to • tak be Pose •Nav 0111113 'e a a the you not b . Nev e in • Nev w oh hi yo will Rodlie on e th gr id" po ed with the th(131, heel frofro nee nee If t all ha an the the th lea cle sp leg, an the an ed rig me for nill a co 11 • . A Hard. Student. A young tudent on the eve oft departure ti study law at Paris re ed. from his uncle a code which w be °tie of heq. 's text -books. ' you faithful," said the old gentlema, will makey u a fine present." Vis Paris -some nionths later, he c upon this he hew and asked him hegot alon studying law. "Very said the n phew, haVe found book you ga e me of the greatest a ance. I ha're used it daily." "Th •good," said Ilbe uncle, rubbing his h with satisfa tion, "and how were pleased 'wit1 my gift?" But I lze nep ' was th duced, rst ch dred Ir ech which had not faithless disciple of old gentleman put aocket and dropped are ea le hi iv ar as received nothing, said Y "Let me look at your -code, sponse. Th book was p between the tleaves 6f the a bank note for flve hu f was discove a fouead by the tinian. The money in his conversation Rene Another who is said t John Ruth, o likable Shooting. xtraordinary marks excel Dr. Caever, is California, ith Benet] whose exploi s is thus given in a re 188116 of a Sai Franeiseo paper: ceeded to give an ex hooting at si glass nidi of his attendan rough his legs, With back to the object. He also eld the with the butt resting upon he top o head, the hantmer pointin •downw He also shot with his ba absolutely useless. He appeared. at his upon a table. In all these experim desk at th same hour every mon:tins, he was succes4u1 en the first atte and went througli the same routine' Turning his beck 'to the attendant every day He walked to the 'depart- sighted the rifle by the aid lof a s ment fro his house, and rettntied al- , hand mirror, andbroke the ball let ways byti pearauce sem MO as time its he suffere cause his I fear some books, and by an orde that they Ruth then pr tion of fancy held in the h taking aiin t he Bt. is ds ve re- hd ter CB en us - he he r. itf. nt bi- all SS, ail The ire' come: an at . pendent, of be believe mice," the nature a a pug, With- few.days *to I did not recognize her. She weed' •meesely -improved. I ask- ed the e •use. 'Cen't you see ?' ehe asked.. - Ilk crutiuteed her face. 'Yes,' cl exaim • , your .nose, and it has grown out. Well, I tether t What did Her i ese stood out to a proper haegth., was as shapely as . could Whet been, lesired. 'The got an exten- sor in it,' she said, but you mustn't tett.' "Wla -t is a,n exteusor?"A-metal or fitrrn, which I wear in my nese tO:giVo it a good shape. I'll show it to you when we get homed She did show it tt me. It was simply two • forms of colored. red ore the inner • surface, to he pressed up into the nos - tribe They effeetuailee lifted the end • of the uneeleat oru the face and were not uncefefortableor discoverable:" The- artielelt are (Luther declared to be an article. ef cone/non manufacture by fashiono.blbi dentist-. Here's au idea for our dentists. but perhaps they have - it elready.'' e same route, and his ap- t the same locality at the out each day, was as regular If. During his last illness rough pain and anxiety be- ork was neglected, and for ther person _would touch his relief was given him only from the First Comptroler hada not be disturbed. • New ''Hum." revelment ofeses has be- t in New Yor , if a corres- 1 the Cincinnati Enquirer is to “A lady of my acquaint- writer- says, "was given by se that was flat -a sort of vide nostrils. Meetine her a . Our Children. rst triai. P thaps the meat won accomplished, and requiring considerable nerve on part of both 1.1 mself and attendant, a shooting a cigar out of thel mouth o_ the letter. Another into eeting expiate' merit was shooting without a sight,tha essential adjinict being covered by ' piece of card board placed laround lth no oin ol- SS- all at - eat he mg nd ted ing of id in ae es all in nt he it ith ie L13e ful feat' that h 18 fie is d. oht aparently made no di barrel at its ;xtremity. 1 , he abs ofthe sig ence, as the destreetion ot the vitr spheres contiuted uuabatecl. \The lowing experiineuts were also succ fully a,cconipl shed :-ShOothig a - from the head of an attendant, the ter being blindfolded ; t with the bandageremelt attendant's ey s aid the into the muzzl of the ri sheeting with in a variety of e same di from atter too ofie h small rifle, Ma,nipul difficult ways, hold the rifle with t e hands place back the neck. In none of these Ishots the, doctor fail to shatter t1a balls the hand of the attendant ne of most marvellous feats perforhed the the follosvieg : Placing at glass upon the ground, the doctor shot front of it, and plowing under it, s it flying several feet in the lair by force of th reached th a second nearly as e of the rifle Strange co mission,. and before gxfouid ehivering it ullet., Dr. Ruth's wife petit as himself lin the Recovery of a D ra n el " Ring. On the 4th f June, 187t, the Rev, Thomas Geahd of Baltimenehin cora- pauy With his if aed child, was plisse int; over the I'Lladelphial and Erie Railroad f& I arcilton, Canada., wh re 013,qent to preach. owner of al very alaed at about $3 please her child li he child's finger. ug au . orange, and el out of the car w a- pe hrou eli tr x t bu w141 860 111 bs, ee th le po ed over tte ring was oat ad officers. It lof the tra, e it had lain I e owner wt11 ig it in a few 'Gazette, Meath uclge a Horse. 8IITLpLe hales will ite 11 art Os about, to bIty the s er's word; if 11 he c ain to cheat to e f , he may have an th and will ce- hr re tations whi h upon. to a e's mouth 18 ge. a h rse e h st ✓ his and r ith ut 18ned sp foo ntin or i the oun an4 th ited ease of he be ,s pe ed, a whi pr au e foe is t ownl ou the h el aought suffe back ine • heis f 1it feet a al horse, f tL e is a ispl t and we . If e hb • ad ap , ther4 s a the k nes knees re b tremb e, th y heat, pti t agat , t he y lea _ 9. Co ed a fa sp ak for Nee bu3/ horse y chat in hi eyes. stituteonal ndency mcin blin ness, tc. • 5 Nevehay; anthiij bore who, eep his ear r wair�. Th s is hive of lo • theq a inenotigen s at rest, and k points. If and squarely eying any of at upon t e and naturally rown forvea d e ground a d. foot is lift d iweight tak n vicular bo e least tend r - s r of dim*. he toe rais d n, the ho e is, founder r n sprained, value. When ether beneath n no disea e the limbs t t n of the mu m m hafre e fu ler dra n t e hs ce ent dispos e etan straddl eaknes are rd.* nt and breast ing and tever r with his fe t with the hird • of the loi s relered. When he legs totter as been rui ill never •e et and tre fracted or emselves. ith a, bluish They indica to-ophthilini to do with thrown bac ble indicati d tem aIcftthdoe' 7 If th hoi:e 1814p When an does u to p e toile and hisdig Avoid oe s are is aced a zing a cati n.of tt Fi 1 and ya ol „B recen cited, wer reeo steg toget -F-The givee notio f ite, or go tr pleat pot city !until a specp- coin '.on. ture has ap 'yeastand n leading fro SPe ker's prib bly be boy hay bad a pho ia, ha H s ffere w e s, bar mout the keo n sy - sin Vitu danc • yoin ladi:e h. ve left fo B own cou sped so rti di pgueed aii,,,• ,,,E,,,,liza:gaell • of ext-Presid AV 8 engage w d mg ci 1 day et, pr some cause 1.V9.`4t iroken ueit r wou w s aoredl he yo an dorgd of I, aka.; a ha e been nalva servi na te , to h cons Wing er. orse s hindl s are scarre OteS at he a kicker. kne a are lernished, t to /3 mble. he in is ro gh and hars me e easily and smoothl the horse i a heavy eat tion is bad, ho se who:respirator all mpaired If the e be de pfeth heart, and ind i heard,e t is an ind tible. Let h.. go.- Tur 94M.' OUB rgess y e jud r at mph th s of j ewcitiel Utte rove by kik, an Phi ell-4 mo e cric nt/ and om ews and ranged nos rg are ed s 13oa after uy )e adthi he a il &ems. is wife, wh ave becom Ding on th ek. . of Healt May 10, n racter fro ted into tha borough in f the hio Legisl plan' f registerin lectridit with wire hers' ' ats to th the ienment wil ES S. ar ct as • tte lid1;ya- thei li Snli 4. nt Ja to, -thee • parati ever h a al ever kept. iig pri .sous clordin diVanc e. he re, gjuenti one - he laid an env; Guard Was ,the A. womae in San Diego, California, diamond ting, • writes: That children ust be a • and in order to coinfort dessiug, well-sp jug of joy, ! `placed -it upuu such: as is wt found elsew ere, I be- ••child was eat hove with .very fibre of my being. That throwing the p they are vi ry often a plague, a trial and • dow, a short di Lance :above Susqueh n - a burden, arti Av.ell tuner°. But let ; na, the ring sli ped from her finger. that anxio• s and fretted mother, who The train was moving rapidly, ft a semetimes feels that her burden is . there seemed no hope of recovering more than she een bear, and in an au- ; lost treasure. !Me. H. R. Rheads, w gry momett . cries (rut. 'You are the was in the car, end was informed .11 - worst. child that ever lived: and have the valuable had betel lost, as soon been nothii g but a pest • to me ever the traie reach d Jersey Shore Statien, all iu yOuregeones; realize her extrava- hirn to return t, the place' indicatied since you 1 ere born; I wish you were informed the match, and directed • gant desire, and woe unspeakable. and make ctiligeut e the y Lo , de SO tit de ch es leux,' wi 011 08 1)66 per daye - • 1 1- 'he, fashio,n t si sti, oyer the et Of nev shades, suf1;fl e Ian schoel. 1 arnings f y p' e icturee by , llows fere sue eil," '4 'cone ts." Amon , “fire ,rust, la ," "(hill] crir th , Ve like - anguish au able, -would that house morning, le day, which mayhap, w you think 1 tlesulatton tlino it unbear- ed f,iiI 6 o'c fill that silent, empty houee, finding the lug - which put to righte 1,n the up byMr, }heals or 10 or days, a (mid remain so through the every inch cif the g -ound was carefu would echo never more, examined, hut no trace of the &east th freeh young voices. Do could be found; .otheri never talk thus to : Tie roll ed - -; Mr. Gu aro sp of a chetah at Ha eet to Californ d about three yea search..• lle. seat The search was k h- ock tht evening with an 0 tin ir t Ali. this and mere - two yeart as eaato daily sp Sit h here and there ell ever Mon, whe/ he our collar.) .-' - where he --enie.'u •A. Dairy Farm in Holland. • pursuing hit prof sesion as :a miuist He Etta, howeve Unformed 111r. Tho An Amie hen lady vished one of the tealing stson, generall manager, of h* loss, wee . and dairy farms in Rol- in turn coMmuuicated with the general laud, and s Ives the f. illowing interesting - superintendent of, the Philadelphia an 1 aiceetint of rehat she sew : Erie Real -dad. A • he 3 -ears ,...ii,_i co ut pt Id ly m re et a; e, 1 ar pi k th c sh d pa es is et A. Es 11 ch btu eel ful wa fri 5 They 1 Litt. vent same stable at away Mr.- Guard w ransferaed to t B he ' She f,rm that dt 1 in the Litli cell- Baltimore 'Confer ne agaie, and is • eel ten .. Thet le.h lithe ringe in, the aboutto tube up his r sidence 111 that rno• pa -.sing through -cit Ou Friday night last; about 11 he them, by the cows' tailsare held o'clock, it wee lean ed that a 'valuable up to keee: them from getting dirty. ring had been offeied to a jeweller in The. etanie wat carpeted, and luxe tide city by a lal orer, and that • the phone and hewers in it. a lin floor of the etalde .t -as $inall bricks_ At the beck of the' etalle was a trough 'of ma- hnitt alleut eight inches wide. and nine inches dee h with a. ditch or reservoir eef water are end. As soon as the 1:ytied they turned in water, ete., wati carried nd all th- , iewcller lia1 given watch. and chain, . valued at $65, for it • Investigation r • suited. ie fin ling th at Susquelia man, a traekma wl, o had offered tiesWh' rine. die at OnCe dscrjbed tbe cireun - • bre. .stance of finding it about five weeks the _ and, as he W9.8 enga-red his work on I ext - " railroadt a delphia tied ela entirel 'atingth a d hewing sease, r oken jo ing io, cone art steles have beg of the girl supposed t •e of hydro recovered for severe , frothing •a other well 0 sem bling St t among th ool at th nt. It ha 11184 ' ontes4 h died, - le wall; es 1@ O hi ere p us Ma. evealed olemi m are t Delhi, In sahoolmat hanan, an wife. Th epared, th e, wheu b the mato ledge tha pledge tha ces A bert Victo of r.1. H. Prince to a, c ntempprary d a 1gr4 de in the hey t‘r uow pro - k of iaidshipmeu, ncreielie, of pay from shilli d andnine- urna s aordi ii ient h I mire' 8, he 1, d ma 't names 'orange, the il 'reld sou.) are enthu- y accession u to satisfy f the old es will glow rs. Among as "comber ' and "yeux are "fabu- sh dawn," Thee there 11 loss greens and iraine greens, amour tbes, at d b1is 1 roses, but ampidu hue is vi le of many , 'fronlhthe r ch Lolrr ine to the lilac, hspeci lly hello ope, which veen violet and MVO - I i . 01 OliS At COItT S.- Frin Sarnue W Liken 'sq., ti e we1i nown Real at Auct °Deer, of Des on. "Hav- ex erienced re tilts of ;e, atisfactory ra.;ter fro the' se ort Cstar's Bal - u' Wild herrn ie cs of severe •e, durin 1 the pait twa 3ears, I have 1 : f ith ie its relnovat n power. I st induced tci try this medicine th , str a. recenamend tion of a nd who • as well-nieh gone with su ptimi and. •hose elief, from u e of it satisfi d nib f . its great he n case of col e and ecline, and bt learlp emon trated t my mind tigre t val a as - a reehi ative, that V needs a air tri 1 to ileS re a grate - re ognitie 1 from -the iblic." 50 s and $ a bottle. ' 5 dd by all gi ts. onl ful TA LIIC rac t. He at once reture f her EA MIRY.' The eve p th te ing e Leet 1, peer th, and stimul ting. t ghtest, cosies little nt. Asti Your d ugghe ry ; pricb 35 cen t: twder for ying the e mouth, oilet gem for "Tea - 626 -52. , HiffiQN EXPOSIirOit A.great deal hits been written upon this ere' ; 'I'T Woman's Rights. delicate subject, and still there is great diversit of ' opinion tos to what the ladies have a pe ect ht to Hay, 1o, and think. There its not the Ugh est ' doubt, however, about the fact; that when a 1 y enters a drug store and asks for a ,bottle of son's Compotind Syrup of Wild Cherry, she on lit to get it Ise mice; and it is no part od druggi t's dntY tto onderteke to convence a customer • t they want something other than that they are sk- ing for. I ; For Confii, Colds, Croup, Whooping Co gh, Wilison's ild Cherry is the quickest and • ost reliable cure. It contains uo opium, and can be given with the same safety end effect to an in nt of term months as to an adult person. Sold by all droggists. 1 • A G-ood. Thing. German Seines is the special preseriptie of Dr. A. Boschee a celebrated German l'hysicate tel bo acimowledgedto be one of the most int ate discoveries in Medicine. It quiekly cures Con hs, Colds and ell lung troubles of the severest na re, removing, as ;tit does, the cause of the affection nd leaving the parts in a 'strong and bealthy co 1i - tion. It is not an experemoneal medicine, but •s stood the test of years, geeing satisfeetion in e ery , case, which its rapidly ;increasing eat° 'every ea - son confirms. Two million bottles sold annn V. Beware of inedieines of similar names, lately ; troduced. Boschee's German Syrup was ; duc.ed in the United States in 1868, and is now world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary sorld in every town village in the eivilieed 30 EhTTS. tenet. Arice 75 cents. Sample bottle, 10 cente. i .1 , 35 CENTS. 846 '7'n:tr TTTTT T TT TT — TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT- TTTT 'TTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT ! TT TT TT TT TTTT GROCERY stoRE NEXT THE POST QFFICE. OurIllea at 40 nd 50 cents Can't be Beat. The Best, 60 cent Tea in the Dominkn. • O CENT EpiLAK, O CENT REN, AGENCIES. • JOHN LECKIE, General Loan Red Real Estate Agent, Grain, Produee andConamiseion Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in town, or • eountry, at 8 per cent. eimple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and isold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers. Farms and village property for sale. Office- Leckie's new brick block, Brussels, Ont. 51 • AUCTION(EERS. - P. BRINE, lammed Auctioneer for e•• •• County !of Huron. Sales attend° in parte of thelCounty. All orders eeft at the POSITOR Oftlese will be protnptlyattende to. VRANCIS GRAHAM, A.TICTIONEE LAND AGENT. -Special atteotion sale of landed property, farming and t bred stock. °Abele selected for the Engli ket.! Office and Auction Rooms, Acheso seedetuoineita, Ont. Terms moderate 60 ONT JAPAN 60 CENT MiX,ED. T, These G-oods Lie all andStrength. VALUE IN COFFEES. of the MAY 1880. Tho Well nOwn- Innitorted Cart Stallion, ENTERPRISE; Will tend for the Impreavement Of Stock during . the Season of 1880 aa follows MON AY, April 26, he Will lesiva his own table Lo 25, Northeast Boundaryllibbert, and pro- em south to Jame e ',13allaitynees, fer noon; thepe along the Themes Road by wey of Far nhar to David Miller's, tor oight„ TUE DA.Y.-Will proceed ea 4be Centre]. Rotel, Ex ter for noon • thence 'to 1:1ensitlI3 at eyn- oidio Hotel, for the night. WED ESDAY.---Will proceed to Shafferestletel Hip • Tn THU fort the en, for neon; thence •to Bracefielell at er's Hotel, toe the night, ' SDA.Y.-At the Commercial Hotel, Sea- , at noon, and remain until 4 cefflock- tie south to james H. Chesney's, ono nine sou h of Egmondvilho for the night. FRIDAY. -W.11 proceed east along the 2nd line to t e boundary, thence month by 'way of the bet dary to John McIver's, /lib -bent, for noon; •the se along the town line te the gth comes- . 4450 CENTS. , ill proceed to Crettnartye then sio Tnckersmith, thence east to Spring CENTS. his wie stable, where he wilrremain unejl the foll wing Monday morning- ;• SAT RhDe AnnYig.h-tIV wcs to Robert Hogaith's, foe noon; theteee to Th,e above roueta will be ,ctintinned regalarly dnrin the JAM smeaeszoludel:ltithittndEweivaNthse,rppreorpmixiettitonre.g. Best Quality, and recommended for 'Flavor !646 8 HOILL'ON, Grooci ni. D. D. ROSE, SiAFORTH. Th ve D to orou h - h mar- es ew 61 riELGETTY & BARROWS, Licensed ,een, Idellillop. Special attention g Hales ofeeLended Property, Farm. Sto Luplements. • All orders left with eithe undersigned at Walton P.O.'or Lot 1 ceesion 14; or at Leadbnry 0., or Lot eeesion 12, will be promptly attended t bills, notes and stamps ferniehece if r ALEX. DELGETTY, Walton; GEO. BAR Leadbury. • MEDICAL. cti n - to n- u - le quir d. O 8, JJG. SCOTT, M.D. &c.,PhysitiareSurg • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office a deuce south side of Goderich Street, fir east of Presbyterian Charcht 'AVM. HANOVER, M.D., C. 18L, Grad McGile University, Physician, Surge Acconehenrt Seaforth. one. Office and res first door south of the Catholic TT L. VERCOE, M. D., c. m:, Physiei J--1- • goon, dog Coroner for the Cooney. o Office and Residence, on Jarvis street directly epposite Seaforth Public School. ADD ; ST4TH,-" Good mornii I• JO- ES.--" I am goeng furni mi re, you see mine is • priees. Our baby wants a •I °main" lo t te Free and In M. ROBERTSON begs ton 'Kidd, to a Hardware store, a at remarkably low prices. ; examine his stock before p to ord r on very short notie Meth", wood and lumber Pure Bred 'Freiich Horse. RENCH TOM; Will tand for the Improvement of Stock Oaring the Season of 1880 as ,follows ESS TO THE E 1 MON AY -,April 26, -will leave ii OWil StaBIB, at Lea bttry, and proeeed to the 17th conceesion of G rey,„ at Matillan'e, for noon- thereto to the Fown Plot, Grey, at Tuck's Hotel, foe the nigh. own to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warerooms, ito get some new TIJES AY -Will proceed east, to John Long's, getting played out and I want to get some first rate f rnithre at very low 12th1 concession of Grey, for noon; thenee to EW °raffle, and they say that he has the very best an cheapest in the EthiIl,for the night. WEDNESDAY -e -Will proceed to Molesworth, at Cath,er's Hotel, -for noon, thence west SoAroh- , fbald McDonalelee, 2nd -concession of Grey, for e!, thee:tight. eA- S THURSDAY -Will proceed to ljamestown, fOr noon; thence west to Patterschres llotel,Blue- vale, for the night. 1 g Jones, where are yon going te. ?" on nd d reef- , t d or f4? ate, of n and ; den e, , 49 i 11,8 Hu nor Is, as ior tion. rate. to HIS U, erly, under his 01W stock of Caskets, ends attended belt peirkient People ot Huron,: ' FRIDAY -Will proceed south to 5n11shi1 me for adt ethtahitithheelhs ansorwemproevpeadretdo ttoheinprrue imahis easy el erye et hl vinoge cion. tihed, ibyunuMturr.e Jlonihne • SAliorUotilelli' ItihYge-Kilt°1 pBrilloeseseedls, isaoInItPha rtkoer'lif'3 ;Zet'is) 1. , tending purehasers will find it greatly to their advents.go to call and ! corner, then west two miles a' d a half, then °heel g elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. i Fornitnre made ; south two mike and a half to en i exchange. • I Pie nre framing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Farm produce, !• ' ERTAKING DEPARTME T sup oftins e coo utton's Sehool Renee, at David Knechters, /Or noon; thence by way of the White Tavern td his own stable wheee be will remain until OA followitag Mon* day Morning.' •I I The iabove Route will be contlinued teerniarey duringthe season, health and isreather purnot- rvision, and will be conducted with the greateet care and atten- i tiug. For furthe par-tit:niers see ronte bills, - i SAM4 MILLER, Groom.. i • 647 M. ROBERTSON, SEAV, , ORTH. The 'Imo orted Normiin French •i :Stalhon Shrouds &c., will be found complete, and at! the very lowest ntry. A 'Hearse for hire. Remember the place'. DAVIS & Proprietors. r - !WALL P n MeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gre • ate.albutario Veterinary College, Seafor Ont. Office and Residence in rear of Kil ora Ryan's. Cala promptle attended to, n ght , or ' day. A stock of veterinary medicines n hand Charges reasonable. Horises examined est son d - nese and certificates given if reqnired. 4" BR PER. WALL P.PER.H CKAMPLAINI THE Preperty cif McEwen & licerton, 'will stand .- -1- foe the improvement of stock this sea onus follows: ' 1 MONDAY-Aprill9thwill leave] his own tables; 1 &c. • Lot 23, Cone18, lloKillop, and Proceed Her- man's Hotel, Winthrop, for Mem); the ce to Sea -forth, at the Connuerciel [Hotel, f r the Sittlernent, atl John Torrance's, for 4tes'on., night. • • I IDESDAY-Will proceed along the linro Road to the Alma Efestel, for noon; thence tin- 13ORDE RS, Mutt at Brownlee s Hotel, ler the night. WINDOW WEDiESDAY-Will proceed noeth to the Watt SHADES•, then/e to Myth, at, Hawkshawes Hotel,. Fie the WINDOW PAP R, 0 NZES, •Bellts Hotel, for noon; thence to lernseele, at OILED CLOTH BLINDS ed Cloth Blin ds, Fixtures, Cord, Tassels, &c.1 Hotel, for the night. , MY SPRING STOCK OF WALL PA TT DERBYSIIIR L. et -2-• Surgeon -Dent st, G of the Royal Coll+ of S memo of On terio. hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Bo Mrs. Whitney's ! new brick block, Main _ I LEGAL. BUF adu te • Dental Office ms SAT tre t, J'AICCES T. GARROW, Barrister, Attorn t•e Solicitor, Goderich. s el.AMERON, HOLT & CAMERONe Bar • C Solicitors 'en Chaneery, Gederie M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G eron. WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and 0 " sioner in B, R.; Wroxeter. Auetione Appraiser. Accounts and notes oollec remonableterme. 9 aia 681, , PRI ,010. Caea- Gmi THE ntm d- er9(167nd is *ow *IN BLANI1:6, BLANKS, _ yNDs, Ns AND B • Gold Bordia cted with ,cMe ES LOW. . COMPLETE, COMPRISING: nighti. THUIS DAY -Will proceed noithi to Be1grre,at t car e. Paiker's Betel, for the slight ,nnutaining until noon on Friday, FRIDAI-Vi proceed to Waltten, at Rinn'• Five Hundred "Samples to Chloose from. day orning, ontito hs own l the tollowin Mon- t proceed itable, • S AwThUeeilephAeYWIllVti•lelma in C. 1NT. PAP$T, SEAFORTIL - For elms amd:certincatte of pedigree se route ,645 bile. TT w.C.KEVE13, Barrieter and Attor -el- • Law, Solicitor in Chancery. Commis for taking affidavits in the Province of Ma Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, Win Private funds to loan el 7t to 8 per cont. Q MALCOMSON, Barrister, and ittor is -i• Law, Notary Publie Gonvoyancee, Br Mr. Otirey, late of Cameron, Holt, & Carn office,evill be in !chterge of the Offlue, an Malcoinson will ' be in Brusselis every day. JAMES KEHOE, Bartister'Atterney, te • lieitor, • Conveyancer, &e., Strateord. Kehoe will be in Seeforth twice each mon the Brat and third Mondays, airiving o previoes Saturday evenings. He will st Dr. He/loves-es residence. ey at iota r itob . ha rl 633 ey at- ssele. rows Tuci- 609, _tee p -1-•- • -0 7 Mr. xpEwEN &IpitTos, Prop ietors. ODERICH FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTUR NC CO. _ ISCLLEOS. _ The eoderich Foun iug the shops in fu o the d ntrary circula effort te secure the 1oct.1 trade for what they manufacture. tr and Manufacturing Company, (Limited), r orce, under new mauagentent, hotwithsta d d by interested parties, and have determine 1 pnE G -BEAT FEMALE REMED.--r-Job Mese' "A" i Pe ,' odi cal Pills -This invaluable need eine is ' e q nufaF g in the cure of ell thosn poini and danger°u s diseases to which the fetaioleco tion is sithject. It riaoderates ali moves all obtructionis, and a spec*ure excess a relied on. To ma.riadladieso it is peCultaely 6 now run ing reports to spare no , It W ill , in a short tune, bring on the Mont ly pe - ENGIN S AND BOIL 4, L.OURING, GRIST, SAW AND WOOLEN MILL, riod with regularite . Theee pills ishould not be taken bY Femaleadaring e that three oxiths I iof Pregr neer, as they are tt4re th tiring o Kis - &triage but at any other time they are safe. : In STAVE, .EtEADING AND HOOP MA.CHINER;i. 11 casts of Nervous and Spinal Affe •tions, d re- try be nited. , ains in ws, Agricaltoral Implements; Cooking, Eox and Parlor Stoves ZtVen,;, in Stock or Rade to Order.1 tneans - remedy, h, on• REP S on Engitt s, Boilers, &c., promptly attended to. EsUmates and- er anti Y tilt thP - Plans fhed for any Idea of machinery or mill work. ' er4lieleti°8 SOHN. 6 RISTIAN; for post Ant a Dis 6381 HORAO HO'RTON ENSON a MEYEle,, Barristere aaid At 3; Bat Law Solicitora in Meal:wee eandI 0113 3: nth von , , Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Office -S a. forthandBrussels. $28,000 ol Ptivate Fu'cis o Investat once, at Eightnercent. rnteTeat,p yeti e yearly. •. . 581 JAS. N. BENSON. B. W. C. ME Bit.' The abovell has thie day been dismal ed liy Ian eo habit. mutual consent. be paid to Mr. Nov. 27, 1876. All aecounta due the enson who will pay all • JAMES BENS H. W. C. MEYER. MCCAUGHEY 8•L HOMES LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONNEYANO • OFFICE, Scott's Block, Main Street, • Seaf rth,. uk et N. ED - NG OLICITORS for the Consolidated 13 Canada and the Canadian Bank of Com nera iannedSaesia.ennf:dalithd. Town and Village Property b ught Money (prit ate funds) honed on mortga e sd cnrit ieS, at reasonable rates of interest. Ch rg e moder te. Money inve ted for Irivate •persous up securities, without any expe HEY, M. A. F. ;HOLMES PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES n thh best neortgag se tie the le 'der. S. °. eCAU ED. SIDE. C. A. HUMBER, the back and lieube, fatigue- on sli hti er- alpitation of the heart, hysteri to And Mee pills will effect a cure When a other e ee failed ; and, although p werfnl do nob contain iroo, calorael, ant ouy, ing hurtful to the consetntion Fait- s in the pamphlet around • ach p elrege, ould be carefully preserved. Job Imes, ' New Yo SolePropiietor. $1 O0and 12 Onto ge enclosed to Northrop Leine To- ronto, nt , genetal agents for the Domin' ion, will insure a bottle contamingover '50 pills by return ail. Sold in. Seaforth b31 Hick on & Bleasclel , J. S. Roberts, and R. Lainsden, 197 etAteet GER. SECA TARY. THE HU ON FOUNDRY, SEAFORTH. EAI) _CAREFULLY. .2- Sennetto °shortie, have w on. hand 11-1,cl for, sale, or for Exchange for Clord4dod, Horse • n4;posposibalfaosrbutiret,,aysairosa,:i. I eawras irecited with coming fleeted toWards the lasst'enT evialsn anat: Powers, &hue Cu tr:„ Grain CrusherS, Gang Pl6ws; Grate Btri'S &C. •ALL - ed tr • a bottle of the Shoshon es Re edy. After ns ng three Or four bottles felt much; DS OF CA IN S MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE better a d gaiued strength tepidl e my health om Lard white metal. Plow -Makers will &edit to their taken thcc or tour bottles more, Wale truth • pLOW OINTS made advents, e to order cast and pelf. hing t e moul connecti n wit the abe . . ilson Sal And will attend to all i Mills, Saw Aline, and a1 perience foreinan of hi -ill Week, rearties sen cheap as pde'siblei Givk improve eteadil nd rapidly, y a tindlvhen I had restoredto health and steength, artd have ex- ge fienn me, as I have all the machinery for grinding Derience better health than fest- forty years Ottritt3 and points, and can turnout a first-cless job. In before, had been under the treatment of a ek is Running the Finishin ds f Repairs on Steam Eegites, Flouring Rep ere on Farmers' Implements, and from e Gciderich Foundry, and. his knowledge of g work here may depend on haivine a acted us atrial. Rt'UN pumber f physicians before,but hadnever e tre Reines:1y. ed any sterol aid lentil us d Shop L. Mclett Truro, N. S., says: I Wet very bad e With Liv r tonoplaint, but used the. Shos and Grist , ever bee Remedy, is long ex- 111,8112e0Yge ngine and *emcee imobA, and as agnredant I . Hate Why go atroad for your Furnitur , t6 keep 0 when 'yeu. an get as Good Value Plows, G for your money iyi ffensall as irt .Colenan any other n, z ltown, Canada. Repairin 1, . YDNEY,FAIRBAI N Ha now on ,hand a Splendid Stock of OF EVERY: DESCRIPTION, hich he will sell at Price S toi Suit the Times. UNDERTAKING N ALL 1TS BRANCHES PROMPT- • LY ATTENDED TO. iso a First-.Ciass Hearse hich he will furnish for FUNER.e.Lei on lea sonable terms. BtIILID G- Contraets for Buildinge of every description: t ken on most reasonable terres. Material fur - tithed if desired. Remember the Reheat' Farniture end under - t king Establishment. 56 I S. FA1RSAIRN! CH SEL NE OF BUSINESS. P0IRJ111-1 H'OTTI\T °roes and en a month was to well as had in nay life. I am now in huskies and to send nee three sine ete teen Comecon., says: That he has trie the Or Liver Complaint and Dyespepisid WW1 • 0050, ale° use the Shoshonees Pille hat they are as good us an- lever tried' • • Henry mg, Geneva, N. Y., says .1 My wife was intensel3 afflicted with cl3spepsia for a long time. We cOnsultee physicians of three -di erent Schools, 'nit received no benefit. She has taken 'three bottles of the Great Shoshonetis Retnedy, - and isnow hearty and well. Rev. ;John Scott, •etsys : Mt. McKenzie Hotting Rsuffertd froin aa attack o Rheumatism, and was now le to move Without elp ; but lifter taking a fi.:tv b ttl ' SEAFORTH, Ont., April: rd, 18804 purchased t e Seafarth Foundry from, John Nopper, we 'Will contieue laud, at the old stand, Main Street Seafortk. a full asbortmen.t ng, Plows, Sctifliers, Land Rollers and all other Implemente in our line. restings, and, School Church Garden and Lawn Chairalaniabtv. promptle- and eeatly one and satisfaction 'guaranteed. Gi e us a trial. ALFRED It NOPPF.R. JOHN W. .NOPPER. ) •1 SEAFORTH, Ont., Aprilefitcl, 18801, Having disposed of rolly_bt_siness, 1 must_ call on all :those indebted to me, either by 'note or book alepount, to call and settle • the same before lthe First of May, as after that -date I will place everything in the hands of the Clerk of the Curt fo collection. , JOHN INOPPER, ' NOPPER BRO HERS OST OFFICE STORE, WALTOIN. ONCE le ORE respectfiilly eg ;et ve to return thanks to my numerous customers for their kind -A- patron ge during the 1as 12 years that I have been doing busineee amongst them, and kin Me Solicit a ce tinuance of theinf vors fot the future. I have just received a Large and wen Selected o es o the Shoe enees, was able to walk astwell atever. Price ofihe Remedy in pint botteee; SI; Pills '45 cents box. Sold by all medicine' dealere. $66. s -a EMPLOYMENT.) WEEK in 3-onr own toWn.i Terms and outfit free. Address Ho HALLETT & Co., Port and, Maine, 628-52. • WEEIC-$12 a day at home °sally de. Coelly Outfit free. Address TRIM guide, Malue. 626-52 -e-see liER DAY at tonne. Saropiett te'worth $5 free. Address ST1N- , Portion' , 1 0 ts() $1 000 Invested ih • / Stocks makesforennes ery month. Hooka sent free expleining every- • thing. Address BAXTER & C „,saakees• 17 Wallostreet, New York.• 587th ----- 4 Steck of DRY GOODS of all descriptions., Also alwe.ys hand a ball itesortment of * A iO4 Large CStockRl E01SB-OT EcoA : Specialty -which, for quality and price, are the best in the Comity. and SHOEs—McPhersona make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paintes and C HO, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Eileen and Hano in filet ever - ting requir d in a general stente. Aek or what you want if yon don't eee it. Cash Sor Earna produce taken in exc ange. 1 would alno intimete to all parties indebted to me for last and previous years, to eorne an.4eettle by cash otr note before the end of this month, or the accounts will be putjto other hands foe collection. lee .further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON.EASY TERMS. -e am also; ealuatorior the Dotninion Saving ard Iovestment Soeiety, one of the best loan societies in the Dominion. The above itociety loans money on gond farm security for a term of from tierce to itreuty yeare, on the most favovable conditions. LIFE INSURANCE. -11 you want you life insured give me a call, as I am agent fee the Sao Mutual Lite Assurance Con:Tony, one of the beet Life In- surance Corrpanies in the Dominion, end conducted on the rnost economical principl es D ULLIJL. ' get to give a call. I am aleeays a-,tentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in con- nection, Cl ver, Timethy, Tutreip and °thee seeds on hand. R. PATTISON WALTON. HOTELS. letitrheex EXCHANGE HOTE'L., Goderichw that. 'WM. COX, Proprietor. Thies is one of Quietest, Most Comfortable ena Best Con- dixeted lititele in the Province. The! Rooms are norainod ow and the Table and liar iiherati I atippliedi Good Melding in connection. 6135-52' rrsE ALMA. HOTEL-Jurnes In-ine of Hu1- -8- lett, heving ateurned the pi oprietenslip of the Alma Hoeel, on the Huron Road, balf-way be- tween Setefoteh and Clinton, begs to inform the public that he has every accommodation for tra ve lieral and that he keeps none bit the very best liquors and eigers in the bar. A. share Of public patronage is 'respectfully solicited. IA.S. Proprietorj - 64141 MA Nessri bola a ill New Or man refe a pg rl loeeoau person trnSniwaog:tefein titi en -canal tnyinesete: 3: it ht hi vault vtila :of Englan hav#3 givei • velvet cot pieces AO and that i nsed instej —An to inangu] phitatyrup. • pnishelgaiwii; ipe they vied able pastir more serie dancing fo) —The Ji hot weathl porcelain • va the surf forms a pr.( aetion of ti on the surf eve putrefactio pr_:etn: hansted," rseteanzof came up tO :w°ne'airf 132:7G1 liqn,roer as latil iyiyiIiI good? ' drivingiisli W5 Dews teid them • carriage hy! pose. Neit spoke a wn2 on iti utti when each ; the eyesA:tf oi7C-1(01.Ceebti a devoted A bbreealielrget Ilialg-arret Rtas,thts: and deseeml time he wm found that t and i30 she pocket.. —Joseph of the A.bei presented t.hardornegssh, c1:10I7 •'return to C • the address • the chief hi' • proofs of 14, are situatec! the county e! • the adars • ket made -of l • -The firs •are eig,ht in equal eiefe two much l third year spear, one on' the end of t large teeth. front teeth . • all begin to -- Mrs. -,111., of a railroad: land, ordere The shopkee the ananint • ing refnsed t' The ceurt tvell taken, a from obligati decisioti wen English trai P17:gwilli)s • ela•ilehfiN°s?" • heaten .at all butter 4!ind su tlnxes,t.vfr rietito two nyire it 5 111) t1-1(' 1_1'71 • ti.- • I heard el it, de het inake think if mvhke it - iiiii‘s• s(t)‘ne; operatives in This lissatis regultIr }Arne • day /light a • Leeultrile row ensued_ • Intone very match fer t • firing their r • theh fired but• one was s Several othere toryaliogut about the ht 25 per cent. in and half of t • to be en strik •Fif-ej-11Ple6°:::1 s shortly after e • minister said -see him ; but not visit him when,, happen street where theX fwo rhedisow h • her huebana. 2" wTs_astntnib:scurt 4 garet inqm ye promised t pray once a io 1"4