HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1880-05-07, Page 417' aeg IaII 77 II -NEW ADVERTISFMENTS-1 Macken to zxe nclud ad to y ell - o tile in iends. 31 L &III No oil%' will. dcre liadies'Goods-Thomas dd. . I I - ) a gei, Mr. Biake, I iis well-parne wish of his ammer Goods--Hoffman'Brothers !I d ono a go, 1 D 1koore's Art Gallery-Hor4, ce Foster. a mar &I yer'and a sl atesip, 1 S e 3t $1asons Wanted -John Ai cheson. count -y has reaaci be pro , f him. ho D u o[ise Dog WAUted-The Expositor Office. His a- it 'ed1ents are f all (If , pr%M 8 Iii i "ke Mill for Sale or to Ren -t -S:. Ra to Iiii I f ; t4e. He *ill nat e'x i8el -h E; por Ito, Public School Teachers' Examinations. pieide)es . lor in pat Otism, in, egrit, alities -wbi LDiA B Uhoroughbred Bulls -J. McConnell. 'and: t, le iy ster Ing qu liv Mr. Me a pnzi Seeds, Seeds -D. D. Rose. have k' 'a. so high a no so( New Imperial Measures -John Kidd. lace n t esteem and alfertion of hiis. V j 6 tl O.00d Reading -Lumsden & Wilson. e'llow-co. n xymen. . b dt it. is I Ot 1 ' 0 is vidiolis t my that Mr. I lake is, n ma res I e- 3 one s, the abler i2an f the 9, adit two, ari u1nieniahe fgo t thLt f & othe is e Symp thywit th prE;- 9)a P n I - d eu.t gen tronof Canadian Reformei i. I 1319 to The enth lasm w,th W21 I be was! t)the hahers'hir, at a Vey Bi 0. SEAFLORTH, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 188 . apointe, full meet n of big i arty, 3v 3ry membr tor to -esent I pesent sffig-*to hi .feet lelore the in-)- I ... A Fa-vlored Province. t*On Could be for is, ly, pu i, in, icat(d a r( e Bitish Columbia is, certainly, a fa- vpry how e is rep ard .&Ld "red Province. A. few days ago th; alioul d he, be Sup ed in tb San Le Ing OL s'irit, of il w, hich e ull: i b litt e )ominion Parliament, at the, insta 'e P . pov dOLub i, a rilliant c ,er )efo him. ill )WE f the Dominion Government; voted 0 Mr. '318,4) has no- the jounti: ess )f ly; ilypend thirty millions. to builda rai, aadro as by whicli P l merstc n ru ed ti ie Ve 11y; 14 -1 i- ()Dl i as Vay through its gorges and gullie sh, 6l, tl whic as pro red va-, a le ;o Sir. John acdom id. He: lis Which will be no earthly benefit to Jul ! t W hot bail f llo well met N ,ith everV- Orson except the few settlers in tbd L body, and Wastes u! eitt usla in n a4inc Province. O Tuesday last the same straniers-1 but he is CI&BUillely, go d- a2ld, ona body, a the instance of th I e ! kindf Al no with" the I aun h a e ffe W I b:eret . I 'a u lamiller Yenerous Government, voted t10 e to Reform rinc, 'r )a 11 terdolo I9 b6n& no filtegrity of is- I lecessor, lie Ie the people of this fa-wred: Provind I e t on: Of .Vill bring to the IE a eral a 11puavuy *6n additional bouns of $250,000 to a and moderation will *ill, enol to con- I is Was $ist them. in buildin- a graving dock d b ciliate opponents, a bamis 1 fr"M e y lent o pblitical arena mue of I h,( bi erne a squimault. One of the -conditions asi th which 4 -as zlinfortur ately I ara i teriz d s no, v tl it -in the I 9t:" pon which British Columbia entereft 0onfederation was that Can ada'. shoulo i A t, tIlal si Sir arantee the interest on a loan of one . Zill d T- y a..J d I Re,;61 tions. (lurrenc, hundred thousad pounds Sterling f6i I I :1 a n W (CON7 TXD. arg iothig condition was sbsp- e lily. We are in receip of 6 ies lof th I yl poir tm. t, Ilueli dified by the DominiQn eurre.ney solution I (. oveinmei t re H I an ar me. to advance tb the Province'the to increase ti prop the s4t e - of legal, f $250,000 to assiat in building a" f l4wi tend O;es from ! v rlw r illibn' doil- r D is ;oGk, the money to be pad b i "tai, lars, in1he resent' liniffi, to itventy ritig 6liambia and to remain "Publi lioui the il ,lot to! exceed fopr 14co loni char it until paid. Now p against million dollars inah y' one !year.; They 11cli' oberi. the Government propose to Irg 41 ILISO ropoae to red e th eserves to them a free gift of this amoun Mkin wb le twen y -five per ce: h the; ' 0 hen the vote came up in the Hong issuef and to providl,jthat pd.r cent. wl Lev bl Opposition cf ' course' protestoll * I 9. hilis r of th! a tea arve may :tle be] in Dominion I le strangly against this favoritism. BuIlt I 13 1 i peri al arti b6lad.3, guaranteed by t fhey were met by the stereotyped ed vote Govern ME nt, and !iftee in seems, 6&rge that in opposing the grant thq gold. were. endeavoring to drive Britis coniess We Bho Id not b, 31 dial ( isbol o find af 0olumbia, ont of the X-nion ad -ea.- wag., fault vi i b a reason 'ble irc rease: -bf the angering confeddration. The support- 0 f -the- Ilelal tende issue, nsist h I r Onsist id wi- the I I aront 6rs of the Government, talking thi ilicreasin,", r needs of th dc witry ; but e 1 / 1 rino, View of the matter, we suppose, vote4 we thin the G6,er'nmelrilb " gade ihe amount, . aaccoun grave mi ake in reducing lle gDl It is time that a definite understanding serve , to fifteen per pent., and in reovor ro Aar was ciame to with this uenimpoartant but I 8, &A see wIll a va tag the: "' e CIO Doti: y d eci)ive greedy Province. It will,'scacely do I t gain y doing so. If the3 lkeep the tpn oveiy time the Members from that Pr ab tt per ciant. of Imperis gualLaillieedo boill - ince got theijc backs up and thneaten to I I Rai wa Se"C'ede, that they , sho-ld be bribed t D o1git of tho market hen offerin', their ewd -Pacific R ilwa bo ds in `Ondoa, th y 50 y quietness by aothf-r additional grant ( f i miill lose re b the d p ciat ion f e Do Om on a d than th ill save -on at all, ofaekind. Betterfar that it shoull Dominio the interest of thetenel C( Dt. leserve, 8eced,-it would be etter that tbel 1 hav bc to say notblig of the ,da maging . effeat hole rovince Should sink into th upon 'the p4aracter of theii egaltendEir :rl issues whidh must undoubt Aly foll 1W *ea, providing of course,. Mr. BuUStd t6nd the other inhabitants were j any i educdon of th gold riai erve bol1w r -,00:12t f i 9 1 twenty-fivei per ce4t. of tl e tc tal is- safely off first, -than that it should t ae"'e sues. Supposing the issues to be four Lade a Continuous sink for the deposit millions a year during,tle. next three ae If millioris at the expense of the older yearg a nd ,the reserve mill be, Say OIL thir- Provinces., There is not much danger!' illionB in '181, . or threemillion' C 3,91 i, wi d a quarter the savi interest 4 I Vii ikle an of thepeo-p-le of British Columbia se- I Z-fiAlls oJ ng Of putting t this in guai ante aind! me (leding, however. They a too well off' bonds will -be four er cent. on $65 I I * 'a theyare, aud they have entirely too 000, or sa . twenty!. -six tho: usan cl d i- tbe dc ea an, app lars while on the other . he] A e I tb 0. eci of -self to serious. y with4rawal of thesoi guaia6teedl bon a ilystichpropositioii. Butsol fron i the m arl -e , u on ''he sale ay of a tertain a I k t it E long as they can frighten the 'D.ominion five ilailli P I paspe on loan, ,Might Ina ie, a diffir thorities, into -ivina them a libeillit ence of fifty thous ud , d or', a a in t, le a al: Cell, amount realized f6r thE OEIIII. 11 8! catieb Ovant. every time they talk sba6ssioal" how e,r, is! of -minor cons aq iel cDmm *stsolong,may we expect to have i - - F ro al. piare witlitthe dpeap,eciati)n ale ol till tilvese threats made. It is high time: of C adiah lega t nders bi t Is 3111. I in hill 9 eat t1laal the people were lookiag into thl 'i nk no le4ntres, hich Must -1 folkw utt rly the raductibn of th) gold re3e v63. ded `11 after for themselves. The peole C p e ; i Supposilia the iyold ­efe'ves wer IOntario are particularly interestedo p,(, Iept at a. aply I sufficiel t n to altil at the heaviest Share of the burden' fail, prod ce cobfidtfice -a-mong, 1 I an ing they should instru -hunit of.Lon on aul Tew­ in- ie]i es vipon them, and Lon 0 y r r6presentatives to cause this ca adi o tihei the rorn pt convert ability f Ca Of 1 169al tenders, a uch larl le to or' n . ! arne t nuous flow of bribery mone 1. ," y to stop. ol ou - Own bank reserves I n In *ith r 03 a , e r perfe A, safety be h4ld in 1p 11 ndie sl. The Roform'. I eadershi ig;!ht, ,'under c ktain'ci I'll 1111110 ITS11 irr po 1p. become the H,f a Ivel a I n AS we anticipated., last' week: face Y-1 at :a v 11 ar I eghtyl per cent. Of .all th3 g d in !tip -L ly electe ij has been -inanimous . 'S a i cun ry should e loe in b ( I I Id ovir 1! loader of the Reorm. party snd has ao: a ;lea ment Vault , as a 1he ca.e i -. 'rati. I ted:the position. On this subjecti T-hiswould of c U, e iD21113 t e ner, a- S)r coil 1p sit3rof au-, %MPl reserve a ait at blie 1A lie Montreal Ilitness, very correct] r y t leaal tenders, certimly not lesi, 0-13, remarks tw`en -,kfive or 'thirty. p, r en 6 J Of4i e d If With all.his ailities and exce tbiulg; Sir Deona rd Tilley Will D t a' a 6- a not proi I lienci Mr, M ckeuzie has akes a seri ista 11 i t IM rt J)r, i perftet leader of the Reform party of I ing A.th thp res, Ai ICET 8 Dr C e of Can-ada, it has been through no fault o Ilbfyw 0 -vin has been uIlwel: i 1 NopiiXG CAN' 3H -W mol 61 ci af ly tfle. ithful-tilifalterill-1v dili-ent-whollti i x(,,. cis 0 t lue, Ydt. liemay lack that SuaVitV of fickleness of - hu. m,h natlie thL u th: t A, On bea,riag and that quickitess of impregi. euthusia-stir, dedaoustiration W1 il d e ?ase 'hich while they make a man k E on w meots 31 1. GladE ti e at, e i ry t A DO IOU Inagnetamolighis fellows, enable hill; 1 f oew y oar's, *1190 he as do wr SC Pa. tio judge correctly how to deal with al 7, 2.sta 4ow to Use the rucii about him. 11-forE - I 16W t, JLat A#as 11ughth !woul' nme I I tb qver, tho,u,Fh not old hi . i mself, I , ie beloDil rise agan, all(' lotw ith tanding h in its I 4 . 0 an 11old ordet" which has been for, time giving Placo to E'L greli past Bervi there W rel n -c t a J?ril UO' now. Hl 3 devotion has beer-1--supre-me to tile idem, few wbawould a* have giv hina'a I , aw d to sclift' im iii 4tiol policy of tho Hou, Cteorge Browi,.: kick, if they d wh ha steLtesmati, while honored as tII b 16wel in the Eat Irl Lf hill mig1ty defendqr. Then his ffreat o tru6 political - principles- - R, in I Icon has not bneilt itis Wqrsllip-, ga,ill0d a CM1.1-ftcter -for grenerosit if, edOLlall 6ides, He Was 'the er 'Ot to arti V, ei th 11 P politica Opponents or to members f - the hour and I LL looke , to he as E g e s Y. I is own party Who mialit differ wit-, savioir of his c Untry. r e W eeI.1of I . law all him. Such a althouh . trul V, t. rbat on the political batle-field, time bas in th er ra -01 Ltic D, d I e t( 1 . able, from t very .1 tb ange EL I bell e The oince 4 sp. ed L ed raised to 1h4 fr t. (011ivictions,30 bil what Mr. Brow Glad. tone aga in e lono acto acknowfc(l,'If (I to be, 9, Thosbi who ho6t(B'dl at hiin,, mot fkvn st did I J Ii 4 t lid Some overuillelital inipossibili ty", a ! il Upon: him, and I as succem. o :p (f this impossibilitv has descended to illore, 9 D V h ally inela FL .r. 8 I 13, , th Ilis, equ, ­ iic follower. -dawn upon ilia political !bc f ;011ie time there Vas 'been an imp - i b ti the popular herc za& tieuce of Mr. Ma-ekenzie's leadership t ingly worshipped, while fo which -ofound respect felt for hii a itl the pi T i loneik old man w ersonaffiv 11 coil It is ro- 40 will I i6w ret [ml 7e If I I -,h e to the- sliades IOU orted ainouic, knowin ones that ma, i- supp9se, 0 lig Doll h lersreaclieda crisis just prior to tl e there' are n o shou.' Its, -no 3athusi a th a ented death of the ate HOD. L. 1'. we hfLd a -most Sal[l, no fu;ure. et al 7 troaltion, and tha the last service tbat gentlema performed for his party we a though like Bacon. mud Wolaby in the P T o convev to- Mr. "INI&ckelizie 'in his ow.n suddenness of hisTall frolo . almo3t 11111-i I u Sti - ll i I I 46 r e 1 and amd kind manner an expression boundeff power nd sp endo , orc Of. the- general wish that he should 4- t I eacynsfield is unlike those Da iLd lfi t =0 t d Cre, ad make way for Mr. Blake.1 n 11 reported further tha this COMM. figurE S in this, that thf&-e' aa I een, slig itly clation. was made to Mr. M ackenzie t e nothin in his gli, Tjtering: 6are 3r wl,lcl ccill inu ,4ery day betore, Mr. Holtou's deinise, should prevent his returning to it. '011 Ild that time was asked and given i o L i i I 11 e I .01511 has never sold justice nor e ed lansider the matter. Mr. Holton a p I 'Me us He ha gru r g4 at' tn 0 e hr uddeu removal delayed things a littl Sim-olly never eel p, d lho has -rep lint, as might have een expected, M glork a of royaltY, but I 0 t r; wted I I10 PSITOR. E R10 N XPy nufactjj.j ei wool oolens, Tuckeromit h d Alexander Kole and a sove eig L reater i a name a:a -on cotto am 9 agricultural implements, W60d, pulp ohn. McAlli Wi am ; Neil Me - J stor, ingh in, fact tbaphe,found.ler. In Kenzio,'Brucegeld; Alexander Stewart, 4X, pa 'per, and matifrilil useO - in 1b 'there seen R an ob- I wil Brussels. it is tl manufActure.of papol, The ''Bil the probability' of ihi again reoeivel all t e DerAbc atic "Votes, an Accibmpany. gthe party from Lon - will, A 44 Co eded I I y ts opppnentB, be don was an ol, laO named Elizabeth We Great Seal- Bmt! the Ellg- L AC MCEWOD, io L)bo, who is 78 years of reporte4favo,rably. tseir Ministers as well as their age, 31 f i hi h she bad spent in the -She is e - o1i [,'a cl the bi -iallf Aesa. of I r-otil township o' L bo. now remov- Poaitic4l iDg wit - f c mily to Manitoba, where, 13ELconadel. 'a intellect b bas, shown I * 11 I , i -h hf r i The D ominio P, r1amentl is to be" she will, aot& leas, end her days. F I 1 I as yet bf waxinc, dim.. In. fn d to -day, IT day. pf "U On Mon -il a special freight train th Lt Hon.A exanael .efoIEl the v fortunes conveying 5he: ar ed. 011 r personal effects pre '31 t is rulrtoi ecl uccesBor'll,it need :lot Urprise Mackenzie is to assu rto the rbief edi ceded the parl y. It comprised 31 cars, lip of th' Toron, o Gflobe.: We bopo if he sho4ld come tO Jhe Sur. consigned fror I the Mowing stations: or may proyi true. tha Hamilton, 7; Galt, 2; Walkerton, 1; raoll; should his life be -7the Dominion Parb ment, 0 Brantford, 6; -Paris, 6; London, 7, and a Bill! vas passed amen 'one,' thing, however, we. %uesd ' I&", 1-- 3 in all foi Manitoba, Centralia, i4g he Scott 'Temperance At 'I. Itwil! Woodstock for Fargo, A aest red, if it IieE wit hin the a, major- . and I fro: na na b f eir require the! votes of, Dakota. ere his g -asp bg and e ierg6tic .1 ity f the ratepayers in each *uoicipa.L 1 Id 3101np LSS ;t Lord Bea Onsfie ity ef6re it tan be slo oted iMstead of Ev i Newsl of the week. plisepo 4me-day b a new majibrity of the.vote I c t. omperance; y d!ien, say that this =e dul will ren -1 WAnLiRA.-Chl is said to be pre. - Y% hieh w be dramatic or i paring for war er tbe -law practiottal y wo hless, an [% [on a large scale. an, INCREASE IN" WAGES.—The job print-' d pla4 ie hinaa 0 de more in that, it Might as welilh vebe repeaZlil Chicao have received' an ad - 1 ers of i Chicag im Itator, it to ve c & .-Ake 4 anadian 0to6etber. The $ei ate I 'IQ I 0 L vance in wage from $3 to' 63.50 per is I I sin rptused to el the aLmendiD ill. ,heseelkslf ,anil he wil - not be P ! day be is cer inly ver,, , Th Toronto Gk somp Ion n the m ,SENTTION.—Mr. WID. 0011161 used, so mue 'e s ree I t chan- HANDSOO rtr i proved all 1, id L$5,000 lati Ain J, big end. I Astorof Now ork,bas presente of f orm'' othirieclia6icallyan literarili to the Manat an Eye and Ear Hos- It is no neatly and c [early .'iinted ood per,, an pital. W -1a s,agc;`iheToromtQfail was good P d t 6 I lener I arrango 13Y E ;MICITY. It is stated Edison y t i faultless. If its manail mei a - great e abo t the Saving Id Wy Wake 4' farther i4novatiol is building a r4ilrdad at Menlo Park, on PR ade abo I wou ibe,gement of the In- upoi t4le advertisiog displa - ty e, it, which,he pro l oses td run an engine by in tb m P :.electricity. 'ail* I the direc. rioake-uo would be entirely unobjectioit ILI 11 1. 11ely, undei No CoxkUNI s3r.L--The Catholic Arch - able. 1 The articles alsi) are Even moi, Tupper. To prove . I : I , i n' d cleverly writ e I t bishop of Dublin has issued a pastoral vigorous y a han 61 t it g%Ve j Compar&t've State- in which he treats of Irish wrongs and yorq, Whi e the sel eo ions i Lie Bill the expel as of the road for the in L u-- proclaims acrainst Communism. more erestiDig. We u idersta d PIUNCE E R E NAvy.— ee years Which certbinly' did -that the Mail publi hers wi adopt th( had, evi ently be6 same form gB the Oobel n as thE3 Prince Ge)rge, Second son of the ce at a savi: i SO 8 of Wales, has maderp his,min to ' beiginni g get pt4ei)r new press.! i e , In fes - MCI WQ.WE to think verl.visely reil adopt the navel sell as his p --Tho'Toronto Aidii stio jliarlosll d reall' turnec1over arks:' 11 The great que )efore tl 4 .131011- AC6MlZNT.-7SiX niiiners dese"einding 0 art 1. bE E tLn -to pr Lctio -e econo- coulitry just DOW' is the success Y therapids of the 8kager River, in agin 3 0 ri Conservative Gdveinmet.t not ti- I In ur sarp Be an] disaly- ',.Cc L Washington Tqritoryl, a few days ago, at of the Civil Servic I It wi er t, tL El e, when WE read in matt:r little to tl were drow ned )y the capsizing of the e countrill the ser le in libe londay, the vice costs a little Inadre, pr . ided tba canoe. i gan of L) i WHEAT 9.111POING. Large holders of ng- passag Thei I, agraill, per the OoverumLt' .that em loys all , ukee are said to have s . a iiiiesi M4 I merly c I 1 argeablo to pays g:ives Prosperity to Calagda." Of I wheat at Milw t' " 1 perfected arrailge to ship most of eoukse,-wbat odds lilibout thii ;quanderf 1 e a Worlis, J Buch as the Inter- ing falfewhundred th usa &!, dollar I the grain in stdre the e to Chicago after Bailw4y, are now made 401, Pernmet f May- I- )ng .as the Cong4rvative G EXTnNS1 'E, ssioNs.-Tbe Women's ea ble to 41 Govei 11M nt, thus is I p in power nd its ':blilogevs-ari Missions, now I tb 1 , Presbyteri n rd of ,g ani)thEil, apparent increase kra it I Y the distribution. i 3o far i in sesion 9 h leld, Illinois, as the art) concerned the cou 'try will Be l prigf] I here' is T o incre so at :&1121 one tbousidlol udfour missionaries in Pro porous anyway.i A -ashi n g p ragriph occurs in an the fii3ld. Sir, A. T. Galt, ou- - Can dio M116 COTTON GRO, vvir,.- Russia is about to at temptin' ',-to justif at increas- ter in'London, is likE ly to e rsLther a pensive official. H sa appoin: t a Com missioh. to report on the I i is $lC, for C vif ervice expe nget . It y growth of:-ott(n manufacture in. Rus- FIX00liper annuml,.wfth an a l4wance 6 t erefore, lfrom, the unguarded. 4,QOO per annum, I fo ,expaliws, beiy ' sia, and t) all grgest means for its, de- n. of this organ itself that there us 69'000 per ann velopment. din more ban Ca ILSSACHUSETTs.—A report ter al to $4ving in the expenses i&n Ministers receive. i i missi A STojt.%r. i \, M o France aildSpaiii last -ye r Cost t L 'from ' MaEsac usetts'- says that 4 very IiLtercloloi:41, but that the ap- severe storm visited that. State -on avill a, i caused -by tra,7asfer- 09 atryl $9,234 in Illard ca I and Thursday, 29thult. Tbewinddidcon- if lit just as well have sta d bon crtion siderable dame ge. of he exper: sea from, one Tor EL11 thq- good he aid In addition ii i 11 this'we notice bv t1le sup, : e pentarf 1 REB' ILIDING OF IRoN.-The work of. 1;0 allbtlL Of Course, it was it I - , reconstruc bing ite Railway Suspension 6stilmates just subill to V %rhament la t6 Ill this transfer, but it I ! i:Bridge over Njagara'River,,of iron- in- thai till. oi same high. riced j 1'eDtlema4 ery in Ban ing for thd organ to stead f ivood, F -has been begun. The iec6ived $6,501) foit if ur ii o Alls' -Be I il I I I whole! stritctu e will be of iron ex-' I As rei.d by nosily tooting laiclBs conducting trade niagotatio'D3;' 0 1 'Whatever that me the floorsl. L 3 eco Ion ly. of the Minisber of ails. .1six of Brigham Youl SustIRN B (1, and t0n, in a quiet Way a 1 The Feehng in I he Cquntry. daugh ers, havo been excommunicated s afterwa44s, showing that the by tho Morlil blitirch, for charging The Ottawa coj, resilondellt of t1i. z- the choreb wit4 having defrauded the it boastA of was no economy Otratford B Of eacon Says thel,511whatevol* heirscf thelalleMorm-on leader a The wril 11 on th Njil should 'party journas may pretend ti) believA, million do lars t er n ena a. there are -Very good, grounds 6r the a I . I Su.LLIVAI f TO STAND r. OR MEATH COUX- 1 e I I $11rance that Mr. Blake, in is 1i Paci TY.-I large land meeting was held at 11ailiway' Policy, ba' struck keynot ENAMRS yet. The I 1 !*-Irighb6wn, Ill uty Mayo, on Sunday, ot only 1a6ured t 4re not df ad and that he has n s4ured t 6 I Parnell having i been. elected to Bit for I irmi shei ij hey hav 3 be d'among 94'esion of the L lb era Is in P01 %men i Cork, A. M. Sidlivan has igosented to bntl a large sectio4. ot pe b. e outsid ves a em,lJo -havE galvanized o stand ior Meat h county. 0. it,) new 11 ro. . They have taken who do not usually'tbin act wi SNOW BLOG LUE IN RusSIA, In tbatparty. Illeprod-galgl[linesswi isia, the railroadshave ilkpurt, alka,as is usuaily the OrenbUrg. Ru, which 'Ministers tal;k of tens,E Ud twell been blockadle 'with Snow, and many il, all 'ST ph fossil zed Rip Van t- f -11- ' . t i ies.o mi ions, bits inad the badit person' Uve 3, when t ' By. do op an their eyes ta donend.on the head$ of thofi i is .. been frozen to death. 11 0 The,p he an attoftnpt at eiD o, beard uiet, staid, respectable in eni asants have had to strip the ,.who hai 0 that off 1ei cottages to feed to their a,hon to visiting the Capftal durir ih6 , rer nk tb(y (ught no q y hin Here, V he Session of Parliamenu EXP'LOBION.-A, terrible ex - IL Short Wine ago t be House o 41sewhere, one becom. es, accustomed 10 plosion, at;end ed with very great loss of Ds,by ` ery 1&r,,,,e najority, 6regularun. of faces We recognim;1 , i life, tok ac4a at Pantin, near Paris, without exactly knowing, ev 21.ybody NN aa e #IiZiDg a &rn-age With Saturday fte nooh, ill the warehouse i aeet,.and Should a Stranger ppear of T& Ho: iorE, a fireworks 'manufac- Wol w: fe's "Ster. Ihismeasure is sooli 'placed," and what e is an turer. At out twenty were 'killed! or Ofore ibe euate fcr their ap- what he wants is soon. an n Beer& badly injured. ek Ruc will nothing of the public 'BUi during the last : ew 1W a theN THE: OF 'SPECULATING.—Max Jrt ol tbl. country, at d being :has been a noticeable addition to tl -known Btock-bLroker, of ji t, rPlaat, a I vell abitues in the kbbies' ana ork, New T is: nissing. His friends be- ) resp:)hsjple, they, for the evi- galleries. sort of gene L I resen hev lie has committed suicide' At V posE ;,of libriDgiDg hemselves i I 8,. blance in styleand manner ied - rue I one tirbe be made 700,000 o i n Wall 1notoriety!irun, con ter to the investigate t a a i their ak i stree .1 be phe4omen 1 d in rying to -make it a round Unaninaou$ will of the people's pearanc!e.. It did nob take 1 ng to as. I' milli 4 los bb a] 1. t certain that they were in stly met CA' dUTTA CPIN-IONW4 ON THE I-NDIAN 0AatiNea, ittud vetoed %e bill. in bad succeede4 in See, ring coni. 1 VICE Ro'YA: ffY -The Times' despatch $3, it is I i t -of ve, -y' ga eat im- e lea in a CoAn ry, wa -far I from Calcutta says e - appointment Of ` erves t) as low the tradesmen of t m rit, wh b but -it. 4n. modest I the Karqu a o Ri , 4 to be Viceroy of : he. Ing spent a lifetim'11 in illow, BUI-0 . 0s power 7., ,wbich tilds: 'body of indi4, is 0 t a 'whole received, favor- bus'ness, had taken:, a notion to trvel di 3appoin tment is, however, I6'Eibleinck ablespossess. . Why ably. Muc p a li itle and see wbat the woi;,I(l is like expressed that Lol ufferin's health slould no marry his deceased aw4y from the t old -fashion Id routir e ment. prevented hi appo. i4er if he sees fit, and if both whdrdtheir quiet i asseol. H.ARD o , TWE, PohciN.-Es.-ItA;s stated v3s wqe p They are all. -men who read Jlhe papte areftgree;ble,or where a per-' -1 a ol hogs that twenty Iar I ads of dea and have Ily (3tr@Dg po ,genera itica 'M4 reach Ding .d be got ho wou.d -.be more :iiections,-a,lbe.itshL-em'daud!;obs vanl' The ix eat 1001 t it Was a c nsequence tenderly Care for the children 'hey co -me from various 4ts Of tb 0 of hot wee th(r 4n overckowding the ife orninion,:, but mostly fro Ontari heasedv , and better fill her d 'i cars. One ca - C'ontai iin 100'head-had C E IWDF In G - 8 Wif 3 a I inoth(r than the f nol the a terri. To hip" I57 dE ad, 3( cr ppled nd only 14 in good .1 ersa,tio with seveial cil EM, I 9 L so nd: tion. b we Id, I-pierbaps, je at co ell for i ! discovered a 6 of ap)reheD81O L ST.-Tb.6 British dur i -ble Sen ators to xplain. (on ,erniilg the a3 polic was the, training ltalantiI, which left Ber.- 0- ild ample -s(ope for the f 01, rd to t Oe Go a af ihei4 argumell tati ire f&cul- I e C 'One Old­gsilltl3maia remarlied,. offic rs an.,' t1ree hundred young sea- aftelr listening to tSir- Cbarle 3 Tup thisroint,' Metid)nOwma,.rry per' men yon boardliSL now:'given- up for lost, . d., Wi ,,res'' s sters, ar d, t hey Will 4reut speech, "It Intl be all true, but the general bolief beDg that she -went vhdu . man talks of spen ling sixty". down in one f the terrific gales known btC611tilittodo sc waen, cir- ipillio sasamattell cour,,e,I doub4ftob ve. prc val led scon after she lef t t es lavoi: such an txraiigen1ent,. if he really knows tvhht' he is talki Bermuda. about." The same sentime founle Tnl,,­AF.GIIAN- WA .-The fact of 'ghe Senate withbiold. 7 Exl?E- ,-SA, Of - pression in many othei cases hild so e Indian Goi er rrien t has sent a despatch :tssEnt rom, such illianoes, went" tich.furtherin declazing dissl)- tothBMarluislof Hartington.,Secretary am t alter th( bent of men'S Mi'L dS U roval of the injuaiciousnei a of pro- of State fa Ii Ldi.a, showing that.the cost d deter a y fr ceeding with the Bnitish Col imbia! see. r ona ta iin- such a of the Afo Lr War will probably exceed 10 tbe'eAil tioil in the present sti.te of Domin osiMsby fourl` million pounds. they desire to do so. It flna ces. The rermnar a of -hese me the'-. military de - The do, OR chi declarek 3p Owev(r, h Ve- the eff act of calls- Ill be taken as CFO-od rulolicatio S partMent io% yblam'eablejorthemis- silerable vnnoyancE and trouble of t ilelstgte of popular feelin thro al )elieve he estimates suffi- Ur, take.: ThEy_ ekl,-Iintere,qdd should.sLch mar- out the country, ala'd, if th Ministry, cient, and advised their adoption by the are wise, they' will '' aaste to plac a Finaticial Department. V be foi Inad W. re,,oar ized : by 4 themselves in acoord. wit popula a wh ,ii t'' ey are ai,id N vill don- sentiment. SlIUATION I-V IRELAND.—The in approving the apointment Of I akE pla there co u be nothilig I& Lleu Earlicowper as Lo tenant of bWw1bhh'Lding the legal san 1 or -Moitob Ireland, sa;s: --"The worst in Ireland Ilit then1he Senate n) doubet 'Mr. Gre,allway's bircl parl y this Sefl ';-seoarrlstobdo7er. The spring has been q ona. Id. the.p.-Olni er cantailkerous act to i 4()iued Paterson . ; is excellent. If 9, ryooa harvest slucceeds i fillis littl son fori 21anitoba: left CE11ttalia 0 geas ble, al se of summ Tuesday.last. Tbe.,;,v EOple tha ,'l they fiava power, and party from Paris apcl:ir ermediatO:,ihed ismale-iperiaii--c!-.o I rceentyears, can em rcise it when ;he freak tations,atLondon. an tbeliwopartiE the-exaspei ation of tal that comes them e presume, -The new. 41ey will, v proceeded from theke in one: train, The l4rona want will die. away, following arethe names of oge froioi Irish: admi :LiAratiou has areat difficul- illislas' Ley did wlth the bill t-, iniis countv Who accom anied thEi ties toover come, but they may do much rdpe l the IIISDIVEn y Act. -party: Pete'r McElver, wi and s'iN to remove the permanent' causes of they disallowed it this sea- children, Robert N,Te 1, Robert Ra Irish d . issaiisfaction. 9 -01 PUS it next lings , wif& and thr ch$ldren, Mi, SHERP T,is AsE.—The sheep rot is Liziie Daley, Miss: E aima,lGreellwav still sp,readink in Norfolk, V`ermont,and ast ni t, HOD. GeQ rge Brown Centralia.; M rs. John You g and t a many of ih 3 worst symptoms' of ' the W children James Fer,guson wife anol -disease havot manifested themselves, A! alive, blit there is I)) -change Wi five children, Mr.sRichar fe and." and fears 4re entertained by the most better, a I his Tebcverr is al- five children, Blyth; Mrs. Joyce a 14 extensive graziers that it will result in' I sbaired five children, Howi k; AndtIew Wile,,, great damagE to all sheep products Sone da b e is r, of Stanley; Janes Howey, &U41 John B the present seasion. By sorne the I ett, -,r a. others vor e, but is sett,v6feaud son, Exeter4iiAlexander preveLlance o;, rot this year is attributed a, IV I ng weakeli'. 4nd Mary I IoLean, and Ch 'iesellaf 1! t the wet w nter just passed, but es - and -wife, HQiiS&l1 ; :Mr. Pa g and tbr peciallly to. e heavy and continued U NG THE TAX. -The Ways an f a family, Turnibeiry; Ttichatol 1, rains of I Sping, which have ly the pstura:ge of the COLUU_ I (' r C tee at Wasfiington orey' Mr. Muir, wifO &.nd ,four chi - soaked v 13 to l full Committee a dren, Clinton; Thos. Coret i wife and try. The i -eled of paring the hoofs L Jo IariffBjll,xeducing, the duties four children, and 0 eph Townset of diseased et imals an& the application f ,a II I IIaI 4, IImiy 7', MA of a -E olutiori of blllevitro l has been 4th Hiannah, Caid-1 Seior First Te about ei sorte r too with partial sliccess bY 000e James Curiaininll Isaac C leruraltige farm, 3rs. The outbreak of the , -ot Will 3a t4npbell. and B incol venl.ence era. by coil 2 4ng BrighalI `-- Juniori First -- Ist X4 the to keep h folded or Oas- Livermooll 2d Annie Chming, 3d .high ro change Brown., 4th John ture on .11 ind o—Alm —The folloing s the re the I ettet take i 0. ace. -port of Ltt n. upon to IN 'ERSOLLIS:i PULPIT'.— V. ley 01 for the *outh eniaing A X-ra i. 3, iGeorge Chaine! r :1) stor Of the UJailt 30, 1880: Fourth dlass-lot David Migs L THE Chu ch at Evansill...e diana, who 11re- Bowerman, i2d, K te 34 ceased, , cent y declared h ot a Christian Bella,2 McLean. enip'r Third .14 In Brill and -ende has boon Robert Elleringtoii,, 2d Rachel jBiallopi -a large,( .red big signation, retaihed as by one majoil '3d Goo. Xydd. XU lior Third—ist incium Ir The matter will e takbn ito co4rt. Eeley, 2d Maggie- Fyfer, 3-d ag. peoie —Lin Chainey was fibrb: y a V-ethodstt en 1 and John Simmom I. secondlass became & I nitaili in, an is no sai& to I Harriet Harris, 2a Wilhelriffis and had bean In-ersolliab 3d. Goo. Stacey. F at Sh fell Ellerilagaton, 2d I Xyda that pb catharina J.Fyfer upe F, sle' and. into . —The following is the standing Oi tbs bridge v [From, he Nc-vwr ro-] beat three pupils itLseh class at the tame LAW; lie h rs c a so under new I I . i. monthly examination for Scii a- Divisionl, ourt t for a sum Wo- I Section No. 9, qodorich Townal lop-, -axrr, ote ovEii'1100 ame u, at the missory taug;ht y E.. Floo . y. The his trip vision before J Di Cou'rit here, U'' e i WfSt. I basol good colidu t, 'general Squier, liast ib ak. ca, e Wag fic .an Are 1 a 1)8 ampio. 163100. Fifth Class-Ist . otdo, Can Verdict plain liff- Fnni Uichsrdo 3A an LARGE HIP31ENT OF Fourth i Class -1st Lizzie ant Irwini 9 am M cli . of this 7D, erini,6' 1 ,ichardson' 3d Anie 0 axe. X I the rem has just i ade a ale of 16,0 'I bus Is Third', Senioll 1 - Clara Sti, Iv Ofbarlev,whichlieisnoi busyloa n9* Ellen ISharp, 3d Isaac : S tirling, but his I T11itd The shipqaent uires ' ,2 cars, nd oes unior, lot ' arriel tirling, 2d - 46 hey C 'S by the and , tink Railway to e 4 Connell,. 3d John. Brownlee. Y. 14 uixited tate§: 1ts val ie is 89,600- Clasti-ist Julia, Cirte , 2d ThOs. %* BusisE s CHA GE.—Mr. Whit. S E`P- 3d. John A, Carter' 4 most gel: pard has 'i dispbs4d. of lis stock and, -The following Is the staill for good wit to t. N. Rol 13011, will tained b the pupits f, School section Stephen, continue the busi egg at.his oWn 4 stand' No, 2, T Louth Abdirt xii Uckerstnit I for 'th Mr. Sbeppard will for a short 0 Holman line re- April, ilis decued the moritMyinii6 I main with M"n Robsoia in qrder, to and a written exi ination he14 at'ths London- straighteg up his, o`wn. business A. is close of the -=o Fifth; claa;s- and levid TAxEs ais the last m. Hannah! J. Sproat 22. Fourt)i clajjg- iug ofthe toWn cOlincil, "at thei un 1- wm U I I . tint 479,i, G o. gunt 475,,Ts .M all mous re. f ibe coul exprespet 432, several aA. McGregoi:3'89 by kes Alr. Joseph Olaid lbte il 4he Cooper 3 Rplry E.., Y, enaina, a: Reeve, ithdr6w bis res natioli whch bsrn wal zie 3 8, 'enry teAh 221. Thj4 d Ort tim ill clasal-Maggle Cooper :612, Eliza Voi. in! t, he to 6 a sb' ago, and. sum is. accustomed seat at the teitill 596, Daniel *zKlurioi 582, 141ija -T Council oard., or : '562 Leglie Plews 535,14i- of the N4 Meg ,aie FinE FROM AN, ltUSUJkL CA'U$E.—Pn gre Xdtenzie 510,Annie Torry '102 tion 'WAT Tuesday.. e hes,4 of the sun was,. so lIfellay 34 da* And Dan* 6,, Alex. Young ',"2§1 great. t t a wla4ow curtain in Harli rtd Jenn at Mcna220 Alex. Monteith this moii Bro 8 Was Sot on fire and aboui a 267, Mary J.. D man 165. 6- D 04d ! daykrd of i urat. ! The sun's il ere -give a. n class. -Il Me and XaI* focused y 8, liam I r6flectorl ihis P Butt! 145', May 01,opp. 138, Jane :1 I I il : Begides I incic, Ient 01 iold Show the nceti; of 9 1 Neil G, race Robertson 121, 1AR& dhfOb SsJ rd er to! avoid like loc- wate ,l.n. 0, Jessi4 McKenzie loill prepared curr ance year will aCoop '95 Jessiol' McLeau 90, StL,*h W!&S 1 RUN WAT ? one day Iasi- attend tl eit1h i John T Xon; I orry- 62, Joh A. week M4 W. Le of tbi place, went MlUnon: and. Jdanie Chapman, 6-14. out to Brucefield to supply big custic III- Pointea. Susafi D,ayrl 6N Jag. McGregor 56 While in a ho 1113 attened --a 1with , bread, Thoo. Worno. &D. 40, Thos. and Sanlu making bill's last delivery; his horse and op 35, Archie Cillmelf-on 30. t-- -highly hi C wag a d' appewred and he could il sone. eaet 1 anv t 3m. Procur ng race of t4( -rule. no er Be next day -went 'in H-aro34 Notes. a rab e e Grrie Drivilig. Park, t "J Search of It - and by C6, no,iole I . T1 work, trel them. to the neigh orh d an&kll, has been &wodup and oom .of Zurich'Arh6rel found t w on ith peas.:' 11up-r-Onin Upse-inthellu's..0andthela S ins IIL -The Rev. Mi. Racey Epise p* ed it! a f allimer a barn, wi!4,.h. t laarni.iass minister -of Fordwich, is Shortly to be- brok 3,n to -pieces. Xr. tee , thinks the POstwast removed, from that, of village by rde , -0 t wn7shil horse andiwagor t must have been d1r0en the Bishop,. r. off a id thpa le -ft, as the hors is )not 9r. ';Win. Neal! of the late fir# give to ;rialaml away. .01 Sheyff Neal, Bkuss* owl'ung IIn has retire from the millibl; hal ISch6 Reports. bush es% -A ht t'xeter D T e following 'is the correc stalad- I Ube, 4 ing ]?ark Ass signea fe., tion inat holdi their spr is to 'be 1 ing of the pupils in the senior epart U . V- the Ist a ad 2nd 'Of 'school, Fif 1119 on men, bf Wilto th t1lao- the,old track. $1,000 ivillbe oer(d let ane XcDdu all, 2d Rate 4arche, priZE a. 3d I izzie Lees. Benior Fourth; Iclass a `ff1g, baii 'Sale in W' in', Inata s hope, bw 1-st John McFadten,2dAl. J. Ca-bapbell. few : lays pigo., a faimig 12111111 soldifor lamb wil 3d V 'in. COnner. Junio Fourth clas,';s- go conts , p Ist I lary Blair, 2d A es Fulton, 3d. low foir 95 cents, a hors,61or -Tlle: gn 314,and'sq be stbok- i -on. Aar In- could Mag ie Murchie. Third elkaBs-- Ist field this I qd -etty cheap israte. I aRt Iai AnnieMcArthur,2dLizzieK-n'ht 3d A; - 'Of Goder e Star t hinks that 1r, Mr. Kill he Godrich..' Maguie Tierman. 3 I I Gifford Elliott, foirmerly f Goaerjoh, -112he gollowing is a correct -report of I . I z I I but how of Brussels, Will soon boalsea the i itana xng d the pupils in School a yonug 1, I to tAe Bench or c4lecl. to the Senate. pf his fin Sectlon o. 1Q,'Tuckergmith, ifor- the i 11 He is now a praet lioner afthe Ban month io' April, based upon the re3oltj inmg m. YOU sh named Wil 1 wa aof a written exmination: Fifth form.- Can, pbell, in the einploy Of Mr Z, Gret lst Wellington XeTaggirt, 2d 'Charles I Gov ,nlock, at Wi­Al rop 'Me Dobson.'; Foutt)'forna-1st Flora Uc- i BuylielJ4 the .misfortune to bave, his le br6ken RiDnOn, d Rlobt. Alexander. i SErAor IThir a fo rM I t ),u ;9.d one day lagt week loig roiling 0 it. ag,' r. J6hn le,'Iot 3, concession --JThe Angus Robertson. Junior Thir: form I S a; 6;.Grey, haLs Sol hi Duham! tiull,, MR I g.2 Ist Thos. Dol)so;n, 2d Geo. Hunter. -LoA Clyde,' to r. McLean, of Of the Second fbyrn-lo'L E mily, Newell, 1 t2d 1 0; i , for the Live'. - ool m atkets.. eric ba Sim( 011 Hunter ' I First form --I at RAt. -weighed 2,f20 lbs.,and bropgbt i for that 4 Dobg ion, ol Maryl Newell. The fa WiDg is the'standing of the I -A, pupi . a of chool $ectfon No. 1, -Mr. Thomas ee, of the Virns . the: m- Fifth mills, bad sfortune to lose a foalf the m nth of -April. Smit fok horse one 4, ay last week -T- he class, itme$ Ingram. 29-9, An6le was being chased- b McArthur 299, Agnes Murray 05, y ank in dolm- W Andrew' M ju.Dl over a fence it felf, breall4ng urrity 257i Wna ;F , d 4 i its leg, and had to I)e shot. 229. F rth cjass-Wm,. Pep -er 162, I 159, -The enterprisi af; valil-age of Jag MOArthi' Frank W6od later has taken the leadim an, 141, Tas.A. Bell ry Ann! Rod i bon a granting adoltit 125. Th rol class. Sen. agile j? iohal aid to the Cause, -a air- T-1 ad, 1411 Eli, a 45 gia Fitzge D I Z , TorOnto, Grey a. d Bruce R bur Ma;9t:1 Bell 133, John Ste . art 130!' 113 11en The bonus is for "10ft The vote *M ,Tr.!' -1 71;0-, be t6ken on Tuesd, t e 2;5th Of May 11ar Ste,% art 126. hird cll ss, rill ky Bell 11.2,1 Edward Ingram. 112, Charles ig to kee ­lHeDall. inteplas celebrating Ingram W9, Alexander Sin, ilie 104john. i thete s Clark 96. Second cla;S,34-wilson Wood 21th of May bya glass ball. turn= lit 96i Joha LaliO% Frank Fitzgqral and Caledoian a4m es, prizes Willi be giQa. In - the eve*- Jane b Let j:g 83,i Thomas Lliviugs ohe 82. iug ou UZ 1 I . Cu- 3 of the lieusetil ibraitaatio ', rhe; follot log is the re )ort a givi ig an eiitertai'paal i4 Hoij Schcol ctiolna' io.9Morris,fo.-April sit C.. Sh, rtreed 2-ol 11. Hal 1. Foui th -Mr. Liehln McNeil, of Grey, hav- Clennau., 3 J Searl.! Senio: r T41rd lug Pold his; Stallion Sc-otI-.anA,s 14 -1st B41la Moo: and D. Shbrtrd6d, I G-- y I r. . a stall W) 2d Sarah Stewed- 3d C. E. Jqhnstoon, 0 Allichi el 'Shine, has rece;itly purchsileoll ilEbgladl his SU M intends and 0h Th rd lab which he the B 11 11 routes that tra-,Iled- by ScOtland!$ Sandy c ail. - Wm. rail; an -A il Glory" , A season. Clen Ilan 3d a. H. Kelly. e ior prock j14 First -14 t Short -eed,, d Alle nit u gh 0 8 as aWano ha two last- yqarls lambs with wool ou endaw Butt on b nd. 6A. Sketon. 3 J thn I to plac e 7 , the: measuribig,olle, 14duchs and. lot First lst , I& Skel, "On.. Sen' -L oLhb :12 inches in len Skehon ?1d Ja " trl y DR thall Xa I - *g th . Mr. ROSS - latoil y sold a tWo- year and a "half Qlit I Sear unior,F: r-5t-lg Geo. Relly, 0-d ; . - -A-u Al. I F. ae, ', d. ADD ur tton.! John colt for the. sum of 8135, ai-id bouht a, Dever eivec two-year-old for $120.. Smi r cond6t pr" lze have S0 --reatest umber of is reported t hat Xr. aa. LR4,61 the 0 1. I a's Rodgerville, togetbilar ith his Son4n­ de.mdanq s. mon . o -Thel follo*jng rep rt, ba ed on law, 11r. Moir, w4 went to Manit b& at -a bir, proficielic bood Oild'uct'! sho vs i with Ur. Gieenwqls fir an the X. I iDg of t e Pupils in III the corrdc sta d beell burnt out of I 1,theieW t for the the Northweat, nal rowly Roxbor Schl,61 rIc scaping MW IV their ves. They fost everything. mouth of - April:: Fifth class--Ist Story, 2a Clarissa Ha 3d BEtSy little three J,ear-ol,d daughtel-4, 01 ind's eN, D d- 0h, Ellen T. Hayes. Fourth Mr. Sol.Daon, J. 0 classle'lat SoPbM Carr pbell, i 2ol T. was severely scod-da a. . few days 40. and hifi Dod a, Sd'1. Dodds, 4th Annie 1 Dod 4s, She' was playing With a; little brother, -Thi SeDi)r Third­il -t Jas.. MCC e, 124 wile etaily pus) ji be accid aed her, na Jas. Dorrance, i3d Jas. Scott, 4tbL T1,08. she- fell into a pail )f h(,)t water W163h burt, l ,C Di on, Juulqr hird-lstG-Dickpon, had. been left sanA ing: on the kitchea 2d A ex, Cuthi l, id N. Hayes, th- W. floor. Grie1e..$econ&cIa,ss-lh,tJ.Ai hiso,n. -Mr-G. Samwipil; bf L xeter, the ing to 13 2d J. W41ker, Bol J. L. Bro 'Ith other day received a norl The dit vjr express, t Firs ut" aliall pigeoulii a Bellc, D11 ksonl. I t c ass I t Ad- ber of white po line Sparhng, 2d A. S. ar . rg, 1-3d W. very rare, and boautiful bird. X -r- McGure,4thilsneCuthi Samvve)l is quite al bird 1ancier, Oa six in ti ha followiri y shows tile stanoling these pigeons Wiil form -a valnabl() -By of th:, pvpils Of School ectio. No. 7, adaition to his alreq,.'dy fine collectioll Of Hull tt,i for th4 outhof April, bmed fowls. on r0ficienc and :00 coridu -,t t Mrs. Wade, 1wife of Mr. . H P Fourth class -4.1 t Fehna y 2d Wade, merchant, 1 Willgham, dca on May I I Flood an Belle, Scott, 3d., latie Brown, 4t,!1I Xl:ry Saturday eveniaJ after a all hw A. G Sle. ior Thiird-1stIMIsil ness of several inoliths. Her des,* Cum ing, 2d X c6tt, 3& Hefiry was the resu'lt of iljiarjt s received fil owner I Cum ing and David Flood . Jurior steppingoff the to sp-Ma the pol' y slid Thirl-lst Mary Kell d 2-Niary Rid- loose snow., when the pro yl . her foot 8hpped aud ol e 1, ! d 0 b a a. C d Jobut MCXn- she fell';,, receiving Ilin- . a t6 her leg, 1 June tosh. genior Se( at Johli Ci m- whih at first SoO*ed but slight, i has bee iug,2d:Charlotte d Fre(I 1Bryant, soon.beca'me of a Serious nature., h6w- 4th Robt. Col Q -ell. Jun ior , Seci lid ever., and atlast. I*ortificaltio set ilh 'M- r - G-. -lal: Lizzie Sandersioul and Win. :J, causing death in a f'ew,aays afterwarb. i I Rev. I Smith, 2d. Win. ',Veils, a Ths', Mlil er, lthough a reside4t of Winh-am, ouly fl' IW III